City Council Minutes 06-13-2011 WorkshopMINUTES
Monday, June 13, 2011— 5:00 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf
Absent: None
Guests: Rod Dragsten and Brad Fyle - Planning Commission
John Blumentritt, Scott Dahlke, Trace McCoy - Developer
1. Call to Order
The Special Meeting Workshop was called to order by Mayor Herbst at 5:00 p.m.
2. Purpose of Workshop:
To hear a proposal related to Silver Springs Golf Course area and participate in a Goal -
setting presentation
3. Workshop — Proposal for Silver Springs Golf Course, John Blumentritt
John Blumentritt introduced his concept plan for Silver Springs Golf Course to Council.
He is proposing a different type of housing complex that would cater to "snowbirds" —
generally senior citizens who travel south during the winter and return to their homes in
the north in the summer. He lives in Clear Lake and travels toMesa AZ during the
winter, where he lives in a 66 acre RV park with 1100 units. He has been involved in
housing projects for much of his career. He has been searching for a viable site in
Minnesota where he can develop a similar type of housing complex. He likes the
Monticello area and what it has to offer. He pointed out that a large part of the
population is baby boomers and this is the target group for marketing this type of
He envisions providing housing for over 300 people with common buildings for golf pro
shop and recreation. The housing would be targeted at seniors to provide independent
living with minimal size lots. The housing models are constructed according to standards
similar to those for trailers. Mr. Blumentritt feels that the Silver Springs property would
provide an ideal site for his venture. He would seek annexation into the City of
Brian Stumpf asked about the private streets. Mr. Blumentritt noted that those would
basically be driveways. Brian Stumpf also asked about the existing golf course on the
property. Mr. Blurnentritt stated that he would envision three 9 -hole golf courses as part
of the complex.
Brian Stumpf asked if any research was done on costs to deliver infrastructure to Silver
Springs. Angela Schumann explained that several studies would need to be conducted
such as an AUAR update, fiscal impact analysis, and taxation impact. An amendment to
the Comp Plan would be needed to accommodate a Planned Unit Development,
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John Blumentritt noted that sometimes there are concerns about moving housing units in
and out. This is not as common anymore; most units are left in place permanently.
Glen Posusta questioned the safety aspects of the housing units. John Blumentritt stated
that the park would have storm shelters. Glen Posusta expressed concern about all
private streets. Angela Schumann stated that there most likely would need to be some
public streets such as collector routes; this would be looked at as studies are done. John
Blumentritt explained that he would like this to be a secure complex with perimeter
fencing and private streets should be adequate within the development. Clint Herbst
noted his concern related to public safety such as access by fire department and garbage
Jeff O'Neill asked about square footage of the building units. John Blumentritt said that
is generally regulated by RV park industry. Jeff also had questions on how property
taxes would be generated and total number of units on the property. He pointed out that a
future interchange has been identified near that area to serve future traffic needs. Angela
Schumann stated that each unit would be served by city infrastructure and could possibly
be taxed individually.
Council asked if this concept was comparable to Carefree Park in Big Lake. John
Blumentritt indicated that there are similarities and pointed out several other RV parks in
the area.
Glen Posusta asked about funding for such a development. John Blumentritt indicated
this would most likely be private investment; possibly by residents as shareholders.
Banks are generally not interested in this type of housing. He would probably consider
building in three phases with a golf course in each phase.
Brian Stumpf asked how likely it is that Mr. Blumentritt would ask for reductions in SAC
and WAC charges. John said he can't answer that at this time as he has not done a lot of
number crunching yet. He wanted to wait and see if there was interest in continuing the
Glen Posusta stated that he was curious about taxes generated off a development like this
compared to a mobile home park or residential home and would like to see those
numbers. Angela Schumann stated that this would be included in the information that
would be studied if this concept is moved along.
Brian Stumpf asked if there is anything else slated for this property or any other interest
in the property has been expressed at this time. It was noted that there had been an
inquiry for a race track.
John Blumentritt stated that he doesn't want to disappoint anyone; this would not be high
end housing but it would be nice.
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Jeff O'Neill wrapped tip, noting that this is a daunting list of research if this would be
pursued. He feels that it is important to check with other communities to find out about
other experiences with this type of development. He asked whether Council is interested
in having staff do further research.
Brian Stumpf said that if further searching is done, he would like the costs and feasibility
of service, taxes, etc. determined as part of the research and report back to Council.
Angela Schumann reminded them to consider that there is a price to determine all of that
Clint Herbst asked for comments from Planning Commission representatives. Rod
Dragsten felt it is important to show that the tax base would be sufficient for a
development like this and also should do traffic studies. Brad Fyle concurred and noted
he feels it would be tough to make this work.
In closing, Jeff O'Neill noted that the property is not contiguous to the City at this time
and annexation would need to include a connecting piece of property in order to snake it
work under the OAA Agreement. The township would probably be brought into the
discussion at some point.
4. Workshop — Goal- setting Presentation
Jeff O'Neill introduced the presentation for reviewing goals that have been identified by
City Staff. Tom Kelly gave a short summary of the current fund balance status and 2012
budget process. He noted that he anticipates the overall tax capacity to drop a little and
the economic outlook to remain about the same for 2012. He discussed the reserve
balances and commitments of funds for certain projects.
Jeff O'Neill showed a slide presentation on mandatory and optional goals for various city
departments explaining various items as he went through the slides. The desired outcome
is to have Council identify priorities for the mandatory and optional goals and use this
information in the budget process.
Department goal areas included Administration, Engineering, Transportation, FiberNet,
Community Center, Finance, Personnel, Parks, Public Works, Economic Development,
Planning, Code Enforcement, Public Safety and Communications.
5. Adiournment
The workshop was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman U-)
Approved: June 27, 2011
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Special City Council Workshop —June 13, 2011 Page 3