City Council Minutes 08-10-2011 SpecialMINUTES
Wednesday, August 10, 2011- 5:00 p.m.
Boom Island Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf
Absent: None
EDA: William Tapper, William Demeules, Matt Frie
Absent: Tracy Hinz
Staff: Megan Barnett - Livgard, Tom Kelly, Bruce Westby, Ron Hackenmueller, Angela
Schumann, Jeff O'Neill, and Bret Weiss of WSB
1. Call to Order
Mayor Herbst called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m.
2. Purpose of Meeting: Overview of Embrace Downtown Study, review of action items
and discussion of TIF District 1 -22
Megan Barnett Livgard highlighted the topics to be discussed in the special meeting and
encouraged participants to provide feedback.
3. Update on progress of Embracing Downtown Study & implementation strategies
Megan Barnett Livgard led the discussion with a powerpoint presentation. As part of the
Embracing Downtown Study, the group has introduced several concept plans and held a
number of meetings. Philosophy of the concept plans is to use them as a guide for the
comprehensive land use plan. The overall plan would be subject to change as
redevelopment occurs. Transportation plans are also being incorporated as discussions
take place regarding Walnut Street, Highway 25 and a second river crossing. The land
use design calls for turning downtown by 90 degrees and highlighting the riverfront
areas. Part of the implementation strategies are to address leadership in downtown, focus
on being a sub regional center between Maple Grove and St Cloud, marketing/branding,
and combination of private and public financing. Some stakeholders have raised
concerns about potential rent structures, feeling they won't be able to afford higher rents.
Megan Barnett Livgard explained that there will probably be variable rent structures that
would be gradually implemented. Glen Posusta commented that this is a legitimate
concern if old buildings are replaced, which is likely to create higher market rents.
Another concern is the timing of the redevelopment and how that will occur.
An Embrace Downtown Steering Committee meeting will be held at the end of August to
Minutes of Joint City Council /EDA Special Meeting— August 10, 2011 Page 1
review final plans, ideas and strategies. Continued meetings will take place with
downtown business owners.
4. Discuss priority projects to utilize surplus TIF in District 1 -22
Megan Barnett Livgard reviewed implementation strategies initiated by the Monticello
Recent legislation could allow utilization of surplus TIF as a jump start to attract
catalyst projects.
Authorize purchase of Landmark II for future development. Megan Barnett
Livgard talked about the process of negotiations and purchase. It is intended to
use funds from TIF 1 -5 for the purchase. In order to do that, the Council would
need to hold a Public Hearing to amend the finance plan for TIF 1 -5. Clint Herbst
stated that Council would probably not be in favor of the purchase of this property
at the current negotiated price. In that case, it is possible Council would not
approve adjusting the plan which would not allow the funds to be used for the
purchase. Brian Stumpf and Tom Perrault, Council liaisons to EDA, do not favor
the purchase because they think the price is too high. Bret Weiss commented that
it would probably be worthwhile for the City to try to spend the funds rather than
turn them back to the County and only realize 40 percent. New legislation allows
TIF surplus to be used for a greater variety of projects, including retail, as long as
they create jobs.
Opportunities and Priorities — completion of Hwy 25/75 intersection
improvements could benefit from purchases of property in the intersection area
and eventually be able to redevelop the downtown area. Bret Weiss talked about
the advantages to gaining the needed rights -of -way at this time to complete the
improvements for the full intersection. The property on the southeast quadrant
would be priority for moving forward with the intersection improvements. Bruce
Westby has been working on defining some revenue sources that could be used
for the intersection improvements.
Megan Barnett Livgard noted that the EDA owns the Garden Center property and
would like to see if it would be possible to get that property developed. Glen
Posusta asked if the EDA has ever been proactive in redeveloping property that
they have purchased. Jeff O'Neill gave the example of the Crostini Restaurant
and Barry Fluth's apartments, which previously was the site of a gas station.
Megan Barnett Livgard explained that McCombs Group has talked to Welsh
Companies and they may have some interest in helping develop the Garden
Center land.
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Megan Barnett Livgard noted that the EDA would like to engage Dan Wilson for
assistance with developing a plan for funding the purchase of the dental building
with the redevelopment project running through TIF 1 -22 as a funding source.
Part of the process would include using the services of a relocation. Clint Herbst
mentioned that the best way to handle this would probably be to negotiate with
Clay Montgomery, owner of the property. Bret Weiss noted that WSB has
worked on relocation properties for redevelopment and would suggest that the
City engage authorities that can guide the City in this process, considering that
federal funds will probably be part of the intersection improvements. Jeff O'Neill
asked if the City would look at purchasing all three of the Montgomery properties.
Clint Herbst felt that it would be more prudent to just purchase what would be
needed for the street and intersection. Tom Kelly commented that staff had
discussed negotiating for all three properties but to focus particularly on the dental
• Megan Barnett Livgard also mentioned that she has had some discussions with
ACE Hardware; they are looking for a new location and need a larger building
with a different layout. They may be interested in the southeast quadrant block.
Prior to adopting the Embracing Downtown Plan, the EDA recommends taking
some actions including: approve design guidelines and initiate Embrace
Downtown Overlay District, and amend CCD ordinance for transition areas.
Megan Barnett Livgard pointed out the list of Top Priorities and noted these would
qualify as expendable funds with surplus TIF.
1. Initiate negotiations for purchasing dental building (for intersection improvements
to Hwy 25/75) and authorize engaging services of a relocation specialist.
2. Negotiate for purchase of Barry Fluth property.
3. Work with developer for Garden Center property.
4. Continue discussions with ACE Hardware for relocation in downtown.
5. Continue looking at opportunities to purchase key parcels for redevelopment as
they become available and encourage private development.
Brian Stumpf commented that some of the members on the EDA are relatively
inexperienced. He recommended that there be an effort to coordinate discussions
between the EDA and City Council so that they arrive at a consensus rather than working
against each other. He noted that the learning curve related to TIF takes a while and he
doesn't want to keep losing EDA members. Brian Stumpf suggested that the EDA and
Council need to be in agreement on property purchases in order to move forward. Glen
Posusta thinks it is well worth the money to come to the table with a current appraisal
when discussing property purchases. Lloyd Hilgart thinks it makes sense to purchase
corners to improve roads and intersection. He also thinks it makes sense to purchase land
Minutes of Joint City Council /EDA Special Meeting— August 10, 2011 Page 3
for parking lots. Lloyd Hilgart said that it is a fine line and to be careful not to give an
advantage to certain businesses at the expense of others. Clint Herbst pointed out that the
purchase of the dental center is key to the intersection improvements. It would be
required for the City to assist with relocating those businesses, and it may benefit the City
in the long run to keep those businesses.
Bret Weiss pointed out that for those downtown businesses that may have to relocate, the
City would have to pay a relocation fee whether those businesses stay in Monticello or
leave. The plan that Megan Barnett Livgard is bringing forward would help keep those
businesses in town.
Megan Barnett Livgard asked for comments on starting negotiations with Jim Peterson,
representative for Montgomery Farms. Bill Demeules stated that he would like to see if
there were some federal funds from the Small Cities grant monies that could be used
toward this project. He feels that it might be worth exploring to see if that would be a
permitted use for recycling those funds. Matt Frie asked if staff was looking at ways to
utilize opportunities under the job creation legislation. Megan Barnett Livgard explained
that those funds have to be tied into a project where there would be an end product such
as a new building; it has to spur economic development and create new jobs. TIF funds
could be used to purchase buildings that would be torn down for redevelopment. The
jobs bill could be used to toward the intersection improvements as long as there is a new
business developed. Jeff O'Neill stated that this is rather urgent to get moving forward, if
there were interest in using the jobs money. It would be important to really get the word
out to the development community in order to take advantage of that money.
In summary, the EDA will consider authorizing an appraisal of the Landmark II property
before continuing on negotiating a purchase. Staff will also begin the process of looking
into potential redevelopment in the southeast quadrant to aid in future intersection
5. Adjourn
As there was no further business, Mayor Herbst adjourned the special meeting at 6:05
Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman UYµd.,
Approved: September 12, 2011
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