City Council Minutes 11-28-2011 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, November 28, 2011— 5:15 p.m.
Boom Island Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf
Absent: None
Others: Jeff O'Neill, Tom Kelly
1. Call to Order
Mayor Herbst called the Special Meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.
2. Purpose of Workshop: Administrative Goal - setting with City Adminstrator &
Finance Director
Jeff O'Neill explained purpose of meeting is to develop goals for FiberNet and
developing some strategies and methods for working with FiberNet in the next few
3. Consideration of Goals and Objectives for City and Administrator
Jeff O'Neill noted that the purpose of the session is to provide a detailed outline of
general activities and specific work objectives for the City Administrator and Finance
Director relative to FiberNet. His purpose was to provide the Council with a description
of the effort underway and associated demands in order to set expectations going
forward. Council was invited to provide feedback during and at the end of the
presentation. The City will be working with consultants, Hiawatha Broadband Company
(HBC) and Springsted in this process.
The first part of the work plan will include an effort to quantify the benefits to the
community that comes from FiberNet and then to look at the impact of challenges in the
current economy and potential obstacles to overcome.
Brian Stumpf asked about Charter's marketing in Monticello. He received a phone call
the other day trying to get him to switch to Charter for a very low price. Glen Posusta
thought that Charter's strategy is to try to force FiberNet out of the market. Lloyd Hilgart
asked if there was any way to find out how many customers Charter has, which is
generally not public information. There was some discussion on whether FiberNet
should look at contracts to nnake it less easy for customers to drop. Lloyd Hilgart
mentioned that FiberNet would need to be careful not to buy out customers from other
providers who sign up with FiberNet and then quickly move to Charter to get their
promotional pricing.
The study will look at identifying threats that could undermine future financial viability.
Special Council Meeting Minutes— November 28, 2011 Page 1
Brian Stumpf asked about using some TIF funds to help with some of the financing for
FiberNet. Tom Kelly noted that there are impediments to using TIF funds on a project
like this.
The study group will conduct a reorganization analysis. They will look at the backhaul
costs. They will also look at HBC contract costs for services and possibly renegotiate
those terms. There needs to be a strategy developed in terms of staffing.
Glen Posusta asked if the fiords that will be borrowed to help FiberNet would be tracked
and paid back. Tom Kelly explained that FiberNet would be run in negative cash balance
for the year and then have Rinds transferred to balance the fund at the end of the year.
This amount would need to be paid back eventually. He also explained how interest
earnings would be allocated taking into consideration any negative funds.
Another item that the group will look at is a reduction or deferral of interest through
refinancing of the debt. Springsted will be working with Tom Kelly in determining the
capacity of the City in refinancing scenarios. Council members asked about what would
happen to the assets of the system if the city were to default on the debt.
Clint Herbst noted that, although the City needs to show proof that FiberNet can get out
of debt, the difficult part is determining the risk in developing the system because we
don't know what will happen three years from now. Herbst noted that, if investors are
willing to negotiate better interest terns (i.e. 5 percent) or the City were able to switch to
a G.O. Bond (i.e. 3 percent), this would immediately cut $1 million in interest annually.
Lloyd Hilgart stated that the City needs numbers to make a decision, because defaulting
is not a good alternative.
Jeff O'Neill noted that the City has Springsted as a consultant, who can provide a plan
with options to be presented to the City Council to agree upon before negotiations begin
with investors. He noted that Springsted is in process of developing its work plan for
assisting the City in refinancing the debt. The cost of this assistance is in the $20,000+
Jeff O'Neill said there are a number of challenges placed in front of the project that we
are striving to overcome such as the transition to a new general manager, the TDS
lawsuit, and consumer switch from land lines to cell phones. A discussion regarding
improving apartment customer access ensued.
Jeff O'Neill reviewed a number of existing possibilities for strategies that could drive
revenues including: improve access to apartments; contracts with individual tenants;
contracts with apartment owners; unused assets in ground such as fiber drops that need to
connect with customers; Monticello Air service; contract installers; other cities; Kaltee
services /TLS circuits; charges for service such as simple maintenance, extra wiring,
house calls; co- location revenue; and public access. Future possibilities might include:
security services or other service to be detennined; partnerships with other
Special Council Meeting Minutes — November 28, 2011 Page 2
telecommunication companies; service to other communities; Wright County broadband
initiative; cell tower service; potential funds from ETC or Connect America; and system
test bed to create jobs. Clint Herbst feels these are important strategies to explore as
quickly as possible.
Clint Herbst brought up the upcoming Metaswitch class that a FiberNet employee is
attending in the near future. He would like some kind of an agreement that the employee
will reimburse the City for the costs if they leave within six months of attending the class.
Jeff O'Neill announced that he plans to become more involved in marketing. Glen
Posusta commented that the marketing is not as important as getting customers serviced.
Jeff O'Neill talked about some ideas for marketing such as bundling some city services as
incentives for customers on FiberNet.
In summary, Jeff O'Neill noted that the study group will review and define the financial
implications of default on the debt as well as the other items mentioned during this
Jeff O'Neill and Tom Kelly will be involved. Lloyd Hilgart and Clint Herbst volunteered
to serve on the study group.
4. Adiournment
Mayor Herbst adjourned the meeting at 6:07 p.m.
Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman
Approved: December 12, 20011
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