City Council Minutes 02-27-2012 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL WORKSHOP /MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 27, 2012 — 5:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None Others: Tom Kelly, Jeff O'Neill, Bruce Westby, Chuck Keyes, Matt Theisen, Bob Paschke 1. Call to Order Acting Mayor Brian Stumpf called the Special Meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. 2. Purpose of Workshop: Discussion of 2012 water & sewer rates Tom Kelly explained that the City is looking at establishing rates for 2012. These will need to be approved at the next Council meeting in order to get them on the schedule for Quarter 1 utility billing. 3. Consideration of adjusting water and sewer rates for 2012 Fee Schedule Tom Kelly reviewed the calculations that he has been working with. In order to maintain revenues at a similar level to 2011, this would require an 8% increase of water rates and 12% increase for sewer rates. Using this formula, the City would basically cover their expenses in each of these departments and a small amount of depreciation. Tom Kelly explained that depreciation is calculated on the water and sewer infrastructure: lines, wastewater and other facilities, lift stations, wells, electronic monitors, equipment for operations and collections. At this time the City is not looking at any capital replacements; however, at the time improvements are needed, the City has to determine the method of paying for those improvements as the revenues are not creating any surplus to go toward those future costs. Tom Kelly pointed out that the City will also be facing a need after 2014 to find funding for the Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) loan payments. Currently half the payment is made from the sewer fund and the other half comes from trunk funds. The hunk funds will be depleted in the next couple years. Brian Stumpf asked if there was any way that the City could implement the recommended increase over a 2 year period. Torn Kelly explained that would put the City even further behind as it is anticipated there would be an additional increase for 2013. Clint Herbst commented on the fees that he pays in Albertville for water and how much lower the costs are in Monticello. There was some discussion on a rate comparison chart that Bob Paschke presented. Special Council Meeting /Workshop— February 27, 2012 Page 1 Lloyd Hilgart asked Tom Kelly how much the sewer rates would have to be increased to cover the additional payment on the W WTF. Tom Kelly estimated that would create an increase of approximately $10 per month for users. Lloyd Hilgart commented that might be a fairer method rather than levying the amount on the taxes, which would put a greater burden on commercial and industrial property. Jeff O'Neill pointed out that the trunk and access funds were designated to go toward capital improvements. With little money going into those funds, there are dwindling resources to go toward payments for the W WTF. If the economy should pick up in the future, the Council could decide if they wanted to replenish money that will need to come from other sources or put those funds toward WWTF upgrades that will be needed in the future. Jeff O'Neill mentioned one other item to consider in this picture is whether Council wants to charge fees for garbage hauling. Bob Paschke explained the current formula and noted that there is a surcharge on garbage pickup that is adding to the city's costs. Brian Stumpf pointed out that the residents and businesses are paying for garbage no matter which way the City collects, either levy or user fees. Clint Herbst stated that he thinks the fairest way to collect for water, sewer or garbage is through user fees rather than the tax levy. Brian Stumpf asked what the balances are in water and sewer funds for depreciation. Tom Kelly said there is about $1 million in water and $2.5 million in sewer. Torn Perrault asked about the Sewer Discharge Environmental fee, which is listed on the fee schedule. Bob Paschke explained that was started a few years ago to cover costs for future phosphate studies and removal. Tom Perrault expressed concern about the rate structure and its effect on the ratepayers as they use more water. Tom Kelly explained that the structure follows state guidelines which emphasize water conservation. Council directed Tom Kelly to bring back some more calculations with full depreciation included in the rates and also to incorporate funding for W WTF loan payments. 4. Adjournment Mayor Herbst adjourned the special meeting at 5:40 p.m. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman Approved: March 12, 2012 Attest: O3" ynistrator Special Council Meeting /Workshop— February 27, 2012 Page 2