City Council Minutes 03-26-2012MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 26, 2012 — 7 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2A. Approval of Minutes — March 12, 2012 Special Meeting/Workshop BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 12, 2012 SPECIAL MEETING AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 2B. Approval of Minutes — March 12, 2012 Regular Meeting LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 12, 2012 REGULAR MEETING AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda • City Branding & logo (Jeff O'Neill) • Fallon Avenue Overpass (Tom Perrault) 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements, and staff updates a. Citizen Comments: None b. Public Service Announcements: 1) MCC Breakfast with the Bunny (3/31) — Angela Schumann invited the public, on behalf of the Community Center, to attend Breakfast with the Bunny on March 31" from 8 a.m. to noon. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for children ages 3 -12. Breakfast will be served and there will be crafts, temporary tattoos, coloring and a silent auction. C. Staff Updates: 1) City Branding & Logo - Jeff O'Neill gave an update on progress that City staff has made in developing a new City logo. This is part of an attempt to unify the city's brand under one umbrella. Megan Barnett Livgard worked on this with the help of Majirs Advertising. Jeff O'Neill showed some of City Council Meeting Minutes —March 26, 2012 . Page 1 the various images that the City currently uses, with each portraying a different brand. Jeff O'Neill then showed the proposed logo which would be used by each department /entity as a base. In some cases, there might be a unique identity or tagline built off the base logo. Jeff O'Neill suggested that Council may want to weigh in on the proposed logo. Clint Herbst suggested that staff should have the Chamber and some of the public weigh in on the logo and see what kind of reception they receive before a final decision is made. Megan Barnett Livgard noted that the Chamber has already seen the logo and it was positively received. She also noted a large event coming up involving commercial brokers; she would like to be able to introduce the new logo with this event. Clint Herbst feels that it is important to go slow and make sure this fits the city image. He feels strongly that the community should have input on the logo and noted that his first impression is positive. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving payment of bills for March 26th. Recommendation: Approve payment of the bill registers for March 26`1' in the amount of $607,345.81. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments. Recommendation: Ratify new hire for MCC. C. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2012 -026 accepting contribution from Tom Perrault for the General Fund. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2012 -026 accepting donation of $250 from Tom Perrault for the General Fund. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 92012 -027 reestablishing the same precinct and polling place for the City of Monticello. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2012 -027 reestablishing the entire City as a single precinct and the official polling place as the Monticello Community Center. E. Consideration of adopting Ordinance #546 amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4(P) for Specific Review Requirements and Procedures for Planned Unit Development and adopting Summary Ordinance #546A for publication. Applicant: City of Monticello. Recommendation: Adopt Ordinance #546 amending Section 2.4(P) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance updating Specific Review Requirements and Procedures for Planned Unit Development and adopt Summary Ordinance #546A for publication. F. Consideration of adopting Ordinance #555 updating and extending the Interim Temporary Sign Ordinance #526 to April 1, 2013. Recommendation: Adopt Ordinance #555 updating (as follows) and extending the Interim Temporary Sign Ordinance to April 1, 2013. City Council Meeting Minutes— March 26, 2012 Page 2 • Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 462,355, et seq., the City hereby extends Ordinance #526 and adopts this order for interim ordinance temporarily relaxing Monticello Zoning Ordinance Temporary Sign regulation 4.5(1)(1) within the City of Monticello. • This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. It shall remain in effect until the adoption of the official controls contemplated herein or Aprillst, 2013 whicheverfirst occurs. • One temporary sign per business shall be allowed by permit. • One temporary sign shall be allowed every 75 lineal feet of streetfrontage, on not more than two public streets, on the parcel for which the permit has been issued. • The total number of temporary signage days allowed per business shall be unlimited in number. • Signage days must be tracked by permit holder for a permit to be considered valid. • Temporary sign area shall be limited to a maximum of 40 square feet. The area of the primary message board shall be no larger than 32 square feet. • Signs must be constructed of materials consistent with temporary signs (portable) such as aluminum, acrylic, plexiglas, lexan, polycarbonate, or other comparable materials and may not be constructed ofplywood, chipboard, corrugated plastic, unfinished materials, or other similar materials. • All temporary signage must be kept in good repair and may not constitute a nuisance as defined by Title 7, Chapter I of City Code. • The interim ordinance does not include a relaxation ofstandards pertaining to other forms of temporary signage or sandwich boards, as defined by ordinance. • Signs must be located on the property on which the business activity is located, with the permission of the property owner. • Prohibition of all off - premise temporary and permanent signage shall continue per Monticello Zoning Ordinance regulations 4.5(D)(2), 4.5(D)(9) and general allowable use regulations (5.1). • Signs may not be located within any public easement or right -of -way. • Government buildings and structures, public and quasi public buildings; public parks and recreation areas, public educational institutions limited to accredited elementary, middle or senior high schools, and religious institutions shall be allowed temporary signage in accordance with the provisions (1) through (6) of this ordinance. • The City may enforce any provision of this ordinance by mandamus, injunction, or any other appropriate civil remedy in any court of competent jurisdiction. G. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2012 -030 supporting submission of application for DNR 2012 Regional Trails grant and adopting Resolution #2012- 031 supporting submission of application for DNR 2012 Local Trails grant. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2012 -030 approving application for DNR 2012 Regional Trails grant (Segment 4 and Trailhead Facility) and Resolution #2012 -031 approving application for DNR 2012 Local Trails grant (Segment 3). Angela Schumann pointed out a change to be made in the ordinance amendment for Item E, clarifying a point in the PUD Collaborative process. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE CHANGE TO ITEM E. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. City Council Meeting Minutes — March 26, 2012 Page 3 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion No items were removed from the consent agenda. 7. Public Hearing — Consideration of adopting Ordinance #556 amending the 2012 Fee Schedule relating to Right -of -Way permit fees Bruce Westby explained the purpose of this item is to amend the fees slightly to accommodate some changes that the Engineering Department would like to implement with the right -of -way permitting process. He reviewed the various changes that are being proposed and noted that these changes were acceptable to the utility companies with which they had recently met. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. There were no comments; therefore the public hearing was closed. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO ADOPT ORDINANCE #556 AMENDING THE 2012 FEE SCHEDULE WITH ADJUSTMENTS TO THE RIGHT - OF -WAY PERMIT FEES AS FOLLOWS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Right -of -Way Permits: Right -of -Way Permit Extension Fee: $17.50 4910&0 : each hole thereaftelp Pavement Hole Fee: $50 Obstruction Fee: $40 8. Consideration of adopting a Relocation Priorities Policy and a Relocation Assistance Policy Megan Barnett Livgard introduced this item and explained that these policies would complement the Embracing Downtown project and help guide the EDA and Council through various implementation opportunities and decisions. The EDA reviewed and approved these policies at their March meeting. It would be recommended to review and adjust these policies on an annual basis. Both policies were reviewed by Kennedy & Graven and Wilson Development. Glen Posusta asked if these policies were necessary since the City has already been doing this on redevelopment and relocation within the Embracing Downtown project. Megan City Council Meeting Minutes — March 26, 2012 Page 4 Barnett Livgard explained that these policies will set the stage for expectations on dealing with various parties relating to redevelopment and relocation. TOM PERRAULT MOVED ALTERNATIVE #1 TO ADOPT THE MONTICELLO RELOCATION ASSISTANCE POLICY AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES POLICY AS PROPOSED. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 9. Consideration of adoptinst Resolution #2012 -029 accepting Feasibility Report and calling for Public Hearing for 2012 Rural Road Improvements, City Project No. 12CO01 Bruce Westby introduced this item noting that Council had authorized a Feasibility study on February 13th. The Feasibility Report is incorporated into the agenda packet and includes a variety of items that staff reviewed and studied as part of this project. In regard to Edmonson Avenue, Bruce Westby noted that the Feasibility Study proposes assessing adjoining property owners. Bruce pointed out that he was just made aware of some existing fund reserves available to help pay for the reconstruction of Edmonson, which would affect the proposed assessment information in the Study. Glen Posusta also noted that there should be some funds available to help with Fallon and possibly Fenning Avenues. Glen pointed out that when Cardinal Hills was developed, there should have been some money that was set aside from that project also. Noting that there are revisions to be made to the Feasibility Study before it is approved, Bruce Westby asked Council to delay reviewing the Feasibility Study until the April 9ti' meeting when the revisions will be updated into the report. However, he still would like Council to call for the Public Hearing on April 9"' to discuss and take comments from the public about the improvements. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2012 -029 CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 9, 2012 FOR THE 2012 RURAL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 12C001. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Tom Perrault asked about potential costs for a pathway along Edmonson Avenue. Bruce Westby stated that the Feasibility Study does not recommend constructing a pathway along Edmonson Avenue with this project; however, several residents are asking for consideration of putting in a pathway. Bruce noted that Edmonson is a high speed corridor and, as such, an off -road pathway for pedestrians would be preferred. It is recommended to wait until further development occurs since the developer will be required to provide a pedestrian pathway with their development. Tom Perrault also asked about the potential for adding a pathway in Pioneer Park as an alternate bid to this project. Bruce said that would be addressed in agenda item #10. City Council Meeting Minutes — March 26, 2012 Page 5 10. Consideration of adding Pathway Reconstruction for three Segments to 2012 Rural Road Improvements, City Project No. 12CO01 Bruce Westby explained that there are 3 segments of existing pathways that are in dire need of repair and it is recommended to add this work to the Rural Roads Improvement project in order to achieve a more competitive bid since the work will require the same equipment and materials. Bruce Westby proceeded to explain the work that needs to be done on each of these segments. He noted that the Parks Commission has reviewed these segments and unanimously approved repairing these segments. Funds for these pathway improvements were budgeted at $50,000 for 2012. Bruce Westby noted that the Parks Department will be working on two other pathway segments during 2012 which will prevent them from being able to complete the work on the segments themselves. The work to be done by Parks includes constructing a new pathway segment from Farmstead Avenue through Pioneer Park to the parking lot, as well as removing the pathway on the south side of School Boulevard between Fallon Avenue and Cardinal Hills Park which is in extremely poor condition and is seldom used due to the existence of the primary pathway north of School Boulevard. Clint Herbst asked if there were advantages to adding the segments to the Rural Roads Improvement and whether it would be better to include this as an alternative. Glen Posusta suggested that these 3 segments could be added to the new pathways at the west end of town [part of the Great River Trailways project]. Brian Stumpf noted that those pathways are tied to grant applications, which could make it difficult to coordinate their construction. Bruce Westby explained the difference between the work that would be required for reconstructing pathway segments versus new pathway construction and suggested not combining these bids since the required equipment would be different. Bruce stated that the pathway repairs would be more similar to the rural road repairs. Glen Posusta asked why the City doesn't overlay the paths instead of reclaiming and reconstructing them. Bruce Westby explained that the work will create a better base and make it last longer. Bruce also discussed the issues with reflective cracking when roads and pathways are in such bad shape. With the poor condition of these segments, an overlay would not last very long. Bob Pascbke also commented on the need for reconstructing the pathway segments rather than an overlay. Clint Herbst suggested that the City experiment with overlays on some of the pathway areas to see how they stand up compared to reconstructing. Clint commented that he didn't think the pathways were that old; Bret Weiss confirmed that the pathway segments are approximately 20 years old. Bruce Westby suggested that he could bring back costs on various alternative treatments for the pathway segments. Glen Posusta also would like to see some cost comparisons on overlay versus reconstruction for the proposed 2012 Rural Road Improvements. Lloyd Hilgart also suggested that they include information on how long a pathway overlay would last versus reconstructing a pathway segment when comparing costs. City Council Meeting Minutes— March 26, 2012 Page 6 GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO TABLE ACTION FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION ON APRIL 9T" AND DIRECT STAFF TO BRING BACK UPDATED COST INFORMATION. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 11. Added items Fallon Avenue Overpass — Tom Perrault commented that the City will need to start looking at some property acquisitions in conjunction with the Fallon Overpass project. He feels that some of the TIF excess Rinds could be used towards these purchases and suggested that City start looking at properties that need to be acquired as part of these improvements. Bruce Westby noted that the City is currently holding meetings with property owners, who would be affected by the project, to gather their feedback on the 3 approved design concepts; however this is very preliminary. Clint Herbst suggested that it would be best to wait on negotiations for land acquisition until there is more information available about the specific needs with this project. 12. Adjournment BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:48 P.M. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman !/lW Approved: April 9, 2012 Attest: 0 ly mistrator City Council Meeting Minutes— March 26, 2012 Page 7