City Council Minutes 04-09-2012MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 9, 2012 — 7 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2A. Approval of Minutes — March 26, 2012 Special Meeting GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MARCH 26, 2012 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 2B. Approval of Minutes — March 26, 2012 Regular Meeting BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE MARCH 26, 2012 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda • Add Item 5J to consent — EDA appointment 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements, and staff updates a. Citizen Comments: Dr. Joe Mahoney gave an update on the hospital status. A temporary surgeon, Dr. Winn Gregory, is on site at the hospital now. New River Medical Center is hosting a workshop on April 21 for women. As the elected representative from Monticello, he talked about the revenue loss of approximately $1 million for first quarter due to the issues with between the hospital and Monticello Clinic. There will be a public meeting of the Hospital Board on April 12tb at 6:30pm at the hospital. b. Public Service Announcements: Clint Herbst announced the Lions annual fish fry on April 23rd at River City Extreme. C. Staff Updates: None 5. Consent Agenda: City Council Minutes —April 9, 2012 Page 1 A. Consideration of approving payment of bills for April 9th. Recommendation: Approve payment of bill and purchase card registers for a total of $406,663.51 B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments. Recommendation: Ratify new hires and departures for MCC, Parks, FNM and Streets. C. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 4557 amending Title 6, Chapter 3 — Animals; Fowl and adopting Summary Ordinance #557A for publication. Recommendation: Adopt Ordinance #557 amending Title 6, Chapter 3 (Animals; Fowl) as proposed and adopt Summary Ordinance #557A for publication. D. Consideration of authorizing out -of -state travel for Finance Department staff to attend the 2012 National GFOA Conference. Recommendation: Authorize the Finance Director and Assistant Finance Director to attend the National GFOA Conference in Chicago IL in June 2012 with expense reimbursements estimated at $2000. E. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2012 -034 accepting Easement Agreement with Northern States Power Company /Xcel Energy for the realigmment of 120`i' Street north of Interstate 94. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2012 -034 accepting Easement Agreement with NSP/Excel Energy for realignment of 120ul Street north of I -94. F. Consideration of ratifying the FiberNet services rate structure for June 2012 -May 2013 as approved by the FiberNet Advisory Board. Recommendation: Ratify FNM video rate stricture changes for June 2012 -May 2013 as follows: Service Description Was Now Monticello Basic (One Service) $13.80 $15.80 Monticello Basic (Two Services) $13.20 $15.20 Monticello Basic (Three Services) $12.80 $14.80 Monticello Expanded (One Service) $46.85 $50.80 Monticello Expanded (Two Services) $44.85 $48.80 Monticello Expanded (Three Services) $43.55 $47.50 G. Consideration of approving a Conditional Use Permit for an attached Major Accessory Structure in an R -1 (Single - Family) District for Lot 7, Block 1, River Forest (9747 River Forest Drive). Applicant: Greg Curtis. Recommendation: Approve CUP for an attached Major Accessory Structure in an R -1 District for Lot 7, Block 1, River Forest for Applicant, Greg Curtis, based on findings adopted by the Planning Commission and subject to the following conditions: City Council Minutes —April 9, 2012 Page 2 • The use of the accessory structure shall be to directly serve the principal use and must comply with ordinance requirements pertaining to private garages. The applicant will be required to comply with ordinance requirements pertaining to driveway setback, surfacing, maximum curb cut, and other off - street parking requirements. Issues related to grading and drainage shall be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. H. Consideration of approving an amendment to Conditional Use Permit to expand a storage facility accessory in a mobile home park in the M -H (Manufactured Home Park) zoning district. Applicant: ICjellberg's Inc. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. L Consideration of approving purchase of televisions and digital sign software, including the installation of equipment and software, with funding from Cable Commission franchise fee reimbursements. Recommendation: Approve purchase of AVIew Digital Signage Software and AVI TV monitors, and utilize Wes Olson Electric for service needs at a total cost estimated at $$26,350 (plus sales tax) to be paid out of Cable Commission franchise fee reimbursements. J. Consideration of appointing a member to the Monticello Economic Development Authority. Recommendation: Approve appointment of Rodney Dragsten to the Monticello EDA with term ending December 31, 2017. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM H AND ADDITION OF ITEM J. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion SH. Consideration of'approving an amendment to Conditional Use Permit to expand a storage facility accessory in a mobile home park in the M -H (Manufactured Home Park) zoning district. Applicant. Kjellberg's Inc. Clint Herbst stated he is not necessarily opposed to the CUP amendment but was not sure if the evacuation plan that is tied into this, is adequate for the park residents. Ron Hackemnueller noted that the residents are notified each year about their evacuation plan and given instructions as to where to evacuate in case of an emergency. Clint Herbst was concerned about sending residents to other buildings at sites adjacent to the park. Ron Hackemnueller said that he has reviewed the plans that utilize the Kjellberg Business Center and they are adequate as an emergency shelter. Clint Herbst is concerned about the distance that building is located from the park and whether residents should be required to go that far. He thought it might be good to table this item as he would like to meet with Kjellberg's and review the evacuation plans. Lloyd Hilgart asked if there was a certain distance allowed for location of a storm shelter. Ron Hackennueller stated that City Council Minutes —April 9, 2012 Page 3 the law reads a "reasonable" distance so it is not real specific. Per Council request, Ron Hackemnueller will set up a meeting with Kjellberg's. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO TABLE THIS ITEM UNTIL THE NEXT COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Tom Perrault asked Angela to clarify the Planning Commission resolution by properly identifying the zoning district. Public Hearine - Consideration of adopting Ordinance #558 amending the 2012 Fee Schedule for a new Animal Control permit fee, and continue the Public Hearing to April 23, 2012 for further consideration of BODS and TSS rates Tom Kelly explained the request for the animal control permit fee and also requested the public hearing to be continued to the next Council meeting for discussion of BODS and TSS rates. Cathy Shuman answered several questions posed by Council related to the animal control fee for a permit to keep fowl on the premises. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. As there were no comments, he closed the public hearing. LLOYD HILGART MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO ADOPT ORDINANCE #558 AMENDING THE 2012 FEE SCHEDULE TO INCLUDE AN ADDITIONAL ANIMAL CONTROL PERMIT FEE AND CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO APRIL 23, 2012 FOR CONSIDERATION OF BODS AND TSS RATES. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 8. Consideration of adoptine Ordinance #545 anprovine amendments to Title 10 Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 3.7 related to Overlay ordinances regulating the Mississippi Wild, Scenic & Recreational River District and the Shoreland District and amendments to Section 8 - Definitions, and repealing Chapter 27 regulating the Management of the Mississippi Wild, Scenic, and Recreational River System ( MWSRR) and the Shoreland Areas of the City of Monticello; also adopting Summary Ordinance #545A for publication Angela Schumann introduced the new ordinance amendments involving Section 3.7 of the Monticello Zoning Code related to overlay ordinances for the MWSRR and Shoreland Districts. Upon approving the new amendments, Council would also be requested to repeal Chapter 27 which served as the former ordinance with the MWSRR and Shoreland districts combined. Angela Schumann gave a presentation explaining the various components of the new ordinance amendments: overlay districts to the base zoning district; updates to definitions; meets state rules for the segment of the Mississippi that runs through the city; establishes land use controls for development and protection of shorelands. The new amendments will split the MWSRR and Shoreland districts into 2 separate sections. City Council Minutes —April 9, 2012 -Page 4 MWSRR regulations include: lots of record, allowable uses, minimum standards for lots, sewered and unsewered provisions, maximum impervious surface requirements, process for development and agency action. Angela displayed the DNB's mapped inventory of all public waters within the City and surrounding area within 1 mile. Shoreland regulations include: procedure for permitting and review, shoreland classifications, allowable uses, minimum standards for lots, sewered and unsewered provisions, standards for public infrastructure, stonnwater management, maximum impervious surface requirements. Angela Schumann talked about the designation to the City's official zoning map for Wild & Scenic and Shoreland overlay districts. With approval of the ordinance amendments, this would also update the zoning map accordingly. Planning Commission recommendation discussed ability for a property owner to rebuild if significant damage occurred to a structure in one of these designated districts. There are allowances for the City to permit rebuilding if Shoreland ordinance requirements are met. Buildings within Floodplain districts are not allowed to rebuild if significantly damaged. The Planning Commission unanimously supported the adoption of the amendments and repeal of the former ordinance. Glen Posusta asked about houses in a designated floodplain and what would happen if they were destroyed. Angela Schumann explained that those properties may not be able to rebuild under the law. FEMA is currently reviewing the floodplain maps and revising them to meet new flood zone regulations. FEMA does have a buyback program related to properties located in floodplain districts. Tom Perrault also asked about floodplain areas and asked about those homes along Otter Creek. Angela Schumann explained that there are different floodplain designations and that would influence ability to rebuild. Torn Perrault had questions related to Table 3 -20 and 3 -21 about setbacks for sewered and unsewered properties and wanted a clarification on how those values are established; Angela Schumann noted those are generally set by the State. Tom noted that there were references to a Commissioner and asked that the title be spelled out in all cases so it is clear (should be Commissioner of Department of Natural Resources). LLOYD HILGART MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO ADOPT ORDINANCE #545 APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 10, SECTION 3.7 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING CODE RELATED TO OVERLAY ORDINANCES REGULATING THE MISSISSIPPI WILD, SCENIC & RECREATIONAL RIVER DISTRICT AND THE SHORELAND DISTRICT AND AMENDMENTS TO SECTION 8 (DEFINITIONS); REPEALING CHAPTER 27 OF ZONING CODE; AND ADOPTING SUMMARY ORDINANCE #545A FOR PUBLICATION. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. City Council Minutes —April 9, 2012 Page 5 9. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting Resolution #2012 -029A ordering Improvements and authorizing Preparation of Plans and Specifications for 2012 Rural Road Improvements, City Project No. 12C001 Bruce Westby introduced this item with a presentation regarding the rural streets under consideration as part of the 2012 Rural Road Improvements. Bruce Westby reviewed each of the road segments including Edmonson, Fallon, and Fenning Avenues, pointing out the areas to be improved. Bruce Westby explained the work that staff has conducted to review the road surfaces and assign PCI (pavement condition index) ratings. In the resulting ratings, Edmonson was rated in worst condition with ratings below 40 in some sections (0 -35 complete reconstruction; 36 -60 resurface or mill & overlay). Staff would recommend reclaiming and repaving the entire road. For Fallon Avenue, staff would recommend either a reclaim and repave or an overlay project, depending on the assumed time frame for residential development to the south. Fenning Avenue would be recommended for an overlay. Bruce Westby displayed a life cycle graph to show expectations for the life expectancy of a road using various maintenance strategies. Glen Posusta asked about Hwy 25 which shows a lot of wear and tear for the number of years since it was last reconstructed. Bruce Westby explained there are many factors that must be taken into account when determining the life expectancy of a pavement including the amount and type of traffic. Bruce Westby talked about cost comparisons for various bituminous pavement rehabilitation options and the typical life expectancy of each option. Bruce Westby displayed pictures of various sections of existing pavement on the three roads under review. Bruce Westby pointed out that Fenning could be overlayed and that should extend its life for a considerable length of time. Bruce Westby reviewed the proposed improvements for Edmonson Avenue and compared 2 options. Option #1 — reclaim and repave 5,850 feet leaving it as a rural section, or Option #2 — full reconstruction to urban section. The City could use state aid funds for a portion of the costs, as long as the road met their design requirements. Bruce Westby also addressed a letter submitted from residents of Golden Eagle Villas Estates regarding constructing a pathway along Edmonson. Parks Commission recommended waiting until the property to the west is developed as a pathway is designated for the land at that time. Bruce Westby also discussed a letter received from a property owner along Edmonson that does not agree with assessing his property. If Council wishes to assess adjoining property owners, city staff would work with owners that may have objections. Bruce Westby reviewed the costs for the various options for Edmonson with estimated assessments for Option #1 at $51 /front foot for non - residential and $4,000 /lot for residential properties, which would be the same rate as 2011. Bruce Westby suggested that ALP Learning Center could be assessed similar to Alano as an equivalent residential property. Glen Posusta stated that he thinks this property should be assessed as a commercial property as that was the former use. The school district is leasing the property which is not really a residential use. Bruce Westby noted that would impact the City Council Minutes —April 9, 2012 Page 6 estimated assessments. Bruce Westby pointed out which properties would be assessed if the intent of Council was to assess benefiting properties. Fallon Avenue was reviewed next with Option #1 to reclaim and repave 2,800 feet leaving it as a rural section, or Option #2 for a 1 1/2" overlay for 2,800 feet with milling along all joint areas. Staff also recommends flattening the inslope into the wetland area, if possible. Bruce Westby displayed the properties that would be assessed with this project. Bruce Westby noted the estimated cost of assessments for residential ($4,000 /lot) and non - residential properties ($36.30 /front foot). Glen Posusta questioned why they would not improve the road all the way to 85th Street NE; Bruce Westby pointed out that the section of road along Hunter's Crossing is in pretty good condition and would not need to be improved at this time. Fenning Avenue is proposed for a 1 ' /2" overlay of 3,600 feet. There had previously been discussion of constructing a pathway along a section of Fenning near Monte Club Hill, but that is not recommended. Estimated assessment costs would be $4,000 /lot for residential and $7 /front foot for non - residential. Bruce Westby pointed out township properties that would border improvements on Fenning and Fallon Avenues. Although it is not intended to include them in the assessment rolls for these improvements, the properties were noticed so that they could be assessed for their share of the cost differential at the time they might be annexed. Bruce Westby discussed several cost alternatives proposed for the rural road project. • Alternative A - $870,680 (Edmonson option #1, Fallon option #1) • Alternative B - $807,390 (Edmonson option #1, Fallon option #2) • Alternative C - $2,065,900 (Edmonson option #2, Fallon option #1) • Alternative D - $2,002,610 (Edmonson option #2, Fallon option #2) Bruce Westby reviewed the funding sources for the various alternatives that were presented to Council including special assessments, state aid funds, trunk utility funds, and street reconstruction funds. He noted that staff recommends using state aid funds for a portion of the project and utilizing special assessments and the Street Reconstruction fiord for the balance of the project. Bruce Westby talked about the projected schedule for the improvements which would include award a contract by June 25, completing construction in October, and holding an assessment hearing at the October 22 Council meeting. Bruce Westby reviewed the considerations for Council with staff recommending Alternative A which would reclaim and repave Edmonson and Fallon Avenues and overlay Fenning Avenue. Brian Stumpf asked about the $51 assessment calculation for the front footage on non- residential property along Edmonson. Bruce Westby explained that would be calculated from the total projected cost divided by the total assessable front feet. Brian Stumpf also City Council Minutes —April 9, 2012 Page 7 asked about micro- surfacing. Mike Rief from WSB explained that is a resurfacing method applied to a road that has a fairly substantial base. Edmonson Avenue would not be a good candidate for this method as the base is not stable enough. Tom Perrault asked about possible replacement of culverts if found to be in bad condition. Bruce Westby explained that the contingency funds should cover any culverts that might have to be replaced. Lloyd Hilgart asked about Alternative B, which is only a difference of about $50,000. Mike Rief from WSB explained that it is more costly to put an overlay on a road with a badly- deteriorated surface due to all the preparation work that would be required. Glen Posusta stated that he is disappointed that staff did not include costs of overlay as requested. He does not feel it is worthwhile to reclaim and repave when those roads would have to be dug up when redevelopment occurs. He questioned why staff is recommending additional milling on Fenning when they could just do an overlay. Brice Westby explained that the milling would only be done at the road joints. Glen Posusta pointed out that the township only overlays and feels that the City could save money by simply doing overlays. Clint Herbst stated that he had looked at Fenning and was surprised at all the cracking in the overlay that the township had done just a year or so again. He feels that an overlay may not be satisfactory in all cases depending on the condition of the road. Glen Posusta stated he would like to save some money by doing overlays and allocate some funds for some other city streets that need work such as Chelsea Road. Tom Perrault asked about potential future assessments for annexed properties and how those amounts would be calculated. Bruce Westby explained that the remaining life of the pavement, assuming a design life of 20 years, would be taken into consideration and the assessment would be pro -rated based on the remaining life. Lloyd Hilgart asked about the residential rate of $4,000 and which properties would be affected. Bruce Westby explained that rate would only apply to residential properties that have a driveway directly accessing one of the roads being improved. Homes within a development and having no direct access would not get assessed. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Franklin Denn, Monticello Township Board Chair, spoke about township roads. He stated that they had worked with the County Engineer many years ago for advice on constructing roads. They advised the township to spend only what it would cost to put in the roads. He spoke against assessing properties for road improvements and noted that the township has always levied to cover for road improvements rather than assess the property owners. He does not support assessing agricultural land for such improvements. Clint Herbst explained that the City is not going to assess any township property. The City will reserve the right in the future to assess a portion of the costs if a developer would annex township property and then work with the City to develop the property. City Council Minutes —April 9, 2012 Page 8 Franklin Dean said that some of the township folks are concerned about why the City is doing these improvements and what the full intent of the City is toward the township. Clint Herbst explained again that there is no cost to the township; the notification is intended to keep the township residents informed. Glen Posusta pointed out that the Orderly Annexation Agreement states that the City is responsible for the town line roads. Brian Stumpf explained that the City realized that some of the line roads are in pretty bad condition and the City is simply going through the process of discussing the improvements; holding a public hearing is part of the process. Ron Denn, 97 Eisele Avenue, was wondering about building entitlements. In other words, if a piece of the property is sold off, how would that property be affected by an assessment. Glen Posusta pointed out that the property would only have the potential of being assessed if the property were annexed into the city. Mr. Deml also asked if there would be interest added to the assessment if a property were annexed and developed. City staff noted that they were not intending to accrue interest on these assessments. Charlie Pfeffer, representing Ocello LLC, spoke regarding the proposed Edmonson Avenue improvements. He addressed the economic impact of adding assessments to the property he represents. Some of the property is already covered by a development agreement and would not be affected by this project. However, there is a large piece of land that is used for agricultural purposes at this time. He noted some of the assessments for which Ocello is currently malting payments. Charlie does not disagree with the need for assessing projects but he is concerned about the economic impacts on a non - revenue producing property such as the piece of land zoned agricultural. Clint Herbst asked Mr. Pfeffer if he agrees that the road is in bad condition, which he does. Mr. Pfeffer stated he would appreciate the least financial impact possible for the Edmonson improvements. Shannon Bye, Monticello Township Board representative, asked whether there were Developer Agreements to cover some of the costs for these road improvements and if there were existing funds available to help with the costs. Glen Posusta explained that Bruce Westby addressed that during his presentation. Special assessments that were previously collected and being held in reserve were intended to be used for completing full urban section reconstruction of these roads. Although Council could elect to use some of these funds now, it might be better to apply them in the future when such sections are needed. Ron Chihos, owner of a property along Edmonson Avenue, expressed his concern about paying assessments for road improvements and then possibly having to pay for more construction again down the road. He asked Council to consider doing only work needed to extend the life of the road until it would be reconstructed due to redevelopment. Clint Herbst closed the public hearing. Clint Herbst commented that Council will deal with assessments after they get the bids back. They will decide which fiends are to be used for the road improvements, such as City Council Minutes —April 9, 2012 Page 9 state aid funds or street reconstruction funds but would want to do this as cheaply as possible at this time. Lloyd Hilgart discussed the lack of potential for further lot development in the existing developments, which would probably extend the time before the City would actually need to do major reconstruction on Edmonson, Fallon or Fenning Avenues. Chances are that it would be at least 10 years or more before the City would even need to consider reconstruction. Lloyd Hilgart therefore feels that it is probably worth an extra $40,000 for Alternative A to reclaim the existing pavement and repave Fallon Avenue versus overlaying it, which would require up to $25,000 more than the estimated cost in the Feasibility Report for needed patching and repairs. Glen Posusta questioned whether public works staff could assist with the patching and repair work to help defray some of the cost. Bruce Westby explained that it was initially assumed that public works staff would fill any potholes and cracks on roads receiving an overlay, but upon further review of the pavement condition of Fallon Avenue it was determined that several areas would need more extensive repairs before overlaying so the work needs to be contracted out to allow staff to complete their regular duties. Glen Posusta asked Shannon Bye to explain how the township maintains their roads. Shannon explained that their roads are all listed on a replacement cycle. They do regular maintenance on the roads each year in addition to scheduled overlays. If a road has bad spots, those spots are dug out and repaired before an overlay is done. Glen Posusta asked about other city street maintenance that is scheduled for this year. Bob Paschke stated that the City does have a regular street maintenance cycle. For example, this year they plan to sealcoat Chelsea Road. Glen Posusta wanted to know why they aren't looking at doing that in conjunction with the rural road project. Bruce Westby said that City staff has been reviewing those processes. However, the sealcoating process is different from an overly or repaving and uses other equipment. CLINT HERBST MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2012 -029A ACCEPTING FEASIBILITY REPORT, ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALTERNATIVE A (EDMONSON OPTION #1, FALLON OPTION #1, FENNING OVERLAY) FOR 2012 RURAL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 12C001. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 10. Consideration of adding Pathway Reconstruction for three Segments to 2012 Rural Road Improvements, City Project No. 12C001 Bruce Westby explained that this item is being brought up at this meeting per direction of Council from the April 91h meeting. Bruce Westby reviewed the three pathway segments that are being requested to be added to the Rural Roads Improvements project for repairs to be made. Bruce Westby explained that City staff is recommending reclaiming and repaving segments 1 and 2, and on segment 3 completing repairs to a cross - culvert and several spot repairs to the pathway. The total length of the three segments is 1,630 feet. City Council Minutes —April 9, 2012 Page 10 Glen Posusta asked what the cost would run for an overlay. Bruce Westby showed the comparative costs and indicated that reconstructing the pathways would extend their life much longer than an overlay would. Glen Posusta suggested perhaps overlaying the smaller lengths and reconstructing the longer segment and then monitoring their wear to see which treatment is the most cost - effective. Bruce Westby noted that staff is now tracking the reconstruction and maintenance schedules for all roads and pathways for future use in determining which treatments are the most cost - effective to use. Lloyd Hilgart feels that the 3 segments should be reconstructed. Tom Perrault confirmed with Brice Westby that the 3`d segment was mainly reconstructing a culvert. Bruce Westby confirmed that segment is in poor condition, but staff feels we can get another 5 years of useful life or so out of the pathway before reconstructing it. TOM PERRAULT MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO ADD THE THREE PATHWAY SEGMENT IMPROVEMENTS TO THE 2012 RURAL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 12CO01 AS PROPOSED. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -2 WITH GLEN POSUSTA AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 11. Added items No items were added to the agenda. 12. Adjournment BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:10 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman Approved: May 14, 2012 Attest: v ninistrator City Council Minutes —April 9, 2012 Page 11