City Council Minutes 11-15-1982 SpecialMINUTES
November 15, 1982 - 7:00 A.M.
Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus,
Phil White, and City Administrator, Tom Eidem.
Members Absent: None.
A special meeting of the City Council was duly held at 7:00 A.M. on
November 15th, 1982, in the City Hall.
The Mayor noted that the meeting was called by him to discuss a per-
sonnel matter regarding Loren Klein, City Zoning Administrator/Build-
ing Official. Mayor Grimsmo asked Eidem to provide some background.
Eidem explained the events that led to this meeting, the alleged
charges against Mr. Klein, both work and non -work related, and why
he felt that some kind of action was needed. He stated that conver-
sations had been held with Mr. Klein, and that Mr. Klein had re-
quested that the City consider the possibility that a leave of ab-
sence be granted so that he might seek out professional help to sort
out some personal problems. Councilman Blonigen stated that a leave
of absence implied that Mr. Klein could resume his duties at some
time in the future, which he (Blonigen) did not think would be pos-
sible. The other members of the Council concurred.
Eidem suggested that the Council mandate, and pay for, a professional
evaluation for Mr. Klein, and upon receipt of a thorough diagnoses,
the Council could then decide upon a course of action.
Mr. Klein arrived at this time, and the previous discussion was re-
lated to him. Mr. Klein said he was satisfied with the proposed
approach, but he hoped that he might at least leave the option open
of returning to work with the City. Eidem explained that such an
option did not look favorable because either his evaluation would
reflect that Mr. Klein isn't compatible for this position, or that
he really did not have any difficulties, in which case, the charges
alleged would be filed and the City would commence with termination
for cause proceedings. Mr. Klein said he understood this, but still
preferred to hope that he could retain his position.
A motion by White, seconded by Fair to mandate a professional evalu-
ation, the results of which will be considered by the Council no
later that January 10th, 1983, (sooner if available) and to authorize
payment for this evaluation. Motion carried unanimously.
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Council Minutes - 11/15/82
Council member Maus asked if action was necessary to give a leave
of absence, but Klein stated that he would use his accumulated
sick leave beginning November 15th, 1982.
Mayor Grimsmo noted that Mr. Klein should turn in all his city
keys and other city property that was currently in his possession.
Klein acknowledged that he would do that.
Grimsmo adjourned the meeting.
Thomas A. Eidem
City Administrator