City Council Minutes 09-10-2012 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 10, 2012 — 6:15 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Absent: Brian Stumpf Others: Bruce Westby, Jeff O'Neill, Bob Paschke, Claudia Dumont (Mn/DOT), Steve Grittman 1. Call to Order 2. Mayor Herbst called the Special Meeting to order at 6:25 p.m. Bruce Westby introduced Claudia Dumont from Mn/DOT and explained that she would be discussing some options for extending a 4 -lane section of Hwy 25. 3. Mn/DOT Presentation (introduction by Bruce Westby) Claudia Dumont showed a map of the proposed Hwy 25 extension to a 4 -lane from Kjellberg's to CR 106 and explained that the State has cut back on the project and is making improvements in segments. Clint Herbst asked about the angled intersection at CR 106; Claudia Dumont noted that the State has approved the intersection without having it constructed at right angles since it is a signalized intersection. Claudia talked about the number of crashes in this section of Hwy 25, noting there were 23 crashes between I -94 and CR106 in the past year. Claudia Dumont talked about 4 options that MnDOT is looking at for the extension. Option 1: This is the least expensive option. A permanent signal would be installed at the junction of Hwy 25 and CR 106 with costs shared between the State, County and City based on ownership of adjoining legs. Right and left turn lanes with tapers would be constructed by the State with the 2 -lane highway maintained as is. Option 2: The State would extend the 4 -lane section from where it ends by Kjellberg's to the CR 106 intersection, with a raised center median and pathway grading east of Hwy 25. Full access would remain at Kjellberg's. There would be shared costs for the signal and road costs would be Mn/DOT's. Option 3: The State would extend the 4 -lane section from where it ends by Kjellberg's to the CR 106 intersection. The center median at Kjellberg's would be closed but Mn/DOT would leave right - in/right -out accesses to both east and west parks. Left turn lanes would be added south of Kjellberg's for a future full Special City Council Meeting Minutes — September 10, 2012 Page 1 intersection that could serve the undeveloped properties on both sides of TH 25. This new intersection location could support a future signal. The future full intersection access openings are in exchange for the closure of field entrances into the undeveloped parcels. Option 4: The State would extend the 4 -lane section from where it ends by Kjellberg's to the CR 106 intersection. Both existing accesses at Kjellberg's parks would be closed and a new full access intersection would be constructed including service road connections to Kjellberg's east and west parks. This option requires property owners on both sides of Hwy 25 to dedicate right -of -way for service road connections and NWDOT would pay for all service road construction. New access openings are in exchange for closing entrances at Kjellberg's and field entrances to undeveloped parcels. City would be responsible for maintaining new service roads. Claudia Dumont noted that, unfortunately, Mr. Kjellberg is not willing to provide the right of way for this option. He feels that he would rather keep the accesses that he has and does not want to participate in this project. Clint Herbst would like the opportunity to talk to Kjellberg about the benefits that this option could provide to him, especially if he plans to develop more of his property. Claudia Dumont noted that, if Kjellberg does not want to participate, Option 3 could serve as an alternate layout that would provide future accesses to the undeveloped properties along Hwy 25. Bruce Westby noted that City and Mn/DOT staff have met with Kjellberg's a number of times but have not been able to convince them of the benefits of Option 4. Angela Schumann noted that she and Bruce Westby are meeting with some representatives from Kjellberg's on September 11th and perhaps Clint Herbst could come by to talk with them about the TH 25 lane extension project. Clint agreed to meet, and city staff will provide an update to Claudia Dumont after the meeting. 4. Adjournment LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL MEETING AT 6:45 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman / Approved: Sept bier 24, 2012 Attest: City lnistrator Special City Council Meeting Minutes — September 10, 2012 Page 2