Library Board Minutes 04-12-2005
April 12, 2005 - 4 p.m.
Members Present:
Tom Parker, Jacque Gordon, Sandra Foster, Dawn Grossinger, Council
Liaison, Brian Stumpf and Librarian Margo Askin
Members Absent:
Dawn Fitzgerald
The meeting began with a tour of the library expansion area and a rcview of the work completed thus
far and what remains to be done. The tentative moving date into the expansion area is approximately
May] 1-13. With the work schedule and the moving, it may be that the library facility will be closed
for the last two weeks of May. Patrons will be able to pick up hold items and return books during the
the time the library is closed.
Tom Parker asked if the books were going to be packed away during the period the library was
closed or stored on carts. Margo Askin indicated that they would prefer to have the books stored on
carts if carts were available. Tom Parker will take care of securing the carts for the book storage.
Margo Askin stated she had met with vendors to come up with a list of office furniture/equipment that
would be needed for the expansion area. She feels that this will not be as costly as originally thought.
She will get a list of equipment and send it to vendors to get some prices. The final result will be
brought before the Council for their approval at their first meeting in May. It is hoped to have almost
everything completed by June.
The Library Board discussed obtaining a kiosk for the inside entrance area to display the various
flyers. This should keep the area where the flyers arc neater looking. Margo Askin felt they needed
some special shelving for the media items such as the dvds. Signage for inside the library was also
discussed. They were looking at signage that would identify the type of book on the shelves. Margo
Askin noted that she would be attending a vendor display at Riverwood on April 13th.
Friends of the Library sent out a letter to the public requesting funds for a sculpture for the new library
entrance. It was estimated that the sculpture would cost around $10,000. Sandra Foster suggested
contacting the civic organizations such as the Chamber, Rotary and Lions.
In all Margo Askin has been pleased with the way construction has been going and indicated patrons
have been patient. Brian Stumpf noted at the last meeting, the Council approved plans and
specifications for construction of a parking lot adjacent to the library site.
Jacque Gordon talked about the Friends of the Library plans for the grand opening. Events are
scheduled for the week of June 6-11. Margo Askin suggested combining this with the start of the
summer reading program which is June 13-18. The Friends of the Library arc also planning a book
Tom Parker asked if there would be any change in hours for the library. Margo Askin indicated that
the budget has been set and there will no increase in hours.
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· Margo Askin updated the Library Board on their e/forts to provide services for the Spanish speaking
population including bi~lingual reading sessions. She noted they have Spanish speaking volunteers
which is helping the library Connect with the Spanish speaking population. She also talked about a
"Get Caught Reading" campaign that the Times is assisting with.
Library Board member Dawn Fitzgerald is moving and a replacement will need to be found. The
replacement needs to be a resident of the City. Brian Stumpf suggested placing a notice at the
entrance to the library advertising the open position.
Sandra Foster asked if the Friends of the Library would consider looking into a program where a book
is given to the parents of a newborn when they leave the hospital. The idea is to get people reading
and get them started young. The Friends of the Library is working on a cohesive volnnteer program in
the library and they felt the volunteers in the library should be backed up with a policy. This item will
come back before the board at their next meeting. It was also suggested that the City look at the
ordinance establishing the Library Board since there is a considerable discrepancy between what is in
the ordinance and how the Library Board actually functions.
The Board discussed setting the next meeting date. It was felt they should try to meet quarterly and try
to schedule a meeting for some time in June or July.
The meeting adjourned at 5 p.m.
Recording Secretary