Library Board Minutes 05-21-2004
Friday, May 21, 2004 - 2:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Tom Parker, Eric Anderson, Sandra Foster, Jacquelin Gordon
Members Absent:
Dawn Grossinger
Others Present:
Margo Askin, Branch Librarian
1. Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order by chair Tom Parker at 2:00 p.m. A quorum was
2. Interviews of prospective architectural firm for the building expansion.
The Board interviewed three ofthe finns that submitted proposals:
GL T Architects, Kodet Architectural Group and Hagemeister & Mack Architects.
Recommendation of the Board.
The Board decided to recommend Kodet Architectural Group for the expansion
project. This recommendation is contingent on clarification of the architectural
fees. Tom Parker will procure data to clarify these fees. The rec.ommendation
will be presented to Monticello City Council at the regular council meeting
scheduled for June 14,2004.
Next Meeting.
This Board will meet on June 8, 2004 at 3:00 p.m.
5. Adjournment.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:1 0 p.m.
Jacquelin Gordon, Recording Secretary, ProTem
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Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: June 10, 2004
Meeting Attendees:
Tom Parker, Monticello Library Board
Frederick Patch, City of Monticello
Joanna A. Allen, GRRL
Sandy Foster, Monticello Library l30ard
Margo Askin, l3raneh Librarian
Ed Kodet, Kodet Architectural Group, Ltd.
Paul May, Kodd Architectural Group, Ltd.
The following items were discussed:
I. Preferred communication is electronic. Minutes will be sent both hard copy and email for distribution.
2. Fred outlined the organization.
a. Great River Regional system runs the library, office in St. Cloud, Joan is director.
b. City of Monticello owns the building.
i. City Council.
ii. Library Commission (Liason)
iii. City Staff (Rick Wolfstdler City Administrator) Jeff O'Neill (Deputy C.A.), Fred Patch
(l3uilding Official & Project Coordinator)
Day to day construction issues go to Fred Patch as "Owner's Rep."
Contracts signed by Mayor and City Administrator. Fred can authorize change orders.
Contract for AlE services will be drafted by Kodet for approval.
Construction contract will be written by Kodet, signed by contractor and owner.
a. A20 I - Conditions of Contract.
b. Owner - Contractor agreement.
Kodct will prepare full bid documents for open bid.
a. l3ids delivered to city hall.
Fred prefers that engineering services wait until schematic design is completed. He is interested in the
potential engineering design build approach.
Fred feels electrical and plumbing could be design/build. HV AC might need full engineering. Therc is a
limit of $50,000 construction cost that can be issued for bid by invitation.
The early sketches provided by the library should not be considered the preferred approach.
Ed Kodet noted that the canopy has a ditTerent roof drainage system.
The City will need to provide a survey and utility infomlation.
The adjacent property to the west should be part of the planning process. It is anticipated for parking.
The curb cut drive on Walnut Street is not mandatory. It is convenient for a book drop/drive through. The
drive-up book drop is very popular. It does not need to be located in its current location. It is the only drive
up in the Great River System.
The City will not require the building to be sprinkled. There is a tire alanll system.
Sixth is a busy street. A/E should consider eliminating one of the 3 cuts (2 on oU', ] on Walnut).
Great River Library System has 32 libraries. The largest is 16,000 SF. Monticello is a hub for the system.
Elk River is about] 5,000 SF, with a 0,000 SF addition anticipated within 5 years.
The maximum size of Monticello could be 10,000 SF- 20,000 or so. Joan suggcsted the size should be the
maximulll the sitc should hold.
Other libraries:
a. Elk River 15,000 SF
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b. Little Falls 13,600 SF
e. Buffalo 10,000 SF
20. At a minimum, the size should be the canopy area (3000 SF) plus 2000 SF.
21. Fred thinks parking is J per 200 SF. "Shared" parking with the adjacent City Center can be considered.
22. Fred anticipates the west lot area to be a City public lot. He has previously sketched about 64 spaces on the
23. The needs for the 3000 SF addition may depend upon rcassessing the current space.
24. Fred has a copy of the current layout ofthc library that he will supply.
25. BKV Architects may supply drawings oUhe building whcn it was a bank.
26. There is a need for a "program" room for 75 peoplc. This function currently occurs at the community center
(across the street). This might be ] 000-1500 SF.
27. The program room should be flexible, with furniture able to be moved.
a. 2x-3x per week story time (15-20 kids)
b. Program 2x per month
28. There is not sufficient staff for a reference desk. Check-out staff doubles as reference. Closc adjacency is
29. Margo distributed a staff priority list.
30. Story time / Program Area brings in outside people 2x-3x per month.
31. Book discussions groups/programs for adults.
32. Flexible space for story time:
a. Perhaps tiercd seating steps
b. Some storage
c. Desire some water (for coffee/refreshments)
d. Screen, data projection, computer aeecss
e. Acoustically separated
f. Should not have separate outside access
g. A focal point for orientation of program activity
33. This Program Area space should not "compete" with the community centcr, who leases out community
a. Unlcss City wants to "run" this, since they own the building.
34. Lounge spaec is lacking in the current building:
a. Adult reading
b. Youth reading
c. Comflmable scating
d. Coffec bar/fireplace
35. Starbucks has changed the manner of how people look at libraries. It is timc to re-think libraries.
36. Library needs to be multi-functional.
a. Can currently order books from, and Great River gets a fce, through GRRL website.
37. Could Icase a space to Starbueks, etc'! Sometimes they need more space than is available. Maybe an annex
to a local coffee shop. 400-1000 SF necded.
38. St. Paul Librarics lease space, have di fferent hours, and flexible connection to existing library. This is one
a. This is outside of budget, but if it is leasable space, budgct can inercase.
b. Consider Sh corner "patio" area
e. Maybc drive-up coffee, too.
39. Long-range Master Plan could reorganize entrance/book drop, etc. nothing is really sacred except the
40. Could push to property edgc at south in CCD District. Fred will provide zoning infofllmtion.
41. Whcre is the desk area? It nceds to be expanded. The entirc administration area necds to be re-thought.
42. 1300k drop needs to be lirc-proof due to Building Code and function.
43. Must haves: drive-up book drop.
44. Desire:
a. 8-10 adult internet acecss stations
b. 4-6 youth internct access stations
c. Need to tic into Great River System
d. 4 e1cctronic card catalogue
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45. Currently have printers at every station, paid on honor system. Consider central printing area.
46 Hot spot access points for people to bring in laptops. This access is not through GRRL Server. Not a high
47. Typical patrons arc:
a. Families - children's use
b. Seniors - reading/browsing/newspaper
e. Pick up of reserved materials by working adults
d. Spanish-speaking family use is increasing (poorly served at present time)
e. Home schooler
48. Need several small tutorial rooms for tutors, homc-schoolers. 2 to 4 rooms to accommodate variety of size
49. Literary training is a big issue for the library.
50. There is a charter school that will be wanting to use spaces.
51. Important to have Kodet team meet Rick Wolfsteller - City Administrator.
52. Meeting schedule should be about every other week during design, weekly during construction.
53. Public meeting is next Tuesday, June 22 @), 5:30, at the library This is a listening/brainstorm session.
Anticipate 5 to 30 people.
54. Consider a stan' session for Tuesday from 4:00 -- 5:00, prior to the public session.
55. Colleetion location needs to be thought out.
56. Comfortable with existing "stack" furniture design. A local person builds them and could make more.
57 Signage and waytinding needs to be improved.
58. Needs display areas - kiosks, etc.
59. Needs self pick-up of holds, with bar code 10. This would improve stafT availability.
60. Ed Kodet outlined a potential schedule, which is aggressive but needed in order to break ground prior to
frost charges:
a. Design Development to Council at the end of July.
b. Construction Drawings - 4 weeks.
c. Bid - 3 weeks.
d. Contractor on line Mid to Late September
e. A draft schedule will be created.
61. Desire to break ground this fall.
Cc: Margo Askin (for distribution)
The above is a summary of the items discussed indicating decisions regarding the project. It is not meant to be
totally inclusive. Normal interpretations, and coordination, as a part of professional services can and will change the
design. Such interpretations, and coordination, will be consistent with the overall direction and history of the
project. Please review and respond with any changes, additions, or clarification within five working days.
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