City Council Minutes 01-27-2014 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 27, 2014 — 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Acting Mayor Brian Stumpf Absent: Clint Herbst Others: Jeff O'Neill, Bret Weiss /Shibani Bisson/Tom Roushar (WSB), Chuck Keyes (Veolia Water), Lane Stewart (Automatic Systems) 1. Call to Order Acting Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. Purpose of Meeting: Discussion of Wastewater Treatment Facility Phosphorus Removal Facility Plan Amendment and project updates Shibani Bisson introduced this item and referenced the information on a handout provided to Council in advance. • Wastewater Treatment Facility Computer Upgrade Shibani Bisson explained that this item is on the council agenda for the regular meeting tonight and includes replacement of three computer workstations and upgrades to the SCADA control systems. The software updates will apply to the control software. Brian Stumpf asked if this includes training. Chuck Keyes explained that there should be some training on the changes to the software. Lane Stewart of Automatic Systems talked about the three components of the upgrade and how that will tie together the existing control system and new upgrades to the Wastewater Treatment Facility. Tom Perrault asked about the paragraph involving the computers and wondered if there might be some change orders. Lane explained that there would be no change orders; he was simply allowing flexibility to utilize the best technology available for their needs at the time of purchase. He also noted that one of the workstations is in their shop and they are holding off on repairs, contingent on approval of this agenda item. Tom Perrault also asked about some of the language in the terms and conditions regarding repairs and delivery. Chuck Keyes commented that they have never had an incident of the type referenced. Bret Weiss noted that these are typical terms and conditions and incorporate conditions that generally do not apply to a project of this scope. • Phosphorus Reduction Facility Plan Amendment City Council Special Meeting Minutes — January 27, 2014 Page 1 Shibani Bisson provided an update on this item. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (PCA) has new requirements for phosphorus reduction which was discussed previously at a council meeting. Council gave approval for city staff to review the new requirements in order to submit an amended facility plan to the PCA by March V, 2014. Tom Roushar of WSB provided information on reducing effluent phosphorus. He explained that there are two ways, biological or chemical, to reduce phosphorus and briefly talked about those processes. Glen Posusta asked why the city has to do this now after they have spent a lot of time and money updating the plant. Bret Weiss stated that this would not change anything that the city has already done. The state has never implemented a phosphorus limit previously. The work that the city is doing would have had to be done no matter when the city would have addressed the issue in order to maintain their NPDES permit. Bret Weiss noted that Roushar has been in contact with the manufacturer of the screwpress equipment to find the most efficient way of managing the phosphorus levels. Bret Weiss stated that they would eventually look at ways to fund the cost through user fees. There was some discussion about funding sources for future implementation costs. Tom Roushar talked about a loan through the public facilities state loan program which may be available at an interest rate about 1.5 %. Glen Posusta stated that he wasn't sure he would favor that choice in case the state would change their mind about the phosphorus reduction levels. Chuck Keyes explained that the city still has to comply with the NPDES permit requirements and those standards are not likely to change. Bret Weiss explained that the facility plan would be set up to be flexible enough to accommodate changes by the State. • Sludge Dewatering Facility Update Tom Roushar updated council on the sludge dewatering improvements including the screw press installation, which was made operational at the beginning of January. Huber, the company that did the installation, has been working with plant staff on making sure everything is working the way it was intended. There is some finishing and site work to be completed. Biosolids are now being hauled to a landfill rather than having to spread the sludge. Glen Posusta asked about creating a class A product. Bret Weiss explained that is the eventual goal but not sure that would necessarily be done at this plant as that would greatly increase the volume of biosolids output. Chuck Keyes noted that they recently received a letter from the Vonco II landfill site that they would not be able to accept product after a certain date. The city contacted them and will be able to utilize the landfill through the end of the contract (in April). Chuck Keyes is in the process of identifying a new site to accept the biosolids. Chuck Keyes reported that they are close to the biosolids output that they anticipated originally. Bret Weiss noted that both Big Lake and Buffalo have biosolids dryers and he is continuing to consider that as an option. However, at the time this was first discussed with those entities, the cost was prohibitive. City Council Special Meeting Minutes — January 27, 2014 Page 2 • Aeration Blower Installation Update Torn Roushar summarized the process, which started in September 2013, when they took bids and awarded a contract. They have been working on the shop drawings which he anticipates to be finished before long. The aeration blower will then be constructed according to those drawings. The city will need to advertise for bids for installation of the aeration blower. He is looking at a timeline for completion in September 2014. Chuck Keyes explained that this will greatly enhance the processing of the biosolids once the new blower is installed. • Potential Phase 2 Improvements Bret Weiss commented that the phosphorus improvements plan will be brought to Council once the facility plan is put together. Lloyd Hilgart asked about costs for the phosphorus removal and to comment on other communities that are dealing with this. Tom Roushar feels the costs will be mainly for the biological or chemical products that will need to be purchased. He stated that it is about a 50150 mix of biological and chemical solutions to achieve the proper phosphorus levels in communities that are addressing phosphorous levels. Bret Weiss asked how much they expect costs to increase in the coming years. Tom Roushar said they don't expect any increases until 2018 when the new rules go into place. Glen Posusta asked about the odors near the Wastewater Treatment Facility and where they are coming from. Chuck Keyes explained that the odors are produced from the digester and there are some repairs that will be necessary in the future. 3. Adjournment GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL MEETING AT 6:54 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman_C,#J,, Approved: February 10, 2014 Attest: inistrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — January 27, 2014 Page 3