City Council Minutes 10-27-2014MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 27, 2014 — 7 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2A. Approval of Minutes — September 22, 2014 Regular Meeting Tom Perrault requested Deputy Clerk Cathy Shuman to explain the purpose and content of meeting minutes. She provided a brief explanation and noted that additional information was included in the Council Connection. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ACCEPT THE SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 2B. Approval of Minutes — October 13, 2014 Regular Meeting LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO ACCEPT THE OCTOBER 13, 2014 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda • Left turn lane at River Street & Hwy 25 (Glen Posusta) • Jake breaking on bridge (Glen Posusta) • Home at 7 Fairway Drive (Glen Posusta) • Fire Department request — Fire Chief Steve Joerg reported that the Fire Department would like to conduct search and rescue training in the commercial buildings at CSAH 751114wy 25 on November 3rd and November 10th. They will notify the Sheriff s Department as requested by Council. 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements, updates A. Citizen Comments: Beth DeBoer, Girl Scout troop leader from 8658 Eisele Avenue NE in Hunters Crossing, would like to see a pathway connection along Fallon Avenue to Pioneer Park. Girl Scout member Chloe Leach (3657 Brentwood Drive) and Madi Malley (8658 Eisele Avenue NE) also spoke about the petition for a pathway connection and the dangers that might be encountered City Council Minutes — October 27, 2014 Page 1 along Fallon when walking or riding a bike, and then presented the petition to Council which was signed by many homeowners in Hunters Crossing. B. Public Service Announcements: 1) Absentee Voting (11 /1) — Rachel Leonard encouraged the public to consider absentee voting on Saturday, November 1 st at City Hall if they cannot make it to vote on Tuesday, November 0. Hours for the election on Tuesday will be from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. and city residents vote at the Monticello Community Center in the gym. 2) Bertram Photo Contest Winners — Angela Schumann announced the Bertram Photo Contest and displayed the winning photos for the various categories. The winners were announced at a special showing on October 23rd at the MCC. Winning photos will be displayed in various places at the community center, on the city website and in brochures. C. Updates: 1) FiberNet/Blandin Broadband Community application — Jeff O'Neill announced that the City has submitted an application to become a Blandin Broadband Community, which would entitle the city to receive grant funding to assist with underserved populations in the community. Jeff O'Neill also commented on the recent internet upgrade for FiberNet, noting that it is working very well and running at a much higher broadband speed, which puts FiberNet in the 98th percentile for speed and performance. FiberNet has also been able to lower some of their access costs with membership in the Midwest International Cooperative Exchange. Video channels have improved with the switch in service provision. Jeff O'Neill commented on a newer firm, Truman Howel, that has signed on with FiberNet and there are other businesses indicating an interest in FiberNet. 2) Transit Update - Jeff O'Neill updated Council on the Monti Shuttle bus service provided by Hoglunds A+ Taxi and noted that they are providing about 25 -30 rides per day. They need to increase the numbers to meet their goals. Clint Herbst suggested contacting businesses where people are dropped off to see if they could put up information about the Monti Shuttle with their phone number. 3) October Market Matching report — John Uphoff of WSB provided an update to Council. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving payment of bills for October 27th. Recommendation: Approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $685,241.07. City Council Minutes — October 27, 2014 Page 2 B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments. Recommendation: Ratify new hires and terminations for Liquor Store and Parks. C. Consideration of appointing an additional election judge to serve for the 2014 General election. Recommendation: Appoint Barb Berndtson as an election judge for the 2014 General Election. D. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Monticello Chamber of Commerce for their Annual Banquet on December 5th. Recommendation: Approve the application for a charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Monticello Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Annual Banquet at the Community Center on December 5, 2014. E. Consideration of appointing a FiberNet Advisory Board member for a 5 -year term to expire on December 31, 2018. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. F. Consideration of approving a 60 -month lease for the city hall postage machine. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. G. Consideration of accepting quotes and awarding contract for repairs to City Well No. 3 and Booster Pump No. 4. Recommendation: Accept the quotes and award a contract to Thein Well Co, Inc. of Spicer MN in the amount of $16,644 for refurbishment of Well No. 3 and High Service Booster Pump No. 4. H. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2014 -106 approving modifications of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF Districts 1 -36, 1 -37, and 1 -38. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2014 -106 approving modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plans for Tax Increment Finance Districts No. 1 -36, 1- 37, and 1-38. I. Consideration of approving a farm management agreement of 40.17 acres at the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. Recommendation: Approve a Farm Maintenance Agreement with Mark Holker for controlled use of approximately 40 acres of farmland at Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park for one year. J. Consideration of adopting Ordinance No. 603 amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 5, Section 1 - Use Table by redesignating "Personal Services" as permitted use in the L -2 Sub - District of the CCD. Applicant: City of Monticello. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. K. Consideration of authorizing purchase of ONT equipment for new FiberNet customers. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. City Council Minutes — October 27, 2014 Page 3 L. Consideration of approving the annual Snow Plowing and Ice Removal Policy for the 2014 -2015 snow season. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS E, F, J, K, AND L. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 5E. Consideration of appointing a FiberNet Advisory Board member for a 5-year term to expire on December 31, 2018 Brian Stumpf asked if this was the only application the city received as he wanted to make sure Council was able to review all applications. Clint Herbst confirmed that only one application was received. Candidate Jacob Kramer was not able to be present tonight. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPOINT JACOB KRAMER TO THE FIBERNET ADVISORY BOARD FOR A 5 -YEAR TERM EXPIRING ON DECEMBER 31, 2018. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 5F. Consideration of approving a 60 -month lease for the city hall postage machine Glen Posusta asked why the City would need to renew the lease at this time if it's going to cost the City to do that. Wayne Oberg explained that the city would be replacing one lease with another one. The new machine will be able to do some things that the old machine cannot do and are now required, such as the commercial postage pricing. The old lease doesn't end until next March, but Neopost is willing to replace the lease now in order for the City to get the new machine with the ability to handle the commercial postage. The City does not have to pay a fee to buyout the old lease, since they are replacing a lease with the same company. Wayne Oberg explained that Neopost is a vendor on the state contract a-L-id this equipment is available under a lease agreement for either 48 or 60 months. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE NEOPOST LEASE OPTION FOR 60 MONTHS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 3.T Consideration of adopting Ordinance No. 603 amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter S, Section 1- Use Table by redesignating "Personal Services" as permitted use in the L -2 Sub District of the CCD. Applicant. City of Monticello Angela Schumann asked to have this item removed so she could explain the Planning Commission action which took place just prior to the Council meeting. Angela noted that the three commissioners present recommended approval of this item. City Council Minutes — October 27, 2014 Page 4 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 603 AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 5.1 TO CHANGE TABLE 5 -1A BY REDESIGNATING "PERSONAL SERVICES" AS A PERMITTED USE IN THE CCD L -2 SUBDISTRICT, BASED ON FINDINGS IN PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #2014 -107. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 5% Consideration of authorizing purchase of ONT equipment for new FiberNet customers Brian Stumpf asked if the purchase of ONTs is a necessary supply for FiberNet. Jeff O'Neill explained that this unit is mounted on a home or business and used to bring internet into a building from the street. These ONT's are intended for new customers or to replace old equipment that is no longer working. Brian Stumpf asked what the life of the ONTs are. Jeff O'Neill noted that the warranty life is about two years and many of the existing ONTs are in excess of the warranty life. Jeff O'Neill stated that Dan Olsen has indicated that ONTs sometimes last as long as 10 years. Brian Stumpf asked which reserves are being used for this purchase; Jeff O'Neill said that would come from Liquor Store balances. Brian Stumpf noted that the Council Connection shows the gross sales for the Liquor Store but not the net sales. He feels Council should be provided with the net sales so they have a better idea what is available for reserves. Wayne Oberg commented on that, noting that the Liquor Store nets over $600,000 annually. Lloyd Hilgart asked if all houses have an ONT placed on them. Jeff O'Neill said only those homes that receive service have an ONT put in place. There are homes that no longer take service from FiberNet; the electronics are usually removed from the ONT boxes to try and reuse the components. Jeff stated that he would check into this to see how FiberNet is utilizing the components. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF 25 OPTICAL NETWORK TERMINALS (ONT) FROM CALIX AT THE COST OF $9,375. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 5i. Consideration of approving the annual Snow Plowing and Ice Removal Policy for the 2014 -2015 snow season Tom Perrault removed this item because he had some questions on the policy. Tom Perrault noted that Dundas is listed as a primary route and Chelsea as a secondary route. Tom Moores explained that Dundas is a primary route due to the Xcel station which must be kept open for service delivery. Primary routes are those that are likely to be used for emergencies, for school routes, etc. City Council Minutes — October 27, 2014 Page 5 Tom Perrault also asked about the chain of command and wondered if the City Administrator would continue to be the main person to be contacted rather than the interim Public Works Director. Tom Moores indicated that, although the City Administrator is the main contact, he would also report to the Finance Director, who is serving as Public Works Director. Jeff O'Neill noted that he is familiar with the snow removal policy and is comfortable in continuing to be the contact. Clint Herbst commented that he is fine with the way it is and would leave it up to staff to indicate if they feel a change is warranted. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TOAPPROVE THE SNOW PLOWING AND ICE REMOVAL POLICY FOR THE 2014 -15 SEASON AS PRESENTED WITH CHANGES NOTED IN RED. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 7. Regular Agenda: A. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting Resolution #2014 -108 approving an assessment roll for delinquent miscellaneous accounts to be certified to the County Auditor for 2015 payable tax ,Year Clint Herbst asked if this was normal to have so few delinquent miscellaneous accounts. Wayne Oberg explained that the mowing bills from this summer were not presented in time to qualify for consideration on the delinquent roll this year. Lloyd Hilgart asked if the delinquent charges to Maplewood Development from last year were ever paid. Wayne Oberg will check into that. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. As there were no comments, the public hearing was closed. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2014 -108 APPROVING AN ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,897.33 TO BE CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR FOR 2015 PAYABLE TAXES. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. B. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting Resolution #2014 -109 approvingg assessment roll for delinquent utility billing accounts to be certified to the County Auditor for 2015 payable tax year Wayne Oberg presented the delinquent utility billing listing and compared this year to prior years, with a slight increase for the 2014 total. There are 344 delinquent accounts averaging slightly over $400. Wayne Oberg displayed a graph showing that majority of the accounts have a delinquency of $100 -$199. Wayne Oberg noted that delinquent accounts are presented once a year for certification to be assessed with the upcoming tax year and cover a range from Quarter 3 of 2013 through Quarter 2 of 2014. City Council Minutes — October 27, 2014 Page 6 Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. As there were no comments, the public hearing was closed. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2014 -109 APPROVING AN ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLING ACCOUNTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $144,941.92 TO BE CERTIFIED TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR FOR 2015 PAYABLE TAXES. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. C. Consideration of ap rp oving_plUgound design and specifications, accepting quote from Webber Recreation, and approving development of the Hunters Crossing Pla rye Tom Pawelk explained that the Park Commission prepared a playground plan for Hunters Crossing and he is bringing this forward to Council per request at the last council meeting. Tom Pawelk described the plan that would include a play structure, an open air shelter, and natural area with a walking path. There is $85,000 budgeted for the Hunters Crossing Park. Brian Stumpf asked what the developer paid for park dedication fees. Angela Schumann explained that the developer donated the land in lieu of paying park dedication fees. Jeff O'Neill noted that there were some park dedication fees paid, but the Park and Pathway Fund balances have been used to supplement the Bertram Park land purchases. Glen Posusta asked how much input has been received from Hunters Crossing residents as to the location and content of the park plan. Tom Pawelk explained that the Parks Commission has worked on this over the last two weeks and they have not surveyed the residents, although there has been some email contact with a couple of the residents. Glen Posusta feels that this is premature to approve development of the park until city staff has a chance present the plan to the residents of Hunters Crossing. Clint Herbst cautioned on creating a plan based only on current resident input. This park has been designed for a variety of ages and uses, to last over many years. Glen Posusta also recommended looking at placement of the equipment so that it is not too close to houses and thus could generate complaints from adjacent homeowners. Tom Pawelk indicated that there is some flexibility in placement and items could be moved up to 50 feet in different directions. It was noted that the park will not be developed until spring so there would be time to meet with the residents in Hunters Crossing prior to installation of the play structure and other design features. There was some discussion of improving Fallon Avenue and 85th Street and whether that would affect the park or a future path connection. Tom Moores said it would probably be several years out before Fallon would be considered for an upgrade to an urban section, but an overlay could be needed in 1 -2 years. Clint City Council Minutes — October 27, 2014 Page 7 Herbst asked if a pathway connection could be incorporated at that time. Shibani Bisson commented that Fallon is scheduled for an overlay for 2015 in addition to improvements on 85th Street and the pathway could be included. Glen Posusta asked about the natural area of the proposed park. Tom Pawelk explained that they would put in native grasses and maintain a walkway through the area. This would attract butterflies and birds and they would not have to mow. Tom Perrault stated that he would not be in favor of all the native grasses and would like to see a small sandlot or ballfield. Clint Herbst commented that it would save time on mowing and reduce the number of outside users of the park if they put in a natural area rather than a ballfield. The idea would be to create a playground similar to River Mill Park. CLINT HERBST MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 APPROVING PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND PROPOSAL FOR DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTERS CROSSING PARK; ACCEPTING THE STATE CONTRACT QUOTE FROM WEBBER RECREATION FOR PURCHASE OF MIRACLE PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT WITH A CASH DISCOUNT; AND AUTHORIZING DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTERS CROSSING PARK AT AN ESTIMATED COST OF $82,874.33. PARKS DEPARTMENT STAFF WILL WORK WITH WEBBER RECREATION ON SUPERVISED INSTALLATION OF THE PLAYGROUND STRUCTURE AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE OPEN AIR SHELTER IN 2015. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Glen Posusta encouraged city staff to solicit input from the residents before the park structures are put in place. Staff was directed to contact residents over the winter season. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2014 -110 approving a Cooperative Construction Agreement with MnDOT for Hwy 25 South Expansion, State Project No. 8605 -50 Shibani Bisson introduced Claudia Dumont from MnDOT and indicated she is present to answer questions. Shibani Bisson provided a presentation about the Hwy 25 project to include widening to four lanes from Kjellberg's through CR 1.06/8.5t' Street intersection, a raised median separating lanes, a new full_ access on Hwy 25 with protected left turn lanes to serve Kjellberg's and Featherstone, a new traffic signal at Hwy 25 and CR 106/85h Street, sidewalk extension on the west side of Hwy 25, grading of a future trail on the east side of Hwy 25, and turn lane improvements on 85h Street and CR 106. Shibani Bisson noted that the focus of her presentation is on the latter — the turn lane improvements onto Hwy 25 at 85th Street. She noted that municipal consent for the Hwy 25 expansion project was approved at the January 28, 2013 Council meeting. MnDOT is now requesting the City enter into a cooperative construction agreement for cost sharing and maintenance of the signal improvements and turn lane improvements on 85th Street. City Council Minutes — October 27, 2014 Page 8 The city cost share would be $103,328 for signal installation and $200,080 for turn lane improvements at Hwy 25/85' Street. Glen Posusta asked why a roundabout was not considered for this intersection. Claudia Dumont stated that MnDOT does not favor high -speed 4 -lane roundabouts because it creates unsafe driving situations with people crossing over lanes. Shibani Bisson explained the proposed turn lane construction on 85a' Street consisting of a right turn lane, through lane, and left turn lane. Although the turn lanes are not needed right now, they will be necessary in the future when Featherstone develops. Shibani Bisson summarized a staff meeting with Novak - Fleck, owners of the Featherstone property, regarding a potential deferred assessment agreement for future benefit to their property. After calculating possible benefits, it is proposed that their share would be about 33% for signal and turn lanes, which would be approximately $102,357. Novak -Fleck agrees that there would be a future benefit to them and is willing to negotiate an agreement with the city. City staff would work with Novak -Fleck on developing an agreement and bring that back to Council at a future time for approval. Shibani also noted that MnDOT purchased right of way from Novak -Fleck for the 85h Street turn lanes. The right of way would have been dedicated by Novak -Fleck with development and has been acknowledged by them at time of preliminary plat approval. The cost is proposed to be assigned back to Novak -Fleck with the special assessment agreement. Glen Posusta asked about a trail along the Featherstone property. Claudia Dumont explained that the area would be graded and ready for completion when the property is developed. Shibani Bisson pointed out that MnDOT will put in a sidewalk along the west side of Hwy 25 from Kjellberg's entrance north to School Boulevard and between Chelsea Road and the I -94 westbound off ramp. Clint Herbst complimented Claudia Dumont on the I -94 reconstruction project by MnDOT. Lloyd Hilgart asked what was different between alternatives #1 and #2; Shibani Bisson explained that alternative #2 would have the City negotiate fees for cost reimbursement from Novak -Fleck at time of Featherstone development instead of negotiating this cost in an assessment agreement now. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2014 -110 APPROVING COOPERATIVE CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT #06675 WITH THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR STATE PROJECT NO. 8605 -50 TO EXTEND THE 4 -LANE SECTION OF TH 25 TO 85TH STREET /CR 106, WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT NOVAK -FLECK WILL ENTER INTO A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY DURING THIS PROJECT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. City Council Minutes — October 27, 2014 Page 9 Brian Stumpf stated he does not favor closing the access at Kjellberg's Park and adding a new access to the south which would allow left turn lane U -turns on Hwy 25. E. Consideration of approving the Final Intersection Concept Plan and authorizing WSB to proceed with Final Design for Hi way 25 /CSAH 75 Intersection Improvements, City Project No. l 00009 (Z25/75) Shibani Bisson indicated that the final intersection concept plan for Hwy 25 /CSAH 75 is the result of a number of discussions which took place over the past months. The city identified reasons for the intersection improvements and staff worked with the Transportation Advisory Committee, Wright County, and MnDOT on preparing a plan to address these needs. The preliminary studies led to development of a concept plan which was used to secure $1.7 million in federal and state funding toward the improvements. Shibani Bisson gave a presentation on the concept plan details. Meetings with Wright County staff and the County Board identified four primary issues: • Maintaining parking on Broadway (CSAH 75) west of TH 25 • Maintaining two lanes in each direction on Broadway (CSAH 75) • Construction of improvements to accommodate future growth • Using the federal and state funding secured for future improvements A compromise solution was reached resulting in a final intersection concept plan, which maintains parking on Broadway, west of Hwy 25. Two thru lanes are maintained in all directions except westbound CSAH 75 west of Hwy 25. Criteria was established that would eventually trigger a change to two lanes in that section when the area is redeveloped. Glen Posusta said he heard that the County was not going to contribute to the project because the parking on Broadway was retained in lieu of a second thru lane. He asked whether the county would eventually contribute to improvements on CSAH 75. Bret Weiss explained that this has been discussed with the county and specific criteria were developed for an agreement between the county and city that will define when these improvements would occur. They will continue to work on the agreement and present it to Council when completed. Staff is asking Council to authorize engineering services for the preparation of environmental documents and final design including preparation of final plans and specifications. The project design will include: turning radii for trucks, impacts to streetscape improvements, northbound TH25 to eastbound Broadway right turn lane, pedestrian improvements /sidewalks, future city costs, and county cost participation. Shibani Bisson discussed the budget impact which is estimated at $2,246,000 including construction and indirect costs. It is anticipated the funding will come City Council Minutes — October 27, 2014 Page 10 from the federal STP funds, state CIMS funds, state aid, and city and county funds. Shibani Bisson reviewed the construction schedule and noted that the project must be under construction by July 1, 2015 according to requirements of the federal STP and state CIMS funding. Wayne Oberg commented that development of plans and specs are not covered by federal funding so the project would use state aid funds for those costs. Shibani Bisson noted that the state will serve as the conduit for the federal funds. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO APPROVE THE FINAL INTERSECTION CONCEPT PLAN AND AUTHORIZE WSB & ASSOCIATES TO PROCEED WITH FINAL DESIGN FOR HIGHWAY 25 /CSAH 75 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 100009 (Z2575), WITH A CAVEAT TO LOOK AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION TO DESIGN A SMOOTHER TURNING RATIO FOR LARGE VEHICLES. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 8. Added items • Left turn lane at River Street & Hwy 25 - Glen Posusta asked Shibani Bisson about the pylons that were put in. Shibani Bisson noted that they should be removed by now. A citizen had also commented about the length of time for the traffic signal to change. Lloyd Hilgart indicated that southbound traffic crossing the bridge is backing up into the left turn lane for northbound traffic because vehicles are stacking into two lanes as they did when the pylons were in place. There was also discussion on striping River Street on the west side of TH 25 to delineate the lanes better. Shibani Bisson will review these items. • Jake breaking on bridge - Glen Posusta stated he contacted the Sheriff's Department and reminded them to monitor this. • Home at 7 Fairway Drive - Glen Posusta requested Ron Hackenmueller to comment on the nuisance situation at this home. Ron indicated that he has been in touch with Captain Dan Anselment and is working on finishing up the nuisance clean-up. Glen Posusta wanted to know if there was any improvement. Ron will check it out tomorrow and noted that it is a long process. 9. Adi ournment TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:16 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman 4ffd1--' Approved: November 11, 2014 Attest: AAA-la CitfWhistrator City Council Minutes — October 27, 2014 Page 11