Library Board Minutes 10-08-2002 . MINUTES MONTICELLO LIBRARY BOARD October 8,2002 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Marge Bauer, Dawn Grossinger, Diane I lerbst and Jim Maus Members Absent: Sandra Foster, Tom Parker, Bruce Thielen Others: Joan Allen, Great River Regional Library; Fred Patch, City of Monticello Building Official, and Graeme Mahler, Mahler & Associates Architects Mr. Graeme Mahler from Mahler & Associates Architects was present to review preliminary plans for the utilization of the Marquette Hank building as a library site. Mr. Mahler noted that prior to preparing the preliminary drawings, he met with representatives from (i-reat River Regional Library and Marge Bauer, the librarian. . Mr. Mahler noted there is approximatc!y 6,300 sq. fl. of space in the existing bank facility with an additional 3,000 sq. ft. that was utilized as teller space. There is also approximately 3,500 sq. ft. that could be utilized for future expansion which would be along the south property line. The sketch also showed a drive through book drop location. Mr. Mahler noted that there was adequate parking available for library use. In discussing the proposed layout one concern noted was having the children's area located where the library staff could keep watch over them but at the same time be separated from the adult area. Marge Bauer indicated that in a previous discussion it had bcen suggested that the children's area bc located in the expansion area because of the doors and the difficulty of monitoring children going in and out. The plans showed the adult area in the expansion space. Fred Patch stated that the driving concern in designing thc layout shouldn't be children getting out of the doors. Marge Bauer also noted noise concerns which was why she felt the children's area should be separated from the adult area. There was also concern about the location of the chcckout desk as far as visibility. Diane Herbst asked if the internet stations could be located where the checkout desk was proposed. It was noted that there was wiring in that location which was why they were sited in that spot. Graeme Mahler felt it was better to design based on how the library should function rather than where the existing wiring was. He added that if they arc ways to use the existing rooms they should do that in their design. On the sketch the areas designated as staff lounge, children's play room and children's reading room are existing rooms in the bank facility. Mr. Mahler noted the internet stations needed visibility and located them somewhat centrally. Jim Maus asked about the use of video cameras to monitor the . areas not readily visible to thc checkout desk. Joan Allen stated that Great River Regional library docs no t liavc that in any 0 I' tlie libraries t hcy are affil iated wi th. The main ConCcrn was the separation of the chi Idren Irom the ad ults. M r. Mah ler noted tlmt even if the chi I dren 's area was in the new cxpansi on area the children would still be coming all the way through the library to get to that area. Diane /lerbst stated that most people are use to having the checkout area near the door whcthcr it is io a departmeot store or Supermarket and felt that would be the case with the libraI)'. Joan Allen felt that for security and salety reasons, the circulation dcsk needs to be at a location where it has the greatest view of thc entire library. Joan Allen stated that with the budget constraints there is no funding available to supply additional stafting for the library. Jim Maus felt that without additional stat1ing the only way monitoring the entire library could be done was by the use of camcras. Fred Patch noted that with the proposed location of the circulation desk, the childrcn would havc to go past that to use the doors. Jim Maus felt thc proposed location of the circulation desk provided fairly good control Over the door. Diane Herbst suggested a second desk be added. Jim Maus felt volunteers could sit at this second desk fin monitoring purposes. Marge Bauer stated that she preferred to work with people who got paid for working. This generated some discussion on how additional staff coold he lunded. Since any funding would be for the long term it was unlikely that the City would hc able to make that type of comraitmcnt Library Board Minutes - 10/8/02 . The Library Board asked about a moving date and was informcd by Fred Patch that a meeting has been set up with representatives 0 f We IIs- Fargo during the week of Octo her 14- I 8, ten tati vel y Tuesday, October 15,2002. Mr. Mahler stated that vel)' preliminary cost estimates would be $ I DO/sq. ft. for the expansion area and $50/sq. Ii. for the existing area and he didn't think he would waiver from those figures until they are more into the planning stage. Fred Patch jelt the outdoor area could be designed jor an outdoor reading area. Marge Bauer had suggested a computer at the hook drop and then a shelver could Scan the books as they Come in. lt was suggested if the circulation dcsk was moved more towards Marge's office/statT/ounge area they could see more of the expansion area or another option was to have a second desk and do chcck in back in the expansion area. Marge Bauer Was agreeable to having the second desk at that location. The consensus of the board was that the circulation desk by the front door was essential and a second desk by the expansion area would alleviate some of the Conccrns with monitoring. Mr. Mahler will make revisions to thc plan and firm up the cost estimate. Joan Allen stated that Great River Regional Li brary had no prohl em with some of the library's larger programs being held at the Conllmm i ty Ccnter. Overall the board was in favor of the plan presented and felt it would take care of the lihrary needs for many years. There was discussion on what improvements would he needed and who is responsihle for thcrn. Great River Regional Library provides, the books, materials, computer, software and stafJing. The shelving and furniture and other related building nceds would be the responsibility of the City. It was suggested that mayhe some photographs should he takeu of what is existing so they could get an idea of what the city would have to provide in the way of furniture, etc. 2 . Some infilrnwtion wns presented about a grant to belp lund tbe cost of renovations to public libraries to bring tbem into compliance with the ADA rcquirements. It was suggested trying for a grant for the cost of gctting the internet stations ADA accessible. Marge Bauer suggested that perhaps Sandra Foster would be wil1ing to work on the grant application. Library Board Minutes - 10/8102 Marge Bauer also presented some information about ergonomically correct lilrnilure and making Sure the office equipment was correct. Margc Bauer noted her concerns about the present library bUilding and the possible presence of mold and related iHness of stalf members. She pointed out several areas where the roof leaks. These concerns Were discussed but it was felt it would not pay to try to correct them nnw ifthc City would shortly be moving to a different building. It Was felt that alier the meeting with the Wells-Fargo representatives, the library might be in a better position as far as knowing how soon things will take place. The library board will meet again on Wednesday, October 16 at 6 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. . -_.__._----------------_._.~---~-- Recording Secretary 3