City Council Minutes 04-27-2015MINUTES REGULAR MEE'T'ING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 27, 2015 — 7 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order.— Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. B. Pledge of Allegiance - The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. C. Approval of Minutes - April 13th, 2015 CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE APRIL 13TH, 2015 REGULAR COL'i`� CiL iJ1EE T 1N ^v MINT T ES AS PRESENTED 1 ED. GLEN' POS U S T A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. D. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda • Interim City Clerk Appointment (Stumpf) • Wristbands (Posusta) • Post Council Minutes (Posusta) • Topsoil (Perrault) E. Citizen Comments • Sherwin Williams Store — Store Manager Amanda Zenner announced that the retail grand opening of the new Sherwin Williams store is scheduled for Saturday, May 9th from 8am -6pm. The store is located at 9230 State Highway 25 NE. • highway 25 Construction — Shawn Sullivan, (9127 State Highway 25 NE), shared traffic safety concerns related to city plan to eliminate the option to turn left on Highway 25 from the mobile home park. Sullivan said that he thinks that the increase in mileage costs will prevent people from using bus service. Brian Stumpf said that the City had shared its concerns with MnDOT but pointed out that it is not a City issue. Glen Posusta emphasized that the State had been working with Kjellberg property owners to identify a solution without success. He added that in the future, there will be an intersection just south of the Kjellberg property line so people won't have to drive a mile to County Road 106 to turn around and come back. This intersection could have been installed with this project but Kjellberg said no to the request. • Highway 25 Speed Limit - Nancy Bowman, of 9127 State Highway 25 NE, said that she drives the City shuttle and is concerned about the speed limit on Highway 25 near Applebee's. The City will request traffic monitoring. City Council Minutes — April 27, 2015 Page 1 1 7 F. Public Service Announcements • Spring Recycling Day (5/2) — Rachel Leonard announced that Metro Appliance would host Monticello's Spring Recycling Day at the Commuter Parking Lot from 8 a.m. -1 p.m. on Saturday, May 2nd • Spring Leaf Pick -Up (5/9) — Leonard announced that Spring Leaf Pick -Up is Saturday, May 9th. Place bagged leaves at the curb by 7 a.m. • Bertram Park Spring Clean-Up (5/2) - Leonard announced that the Friends of Bertram are looking for volunteers to help with the 4th Annual Spring Clean -Up at the park. The event is Saturday, May 2nd from 9 a.m. to noon. • Mississippi River Trail Signs — Shibani Bisson reported that 16 Mississippi River Trail signs would soon be installed along the route through Monticello. G. Council Liaison Updates • Brian Stumpf — MCC memberships are up. FNM is reviewing management options. Personnel Committee minutes are provided. • Tom Perrault - EDA continues to develop its 2015 -2016 workplan. PAC recommended a board appointment. H. Department Updates • City Administrator o Senate File 1636 — Coalition of Utility Cities (CUC) directed lobbyists to support legislation to change taxation for electrical generation facilities. o LMC Annual Conference - June 24 -26th o Powerline Corridor — Working with Xcel to determine location of powerline corridor Edmonson between Dundas and Chelsea Roads. o Wristbands — Research less costly wristband options. Personnel Committee to consider mistake regarding purchasing process. o Vacancies — Building Official, Construction Inspector and City Clerk o Joint EDA - Council workshop — Staff to schedule joint workshop to review options for funding ongoing EDA operations and redevelopment expenses. Market matching contract and EDA support staff to be included in budget discussion. Schumann to determine if notice is required to end contract. 2. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of Approving Payment of Bills for April 27th, 2015. Action Taken: Approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $661,817.60. B. Consideration of Approving New I �ires/Departures. Action Taken: Ratify terminations for MCC, Building Department, and Engineering Department. C. Consideration of Appointing a Representative to the Police Advisory Commission to fill a Vacancy for a Term to Expire on Dec. 31St, 2017. Action Taken: Appoint Ylleana Miller to the Police Advisory Commission with the term ending December 31, 2017. City Council Minutes — April 27, 2015 Page 217 D. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2015 -033 Decertifying Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 -37 (Karlsburger Foods). Action Taken: Adopt Resolution #2015 -033 decertifying Tax Increment District No. 1 -37 — Karlsburger Foods, effective December 31, 2014. E. Consideration of Appointing an Interim Chief Building Official. Action Taken: Appoint DJ Hennessey as Interim Chief Building Official for the City of Monticello. F. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2015 -026 Approving a Rezoning from A -O, Agriculture Open Space To I -1 Light Industrial for the proposed Lot 1, Block 1, First Lake Substation Addition; Adopting Ordinance 614 amending the Official Monticello Zoning Map to Include Property to be Zoned Light Industrial (I -1); Adopting Resolution #2015 -035 Approving a Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Contract for First Lake Substation Addition; Adopting Resolution #2015 -034 Approving a Conditional Use Permit for Utilities within the Light Industrial (I -1) District; and Adopting Resolution #2015- 036 Approving an assessment roll, Applicant: 'Acel Energy. T HIS I T EM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. G. Consideration of Adopting Ordinance No. 615 Amending the Monticello Code, Section 6 -3 -3, Item B and Adding Item C & Item D. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. H. Consideration of Approving Three Five -Year Billboard Land Rent Agreements (Lamar Co.). Action Taken: Approve execution of three billboard land rent leases with Lamar Companies with a minimum annual base lease payment of $2,400 per location or 20% of net revenue, whichever is higher. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2015 -032 Approving the Assessment Agreement with Kimberly J. Lietzau (PID 155- 010 - 049080) for Sewer and Water Improvements at 413 West Broadway. Action Taken: Adopt Resolution #2015- 032 approving an assessment agreement with Kimberly J. Lietzau - Chessen for 413 West Broadway sewer improvements (PID 155 -010- 049080) in the amount of $6,937.50 for a 10 -year term at 5.25% interest, starting with the 2016 payable taxes. J. Consideration of Appointing Kerry Burri as Interim City Clerk. THIS ITEM WAS ADDED TO THE CONSENT AGENDA. Action Taken: Appoint Kerry Burri as the Interim City Clerk on a temporary basis. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS F AND G AND THE ADDITION OF UPDATED ITEM B AND ITEM J. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5- 0. City Council Minutes — April 27, 2015 Page 317 2a. Consideration of Items Removed From the Consent Agenda for Discussion 2F. Consideration of Adopting Resolution #2015 -026 Approving a Rezoning from A- O, Agriculture Open Space To I -1 Light Industrial for the proposed Lot 1, Block 1, First Lake Substation Addition, Adopting Ordinance 614 amending the Official Monticello Zoning Map to Include Property to be Zoned Light Industrial (I -1); Adopting Resolution #2015 -035 Approving a Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Contract for First Lake Substation Addition; Adopting Resolution #2015- 034 Approving a Conditional Use Permit for Utilities within the Light Industrial (I -1) District; and Adopting Resolution #2015- 036 Approving an Assessment Roll, Applicant. Xcel Energy Tom Perrault asked about screening. Steve Grittman noted that staff had recommended including landscape screening compatible with planting requirements under the power line along the northwest property line adjacent to Bertram Park. Perrault wondered why the property wasn't zoned i -2. Grittman stated that, although utilities were allowable in both the I -1 and I -2 districts, staff had recommended I -1 zoning to be compatible with the zoning of the industrial park. Perrault also asked why a variance was not required despite exceeding the 30 foot height limit. Grittman explained that staff considered the antenna support structure to be part of the power line system rather than part of the structure. He noted that the superstructure of the substation does not exceed the height limit. Staff agreed to revise the resolution to add a missing word as noted by Perrault. CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2015 -026, APPROVING A REZONING FROM A -O, AGRICULTURE OPEN SPACE TO I -1 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL FOR THE PROPOSED LOT 1, BLOCK 1, FIRST LAKE SUBSTATION ADDITION; ADOPT ORDINANCE 614, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL MONTICELLO ZONING MAP TO INCLUDE PROPERTY TO BE ZONED LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (I -1); ADOPT RESOLUTION #2015 -035 APPROVING A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR FIRST LAKE SUBSTATION ADDITION; ADOPT RESOLUTION #2015 -034 APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR UTILITIES WITHIN THE LIGHT INDUSTRIAL (I -1) DISTRICT; AND ADOPT RESOLUTION #2015 -036 APPROVING AN ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR XCEL ENERGY. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 2G Consideration of Adopting Ordinance No. 615 Amending the Monticello Code, Section 6 -3 -3, Item B and Adding Item C c& Item D Angela Schumann clarified that the ordinance had been amended to require that applicants seeking a permit to keep chickens on their property obtain the written consent of adjoining property owners. Schumann also noted that the amendment establishes a permit limit of six chickens and prohibits roosters within the city. Staff agreed to verify that language to be included in the ordinance amendment is correct in response to Perrault's question about the addition of Item D. City Council Minutes — April 27, 2015 Page 4 17 CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 615 AMENDING THE MONTICELLO CODE, ANIMALS, FOWL WITHIN CITY LIMITS; PERMITS, SECTION 6 -3 -3, ITEM B AND ADDING ITEM C & ITEM D AS FOLLOWS. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Section 6 -3 -3; Item B is hereby amended as follows: The Animal Control Officer and the City Clerk may grant any permit pursuant to this section after the applicant has sought the written consent of the property owners adjoining the applicant's real estate. Such written consent shall be required on the first and initial application and as often thereafter as the Animal Control Officer deems necessary. Section 6 -3 -3, Item C added as follows: Roosters are prohibited within the City. Section 6 -3 -3, Item D added as follows: No permit .shall be issued for more than six (b) hen fowl. ?. Public Rearing(s) - None 4e Regular Agenda A. Consideration of Approving a Fibernet Business Manager Position and Posting for the Position Rachel Leonard summarized that, for the past nine months FiberNet has been operating with an interim management structure, with the assumption that a more permanent leadership structure would be established moving forward. Based on an assessment of current needs, and in view of future opportunities, staff evaluated and presented three management options (Office Manager, Business Manager and General Manager) for consideration. Leonard indicated that both the FiberNet Advisory Board and the Personnel Committee voted to recommend establishing a Business Manager position. Leonard summarized that the Business Manager position would be a mid -level management position which reports to the City Administrator. She pointed out that the position would establish a new central authority which would reduce the amount of time that the City Administrator dedicates to FiberNet. Leonard explained that the position would focus on business operations such as supervising staff, creating and maintaining the budget, working with existing and new service opportunities, developing policy, bringing forward agendas, serving as liaison to the advisory board, and updating the Council. Leonard pointed out that the more technical FiberNet responsibilities would be handled by Head End Technician Bryan Rabe or Consultant Dan Olsen. The 2015 salary range for the Business Manager position is anticipated to be $54,704 - $78,692 with approximately $20,000 in benefits. City Council Minutes — April 27, 2015 Page 5 17 Leonard noted that staff had also recommended creating a Customer Service Representative (CSR) Level 1 position. This would shift responsibility for Leonard's daily tasks to an existing FiberNet staff member and enable her to be more involved with FiberNet marketing and coordinating communications efforts with other city departments. Tracy Ergen estimated that the CSR Level 1 position would result in about a $2,000 a year pay increase. Glen Posusta indicated that that he would prefer that FiberNet hire a General Manager who would report to the City Council rather than a Business Manager that would report to the City Administrator. Posusta said that he doesn't have a problem with the City Administrator monitoring and overseeing FiberNet operations, but thinks that FiberNet management should have the ability to do what needs to be done whether or not the City Administrator agrees with that decision. O'Neill said that all Department Heads are given the latitude to operate with general goals in mind. The Business Manager would be given the latitude to do what they think is right for FiberNet. Charlotte Gabler asked how the FiberNet bylaws address reporting authority. O'Neill indicated that the governance model would have to be modified to reflect the reality that FiberNet is a city department. Brian Stumpf suggested that FiberNet is no different than any other department in terms of a chain of command. Gabler asked about degree requirements for the position. Ergen said that the job description specifies a two year degree with a minimum of five years of experience or a Bachelor's degree with three years of experience. Ergen said that she anticipated posting the Business Manager position later in the week. Stumpf and Posusta suggested that the city recruit broadly for this position. Stumpf requested that the full council attend the interviews. CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO APPROVE ESTABLISHING A FIBERNET BUSINESS MANAGER POSITION AND POSTING THE POSITION. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 4a. Added Items • Interim City Clerk Appointment (Stumpf) — Added to Consent Agenda as Item 2J • Wristbands (Posusta) — Discussed as part of Department Updates Post Council Minutes (Posusta) - Request to add documents to City website • Topsoil (Perrault) — Tom Perrault said that a resident had mentioned that people have been taking topsoil from a pile on property located near Country Club Manor and West 7'�' Street. He said that he assumed that City staff had intended to use the topsoil for future projects. Shibani Bisson volunteered to check with Public Works. City Council Minutes — April 27, 2015 Page 6 17 5. Adjournment GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:57 P.M. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burri, Interim City Clerk V-J Approved: May 26, 2015 Attest: Je ill, City Administrator City Council Minutes — April 27, 2015 Page 717