City Council Minutes 05-26-2015 Special (School&Fallon)MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, May 26, 2015 — 5 p.m. North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta Absent: None Others: Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Shibani Bisson, Chuck Rickart (WSB), Bill Tapper (EDA/TAC) 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. Purpose of Workshop: Discussion of the following items was announced by Mayor Stumpf. A. Alignment of School Boulevard West extension to County Road 39 B. Options for alignment of Fallon Avenue Overpass 3. Review of potential alignment options for School Boulevard West extension to County Road 39 Angela Schumann introduced this item and indicated that the presentation will provide an explanation to Council about the proposed alignment for the extension of School Boulevard West to County Road 39. Schumann indicated there are two conceptual road alignments and displayed those on a map. Schumann talked about the Bertram Chain of Lakes Park and the coordination between the City and County to develop the park land. That design does not include a road through the park. The City's Transportation Plan shows the School Boulevard extension as an "Area to be Studied" and does not specify a particular alignment for School Boulevard to CR 39. Angela Schumann turned the discussion over to Shibani Bisson and Chuck Rickart. Shibani Bisson explained the proposed road alignments that were considered in 2006 when Karlsburger Foods was developed and the Heritage development was proposed. Staff evaluated both Chelsea Road and School Boulevard, which serve as primary collector routes south of I -94. One of the conceptual alignments presented for School Boulevard extended through the northeastern portion of the YMCA Camp Manitou property. The other alignment at that time would have connected with existing Dalton Avenue. Chuck Rickart explained that there is a study being done for potential sites for a future I- 94 interchange in the area of County Road 39 or Orchard Road. This would likely impact traffic on Chelsea Road, 90'h Street, and School Boulevard. Special City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 1 1 4 Brian Stumpf asked whether Alternative 2 would adversely impact the ability to develop the Spike property that would be intersected by the proposed road alignment. Shibani Bisson explained that has been discussed and should not be an issue. Glen Posusta asked why this road extension is being discussed at this time. Angela Schumann explained that the County and City are applying for a grant for another section of Bertram Chain of Lakes parkland and they need to know if the future road extension might go through the parkland. If a road would bisect the parkland, that would have to be indicated in the grant application. Glen Posusta expressed his concern about choosing an alignment at this time when future development is not likely to take place for quite some time. Jeff O'Neill stated that the City has been successful in defining collector road alignments in advance and using those plans to guide developers when they make inquiries. In this case, the future alignment was identified to go through the parkland and city staff felt it would be beneficial to change that identification now rather than later. The actual road construction would not take place until driven by development. Chuck Rickart mentioned that there are a variety of options to align School Boulevard if the decision is made to avoid routing it through Bertram parkland. Angela Schumann noted that Council could elect to not make a choice for an alternative realignment with Dalton Avenue, but instead just make a decision not to extend School Boulevard through the park and determine a new alignment at a later time. Bill Tapper from the EDA commented that Luke Dahlheimer of Dahlheimer Distributing expressed concern about an alignment with Dalton Ave as he felt there would be negative traffic impacts for the businesses in that area. Brian Stumpf indicated that he would like to see a final decision for alignment deferred to a future time. He would like to see School Boulevard terminated at the Spike property and not at Dalton Avenue. However, he does understand that Council should provide direction for the grant application. Brian Stumpf stated that Council will be asked to take action at the regular Council meeting. 4. Review of preferred option for Fallon Avenue Overpass alignment Jeff O'Neill introduced this item and indicated that the options for the Fallon Avenue Overpass alignment have been discussed in detail over many months by the City's Transportation Advisory Committee. The meeting was turned over to Chuck Rickart from WSB who has been working on this project. Rickart noted that some land acquisitions need to take place before construction is started and discussed the easement on the north side of the freeway that has been identified but not yet acquired from Street Henry's Church. The main right -of -way has been acquired and platted; there is some additional right -of -way to acquire for slope and pathways. Chuck Rickart talked about alignment option 3A which incorporates two roundabouts on the north side of the freeway. He pointed out small areas that will need to be acquired for each of the Special City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 2 14 roundabouts. This road alignment for 3A makes a connection at Washington Street, which would be valuable if there would ever be a second river crossing at Washington Street. This alternative was approved by the Transportation Advisory Committee although not unanimously. If option 3A is selected, the project could be done in phases. Glen Posusta asked if there was a way that the project could be done to keep the roadway open to traffic during construction. Chuck Rickart explained that it would have to be closed at times. Glen Posusta suggested that the project be phased over one time frame, rather than part now and part in another year, so as to limit the length of time that traffic would be impacted by street closures. Chuck Rickart reviewed alignment option 5 which utilizes one roundabout on the north side of the freeway. The small section of Fallon Avenue on the north side of the freeway would link Washington and 7t' Street with a roundabout at the confluence of four street segments. The Malone property would be affected and would need to be acquired with this option. The Busch's (Rand Mansion) and Malone's are not in favor of this option. Chuck Rickart noted that this alternative would have a slightly higher cost than option 3A. Chuck Rickart commented on the traffic interactions and how they could be impacted by either of these two alternatives. Option 5 would have more traffic interaction because eastbound traffic from 7th Street to Washington would need to go further east to enter and exit the roundabout. That traffic would have a slight interaction with traffic coming across the Fallon Avenue overpass and entering the roundabout. Bill Tapper, member of the EDA and Transportation Advisory Committee, explained his reasons for preferring the Option 5. With option 3A, he is concerned about the slope of 7t' Street as eastbound traffic approaches the roundabout at the Fallon Avenue overpass. Tapper stated that he personally likes roundabouts and would prefer to see a roundabout at the intersection of Fallon Avenue and Chelsea Road when the overpass is constructed. Brian Stumpf asked Chuck Rickart to talk about timing on the construction of the overpass and street alignments. Chuck Rickart stated that there is no state funding available so it would need to be funded with local funds and possibly some state aid money. Chuck Rickart noted that there is a requirement for the city to construct the Fallon Avenue overpass before any further interchanges are added within city limits. It was suggested to do some traffic counts in the 7t' Street area. Chuck Rickart commented that the project could be started as early as 2016, provided that land acquisitions and alignment decisions are completed. Brian Stumpf indicated that this topic will be on the regular council agenda for a short presentation and decision by Council on the alignment. Chuck Rickart also noted that, on the south side of the freeway, the Fallon Avenue overpass will need some type of traffic control at the intersection with Chelsea Road. Glen Posusta asked which type of intersection would move traffic the best. Chuck Special City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 3 14 Rickart indicated that traffic studies show that roundabouts would serve to keep traffic moving at each of the designated sites in the design of both options. Jeff O'Neill commented that the single roundabout option ( #5) was the original preference of the Transportation Advisory Committee. However, once they weighed the options and comments from landowners, they chose option 3A. 5. Adjournment TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL MEETING AT 6:03 P.M. CHARLOTTE GABLER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman rjOW Approved: June 8, 2015 Attest: mimstrator Special City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 4 14