City Council Minutes 05-26-2015MINUTES REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, May 261, 2015 — 7 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Mayor Stumpf at 7 p.m. with a quorum present. B. Pledge of Allegiance The pledge of allegiance was recited. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from April 27th 2015 TOM PERRAULT NOTED A FEW CORRECTIONS HE HAD REPORTED AND MOVED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 27TH, 2015 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Regular Meeting Minutes from Mav 11 th 2015 TOM PERRAULT NOTED A FEW CORRECTIONS HE HAD REPORTED AND MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 11TH, 2015 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. • Corrections to April 27th Regular Meeting Minutes LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE CORRECTIONS TO THE APRIL 27TH, 2015 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. CHARLOTTE GABLER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. D. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda • #21, — Sunset Ponds Second Addition easement vacation resolution (staff) • Illegal dumping; recycling carts (Charlotte Gabler) • Goodwill dropbox at Eastview (Brian Stumpf) • Wristbands (Brian Stumpf) o Friendship Island (Brian Stumpf) E. Citizen Comments None City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 1 111 F. Public Service Announcements/Uudates • Cargill thank you — Rachel Leonard announced a thank you to Cargill Kitchen Solution employees for volunteering with clean-up efforts in the City. They do this on an annual basis and it is a huge benefit to the City. G. Council Liaison Updates • Brian Stumpf (MCC, FAB, Transportation Advisory Committee, Personnel) — MCC Advisory Board: visits are down; possible move of Friendship Island; minimum wage review for part-time employees; rate increases for memberships will be researched. FAB: discussed 10 GB ring and Metaswitch sharing with Windomnet; video contracts; hiring of Business Mgr and update of ordinance. Transportation Advisory Committee: all items on regular agenda tonight. • Charlotte Gabler (FAB, Personnel) — Personnel: volunteer appreciation day in July to recognize commission members; employee appreciation day in August; applications received for City Clerk and Building Official and interviews to be scheduled. • Lloyd Hilgart (EDA, Transportation Advisory Committee) — Transportation Advisory Committee: working on alignment options for Fallon Avenue overpass. EDA — levy discussion, which is included in regular agenda. • Tom Perrault (EDA, PAC) — PAC: meeting in July. Tom Perrault attended Wright County meeting on solar gardens and Safety Committee meeting. • Glen Posusta (BCOL RFP) — Parks Commission coming up this week. H. Department Updates • Workshop /Special Meeting Review — Mayor Stumpf noted that the workshop actions are included in the regular agenda. • City Administrator — Jeff O'Neill reported on the following: Lions Club 40,' anniversary on Friday, May 29 at the MCC parking lot from 6 to 11:30 pm; free to the public. Help Center has rescinded their letter of intent to move to the old bowling alley; paying rent on a site would impact their ability to receive certain grants and assistance. Jeff O'Neill mentioned possibility of collaborating on construction of a building near the Jefferson Commons water tower that could include space for the Help Center. • Market Matching — John Uphoff was not able to attend and will report at another time. 2. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills for May 26b . THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. B. Consideration of approving new hires /departures. Action Taken: Ratify the new hires and terminations for MCC, City Hall, Building Department, and Water Department. City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 2 111 C. Consideration of approving three applications for temporary on -sale liquor licenses for the Monticello Lions Club for Riverfest Community Celebration events on July 11 th -12th, 2015. Action Taken: Approve three temporary on- sale liquor license applications for the Monticello Lions for the Riverfest Community Celebration on July 11, 2015 for Art in the Park in Ellison Park, on July 11, 2015 for the Riverfest Street Dance at the Monticello Community Center parking lot, and for the Sunday events at Ellison Park on July 12, 2015; contingent on providing the necessary liquor liability insurance certificate. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2015 -039 accepting quotes and awarding contract for the 2015 Sealcoat and Fog Seal Project. Action Taken: Adopt Resolution #2015 -039 accepting the bids and awarding a contract to Caldwell Asphalt Company, Inc. of Hawick MN, based on their low bid of $136,953.36; project to be completed per contract by August 21, 2015. E. Consideration of approving the purchase of Neptune radio reading units for the Water Department. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. F. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2015 -040 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment to WH Services for the 2014 Street Lighting Improvements (West 7th between Elm Street and CR 39), City Project No. 14C001. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. G. Consideration of ratifying the negotiated Labor Agreement between the City of Monticello and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 49 for April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2017. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. H. Consideration of approving final payment of $181,544.53 to Veolia Water for 2014 wastewater treatment plant contract services. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. Consideration of ratifying the EDA Annual Work Plan. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. J. Consideration of approving an amendment to the encroachment agreement for the Cedar Street Addition (Goodwill Industries Store). Applicant: Oppidan/Fourth Street Parking Partnership, LLP. Action Taken: Approve an amendment to the encroachment agreement for the Cedar Street Addition for Oppidan/Fourth Street Parking Partnership, LLP, stated as follows: ENCROACFIMENTAUTHORIZATION. The City hereby approves encroachment in its easement areas for the construction, use, and maintenance of drive aisles, parking stalls, curbs, street lighting, and landscaping in the cross - hatched areas depicted on the attached Exhibit "B. " City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 3 111 [Prior Section 2 and prior Exhibit B will be deleted and replaced] K. Consideration of approving a letter to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and Minnesota Department of Commerce regarding community solar gardens. Action Taken: Approve submission of a letter to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission and Minnesota Department of Commerce regarding community solar gardens. L. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2015 -023A approving a revision to a condition in the original resolution for Sunset Ponds 2nd Addition easement vacation. Action Taken: Adopt Resolution #2015 -023A approving the vacation of easements for Sunset Ponds Second Addition, with a revision to the conditions as follows: ® Approval of the Sunset Ponds Third Addition final plat by the City Council of the City of Monticello. ,. l ,," r Me . 6e * ] l 7 herein, A Certificate of Approval for. Vacation of Drainage and Utility Easements be recorded at the Wright County Recorder's Office. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS A, E, F, G, H; AND I. CHARLOTTE GABLER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 2A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills for May 26th Glen Posusta asked about the carpeting in the Romp &L Stomp and whether that was budgeted. Jeff O'Neill indicated it was. Glen Posusta asked why lumber was purchased from Big Lake Lumber instead of Home Depot. Wayne Oberg reported that staff indicated they could not get these materials at Hoene Depot. Glen Posusta asked about purchase of a sign for the future dog park. Cathy Shuman explained the sign was approved in original presentation for a dog park; cost to be reimbursed from donated funds. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE PAYMENT OF BILL AND PURCHASE CARD REGISTERS FOR A TOTAL OF $676;371.61. CHARLOTTE_, GABLER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 2E. Consideration of approving the purchase of Neptune radio reading units for the Water Department Charlotte Gabler wanted to verify that these were the same units that were brought to Council for approval back in November. Wayne Oberg confirmed that. City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 4 111 CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF 650 NEPTUNE RADIO READ UNITS AT A COST OF $69,641 TO COME OUT OF THE 2015 WATER DEPARTMENT BUDGET. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. 2F. Consideration of adopting Resolution #201 5 -040 accepting improvements and authorizingfinal payment to WII Services for the 2014 Street Lighting Improvements (West 7th between Elm Street and CR 39), City Project No. 14C001 Charlotte Gabler asked if the reduction that had been discussed previously had been deducted from the final payment. Jeff O'Neill confirmed that was the case. CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2015 -040 ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS AND AUTHORIZING FINAL PAYMENT OF $10,579.87 TO WH SERVICES AND ENTER INTO A MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT WITH WH SERVICES FOR WEST 7TH STREET LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 14C001. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Tom Perrault noted that the resolution clause about the contract needs to state Mayor and City Administrator, rather than City Clerk. 2G Consideration of ratifying the negotiated Labor Agreement between the City of Monticello and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 49 for April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2017 Tom Perrault stated that he has an issue with the language in the labor agreement for Article 10.01 related to overtime pay being granted in excess of 8 hours of work within a 24 -hour period of time. He feels that overtime pay should not be granted on a daily basis, but was okay with the 40 hour work week overtime provisions. Glen Posusta questioned whether Council is really able to pull individual items out of the proposed contract. Jeff O'Neill stated that Council could either deny or approve the contract with a recommendation for a change that would have to be negotiated and brought back to Council for approval. Council members indicated that supervisors should be making sure employees do not receive overtime pay in excess of 8 hours within a 24 -hour time frame unless it is absolutely necessary and approved in advance. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO RATIFY THE 2015 -2017 LOCAL 49 UNION CONTRACT AS NEGOTIATED, EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 2015. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. STAFF WAS DIRECTED TO KEEP TRACK OF OVERTIME HOURS TO SEE IF THERE ARE ANY ISSUES WITH OVERTIME PAY WITHIN THE 24 -HOUR TIME FRAME; IF SO, THIS WOULD BE ADDRESSED IN NEXT CONTRACT RENEWAL PERIOD. City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 5111 2H. Consideration of approving final payment of $181,544.53 to Veolia Water for 2014 wastewater treatment plant contract services Brian Stumpf asked Wayne Oberg to address the amount payable on the Veolia Water contract. Wayne Oberg asked that there are two parts to the wastewater treatment plant contract: one is for reimbursable expenses and one is for personal services. The 2014 contract budget was submitted by Chuck Keyes with the amounts of $234,504 for reimbursable expenses and $585,096 for personal services. There are provisions in the contract which includes an annual fee adjustment formula for determining the base compensation if an amount is not negotiated. This created an increase in the amount that was budgeted. 2015 is the last year of the contract with Veolia. The City will need to take into consideration what options are available for a new contract or to utilize internal staffing. Lloyd Hilgart commented on the changes in the budget reconciliation and stated that it appears that Veolia's actual expenditures are not paid in regard to what is budgeted. Wayne Oberg indicated that the payments are linked to the formulas in the contract, which terminates at the end of 2015. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO APPROVE FINAL PAYMENT OF $181,544.53 TO VEOLIA WATER FOR 2014 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT CONTRACT SERVICES. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 21. Consideration of ratifying the EDA Annual Work Plan Tom Perrault noted that the staff report indicated that the Work Plan was approved unanimously at the EDA meeting on May 13, 2015, but he had actually voted against it. Jeff O'Neill apologized for reporting that incorrectly in his notes. LLOYD HILGART MOVED TO RATIFY THE EDA. ANNUAL WORK PLAN, CONSISTENT WITH ITS ADOPTION BY THE MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. CHARLOTTE GABLER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 3. Public Hearings - None 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2015 -041 authorizing a letter of support for the Monarch Development Group as related to an affordable workplace townhome development on the former Ruff property (PID 155 - 500 - 101418) Angela Schumann presented the proposal from Monarch Development Group for development of an affordable workplace townhome project. In order to proceed with their application to the MN Housing Finance Agency for the affordable City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 6 111 housing tax credit program, they need Council approval of a letter of support from the City. Angela Schumann talked about the site, which is part of the former Ruff Auto salvage yard. Angela Schumann noted that the City has already invested in the property when they received state grants for contamination clean-up of the Ruff Auto site. The goal of the grants was to remediate the contamination to facilitate future residential development, which matches the goal of the Monarch Group proposal to develop townhome units for city residents. Mike Kearney of Monarch Development Group spoke briefly about their proposal and handed out plans and drawings about the project to council members. Their firm is proposing a development called Cygnet Landing. Mr. Kearney talked about his company and some of the consulting firms that they work with. He emphasized the high quality of their products. Cygnet Landing would consist of 45 units of affordable workplace housing, with rents ranging from $950 for a 2- bedroom unit to $1,100 for a 3- bedroom. Tenants would have to meet income guidelines. Monarch Group plans to invest about $10 million in the development. They are looking for a letter of support from the City as part of their application process for the affordable housing tax credits. Brian Stumpf asked him to comment on the timeline. Mike Kearney discussed the process, which is very competitive. They would not anticipate approval from MN Housing Finance Agency until October at the earliest. Following that, they would go through the city zoning process, with building permits issued and construction beginning in Spring of 2016. Lloyd Hilgart asked whether they would hold these units or sell them. Kearney explained they would hold the investment and partner with Wells Fargo Bank for the affordable tax credits. They would also utilize a property management company to manage the townhome complex. The property would remain under this status for at least 15 years. Lloyd Hilgart asked whether the tax credits are a subsidy, allowing them to rent below market value. Kearney confirmed that the tax credits would be a rent subsidy. However, the rent amounts being proposed are actually at market rent for this area. Glen Posusta questioned the value of the investment as he felt the units didn't appear to be of the quality based on the amount to be expended. Kearney explained that there are other factors that go into the investment besides the brick and mortar construction. Glen Posusta also asked about the tax valuation of the property. Elizabeth Nesbitt explained that it would be commercial property subject to the taxation rules in Minnesota. Charlotte Gabler asked them to comment on why they chose Monticello, being that they are from the east coast. Kearney noted reasons including: location on the freeway, streetscape along 7`" Street West, current business development, job opportunities, and relative location to the metro area. Charlotte Gabler asked why they build a townhome style rather than apartment buildings. Kearney explained that townhomes tend to be better suited for families compared to an apartment building, which gives a sense of home. Charlotte Gabler asked about how the City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 7 111 units are marketed. Elizabeth Nesbitt explained that the townhomes would be advertised at market rents, not as a subsidized housing. Kearney explained that these units are not Section 8 housing; rent subsidies are based on family income and family size. Kim Bretheim of LHB talked about the Cygnet project that they are planning and designing. They would plan to extend 6 1/2 Street West into the property and add ponding for drainage. The units would be arranged to face each other along interior roads, would have 2 -car garages, and would have both front and back doors. There would be a central outside play area in the complex. The cost of the development would include funding of reserves to sustain operating and maintenance costs. They plan to use materials that exceed building code requirements. He displayed pictures of two projects which have been constructed in Apple Valley and Rosemount; this would be similar to what they intend for the Monticello project. Those projects were done with the same type of financing planned for Cygnet Landing. Square footage of units range from 1100 for a 2- bedroom to 1500 for a 3- bedroom, plus a 2 -car garage. Glen Posusta asked about projects in Minnesota, and it was confirmed that LHB has main offices in Duluth, Minnesota and is in the process of constructing a number of various projects across the state. Charlotte Gabler asked Jeff O'Neill to check references from other Minnesota projects. Tom Perrault asked if 6 1/2 Street is currently a public street. Staff confirmed that and indicated that other internal streets of the development would be private. All street development costs will be the responsibility of the developer. CHARLOTTE GABLER FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2015 -041 AUTHORIZING A LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR THE MONARCH DEVELOPMENT GROUP AS RELATED TO AN AFFORDABLE WORKPLACE TOWNHOME DEVELOPMENT ON THE FORMER RUFF PROPERTY (PID 155 - 500 - 101418). GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. B. Consideration of supporting an alignment option for the future extension of School Boulevard West to County Road 39 Angela Schumann noted that Council is being asked to consider the alignment of School Boulevard west extension as related to the Bertram Chain of Lakes parkland. Brian Stumpf commented that he would like to see Alternate #1 revised to end the School Boulevard extension at the Spike property. This revision would still result in deflecting the road so that it would not be routed through Bertram Chain of Lakes parkland. Other council members indicated their agreement with that change. City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 8 111 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED FOR ALTERNATE #1 TO SUPPORT AN OPTION FOR FUTURE WESTERN EXTENSION OF SCHOOL BOULEVARD UP TO THE SPIKE PROPERTY AND AVOID A ROUTE THROUGH THE BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES PARKLAND. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. C. Consideration of approving an option for the Fallon Avenue Overpass alignment Jeff O'Neill summarized this item from discussion that took place at a workshop prior to the Council meeting. He asked Shibani Bisson and Chuck Rickart to review the alignment options so that Council can select a preferred option. Chuck Rickart reviewed the study process which started with eight possible options for alignment of the Fallon Avenue overpass. The original drawing started with a simple design for an overpass across I -94 that met at 7d, Street on the north and Chelsea on the south. Discussions over time narrowed the options to Alternate 3A and Alternate 5, with Alternate 3A recommended by the Transportation Advisory Committee. Alternate 3A incorporates two roundabouts on the north side of the freeway along 76 Street at the intersection of the overpass and at the intersection of Washington Street. Alternate 5 utilizes a single roundabout on the north side of the freeway; this roundabout forms a 4 -leg intersection with 7h Street on the east and west legs, the overpass on the south leg, and Washington/Fallon on the north leg. It is proposed to include a roundabout on the south intersection with Chelsea Road, but that is open to adjustment. Glen Posusta noted that he favors the single roundabout design. Brian Stumpf summarized a few concerns that were reported at the workshop. Transportation Advisory Committee favors Alternate 3A rather than Alternate 5, although a concern was expressed about traffic being directed through two roundabouts and the possible traffic impact in the event that a second river crossing is constructed at Washington Street. There was a concern expressed about the grade at 7h Street where it approaches the roundabout located near the Fallon Avenue overpass. Jeff O'Neill commented that the grade is actually of value because drivers do not need, to see vehicles approaching from the other direction; drivers attention should be directed at vehicles already in the roundabout. Lloyd Hilgart commented that he prefers Alternate 3A for the roundabouts at 7' Street and the overpass and on the south side at Chelsea. However, he is not convinced that a roundabout is needed at this time where 7t' Street intersects Washington Street. Brian Stumpf noted that the advantage of including the second roundabout at Washington at this time is to reduce the impacts of construction now and then again in the future when it would need to be constructed. Charlotte Gabler also noted that the roundabouts are single lane design. City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 9 111 CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 SELECTING CONCEPT OPTION 3A FOR THE FALLON AVENUE OVERPASS ALIGNMENT, CITY PROJECT NO. ZRCFOS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -2 WITH TOM PERRAULT AND GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. D. Consideration of approving the submission of a letter of intent for an EDA and/or HRA levy Angela Schumann discussed the EDA workshop that was held prior to the Council meeting and explained that Council is being asked to authorize submission of a letter of intent to Wright County for a non - binding EDA and /or HRA levy. This would not indicate approval of any type of a levy at this time; said letter would simply indicate an intent to propose an EDA and/or HRA levy as part of the 2016 budget process. CHARLOTTE GABLER MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO APPROVE THE SUBMISSION OF A LETTER OF INTENT TO WRIGHT COUNTY FOR AN EDA AND /OR HRA LEVY FOR 2016. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 5. Added Items • Donation drop -offs: Charlotte Gabler and Brian Stumpf both commented on the problem with people dumping items outside the Goodwill drop -off box located in the Eastview School parking lot. Goodwill empties the container when it is full, but does not pick up any items that are not accepted in their program. The school is participating with Goodwill this as a fundraiser, and Brian Stumpf feels that this should be addressed with the school district. Wayne Oberg indicated that he had heard from the school and they are not going to continue this if it continues to create problems. • Reucling Carts: Charlotte Gabler asked if larger carts are available for recycling. Wayne Oberg explained that larger carts are not part of the program now; however residents can pay an extra fee to have another cart. Charlotte Gabler asked if the city could check on possibility of larger carts. • Peddlers: Charlotte Gabler asked if peddler information could be posted on city website when they register with the City. Cathy Shuman explained that is already being done. • Friendship Island: Brian Stumpf asked city staff to look at the viability of adding a site for Friendship Island in the former Rivers of Hope office suite. Charlotte Gabler talked about the program and how it functions; she explained that this is not a daycare but rather a day camp for preteens. Brian Stumpf indicated that he has already asked city staff to do a space needs study and would like to include City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 10 111 Friendship Island in that study. Consensus is to report back to Council by the first meeting in July. Lloyd Hilgart asked what they are doing right now for Friendship Island. Charlotte Gabler explained that MCC was using the Warehouse Room but that is also used for a lot of other programs. They have utilized space at the Swan River School, but are running out of room. • MCC wristband expenditure: Brian Stumpf noted that letters of reprimand related to wristband purchasing were placed in the files of the MCC Director and Finance Director and should be considered for the City Administrator. MOTION BY GLEN POSUSTA TO PUT A LETTER OF REPRIMAND IN THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S PERSONNEL FILE REGARDING THE PURCHASE OF WRISTBANDS WITHOUT COUNCIL APPROVAL IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASING POLICY ALLOWANCE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Brian Stumpf reported on the Personnel Committee recommendation to review the city's purchasing policy to make sure that it is clear as to what is allowed and not. Brian Stumpf pointed out that they found expenditures in excess of $10,000 on regularly- budgeted items, such as for sand and salt purchases. 6. Adiournment GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:41 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman(AP Approved: June 8, 2015 Attest: C' inistrator City Council Minutes — May 26, 2015 Page 11 1 11