Parks Commission Agenda Packet 10-08-1991L .
250 Bast Broadway
P. O. Box 1147
Monticello, MN
Phone: (612) 295-2711
Metro: (612) 333-5739
Fax: (612) 295-4404
TO: Monticello Parks Commission, Dean Hoglund, Ken Schwarz, and
Clint Herbst
FROM: Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator
DATE: October 3, 1991
RE: Special meeting notice - October 8, 1991, 5:00 p.m.
The Planning Commission has requested that the Parks Commission convene
to discuss the park dedication issues associated with the East View plat,
which was reviewed by the Planning Commission on October 1, 1991. On
October 1, the Planning Commission tabled further consideration of the
preliminary plat of the East View subdivision pending completion of a
number of details relating to the plat design and pending the Parks
Commission's input on the park dedication plans relating thereto.
A tentative date and time for the special meeting is Tuesday, October 8,
at 5:00 p.m. Please call me if you will have any problems meeting at
City Hall at this time.
As you will note on the attached first draft of the preliminary plat, it
is proposed that Outlot B become the park dedication requirement
associated with the 7-acre East View plat. Outlot B is located between
County Road 39 and the Mississippi River. Following are pro's and con's
associated with accepting Outlot B as park dedication.
1. The actual park area encompassed by Outlot H is larger than the
amount of land required by ordinance for park dedication with each
2. The site is already being used for recreation purposes, as it is a
popular place to fish from shore.
October 3, 1991
Page 2
3. Undeveloped shoreland along the river is relatively rare. It may
make sense to acquire this land for public use even though it will
be difficult to develop it as a park due to its low elevation.
1. It will be very difficult to develop this land as a true park, as
development of parking at this site may be impossible. Outlot B is
much lower than County Road 39, and it may be impossible to deposit
any fill at the site because the area is in the flood plain. All
parking must occur on County Road 39, which could create a hazardous
situation and is not likely to be supported by the county. Prior
to the meeting, City staff will be reviewing the site elevation
grades, etc., and try to determine if it is possible to develop a
parking area somewhere within Outlot B.
2. Use of the area by local residents requires that pedestrians cross
County Road 39.
3. The type of passive park facility that might be envisioned at this
location i.s not likely to be sufficient to address the park
recreation needs of the residents living in the area. Other land
within the nearby area may need to be acquired at some point in the
• future for develapment of a neighborhood park that would better
serve the local recreation needs. This alternative park might
feature playground equipment, ballfields, etc. If the Parks
Commission accepts Outlot B as the park dedication for the plat, it
may wish to note that Outlot B land is not intended to become the
"standard" park resource for the area.
Alternative Actions
1. Motion to approve Outlot B as park land dedicated with the East View
2. Motion to deny approval of Outlot B as park land dedicated with the
East View plat and further recommend that the land owner provide
alternative land area or cash in lieu of Outlot B.
City staff recommends that the City accept Outlot B as park dedication
with the understanding that the shoreland provides a unique park resource
oriented to all city residents and that this land area will not
completely satisfy the park land needs of residents in the area. It
should be noted that additional park land featuring playground equipment,
ballfields, etc., will need to be developed on the south side of County
Road 39 to serve the recreation needs of the city residents in the area.
• Su ortin Data
Copy of resolution defining acceptable park land.
7/a.7/ 9/
WHEREAS, the Parks Commission has been duly appointed by the City
Council to review and comment on parks facilities issues, and
WHEREAS, the Parks Commission has reviewed all existing park
facilities in the city of Monticello, and
WHEREAS, the Parks Commission has noted that existing parks
developed under power lines are not fully developable for park
purposes, as trees, overhead lighting, and park structures are ..^.ot
allowed under power lines, and
WHEREAS, parks under power lines are limited in terms of the type
of park activities that may be conducted, and
WHEREAS, parks under power lines do not create a pleasing
recreational environment which results in under-utilization by the
public they are intended to service, and
. WHEREAS, parks located in residential areas without sufficient
public access create park user/neighbor conflicts, and
WHEREAS, development of usable recreation space is a need in a
growing community.
and City Council deny approval of any preliminary or final plat
that includes development of park land that is under power lines or
bounded on more than two sides by residences.
Adopted this 17th day of July, 1991.
~~~ Chairperson
„~~,~ K~
P Superintendent
r ~
250 last Broadway
P, O. Box 1147
Monticello, MN
Phone: (612) 295-2711
Metro: (61 Z) 333-5739
Pax: (61 Z) 295-4404
TO: Parks Commission
FROM: Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator
DATE: September 13, 1991
RE: Meeting notice/proposed agenda
The regular meeting of the Monticello Parks Commission is scheduled for
Wednesday, September 18, at 7:00 p.m. The proposed agenda is as follows:
1. Call to order.
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2 . Adopt agenda . ~ 5 Je ~, ~ (~ ~ b ~ 1 cM^,
`,.~'I~.~ 3. Consideration of minutes of the regular meeting held
` August 21, 1991.
4. Consideration of providing recommendation regarding City
financial contribution toward development of tennis court
~rw°~ ~~5~„ti~V~ lights.
~'°'~~ ~ ~° ~'sM~ Roger Mack and Dick Frie met with the School District and
O rp6 ~~,rt representatives from a recreation field lighting company to
~ r~^~y ~o~ discuss development of lights at the tennis courts at Pinewood
'r~ ~~°~` Elementary School. The Parks Commission will be asked to
~~ N °~ ~~b"r~ provide a recommendation to the Council regarding any City
~•P~ ~^~~7QrJ`t„~~financial contribution toward development of the tennis court
,(a d ~~ lighting system at Pinewood Elementary.
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~s7P 5. Lions Park update.
As you recall, members of the Lions Club visited with the
Parks Commission and discussed potential development of a
recreation area at Outlot A of the Meadow Oak development.
Since the meeting, City staff has received na additional
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Parks Commission Agenda
September 13, 1991
Page 2
information from the Lions Club regarding their potential
involvement in development of this park. In anticipation of
a park and retention pond in this area, City staff, along with
the help of the City Planner, have prepared a schematic which
shows how the park facility and neighboring church and
residential uses might be integrated. I have attached the
schematic for your review.
6. Other matters.
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Wednesday, August 21, 1991 - 7:U~ p.m.
Members Present: Fran Fair, Bruce Thielen, Larry Nolan, Richard
Frie, Roger Carlson
Others Present: Larry I{ounkel and Harvey Kendall of the Lions
Club, and Tom Holthaus and Steve Holker of
Value Plus Homes
1. The meeting was called to order by Larry Nolan.
A motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Roger Carlson
to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held July l7,
1991. Motion passed unanimously.
Review potential development of a Monticello "Lions Park."
A discussion was held with Lions Club leader, Larry Kounkel,
and Harvey Kendall about the proposed park to be located at
Outlot A of Meadow Oak and possibly to include additional land
between Outlot A and County Road 11$. Kounkel and Kendall
will meet with the Lions Club Board and get back to the Parks
At this point in the meeting, Dick Frie arrived and began to
chair the meeting.
Discuss park deli
residential subd~
oals as they rela
Tom Holthaus and Steve Holker were in attendance to discuss
park design concepts associated with development of the 109-
acre parcel south of the school site. Holthaus and Holker
indicated that the area with the most trees on the site cannot
be developed without eliminating all of the trees; therefore,
it is their intent to turn this area into park land.
The Parks Commission discussed basic design goals for Cardinal
Hills subdivision and came up with the following criteria that
should be followed in completing the design of the Cardinal
Hills park and trail system.
A motion was made by Larry Nolan and seconded by Roger Carlson
to support the development of a two to three-acre park on the
northwest side of the development in the area where trees are
most prevalent. In addition, the park system design should be
consistent with the following criteria:
Page l
Parks Commission Minutes - 8/21/91
1. Parks designed with this development should have a
neighborhood focus and not be situated to attract
city-wide use.
2. Trailway system should be designed to connect park
area and should connect logical points of access to
school district grogerty and to match points of
access to sidewalk and trailway systems external to
the development area.
3. The neighborhood parks should include development
of at least two tot lots.
4. Park development should be consistent with Parks
Commission Resolution 91-1 adopted by the Parks
Commission at the previuos meeting.
5. Walkways and trailways may extend along one side of
pond areas.
In general, the Parks Commission indicated that the land
dedication requirement emphasized trail development at the
expense of actual park development. Motion carried
5. Review status of Chamber of Commerce office development.
O'Neill informed the Parks Commission that the City may be
moving forward toward refurbishment of the information center
for the purpose of developing a Chamber office. He noted that
the Public Works Director has been informed that the Parks
Commission desires to accept the responsibility for
landscaping the site.
After discussion, a motion was made by E'ran Fair and seconded
by Bruce Thielen to request Council authorization to complete
the landscaping of the Chamber office site at a proposed
budget amount of $3,000. Said landscaping design is to
incorporate streetscape design elements. Motion carried
Roger Mack indicated that he would prepare some design ideas
for the Parks Commission to consider at an upcoming meeting
this winter. It was also determined that representatives from
the Chamber of Commerce should be invited to review
landscaping plans.
Page 2
Parks Commission Minutes - 8/21/91
6. Other business.
The Parks Commission discussed the potential of requesting
that Council consider financing a portion of the cost to light
the tennis courts. The Parks Commission reviewed recent
action by the City of Elk River to finance a greater portion
of the development of park facilities in the city of Elk
River. It was the consensus of the Parks Commission that the
City should be taking a more active role in developing and
maintaining recreation facilities for the citizens of
Monticello and that the school district role in providing
recreation should be re-examined.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill suggested that the Parks
Commission, City Council, Monticello School Board, and
Monticello Township conduct a workshop at which time issues
relating to recreation could be discussed.
After discussion, a motion was made by Larry Nolan and
seconded by Roger Carlson to direct staff to investigate the
cost to install lighting at the tennis courts, discuss the
matter with Shelley Johnson, and prepare information for Parks
Commission review at a subsequent meeting. Motion carried
Jeff O'Neill
Assistant Administrator
Page 3