City Council Minutes 08-31-1993 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, August 31, 1993 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Patty Olsen Members Absent: Brad Fyle 1. Review preliminary results of hospital district facility site planning. Mayor Maus opened the meeting and welcomed those in attendance which included: Monticello HRA, Planning Commission, Monticello -Big Lake Hospital District Board, staff, and residents living near the hospital district campus. Mayor Maus noted that the ongoing expansion of the hospital district has resulted in land use conflicts that need to addressed. Issues that the study addresses include: providing sufficient parking and adequate access to the site; reducing impact on the adjacent residential areas; identifying the best location for future uses, such as senior housing on the site; and finding the best location for a heliport. These issues need to be addressed before further expansion of the site can occur. Assistant Administrator O'Neill noted that the preliminary study resulted from meetings between hospital district and City representatives in a work group setting. The purpose of this meeting is to communicate some of the preliminary ideas established by the work group, and obtain feedback from the governing bodies and the local neighborhood. City Planner Steve Grittman and his associate Liz Stockman, reviewed their report. In their review, they identified site issues and an ultimate concept plan which addressed the site issues identified. They also reviewed an interim concept plan that shows a phased approach to achieving the ultimate concept plan. A copy of the report is incorporated into the meeting minutes and attached hereto. Discussion ensued. Individuals from the neighborhood were concerned that the concept plan showed that the River Street access to the hospital district campus would remain open. City Planner Steve Grittman responded by saying that access to River Street will remain open, but the driveway design is intended to discourage use of the River Street access. Grittman explained that the River Street access is necessary, because it provides a secondary way for emergency vehicles to enter the site. Page 1 Special Council Minutes - 8/31/93 Harold Pittman expressed his concern that a heliport was not identified on the short-term plan. Steve Grittman noted that Federal Aviation Administration requirements limit the location of the heliport to a position directly in front or west of the hospital structure. Placement of the heliport at either locationwould result in the loss of many parking spaces and would limit drive areas. At present, the site is 45 stalls short of having the parking it needs. Placement of the heliport in the areas proposed for parking would greatly increase the parking deficiency; therefore, the heliport was not included in the short-term plan. Grittman noted that 12 - 17 take -off and landings occur each year and that the hospital district needs to determine if this level of use justifies the taking of so many parking spaces. Under the ultimate plan, future building expansion could include development of a rooftop heliport. A concern was noted that the ultimate plan called for development of a parking ramp, which is very expensive. Steve Grittman concurred that parking ramps are very expensive. However, the site has limited capacity for continued development of parking at grade level and that at some point, in order for building expansion to occur, parking will need to be provided for on a ramp. Grittman also noted that the topography of the site is perfectly suited for development of a parking ramp. Ken Maus requested that the Planner provide further detail as to how much more building area can be constructed on the present site before a parking ramp needs to be constructed. Phil White was concerned that the interim plan did not provide for direct access to the dental clinic. He was concerned that his facility would become an island in the hospital district property. Steve Grittman noted that access easements will need to be granted to allow the interim plan to be executed. It was also suggested that the interim plan parking arrangement be modified to allow a more direct access to the clinic site through the proposed hospital parking area. After discussion, Assistant Administrator O'Neill closed the meeting by noting that the Hospital Board and the City Council will have the opportunity to meet separately to review the plan in detail and consider its endorsement. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. P L Je-,ff eil Assistant Administrator Page 2