City Council Resolution 2013-101CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2013 -101 ADOPTING THE 2014 BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING SPECIFIC FINANCE - RELATED ACTIVITIES WHEREAS, the budget is the fiscal blue print for the entire year where the City Council has considered and incorporated all foreseeable spending plans for 2014; and WHEREAS, the City, through sound fiscal policy, establishes that current revenues will be used to finance current expenditures and regularly- occurring capital expenditures; and WHEREAS, the City Council shall by this resolution set forth the total expenditures and uses, excluding depreciation, and the total revenues and other sources for each budgeted fund. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello the following is hereby approved: SECTION 1. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS: Fund 2014 Bud etl General Fund $ 6,760,000 Special Revenue Funds Economic Development 720,957 .. D Pu ty Re gistrar.. 380 • Minnesota Investment - _Monticello Comm Ln4 Center _ 2,815,000 Park & Pathway Dedication 494,500 Total Special Revenue Funds 4,411,040 1 Debt Service Fu=_ 2007A G.O. Improvement Bond _ _ _, _ _ 736,100 1 !2008A G.O. Sewer Refunding 1049,593 ; �2008A G.O. Revenue Refunding 1 1,037,860 2010A G.O. Improvement Bond _ 360,650 2011A G.O. Refunding Bond 2,880,650 ITotal Debt Service Funds 6,064,8§1j Capital Prole9J Funds ,Capital Project i 11785,000 'Closed Bond Fund _ _ 494,500 iStormwater Access 366,300 Street Lighting Improvement i _75,000 C ;Street Construction 400,000 Total Capital Project Funds ! 3,120,800 i Enterprise Funds_ ;.Water j 1,430,452 _ 3,170,564 , "Liquor - :.. 4,998,455 ^Cemetery - _ -I. 29,172 '• :Fiber Optics ! 1,820,000 ;Total Enter rise Funds 11,448,643 Internal Service Funds IT Services (Authorized) 252,711 Central Equipment Authorized 750,317 ;Total Internal Service Funds 1,003,028 :Total All Funds $ 32,808,364 SECTION 2. ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM ALL SOURCES: Fund 2014 Bud 4 iGeneral Fund $ 6,760,000 . 'Special Revenue Funds Economic Development 967,908 IDepuiy Registrar - _ 381,050 :Minnesota Investment 25,000, I - _._.. _ - -- - -- !Monticello Communes Center -- ` 2,815,000 _ Park & Pathway Dedication 499,500 I Total Special Revenue Funds 4,688,458 Debt Service Funds____ 2007A G.O. Improvement Bond _ 662,022 2008A G.O. Sewer Refunding _._ ..__... _ -_- 2008A G.O. Revenue Refunding _955,000 0,500 ) 2010A G. O_Improvement Bond r_ 296,948 i 2011A G.O. Refunding Bond 2,774,093 Total Debt Service Funds 5,728,563 ! Capltal PrgeW Funds Capital Project 1_,670,000 I ;Closed Bond Fund 288,000 Storm-vater Access 70,000 1 (Street Lighting Improv_em_ent 130,000 1 i Street Construction 25,000 � Total Capital Project Funds 2,183,000 , . Enterprise Funds • Water �1,373,620 I 4,954,5001 Cemetery.._ 25,608 EFiber Optics 1,820,000 1 Total Enterprise Funds 10,346,678 Internal fgrvicg Funds IT Services (Authorized) 252,808 1 Central EqIui pmant Authorized 129,330 I Total Internal Service Funds 382,138 Total All Funds $ 30, 088, 837 SECTION 3. TRANSFERS: By resolution, the Council can amend or rescind this section as the year progresses. The following list does not include any transfers for projects that have not received formal council authorization. a. To Community Center Fund from Deputy Registrar (DMV) Fund - $50,000. b. To 2011A GO Improvement Bond Fund from Sewage Fund - $704,540, Storm Sewer Access Fund - $266,500, Water Fund - $500,000, and EDA/TIF - $278,353 (Total - $1,749,393). c. To 2008A GO Sewer Revenue Refunding Bond Fund from Sewage Fund - $450,000. d. To 2008A Revenue Refunding Bond Fund from Community Center Fund - $1,040,000. e. To 2010A GO Improvement Bond Fund from Sewage Fund - $128,795, Storm Sewer Access Fund - $59,800 and Water Fund $51,000 (Total - $239,595). f. To EDA Fund from General Fund - $93,000. g. To FiberNet Fund from Liquor Fund - $350,000. SECTION 4. CAPITAL EQUIPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION: a) Items listed in section below authorizing issuance of capital equipment debt. SECTION 5. OTHER BUDGET AUTHORIZING ACTIONS: a. Removes prior commitments and assignments, except those required by GASB, from fund balance classifications. b. Amends the list of reimbursable equipment in Resolution #2013 -018 to include with approximate costs as follows: 1) blacktop planer - $22,000; 2) router - $22,000; 3) air compressor - $20,000. c. Approves a 1% cost -of- living adjustment to full -time, part-time (excluding MCC staff and volunteer fire personnel), and seasonal employees for the pay period commencing on January 11, 2014. d. Establishes the 2014 monthly family health and dental insurance benefits at $1218.20 and $120.72, respectively; and the 2014 monthly single health and dental insurance benefits at $515.50 and $41.59, respectively. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 9h day of December, 2013. CITY OF MONTICELLO Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: ' eill, City Administrator