City Council Resolution 2014-16CITY OF MONTICELLO
RESOLUTION NO. 2014 - 016
Motion By: Burvee Seconded By: Heidemann
WHEREAS, SRCS, on behalf of the Swan River Charter School, has requested a Planned Unit
Development to permit expansion of its facility at 500 and 503 Maple Street, and
WHEREAS, the expansion will be located on a separate parcel from the existing facility; and
WHEREAS, the applicants and the City have identified a list of objectives known as the Public
Values Statement for the Swan River PUD; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 4, 2014 on the
application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present
information to the Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report,
which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings
of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval:
1. The proposed Concept and Development Stage of the Swan River Planned Unit
Development is generally consistent with the intent of the City's zoning regulations
governing PUD projects.
2. The proposed Concept and Development Stage of the Swan River Planned Unit
Development is generally consistent with the intent of the Public Values Statement
adopted by the Planning Commission and City Council for this project.
3. With recommendations of staff incorporated into this resolution, the project will be
eligible for PUD approval.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of
Monticello, Minnesota, that Commission recommends adoption of the PUD zoning ordinance
and approval of the Concept and Development Stage PUD and PUD rezoning for Swan River
Charter School, with the conditions as follows:
1. The addition of dormers or decorative features (e.g. cupolas and skylight, etc.) to the roof
of the new school building to add interest to the upper portion of the building. Increase
pitch of roof, or mirror features from existing building.
2. The school should consider how the PUD design might cater to bicycle or pedestrian
access from a trail to the north (along the rail ROW), and given the accessibility of
bicycles to the site, how bicycle parking facilities can be provided.
3. Proposed dogwood shrubs should be coupled with additional shrubs or small trees
throughout the PUD site. Along the rail road additional shrubs /small trees should be used
to create a more opaque screening affect, and along the south and west property lines
additional shrubs /small trees should be added to create a more continuous buffer through
winter months. Recommended species include viburnums, ninebarks, American elder,
tall American arborvitae varieties (or other evergreens adapted to the region), etc.
4. The applicants should consider implementing additional areas of shrubs or small trees in
association with woodland/shade tolerant seed mixes along north and east portions of the
site. There are numerous low maintenance native or non - native cultivars that can serve
these functions (e.g. compact viburnum species, ninebarks, dwarf bush honeysuckles,
chokeberries, white cedars, serviceberries or other small fruiting trees, fragrant sumac,
5. The applicant shall adhere to tree protections standards provided in Chapter 4 Section 4.2
of the Zoning Ordinance (no tree protection currently provided).
6. Provide a maintenance plan for of seed mixes & shrub /tree plantings (removal of
invasives or weeds, and replacement of any dead specimens).
7. The applicants shall provide a lighting plan for review, and address any deviation from
8. The applicants shall provide a signage plan (if any), and should address any deviation
from standards.
9. Implementation of (colored stamped) pervious pavers in the landscaping design, as
opposed to a plain concrete walk.
10. The proposed grading, drainage, and erosion control measures are subject to review and
approval by the City Engineer. The applicants are required to adhere to any
recommendations from the City Engineer as a condition of PUD approval.
11. The applicants will be responsible for pedestrian crossing improvements, including
signage, and long -term maintenance.
12. Provide details of the proposed gazebo, including materials and dimensions. Upon
installation, accessory structures may not exceed 15 feet.
13. Complete and submit Final Stage PUD documents consistent with the required conditions
of approval for inclusion in the final PUD ordinance and development contract.
14. Execution of a development contract securing the required improvements.
ADOPTED this 4th day of March, 2014, by the Planning Commission of the City of
Monticello, Minnesota.
Angela Sc#Wan#, Community Development Director