Parks Commission Agenda Packet 12-18-1991~ !b ~~,of,~~ ~~, ~o~ AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, December 18, 1991 - 7:00 p.m. Members: Fran Fair, Bruce Thielen, Larry Nolan, Dick Frie, Roger Carlson 1. Call to order. Z. Adopt agenda. 3. Consideration of minutes of the regular meeting held November 20, 1991. 4. Consideration of minutes of the special meeting held December 4, 1991. 5. Review pedestrian trail development policies of various communities and begin development of a local policy. Attached with the November 20 Parks Commission agenda is the City of Plymouth's comprehensive plan for development of community trails along with the City of Eagan's comprehensive policy for trail development. Please review these documents in detail and note policies that you feel should apply to the City of Monticello. Attached with this agenda is another copy of the summary of ~~ the trail policies adopted by Plymouth and Eden Prairie. It is hoped that we can go through this summary statement and ~S begin development of a policy for the City of Monticello. /~~~ If time allows, we may wish to review the city map and begin the process of identifying trail systems. Please note that the City has already established a sidewalk grid system for the old part of Monticello. It will be important to integrate trail system development with the sidewalk grid system already in place. A map of the sidewalk grid system will be available at the meeting. 6. ,~ Aquatic Center update. / It is my understanding that the Parks Commission would like to l ask the City Council at the first meeting in January to ~~'` ~ authorize establishment of a task force and authorize an ~ expenditure of $10,000 for the feasibility report. It is suggested that the Parks Commission develop a list of names of people that will be serving on this task force. This list could be submitted to the City Council for review and approval at the meeting in January. 7. Other. ~~~ 8. Adjourn. ` _ ~~xti MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, November 20, 1991 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Fran Fair, Bruce Thielen, Dick Frie, Roger Carlson Members Absent: Larry Nolan 3. Consideration of minutes of the re ular meetin held October 16, 1991. After discussion, a motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Bruce Thielen to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held October 16, 1991, as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Consideration of minutes of s ecial meetin held October 8 1991. After discussion, a motion was made by Fran Fair and seconded by Roger Carlson to approve the minutes of the special meeting held October 8, 1991. Motion carried unanimously. • 5. View video to a of Cit of Winona Munici al Pool Pro ect and discuss o01 desi n and cost issues with Tom Schaffer of Associated Paol Builders, Inc. Parks Commission reviewed the City of Winona video tape, which described the development process and design of the City of Winona pool developed in 1989. After the video tape, the Parks Commission discussed pool design concepts with Tom Schaffer and Rick Greenlee. Early in the discussion, it was determined that the Parks Commission should not refer to the facility as a pool, but rather the Commission should refer to the project as an aquatic center that is geared to serving the recreation needs of a cross section of the community. The Parks Commission discussed various amenities that might be included in the aquatic center, including a wet sandbox, zero depth swimming area, water slide, concession area, etc. At the end of the discussion, it was determined that the best way to build a consensus on future direction with regard to aquatic center development would be through establishment of a task force. It was suggested that the membership of the task force could be made up of members from the USA Club Swim Team, senior citizen group, Lions Club, Ministerial Association, City Hall, etc. It was also determined that a feasibility study would need to be done before an aquatic Page 1 Parks Commission Minutes - 1]./20/91 center could be developed. A feasibility study will cost $7,500 to $9,500. It was concluded that the Parks Commission should present the City Council with the concept of establishing a task force for the purpose of defining the need for an aquatic center and for the purpose of defining the cost and location of such a center. The Commission thanked Rick Greenlee and Tom Schaffer for their assistance on this matter. 6. Review edestrian trail develo ment olicies of various communities and be in develo ment of a local olic . This item was tabled due to lack of time. 7. Ro er Mack re ort on availabilit of stara e s ace for Women's Fast Pitch Softball Association. Roger Mack noted that the old f ire hall is not a very good place far storage of the softball equipment, as this space may not be available in the future, and security may also be a problem. Roger Mack was directed to send the Softball Association a letter indicating that the City does not have any room to store the softball equipment. A special meeting of the Parks Commission was established for Wednesday, December 4, at 7:00 p.m. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator Page 2 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTTCELLO PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, December 4, 1991 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Fran Fair, Larry Nolan, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Guests Present: Richard Greenlee and Thomas Schaffer 1. Roger Mack presented the five-year capital improvement plan. 2. Indeco made a presentation on preliminary aquatic center. Rick Greenlee and Tom Schaffer will make a drawing of the concept, including entire site ideas, which will be presented at a special meeting of the Parks Commission set for January 8, 1992. 3. A motion was made by Larry Nolan and seconded by Bruce Thielen to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Roger Mack Street/Park Superintendent • TRAIL SYSTEM ISSUES/POLICIES - 11/2p/91 • POLICIES/ISSUES PLYM EP MONT GENERAL POLICYSTATEMENT ~ [Aetc>OS~afi.~n.e-tip ~ {f`{~~~„~ o-~~~orp Should reflect quality of life values of the community According to surveys, residents support trail development Trails are popular and well used by the public x x x x x PLANNING PHILOSOPHY Comply with plans recognized by the CC, PC, PC Identify need for trail development in planning process Should reflect citizens needs, consistent with Park and Open space plan Comply with plans recognized by the Monticello School District Responsive to community-wide desires and user group needs All Street planning shall include review of trails and sdwlk5 Comply with plans recognized by other interest groups Trail system should integrate new residential and comm areas as they emerge Trial patterns should be dictated by population density and dev Collector roads to schools need sdwlk and bike path The plan shall designate routes for pedestrians and bikers Should serve existing community needs and anticipate growth trends Satisfy existing needs and grow with community dev. trends • City-wide trail system to minimize pedestrian/vehicle conflicts TRAIL DESIGN GOALS -ALL TRAILS Trail design should reflect specific use Efficient and avoid duplicat(on Design should utilize, but remain sensitive natural areas Never puts trails between homes unless it makes total sense Trails through residential areas taken as outlots Trails through commercial areas taken as easements Class II trail is striped portion of collector road Trails Shall be constructed to proper standards Roadway and utility easement should be considered for corridors Develop in a cost effective manner Trails are outlots, 40' wide with room to screen, 13' paved ashphalt surface Provide year round multiple use Motorized vehicles shall be prohibited on City trail system Shall complement abutting community trail planning efforts Where possible trail corridors shalt utilize natural amenities Location and design to minimize neg. effects on adjoining land Should be consistent with other govt. agency objectives, coordinate T~ DESIGN GOALS - 7RANSPORATION TRAILS A pedestrian network shall be established linking neighborhoods Require both asphalt (bike) + concrte sdwlk -high use trails Parks, schools, libraries, shopping ores shall be linked. Transportation trails identified based on usefulness or functionality x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Where traffic is heavy or fast, separate trail from roadway x Class II trail noted by signs, no striping x Class I trail separate from roadway x Established streets that should have a trail in time Separate trails from streets where possible x Installed with all new collector streets Trails are part of the trans. syst.- "get em here to there" x Connect park, open space, recreation, school, population centers x Adjacent to collector streets, Transportation spine of City TRAIL DESIGN GOALS -PRIVATE TRAILS Homeowner assoc. governs trails not on the plan. x x TRAIL DESIGN GOALS -RECREATION TRAILS Generally found within community parks or linear parks x Recreation trail is nat. resource oriented-place of interest x Trails around lakes areas suited to recreation use x TRAIL FINANGING CONSIDERATIONS Financial assistance focused on MNDOT Bikeways Grants Program x Financial assistance focused on MSA and CSAH funds x All available finance assistance should be used to implement trail system x Financial assistance focused on LAWCON and DNR grants x Funded by General fund, referendum, grants,eic Trail corridors should be secured ASAP and financially prudent x Fed, state, county financial assistance shall be requested x When possible, trail land should be provided by private by easement or dedication x Funded through cash park fees or park bond referendums x Financial assistnce focused on Developers x Trait system included in CIP and coordinated with RD const projects x The City should be able to afford to build and maintain the trails x Financial assistance focused on Wright County Parks/Highways x Developers responsible for providing trailway finished grade x PARK DEDICATION ISSUES Do not take trail land in lieu of park dedication x Park dedication credit if trail is identified in plan & installed x x Trail construction not funded with cash park fees x x Park dedication credit not given for trail easements in commerical areas x Construction of trails in lieu of Park done by developers x Grading of future trail beds is required x No park dedication credit for trail development not on plan x Trail amenities could be accepted in lieu of park dedication x Corridor acquisition higher priority than trail construction x f~ENANCEISSUES Trail System should encourage user upkeep x The City should be able to maintain system -financially x City Clears trails in the wintertime x