City Council Minutes 03-17-1992 SpecialMINUTES
Tuesday, March 17, 1992 - 7:00 p.m.
Members Present: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brad
Fyle, Dan Blonigen
Members Absent: None
2. Interviews and selection of an architect/engineer for design
and construction administration of the public works facility
expansion, phase I.
Three architectural/engineering firms presented proposals to
the City Council for designing and administering the
construction of a 15,000 sq ft public works facility
maintenance building. The City Council had requested
proposals from Toltz, King, Duvall, Anderson & Associates of
St. Paul, Minnesota; Rieke, Carroll, Muller & Associates of
Minnetonka; and Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Associates of
Each firm presented their proposal for designing the facility
to meet the City's needs and explained their proposed
construction schedule and services they intended to provide.
After completion of the interviews, Council then discussed the
individual merits of each proposal.
It was the general consensus of the Council that all three
firms appeared well qualified and very interested in working
for the City on this new project. Since all three firms
appeared qualified to prepare construction documents to
satisfy the needs of the City, the Council concentrated their
discussion in the area of construction administration services
that each firm proposed to provide.
It was noted that all three firms were proposing to provide a
different level of construction inspection services, which was
reflected in their cost proposal. It was the opinion of the
public works department personnel that certain areas of the
construction, including footings, interior concrete floor, and
roofing systems, were critical areas of the construction phase
that needed an extra amount of architectural/engineering
inspection to ensure a quality product. The proposal
submitted by TKDA appeared to provide the highest level of
construction inspection services but also resulted in a higher
cost to the City.
Mayor Maus noted that this project should not be considered
that complex; and if there was no compelling reason to utilize
a different architect or engineer than the City Engineer, it
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Special Council Minutes - 3/17/92
may be in the best interest in the long term to continue
utilizing OSM's services if they would agree to provide
additional inspection services as part of their bid proposal.
A motion was made by Clint Herbst, seconded by Brad Fyle, and
unanimously carried to authorize the selection of Orr-Schelen-
Mayeron & Associates in conjunction with Winsor/Faricy
Architectural Firm to design and provide construction
administration services for phase I of the public works
building provided they were acceptable to providing additional
inspection services of at least 60 hours for the construction
phases of footings, interior floor, and roofing construction.
Motion was contingent upon the additional hours being provided
at the not -to -exceed fee of $46,500. If the additional
inspection services requested were not acceptable to OSM, the
Council would accept the proposal submitted by TKDA.
3. Consideration of purchase of above -ground fuel tanks for the
public works facility.
As part of the public works expansion project, existing
underground fuel tanks will be removed to allow for
construction of the new facility. In order for the public
works department to have an uninterrupted supply of fuel, the
public works department requested authorization to purchase a
2,000 gallon split tank that would allow 1,000 gallons of
diesel and 1,000 gallons of gasoline to be stored with a
metering pump system. The cost of the new tank and pumps were
Council members discussed whether the installation of the
above -ground tanks were necessary immediately and expressed
concerns over the tanks being possibly damaged during
construction of the public works building. It was noted by
the public works department that not having on-site storage of
fuel would be very inconvenient if all city equipment needed
to refuel at local gas stations.
As a result, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson, seconded
by Clint Herbst, and unanimously carried to authorize the
purchase of a 2,000 gallon split tank and pumping equipment
from Pump & Meter Service, Inc., at a cost of $13,712.74.
Rick Wolfstp,ller
City Administrator
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