City Council Resolution 2007-71IDUESO1,UTION # 2007 -71 Monticello City Wright County, Minnesota The City Council is hereby authorized to: a) Apply for a grant from the Office of the Secretary of State of Minnesota for Federal fiends pursuant to Title II, Section 261 of the Help America Note Act for the sole purpose of improving access to polling places in this city for persons with disabilities; b) Enter into an agreement with the Office of the Secretary of State governing the receipt, expenditure, reimbursement and reporting of such a grant; c) Receive and account separately in a mariner sufficient to meet generally accepted government accounting principles sufficient to pass federal audit; and d) Expend any sums received in the manner indicated in the grant application and agreement with the Office of the Secretary of State. No further action by a city council meeting is required for actions related to this grant. Adopted this 24th day of sePt , 200 �L�I�