Parks Commission Agenda Packet 12-04-1991 . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, December 4, 1991 - 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Dick Frie, Fran Fair, Larry Nolan, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen Guests Present: Richard Greenlee and Thomas Schaffer 1. Roger Mack presented the five-year capital improvement plan. 2. Indeco made a presentation on preliminary aquatic center. Rick Greenlee and Tom Schaffer will make a drawing of the concept, including entire site ideas, which will be presented at a special meeting of the Parks Commission set for January 8, 1992. 3. A motion was made by Larry Nolan and seconded by Bruce Thielen to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Roger Mack Street/Park Superintendent . . . ~- 7 6'~' ;' C ;i:.~ OR - ~_.. '.= UJ ,~, ~LI . C) AOUA'le C[NTTR O[BT IMPACT 15 MIIL.ION .- 15 YEARS 6% 1.1 .---...--...---..... 0.9 - --------+, -'''''" ,,'\+,-- ......."""""""""----.,- .--- .---.- 0.7 0.5 O.~i - - mn-T--------r -------T----- 1'---,-"-' 1 .....-1 1'-' '1"" 1987 88 89 91 94 97 98 99 2000 95 96 90 92 93 CURRENT Df III I..UAD 1987 THROUGH 2000 +- AQUATIC DEBT IMPACT Debt service on projects already completed is dropping due to completion of debt repayment associated with projects completed in the late 1970's. Adding aquatic center debt to the existing debt will result in a slight reduction in the pace of the overall debt retirement. Please note t.ha t except for 1992, debt associated with other competing projects has not been incorporated into this chart. OD.