City Council Resolution 1997-08RESOLUTION 97-$ A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE FORMATION OF A COALITION OF CITIES TO DEAL WITH TAX REFORM FOR INVESTOR-OWNED UTILITIES REGARDING TAX ON PERSONAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is the host to the NSP Nuclear Power Plant; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello derives revenues from the energy facility located in Monticello in the form of personal property taxes on machinery, which amounts to over 57°l0 of the total tax levy for the year 1997; and WHEREAS, a study conducted by the Minnesota Department of Revenue in conjunction with the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and the Department of Public Service has issued a study dated January 15, 1997, entitled "Analysis of Utility Taxation in Minnesota" and has presented such information before the Senate Subcommittee for Property Tax and Local Government Budget Division, Senator Sandra L. Pappas, Chair, on February 5, 1997; and WHEREAS, the above-referenced study by the Department of Revenue has in fact recommended the decreased use or elimination of personal property tax as a source of revenue for local entities; and WHEREAS, investor-owned utilities (IOU's) have proposed legislation which would remove personal property tax from the available tax capacities of the affected jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, jurisdictions who lose tax capacity could see significant increases in property taxes at the local level as a result of such legislation without replacement revenues; and WHEREAS, the replacement revenues of a utility or "meter" tax or other such remedies do not provide the same assurance of cash flow and leaves affected jurisdictions with an inability to deal adequately with financial concerns; and WHEREAS, the replacement revenues would also be subject to collection and "tinkering" by the state giving jurisdictions inadequate security in receipt of revenues both now and in the future with the added responsibility of sunsetting the revenue stream completely; and WHEREAS, with the loss of the personal property taxes, the affected jurisdictions will experience an adverse impact in its ability to bond, its bond ratings, its long- term debt, and will experience problems with outstanding debt and including issues concerning bond disclosure requirements. Resolution 97- s Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City of Monticello shall appoint the City Administrator as the liaison to work with other similarly-affected governmental entities and representatives of the investor-owned utility groups in a joint effort to develop appropriate language in any potential legislation introduced to state legislators that would protect the revenue sources and taxing capabilities of governmental entities with utility personal property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the coalition of cities will lobby toward the coalition's goal of delaying any personal property tax reform during the current legislative session until a satisfactory proposal with replacement revenue sources is established. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the representatives will work as committee members for the purpose of giving direction to lobbyists working on the issue as well as the generation of a coalition budget and formula for funding of the effort. Adopted this 10th day of March, 1997. ,, /, ~~ - ' Mayor City Administrat