City Council Resolution 1995-26RESOLUTION 95- 26
WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has prepared an Environmental Assessment
Worksheet for this project, completed the Environmental Assessment Worksheet
process, and has established the Findings of Fact and Conclusions as shown in the
attached document;
Findings of Fact and Conclusions as attached, that the City of Monticello hereby
makes a negative declaration of impact and, therefore, an Environmental Impact
Statement is not required.
Adopted by the City Council this 10th day of April, 1995.
City Administr*r
Klein Farms development is a proposed single family and multi -family subdivision located on 180.3 acres
in Wright County. As part of this proposed project, the City of Monticello will extend a 21" sanitary sewer
trunk line and water main services to the development. This trunk sewer will have sufficient capacity to
serve future development to the east, west, and south, comprising approximately 785 acres. There is also
a proposed major street within the 180.3 acre site (School Boulevard), and other minor streets, all which
will be paved, and associated curb, gutter and storm sewer. The project site will be constructed in several
phases and when completed, will consist of 240 single family residences and 272 multi -family residences.
An Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) was prepared on the project. The EAW, comments on
the EAW, responses to the comments, and other pertinent materials have been reviewed, and the City of
Monticello hereby makes the following Findings of Fact and Conclusions.
1. The development of the site as a residential development is consistent with the long-range plans for
the area.
2. No fish, wildlife or ecologically sensitive resources have been identified to be threatened or
endangered as a result of the development of the land for residential development.
3. There are no shoreland districts on the site.
4. Two wetlands have been delineated by the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) map. The largest
wetland is 3.1 acres, located in the southeast corner of the project site. The other wetland, located
in the north half of the southeast quarter is approximately 1.5 acres, and was previously drained for
agricultural purposes. This area is currently being cultivated. Based on the information obtained
through the EAW, it appears that the developer will need to obtain permits from the Army Corps of
Engineers and the Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District for this project for development
of any wetlands on-site.
5. The developer has agreed to close the existing wells and septic system on the site in accordance with
the Rules and Regulations of the State of Minnesota.
6. Standard erosion control measures required by the City of Monticello, Wright County and the State
of Minnesota will be followed during and after construction of the facility. Final site preparation and
erosion control will require repair and re-establishment of vegetation on all disturbed areas not utilized
by residences. The developer will prepare a Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. These
measures will consist of the placement and maintenance of erosion and sediment control devices such
as silt fences and bale checks, staging grading and excavation to limit wind blown soil and the creation
of temporary sedimentation ponds for run-off control during construction. The developer will also
prepare a Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. These measures will consist of the
development of a sedimentation basin that complies with local, state, and federal regulations regarding
stormwater management.
7. Approximately 140,000 gallons of domestic sewage will be generated by the proposed development
per day. All sanitary sewage will be discharged into the City of Monticello sanitary sewer system and
processed through the wastewater treatment plant. Sewer service to the area will consist of 10" to
21" interceptor lines, routed to provide service to the south-central development area. This
development area includes the service area covered by this EAW as well surrounding potential
development areas.
The City of Monticello operates its own wastewater treatment plant. Currently the plant has available
capacity to treat the amount of wastewater anticipated from the project site described herein, however,
the rapid development of the City is causing the plant to reach the capacity. The City council will
determine whether expansion occurs and subsequently whether this entire site can be served. The
City is currently considering expansion of the plant for the interim as well as a 10-20 year expansion.
8. The primary impacted roadways from development of the project site are Fallon Ave. located on the
eastern boundary of the project site, County Road 117 located on the western boundary of the project
site and School Boulevard which will be expanded west through the project site. Traffic volumes as
a result of the completed development project site will increase the demands placed on these existing
roadways. A Transportation Study prepared by the City in June 1994 identified several
recommendations to alleviate future impacts of increased traffic volumes in the vicinity of the project
9. Development of the project site will increase traffic volumes. However, the Transportation Study's
recommendations for roadway improvements will minimize traffic congestion and is not likely to cause
any significant decrease in air quality.
10. Construction should not generate more dust than currently occurs with the farming operation on the
site. Dust during construction will be minimized by accomplishing the site grading in an expeditious
manner and through watering of the area as conditions require. After seeding and sodding, dust will
not be generated.
11. The project site is located in an area experiencing development and has planned for such growth.
Currently, 160 acres (SE 1/4, Sect. 14, T 121 N, R 25W) of the project site is located within Monticello
Township. This property is identified as a Major Growth Area in the Wright County Land Use Plan.
It is also identified as an urbanization area under the joint City/Township agreement governing
annexation. The City of Monticello and Monticello Township have agreed in principle to allow the
annexation to occur. The Municipal board intends to consider annexation on May 5th. When the 160
acre property is annexed by the City of Monticello, it will be zoned R-1 (Single Family Residential) and
R -PUD (Residential -Planned Unit Development). The remaining 20.3 acres, located within the City
of Monticello, is currently zoned PZ -M (Performance Zoned -Mixed). Under PZ -M designation, this area
can be used for commercial or residential uses. The developer intends to develop the property for
residential purposes at a medium density population level consisting of 5 -units per acre. The
annexation and rezoning of the 180.3 acre property are consistent with the long-range plans for the
12. The area surrounding the proposed site is planned to be developed into residential, industrial and
business uses. The cumulative impact to the area as a result of the development of the site and the
surrounding area will mean an increase in stormwater runoff as the amount of impervious surface
increases. The City of Monticello has developed and is in the process of developing stormwater
retention ponds in the vicinity of the project site as well as drainage systems to ensure that increased
runoff is directed towards the Mississippi River. The City will design additional stormwater ponds in
accordance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations to ensure adequate treatment of the
water for removal of potential pollutants prior to discharge to the Mississippi River.
13. The Minnesota Department of Health expressed a concern regarding the proximity of the proposed
holding pond to Monticello's Well Number 4. To address this concern, the City will install, as part of
the development contract, a monitoring well to determine if there is a hydraulic connection between
the proposed holding pond and Monticello Well No. 4. If a connection exists, options will need to be
considered, including installation of a liner as part of the developers contract. No grading n the
affected area will be allowed until the determination is made with regard t the liner. The City could
also decide to forego the installation of the well and require the developer to install a liner in the
holding pond as part of the initial pond construction.
1. The proposed project is expected to meet applicable local and state requirements, standards, and
guidelines for the development of a residential area. Areas which have a potential for producing
significant environmental effects have been identified and addressed.
2. Based on the criteria established in Minnesota Rule Part 4410.1700, the project does not have the
potential for significant environmental effects.