Library Board Minutes 05-26-1983 . . . ~ MINUTb;S MONTICELLO LIBHARY BOARD 'lliursday, May 26, 1983, 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Warren Smith, Donald Maus, Joel Eriokson, Loren Klein Pat Schwarz, Marge Bauer Members Absent: None 1. 'ilie minutes of the Library Board meeting held on February 24, 1983 were approved. 2. Old Business: a. A brief report was given by Bauer regarding the typewriter purchased by the library for use by patrons in the community room. The type- writer is being used approximately once a day; the only problem being that the community room is not always available and the patron must return at a later time in order to use the typewriter. No one has objected to the small fee and the typewriter oontinues to be in good working order. b. A Canon AS-I camera has been purchased for the 11brary. Both Bauer and Assistant Hogle have completed a class on 35mm photography. Piotures taken with the camera of a recent puppet show at the library were passed around. The camera has taken oare of the lighting problems experienoed with other cameras. A book will be purchased in which to mount the pictures and record the happenings at the library. Approval was given to purchase a carrying case for the camera from petty cash funds. c. Klein gave a report on the screen needed for the air conditioning unit on the roof. A city ordinance requires that all rooftop devices on corner lots be hidden. nle quotes he had secured were: Board and batten installed and stained - $31.10 per foot Board and batte installed - $29.10 Klein made a motion that the soreen be installed and stained to match the trim on the building. Seconded by Erickson and passed. d. 'Ihere was a brief discussion on the install~ti.on "f flood lights on the flag. It was thought to be disrespeotful to leave the flag up at night without lights. It was decided that we would obtain lettering, "Monticello Public Library" for two sides of the building. This lettering would be much the same as is on City Hall and the floods would hit both the flag and the front of the building wi th the lights being hidden in the landsoaping. Loren will get bids from Heskin Eleotric and Olson Electric. e. A brief report was given by Bauer on the Shrine Circus tickets. Klein says these will be available next year and perha.ps we could start the promotion a little earlier to obtain a better response. - 1 - -2- f. A telephone recorder device was installed toda.y. This wHI be in operation when the library is closed and will state our open hours. . As 50% of the calls received when the library is open are oalls asking for hours, the telephone oompany is looking into a devioe whereby all calls would receive this message while those needing additional information would receive staff assistance. The telephone company will report baok on this. g. A brief report was given by Smith on the highway signs ordered. One would be placed on Highway 25 and the other on Broadway and Walnut. They would be what is now the national library symbol. h. A brief discussion was held concerning library stationery and a logo. It was decided that pads and envelopes would be printed for the li.brary although at present we do not have a logo. Warren will continue to work on it. i. The Pinewood book borrowiuor program whereby the Monticello Public Library would borrow app. 200 DOOkS from Pinewood East and approximately 200 books from Pinewood West was discussed. Schwarz had made the original oontact. Final arrangements have been made by Bauer and a system set up to handle the books. The books will be picked up from Pinewood during the first week in June and will be returned by the third week in August. Loren I<lein made a motion that in lieu of a written contract, the Monticello Library will assume responsibility for any missing or damaged books while these books are on loan to us for the summer. Seconded by Smith and passed. . j. It was decided that a private contractor be hired to pour the cement for the bike rack. The cement should have a broom finish and be two pieces for both sides of the raok. Doerr Brothers will be contacted and be advised to move the sprinkler at the time of work. k. Gene Walters was authorized in November to make a number of oabinets for the library. As these are not yet completed, the board decided that a delivery date should be forthcoming from Mr. Walters. The board subsequently direoted Chairman Smith to draft a letter to Mr. Walters asking him to aoknowledge reoeipt of the order and guaranteeing delivery by August 1 or the order will be withdrawn. Seconded by Erickson. Motion passed with Schwarz abstaining. A reply to the letter would be expected within 10 days. . . . . -3- N8W BUSINF~SS: A. A brief report was given by Bauer on the open house. As the first week in May was the one year anniversay of the new building, a birthday party was held for the library. This consisted of cake and coffee being served on Friday, May (, to all patrons visiting the 11brary. Three sheet cakes or 150 pieces of cake were ordered from Jane Herbst with only crumbs remaining at closing time on that day. B. A brief discussion was held concerning Great River Regional's possible plans to open a branch in Big Lake. This may cut into our circulation quite a lot and thereby influence our open hours, staff hours and any other services which are obtained from Great River. It was decided that any protest would be of no avail, we would take no action at this time. c. The budget for the 1984 year should be ready by August 1. A Budget Committee was organized consisting of Smith,~Tickson and Bauer. This committee will meet and make up a budget before our next board meeting at the end of July. It will then be approved by the board and Smith will present it to the City Council. D. The unsightly state of the lawn was discussed. Klein has checked with John Simola and the grass should get a good hold before something is done about spraying the wpeds with weed killer. It was mentioned that perhaps Jerry Hermes could be hired to care for the lawn using his equipment as the city equipment is too large to do a good job. :~. A discussion was held on obtaining bound copi(os of the Monticello Times. '.Phese would be available to t.he }iublic upon request but not kept on the racks for easy access. A motion was made by Klein to direct Chairman Smith to contact the local publisher as to obtaining bound copies of the Times retroactive to at least the opening of the new building. Seconded by Schwarz and passed. :". Our next meeting will be held the end of July.