City Council Resolution 1994-24RESOLUTION # 94— 24
Residential Anti -displacement, Relocation Assistance and
Displacement Minimization (FP -18) (page 1)
Applicant Name: City of Monticello, Minnesota
Residendal Antidisplacement, Relocation Assistance and Displacement Minimization Plan requires the following information:
A. The City/County will replace all occupied and vacant livable low/moderate income dwelling units demolished or converted
to a use other than as low/moderate income housing in connection with an activity assisted with funds provided under
the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended.
All replacement housing will be provided within three years after the commencement of the demolition or conversion.
Before entering into a contract committing the City/County to provide funds for an activity that will directly result in
such demoliton or conversion, the City/County will make public and submit to the Minnesota Department of Trade and
Economic Development, Business and Community Development Division the following information in writing:
I. A description of the proposed assisted activity;
2. The location on a map and number of dwelling units by size (number of bedrooms) that will be demolished or
converted to a use other than as low/moderate income dwelling units as a direct result of the assisted activities;
3. A time schedule for the commencement and completion of the demolition or conversions;
4. The location on a map and the number of dwelling units by size (number of bedrooms) that will be provided as
replacement dwelling units. If such data are not available at the time of the general submission, the City/County will
identify the general location on an area map and the approximate number of dwelling units by size and provide
information identifying the specific location and number of dwelling units by size as soon as it is available;
5. The source of funding and a time schedule for the provision of replacement dwelling units;
b. The basis for concluding that each replacement dwelling unit will remain a low/moderate income dwelling unit for at
least 10 years from the date of initial occupancy;
7. Information demonstrating that any proposed replacement of dwelling units with smaller dwelling units (e.g., a 2 -bedroom unit
with two 1 -bedroom units) is consistent with the housing needs of low- and moderate -income households in the jurisdiction.
The City/County may request the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development to recommend that the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development approve an exception to required replacement housing if there is an adequate local
supply of vacant low/moderate income dwelling units in standard condition. Exceptions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
B. The City/County will provide relocation assistance to any lower income person displaced by demolition of any dwelling
unit or the conversion of a low/moderate income dwelling unit to another use in connection with an assisted activity.
C. Consistent with the goals and objectives of activities assisted under the Act, the (jurisdiction) will take the following steps
to minimize the displacement of persons from their homes.
1. Continue to utilize the existing comprehensive plan to encourage and foster
development of compatible land uses.
2. Continue to comply with existing zoning ordinance of the City of Monticello with
all developments.
.,ESOLUTION #94— 24
Page 2
Residential Anti -displacement, Relocation Assistance and
Displacement Minimization (FP -18) (page 2)
Applicant Name: City of Monticello, Minnesota
D. Definitions for the purposes of this plan are as follows:
"Low/moderate income dwelling unit" is a unit with a market vent, including utility costs, that does not exceed the applicable
fair market rent for existing housing and moderate rehabilitation, as established under the Seciton 8 existing housing program.
"Vacant livable dwelling unit" is a vacant unit that is in standard condition; or in substandard condition, suitable for
rehabilitation; or in dilapidated condition and occupied less than a year from the date of the grantee agreement.
"Livable dwelling unit" is a unit that is in standard condition or has been raised to a standard condition from a substandard
condition, suitable for rehabilitation.
"Standard livable dwelling unit" is a well built unit with adequate space for persons living there. There are no major defects in
the structure and only minor maintenance is required. Such dwelling will have the following characteristics: reliable
roofs: sound wells and foundations; adequate and stable floors, walls and ceilings; surfaces and woodwork that are not
seriously damaged nor have paint deterioration: sound windows and doors: adequate heating, plumbing, and electrical
systems which do not present safety hazards; adequate insulation for local climatic conditions; and is in compliance with
Iocal building and housing codes.
"Substandard condition dwelling unit, suitable for rehabilitation: will show a lot of deferred maintenance with permanent
damage to structural items. Conditions contributing to substandard dwelling, include but are not limited to sagging,
cracked, rotting or leaking roofs, walls, foundations, ceilings, floors, doors, and windows; deteriorated surfaces and
woodwork; unreliable heating, plumbing, or electrical systems which present safety hazards or inadequate insulation.
The cost of rehabilitation of the unit should be determined as economically feasible.
I certify that the above resolution was adopted by the
City Council of The City of Monticello
(City Counal. County Board, etc.) (Sponsoring Unit of ovenunent)
on July 5, 1994
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