City Council Ordinance 291 (2)ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. a9~ CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3-12 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE BY ESTABLISHING ANTENNA AND ANTENNA SUPPORT STRUCTURE REGULATIONS. THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES ORDAIN: Title 10, Chapter 2, Section 2-2, Item [EC] of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: [EC] ESSENTIAL SERVICES: , Public or private utili~y~ystems for gas, ~l elect~•icity, steam, sewer ~or ~ water; , • voice. television and digital communications systems; , • rand. waste disnocal and recy~g c rvice W'relec radio frequency reception and transmission antenna and upport structures shall not be considered an a cential s .rvice. Title 10, Chapter 2, Section 2-2, Items [AL1], [AL2], [AL3], [AL4], [AL5], [AL6], [SA.1] and [SP.1] are hereby added to the City Code to read as follows: . AfL11 ANTENNA• A device aced for th transmission nd/or r ption of wielesc communicar_ions,,~r~ged on an antenna ~pport ctn~c-t,~re nr buildings and consisting of a wire, a set of wire , or electromagn ti 1 y reflective or conductive rode elements, arrays or Urfa .es. LAL21 ANTENNA RADTn AN T V TnN BROAD A T TRAN MI TON• n antenna_ used to transmit public or co m r sal broad a t radio or television programming. . AfL31. ANTENNA PF.R~nNAT WIR S OMM NI ATION RVT n antenna used for the franc is ion nd re ration of wieless communication radio waves including celluLa_r, per on 1 Comm mi ion c rvice (P~,l, enhanced speeiali~Prl mobilized radio ( MRZp~g~g and i filar ervi .es. LAI.41 ANTENNA A IT DI H• An an nna incorpora ing a reflective or conductive surface that i olid open mesh ~r har configured and is in the shave of a shallow dLh cone horn, or cornucopi? Such an antenna is used to tran mit and/or receive radio or electroma¢neri~ wavPC herwPPn rPrrestrially and/or orbitally based ANTNORD4.FRM: 5/9/97 Page 1 trammission or receivingyvstems This definition shall include- but not be limited to. ~=shat are commonly referred to as satellite earth stations VRO television. receive on1X) and satellite microwave antennas. ANTENNA SHORT WAVE RADIO. An antenna used for the transmission and reception of radio waves used for federally licensed short-wave radio communications. ~~ ANTENNA SUPPORT STRTT T TRE• Any freestanding = ale= telescopin m s toy=per, tripsZd or other structure which su}~ports an an enna and is not a building or atra~hed to a building or structure. jSA.ll AC'C`FCCnRY 11SE• A use of land or of a building that is subordinate to a p u=se, and not they rLunary use of the land or building. ~SP.11 ~TRLTCT RE PUBLTC• An buildine or edifice of any kind which is owned or rented and op ra d by a federal,~ta e,~r local government agency. Title 10, Chapter 3, Section 12 of the City Code is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 3-12 COMMUNICATION ANTENNAS 3-12: COMMUNICATION ANTENNAS: [AA] Purpoce• Tn order to accommodate the communication needs of the residents and businesses ~=~1Le Prot g th~public health safety and general welfare of the community, the Council finds that these regulations are necessary in order to: 1 Provide for the appropriate location and development of antennas and antenna support structures to serve the residents and businesses within the city: ~, 1\~inimi~e adverse visual effects of antenna support structures through careful design and siting standards. ~. Avoid potential structural failure of antenna support structures and possible resulting damag . to a 'scent properties through structural standards nd setback requirements: and. ~, 1\~aximi~P th . »s • o f e i ting na=d a~nroved anten na support true ~r and buil_di_ng~ to a n ember o antenna ~~nmmndate new antennas i sport stn~ctures needed to n order to reduce the serve the cormunity. ANTNORD4.FRM: 5/9/97 Page 2 ~A 1.J 1 [A~] Permitted Uses. Antenna support tr ~ . ~ and an nna of all t3rp~s,, other than radio a_nd television broadcast trap mi Sion an enna nd personal wireless commnni atinn. ervi a an ennac f fir, are permitted accessory uses within all zoning districts provided that they meet the following conditions: 1 Location• Antennas shall be located on exi ting b it i gs and structures, if possible Antenna located upon as publi b ~ild'ng or structure h 11 re4uire the processing of an admirLStrative permit issued in compliance with the procedures estabLi hed by the ~ it Where an antenna sun part struc ture i used to s upport an tennas thg installatio n of more than one l l) a ntenna su pport str , ucture per p~perty s hall rewire the as nro val of a conditio nal nSe p ermit. 2• Y r Min~num setback requirements for antennas and anten a ~pport structures shall in all zoning districts be the same as those for permitted asses ory building, us and ~~u~pment (See Section 3-2 [D~) ANTNORD4.FRM: 5!9/97 and antenna support structure shall not be located within a public or utility easement. Page 3 ~,. H~fi ~,. ntenna Hei~hts• tenna h 1 not xtPnd more than re (101 feet above the highest dart of the building or structure to w ich thy_ ire attached nor more than ten (10.~ feet above the highest roof elevation. $. ntenna Suouort Structure Height :Except as permitted by conditional use permit, antenna support structures shall not exceed ten (101 feet in height above t_he maximum allowable bu~l~d' g height for the zoning district in wlich the antenna upport structure is located. ANTNORD4. FR M: 5/9/97 4,, s ecurity: A_ntenna ecured in such a ytppo str manner as ~ . Tres shall b . c~nnstn~cted, fen~erl nr to prevent unauthorized climbing. No b arbed wire. razo r ribbon or t he like shall be u ed for thi pu~-pose• ~,. cree i e• Tr n i t'ng receiving and switrhingg~~pment shall he housed within an existing structure or screened from view from any public street. 6. Neighboring Proper y Impact: ' Antennas and antenna upport structures shall be designed and located such that in the event of structural faille, neither the antenna nor the antenna support structure will fall on adjoining property. Z~ esi ~n: The u e of guyed anten na support structure s is prohibited The design and in sta llation of n ew antenna upport structures mu t utiliz pLtfo e an open fr rms or struct am ure ework or m s accessory onop co to the anten nf~,gu_rati na supp on Permanent ort stru .t ~r . or anten supp na that increa ort structure se sha visibiiily ar ll exceed e prohibited 00 snare fe No pa et in hnr rt of the antenna i~nntal area Page 4 Color/Content: Antennas nd antenna ~unport ctr, ,rec ch 1 one , d of a orrocion r cictan material or be p in d a neutral color, and shall not be painted with scenes or contain letters or messages which qualify as a sign. [B] n i 1 Antennas and antenna upport tr , r ~pport structuree not 4 ,t alify~g~ ~rmitted accessory uses as provided in eubdivision ~Al 1 through 10 above including but not hm1ted to radio and televisi n broad a t tran mi ion antennas and personal wireless cnmmuni ation~ service antennas,, are only ne fitted a. condi innal „s .c a provided by Chanter 22 of the Zoning Ordinance. Such antenna nd an nn ~pport etructure •n t llation that r c ,biect toto conditional ,eL"e permits. mutt comn~y ~=~it__ h ~1 re4~irements for Permitted c ~pecified~[~] above excep acyp ific lly provid rl hPlnw and mnc meet the fo lowing ad itional ondi ionc• 1, New antenna cup por ctrnctnrec alln ~Pd b y conditional use permit and e g d• „ i h 801 f ng xcee g eet ~~ n height sh 11 he design rl cn ac r„ accommodate other user including b ,t no li i d to nrher p rcnnal wirele co mnni catinn s rvi e companies The anp ican h 11 demonstrate to the satisfaction of th itv nnn~il that opportunities will be made av •la bl or o-lo ating other antennae on h ant nna support tract ,re ANTNORD4.FRM: 5/9/97 Page 5 ~. Antenna support transmission an structures for radio and television broadcast tennas are allowed as conditional uses only within the Industrial (,I-1 hundred sixty-fiv and I-21 zoning districts and shall not exceed one e ,165~feet in height,. 4 Antenna support structures used in the federally licensed amateur radio service are allowed as conditional uses within all zoning districts and may extend a maximum of seventy~701 feet above grade. ~, Antenna support structures for personal wireless communication svstems shall be allowed as conditional uses provided: ~.,. Minimum spacing between personal wireless communications service antenna support structures shall be 1/4 mile. used upon information provided by the applicant, the Citv Council may urant exceptions if the City Council determines that any one of the following reasons makes it impractical to locate the Manned personal wireless communications service eaui~ment upon an existing antenna support structure within 1/4 mile of the proposed site: ~. No existing building, structure or antenna support structure meets the structural or hei t re~u~ements. 91 2.. No existing building. structure or an tenna support stn~ctue me of the perso ets the fse4uencX reuse and nal wireless communicatio spacing needs n system. or ~, The location of the proposed new antenna support stru pp cture is ne li ant who cessary as demonstrated by the shall rovide to the Cit Council a evi c , dence demon p y strating that the planned equipment wo uld cause int erference. materially~pacting the usa ant bility of other nna support s existing_or planned eq~pment at the truct re and the interfere ce cann t be e prevented at a u , n o reasonable cost. ANTNORD4.FRM: 5/9/97 Page 6 Business CB-1, B-2 3-3 and B-41 z~rLng districts, and shall not exceed one hundred sixtv_five (161 feet in heig ;n $u ' ec amp~(B~) and Tnclnstrial (~-1 and T-2) zoning di ri . ~cvcraoic rr~m every Diner cuDa1v1s1on it any SuDnlvls~~ 1 held to be invalid by competent authority, no o her ~bdivicion ~haLl be invalidated by such action or deci ion Wh r an applicant for conditional u e permit demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Council that a c,h~l;v;ci~n ~f th;c ~ec't;nn interferes with peci_fic rightgranted under the laws ~f the Federal CorrLmunication Co mic ion [FOCI that subdivici n shall be waived; however, he ity of Monticello reserves the right to otherwi e regulate in order to mitigate nega 'v impacts and accomplish the Pu~po e o h; Ordnance This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ADOPTED by the Monticello City Council this 12th day of May, 1997. Mayor ATTEST: (~!/ City Administrat ANTNORD4. FR M: 5/9/97 Page 7