Library Board Minutes 01-26-1984
January 26, 1984 - 7:00 P.M.
Members Present:
Warren Smith, Pat Schwarz, Joel Erickson,
Marguerite Pringle, Marge Bauer.
Members Absent:
Donald Maus.
Also Attending:
Tom Eidem; Rick Wolfsteller; Vern Oleksowicz,
Deputy Director of GRRL.
1. The minutes of the last meeting, August 11, 1983, approved.
2. New member Marguerite Pringle welcomed to the Board.
3. organization for 1984: Warren will retain his position as
Chairman, Joel as Vice-Chairman, Marguerite will take over as
4. Tom Eidem and Rick Wolfsteller from City Hall attended the meeting
to review budget and payment procedures. In the past all bills
have been sent directly to the City and paid. Another possibility
is for the City to pay the Library a certain amount, possibly
quarterly, and the Library would pay all of its own bills. Both
methods were discussed. Also how to handle the money received
from typewriter rental and room rental. Tom Eidem suggested that
the Library Board work on a written program which would show clearly
what we hope to accomplish over the next year. Such a detailed
plan would help the City in planning the budget for the Library.
The goal is a better working relationship with City Hall. Everyone
on the Board agreed that we should act on Tom Eidem's suggestion
and start a budget plan that would be ready by Mayor June when
the City's budget process is started. Joel Erickson moved that
Library finances continue to be handled as they have been in the
past. This was seconded and passed.
5. New bank exit through Library parking lot: Warren reported that
this proposal has apparently been withdrawn.
6. Bathroom tile problem: After examination of the floor and discussion
of this long-standing problem, it was decided that Warren and Joel
would contact Kjellberg about getting tile at cost. The contractor
who laid the tile has indicated that he will redo the floor at no
cost if we provide the tile.
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Library Minutes - 1/26/84
7. Pat Schwarz reported on her first Regional Board meeting.
Pinewood public book borrowing program:
successful. Thanks to Pat for running
it will be repeated this summer.
This program was very
the program. Most likely
9. computers for Library: This is a difficult question. How much
supervision and instruction would we be responsible for? What is
our responsibility to the community in this area? We agreed that
certainly serious thought must be given before any decision is
10. Landscaping: Report on landscaping services provided by Fair's
Garden Center. IVy was planted to grow on the exterior walls.
Rock was added to increase level to that of the lawn.
11. Cabinets: Warren has requested figures from Gene Walters on
certain items still needed. For some reason we have not heard
from Mr. Walters. We are anxious to have these items of furniture.
Vern Oleksowicz offered to send a catalog and price list which
would include the book cart we need for the book drop.
12. Signs: All agreed that this is a most important item. The type
of sign we had originally wanted will not work on our building.
We will investigate to see what other types of signs we might
use. Hopefully we will have some recommendations by our next
meeting. Joel Erickson and Marguerite will pursue this.
13. Monticello Times: The Library now has on file bound copies of
the Monticello Times retroactive to our opening date. Each year
we will receive a volume containing complete issues from the
previous year.
14. Christmas wreath: Fair's Garden Center donated a wreath to the
Library. Warren will send a note of thanks to them for this.
Logo: Vern Oleksowicz suggested that
of the GRRL. That logo is on much of
are supplied with from headquarters.
on this issue.
Monticello use the logo
the stationery that we
There was no further discussion
Telephone service: Mona Carmach, Director of GRRL, sent a proposal
for payment of Monticello Telephone Service. Joel Erickson moved
that we accept her recommendation. The motion was seconded and
Marge reported that there has been a problem with use of the
Library phone for personal calls. The Board agreed that patrons
should not be able to make calls out or receive calls while in
the Library. There is a pay phone in the Library for such calls.
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Library Minutes - 1/26/84
17. Regular Meetings: The Board decided to adopt a more regular
meeting pattern. Meetings will be on the third Thursday in
odd months and on the third Tuesday in even months. It was
agreed that very possibly there might not be enough business
for which to conduct a meeting. In that case the meeting would
be cancelled.
18. Hours: The GRRL Board has approved a new schedule of 40 open
hours for Monticello. However, there will be no additional
staffing hours paid by GRRL besides the five hours allocated
for 1984. Present staffing will need to spread to meet the
40 open hours. We also find ourselves with a shortage of paid
Library helpers. Headquarters is trying to find the money for
additional page time for Monticello. This seems most important
if the hours are to be extended. Marge is working on sCheduling
for new hours. Hopefully a plan can be devised that will be
convenient for Library users and comfortable and efficient for
Marge and her staff.
19. Retirement of Hazel Lewis: Warren will send letter of thanks
to Hazel for her valuable service to the Library.
20. Loren Klein: A letter of thanks will be sent by Warren to
outgoing member, Loren Klein. Loren contributed a great deal
to the Library in his capacity as a City employee and as a
Library Board member.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
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Marguer te pringle, Sec tary
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