City Council Minutes 05-13-1974Regular City Council meeting - May 13, 1974 - 7:30 P. M.
City Hall
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall,
by Mayor Conrad Johnson. Members present: Blonigen, Martie,
Rowan. Council member Erickson arrived at 8:00 P. M.
The Mayor announced that the meeting would be taped.
A HEARING was held regarding "Watermain Replacement on Locust
Street." One property owner was in attendance, Mr. James
Heckard, representing Burlington Northern. No opposition
was expressed to this improvement. Mr. Heckard stated he was
at the meeting mainly to understand the type of project being
considered. In this regard, a motion was made by Rowan, sec-
onded by Bloni gen, to adopt a "RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT
AND PREPARATION OF PLANS.'► Copy of Resolution attached as Encl.
1. Mayor and Clerk authorized to sign Resolution.
It was announced by Mr. Thore Meyer that an assessment policy
and rate will be established at a later date. This statement
concluded the HEARING.
A presentation was made by Mr. Clifford Olson and Mr. Ken Tvedt
in regard to a request for a building permit by Mr. Tvedt. In
this regard, a motion was made by Blonigen, seconded by Martie,
to grant a building permit to Mr. Tvedt with the knowledge
that Mr. Tvedt's lot is now 165' deep; side yard requirements
were left to the interpretation of the Building Inspector.
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed:
None. Absent: Erickson. Motion carried.
Approval of the minutes for the meeting of April 22, 1974, were
delayed until the meeting of May 20, 1974. The motion to de-
lay approval of the minutes to May 20, 1974, was made by
Rowan, seconded by Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, John-
son, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Erickson. Motion
A presentation was made by Mr. Steve Mattson, a representative
of Juran & Moody, Inc. Council member Denton Erickson arrived
in time for the discussion of the 1974 bond issue. In this
regard, a motion was made by Martie, seconded by Erickson, to
Resolution attached as Enclosure 2. Voting in favor: Erickson,
Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Abstain: Blonigen.
Motion carried.
Regular Council meeting - May 13, 1974 - cont' d.
Mr. Mattson noted that proceeds from the bond sale should be
delivered in early July. The Administrator was instructed to
insure that the "Notice of Bond Sale" is published in the
Monticello Times. The bond sale will be held on Thursday,
May 30, 1974 at 1:00 P. M., C.D.S.T., at the Council Chambers
in Monticello, Minnesota. The motion to set the bond sale for
May 30, 1974, at 1:00 P. M., was made by Martie, seconded by
Rowan. Voting in favor: Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan.
Opposed: None. Abstain: Blonigen. Motion carried.
A discussion was held concerning the position of Building
Inspector. In this regard, a motion was made by Blonigen,
seconded by Rowan, to re -appoint Mr. Rasmussen as the City
Building Inspector for a period of one year, effective May
135 1974 - term expires May 12, 1975. Mr. Rasmussen stated he
would be available for the full year. Voting in favor: Blonigen,
Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion
Mr. Rasmussen stated he intends to have regular office hours;
probably from 8:00 A. M. to 9:00 A. M. each weekday morning.
Mr. Rasmussen and the Administrator were instructed to insure
that Mr. Fredin is paid an equitable settlement for the help he
gave the city as temporary Building Inspector.
A motion to adopt the following building inspection fee
schedule, was made by Erickson, seconded by Blonigen. Voting
in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson., Martie, Rowan. Opposed:
None. Motion carried.
$10.00 minimum For valuation up to $5,000.00
$ 2.00 per thousand For valuation from $5,000 - $255000.00
$ 1.50 per thousand For valuation from $25,000 - $1005000.00
$ 1.00 per thousand For valuation over $100,000.00
A discussion was held concerning a proposal from Brauer &
Associates. The Mayor recommended, and the Council concurred,
to delay action on this proposal for approximately 30-45 days.
A discussion was held concerning a proposed Zoning Ordinance
change. The presentation on this matter was made by Mr. Chuck.
Stumpf, representing the Planning Commission. The proposed
change is in regard to property commonly referred to as the
"Z etterberg property." The Planning Commission recommended
to the City Council that the south half of Block 11 (Lots 1,
2, 3, 4and 12) and Block 12 (to include only the present apart-
ment property) be re -zoned from R-2 to R-3. A motion to set a
HEARING date on the proposed zoning change was made by Rowan,
seconded by Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson,
Regular Council meeting - May 13, 1974 - cont'd.
Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. The
HEARING date is set for June 10, 1974 at 7:30 P. M. in the
City Hall. The Administrator was instructed to insure proper
legal notice is placed in the Monticello Times.
Mr. Chuck Stumpf, representing the Planning Commission, stated
it is the recommendation of the Commission to the City Council
"that construction begins on a project when ground is moved."
A presentation was made by attorney Gary L. Pringle in regard
to action being taken against the City by attorney William C.
Hoffman. Mr. Pringle noted that a letter had been sent to Mr.
Hoffman with an offer by the City to pay attorney fees of
$2,000.00 as a settlement for Mr. Hoffman's work on the Fourth
Street case. Mr. Pringle stated that Mr. Hoffman's billing
indicated that approximately 3 times as much work had been
spent on the Appeal portion of the case as on the -District
Court action and noted that Mr. Hoffman had informed the City
there would be a $1,500.00 charge for the appeal. Mr. Pringle
stated that he would act for everyone being sued by Mr. Hoff-
man at a cost not to exceed $1,500.00. (This would include
all present City Council members and Mr. Marklin g and Mr. Sand-
berg if they so desire) .
A motion was made by Rowan, seconded by Erickson, to employ Mr.
Pringle as the City's legal representative in the dispute
initiated by Mr. Hoffman. This would include former Council
members if they desire representation. Voting in favor:
Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None.
Motion carried.
The Mayor mentioned the Council salary discrepancy notated in
the audit report for 1973. Mr. Pringle stated he would make
a study of this matter. Mr. Pringle stated he would talk to
Greg Smith regarding the request for legal fee reimbursement by
a Liquor Store employee.
A discussion was held concerning the status of the building
permit for Bureau Investment Corporation. Mr. Rasmussen was
requested to check on when the permit was legally issued and
when it legally expired. A report will be made on this matter
at the meeting of May 20, 1974•
A presentation was made by Mr. Jim Lungwitz and Mr. Doug Pitt
representing the Park Board. The Administrator presented a
bid from J. & K. Tree Removal which stipulates a price of
$90.00 per tree removed. This includes cutting, removal and
chipping to ground level all diseased Dutch elm trees. Mr.
Kroll is to cut trees as directed by the Park Board or City
personnel. A motion to accept the bid of J. & K. Tree Removal
at the price of $90.00 per tree was made by Rowan, seconded by
Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie,
Regular Council meeting - May 13, 1974 - cont'd.
Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried. There was Council
consensus that all insurance costs are to be borne by J. &
K. Tree Removal (this will be made a part of the contract) .
Street supervisor Dick Brooks noted that the straight cub -
mower had been purchased at a price of $700.00 and that
approximately $50.00 has been spent on minor repairs. There
was Council consensus that this should be a very adequate
machine and that the price is reasonable.
A study of playground slides that are in need of repair or
trade-in will be made by the Park Board. Doug Pitt noted that
Mr. Corrow is working out very well as an assistant in the
Park and Street department.
A presentation was made by Dr. John Kasper representing the
Utilities Commission. Dr. Kasper noted that he recommends the
City adopt Thore Meyer's proposal in regard to water hookup
charges, but that a charge of $375.00 should be made for a
one (1) inch water line. The Administrator was instructed
to work with the City Engineer and/or City Attorney to draw
up this ordinance change. A report is to be made on this matter
at the City Council meeting of June 10, 1974•
Dr. Kasper informed the Council on latest developments in
regard to the Pinewood School hook-up charge; he noted that
no agreement has been reached but further study will be made
of the matter before it is turned over to the City Council.
Dr. Kasper noted the Utilities Commission feels they have
arrived at a fair and justified charge.
The Administrator was instructed to have the Utilities Commission
study the proposal of Meyer Rohlin, Inc., in regard to the Vine
Street sanitary sewer, located between Broadway Street and
River Street. A report is to be made to the City Council on
this matter at the meeting of May 20, 1974•
A presentation was made by Mr. Arve Grimsmo representing the
Roads & Streets Commission; other Commission members in
attendance were Dale Lungwitz and Bob Rierson. City engineer,
Thore Meyer, explained a written proposal prepared by his
office and dated April 22, 1974. This proposal outlines street
problems that should be corrected and estimates the cost of
repair. If all improvements were accepted as stated in the
letter of April 22, total costs of improvement would be
$14,,479-00. Mr. Grimsmo mentioned he feels all proposals
are good ones with the exception of the one proposed at the
intersection of Highway 25 and E. River Street. This matter
will be reviewed by the Roads & Streets Commission and Meyer-
Rohlin, Inc. The Mayor noted that a study will be made of
Regular Council meeting - May 13, 1974. - cont' d.
funds available and this matter will be reviewed again at the
Council meeting of May 20, 1974.. Mr. Rierson noted there is
a problem of cave-ins on the Seventh Street project. The
Administrator noted that a retainer fee had been withheld to
cover such contingencies. Thore Meyer stated all problem areas
will be corrected.
A discussion was held in regard to a proposal submitted by
the Trojan Playground Equipment Mfg. Co. The proposal stip-
ulates the type of gate and total cost for installation of
the gates on Fourth Street. The Council assumed responsibility
for installation of the gates by action taken at the meeting
of April 8, 1974. Council member Blonigen, requested that
another bid be obtained. There was Council consensus to
accept this recommendation. Bids obtained will be presented
at the Council meeting of May 20, 1974•
Dale Lungwitz and Arve Grimsmo explained the feeling of the
Roads & Streets Commission in regard to an entrance on to
Highway 25 from the new Monticello Mall area. It is the con-
sensus of this Commission that there is a safety problem in
the area and that the State Highway Department hasn't indicated
when a median could be installed.
The Administrator was instructed to write Mr. Christie of the
State Highway office that the Roads & Streets Comm. opposes
the entrance on to Highway 25 from the Monticello Mall. The
motion instructing the Administrator to write this letter was
made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Dick Martie. Voting in favor:
Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None.
Motion carried.
A discussion was held concerning the installation of lighting
by the Interstate. The Highway Department will be contacted
by letter on this matter.
Mr. Grimsmo and Council member Dan Blonigen, exchanged comments
in regard to recent editorials in the Monticello Times.
A presentation was made by Mr. Lee Hatfield and Mr. Lyle
Buckingham, representing the Public Safety Commission. Mr.
Buckingham stated he would like the Council to consider the
establishment of a "designated bicycle area" in Monticello
and would like to see more use of the bicycle ordinance, in-
cluding licensing of bicycles, etc. He would also like to see
designated bicycle areas in the new parking lots. The MaYor
noted that the entire City Council was concerned about bicycle
safety and informed Mr. Buckingham that the Public Safety
Comm. is using the right approach and that they should proceed
with their study. In regard to "STOP" signs for use by the
Monticello churches, Mr. Buckingham stated he feels there has
been some misunderstanding about this matter and that he will
be in attendance at a Ministerial meeting.
Regular Council meeting - May 13, 1974. - cont' d.
Mr. Bob Rierson stated there are no signs on Interstate 94
indicating that a hospital is in the area. In this regard,
a motion was made by Denton Erickson, seconded by Dick Martie,
instructing the Administrator to notify Mr. Christie that
hospital signs are needed at both entrances to Monticello.
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, John son, Martie, Rowan.
Opposed: None. Motion carried.
A discussion was held concerning the possibility of changing
old Highway 152 signs to a speed limit of 30 m.p.h. No
decision was reached regarding this matter.
A presentation was made by the Reverend Robert Sipe repre-
senting the Monticello Housing Authority. Rev. Sipe stated
that the Housing Authority had investigated several possibilities
in regard to hausing. He mentioned that recent meetings with
Mr. Wally Houle of Buffalo had produced some promising ideas.
Mr. Houle was responsible for establishing low-cost housing
in Annandale, Cokato and Howard Lake. Funds are now being
released by the Federal Housing and Urban Development Authority.
In this regard, Mr. Houle feels the City should act to pro-
cess a request for funds as soon as possible. To do this, the
City Council will have to act on several items, including:
(1) Invitation to the Monticello Housing Authority to proceed.
(2) Authorization to the Monticello Housing Authority to buy
land with the stipulation that the land would be used for a
specific purpose. (3) Confirmation that sewer and water is
readily available. This matter will be discussed again at
the City Council meeting of May 20, 1974•
One site considered for low-income or elderly housing, is
the Fourth Street ballpark. A suggestion was made by council
member, Dan Blonigen, to have the Park Board study this matter.
No final decisi6n was reached.
The Administrator noted in answer to a question that the old
sewer and water truck had been junked by the water and sewer
department for $5.00. Council member Martie inquired as to
May clean-up month. The Mayor stated he would be contacting
several people in regard to this matter.
The Mayor noted that the annual Board of Review with the County
Assessor in attendance will be held on May 20, 1974 at 7:30 P . M.
There was Council consensus, to hold the second council meeting
of May on May 20, 1974, rather than May 27, 1974.. Business
will be conducted after the Board of Review is completed. The
motion to accept this proposal was made by Dick Martie, seconded
by Jeff Rowan. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson,
Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
Regular Council meeting - May 13, 1974 - cont' d.
A motion to approve the list of bills for the month of April,
1974, was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Denton�son.
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie, Rowan.
Opposed: None. Motion carried. Liquor: $24,340.80; Adm.:
$4,265-77; Fire: $1048.99; Park: $1,161-50: Sewer: $3,331-79;
Water: $3,138.86; Service: $2,393-71; Street: $3,174.27;
Other; $10,1.1.21.
A motion to adjourn was made by Denton Erickson, seconded by
Dick Martie.
The tape of this meeting was not in operation from approximately
8:00 P. M. to 8:40 P . M. due to a tape entanglement.
Kevin L. LaFrance, Adm.
Special meeting of the City Council - May 20, 1974 - 7:30 P. M.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall
by Mayor Conrad Johnson. Council members present: Blonigen,
Martie, Rowan. Council member Denton Erickson arrived after
the meeting was called to order.
The Mayor announced that the meeting would be taped.
The purpose of this meeting was to conduct the annual Board of
Review for the City of Monticello with the intention to review
and correct, if necessary, assessments in the city of Monticello
for the year 1974. All persons considering themselves aggrieved
by said assessment were to appear at this meeting. Mr. Bernard
Mattson, county assessor, and Randy Des Marais, assistant county
assessor, conducted the Board of Review. Three property owners
were in attendance: Mr. Hugo Hillstrom, Mr. John Sullivan and
Dr. C. D. Bauer. Mr. Mattson answered questions of the pro-
perty owners and recommended that anyone not fully satisfied
with the answers given stop in at the County Assessor's office
and fill out a form which would be presented to the Wright County
Board of Commissioners.
The Board of Review portion of the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P. M.
Regular business of the council was conducted -- the City Council
had agreed at the meeting of May 13, 1974 to hold the second
council meeting of May on May 20, 1974 rather than May 27.
Special meeting of City Council - May 20, 1974 - cont'd.
The Mayor announced that approval was needed for the minutes
of April 22, 1974. The motion to approve the minutes of April
22, 1974 was made by Erickson, seconded by Martie. Voting
in favor: Erickson, Johnson, Martie. Opposed: Blonigen.
Abstain: Rowan. Motion carried.
A motion to approve the minutes of May 13, 1974 was made by
Rowan, seconded by Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson,
Johnson, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
A discussion was held concerning the availability of funds for
street maintenance as described in a letter from Meyer-Rohlin
dated April 22, 1974. Total cost of the improvements was
estimated at $14,479.00. The Administrator presented a letter
in which he noted Federal Revenue Sharing funds could be used
for this purpose; auditor Gary Wieber of Gruys, Johnson, Mos -
ford & Assoc., had confirmed the legality of the use of these
funds. In this regard, a motion was made by Rowan, seconded
by Blonigen, to authorize the use of Federal Revenue Sharing
funds for street maintenance as outlined in the letter of April
22, 1974. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie,
Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
A discussion was held concerning funds to be used to finance
the proposed "Watermain Replacement on Locust Street" as
proposed in a letter from Meyer, Rohlin, Inc., dated March 7,
1974; estimated cost to be $10,470.00. The Administrator
noted that the council could use a Water Operating Fund Certi-
ficate of Deposit for this purpose. The amount used would be
paid back to the Water Operating Fund as assessment collections
are received. Auditor Gary Wieber of Gruys, Johnson, Mosford,
& Assoc. had confirmed the legality of this proposal. In this
regard, a motion was made by Martie, seconded by Erickson, to
finance the "Watermain Replacement on Locust Street" as re-
commended. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Erickson, Johnson, Martie,
Rowan. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
A presentation was made by Mrs. Gloria LaBau, Mr. William (An s)
Anderson, of the Monticello Housing Authority, and Mr. Wally
Houle who presented information on the a-tilibility of federal
funds. Mrs. LaBau stated that the Housing Auth(wity had been
investigating various programs that could be used to finance
low income or elderly housing in Monticello. She stated that
most proposals presented to the Monticello Housing Authority
had been impractical, but the proposal of Mr. Houle which makes
use of federal funds under Section 23, had been reviewed and
found suitable for the Monticello community. Mr. Houle men-
tioned that the release of funds for low income housing is
imminent and that it is essential the City choose a site for