City Council Ordinance 109ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 4� 1 ()C( The City Council hereby ordains that Ordinance Section 7-1-1 pertaining to Public Nuisances be amended as follows: ADD: 7-1-1 (D) - In any area, within 100 feet of the nearest building, the existence of weeds or grass in excess of six (6) inches in height or any accumulation of dead weeds, grass or brush. 7-1-1 (E) - In any area, on an occupied lot, the existence of weeds or grass in excess of six (6) inches in height or any accumu- lation of dead weeds, grass, or brush. Amend: 7-1-1 (H) - The owners and occupants of lands shall remove such substances described in subsection (A) , (C) , (D) and (E) from such land, or eliminate the nuisance existing on such land or in default of removal therefrom within thirty (30) days of a written notice from the Zoning Administration or other authorized representative of the Council. The Zoning Administrator may order the removal at the expense of the owner or occupant, which expense shall become a lien upon the property to be collected as a special assessment. In lieu of such elimina- tion, the Council may require the removal by appropriate court order or by criminal prosecution or by both. Previous section numbers 7-1-1 (D), 7-1-1 (E), and 7-1-1 (F) have been changed to 7-1-1 (F) , 7-1-1 (G) , and 7-1-1 (H) , respectively. ATTEST: G y [�Tieb , City Administrator Passed by the City Council this 23rd day of November, 1981. Arve A. Grimsmo, Mayor Ordinance Amendment 11/23/81 #109 The City Council of Monticello hereby ordains that the following ordinance on Public Nuisances be amended as follows: 7-1-1 7-1-1 CHAPTER 1 PUBLIC NUISANCES 1 SECTION: 7-1-1: Activities, Business Prohibited 7-1-2: Exceptions 7-1-1: ACTIVITIES, BUSINESSES PROHIBITED: Subsequent to the enactment hereof, the following acts, conditions, activities, business or businesses are hereby prohibited except as hereinafter permitted: (A) No unwholesome substance, garbage, refuse, offal, or similar substances shall be brought, deposited, left, dumped or allowed to accumulate within the City. For purposes of this Section of the City Ordinances entitled "Public Nuisances", refuse shall include but not be limited to the following or similar items stored or parked outside: Passenger automobiles, station wagons, trucks and other vehicles not currently licensed (if applicable) by the State which are because of mechanical deficiency incapable of movement under their own power; household appliances such as but not limited to wash- ing machines, dryers, refrigerators, stoves, freezers, television and radio sets, phonographs, and similar items, vehicle parts, old machinery, machinery parts, tires, tin cans, bottles, building materials (unless current building permit for their use is in force) , wood (unless used for fire wood and neatly stacked), metal or any other material or cast off material, and similar items. (1-12-76 #5) (B) A public nuisance is a crime against the order and economy of the State and consists in unlawfully doing an act or ommiting to perform a duty which an act or omission shall: 1. Annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, comfort, or repose of any considerable number of persons. 2. Offend public decency. 3. Unlawfully interfere with, obstruct or tend to obstruct or render danger- ous for passage, a lake, navigable river, bay, stream canal or basin or a public park, square, street, alley or highway or 4. In any way render a considerable number of persons insecure in life or the use of property, and as such nuisances are hereby prohibited. (C) In any area the existence of any noxious or poisonous vegetation such as poison ragweed, or other poisonous plants, or any weed, grass, brush or plants which are a fire hazard or otherwise detrimental to the health or appearance of the neighborhood. (D) In any area, within 100 feet of the nearest building, the existence of weeds or grass in excess of six (6) inches in height or any accumulation of dead weeds, grass or brush. 7-1-1 7-1-2 (E) In any area, on an occupied lot, the existence of weeds or grass in excess of six (6) inches in height or any accumulation of dead weeds, grass, or brush. (F) No person shall hereafter engage within the City in any trade or em- ployment which is hurtful to the inhabitants or dangerous to the public health, or injurious to neighboring property, or from which obnoxious odors arise, or undue noise eminates, and specifically no person shall operate a dump or garbage dumping area or rendering plant or trailer court except such specific activity be authorized by the issuance of a permit as herein- after provided. (G) It is unlawful for any person to cause or permit garbage, tin cans or refuse to be thrown or scattered upon any street, alley, highway, parkway or boulevard or real estate. (H) The owners and occupants of lands shall remove such substances des- cribed in subsection (A) , (C) , (D) and (E) from such land, or eliminate the nuisance existing on such land or in default of removal therefrom with- in thirty (30) days of a written notice from the Zoning Administrator or other authorized representative of the Council. The Zoning Administrator may order the removal at the expense of the owner or occupant, which expense shall become a lien upon the property to be collected as a special assess- ment. In lieu of such elimination, the Council may require the removal by appropriate court order or by criminal prosecution or by both. 7-1-2: EXCEPTIONS: The provisions of this Chapter do not apply to the hauling or accumulation or spreading of manure for the purposes of agriculture, nor to the natural and usual accumulation of rubbish from one residence on the owner's own premises, provided the public health is not adversely affected thereby. Passed by the,City Council this 23rd day of Nov , 1981. Arve A. Grimsmo, Mayor ATTE G 4Wieer,,, City Administrator