EDA Minutes 07-08-2015MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, July 8, 2015, Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Tracy Hinz, Jim Davidson, Steve Johnson, Tom Perrault Absent: Lloyd Hilgart Others: Angela Schumann, Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg 1. Call to Order Bill Demeules called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Demeules called the roll. Lloyd Hilgart was absent. 3. Approve Meeting Minutes a. Regular Meeting— June 10th, 2015 BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE JUNE 10TH, 2015 REGULAR EDA MEETING MINUTES AS CORRECTED. TRACY HINZ SECONDED THE MO T ION. NiC T Ivl'3 CARRIED 6 -0. b. Special Meeting — May 26th', 2015 TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 26TH, 2015 SPECIAL EDA MEETING MINUTES. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. c. Regular Meeting — May 13th, 2015 TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 13TH, 2015 REGULAR EDA MEETING MINUTES AS CORRECTED. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. d. Regular Meeting — April 8th, 2015 Steve Johnson commented on several administrative procedures. He requested that information be provided in advance of meetings, that documents added during a meeting be posted to the City's website and that meeting minutes reference documents added to the agenda and issues which require follow -up. Wayne Oberg indicated that he does his best to get information to stakeholders as EDA Minutes: 7/08/15 soon as it is available. He noted that he generally produces data the same day that it is presented. He explained that he has been ironing out past reporting issues in some of the TIF districts. Schumann explained that documents distributed at a meeting are included in the official record maintained by the City Clerk but are not posted on the website at this time. Jeff O'Neill suggested that staff update the online agenda packet in future. Johnson asked about follow up related to the request tabled by the EDA in April that some $200,000 in TIF 1 -22 excess increment be redirected to the EDA. Schumann explained that the request was to be brought forward as part of budget discussions. She suggested that the EDA may wish to discuss the policy questions involved and make a formal recommendation. Oberg distributed a worksheet detailing TIF 1 -34 and provided an overview of the report. He described the review process involved in his analysis. He said that there would be no excess increment within this district. Johnson also asked if staff had followed up on his question about whether a minimum tax valuation had been established for a particular TIF district, and if the information had been passed along to the County assessor. Oberg summarized that Ryan Companies had challenged the tax valuation on TIF 1- 34 and had it reduced. He suggested that it is unlikely that the EDA would generate increment to pay off the negative fund balance in the district. Oberg indicated that the City would absorb the deficit once the district expires. Schumann added that TIF 1 -34 is a renovation and renewal district established to fund 1 -94 interchange improvements. The EDA's attorney had determined that no minimum valuation had been established by contract or assessment agreement with private developers in the district. STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THE APRIL 8TH REGULAR MEETING MINUTES; AND DIRECT STAFF TO REVISE THE MINUTES TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR EDA CONSIDERATION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. e. Special Meeting — April 8b, 2015 BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE APRIL 8TH, 2015 SPECIAL REGULAR EDA MEETING MINUTES. JIM DAVIDSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None EDA Minutes: 7/08/15 5. Consideration of approving payment of bills TRACY HINZ MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS THROUGH JUNE 2015. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. 6. Consideration of Market Matching Report WSB's John Uphoff reported that he'd distributed Morticello's Community Profile and market information about available properties at several recent meetings and events. The Community Profile was exhibited at the Economic Development Association of Minnesota conference and was recognized by MN DEED representatives as one of the best in the upper Midwest. Uphoff indicated that this places Monticello in the center of the state's direct marketing efforts with site selectors in specialized sectors. Uphoff said that he has been presenting information related to Block 34 as part of networking activities with commercial developers. He indicated a willingness to assist in preparing an RFP for Block 34 if so directed. He noted that he has also been networking with several fairly large scale residential developers hoping to generate interest in pre - platted areas and address the lot absorption rate. 7. Consideration of an update and approval of expenses related to environmental study costs for the EDA -owned property at 100 East Broadway Schumann summarized that the EDA is asked to fund costs associated with additional soil boring(s), environmental testing, and coordination services related to contamination found during property demolition at 1100 East Broadway. his action would address the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) recommendation to determine the parameters of the contamination and enable MnDOT to accept property for right of way conveyance related to the construction of the TH 25 /CSAH 75 intersection project. The location of the additional soil boring(s) has not yet been determined. The MPCA had recommended that a soil boring be taken on the property to the south (Finder's Keepers). The owner of that property, however, has not consented to allow a soil boring. Schumann indicated that it may be acceptable to conduct soil boring(s) south of the original borings on public property to the east and west. Schumann agreed to find out if a similar contaminant had been found during the environmental cleanup at the TDS site. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE AN EXPENSE OF UP TO $5,000 RELATED TO ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION AS REQUIRED BY THE MPCA FOR COMPLETION OF THE LIMITED SITE INVESTIGATION (LSI) AS RELATED TO THE EDA -OWNED PROPERTY AT 100 EAST BROADWAY. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. EDA Minutes: 7/08/15 8. Consideration to approve contract for July 2015 — June 2016 month -to -month Market Matching Services Schumann summarized that the EDA had voted to continue Market Matching services on a month -to -month basis. The revised contract presented includes the current core services and adds provisions for a monthly economic development e -news and Market Matching activity updates at monthly EDA meetings. WSB also added a 30 day notice of termination clause. The contract will continue at the current $4,000 monthly rate. This expense is included through 2015 within the EDA's General Fund budget. BILL TAPPER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MONTH -TO -MONTH CONTRACT FOR MARKET MATCHING SERVICES WITH WSB & ASSOCIATES AS PREPARED. STEVE JOHNSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6- 0. 9. Consideration to set a joint EDA/City Council work session for purposes of EDA/HRA Lew discussions STEVE JOHNSON MOVED TO CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EDA ON JULY 22ND, 2015 AT 4:30 PM FOR PURPOSES OF EDA AND HRA LEVY DISCUSSIONS. BILL TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6- 0. 10. Economic Development Director's Report Schumann provided updates related to the economic development position, property for sale, the Hospitality Study and TIF training. Jeff O'Neill reported on the MN Public Utilities Commission's decision to cap the solar garden project size at 5 megawatts. 11. Adjourn BILL TAPPER MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:20 PM. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 6 -0. Recorder: Kerry Burri Approved: November 18, 015 Attest: Angela _Sq uJnkm Community Development Director 4