FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes 05-13-2009FIBERNET ADVISORY BOARD
City of Monticello
Minutes of May 13, 2009
Present: Jon Morphew, Roxanne Bakula, Wayne Nehrenz
Non - voting: Don Patten, Jeff O'Neill, Megan Barnett (guest)
1. Call to Order
Jeff O'Neill called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. The agenda was reviewed — no
changes made.
2. Introductions
Introductions of those present were made.
3. Review of Governance Ordinance
Jeff reviewed the Governance Ordinance approved by City Council and explained the
history and purpose behind the ordinance.
4. Establish Terms of Office
According to the Governance Ordinance, the 3 appointed members of the Board will
initially be approved as follows: 1 — 2 year term; 1 — 3 year term; 1 — 4 year term. By
consensus, the appointed members agreed on these terms:
Wayne Nehrenz — 2 years
Jon Morphew — 3 years
Roxanne Bakula — 4 years
Transcription of minutes will be handled by Cathy Shuman, Program & Project
5. Election of Vice President
The voting members elected Roxanne Bakula for the first term as Vice President. They
would like the position to rotate among the appointed members of the Board. At this
point, Roxanne presided over the meeting in the absence of Mayor Clint Herbst.
6. Update on FiberNet Proiect and Broadband Grant Application
Jeff gave an overview of the grant application process and what City staff has been
working on toward that process. He explained One Economy as a possible partner to
link trainers and learners of internet. Don noted that this concept could be tied to other
providers of services and equipment (ex. Foundations and computer manufacturers).
Note: After Jeff's conference call, he reported that One Economy will be sending a
proposal to the City.
Wayne N asked if there is a projected timeline for going live and bringing customers on
line. Don noted that bonds are still in escrow pending outcome of lawsuit. Efforts with
the grant application are intended to be prepared on quick notice to turn around the
application to possibly enhance the City's position in the grant process. Don reviewed
some other preparations the City is working on to be able to provide data, voice and
video services. Marketing efforts are being enhanced to bring more information to the
public, although dates are not identified yet.
7. Market Update
Megan Barnett, City Economic Development Director, showed the FiberNet website
under development and discussed some options. She is looking for feedback from
Advisory Board members. Roxanne asked if members could get pages or a link to take
a look so they could get back to Megan with ideas and comments.
8. Establish Mission, Vision and Values
Megan noted that she is working on a consistent look and consistent message with all of
the marketing media. She introduced draft Vision and Mission Statements and some
Core Values. After a short discussion, it was decided to have Advisory Board members
provide feedback to Megan within the next few days.
Some upcoming events that FiberNet will be involved in are Walk & Roll and the
Chamber Golf Tournament. There is also a kiosk in the main hall of the Community
Center that will be used to display marketing materials.
9. Establish Monthly Meeting Date /Time
Consensus was reached by the members present to establish the 2nd Tuesday of each
month as the regular meeting date. Starting time will be 6 p.m. and meetings will be
held in the Academy Room.
Members present also set a working session for May 19 at 4:30 pm to further discuss
the website and the Vision, Mission and Values.
10. Adopt Rules and Procedures
Don Patten discussed upcoming budget needs related to operations and noted that this
is an area covered within the Governance Ordinance. He wanted to know how much
involvement the Board wanted in budgetary approvals. Consensus was that day -to -day
items can be handled between Don and Jeff but bigger items should come to the
Advisory Board.
Don discussed several areas where board members may need to sign agreements or
forms. Because of the nature of some business discussions, they will be asked to sign
an agreement to not disclose privileged information until made public after Council
approval. They will also be asked to complete and sign "Conflict of Interest" disclosure
forms. There was also a short discussion of the requirements of the state open meeting
law, which should not pertain to the Advisory Board meetings in most cases.
Roxanne made the suggestion that FiberNet Monticello may want to look at trying to use
"green" concepts wherever possible. Don noted that he is already looking at ways those
concepts can be incorporated into the system. Jeff has been trying to contact someone
at Xcel Energy relative to their "smart grid" program.
Other considerations discussed were utilization of business links on the website and
data use restrictions related to internet service.
11. Open Forum
Jeff noted some upcoming presentations that will be made to outside groups to inform
them about the City's grant application plans.
Board members requested copies of the Governance Ordinance, resolution establishing
FiberNet Monticello, and draft of the Council resolution for the grant application.
12. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Vicki leerhoff