City Council Minutes 08-24-2015 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, August 24, 2015 — 4 :30 p.m.
North Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta
Absent: None
Others. Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, City depatnent heads: Angela Schumann, Shibani
Bisson, John Rued, Tom Moores, Tracy Ergen, Rachel Leonard, Matt Theisen
1. Call to Order
Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. in the North
Mississippi Room.
2. Purpose of Meeting:
A. Presentations of Department Budgets
Wayne Oberg introduced the budget presentations. The following departments
• Tom Moores — Street Department
Tom Moores, Street Superintendent, provided a brief overview of the Street
Department's mission and description of the services provided. He noted that
they are requesting an increase of 8.74% for 2016 with major increases in the area
of motor fuel, small tools & equipment, and vehicle & equipment parts.
The Department has six separate budgets that it administers:
Streets and Alleys — the major item in this budget is for a road grader at a
cost of $200,000 (this is a used road grader). This would replace the 1983
140G Caterpillar road grader.
Ice and Snow — There is a projected 13.3% increase which included sand
& salt, small tools /equipment, and snow removal repair supplies. Tom
Perrault questioned if the City is over budget for the 2015 year. Tom
Moores noted that as of currently, the City is not over budget.
Shop and Garage — There is a slight increase — mainly supplies and
sewer /water.
Street Lighting Maintenance — There is a projected 14.99% increase due to
stop light painting and repairs. There was discussion pertaining to the cost
of painting stop lights. Glen Posusta asked why this has to be contracted
out and why can't city employees do this? Tom Moores noted that they
don't have employees available to do this.
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Storm Water Maintenance — This item has a slight I% increase.
Parking Lots — This budget is projected to decrease by 2.13%
• Matt Theisen — Water and Sewer Superintendent
Matt Theisen introduced the department's mission statement and service trends.
He also commented on department Facts which included such items as water
pumped, water sold, and cost for pumping.
The future Water System Improvements have a projected cost of $150,000.
The presentation touched on water meter facts, flushing water mains, and Water
Department Maintenance.
The Sewer Department mission, service trends, and facts were presented next.
This included comments on mainline sewer maintenance, sewage lift stations,
gravity lines, and sewer system improvements.
Shibani Bisson - En in�g
Shibani Bisson, City Engineer (WSB), gave her budget presentation which began
with a mission statement and the services that WSB provides. This list included
Street Network; Transportation, Wastewater, Storm Water, Development Review;
and Permits.
The presentation touched on transportation initiatives which include: the
TH25 /CASH 75 proposed improvements (which will be discussed at the regular
council meeting); the Fallon Avenue overpass (need Right of Way Acquisition
from St. Henry's); the TH25 Coalition/Second River Crossing (develop Joint
Powers Agreement).
There was discussion on the pavement management program which will continue
to implement street reconstruction and pavement management programs and the
trail system. Shibani Bisson noted that over half of the streets are newer than 15
years. She also mentioned the 2015 -2020 revised Street Reconstruction Plan.
The main remaining street reconstruction projects to be completed in 2016 are the
core /downtown area (which was demonstrated on a map) and the TH25/7ffi Street
Intersection. These will be addressed in a feasibility study along with having
discussions with the City Council and holding neighborhood meetings.
Due to a time restraint, Shibani Bisson briefly touched on Interchange Planning;
major Wastewater Treatment Plant projects; and GIS needs. In addition, she
provided budget information, specifically, on what a WSB City Engineer provides
in terms of service. She also noted that they are requesting a 3% increase in 2016.
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Brian Stumpf mentioned that if departments don't feel that they had enough time
to deliver their budget presentations there will be another workshop where they
can do so.
There will be additional department budget presentations on September 14, 2015.
B. 2015 G.O. Bond, Series B - $2,605,000 Improvement/Street Reconstruction
Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, presented an overview on the bond issue of $2,605,000.
In addition to covering the School Boulevard project, the amount includes a $1.4 Million
dollar in advance of the 2016 Core Street Reconstruction project. He mentioned that the
last time they went out for bids they received one bid and it was 1 % over what an A2
bond rating would get. He advised against going out for a competitive bids because of
that reason. He recommended an alternative route is for the City to pass a "trigger"
resolution that would allow the City to bind itself to debt but it would also include
parameters relating to what action the City can take. This sanctions as a negotiated bond
sale and the City should receive better competitive pricing. Brian Stumpf questioned
whether or not the City will get competitive pricing since it defaulted on Fibernet.
Tammy Omdal, Financial Advisor from Northland Securities Public Finance, addressed
the City Council. She noted that Northland Securities will be buying these bonds and
selling them and that the City should get market rate. The concern the City has is that
they won't get multiple bids. Wayne Oberg noted that the City will be hiring someone to
give a pricing opinion to ensure that the City is receiving a competitive rate.
There was consensus to proceed forward with an Intent ( "trigger ") resolution and bring
back to City Council for approval.
3. Adjournment
Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber
Ci � imstrator
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