City Council Minutes 09-14-2015MINUTES
Monday, September 14, 2015 — 6:30 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault and Glen Posusta
Absent: None
1. General Business
A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with a quorum
present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
B. Annroval of Meeting Minutes
• Special Meeting Minutes from August 24, 2015 (budget & bond)
Tom Perrault moved to approve the August-2 4, 2015 Special Meeting
Minutes for the budget workshop and bond resolution as presented
with correction in time. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion
carried 5 -0.
o Regular Meeting Minutes from August 24, 2015
Tom Perrault moved to approve the August 24, 2015 regular meeting
minutes as presented that evening with corrections. Glen Posusta
seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0.
C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda
• Charlotte Gabler added three items:
1. Status of the Liquor Ordinance update.
2. Status of recycling program in the City.
3. City Hall /MCC and their green efforts.
• Jeff O'Neill added one item. Request to have two City Council members
serve on a committee to address parking issues on Cedar Street.
D. Citizen Comments
m Cindy Olson, resident who resides in Kjellberg Park, expressed her
concern that there wasn't a signal installed at the intersection of Highway
25 and Kjellberg Ct. Brian Stumpf commented that the improvements
were a State project and the City wasn't the decision maker on the signal.
Ms. Olson is frustrated that the community had no say. Glen Posusta
commented that over the last few years there were public meetings held on
these improvements that gave the public ample chance to comment. Brian
Stumpf concurred with that statement. If Cindy Olson has any additional
comments she is to contact Shibani Bisson, WSB Engineer.
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• BCOL Open House/Public Comment in on Thursday September 17, 2015
from 6:30 — 8 p.m. at the Community Center.
E. Public Service Announcements
• Brian Stumpf read the Monticello Women of Today Proclamation and
invited them to address the Council. They came forward and thanked the
City Council for the recognition.
F. Council Liaison Updates
• IEDC — Lloyd Hilgart attended and noted that the vacant seats have been
• Planning Commission — Charlotte Gabler stated that she wasn't able to
attend the meeting but watched it. She noted that the Planning
Commission approved change to fencing code permits, bulk propane sales,
and a text amendment to B3 zoning.
• BCGL — The meeting was canceled.
• EDA — Tom Perrault noted that there were updates on the hotel study that
was completed and the possible EDA/IFRA Levy.
• Transportation Advisory Committee — Glen Posusta asked if they talked
about 95th Street. Brian Stumpf answered yes and the discussion will be
coming before the City Council.
• Library Board — Charlotte Gabler attended the Library meeting and noted
that the Friends of the Library are having a book sale on September 26 and
September 28.
• WWTF Upgrades — Tom Perrault commented on the WWTF upgrades
and mentioned that 32.7% is being paid by grants.
• Taste of the Towns — Brian Stumpf attended the event and noted that it
was a success.
G. Department Updates
• Budget Workshop
Brian Stumpf noted that a budget workshop was held at 5 p.m. this same
evening with the following departments prescnting: Monticello
Community Center; Human Resources; Fire Department (follow -up); and
the Finance Department.
• City Administrator Jeff O'Neill provided an update on the following
1. The Yondoo agenda item is off of this agenda.
2. The groundbreaking for IRET is on September 28 at 10:30 a.m.
3. There will be a meeting of the Jobs and Energy Committee Hearing
on Monday, September 21, 2015 at 6 p.m. in Becker City Hall.
4. There have been fourteen giga - service centers installed.
• Wright County Sheriff Joe Hagerty gave a brief presentation on the
Wright County Sheriff's Office and the department's presence in the City
of Monticello. Currently Monticello holds the largest contract with
Wright County and added that they have six vacant positions in the
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department and are recruiting. He also mentioned that the budget for
Monticello is increasing over the next two years.
- Captain Anselment then gave a brief presentation which included
information on: daily shifts; contract rates; cost per capita; calls for service
per hour; and case types.
2. Consent Agenda
Glen Posusta moved to approve the Consent Agenda less the items that were pulled.
Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 -0.
A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved
the payment of bills in the total amount of $843,393.50.
B. Consideration of approving new hires /departures. Recommendation: Ratify
new hires for the Monticello Community Center and terminations for the
Monticello Community Center and the Water Department.
C. Consideration of approving the sale /disposal of surplus city property — (not
applicable this meeting) No report this City Council cycle.
D. Consideration of approving 2016 -2017 law enforcement contract with Wright
County Sheriff's Office. Recommendation: ITEM PULLED FROM
E. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2015 -065 to accept contributions from
Diamond City Bread, Ivy Lane Garden Shop, Hasty Woods Tree Farm and
Nursery, JT's Sweet BBQ Sauce, Greenbush Farms and Popcorn Patty for
sponsorship of the Farmer's Market. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution
#2015 -065 accepting contributions as mentioned.
F. Consideration of appointing a representative to the Industrial and Economic
Development Committee. Recommendation: ITEM PULLED FROM
G. Consideration of Resolution No. 2015 -066 approving the issuance of general
obligation street reconstruction and improvement bonds, Series 2015B.
Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2015 -066 approving the issuance of
general obligation street reconstruction and improvement bonds, Series
H. Consideration of a request for Amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance,
Chapter 4 — Finishing Standards, Section 4.3 — Fences & Walls, Subsections (G)
Prohibited Fences and (J) Appearance regulating Permit Requirements and
allowable materials. Applicant: City of Monticello Planning Commission.
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I. Consideration of Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance Section 5.3 — Accessory
Uses for Bulk Fuels Sales /Storage. Recommendation: ITEM WAS PULLED
J. Consideration of adopting Summary Ordinance #519A (R2 Minimum Standards)
and Ordinance 620A (Solar Energy Systems) to approve condense ordinances for
publication. Recommendation: Adopt Summary Ordinance #519A and
Summary Ordinance 620A.
K. Consideration of lowering the fluoride concentration in Monticello's Municipal
Water System. Recommendation: ITEM WAS PULLED FROM CONSENT
L. Consideration of approving equipment specifications and authorizing purchase of
2016 Ford 350 4 X 4 truck on State contract pricing in accordance with the 2013
capital equipment debt. Recommendation: ITEM WAS PULLED FROM
M. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2015 -067 accepting work and approving
final payment for the West 7th Street Extension (Elm to Minnesota Street), City
Project No. 12C002. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2015 -067
accepting work and approving final payment for the West 7t1 Street
Extension, City Project No. 12C002.
N. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2015 -068 approving Change Order No. 1
and accepting improvements and authorizing final payment to Magney
Construction, Inc. for the aeration blower system at the Wastewater Treatment
Facility, City Project No. 12C003. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2015-
068 approving Change Order No. 1 and accepting improvements and
authorizing final payment to Magney Construction, Inc. for the aeration
blower system at the Wastewater Treatment Facility, City Project No.
O. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2015 -069 approving a School Speed Zone
of 20 mph along Maple Street from 5 % Street to the BNSF Railroad Tracks.
2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion
D. Consideration of approving 2016 -2017 law enforcement contract with Wright
County Sheriffs Office.
Charlotte Gabler pulled the item and questioned what was determined at the last Police
Advisory Commission meeting in terms of hours. Was it 48 or 52 hours? Tom Perrault
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commented that they were wanting 52 hours. Wayne Oberg commented that the hour
issue will be addressed.
Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of the 2016 -2017 law enforcement contract with
Wright County Sheriffs Office. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
F. Consideration of appointing a representative to the Industrial and Economic
Development Committee.
Charlotte Gabler pulled the item to bring attention to the fact that Darek Vetsch, the
appointee, also serves on the Big Lake EDA and wondered if that is a conflict. It was a
consensus that it is no conflict.
Charlotte Gabler moved approval of appointing a representative to the IEDC. Tom
Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
jL Consideration of a request for Amendment to the Monticello Zoning
Ordinance, Chapter 4 — Finishing Standards, Section 4.3 — Fences & Walls,
Subsections (G) Prohibited Fences and (J) Appearance regulating Permit
Requirements and allowable materials. Applicant. City of Monticello Planning
Glen Posusta pulled the item to note that he doesn't feel that concrete wire mesh should
be allowed as a standard. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director,
addressed the Council and noted that it is allowable when combined with other materials.
There was discussion on the materials that should be allowed and a fence that currently
exists at 4640 Country Circle. It was a consensus that the fencing at this location should
have to be removed. Lloyd Hilgart wondered if it was possible to get something mailed
out to citizens that could include a list of the `most common violations of the zoning
ordinance, city code, etc.' Angela Schumann commented that they were trying to do
something in the City Newsletter and will look into doing something more frequently.
Glen Posusta moved approval of Alternate 1— approve Ordinance #622 for
Amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4 — Finishing Standards,
Section 4.3 — fences & Walls, Subsections (G) — Prohibited Fences and (T) —
Appearance regulating Permit Requirements and allowable materials, with the
amendment that metal materials of 14 -gauge or better, treated with factory - applied
weather resistant coating or galvanized, and framed at top and bottom with
permitted materials. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1;
Mayor Brian Stumpf voted against. Ordinance #622 as amended was approved.
I. Consideration of Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance Section 5.3 — ,1 ccessory
Uses for Bulk Fuels Sales /Storage.
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Charlotte Gabler pulled the item with a question in regard to screening. Angela
Schumann noted that there was a discussion at the Planning Commission meeting in
regard to screening. There is a provision for screening but attention was paid to safety
Charlotte Gabler moved approval of Ordinance #621 for Amendment to the
Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 5 — Use Standards, Section 5.3 — Accessory
Use Standards, Subsection (D) Additional Specific Standards for Certain Accessory
Uses regulating accessory use related to outdoor bulk fuel sales. Tom Perrault
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Ordinance #621 was approved.
Discussion was resumed in regard to screening. A representative of Von Hanson's who
owns a propane tank commented that there is a law that addresses screening of propane
tanks and they need to be opened for safety clearances. There was discussion among the
Council. Angela Schumann commented that the screening component can be amended.
Brian Stumpf moved to rescind the previous motion for approval. Charlotte Gabler
seconded the motion. Motion to rescind carried unanimously.
Glen Posusta moved to approve Ordinance No. 621 with an amendment (in item e)
that accessory use bulk fuels sales /storage facilities shall include i sliruU
landscaping planting per every 10 feet of bulk fuel facility perimeter, planted in
accordance with required safety clearances. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion.
Motion to approved Ordinance #621 as amended carried unanimously.
K Consideration of lowering the fluoride concentration in Monticello's Municipal
Water System.
Tom Perrault pulled the item and questioned a letter from MN Department of Health
which noted that chemical feed pumps would need to be replaced. Matt Theisen, Water
and, Sewer Superintendent, responded that the City won't need to replace these because
they were replaced in 1988. He also added that 200 cities in Minnesota have already
done this.
Charlotte Gabler moved Alternate 1 to authorize signing a variance to lower
Monticello's municipal public water fluoride concentration from 1.2 mg/L to 0.7
mg/L. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
L. Consideration approving equipment specifications and authorizing purchase of a
2016 Ford 350 4 X 4 truck on State contract in accordance with the 2013 capital
equipment debt.
Charlotte Gabler pulled the item and wondered, that since it was a capital purchase, why
it wasn't listed under the regular agenda instead of consent agenda. She added that the
recent tractor purchase in June was listed under the regular agenda. Jeff O'Neill
commented that the policy for listing items on the consent agenda is a loose policy. if it
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seems as though it is non - controversial it is usually put on the consent agenda. He also
commended that anyone can pull an item off of the consent agenda for discussion.
Wayne Oberg also commented that if they view the item as being `non - unanimous' they
will put it on the regular agenda. Glen Posusta questioned why the City went with a 1-
ton truck and not smaller. Tom Pawelk commented it was because of the plow that they
are using with the truck. In addition, the brakes are heavier, there will be a sander in the
back, and they are hauling around water.
Charlotte Gabler moved approval of Alternative 1— to approve the specifications
and authorize purchase of a Ford F350 4X4 from Midway Ford for the Parks
Department and equipped with the Boss snow plow and electronics from Crysteel
Truck Equipment for the Public Works Department in the total amount of
$33,865.08. Glen Posusta seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
O. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2015 -069 approving a School Speed Zone
of 20 mph along Maple Street from 5 %2 Street to the BNSF Railroad tracks.
Glen Posusta pulled the item and questioned the placement of all the signs on Maple
Street. Shibani Bisson stated that typically the 20 mph sign would be on School property
near the mid -block crossing where the crossing is. This brought on further discussion on
the large number of signs located in this area. Glen Posusta questioned if there had to be
an `end school zone' sign. Shibani Bisson said that it is a requirement.
Charlotte Gabler moved approval of adopting Resolution #2015 -069 approving a
School Speed Zone of 20 mph along Maple Street from 5 % Street to the BNSF
Railroad Tracks. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion to approve the
resolution carried 3 -2; Councilmembers Stumpf and Posusta voted against because
they have a concern that there are too many signs in the location. Resolution #2015-
069 was approved.
3. Public Hearings
4. Regular Agenda
A. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for use of City resources on
Sunday, September 27, 2015 (Paws for Parks) (Item was tables at 812411A CC
Angela Schumann updated the City Council on requested information. She noted that the
Parks for Paws presented additional information which included that there will be a
maximum of 20 vendors. The vendors are planning to make or have already made
donations to the park. In addition, the Parks Department staff won't be utilized during
the event. They will be setting up tables before the event and taking them down after the
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There was discussion on the licensing of dogs. Glen Posusta questioned whether all
attending the park will be licensed. It was addressed that dogs who are using the park are
expected to be licensed. Brian Stumpf questioned how the licensing of dogs is being
enforced. This is controlled by the Animal Control person and is primarily on a
complaint basis. There was consensus that licensing should be addressed in regard to the
park and perhaps find a way to enforce.
Charlotte Gabler moved approval of the Special Event Permit for the Wag & Walk
Festival by the Monticello Paws for Parks Committee. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the
motion. Motion carried 5 -0.
B. Consideration of approving contract for video services through Yondoo
Item was removed from the agenda.
C. Consideration_ of Resolution #2015 -070 approving a HRA Special Benefit Levy
and Ratifying the EDA budget.
Angela Schumann provided an overview of the item and noted that on August 24, 2015
the EDA voted 6 -1 to authorize an HRA levy for 2016 and adopt a 2016 budget. The
total budget of $305,000, exclusive of TIF and loan activities, includes increased funding
for additional redevelopment and housing activities through use of the maximum
allowable HRA levy. Brian Stumpf questioned properties that are up for sale. Would
that money go to the EDA or the City's general fund? Angela Schumann noted that it
would go into the EDA general fund. Lloyd Hilgart expressed support for the levy
because we have invested in the EDA throughout the years.
Tom Perrault commented that he will be voting against the levy because the board is not
an elected body. Glen Posusta also commented that he will be voting against because it
gives the EDA the power to buy and sell and they are not an elected body.
Bill Demeules, the EDA Chair, addressed the City Council. He noted that there is a good
relationship with the City Council and that the EDA wouldn't go out and buy and sell
stuff without the consent of the City Council. Glen Posusta responded in agreement,
however, noted that there will be other people serving in these positions in the future and
they may not have the same standard.
Charlotte Gabler moved approval of Alternative 1 to adopt Resolution 2015 -070
approving a Special Benefit Levy by the City of Monticello Economic Development
Authority and Accepting the EDA 2016 budget, and to eliminate the EDA funding
transfer for 2016. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 -2;
Councilmembers Tom Perrault and Glen Posusta voted against.
5. Added Items
City Council Minutes — September 14, 2015 Page 8 19
Charlotte Gabler questioned when the Liquor Ordinance updates were coming
forward. Some of the amendments will be brought to the next City Council
Charlotte Gabler questioned what we were doing in regard to recycling efforts
in regard to two containers versus one bigger container. Jeff O'Neill
mentioned that the City could do a survey or something equivalent in the city
newsletter that asks the public if they would be willing to pay extra for a
larger bin.
Charlotte Gabler questioned what the City was doing in its effort to be
"green ". For instance, whether the MCC has motion lights? Kitty Baltos
commented that the only place that has motion sensor lights is in the hallway
under the fitness center. She could look into installing motion sensor lights in
all areas. Jeff O'Neill commented that the City can look into replacing items
as needed to work toward greater efficiency.
Jeff O'Neill commented on the need for two City Council members to serve
on a committee to solve a parking issue on Cedar Street. Brian Stumpf and
Glen rosusta volunteered for this committee.
6. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Burrows Schreibe
Cit inistrator
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