Monday, September 28, 2015 — 6:30 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault and Glen Posusta
Absent: None
1. General Business
A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with a quorum
present. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
B. Approval of Meetma Minutes
o Special Meeting Minutes from September 14 2015 (budget)
Toro. Perrault moved to approve the September 14, 20115 Special
Meeting Minutes for the budget workshop as corrected. Lloyd
Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
• Regular Meeting
Lloyd Hilgart moved to approve the September 14, 2015 Regular
Meeting Minutes as corrected. Tom Perrault seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
C. Consideration of Adding.-items to the Agenda
• Glen Posusta added two items to the agenda:
1) Discussion or_ FiberNet Monticello
2) Discussion on PTO for City Employees
D. Citizen Comments
• Paws for Parks representatives provided an update on the Wag & Walk
event that took place on September 27, 2015. They noted that they had an
anonymous donor offer $2,000 in a matching donation. The event raised
over $4,400.
E. Public Service Announcements
• The National Guard — Monticello's 257 MP Company presented a Plaque
and a flag that flew over Afghanistan to the City Council.
• IEDC Industry of the Year breakfast is scheduled for Wednesday, October
21, 2015 at 7 a.m. The two nominees are Vector Tool & Manufacturing
and Bondhus Corporation.
• The Chamber Fall Harvest Expo will be held on October 4, 2015 from 11
a.m. — 3 p.m. at the Monticello High School.
City Council Minutes — September 28, 2015 Page 1 j 13
F. Council Liaison Undates
• MCC Advisory Board
Brian Stumpf noted that the following items were discussed:
- Follow up on having alcohol available at the ball fields for
Accepted the board resignation of Sandra Theros and appointed
her as liaison to Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council.
Approved a list of five caterers for food and liquor for 2016 -2017.
- Discussed the possibility of having a military discount program.
Added painting of the fitness center to the maintenance
department's workload.
• FiberNet Advisory Board
Brian Stumpf provided an update of the meeting which included:
Approved recommendation to continue using Golden West.
Approved new speed package and pricing for residential
Changed meeting date from December 15, 2015 to December 8,
- Authorized staff to purchase a speed test for FiberNet subscribers
to use.
FiberNet staff will also be attending the Chamber's Fall harvest
• Personnel Committee
Brian Stumpf noted these items:
- Discussed and made a recommendation on the gift policy.
The committee will be addressing the City's consultants'
performance — WSB Engineers and Campbell Knutson.
Discussion on the DOT Drug Policy.
Charlotte Gabler commented that they also discussed PTO and getting that
finalized and implemented.
Other Meetings/Events
• I -94 West Coalition
Brian Stumpf attended the I -94 West Coalition meeting on September 17,
• Xcpl Breakfast
Brian Stumpf and Council members attended the Xcel Breakfast on
September 23, 2015.
• Cedar Street Parking Lot Discussion
Brian Stumpf and Glen Posusta attended meeting with business owners on
September 23, 2015, to discussion parking lot issues.
• Yondoo Meeting
Brian Stumpf and Lloyd Hiigart attended a meeting on September 23,
2015. Mr. Stumpf commented that, to date, nothing has happened with the
Yondoo contract.
• Brian Stumpf attended the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Kwik Trip
on September 24, 2015.
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• Brian Stumpf attended a tour of the new US Bank Stadium on September
24, 2015.
• Brian Stumpf and Glen Posusta attended a tour of the Bondhus
• Brian Stumpf attended the Fire Department open house on September 27,
• Brian Stumpf attended the ground breaking ceremony for IRET on
September 28, 2015.
• Tom Perrault attended a meeting of the Monticello Orderly Annexation
Board which discussed lot lines and information items on the County's
solar ordinances.
• Tom Perrault noted that there will be a meeting in regard to the WWTF
projects on Wednesday, October 7, 2015.
• Brian Stumpf noted that the Wright County Mayors met on September 16,
2015. He also mentioned that Monticello is hosting the annual Christmas
party which will be on December 16, 2015.
G. Department Updates
• Budget Workshops
Brian Stumpf noted that the budget meeting held at 6 p.m. was in regard to
preliminary levy discussion.
• Kathy Voss, CentraCare Health, was present to present their Bounce Back
program. The events will be held on October 6 and October 8, 2015 at the
MCC and then on October 20, 2015 at both the Monticello High School
and Buffalo High School.
• City Administrator Jeff O'Neill provided an update on the following
1) City staff and FiberNet staff are still working on an agreement with
2) Verizon is continuing to have discussions City staff in regard to
use of the water tower.
3) Discussed the use of the Council Connections. He noted that these
have not always been posted online. This City is now adopting a
policy that everything will be posted on website including the
Council Connections. iii addition, City staff has identified who is
responsible for posting and providing information of the various
4) In regard to FiberNet, the City is disappointed in learning that the
agreement the City had with Vaultas required a 60 -day
cancellation notice. The failure to provide this 60 -day notice cost
the city $30,000. The City is continuing discussions with Vaultas
in regard to opportunities for revenue generation with a good
relationship with this company. Brian Stumpf requested that this
item be on the Fibernet board agenda as an update.
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5) Discussion is moving forward with St. Henry's Church in regard to
negotiations for the right of way needed for the Fallon Avenue
6) Angie McIntire, Assistant Finance Director, is leaving Monticello
to work for the City of Ramsey, Minnesota.
7) On October 7, 2015, the Public Utilities Commission will be
reviewing an appeal by Sunrise Energy Ventures in regard to the 5-
megawatt Solar Garden.
• Carolyn Jackson, Flaherty & Hood, was present to give an update on the
Coalition of Utility Cities. More specifically she touched on their
lobbying efforts at the State Legislature.
2. Consent Agenda
Lloyd Hilgart moved to approve the Consent Agenda items B, C, D, E, G, J, M, and
N as presented. Glen Posusta seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Consideration of approving the payment of biiis. Recommendation: IT EM
B. Consideration of approving new hires /departures. Recommendation: Ratify
new hires for MCC and terminations for MCC.
C. Consideration of approving the sale /disposal of surplus city property — (not
applicable this meeting) No report this City Council cycle.
D. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2015 -07 approving a contributions from
Gardner's Garden, Jeff and Sally Gardner, for the Farmer's Market and TDS
Telecom for the visit and pictures with Santa event. Recommendation: Approve
Resolution #2015 -071 approving contributions from Gardner's Garden, Jeff
and Sally Gardner, for the Farmer's Market and TDS Telecom for the visit
and pictures with Santa event.
E. Consideration of approving payment to the Coalition of Utility Cities for City
share of CUC membership fees. Recommendation: Approve payment to the
Coalition of Utility Cities for City share of CUC membership dues.
F. Consideration of establishing December 14, 2015 for the Truth -in- Taxation public
hearing. Recommendation: ITEM PULLED FROM THE CONSENT
G. Consideration of approving caterers/liquor providers for the Monticello
Community Center for 2016 -2017. Recommendation: Approve the list of
caterer and alcohol providers as presented.
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H. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2015 -072 declaring costs to be assessed,
ordering preparation of assessment roll, and calling for an Assessment Hearing to
adopt assessments for 2015 Street Improvements, City Project 14CO03 (School
Boulevard). Recommendation: ITEM PULLED FROM THE CONSENT
I. Consideration of adopting Ordinance #625 amending city liquor ordinances
relating to Sunday on -sales intoxicating liquor and adding section related to Brew
Pubs, Brewer Taproom and Microdistilleries. Recommendation: ITEM
Consideration of calling for a public hearing by the Planning Commission on
amendments to the Monticello Zoning Odinance as related to Brew Pubs, Brewer
Taproom and Microdistilleries. Recommendation: Call for a public hearing by
the Planning Commission on November 3, 2015 on amendments to the
Monticello Zoning Ordinance as related to brew pubs, brewer taprooms and
K. Consideration to approve a Joint Powers Agreement and Operating Memorandum
2015 -1 between the County of Wright and the City of Monticello regarding the
Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Paris. Recommendation: ITEM PULLED
L. Consideration to approve a land use study for the Northwest Monticello
Interchange Planning Area. Recommendation: ITEM PULLED FROM THE
M. Consideration of adopting Ordinance #626 amending the Traffic Ordinance by
adding Section Overnight Lodging. Recommendation: Approve Ordinance by
adding Section 9 -1 -0 to the Traffic Ordinance titled Unlawful Purposes for
N. Consideration of adopt Resolution 42015 -073 approving additional drainage and
utility easement for Sunset Ponds 3rd Addition. Recommendation: Approve
Resolution #2015 -073 approving additional drainage and utility easement for
Sunset Ponds 311 Addition.
2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion
2A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Brian Stumpf had a question in
regard to a purchase of FiberNet attire found on page 5 on the first set of bills. The cost
was $1,400 and he wanted discussion on what staff would be provided in regard to attire.
Glen Posusta questioned what was spent over the last five years in regard to attire. Brian
Stumpf requested that these numbers be obtained and forwarded to the FiberNet Advisory
Board for review.
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Glen Posusta also had a question in regard to the $1,200 cost of inspecting the climbing
wall. Kitty Baltos noted that it is recommended that the wall be inspected every five
years. There has been some damage to the wall and there was a need to bring in an
expert. This is for the safety of the employees and the users.
Glen Posusta questioned the amount we are paying on page 4 to Consolidated
Communications Env. (10 -gig ring) in the amount of $24,517 for three months. He noted
that the City Council approved $6,000 a month, not $8,000 a month.
Glen Posusta moved approval of the payment of bills. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
2F. Consideration of establishing December 14, 201 S for the Truth -in- Taxation
public hearing. Tom Perrault reminded everyone to be at this City Council meeting and
emphasized the importance of votes.
Tom Perrault moved approval of establishing December 14, 2015 for the Truth -in-
Taxation public hearing. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried
2H. Consideration of adopting Resolution No. 2015 -072 declaring costs to be
assessed ordering preparation of assessment roll and calling for an Assessment
Hearing to adopt assessments far School Boulevard Improvements, City Project No.
140003. Tom Perrault questioned whether or not the project was under budget. Shibani
Bisson, WSB Engineer, concurred that it is coming in under budget, but this item is just
for School Boulevard and not Fallon Avenue.
Tom Perrault moved approval of Resolution No. 2015 -072 as stated above. Glen
Posusta seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
21 Consideration of adopting Ordinance #625 amending City Liquor Ordinances
relating to Sunday on -sales intoxicating liquor and adding section related to Brew
Pubs, Brewer Taproom and Microdistilleries. Charlotte Gabler question whether the
Growler license would be in addition to an existing liquor license. Jennifer Schreiber,
City Clerk, commented that an off -sale growler license would be in addition to an
existing on -sale intoxicating liquor license. The fee proposed was included in the item.
Glen Posusta moved approval of Alternative No. 1 approving Ordinance #625.
Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
2K. Consideration to approve a Joint Powers Agreement and Operating
Memorandum 2015-1 between the County of Wright and the City of Monticello
regarding the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. Tom Perrault commented that he
was surprised the City wasn't in charge of the beach area. Angela Schumann,
City Council Minutes — September 28, 2015 Page 6 ; 13
Community Development Director, responded that this is the responsibility of Wright
County. Mr. Perrault disagreed with parts of the agreement.
Charlotte Gabler moved approval to approve the Joint Powers Agreement and
Operating Memorandum 2015 -1. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion
carried 4 -1; Tom Perrault voted against.
2L. Consideration to approve a land use study for Northwest Monticello
Interchange Planning Area. Charlotte Gabler questioned the need for the entire amount
of $8,200. Angela Schumann commented that, yes, this amount is needed for further
study. Charlotte Gabler was also curious about the process and whether there are plans to
have a committee. Steve Grittman, Northwest Associated Consultants, commented that
they will be having public workshops and meetings with the City Council.
Charlotte Gabler moved approval of the land use study. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Public Hearings
4. ReLyular Amenda
A. Consideration of adoping Resolution #2015 -074 setting the preliminary tax lever
Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, presented the preliminary tax levy. He noted that once
the preliminary tax levy is set the final property tax levy cannot exceed the preliminary
levy, but can be lower. The proposed preliminary tax levy is $8,919,000 with a levy
change of 4.5 %. A couple of items that he touched on in the presentation were:
• The City of Monticello has the lowest tax rate in Wright County.
■ The increases for the 2016 General Fund include: election budget; refuse &
recycling; Public Works Director, Building Inspector; and wage increases for
a total of $304,000.
• Monticello's Tax Capacity will increase again in 2016 as result of Xcel
nuclear power plant improvements.
• If the City Council wanted to add in the $2/hour increase for firefighters it
would be a total increase of $6,000 in the total budget.
Glen Posusta wanted to point out that the tax levy is just the City's share of property
taxes and does not include the school district or Wright County. Wayne Oberg,
concurred and noted that the City's share of taxes is approximately 35 %.
Tom Perrault questioned whether, the building permit fees would cover the cost of the
new position of Building Inspector. Wayne Oberg commented that he estimated a
conservative budget amount of $280,000 for permit fees. He added that the end dollar
amount of revenue will most likely be higher and could cover some cost but he prefers to
look at any additional revenue as a surplus. Brian Stumpf summed up by saying the
City Council Minutes — September 28, 2015 Page 7 1 13
Building Department is a revenue generating department and will assist in covering the
cost. Charlotte Gabler added that even though it is a revenue generating department the
service they are providing is essential to the City which includes inspections and many
other tasks that are needed, for example, nuisance violations.
Lloyd Hilgart commented that the City can keep adding tax capacity but if they do not
raise the tax levy no additional dollars will be captured, therefore, no additional benefit.
If the City continues growing and adds more businesses and more people, the services
will continue to increase and the City needs to be able to respond to this demand.
Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of adopting Resolution 2015 -074 setting the
preliminary tax levy as presented with the increase of $6,000 for the firefighters.
Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 -2; Tom Perrault and Glen
Posusta voted against. Tom Perrault noted that he voted against because he is not
in favor of the increases for Public Works Director and Building Inspector. He also
spoke that he wasn't in favor of the LDA levy. Glen Posusta voted against because
he is followinng his philosophy of not raising taxes. In addition, he preferred that the
preliminary tax levy dollar amount be lower.
B. Consideration of a N4gp Amendment for Rezoning from B -3 (Highway Business
District to B -2 (Limited Business) District, and/or Zoning Text Amendment
within the B -3 (Highway Business) District to allow Places of Public Assembly as
a permitted or conditional use.
Steve Grittman presented the item and noted that there were two items to consider: 1)
Rezone former Gould Chevrolet property from B -3, Highway Business to B -2, Limited
Business, where Places of Public Assembly are allowed as permitted uses; and 2) Retain
the existing B -3 zoning, but amend the language of the district to add Places of Public
Assembly as either permitted or conditional use. He also mentioned that the City Council
could actually choose to approve or deny both of these. He gave a history of the
property, including its zoning and relation to Comprehensive Plan and noted that in
August 2015 both of these items were presented to the Planning Commission. The
Planning Commission voted to recommend denial of the rezoning to B -2, reasoning that
the surrounding land was zoned B -3 and the B -3 District was designated specifically to
accommodate business uses from a regional drawing are and which had special attraction
to the traveler. A site zoned to B -2 in this area would allow uses that are inconsistent
with the location and the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. In September 2015, the
Planning Commission addressed adding Places of Assembly to the B -3 District. They
agreed that the Conditional Use Permit approach was likely the preferred option. The
applicant asked that both of these, the rezoning and the text amendment, be brought to the
City Council at the same time. Staffs recommendation is to deny to the rezoning from
B -3 to B -2 and to approve the text amendment to allow Places of Assembly in the 13-3
District, allowed by a Conditional Use Permit.
Brian Stumpf questioned the size of the building and whether there would be a second
use of this building and if there is a need to get a second amendment. Mr. Grittman
City Council Minutes — September 28, 2015 Page 8 1 13
commented that is the reasoning behind a conditional use permit, so that the applicant
would have to identify the uses of the building.
Glen Posusta had a question in regard to a portion of the building that would potentially
be leased out to a business. He wondered if that portion would be taxed as any other
business. Steve Grittman responded, this it is his understanding that, yes, that portion
would be taxable. He added that the additional users would need to comply with the
zoning district. Tom Perrault asked if an amendment could be written that would have
Places of Assembly as a `re -use' of a property and not the initial use. Steve Grittman
commented that this is an interesting idea but his initial reaction is to recommend against
Brad Fyle, Planning Commission Chair, addressed the City Council and noted that he
was the solo person that voted against the Conditional Use Permit option at the Planning
Commission meeting. He expressed that his concern was that the use was a good use in
the City, but did not support its addition to the B -3 District.
There was some discussion among the City Council on the zoning of the property and the
Comprehensive Plan. Brian Stumpf questioned `Places of Assembly' and the issue of
them being allowed in multiple zoning districts. - Steve Grittman said that the City
Council will need to consider the intent of the zoning district and the boundaries of the
Comprehensive Plan policies to accommodate `public assembly'. A difficulty that the
City has with the Zoning Ordinance or Comprehensive Plan is that they don't specify
where `Places of Assembly' should go.
Jeffrey Bajeck, Venture Bank, addressed the City Council. Venture Bank is the current
owner of the property and is under a purchase agreement with Quarry Church. Venture
Bank has been involved with the property since 2007. They have looked at multiple uses
and talked to multiple organizations and the property is too large for their needs or there
is already a similar business in the immediate area. Brian Stumpf questioned the size of
the property. Wayne Elam, Commercial Realty Solutions, is the broker of the building
and he responded that the property is 10.66 acres (700 ft. of frontage) and the building is
57,000 sq. ft. It is very large and has been difficult to sell. The building has been empty
for 6 years. The church is looking at occupying 60% of the building and leasing out the
remaining space.
Michael Grose, Pastor of Quarry Church, spoke to the City Council on what the Church
does and touched on their activity in the community. He mentioned urban congregations
and their economic benefit to a City. Kari Sanders, Executive Director of Quarry
Church, came before the City Council and requested that one of the above options be
approved. She stated that, currently, Quarry Church utilized 100 Chelsea Rd. for office
and student ministry activities and Monticello Schools are utilized for Sunday Axiorship.
The Church averages 350 persons for Sunday service but they are anticipating growth.
The Church requests that the either rezoning or conditional use permit be approved.
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Charlotte Gabler questioned their finances and their ability to pay for the property. Kari
Sanders responded that they have funds to carry them for a number of years.
Decision 1: Glen Posusta moved Alternative 2 — to deny option of Ordinance
rezoning the subject property at 3939 Chelsea Road, Lot 1, Block 1, Gould Addition,
from B -3 to B -2, based on findings as adopted in the Planning Commission's
resolution recommending for denial. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion
carried unanimously.
Decision 2: Charlotte Gabler moved Alternative 1— adopt Ordinance No. 623,
adding Places of Public Assembly as a Conditional Use in the B -3 listing allowable
principal uses, based on findings in the PIanning Commission's resolution
recommending for approval. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-
1. Brian Stumpf voted against. He dad not agree with the location as there are other
properties available for Places of Assembly.
C. Consideration of development of hcad-iLpgLking on Cedar Street between
Broadway Bast and Fiver Street East.
Jeff O'Neill presented a brief synopsis of the agenda item. He thanked Brian Stumpf and
Glen Posusta for meeting on alternatives for addressing this parking area of Cedar Street
between River Street and Broadway. The supported plan consists of construction of
additional parallel and head -in parking within the Cedar Street right of way between
Broadway and River Street. Dennis Anderson, the requestor, is proposed to be assessed
50% for the construction of this parking. In addition, he is requesting that parking spaces
directly adjacent to this building be designated as parking by permit only (8 a.m. — 5
p.m.) with himself being granted a permit. Brian Stumpf and Glen Posusta both
expressed that Mr. Anderson should pay 100% of the cost since it is a private parking
Currently, Mr. Holker is utilizing the Cedar Street right of way for his exclusive parking
since he has control of the access from Cedar Street and CSAH 75. Mr. Anderson
requests that the drive entrance south of his building from Cedar Street be relocated, and
head -in parking be extended from existing on- street parking all the way to the corner of
Broadway and Cedar. The new access would deter drivers from assuming there is an
access to Walgreens from the Holker property. The group that met determined that
Holker property should not be assessed. In addition, at the time the area redevelops the
existing access location could be reinstated.
Brian Stumpf expressed frustration with the adjacent property owner, Mr. Holker, and his
lack of cooperation to provide an access for parking.
Scott Drayna, representing Dennis Anderson's property, address the City Council and
noted the need for parking. He commented on the problems with the adjacent property
owner. He noted that Mr. Anderson would like to pay 50% of the cost. Glen Posusta
commented that if the first alternative is selected, Mr. Anderson would need to pay 100%
City Council Minutes — September 28, 2015 Page 10 1 13
of the cost. Mr. Drayna expressed his understanding but responded that Mr. Anderson
cannot commit without knowing what the total cost would be.
There was discussion among the Council on the details. Charlotte Gabler questioned
whether this sets a precedent and whether the City could make this agreement on an
annual basis. Jeff O'Neill stated that this is a unique situation. This is a concession for
not providing enough parking at the time of development. He also mentioned that this
agreement should be on an annual basis. The area is going to be redeveloped so this is a
short term fix.
Glen Posusta moved approval of Alternative 1 to approve designation of reserved
parking spaces within the existing Cedar Street parking bay and pursue
preparation of plans for an agreement with Dennis Anderson for 100% payment of
the proposed public head -in parking on Cedar Street right of way (13 spaces).
Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion with the addition that if Mr. Anderson needs
more parking he could get additional spots. Motion carried 4-1; Tom Perrault
voted against. He was in favor of alternative 3 which was to approve designation of
reserved parking spaces within the existing Cedar Street parking bay only with
overflow parking available at the EDA property.
5. Added Items
Glen Posusta provided comments in regard to Fibemet. They were as follows:
- He is frustrated that the City is paying $30,000 for not paying attention
to the 60 -day cancellation notice (10 -gig ring). The City Council was
given information that the 10 -gig ring would cost $6,000 per month.
He said it is actually costing closer to $8,000 per month because taxes
and fees were left out.
- The City could have went with a 5 -gig ring for a lot less. He feels that
Dan Olsen was responsible for this and now he is gone.
- FiberNet is losing hundreds of thousands of dollars.
- Why is FiberNet only dealing with Yondoo exclusively?
- Commented that through all of the Freedom of Information Act, staff
found that FiberNet employees were accepting gifts. He noted that
they were disciplined and questioned why their supervisor wasn't
Stated that Dan Olsen sold dark fiber to the schools at $450/month.
He noted that he was told that fiber is worth triple that amount. In
addition, Dan Olsen gave away a $5,000 switch. Many issues since
FiberNet was involved with Dan Olsen.
City spent approximately $12,000 on a study that projected that
FiberNet would be breaking even by this point in time. FiberNet is not
even close to breaking even.
He wants the City to do some kind of audit of FiberNet. He is
concerned that the City Council is not getting all the information in
regard to FiberNet and that everything should be out in the open.
FiberNet should not be subsidized by the liquor store.
City Council Minutes -- September 28, 2015 Page 111 13
- Questioned why FiberNet still doesn't have a Business Manager.
Brian Stumpf responded in regard to Yondoo and commented that they are not the
only company they are looking at. A company called CTC has approached
FiberNet and they are investigating what this company can do before entering into
a contract with Yondoo. In his opinion, if Yondoo or this other company do not
work then video services may be gone.
Jeff O'Neill commented that, since 2014, FiberNet has shown improved
performance. The number of complaints has gone down significantly. Video has
been stabilized. Charlotte Gabler would like to see a spreadsheet of costs. Glen
Posusta questioned the 10 -gig ring and wondered why Fibernet only went with
one company. Jeff O'Neill responded that FiberNet built a connection to this
company and it worked. Glen Posusta is concerned that we would give portions
of FiberNet away — like video to Yondoo.
Rachel Leonard, Communications Director, addressed the City Council and
provided clarification. She is concerned that some of the information being
expressed are opinions and not fact. The Yondoo agreement hasn't come forward
yet because it isn't complete, however, an agreement with Yondoo doesn't make
Video go away. FiberNet technicians would still be working with video services
which includes installing, maintenance, etc. Glen Posusta responded that what
goes away is FiberNet's control or handle of it. Ms. Leonard wants to be fair to
FiberNet staff that they have never said they don't want to do video. They are in
negotiations with this company. FiberNet's ability to offer video themselves is
hindered by the high costs of providing the service.
Glen Posusta reiterated his comment that he would like an outside source look at
FiberNet as a whole including management, costs, etc. It was a consensus of the
City Council to look at a management study /audit of FiberNet. Jeff O'Neil
commented that staff will work on a proposal.
Glen Posusta questioned where staff was in the process of transitioning to PTO.
He would like to see this in place by January 1, 2016. Jeff O'Neill responded that
this is a priority for the City. Charlotte Gabler commented that is was her
understanding that it should be implemented January 1. Wayne Oberg mentioned
that there could be a cost and they are expecting to have in place by January 1,
• Wayne Oberg presented a list of small tools and equipment that Public Works is
going to purchase with monies that are available. He commented that if a
purchase is under $105000 it does not need City Council approval, however, he is
bringing this forward to keep the City Council informed.
Glen Posusta questioned the purchase of the rotory mower skid steer when one
was just purchased with the new tractor. Tom Moores, Street Superintendent,
City Council Minutes — September 28, 2015 Page 12 113
responded that this is more of a brush hog to use in ponds. Mr. Posusta wondered
if one could be rented to break down the trees and brush around the ponds and
then keep it mowed the rest of the time. Mr. ;Moores commented that one could
be rented. Mr. Posusta also questioned the pick -up broom and why it is needed.
Torn Moores responded that it is used for picking up millings. They have been
using the street sweeper but this material is hard on the street sweepers and the
maintenance can be expensive. Mr. Posusta questioned the snow blower for the
Skid Steer. Tom Moores responded that is used on sidewalks.
There were questions on other items, however, they are purchases for the Parks
Department and no one was available for comment.
Brian Stumpf questioned why this wasn't brought forward as an agenda item.
Wayne Oberg responded that it is close to the end of the year and there is money
left in the budget. Although these items do not require City Council approval, he
wanted to bring them forward for awareness. Jeff O'Neill commended that this is
the first time he has seen this list. Typically this would be an agenda item.
Wayne Oberg disagreed that these are small tools and equipment and do not need
to come as an agenda item.
Brian Stumpf would like these items brought back as an agenda item. Wayne
Oberg commented that he will bring more information to the City Council.
6. Ad'ournment
By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Burrows Schreiber
Approved: 14
City Council Minutes — September 28, 2015 Page 13 13