City Council Minutes 11-23-2015 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, November 23, 2015 — 5:00 p.m.
Academy Room
City Hall - Monticello Community Center
Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault
Absent: Glen Posusta
Others: Jeff O'Neill, City staff. Rachel Leonard, Tom Pawelk, Wayne Oberg, and Angela
Park Commission Members: Larry Nolan and Nancy McCaffrey
1. Call to Order
Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in the Mississippi
2. Review of Bertram Chain of Lakes Master Plan
Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, introduced the item and WSB
Consultants Steven Foss and Jason Amberg were present to present the master plan.
WSB presented information received from an Athletic Needs Assessment which
concluded that current capacity does not meet demand needs of the area. Included in the
discussion was the School District's proposed football field /track and a football field.
The construction of this facility will displace four multi -use athletic fields and 1 multi-
use ballfield in Monticello. The result will be a net loss of two multi -use athletic fields
and one multi - purpose ballfield. Also mentioned was the potential decommissioning of
the Xcel Fields which will result in a loss of a multi- purpose field currently used by adult
softball, youth baseball, and youth football. It was also noted that the current
activity /sport(s) with the highest demand are soccer and lacrosse.
WSB then presented the Master Plan layout. They took direction from the City Council
workshop on October 12, 2015 and eliminated the pedestrian bridge and explored
alternative parking lot configurations. They presented three options. The first option
preserved the more curvilinear parking and had a more `parklike' atmosphere; the second
had a balance between curvilinear and straight; and the third option had a more
`industrial' parking configuration. The City Council discussed the options. Charlotte
Gabler commented that she preferred Option 1 because she prefers the more `parklike'
atmosphere. Brian Stumpf concurred but also was in favor of Option 2. WSB
commented that the City Council can determine which layout out they prefer at a later
The City Council was then asked what their priority was in terms of the build -out of
fields. Lloyd Hilgart commented that a priority would be whatever is needed the most.
WSB noted that the areas of greatest need are soccer, lacrosse, and football.
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The next steps in the process include: open house on master plan; adopt master plan,
finalize feasibility study; construct 1St phase (per grant funding); and seek additional
funding and develop site.
3. 2016 Budget Discussion
Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, presented a draft budget resolution and draft fee
schedule to the City Council for informational purposes. He presented the resolution and
made reference to Section 3 — Transfers and Section 4 — Capital Equipment and
Improvement Acquisition. He noted Section 3 because the City Council will be voting
on that item at the regular meeting following this special meeting. He also clarified that
because the City Council previously approved an increase for Paid On -Call Firefighters
from $10 /hr. to $12 /hr. it be added to the resolution.
Charlotte Gabler questioned why reserves were not a part of the resolution when they are
being used to make the expenses and revenues balance. Wayne Oberg said reserves are
not typically in the resolution but could be added if the City Council desires.
The budget and tax levy will be brought forward for approval at the December 14, 2015
City Council meeting.
4. Adjournment
By consensus the meeting was adjourned.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber
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