City Council Minutes 11-23-2015REGULAR MEETING — MONTIC1ELLO CITY COUNCIL, Monday, November 23, 20 5 — 6030 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, and Tom Perrault Absent: Glen Posusta 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with a quorum present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. B. AuDroval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from November 9, 2015 Charlotte Gabler moved approval of the Special Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2015 as presented. Lloyd Ililgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. • Regular Meeting Minutes from November 9, 2015 Lloyd Llilgart moved approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes of November 9, 2015 as revised. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda • Brian Stumpf added discussion on Friendship Island and pay increases for part -time minor employees at the Monticello Community Center. III. Citizen Comments 0 None E. Pubhe Service Announcements • Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator, provided an update on business hours for Thanksgiving. Rachel Leonard note a Santa Event which will be held on December 5 from 9 — 11 a.m. at Eastview Elementary School. F. Council Liaison Updates ® FiberNet Advisory Board — Brian Stumpf remarked that the board discussed recouping costs regarding video service. City Council Minutes — November 23, 2015 Page 11 7 EDA — Lloyd Hilgart commented that there was continued discussion on the EDA's work plan. In addition, they discussed negotiations on a specific property. Transportation Advisory Committee — Brian Stumpf gave a brief synopsis on the following items that were discussed at the TAC meeting: - Fallon Avenue Overpass — still waiting on St. Henrys; - Rebid schedule for the Highway 25 /Broadway project; - The Highway 25 Corridor Coalition is working on the Joint Powers Agreement; and - Interchange Study. Lloyd Hilgart added that they also discussed Highway 25 south and the extension of 95th Street. • MCC Advisory — Brian Stumpf mentioned that the group discussed a pay increase for the part-time employees. • Personnel Committee — Brian Stumpf noted that the Committee reviewed the following items: - Paid Time Off (PTO); - Applications for EDA Manager; - Two qualified applicants for the Water Department; - Deliberation on a graduate Engineer position versus a Public Works Director; - Building Inspector position; - Annual Review of the WSB Engineer on December 17, 2015. • Other - Brian Stumpf noted that he attended the Bertram Chain of Lakes (BCOL) meeting the morning of November 23. The group considered these items: on -site non - intoxicating liquor sales; extending hours; road access; 2016 is a bonding year; and irrigation. G. Department Updates • Workshops — Brian Stumpf stated that the City Council Workshop was held to discuss 1) BCOL Master Plan; and 2) City's 2016 Budget. • Department Updates - Angela Schumann presented an opportunity for the City to partner with local groups and the public in the National Geographic's Mississippi River Geotourism Project. She provided information on the program. • City Administrator Jeff O'Neill provided the following updates: 1. The Highway 25 Coalition is working on a Joint Powers Agreement and it will be on the next City Council agenda. 2. The Mayor's Christmas dinner will be December 16 at 6 p.m. at the Community Center and all City Council members are invited. City Council Minutes — November 23, 2015 Page 2 17 o Consent Agenda Tone Perrault moved to approve the Consent Agenda excluding items A and E. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation.- =Nl WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. B. Consideration of approving new hires /departures. Recommendation: Approved the new hires for MCC and the departures for Parks, MCC, Streets and building. C. Consideration of approving the sale /disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: Approved the sale of a plow for $1,500. D. Consideration to approve an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Swan River PTO for March 29, 2016. Recommendation: Approved the application for a charitable gambling perm -it fair a raffle to be conducted by the Swan River PTO at the Monticello Community Center on March 19, 2016. E. Consideration to approve 2015 Operating Transfers. Recommendation: STEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. F. Consideration to approve Ordinance No. 627 for Amendment to the Monticello Zo.ning Ordinance Chapter 2, Section 4(0), as related to Planned Unit Developments, Chapter 4, Section 13 as related to co- location facilities for wireless antenna and Chapter 8, Section 4 for definitions. Recommendation: Approved Ordinance No. 627 and summary Ordinance No. 627A (for publication). G. Consideration to approve a Site Sketch for proposed Verizon Wireless cellular antennae installation at School Boulevard /Jefferson Commons Water Tower. Recommendation: Moved approval of site sketch SS v.4 with shelter option for fan lord approval purposes for the proposed Verizon Wireless cellular antennae installation at School Boulevard /Jefferson Coninlons Water Tower, recognizing that Verizon Wireless and its consultants will be required to submit and follow all required federal, state, and local permitting processes, and subject to the additional decisions and approvals of the City as part of those processes. H. Consideration of amending FiberNet Business Office Hours of operation on Christmas Eve. Recommendation: Approved amending FiberNet business office hours of operation on Christmas Eve. City Council Minutes — November 23, 2015 Page 3 1 7 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 2A. Consideration to approve the payment of bills. Lloyd Hilgart pulled the item and questioned a check that was written to Joanne Johnson. Jeff O'Neill commented that the City is the fiscal agent for the Broadband Alliance group and collects all the funds and then issues payment to Ms. Johnson. Lloyd Hilgart moved to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,190,512.99. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 2E. Consideration to approve 2015 Operating Transfers. Tom Perrault pulled the item and noted that he was not in favor of item (h) Park Dedication. Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of the proposed 2015 operating transfers as listed. Brian Stump seconded the motion. Motion carried 3 -1; Tom Perrault voted against for reason listed above. 3. Public Hearings None. 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration to approve a Paid Time Off (PTO) Policy and transition plan for City staff. Tracy Ergen, Human Resources Director, presented a brief overview of the policy. She noted a couple of changes that were made at the request of the City Council. These were: 1) Additional days off to award longevity; and 2) 50% payout of sick time to all employees into a health savings account at the time of implementation. Brian Stumpf invited city employees to comment. Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent, expressed his concern that the additional days off should be given after twenty years of service instead of twenty -five years of service. His reasoning was because there are many years when there is no increase. Wayne Oberg responded that this system is fair and would like it to stay as presented. Employees Derek Wipper and Brian Rousselow also commented on the policy. They expressed general concerns but thought the policy was fair. Tracy Ergen responded that the PTO policy did not apply to these employees because they are members of the union and do not qualify for PTO at this time. City Council Minutes — November 23, 2015 Page 4 17 Charlotte Gabler noted that she would like to revisit the policy after implementation. Brian Stumpf responded that it will be revisited in two years. Tracy Ergen commented that the policy can be reviewed at any time. Charlotte Gabler moved approval of the paid time off (PTO) policy and transition plan. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration to approve Resolution 2015 -086 authorizing preparation of a Feasibility Report for the extension of 95t" Street between Gillard Avenue and Broadway Street. Chuck Rickart, WSB, presented an overview to the City Council. He began with a brief history of the project and noted that 95t" Street was previously identified with the I -94 twin bridge replacement project in 2008. It was intended as a connection (from Sunset Ponds) when future development took place. It was never meant to be a cul -de -sac. One possible reason is that the flow of traffic didn't call for an extension at that time. Due to development, the increased traffic volumes generated along Gillard Avenue warrant evaluation and assessment of the need to extend 95t" Street to Broadway Street as an alternate route to Gillard Avenue. Mr. Rickart noted that this item may also be surfacing because of a fatal car accident in the area. Brian Stumpf, however, disagreed and responded that this has been a possible project for the City, even before the accident. The City of Monticello /WSB is currently working with MnDOT in tenns of the right -of -way acquisition and some type of screening or noise walls. The City is responsible for noise screening unless I -94 expands to three lanes, then the State would be responsible. The Council had some questions in regard to the Feasibility Study. Charlotte Gabler questioned whether the County was contributing to the study. Mr. Rickart responded that the County had not been approached to contribute. This could be a possibility for future needs. The City Council also questioned different ways to expand the roadway. Tom Perrault questioned whether the study will tell what land is available and how much. Mr. Rickart responded that this will be included in the study. The City Council discussed the cost of the study. Lloyd Hilgart commented that $50,000 seems high unless the City is confident that they want to do the project. Brian Stumpf responded that the City would not be at this point of preparing a Feasibility Study if they weren't in favor of the project. Grant Lanka, 9597 Hill Trail Lane, addressed the City Council in regard to the escalation of interstate noise since he bought his home. He feels that there is a need for a sound barrier. When MnDOT worked in this area they removed a lot City Council Minutes — November 23, 2015 Page 5 1 7 of trees that had originally drowned out some of the noise. In addition to the sound, many vehicles go off of the road in this area. The City Council discussed the issue and possible options. Charlotte Gabler expressed concern over the cost and requested that WSB keep costs under budget. She wondered whether they could proceed piece by piece, and stop the study if issues start to come up. Chuck Rickart commented that they will move cautiously with the study and operate efficiently. Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of Option 1— to adopt Resolution 2015 -086 authorizing preparation of a Feasibility Report and preliminary design alignment for the extension of 9511 Street between Gillard Avenue and Broadway Street. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration to approve a Request for Qualifications for FiberNet Management fonn and authorize publication. Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator, presented a brief history on the development of the RFQ and the purpose of the document. The next step will depend on the number of responses. If three or more qualified candidates emerge, it is likely that a Request for Proposal (RFP) process will be implemented. If one or two qualified candidates are interested, then the City may elect to move forward with direct negotiations. Ms. Leonard noted that, if authorized by the City Council, the RFQ will be distributed immediately with candidate submittals due by December 8, 2015 and reviewed by the City Council at its regular meeting on December 14, 2015. Charlotte Gabler moved to accept the Request for Qualifications form and authorized staff to distribute it to the telecommunications community accordingly. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Added Items Brian Stumpf added two items for discussion: 1) Friendship Island. The discussion centered on possibly expanding the program. Currently Friendship Island has a net profit and there has been talk about expanding the program. Tom Perrault questioned why the City was involved in the managing of a daycare. Charlotte Gabler responded that this is more of a Parks and Recreation program /class of the Community Center. Brian Stumpf moved to direct staff to work with the Community Center to investigate the possible expansion of Friendship Island at the location of the City Council Minutes — November 23, 2015 Page 6 17 West Prairie Building. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 2) Brian Stumpf presented that he wanted to increase the pay to $7.75/hr. of four part - time minor positions at the Community Center (rock climbing wall attendant, child care attendant, ice rink attendant, and slide attendant). He noted that the MCC is having a difficult time hiring part time help. Wayne Oberg responded that if there is a consensus he could add this to the budget resolution. Charlotte Gabler moved approval of increasing the part -time pay for the mentioned four positions to $7.75 /hour. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber S Approved: Attest: Ci nis rator City Council Minutes — November 23, 2015 Page 7 1 7