City Council Agenda Packet 03-14-2011AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,March14,2011–7p.m. Mayor:ClintHerbst CouncilMembers:LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf 1.CalltoOrderandPledgeofAllegiance 2A.ApprovalofMinutes–February28,2011SpecialMeeting 2B.ApprovalofMinutes–February28,2011RegularMeeting 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda 4.Citizencomments,publicserviceannouncements,andstaffupdates a.CitizenComments: 1)GirlScoutMonthproclamation b.PublicServiceAnnouncements: 1)FoodShelfDrive 2)CommunityGardenreservations 3)TreeSales(3/25deadline) c.StaffUpdates: 1)LiquorStorenetprofitreport 5.ConsentAgenda: A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillsforMarch14th B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2011-15approvingcontributionfrom LandofLakesChoirboysdesignatedforRiverfestbands D.Considerationofacceptingproposalsandawardingcontractformaintenance rehabilitationofMonticelloDeepWells#2and#5,turbinepumpandappurtenant work E.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#525amendingtheMonticelloZoning Ordinance,Section4.5–Signs F.ConsiderationofadoptingInterimOrdinance#526providingatemporary expansionofTemporarySignageAllowancesintheCity SPECIALMEETING 5:45p.m.–Lawsuitupdate(CLOSED)–AcademyRoom 6.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 7.ContinuationofPublicHearing-ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#527amending 2011FeeScheduleforindustrialwater/sewerratesandfirelockboxfee 8.ConsiderationofacceptingquotesandapprovingupgradestotheMCCWarehouseas recommendedbytheMCCAdvisoryBoard 9.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2011-17orderingimprovementsandauthorizing preparationoffinalPlansandSpecificationsforWalnutStreet/7th StreetIntersection Improvementsproject,tobeaddedtoCityProjectNo.11C001 10.ConsiderationofestablishingaTransportationAdvisoryCommitteeandappointing Councilrepresentative(s) 11.Addeditems 12.Adjournment CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 1 5A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforMarch14th (TK) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: PleasenotethatCitystaffisproposingaslightchangetotheagendaformatforthe approvalofbills.Approvalofthebillregisterswouldbeincludedasthefirstitemonthe consentagenda.IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. ThebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedsincethelastCouncilmeeting.Subject toMNStatutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksfor payment.ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise. A1.BudgetImpact:none A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovethebillregistersforMarch14,2011foratotalamountof $976,036.76. 2.MotiontoapprovethebillregistersforMarch14,2011withchangesdirectedby Council. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 1 5B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Michael Bradshaw Climbing Wall Attendant MCC 3/5 PT Brenda Jensen Certified Fitness Instructor MCC 2/28 PT Hilary Fiskum Childcare Attendant MCC 3/7 PT Beth Erickson Childcare Attendant MCC 3/7 PT Taylor Cofield Climbing Wall Attendant MCC 3/7 PT Name Reason Department Last Day Class Nicole Christiansen Voluntary MCC 2/28 PT Mitchell Driver Voluntary MCC 2/28 PT NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Book1: 3/8/2011 CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 1 5C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2011-15toacceptcontributionfromLandof LakesChoirboysforRiverfestbands (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheLandofLakesChoirboysarecontributing$2500togotowardthebandsatRiverfest inJulyof2011.ThismoneywillbeallocatedtotheRiverfestCommitteetobeusedto paythebandsthatparticipateinRiverfest.Asrequiredbystatestatute,iftheCity acceptsthedonationoffunds,theCityCouncilneedstoadoptaresolutionspecifyingthe amountofthedonationanditsuse. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffaccountsforandreconcilesdonationscontributed throughtheCity. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Approvethecontributionsandauthorizeuseoffundsasspecified. 2.Donotapprovethecontributionsandreturnthefundstothedonors. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendationistoadopttheresolutionacceptingthecontributions. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ResolutionNo.2011-15 CityofMonticello RESOLUTIONNO.2011-15 APPROVINGCONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloisgenerallyauthorizedtoaccept contributionsofrealandpersonalpropertypursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesSections 465.03and465.04forthebenefitofitscitizensandisspecificallyauthorizedtomaintain suchpropertyforthebenefitofitscitizensinaccordancewiththetermsprescribedbythe donor.SaidgiftsmaybelimitedunderprovisionsofMNStatutesSection471.895. WHEREAS,thefollowingpersonsandorentitieshaveofferedtocontribute contributionsorgiftstotheCityaslisted: DONOR/ENTITYDESCRIPTIONVALUE LandofLakesChoirboysCash$2500 WHEREAS,allsaidcontributionsareintendedtoaidtheCityinestablishing facilities,operationsorprogramswithinthecity’sjurisdictioneitheraloneorin cooperationwithothers,asallowedbylaw;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilherebyfindsthatitisappropriatetoacceptthe contributionsoffered. NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVED bytheCityCouncilofMonticelloas follows: 1.ThecontributionsdescribedaboveareherebyacceptedbytheCityof Monticello. 2.Thecontributionsdescribedabovewillbeusedasdesignatedbythe donor.Thismayentailreimbursingorallocatingthemoneytoanother entitythatwillutilizethefundsforthefollowingstatedpurpose: DONOR/ENTITYRECIPIENTPURPOSE LandofLakesChoirboysCityofMonticelloRiverfestbands AdoptedbytheCityCouncilofMonticellothis14thdayofMarch,2011. CITYOFMONTICELLO ______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 1 5D.Considerationofacceptingproposalsandawardingcontractformaintenance rehabilitationofMonticelloDeepWells#2and#5,turbinepumpandappurtenant work (MT,BP) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Councilisaskedtoconsideracceptingproposalsandawardingthecontractfor maintenancerehabilitationofCityWells#2and#5,turbinepumpsandappurtenantwork. WellNo.2islocatedat209CedarStreet,northoftheDMVandMonticelloHelpCenter building.WellNo.2wasconstructedin1970andis250’deepwith220’of16”casing and30’ofscreensetatthelowestpointofthecasing.Itispoweredwitha100HPGE motor.Thestaticwaterlevelrangesbetween12’6”to17’,withadrawdownrangefrom 22’to27’pumpingat1300+GPM.Thiswelliscurrentlyona7-yeardutycycleandis scheduledtogetpulledformaintenance.LasttimeWellNo.2waspulledfor maintenancewasin2004,andsincethattimeithaspumpedover1billiongallonsof water. WellNo.5islocatedat405RamseyStreet,inthenorthwestcornerof4th StreetPark. WellNo.5wasconstructedandputonlinein2004.WellNo.5is148’deepwith100’of 18”casingand48’ofscreensetatthelowestpointofthecasing.Itispoweredbya150 HPUSmotor.Thestaticwaterlevelrangesfrom12’6”to17’3”,withadrawdown rangefrom36’11”to45’7”pumpingat1600GPM.Sincethiswellwasputonlinein 2004ithaspumpedover1.1billiongallonsofwater.Thiswillbeitsfirst7-year maintenancerehabilitation. Oftenaftera7-yearcycle,severaloftheinteriorcolumnsareerodedawayandneed replacement.Thereusablecolumnswillbesandblastedandpaintedwithaspecial coatingsuitableforpotablewater.Inaddition,alltheshaftingfordrivingthepump,as thepumpislocateddeepinthewell,willbecheckedandreplacedifneeded.Thepump willbecheckedfortolerancesandwearandwillbebroughtbacktothefactory specifications. The100HPGEmotorandthe150HPUSmotorwillbepulledbythecontractor,andthe WaterDepartmentwilldeliverthemotortoOlson&SonsElectrictobecheckedoutand returnedtofactoryspecifications.Theelectricmotorrepair,ifneeded,isnotpartofthis contract. ThecontractormustsequentiallypullWellNo.2first,rehabilitateandputbackonline. ThecontractorwillthenhavepermissiontopullWellNo.5andrehabilitateit.Bothwells arerequiredtobecompleteandonlinebyMay1,2011,orfacepenaltyaccordingtothe contract. SpecificationsforthisworkweredevelopedbythePublicWorksDirectorandtheWater &SewerSuperintendent.Proposalsfortheprojectweredueat11a.m.onMonday, February28,2011,andatabulationofallproposalsisattachedassupportingdata.A CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 2 totaloffive(5)proposalswerereceivedfortheproject.Basedupontheattached proposaltabulation,thelowestresponsibleproposerisAlbergWaterServiceof Annandale,MN,intheamountof$18,258.00. A1.BudgetImpact:InpreparationfortherefurbishmentforWellNo.2andWell No.5weplacedanamountof$25,000inthe2011Budget.Therearesufficient fundstocompletethework. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffworkloadforthisprojectisrelativelyminor. Approximately15hourswerespentpreparingthespecifications,proposal documentsandrequestforproposals.Another20to30hourswillbespent workingwiththecontractorininspectingthematerialstobereinstalledinthe wells. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproverefurbishmentofWellNo.2andWellNo.5byAlbergWater Servicesbasedupontheirlowproposalof$18,258.00aslistedintheproposal tabulation;andtoproceedasscheduledtheweekofMarch14,2011. 2.MotiontoapproverefurbishmentofWellNo.2andWellNo.5byAlbergWater Servicesbasedupontheirlowproposalof$18,258.00aslistedintheproposal tabulation;buttodelaytheprojectuntilfallwhenwaterdemandhasdecreasedto similarlevelsofspring. 3.Motiontodenytheproposalsandnottoawardacontractatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffhighlyrecommendsAlternative#1fortheCityCounciltoauthorizetheworkto beperformedonWellNo.2andWellNo.5byAlbergWater.Todate,inthepast7-year dutycycle,bothwellshaveproducedover1billiongallonsofwater.Hesitatingto rehabilitateawellwithinareasonableamountoftimepastitsdutycyclecanresultin catastrophicmalfunction.Furthermore,WellNo.2currentlyhasadevelopedaslight vibrationwhichcanbeaprecursortopumpormotorissues. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: AdvertisementforProposals ProposalTabulation Note:AcompletesetofSpecificationsisavailableunderseparatecoverifrequested ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS TO REMOVE, REPAIR AND REINSTALL DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMP NO. 2 & NO. 5 AND APPURTENANT WORK FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Monticello is accepting sealed proposals for the removal, repair, and reinstallation of deep well turbine pump no. 2 and no. 5. Proposals are due by 11 a.m. on Monday, February 28, 2011, at the City of Monticello, Office of Public Works located at 909 Golf Course Road, Monticello, Minnesota 55362. The proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at said time and place by two or more designated officers or agents of the City of Monticello. Said proposals for the furnishing of all labor and materials for the construction complete in place of the approximate following quantities: Remove, Repair and Reinstall Deep Well Turbine Pump No. 2 and No. 5 Proposals arriving after the designated time will be returned unopened. The proposals must be submitted on the proposal forms provided in accordance with contract documents, plans, and specifications as prepared by the City of Monticello, which are on file at the Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Road, Monticello, Minnesota 55362. No proposals will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City of Monticello, Office of Public Works and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier’s check, certified check, or bid bond payable to the City of Monticello, for five percent (5%) of the proposal amount; to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event that the proposal is accepted and proposer shall fail to enter promptly into a written contract and furnish the required contract performance and payment bonds. No proposals may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of opening of proposals. The City of Monticello reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. DATED: February 7, 2011 By: Matt Theisen Water & Sewer Superintendent City of Monticello, Minnesota PROPOSAL TABULATION SUMMARY REMOVAL, REPAIR AND REINSTALL DEEP WELL TURBINE PUMPS NO. 2 & NO. 5 PROPOSALS OPENED: MONDAY, FEB 28, 2011 AT 11:00 A.M. BID BOND CONTRACTOR TELEPHONE (X) ALBERG WATER SERVICES PO BOX 328 320-274-8656 X ANNANDALE, MN 55302 THEIN WELL CO., INC. PO BOX 778 320-796-2111 X SPICER, MN 56288 E.H. RENNER & SONS, INC. 15688 JARVIS STREET NW 763-427-6100 X ELK RIVER, MN 55330 MARK J TRAUT WELLS, INC. 141 28TH AVENUE SOUTH 320-251-5090 X WAITE PARK, MN 56387 BERGERSON CASWELL INC. 5115 INDUSTRIAL STREET 763-479-3121 X MAPLE PLAIN, MN 55359 $23,710.00 $25,860.00 PROPOSALS RECEIVED: 5 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the proposals as received on February 28, 2011. Matt Theisen, Monticello Water & Sewer Superintendent CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN MONTICELLO PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL BASE PROPOSAL $24,375.00 $18,258.00 $23,510.00 F:\ADMIN\WordProc\WATER-SEWER DEPT\BID TAB - WELL NO 2 AND WELL NO 5 - 022811: 3/8/2011 - PAGE 1 OF 1 - CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 1 5E.Considerationofadopting Ordinance#525amendingTitle10,Section4.5-Signs (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheamendedMonticelloZoningCodeisinits6-monthcodetrackingperiod,whichis intendedtoidentifyminorcodelanguageadjustments.Withadoptionofthenewcode,it wasnotedthatsuchamendmentsmayariseasaresultofthenewcode’sdailyuseand application. DuringitsFebruarymeeting,thePlanningCommissionspecificallydiscussedcode trackingasrelatedtoanumberofpotentialamendmentstoSection4.5,Signs.The amendmentspresentedintheattachedordinancearestraightforwardadjustments identifiedbythePlanningCommissionduringtheirFebruarymeeting.These amendmentsare: 4.5(C)(2):Distinguishesthatsigns2squarefeetorlessshallbepermanentsigns. Thelackofdefinitioncouldcreateconfusionwithtemporarysignregulations.These signsareintendedtosupplementdirectionalsignageoptionsasprovidedpersection 4.5(J)(2)(d). (2)Permanentsignstwo(2)squarefeetorlessinsize. 4.5(D)(10):AdditionalregulationclarifyingthatAbandonedSigns(seedefinitionof “abandonedsign”insection8.4)areprohibitedbyordinance.Abandonedsignsare alreadyprohibitedbyreferenceunderNon-ConformingUseprovisions.This amendmentisintendedtosimplifythereference. (10)AbandonedSigns 4.5(I)(3)NewBusinessTemporarySignageAllowance: o Amendmentallowsbonustemporarysignageofupto40dayswhichcanbe utilizedanytimewithinfirst6monthsofoperation.Currentcoderequiresthe bonususebeginningonfirstdayofopeningtopublic. o Amendmentfurtherclarifiesthatthisprovisionisavailableevenwhena propertyhasgivenupsignageviathebonussquarefootagethroughmessage boardprovisions. SubjecttotheprovisionsofSection4.5(I)(1),one(1)additionaltemporary signdeviceshallbepermittedforabusinessonaone-timebasisforaperiod ofuptoforty(40)daystobeutilizedwithinsix(6)monthsofthefirstdayof thebusinessopeningtothepublic.Suchsignageshallnotbelimitedbythe provisionsofSection4.5(I)(2). Inadditiontotheaboveamendments,thePlanningCommissiondirectedstaffto completeadditionalstudyforthedevelopmentofapossibleamendmentfortemporary signageformultipletenantbuildingsand/ortemporaryrelaxationoftemporarysign CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 2 regulationsasawhole.Informationonthatdiscussionandordinancedevelopmentis includedinasubsequentCouncilitem. A1.BudgetImpact:Budgetimpactislimitedtopublicationoftheordinance. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:None. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveOrdinanceAmendmentNo.525,anordinanceamendingTitle 10oftheMonticelloCityCode,MonticelloZoningOrdinance,Chapter4.5, Signs. 2.MotiontodenyapprovalofOrdinanceAmendmentNo.525. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1.ThePlanningCommissionunanimously recommendsAlternative#1.Theamendmentspreparedareconsistentwiththe directionprovidedbythePlanningCommissionduringpastmeetingsandwillprovide greaterclarityintheexistingstandards. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Ordinance525–AmendmenttoTitle10,Chapter4-Signs MonticelloZoningOrdinance,Section4.5–Signs ORDINANCENO.525 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA ANORDINANCEAMENDINGSECTION4.5–SIGNSOFTHEMONTICELLO CITYCODE,KNOWNASTITLE10-ZONINGORDINANCE,TOCLARIFY WORDINGRELATEDTOTEMPORARYSIGNREGULATIONS THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFMONTICELLOHEREBYORDAINS: Section1.Section4.5(C)ofTitle10-ZoningOrdinanceisherebyamendedasfollows: 4.5(C)PermitNotRequired (2)PermanentsSignstwo(2)squarefeetorlessinsize. Section2.Section4.5(D)ofTitle10–ZoningOrdinanceisherebyamendedtoaddthe followingitem: 4.5(D)ProhibitedSigns (10)AbandonedSigns. Section3.Section4.5(I)ofTitle10–ZoningOrdinanceisherebyamendedasfollows: 4.5(I)TemporarySigns (3)SubjecttootherprovisionsofSection4.5(I),one(1)additional temporarysigndeviceshallbepermittedforabusinessonaone- timebasisforaperiodofuptoforty(40)daysbeginningonthe firstdayofthebusinessopeningtothepublic tobeutilizedwithin six(6)monthsofthefirstdayofthebusinessopeningtothepublic. SuchsignageshallnotbelimitedbytheprovisionsofSections 4.5(I)(2). Section4.ThisOrdinanceshalltakeeffectandbeinfullforcefromandafteritspassage andpublication.RevisionswillbemadeonlineafteradoptionbyCouncil. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis14th dayofMarch,2011. ORDINANCENO.525 CITYOFMONTICELLO ____________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator VOTINGINFAVOR: VOTINGINOPPOSITION: CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (A) Findings, Purpose, and Effect City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 187 4.5 Signs (A) Findings, Purpose, and Effect (1) Findings The City finds: (a) Exterior signs have a substantial impact on the character and quality of the environment. (b) Signs provide an important medium through which individuals may convey a variety of messages. (c) Signs can create traffic hazards and aesthetic concerns, thereby threatening the public health, safety and welfare. (d) The City's zoning regulations include the regulation of signs in an effort to provide adequate means of expression and to promote the economic viability of the business community, while protecting the City and its citizens from a proliferation of signs of a type, size, location and character that would adversely impact upon the aesthetics of the community and threaten the health, safety and welfare of the community. The regulation of the physical characteristics of signs within the City has had a positive impact on traffic safety and the appearance of the community. (2) Purpose and Intent (a) It is not the purpose or intent of Section 4.5 to regulate the message displayed on any sign; nor is it the purpose or intent of this section to regulate any building design or any display not defined as a sign, or any sign which cannot be viewed from outside a building. (b) The purpose and intent of Section 4.5 is to: (i) Regulate the number, location, size, type, illumination and other physical characteristics of signs within the City in order to promote the public health, safety and welfare. (ii) Maintain, enhance and improve the aesthetic environment of the City by preventing visual clutter that is harmful to the appearance of the community. (iii) Improve the visual appearance of the City while providing for effective means of communication, consistent with constitutional guarantees and the City's goals of public safety and aesthetics. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (C) Permit Not Required Page 188 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (iv) Provide for fair and consistent enforcement of the sign regulations set forth herein under the zoning authority of the City. (3) Effect A sign may be erected, mounted, displayed or maintained in the City if it is in conformance with the provisions of this ordinance. The effect of Section 4.5, as more specifically set forth herein, is to: (a) Allow a wide variety of sign types in commercial zones, and a more limited variety of signs in other zones, subject to the standards set forth in Section 4.5. (b) Allow certain small, unobtrusive signs incidental to the principal use of a site in all zones when in compliance with the requirements of Section 4.5. (c) Prohibit signs whose location, size, type, illumination or other physical characteristics negatively affect the environment and where the communication can be accomplished by means having a lesser impact on the environment and the public health, safety and welfare. (d) Provide for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of Section 4.5. (B) Permit Required No sign shall be erected, altered, improved, reconstructed, maintained or moved in the City without first securing a sign permit from the City: (1) The content of the message or speech displayed on the sign shall not be reviewed or considered in determining whether to approve or deny a sign permit. (2) Application for a sign permit shall be in conformance with the requirements of Section 2.4(K), Sign Permits: (C) Permit Not Required The following signs shall not require a permit and are allowed in addition to those signs allowed by Sections 4.5(I) and 4.5(J) of this section. These exemptions, however, shall not be construed as relieving the owner of the sign from the responsibility of its erection and maintenance, and its compliance with the provisions of this section or any other law or ordinance regulating the same. Section 2.4(K) Sign Permits CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (C) Permit Not Required City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 189 (1) The changing of the display surface on a painted or printed sign only. This exemption, however, shall apply only to poster replacement and/or on site changes involving sign painting on a surface other than the surface of the building. (2) Signs two (2) square feet or less in size. (3) One (1) sign per property in residential districts not to exceed four (4) square feet. (4) All noncommercial signs are permitted on private property in any zoning district with the express consent of the owner or occupant of such property. In a State general election year, noncommercial signs of any size may be posted in any number forty-six (46) days before the State primary in a State general election year until ten (10) days following the State general election. Election signs posted in connection with elections held at times other than those regulated by Minn. Stat. 211B.035 shall not be posted more than 13 weeks prior to the election and shall be removed by the party responsible for the erection of the sign or the property owner within ten (10) days after the election. (5) Official and Public signs. (6) One (1) sign shall be allowed per street frontage when a property is offered for sale or lease, provided that: (a) Within residential zoning districts (see table 3-1), no sign shall exceed twelve (12) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height for single-family, two- family, townhouse, and quadraminium units; or thirty two (32) square feet in area or eight (8) feet in height for multi-family or institutional uses. (b) For non-residential zoning districts (see table 3-1), as well as for any parcel larger than ten (10) acres in any zoning district, signs may be up to ninety six (96) square feet in area or twelve (12) feet in height as defined in this ordinance. One (1) additional such sign shall be allowed for any street frontage which exceeds one thousand (1,000) linear feet. For the purposes of this section, frontage on any right of way, including local streets, County or State Highways, or I-94 shall constitute a ―frontage‖, regardless of access. (7) Sandwich board signs are allowed within all business zoning districts (see table 3- 1) provided that: CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (D) Prohibited Signs Page 190 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (a) Not more than one (1) sign is allowed per principal building except that one sign is allowed per tenant within a principal building having two (2) or more tenants each with an exclusive exterior entrance. (b) The sign shall only be displayed when the business is open to the public. (c) Except in the CCD district, the sign shall be placed only on the business property and shall be located within required principal building setbacks, or encroaching into required setback areas a maximum of five (5) feet, and shall not be placed on any vehicle. (d) The signs shall be located so as to maintain a minimum five (5) foot pedestrian walkway and so as not to obstruct vehicular traffic. (e) The sign shall be set back a minimum of two (2) feet from the back of curb of a public street or private drive aisle. (f) The sign shall conform to the following height and area requirements: (i) Height: Five (5) feet. (ii) Area: Six (6) square feet. (g) For sandwich board signs within the CCD district, sandwich board signs may be located in accordance with the provisions of subpart (c) above. In addition, such signs may be placed upon the sidewalk or boulevard portion of a public right-of-way upon the issuance of an annual permit in accordance with the provisions and process of Section 2.4(K) of this ordinance. (D) Prohibited Signs The following signs are prohibited: (1) Any sign, signal, marking or device which purports to be or is an imitation of or resembles any official traffic control device or railroad sign or signal, or emergency vehicle signs, or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic or which hides from view or interferes with the effectiveness of any official traffic control device or any railroad sign or signal. (2) All off premises signs greater than six (6) square feet in area. (3) Flashing signs. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (E) Nonconforming Signs and Uses City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 191 (4) Roof signs. (5) Rotating signs. (6) Shimmering signs. (7) Signs which move or imitate movement, except for dynamic scrolling signs as defined in this ordinance. (8) Signs painted, attached or in any other manner affixed to trees or similar natural surfaces, or attached to utility poles, bridges, towers, or similar public structures. (9) Off Premises Signs: (a) Off premise signs existing as non-conforming structures at the time of adoption of this ordinance greater than six (6) square feet in area shall be considered a principal use of property. (b) Annual permits are required for all off premises signs. Off premises signs shall be removed as a condition of construction of another principal use upon the property or platting or subdivision approval for the land on which it is located. (E) Nonconforming Signs and Uses (1) Signs: A non-conforming sign lawfully existing upon the effective date of this ordinance as denoted in Section 1.4 shall be regulated in accordance with Chapter 6 of this ordinance. (2) Uses: When the principal use of land is legally non-conforming under Chapter 6 of this ordinance, all existing or proposed signs in conjunction with that land use shall be considered conforming if they are in compliance with the sign provisions for the most restrictive zoning district in which the principal use is allowed. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions Page 192 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (3) When a sign is considered to be non-conforming due to size, location, or other factor, but represents a conforming use of land, such sign may be continued, including through repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance, or improvement, but not including expansion, unless it is considered to be abandoned as defined by this ordinance. When a non-conforming sign has been damaged to an extent of 50% or more of its market value, such sign shall be considered to be abandoned if no building or sign permit has been applied for within 180 days of the date of damage. (F) Enforcement and Penalties Section 4.5 shall be administered and enforced in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 7 of this ordinance. (G) Substitution The owner of any sign which is otherwise allowed by Section 4.5 of this ordinance may substitute non-commercial copy in lieu of any other commercial or non-commercial copy. This substitution of copy may be made without any additional approval or permitting. The purpose of this provision is to prevent any inadvertent favoring of commercial speech over non-commercial speech, or favoring of any particular non- commercial message over any other non-commercial message. This provision prevails over any more specific provision to the contrary. (H) General Provisions (1) Accessory Structures Except as provided for by Section 4.5(D)(9), all signs shall be considered accessory structures. (2) Setbacks All freestanding signs shall be set back fifteen (15) feet from any property line abutting a public right-of-way and five (5) feet from any side or rear property line. No sign may be located within a drainage and utility easement. (3) Standards Adopted The design and construction standards as set forth in Chapter 4 of the 1997 edition of the Uniform Sign Code as may be amended, are hereby adopted. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 193 (4) Electrical Signs The installation of electrical signs shall be subject to the State's Electrical Code. Electrical service to such signs shall be underground. (5) Approval No sign shall be attached or be allowed to hang from any building until all necessary wall and roof attachments have been approved by the Community Development Department. (6) Sign Interference No signs, guys, stays or attachments shall be erected, placed or maintained on trees nor interfere with any electric light, power, telephone or telegraph wires or the supports thereof. (7) Illuminated Signs Illuminated signs shall be shielded to prevent lights from being directed at oncoming traffic in such brilliance that it impairs the vision of the driver and may not interfere with or obscure traffic signs or signals. Lighting may not illuminate any adjacent properties, buildings, or streets. (8) Permit Display Signs requiring permits shall display in a conspicuous manner the permit sticker or sticker number. (9) Placement No sign or sign structure shall be erected or maintained that prevents free ingress or egress from any door, window or fire escape. No sign or sign structure shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape. (10) Structure A freestanding sign or sign structure constructed so that the faces are not back to back, shall not have an angle separating the faces exceeding thirty (30) degrees unless the total area of both sides added together does not exceed the maximum allowable sign area for that district. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions Page 194 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (11) Square Footage Calculation (Total Area = A x B): (a) For wall signs, the area of a sign shall be that area within the marginal lines created by the sign surface which bears the advertisement or, in the case of messages, figures or symbols attached directly to the part of a building, which is included in the smallest rectangular figure which can be made to circumscribe the message, figure, or symbol displayed thereon: (b) For monument signs, area shall be calculated as for wall signs. Structural members of the sign, including supports or other decorative features shall not be considered as a part of the measured sign area: (c) For pylon signs, the entire area of the sign face or cabinet shall be considered as a part of the measured sign area. Structural supports, provided that they have no message or other graphics, shall be exempt from the area calculation. (12) Height The top of a wall sign, including its superstructure, if any, shall be no higher than the roof of the building to which such sign may be attached. (13) Landscaping A site plan shall be submitted as a part of any application for a freestanding sign which includes plans for the landscaping of the area near the sign, and which demonstrates that the sign will complement the existing or proposed general site landscaping of the property. (14) Vehicle Fuel Facilities Signs for vehicle fuel facilities shall be regulated by the sign provisions for the zoning district in which the facility is located, except that within a freestanding sign, an area not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet shall be allowed for continuous display (no flashing, scrolling or other animation) of electronic or non-electronic changeable copy identifying current fuel prices in accordance with Minnesota state statutes section 239.751. (15) Window Signs Window signs are not considered a part of the maximum sign area otherwise allowed under Section 4.5 of this ordinance and do not require a permit. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 195 (16) Changeable Copy Signs Within commercial and industrial districts and for civic and institutional uses including, but not limited to, public school facilities, hospital and medical facilities, municipal facilities and places of public assembly, one (1) changeable copy sign shall be allowed per site provided that the area of the sign not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the allowable sign area or fifty (50) square feet, whichever is less, for a freestanding or wall sign. The area of this sign shall be counted against the maximum sign area for the building, except where the property owner has agreed to forgo the use of temporary signs in accordance Section 4.5(I)(2) in which case the area of the changeable copy sign shall be allowed in excess of the maximum sign area. (17) Time and Temperature Signs Within commercial and industrial zoning districts, an area not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet within a freestanding or wall sign shall be allowed for display of an electronic time and temperature sign subject to the sign provisions for the zoning district in which the sign is located. (18) Projecting Signs Projecting signs may be allowed in commercial districts provided that: (a) There is a minimum of eight (8) feet of clearance under the base of the sign to the ground below. (b) The sign does not project more than five (5) feet beyond the wall to which it is mounted, may not project over any vehicular drive aisle or traveled portion of a public or private street and except in the CCD, Central Community District may not project over a public right-of-way. (c) The area of the projecting sign is not more than fifty (50) percent of the maximum area allowed for an individual wall sign in the respective zoning district in Section 4.5(J). CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions Page 196 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (19) Dynamic Displays (a) Findings Based on studies related to the use of dynamic sign displays and driver distraction, the City finds that dynamic signs, as defined by the zoning ordinance, have a unique potential to create driver distraction, a major cause of traffic crashes. As a result, the City has adopted special regulations that relate to such signs. These regulations shall apply to all proposed dynamic signage in the City, whether new or existing, conforming or non-conforming at the time of adoption of this ordinance. (b) Regulations governing Dynamic Signs (i) Dynamic signs shall have messages that change instantaneously, and do not fade, dissolve, blink, or appear to simulate motion in any way. Prohibited blinking signs shall include signs which are displayed as continuous solid messages for less than the time required by subpart (iii) of this subsection below. The exception to this regulation is the allowance of messages that appear to scroll horizontally across the sign, but are otherwise in compliance with the requirements of this ordinance, including the definition of ―scrolling signs‖. (ii) Dynamic signs shall not be permitted in any Residential zoning district. (iii) No dynamic display shall change more than one time per five (5) second period, except time and temperature displays which may change as frequently as once every three (3) seconds. (iv) Dynamic signs shall be no brighter than other illuminated signs in the same district. (v) Dynamic displays shall be designed to freeze the display in the event of malfunction, and the owner shall discontinue the display immediately upon malfunction, or upon notice from the City that the display violates the City’s regulations. (vi) Applicants for dynamic displays shall sign a license agreement supplemental to the building permit agreeing to operation of a sign in conformance with these regulations. Violation of these regulations shall result in forfeiture of the license, and the City shall be authorized to arrange disconnection of electrical service to the facility. (vii) No Dynamic Display shall be permitted to be located in a yard or on the side of a building which abuts a residentially zoned parcel. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (I) Temporary Signs City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 197 (20) Design and Materials Standards for Signs in Commercial Districts, Industrial Districts, the CCD District, PUDs, and Performance Based Mixed Use Development (a) In General The design and materials of any sign shall be consistent with the building materials requirements of the district in which the sign is located, and shall be the same as, or compatible with, the materials and design of the principal building(s) on the property. (b) Specific Materials for Pylon Signs All exposed pole or post structures must be wrapped or faced with stucco, architectural metal, brick or stone consistent with building architecture. (I) Temporary Signs (1) For property in a Business District or an Industrial District (see table 3-1), the use of commercial temporary sign devices shall not exceed forty (40) days per calendar year per building. Not more than one (1) temporary sign device per building shall be displayed upon a property at any one time. The area of temporary sign devices shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet. (2) In cases where properties forego, in writing, temporary signage allowed by Section 4.5(I)(1) above, an additional permanent message board sign up to fifty (50) square feet in area shall be allowed. Such sign may be incorporated into a property’s freestanding sign or the building as additional wall sign area. Freestanding signs shall be subject to the height limitations of the applicable zoning district. (3) Subject to other provisions of Section 4.5(I), one (1) additional temporary sign device shall be permitted for a business on a one-time basis for a period of up to forty (40) days beginning on the first day of the business opening to the public. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (J) District Regulations Page 198 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (J) District Regulations In addition to the signs allowed by Section 4.5(C) and Section 4.5(I), the following signs shall be allowed within the specific zoning districts: (1) Within residential zoning districts (see table 3-1), the following additional regulations apply: (a) Except for the uses specified in Sections 4.5(J)(1)(b) and 4.5(J)(1)(c) below, not more than one (1) sign shall be allowed provided that: (i) The area of the sign shall not exceed four (4) square feet. (ii) Freestanding signs shall be limited to a maximum height of four (4) feet. (b) In addition to the sign allowed by Section 4.5(J)(1)(a) above, one (1) residential area identification sign shall be allowed. Such sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height. (c) Government buildings and structures, public, quasi-public or private recreation buildings, public parks and recreation areas, public and private educational institutions limited to accredited elementary, middle or senior high schools, and religious institutions such as churches, chapels, temples and synagogues shall be allowed two (2) institutional identification signs not exceeding seventy-five (75) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height. (2) Within business and industrial zoning districts (see table 3-1), the following additional regulations shall apply: (a) Total Area of Signs The total area of all signs (with the exclusion of freestanding signs as may be allowed by this code) displayed on a lot shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the total building facade fronting not more than two (2) public streets. The Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District allows for additional signage in specific commercial and industrial areas [Section 3.7(F)] CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (J) District Regulations City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 199 (b) Freestanding Signs (i) Unless otherwise specified in this section, one (1) sign is allowed per lot. The area of a freestanding sign may not exceed one hundred (100) square feet each side with a maximum height of twenty-two (22) feet. (ii) If a monument, rather than pylon sign is utilized, an additional one hundred (100) square feet of area beyond the total area calculated in Section 4.5(J)(2)(a) above, devoted to wall, canopy or marquee signs shall be granted. (iii) For shopping centers greater than one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) square feet of aggregate building square footage and greater than twenty (20) acres in site area, two (2) freestanding signs may be permitted. Two (2) pylon signs may be constructed or, as an alternative, one (1) pylon and one (1) monument sign may be constructed. When the latter option is chosen, the monument sign shall be no greater than fourteen (14) feet in height nor more than one hundred (100) square feet in area. The pylon sign may be no greater than twenty-five (25) feet in height and three hundred (300) square feet in area. (c) Wall, Canopy, or Marquee Signs (i) Wall, canopy, projecting, and marquee signs shall be consistent with the maximum area requirements of Section 4.5(J)(2)(a). (ii) Wall, canopy and marquee signs are permitted on any building facade except those which abut properties zoned for residential use. (d) Directional signage In addition to the sign allowed by Section 4.5(J)(2)(b)(i), directional signage may be allowed on site in an amount not to exceed three (3) signs with an individual square footage maximum of ten (10) square feet each and thirty (30) total square feet. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (J) District Regulations Page 200 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (e) Multiple Occupancy Commercial And Industrial Buildings When a single principal building is devoted to two (2) or more commercial or industrial principal uses, signs shall be allowed subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department based upon the following requirements: (i) The maximum individual sign sizes for multiple occupancy buildings and individual businesses that may display a sign shall not exceed the maximum provisions in the same zoning district in Section 4.5(J). (ii) Commercial retail, office, or mixed use multiple occupancy buildings may display a freestanding sign consistent with the applicable zoning district provisions in Section 4.5(J). (iii) Except as provided by window, changeable copy, or temporary signs in this ordinance, individual tenants of a multiple occupancy building within a commercial or industrial zoning district shall not display separate wall, canopy, or marquee signs unless the tenant's business has an exclusive exterior entrance and subject to the following requirements: 1. Each sign shall be limited to the maximum wall sign size permitted in the applicable zoning district provisions in Section 4.5(J). 2. The sign shall be located only on the exterior wall of the tenant space to which the sign permit is issued, but are not required to face a public street. 3. A comprehensive sign plan is submitted that includes all of the following information: a. A site plan to scale showing the location of lot lines, buildings, structures, parking areas, existing and proposed signs, and any other physical features of the area included within the proposed comprehensive sign plan. b. Elevations to scale of buildings included within the comprehensive sign plan including the location of existing or proposed wall, canopy, or marquee signs. c. To scale plans for all existing and proposed signs of any type included within the comprehensive sign plan indicating area, dimensions, height, materials, colors, and means of illumination (if any). CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.7 Transitional Features Subsection (A) Purpose and Intent City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 201 4. No permit shall be issued for a new or replacement sign for an individual tenant except upon a determination by the Community Development Department that it is consistent with the approved comprehensive sign plan. (3) In a PUD, Planned Unit Development District, signing restrictions shall be based upon the individual uses and structures contained in the complex. Signs shall be in compliance with the restrictions applied in the most restrictive zoning district in which the use is allowed. 4.6 Underground Utilities All utilities within or serving new development [e.g. cable television, electrical (excluding transformers), gas, sewer, telephone, and water lines] shall be placed underground. 4.7 Transitional Features (A) Purpose and Intent Transitional features are architectural elements or site aspects that must be used to ease the transition between new development and existing structures and community character. It is the intent of these standards to: (1) Blend land use types throughout the City to minimize visual conflicts; (2) Limit the excessive consumption of land though the utilization of large vegetated buffers to separate potentially conflicting use types; and (3) Limit interruptions in vehicular and pedestrian connections created by efforts to segregate uses. CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 1 5F.Considerationof adoptingInterimOrdinance#526providingatemporaryexpansion ofTemporarySignageAllowancesintheCity (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: InadditiontothesignordinanceamendmentspresentedinItem5E,theCityCouncilis askedtoconsideradoptionofanInterimOrdinanceallowingforrelaxationoftheCity’s ordinancesfortemporarysignage. ThedevelopmentofaninterimordinancewasaresultofPlanningCommission’srequest thatstaffcompleteadditionalstudyonapossibleamendmentforformultipletenant buildingsand/ortemporaryrelaxationoftemporarysignregulationsasawhole. TheCommission’srequestwaspredicatedonprevioushearingsanddiscussionsinwhich businessesexpressedcontinuingconcernabouttheflexibilityofcurrenttemporarysign regulations.Thestatedconcernswerefocusedprimarilyonthenumberofdaysallotted intotal,andhowdayswouldbedividedbymulti-tenantusers.AsCouncilisaware,the TowneCentretemporarysigndiscussionprovidedtheimpetusforthePlanning Commissionrequestforinterimrelaxationofstandardsgoverningtemporarysigns. Inessence,oneoftheprimarypurposesoftheordinanceistoprovidemulti-tenant propertieswithmoreopportunityfordisplayingtemporarysignsandstudytheimpactof thatopportunity. Inconsideringacourseofaction,theCommissionnotedthattherecentsignordinance amendmentsofferbusinessesmuchgreaterflexibilityandchoiceintheuseoftemporary signage.TheCommissionalsoobservedthatthoseamendmentshaveonlybeeninplace lessthantwoyearsandassuch,havenothadatruetestoftheirapplication.Thesemost recentamendmentsrepresentedgreaterflexibilityandfurtherrelaxationofthetemporary signcode.Inthelate1990’s,thetemporarysigncodeallowed20daysofuseperyear. Thecodenowallows40days.However,theCommissiondidrecognizethatdespite thesefactors,furtherstudyonthetemporarysignissuewasneededduetotheconcerns raisedonaregularbasis. AninterimordinancewouldallowthePlanningCommission,andCityasawhole,to analyzethetemporarysignissueoverafiniteperiodanddeterminetheimpacts(both positiveandnegative)oftheinterimregulation.Attheendoftheinterimordinance period,withanalysisinhand,theCommissionwouldthenbeabletorecommendfinal temporarysignordinanceamendmentstotheCityCouncil. Inordertopresentawell-roundedseriesofinterimordinanceoptionsfortheCity,staff undertookthreespecificinitiativesrelativetothedevelopmentofapossibleamendment: StaffworkedwiththeChamberofCommercetodevelopatemporarysignagesurvey thatwasemailedtoentirebusinesscommunity.Thesurveyqueriedbusinesseson CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 2 theircurrenttemporarysignusageinordertoprovideabaselineofinformationon actualuse. Bothasummarydocumentandtheactualtabulationsareincludedforreference.Of the15%ofbusinesseswhoresponded,theaveragenumberoftemporarysigndays usedin2010rangedfrom15-45days,whichpairswellwiththecurrentregulation’s 40dayallowance. Thesurveyresponseinformationalsoseemstoindicatethatwhilethe40daysis generallyacceptableformostbusiness,multi-tenantbuildingsarenotonalevel- playingfield,giventheneedtosplitthe40daysunderthecurrentordinance. Staffhassurveyedsurroundingcommunitiesforinformationontheirtemporarysign regulations.Aseparatespreadsheetattachedillustratesthatmostcommunitiesdo allowformoreoveralldaysoftemporarysignage. Twocommunities,St.MichaelandBecker,allowforsignagedaystobeallottedper businessascontrastedtoregulatingbypropertyorbuilding.Thistypeofregulation addressesthemulti-tenantissuedirectlybyallowingeverybusiness,regardlessof locationtype,thesamenumberofdays.St.Michaelthenhandlestheaestheticand messageintensitybyregulatingdistancebetweensigns. Noneofthecommunitiessurveyedprovidedaspecificseparateallotmentofdaysfor tenantsinmulti-tenantbuildings.Rather,allcommunitiesuseMonticello’sapproach, allowingthebuildingowner/managertosplitthedaysamongtenantsastheychoose. Finally,staffmetone-on-oneinmid-Februarywithasmallgroupofpropertyowners, tenantsandleasingagentsformulti-tenantbuildings.Thegoalofthemeetingwasto providethePlanningCommissionwithordinancelanguagealternatives.Thesmall groupdiscussedseveraloptions,butultimatelyfeltstronglythatthebestanalysisof temporarysignageimpactwouldbetohavetheleastamountofregulationpossible. Asaresultofthesethreeinitiatives,staffdevelopedthethreealternativesbelowforthe PlanningCommissiontoconsider: Total Numberof Daysper Year Signs Allowed By Number ofSigns per Location Permit Required Off-Premise Temporary Signs Allowed Special Multi- Tenant Allowance Option1 UnlimitedNo requirement NolimitYes–fee waived YesNo Option2 UnlimitedBusinessNolimitYes–fee waived NoNo Option3 90Business1sign every75 feet Yes–fee waived NoNo CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 3 Inalloptions,thefollowingstandardswouldbeincorporatedintotheinterimordinance: InterimOrdinanceterminatesDecember31,2011. Maximumsignarea:40squarefeet(recommendedbythebusinesssmallgroup). Thecurrentordinanceallowssignsupto32squarefeet. Interimordinanceappliesonlytotemporarysigns(portable)anddoesnotinclude placardsigns(movablestakedsignsof6squarefeetorless)orpermanent signage. Signsmustbeconstructedofmaterialsconsistentwithtemporarysigns(portable) andmaynotbeconstructedofplywood,chipboard,unfinishedmaterials,orother similarmaterials. Notemporarysignagewouldbeallowedonvacantparcels.Theordinance prohibitssignageasaprincipaluseofpropertyviaoff-premiseregulations (4.5)(D)(2)andgeneralallowableuseregulations(5.1). Signagedaysusedwouldberequiredtobetrackedbypermitholder(asrequired undercurrentcode)inordertoassisttheCityindeterminingactualnumberof daysusedundertheinterimordinance Signsmustbelocatedonprivatepropertybypermissionoftheownerandmay notbelocatedonanypubliceasementorright-of-way.Thisrequirementisper CityBoulevardCodeandZoningOrdinance. StateStatutespecificallyprohibitssignagealongStateright-of-waywithouta permit,whichisissuedthroughMn/DOT.Assuch,Cityregulationsregarding off-premisesignagerequirementsmustapply. Themulti-tenantsmallgrouprecommendedallowingthemaximumamountofflexibility forbusinesses,suggestingOption1.Thesmallgroupnotedthataninterimordinanceof thisnaturewillsendastrongsignaltobusinessesthattheCityisinterestedinproviding everypossibleopportunitytobusinessesinadifficulteconomicmarketplace. Withthisrecommendationinmind,thePlanningCommissionevaluatedeachoptionand provideddirectiononapreferredalternative.ThePlanningCommissionessentially selectedahybridofthethreeoptions,outlinedbelow: Total Number ofDaysper Year Signs Allowed By Numberof Signsper Location Permit Required Off- Premise Temporary Signs Allowed Special Multi- Tenant Allowance Planning Commission Recommend- ation UnlimitedBusiness (1per) 1sign every75 linealfeet ofstreet frontage onnot morethan 2public streets YesNoNo– Unneeded asall businesses allowed an unlimited numberof days CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 4 TheCommission’sconsensuswasthatanunlimitednumberofdaysofusagewouldhelp totrulyunderstandneedandimpact,whileregulatingthedistancebetweensignswould helpmitigatepotentialsightlineissuesandvisualclutter.ThePlanningCommission voteontheabovewas4-1,withCommissionFyleindissent.CommissionerFyle indicatedthatrequiringaspecificnumberoftotaldayswouldbehispreference,asa finitenumberwillultimatelybewhattheCommissionconsidersforanypermanent ordinancechange.ThebalanceoftheCommissionfeltthatbyprovidingthemaximum numberofdaysinallowance,twoobjectiveswouldbeaccomplished: 1.Businesseswouldbeabletoutilizetemporarysignagebasedonindividualneeds byseasonoreventandwouldbeabletomaximizeuseunderthecoststorentthe portablesigns(mostrentin2weekincrements). 2.Apermitwouldstillberequiredfortemporarysigns.Thepermitincludesause log,whichwillbecollectedattheendoftheinterimordinance.TheCitywill thenanalyzehowmanydayswereusedbyeachbusinessandatwhattypesof intervals. TheCommissiondidnotsupporttherelaxationofregulationsprohibitingalloff-premise signage.AstheCitycannotregulatethecontentofsignage,theCommissionfeltstrongly thatanyallowanceforoff-premisesignagewouldbedetrimentaltotheMonticello businesscommunity.TheCommissionalsomadenoteoftheitemsreferencedinstaff’s recommendationonthispoint. BoththesmallgroupandtheCommissionindicatedthatitwouldbecriticaltorequire permitsduringtheinterimordinanceperiod,asthetrackingprovidedbythepermitholder (onthebackofthepermit)wouldhelptheCitygaugethesuccessoftheordinanceand betterdeveloppermanentamendmentstotheordinance.TheChamberofCommercehas offeredtoprepareacoverletterforattachmenttothepermit,notingtheimportanceof trackingforthispurpose.Additionally,theCityAttorneyhasindicatedthataspecific provisionwithinStatestatuteactuallyrequiresapermitfromthelocaljurisdictionin ordertopermitanysignageadjacenttoStateROWs. ThePlanningCommission’srecommendationhasbeenpreparedasaformalinterim ordinanceforCouncilconsideration. ItshouldbenotedthatthesmallgroupdidmakearecommendationthattheCityconsider waivingthefeeforthepermitduringtheinterimperiod.Staff’srecommendationisto continuewiththefeerequirement,currently$35,inordertooffsetCitycosts,asstaff timewillbeincurredinthepermitreviewandtrackingprocess.Theinterimordinanceas writtendoesnotincludeafeewaiver. Atthecompletionoftheinterimordinanceperiod,allpermitrecords,corridorimagesand complainttrackingwillbeprovidedtothePlanningCommissionforreference.Thesame multi-tenantsmallgroupwillalsobepulledbacktogethertoassistwithimpactanalysis. ThePlanningCommissionwillbeaskedtoreviewandmakearecommendationonany CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 5 permanentordinanceamendmentsatthattime.Ultimately,proposedpermanent amendmentswillthenbebroughtbacktotheCityCouncilforfinalconsideration. Inonefinalnote,itisexpectedthattheEmbracingDowntownMonticelloplanningeffort willmorethanlikelymakerecommendationsregardingtheuseoftemporaryand coordinatedbusinesssignage.Thoserecommendations,alongwiththeresultsofthe studyunderthisinterimordinance,willbetakenintoaccountinfuturesignordinance amendments. ShouldCounciladopttheinterimordinance,itwillbepublishedonThursday,March24, 2011andwillbeeffectiveasofthatdate. A1.BudgetImpact:Budgetimpactislimitedtopublicationoftheinterimordinance. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Attheconclusionoftheinterimordinanceperiod,staff willrequestallpermitinformationfrompermitholdersandwillcompileresults andinformationforthedevelopmentofanyneededpermanentamendments identifiedasaresultoftheinterimordinancestudy. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveOrdinanceAmendment#526,anordinanceamendingTitle10 oftheMonticelloCityCode,MonticelloZoningOrdinance,Chapter4.5,Signs. 2.MotiontodenyapprovalofOrdinanceAmendment#526. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: ThePlanningCommissionrecommendsAlternative#1.Citystaffissupportiveofan interimordinancewhichincorporatesexpandedflexibilityfortemporarysignage, particularlyasrelatedtoprovidingequityamongallbusinessesandregulatingpotential aestheticimpactthroughdistance.Althoughanallowanceforanunlimitednumberof dayspresentssomeconcernasrelatedtofinalamendmentlanguage,theinterim ordinancescenarioofferstheopportunitytoreviewandstudytheimpactsoftheproposed temporarysignageadjustments,andthendetermineappropriateordinancelanguagebased onthatanalysis. Asnotedregardingthematterofoff-premisesignage,Citystaff,includingtheCity Attorney,recommendsspecificallyagainstanyprovisionallowingforsuchsignage, temporaryorpermanent.ItistheintentandresponsibilityofaCity,throughitsZoning Code,tobalancethehealth,safetyandwelfareofallofitsconstituents. Off-premisesignprohibitionsarecommonthroughoutthestateandthecountry specificallyto: Preserveandmaintainthescenicandaestheticenvironmentofthecommunity ProtectandpromotethequalityoflifeoftheCity’sresidents CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 6 Improvesafetyforlocalandvisitingmotoristsandpedestrians Reducethedistractinginfluenceofuncontrolledoff-premisesigns Minimizethepossibleadverseeffectofoff-premisesignsonnearbypublicand privateproperty;whichmayinclude: o Decommissioningofunwantedsignage(especiallyafterinterimordinance terminates) o Unpermittedplacementofsignage o Undueinfluenceonrealestatepricing Citiescanonlyregulatethetime,placeandmannerforsignage,butcannotregulate content.Assuch,shouldtheCityofMonticellorelaxitsregulationspertainingtooff- premisesignage,itcannotcontrolorlimitthemessagingappearingonsuchsignage. Therefore,itisthestaff’spositionthatallowingoff-premisesignage(includingany relaxationofbillboardregulations)mayactuallyhaveanadverseimpactonMonticello’s businesscommunity,astherewouldbenolimitationonwhatnon-localbusinessesmay advertiseonsuchsignage.Oneoftheprimarypurposesofsignageistodirecttraffictoa specificlocation.Incontrast,off-premisesignsdirectattentiontoabusinesslocated somewherethanwherethesignislocated. Inaddition,becauseStatelawcurrentlyprohibitsalloff-premisesignageadjacenttoState rights-of-waywithoutpermit,theCitylackstheauthoritytoallowsuchoff-premise signageinmanyhigh-trafficareas.Essentially,thestatuteswouldeliminateany Highway25andInterstate94exposurethatbusinesses(bothMonticelloandotherwise) maybeseekingunderrelaxationoftheoff-premisestandards. Oncepermittedinanyway,theabilitytoremoveoff-premisesignagebasedonmessage alonewillbedifficultfortheCity.Inshort,anyamendmentallowingoff-premise signagewillbedifficulttounravel. Insummary,staffsupportsaflexibleinterimordinancewhichprovidestheopportunityto examinemorecloselyanitemthatisoftenatissueinthesigncode,althoughstaffdoes believethatlimitingtheinterimordinancetoahighernumberofdays(ex.90days), wouldpresentatruertestofalikelypermanentcodeamendment. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: InterimOrdinance#526–TemporarySignAllowances ExhibitA:MonticelloZoningOrdinance,Chapter4.5–Signs ExhibitB:ChamberofCommerceSignSurvey ExhibitC:ChamberofCommerceSignSurveySummary ExhibitD:ChamberofCommerceSignSurveyTabulation ExhibitE:NeighboringCommunityComparison–TemporarySignRegulations ExhibitF:DraftPlanningCommissionMinutes–03/01/11 ORDINANCENO.526 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA ANINTERIMORDINANCEPROVIDINGTEMPORARYEXPANSIONOF TEMPORARYSIGNAGEALLOWANCESWITHINTHECITYOFMONTICELLO THEMONTICELLOCITYCOUNCILORDAINSASFOLLOWS: WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloshalladoptthisordinancetoallowtheCityof Monticellotimetostudyandadoptappropriatelandusecontrolsregulatingtemporarysignage; and WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloispresentlyconductingaplanningstudy forthepurpose ofconsideringamendmentofofficialcontrolsfortemporarysignage;and WHEREAS,thereisaneedforastudytobeconductedsothattheCitycanreviewitslanduse zoningregulationspertainingtotemporarysignageuses;and WHEREAS,thereisaneedforaninterimordinancetobeadoptedforthepurposeofprotecting theplanningprocessandthehealth,safety,andwelfareofthecitizensoftheCityuntilsucha studyhasbeencompleted. NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED bytheCityCounciloftheCityofMonticello, Minnesota: 1.PursuanttoMinn.Stat.§462.355,etseq.,theCityherebyadoptsandapprovestheorder forinterimordinancetemporarilyrelaxingMonticelloZoningOrdinanceTemporary Signregulations4.5(I)(1),4.5(I)(2)and4.5(I)(3)withintheCityofMonticello. 2.Thisordinanceshalltakeeffectandbeinfullforcefromandafteritspassage andpublication.Itshallremainineffectuntiltheadoptionoftheofficial controlscontemplatedhereinorDecember31st,2011whicheverfirstoccurs. 3.Onetemporarysignperbusinessshallbeallowedbypermit. 4.Onetemporarysignshallbeallowedevery75linealfeetofstreetfrontage,on notmorethantwopublicstreets,ontheparcelforwhichthepermithasbeen issued. 5.Thetotalnumberoftemporarysignagedaysallowedperbusinessshallbe unlimitedinnumber. 6.Signagedaysmustbetrackedbypermitholderforapermittobeconsidered valid. 7.Temporarysignareashallbelimitedtoamaximumof40squarefeet. ORDINANCENO.526 8.Thisinterimordinanceappliesonlytotemporarysigns(portable)anddoesnot includeplacardsigns(movablestakedsignsof6squarefeetorless)or permanentsignage. 9.Signsmustbeconstructedofmaterialsconsistentwithtemporarysigns (portable)suchasaluminum,acrylic,plexiglas,lexan,polycarbonate,orother comparablematerialsandmaynotbeconstructedofplywood,chipboard, corrugatedplastic,unfinishedmaterials,orothersimilarmaterials. 10.Theinterimordinancedoesnotincludearelaxationofstandardspertainingto sandwichboards,asdefinedbyordinance. 11.Signsmustbelocatedonthepropertyonwhichthebusinessactivityislocated, withthepermissionofthepropertyowner. 12.Prohibitionofalloff-premisetemporaryandpermanentsignageshallcontinue perMonticelloZoningOrdinanceregulations4.5(D)(2),4.5(D)(9)andgeneral allowableuseregulations(5.1). 13.Signsmaynotbelocatedwithinanypubliceasementorright-of-way. 14.TheCitymayenforceanyprovisionofthisordinancebymandamus,injunction,orany otherappropriatecivilremedyinanycourtofcompetentjurisdiction. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis14thdayofMarch,2011. CITYOFMONTICELLO _______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator VOTINGINFAVOR: VOTINGINOPPOSITION: CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (A) Findings, Purpose, and Effect City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 187 4.5 Signs (A) Findings, Purpose, and Effect (1) Findings The City finds: (a) Exterior signs have a substantial impact on the character and quality of the environment. (b) Signs provide an important medium through which individuals may convey a variety of messages. (c) Signs can create traffic hazards and aesthetic concerns, thereby threatening the public health, safety and welfare. (d) The City's zoning regulations include the regulation of signs in an effort to provide adequate means of expression and to promote the economic viability of the business community, while protecting the City and its citizens from a proliferation of signs of a type, size, location and character that would adversely impact upon the aesthetics of the community and threaten the health, safety and welfare of the community. The regulation of the physical characteristics of signs within the City has had a positive impact on traffic safety and the appearance of the community. (2) Purpose and Intent (a) It is not the purpose or intent of Section 4.5 to regulate the message displayed on any sign; nor is it the purpose or intent of this section to regulate any building design or any display not defined as a sign, or any sign which cannot be viewed from outside a building. (b) The purpose and intent of Section 4.5 is to: (i) Regulate the number, location, size, type, illumination and other physical characteristics of signs within the City in order to promote the public health, safety and welfare. (ii) Maintain, enhance and improve the aesthetic environment of the City by preventing visual clutter that is harmful to the appearance of the community. (iii) Improve the visual appearance of the City while providing for effective means of communication, consistent with constitutional guarantees and the City's goals of public safety and aesthetics. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (C) Permit Not Required Page 188 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (iv) Provide for fair and consistent enforcement of the sign regulations set forth herein under the zoning authority of the City. (3) Effect A sign may be erected, mounted, displayed or maintained in the City if it is in conformance with the provisions of this ordinance. The effect of Section 4.5, as more specifically set forth herein, is to: (a) Allow a wide variety of sign types in commercial zones, and a more limited variety of signs in other zones, subject to the standards set forth in Section 4.5. (b) Allow certain small, unobtrusive signs incidental to the principal use of a site in all zones when in compliance with the requirements of Section 4.5. (c) Prohibit signs whose location, size, type, illumination or other physical characteristics negatively affect the environment and where the communication can be accomplished by means having a lesser impact on the environment and the public health, safety and welfare. (d) Provide for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of Section 4.5. (B) Permit Required No sign shall be erected, altered, improved, reconstructed, maintained or moved in the City without first securing a sign permit from the City: (1) The content of the message or speech displayed on the sign shall not be reviewed or considered in determining whether to approve or deny a sign permit. (2) Application for a sign permit shall be in conformance with the requirements of Section 2.4(K), Sign Permits: (C) Permit Not Required The following signs shall not require a permit and are allowed in addition to those signs allowed by Sections 4.5(I) and 4.5(J) of this section. These exemptions, however, shall not be construed as relieving the owner of the sign from the responsibility of its erection and maintenance, and its compliance with the provisions of this section or any other law or ordinance regulating the same. Section 2.4(K) Sign Permits CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (C) Permit Not Required City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 189 (1) The changing of the display surface on a painted or printed sign only. This exemption, however, shall apply only to poster replacement and/or on site changes involving sign painting on a surface other than the surface of the building. (2) Signs two (2) square feet or less in size. (3) One (1) sign per property in residential districts not to exceed four (4) square feet. (4) All noncommercial signs are permitted on private property in any zoning district with the express consent of the owner or occupant of such property. In a State general election year, noncommercial signs of any size may be posted in any number forty-six (46) days before the State primary in a State general election year until ten (10) days following the State general election. Election signs posted in connection with elections held at times other than those regulated by Minn. Stat. 211B.035 shall not be posted more than 13 weeks prior to the election and shall be removed by the party responsible for the erection of the sign or the property owner within ten (10) days after the election. (5) Official and Public signs. (6) One (1) sign shall be allowed per street frontage when a property is offered for sale or lease, provided that: (a) Within residential zoning districts (see table 3-1), no sign shall exceed twelve (12) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height for single-family, two- family, townhouse, and quadraminium units; or thirty two (32) square feet in area or eight (8) feet in height for multi-family or institutional uses. (b) For non-residential zoning districts (see table 3-1), as well as for any parcel larger than ten (10) acres in any zoning district, signs may be up to ninety six (96) square feet in area or twelve (12) feet in height as defined in this ordinance. One (1) additional such sign shall be allowed for any street frontage which exceeds one thousand (1,000) linear feet. For the purposes of this section, frontage on any right of way, including local streets, County or State Highways, or I-94 shall constitute a ―frontage‖, regardless of access. (7) Sandwich board signs are allowed within all business zoning districts (see table 3- 1) provided that: CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (D) Prohibited Signs Page 190 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (a) Not more than one (1) sign is allowed per principal building except that one sign is allowed per tenant within a principal building having two (2) or more tenants each with an exclusive exterior entrance. (b) The sign shall only be displayed when the business is open to the public. (c) Except in the CCD district, the sign shall be placed only on the business property and shall be located within required principal building setbacks, or encroaching into required setback areas a maximum of five (5) feet, and shall not be placed on any vehicle. (d) The signs shall be located so as to maintain a minimum five (5) foot pedestrian walkway and so as not to obstruct vehicular traffic. (e) The sign shall be set back a minimum of two (2) feet from the back of curb of a public street or private drive aisle. (f) The sign shall conform to the following height and area requirements: (i) Height: Five (5) feet. (ii) Area: Six (6) square feet. (g) For sandwich board signs within the CCD district, sandwich board signs may be located in accordance with the provisions of subpart (c) above. In addition, such signs may be placed upon the sidewalk or boulevard portion of a public right-of-way upon the issuance of an annual permit in accordance with the provisions and process of Section 2.4(K) of this ordinance. (D) Prohibited Signs The following signs are prohibited: (1) Any sign, signal, marking or device which purports to be or is an imitation of or resembles any official traffic control device or railroad sign or signal, or emergency vehicle signs, or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic or which hides from view or interferes with the effectiveness of any official traffic control device or any railroad sign or signal. (2) All off premises signs greater than six (6) square feet in area. (3) Flashing signs. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (E) Nonconforming Signs and Uses City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 191 (4) Roof signs. (5) Rotating signs. (6) Shimmering signs. (7) Signs which move or imitate movement, except for dynamic scrolling signs as defined in this ordinance. (8) Signs painted, attached or in any other manner affixed to trees or similar natural surfaces, or attached to utility poles, bridges, towers, or similar public structures. (9) Off Premises Signs: (a) Off premise signs existing as non-conforming structures at the time of adoption of this ordinance greater than six (6) square feet in area shall be considered a principal use of property. (b) Annual permits are required for all off premises signs. Off premises signs shall be removed as a condition of construction of another principal use upon the property or platting or subdivision approval for the land on which it is located. (E) Nonconforming Signs and Uses (1) Signs: A non-conforming sign lawfully existing upon the effective date of this ordinance as denoted in Section 1.4 shall be regulated in accordance with Chapter 6 of this ordinance. (2) Uses: When the principal use of land is legally non-conforming under Chapter 6 of this ordinance, all existing or proposed signs in conjunction with that land use shall be considered conforming if they are in compliance with the sign provisions for the most restrictive zoning district in which the principal use is allowed. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions Page 192 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (3) When a sign is considered to be non-conforming due to size, location, or other factor, but represents a conforming use of land, such sign may be continued, including through repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance, or improvement, but not including expansion, unless it is considered to be abandoned as defined by this ordinance. When a non-conforming sign has been damaged to an extent of 50% or more of its market value, such sign shall be considered to be abandoned if no building or sign permit has been applied for within 180 days of the date of damage. (F) Enforcement and Penalties Section 4.5 shall be administered and enforced in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 7 of this ordinance. (G) Substitution The owner of any sign which is otherwise allowed by Section 4.5 of this ordinance may substitute non-commercial copy in lieu of any other commercial or non-commercial copy. This substitution of copy may be made without any additional approval or permitting. The purpose of this provision is to prevent any inadvertent favoring of commercial speech over non-commercial speech, or favoring of any particular non- commercial message over any other non-commercial message. This provision prevails over any more specific provision to the contrary. (H) General Provisions (1) Accessory Structures Except as provided for by Section 4.5(D)(9), all signs shall be considered accessory structures. (2) Setbacks All freestanding signs shall be set back fifteen (15) feet from any property line abutting a public right-of-way and five (5) feet from any side or rear property line. No sign may be located within a drainage and utility easement. (3) Standards Adopted The design and construction standards as set forth in Chapter 4 of the 1997 edition of the Uniform Sign Code as may be amended, are hereby adopted. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 193 (4) Electrical Signs The installation of electrical signs shall be subject to the State's Electrical Code. Electrical service to such signs shall be underground. (5) Approval No sign shall be attached or be allowed to hang from any building until all necessary wall and roof attachments have been approved by the Community Development Department. (6) Sign Interference No signs, guys, stays or attachments shall be erected, placed or maintained on trees nor interfere with any electric light, power, telephone or telegraph wires or the supports thereof. (7) Illuminated Signs Illuminated signs shall be shielded to prevent lights from being directed at oncoming traffic in such brilliance that it impairs the vision of the driver and may not interfere with or obscure traffic signs or signals. Lighting may not illuminate any adjacent properties, buildings, or streets. (8) Permit Display Signs requiring permits shall display in a conspicuous manner the permit sticker or sticker number. (9) Placement No sign or sign structure shall be erected or maintained that prevents free ingress or egress from any door, window or fire escape. No sign or sign structure shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape. (10) Structure A freestanding sign or sign structure constructed so that the faces are not back to back, shall not have an angle separating the faces exceeding thirty (30) degrees unless the total area of both sides added together does not exceed the maximum allowable sign area for that district. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions Page 194 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (11) Square Footage Calculation (Total Area = A x B): (a) For wall signs, the area of a sign shall be that area within the marginal lines created by the sign surface which bears the advertisement or, in the case of messages, figures or symbols attached directly to the part of a building, which is included in the smallest rectangular figure which can be made to circumscribe the message, figure, or symbol displayed thereon: (b) For monument signs, area shall be calculated as for wall signs. Structural members of the sign, including supports or other decorative features shall not be considered as a part of the measured sign area: (c) For pylon signs, the entire area of the sign face or cabinet shall be considered as a part of the measured sign area. Structural supports, provided that they have no message or other graphics, shall be exempt from the area calculation. (12) Height The top of a wall sign, including its superstructure, if any, shall be no higher than the roof of the building to which such sign may be attached. (13) Landscaping A site plan shall be submitted as a part of any application for a freestanding sign which includes plans for the landscaping of the area near the sign, and which demonstrates that the sign will complement the existing or proposed general site landscaping of the property. (14) Vehicle Fuel Facilities Signs for vehicle fuel facilities shall be regulated by the sign provisions for the zoning district in which the facility is located, except that within a freestanding sign, an area not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet shall be allowed for continuous display (no flashing, scrolling or other animation) of electronic or non-electronic changeable copy identifying current fuel prices in accordance with Minnesota state statutes section 239.751. (15) Window Signs Window signs are not considered a part of the maximum sign area otherwise allowed under Section 4.5 of this ordinance and do not require a permit. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 195 (16) Changeable Copy Signs Within commercial and industrial districts and for civic and institutional uses including, but not limited to, public school facilities, hospital and medical facilities, municipal facilities and places of public assembly, one (1) changeable copy sign shall be allowed per site provided that the area of the sign not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the allowable sign area or fifty (50) square feet, whichever is less, for a freestanding or wall sign. The area of this sign shall be counted against the maximum sign area for the building, except where the property owner has agreed to forgo the use of temporary signs in accordance Section 4.5(I)(2) in which case the area of the changeable copy sign shall be allowed in excess of the maximum sign area. (17) Time and Temperature Signs Within commercial and industrial zoning districts, an area not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet within a freestanding or wall sign shall be allowed for display of an electronic time and temperature sign subject to the sign provisions for the zoning district in which the sign is located. (18) Projecting Signs Projecting signs may be allowed in commercial districts provided that: (a) There is a minimum of eight (8) feet of clearance under the base of the sign to the ground below. (b) The sign does not project more than five (5) feet beyond the wall to which it is mounted, may not project over any vehicular drive aisle or traveled portion of a public or private street and except in the CCD, Central Community District may not project over a public right-of-way. (c) The area of the projecting sign is not more than fifty (50) percent of the maximum area allowed for an individual wall sign in the respective zoning district in Section 4.5(J). CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions Page 196 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (19) Dynamic Displays (a) Findings Based on studies related to the use of dynamic sign displays and driver distraction, the City finds that dynamic signs, as defined by the zoning ordinance, have a unique potential to create driver distraction, a major cause of traffic crashes. As a result, the City has adopted special regulations that relate to such signs. These regulations shall apply to all proposed dynamic signage in the City, whether new or existing, conforming or non-conforming at the time of adoption of this ordinance. (b) Regulations governing Dynamic Signs (i) Dynamic signs shall have messages that change instantaneously, and do not fade, dissolve, blink, or appear to simulate motion in any way. Prohibited blinking signs shall include signs which are displayed as continuous solid messages for less than the time required by subpart (iii) of this subsection below. The exception to this regulation is the allowance of messages that appear to scroll horizontally across the sign, but are otherwise in compliance with the requirements of this ordinance, including the definition of ―scrolling signs‖. (ii) Dynamic signs shall not be permitted in any Residential zoning district. (iii) No dynamic display shall change more than one time per five (5) second period, except time and temperature displays which may change as frequently as once every three (3) seconds. (iv) Dynamic signs shall be no brighter than other illuminated signs in the same district. (v) Dynamic displays shall be designed to freeze the display in the event of malfunction, and the owner shall discontinue the display immediately upon malfunction, or upon notice from the City that the display violates the City’s regulations. (vi) Applicants for dynamic displays shall sign a license agreement supplemental to the building permit agreeing to operation of a sign in conformance with these regulations. Violation of these regulations shall result in forfeiture of the license, and the City shall be authorized to arrange disconnection of electrical service to the facility. (vii) No Dynamic Display shall be permitted to be located in a yard or on the side of a building which abuts a residentially zoned parcel. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (I) Temporary Signs City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 197 (20) Design and Materials Standards for Signs in Commercial Districts, Industrial Districts, the CCD District, PUDs, and Performance Based Mixed Use Development (a) In General The design and materials of any sign shall be consistent with the building materials requirements of the district in which the sign is located, and shall be the same as, or compatible with, the materials and design of the principal building(s) on the property. (b) Specific Materials for Pylon Signs All exposed pole or post structures must be wrapped or faced with stucco, architectural metal, brick or stone consistent with building architecture. (I) Temporary Signs (1) For property in a Business District or an Industrial District (see table 3-1), the use of commercial temporary sign devices shall not exceed forty (40) days per calendar year per building. Not more than one (1) temporary sign device per building shall be displayed upon a property at any one time. The area of temporary sign devices shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet. (2) In cases where properties forego, in writing, temporary signage allowed by Section 4.5(I)(1) above, an additional permanent message board sign up to fifty (50) square feet in area shall be allowed. Such sign may be incorporated into a property’s freestanding sign or the building as additional wall sign area. Freestanding signs shall be subject to the height limitations of the applicable zoning district. (3) Subject to other provisions of Section 4.5(I), one (1) additional temporary sign device shall be permitted for a business on a one-time basis for a period of up to forty (40) days beginning on the first day of the business opening to the public. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (J) District Regulations Page 198 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (J) District Regulations In addition to the signs allowed by Section 4.5(C) and Section 4.5(I), the following signs shall be allowed within the specific zoning districts: (1) Within residential zoning districts (see table 3-1), the following additional regulations apply: (a) Except for the uses specified in Sections 4.5(J)(1)(b) and 4.5(J)(1)(c) below, not more than one (1) sign shall be allowed provided that: (i) The area of the sign shall not exceed four (4) square feet. (ii) Freestanding signs shall be limited to a maximum height of four (4) feet. (b) In addition to the sign allowed by Section 4.5(J)(1)(a) above, one (1) residential area identification sign shall be allowed. Such sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height. (c) Government buildings and structures, public, quasi-public or private recreation buildings, public parks and recreation areas, public and private educational institutions limited to accredited elementary, middle or senior high schools, and religious institutions such as churches, chapels, temples and synagogues shall be allowed two (2) institutional identification signs not exceeding seventy-five (75) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height. (2) Within business and industrial zoning districts (see table 3-1), the following additional regulations shall apply: (a) Total Area of Signs The total area of all signs (with the exclusion of freestanding signs as may be allowed by this code) displayed on a lot shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the total building facade fronting not more than two (2) public streets. The Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District allows for additional signage in specific commercial and industrial areas [Section 3.7(F)] CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (J) District Regulations City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 199 (b) Freestanding Signs (i) Unless otherwise specified in this section, one (1) sign is allowed per lot. The area of a freestanding sign may not exceed one hundred (100) square feet each side with a maximum height of twenty-two (22) feet. (ii) If a monument, rather than pylon sign is utilized, an additional one hundred (100) square feet of area beyond the total area calculated in Section 4.5(J)(2)(a) above, devoted to wall, canopy or marquee signs shall be granted. (iii) For shopping centers greater than one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) square feet of aggregate building square footage and greater than twenty (20) acres in site area, two (2) freestanding signs may be permitted. Two (2) pylon signs may be constructed or, as an alternative, one (1) pylon and one (1) monument sign may be constructed. When the latter option is chosen, the monument sign shall be no greater than fourteen (14) feet in height nor more than one hundred (100) square feet in area. The pylon sign may be no greater than twenty-five (25) feet in height and three hundred (300) square feet in area. (c) Wall, Canopy, or Marquee Signs (i) Wall, canopy, projecting, and marquee signs shall be consistent with the maximum area requirements of Section 4.5(J)(2)(a). (ii) Wall, canopy and marquee signs are permitted on any building facade except those which abut properties zoned for residential use. (d) Directional signage In addition to the sign allowed by Section 4.5(J)(2)(b)(i), directional signage may be allowed on site in an amount not to exceed three (3) signs with an individual square footage maximum of ten (10) square feet each and thirty (30) total square feet. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (J) District Regulations Page 200 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (e) Multiple Occupancy Commercial And Industrial Buildings When a single principal building is devoted to two (2) or more commercial or industrial principal uses, signs shall be allowed subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department based upon the following requirements: (i) The maximum individual sign sizes for multiple occupancy buildings and individual businesses that may display a sign shall not exceed the maximum provisions in the same zoning district in Section 4.5(J). (ii) Commercial retail, office, or mixed use multiple occupancy buildings may display a freestanding sign consistent with the applicable zoning district provisions in Section 4.5(J). (iii) Except as provided by window, changeable copy, or temporary signs in this ordinance, individual tenants of a multiple occupancy building within a commercial or industrial zoning district shall not display separate wall, canopy, or marquee signs unless the tenant's business has an exclusive exterior entrance and subject to the following requirements: 1. Each sign shall be limited to the maximum wall sign size permitted in the applicable zoning district provisions in Section 4.5(J). 2. The sign shall be located only on the exterior wall of the tenant space to which the sign permit is issued, but are not required to face a public street. 3. A comprehensive sign plan is submitted that includes all of the following information: a. A site plan to scale showing the location of lot lines, buildings, structures, parking areas, existing and proposed signs, and any other physical features of the area included within the proposed comprehensive sign plan. b. Elevations to scale of buildings included within the comprehensive sign plan including the location of existing or proposed wall, canopy, or marquee signs. c. To scale plans for all existing and proposed signs of any type included within the comprehensive sign plan indicating area, dimensions, height, materials, colors, and means of illumination (if any). CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.7 Transitional Features Subsection (A) Purpose and Intent City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 201 4. No permit shall be issued for a new or replacement sign for an individual tenant except upon a determination by the Community Development Department that it is consistent with the approved comprehensive sign plan. (3) In a PUD, Planned Unit Development District, signing restrictions shall be based upon the individual uses and structures contained in the complex. Signs shall be in compliance with the restrictions applied in the most restrictive zoning district in which the use is allowed. 4.6 Underground Utilities All utilities within or serving new development [e.g. cable television, electrical (excluding transformers), gas, sewer, telephone, and water lines] shall be placed underground. 4.7 Transitional Features (A) Purpose and Intent Transitional features are architectural elements or site aspects that must be used to ease the transition between new development and existing structures and community character. It is the intent of these standards to: (1) Blend land use types throughout the City to minimize visual conflicts; (2) Limit the excessive consumption of land though the utilization of large vegetated buffers to separate potentially conflicting use types; and (3) Limit interruptions in vehicular and pedestrian connections created by efforts to segregate uses. Exhibit 5C 1 Sign Survey Brief Summary – February 2011 Number of surveys returned 68 (15%) Approx. 450 emailed to business community Number of surveys returned from multi-tenant buildings 30 (43%) Number of businesses utilizing temporary signage 39 (57%) Number of surveys utilizing window signage 32 (47%) Number of surveys utilizing electronic message boards 16 (23%) Number of surveys utilizing changeable copy boards 7 (10%) Number of surveys utilizing sandwich boards 13 (19%) 20 businesses indicated the actual number of days used last year. Total days used: 1161; however one business indicated 365 days of temp signage and two indicated 150 days each. Average days used by other businesses range from 15 – 45. 25 temporary sign permits issued during 2010 by City of Monticello. **Permit Issued Report shows only one area (300 block of Pine Street) where multiple (two) temporary sign permits were requested for same block. Comments: *Everyone has seasonal business, we as every other business in Monticello needs t o advertise for the four seasons. *The only temp. Signs I used were to promote my work on permanent vinyl sign work we completed. *Community sign usage would really depend upon fee. *Individual tenants need to be treated as separate entities when usin g signage. Also, rather than looking at how to restrict signage for beautification purposes, the city needs to look at signage as a tool that businesses need to promote their business and give as much leeway as possible for the local business to succeed. *These are difficult times for us all, I support any professional type of signage if it needed to help keep the doors open and helps keep that business and its employees in town. We beg customers to come to town why would we keep our specials a secret. We can tighten up on temp sign in better times. Signs need to have a professional look thou. I’m not picturing a cardboard dry marker garage sale type of look. *You should be asking the right questions... *I would like to advertise on the liquor store sign if possible. *Business is rough. Signage is very important. We need to help the business owner, and fill up the empty stores. Most people don’t care about signage they find it very helpful. *We have our own electronic message board. Thanks. *Little Caesars has used both sandwich board signs at lunch and dinner. *Does not apply, office out of home. Exhibit 5C 2 *Our business is not one that utilizes advertising. We might be interested in promoting the “Driver of the Month” or something on that line if available. *I think the e-message board should be community based and not used for commercial purposes. I would rather have each business have the opportunity to advertise near their establishment thus the message tying in to the place of business. *We have only used window signage at this time. But we feel that all options are important to us and we would like to have minimal restrictions put in place. *Do not use any of the signs in question but do appreciate including us though. *The Women of Today advertise for its craft shows in the spring and fall. We also advertise on the Chamber kiosk and hope to get on the EMR that the City has now. *If we have sandwich boards on our property for promotions I do not see the problem. There should not even be a grace period, they should be allowed on our property. *The city needs to have an ordinance that is vendor friendly but takes precautions to protect the public safety and that it doesn’t allow for eye sores. Garage sale signs left at intersections weeks aft er the sales, or forever for that matter, are littering and if not picked up and disposed of should be fined. Good Luck. *The city does not allow off site signage and that sucks. Good luck to any business that cannot afford property on Hwy 25 or other such high traffic areas. We were promised a high traffic road on School Blvd and that didn’t happen and now they change the city code so we can’t advertise off site. Real nice town; wish we built in Albertville. *Recently installed a new reader board sign, co-operating with Monticello Community Center and FiberNet. *As a company we have numerous signages that our corporate office puts out that we are unable to use due to the current rules. And with the location of our business it would be a benefit to b e able to use this signage (Hwy 25). *Only temp signage I have used is occasional banners on my porch. I guess I am not sure if this is ok or not, 5 or so years ago I was told by city design group of some sort that they did not like my current sign and if I desired to make any modifications I would have to start completely over, businesses need flexibility with creative signage but hopefully good taste is kept. *Community Sign depends on what nominal really is! *Why would a multi-tenant need signage? If single units can’t then neither should they. They need to follow the sign ordinance or it needs to be changed for everyone equally. Exhibit 5D Multi Use? Use Temp Signs Window Signs Elec Msg Bd Chg Copy Bd Sand Bd # days Temp Mo? Temp Seas? Temp Sp Events? Sand 25/75? Comm. Sign NOTES Multi No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No 150 Yes Yes No No No The only temp. signs I used were to promjote my work on permanent vinyl sign work we completed. Thanks for the survey. No No No No No No No No No No Multi Yes Yes Yes No No 40 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Multi No No No No No 0 No No No No Yes No No No No No 0 No No No No Yes It would really depend upon fee. Multi No Yes No No No 0 No No No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No 12 No No Yes Yes Multi Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No Indiv. Tenants need to be treated as separate entities when using signage. Also, rather than looking at how to restrict signage for beautification purposes, the city needs to look at signage as a tool that businesses need to promote their business and give as much leaway as possible for the local business to succeed. Multi Yes No No Yes No 28 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No More than allowed Yes Yes Yes Yes These are difficult times for us all, I support any professional type of signage if it needed to help keep the doors open and helps keep that business and its employees in town. We beg customers to come to town why would we keep our specials a secret. We can tighten up on temp signs in better times. Signs need to have a professional look thou. I'm not picturing a cardboard drymarker garage sale type of look. Yes No Yes Yes No unknow n No No Yes Yes No 1 Exhibit 5D Multi Use? Use Temp Signs Window Signs Elec Msg Bd Chg Copy Bd Sand Bd # days Temp Mo? Temp Seas? Temp Sp Events? Sand 25/75? Comm. Sign NOTES Yes Yes No No No 2 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes Multi No No No No yes 0 No No No No Yes You should be asking the right questions… No No No No No 1 No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No 1 No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No No Multi No Yes No No No 45 No Yes Yes Yes I would like to advertise on the liquor store sign if possible. Multi Yes Yes No No yes No No Yes No Yes Business is rough. Signage is very important. We need to help the business owner, and fill up the empty stores. Most people don't care about signage they find it very helpful. Multi Yes No Yes No No 15 No No Yes Yes No Multi No No Yes Yes No 0 No No No No No We have our own electronic message board. Thanks Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No yes 150 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Little Caesars has used both sandwich board signs at lunch and dinner No No No No No 0 No No No No No Does not apply, office out of home No No No No No No No No No No Our business is not one that utilizes advertising. We might be interested in promoting the "Driver of the month" or something on that line if available. Multi Yes Yes No No No 45 No No Yes No No I think the e-message board should be community based and not used for commercial purposes. I would rather have each business have the opportunity to advertise near their establishment thus the message tying in to the place of business. Multi Yes Yes No No yes 14 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No all year No Yes Yes Yes No 2 Exhibit 5D Multi Use? Use Temp Signs Window Signs Elec Msg Bd Chg Copy Bd Sand Bd # days Temp Mo? Temp Seas? Temp Sp Events? Sand 25/75? Comm. Sign NOTES No Yes No No No No No No No Yes We have only used window signage at this time. But we feel that all options are important to us and we would like to have minimal restrictions put in place. Multi Yes No No No yes 15 No Yes Yes No Yes Multi No No No No No No No No No No Do not use any of the signs in question but do appreciate including us though. Yes No No No No 10 Yes Yes Yes Yes The Women of Today advertises for its craft shows in the Spring and Fall. We also advertise on the Chamber kiosk and hope to get on the EMR that the City has now. No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No yes No No Yes Yes No If we have sandwich boards on our property for promotions I do not see the problem. There should not even be a grace period, they should be allowed on our property. Yes Yes No No No 14 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No yes 30 No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No ?? For Rent Sign No No Yes No No Multi Yes Yes No No yes 25 No No No No Yes Multi Yes Yes No No yes 0 Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Multi Yes Yes No No yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes The city needs to have an ordinance that is vendor friendly but takes precautions to protect the public safety and that it doesn't allow for eye sores. Garage sale signs left at intersections weeks after the sales, or forever for that matter, are litering and if not picked up and disposed of should be fined. Good Luck. 3 Exhibit 5D Multi Use? Use Temp Signs Window Signs Elec Msg Bd Chg Copy Bd Sand Bd # days Temp Mo? Temp Seas? Temp Sp Events? Sand 25/75? Comm. Sign NOTES No Yes Yes Yes No 40 No Yes Yes Yes No The city does not allow off site signage and that sucks. Good luck to any business that cannot afford property on Hwy 25 or other such high traffic areas. We were promised a high traffic road on School Blvd and that didn't happen and now they change the city code so we can't advertise off site. Real nice town. Wish we built in Albertville. Yes No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No 0 No No No No No Recently installed new reader board sign, co-oping with the Monticello Community Center and FiberNet. Multi No Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Multi No Yes No No No 0 No No No No No Multi Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Multi No Yes No No No No No Yes Yes Yes As a company we have numerous signage that our corporate office puts out that we are unable to use due to the current rules. And with the location of our business it would really be a benefit to be able to use this signage. Multi No Yes No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No Multi No No No No No 0 No No No No Yes Only temp signage I have used is occasional banners on my porch. I guess I am not sure if this is ok or not, 5 or so years ago I was told by city design group of some sort that they did not like my current sign and if I desired to make any modifications I would have to start completely over, businesses need flexibility with creative signage but hopefully good taste is kept. Multi Yes Yes Yes No yes 15 No No Yes No No 4 Exhibit 5D Multi Use? Use Temp Signs Window Signs Elec Msg Bd Chg Copy Bd Sand Bd # days Temp Mo? Temp Seas? Temp Sp Events? Sand 25/75? Comm. Sign NOTES Multi Yes No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Multi Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Multi No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No 40 No Yes Yes No Yes Multi Yes Yes No Yes yes 365 Yes No Yes No Yes #11 depends on what nominal really is! Yes Yes Yes No No 45 No No No No Yes Why would a multi tenant need signage? If single units can't then neither should they. They need to follow the sign ordinance or it needs to be changed for everyone equally. Yes No No No No 14 No No Yes No No 5 Exhibit 5E City Allowed By Number per Location Calendar Days Permit Required Multi-Tenant Allowance Buffalo By Building 1 30 YES NO Becker By Business No Regulation 60 YES NO Big Lake By Parcel 1 60 YES NO Elk River By Parcel 1 90 YES NO St. Michael By Business 1 - 100 feet apart 90 YES NO Neighboring Community Survey - Temporary Sign Regulations Planning Commission Minutes – 03/01/11 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request to amend Title 10 of the Monticello City Code, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4.5, Signs Community Development Director Angela Schumann presented an overview report on a Sign Ordinance amendment in two parts. Decision 1 addressed minor amendment language as part of the six-month code tracking period. Decision 2 addressed an interim ordinance proposal for temporary signage. Decision 1: Sign Ordinance Amendments The Planning Commission had specifically discussed code tracking as related to a number of potential amendments to Section 4.5, Signs during their February meeting. The following three minor amendments are straightforward adjustments:  4.5(C) (2): Distinguishes that signs 2 square feet or less shall be permanent signs.  4.5(D) (10): Additional regulation clarifying that Abandoned Signs (see definition of “abandoned sign” in section 8.4) are prohibited by ordinance.  4.5(I) (3) New Business Temporary Signage Allowance: o Amendment allows bonus temporary signage of up to 40 days which can be utilized anytime within first 6 months of operation. o Amendment further clarifies that this provision is available even when a property has given up signage via the bonus square footage through message board provisions. Chairman Dragsten opened the public hearing. Hearing no public comments, the public hearing was closed. Staff responded to a few questions from the Planning Commission. BARRY VOIGHT MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE AMENDMENT #524, AN ORDINANCE OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 4.5, SIGNS, INCLUDING CHANGES TO 4.5(C)(2), 4.5(D)(10), AND 4.5(I)(3). MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CHARLOTTE GABLER. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Decision 2: Temporary Signage Interim Ordinance Framing the selected alternative as an interim ordinance would allow the Planning Commission, and City as a whole, to analyze the temporary si gn issue over a finite period and determine the impacts (both positive and negative) of the interim regulation. At the end of the interim ordinance period, the Commission would then be able to recommend final temporary sign ordinance amendments. The Planning Commission had directed staff to do additional research to assist in the development of a possible amendment for temporary signage for multiple tenant buildings and/or temporary relaxation of temporary sign regulations as a whole. Staff provided information related to a survey of the business community, a survey of Planning Commission Minutes – 03/01/11 surrounding community regulations and a focus group to provide a baseline of information for the Commission. Responses indicated that while 40 days is generally acceptable for most businesses, multi-tenant buildings are not treated equally. Staff found that most communities allow for more overall days of temporary signage. Two communities allow for signage days to be allotted per business. One community regulates the distance between signs. The focus group felt strongly that the best analysis of temporary signage impact would be to have the least amount of regulation possible. Staff recommended specifically against any provision allowing for off-premise signage, temporary or permanent, in that the content of such signage cannot be regulated. As a result of the research, staff developed three interim temporary sign ordinance alternatives for the Commission to consider. Each of these options outlined the total number of days per year signs would be allowed, signs allowed by business, the number of signs per location, permit requirements, whether off-premise temporary signs would be allowed and whether a special multi-tenant allowance would be made. Option 1 was the least regulated and Option 3 was the most regulated. A number of standards would also be incorporated into each option of the interim ordinance. (These are included in the motion.) Staff also invited the Commission to develop its own preferred alternative from the three options presented. The Commission considered the various options at length. There were many questions and clarifications about the specific criteria cited. There was some discussion about the value of establishing an interim ordinance and the reliability of data to be collected. Building Official Ron Hackenmueller stressed the importance of maintaining the permit fee in order to assist with the administrative costs of monitoring this initiative. It was suggested that multi-tenant businesses be noted as such on the permit form for tracking purposes. Chamber Director Sandy Suchy agreed to educate businesses about and promote the interim sign ordinance. The Commission seemed to agree that approving an interim ordinance would provide an opportunity for the business community to determine their actual signage needs and allow the City to clarify how more flexible signage regulations would affect the community. BILL SPARTZ MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF AN INTERIM ORDINANCE WITH UNLIMITED DAYS PER YEAR, SIGNS ALLOWED BY BUSINESS, ONE SIGN EVERY 75 FEET PER FRONTAGE, PERMIT REQUIRED, FEE AS DETERMINED BY COUNCIL, OFF-PREMISE TEMPORARY SIGNS NOT ALLOWED, WITH NO SPECIAL MULTI-TENANT ALLOWANCE. IN ADDITION THE:  INTERIM ORDINANCE TERMINATES DECEMBER 31, 2011  MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: 40 SQUARE FEET  INTERIM ORDINANCE APPLIES ONLY TO TEMPORARY SIGNS (PORTABLE) AND DOES NOT INCLUDE PLACARD SIGNS Planning Commission Minutes – 03/01/11 (MOVABLE STAKED SIGNS OF 6 SQUARE FEET OR LESS) OR PERMANENT SIGNAGE  SIGNS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED OF MATERIALS CONSISTENT WITH TEMPORARY SIGNS (PORTABLE) AND MAY NOT BE CONSTRUCTED OF PLYWOOD, CHIPBOARD, UNFINISHED MATERIALS, OR OTHER SIMILAR MATERIALS  NO TEMPORARY SIGNAGE WOULD BE ALLOWED ON VACANT PARCELS  SIGNAGE DAYS USED WOULD BE REQUIRED TO BE TRACKED BY PERMITEE IN ORDER TO ASSIST THE CITY IN DETERMINING ACTUAL NUMBER OF DAYS USED UNDER THE INTERIM ORDINANCE  SIGNS MUST BE LOCATED ON PRIVATE PROPERTY BY PERMISSION OF THE OWNER AND MAY NOT BE LOCATED ON ANY PUBLIC EASEMENT OR RIGHT-OF-WAY  MN/DOT AND STATE STATUTES REGARDING OFF-PREMISE SIGNAGE REQUIREMENTS APPLY MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BARRY VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED 4-1. BRAD FYLE WAS OPPOSED DUE TO THE NUMBER OF DAYS. Staff agreed to prepare an interim ordinance to be presented to City Council for consideration on March 14, 2011. CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 1 7.ContinuationofPublicHearing-ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#527 amendingthe2011FeeScheduleforindustrialwater/sewerratesandfirelockbox fee (TK) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: ThefeesforservicesperformedbytheCityaresetbyCityordinance.Everyyear,staff reviewsthesefeestomakesurethefeeschargedareinlinewithwhattheservicecosts andtheywillprovidethefundsnecessarytoprovidetheservice.TheCityCouncil approvedthe2011feescheduleatitsDecember13,2010councilmeetingwiththe exceptionthatthewaterandsewerratesbereviewedastotheireffectsonCargill Kitchen.Finally,theCityreorderedfiredepartmentlockboxesanddiscoveredthatthe priceshadincreasedandthereforetheCityneedstoadjustitsfeeforthisitem. TheFireLockBoxfeeiscurrentlylistedat$164+salestax.Duetothepriceincreaseof thelockbox,staffisrecommendingchangingthisfeeto“cost+salestax”,sothatas priceschangeonthesewedonotneedtokeepcomingbacktoCityCouncilforfee changes.Thecurrentfeewouldbe$171+salestax. TheCity’swaterratesrequiredanincreasefromcurrentrates.Therates,asadopted, fundoperationsandasmallportionofdepreciationofthesystemassets.TheState requirescitiestoadoptatieredratestructureasawaytoencouragewaterconservation, whichiswhytheCity’sratestructurewaschangedtoatieredratestructure.However, whenstafffirstproposedthisratestructureandthechargesateachtier,staffdidnot realizethefullimpactthenewstructurewouldhaveonthefourorfivebusinessesthat usewaterintheirprocesses,andparticularlyCargillKitchenSolutions.Staffslightly decreasedtherateandtiersystemasoriginallyproposedtotheratesthatwerethen adoptedasshowninthefollowingtable. WaterUsage CurrentRates OriginalProposal AdoptedRates 0-3740gallons$13.00minimum$14.30minimum$14.30minimum 3741–29,920gallons$0.85/748gallons$0.95/748gallons$0.95/748gallons 29,921–75,000gallons$0.85/748gallons$1.10/748gallons 29,921–100,000gallons$0.85/748gallonsNotproposed$1.10/748gallons Over75,000gallons$0.85/748gallons$1.50/748gallons Over100,000gallons$0.85/748gallonsNotproposed$1.20/748gallons Inadditiontothewaterrateincreases,theCityCouncilalsoapprovedanincreasetothe City’ssewerratesasfollows: SewerUsage 2010Rates AdoptedRates 0-3740gallons$15.15minimum$16.75minimum Over3740gallons$1.50/748gallons$3.00/748gallons BODs0.265/lb0.300/lb TSS0.365/lb0.400/lb CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 2 Undertheadopted2011waterandsewerrates,CargillKitchenSolutionsutilitybill wouldhaveincreasedaround$100,000fortheyearduetothefactthattheyusealmost 40,000,000gallonsofwaterayear.CityCouncilaskedstafftoreviewtheratesandseeif therewouldbeawaytolessentheimpactforCargillKitchenSolutions.Staffand CargillmetacoupleoftimeswithboththeCityandCargillKitchenSolutionsofferinga ratesolution.Basedonthesemeetings,staffisproposingthefollowingratesfor industrialwaterandsewerusage,whichwouldapplytoindustrialusers(CargillKitchen SolutionsandKarlsburgerFoods).Itisproposedtoimplementtheratesproposedby CargillKitchenSolutions.Theratesareproposedasfollows: CargillKitchenCityofMonticello WaterUsage ProposedRates Qtr1,2,3Proposal Qtr4Proposal 0-3740gallons$1.14/748gallons$14.30minimum$14.30minimum 3741–29,920gallons$1.14/748gallons$0.95/748gallons$0.95/748gallons 29,921–100,000gallons$1.14/748gallons$1.10/748gallons$1.10/748gallons Over100,000gallons$1.14/748gallons$1.15/748gallons$1.20/748gallons SewerUsage ProposedRates Qtr1,2,3Proposal Qtr4Proposal 0-3740gallons$1.80/748gallons$16.75minimum$16.75minimum Over3740gallons$1.80/748gallons$2.15/748gallons$3.00/748gallons BODs$0.320/lb$0.280/lb$0.300/lb TSS$0.440/lb$0.380/lb$0.400/lb Basedonthis,autilitybillforCargillKitchenSolutionswouldchangeasfollows: ServiceBilled CargillProposalCityProposal Water$71,195.53 $73,047.72 Sewer$76,395.49 $100,288.88 BOD$159,562.24 $142,110.12 TSS$65,900.56 $57,662.99 TOTAL$373,053.82 $373,109.71 Thisproposalwouldbeanincreaseofapproximately$63,281.71forCargillKitchen Solutionsfrom2010to2011.Inadditiontotheratesproposedabove,theCityand CargillKitchenSolutionswouldagreethatanyrateincreaseimplementedfor2012would maintainthebillingrelationshipbetweenotherusersandindustrialusers,whichwill avoidashiftingoffuturerateincreasesfromindustrialusertootherusers.Inotherwords ifindustrialusersmakeup35%ofrevenuesin2011,thatindustrialusersstillaccountfor 35%ofrevenuesafteranyrateincreasesfor2012. A1.BudgetImpact:Therateincreasewasincludedinthe2011budgetandadoption oftheserateswouldreducerevenuesabout$40,000fromwhatwasbudgeted, meaningtheCitywouldbefundingoperationsofthesystem,butfundinglessof thedepreciationofsystemassetsfor2011. CityCouncilAgenda:03/14/11 3 A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thisitemwouldhavenoadditionalstaffworkload impact. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS 1.MotiontoadoptOrdinance#527amendingthe2011feeschedulewith adjustmentstotheindustrialwaterandsewerratesasfollows:waterbilledat $1.14/748gallons,sewerbilledat$1.80/748gallons,BODat$0.320/lb.,andTSS at$0.440/lb.;inaddition,changethefirelockboxfeeto“cost+salestax.” 2.MotiontonotadoptOrdinance#527amendingthe2011feeschedule. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffsupportsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: OrdinanceNo.527 ORDINANCENO.527 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA ANORDINANCEREVISINGTHE2011FEESCHEDULE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN that,onMarch14,2011,OrdinanceNo.527wasadoptedbythe CityCounciloftheCityofMonticello,Minnesota,creatingthefollowingrevisionstothe2011 FeeSchedule. Section1.TheFeeSchedulecategory,FireDepartment,oftheMonticelloCityCodeshall beamendedasfollows: A.Changethefeeamountfor“FireLockBox.” FireLockBoxFee:Cost+salestax (currentcost-$171) Section2.TheFeeSchedulecategory,SanitarySewer,oftheMonticelloCityCodeshallbe amendedasfollows: A.Changethefollowingsewerratefees. Qtr1-3,2011 Qtr4,2011 IndustrialSewerRates:0-3740gallons.$16.75minimum$16.75minimum Over3740gallons $2.15/748gallons$3.00/748gallons BOD5:$0.280/lb.0.300/lb. TSS:$0.380/lb.0.400/lb. TestingActualcosts+10%(nochange) Section3.TheFeeSchedulecategory,Water,oftheMonticelloCityCodeshallbeamended asfollows: A.Changethefollowingwaterratefees. CommWaterRate,Mtr1Qtr1-3,2011 Qtr4,2011 0-3740gallons $14.30minimum+salestax$14.30minimum+salestax 3741-29,920gallons $0.95/748gallons+salestax$0.95/748gallons+salestax 29,921-100,000gallons $1.10/748gallons+salestax$1.10/748gallons+salestax over100,000gallons $1.15/748gallons+salestax$1.20/748gallons+salestax Section4.ThisOrdinanceshallbecomeeffectiveimmediatelyuponitspassageand publicationaccordingtolaw. Section5.Aprintedcopyofthewholeordinanceisavailableforinspectionbyanyperson duringtheCity’sregularofficehours.The2011FeeScheduleasrevisedwillbe postedontheCitywebsiteafteritispublished. ORDINANCENO.527 APPROVEDFORPUBLICATION bytheCityCounciloftheCityofMonticello,Minnesota, this14thdayofMarch,2011. CITYOFMONTICELLO ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: JeffO’NeillCityAdministrator VOTINGINFAVOR: VOTINGINOPPOSITION: CityCouncilAgenda:3/14/11 1 8.ConsiderationofacceptingquotesandapprovingupgradestotheMCCWarehouse asrecommendedbytheMCCAdvisoryBoard (KB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisbeingaskedtoconsidermovingforwardonastronglyrecommended itembyacceptingquotesandapprovingupgradestotheWarehouseroominthe communitycenter. TheCommunityCenterAdvisoryBoardhaslongbeenlookingatbetterutilizingthis spacethroughremodelingtheWarehouseroomtoprovidespacetoholdgroupfitness classesandprivateparties.Theinclusionofgroupfitnessclassesisanimportant programmingareaforthecommunitycenter.TheAdvisoryBoardhasaskedthe communitycenterstafftomakeitaprioritytocreateaspacewheregroupfitnessclasses canbeofferedandtoseekoutmoreinstructorsforagreatervarietyofclassestobe offered.Eventually,theyhopetohavethecostoftakinggroupfitnessclassesbeanadd- ontomembershippricing.In2010,groupfitnessclasseshadrevenueof$33,111.50or 38%ofthetotalrevenuefor“land”programming.In2011,JanuaryandFebruaryonly, therevenueis$8,392.50or71%ofthe“land”programming. TheCommunityCentercurrentlyoffersover20classesperweek.Whileafewofthese classesareheldinthepool,themajorityareheldeitherintheWarehouseroom,the SeniorCenter,theChapelatSwanRiver,thegymnasium,thechildcarecenterand,when necessary,theMississippiRoom.TheAdvisoryBoardisrecommendingtheCommunity CenterstaffincreasethenumberofclassesofferedandtomovethemtotheWarehouse room,remodeledtoaccommodategroupfitnessclasses. TheWarehouseroomisalsoapopularpartyroomrentalforthecommunitycenter.Asa revenueitemforroomrentals,the2010revenuewas$10,629or20%oftheroomrental revenue.Inthefirsttwomonthsof2011,therentalrevenuefortheWarehouseroomis $1,135or14%oftheroomrentalrevenue.Thisroomisusedheavilyforgroupscoming tothecommunitycenterandforweekendpartiesincludingbridalorbabyshowers, birthdayparties,familyreunions,organizationevents,etc.Weanticipatecontinuingto accommodatethesevaluablerentals.Wewillbekeepingallofthegamescurrentlyinthe room-billiards,skeeball,andfoosball,whicharepopularwithourrenters.Wewillalso maintainmostofthecurrentseatingthatisintheroom.Wewillmostlikelyhaveto removethelargecircularboothandsomeofthesmallerhightableseating,butkeepthe otherfourbooths,thelongerhightableseatingandthecouchseating. Asagroupfitnessroom,theWarehouseroomworkswellinthatitprovidesusan enclosedroomtoofferclasses.Unfortunately,thefloorisconcrete.Thisisanextremely hardsurfaceforworkoutsand,overtime,willproduceinjuriestoattendeesandthe instructors.Also,alotoftheroomisgobbledupbythearchitecturalaspectsoftheroom suchasthebumpoutsfortheboothsandthefrontwallthatcreatesasmallamountof storageandprovidestheareaforthelargescreentelevision.Wefeelthatthereareno CityCouncilAgenda:3/14/11 2 negativestothisremodelworkaswewillcontinuetohavethepartyroomavailableand anenhancedopportunitytoprovidefitnessandotherprogrammingforthepublic. Here’swhatisbeingproposed:(alsoseediagramsenclosed) Improvethelightingintheroom.Thecurrentlightingisverylowandnot conducivetootherfunctions,likeasanoverflowmeetingroom,etc. Removethearchitecturalaspectsoftheroomtosquareuptheroomandprovide morespace. Movealloftheboothstothenorthwalloftheroomtoagainmaximizespace. Putdownafloorovertwothirdsoftheconcretesuitableforgroupfitnessclasses butabletoholduptothemanyotheruses. Buildastorageareaforgroupfitnessclasssuppliesandothersupplies. Installaudioandvideocapabilitiesforallfunctionsoftheroom. Installmirrorsforgroupfitnessuse,withacurtaincoveringfornon-groupfitness uses. Herearethequotesreceivedfortheremodelingwork: FlooringQuotes8mmC&CCourts$12,597.52 9mmAEMichaels*$13,891.58 $13,891.58 Demo/BuildStorage @ J.HellmanConstruction*$4,950.00 BaasConstruction$3,781.00 $3,781.00 LightingImprovements # OlsonandSonsElectric*$5,450.00 SelectElectric$4,540.00 $4,540.00 Mirrors24’HeartlandGlass$1,793.78 25’RASGlass*$1,549.06 $1,549.06 Electronics/AudioOnlyAcousticalInnovations$1,778.87 Technique$4,221.30 $1,778.87 AdditionalItems:Curtainovermirrors FlatScreenorProjectionTV WallmountedFans Paint Note:Itemstobe purchasedlocally. Estimate:$2,200.00 TOTAL $27,740.51 *Localvendors @ Afterdiscussionswiththestaff,AdvisoryBoard,JeffO’Neill,andBobPaschke,wedetermined thatitwouldbeinefficientandoverallmorecostlytousethePublicWorksemployeesforthe demolitionandtobuildthestoragecloset.BecausetheWarehouseissuchaheavilyusedroom, weneedtobringthatroombackon-lineasquicklyaspossible,whichuseofaprivatecontractor affords.Wehaveidentified9daysinMaythatarecurrentlyopen,duringwhichtimeallthis workwouldneedtobeaccomplished.Unfortunately,inthewinterwhenthePublicWorks “might”havethetimetodotheworkiswhenthecommunitycenteristheverybusiestwith classesaswellasrentals.Our“slowest”timesareeitherMayorSeptemberwhichdoesnot workwellfortheirschedule.Forthisreason,wefeltitwasbesttouseacontractortogetthis partoftheprojectdone. CityCouncilAgenda:3/14/11 3 #Acoupleofyearsagowhenwebegantoresearchremodelingsolutions,wehadtwolocal electricalcontractorsquoteontheproject,WesOlsonElectricandOlsonandSonsElectric. ThelowestquotecamefromOlsonandSons.Atthetimewefeltthatthequotesweretoohigh duetohighendmaterialsandaskedthelowestquoteprovider,OlsonandSons,togiveusless expensiveoptionsforimprovingthelighting.TheAdvisoryBoard,attheirFebruarymeeting, askedthatwegetanotherquotefromaknownvendortoseeifthecostmightbefurther reduced. A1.BudgetImpact:In2005andagainin2010,thecommunitycenterreceived $20,000eachofthoseyearsfromBernick’sPepsifortherightstobeour exclusivebeveragevendor.TheAdvisoryBoardproposedanelectronicmessage centerforthismoney.Attheendof2010,theelectronicmessagecenterwas installedand$10,000oftheBernick’smoneywasusedleaving$30,000.The AdvisoryBoardisrecommendingthatthe$30,000beusedtowardstheremodel workoftheWarehouse.The$40,000receivedhadbeeninthecommunity center’sreserves.Thereservefundbalanceattheendof2010was$742,707. WiththeremodeledWarehouseappropriateforgroupfitnessclasses,wewill continuetoattractmoreinstructorsandmoreclassoptionstocontinuetoprovide programmingthatouruserswantaswellastherevenuethatgoeswithit.Wewill continuetorenttheroomforpartiesandmeetingsaswehaveinthepast.We wouldexpectthisrevenuetoremainsimilartopreviousyearastheremodelwork willnotdetractforthepopularityofthisroomasarental. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Asidentifiedabove,wewouldrecommendusingan outsidecontractorforthedemoandbuildingworktoensureaquickturn-around. Thecommunitycentermaintenancedepartmentwoulddothepaintingofthe roomaftertheremodelworkisdoneaswellasoverseetheothercontractwork. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoacceptquotesandauthorizetheremodelingworkintheMCC Warehouseroom. 2.Motiontodenyquotesandnotauthorizetheremodelingwork. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffaswellastheCommunityCenterAdvisoryBoardrecommendsAlternative#1. TheAdvisoryBoardseesthisremodelasanabilitytoprovideprogrammingthatis desiredbythecommunitycenterusersandwillallowthecommunitycentertocontinue toincreasetheirrevenueintheprogrammingarea.Theremodelandassociateduseis contemplatedinresponsetotheevolvingneedsofthecommunitycenterusersandwill makeitamoreviableandattractivefacility.TheavailabilityofBernick’sdollarsenables upgradingoftheWarehousetobetterservethecommunitywithoutuseofgeneraltax dollars. CityCouncilAgenda:3/14/11 4 D.SUPPORTINGDATA: DrawingoftheWarehouseroominitscurrentconfigurationaswellastheproposed configurationaftertheremodelwork Copyofquotesreceived City CouncilAgenda:03/14/11 1 9.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2011-17orderingimprovementsand authorizingpreparationoffinalPlansandSpecificationsforWest7th Street& WalnutStreetIntersectionImprovements,tobeaddedtoCityProjectNo.11C001 (BW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheintersectionofWest7th StreetandWalnutStreetconsistsoffourinterestingstreet legshavingvaryingwidths,trafficvolumes,anddesignatedpedestrianfacilities.As such,thisintersectioncanbeconfusingtobothdriversandpedestrianstryingtonavigate throughit.DriversareoftenobservedsittinginthefarrightlaneofWest7th Streetwhile waitingtoturnleftintotheCubFoodsparkinglot,therebydelayingvehicleswaitingto gostraightorturnrightontoWalnutStreet.Pedestriansarealsooftenuncertainofwhich wayvehiclesareturningduetoanoveralllackoflanedesignationsigningandstriping. Inordertoincreasethecapacityandsafetyatthisintersection,bothforvehiclesand pedestrians,staffisaskingCounciltoconsiderorderinganimprovementprojectandto authorizethepreparationoffinalplansandspecificationsfortheproposedimprovement project. Attachedisafigureshowingtheimprovementsascurrentlyproposed,whichincludes removingtheexistingcurbandgutterandsidewalk,southofWest7th Streetbetween WalnutStreetandtheentrancetoCubFoodstothewest,andinstallingnewcurband gutterandsidewalkabout8feetsouthoftheircurrentlocationstoallowfortheaddition ofdedicatedleftturnlanesonWest7th StreetonbothsidesofWalnutStreet.BothWest 7th Streetlegswouldbesignedandstripedtoincludededicatedleftturnlanesand through-rightlanes.WalnutStreetnorthofWest7th Streetisproposedtobestripedto includeadedicatedrightturnlaneandathrough-leftlane.IfCouncilauthorizesthe project,turningmovementswillbecountedtoverifythecorrectlanedesignations. Newpedestrianfacilitiesarealsoproposedtobeconstructedincludingsigning,striping andtheadditionofADAcomplaintpedestriancurbrampsasneeded.Anewsidewalk connectiontoCubFoodsparkinglotisalsoproposedfromthesidewalksouthofWest7th StreettoallowpedestrianssaferaccesstoCubandtheadjacentbusinesses.Staffwould workwithCubFoodstoidentifythepreferredlocationforthisconnection,whichcould requireapermanenteasementtobesecuredfromCubFoods. Staffalsoproposestoexploreaddingapedestrianactivatedflashingyellowcrosswalk signalfortheWest7th StreetcrosswalkwestofWalnutStreet.Acrosswalksignalmay bewarrantedatthislocationduetothehightrafficvolumesonWest7th Street.In2008, Mn/DOTrecordedaveragedailytraffic(ADT)volumesof5,500vehicleswestofWalnut Streetand8,500vehiclesbetweenWalnutStreetandTH25.Bycomparison,bothof thesevolumesaresubstantiallyhigherthanthe4,500ADTrecordedin2008onEast7th StreetinfrontofSaintHenry’schurch,andtheADTeastofWalnutis1,100vehicles higherthanthe7,400ADTrecordedonWestBroadwaybetweenElmandLocustStreets in2008.Theestimatedcostofaflashingcrosswalksignalis$20,000. City CouncilAgenda:03/14/11 2 StaffalsoreviewedpotentialimprovementoptionsfortheintersectionofWest7th Street &TH25toensurethatanyimprovementscompletedunderthisprojectwouldnotbe impactedatthetimetheintersectionof7th Street&TH25isimproved.Perourreview, staffbelievestheimprovementsmadewiththisprojectwouldnotbeimpactedatthetime theintersectionofWest7th StreetandTH25isimproved.Theonlyexceptiontothis couldbesomeminorsigningandstripingrevisions,whicharerelativelyinexpensive. Theexistingwidthsofthefourlegsatthisintersectionfromface-of-curbtoface-of-curb areasfollows: West7thStreet,westofWalnutStreet=36feet West7thStreet,eastofWalnutStreet=54feet WalnutStreet,southofWest7th Street=37feet WalnutStreet,northofWest7th Street=41feet Sincethestreetwidthsvarysignificantly,wecannotsimplyre-stripethestreetsbecause wearenotabletoappropriatelyaligntheopposinglanesoneithersideoftheintersection. Assuch,wemustwidenthewestlegofWest7th Streetbyabout8feet.Thiswould includeanewfull-depthpavementsectionforthewidenedsectiononthesouthside,as wellasmillingandoverlayingtheexistingpavement. IfCouncilorderstheseimprovementsandauthorizesthepreparationoffinalPlansand Specifications,staffwouldthenrequestCouncilapprovaltobidtheseimprovementswith theproposed2011StreetReconstructionProject,CityProjectNo.11C001.Thisshould resultinreducedbidpricesduetotheeconomiesofscaleassociatedwithbiddingalarger overallprojectwithsimilarunitsofconstruction. Itshouldbenotedthattheestimatedcostfortheseimprovementsareforsurface(street, stormsewerandsidewalk)improvementsonlyanddonotincludeutility(sanitarysewer orwatermain)improvementcostssincenoneoftheexistingutilitiesareproposedtobe repairedorreplacedwiththisproject. Staffisnotproposingtoenhancetheexistingstreetlightingwiththisproject.However, staffisproposingtoinstallnewconduitbehindthecurbalongthenewsectionofcurb andguttersouthofWest7th Streetinanticipationoffuturestreetlightingimprovements. Andaswaspreviouslynoted,staffwillbeexploringtheadditionofapedestrianactivated flashingyellowcrosswalksignalforthecrosswalkwestofWalnutStreet. A1.BudgetImpact:Theestimatedprojectcosttotals$154,000 whichincludesa 10%constructioncontingencyand22%indirectcostsforlegal,engineering, administrativeandfinancingitems.Staffbelievesthemajorityoftheproject costswouldbestate-aideligible.Anycostsnoteligibleforstate-aidfunding couldbepaidforthroughthestreetreconstructionfund. City CouncilAgenda:03/14/11 3 Duetothelowbondrateswearecurrentlyexperiencing,staffrecommendsthe useofbondstofundtheproject.Bondpaymentswouldthenbemadeusingthe appropriatefunds. AsCouncilisaware,thebiddingenvironmentforstreetimprovementprojectshas beenveryfavorablerecentlyduetotheeconomywithbidpricescominginat 10%-20%lessthansimilarprojectsconstructedseveralyearsago.All indicationsarethatthisfavorablebiddingenvironmentwillcontinuethisspring whichwilllikelyresultinsignificantsavingsfortheCityifwemoveaheadwith thisprojectin2011.Andbybiddingthisprojectwiththe2011Street Reconstructionproject,theCityshouldsaveadditionalmoney. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:StafffromtheEngineering,PublicWorksandFinance Departmentswouldbeimpactedbythisprojecttovaryingdegrees,bothduring thedesignandconstructionphases.EngineeringDepartmentstaffwouldprovide full-timeconstructioninspectionwhilePublicWorksDepartmentstaffwould spendlesseramountsoftimeinspectingvariouscomponentsofconstruction. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2011-17orderingimprovementsandauthorizing preparationoffinalPlansandSpecificationsforWest7th Street&WalnutStreet IntersectionImprovements,tobeaddedtoCityProjectNo.11C001. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofResolution#2011-17atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2011-17 Figure1-ProposedImprovements CITYOFMONTICELLO RESOLUTIONNO.2011-17 ORDERINGIMPROVEMENTSANDAUTHORIZINGPREPARATION OFPLANSANDSPECIFICATIONS WALNUTSTREET&7TH STREETINTERSECTIONIMPROVEMENTS ANADDENDUMTOCITYPROJECTNO.11C001 WHEREAS,itisproposedtoconstructimprovementstotheWest7th StreetandWalnutStreet Intersectionincludingroadreconstruction;replacementofcurb,gutterandsidewalk;stripingand signage;andotherappurtenantwork;and WHEREAS,attheCouncilmeeting,therewasmadeavailableareasonableestimateofthe projectandadescriptionofthemethodologywaspresented;and WHEREAS,aresolutionwasadoptedbytheCityCouncilonFebruary14,2011,acceptingthe FeasibilityReportfortheproposed2011StreetReconstructionProject,andcallingforaPublic HearingonFebruary28,2011onsaidproposedimprovements;and WHEREAS,afterdueNoticeofPublicHearingwasprovidedontheconstructionofsaid proposedimprovementsforthe2011StreetReconstructionProject:Area4B–EastRiverStreet fromCedarStreettoapproximately1,100feeteastofWashingtonStreet,aswellasPalm,New, Wright,Ramsey,Hennepin,andWashingtonStreetsbetweenEastBroadway/CSAH75andEast RiverStreet,andthereconstructionofpavedsurfacesinEllisonPark;andWestRiverStreet, westofWrightCSAH75.Improvementsincludethereconstructionofurbanandruralsection roadways,curbandgutterreplacement,sidewalk,pathwayandstormsewerconstruction,utility improvementsandotherappurtenantwork.OptionalimprovementsincludeEastBridgePark parkinglotreconstruction.AhearingwasdulyheldonFebruary28,2011onsaidimprovements andtheCityCouncilheardallpersonsdesiringtobeheardonthematterandfullyconsideredthe same;and WHEREAS,itisreasonableandcosteffectivetobidthisprojectwiththeproposed2011Street Reconstructionprojectdefinedas:Area4B–EastRiverStreet;WestRiverStreetnorthof CSAH75;EllisonParkpavedsurfacesandsewerextension;andEastBridgeParkparkinglot. NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED bytheCityCounciloftheCityofMonticello, Minnesotaasfollows: 1.Saidimprovementsarenecessary,cost-effective,andfeasible. 2.Itisadvisable,expedientandnecessarythatsaidimprovementsfortheWest7th Street andWalnutStreetIntersectionbeconstructed,andthesameareherebyorderedmade. 3.Saidimprovementsshallbebidwiththeproposed2011StreetReconstructionProject, CityProjectNo.11C001. 4.TheCityEngineeralongwithconsultingengineers,WSB&Associates,Inc.ishereby directedtopreparefinalplansandspecificationsforsaidimprovements. 5.TheCityCouncilshallletthecontractforallorpartoftheworkforsaidimprovements ororderallorpartoftheworkdonebydaylabororotherwiseasauthorizedby MinnesotaStatutes,Section429.041,Subdivision2withinoneyearofthedateofthis resolutionorderingsaidimprovements. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis14thdayofMarch,2011. CITYOFMONTICELLO ___________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator City CouncilAgenda:3/14/11 1 10.ConsiderationofapprovingtheestablishmentofaTransportationAdvisory CommitteeandappointingCouncilrepresentative(s)(BW,MB,JO,AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderestablishingaTransportationAdvisoryCommitteefor thepurposeofassistingtheCityindefiningourtransportationneeds,lobbyingsupport fortransportationprojects/studies,providingpubliceducationsupport,developing fundingsources,andestablishingtransportationinvestmentpriorities.Thisinitiativeisa directresultofinputprovidedbytheBusinessRetention&Expansion(BR&E) LeadershipTeamwhichfound,throughsurveyingthebusinesscommunity,thatthe developmentandmaintenanceofMonticello’stransportationnetworkiskeytothe economichealthofthecommunity. Recognizingtransportationasatoppriority,aBR&Etaskforcewasformedinorderto stayontopofimportanttransportationinitiativestoimprovetrafficflowtoandthrough thecity.MembersoftheBR&ETransportationtaskforcestartedworkingonthis directiveimmediatelywiththeCityEngineerandWSB.Thegroupidentifiedthe importanceofhavinganapprovedTransportationPlanandinitiatingsubsequentstudies forboththeFallonAvenueOverpassandpotentialsecondMississippiRivercrossing projects.TheirrecommendationswerebroughtforwardtotheCityCouncilwhich resultedinkeytransportationstudiesmovingforward. WiththerecentadoptionoftheTransportationPlanandCouncil’sauthorizationto proceedwiththeFallonAvenueOverpassandthesecondMississippiRivercrossing studies,theCityisinaperfectpositiontoengagethecommunityatlargetoassistusin movingthesetransportationimprovementsalongaseffectivelyandefficientlyas possible. Continuingtobeproactiveintransportationimprovementshasthepotentialtoincrease economicvitalityinmanyfacetsofthecommunity.Therefore,transitioningtheBR&E TransportationtaskforceintoamorepermanentTransportationAdvisoryCommittee seemsappropriateatthistime. TheTransportationAdvisoryCommittee(TAC)wouldberesponsibleforadvisingthe CityCouncilandthePlanningCommissiononmatterspertainingtotheplanning, operationandimprovementofourlocaltransportationsystemconsistentwiththeCity’s ComprehensivePlan,andforpromotingabalanced,efficientandsafetransportation systemforlocalresidents,businessesandindustry.ATransportationAdvisory Committeecanbeaveryeffectivemeansofkeepingstakeholdersinvolvedandinvested. Inaddition,TACmemberswillprovideacriticaltwo-waycommunicationlinktotheir stakeholdergroupsregardingprogressmadeonthevarioustransportationprojectsand studies. City CouncilAgenda:3/14/11 2 StaffenvisionstheTACwouldbeprimarilyresponsiblefor: AssistingPlanningCommissionandCityCouncilwithTransportationPlan developmentandidentificationofimprovementpriorities.Analyisassistanceto includeandnotbelimitedto: o IdentificationoffuturenorthwestareaI-94interchangelocation(s). o IdentificationofsecondMississippiRivercrossinglocation. o ReviewofHighway25corridorimprovementsproposedforimproving trafficflow. o TimingofFallonAvenueOverpassandassociatedconnectingroad improvements. Researchingpotentialfundingsourcesfortransportationimprovements. Lobbyingsupportfortransportationprojectsandstudiesfromlocalbusinesses, industriesandresidents,andfromregional,stateandfederalpoliticiansand decisionmakers. Providingpublicinformationandeducationaloutreachtothecommunityrelating totransportationimprovementplanningandinitiatives.Conductpublichearings andcollectinformationforPlanningCommissionandCityCouncilreview. Forawell-functioninggroup,theTACshouldideallyconsistofapproximately7 members.Fordiscussionpurposes,staffproposesthefollowingmake-up,which representsagoodcross-sectionofstakeholders: Two(2)CityCouncilrepresentatives One(1)PlanningCommissionrepresentative Two(2)IEDCrepresentatives One(1)EDArepresentative One(1)residentat-largerepresentative Councilshoulddirectmembershipastheyfeelbestmeetstheirintendeddirection. TheCityEngineerwouldbetheprimarystaffliaison,withoneormoreCitystaff includingtheCityAdministrator,CommunityDevelopmentDirector,and/orEconomic DevelopmentDirectoralsoattendingmeetingsasneeded.Anex-officioChamber representativemayalsoattendtoprovideacriticallinkbacktothebroaderbusiness community. Staffisproposingtoscheduleregularmeetingsonaquarterlybasis,withspecial meetingstobeheldasneeded.Duetothenumerousstudiesrecentlyauthorizedbythe CityCouncilinrelationtotheFallonAvenueOverpassandthesecondMississippiRiver crossingprojects,itislikelythatthegroupwouldmeetmorefrequentlyonthefrontend. Inthepast,theCityhashadsomesuccessinidentification,developmentandfundingof importanttransportationimprovementsincluding: City CouncilAgenda:3/14/11 3 DevelopmentofHighway25fourlaneandassociatedrealignmentofChelsea Road DevelopmentofnewI-94/CSAH18Interchange InstallationofprotectedleftturnlanesonBroadway Constructionofmajorcollectorroadsandinstallationofsignalizedintersections ContinueddevelopmentoftheCity’stransportationsystemwouldbenefitfrom establishmentofagroupspecificallychargedwithhelpingtheCityCouncilinthisvery importantarea. AtthispointintimeitisproposedthattheTACbeestablishedonarelativelyinformal basisandnotorganizedbyordinance.However,atsomepointintime,itsexistencemay needtobeformalizedinthesamefashionastheotherCityCommissions.Also,sincethe TransportationPlanisanelementoftheComprehensivePlan,whichisestablished formallythroughPlanningCommissionreview,itisimportanttonotethatthis CommitteewouldworkinclosecoordinationwiththePlanningCommission. ThecurrentlistofCityCommissionsandCommitteesisattachedforreference.Thislist showsthevariousCommissionsandCommitteesandassociatedCouncilandstaff assignmentsandtimecommitments,whichmaybeofvaluetoCouncilasthey contemplateestablishinganewcommitteeandtheassociatedassignments.Theproposed TACisidentifiedonthematrixandwillbeupdateddependentonCouncilaction. A.1BudgetImpact:EstablishingaTransportationAdvisoryCommitteewouldnot haveanappreciableimpactonthe2011budget.Transportationplanningdollars havealreadybeenallocatedbytheCityCouncil;newdollarsrelatingtothe Committee’sworkwouldnotbeneededatthistime. A.2StaffImpact:Staffmembersnotedaboveasstaffliaisonswouldneedtoattend meetingsandprovidefollow-upinformationtotheTAC,thePlanning Commissionand/orCityCouncil.However,thestafftimespentwiththe CommitteeandclosecoordinationwiththeCityCouncilwillultimatelyresultin amoreefficientandbetterfocusedtransportationplanningeffort. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoestablishaTransportationAdvisoryCommitteeandtoappoint _________________________and________________________asCouncil representative(s)totheTAC. 2.MotiontodenyestablishingaTransportationAdvisoryCommitteeatthistime. City CouncilAgenda:3/14/11 4 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1.Asarivercrossingcityinaregionthat hasexperiencedsignificantgrowthinthepastfiftyyears,Monticellomuststrategically planfortransportationinfrastructureimprovementstomatchitsincreasedsizeand locationwithintheregion.TheestablishmentofaTransportationAdvisoryCommittee wouldlikelyhelpmakesuchimprovementsbecomearealityinareasonableamountof time.TheTACwillalsoserveasaplatformforfutureregionalplanninginitiatives. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ListofcurrentCityCommissions/Committees MeetingSummaryofCouncil,Commission,&SubcommitteeAssignmentsandassociatedestimateoftotalmeetings Approved2011 CityCouncilStaffLiaison =LeadStaffPersonorHighPriority ProjectedClintTomBrianLloydGlenNoneCityFinanceAssistCommEconCityPublicHRDeputyMCCParksBuildingFirePW andPastHerbstPerraultStumpfHilgart Posusta orAdminDirectorFinanceDevDirDevDirEngineerWorksMgr Clerk/ProjDirectorSuptOfficialChiefSecy Varies Director Director Coord CityCouncilandCommissionsEstablishedbyOrdinance CityCouncil-RegularMeetings2424242424242424024242424624241224 CityCouncil-SpecialMtngs12121212121224121212121212121212 PlanningCommission141460143300318 EDA14141471471422 IEDC(IndustrialandEconDevCommittee)12121262812 ParksCommission44121244 MCCAdvisory121212111123 FiberNetAdvisoryBoard(Projected)121212102112 PoliceAdvisoryComm-RandomSchedule44424 MonticelloOrderlyAnnexationBoard66626 Library444 FireReliefAssociation11111 SubTotal1197950646664484567566483663650345614 AdvisoryCommittees-Councilmemberassigned TransportationAdvisoryCommittee8?????466 8 MBLTransCoalition(shouldrestart2011)3336262 YMCAAdvisoryCommittee101010641010 YMCA-PassiveParkAreaCommittee62 YMCA-AthleticFieldsCommittee666 PersonnelCommittee(UnionNegotiationsTeam)141414141414 WastewaterTreatmentFacilityPlanning2222 WellHeadProtectionCommittee2233 EmergencyPlanning(Xcel)2323? EmergencyPlanning-County223? MCCEnergyEfficiency/BldgRehabCommittee444244 XcelPublicRelationsMeetings44422 EmbracingDowntown555555 CommunityEducationAdvisoryBoard333 Subtotal632716019280432021751191407161000 OtherCommittesorAgencies-Mostlystaff WrightCountyMayor'sAssociation44 HospitalEducationCommittee?NoonehasbeenassignedtothisCommittee MunicipalTelecommunicationsProvidorsGroup12 4 BeyondYellowRibbonMilitarySupportMember6 CoalitionofUtilityCities442 MACTA(MnAssocofCmntyTlcomAdvisors)1212 NationalAssociationofTelecommunAdvisors(member)11 ChamberofCommerce(Board)123312 ChamberofCommerce(GovernmentalAffairs)6366 WrightSherburneCableCommission414 GovtFinanceOfficers444 WrightCountyEconDevPrtnrship(Withdraw2011)00000 I-94WestTransportationCoalition4114114 EDAM(New)1212 BusinessRetention-Program1212 BusinessRetention-IndustryVisits121212 WrightCountyAdminstrators1212 MinnesotaParksandRecreationAssoc44 FacilitiesGroup44 SafetyCommittee454 BuildingAssociations46 Subtotal13317501005664104340448060 GrandTotal3151237164869241838261021146345244065507214 Pleasenotethatmeetingtotalsandassociatedstaffattendanceareestimated.