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City Council Agenda Packet 11-26-2012
AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,November26,2012–7p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:ClintHerbst CouncilMembers:LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf 1.CalltoOrderandPledgeofAllegiance 2A.ApprovalofMinutes–November13,2012SpecialMeeting 2B.ApprovalofMinutes–November13,2012RegularMeeting 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda 4.Citizencomments,publicserviceannouncements,andupdates a.CitizenComments: b.PublicServiceAnnouncements: 1)MCC-FromRenovationtoCelebration!(12/1) 2)MCC-AroundtheWorldHolidayCelebration&Santa(12/1) 5.ConsentAgenda: A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforNovember26th B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-101acceptingacontributionfrom TomPerraultfortheGeneralFund D.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-102acceptingcontributionofland parcelfromGlenPosustaandapprovingtransferofpropertytotheCityviaquit claimdeed E.ConsiderationofappointingarepresentativetothePoliceAdvisoryCommission tofillavacancyforatermtoexpireon12/31/2015 F.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-103callingforPublicHearingfor MunicipalConsentforextending4-lanesectionofTH25to85th Street/CR106 SPECIALMEETING 5:30p.m.–BudgetWorkshop G.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-104decertifying/deferring assessmentsonCityownedproperty H.Considerationofapprovingacontractforprovidingcemeterygraveexcavation services I.Considerationofapproving2012OperatingTransfers J.Considerationofapproving2013Cityhealthinsuranceplandesignand contributionlevel 6.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 7.ConsiderationofapprovingpurchaseofexerciseequipmentfortheCommunityCenter withdeliveryin2013 8.Addeditems 9.Adjournment CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 1 5A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforNovember26th (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaffsubmitstheattachedbillregistersandpurchasingcardregistersforapprovalby Council.Thebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedandthepurchasingcard registerscontainallcardpurchasesmadesincethelastCouncilmeeting.SubjecttoMN Statutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksforpayment. ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise.AcreditpurchasingagreementandpolicywasapprovedbyCouncilinitially andcardpurchasesmustcomplywiththepolicy. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillandpurchasecardregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotalamountof $536,681.86. 2.MotiontoapprovetheregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters PurchaseCardregisters User: Printed:11/21/2012 - 11:49AM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00203.11.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 8415921 A & E En Espanol October 2012 25.00 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 25.00Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 8415949 A & E October 2012 718.37 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 718.37Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 8416045 A & E History October 2012 529.65 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 529.65Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 8416130 A & E History Biography October 2012 398.70 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 398.70Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 8415196 A & E Military History October 2012 141.76 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 141.76Check Total: Vendor:3198 JUDY A ADAMSON Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 275.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 22.20 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 297.20Check Total: Vendor:3199 JERALDINE AHRENS Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 180.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 13.32 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 193.32Check Total: Vendor:1020 ALMCO HYDRAULICS INC Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 16073 Preventative Maintenance Inspection 2012 - cardboard baler 139.00 11/27/2012 609-49754-431990 139.00Check Total: Vendor:1026 AMERICAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS INC Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 1132870 MGFARM - Hillside CUP 10/25; 11/1 182.48 11/27/2012 213-46522-435100 1132872 ZSUNPD - Sunset Ponds CUP 10/25; 11/1 176.19 11/27/2012 101-41910-435100 1134139 Delinquest AR 11/1 117.20 11/27/2012 101-41520-435100 475.87Check Total: Vendor:2337 CINDY ANDERSON Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 317.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 317.50Check Total: Vendor:2338 FREDRICK ANDERSON Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 202.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 11.10 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 213.60Check Total: Vendor:1038 APPERTS FOOD SERVICE Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 1830038 5.25 11/27/2012 226-45122-433300 1830038 re-sale 379.09 11/27/2012 226-45127-425410 1830038 coffee 62.27 11/27/2012 101-41940-443990 446.61Check Total: Vendor:2319 AVAIL TVN CORPORATION Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True Oct-12 Avail-TVN PPV and VOD October 2012 1,239.50 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 1,239.50Check Total: Vendor:1059 BARTON SAND AND GRAVEL CO Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 153904 718 ton CL 5 gravel base 106.78 11/27/2012 101-43120-422400 106.78Check Total: Vendor:1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 75800300 18.30 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 75800300 969.85 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 75892600 18.16 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 75892600 1,604.95 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 2,611.26Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 232604 re-sale 57.20 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 232605 455.50 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 235083 -7.98 11/27/2012 226-45127-425410 235084 re-sale 175.40 11/27/2012 226-45127-425410 235085 re-sale 20.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425500 235086 re-sale 63.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 235086 re-sale 32.80 11/27/2012 609-49750-425500 235087 931.95 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 1,727.87Check Total: Vendor:3200 ALLAN BIENIAS Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 115.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 12.77 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 127.77Check Total: Vendor:2221 BIG TEN NETWORK LLC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False D85781 Big 10 October 2012 1,135.08 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 D85781 Big 10 Bulks October 2012 187.50 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 1,322.58Check Total: Vendor:2340 GLADYS BITZER Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 180.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 180.00Check Total: Vendor:2343 RICHARD BOURQUE Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 180.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 13.88 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 193.88Check Total: Vendor:2344 SANDRA BRAMBRINK Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 100.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 6.11 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 106.11Check Total: Vendor:2346 DONNA BRAUCH Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 405.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 405.00Check Total: Vendor:1083 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True 361087 12C001 - Soil/Pavemt/Concrete Observations & Testing; Proj Mgmt 5,822.50 11/27/2012 400-43300-459010 361466 ZCULPS-CLEANX - 349 Broadway W - Limited Site Investigation 1,000.00 11/27/2012 213-46522-431990 6,822.50Check Total: Vendor:2047 BRIDGE WATER TELEPHONE COMPANY Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 665FNMT-S-12318 Voice - monthly access charges 11/13-11/12/12 Interstate 369.63 11/27/2012 655-49860-430910 369.63Check Total: Vendor:3201 RUTH M BROWER Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 20.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 20.00Check Total: Vendor:1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: True 2348-000G123 General 4,027.60 11/27/2012 101-41610-430400 2348-000G123 General - P & Z expenses 238.00 11/27/2012 101-41910-430400 2348-000G123 General - temporary occupancy Development Agreement; ect. 140.00 11/27/2012 213-46522-430400 2348-000G123 ZCORNR - Cornerstone 701.40 11/27/2012 101-00000-220110 2348-001G71 Code enforcement 155.00 11/27/2012 101-42400-430400 2348-103G64 Fiber/Broadband project 1,022.00 11/27/2012 655-49870-430400 2348-118G1 ZCORNR - Cornerstone Chevrolet 1,875.00 11/27/2012 101-00000-220110 8,159.00Check Total: Vendor:2349 DAVID CARLSON Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 190.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 190.00Check Total: Vendor:2220 CBS SPORTS NETWORK Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 058122 CBS College Sports October 2012 75.52 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 75.52Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2213 CBS TV STATIONS Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False Oct-12 WCCO October 2012 860.20 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 860.20Check Total: Vendor:1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 11/7/12 5804618-6 12.82 11/27/2012 101-45201-438300 11/7/12 5863599-6 66.98 11/27/2012 101-42700-438300 79.80Check Total: Vendor:2654 CENTURYLINK Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False L04003703712306 Voice - CABS - Usage charges 10/1-10/31/12 126.44 11/27/2012 655-49860-430910 126.44Check Total: Vendor:2654 CENTURYLINK Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False R72010610612306 Voice - Monthly Access Charges 11/1-11/30/12 Intrastate 600.00 11/27/2012 655-49860-430910 600.00Check Total: Vendor:2654 CENTURYLINK Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False R97006006012306 Voice - Monthly Access Charges 11/1-11/30/12 Interstate 144.23 11/27/2012 655-49860-430910 144.23Check Total: Vendor:1109 CHARLES N CHRISTIANSON Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 282.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 20.54 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 303.04Check Total: Vendor:2350 ROSEMARY DAHL Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 648.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 25.53 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 673.53Check Total: Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 1021308 150.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 1044377 13,646.40 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 1044377 re-sale 182.50 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 1046602 512.20 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 1046634 26,095.56 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 1046634 re-sale 84.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1046654 715.50 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 8440 140.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 8480 432.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 8687 136.25 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 8737 331.45 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 42,425.86Check Total: Vendor:1134 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True 675537 1,505.15 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 675537 re-sale 22.40 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 676487 2,512.35 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 676487 re-sale 119.40 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 4,159.30Check Total: Vendor:2351 AGNES DEMARAIS Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 402.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 11.10 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 413.60Check Total: Vendor:2606 DIGICOM INC Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False 36556 Quarterly DMX Music November 2012 - January 2013 128.25 11/27/2012 655-49870-432500 128.25Check Total: Vendor:3202 MARY J DORF Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 20.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 12.21 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 32.21Check Total: Vendor:2353 RICHARD DOUCETTE Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 480.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 12.77 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 492.77Check Total: Vendor:2354 ROSEANNE DURAN Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 142.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 12.21 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 154.71Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1161 ELECTION SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE INC Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 837237 utx - (2) AutoMARK (i) ink crtge 74.52 11/27/2012 101-41410-421990 74.52Check Total: Vendor:3203 KERI LEE ERICKSON Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 215.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 14.43 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 229.43Check Total: Vendor:3204 WILLIAM LAWRENCE FAIR Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 265.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 12.21 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 277.21Check Total: Vendor:3102 FIBERCONNECT INCORPORATED Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True Nov 2012 November 2012 Management Fee 20,000.00 11/27/2012 655-49870-430700 20,000.00Check Total: Vendor:2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False October 2012 Bullseye October 2012 invoice - Collected 156.02 11/27/2012 655-49870-443200 156.02Check Total: Vendor:3218 TIMOTHY J FINK Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 160.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 11.10 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 171.10Check Total: Vendor:1662 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME COMPANY Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 26607 re-sale 247.80 11/27/2012 609-49750-425500 247.80Check Total: Vendor:1189 FOSTER CARLSON AND WHITE AGENCY Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 17465 11/4-12/31/12 - Volunteer Accident Ins 186.20 11/27/2012 101-42200-436990 17465 1/1-3/31/13 - Volunteer Accident Ins 279.30 11/27/2012 101-00000-155020 17465 4/1-6/30/13 - Volunteer Accident Ins 279.30 11/27/2012 101-00000-155020 17465 7/1-9/30/13 - Volunteer Accident Ins 279.30 11/27/2012 101-00000-155020 17465 10/1-11/4/13 - Volunteer Accident Ins 93.10 11/27/2012 101-00000-155020 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,117.20Check Total: Vendor:2222 FOX SPORTS NET NORTH HD Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: True D84265 Fox Sports North October 2012 4,827.88 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 D84265 Fox Sports North Taverns October 2012 187.50 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 5,015.38Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False KMSP Oct-12 KMSP October 2012 1,214.40 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 1,214.40Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False WFTC Oct-12 WFTC October 2012 151.80 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 151.80Check Total: Vendor:2274 FUEL Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: True D86699 FUEL October 2012 57.36 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 57.36Check Total: Vendor:2357 LYNNEA GILLHAM Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 180.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 180.00Check Total: Vendor:2358 JACQUELIN GORDON Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 225.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 225.00Check Total: Vendor:2359 ROBERT GRABINSKI Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: True 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 550.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 13.32 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 563.32Check Total: Vendor:3126 GRAYBAR Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 963368015 (4000) Commscope Systimax Connectivity RG6U-NP-60-FA-FN-P-CMS 347.34 11/27/2012 656-49877-421800 347.34Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2433 NICHOLAS R HACKENMUELLER Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: True 11/7/12 Planning Commission Mtg 11/7/12 50.00 11/27/2012 101-41910-431990 50.00Check Total: Vendor:1219 RONALD G HACKENMUELLER Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 11/13-11/15/12 ZZZNEP - 11/13-11/15/12 Red Wing - Ingestion Plan Zone Workshop 106.56 11/27/2012 101-42500-433100 106.56Check Total: Vendor:1224 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 5799084 utx - (230) AMR touchpads 2,787.83 11/27/2012 601-49440-422701 2,787.83Check Total: Vendor:3206 WILLIAM M HOFFARTH Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 120.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 12.21 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 132.21Check Total: Vendor:2305 HOME BOX OFFICE Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False Oct-12 HBO October 2012 457.64 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 Oct-12 HBO Cinemax October 2012 130.46 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 Oct-12 HBO Bulk October 2012 509.74 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 1,097.84Check Total: Vendor:2362 DARLA HOSKINS Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: True 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 147.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 2.22 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 149.72Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False KSTC Oct-12 KSTC October 2012 354.20 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 354.20Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False KSTP Oct-12 KSTP October 2012 354.20 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 354.20Check Total: Vendor:3207 LOIS MARIE HULTBERG Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 180.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 11.10 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 191.10Check Total: Vendor:2625 JIGSAW BUILDERS INC Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False 10554 labor/supplies - replace bent drip, new siding around vents, ect 3,000.00 11/27/2012 101-41940-440100 3,000.00Check Total: Vendor:1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRUBTING Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 1940472 3.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1940472 425.75 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 428.75Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 1427384 25.02 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1427384 1,900.50 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 1427385 76.45 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1427385 2,752.10 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 1428066 21.32 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1428066 1,786.10 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 1428067 94.51 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1428067 4,168.95 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 1428068 78.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 1430570 26.41 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1430570 970.70 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 1432470 43.10 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1432470 3,389.57 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 1432471 79.24 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1432471 2,761.50 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 1433325 17.61 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1433325 1,758.02 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 1433326 108.19 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1433326 3,616.30 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 1433326 re-sale 205.77 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 1435978 47.96 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1435978 4,903.24 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 1435979 9.73 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1435979 275.70 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 1435980 23.63 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1435980 1,439.10 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 554826 -6.95 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 554826 -555.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 30,016.77Check Total: Vendor:1266 KALTEC OF MINNESOTA INC Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 69781 November 2012 - Host and Manage TLS Networking Ph I 479.87 11/27/2012 101-41920-430900 479.87Check Total: Vendor:2251 KARE GANNETT CO INC Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 190-1017 KARE October 2012 910.80 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 910.80Check Total: Vendor:2363 HARVEY KENDALL Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 277.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 13.32 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 290.82Check Total: Vendor:2364 MARY LOU LENZEN Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 345.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 11.10 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 356.10Check Total: Vendor:2166 LIFETIME ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 8416309 A & E Lifetime Network October 2012 531.60 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 531.60Check Total: Vendor:2166 LIFETIME ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 8417236 A & E Lifetime Movie Network October 2012 248.08 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 248.08Check Total: Vendor:2166 LIFETIME ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 8417847 A & E Lifetime Real Women October 2012 40.63 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 40.63Check Total: Vendor:3208 DEBRA L LUKEN Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 100.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 12.21 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 112.21Check Total: Vendor:1303 M AMUNDSON LLP Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: True 142112 re-sale 125.10 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 142112 re-sale 327.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425500 452.10Check Total: Vendor:1229 MAJIRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: True 873 (5000) check stubs; (.25) hr creative services 265.99 11/27/2012 101-41520-420300 265.99Check Total: Vendor:1318 JONATHAN CALEB MELLBERG Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: True 11/13/12 City Countil meeting recording 11/13/12 80.00 11/27/2012 101-41110-431990 80.00Check Total: Vendor:2215 METRO GOLDWYN MAYER INC Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False Oct-12 MGM HD October 2012 21.74 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 21.74Check Total: Vendor:1920 MFRA - MCCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOC INC Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: True 71610 Services thru 10/31/12 - Zoning Ordinance Amendments; Amend Text 1,033.50 11/27/2012 101-41910-431990 1,033.50Check Total: Vendor:3099 DR BILL MICKLE Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False Escrow Refund ZMICKL - Net Escrow Refund - Ck #109301 lost 93.54 10/09/2012 101-00000-220110 93.54Check Total: Vendor:1330 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 400413003374 (15) transcations - June 2012 9.00 11/27/2012 101-42100-431990 400413003374 (15) transcations - July 2012 4.80 11/27/2012 101-42100-431990 400413003374 (15) transcations - August 2012 10.80 11/27/2012 101-42100-431990 400413003374 (15) transcations - September 2012 53.40 11/27/2012 101-42100-431990 400413003374 (15) transcations - October 2012 99.00 11/27/2012 101-42100-431990 177.00Check Total: Vendor:2179 MINNESOTA 9-1-1 PROGRAM Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False Oct-12 October 2012 911 Wright Co 1,021.20 11/27/2012 655-00000-208170 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,021.20Check Total: Vendor:2217 MLB NETWORK LLC AFFILIATE SALE Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 023544 MLB October 2012 248.97 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 248.97Check Total: Vendor:1346 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: False FBL-20976-15733 2013 License renewal application (Ballfields) 398.00 11/27/2012 226-45203-443700 398.00Check Total: Vendor:1363 MN STATE FIRE DEPARTMENT ASSOC Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 2013 Membership 2013 Department membership 288.00 11/27/2012 101-42200-443300 288.00Check Total: Vendor:1376 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LIBRARY Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: True 10/1-10/31/12 Program supplies 60.94 11/27/2012 211-45501-421990 10/1-10/31/12 Program services 455.00 11/27/2012 211-45501-430150 515.94Check Total: Vendor:1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: True November 2012 Monthly appropriation 4,208.33 11/27/2012 101-45175-444310 4,208.33Check Total: Vendor:2368 JUDITH MOODY Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 422.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 16.65 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 439.15Check Total: Vendor:1629 MP NEXLEVEL LLC Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: True 100252 Buried Drops - Job: 12113127 (4) SEB 101 (P); (80) bore ; ect. 2,128.00 11/27/2012 656-49877-431990 2,128.00Check Total: Vendor:2334 MTV NETWORKS Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: False Oct-12 MTV VH1 October 2012 400.56 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 Oct-12 MTV VH1 Classic Rock October 2012 78.80 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 Oct-12 MTV TV Land October 2012 334.91 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 Oct-12 MTV TeenNick October 2012 78.80 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Oct-12 MTV Spike October 2012 797.75 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 Oct-12 MTV October 2012 934.73 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 Oct-12 MTV Nicktoon-NTO October 2012 78.80 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 Oct-12 MTV Nickelodeon October 2012 1,335.20 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 Oct-12 MTV Nick Jr October 2012 37.21 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 Oct-12 MTV MTV2-MT2 October 2012 34.92 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 Oct-12 MTV MTV Hits October 2012 78.80 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 Oct-12 MTV Comedy Central-CMC October 2012 385.41 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 Oct-12 MTV CMT October 2012 267.31 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 4,843.20Check Total: Vendor:2218 MUSIC CHOICE Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: True Oct - 12 Music Choice October 2012 138.00 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 138.00Check Total: Vendor:2275 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WILD Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: True D87417 National Geographic Wild October 2012 50.00 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 50.00Check Total: Vendor:3138 NBC UNIVERSAL Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: True 522197 Chiller October 2012 66.92 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522198 CLOO October 2012 66.92 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522199 CNBC October 2012 549.32 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522201 CNBC World October 2012 34.66 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522202 The Golf Channel HD October 2012 3.40 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522203 MSNBC October 2012 456.29 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522204 MUN2 October 2012 40.63 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522204 MUN2 Hispanic October 2012 0.33 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522205 CNBC & MSNBC October 2012 132.90 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522206 Oxygen October 2012 336.68 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522208 PBS Kids Sprout October 2012 25.10 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522210 The Golf Channel October 2012 367.69 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522211 Telemundo October 2012 40.63 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522211 Telemundo Hispanic October 2012 0.34 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522215 NBC Sports Network October 2012 269.26 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 522216 NBC Sports Network HD October 2012 3.40 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 524473 Bravo October 2012 376.55 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 524550 USA Network October 2012 1,072.06 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 524667 Universal HD October 2012 37.40 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 524729 SYFY October 2012 372.12 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 4,252.60Check Total: Vendor:2369 MERRI JO NESLAND Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 252.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 12.21 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 264.71Check Total: Vendor:1913 NEW FRANCE WINE Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: False 76912 20.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 76912 448.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 468.00Check Total: Vendor:2134 NFL NETWORK Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: False 108178 NFL October 2012 841.70 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 841.70Check Total: Vendor:2216 NHL NETWORK Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: False Oct-12 NHL October 2012 283.52 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 283.52Check Total: Vendor:2370 CAROL NORLING Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 215.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 215.00Check Total: Vendor:3215 LONNIE WARD NORLING Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: True 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 100.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 11.10 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 111.10Check Total: Vendor:2492 NORTHLAND REFRIGERATION INC Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: False 6213 Labor/supplies - repaired heating valve in locker room 210.06 11/27/2012 226-45122-440100 210.06Check Total: Vendor:1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: True 45810 (2) push buttons 123.70 11/27/2012 226-45122-440440 45810 Labor - troubleshot light fixture 78.00 11/27/2012 211-45501-440100 45814 Labor - investigate switch leg for extra wire 78.00 11/27/2012 226-45122-440440 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 45814 Labor/supplies - repair light fixture 79.40 11/27/2012 211-45501-440100 45974 Labor/supplies - gut existing fixtures & replaced 947.53 11/27/2012 226-45122-440100 46036 Labor/supp - replaced ballast by entry, piller lght fix, ect 145.74 11/27/2012 609-49754-440100 46042 Labor - replaced lght fix in gym, CH, we had supplies 234.00 11/27/2012 226-45122-440440 46075 Labor - troubleshot light fixture already complete -78.00 11/27/2012 211-45501-440100 1,608.37Check Total: Vendor:2387 FRANK OPAY Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 180.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 13.88 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 193.88Check Total: Vendor:2371 DENISE ORDONEZ Check Sequence: 107 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 232.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 232.50Check Total: Vendor:1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 108 ACH Enabled: False 7374545-IN 13.75 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 7374545-IN 1,029.33 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 8373908-IN 2.25 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 8373908-IN 58.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 8374890-IN 5.25 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 8374890-IN 60.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 8375306-IN 3.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 8375821-IN 2.25 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 8375821-IN 75.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 1,248.83Check Total: Vendor:2386 DIANE PETERS Check Sequence: 109 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 200.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 14.99 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 214.99Check Total: Vendor:3209 ROSE A PETERS Check Sequence: 110 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 162.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 162.50Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 111 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2328287 14.25 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 2328287 877.59 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 2328288 29.08 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 2328288 1,343.04 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 2328807 3.24 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 2328807 340.40 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 2328808 23.63 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 2328808 959.10 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 2330654 2.78 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 2330654 76.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 2331922 26.65 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 2331922 1,813.23 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 2331923 31.97 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 2331923 992.30 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 2331923 re-sale 32.25 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 2332573 57.34 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 2332573 6,033.51 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 2332574 31.28 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 2332574 1,692.99 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 2334414 15.29 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 2334414 1,023.73 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 3493974 -9.22 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 3493975 -8.67 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 3493976 -7.58 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 3493977 -7.69 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 3493978 -46.88 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 15,339.61Check Total: Vendor:2296 RICHARD QUICK Check Sequence: 112 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 926.25 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 12.21 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 938.46Check Total: Vendor:2602 RFD TV Check Sequence: 113 ACH Enabled: False 1853-1244 RFD TV October 2012 37.05 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 37.05Check Total: Vendor:3210 ALYSSA JOY RHOADES Check Sequence: 114 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 167.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 19.98 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 17 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 187.48Check Total: Vendor:1983 THADDAEUS ROUSU Check Sequence: 115 ACH Enabled: True 8/14-11/7/12 8/14 - 11/7/12 intra-city mileage; 10/4/12 UPS Store Buffalo 122.15 11/27/2012 655-49870-433100 122.15Check Total: Vendor:1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 116 ACH Enabled: True A20666 (3) Ballot Box - CH1 - single cut key 7.21 11/27/2012 101-41410-421990 A20666 Service - open and make keys for ballot box 25.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 A20666 Service - rekey H.R. office 90.00 11/27/2012 101-41940-440100 A20666 (2) Medeco M3 high security keys 19.24 11/27/2012 101-41940-421990 141.45Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 117 ACH Enabled: True 11/30/12 Contract 1,520.13 11/27/2012 101-42700-431200 1,520.13Check Total: Vendor:2374 JAMES SANBORN Check Sequence: 118 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 102.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 13.88 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 116.38Check Total: Vendor:1476 SCHLUENDER CONSTRUCTION INC Check Sequence: 119 ACH Enabled: False Final ZSTORM - Project contract 10% balance 5,127.10 11/27/2012 101-43130-431990 5,127.10Check Total: Vendor:2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC Check Sequence: 120 ACH Enabled: False W3747384 Security - 6 hrs 10/27-10/28 wedding, 179.55 11/27/2012 226-45122-431992 W3747384 Security - 4 hrs 10/26 Wine Tasting Event 119.71 11/27/2012 609-49754-431990 299.26Check Total: Vendor:3216 MERRLYN L SEEFELDT Check Sequence: 121 ACH Enabled: True 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 180.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileageg 12.77 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 192.77Check Total: Vendor:2497 SHERBURNE WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSION Check Sequence: 122 ACH Enabled: True AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 18 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Qtr 3 2012 PEG PEG Capital Fees - Qtr 3 2012 2,587.40 11/27/2012 655-00000-341180 2,587.40Check Total: Vendor:2301 SHOWTIME NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 123 ACH Enabled: False 201210-40843608 Showtime October 2012 319.20 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 319.20Check Total: Vendor:1361 SHRED IT USA INC Check Sequence: 124 ACH Enabled: False 9401063238 Shredding service 10.00 11/27/2012 655-49870-431990 9401063700 Shredding service 10.00 11/27/2012 101-43110-431990 9401063701 Shredding service 10.00 11/27/2012 217-41990-431990 9401063810 Shredding service 20.34 11/27/2012 101-41940-431990 50.34Check Total: Vendor:1487 CATHY SHUMAN Check Sequence: 125 ACH Enabled: True 10/19-11/6/12 Wright Cty Courthse 11/5; 11/6; St Bens; Nursing Home; Hospital 35.52 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 35.52Check Total: Vendor:2212 SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC Check Sequence: 126 ACH Enabled: False Oct-12 WUCW October 2012 273.24 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 273.24Check Total: Vendor:2375 JEANETTE SMITH Check Sequence: 127 ACH Enabled: True 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 275.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 11.10 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 286.10Check Total: Vendor:2377 DARLENE SOLBERG Check Sequence: 128 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 275.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 19.43 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 294.43Check Total: Vendor:3211 NORITA M SOLTAU Check Sequence: 129 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 180.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 11.10 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 191.10Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 19 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:3217 PATRICIA ANN SONJU-THIELMAN Check Sequence: 130 ACH Enabled: True 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 527.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 18.87 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 546.37Check Total: Vendor:2155 SOUTH CAROLINA NET INC Check Sequence: 131 ACH Enabled: False 361998 C.A.L.E.A. Records 11/1-11/30/12 656.44 11/27/2012 655-49870-431970 656.44Check Total: Vendor:3212 JULIE MAUREEN SPIERS Check Sequence: 132 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 290.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 16.65 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 306.65Check Total: Vendor:2704 STAR TRIBUNE MEDIA INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS CO II Check Sequence: 133 ACH Enabled: False 1009481748 3x5.25 ad Fall Wine sale 2,929.50 11/27/2012 609-49754-434990 2,929.50Check Total: Vendor:2381 JAMES STEVENSON Check Sequence: 134 ACH Enabled: True 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 322.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 11.10 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 333.60Check Total: Vendor:3213 MARILYN J STICKFORT Check Sequence: 135 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 180.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 180.00Check Total: Vendor:1506 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 136 ACH Enabled: False 1965066 (2) bales 20# bags, (2) bales 12# bags 101.03 11/27/2012 609-49750-443990 1965066 (1) cs facial tissue, (1) cs paper towels 71.18 11/27/2012 609-49754-421990 172.21Check Total: Vendor:2379 SANDY SUCHY Check Sequence: 137 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 354.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 12.21 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 366.21Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 20 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:3069 SUPER 8 Check Sequence: 138 ACH Enabled: False 11/18/12 Pool usage 11/5 - 11/18 (water exercise & open swim) 184.00 11/27/2012 226-45122-443990 184.00Check Total: Vendor:1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 139 ACH Enabled: False 271-3230 11/12 169.97 11/27/2012 655-49870-432100 271-3248 11/12 11.50 11/27/2012 217-41990-432100 271-3257 11/12 97.55 11/27/2012 602-49490-432100 271-7112 11/12 57.60 11/27/2012 226-45122-432100 295-2005 11/13 83.49 11/27/2012 101-43110-432100 295-3714 11/12 139.72 11/27/2012 601-49440-432100 295-3714 11/12 E Cty Rd list station 271-3251 21.78 11/27/2012 602-49490-432100 295-4054 11/12 47.77 11/27/2012 655-49870-432100 629.38Check Total: Vendor:1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 140 ACH Enabled: False 665-837-0005 Voice - LNP conversion charges 220.00 11/27/2012 655-49870-432600 665-837-0005 Voice - nonpublished number charges 84.00 11/27/2012 655-49860-430910 304.00Check Total: Vendor:1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 141 ACH Enabled: False 665-838-0000 Voice - nonpublished number charges 271.20 11/27/2012 655-49860-430910 665-838-0000 Voice - LNP conversion charges 520.00 11/27/2012 655-49870-432600 791.20Check Total: Vendor:3214 CAROL THEISEN Check Sequence: 142 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 207.50 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 16.65 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 224.15Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 143 ACH Enabled: True 720873 21,913.73 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 721490 3.59 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 722069 64.50 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 722069 25.10 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 722070 re-sale 131.50 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 722084 9,568.50 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 722859 -1,121.30 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 722860 -65.75 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 21 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 723288 re-sale 17.65 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 723304 21,594.20 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 723484 1,344.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425200 53,475.72Check Total: Vendor:2252 TOWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY Check Sequence: 144 ACH Enabled: False 301243 WGN October 2012 233.46 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 233.46Check Total: Vendor:2165 TV GUIDE NETWORKS LLC TV GUIDE ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LLC Check Sequence: 145 ACH Enabled: False 104054 TV Guide Network October 2012 402.85 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 402.85Check Total: Vendor:2534 VAULTAS ALEXANDRIA LLC Check Sequence: 146 ACH Enabled: True 1266 Data - Gigabit Transport December 2012 2,250.00 11/27/2012 655-49860-430930 1266 Data - Cross Connect to XO Comm December 2012 250.00 11/27/2012 655-49860-430930 2,500.00Check Total: Vendor:1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV LLC VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATIONS INC Check Sequence: 147 ACH Enabled: False 00021848 July - Sept 2012 Cargill testing (re-billed) 4,022.15 11/27/2012 602-49480-430800 4,022.15Check Total: Vendor:1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 148 ACH Enabled: False 1013221 re-sale 91.40 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 1013356 re-sale 225.30 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 316.70Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 149 ACH Enabled: False 66483-IN 22.50 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 66483-IN 1,587.50 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 67094-IN 7.50 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 67094-IN 288.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 1,905.50Check Total: Vendor:1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 150 ACH Enabled: False 5737 supplies - 1/2 of system tracer wires (vandel damage 4th St Prk) 2,600.00 11/27/2012 101-45201-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 22 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2,600.00Check Total: Vendor:2235 WH RESPONSE Check Sequence: 151 ACH Enabled: False Final 11C002 - Balance - $7500 retainage less $1500 deduct. 6,000.00 11/27/2012 400-43300-459010 6,000.00Check Total: Vendor:1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 152 ACH Enabled: False 314213-00 9.90 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 314213-00 720.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 729.90Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 153 ACH Enabled: False 431051 8.34 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 431051 688.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 431576 20.85 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 431576 1,042.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 1,759.19Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 154 ACH Enabled: False 133572 15.95 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 133572 697.57 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 133573 10.15 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 133573 766.52 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 137145 24.65 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 137145 1,079.60 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 137146 47.85 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 137146 4,474.69 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 871764 -12.95 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 871930 -1.45 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 871930 -133.90 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 6,968.68Check Total: Vendor:2556 WOLD ARCHITECTS INC Check Sequence: 155 ACH Enabled: False 40155 11C006 - MCC Commissioning - 10% 6,500.00 11/27/2012 226-45122-453010 40155 11C006 - MCC Commissioning - Reimbursables 162.50 11/27/2012 226-45122-453010 40156 11C006 - MCC Structural Repair - 100% 1,800.00 11/27/2012 226-45122-453010 40156 11C006 - MCC Structural Repair - Reimbursables 45.00 11/27/2012 226-45122-453010 40186 11C006 - Natatorium Improvements Ph 2 - Contract 1,065.00 11/27/2012 226-45122-453010 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 23 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9,572.50Check Total: Vendor:2385 LORRAINE WOLFF Check Sequence: 156 ACH Enabled: False 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 180.00 11/27/2012 101-41410-431990 11/14/12 Election Judge 2012 mileage 12.21 11/27/2012 101-41410-433100 192.21Check Total: Vendor:2573 WOODLAND HILL VINEYARDS LLC Check Sequence: 157 ACH Enabled: False 1315 306.00 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 306.00Check Total: Vendor:1657 WORLD CLASS WINES INC Check Sequence: 158 ACH Enabled: False 1940118 25.31 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1940118 1,357.51 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 1941962 24.48 11/27/2012 609-49750-433300 1941962 405.39 11/27/2012 609-49750-425100 1941962 1,398.96 11/27/2012 609-49750-425300 1941962 re-sale 40.12 11/27/2012 609-49750-425400 3,251.77Check Total: Vendor:2219 WORLD FISHING NETWORK LTD Check Sequence: 159 ACH Enabled: False 456-1011 World Fishing October 2012 40.63 11/27/2012 655-49860-430920 40.63Check Total: Vendor:1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER Check Sequence: 160 ACH Enabled: False 201200000104 A-1215641 Resolution 46.00 11/27/2012 101-41910-431990 201200000104 A-1216467 Easement 46.00 11/27/2012 101-46500-431990 201200000104 ZSMNDS - A-1216867 Lease 46.00 11/27/2012 101-41910-431990 138.00Check Total: Vendor:1579 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Check Sequence: 161 ACH Enabled: False 6828 187.05 ton salt, 109.45 ton salt/sand mix 18,576.42 11/27/2012 101-43125-421700 6829 (3) mailbox posts 137.55 11/27/2012 101-43120-422600 18,713.97Check Total: Vendor:1583 WRIGHT HENNEPIN COOP ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 162 ACH Enabled: False 11/8/12 10/1-11/1/12 95.66 11/27/2012 602-49490-438100 11/8/12 January service 21.32 11/27/2012 217-41990-431900 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 24 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/8/12 January service 38.96 11/27/2012 101-45203-431900 11/8/12 January service 29.87 11/27/2012 101-42200-431900 11/8/12 January service 21.32 11/27/2012 601-49440-431900 11/8/12 January service 29.87 11/27/2012 226-45122-431900 11/8/12 January service 35.22 11/27/2012 601-49440-431900 11/8/12 January service 21.32 11/27/2012 601-49440-431900 11/8/12 January service 21.32 11/27/2012 601-49440-431900 11/8/12 January service 29.87 11/27/2012 101-41940-431900 11/8/12 January service 21.32 11/27/2012 101-45201-431900 11/8/12 1,365.68 11/27/2012 101-43160-438100 1,731.73Check Total: Vendor:1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 163 ACH Enabled: False 11/13/12 51-6505909-4 159.37 11/27/2012 217-41990-438100 11/13/12 MGFARM - 51-0517384-8 31.98 11/27/2012 213-46522-438100 11/14/12 MGFARM - 51-0517365-5 198.97 11/27/2012 213-46522-438100 11/14/12 51-0395766-0 1,190.88 11/27/2012 601-49440-438100 11/14/12 51-6505907-2 26.34 11/27/2012 101-43140-438100 11/14/12 51-9069641-8 1,780.01 11/27/2012 655-49870-438100 11/14/12 51-6505912-9 63.44 11/27/2012 101-42700-438100 11/14/12 ZCULPS - 51-0623082-8 15.80 11/27/2012 213-46522-438100 11/14/12 MGFARM - 51-0592578-0 15.80 11/27/2012 213-46522-438100 11/15/12 51-0238874-9 85.12 11/27/2012 101-43160-438100 11/15/12 51-0238890-9 94.51 11/27/2012 101-43160-438100 11/15/12 51-9348896-7 193.67 11/27/2012 101-41940-438100 11/16/12 51-4271112-2 848.29 11/27/2012 211-45501-438100 11/16/12 51-6505910-7 1,649.01 11/27/2012 609-49754-438100 11/16/12 51-6505911-8 1,188.92 11/27/2012 101-41940-438100 11/16/12 51-6505911-8 5,163.36 11/27/2012 226-45122-438100 11/16/12 51-6505911-8 305.73 11/27/2012 101-45175-438100 11/16/12 51-6505911-8 135.88 11/27/2012 101-42800-438100 11/16/12 51-6505913-0 384.12 11/27/2012 101-42200-438100 11/16/12 51-7780310-4 59.61 11/27/2012 101-41940-438100 11/2/12 51-6505915-2 540.50 11/27/2012 101-45201-438100 11/2/12 51-6505915-2 26.10 11/27/2012 601-49440-438100 11/2/12 51-6505915-2 321.89 11/27/2012 226-45203-438100 11/2/12 51-6505915-2 678.05 11/27/2012 101-45203-438100 11/8/12 51-4400193-4 16.00 11/27/2012 101-43160-438100 11/8/12 51-0371645-4 15.80 11/27/2012 101-45201-438100 15,189.15Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 25 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1907 XO COMMUNICATIONS LLC Check Sequence: 164 ACH Enabled: True 0254754989 Data - Internet access 11/1-11/30/12 7,587.00 11/27/2012 655-49860-430930 02574716338 Data - Internet access 11/1-11/30/12 9,248.20 11/27/2012 655-49860-430930 16,835.20Check Total: Vendor:2076 ZAYO BANDWIDTH LLC Check Sequence: 165 ACH Enabled: False 3293 11/12 Voice - back office services 11/1-11/30/12 1,932.00 11/27/2012 655-49860-430910 3293 11/12 Voice - cost Recovery Surcharge - MRC 24.51 11/27/2012 655-49860-430910 1,956.51Check Total: Vendor:1694 HARLAN D ZIESKA Check Sequence: 166 ACH Enabled: False 11/19/12 Holiday theme painting on exterior window & clean-up 175.00 11/27/2012 226-45122-431990 175.00Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 361,225.21 166 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/21/2012 - 11:49 AM)Page 26 User: Printed:11/16/2012 - 10:15AM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00201.11.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1604 HEALTH PARTNERS Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 41843892 December 2012 60,205.11 11/15/2012 101-00000-217060 41843892 December 2012 6,053.63 11/15/2012 101-00000-217062 66,258.74Check Total: Vendor:2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 11/6/12 Epic - re-sale 391.00 11/15/2012 609-49750-425400 11/6/12 Epic - re-sale 38.77 11/15/2012 609-49750-433300 11/6/12 Cutter Sales - (1) bearing insert for the E-Tech Broom 45.69 11/15/2012 101-45201-422100 11/6/12 NBP - #498895-0 (10) rm paper 34.73 11/15/2012 226-45122-420300 11/6/12 NBP - #499708-0,495460-1,495997-0,495460-0 - office supp 167.17 11/15/2012 226-45122-420990 11/6/12 Water Laboratories - September 2012 water testing 150.00 11/15/2012 601-49440-422740 11/6/12 Ausco Design - screen set-up, (31) t-shirts 220.78 11/15/2012 226-45127-443990 11/6/12 Lano Equipment - (1) handle for the tamper 187.95 11/15/2012 101-45201-422100 11/6/12 Hirshfields - (1) gal alykd 38.46 11/15/2012 101-43160-421510 11/6/12 Hirshfields - (3) gal paint for bridge, boom & senior hallway 88.14 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 utx - Standard Refrigeration - drinking fountain parts 196.14 11/15/2012 226-45122-422100 11/6/12 utx - Standard Refrigeration - drinking fountain parts 51.32 11/15/2012 211-45501-422300 11/6/12 Home Depot - antifreeze for winterizing irrigation systems 32.94 11/15/2012 101-45201-421990 11/6/12 Minvalco - (1) 212.68 11/15/2012 226-45122-422100 11/6/12 Gradys - (2) scraper razor blades 10.24 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 Gradys - #116 - misc screws, bolts, nuts 3.21 11/15/2012 101-43127-421990 11/6/12 Cub - re-sale produce 11.31 11/15/2012 609-49750-425500 11/6/12 Gradys - (1) 13oz pruning seal 8.00 11/15/2012 101-45201-421990 11/6/12 Monticello Vacuum - (1) ph4 bag 25.60 11/15/2012 226-45122-421100 11/6/12 Walmart - F.M. - prking lot paint 5.63 11/15/2012 226-45127-421780 11/6/12 Home Depot - Chestnut Life Station - plug for heater 8.52 11/15/2012 602-49490-422100 11/6/12 Monticello Printing - bus. cards 102.60 11/15/2012 217-41990-420300 11/6/12 Monticello Printing - (3) name badges, (2) wall signs 74.06 11/15/2012 217-41990-420990 11/6/12 Cub - paper plates, klnx, flatware 55.42 11/15/2012 101-43127-421990 11/6/12 Cub - coffee, splenda, coffee filters 48.07 11/15/2012 101-43127-443990 11/6/12 Cub - clorox wipes, 409 refill 11.75 11/15/2012 101-43127-421100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/16/2012 - 10:15 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/12 Gradys - (2) stapleguns, (2) 150pk staples 49.12 11/15/2012 101-43127-424100 11/6/12 U of M - APWA winter maint sup cert workshop T.Moores 300.00 11/15/2012 101-43120-433200 11/6/12 Mayflower - ribbon 10.68 11/15/2012 226-45127-421460 11/6/12 Mayflower - rballoons, paper plates 42.87 11/15/2012 226-45127-421980 11/6/12 Monticello Vacuum - (1) vacuum, bags 471.27 11/15/2012 211-45501-421100 11/6/12 Koehler & Dramm - votives for wedding 328.95 11/15/2012 226-45127-420750 11/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (1) case 16oz cups 52.48 11/15/2012 226-45203-425410 11/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (3) 5 gal floor wax, (2) cs disf wipes, ect 506.73 11/15/2012 226-45122-421100 11/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (3) cs paper towels 281.09 11/15/2012 226-45122-421990 11/6/12 Arctic Glacier - re-sale 267.60 11/15/2012 609-49750-425500 11/6/12 General Rental - (2) 20lb propane tnk fills - 1 paver, 1 extra 36.00 11/15/2012 101-43127-421990 11/6/12 Gradys - caulk, self screw 24.03 11/15/2012 101-43127-421990 11/6/12 Gradys - hole saw 12.28 11/15/2012 101-43127-424100 11/6/12 Gradys - (2) hex brushings for sprayer 8.10 11/15/2012 101-43127-422110 11/6/12 Gradys - #116 - body conduit, 20ft recoil rope 10.57 11/15/2012 101-43120-422110 11/6/12 J H Larson - (10) 40w fluor bulbs 45.11 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 AmeriPride - uniform rental 48.10 11/15/2012 226-45122-441700 11/6/12 AmeriPride - laundry services 107.06 11/15/2012 226-45122-431110 11/6/12 Vance Brothers - 260 gal 405 G SS-1H 1,078.90 11/15/2012 101-45201-440910 11/6/12 NBP - pens, envelopes, calc paper, ect 423.16 11/15/2012 101-41940-420990 11/6/12 NBP - (1) ct napkins, (1) cups, (1) paper towels, ect 217.89 11/15/2012 101-41940-421990 11/6/12 NBP - (4) pk letter openers, (1) rl fasteners 24.93 11/15/2012 101-41410-420990 11/6/12 NBP - (120) rm copy paper 416.81 11/15/2012 101-41940-420300 11/6/12 Rothhammer - (11) latex caps, (20) floating fins 309.25 11/15/2012 226-45127-425490 11/6/12 Bellboy - freight 4.98 11/15/2012 609-49750-433300 11/6/12 Bellboy - re-sale 32.40 11/15/2012 609-49750-425400 11/6/12 Bellboy - re-sale 178.00 11/15/2012 609-49750-425500 11/6/12 NBP - (2) wrist rests, (1) dz perm markers, ect 375.09 11/15/2012 101-41940-420990 11/6/12 NBP - (3) rm 20# paper 19.21 11/15/2012 101-41940-420300 11/6/12 NBP - (1) ct plastic forks 41.55 11/15/2012 101-41940-421990 11/6/12 utx - Oriental Trading - Halloween candy, prizes, games, ect 236.97 11/15/2012 226-45127-421980 11/6/12 Hawkins - chemical product 11,490.05 11/15/2012 601-49440-421600 11/6/12 utx - B E Atlas - (1) lubricator 54.10 11/15/2012 101-43127-424100 11/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (2) cs can liners, (2) cs wipes, ect 199.83 11/15/2012 226-45122-421100 11/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (1) cs 8oz cups, (1) cs napkins 78.50 11/15/2012 226-45127-425410 11/6/12 Walmart - ear plugs 8.41 11/15/2012 226-45122-421990 11/6/12 Walmart - (1) basket 4.75 11/15/2012 226-45127-421450 11/6/12 Walmart - re-sale 31.02 11/15/2012 226-45127-425410 11/6/12 Dish - (10/22/12 - 11/21/12) digital music 68.39 11/15/2012 226-45122-432500 11/6/12 Gradys - (3) 10oz adh voc-all 9.59 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 Gradys - (1) toilet valve, (1) flush lever 19.75 11/15/2012 609-49754-422990 11/6/12 Finken - cust #1064 October 2012 cooler rental 10.15 11/15/2012 226-45122-441500 11/6/12 Finken - cust #1064 (6) 5 gal drinking water 35.70 11/15/2012 226-45122-443990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/16/2012 - 10:15 AM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/12 Finken - cust #1064 (6) 5 gal drinking water 7.48 11/15/2012 226-45122-421990 11/6/12 Finken - cust #401437 October 2012 cooler rental 10.15 11/15/2012 609-49754-441500 11/6/12 Finken - cust #401437 (6) 5 gal drinking water 41.70 11/15/2012 609-49754-443990 11/6/12 Finken - cust #5221 October 2012 cooler rental 5.34 11/15/2012 101-41940-441500 11/6/12 Finken - cust #5221 (11) 5 gal drinking water 65.45 11/15/2012 101-41940-443990 11/6/12 Finken - cust #5232 October 2012 cooler rental 9.62 11/15/2012 217-41990-441500 11/6/12 Finken - cust #5232 (2) 5 gal drinking water 11.90 11/15/2012 217-41990-443990 11/6/12 Finken - cust #5232 (1) 5oz cups 3.74 11/15/2012 217-41990-421990 11/6/12 Northstar Chapter - Year-End Payroll Training - C. Becker 65.00 11/15/2012 101-41520-433200 11/6/12 Napa - #116 - fab loom split 40.11 11/15/2012 101-43125-422100 11/6/12 Audio Communications - (1) pager (1/2) 26.72 11/15/2012 601-49440-432100 11/6/12 Audio Communications - (1) pager (1/2) 26.72 11/15/2012 602-49490-432100 11/6/12 Locators & Supplies - (8) safety vests (1/2) 56.23 11/15/2012 601-49440-420650 11/6/12 Locators & Supplies - (8) safety vests (1/2) 56.22 11/15/2012 602-49490-420650 11/6/12 Aramark - uniform rental 5.55 11/15/2012 101-43110-441700 11/6/12 Aramark - uniform rental 52.02 11/15/2012 101-45201-441700 11/6/12 Aramark - uniform rental 22.29 11/15/2012 602-49490-441700 11/6/12 Aramark - uniform rental 22.29 11/15/2012 601-49440-441700 11/6/12 Aramark - uniform rental 73.32 11/15/2012 101-43120-441700 11/6/12 Aramark - shop towels 63.68 11/15/2012 101-43127-421990 11/6/12 Papco - (4) gal grout cleaner 64.92 11/15/2012 226-45122-421100 11/6/12 Ziegler - hose kit 9.33 11/15/2012 602-49490-422100 11/6/12 Ziegler - hose kit 14.83 11/15/2012 601-49440-422700 11/6/12 Cub - produce re-sale 5.95 11/15/2012 609-49750-425500 11/6/12 Gradys - (5) keys for cabinet 10.63 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 Gradys - (1) 12oz krylon spry for patio chairs 4.80 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 OfficeMax - (25) jumbo envelopes 28.85 11/15/2012 217-41990-420990 11/6/12 Gradys - 12pk steel wool, 16ft chain coil, ect 153.59 11/15/2012 226-45122-421610 11/6/12 utx - Aquam Aquatic - (8) toddler waist belts 177.66 11/15/2012 226-45127-421750 11/6/12 Gradys - (1) dowel 7/16"x48"; (1) 1 1/5" rubber stopper 3.14 11/15/2012 101-42200-421990 11/6/12 Gradys - (1) Phil Pan screw 8-32 x 3/8 0.64 11/15/2012 101-42200-421990 11/6/12 Cub - rehab liquid - Gatorade; Powerade; water 81.93 11/15/2012 101-42200-443990 11/6/12 Cub - (2) Kleenex facial tissue 2.54 11/15/2012 101-42200-421990 11/6/12 Home Depot - 45oz mallet; ext cords; shovel; disp gloves; ect. 239.64 11/15/2012 101-42200-421990 11/6/12 Arctic Glacier - re-sale 87.92 11/15/2012 609-49750-425500 11/6/12 1/6/13 - 1/11/13 - MN Nursery & Landscape - (7) prk empl - expo 157.50 11/15/2012 101-00000-155010 11/6/12 Home Depot - Chamber Bldg - (10) pk light bulbs 64.03 11/15/2012 101-45172-422300 11/6/12 American Red Cross - (28) students 6/21/12 - 7/15/12 33.00 11/15/2012 226-45127-431990 11/6/12 Northern Tool - (1) jack for stid trailer 53.63 11/15/2012 101-43127-422110 11/6/12 Gradys - (2) 60lb concret for sign posts 13.87 11/15/2012 101-43120-422600 11/6/12 Gradys - (1) solder flo-temp 23.50 11/15/2012 101-43127-421990 11/6/12 Gradys - (2) key blanks 4.25 11/15/2012 101-43127-421990 11/6/12 Moon Motors - stihl saw parts 40.58 11/15/2012 224-46102-422100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/16/2012 - 10:15 AM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/12 Gradys (2) pks storage bags, (1) pin hitch 16.11 11/15/2012 101-45201-421650 11/6/12 MAC Tools - (2) impact extensions 49.35 11/15/2012 101-45201-424100 11/6/12 Monticello Vacuum - childcare area - (1) set brush strips 12.77 11/15/2012 226-45122-421990 11/6/12 Ausco Design - (50) t-shirts w/logo, 1-time chrg screen setup 537.50 11/15/2012 226-45122-421110 11/6/12 Marties - (8) 4-6-4 chemical prod - MCC garden 207.34 11/15/2012 101-45201-421600 11/6/12 Specialty Turf - (2) 2.5gal pro-quench 164.59 11/15/2012 101-45201-421600 11/6/12 Reds - #211 - (1) battery 106.88 11/15/2012 101-45201-422100 11/6/12 Napa - (3) couplers, (1) grease gun, (3) EP moly 67.66 11/15/2012 101-45201-421650 11/6/12 Trueman Welters - (6) link conn, (10) ft chain for post hole aug 192.50 11/15/2012 101-43127-422110 11/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (2) cs can liners, (6) bx gloves 111.88 11/15/2012 226-45122-421100 11/6/12 Napa - (24) oil - for changing lift stations 102.34 11/15/2012 602-49490-421300 11/6/12 All-Ways Heating - labor/supp - shop garage heaters 859.90 11/15/2012 101-43127-440100 11/6/12 Horizon Pool - 25lb filter clean/stain remover 123.92 11/15/2012 226-45122-421100 11/6/12 MN Fall Maintenance Expo - D. Wipper 100.00 11/15/2012 101-45201-433200 11/6/12 Biffs - (8) parks & public works 9/19/12 - 10/16/12 370.36 11/15/2012 101-45201-431990 11/6/12 Vance Brothers - 5.10 gal 405G 1,062.87 11/15/2012 101-45201-440910 11/6/12 Marties - (1) ton 25-05 w/slow rel 721.62 11/15/2012 101-45201-421600 11/6/12 Zee Medical - 1st aid supplies x/ref w/10/22/12 invoice 252.17 11/15/2012 101-43127-420650 11/6/12 Zee Medical - 1st aid supplies x/ref w/10/22/12 invoice 175.11 11/15/2012 101-45201-420650 11/6/12 Zee Medical - 1st aid supplies x/ref w/inv 10/18/12 45.00 11/15/2012 101-45201-420650 11/6/12 Pipeline - (1) 250' roll thermo wire x/ref w/10/23/12 invoice 69.21 11/15/2012 601-49440-422710 11/6/12 Pipeline - ST3 x/ref w/10/16/12 invoice -4.45 11/15/2012 601-49440-422710 11/6/12 G & K Services - floor mats 130.29 11/15/2012 609-49754-431990 11/6/12 OfficeMax - (1) dry erase board; (1) 2 drwr file cabinet; ect. 194.78 11/15/2012 101-42200-420990 11/6/12 Monticello Printing - (200) Fall wine tasting tickets 74.87 11/15/2012 609-49754-425550 11/6/12 Monticello Printing - (4) Planning commission - (4) name plates 56.22 11/15/2012 101-41910-421990 11/6/12 Streichers - inv#I963734 (1) pr shoes 64.99 11/15/2012 101-42200-421100 11/6/12 Streichers - inv#I964127 (1) pr pants 62.99 11/15/2012 101-42200-421100 11/6/12 Fastenal - 12001 - (3) 17oz white marking paint 18.01 11/15/2012 400-43300-459010 11/6/12 Northstar Chapter APA - 11/1/12 1/2 day Yr End Info St Cld - H.E 45.00 11/15/2012 101-41520-433200 11/6/12 AmeriPride - MGFARM - 9/19/12 85.61 11/15/2012 213-46522-431990 11/6/12 Monticello Times - City Hall 1 yr subscription renewal 39.00 11/15/2012 101-41940-443300 11/6/12 Streichers - inv#I963259 (5) badge; (3) name tag 308.78 11/15/2012 101-42200-421990 11/6/12 Veolia ES Solid Waste - September 2012 31,391.88 11/15/2012 101-43230-431000 11/6/12 Veolia ES Solid Waste - September 2012 10,376.47 11/15/2012 101-43230-431010 11/6/12 Veolia ES Solid Waste - September 2012 34.00 11/15/2012 655-49870-431010 11/6/12 Veolia ES Solid Waste - September 2012 101.72 11/15/2012 655-49870-431000 11/6/12 Veolia ES Solid Waste - September 2012 94.53 11/15/2012 101-45201-431000 11/6/12 Veolia ES Solid Waste - September 2012 112.26 11/15/2012 602-49480-431000 11/6/12 Veolia ES Solid Waste - September 2012 206.80 11/15/2012 226-45122-431000 11/6/12 Veolia ES Solid Waste - September 2012 11.82 11/15/2012 211-45501-431000 11/6/12 Veolia ES Solid Waste - September 2012 23.63 11/15/2012 609-49754-431000 11/6/12 Veolia ES Solid Waste - September 2012 35.45 11/15/2012 101-43127-431000 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/16/2012 - 10:15 AM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/12 Waste Mgmt - MGFARM - October 2012 307.75 11/15/2012 213-46522-431000 11/6/12 Sunray Printing - (500) recylcing calenders for new UB customers 131.58 11/15/2012 101-43230-420300 11/6/12 $5 Dollar Pizza - Firefighter rehab 32.06 11/15/2012 101-42200-443990 11/6/12 Fred Pryor/Career Track - (1) Quickclicks Outlook 2010 50.12 11/15/2012 101-41520-443500 11/6/12 Gemplers - (2) pk 18" wire custom flag 308.71 11/15/2012 656-49877-421990 11/6/12 Wright Henn Elec - HADCO lights @ East 7th Sept 2012 357.75 11/15/2012 101-43160-431900 11/6/12 Wright Henn Elec - School Blvd/Edmon-relocate undergrd wiring 1,932.70 11/15/2012 101-43160-440990 11/6/12 AlphaCard - (1) RioPro/Enuro YMCKOK Ribbon EN8 250 cards 108.53 11/15/2012 101-41940-420300 11/6/12 Marties - dog food; vet wrap 46.95 11/15/2012 101-42700-421990 11/6/12 Marties - (2) salt 14.96 11/15/2012 101-42700-422990 11/6/12 Reds - #612 (1) battery 53.44 11/15/2012 101-43115-422110 11/6/12 utx - Amazon.com - (1) Sit-Stand Workstation - J.O. 365.91 11/15/2012 101-41310-424600 11/6/12 Lorman Education Serv - 12/12/12 IRS 1099 Reporting - A.Z. 319.00 11/15/2012 101-41520-433200 11/6/12 G & K Services - floor mats 57.12 11/15/2012 609-49754-431990 11/6/12 Gradys - (1) cart grease for air handler bearings 5.87 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 Gradys - (1) bulletin board 6.40 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 MAC Tools - (1) thread setter tool kit 138.93 11/15/2012 101-45201-424100 11/6/12 Walmart - 3/pk sharpies, tran tape, storage tape 30.83 11/15/2012 226-45122-420990 11/6/12 Walmart - re-sale 31.64 11/15/2012 226-45127-425410 11/6/12 Dish - 11/2/12 - 12/1/12) digital music 49.15 11/15/2012 609-49754-432500 11/6/12 Midwest Landscape - (26) trees CC approv 9/2012 2,009.25 11/15/2012 224-46102-443910 11/6/12 Home Depot - 14pc drill bit set, tiles for locker rooms 85.13 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 Marties - (1) ton 25-0-5 w/slow rel 721.62 11/15/2012 101-45201-421600 11/6/12 Marties - (1) ton 25-0-5 w/slow rel 721.62 11/15/2012 101-45201-421600 11/6/12 Home Depot - (1) trigger start torch, (1) 2pk propane, ect 73.85 11/15/2012 101-45201-421650 11/6/12 Gradys - E. Bridge Prk - (1) padlock replacement for shed 22.43 11/15/2012 101-45201-421990 11/6/12 Holiday - gasoline 36,601 miles 26.14 11/15/2012 217-41990-421200 11/6/12 NBP - (2) dz highlighters, (4) calc ribbons, ect 199.77 11/15/2012 217-41990-420990 11/6/12 NAPA - Squad #5 - (1) oil filter 4.17 11/15/2012 101-42200-422110 11/6/12 NAPA - Utility #1 - (1) oil filter 4.23 11/15/2012 101-42200-422110 11/6/12 Chatters - ZZZNED - 10/26/12 meeting - R.H. 8.81 11/15/2012 101-42500-433100 11/6/12 $5 Pizza - 10/26/12 Pizza for judges 10.69 11/15/2012 101-41410-443990 11/6/12 Allina OCC MED - (1) Random Drug Test (1/2) 15.00 11/15/2012 601-49440-431990 11/6/12 Allina OCC MED - (1) Random Drug Test (1/2) 15.00 11/15/2012 602-49490-431990 11/6/12 O Ryans - (12.67) gallons unit #1 B.W. 48.13 11/15/2012 655-49870-421200 11/6/12 Wright Henn Elec Coop - (14) lights School Blvd 9/16-10/15/12 193.90 11/15/2012 101-43160-431900 11/6/12 Wright Henn Elec Coop - (30) lights School Blvd 9/16-10/15/12 415.50 11/15/2012 101-43160-431900 11/6/12 Wright Henn Elec Coop - Chelsea Rd E 9/16-10/15/12 180.00 11/15/2012 101-43160-431900 11/6/12 Wright Henn Elec Coop - (9) lights 7th St & Highld 9/16-10/15/12 90.00 11/15/2012 101-43160-431900 11/6/12 Wright Henn Elec Coop - Cedar St Dundas to Chelsea 9/16-10/15/12 124.65 11/15/2012 101-43160-431900 11/6/12 Wright Henn Elec Coop - School Blvd Fenning/18/Edm 9/16-10/15/12 372.00 11/15/2012 101-43160-431900 11/6/12 First Hospital Lab dba FirstLab - (2) DOT Drug Screen Random 79.90 11/15/2012 101-45201-431990 11/6/12 First Hospital Lab dba FirstLab - (1) DOT Drug Screen (1/2) 19.97 11/15/2012 601-49440-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/16/2012 - 10:15 AM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/12 First Hospital Lab dba FirstLab - (1) DOT Drug Screen (1/2) 19.98 11/15/2012 602-49490-431990 11/6/12 Streichers - (4) C-A-T Combat Application Tourniquet - 149.58 11/15/2012 101-42200-421990 11/6/12 Gradys - C battery - (1) 8pk; (1) 12 pk 23.49 11/15/2012 101-42200-422990 11/6/12 Holiday - Rehab - (4) 24pk water 14.36 11/15/2012 101-42200-443990 11/6/12 Monti Pet Hospital - cat cremation - to be re-billed 64.00 11/15/2012 101-42200-443990 11/6/12 utx - Beacon Athletics - (5) Stle 175-MLB base & anchor set 1,028.55 11/15/2012 101-45203-421990 11/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 9/4-10/3/12 usage 105.54 11/15/2012 101-42400-432100 11/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 9/4-10/3/12 usage 132.80 11/15/2012 101-43115-432100 11/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 9/4-10/3/12 usage 290.54 11/15/2012 655-49870-432100 11/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 9/4-10/3/12 usage 176.56 11/15/2012 226-45122-432100 11/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 9/4-10/3/12 usage 71.65 11/15/2012 101-43110-432100 11/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 9/4-10/3/12 usage 43.76 11/15/2012 101-45201-432100 11/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 9/4-10/3/12 usage 110.42 11/15/2012 101-43120-432100 11/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 9/4-10/3/12 usage (1/2) 81.33 11/15/2012 601-49440-432100 11/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 9/4-10/3/12 usage (1/2) 81.34 11/15/2012 602-49490-432100 11/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 763-688-5387 9/21-10/20/12 26.02 11/15/2012 655-49870-432100 11/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 763-688-5616; 763-688-5936 9/21-10/20/12 52.04 11/15/2012 101-43115-432100 11/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 763-954-1070 9/21-10/20/12 26.02 11/15/2012 101-43120-432100 11/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 763-954-1076 9/21-10/20/12 26.02 11/15/2012 101-43110-432100 11/6/12 utx - Belson Outdoors - EBPK (1) canopy/table-memorial program 3,994.50 11/15/2012 101-45202-421990 11/6/12 Brinkmans - Haz-mat trailer-(1) stone guard (1/2) 51.30 11/15/2012 601-49440-422100 11/6/12 Brinkmans - Haz-mat trailer-(1) stone guard (1/2) 51.30 11/15/2012 602-49490-422100 11/6/12 utx - DLT Solutions-20%-10/23/12-13 AutoCAD subscription renewal 274.56 11/15/2012 101-43111-431900 11/6/12 DLT Solutions- 80% -10/23/12-13 AutoCAD subscription renewal 1,098.25 11/15/2012 101-43111-431900 11/6/12 utx - 20%-Cartegraph - 12/24-12/31/12 CarteLite Subscriptions 41.83 11/15/2012 101-43111-431900 11/6/12 utx - 20%-Cartegraph - 1/1-12/24/13 CarteLite Subscriptions 460.17 11/15/2012 101-00000-155010 11/6/12 Cartegraph - 80% 1/1-12/24/13 CarteLite Subscriptions 1,840.66 11/15/2012 101-00000-155010 11/6/12 Cartegraph - 80% 12/24-12/31/12 CarteLite Subscriptions 167.34 11/15/2012 101-00000-155010 11/6/12 utx- Ribbons Unltd - (6) calculator spool 31.97 11/15/2012 101-41940-420990 11/6/12 utx - MES Municipal Emerg Serv - (1) 16" bullet chain 237.09 11/15/2012 101-42200-421990 11/6/12 Ferguson Waterworks - (1) 4 gas cartridge 293.91 11/15/2012 101-42200-421990 11/6/12 Burnham Co - inv#1856 Diseased tree 8424 Bear Ave (re-bill part) 507.66 11/15/2012 224-46102-431990 11/6/12 Kwik Trip - (12.541) gallons Unit #4 B.R. 48.02 11/15/2012 655-49870-421200 11/6/12 Holiday - (22.657) gallons Unit #5 D.W. 82.00 11/15/2012 655-49870-421200 11/6/12 SuperAmerica - (12.538) gallons Unit #3 B.N. 45.00 11/15/2012 655-49870-421200 11/6/12 O Ryans - (27.136) gallons Unit #1 B.W. 100.38 11/15/2012 655-49870-421200 11/6/12 Home Depot - 2" conduit body; 50 pr 66 clip conn block; ect 36.53 11/15/2012 656-49877-421990 11/6/12 Home Depot - (2) Energizer Max D 8 25.61 11/15/2012 656-49877-421990 11/6/12 Home Depot - Studsensor; 1 1/4" fitting; 2pk 9 volt batt 23.72 11/15/2012 656-49877-421990 11/6/12 Fastenal - (4) 17oz Rustol flo orang 24.00 11/15/2012 656-49877-421990 11/6/12 Walmart - Kleenex; ppr plates; forks; spoons; towels 22.88 11/15/2012 655-49870-421990 11/6/12 Walmart - copy paper 30.96 11/15/2012 655-49870-420300 11/6/12 Kwik Trip - (21.415) gallons Unit #5 D.W. 82.00 11/15/2012 655-49870-421200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/16/2012 - 10:15 AM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/12 Home Depot - ext screws; 2x2 BC handypanel; elbows; ect 35.10 11/15/2012 656-49877-421990 11/6/12 Walmart - (2) canned air 10.61 11/15/2012 655-49870-420990 11/6/12 Kwik Trip - (30.035) gallons Unit #2 D.S. 108.70 11/15/2012 655-49870-421200 11/6/12 West Metro - 09 Sierra oil change - mileage 23,279 29.63 11/15/2012 655-49870-440500 11/6/12 West Metro - 02 Chev K1500 oil change - mileage 54,357 32.03 11/15/2012 655-49870-440500 11/6/12 Corporate Connection - (1) lime class 3 hooded sweatshirt 37.35 11/15/2012 101-43120-421110 11/6/12 OfficeMax - (2) 5.4qt clear box; (1) labels; (2) A-Z card guides 40.35 11/15/2012 101-41410-421990 11/6/12 Kwik Trip - (12.783) gallons Unit #4 B.R. 41.66 11/15/2012 655-49870-421200 11/6/12 Walmart - water; candy; chips; storage bags; creamer; ect. 49.57 11/15/2012 101-41410-443990 11/6/12 Monticello City of - ROW permits 103 & 104 50.00 11/15/2012 656-49877-443700 11/6/12 Monticello Printing - (50) 2-pt Fire Code Inspection forms 59.32 11/15/2012 101-42200-420300 11/6/12 Monticello Printing - (1000) 4-pt Impound Report forms 385.82 11/15/2012 101-42700-420300 11/6/12 RHL Inc - inv 153160 (30) 22"x12" vinyl decals 573.92 11/15/2012 101-43127-421990 11/6/12 RHL Inc - inv 153160 Balance - (30) 22"x12" vinyl decals 86.24 11/15/2012 101-43127-421990 11/6/12 Waste Mgmt - MGFARM - November 2012 320.12 11/15/2012 213-46522-431000 11/6/12 Wright Henn Elec - HADCO lights @ East 7th - Oct 2012 357.75 11/15/2012 101-43160-431900 11/6/12 Sunray Printing - (5000) Fall/Winter newsletter 2,337.58 11/15/2012 101-41940-431950 11/6/12 Veolia ES S W M LLC-G2 - 111 Elm St; 11426 Nicholas Cir - rebill 60.00 11/15/2012 101-43230-431000 11/6/12 Nextel - 9/13-10/12/12 84.78 11/15/2012 101-43111-432100 11/6/12 Nextel - 9/13-10/12/12 31.80 11/15/2012 101-45201-432100 11/6/12 Nextel - 9/13-10/12/12 28.30 11/15/2012 601-49440-432100 11/6/12 Nextel - 9/13-10/12/12 28.30 11/15/2012 602-49490-432100 11/6/12 Nextel - 9/13-10/12/12 175.26 11/15/2012 655-49870-432100 11/6/12 Suites Hotel - 10/17-10/19/12 MN State Fire Chiefs Conv - S.J. 404.76 11/15/2012 101-42200-433100 11/6/12 Suites Hotel - 10/17-10/19/12 MN State Fire Chiefs Conv - D.A. 409.62 11/15/2012 101-42200-433100 11/6/12 Suites Hotel - 10/17-10/19/12 MN State Fire Chiefs Conv - D.G. 404.76 11/15/2012 101-42200-433100 11/6/12 TriCon Environmental - (6) vest (Cargill to reimb) 208.32 11/15/2012 101-42200-115030 11/6/12 Cub - election judge breakfast-donuts; muffins; ect. 24.93 11/15/2012 101-41410-443990 11/6/12 utx - Google Apps - October calender app 65.00 11/15/2012 101-41410-443990 11/6/12 O Reilly - (6) gal wiper fld 14.68 11/15/2012 101-42200-421990 11/6/12 O Reilly - (2) gal car wash 11.52 11/15/2012 101-42200-421990 11/6/12 Home Depot - 4pk locking tie downs 10.66 11/15/2012 101-42200-421990 11/6/12 SuperAmerica - B.N. reimb 11/8/12 - used city card in error 67.73 11/15/2012 655-00000-362900 11/6/12 Monticello City of - permit 25.00 11/15/2012 656-49877-443700 11/6/12 Safety Kleen - 12 wk service term washer service - solvent 181.81 11/15/2012 101-43127-431990 11/6/12 Napa - (24) qt nol 75050 102.34 11/15/2012 101-43127-421300 11/6/12 General Rental - drill w/parts rental 10/30/12 65.14 11/15/2012 101-43120-441500 11/6/12 Napa - #108 & stock - (6) hose clamps 8.91 11/15/2012 101-43120-422110 11/6/12 utx - Husky Spring - #116 - U-bolt nuts, washers, ect 293.39 11/15/2012 101-43120-422110 11/6/12 Central Hydraulics - couplers, male/female piping; ect 279.45 11/15/2012 101-43125-422110 11/6/12 Marties - 10# prem sunny for blvd 20.84 11/15/2012 101-43120-422500 11/6/12 RecSupply - valves, clamps, rope hooks, ect 305.89 11/15/2012 226-45122-421610 11/6/12 Scharber & Sons - (3) pins (snow & ice) 14.46 11/15/2012 101-43125-422100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/16/2012 - 10:15 AM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/12 Gradys - (4) keyblanks 8.51 11/15/2012 226-45122-420990 11/6/12 Zep - (2) 5gal degreaser 399.32 11/15/2012 101-43127-421600 11/6/12 Fastenal - (200) UV cabletie 12.46 11/15/2012 101-43125-422990 11/6/12 Fastenal - (100) UV cabletie 6.23 11/15/2012 101-43127-421990 11/6/12 Lawrence Sign - Labor/supplies - replaced transformer 515.25 11/15/2012 609-49754-440990 11/6/12 Home Depot - bulletin board 10.74 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 Walmart - tableclothes & ice buckets for 2012 Wine Tasting Event 28.25 11/15/2012 609-49754-425550 11/6/12 Hi-Way Liquors - (5) gift cards for 2012 Wine Tasting Event 200.00 11/15/2012 609-49754-425550 11/6/12 J H Larson - ballasts, bulbs, ect 342.52 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 Spectrum Supply - detergent, wipes, can liners 195.47 11/15/2012 226-45122-421100 11/6/12 AmeriPride - uniform rental 23.87 11/15/2012 226-45122-441700 11/6/12 AmeriPride - laundry services 59.19 11/15/2012 226-45122-431110 11/6/12 utx - Theraquatic - (5) water jogging belts 83.04 11/15/2012 226-45127-421750 11/6/12 Gradys - cap nuts, teflon joint tape 13.50 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 utx - Compliance Signs - sign for pool area 30.00 11/15/2012 226-45127-421750 11/6/12 Gradys - (2) rolls duck tape 16.01 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 NCH - (5) dome head plow bolts 281.03 11/15/2012 101-43125-421990 11/6/12 NCH - washers, nuts, thermapods 166.20 11/15/2012 101-43127-422110 11/6/12 Home Depot - (4) 4"x100' safety barrier fence 123.85 11/15/2012 101-43125-422990 11/6/12 U of M - APWA Fall Conference 11/15/12 T. Moores, M. Haaland 550.00 11/15/2012 101-43120-433200 11/6/12 Hirshfields - (1) 5gal white paint 91.86 11/15/2012 101-43120-421510 11/6/12 Holiday - motor fuel 22.00 11/15/2012 217-41990-421200 11/6/12 NBP - (60) rm 20# copy paper 208.41 11/15/2012 217-41990-420300 11/6/12 NBP - envelopes, calc ribbon, staples, desk pad 101.33 11/15/2012 217-41990-420990 11/6/12 Gradys - (1) toilet flush for Hwy 25 CR 75 bldg 8.00 11/15/2012 101-46500-443990 11/6/12 Zep - (4) gal MVP, (1) dispenser 110.72 11/15/2012 101-45201-421600 11/6/12 BLI - (2) red LED, (2) grn LED, (2) yellow LED 374.06 11/15/2012 101-43160-421530 11/6/12 Napa - (2) couplers, (2) adapters 10.86 11/15/2012 101-45201-421650 11/6/12 Napa - (2) motor tunes 18.51 11/15/2012 101-45201-421990 11/6/12 General Rental - (1) metal detector 10.69 11/15/2012 101-45201-421990 11/6/12 Napa - anti-freeze 14.49 11/15/2012 101-45201-422100 11/6/12 Fastenal - parts for snow fence 123.25 11/15/2012 101-45201-421990 11/6/12 Marties - 50# tuff stuff 63.06 11/15/2012 101-45201-421990 11/6/12 Scharber & Sons - broom part bearings & guide 75.77 11/15/2012 101-45201-422100 11/6/12 WW Grainger - wall mount fan for the warehouse area 36.22 11/15/2012 226-45127-421720 11/6/12 utx - On-Line Sports - (1) electric air compressor 191.04 11/15/2012 226-45127-421980 11/6/12 Morries - #301 - (35) bushings, (36) clamps, (33) indicator asy 55.24 11/15/2012 601-49440-422110 11/6/12 River Bend Industries - #402 - (10) ft suction hose 158.18 11/15/2012 602-49490-422100 11/6/12 Central Hydraulics - #108 - O-rings, hose, thread connector 235.27 11/15/2012 101-43120-422110 11/6/12 J H Larson - (6) outside socket replacements 28.70 11/15/2012 226-45122-422990 11/6/12 Locators & Supplies - (6) pr gloves, (1) LED on/off 106.84 11/15/2012 101-45201-420650 11/6/12 MAC Tools - (1) 1/4" bit rachet 45.96 11/15/2012 101-45201-424100 11/6/12 utx - Plaza Mpls Parking - MYSA event - J.O. 9.00 11/15/2012 101-41310-433100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/16/2012 - 10:15 AM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/6/12 Broadband Properties Com - 11/8-11/9/12 Conference - J.O. 110.00 11/15/2012 101-46500-433200 11/6/12 US Airways Expedia - part airfare 11/8-11/9/12 Conference - J.O. 149.22 11/15/2012 101-46500-433100 11/6/12 US Airways Expedia - part airfare 11/8-11/9/12 Conference - J.O. 194.20 11/15/2012 101-46500-433100 11/6/12 Mac Tools - (1) cable cutter 29.91 11/15/2012 101-42200-421990 11/6/12 Reds - motor fuel 42.25 11/15/2012 217-41990-421200 11/6/12 SunSource - #226 - (1) hydrogear pump, (1) hydrogear seal 656.41 11/15/2012 101-45201-422100 11/6/12 John Deere Publication - JD broom parts 26.46 11/15/2012 101-45201-422100 11/6/12 Gradys - (1) gal acid, (1) duster brush 17.61 11/15/2012 101-43127-421990 11/6/12 M & K Tire LLC - (4) tires - Unit #2 '08 Sierra mileage 24893 688.28 11/15/2012 655-49870-422200 11/6/12 M & K Tire LLC - (4) tires - Unit #1 '09 Sierra mileage 23267 688.28 11/15/2012 655-49870-422200 11/6/12 utx - Sierra Trading Post -(3) Carhartt quilt-lined bib overalls 136.41 11/15/2012 656-49877-421990 11/6/12 utx - Sierra Trading Post - Marmot PreCip (1) pant 36.40 11/15/2012 656-49877-421990 11/6/12 OfficeMax - wireless mouse; folders; notebooks; tape; ect. 60.12 11/15/2012 655-49870-420990 11/6/12 utx - Buy.com - (3) 1gb RAM Memory - for HeadEnd PC's 81.00 11/15/2012 655-49870-421990 11/6/12 utx - Amazon Mktplace - (1) FV TouchCam E1-office conf system 88.48 11/15/2012 655-49870-421990 11/6/12 utx - Amazon Mktplace - (1) mic MT202-EXE-office conf system 140.87 11/15/2012 655-49870-421990 11/6/12 utx - Amazon.com - (1) phone Memory Card 30MG/s with adapter 27.70 11/15/2012 655-49870-421990 11/6/12 utx - Amazon.com - (2) assorted LED flashlights 38.42 11/15/2012 656-49877-421990 109,094.71Check Total: Vendor:2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 00005262097 Vanco Fitness Rewards October 2012 67.00 11/15/2012 226-45122-430700 00005263871 Gateway fees October 2012 (1/2) 18.10 11/15/2012 601-49440-443980 00005263871 Gateway fees October 2012 (1/2) 18.10 11/15/2012 602-49490-443980 103.20Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 175,456.65 3 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/16/2012 - 10:15 AM)Page 9 CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 1 5B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department HireDate Class TessaZalomskyChildcareAttendantMCC11/6PT BrianRousselowSeasonalParksParks11/13Seasonal ShannaGrambartLifeGuardMCC11/9PT Name Reason Department LastDay Class DavidZelaznyVoluntaryMCC11/3PT ArturoRamirezVoluntaryMCC11/11PT TylerVogtVoluntaryMCC11/12PT NEWEMPLOYEES TERMINATINGEMPLOYEES 5BNewHireandTermsCityCouncil2012:11/20/2012 CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 1 5C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-101acceptingacontributionfromTom PerraultfortheGeneralFund (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TomPerraultiscontributing$250forOctobertogointotheGeneralFund.Asrequired bystatestatute,iftheCityacceptsthedonationoffunds,theCityCouncilneedstoadopt aresolutionspecifyingtheamountofthedonationanditsuse. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffaccountsforandreconcilesdonationscontributed throughtheCity. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Approvethecontributionandauthorizeuseoffundsasspecified. 2.Donotapprovethecontributionandreturnthefundstothedonor. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendationistoadopttheresolutionacceptingthecontribution. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-101 CityofMonticello RESOLUTIONNO.2012-101 APPROVINGCONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloisgenerallyauthorizedtoaccept contributionsofrealandpersonalpropertypursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesSections 465.03and465.04forthebenefitofitscitizensandisspecificallyauthorizedtomaintain suchpropertyforthebenefitofitscitizensinaccordancewiththetermsprescribedbythe donor.SaidgiftsmaybelimitedunderprovisionsofMNStatutesSection471.895. WHEREAS,thefollowingpersonsandorentitieshaveofferedtocontribute contributionsorgiftstotheCityaslisted: DONOR/ENTITYDESCRIPTIONVALUE TomPerraultCash$250 WHEREAS,allsaidcontributionsareintendedtoaidtheCityinestablishing facilities,operationsorprogramswithinthecity’sjurisdictioneitheraloneorin cooperationwithothers,asallowedbylaw;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilherebyfindsthatitisappropriatetoacceptthe contributionsoffered. NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVED bytheCityCouncilofMonticelloas follows: 1.ThecontributionsdescribedaboveareherebyacceptedbytheCityof Monticello. 2.Thecontributionsdescribedabovewillbeusedasdesignatedbythe donor.Thismayentailreimbursingorallocatingthemoneytoanother entitythatwillutilizethefundsforthefollowingstatedpurpose: DONOR/ENTITYRECIPIENTPURPOSE TomPerraultCityofMonticelloGeneralfund(Nov) AdoptedbytheCityCouncilofMonticellothis26thdayofNovember,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 1 5D.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-102acceptingacontributionofland parcelfromGlenPosustaandapprovingtransferofpropertytotheCityviaquit claimdeed (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: GlenPosustaiscontributingasmallparceloflandlocatedatthesouthwestcornerofthe intersectionofDundasandCedarStreets.Thissliveroflandofapproximately142sqft liesadjacenttotheroadway.ThelandparcelwouldbetransferredtotheCityviaquit claimdeedifthecontributionisapprovedbyCouncil. Asrequiredbystatestatute,iftheCityacceptsthedonationofthelandparcel,theCity Councilneedstoadoptaresolutionspecifyingthevalueofthedonationanditsuse. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffaccountsforandreconcilesdonationscontributed throughtheCity. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.AdoptResolution#2012-102acceptingthecontributionoflandandapprove transferofthelandparceltotheCityviaquitclaimdeed. 2.Donotapprovethecontributionatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendationisforAlternative#1toadopttheresolutionandapprovethe transferbyquitclaimdeed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-102 Aerialphotoofparcel155-500-142316 CityofMonticello RESOLUTIONNO.2012-102 APPROVINGCONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloisgenerallyauthorizedtoaccept contributionsofrealandpersonalpropertypursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesSections 465.03and465.04forthebenefitofitscitizensandisspecificallyauthorizedtomaintain suchpropertyforthebenefitofitscitizensinaccordancewiththetermsprescribedbythe donor.SaidgiftsmaybelimitedunderprovisionsofMNStatutesSection471.895. WHEREAS,thefollowingpersonsandorentitieshaveofferedtocontribute contributionsorgiftstotheCityaslisted: DONOR/ENTITYDESCRIPTIONVALUE GlenPosustaLand(PID155-500-142316)nominal WHEREAS,allsaidcontributionsareintendedtoaidtheCityinestablishing facilities,operationsorprogramswithinthecity’sjurisdictioneitheraloneorin cooperationwithothers,asallowedbylaw;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilherebyfindsthatitisappropriatetoacceptthe contributionsoffered. NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVED bytheCityCouncilofMonticelloas follows: 1.ThecontributionsdescribedaboveareherebyacceptedbytheCityof Monticello. 2.Thecontributionsdescribedabovewillbeusedasdesignatedbythe donor.Thismayentailreimbursingorallocatingthemoneytoanother entitythatwillutilizethefundsforthefollowingstatedpurpose: DONOR/ENTITYRECIPIENTPURPOSE GlenPosustaCityofMonticelloAnypublicpurpose AdoptedbytheCityCouncilofMonticellothis26thdayofNovember,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 1 5E.ConsiderationofappointingarepresentativetothePoliceAdvisoryCommissionto fillavacancyforatermtoexpireon12/31/2015 (BW/TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderappointingJamesRobertsasavotingmemberto thePoliceAdvisoryCommission(PAC)tofillthevacantseatontheCommission. Mr.RobertspreviouslyservedonthePoliceAdvisoryCommissionfrom2007to2010,at whichtimeheresignedhispositionasaresultofhispendingmilitarydeployment.Mr. Robertshassincereturnedfromhismilitarydeploymentandisinterestedinservingon thePACagain. OnNovember14th thePoliceAdvisoryCommissionheldaspecialmeetingtoconsider recommendingtheappointmentofMr.RobertstothePAC.Threeofthefourvoting membersofthePACattendedthemeeting(BradFyle,JasonRoubinekandChuck Fradella;BrianStumpfwasattendingtheEDAmeeting)andvotedunanimouslyto recommendthattheCityCouncilappointMr.RobertstothePAC. Mr.Roberts,whoisaCityresident,successfullycompletedacriminalbackgroundcheck andisthereforeeligibleforappointment. SincethetermofthevacantseatthatMr.Roberts’isseekingtofillexpiresonDecember 31,2012,CouncilisbeingaskedtoratifyhisappointmentthroughDecember31,2015at thistime. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheappointmentofJamesRobertstothePoliceAdvisory CommissionwithatermexpiringDecember31,2015. 2.Motiondenyingapprovalofappointmentatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Mr.RobertsApplication(redacted) CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 1 5F.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-103callingforPublicHearingfor MunicipalConsentforextending4-lanesectionofTH25to85th Street/CR106 (BW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CouncilisbeingaskedtoconsidercallingforaPublicHearingonJanuary14,2013,at whichtimetheMinnesotaDepartmentofTransportation(Mn/DOT)willseekMunicipal ConsentfortheirproposedTH25improvementsproject.Thisprojectproposestoextend the4-lanesectionofTH25fromitscurrentendpointbyKjellberg’smanufacturedhome parkstotheintersectionof85th Street/CR106.Mn/DOTthenproposestoinstallanew signalsystemattheintersectionofTH25and85th Street/CR106whichwillrequireturn lanesandreceivinglanestobeconstructedsouthoftheintersection,afterwhichthelanes willtaperbackintotheexisting2-lanesectiontothesouth. Mn/DOTpreviouslyplannedtoconverttheentiretwo-lanesectionofTH25between MonticelloandBuffalotoa4-laneexpressway,butduetofundingreductionsinrecent yearsthe4-lanesectionbetweenMonticelloandBuffalowillnotbeconstructedinthe foreseeablefuture.However,duetosafetyissues,Mn/DOTisproposingtoextendthe4- lanesectionofTH25andtoinstallatrafficsignalatTH25&85th Street/CR106during the2014constructionseason.AsimilarprojectwillbecompletedinBuffaloin2015. OnNovember13th,Mn/DOTsubmittedtheattachedstaffapprovedlayoutandformal letterrequestingMunicipalConsentfortheirproject.Therequirementsformunicipal consentareoutlinedinStateStatute161.164,Subdivision2,whichisattachedas supportingdata.ThisStatutestatesthattheCitymustscheduleapublichearingwithin 15daysofreceivingthefinallayoutand/oranotificationletter,andthatpublicnotice mustbegivenaminimumof30dayspriortothehearing. Within90daysofthepublichearingtheCityisrequiredtoprovidewrittenapprovalor disapprovalofthelayout.IftheCitydisapprovesthelayouttheycanrequestthatcertain changesbemadetothelayout,whichMn/DOTmayormaynotagreeto.Or,Mn/DOT maysimplydecidenottoproceedwiththeproject.Mn/DOTcanalsoreferthefinal layouttoanappealboardforadecision. Mn/DOT’sstaffapprovedlayoutwillbepresentedindetailbyMn/DOTstaffduringthe publichearing.CouncilshouldbeawarethatMn/DOTandCitystaffmetonseveral occasionstodiscussdesignandaccessoptions,andthatstaffandMn/DOTbothpreferred adesignthatincludedafullaccessintersectionapproximatelyone-quartermilesouthof theexistingaccessestobothofKjellbergsmanufacturedhomeparks,aswellastwo connectingroadsthatwouldservetheundevelopedFeatherstoneandKjellbergparcels andconnecttobothofthemanufacturedhomeparks.However,thisdesignrequiredthe privatepropertyownersonbothsidesofTH25todonatetherequiredright-of-wayfor theconnectingroads,whichMn/DOTwouldhaveconstructedatnocosttotheproperty owners.However,theKjellbergswouldnotagreetoprovidetheneededright-of-wayso Mn/DOTismovingaheadwithascaledbackdesignasshownintheattachedlayout. CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 2 A1.BudgetImpact:BudgetimpactstotheCityassociatedwithconstructionofthe proposedimprovementsarecurrentlyestimatedat$61,500tocoverconstruction ofsomecurbandgutterandone-fourthoftheproposedsignalsystemasoutlined intheattachedmunicipalconsentrequestletter.TheCitywillberesponsiblefor payingforone-fourthofthenewsignalsystembecausetheCityisresponsiblefor allcostsassociatedwithmaintaining85th StreetperourOrderlyAnnexation Agreement. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffworkloadimpactsareanticipatedtobeminimal asaresultofthisitem. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2012-103callingforPublicHearingforMunicipal Consentforextending4-lanesectionofTH25to85th Street/CR106. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofResolution#2012-103atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: TocomplywithStateStatute161.164,staffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-103 StateStatute161.164 Mn/DOTstaffapprovedlayoutforS.P.8605-50(3pgs) Mn/DOTletterrequestingMunicipalConsent CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2012-103 CALLINGFORPUBLICHEARINGFORMUNICIPALCONSENTFORS.P.8605-50, EXTENSIONOF4-LANESECTIONOFTH25TO85TH STREET/CR106 WHEREAS,theCommissionerofTransportationhaspreparedafinallayoutfortheextensionof thefour-lanesectionofTrunkHighway25andtheinstallationofatrafficsignalatthejunction ofTrunkHighway25&WrightCountyRoad106/85th StreetwithintheCityofMonticelloand seekstheapprovalthereof;and WHEREAS,saidfinallayoutisonfileintheMinnesotaDepartmentofTransportationoffice, SaintCloud,Minnesota,beingmarked,labeledandidentifiedasLayoutNo.1,S.P.8605-50 fromRP65.930to66.970;and WHEREAS,improvementstolocalroadsandappurtenanceshavebeenincludedinsaidfinal layout. NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA:thatapublichearingshallbeheldonsuchproposedimprovementsonthe14th dayofJanuary,2013intheCouncilChambersofCityHallat7p.m.andtheClerkshallgive mailedandpublishednoticeofsuchhearingandimprovementsasrequiredbylaw. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis26thdayofNovember,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO _________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CERTIFICATION STATEOFMINNESOTA COUNTYOFWRIGHT Iherebycertifythattheforegoingisatrueandcorrectcopyofaresolutiondulypassed, adoptedandapprovedbytheMonticelloCityCouncilattheirscheduledmeetingonNovember 26,2012,andrecordedinminutesofsaidmeeting. ____________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator NotaryPublic:_______________________________ Date:___________________________ 1 MINNESOTA STATUTES 2012 161.164 161.164 FINAL LAYOUT APPROVAL PROCESS. Subdivision 1.Submission of final layout.Before proceeding with the construction, reconstruction,or improvement of any route on the trunk highway system lying within any municipality,the commissioner shall submit to its governing body a final layout and project report covering the purpose,route location,and proposed design of the highway.The final layout must be submitted as part of a report containing any supporting data that the commissioner deems helpful to the governing body in reviewing the final layout submitted.The supporting data must include a good-faith cost estimate of all the costs in which the governing body is expected to participate.The final layout must be submitted before final decisions are reached so that meaningful early input can be obtained from the municipality. Subd.2.Governing body action.(a)Within 15 days of receiving a final layout from the commissioner,the governing body shall schedule a public hearing on the final layout.The governing body shall,within 60 days of receiving a final layout from the commissioner,conduct a public hearing at which the Department of Transportation shall present the final layout for the project.The governing body shall give at least 30 days'notice of the public hearing. (b)Within 90 days from the date of the public hearing,the governing body shall approve or disapprove the final layout in writing,as follows: (1)If the governing body approves the final layout or does not disapprove the final layout in writing within 90 days,in which case the final layout is deemed to be approved,the commissioner may continue the project development. (2)If the final construction plans contain changes in access,traffic capacity,or acquisition of permanent right-of-way from the final layout approved by the governing body,the commissioner shall resubmit the portion of the final construction plans where changes were made to the governing body.The governing body must approve or disapprove the changes,in writing,within 60 days from the date the commissioner submits them. (3)If the governing body disapproves the final layout,the commissioner may make modifications requested by the municipality,decide not to proceed with the project,or refer the final layout to an appeal board.The appeal board shall consist of one member appointed by the commissioner,one member appointed by the governing body,and a third member agreed upon by both the commissioner and the governing body.If the commissioner and the governing body cannot agree upon the third member,the chief justice of the Supreme Court shall appoint a third member within 14 days of the request of the commissioner to appoint the third member. Subd.3.Appeal board.Within 30 days after referral of the final layout,the appeal board shall hold a hearing at which the commissioner and the governing body may present the case for or against approval of the final layout referred.Not later than 60 days after the hearing,the appeal board shall recommend approval,recommend approval with modifications,or recommend disapproval of the final layout,making additional recommendations consistent with state and federal requirements as it deems appropriate.It shall submit a written report containing its findings and recommendations to the commissioner and the governing body. History:2001 c 191 s 5 Copyright ©2012 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes,State of Minnesota.All Rights Reserved. P O T . 4 4 8 + 6 0 . 6 9 P C . 4 4 9 + 0 8 . 7 0 450 P T . 4 5 2 + 4 8 . 8 8 PI 455 P C . 4 5 6 + 8 3 . 5 3 460 P T . 4 6 0 + 2 3 . 7 2 PI 465 470 P O T . 4 5 6 + 6 3 . 0 8 460 465 470 4 5 5 0 5 5 4 0 4 5 5 0 5 5 1:15 DAVIDSON AVE. NE MONTICELLO COVENANT CHURCH and Golf Center Driving Range EXIST. FIELD ENT. EXISTING R/W & ACCESS CONTROL RES. ENT. R.P 65.506 14’ THRU 12’ THRU 12’ THRU 10’ SHOULDER 1:70 TAPER 1:70 TAPER 12’ THRU 12’ THRU 10’ SHOULDER M O N TI C E L L O CI T Y LI MI T S SCALE IN FEET 100 1:15 1:15 1:15 1 : 1 5 16’ 1 6’ 3 0 0’ L O N G 1 3’ L T L 1 3’ L T L 1 2’ T H R U R T L R T L 45’R 45’R WB 62 DESIGNED FOR TURNING RADII C. R. 1 0 6 8 5t h S T. N. E. BEGIN 10’ TRAIL STA 468+85.61 + 6 7 . 9 9 + 8 1 . 0 9 + 4 6 . 4 3 B E G I N S T A 4 4 8 + 6 0 . 6 9 10’ SHOULDER 24’ 6’ RAISED MEDIAN 14’ LTL LENGTH = 500’ 12’ THRU 12’ THRU 12’ THRU 12’ THRU 10’ SHLD 10’ SHLD 8’ S H L D 8’ S H L D 1 2’ T H R U Road Design Manual Page 5-2(17) Figure 5-2.04A (2 of 2) AND STANDARD PLATE NO. 7113A "CONCRETE APPROACH NOSE DETAIL" NOTE: ISLANDS TAKEN FROM 12’ THRU 12’ THRU12’ THRU 14’ THRU 14’ THRU 12’ THRU 14’ THRU 12’ RTL 500’ 14’ LTL 500’ 3 0 0’ 12’ RTL 500’ 1 : 5 MATCH EXISTING RES. ENT. 24’ 1:5 1:5 180’ R 160’ R 90’ R 80’ R 1 2’ T H R U S P E E D LI MI T 4 5 P R O P O S E D P O S T E D & 5 5 LI MI T S P E E D S T A T U T O R Y p860550_gm3B.dgn 11/20/2012 11:38:58 AM 475 480 485 490 495 475 480 485 490 495 ? S T O C K PI L E S T O C K PI L E 1:15 45’R 1:15 EXISTING R/W & ACCESS CONTROL EXISTING R/W & ACCESS CONTROL SCALE IN FEET 100 STA 491+50. FOR ENT AT OR EXCHANGE FIELD ENT. ONLY 20’R20’ R 1:15 1:15 BEGIN MEDIAN WIDENING STA 409+38.7 + 6 9 . 4 1 + 2 3 . 2 5 + 8 9 . 0 2 45’R MEDIAN CROSSOVER STA 491+10.24 to STA 492+08.24 BEGIN C&G + 0 2 . 7 3 REPLACE WITH PAVEMENT SAW CUT AND REMOVE MEDIAN END C&G WIDEN MEDIAN STA 492+08.24 to STA 497+31.04 RECONSTRUCT SHOULDER STA 492+23.25 to STA 500+49.42 + 5 8 . 4 3 + 5 8 . 1 8 + 8 6 . 1 8 + 4 0 . 2 5 + 6 0 . 2 4 + 8 8 . 6 1 + 0 7 . 0 2 + 7 9 . 1 7 + 0 7 . 1 7 + 6 0 . 5 2 + 8 1 . 0 9 10’ TRAIL10’ TRAIL10’ TRAIL 14’ THRU 12’ THRU 10’ SHLD 10’ SHLD 14’ THRU 12’ THRU APPROX. MONTICELLO CITY LIMITS FARM ENT 32’FARM ENT 32’ STA 491+50 ENTRANCE AT EXCHANGED FOR FIELD ENTRANCE CLOSE 20’R20’ R 12’ THRU 12’ THRU 14’ RTL LENGTH = 500’ 14’ LTL LENGTH = 500’ 14’ LTL LENGTH = 500’ 12’ THRU 14’ THRU 10’ SHOULDER LOCAL ROAD FOR FUTURE 42’ ENT 6’ RAISED MEDIAN 6’ RAISED MEDIAN 10’ SHOULDER 12’ THRU 14’ THRU + 7 3 . 4 + 3 9 . 9 18’ RAISED MEDIAN 12’ THRU (INPLACE) 12’ THRU (INPLACE) 10’ SHOULDER IN PLACE EXISTING 1:15 EXISTING 1:15 1:15 p860550_gm3B.dgn 11/20/2012 11:41:06 AM 500 505 510 515 P O T . 5 1 6 + 0 3 . 5 4 500 505 510 515 P O T . 5 1 6 + 0 3 . 2 5 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M MM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M MM MM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M A T C H E X I S T I N G S C H O O L B L V D . TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 25 TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 25 EXISTING SIGNAL SPEED LIMIT 45 R.P. 67.311 SPEED LIMIT 55 1:15 SPEED LIMIT 45 SPEED LIMIT 55 END MEDIAN WIDENING STA 509+56 END 10’ TRAIL STA 504+06 + 8 8 . 7 9 + 4 9 . 4 2 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES RELOCATE 4 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES RELOCATE 2 REMOVE LEFT TURN LANES CLOSE CROSS OVER AND RIGHT IN/RIGHT OUT ENTRANCE BECOMES RIGHT IN/RIGHT OUT ENTRANCE BECOMES 55 TO 45 MPH CHANGES FROM SPEED LIMIT NORTH BOUND 45 TO 55 MPH CHANGES FROM SPEED LIMIT SOUTH BOUND APPROX. MONTICELLO CITY LIMITS 12’ THRU (Inplace) 12’ THRU (Inplace) 12’ RTL (Inplace) 12’ THRU (Inplace) 12’ THRU (Inplace) 12’ RTL (Inplace)10’ SHLD (Inplace) 10’ SHLD (Inplace) 10’ TRAIL (Inplace) (300’) (300’) + 3 9 . 9 + 0 8 . 8 2 + 0 4 . 9 6 18’ RAISED MEDIANREMOVE 14’ LTL (Inplace) REMOVE 14’ LTL (Inplace) EXISTING 1:15 p860550_gm3B.dgn 11/20/2012 11:42:45 AM CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 1 5G.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-104decertifying/deferringassessments oncityownedproperty (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCitycurrentlypaysapproximately$23,000ayearforassessmentsonsixcity-owned properties,whichincludesprincipalandinterest.Aboutone-halfofthisamountdoesnot supportdebtservice.Inessence,thisrepresentsatransferfromonefundtoanother.The halfthatsupportsdebtservicewouldbebetterserved,ifneeded,byadjustmentstothe taxlevyorcomefromothersources.TheCitywouldeventuallyrecoverdeferred assessmentsthroughthereassessmentprocess. Theeffectofdeferredassessmentsonaproperty’ssalespriceisdebatable.But,for argumentssake,it’samootpoint.Evenifthepropertyfetchesareducedpricebecauseof thespecialassessments,thepaymentonsuchhasbeeneffectivelydelayeduntilthe propertyissold. CitystaffisaskingCounciltoapprovethefollowingdecertificationsordefermentson somecity-ownedparcels. Parcel Description AsmtBalance Action 155-164-000020 Jeff.Commons,commuterlot $5,368.27 Decertify 155-048-000010 ParWestPark $542.64 Decertify 155-164-000030 Jeff.Commons,southside of SchoolBlvd $900.82 $19,319.47 Defer 155-164-000040 Jeff.Commons,westofWaterTower $1,275.37 $3,570.67 Defer 155-500-142300 4.34Ac,Cedar-DundasStarea $33,965.32 Defer 155-500-142303 2.65Ac,Cedar-DundasStarea $14,398.95 Defer A.1BudgetImpact:Decertificationordeferralofspecialassessmentsoncity-owned propertyreducestheoperatingbudgetbyapproximately$23,000.Additionally, deferredassessmentscanberecertifiedforcollectionwhentheaffectedproperty issold. A.2StaffWorkload:Minimal.Theprocessfornotifyingthecountyofchangesto assessmentrollsisrelativelysimple.Additionally,thecouncilmusttakeactionto recertifydeferredassessmentswhenthepropertyissold.Thepurchasersofcity- ownedpropertyshouldsignwaiversofappealatthetimeofsaletostreamlinethe notificationandreassessmentprocess. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2012-104approvingthedecertification/deferralof specialassessmentsoncity-ownedpropertyaspresented. CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 2 2.MotiontoadoptResolution#2012-104approvingthedecertification/deferralof specialassessmentsoncity-ownedpropertywithadjustmentsbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: TheFinanceDirectorandcitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1fortheCouncilto decertify/defertheassessmentsbyadoptionoftheResolutionaspresented. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-104 ScheduleofAssessmentstobedecertified/deferred Assessmentlistingsfrom2012AssessmentRoll Aerialphotosofparcelstobedeferred CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2012-104 DECERTIFYINGANDDEFERRINGSPECIALASSESSMENTSONDESIGNATED CITY-OWNEDPARCELS WHEREAS,Citystaffhasreviewedexistingspecialassessmentsoncity-ownedparcelsofland; and WHEREAS,itwasfoundthattherearespecialassessmentswhichcanbedecertifiedastheydo notsupportdebtserviceandotherspecialassessmentswhichcanbedeferredonlandheldfor resaleuntilsuchtimeasthelandissold. NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA:thatthefollowingdescribedparcelsshallhavespecialassessmentsdecertifiedor deferredasnoted: Parcel Legal Description Asmt Balance Action 155-164-000020 OutlotB,Jefferson Commons Jeff.Commons,commuter lot $5,368.27 Decertify 155-048-000010 OutlotA,ParWest ParWestPark $542.64 Decertify 155-164-000030 OutlotC,Jefferson Commons Jeff.Commons,southsideof SchoolBlvd $900.82 $19,319.47 Defer 155-164-000040 OutlotD,Jefferson Commons Jeff.Commons,westof WaterTower $1,275.37 $3,570.67 Defer 155-500-142300 PtofSection14, Unplatted 4.34Ac,Cedar-DundasSt area $33,965.32 Defer 155-500-142303 PtofSection14, Unplatted 2.65Ac,Cedar-DundasSt area $14,398.95 Defer ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis26thdayofNovember,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO _________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityofMonticello ScheduleofAssessmentstobeDecertified/Deferred 10/31/2013 BondRemaining ParcelRoll#FundLegalDesc2012PayBalanceActionReason 155-164-00002027211-0300JeffersonCommons2.83ACOutlotBCommunterparkinglot1,744.70$5,368.27$DecertifyNodebtservice 155-048-00001029111-0300ParWestPark125.26$542.64$DecertifyNodebtservice 155-164-00003025811-1300JeffersonCommonsOutlotCBehindtheatreon524.73$900.82$DeferLandheldforresale 155-164-00003027211-1300JeffersonCommonsOutlotCSchoolBlvd6,278.84$19,319.47$DeferLandheldforresale 155-164-00004025811-1300JeffersonCommonsOutlotDWofwatertoweron742.89$1,275.37$DeferLandheldforresale 155-164-00004027211-1300JeffersonCommonsOutlotDSchoolBlvd1,160.48$3,570.67$DeferLandheldforresale 155-500-14230028211-0313Unplatted4.34ACS14-T121-R025CedarStNofDundas8,830.98$33,965.32$DeferLandheldforresale 155-500-14230328211-0313Unplatted2.65ACS14-T121-R025CedarStNofDundas3,743.74$14,398.95$DeferLandheldforresale 23,151.62$79,341.51$ G:\findept\AUDITfolders\Audit2012\DeferredSpecials-201210/31/2012 CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/2012 1 5H.Considerationofapprovingacontractforprovidingcemeterygraveexcavation services (TP) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityofMonticelloParksDepartmentmanagesalloperationsofRiversideCemetery. Thecurrentgraveexcavatingcontractor,GlunzConstruction,ofBuffalo,Minnesota, announcedhisretirementeffectiveNovember30,2102.Afterthenoticewasreceived fromGlunzConstruction,staffplacedanRFPontheCity’swebsiterequestingproposals tobesubmittedbyNovember16,2012.Staffalsocontactedmorethansixlocal contractorsinvitingthemtosubmitaproposalforburialandexcavationservicesat MonticelloRiversideCemetery.Jake’sExcavating,ofBuffalo,MinnesotaandDennis LeisticoofElkRiver,Minnesotasubmittedproposals.Bothhavepreviouscemetery excavationexperienceasrequiredbythecriteriainthespecifications.Jake’sExcavating cameinwiththelowestcostproposal.GlunzConstruction,ourcurrentcontractor,has providedarecommendationforJake’sExcavating. A1.BudgetImpact:Thisisapass-throughcostsothereisnobudgetimpact.Fees chargedforburialsMondaythroughFriday,effectiveDecember1,2012,are $400.TheburialsforSaturday/Sundayare$450,andthereisafrostcharge throughFebruaryfor$100.Pleaseseetheproposaltabulationincludedinthe supportingdata. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffwillcontinuetoworkwithfuneralhomesand individualswithexcavationsandburials. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapproveathree-yearcontractwithJake’sExcavating,ofBuffalo, Minnesota,forexcavationsandburialsatMonticello’sRiversideCemetery. 2.MotiontodenyapprovalofacontractwithJake’sExcavating. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ProposaltabulationforexcavationsandburialsatRiversideCemetery SpecificationsforexcavationsandburialsatRiversideCemetery PROPOSALS RECEIVED: 2 PROPOSALS OPENED: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2012 AT 3 P.M. MON - FRI SATURDAY SUNDAY FROST CONTRACTOR BURIALS BURIALS BURIALS CHARGE JAKE'S EXCAVATING 400.00$ 450.00$ 450.00$ 100.00$ DENNIS LEISTICO 525.00$ 525.00$ 625.00$ 25.00$ EXCAVATIONS AND BURIALS PROPOSAL TABULATION SUMMARY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the proposals received on November 16, 2012 Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA RIVERSIDE CEMETERY F:\ADMIN\WordProc\CEMETERY\RIVERSIDE\QUOTE TAB - CEMETERY EXCAVATIONS CONTRACT - 111612: 11/19/2012 - PAGE 1 OF 1 - F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\CEMETERY\RIVERSIDE\AGREEMENTS-CONTRACTS\CEMETERY EXCAVATORS SPECS - RFP - 2012 TO 2015.DOCX Page 1 of 7 SPECIFICATIONS FOR EXCAVATIONS AND BURIALS AT RIVERSIDE CEMETERY FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA NOVEMBER 7, 2012 Prepared By: The City of Monticello F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\CEMETERY\RIVERSIDE\AGREEMENTS-CONTRACTS\CEMETERY EXCAVATORS SPECS - RFP - 2012 TO 2015.DOCX Page 2 of 7 SECTION I SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1.01 DESCRIPTIONS a) These specifications cover the excavations and burials at Riverside Cemetery, Monticello, Minnesota, all as herein specified. 1.02 DESIGNATION OF PARTIES a) The word “Owner” and “City” as used in these specifications refers to the City of Monticello, Minnesota. b) Where the term “Contractor” appears, it refers to the prime contractor having direct contact with the Owner. c) The word “Subcontractor” refers to any individual, firm, or corporation who has, with the approval of the Owner, contracted with the Contractor to execute and perform in his stead all or any part of the contract of which these specifications are a part. 1.03 INSURANCE a) Neither Contractor nor Subcontractor shall commence work under this contract until he has obtained at his own cost and expense all insurance required by this Article, such insurance to be approved by the Owner and maintained by the Contractor until final completion of the work. b) Workman’s Compensation Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain for the duration of this contract statutory workman’s compensation insurance and employee’s liability insurance as shall be required under the laws of the state of Minnesota. If the Contractor is exempt from providing such insurance he or she shall provide evidence of such exemption. c) Public Liability Insurance: The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract such public liability and property damage insurance as shall protect him from all claims for bodily injury, including accidental death, as well as from all claims for property damage arising from operations under this contract. The minimum limits which are required are: $500,000 for injuries including accidental death to any one person, and $1,000,000 for injuries including accidental death resulting from one accident; property damage in the amount of not less than $500,000 per accident and the same amount in the aggregate. d) Automobile Insurance: The Contractor shall carry automobile insurance on all automotive equipment owned, rented, or borrowed in the minimum amounts of $500,000 for injuries including accidental death to any one person and $1,000,000 for injuries including death resulting from any one accident. This policy must also provide $1,000,000 property damage coverage. F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\CEMETERY\RIVERSIDE\AGREEMENTS-CONTRACTS\CEMETERY EXCAVATORS SPECS - RFP - 2012 TO 2015.DOCX Page 3 of 7 e) Contractual Liability Insurance: The Contractor agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the Owner, the engineer, and their agents from every claim, action, cause of action, liability, damage expense, or payment incurred by reasons of any bodily injury including death, or property damage resulting from the Contractor’s operations on this project. f) Owner’s Protective Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Contractor shall provide owner’s protective liability and property damage insurance in the name of the Owner, insuring against bodily injury and property damage liability, in the limits set for above for which they may become legally obligated to pay as damages sustained by any persons caused by accident and arising out of operations performed for the name insured by independent contractors and general supervision thereof. g) Insurance certificates evidencing that all the above information is in force with companies acceptable to the Owner and in the amounts required shall be submitted to the Owner for examination and approved concurrently with the execution of the contract. In addition to the normal information provided on the insurance certificates, they shall specifically provide that: 1. A certificate will not be modified except upon ten (10) days prior written notice to the Owner. 2. Coverage is included for collapse and underground hazards. 1.04 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS, CODES, AND REGULATIONS a) The bidder is assumed to have made himself familiar with all codes, state laws, ordinances, and regulations which in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the work, or the materials or equipment used in or upon the improvement, or in any way affect the conduct of the work, and no plea of misunderstanding will be considered on account of the ignorance thereof. The provisions of such codes, laws, or ordinances are deemed to be a part of these specifications, and the contractor will be bound by the provisions thereof. b) If the Contractor shall discover any provisions in the contract, specifications, or any direction of the City or the City’s representative which is contrary to or inconsistent with any such law, ordinance, regulation, or decree, he shall forthwith report its inconsistence to the City in writing. 1.05 SAFETY a) The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to protect life, limb, and property during the progress of the work and shall comply with all new and existing safety and health stan dards and laws. b) The Contractor shall use every precaution to protect the public from personal harm. The Contractor shall erect suitable barriers to prevent people from falling into holes or being struck by falling debris. F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\CEMETERY\RIVERSIDE\AGREEMENTS-CONTRACTS\CEMETERY EXCAVATORS SPECS - RFP - 2012 TO 2015.DOCX Page 4 of 7 1.06 CLEAN UP a) Upon completion of the work listed herein, the Contractor shall remove all tools, equipment, debris, and unused materials from the site and the entire premises shall be left in a clean and workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the City of Monticello. 1.07 EXPERIENCE a) This Contractor shall have past experience excavating for vaults and burials in cemeteries and shall provide the necessary documentation showing such experience. 1.07 PROTECTION b) This Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements, and perform all other services required for the care, protection, and maintenance of all cemetery appurtenances including graves, vaults, caskets or contents of each, markers, trees, watering spigots, and all other items of this character on and around the site assuming all responsibility and paying all costs for exhumation, repair, replacement, or restoration. c) The Contractor shall provide and maintain barricades and railings at all trenches or pits. 1.08 APPROVAL AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE a) Upon the completion of the work herein specified, the Contractor shall notify the City that the work is ready for inspection. After final inspection, the Contractor will be notified of final acceptance or of additional or corrective work required for final acceptance. 1.09 CONTRACT DURATION a) The contract shall be renewed from year to year for a period of (3) years beginning December 1, 2012, and ending November 30, 2015, pending successful negotiations as to fees no later than ninety (90) days prior to each anniversary date. This contract may be canceled on the annual anniversary date by either party without cause with a ninety (90) day advance written notice. This contract may be canceled by either party for a breach of contract upon a thirty (30) day written notice. 1.10 METHOD OF PAYMENT a) Full payment will be made within thirty (30) days upon completion and acceptance of each portion of work. F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\CEMETERY\RIVERSIDE\AGREEMENTS-CONTRACTS\CEMETERY EXCAVATORS SPECS - RFP - 2012 TO 2015.DOCX Page 5 of 7 SECTION II EXCAVATION AND BURIAL 2.01 GENERAL Cemetery Description: Riverside Cemetery is an 18 acre wooded parcel located in a northwesterly area of Monticello on the Mississippi River. This cemetery was established in 1883. There are various stone types in the cemetery including large monument style stones in an older portion of the cemetery, while the newer section of the cemetery hosts flat (ground level) markers. 2.02 SCOPE a) Work includes the routine excavation of graves and burial of vaults containing human remains. See Appendix I for the typical vault excavation dimensions. The resulting excavations shall be carefully filled and compacted immediately after burial using existing site materials. The top surface shall consist of suitable black dirt a minimum of 3" thick. Black dirt shall be furnished by the City at a stockpile within the cemetery as necessary. b) All excess material and debris, and other like materials shall be removed from the site and properly disposed of. c) The Contractor shall smooth out and seed the graves with seed provided by the City. d) Winter burials will require the Contractor to return the following spring to re-compact, place black dirt and seed the graves prior to May 15th. The Contractor shall notify the City prior to those operations so a City representative may be present. e) The Contractor shall use designated alley routes between graves for access and avoid passing over existing grave sites. The Contractor shall promptly repair any damage to the cemetery grass, surface, trees or markers, etc. caused by their actions. f) The Contractor shall respond to excavation requests with forty-eight (48) hours of receiving the call. g) All graves shall be staked prior to excavation by the City representative and clearly marked. F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\CEMETERY\RIVERSIDE\AGREEMENTS-CONTRACTS\CEMETERY EXCAVATORS SPECS - RFP - 2012 TO 2015.DOCX Page 6 of 7 SECTION III PROPOSAL FORM 2.03 FEES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1, 2012 a) Monday thru Friday burial including compaction, leveling, placing black dirt and seed: $ . b) Saturday and Sunday burial including compaction, leveling, placing black dirt and seed: $ . c) Frost charge December thru February for all burials any day of the week: $ . d) Fees may only be increased on the annual renewal day pending agreement by all parties as per section 1.09. Proposal Submitted By: __________________________________________ Date: ______________________________ [COMPANY NAME] Signature: ________________________________ Title: ______________________________ Due Date: November 16, 2012 Time: 3:00 p.m. Submit Sealed Proposal To: CITY OF MONTICELLO PUBLIC WORKS Attn: Cemetery Excavation Proposal 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\CEMETERY\RIVERSIDE\AGREEMENTS-CONTRACTS\CEMETERY EXCAVATORS SPECS - RFP - 2012 TO 2015.DOCX Page 7 of 7 APPENDIX I CEMETERY LOT / GRAVE BURIAL DIMENSIONS CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 1 5I.Considerationofapproving2012OperatingTransfers (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Everyyear,theCitytransfersmoneyfromoneCityfundtoanotherCityfund.These transfershappenforvariousreasonsincludingprovidingfundingsourcesforCity projects,repaymentofdebt,ortofundoperationsinsteadofapropertytaxlevy.Someof thesetransferswereanticipatedandaccountedintheCity’s2012budget.Othersbecame necessaryduringthecourseofoperationsduringtheyearorbasedonfundingdecisions madebystafforCouncilduringtheyear.Whateverthereasonforthetransfers,itisa goodmanagementpracticetoprovidetheCityCouncilwithalistofthetransfersmade (ortobemade)andhaveCouncilapprovethetransfers. Attachedisalistofthe2012operatingtransfersfortheCityasbudgetedandas proposed.SincetheCouncilhasreviewedthetransfersasbudgeted,Iwilladdressonly thedifferencesbetweenbudgetedandproposedtransfersasshownonthesupportingdata spreadsheet. a.Proposedsameasbudgeted. b.Proposedsameasbudgeted. c.Proposedsameasbudgeted. d.Proposedandbudgeteddifferbytheretirementofaninterfundloan. e.Theproposedtransferisdifferentbecausenearlytheentireremainingliquorcash balancewasusedasatransfertotheFiberNetFund.Additionally,theadopted 2012MCCbudgetincurredadeficitfundbalanceof$139,377.Finally,change orders--particularlytheinteriorroofrepainting--fortheMCCrenovationproject havepushedtheprojectbeyondbudget. f.Proposedsameasbudgeted. g.Proposedsameasbudgeted. h.Proposedtransferstotheconstructionfundincludetheretirementofaninterfund loanandHighway25/CSAH75QuadImprovements. i.Proposedtransfersincludeadditionalaccessfeesneededtocloseabondfund deficitcausedbydelinquent/deferredassessments(PID155-171-000030Bowers- $938,639;PID155-171-000040Chadwick-$797,035). j.Theproposedtransferretiresaninterfundloan. k.Theproposedtransferretiresaninterfundloan. CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 2 l.Theproposedtransferreducesthe2007AGOBonddeficitcausedbydeferred specialassessments(PID155-500-142400Lundsten-$252,072). m.Theproposedtransfersretiretheinterfundloanandprovideadditionaltemporary resourcesfortheFiberNetfund. Thesearethe2012operatingtransfersproposedbystafftofundCityoperationsandto fundfuturepurchases,projectsortoreducefunddeficits. A1.BudgetImpact:Asnoted,someofthetransferswereincludedinthe2012 budget,whileothertransfersareneededtofundconstructionprojects.Finally sometransfersweremadetobetteraccountforfutureexpenditures,financefuture projectsorreducefunddeficits. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Therearenostaffworkloadimpactsforthesetransfers. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovetheproposed2012operatingtransfersaslisted. 2.Motiontoapprovethe2012operatingtransferswithadjustmentsdesignatedby CityCouncilasfollows_________________. 3.Motiontodenythe2012operatingtransfers. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1,toapprovetheproposed2012operatingtransfers aslisted. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listof2012operatingtransfersasbudgetedandproposed OperatingTransfers(AsBudgeted) Fund#TransferInFund Amount Fund#TransferOutFund Amount a212StreetReconstructionFund250,000.00609LiquorFund250,000.00 b 212 StreetReconstructionFund 25,000.00 217 DMVFund 25,000.00 c 314 2008RevenueRefundingBond 890,000.00 226 CommunityCenterFund 890,000.00 d 229 ParkDedication 400,000.00 300 ConsolidatedBondFund 400,000.00 e 226 CommunityCenter 700,000.00 609 LiquorFund 700,000.00 f 315 2008SewerRefundingBond 450,000.00 262 SanitarySewerAccessFund 450,000.00 212StreetReconstuctionFund69,000.00 g3172010ImprovementBonds308,195.00262SanitarySewerAccessFund128,795.00 263StormSewerAccessFund59,800.00 265 WaterAccessFund 50,600.00 h400ConstructionFund1,970,000.00212StreetReconstructionFund1,770,000.00 245 StreetLightImprovement 200,000.00 213EDAFund320,584.00 i3122005AG.O.BondFund1,598,408.00262SanitarySewerAccessFund706,618.00 263StormSewerAccessFund262,243.00 265 WaterAccessFund 308,963.00 TotalTransfersIn6,591,603.00TotalTransfersOut6,591,603.00 OperatingTransfers(AsProposed) ItemFund#TransferInFundAmountNoteFund#TransferOutFundAmount a212StreetReconstructionFund250,000.00609LiquorFund250,000.00 b 212 StreetReconstructionFund 25,000.00 217 DMVFund 25,000.00 c 314 2008RevenueRefundingBond 890,000.00 226 CommunityCenterFund 890,000.00 d229ParkDedication400,000.00300ClosedBondFund400,000.00 173,833.00 IL 300 ClosedBondFund 173,833.00 e226CommunityCenter700,000.00212StreetReconstructionFund700,000.00 150,000.00 212 StreetReconstructionFund 150,000.00 f 315 2008SewerRefundingBond 450,000.00 262 SanitarySewerAccessFund 450,000.00 g3172010ImprovementBonds308,195.00212StreetReconstuctionFund69,000.00 262SanitarySewerAccessFund128,795.00 263StormSewerAccessFund59,800.00 265 WaterAccessFund 50,600.00 h400ConstructionFund765,532.00212StreetReconstructionFund1,770,000.00 378,680.00212StreetReconstructionFund(1,204,468.00) 2,004,468.00IL245StreetLightImprovement200,000.00 213EDAFund378,680.00 101 GeneralFund 2,004,468.00 i3122005AG.O.BondFund1,598,408.00213EDAFund320,584.00 360,723.00262SanitarySewerAccessFund706,618.00 262SanitarySewerAccessFund199,474.00 263StormSewerAccessFund262,243.00 263StormSewerAccessFund74,030.00 601WaterFund120,000.00 601WaterFund87,219.00 265 WaterAccessFund 188,963.00 j 300 ClosedBondFund 299,339.00 IL 400 CapitalProjects 299,339.00 k 229 BertramChainofLakes 1,289.00 IL 300 ClosedBondFund 1,289.00 l 313 2007AGOBond 140,000.00 240 CapitalRevolving 140,000.00 m655-657FiberNet1,003,262.00101GeneralFund322,527.00 3,124,211.00IL101StreetReconstructionFund377,473.00 322,527.00IL217DMVFund300,000.00 245StreetLightImprovement200,000.00 609LiquorFund125,789.00 609 LiquorFund 3,124,211.00 TotalTransfersIn13,345,467.00TotalTransfersOut13,345,467.00 Additions2,032,665.00 Modifications1,574,495.00 IL=InterfundLoans5,925,667.00 NoChange3,812,640.00 13,345,467.00 ProjectedFundCashBalancesbeforeTransfers Projected UnrestrictedCash Balancew/oTRF IN Out Total 101 General 5,075,211.58 (2,326,995)2,748,217 212 StreetReconstruction 3,109,581.60 275,000.00 (1,862,005)1,522,577 217 DMV 375,840.49 (325,000)50,840 226 MCC 44,071.62 850,000.00 (890,000)4,072 227 Bertram (1,094.48)1,289.00 195 229Park&Pathway(171,332.13)573,833.00402,501 240CapitalRevolving753,194.03(140,000)613,194 245StreetLighting1,067,524.02(400,000)667,524 300 ClosedBondFund 774,284.68 299,339.00 (575,122)498,502 400CapitalProjects(2,830,552.82)3,148,680.00(299,339)18,788 495 WaterTower 356,943.83 356,944 498SchoolBlvd274,049.31274,049 609Liquor3,515,022.37(3,500,000)15,022 651Cemetery20,582.8420,583 655 FiberNet (4,449,488.88)4,450,000.00 511 Subtotal7,913,838.069,598,141.00(10,318,461.00)7,193,518.06 601Water3,805,205.55(207,219)3,597,987 602Sewage2,466,496.862,466,497 Subtotal6,271,702.41-(207,219.00)6,064,483.41 TotalUnrestrictedCash 14,185,540.479,598,141.00(10,525,680.00)13,258,001.47 RestrictedCash 214 CDBG 385.66 386 221 MNIF 972,789.44 972,789 213EDA3,544,279.99(699,264.00)2,845,016 262 SanitarySewerAccess 3,085,178.77 (1,484,887.00)1,600,292 263StormSewerAccess1,700,424.20(396,073.00)1,304,351 265 WaterAccess 245,515.80 (239,563.00)5,953 312 2005AGOBond (1,945,329.86)1,959,131.00 13,801 3132007AGOBond(131,328.30)140,000.008,672 3142008AMCC(719,397.35)890,000.00170,603 3152008BGOBond(105,900.24)450,000.00344,100 317 2010AGOBond 251,920.04 308,195.00 560,115 3182011AGORefunding2,339.432,339 TotalRestrictedCash 6,900,877.583,747,326.00(2,819,787.00)7,828,416.58 TotalCash 21,086,418.05 13,345,467.00 (13,345,467.00)21,086,418.05 CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 1 5J.Considerationofapproving2013Cityhealthinsuranceplandesignand contributionlevel (JO,WO,TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: ThePersonnelCommitteerequeststhatCouncilconsidermakingadjustmentstothe benefitsprogramthatwouldresultinamodestincreaseintheemployee’ssingleand familycontributionforthoseemployeesthatelecttostayonthetraditionalplan.The intentofthismodificationistoencourageemployeestoshiftfromthetraditionalplanto theHSAplan. Asyourecall,onTuesday,November13th aspecialworkshopwasheldtoreviewthe designchangesandcontributionlevelsfor2013.Asfollow-uptothatmeeting,the PersonnelCommitteemetonMonday,November19th todiscusstheinformationthatwas presentedintheworkshop.Intheworkshopstaffproposedeliminatingourhigherlevel traditionalplanandalsoraisingthedeductibleontheHDHPoption.ThePersonnel Committeewasinagreementwithstaff’sproposeddesignchangesbutwouldliketo decreasetheCity’scontributionlevelforstaffthatchoosesnottoelecttheHDHPtiedto theHSA.TheproposedchangewoulddecreasetheCitycontributionlevelonthe $300/$900traditionalplanfrom100%to97%forsinglecoverageandfrom80%to77% fordependentcoverage.AsanincentivetomovetotheHDHP,thePersonnelCommittee proposeskeepingthecontributionlevelforthesingleanddependentpremiumsat100% withacontributionamounttotheHSAbasedonthehighermonthlycontributionlevels from2012. TheCitycurrentlycontributes50%ofthefull-timecontributiontoemployeeswhoare eligibleforinsurancecoverage. ProposedChange: Plan Offerings CoverageType2012 City Contribution FT 2013 City Contribution FT (Proposed) 2012Employee Contribution FT 2013Employee Contribution FT (Proposed) $300/$900 Plan Single$477.62 100%$503.77 97% $0 0% $15.58 3% Family$1073.68 80%$1143.17 77% $149.02 20% $186.34 23% $1750/$3500 HDHP-HSA Single HSACont. $416.72 100% $57.15 $436.38 100% $79.22 $0 Varies $0 Varies Family HSACont. $1066.78 100% $3.15 $1117.11 100% $46.62 $0 Varies $0 Varies CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 2 A1.BudgetImpact: Theincreaseinthehealthbenefitcostusingthe2012formulaisapproximately $60,000($30,000GeneralFund).Usingthe2013proposedformula,thehealth benefitwillcostapproximately$53,000($26,500GeneralFund).Thetotal health,dental,disabilityandlifebenefitcostsareprojectedat$840,000in2013. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:None B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprove2013plandesignchangesandcontributionlevelcalculationas describedabove. 2.Motiontoapprove2013plandesignchangesasoutlinedwithnochangeto contributionlevelcalculation. 3.Motiontomakenochangestoplanofferingsorcontributionlevelcalculationsfor 2013. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: ThePersonnelCommitteerecommendsAlternative#1. ThePersonnelCommitteerecommendsincreasingtheemployeecontributionlevelfor 2013onthetraditionalplantoencouragemoreemployeestoswitchtotheHDHPoption. Itisexpectedthattherewillbeanotherincreaseproposedfor2014.Themorewecan encourageuseoftheHSAplan,themorethatcanbesavedandenabletheCityto continuetocontributetofundingofemployeehealthcareunderthecurrent City/Employeepaymentratio. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: None CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 1 7.ConsiderationofapprovingpurchaseofexerciseequipmentfortheCommunity Centerwithdeliveryin2013 (KB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: In2011,theCouncilapprovedmovingforwardwithanexpansionprojectforthe communitycenter’sfitnessareaasapartoftheoverallnatatoriumimprovementproject. TheAdvisoryBoardishappythattheCouncilunderstandstheabilitytogenerate additionalrevenueforthecommunitycenterwiththisexpansionandnotonlytheneedin termsofspace.TheBoardhadbeendiscussingtheequipmentoptionssincetheCouncil authorizedtheexpansion,butmostspecificallyinthelasttwomonthsastheoptionswere betterfleshedout. TheBoard(eachofthemisactuallyamemberandregularuser)discussedtherealand immediateneedforadditionalcardioequipment,treadmills,ellipticaltrainers,exercise bikes,etc.,asthishasbeenthemostheavilyusedareaandcausesthemostbackupsas individualsattempttogetontoequipmentespeciallyduringthoseprimetimesoftheday. Thestrengthareaisalsoveryheavilyusedandtherewilloftenbeawaittousethe equipment.Inresearchingwhatequipmentweneeded,Ispokewithfourequipment vendorstogetpreliminarypricing.Ithenspokewithourtrainerswhoareinthefacility everydaytalkingwithourmembersandguestsandseeingtheareasthatwearelacking. Frommyownexperienceandthoseconversationswithtrainersandvendors,Iprepareda PlanA,BandClistingofequipmentandputthosenumbersouttoourfourvendorsfor specificpricing.TheAdvisoryBoardreviewedproposalsattheirOctobermeetingbefore theyweresentouttothevendors;theyfeltthatthePlanAproposalwastheoptionthey wouldberecommendingtotheCouncildependingonhowthepricescamein. ThepricingthatcameinthelowestwasfromLifeFitness.Wecurrentlyhaveanumber ofLifeFitnesspiecesandourfacilityusersseemtogravitatetowardstheLifeFitness equipmentfirst.We’vealsohadgoodluckwithmaintenanceandtheyprovideda workshopforminorfixestotheircustomers.Whenwehaveaproblem,ourmaintenance staffcandetermineifitcanbefixedinternallyorifitisalargerproblemrequiring service.Thishasbeenanexpensesavingsforus. OneoptionthattheBoarddiddiscusswastopurchasetwo(2)ellipticaltrainersfrom PushPedalPullbecausetheyhavetheuniqueoptiontoinclinetheequipmenttocreatea moreintenseworkout.TheBoardfeltthat,withtheadditionoftworegularelliptical trainersandtwoinclineellipticaltrainers,we’dhavetheabilitytomeettheneedsofa varietyoffitnesslevels.LifeFitnessdoesnothaveaStepMillintheirproductlineup. Thisisastepmachinethatislikeanescalator.It’saverygoodworkoutandother facilitymanagershaveletmeknowthattheyareverywellused.WewouldlooktoPush PedalPullforthatpurchaseaswell. TheAdvisoryBoardvotedunanimouslytorecommendtotheCounciltokeepthefull $80,000inthebudgetforequipment.Theadditionaldollarsafterequipmentpurchases CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 2 wouldgotowardsmirrorsonthesouthwallofthenewfitnesscenterexpansion.RAS GlassisprovidingaquotethatwillbeavailableonFriday,November23rd. A1.BudgetImpact:TheAdvisoryBoardisrecommendingarateincreasefor2013 thatwilltakeaffectpriortoanequipmentdelivery,ifapproved.TheBoarddid recognize,astheCouncilpointedout,thatweareincreasingthevalueofthe communitycentertothefacilityusersandwillbeaskingfortheirhelpinpaying forthisimprovement. TheCouncilapproved$80,000inthepreliminarylevyfor2013forfitness equipment.Ourhopeistoorderin2012,takedeliveryin2013,andthen recognizetheexpenseinthe2013budget.Mostfitnessequipmenthasaneightto tenweekleadtime.We’dbelookingatalateJanuarytoearlyFebruarydelivery date.IhavecheckedwiththeLifeFitnessvendorandtheyareableto accommodatethisrequestwithnodepositrequiredin2012.Hereisatable showingthepricingonthefitnessequipmentasreceived. VENDOR AdditionalInformation A-List B-List C-List LifeFitness MainlyLifeFitness Equipment Noneofthesequotesincludea StepMill,thiswouldbean additional$5,000.Theyalso includedadditionalweights. $58,525.27 Includes2 benchesand weightplates $34,995.37 Includes2 benchesand weightplates $20,024.84 Includes2 benchesand weightplates PushPedalPull MainlyPrecor Equipment Thisquoteincludeda Step Mill whereindicated. Theyprovidedsomefloor modelsordemoequipment. $63,983.07 StrengthNew $18,114.06 Refurbished $11,961.81 $36,586.34 StrengthNew $10,851.48 Refurbished $$7,968.71 $17,957.13 StrengthNew $8,109.12 Refurbished $7,067.99 SecondWind Exercise MainlyMatrix Equipment OnlyprovidedoptionA.The quotedidincludeadditional weights.Providedalease option$2,651for36monthsor $2,092for48months. $81,010.42 N/A N/A Summit Commercial Fitness MainlyStarTrac Equipment OnlyprovidedoptionA.Did includeadditionalweightsand benches(morethanIwould purchase). $82,394 Deduct$2,175 foradditional benches N/A N/A MiscellaneousEquipmentNeeds: Benches LifeFitness -$513each 2nd Wind-$745each Summit-$580each StepMill PushPedalPull -$4,143.42 2nd Wind-$4,895 Summit-$4,999 CityCouncilAgenda:11/26/12 3 TRXTrainingSystem PushPedalPull -$1,319.40for6 2nd Wind-$594for6 Summit-$1,109.40 Mirrors RASGlass –QuoteFriday11/23/12 IfCouncilapprovestheLifeFitnessCenterquoteof$58,525.27,we’dliketoaddthe StepMillfor$4,143.42.TheadditionaldifferenceincostfortheinclineElliptical Trainersis$3,368and$1,200fortheTRXTrainingSystem.Thetotalcostfor equipmentcomesto$67,236.69beforesalestax.Thebalanceofthe$80,000wouldgo towardthemirrors. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thestaffimpactisnegligibleasthecompanywill deliverandsetuptheequipment. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoauthorizethepurchaseoffitnessequipmentandmirrorsatacostnotto exceed$80,000withpurchasesfromLifeFitnessEquipmentandRASGlassfor deliveryin2013. 2.Motiontodenyauthorizationofpurchaseofequipmentandmirrors. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: TheMCCAdvisoryBoardandCityStaffrecommendAlternative#1.TheBoardand Staffareverygratefulthatthefitnesscenterhasbeenexpandedandareanxioustomeet thedemandsoftheusersmoreeffectivelywiththeadditionofthisequipment. TheBoarddoesfeelstronglyabouttheadditionofthemirrorsasvaluablefroman aestheticspointofviewbutmostlyfromapracticalstandpointaswell.Ifthequotefor themirrorscomesinhigh,theBoardwouldactuallydeducttheinclineellipticaltrainers inlieuofthemirrors. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: OptionsA,BandCforequipmentrequests CopiesofOptionApricingfromvariousvendors