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City Council Agenda Packet 07-23-2012
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING – MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 23, 2012 – 7 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approval of Minutes – July 2, 2012 Special Meeting 2B. Approval of Minutes – July 9, 2012 Regular Meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements a. Citizen Comments: b. Public Service Announcements: 1) Movies in the Park (7/28) 2) Canoe/Kayak events (7/26 & 7/29) 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving payment of bills for July 23rd B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2012-063 accepting contribution from Tom Perrault for the General Fund D. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit allowing exclusive use of West Bridge Park and related assistance from City staff in conjunction with the Brewfest fundraising event on August 18, 2012. Applicant: Monticello Lions Club E. Consideration of ratifying increase in FiberNet internet service levels for current residential customers as recommended by the FiberNet Advisory Board F. Consideration of appointing Wayne Oberg as Monticello Deputy Registrar #002 subject to approval by the State of Minnesota and Wright County 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 7. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2012-064 entering into a Continuing Affordable Senior Housing Agreement between the City of Monticello and PHS/Monticello (Presbyterian Homes) - Mississippi Shores at 1213 Hart Boulevard (155-106-002020) 8. Consideration of adjusting City Salary Schedules for the remainder of 2012 with a COLA increase 9. Added items 10. Adjournment CityCouncilAgenda:07/23/12 1 5A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforJuly23rd (JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaffsubmitstheattachedbillregistersandpurchasingcardregistersforapprovalby Council.Thebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedandthepurchasingcard registerscontainallcardpurchasesmadesincethelastCouncilmeeting.SubjecttoMN Statutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksforpayment. ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise.AcreditpurchasingagreementandpolicywasapprovedbyCouncilinitially andcardpurchasesmustcomplywiththepolicy. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillandpurchasecardregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotalamountof $2,232,471.74. 2.MotiontoapprovetheregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters PurchaseCardregisters User: Printed:07/19/2012 - 9:27AM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00205.07.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2897 GIGABIT SQUARED LLC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True Monticello-0630 June 2012 FNM Consutling/Mgmt Services 20,000.00 07/24/2012 655-49870-431990 Monticello-0630 June rent 1,500.00 07/24/2012 655-49870-433100 Monticello-0630 June expenses (remaining max bal $1166.93 pending documentation) 333.07 07/24/2012 655-49870-433100 Monticello-0630 July rent 1,500.00 07/24/2012 655-49870-433100 23,333.07Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 23,333.07 1 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/19/2012 - 9:27 AM)Page 1 User: Printed:07/18/2012 - 2:26PM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00203.07.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1835 A H HERMEL COMPANY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 306637 Ballfields - re-sale 131.43 07/24/2012 226-45203-425410 131.43Check Total: Vendor:2282 ALBIN ACQUISITION CORPORATION Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 0620125487S (1) background check 37.00 07/24/2012 217-41990-431990 37.00Check Total: Vendor:1026 AMERICAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 1106891 Grad Ad 5/31 379.00 07/24/2012 226-45122-434990 1113056 ZMICKL - Warnert Rezoing 6/21; 6/28 188.78 07/24/2012 101-41910-435100 1113057 Zoning Map Amendment 6/21; 6/28 207.65 07/24/2012 101-41910-435100 1113058 Zoning Ord Amendment 6/21; 6/28 220.24 07/24/2012 101-41910-435100 995.67Check Total: Vendor:1038 APPERTS FOOD SERVICE Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 1763552 4.75 07/24/2012 226-45122-433300 1763552 Ballfields - re-sale 17.62 07/24/2012 226-45203-425410 1763552 re-sale 572.91 07/24/2012 226-45127-425410 1763553 Ballfields - re-sale 230.82 07/24/2012 226-45203-425410 1763554 Friendship Island - mixed fruit snacks 24.07 07/24/2012 226-45127-421980 1765566 4.75 07/24/2012 226-45122-433300 1765566 potato chips 23.46 07/24/2012 226-45127-421980 1765566 re-sale 287.86 07/24/2012 226-45127-425410 1765566 Food for Block Party (1/6) 111.85 07/24/2012 226-45127-421980 1765566 Food for Block Party (1/6) 111.85 07/24/2012 655-49870-434600 1765566 Food for Block Party (1/6) 111.85 07/24/2012 101-41940-443990 1765566 Food for Block Party (1/6) 111.85 07/24/2012 101-42800-443990 1765566 Food for Block Party (1/6) 111.85 07/24/2012 101-45175-443990 1765566 Food for Block Party (1/6) 111.85 07/24/2012 101-00000-362900 1766914 4.75 07/24/2012 226-45122-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1766914 glass cleaner; detergent, ect 944.84 07/24/2012 226-45122-421100 1766914 re-sale 274.53 07/24/2012 226-45127-425410 1766915 Friendship Island - gelatin, pudding 44.04 07/24/2012 226-45127-421980 3,105.50Check Total: Vendor:2319 AVAIL TVN CORPORATION Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False Jun-12 Avail-TVN PPV June 2012 31.49 07/24/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 Avail-TVN VOD June 2012 1,248.90 07/24/2012 655-49860-430920 1,280.39Check Total: Vendor:1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 74285400 70.65 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 74285400 5,528.09 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 5,598.74Check Total: Vendor:1066 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 105479 (15) pizzas 75.00 07/24/2012 226-45127-421460 105479 re-sale (33) pizzas 165.00 07/24/2012 226-45127-425410 240.00Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 185451 re-sale 305.40 07/24/2012 226-45127-425410 185452 re-sale 267.60 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 185452 re-sale 32.80 07/24/2012 609-49750-425500 185453 1,023.50 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 187551 re-sale 82.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425500 187552 636.75 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 187555 re-sale 718.80 07/24/2012 226-45127-425410 188816 re-sale 392.00 07/24/2012 226-45203-425410 3,458.85Check Total: Vendor:2994 SHIRLEY BISKE Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 7/11/12 Pioneer Park rental reimbursement (medical issues) 93.57 07/24/2012 101-45201-347100 7/11/12 Pioneer Park rental reimbursement (medical issues) 6.43 07/24/2012 101-00000-208100 100.00Check Total: Vendor:2961 BOUNDARY FENCE AND DESIGN LLC Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 30 windscreen materials - (2) 68"x20', (2) 56"x20'; (2) 44"x20' 500.18 07/24/2012 101-45201-422990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 30 utx - windscreen materials shipping 60.00 07/24/2012 101-45201-422990 560.18Check Total: Vendor:1083 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 354243 ZEDTMS - Fred's Auto Body Ph II ESA 349 Broadway St W 4,650.99 07/24/2012 213-46522-431990 4,650.99Check Total: Vendor:2286 KERRY BURRI Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 5/31-7/5/12 Mileage reimbursement - (2) 5 CC address; (2) Post Office 9.26 07/24/2012 101-41310-433100 9.26Check Total: Vendor:1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 6/28/12 8000014331-5 13.30 07/24/2012 217-41990-438300 6/28/12 8000014331-5 12.82 07/24/2012 101-45201-438300 6/28/12 8000014331-5 35.10 07/24/2012 101-42200-438300 6/28/12 8000014331-5 131.98 07/24/2012 101-43127-438300 6/29/12 MGFARM - 9429449-3 12.82 07/24/2012 213-46522-438300 6/29/12 MGFARM - 9429448-5 12.82 07/24/2012 213-46522-438300 6/29/12 MGFARM - 9429450-1 21.23 07/24/2012 213-46522-438300 7/11/12 5863599-6 12.82 07/24/2012 101-42700-438300 7/11/12 5804618-6 12.82 07/24/2012 101-45201-438300 7/2/12 5788570-9 12.82 07/24/2012 609-49754-438300 7/2/12 5768542-2 71.77 07/24/2012 101-41940-438300 7/2/12 5768542-2 1,659.61 07/24/2012 226-45122-438300 7/2/12 5768542-2 26.91 07/24/2012 101-45175-438300 7/2/12 5768542-2 35.88 07/24/2012 101-42800-438300 7/2/12 5828859-8 12.82 07/24/2012 101-41940-438300 7/2/12 8235331-9 12.82 07/24/2012 101-41941-438300 7/2/12 8235333-5 20.02 07/24/2012 101-41941-438300 2,118.36Check Total: Vendor:1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 72563 high press cyl rental 7.78 07/24/2012 226-45122-441500 7.78Check Total: Vendor:2988 NITRA CERON Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 07/10/12 Swimming lesson reimbursement due to schedule conflict 80.00 07/24/2012 226-45122-347930 80.00Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 1027972 16,813.40 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 1027972 re-sale 178.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 1030606 248.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 1030613 19,113.15 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 1030613 re-sale 250.30 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 1030654 6,258.05 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 1030654 re-sale 31.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 1030662 18,342.03 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 1030662 re-sale 73.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 1030680 7,191.90 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 5528 1,530.90 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 5591 47.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 5747 161.20 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 5787 272.00 07/24/2012 226-45203-425200 5793 47.90 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 5826 362.00 07/24/2012 226-45203-425200 5931 1,073.90 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 71,993.73Check Total: Vendor:1134 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: True 658641 862.18 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 862.18Check Total: Vendor:2919 EBERT INC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True Payment No. 3 11C006 - MCC Natatorium Improvements 10,782.50 07/24/2012 226-45122-453010 10,782.50Check Total: Vendor:2420 WAYNE ELAM Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False Escrow Refund ZBBALL - Net Escrow Refund 113.60 07/24/2012 101-00000-220110 113.60Check Total: Vendor:2989 TIM ERNST Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 7/3/12 Steel toed boot reimbursement 89.99 07/24/2012 101-43120-420650 89.99Check Total: Vendor:1167 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 122-941 re-sale 100.50 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 100.50Check Total: Vendor:2993 ANNA FERGUSON Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 7/16/12 7 children 3 adult pool refund (power outage 7/16/12) 49.59 07/24/2012 226-45122-347910 7/16/12 7 children 3 adult pool refund (power outage 7/16/12) 3.41 07/24/2012 226-00000-208100 53.00Check Total: Vendor:2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 7/2/12 Cust #63340 - June & July invoicing 489.54 07/24/2012 655-49870-432100 489.54Check Total: Vendor:1174 FINKEN WATER CENTERS Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 12758TB Cust #5232 (3) 5 gal drinking water 17.85 07/24/2012 217-41990-443990 12758TB Cust #5232 (1) 5oz cups 3.74 07/24/2012 217-41990-421990 12783TB Cust #401437 (5) 5 gal drinking water 34.75 07/24/2012 609-49754-443990 12783TB Cust #401437 (2) 5oz cups 7.48 07/24/2012 609-49754-421990 12785TB Cust #5221 (10) 5 gal drinking water 59.50 07/24/2012 101-41940-443990 2079842 Cust #401437 July 2012 cooler rental 10.15 07/24/2012 609-49754-441500 2086872 Cust #5232 July 2012 cooler rental 9.62 07/24/2012 217-41990-441500 2086902 Cust #5221 July 2012 cooler rental 5.34 07/24/2012 101-41940-441500 2086912 Cust #1064 July 2012 cooler rental 10.15 07/24/2012 226-45122-441500 158.58Check Total: Vendor:1188 FORESTEDGE WINERY Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 224 332.40 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 332.40Check Total: Vendor:1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: True 42924 June 2012 157.62 07/24/2012 601-49440-422770 42924 June 2012 157.63 07/24/2012 656-49877-422770 315.25Check Total: Vendor:2433 NICHOLAS R HACKENMUELLER Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: True 07/11/12 7/12/12 EDA Mtg 50.00 07/24/2012 101-46500-431990 7/3/12 Planning Commission Meeting 7/3/12 100.00 07/24/2012 101-41910-431990 150.00Check Total: Vendor:1604 HEALTH PARTNERS Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 40825151 8/1 - 8/31/12 Medical insurance 63,239.67 07/24/2012 101-00000-217060 40825151 8/1 - 8/31/12 Dental insurance 6,580.83 07/24/2012 101-00000-217062 69,820.50Check Total: Vendor:2591 BRIAN HELLMAN Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 1991 Riverside Cemetery lawn care 4/23 500.00 07/24/2012 651-49010-431050 1992 Riverside Cemetery lawn care 5/14, 5/25 1,000.00 07/24/2012 651-49010-431050 1993 DMV lawn care 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/27, 6/3, 6/10, 6/17 245.00 07/24/2012 217-41990-431050 1994 FIre Hall lawn care 4/19, 5/6, 5/13, 5/27, 6/3, 6/10, 6/17 245.00 07/24/2012 101-42200-431050 1995 Library lawn care 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/27, 6/3, 6/10, 6/17 280.00 07/24/2012 211-45501-431050 1996 Liquor Store lawn care 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/27, 6/3, 6/10, 6/17 280.00 07/24/2012 609-49754-431050 1997 Prairie Bldg lawn care 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/27, 6/3, 6/10, 6/17 245.00 07/24/2012 101-41941-431050 1998 Riverside Cemetery 6/12/12 lawn care 500.00 07/24/2012 651-49010-431050 3,295.00Check Total: Vendor:2995 DON AND BONNIE HICKMAN Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False Escrow Refund ZCHIRO - Net Escrow Refund 1,787.00 07/24/2012 101-00000-220110 1,787.00Check Total: Vendor:1256 J&W INSTRUMENT INC Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 227752 (10) bx circular charts; (3) pk pens (blue, red, greed) 610.60 07/24/2012 601-49440-422700 610.60Check Total: Vendor:2871 JACK'S OIL DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: True 39608 687 gal ethanol blended; 575 gal #2 fuel 4,206.54 07/24/2012 101-43120-421200 4,206.54Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 1331793 6.95 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1331793 270.80 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 1331794 19.46 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1331794 1,555.49 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 1331795 29.19 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1331795 797.10 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 1334216 38.34 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1334216 2,889.96 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 1334217 38.92 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1334217 1,062.45 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 1334217 re-sale 79.80 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1334218 356.83 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 1336782 35.45 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1336782 2,351.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 1336783 36.14 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1336783 1,532.10 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 1338625 20.85 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1338625 1,577.50 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 1338626 34.75 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1338626 1,300.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 1339406 8.34 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1339406 348.05 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 1339407 39.74 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1339407 2,860.66 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 1339408 60.11 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1339408 53.30 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 1339408 1,662.06 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 1339408 re-sale 142.03 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 1339409 124.99 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 1342130 18.07 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1342130 1,517.95 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 1342131 16.68 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1342131 448.20 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 21,333.26Check Total: Vendor:2641 JOHNSON MATERIALS INC Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 474 7.83 ton washed sand 34.23 07/24/2012 101-43120-422400 34.23Check Total: Vendor:1266 KALTEC OF MINNESOTA INC Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 69658 July 2012 Host and Manage TLS Networking Ph 1 479.87 07/24/2012 101-41920-430900 69659 July 2012 Monticello Air - Hosted Air Control Server 108.99 07/24/2012 655-49860-430930 588.86Check Total: Vendor:1300 DOUGLAS WILLIAM LYSENG Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: True 1233 Foreman computer - (1) replacement power supply 90.84 07/24/2012 101-41920-420250 1233 On-site support/labor 595.00 07/24/2012 101-41920-430900 1233 Digital Signage - on-site support/labor 632.99 07/24/2012 240-49200-424600 1,318.83Check Total: Vendor:1303 M AMUNDSON LLP Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 134694 re-sale 614.59 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 134694 re-sale 1,036.09 07/24/2012 609-49750-425500 1,650.68Check Total: Vendor:1229 MAJIRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: True 825 (10.65) hr Creative services - city logo designs (1/2) 952.63 07/24/2012 213-46301-434600 825 (10.65) hr Creative services - city logo designs (1/2) 952.62 07/24/2012 101-41940-431990 1,905.25Check Total: Vendor:1318 JONATHAN CALEB MELLBERG Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: True 7/9/12 City Council meeting recording 7/9/12 80.00 07/24/2012 101-41110-431990 80.00Check Total: Vendor:1330 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 400413003095 (228) transactions - June 2012 136.80 07/24/2012 101-42100-431990 136.80Check Total: Vendor:2217 MLB NETWORK LLC AFFILIATE SALE Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 020054 MLB June 2012 254.59 07/24/2012 655-49860-430920 254.59Check Total: Vendor:2205 MN COMMERCIAL PROP EXCHANGE INC Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 518970 3rd Qtr Exchange Fees - First User - MNCar Member 225.00 07/24/2012 213-46301-443300 225.00Check Total: Vendor:1738 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False Qtr 2 2012 Community Water Supply Service Connection Fee 6,309.00 07/24/2012 601-49440-443750 6,309.00Check Total: Vendor:1348 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False ALR0020084I 05382 Elevator Annual Operating 100.00 07/24/2012 226-45122-443700 100.00Check Total: Vendor:1359 MN RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False Member 2012-13 August 2012-13 Option B City Associate Membership 20.00 07/24/2012 601-49440-443300 Member 2012-13 August 2012-13 Option B City Associate Membership 225.00 07/24/2012 601-49440-443300 Member 2012-13 August 2012-13 Option B City Associate Membership 10.00 07/24/2012 601-49440-443300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 255.00Check Total: Vendor:1376 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LIBRARY Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True 6/1-6/30/12 Program supplies 228.91 07/24/2012 211-45501-421990 6/1-6/30/12 utx - Program supplies 2.00 07/24/2012 211-45501-421990 6/1-6/30/12 Program services 210.00 07/24/2012 211-45501-430150 440.91Check Total: Vendor:1881 MONTICELLO PUBLIC SCHOOLS Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False 1566 2012-13 district calendar 800.00 07/24/2012 226-45122-434900 800.00Check Total: Vendor:1373 MONTICELLO SCHOOL DISTRICT Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False Escrow Refund ZLEARN - Net Escrow Refund 1,787.00 07/24/2012 101-00000-220110 1,787.00Check Total: Vendor:1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: True July 2012 Monthly appropriation 4,208.33 07/24/2012 101-45175-444310 4,208.33Check Total: Vendor:1390 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 856373-00 #223 - (4) bearings; (4) bolt blades; ect 331.44 07/24/2012 101-45201-422100 856373-01 #223 - (1) seal strip screen 66.65 07/24/2012 101-45201-422100 398.09Check Total: Vendor:1150 NCH CORPORATION Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: True 20593148 (12) rl elec tape; (50) O-rings; (100) cable ties; ect 241.90 07/24/2012 101-43127-421990 241.90Check Total: Vendor:2518 NEOFUNDS BY NEOPOST Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 7/6/12 Account Number 7900 0440 6327 5196 1,000.00 07/24/2012 101-00000-155010 1,000.00Check Total: Vendor:1913 NEW FRANCE WINE Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 74390 16.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 74390 1,024.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,040.00Check Total: Vendor:2134 NFL NETWORK Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 105799 NFL June 2012 842.24 07/24/2012 655-49860-430920 842.24Check Total: Vendor:1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: True 20335 General - CCD Ordinance 2,538.25 07/24/2012 101-41910-431990 20335 General - Shoreland Ordinance Review 592.50 07/24/2012 101-41910-431990 20335 General 1,055.62 07/24/2012 101-41910-431990 20335 General - R-3 District 94.80 07/24/2012 101-41910-431990 20336 ZKJELL - Kjellberg Accessory Storage CUP 397.60 07/24/2012 101-00000-220110 20336 ZCHIRO - Warnert - Chiropractic Office CUP 1,906.46 07/24/2012 101-00000-220110 20336 PREDSN - Ford Site Redevelopment 398.96 07/24/2012 101-41910-431990 20337 6/5/12 Planning Commission meeting 150.00 07/24/2012 101-41910-431990 20337 6/25/12 City Council meeting 150.00 07/24/2012 101-41910-431990 7,284.19Check Total: Vendor:1405 OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 696423 (2) crt 10-ream case x 9-11" 61.97 07/24/2012 101-43110-420990 835690 (1) dz sharpies; (2) pk 3x3 note pads; (1) stapler; ect 55.46 07/24/2012 101-43110-420990 117.43Check Total: Vendor:1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: True 15898 (1) motor 104.49 07/24/2012 211-45501-422300 15898 utx - freight 28.95 07/24/2012 211-45501-422300 45169 Labor - troubleshoot lights replaced (3) ballasts 117.00 07/24/2012 211-45501-440100 250.44Check Total: Vendor:2131 ONVOY VOICE SERVICES Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: True 120702008669 Voice - Dips services 1,481.23 07/24/2012 655-49860-430910 120702010590 Voice - Wholesale Switching Services 871.18 07/24/2012 655-49860-430910 120702010590 Voice - Operator Services 180.33 07/24/2012 655-49860-430910 120702010590 Voice - Wholesale 800 Switched 282.61 07/24/2012 655-49860-430910 2,815.35Check Total: Vendor:1419 PAN O GOLD CO ST CLOUD Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: True 010004219418 Ballfields - re-sale 29.88 07/24/2012 226-45203-425410 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 29.88Check Total: Vendor:1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 8357036-IN 10.50 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 8357036-IN 558.35 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 568.85Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 2265555 50.39 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 2265555 4,601.03 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 2265556 26.41 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 2265556 227.50 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 2265556 668.60 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 2266755 166.80 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 2266755 8,277.92 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 2268294 58.38 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 2268294 4,395.35 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 2268295 freight charge - n/c on marg mix 1.39 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 2268813 40.31 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 2268813 2,667.58 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 2268814 22.24 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 2268814 271.85 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 2268814 370.15 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 2268814 re-sale 83.90 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 2270654 76.46 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 2270654 4,804.60 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 2270655 9.73 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 2270655 672.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 3485680 -5.56 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 3485680 -595.96 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 26,891.07Check Total: Vendor:1442 PURCELL PLUMBING AND HEATING INC Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 033845 Air conditioner repair 4,240.00 07/24/2012 101-42700-440100 4,240.00Check Total: Vendor:2889 QUALITY REFRIGERATION Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 76114 AC install cond fan motor - East hall cond unit 248.00 07/24/2012 226-45122-440440 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 248.00Check Total: Vendor:2602 RFD TV Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 1724-1235 RFD TV June 2012 38.91 07/24/2012 655-49860-430920 38.91Check Total: Vendor:1462 ROCK STAR GOURMET INC Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: True 2554 Ballfields - re-sale 136.80 07/24/2012 226-45203-425410 136.80Check Total: Vendor:1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: True A20016 Repair exit device & move strike on patio door off to misspp rm 96.25 07/24/2012 226-45122-440100 96.25Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: True 6/1-6/26/12 Mileage reimbursement 111.00 07/24/2012 101-42700-433100 7/31/12 Contract 1,520.13 07/24/2012 101-42700-431200 1,631.13Check Total: Vendor:2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False W3601029 Security 6/23/12 & 6/24/12 Ortt wedding 179.56 07/24/2012 226-45122-431992 179.56Check Total: Vendor:2497 SHERBURNE WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSION Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: True Qtr 2 2012 PEG PEG Capitol Fees - Qtr 2 2012 2,639.25 07/24/2012 655-00000-341180 2,639.25Check Total: Vendor:2301 SHOWTIME NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 201206-40843608 Showtime June 2012 387.60 07/24/2012 655-49860-430920 387.60Check Total: Vendor:1497 SPECTRUM SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: True 221154 (1) cs 9" plates 30.98 07/24/2012 226-45127-425410 221155 Ballfields - (1) cs 2lb food tray 26.25 07/24/2012 226-45203-425410 221156 (5) cs 9" 2ply tissue; (1) cs handwash; (1) cs hair & body wash 420.38 07/24/2012 226-45122-421990 221156 (1) cs bleach; (3) cs can liners; (1) cs wipes; ect 393.16 07/24/2012 226-45122-421100 221365 (1) cs 16 oz cups; (1) cs popcorn bags 48.07 07/24/2012 226-45203-425410 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 221366 16" wet/dry tool 68.97 07/24/2012 226-45122-422990 221366 (1) 4/1gal detergent; (2) cs can liners 97.15 07/24/2012 226-45122-421100 221366 (2) 3/1250ml hair & body wash; (2) cs wipes 179.64 07/24/2012 226-45122-421990 221368 (2) cs paper towels 67.65 07/24/2012 101-45201-421650 221553 (2) 3/1250ml hair & body wash; (5) cs 8" towels; (40) compress 619.07 07/24/2012 226-45122-421990 221553 (1) 6/cs bleach; (1) phosphoric cleaner; (1) cs can liners; ect 212.82 07/24/2012 226-45122-421100 221554 (1) cs papcorn bags; (1) cs 9" plates 148.80 07/24/2012 226-45127-425410 221738 (4) cart casters 21.38 07/24/2012 226-45122-422990 221738 (6) trippger sprayers & bottles; (2) cs can lienrs; ect 138.11 07/24/2012 226-45122-421100 221738 (2) 3/1250ml handwash 100.87 07/24/2012 226-45122-421990 221739 (5) bx dsp glvs; (1) cs tsps; (1) cs 9" plates; ect 165.22 07/24/2012 226-45127-425410 2,738.52Check Total: Vendor:1506 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 1912120 (2) bale 2qrt bags; (3) bale 20# bags; (4) bale 12# bags; coffee 320.62 07/24/2012 609-49750-443990 320.62Check Total: Vendor:1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 271-3230 7/13 170.27 07/24/2012 655-49870-432100 271-3248 7/13 11.50 07/24/2012 217-41990-432100 271-3257 7/13 98.71 07/24/2012 602-49490-432100 271-7112 7/13 58.62 07/24/2012 226-45122-432100 295-2005 7/13 39.61 07/24/2012 101-43110-432100 295-3714 7/13 141.76 07/24/2012 601-49440-432100 295-3714 7/13 E Cty Rd lift station 271-3251 22.13 07/24/2012 602-49490-432100 542.60Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True 698603 23,832.93 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 699727 54.20 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 699728 re-sale 50.25 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 699737 22,472.25 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 700929 re-sale 103.20 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 700942 17,908.68 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 701379 389.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425200 64,810.51Check Total: Vendor:2614 TITAN MACHINERY Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False VC03975 (1) STO for/rev cab 126.32 07/24/2012 101-43120-422110 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 126.32Check Total: Vendor:2534 VAULTAS ALEXANDRIA LLC Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: True 1193 Data - DOA Transport August 2012 2,250.00 07/24/2012 655-49860-430930 1193 Data - XO Comm connection August 2012 250.00 07/24/2012 655-49860-430930 2,500.00Check Total: Vendor:1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 25223763 re-sale 179.40 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 25223874 re-sale 365.10 07/24/2012 609-49750-425400 544.50Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 59347-IN 7.50 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 59347-IN 314.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 321.50Check Total: Vendor:1789 WAREHIME COMPANIES INC Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 580978 ZZJUNK - 713 6th St W 12,255.80 07/24/2012 101-42400-431990 12,255.80Check Total: Vendor:2553 WELLS FARGO BANK Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: True 866150 Acct # 22960900 - Extraordinary Admin 2012/03; 2012/04 6,290.00 07/24/2012 657-49870-462010 866150 Transfer funds to 657-00000-101010 for Extra Admin -6,290.00 07/24/2012 657-00000-101210 866150 Transferred from 657-00000-101210 for Extra Admin 6,290.00 07/24/2012 657-00000-101010 6,290.00Check Total: Vendor:1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 5482 supplies - wire new pole Pioneer Park 12.48 07/24/2012 101-45201-431990 5482 Labor - installed light pole at Pioneer Park 180.00 07/24/2012 101-45201-431990 5499 supplies - motion sensors Pioneer Park 176.80 07/24/2012 101-45201-431990 5499 Labor - motion sensors installed Pioneer Park 150.00 07/24/2012 101-45201-431990 5502 Digital Signage - supp to wire 2 tv's & run CAT6 from off to tvs 856.06 07/24/2012 240-49200-424600 5502 Digital Signage - labor to run wires to 2 tv locations 1,150.00 07/24/2012 240-49200-424600 5521 supplies repair GFI & conduit at water tower 71.74 07/24/2012 601-49440-422100 5521 Labor - repair GFI & conduit coming from ground up @ watertower 200.00 07/24/2012 601-49440-422100 2,797.08Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 303689-00 8.40 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 303689-00 320.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 328.40Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 415055 7.65 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 415055 538.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 416190 0.24 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 416190 28.66 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 574.55Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 763826 1.45 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 763826 36.60 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 768383 17.40 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 768383 959.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 770073 23.20 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 770073 1,873.49 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 770074 10.15 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 770074 341.81 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 773308 20.30 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 773308 1,310.58 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 773309 21.75 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 773309 924.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 862929 -1.50 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 863146 -11.60 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 863146 -2,359.76 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 863589 -1.45 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 863589 -36.60 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 863708 -11.30 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 3,117.52Check Total: Vendor:2556 WOLD ARCHITECTS INC Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 39397 11C006 - Natatorium Inprovemts Ph 2 - Contract 4,260.00 07/24/2012 226-45122-453010 4,260.00Check Total: Vendor:1657 WORLD CLASS WINES INC Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False 1802886 19.17 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1802886 1,333.40 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1811079 14.17 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1811079 702.77 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 1811079 322.68 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 1845449 -176.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 1852606 20.62 07/24/2012 609-49750-433300 1852606 617.85 07/24/2012 609-49750-425100 1852606 460.00 07/24/2012 609-49750-425300 3,314.66Check Total: Vendor:2219 WORLD FISHING NETWORK LTD Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 426-1012 World Fishing June 2012 42.67 07/24/2012 655-49860-430920 42.67Check Total: Vendor:1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: True 7/9/12 Fines and Fees June 2012 3,240.73 07/24/2012 101-00000-208020 3,240.73Check Total: Vendor:1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 6/28/12 51-6505916-3 12,336.65 07/24/2012 101-43160-438100 6/29/12 51-6505905-0 5,136.47 07/24/2012 601-49440-438100 7/12/12 51-4400193-4 15.77 07/24/2012 101-43160-438100 7/12/12 51-0371645-4 15.77 07/24/2012 101-45201-438100 7/3/12 51-6505906-1 1,079.91 07/24/2012 602-49490-438100 7/3/12 51-6505914-1 1,012.01 07/24/2012 101-43127-438100 7/3/12 51-6505915-2 546.55 07/24/2012 101-45201-438100 7/3/12 51-6505915-2 26.76 07/24/2012 601-49440-438100 7/3/12 51-6505915-2 348.84 07/24/2012 226-45203-438100 7/3/12 51-6505915-2 377.47 07/24/2012 101-45203-438100 20,896.20Check Total: Vendor:1586 CHRIS ZALOMSKY Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 725 (13) employee nametags 111.15 07/24/2012 226-45122-420990 111.15Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 409,173.07 90 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 2:26 PM)Page 17 User: Printed:07/18/2012 - 12:24PM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00204.07.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2997 KLEIN BANK Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False Land Purchase PID155-176-001020 - 2.7 acre parcel (Krutzig) 607,188.20 07/18/2012 495-43300-443990 607,188.20Check Total: Vendor:2998 REGISTERED ABSTRACTORS Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False Land Purchase PID 155-176-001020 - 2.7 acre parcel (Krutzig) 72,385.48 07/18/2012 495-43300-443990 72,385.48Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 679,573.68 2 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/18/2012 - 12:24 PM)Page 1 User: Printed:07/17/2012 - 1:51PM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00201.07.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2963 BANC OF AMERICA LEASING AND CAPITAL LLC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 2008A MCC Bond 2008A HRA-MCC Refunding Bond - interest 47,520.00 07/15/2012 314-47000-461100 47,520.00Check Total: Vendor:2968 BOND TRUST SERV CORP - Wire Transfer Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 17301 Series 2007A GO Bonds - interest 75,900.00 07/15/2012 313-47000-461100 17302 Series 2005A GO Bonds - interest 274,056.25 07/15/2012 312-47000-461100 17303 Series 2010A GO Bonds - interest 21,970.00 07/15/2012 317-47000-461100 371,926.25Check Total: Vendor:2969 HLFB INC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True Series 2008A Series 2008A GO Sewer Revenue Refunding Bond - principal 421,000.00 07/15/2012 315-47000-460100 Series 2008A Series 2008A GO Sewer Revenue Refunding Bond - interest 103,224.00 07/15/2012 315-47000-461100 524,224.00Check Total: Vendor:2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 7/6/12 Napa - #222 - (2) hose fittings; (5) hydraulic hose 59.27 07/15/2012 101-45201-422100 7/6/12 Burnham -(4) cu yrds playground mulch West Bridge Park 123.76 07/15/2012 101-45201-422500 7/6/12 Target - (1) bagless vac 53.43 07/15/2012 609-49754-421100 7/6/12 Napa - (2) motor tune 13.85 07/15/2012 602-49490-421300 7/6/12 Burnham - (1) gold maple, (1) red maple, (1) lusture maple 625.22 07/15/2012 224-46102-443910 7/6/12 Burnham - (4) merrill magnolia TF 550.75 07/15/2012 224-46102-443910 7/6/12 Walmart - pert 12rl bt 7.72 07/15/2012 101-43120-421990 7/6/12 Continental Research - ind cleaner, wasp away, macho mango 609.65 07/15/2012 101-45201-421990 7/6/12 GameTime - Pioneer & W Bridge Park playground parts 551.48 07/15/2012 101-45201-440800 7/6/12 Gradys - (2) 16oz oil mineral 12.80 07/15/2012 601-49440-422220 7/6/12 Gradys - (4) keyblanks master/ace250pk 8.51 07/15/2012 101-45201-421990 7/6/12 Auto Value - (1) organic vapor half 16.02 07/15/2012 101-45201-420650 7/6/12 Specialty Turf - (2) pro-quench; (1) 20lb 7-8-7 veg & flower 164.59 07/15/2012 101-45201-421600 7/6/12 Napa - #223 - (2) alternator bearings 20.18 07/15/2012 101-45201-422100 7/6/12 Home Depot - Delo wedding supp - (2) calbe tie; ect 106.78 07/15/2012 226-45127-420750 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/17/2012 - 1:51 PM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 7/6/12 Quality Flow - labor/supp pump - (1) repair kit; ect 2,144.25 07/15/2012 602-49490-440440 7/6/12 Quality Flow - labor/supp controller - bezel, controller; ect 5,183.44 07/15/2012 602-49490-458010 7/6/12 O'Reilly - (1) gal CarWash 4.26 07/15/2012 655-49870-421990 7/6/12 Arrowhead - (3) assorted tube caulk 19.37 07/15/2012 656-49877-421990 7/6/12 Mills Fleet Farm - Tom B. safety toe boots 90.00 07/15/2012 101-43115-420650 7/6/12 Home Depot - (3) Energizer Max C 8 batteries 39.98 07/15/2012 101-42200-422990 7/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 763-688-5387 5/21-6/20/12 26.02 07/15/2012 101-41920-432100 7/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 763-688-5616; 763-688-5936 5/21-6/20/12 52.04 07/15/2012 101-43115-432100 7/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 763-954-1070 5/21-6/20/12 26.04 07/15/2012 101-43120-432100 7/6/12 Verizon Wireless - 763-954-1076 5/21-6/20/12 26.02 07/15/2012 101-43110-432100 7/6/12 Veolia ES Sold Waste - May 2012 31,017.82 07/15/2012 101-43230-431000 7/6/12 Veolia ES Sold Waste - May 2012 10,277.75 07/15/2012 101-43230-431010 7/6/12 Veolia ES Sold Waste - May 2012 101.72 07/15/2012 655-49870-431000 7/6/12 Veolia ES Sold Waste - May 2012 34.00 07/15/2012 655-49870-431010 7/6/12 Veolia ES Sold Waste - May 2012 5/24/12 compost 75.00 07/15/2012 101-43230-431990 7/6/12 Veolia ES Sold Waste - May 2012 35.10 07/15/2012 101-43127-431000 7/6/12 Veolia ES Sold Waste - May 2012 70.20 07/15/2012 101-45201-431000 7/6/12 Veolia ES Sold Waste - May 2012 111.15 07/15/2012 602-49480-431000 7/6/12 Veolia ES Sold Waste - May 2012 204.75 07/15/2012 226-45122-431000 7/6/12 Veolia ES Sold Waste - May 2012 11.70 07/15/2012 211-45501-431000 7/6/12 Veolia ES Sold Waste - May 2012 23.40 07/15/2012 609-49754-431000 7/6/12 Waste Mgmt - prorated May 2012 108.09 07/15/2012 213-46522-431000 7/6/12 Waste Mgmt - June 2012 354.41 07/15/2012 213-46522-431000 7/6/12 Ameripride - Broadway Plaza 5/2/12 94.07 07/15/2012 213-46522-431990 7/6/12 Ameripride - Broadway Plaza 4/4/12 155.02 07/15/2012 213-46522-431990 7/6/12 Holiday - (17.771) gallons vehicle #5 Dustin W. 62.00 07/15/2012 655-49870-421200 7/6/12 SuperAmerica - (1) Hudson lrg print atlas 32.01 07/15/2012 101-42200-421990 7/6/12 Cub - re-sale produce 34.00 07/15/2012 609-49750-425500 7/6/12 Fastenal - (1) drill bit; (19) 1/2"x3-3/4" YZWD 23.79 07/15/2012 101-43120-421990 7/6/12 Gradys - (2) 9v batteries 21.35 07/15/2012 601-49440-421990 7/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (1) cs napkins; (10) bx dsp gloves 127.75 07/15/2012 226-45127-425410 7/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (3) cs paper towels; (1) cs 1 ply tissue 147.24 07/15/2012 101-43120-421990 7/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (1) cs dish detergent; (1) cs hand soap; ect 358.64 07/15/2012 101-45201-421650 7/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (4) bx gauze pads 11.51 07/15/2012 226-45122-421990 7/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (2) cs can liners; (2) cs wipes; ect 195.47 07/15/2012 226-45122-421100 7/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (1) 25/pk eye wash tags; (2) bx eye drops; ect 63.82 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Pipeline - (2) 4"x4" fernco asbestos cement fibre or ductile 12.02 07/15/2012 602-49490-422700 7/6/12 M & M Sales - (1) in line filter; (2) cables; (1) motor fan 429.28 07/15/2012 101-45201-422100 7/6/12 Moon Motors - 2012 blower 673.31 07/15/2012 101-45201-424100 7/6/12 Fastenal - (10) brss flsh prss plugs 5.86 07/15/2012 601-49440-422220 7/6/12 River City Extreme - lunch J.O.; M.P.; C.H.; G.P. 37.60 07/15/2012 101-41310-443990 7/6/12 Gradys - (1) 8 oz cement PVC 6.40 07/15/2012 602-49490-421990 7/6/12 Gradys - (1) 4" 90pvc elbow 7.47 07/15/2012 602-49490-421990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/17/2012 - 1:51 PM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 7/6/12 Water Laboratories - May 2012 water testing 165.00 07/15/2012 601-49440-422740 7/6/12 Bellboy - freight 4.52 07/15/2012 609-49750-433300 7/6/12 Bellboy - re-sale 22.00 07/15/2012 609-49750-425400 7/6/12 Bellboy - re-sale 88.00 07/15/2012 609-49750-425500 7/6/12 Bellboy - freight 4.28 07/15/2012 609-49750-433300 7/6/12 Bellboy - re-sale 57.00 07/15/2012 609-49750-425400 7/6/12 Walmart - post-its; clips; invisible tape; ect 47.30 07/15/2012 217-41990-420990 7/6/12 Marties - 2.5 produce 234.06 07/15/2012 101-43120-422500 7/6/12 Zee Medical - first aid supplies 134.20 07/15/2012 101-43127-420650 7/6/12 Zee Medical - first aid supplies 155.88 07/15/2012 101-45201-420650 7/6/12 Zee Medical - first aid supplies 30.67 07/15/2012 609-49754-420650 7/6/12 Hilton Chicago - Balance 6/9-9/13/12 GFOA Conf - A.M. 729.84 07/15/2012 101-41520-433100 7/6/12 Home Depot - 1) 9" pliers; (1) Rapidrive; (2) wet/dry vac; ect. 135.18 07/15/2012 655-49870-421990 7/6/12 SuperAmerica - (12.288) gallons Brian N. 43.00 07/15/2012 655-49870-421200 7/6/12 Auto Value - (1) gal IEB; (1) qt ful-base 94.77 07/15/2012 101-45201-421990 7/6/12 Fastenal - (4) 1/4 links; (1) thrdlckr 20.89 07/15/2012 101-45201-440800 7/6/12 Gradys - (2) nut stops 1.82 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Gradys - (1) carpet scrubber; (4) oiler zoom spout boilers 16.51 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Home Depot - (4) 100w bulbs; (2) flood bulbs 94.93 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Monticello Vacuum - (2) kirby bags 29.82 07/15/2012 226-45122-421100 7/6/12 Walmart - cupcakes 27.00 07/15/2012 226-45127-421460 7/6/12 Walmart - re-sale 47.93 07/15/2012 226-45127-425410 7/6/12 Walmart - bug spray; mask tape; calcu 23.60 07/15/2012 226-45127-421980 7/6/12 Home Depot - (6) 100w replacement lights - Mississippi Room 51.11 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 General Rental - CO2 gas for portable bar 33.36 07/15/2012 226-45127-420750 7/6/12 Target - Walk n Roll prizes 314.17 07/15/2012 101-45130-444140 7/6/12 Home Depot - (4) 4x8 OSB 46.90 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Gradys - (2) 16oz mineral oil; (1) wire brush 17.60 07/15/2012 601-49440-422220 7/6/12 Gradys - (2) ext stain; (1) roller tray; (1) sanding sponge; ect 88.52 07/15/2012 601-49440-422300 7/6/12 NBP - (1) ct copy paper 42.74 07/15/2012 655-49870-420300 7/6/12 Arctic Glacier - re-sale ice 132.28 07/15/2012 609-49750-425500 7/6/12 Recycle Technologies - (96) 4' bulbs; (11) 8' bulbs; ect 150.00 07/15/2012 609-49754-431990 7/6/12 Strategic - (1) bale 57# bags; (2) bal qt bags; ect 346.00 07/15/2012 609-49750-443990 7/6/12 Strategic - re-sale (1) cs marg mx; (1) cs grenadine; ect 195.37 07/15/2012 609-49750-425400 7/6/12 Strategic - re-sale (1) pk filberts 21.00 07/15/2012 609-49750-425500 7/6/12 Hawkins - chemical product 8,471.83 07/15/2012 601-49440-421600 7/6/12 NBP - (80) rm 20# copy paper 208.41 07/15/2012 217-41990-420300 7/6/12 NBP - (2) pk calc papers; (5) counter pens; ect 129.24 07/15/2012 217-41990-420990 7/6/12 OfficeMax - invisible tape; 4x6 note paper 40.05 07/15/2012 217-41990-420990 7/6/12 Reds - mileage 32,730 38.70 07/15/2012 217-41990-421200 7/6/12 OfficeMax - return - 4x6 note paper -40.05 07/15/2012 217-41990-420990 7/6/12 Napa - (2) retainer 9.81 07/15/2012 101-43115-422110 7/6/12 SuperAmerica - (11.138) gallons Brian N. 41.20 07/15/2012 655-49870-421200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/17/2012 - 1:51 PM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 7/6/12 Target - Dura rechargable batteries (for recorder) 12.38 07/15/2012 101-41940-422990 7/6/12 Northstar Chapter - APA - 6/21/12 Global Payroll - H.E. 25.00 07/15/2012 101-41520-433200 7/6/12 AmeriPride - Broadway Plaza 5/30/12 106.74 07/15/2012 213-46522-431990 7/6/12 Canal Park Lodge - EDAM Conf 6/6-6/7/12 M.B.L. 147.85 07/15/2012 213-46301-433100 7/6/12 Viking Ind Ctr - (9) ANSI Class III hooded lime sweatshirt 298.92 07/15/2012 101-43120-421110 7/6/12 Viking Ind Ctr - (3) ANSI Class III hooded lime sweatshirt 98.70 07/15/2012 101-45201-421110 7/6/12 Viking Ind Ctr - (1) ANSI Class III hooded lime sweatshirt 32.90 07/15/2012 601-49440-421110 7/6/12 Viking Ind Ctr - (1) ANSI Class III hooded lime sweatshirt 32.90 07/15/2012 602-49490-421110 7/6/12 Ausco Design & Mktg - (1000) can coolers; (750) pens; ect. 1,006.76 07/15/2012 655-49870-421810 7/6/12 Cub - produce for Walk N Roll 150.00 07/15/2012 655-49870-443990 7/6/12 Home Depot - (6) 5gal bottle water & deposit 77.16 07/15/2012 655-49870-443990 7/6/12 O Ryans - (11.696) gallons Bryan. R. 40.46 07/15/2012 655-49870-421200 7/6/12 utx - variable owe $10.68 - ZSOUR2 In-Situ Inc - equip rental 1,151.08 07/15/2012 601-00000-165010 7/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - adj equip charge 612-685-0542 (1/2)-6.99 07/15/2012 601-49440-421990 7/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - adj equip charge 612-685-0542 (1/2)-7.00 07/15/2012 602-49490-421990 7/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 22.48 07/15/2012 101-42400-421990 7/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 332.43 07/15/2012 101-43115-421990 7/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 50.20 07/15/2012 655-49870-421990 7/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 11.24 07/15/2012 226-45122-421990 7/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 108.73 07/15/2012 101-43110-421990 7/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 14.99 07/15/2012 101-45201-421990 7/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment 108.73 07/15/2012 101-43120-421990 7/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment (1/2) 16.87 07/15/2012 601-49440-421990 7/6/12 utx - Verizon Wireless - equipment (1/2) 16.86 07/15/2012 602-49490-421990 7/6/12 Verizon Wireless - usage 105.48 07/15/2012 101-42400-432100 7/6/12 Verizon Wireless - usage 157.01 07/15/2012 101-43115-432100 7/6/12 Verizon Wireless - usage 176.45 07/15/2012 226-45122-432100 7/6/12 Verizon Wireless - usage 66.61 07/15/2012 101-43110-432100 7/6/12 Verizon Wireless - usage 43.74 07/15/2012 101-45201-432100 7/6/12 Verizon Wireless - usage 110.35 07/15/2012 101-43120-432100 7/6/12 Verizon Wireless - usage (1/2) 81.29 07/15/2012 601-49440-432100 7/6/12 Verizon Wireless - usage (1/2) 81.29 07/15/2012 602-49490-432100 7/6/12 Verizon Wireless - usage 290.37 07/15/2012 655-49870-432100 7/6/12 Spectrum - (5) bx dsp glves; (1) cs frks; (1) cs spns; dist watr 61.98 07/15/2012 226-45127-425410 7/6/12 Spectrum - (1) cs kleenex 47.86 07/15/2012 226-45122-421990 7/6/12 Spectrum - (2) bags sponges; (3) cs can liners; (1) bx scrub pad 119.55 07/15/2012 226-45122-421100 7/6/12 Spectrum - (1) 25' wet vac hose 142.09 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Spectrum - (4) 3/1250ml hair & body wash; (3) cs 9" tissue; ect 606.84 07/15/2012 226-45122-421990 7/6/12 Herc U Lift - annual lift inspection 130.00 07/15/2012 226-45122-431990 7/6/12 AmeriPride - uniform rental 21.02 07/15/2012 226-45122-441700 7/6/12 AmeriPride - laundry services 54.75 07/15/2012 226-45122-431110 7/6/12 AmeriPride - towel rental 12.24 07/15/2012 226-45122-441710 7/6/12 AmeriPride - towel rental 17.91 07/15/2012 226-45122-441710 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/17/2012 - 1:51 PM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 7/6/12 J H Larson - (100) fluor lights; (30) lumen lights 272.04 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Arctic Glacier - re-sale ice 58.80 07/15/2012 609-49750-425500 7/6/12 Arctic Glacier - re-sale ice 321.70 07/15/2012 609-49750-425500 7/6/12 Arctic Glacier - re-sale ice 198.32 07/15/2012 609-49750-425500 7/6/12 Arctic Glacier - re-sale ice 33.56 07/15/2012 609-49750-425500 7/6/12 Echostar - (6/22/12-7/21/12) digital music 68.39 07/15/2012 226-45122-432500 7/6/12 American Red Cross - 5/20/12 CPR/AED training L.G. 570.00 07/15/2012 226-45127-430130 7/6/12 utx - Central McGowan - (2) tilt valves 41.00 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 utx - Central McGowan - helium & delivery charge 68.50 07/15/2012 226-45127-421460 7/6/12 Central McGowan - haz material charge 4.50 07/15/2012 226-45127-421460 7/6/12 utx - Central McGowan - helim & delivery charge 210.75 07/15/2012 226-45127-421460 7/6/12 Central McGowan - haz material charge 4.50 07/15/2012 226-45127-421460 7/6/12 Epic - freight 27.49 07/15/2012 609-49750-433300 7/6/12 Epic - re-sale - (12) wine glasses; (12) wine stoppers; ect 240.00 07/15/2012 609-49750-425400 7/6/12 ST3 - Spectrum Supply - (2) cs cups 97.18 07/15/2012 226-45203-425410 7/6/12 Spectrum Supply - return (1) cs straw slot lids -32.13 07/15/2012 226-45203-425410 7/6/12 Cub - rehab liquid - Gatorade; water 47.40 07/15/2012 101-42200-443990 7/6/12 Handyman's Inc - (25) table casters 162.83 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Zep - (1 ) dz insect repellant; (1) 50/pk sunscreen wipes 192.52 07/15/2012 101-45201-420650 7/6/12 Marties - (10 gal crossgow 92.45 07/15/2012 101-43120-422500 7/6/12 Oriental Trading - (2) 50 pc glow necklaces 70.00 07/15/2012 226-45127-425490 7/6/12 Marties - (4) gal pronto; (1) gal all star 323.74 07/15/2012 101-45201-421600 7/6/12 SunSource - #228 - (2) pumps 1,208.69 07/15/2012 101-45201-422100 7/6/12 Walmart - cupcakes 24.00 07/15/2012 226-45127-421460 7/6/12 Walmart - screw driver 0.88 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Walmart - re-sale 36.38 07/15/2012 226-45127-425410 7/6/12 Walmart - balls 63.61 07/15/2012 226-45127-421730 7/6/12 Walmart - Friendship Island supplies 5.45 07/15/2012 226-45127-421980 7/6/12 Hirschfields - (1) 5 gal ext primer - picnic table green 199.80 07/15/2012 101-45201-421300 7/6/12 River Bend Industries - sprayer parts 119.58 07/15/2012 101-45201-422100 7/6/12 BIg Lake Lumber - (12) 2x10' SPF 146.46 07/15/2012 101-45201-421990 7/6/12 Reds - fuel 119.28 07/15/2012 101-43120-421200 7/6/12 Cub - 409 refill, lysoil cleaner; clorox cleaner; ect 25.27 07/15/2012 101-43127-421100 7/6/12 Cub - coffee 32.07 07/15/2012 101-43127-443990 7/6/12 Cub - cups, forks, kleenex; ziploc bags; ect 38.15 07/15/2012 101-43127-421990 7/6/12 Trueman Welters - #179 - (1) regulator; (1) cs union cable; ect 145.47 07/15/2012 101-43120-422110 7/6/12 NCH - shop supplies - clamps; cryobits; termi-kleen ps 312.80 07/15/2012 101-43127-421990 7/6/12 The Shoe Box - steel toe boots 90.00 07/15/2012 101-43120-420650 7/6/12 Gradys - Farmer's Market - (2) wire locks 5.56 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Gradys - (1) mounting tape 6.19 07/15/2012 601-49440-422300 7/6/12 Gradys - screws; nuts; flat washers; lock washers 5.19 07/15/2012 101-45201-421990 7/6/12 Gradys - (1) 6oz off 8.00 07/15/2012 101-43120-420650 7/6/12 Gradys - (2) carpenter aprons 5.96 07/15/2012 101-43120-424100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/17/2012 - 1:51 PM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 7/6/12 Napa - (2) air hose ends 2.97 07/15/2012 101-43127-440440 7/6/12 Gradys - (1) adhesv hk; (1) adhesv strip; (6) comprsn sleeves 10.73 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Gradys - (2) 60lb mortar mix 13.87 07/15/2012 101-43120-422600 7/6/12 Napa - (1) water pump gasket; (1) gumout car; ect 15.32 07/15/2012 101-43127-421990 7/6/12 Gradys - (1) trimr line refill 17.09 07/15/2012 101-43120-421990 7/6/12 Cub - Friendship Island - morton rock salt; freezer bags 16.03 07/15/2012 226-45127-421980 7/6/12 Napa - (1) chain hoist 36.65 07/15/2012 101-45201-421650 7/6/12 Napa - (6) bungee cords 11.80 07/15/2012 101-45201-421990 7/6/12 Cub - re-sale - produce 31.60 07/15/2012 609-49750-425500 7/6/12 Target - Farmer's Market - (1) 45 gal tote 20.30 07/15/2012 226-45127-421980 7/6/12 Napa - #214 & shop supp - (3) oil; (2) motor tune; ect 66.81 07/15/2012 101-45201-422110 7/6/12 Napa - (5) shop filters 19.99 07/15/2012 101-45201-422100 7/6/12 Kwik Trip - (26.435) gallons Ben W. 95.14 07/15/2012 655-49870-421200 7/6/12 Kwik Trip - (20.445) gallons Brian N. 73.58 07/15/2012 655-49870-421200 7/6/12 Walmart - H.E.- (1) converterbox 53.30 07/15/2012 655-49870-421990 7/6/12 RadioShack - H.E.- (2) GP RCA PLG-F/JK 8.96 07/15/2012 655-49870-421990 7/6/12 Home Depot - (14) New Work Box 1 Gang 20CU ea 5.54 07/15/2012 656-49877-421990 7/6/12 Home Depot - Airpacks annual switch out supplies 101.24 07/15/2012 101-42200-422990 7/6/12 Gradys - assorted alkaline batteries 48.56 07/15/2012 101-42200-422990 7/6/12 Gradys - (1) magnetic spare key holder 2.13 07/15/2012 101-42200-421990 7/6/12 Arctic Glacier - re-sale 159.36 07/15/2012 609-49750-425500 7/6/12 Arctic Glacier - re-sale 95.00 07/15/2012 609-49750-425500 7/6/12 Arctic Glacier - re-sale 186.88 07/15/2012 609-49750-425500 7/6/12 Gradys - pool metal polish 17.60 07/15/2012 226-45122-421100 7/6/12 Autumn Ridge Landscaping - (1) 3.75" hackberry tree 47.75 07/15/2012 101-45201-422300 7/6/12 All Clean Drycleaners - (4) jackets drycleaned 53.84 07/15/2012 609-49754-431990 7/6/12 G & K Services - floor mats 127.83 07/15/2012 609-49754-431990 7/6/12 Marties - 50# prem sunny 82.29 07/15/2012 101-43120-422500 7/6/12 RAS Glass - (1) sealants/set blocks; (2) Low E units; labor 594.43 07/15/2012 101-43127-422990 7/6/12 Horizon Commercial - pool chemicals 1,207.99 07/15/2012 226-45122-421600 7/6/12 Horizon Commercial - pool chemicals 32.59 07/15/2012 226-45122-421600 7/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (2) 5/bg sponges; (2) cs wipes; ect 321.65 07/15/2012 226-45122-421100 7/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (10) 100/bx disp gloves; (1) cs cups; ect 149.90 07/15/2012 226-45127-425410 7/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (2) 35 gal swinger lids; (2) swinger lids 306.94 07/15/2012 101-41941-421990 7/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (1) cs can liners 38.48 07/15/2012 101-41941-421100 7/6/12 ooShirts - (49) Friendship Island T-Shirts 204.80 07/15/2012 226-45122-421110 7/6/12 ooShirts - alteration done on org order #47426 16.80 07/15/2012 226-45122-421110 7/6/12 Napa - #121 - (2) quick cools 41.87 07/15/2012 101-43120-421300 7/6/12 J H Larson - mississippi rm - (24) 100w lghts 236.24 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Spectrum Supply - (1) multi gas cartridge 13.89 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 General Rental - Scissor Lift; trailer 110.61 07/15/2012 656-49877-441500 7/6/12 Streichers - (30) 1" black elastic mourning bands 24.05 07/15/2012 101-42200-421990 7/6/12 SuperAmerica - (12.503) gallons Brian N. 45.00 07/15/2012 655-49870-421200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/17/2012 - 1:51 PM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 7/6/12 Cub - Interview session refreshments 10.57 07/15/2012 101-41110-443990 7/6/12 Home Depot - conduit & hangers; straps; ect. 32.08 07/15/2012 656-49877-421990 7/6/12 GFOA - CAFR award applicatoin 435.00 07/15/2012 101-41520-443990 7/6/12 The Plumbery - labor/supp fixed running toilet 130.63 07/15/2012 609-49754-422990 7/6/12 AmeriPride - uniform rental 21.01 07/15/2012 226-45122-441700 7/6/12 AmeriPride - laundry services 54.76 07/15/2012 226-45122-431110 7/6/12 AmeriPride - towel rental 12.24 07/15/2012 226-45122-441710 7/6/12 AmeriPride - towel rental 12.52 07/15/2012 226-45122-441710 7/6/12 Bellboy - freight 4.63 07/15/2012 609-49750-433300 7/6/12 Bellboy - re-sale 133.00 07/15/2012 609-49750-425400 7/6/12 utx - Alert-All Corp - (576) fire hat; (1000) tattoo 598.64 07/15/2012 101-42200-443990 7/6/12 Ausco Design - (37) baseball caps 102.42 07/15/2012 101-43120-421110 7/6/12 Ausco Design - (40) baseball caps 113.20 07/15/2012 101-45201-421110 7/6/12 Ausco Design - (10) baseball caps 26.95 07/15/2012 601-49440-421110 7/6/12 Ausco Design - (9) baseball caps 26.95 07/15/2012 602-49490-421110 7/6/12 Home Depot - (48) pk AA alk battery 17.08 07/15/2012 656-49877-421990 7/6/12 Home Depot - assorted alkaline batteries 40.45 07/15/2012 656-49877-421990 7/6/12 Kwik Trip - (11.265) gallons Bryan R. 39.64 07/15/2012 655-49870-421200 7/6/12 Holiday - (29.755) gallons Dan S. 104.11 07/15/2012 655-49870-421200 7/6/12 First-Aid-Product.com - Net exchange CPR face shields - see 5/29 -7.84 07/15/2012 101-41800-421990 7/6/12 GFOA - 8/7 - 8/10/12 Acctg courses Mpls - A.M. 949.50 07/15/2012 101-41520-433200 7/6/12 Burdas Towing LLC -Ladder truck to firehall-blew tire Brklyn Ctr 461.28 07/15/2012 101-42200-431990 7/6/12 AVI Systems Inc - Digital Signage - labor/parts for 5 displays 2,377.17 07/15/2012 240-49200-424600 7/6/12 utx - S & S Worldwide - (1) volleyball set; (2) hockey sets; ect 586.43 07/15/2012 226-45127-421730 7/6/12 Gradys - (1) 1 gal garden sprayer 14.95 07/15/2012 101-45201-421990 7/6/12 Gradys - (1) 2" short brush; (1) 2" shortcut brush 18.68 07/15/2012 101-45201-421510 7/6/12 Dairy Queen - S. W. Moose Lake Expense (meal) 9.38 07/15/2012 602-49490-433100 7/6/12 Poor Gary's Pizza - S. W. Moose Lake Expense (meal) 9.61 07/15/2012 602-49490-433100 7/6/12 OfficeMax - cork board return -6.41 07/15/2012 101-43110-420990 7/6/12 Napa - Unit #29 Antique truck - (6) spark plug 10.45 07/15/2012 101-42200-422110 7/6/12 Fastenal - Unit #29 Antique truck - (8) assorted HCS 5/16 5.03 07/15/2012 101-42200-422110 7/6/12 Fastenal - Unit #29 Antique truck - (4) HCS 5/16-18-1/2 Z5 3.61 07/15/2012 101-42200-422110 7/6/12 Red's - Unit #404 - 2005 F150 - check engine light on - scanned 25.00 07/15/2012 602-49490-422110 7/6/12 Red's - Unit #29 Antique truck - (5.07) gallons 17.74 07/15/2012 101-42200-421200 7/6/12 Red's - Unit #29 Antique truck - (3.014) gallons 11.15 07/15/2012 101-42200-421200 7/6/12 Fastenal - #179 - (1) 1 3/8-12Z 4.68 07/15/2012 101-43120-422110 7/6/12 Gradys - (1) angle broom 13.88 07/15/2012 101-43120-421990 7/6/12 Gradys - (2) 16oz mineral oil 12.80 07/15/2012 601-49440-421990 7/6/12 Target - Friendship Island - (1) dry erase board (1) dry erase 16.01 07/15/2012 226-45122-420990 7/6/12 MAC Tools - shop tools 106.86 07/15/2012 101-45201-424100 7/6/12 Environmental Equipment - #132B - (1) oil pres 67.47 07/15/2012 101-43120-422110 7/6/12 Home Depot - (4) utility knives; (3) fiskars 24.37 07/15/2012 101-43120-424100 7/6/12 Moon Motors - (12) 2.6 hp premix 30.65 07/15/2012 101-43120-421300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/17/2012 - 1:51 PM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 7/6/12 Napa - #108, #222 - (1) rocker switch; (1) ez cool; ect 64.23 07/15/2012 101-43127-422110 7/6/12 Gradys - shop - (1) cement magnesm float 27.78 07/15/2012 101-43127-424100 7/6/12 Fastenal - (1) flr green 2pc suit 100.29 07/15/2012 101-43120-420650 7/6/12 Cub - produce - resale 32.00 07/15/2012 609-49750-425500 7/6/12 Gradys - (2) gal ltx stain; (1) 3pk one cover coat 58.21 07/15/2012 601-49440-422300 7/6/12 Burnham - E Bridge Prk - (1) grass; (1) straw; ect 76.68 07/15/2012 101-45201-421990 7/6/12 Home Depot - 10x100 clear poly sheeting 58.76 07/15/2012 101-45201-421650 7/6/12 Burnham - 3.75 yds playground mulch 116.03 07/15/2012 101-45201-422500 7/6/12 Burnham - 4.5 yrds soft step mulch 139.24 07/15/2012 101-45201-422500 7/6/12 Home Depot - (2) canvas drop cloths 74.77 07/15/2012 101-45201-421990 7/6/12 Napa - #226, #228 - (18) 15x50 oil 111.39 07/15/2012 101-45201-422100 7/6/12 Napa - #223 bearings; (1) super 77 spray; (12) non-chlor 67.13 07/15/2012 101-45201-422100 7/6/12 General Rental - skidloader & dingo bucket rental 87.37 07/15/2012 101-45201-441500 7/6/12 General Rental - skidloader & dingo bucket rental 119.17 07/15/2012 101-45201-441500 7/6/12 Home Depot - (2) dust pans; (2) brooms 51.24 07/15/2012 101-45201-421650 7/6/12 Burnham - (2) 2.5" autumn blaze trees 427.50 07/15/2012 224-46102-443910 7/6/12 Burnham - (2) 3" swamp white oak 694.69 07/15/2012 224-46102-443910 7/6/12 Fastenal - chains & hooks 192.42 07/15/2012 101-45201-421990 7/6/12 Big Lake Lumber - (2) 5 gal western red cedar penofin 350.89 07/15/2012 101-45201-422300 7/6/12 Burnham - (21.75) soft step playground chips 672.97 07/15/2012 101-45201-422500 7/6/12 AmericInn - S. W. Moose Lake Expense (lodging 6/23 & 6/24) 213.72 07/15/2012 602-49490-433100 7/6/12 utx - Diamond Vogel - (25) bag glass beads 725.00 07/15/2012 101-43120-421510 7/6/12 Hirshfields - (4) 5 gal white paint 354.61 07/15/2012 101-43120-421510 7/6/12 Home Depot - (2) 24" 2 speed fans 213.67 07/15/2012 101-43127-424100 7/6/12 Marties - (1) gal razor pro; (2.5) gal produce 266.32 07/15/2012 101-43120-422500 7/6/12 ooShirts - MCC T-shirts 162.30 07/15/2012 226-45122-421110 7/6/12 ooShirts - F.I. T-Shirts 258.31 07/15/2012 226-45122-421110 7/6/12 Art's Cafe - S. W. Moose Lake Expense (meal) 8.84 07/15/2012 602-49490-433100 7/6/12 Home Depot - sump liner return -28.51 07/15/2012 601-49440-422100 7/6/12 Home Depot - sump pump for 800,000 gal water tower 279.76 07/15/2012 601-49440-422100 7/6/12 TurfWerks - #216 - (1) pump; (1) seal; (1) retainer 237.54 07/15/2012 101-45201-422100 7/6/12 utx - Retail Resource - shelving unit to replacement 336.96 07/15/2012 609-49754-422300 7/6/12 Kwik Trip - (28.576) gallons Ben W. 101.13 07/15/2012 655-49870-421200 7/6/12 Target - Digital Signage - 40" samsung dmv & mcc; (2) serv plan 1,654.23 07/15/2012 240-49200-424600 7/6/12 Target - Digital Signage - 46" samsung 40 MCC (4) serv plan 3,522.21 07/15/2012 240-49200-424600 7/6/12 Target - F.I. - twizzlers; graham crkers; ect 22.77 07/15/2012 226-45127-421980 7/6/12 Walmart - re-sale 10.79 07/15/2012 226-45127-425410 7/6/12 Walmart - re-sale - socks 49.38 07/15/2012 226-45127-425490 7/6/12 Walmart - re-sale (3) bx fans 50.92 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Walmart - choc milk, apples 19.64 07/15/2012 226-45127-421980 7/6/12 Gradys - spray nozzle for hose to clean A/C unit 9.61 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Gradys - sprinkler for A/C unit 14.95 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Gradys - misc screws/washers to put up cork board 16.03 07/15/2012 101-41940-420990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/17/2012 - 1:51 PM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 7/6/12 Gradys - misc screws/nuts for pizza warmer 1.18 07/15/2012 226-45122-422100 7/6/12 Moon Motors - (1) backpack sprayer; 5.2oz stihl premix 175.16 07/15/2012 101-45201-424100 7/6/12 utx - Beacon Athletics - (1) 6'x3' drag mat 203.42 07/15/2012 101-45201-421990 7/6/12 utx - Beacon Athletics - (1) 6'x3' drag mat w/bar 239.99 07/15/2012 101-45201-421990 7/6/12 Marties - (4) annual flats; (4) annual flats Girl Scout #13945 205.20 07/15/2012 101-45201-440900 7/6/12 Park Supply - (2) vacuum breakers for janitor rm faucets 95.79 07/15/2012 226-45122-422990 7/6/12 Gradys - (10) poly couplings; (1) garden hose; ect 27.66 07/15/2012 101-45201-421650 7/6/12 Hirshfields - (2) pr jersey gloves; (1) finish tool; ect 79.03 07/15/2012 101-45201-421510 7/6/12 Home Depot - 2x4 birch handy panel 14.93 07/15/2012 656-49877-421990 7/6/12 Home Depot - program supply storage container; citronella; ect 105.35 07/15/2012 226-45127-421980 7/6/12 Lakeland International - (1) nutriplant SD 25lb bucket 224.14 07/15/2012 101-45201-421600 7/6/12 American Red Cross - annual fee with 150 student learning fees 300.00 07/15/2012 226-45127-431990 7/6/12 Mn Board of AELSLAGID - Prof Engineer License renewal - B.W. 135.50 07/15/2012 101-43111-443700 7/6/12 BryanJohns Grillworks - Wright Cty Admin lunch - J.O. 12.27 07/15/2012 101-41310-433200 105,142.41Check Total: Vendor:2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 00005115693 Vanco Fitness Rewards June 2012 61.25 07/15/2012 226-45122-430700 00005117451 Gateway fees June 2012 (1/2) 15.65 07/15/2012 601-49440-443980 00005117451 Gateway fees June 2012 (1/2) 15.65 07/15/2012 602-49490-443980 92.55Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 1,048,905.21 5 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/17/2012 - 1:51 PM)Page 9 User: Printed:07/09/2012 - 1:16PM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00210.07.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 8393187 A & E June 2012 734.58 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 734.58Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 8393291 A & E History June 2012 541.61 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 541.61Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 8392187 A & E History International June 2012 407.70 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 407.70Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 8392110 A & E Military History June 2012 144.96 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 144.96Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 8392089 A & E En Espanol June 2012 25.00 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 25.00Check Total: Vendor:1026 AMERICAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS INC Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 1107640 Graduation Tab 5/31 199.00 07/10/2012 655-49870-434990 199.00Check Total: Vendor:2221 BIG TEN NETWORK LLC Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False D27826 Big 10 June 2012 1,115.79 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 D27826 Big 10 Bulks June 2012 187.50 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/09/2012 - 1:16 PM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,303.29Check Total: Vendor:2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 904186388 (5000) ft CAT5E 475.59 07/10/2012 656-49877-421800 904186389 (2) patch panel; (2) 19" blk wl-mnt pnl 209.12 07/10/2012 656-49877-421800 684.71Check Total: Vendor:2481 BRAVO COMPANY BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 472272 Bravo June 2012 385.05 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 385.05Check Total: Vendor:1957 BW CHELSEA INN & SUITES Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 150862 6/5 - 6/6/12 Dave Adcock - special phone install 74.80 07/10/2012 655-49870-433100 74.80Check Total: Vendor:2220 CBS SPORTS NETWORK Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 054380 CBS College Sports June 2012 79.04 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 79.04Check Total: Vendor:2213 CBS TV STATIONS Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False Jun-12 WCCO June 2012 872.95 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 872.95Check Total: Vendor:1098 CCG CONSULTING LLC Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 3020-00M Period ending 6/1/12 2,246.40 07/10/2012 655-49870-431990 2,246.40Check Total: Vendor:2487 CHILLER BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 472274 Chiller June 2012 70.28 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 70.28Check Total: Vendor:2482 CLOO Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 472275 CLOO - Sleuth June 2012 70.28 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 70.28Check Total: Vendor:2479 CNBC INC BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/09/2012 - 1:16 PM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 472276 CNBC June 2012 561.72 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 472278 CNBC World June 2012 36.40 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 598.12Check Total: Vendor:2222 FOX SPORTS NET NORTH HD Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False D25555 Fox Sports North Taverns June 2012 187.50 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 D25555 Fox Sports North June 2012 4,888.16 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 5,075.66Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False KMSP Jun-12 KMSP June 2012 1,232.40 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 1,232.40Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False WFTC Jun-12 WFTC June 2012 154.05 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 154.05Check Total: Vendor:2274 FUEL Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False D29642 FUEL June 2012 60.24 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 60.24Check Total: Vendor:2257 THE GOLF CHANNEL Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 472279 The Golf Channel HD June 2012 1.50 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 472287 The Golf Channel June 2012 375.99 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 377.49Check Total: Vendor:1750 HBC HIAWATHA BROADBAND COMM INC Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 6312 June 2012 contract 15,000.00 07/10/2012 655-49870-430700 15,000.00Check Total: Vendor:2305 HOME BOX OFFICE Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False Jun-12 HBO Bulk June 2012 509.74 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 HBO June 2012 646.08 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 HBO Cinemax June 2012 160.11 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 1,315.93Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/09/2012 - 1:16 PM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference KSTC Jun-12 KSTC June 2012 359.45 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 359.45Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False KSTP Jun-12 KSTP June 2012 359.45 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 359.45Check Total: Vendor:2871 JACK'S OIL DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: True 38366 FNM Generator - (168) gallons #1 dyed fuel 628.24 07/10/2012 655-49870-421200 628.24Check Total: Vendor:2251 KARE GANNETT CO INC Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 177-1017 KARE June 2012 924.30 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 924.30Check Total: Vendor:2166 LIFETIME ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 8393572 A & E Lifetime Network June 2012 543.60 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 543.60Check Total: Vendor:2166 LIFETIME ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 8394462 A & E Lifetime Movie Network June 2012 253.68 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 253.68Check Total: Vendor:2166 LIFETIME ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 8392896 A & E Lifetime Real Women June 2012 42.67 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 42.67Check Total: Vendor:1229 MAJIRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 410 Experience Monticello - full page premium 795.00 07/10/2012 655-49870-434990 795.00Check Total: Vendor:2215 METRO GOLDWYN MAYER INC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False Jun-12 MGM HD June 2012 8.19 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 8.19Check Total: Vendor:2179 MINNESOTA 9-1-1 PROGRAM Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/09/2012 - 1:16 PM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Jun-12 June 2012 911 Wright Co 1,002.80 07/10/2012 655-00000-208170 1,002.80Check Total: Vendor:2217 MLB NETWORK LLC AFFILIATE SALE Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 019491 MLB May 2012 261.05 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 261.05Check Total: Vendor:2478 MSNBC INC BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 472280 MSNBC June 2012 466.59 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 466.59Check Total: Vendor:2334 MTV NETWORKS Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False Jun-12 MTV CMT June 2012 273.34 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 MTV Comedy Central-CMC June 2012 394.11 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 MTV June 2012 955.83 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 MTV MTV Hits June 2012 82.75 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 MTV MTV2-MT2 June 2012 36.67 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 MTV Nick Jr June 2012 39.08 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 MTV Nickelodeon June 2012 1,365.34 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 MTV Nicktoon - NTO June 2012 82.75 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 MTV Spike June 2012 815.76 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 MTV TeenNick June 2012 82.75 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 MTV TV Land June 2012 342.38 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 MTV VH1 Classic Rock June 2012 82.75 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 Jun-12 MTV VH1 June 2012 409.60 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 4,963.11Check Total: Vendor:2485 MUN2 INC Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 472281 MUN2 Hispanic Tier June 2012 0.50 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 472281 MUN2 June 2012 42.67 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 43.17Check Total: Vendor:2218 MUSIC CHOICE Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False June-12 Music Choice June 2012 140.40 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 140.40Check Total: Vendor:2275 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WILD Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False D29943 National Geographic Wild June 2012 50.00 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/09/2012 - 1:16 PM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 50.00Check Total: Vendor:2072 NATIONAL TELCO TELEVISION CONSORTIUM Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 852 NTTC - June 2012 21,407.79 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 21,407.79Check Total: Vendor:2486 NBC INC CABLE SATELLITE OLYMPICS BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 474513 CNBC & MSNBC Olympics June 2012 135.90 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 135.90Check Total: Vendor:2256 NBC SPORTS NETWORK Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 472292 NBC Sports Network June 2012 275.33 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 472293 NBC Sports Network HD June 2012 1.50 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 276.83Check Total: Vendor:2216 NHL NETWORK Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False Jun-12 NHL June 2012 252.77 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 252.77Check Total: Vendor:2488 OXYGEN BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 472283 Oxygen June 2012 344.28 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 344.28Check Total: Vendor:2255 PBS KIDS SPROUT Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 472285 PBS Kids Sprout June 2012 26.36 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 26.36Check Total: Vendor:1852 POWER & TEL Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True 5206503-00 utx - (1) reel 1000M SC/UPC Launch 306.49 07/10/2012 656-49877-421800 306.49Check Total: Vendor:1464 ROTARY CLUB OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False 137 Rotary Club Golf Outing - FNM promo 400.00 07/10/2012 655-49870-443990 400.00Check Total: Vendor:2212 SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/09/2012 - 1:16 PM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Jun-12 WUCW June 2012 277.29 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 277.29Check Total: Vendor:1498 SPRINGSTED INCORPORATED Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 12-042 2011 Continuing Disclosure Services - report prep/filing fee 1,900.00 07/10/2012 657-49870-462010 1,900.00Check Total: Vendor:2480 SYFY BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 472286 SYFY June 2012 380.52 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 380.52Check Total: Vendor:2484 TELEMUNDO BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 472288 Telemundo June 2012 42.67 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 472288 Telemundo Hispanic Tier June 2012 0.51 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 43.18Check Total: Vendor:2252 TOWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 290584 WGN June 2012 234.85 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 234.85Check Total: Vendor:2483 UNIVERSAL HD BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 472289 Universal HD June 2012 16.50 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 16.50Check Total: Vendor:2477 USA NETWORK BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 472291 USA Network June 2012 1,096.26 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 1,096.26Check Total: Vendor:1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False 5475 Labor - Generator - shutdown power 120.00 07/10/2012 655-49870-440440 120.00Check Total: Vendor:2219 WORLD FISHING NETWORK LTD Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 425-1012 World Fishing May 2012 43.69 07/10/2012 655-49860-430920 43.69Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/09/2012 - 1:16 PM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 6/18/12 51-9069641-8 1,728.76 07/10/2012 655-49870-438100 1,728.76Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 71,486.71 57 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/09/2012 - 1:16 PM)Page 8 CityCouncilAgenda:07/23/12 1 5B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Wayne Oberg Finance Director Finance 7/27 FT Name Reason Department Last Day Class Tom Kelly Voluntary Finance 7/3 FT Megan Barnett- Livgard Voluntary Econ Dev. 8/3 FT NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Book1: 7/18/2012 CityCouncilAgenda:07/23/12 1 5C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-063acceptingacontributionfromTom PerraultfortheGeneralFund (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TomPerraultiscontributing$250forJulytogointotheGeneralFund.Asrequiredby statestatute,iftheCityacceptsthedonationoffunds,theCityCouncilneedstoadopta resolutionspecifyingtheamountofthedonationanditsuse. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffaccountsforandreconcilesdonationscontributed throughtheCity. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Approvethecontributionsandauthorizeuseoffundsasspecified. 2.Donotapprovethecontributionsandreturnthefundstothedonors. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendationistoadopttheresolutionacceptingthecontributions. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-063 CityofMonticello RESOLUTIONNO.2012-063 APPROVINGCONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloisgenerallyauthorizedtoaccept contributionsofrealandpersonalpropertypursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesSections 465.03and465.04forthebenefitofitscitizensandisspecificallyauthorizedtomaintain suchpropertyforthebenefitofitscitizensinaccordancewiththetermsprescribedbythe donor.SaidgiftsmaybelimitedunderprovisionsofMNStatutesSection471.895. WHEREAS,thefollowingpersonsandorentitieshaveofferedtocontribute contributionsorgiftstotheCityaslisted: DONOR/ENTITYDESCRIPTIONVALUE TomPerraultCash$250 WHEREAS,allsaidcontributionsareintendedtoaidtheCityinestablishing facilities,operationsorprogramswithinthecity’sjurisdictioneitheraloneorin cooperationwithothers,asallowedbylaw;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilherebyfindsthatitisappropriatetoacceptthe contributionsoffered. NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVED bytheCityCouncilofMonticelloas follows: 1.ThecontributionsdescribedaboveareherebyacceptedbytheCityof Monticello. 2.Thecontributionsdescribedabovewillbeusedasdesignatedbythe donor.Thismayentailreimbursingorallocatingthemoneytoanother entitythatwillutilizethefundsforthefollowingstatedpurpose: DONOR/ENTITYRECIPIENTPURPOSE TomPerraultCityofMonticelloGeneralfund(July) AdoptedbytheCityCouncilofMonticellothis23rddayofJuly,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:07/23/12 1 5D.ConsiderationofapprovingaSpecialEventPermitallowingexclusiveuseofWest BridgeParkandrelatedassistanceinconjunctionwiththeBrewfesteventon August18,2012.Applicant:MonticelloLionsClub (TM/TP/CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovalofaspecialeventpermitforaBrewfest event,anewcraftbeer-tastingfundraiserorganizedbytheMonticelloLionsClub.The requesthasseveralassociatedconsiderations: a)ApprovalforuseofWestBridgeParkandcityparkinglotsinthe downtownarea b)Approvalforcitystaffassistanceforpreparationandset-up c)Temporaryliquorlicense(approvedJune11,2012) Thisadult-orientedcommunityeventisproposedtooccurSaturday,August18th,2012, from3to7p.m.,andisbeingpromotedandheldincooperationwitheligibleMinnesota craftbrewvendorsandlocalfoodvendors.Asitemapillustratingtheproposed configurationofdisplayspacesisincludedinthesupportingdata.TheBrewfest CommitteeisseekingCityassistanceforprovidingbarricades,cones,picnictables,and set-upofthoseitems.TheCommitteehasarrangedfordumpsterserviceandgarbage cartsfromVeoliaandisalsoarrangingforportablebathroomstobebroughtintothe Parkfortheevent.Ifelectricworkand/orcablingisneeded,TomPawelkwouldbe notifiedinadvancebytheBrewfestCommittee. Asillustratedinthesiteplan,theeventisproposedtobelocatedinWestBridgePark withtastingtablessetupneartheshelterbuilding.EventattendeeswouldaccessthePark fromdifferentlocationsnearby,withrestrictedpointsofentryintotheeventareaitself. TheBrewfestCommitteeprovidednarrativedescribingproposedparkingin3downtown lotsandshuttleservicetotheParkfromdesignatedlocationsatBuffaloWildWings, RiverCityExtremeandTheStation.PublicWorksstaffhasdevelopedaplantoblockoff somestreetsintheareaofWestBridgeParkinordertocontroltrafficflowintoandout oftheparkvicinity. TheLionsClubisrequestingthatWestBridgeParkbeclosedfortheentiredaystarting withset-upbyvolunteersonSaturdayat8a.m.andconcludingat8p.m.whichallows timeforclean-upandtear-downbyLionsClubmembers.TheBrewfestCommittee indicatesintheattachedapplicationthattheeventareawithintheparkwillbesectioned offwithtemporaryfencinginordertorestrictthepointofentrytothoseover21yearsof age,asthiseventwillbelimitedtoonlythosepersonsover21holdinganeventticket. TheLionsClubwillberesponsibleforplacementoffencingaroundtheparkperimeter andforsignageattheparkinglots,withsnowfenceandpostsprovidedbytheCityasis available.Uponapprovalofthepermit,theStreetsDepartmentwillplaceasignatWest BridgeParkindicatingthattheentireparkwillbeclosedforprivateuseonAugust18th andtherewouldbenoaccesstotheparkplaygroundonAugust18th. CityCouncilAgenda:07/23/12 2 TheBrewfesteventwillincludeabandwithbluegrasstypeofmusicforbackground listening.Inaddition,KQRSradiopersonalitieswillbepresentfrom5to7p.m.Itisnot anticipatedthatthiswouldcreateanyconcernsaboutsoundorvolume.However,the LionsClubisbeingaskedtoprovideadvancenoticeoftheeventtosurroundinghomes andbusinesseswithina2-blockradius. TheMonticelloLionsClubisrequiredtoobtaininsurancetocovertheeventandits activities,includingliquorliabilitycoverage,withtheCitynamedassecondinsured.The LionsClubisresponsibleforverifyingthatindividualfoodandbeveragevendorshave theappropriateinsurancecoverageandstatepermits.TheLionsClubisexpectedto providesecurityfortheeventthroughtheWrightCountySheriff’sDepartment. Brewfestisdesignedtobeafundraiserforthisnon-profitorganization.Thegrouphas alreadysoldover650ticketsfortheevent. A1.BudgetImpact:None. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:TheLionsClubisrequestingCityassistancefor deliveryandpick-upofbarricades,cones,andpicnictables.Thesewillbe deliveredtothesiteandpickedupduringregularstaffhoursbytheParks Department(estimated16hours).TheStreetSuperintendentpreparedasiteplan forbarricadeandconeplacementwhichisincludedinthesupportingdata.The StreetsDepartmentwillberesponsibleforplacingandremovingallstreet barricadesandsignage(estimated12hours). B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheSpecialEventPermitallowingtemporaryuseofWest BridgeParkfortheMonticelloLionsBrewfesteventfrom8a.m.to8p.m.on Saturday,August18,2012,includingCityassistanceasdescribedinthestaff reportofJuly23,2012;contingenton: a.ContinuedsiteplancoordinationwiththeStreetSuperintendentandPark Superintendent. b.AppropriatesignageandfencingincoordinationwiththeStreetandPark Superintendents. c.Notificationofaffectedlocalbusinessesandresidentswithina2-block radiusoftheParkbypermitholderstartingJuly25th.(Cityproviding namesandaddresses) d.ProvideaCertificateofInsurancefortheevent,includingliquorand generalliability,withtheCitynamedasasecondinsured. 2.MotiontodenySpecialEventPermitforBrewfesteventonAugust18,2012. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffsupportsAlternative#1above. CityCouncilAgenda:07/23/12 3 D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Application&Narrative–LionsClub WestBridgeParksitedrawing AerialSiteImageshowingproposedstreetandparkinglotclosures MonticelloLionsClubBrewfestadvertisement ONE WAY PATHWAY CLOSED A-FRAME BARRICADEROADCLOSED AHEAD ROAD CLOSED ONE WAY ROADCLOSED AHEAD ROADCLOSED AHEAD A - F R A M E B A R R I C A D E A-FRAMEBARRICADE A-FRAMEBARRICADE A-FRAMEBARRICADE ROADCLOSEDTO THRUTRAFFIC ROAD CLOSED AHEAD ROADCLOSEDAHEAD LOTCLOSEDFORBREWFEST BREW-FESTPARKING 2012MONTICELLO BREW-FEST RIVERSTW. RIVERSTE. CEDARST BROADWAYSTE. BROADWAYSTW. WALNUTST FRONTST LINNST LINNST 3RDSTW. WALNUTST HWY25 HWY25 WESTBRIDGEPARK EASTBRIDGEPARK RIVERSTW. BROADWAYSTW. CityCouncilAgenda:07/23/12 1 5E.ConsiderationofratifyingincreaseinFiberNetinternetservicelevelsforcurrent residentialcustomersasrecommendedbytheFiberNetAdvisoryBoard (JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoratifyarecommendationfromtheFiberNetAdvisoryBoard,in accordancewiththegovernancepolicyforFiberNet.AttheJune12th AdvisoryBoard meeting,MarkPultuskerofGigabitSquaredsuggestedthattheBoardconsiderincreasing theinternetlevelsby10MBforeachexistingresidentialcustomeraccount.Thesystem hasmorethanadequatecapacitytomakethisoffering,anditwouldbringFiberNettoa morecompetitivelevelwithotherlocalproviders.Thischangeis“revenue-neutral”so thereisnorealcosttoFiberNettoadjustthecustomeraccounts.Followingdiscussion, theAdvisoryBoardrecommendedapprovaloftheincreaseinservicelevelsfor residentialinternetcustomers. Aspartoftheirmarketingefforts,FiberNetemployeeshavebeencontactingresidential customerstomakethemawareofthisnewchangeanddiscussanyquestionsorconcerns theymighthave. A1.BudgetImpact:Nochangeinrevenuesorexpenseswouldbeincurred. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noimpact. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoratifyanincreaseintheFiberNetinternetservicelevelsforcurrent residentialcustomersasrecommendedbytheFiberNetAdvisoryBoard. 2.Motiontodenyachangeintheinternetservicelevelsatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: None CityCouncilAgenda:07/23/12 1 5F.ConsiderationofappointingWayneObergasMonticelloDeputyRegistrar#002 subjecttoapprovalbytheStateofMinnesotaandWrightCounty (JO/TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityisrequiredbytheStateofMinnesotatoappointaCityemployeeasDeputy RegistrarforourDMVoperations.DuetotheFinanceDirector’ssupervisory responsibilitiesovertheDMVoperations,itisrecommendedthatthenewFinance DirectorWayneObergbeappointedtofillthisrole.TomKellypreviouslyfilledthis role.Currently,AnnJohnsonisactingasDeputyRegistraronaninterimbasisuntila permanentreplacementhasbeenapprovedbytheState.AnnJohnsonwouldcontinueto beresponsibleforthedaytodayoperationsoftheDMV,butWaynewouldoverseethe overalloperations.Theappointmentwasdiscussedatarecentpersonnelcommittee meetingandtheconsensuswasthatitcontinuedtomakesense,forchecksandbalances, thattheDeputyRegistrarManagernotbethepermanentappointeebutinsteadthenew FinanceDirectorassumethatrole. A1.BudgetImpact:Thiswillhavenoimpactonthebudget. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:AnnJohnson’sresponsibilitieswillnotchangenorwill theresponsibilitiesoutlinedintheFinanceDirector’sjobdescription. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveappointingWayneObergasMonticelloDeputyRegistrar002 subjecttoapprovalbytheStateofMinnesotaandWrightCounty. 2.MotiontoappointanalternativeemployeeasMonticelloDeputyRegistrar002 subjecttoapprovalbytheStateofMinnesotaandWrightCounty. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: ThePersonnelCommitteerecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: MinnesotaRule7406.0360regardingappointments MinnesotaStateStatuteSection168.33regardingappointments CityCouncilAgenda:07/23/12 1 7.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-064enteringintoaContinuing AffordableSenior HousingAgreementbetweentheCityofMonticelloand PHS/Monticello(PresbyterianHomes)(MBL) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoadoptaResolutionenteringintoaContinuingAffordable SeniorHousingAgreementwithPHS/Monticello(PresbyterianHomes).Theagreement willallowPresbyterianHomestoapplytoMNHousingFinanceAgencytoobtaina4D classificationfor10apartmentsunitswithintheMississippiShoresdevelopment. TheCitycreatedTIFDistrict1-19(MississippiShores)in1995forthepurposeof establishinganaffordablehousingoptionforseniorcitizensinMonticello.TheEDA provideda$332,129dollarsubsidytoPresbyterianHomestoassistwithconstructinga 49unitapartmentbuildingexclusivelyforseniors.Thedevelopmenttermsincludedan annualpayasyougo(PAYGO)noteofapproximately$27,000untilthesubsidywas paidinfullorFebruaryof2012.Duetodifferentfactorsincludingvariationsintaxvalue andprojectionsnotmaterializing,PresbyterianHomesdidnotreceivethefullsubsidy ($332,129)beforethe2012expirationtermdate.AccordingtoEhlers,thedeveloperdid notreceiveabout$30,000dollars. DuetothefactthatPresbyterianHomesisnolongerreceivingTIFPAYGOpayments, theabilitytokeeptheapartmentunitsaffordableisbecomingfinanciallydifficult. Therefore,thedeveloperispursuingalowertaxclassification(4D)withtheMNHousing FinanceAgency(MHFA).Inordertoapplyforthereducedtaxrate,MHFArequires supportfromthelocalgovernment. Thelowertaxclassificationwillapplyto20%(10)oftheunitsandwillequal approximately$4,000lessingeneraltaxesbeingcollected.Reducingthetaxratewill lowerPresbyterianHome’soperatingcostsandallowthemtokeepcertainunits affordabletoseniors. A1.BudgetImpact:MississippiShoresiscurrentlypartofaTIFdistrict.TheEDA willbedecertifyingthedistrictinfallofthisyear.TheCity,county,school district,andhospitaldistrictwillstarttorealizethebenefitofthepropertytaxesin 2013.Itisestimatedthatthecitywillgainabout$45,000annuallyintaxesfrom thepropertyupondecertification.PresbyterianHomesisaskingforalowertax creditthatwillresultinapproximately$4,000dollarslessintaxescollectedona yearlybasisforthenext10years. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffwillreviewrentverificationformsonayearly basis.Itisanticipatedtheyearlyreviewwilltakecitystaffanhourtocomplete. CityCouncilAgenda:07/23/12 2 B.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. MonticellodoesnothavealotofaffordablerentoptionsinMonticellospecifically developedforseniorcitizens.MississippiShoresisawellestablishedandrespected affordablerentalhousingoptionforseniorcitizens.Currentlyabout40%oftheunitsare occupiedbyseniorsthatareatanincomelevelof60%orlessoftheareamediangross income.AsapointofreferencethecurrentWrightCountyareamedianincomeisjust over$66,000annually. Thedeveloperhasprovideddocumentationshowingtheinabilityfortheprojecttocash flowwithoutfurtherassistanceorraisingrents.Seniorsaretypicallyonfixedincomes andwillhaveadifficulttimeadjustingtoanincreaseinrents. Theneedtoprovideaffordablelife-cyclehousingatalllevelsisagoalstatedinthe PlacestoLivesectionofthecomprehensiveplanasfollows: Toprovidearangeofhousingchoicesthatfitallstagesofaperson’slife-cyclewith aging,peoplemaydesiresmallerhomeswithlessmaintenance.Eventually,theelderly transitiontohousingisassociatedwithoptionsfordirectcare.AsnotedintheVision Statement,Monticello’spopulationwillcontinuetobecomemorediverse.Thisdiversity willbeseeninage,race,cultureandwealth.Thesefactorswillinfluencethehousing needsofMonticello.TheComprehensivePlanrecognizesthesedifferencesandseeksto createabalancedhousingsupplythatencouragespeopletomovetoandstayin Monticello.Thisbalancemaynotbeachievedsolelybymarketforcesguidedbythis LandUsePlan.ActionsbytheCitymaybeneededtopromotethecreationofhousingin underservedsegmentsofthemarket. C.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2012-064enteringintoaContinuingAffordable SeniorHousingAgreementwithPHS/MonticelloInc.forthepurposeof establishinga4Dtaxclassification. 2.MotiontodenyenteringintoaContinuingAffordableSeniorHousingAgreement withPHS/Monticelloatthistime. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-064 ContinuingAffordableSeniorHousingAgreementbetweentheCityofMonticelloand PHS/MonticelloInc. CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2012-064 APPROVINGACONTINUINGAFFORDABLESENIORHOUSINGAGREEMENT BETWEENTHECITYOFMONTICELLOANDPHS/MONTICELLO,INC. BEITRESOLVED bytheCityCouncil("Council")oftheCityofMonticello("City")as follows: Section1.Recitals. 1.01.TheCitypreviouslycreatedTaxIncrementFinancingDistrictNo.1-19(the“TIF District”)withinRedevelopmentProjectNo.1intheCity,allpursuanttoMinnesotaStatutes, Sections469.001to469.047andSections469.174to469.179. 1.02.TheCityandtheHousingandRedevelopmentAuthorityinandfortheCityof Monticello(the“HRA”)enteredintoaContractforPrivateRedevelopmentwithPresbyterian HomesHousingandAssistedLiving,Inc.(the“Redeveloper”)datedasofJuly1,1995(the “Contract”),pursuanttowhichtheCityandHRAofferedcertaintaxincrementfinancingassistance totheRedevelopertofacilitatetheconstructionofa49-unitrentalhousingfacilityforlow-to moderate-incomeseniors(the“Facility”). 1.03.TheRedeveloperfulfilleditsobligationtoconstructtheFacility,whichremainsa viableseniorhousingfacilityintheCity,andtheCityandHRAhavefulfilledtheirobligationto makepaymentsofAvailableTaxIncrementundertheNote(assuchtermsaredefinedinthe Contract).TheContractandNoteterminatedbytheirtermsonFebruary1,2012. 1.04.PHS/Monticello,Inc.(“PHS”),assuccessorininteresttotheRedeveloper,has requestedthattheCitycooperatewithPHSinobtainingcertificationofcertainunitsintheFacility aslow-incomerentalpropertyunderMinnesotaStatutes,Sections273.128and273.13,Subdivision 25(e),inordertoensurethatsuchunitsremainaffordabletopersonsoflowtomoderateincome, andhasproposedthattheCityandPHSenterintoaContinuingAffordableSeniorHousing Agreement(the“Agreement”). 1.05.OnJuly11,2012,theCityofMonticelloEconomicDevelopmentAuthority,as successorininteresttotheHRA,reviewedtheAgreementandrecommendeditsexecutionbythe City. 1.06.TheCouncilandCitystaffandconsultantshavereviewedtheAgreement,andthe CityfindsthattheexecutionoftheAgreementbytheCityandperformanceoftheCity’sobligations thereunderareinthebestinterestoftheCityanditsresidents. Section2.CityApproval;FurtherProceedings. 2.01.TheCouncilapprovestheAgreementaspresentedtotheCouncil,subjectto modificationsthatdonotalterthesubstanceofthetransactionandthatareapprovedbytheMayor andCityAdministrator,providedthatexecutionofthedocumentsbythethoseofficialsshallbe conclusiveevidenceoftheirapproval. 2.02.Citystaffandofficialsareauthorizedtotakeallactionsnecessarytoperformthe City’sobligationsundertheAgreement. APPROVEDBY theCityCounciloftheCityofMonticellothis23rddayofJuly,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CERTIFICATION STATEOFMINNESOTA COUNTYOFWRIGHT IherebycertifythattheforegoingisatrueandcorrectcopyofResolution#2012-064 dulypassed,adoptedandapprovedbytheMonticelloCityCouncilattheirscheduledmeetingon July23,2012,andrecordedinminutesofsaidmeeting. ____________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator NotaryPublic:_______________________________ Date:___________________________ (STAMP) CONTINUINGAFFORDABLESENIORHOUSINGAGREEMENT BYANDBETWEEN THECITYOFMONTICELLO AND PHS/MONTICELLO,INC. Thisdocumentdraftedby:JannaR.Severance PresbyterianHomesandServices 2845HamlineAvenueNorth Roseville,MN55113 2 TABLEOFCONTENTS Page ARTICLEI........................................................................................................................................3 Section1.1.Definitions .........................................................................................................3 ARTICLEII........................................................................................................................................4 Section2.1.RepresentationsandWarrantiesoftheCity.......................................................4 Section2.2.RepresentationsandWarrantiesoftheDeveloper.............................................4 ARTICLEIII.......................................................................................................................................5 Section3.1.ComplianceWithLowandModerateIncomeRequirements ..............................5 Section3.2.Recordation .......................................................................................................5 Section3.3.LIRC ..................................................................................................................5 ARTICLEIV.......................................................................................................................................6 Section4.1.EventsofDefaultDefined ..................................................................................6 Section4.2.RemediesonDefault .........................................................................................6 Section4.3.NoImpliedWaiver .............................................................................................6 Section4.4.IndemnificationofCity .......................................................................................6 ARTICLEV........................................................................................................................................7 Section5.1TheDeveloper'sOptiontoTerminate .................................................................7 Section5.2EffectofTermination ..........................................................................................7 ARTICLEVI.......................................................................................................................................8 Section6.1.RestrictionsonUse ...........................................................................................8 Section6.2.ConflictsofInterest ............................................................................................8 Section6.3.TitlesofArticlesandSections ............................................................................8 Section6.4.NoticesandDemands .......................................................................................8 Section6.5.Counterparts......................................................................................................8 Section6.6.LawGoverning ..................................................................................................8 Section6.7.Expiration ..........................................................................................................8 Section6.8.LegalandAdministrativeExpenses ...................................................................8 Section6.9.ProvisionsSurvivingRescissionorExpiration ...................................................9 Signatures...................................................................10-11 Exhibits.....................................................................12-13 3 CONTINUINGAFFORDABLESENIORHOUSINGAGREEMENT THISAGREEMENT,madeasofthe_____dayof_________,2012,byandbetweentheCity ofMonticello,Minnesota(the"City"),amunicipalcorporationorganizedandexistingunderthelawsof theStateofMinnesota,andPHS/Monticello,Inc.,aMinnesotanonprofitcorporation(the"Developer"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,theDeveloperownsandoperatesa49-unitseniorhousingbuilding(the “Project”),whichislocatedwithinTaxIncrementFinancingDistrictNo.1-19(the“TIFDistrict”),a housingdistrictunderMinnesotaStatutes,Section467.176,subd.11andalsowithinRedevelopment ProjectNo.1underMinnesotaStatutes,Section469.001to469.046;and WHEREAS,theCity,theHousingandRedevelopmentAuthorityinandfortheCityof Monticello(the“HRA”)andPresbyterianHomesHousingandAssistedLiving,Inc.,(“PHHAL”) previouslyenteredintoaContractforPrivateDevelopmentdatedJuly1,1995(the“TIFContract”), underwhichtheHRAprovidedcertaintaxincrementfinancingassistancetofacilitatedevelopmentof theProject,andthePHHALagreedtosubjectaportionoftheunitsintheProjecttocertainincome andrentrestrictionsinconformancewithMinnesotaStatutes,Section469.1761;and WHEREAS,DeveloperisthesuccessorininteresttothePHHALwithrespecttotheTIF Contract;and WHEREAS,theTIFContracthasexpired,butDeveloperiswillingtoensurethatatleast20% oftheunitsintheProjectcontinuetomeetcertainincomeandrentlimitsasdescribedinthis Agreement;and WHEREAS,inconsiderationofDeveloper’spromisetomaintainaffordableseniorrental housingintheCityforanextendedperiodafterterminationoftheTIFContract,theCityiswillingto facilitateclassificationoftheProjectas“qualifyinglow-incomerentalhousing(“LIRC”)withinthe meaningofMinnesotaStatutes,Sections273.128and273.13,subd.25(e)(the“Act”),thereby reducingpropertytaxesfortheProject;and WHEREAS,theMonticelloEconomicDevelopmentAuthority(“EDA”),assuccessortothe HRA,hasrequestedthattheCityenterintothisAgreementinordertofurthertheEDA’sgoalsof maintainingtheavailabilityofhousingforlowincomeelderlypersonsisvitalandinthebestinterests oftheCityofMonticello,thehealth,safety,moralsandwelfareofresidentsoftheCity; NOW,THEREFORE,inconsiderationofthepremisesandthemutualobligationsoftheparties hereto,eachofthemdoesherebycovenantandagreewiththeotherasfollows: ARTICLEI DEFINITIONS Section1.1.Definitions.Allcapitalizedtermsusedandnototherwisedefinedhereinshall havethefollowingmeaningsunlessadifferentmeaningclearlyappearsfromthecontext: Act meansMinnesotaStatutes,Sections273.128and273.13,subd.25(e),asamended. Affiliate means“Affiliate”meanswithrespecttotheDeveloper(a)anycorporation,partnership, orotherbusinessentityorpersoncontrolling,controlledbyorundercommoncontrolwiththe Developer,and(b)anysuccessortosuchpartybymerger,acquisition,reorganizationorsimilar transactioninvolvingallorsubstantiallyalloftheassetsofsuchparty(orsuchAffiliate).Forthe 4 purposehereofthewords“controlling”,“controlledby”and“undercommoncontrolwith”shallmean, withrespecttoanycorporation,partnership,corporationorotherbusinessentity,theownershipoffifty percentormoreofthevotinginterestsinsuchentity,possession,directlyorindirectly,orthepowerto directorcausethedirectionofmanagementpoliciesofsuchentity,whetherownershipofvoting securitiesorbycontractorotherwise. Agreement meansthisAgreement,asthesamemaybefromtimetotimemodified,amended orsupplemented; BusinessDay meansanydayexceptaSaturday,Sundayoralegalholidayoradayonwhich bankinginstitutionsintheCityareauthorizedbylaworexecutiveordertoclose; City meanstheCityofMonticello,Minnesota; County meansWrightCounty,Minnesota; Developer meansPHS/Monticello,Inc.,itssuccessorsandassigns; EventofDefault meansanyoftheeventsdescribedinSection4.1hereof; LegalandAdministrativeExpenses meansthefeesandexpensesincurredbytheCityin connectionwiththeadoptionandadministrationofthisAgreementduringitsterm; LIRC meansqualifyinglow-incomerentalhousingclassificationasfurtherdefinedintheAct. Project meansthe49unitseniorcitizenresidentialrentalhousingfacilitycurrentlyknownas “MississippiShores,”thatisownedbytheDeveloperandlocatedintheCity,legallydescribedin ExhibitA; State meanstheStateofMinnesota; ARTICLEII REPRESENTATIONSANDWARRANTIES Section2.1.RepresentationsandWarrantiesoftheCity.TheCitymakesthefollowing representationsandwarranties: (1)TheCityisamunicipalcorporationandhasthepowertoenterintothisAgreementand carryoutitsobligationshereunder. (2)ThelowincomehousingforseniorscontemplatedbythisAgreementisinconformance withtheEDA’sandCity’sobjectivestoprovideaffordablehousing,andfurtherstherequirements previouslyimposedunderMinnesotaStatutes,Section469.1761. Section2.2.RepresentationsandWarrantiesoftheDeveloper.TheDevelopermakesthe followingrepresentationsandwarranties: (1)TheDeveloperhaspowertoenterintothisAgreementandtoperformitsobligations hereunder. (2)TheDeveloperwilluseitsbesteffortstoobtain,andmaintainallrequiredpermits,licenses andapprovals,andwillmeet,inatimelymanner,allrequirementsofallapplicablelocal,state,and federallawsandregulationswhichmustbeobtainedormettooperatetheProjectasseniorrental housingtheProjectmaybelawfullyconstructed. 5 (3)NeithertheexecutionanddeliveryofthisAgreement,theconsummationofthe transactionscontemplatedhereby,northefulfillmentoforcompliancewiththetermsandconditionsof thisAgreementisprevented,limitedbyorconflictswithorresultsinabreachof,theterms,conditions orprovisionofanycontractualrestriction,evidenceofindebtedness,agreementorinstrumentof whatevernaturetowhichtheDeveloperisnowapartyorbywhichitisbound,orconstitutesadefault underanyoftheforegoing. ARTICLEIII UNDERTAKINGSBYDEVELOPERANDCITY Section3.1.ComplianceWithLowandModerateIncomeRequirements.TheDeveloper covenantsthatatleast20%oftheresidentialunitsintheProjectwillbeoccupiedbyindividuals whoseincomeis50%orlessofareamediangrossincome,asdeterminedfromtimetotimebythe USDepartmentofHousingandUrbanDevelopment.Therentforanysuchdesignatedunitshallnot exceed30%oftheresident’sincome.TheDeveloperwillestablishsuchmonitoringprocedureswith respecttoapplicantsforandoccupantsofdwellingunitsintheProjectastheCitymayreasonably requiretoensurecompliancewiththisrequirement.OnorbeforeJuly1eachyearduringthetermof thisAgreement,commencingJuly1,2013,theDevelopershallsubmittotheCity’sCommunity DevelopmentDirector: (a)aComplianceCertificateintheformattachedasExhibitBcoveringthe12monthperiod precedingthedateoftheComplianceCertificatecertifyingthattheProjectisincompliancewiththe provisions,and (b)supportingdata,inaformprovidedbytheCity,showingataminimum(i)themaximum rentunderthe30%ofincometestforthatreportingyear;(ii)theactualrentforallunits;(iii)the maximumincomeunderthe50%testforthatreportingyear;and(iv)theactualincomeforoccupants ofallunitsthatmeettheincometest.UponrequestfromtheCityatanytime,Developershallmake availabletotheCitydetailedProjectrecordsthatevidencetheconclusionsstatedinanyCompliance Certificateorsupportingdataform. Section3.2.Recordation.ThisAgreement,oraMemorandumthereof,attheoptionofthe Developer,shallbefiledwiththeWrightCountyRecorder. Section3.3LIRC.DeveloperissolelyresponsibletoseekandobtainLIRCtreatmentforthe PropertyinaccordancewiththeAct.ThepartiesagreeandunderstandthatDeveloperwillfirstapply forLIRCtreatmentinthe2013levyyear,fortaxespayablein2014,andwillseekannualrenewal throughthe2022levyyear,fortaxespayablein2023.DevelopershallnotifyCityinwritingeachyear promptlyafterDeveloperreceivesnoticeofthepropertytaxclassificationfortheProperty,confirming whetherornotthePropertyhasreceivedLIRCdesignationforthesubjectlevyyear.TheCityshallco- operatewiththeDeveloperinanyefforttoobtainandannuallyrenewthestatusoftheProjectas LIRCtreatmentundertheActforpurposesofpropertytaxationinMinnesotaandWrightCounty. Notwithstandinganythingtothecontraryherein,theCitymakesnowarrantiesorrepresentationsthat thePropertyiseligiblefor,orwillreceive,LIRCtreatment. 6 ARTICLEIV EVENTSOFDEFAULT Section4.1.EventsofDefaultDefined.Thefollowingshallbe"EventsofDefault"underthis Agreementandtheterm"EventofDefault"shallmeanwheneveritisusedinthisAgreementanyone ormoreoftheProject: (a)FailurebytheDevelopertotimelypayanyad valorem realpropertytaxes assessedwithrespecttotheProject. (b)FailureoftheDevelopertoobserveorperformanyothercovenant,condition, obligationoragreementonitsparttobeobservedorperformedunderthisAgreement. (c)IftheDevelopershall (A)fileanypetitioninbankruptcyorforanyreorganization,arrangement, composition,readjustment,liquidation,dissolution,orsimilarreliefundertheUnited StatesBankruptcyActof1978,asamendedorunderanysimilarfederalorstatelaw; or (B)makeanassignmentforthebenefitofitscreditors;or (C)admitinwritingitsinabilitytopayitsdebtsgenerallyastheybecomedue;or (D)beadjudicatedabankruptorinsolvent;orifapetitionoranswerproposingthe adjudicationoftheDeveloper,asabankruptoritsreorganizationunderanypresentor futurefederalbankruptcyactoranysimilarfederalorstatelawshallbefiledinany courtandsuchpetitionoranswershallnotbedischargedordeniedwithinsixty(60) daysafterthefilingthereof;orareceiver,trusteeorliquidatoroftheDeveloper,orof theProject,orpartthereof,shallbeappointedinanyproceedingbroughtagainstthe Developer,andshallnotbedischargedwithinsixty(60)daysaftersuchappointment, oriftheDeveloper,shallconsenttooracquiesceinsuchappointment. Section4.2.RemediesonDefault.WheneveranyEventofDefaultreferredtoinSection4.1 occursandiscontinuing,theCitymay: (a)cancelandrescindtheAgreement,butonlyaftergivingthirty(30)days'written noticetotheDeveloperandonlyiftheEventofDefaulthasnotbeencuredwithin saidthirty(30)days; (b)Takewhateveraction,includinglegal,equitableoradministrativeaction,whichmay appearnecessaryordesirable(includingwithoutlimitationspecificperformance)to enforceperformanceandobservanceofanyobligation,agreement,orcovenant underthisAgreement. Section4.3.NoImpliedWaiver.IntheeventanyagreementcontainedinthisAgreement shouldbebreachedbyanypartyandthereafterwaivedbyanyotherparty,suchwaivershallbe limitedtotheparticularbreachsowaivedandshallnotbedeemedtowaiveanyotherconcurrent, previousorsubsequentbreachhereunder. Section4.4.IndemnificationofCity. (1)TheDeveloperreleasesfromandcovenantsandagreesthattheCity,itsgoverningbody members,officers,agents,includingtheindependentcontractors,consultantsandlegalcounsel, 7 servantsandemployeesthereof(hereinafter,forpurposesofthisSection,collectivelythe"Indemnified Parties")shallnotbeliableforandagreestoindemnifyandholdharmlesstheIndemnifiedParties againstanylossordamagetopropertyoranyinjurytoordeathofanypersonoccurringatoraboutor resultingfromanydefectintheProject,providedthattheforegoingindemnificationshallnotbe effectiveforanyactionsoftheIndemnifiedPartiesthatarenotcontemplatedbythisAgreement. (2)Exceptforanywillfulmisrepresentationoranywillfulorwantonmisconductofthe IndemnifiedParties,theDeveloperagreestoprotectanddefendtheIndemnifiedParties,nowand forever,andfurtheragreestoholdtheaforesaidharmlessfromanyclaim,demand,suit,actionor otherproceedingwhatsoeverbyanypersonorentitywhatsoeverarisingorpurportedlyarisingfrom theactionsorinactionsoftheDeveloper(orifotherpersonsactingonitsbehalforunderitsdirection orcontrol)underthisAgreement,orthetransactionscontemplatedherebyortheacquisition, construction,installation,ownership,andoperationoftheProject;provided,thatthisindemnification shallnotapplytothewarrantiesmadeorobligationsundertakenbytheCityinthisAgreementorto anyactionsundertakenbytheCitywhicharenotcontemplatedbythisAgreement. (3)Allcovenants,stipulations,promises,agreementsandobligationsoftheCitycontained hereinshallbedeemedtobethecovenants,stipulations,promises,agreementsandobligationsof theCityandnotofanygoverningbodymember,officer,agent,servantoremployeeoftheCity,asthe casemaybe. ARTICLEV DEVELOPER'SOPTIONTOTERMINATEAGREEMENT Section5.1TheDeveloper'sOptiontoTerminate.ThisAgreementmaybeterminatedbythe DevelopereffectiveuponwrittennoticetotheCityifnouncuredEventofDefaultunderSection4.1 hasoccurredandanyofthefollowingeventshasoccurred:(i)theCityhasfailedtocomplywithany materialtermofthisAgreement,and,afterwrittennoticebytheDeveloperofsuchfailure,theCityhas failedtocuresuchnoncompliancewithinsixty(60)daysafterthedateofsuchnotice,or,ifsuch noncompliancecannotreasonablybecuredbytheCitywithinsaidsixty(60)days,theCityhasnot providedassurances,reasonablysatisfactorytotheDeveloper,thatsuchnoncompliancewillbecured assoonasreasonablypossible,(ii)theDeveloperhascompliedwithallrequirementsundertheActto applyfororrenewLIRCclassification,butProjecthasbeendeniedLIRCclassification,initially,or uponanyrenewal,(iii)theProjectistakenbyexerciseofeminentdomain,(iv)theProjectisdestroyed ordamagedandthecosttoreplaceorrepairisestimatedtoexceed$1million,(v)theDevelopersells orleasestheProjectasawholetoanypartyotherthananAffiliate,(vi)theDeveloperisnolonger controlled,directlyorindirectly,byPresbyterianHomesandServices,or(vii)theActisamendedto materiallyaltertheeligibilitycriteriaforLIRCsuchthattheProjectasadministeredunderthis Agreementwouldnotcomply;or(viii)theActisamendedtomateriallyincreasetheLIRCtaxrate. Section5.2EffectofTermination.IfthisAgreementisterminatedpursuanttothisArticleV, thisAgreementshallbefromsuchdateforwardnullandvoidandofnofurthereffect;provided, however,theterminationofthisAgreementshallnotaffecttherightsofeitherpartytoinstituteany action,claimordemandfordamagessufferedasaresultofbreachordefaultofthetermsofthis Agreementbytheotherparty,ortorecoveramountswhichhadaccruedandbecomedueand payableasofthedateofsuchtermination.UponterminationofthisAgreementpursuanttothisArticle V,theDevelopershallbefreetooperatetheProjectwithoutregardtotheprovisionsofthis Agreement. 8 ARTICLEVI ADDITIONALPROVISIONS Section6.1.RestrictionsonUse.TheDeveloperagreesthatduringthetermofthisAgreement itshalloperate,orcausetobeoperated,theProjectasanelderlyresidentialrentalhousingfacility thatmeetstheaffordabilityrequirementsdescribedinthisAgreement. Section6.2.ConflictsofInterest.NomemberofthegoverningbodyorotherofficialoftheCity shallhaveanyfinancialinterest,directorindirect,inthisAgreementortheProject,oranycontract, agreementorothertransactioncontemplatedtooccurorbeundertakenthereunderorwithrespect thereto,norshallanysuchmemberofthegoverningbodyorotherofficialparticipateinanydecision relatingtotheAgreementwhichaffectshisorherpersonalinterestsortheinterestsofany corporation,partnershiporassociationinwhichheorsheisdirectlyorindirectlyinterested.No member,officialoremployeeoftheCityshallbepersonallyliabletotheCityintheeventofany defaultorbreachbytheDeveloperorsuccessororonanyobligationsunderthetermsofthis Agreement. Section6.3.TitlesofArticlesandSections.Anytitlesoftheseveralparts,articlesand sectionsoftheAgreementareinsertedforconvenienceofreferenceonlyandshallbedisregardedin construingorinterpretinganyofitsprovisions. Section6.4.NoticesandDemands.Exceptasotherwiseexpresslyprovidedinthis Agreement,anotice,demandorothercommunicationunderthisAgreementbyanypartytoanyother shallbesufficientlygivenordeliveredifitisdispatchedbyregisteredorcertifiedmail,postage prepaid,returnreceiptrequested,ordeliveredpersonally,and (a)inthecaseoftheDeveloperisaddressedtoordeliveredpersonallyto: PHS/Monticello,Inc. 2845HamlineAve.North Roseville,MN55113 Attn:CFO (b)inthecaseoftheCityisaddressedtoordeliveredpersonallytotheCityat: CityofMonticello 505WalnutStreet Monticello,MN55362 oratsuchotheraddresswithrespecttoanysuchpartyasthatpartymay,fromtimetotime,designate inwritingandforwardtotheother,asprovidedinthisSection. Section6.5.Counterparts.ThisAgreementmaybeexecutedinanynumberofcounterparts, eachofwhichshallconstituteoneandthesameinstrument. Section6.6.LawGoverning.ThisAgreementwillbegovernedandconstruedinaccordance withthelawsoftheState. Section6.7.Expiration.ThisAgreementshallexpireattheendofthetax-levyyearending December31,2022,unlessearlierterminatedorrescindedinaccordancewithitsterms. Section6.8.LegalandAdministrativeExpenses.DevelopershallpayallCityoutofpocket LegalandAdministrativeExpenses,within10BusinessDaysafterreceiptofawritteninvoicefromthe Cityreasonablydescribingthecostsincurred. 9 Section6.9.ProvisionsSurvivingRescissionorExpiration.Section4.4shallsurviveany rescission,terminationorexpirationofthisAgreementwithrespecttoorarisingoutofanyevent, occurrenceorcircumstanceexistingpriortothedatethereof.Further,Developer’sobligationtopay anyLegalandAdministrativeExpensesincurredpriortotheeffectivedateofterminationorexpiration ofthisAgreementshallsurviveunderSections5.1or6.7. 10 INWITNESSWHEREOF,theCityhascausedthisAgreementtobedulyexecutedinitsname andonitsbehalfanditssealtobehereuntodulyaffixed,andtheDeveloperhascausedthis Agreementtobedulyexecutedinitsnameandonitsbehalf,onorasofthedatefirstabovewritten. THECITYOFMONTICELLO By_____________________________________ ItsMayor By_____________________________________ ItsCityAdministrator ThisisasignaturepagetotheContinuingAffordableSeniorHousingAgreementbyandbetweenthe CityofMonticelloandPHS/Monticello,Inc. 11 PHS/MONTICELLO,INC. By___________________________________________ Its__________________________________________ ThisisasignaturepagetotheContinuingAffordableSeniorHousingAgreementbyandbetweenthe CityofMonticelloandPHS/Monticello,Inc. 12 EXHIBITA LegalDescriptionofProject Lot2,Block2,andLot2,Block3,MonticelloBigLakeCommunityHospitalDistrict Campus,accordingtotherecordedplatthereof,WrightCounty,MN(AbstractProperty) 13 EXHIBITB COMPLIANCECERTIFICATE Theundersigned____________________ofPHS/Monticello,Inc.doesherebycertifythatas ofthedateofthisCertificate(i)notlessthan20%oftheresidentialunitsinthehousingprojectas definedintheContinuingAffordableSeniorHousingAgreementdatedasof___________,2012 betweenPHS/Monticello,Inc.andtheCityofMonticello(the"Project")areoccupiedbyindividuals whoseincomeis50%orlessofareamediangrossincome,and(ii)theProjectmeetsallofthe requirementsofalow-incomehousingcreditunderSection42oftheInternalRevenueCodeof1986 asamended.Seeattachedformfordetail. Datedthis____dayof_________________,2012. PHS/MONTICELLO,INC. By_____________________________________ Its______________________________________ CityCouncilAgenda:7/23/12 1 8.ConsiderationofadjustingCitySalarySchedulesfortheremainderof2012witha COLAincrease (JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Inlightofarecentincreaseindevelopmentrelatedrevenue,budgetsavingsduetorecent stafftransitionsandthelengthoftimesinceacostoflivinghasbeengranted, CouncilmemberHilgartrequestedthatthePersonnelCommitteereviewthematterand providearecommendationonthistopictothebalanceofCouncil.Inturn,attheirregular meetinginJuly,thePersonnelCommitteereviewedthisrequest.Asaresultofthe discussion,MayorHerbstindicatedsupportofa2%increaseforthebalanceof2012. CouncilmemberPosustaobjectedtothetimingoftherequestpreferringthatthematterbe reviewedinDecember2012.Followingisthepayadjustmenthistorysince2007: Year COLA Step 20081%Full 20091%Full 20100%Half 20110%Suspended 20120%Suspended The2012budgetdidincludeaCOLAof2%($93,600)effectiveJanuary1standhalfstep increasesforthoseemployeeseligibleforstepincreasestobeeffectiveontheirreview datesotherearefundsavailabletocoveracostoflivingincreasefromAugustthrough December2012. A1.BudgetImpact:The2012budgetincludeda2%COLA(approximately $69,600)andhalfstepincreases(approximately$24,000)effectiveJanuary1st for employeewagesforabudgetedamountof$93,600.Theproposedincreasein Augustwouldconsume$29,900ofthisbudgetamount. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thisactionhasminimalstaffworkloadimpact. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveaCOLAincreaseof2%,effectiveAugust1st,2012forcity salaryschedules. 2.MotiontoapproveanalternateCOLAincreaseand/oreffectivedateforcity salaryschedules. 3.Motiontonotapproveanychangestothesalaryschedulesatthistime. CityCouncilAgenda:7/23/12 2 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: TheCityAdministratorrecommendsAlternative#1basedonthenewfactorsoutlinedin thismemoandforreasonsoutlinedinthestaffreportofJanuary2012. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: None