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City Council Agenda Packet 05-29-2012
AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Tuesday,May29,2012–7p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:ClintHerbst CouncilMembers:LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf 1.CalltoOrderandPledgeofAllegiance 2A.ApprovalofMinutes–May9,2012SpecialJointMeeting(EDA-CC) 2B.ApprovalofMinutes–May14,2012RegularMeeting 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda 4.Citizencomments,publicserviceannouncements,andstaffupdates a.CitizenComments: b.PublicServiceAnnouncements: 1)MonticelloRecyclingDayResults 2)Walk&Roll(6/16) 3)CraftMarket(6/7) c.StaffUpdates: 5.ConsentAgenda: A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillsforMay29th B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-043acceptingcontributionfrom TomPerraultfortheGeneralFund D.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-044acceptingcontributionfrom CenterPointEnergytowardsuppliesfortheFireDepartment E.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-046statingIntenttoReimbursefrom bondproceedsfor2012RuralRoadImprovements,CityProjectNo.12C001 F.ConsiderationofadoptingResolutions#2012-047and#2012-048accepting quotesandawardingcontractsforthe2012StreetBituminousSealcoatProject andthe2012StreetPavementMarkingProject G.ConsiderationofarequestforConditionalUsePermitforClinicUseinaB-1 (NeighborhoodBusiness)DistrictforLots1&2,Block5,LowerMonticello(355 EastBroadway);PID155-015-005010.Applicant:Saunders,Dorothy H.ConsiderationofapprovingSpecialUsePermitallowinguseofEllisonPark,West BridgePark,PioneerPark,andCommunityCenterParkingLotandrelated assistanceinconjunctionwiththeannualRiverfestcelebrationonJuly12-15, 2012.Applicant:RiverfestCommittee I.Considerationofapproving2011StormWaterPollutionPreventionPlan (SWPPP)AnnualReport 6.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 7.PublicHearing–ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-049approvingvacationof drainageandutilityeasementsbetweenLots11and12,Block3,CarlisleVillage4 th Addition(8320&8348GatewaterDrive)andapprovingAdministrativeLot CombinationforLots11and12.Applicant:MichaelLynch 8.Considerationofacceptingthe2011AuditReport 9.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-050approvingPlansandSpecificationsand authorizingAdvertisementforBidsfor2012RuralRoadImprovements,CityProjectNo. 12C001 10.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#560approvingatextamendmenttoTitle10ofthe MonticelloZoningCodeallowingEntertainment/Recreation–IndoorCommercialasa ConditionalUseinanIBC(IndustrialandBusinessCampus)Districtandapprovinga ConditionalUsePermitforEntertainment/Recreation–IndoorCommercialforLots6,7, &8,Block2,LauringHillsideTerrace(406East7th Street);PIDs:155-029-002060,155- 029-002070,155-029-29002080.Applicant:CommercialRealtySolutions/WayneElam 11.Addeditems 12.Adjournment CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 1 5A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforMay29th (TK) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaffsubmitstheattachedbillregistersandpurchasingcardregistersforapprovalby Council.Thebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedandthepurchasingcard registerscontainallcardpurchasesmadesincethelastCouncilmeeting.SubjecttoMN Statutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksforpayment. ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise.AcreditpurchasingagreementandpolicywasapprovedbyCouncilinitially andcardpurchasesmustcomplywiththepolicy. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillandpurchasecardregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotalamountof $1,649.505.49. 2.MotiontoapprovetheregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters PurchaseCardregisters User: Printed:05/23/2012 - 10:06AM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00203.05.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1001 2ND WIND EXERCISE EQUIPMENT INC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 021033593 (1) inner outer thigh cable 106.88 05/30/2012 226-45122-440800 021033651 (8) commercial roller wheels 409.33 05/30/2012 226-45122-440800 516.21Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 8381904 A & E April 2012 762.96 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 762.96Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 8382010 A & E History April 2012 562.53 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 562.53Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 8382103 A & E History Internatioanl April 2012 423.45 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 423.45Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 8382159 A & E Military History April 2012 150.56 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 150.56Check Total: Vendor:2315 A AND E TELEVISION NETWORKS LLC Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 8382137 A & E En Espanol April 2012 25.00 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 25.00Check Total: Vendor:1026 AMERICAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS INC Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 1103634 Sealcoat Bids 4/26; 5/3 188.78 05/30/2012 101-43120-435100 1103635 ZCHIRO - 355 East Broadway 4/26; 5/3 169.90 05/30/2012 101-41910-435100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 358.68Check Total: Vendor:1028 AMERIPRIDE LINEN AND APPERAL SERVICES Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 2200246794 17.97 05/30/2012 226-45122-441700 2200246794 46.57 05/30/2012 226-45122-431110 2200246794 12.41 05/30/2012 226-45122-441710 223354800 17.72 05/30/2012 226-45122-441700 223354800 54.79 05/30/2012 226-45122-431110 223354800 12.18 05/30/2012 226-45122-441710 161.64Check Total: Vendor:1030 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER INC Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 29336 Pager - bad buttons - replaced w/another unit; tested 95.00 05/30/2012 101-42200-440440 29337 Pager - loose battery connectn - replaced w/another unit; tested 105.00 05/30/2012 101-42200-440440 200.00Check Total: Vendor:1038 APPERTS FOOD SERVICE Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 1737085 5.25 05/30/2012 226-45122-433300 1737085 73.73 05/30/2012 226-45127-421460 1737085 re-sale 340.59 05/30/2012 226-45127-425410 1737086 Ballfields - re-sale 230.57 05/30/2012 226-45203-425410 1740845 5.25 05/30/2012 226-45122-433300 1740845 re-sale 861.40 05/30/2012 226-45127-425410 1,516.79Check Total: Vendor:1040 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 629-7483135 8.43 05/30/2012 101-43110-441700 629-7483135 33.48 05/30/2012 101-45201-441700 629-7483135 17.54 05/30/2012 602-49490-441700 629-7483135 17.54 05/30/2012 601-49440-441700 629-7483135 42.86 05/30/2012 101-43120-441700 629-7483135 28.44 05/30/2012 101-43127-421990 629-7488116 8.44 05/30/2012 101-43110-441700 629-7488116 33.52 05/30/2012 101-45201-441700 629-7488116 17.56 05/30/2012 602-49490-441700 629-7488116 17.56 05/30/2012 601-49440-441700 629-7488116 43.41 05/30/2012 101-43120-441700 629-7488116 30.41 05/30/2012 101-43127-421990 629-7493073 8.49 05/30/2012 101-43110-441700 629-7493073 29.05 05/30/2012 101-45201-441700 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 629-7493073 16.23 05/30/2012 602-49490-441700 629-7493073 16.23 05/30/2012 601-49440-441700 629-7493073 38.34 05/30/2012 101-43120-441700 629-7493073 46.80 05/30/2012 101-43127-421990 454.33Check Total: Vendor:2701 ARCHITECTURAL CONSORTIUM LLC Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 11-1057-01 #2 ZEDTMS - 3/2-5/1/12 Downtown Hardware store 2,852.26 05/30/2012 213-46522-431990 2,852.26Check Total: Vendor:1041 ARCTIC GLACIER INC Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 402213110 re-sale 184.82 05/30/2012 609-49750-425500 402213812 re-sale 376.12 05/30/2012 609-49750-425500 560.94Check Total: Vendor:2319 AVAIL TVN CORPORATION Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False Apr-12 Avial-TVN PPV April 2012 82.45 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 Avial-TVN VOD April 2012 1,170.76 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 1,253.21Check Total: Vendor:1063 CAROLYN BECKER Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 3/26-4/25/12 Mileage reimb - Excel classes 9.55 05/30/2012 101-41520-433100 9.55Check Total: Vendor:1066 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 102816 (34) pizzas 170.00 05/30/2012 226-45127-421460 102816 (38) pizzas 190.00 05/30/2012 226-45127-425410 360.00Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 163107 re-sale 171.60 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 163108 544.75 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 163110 12.80 05/30/2012 226-45127-421460 163110 re-sale 195.00 05/30/2012 226-45127-425410 165842 re-sale 172.00 05/30/2012 226-45127-425410 165845 re-sale 25.20 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 165846 283.77 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,405.12Check Total: Vendor:2221 BIG TEN NETWORK LLC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False D00141 Big 10 April 2012 1,173.33 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 D00141 Big 10 Bulks April 2012 187.50 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 1,360.83Check Total: Vendor:2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 903965453 (5) CYBE- CS50U48V 48V UPS (refer to 903991151 freight credit) 655.14 05/30/2012 656-49877-421800 903971641 (48) orange marking paint 146.21 05/30/2012 656-49877-421990 903991150 (100) SC100RR 1 gang low voltage M 95.53 05/30/2012 656-49877-421800 903991151 Freight credit - refer to invoice 903965453 -40.61 05/30/2012 656-49877-421800 856.27Check Total: Vendor:1080 BRAEMER MAILING SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 54013 UB Qtr 1 2012 print; mail; ect. (1/2) 546.46 05/30/2012 601-49440-431990 54013 UB Qtr 1 2012 print; mail; ect. (1/2) 546.46 05/30/2012 602-49490-431990 54013 Insert - UB Qtr 1 2012 40.24 05/30/2012 226-45122-431950 54013 Insert - UB Qtr 1 2012 40.24 05/30/2012 655-49870-434990 1,173.40Check Total: Vendor:2481 BRAVO COMPANY BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 443475 Bravo April 2012 399.93 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 399.93Check Total: Vendor:2047 BRIDGE WATER TELEPHONE COMPANY Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 665FNMT-S-12134 Voice - interconnect fees 5/13-6/12/12 425.77 05/30/2012 655-49860-430910 425.77Check Total: Vendor:2890 BROTHERS FIRE PROTECTION CO Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 88313 Labor/Supp emerg call fire alarm malfunction 785.00 05/30/2012 226-45122-440100 785.00Check Total: Vendor:1791 BULLSEYE COLLECTION AGENCY INC Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False April 2012 ID# 63579 35.40 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 April 2012 ID# 68538 83.91 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 April 2012 ID# 64454 201.99 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 April 2012 ID# 67818 44.31 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 365.61Check Total: Vendor:1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: True 2348-000G117 General 1,540.00 05/30/2012 101-41610-430400 2348-000G117 General - inspection fees; ect. 98.00 05/30/2012 101-42400-430400 2348-000G117 General - auditor response letter 58.00 05/30/2012 101-41520-431990 2348-000G117 General 336.00 05/30/2012 101-41910-430400 2348-000G117 ZKJELL - General - Kjellberg CUP; extension 210.00 05/30/2012 101-00000-220110 2348-001G65 Code enforcement 18.20 05/30/2012 101-42400-430400 2348-095G3 Hillside Farms 3rd Addn 58.50 05/30/2012 101-41910-430400 2348-099G3 Hillside Farms 4th Addn 58.50 05/30/2012 101-41910-430400 2348-103G58 Fiber/Broadband project 770.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-430400 2348-115G13 Motzko Co LLC Litigation 112.00 05/30/2012 101-41610-430400 3,259.20Check Total: Vendor:2918 CARLSON BUILDING SERVICES INC Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 40027 MGFARM - May - regular monthly services 374.06 05/30/2012 213-46522-431990 40387 MGFARM - June - regular monthly services 374.06 05/30/2012 213-46522-431990 748.12Check Total: Vendor:2220 CBS SPORTS NETWORK Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 051875 CBS College Sports April 2012 82.88 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 82.88Check Total: Vendor:2213 CBS TV STATIONS Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False Apr-12 WCCO April 2012 895.05 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 895.05Check Total: Vendor:1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 5/8/12 5863599-6 41.62 05/30/2012 101-42700-438300 5/8/12 5804618-6 12.82 05/30/2012 101-45201-438300 54.44Check Total: Vendor:2654 CENTURYLINK Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False L04003703712122 Voice - CABS 5/1-5/31/12 125.87 05/30/2012 655-49860-430910 125.87Check Total: Vendor:2487 CHILLER BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 443477 Chiller April 2012 73.08 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 73.08Check Total: Vendor:2482 CLOO Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False 443478 CLOO - Sleuth April 2012 73.08 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 73.08Check Total: Vendor:2479 CNBC INC BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 443479 CNBC April 2012 583.42 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 443481 CNBC World April 2012 37.85 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 621.27Check Total: Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 1024440 12,892.88 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 1024440 re-sale 56.60 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 1024459 2,026.50 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 1024482 35,636.95 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 1024506 706.40 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 1024506 re-sale 15.50 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 4292 246.75 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 4292 re-sale 31.00 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 4329 249.00 05/30/2012 226-45203-425200 4489 332.00 05/30/2012 226-45203-425200 52,193.58Check Total: Vendor:1950 DATA CONNECTION CORPORATION Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False DCC02016 Voice-replace MetaView UX4410 server for calling feature service 9,683.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-424200 9,683.00Check Total: Vendor:1134 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: True 649757 2,341.40 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 650771 1,427.65 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 3,769.05Check Total: Vendor:2907 STEPHANIE DUSZYNSKI Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 67845 71.12 05/30/2012 655-00000-115040 71.12Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2919 EBERT INC Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: True Payment No. 1 11C006 - MCC Natatorium Improvements 18,401.50 05/30/2012 226-45122-453010 18,401.50Check Total: Vendor:2821 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INC Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False 5/18/12 ZEDTMS - (25.75) hrs Professional services for March 2012 3,862.50 05/30/2012 213-46502-431990 5/18/12 ZEDTMS - Mileage reimbursement 97.68 05/30/2012 213-46502-431990 5/18/12 ZEDTMS - Graphic design support on flyer 168.75 05/30/2012 213-46502-431990 4,128.93Check Total: Vendor:1157 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 344577 Mississippi Shores TIF 1-19 Note Analysis 1,170.00 05/30/2012 213-46519-431990 1,170.00Check Total: Vendor:1165 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MAINTENANCE INC Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 61094 Eng 1 (1162) - test & service NFPA pump 497.60 05/30/2012 101-42200-440500 61095 Ladder 1 (1164) - test & serv NFPA pump; repair waterway monitor 559.70 05/30/2012 101-42200-440500 61098 Engine 4 - test & servive NFPA pump 398.68 05/30/2012 101-42200-440500 1,455.98Check Total: Vendor:1680 EPIC PRODUCTS INC Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 0371426-IN 54.86 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 0371426-IN re-sale 617.25 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 672.11Check Total: Vendor:2004 TRACY ERGEN Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: True 10/6/11-2/3/12 Mileage-10/6 Golden Valley GPRS Seminar; 2/2-2/3 Plymouth MPELRA 81.03 05/30/2012 101-41800-433100 10/6/11-2/3/12 Reimb postage - 11/3/11 $6.83; 1/5/12 $3.29 10.12 05/30/2012 101-41800-432200 91.15Check Total: Vendor:1167 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 122-706 33.50 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 33.50Check Total: Vendor:1634 FIRE EQUIPMENT SPECIALTIES INC Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 7524 (2) each - Janesville PBI Matrix V-Force coat; pant; suspenders 4,461.95 05/30/2012 101-42200-421120 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 4,461.95Check Total: Vendor:2222 FOX SPORTS NET NORTH HD Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False D02511 Fox Sports North April 2012 5,140.24 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 D02511 Fox Sports North Taverns April 2012 187.50 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 5,327.74Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False KMSP Apr-12 KMSP April 2012 1,263.60 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 1,263.60Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False WFTC Apr-12 WFTC April 2012 157.95 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 157.95Check Total: Vendor:2274 FUEL Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False C97591 FUEL April 2012 62.64 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 62.64Check Total: Vendor:1194 G AND K SERVICES Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 1043152474 Floor mats 32.73 05/30/2012 217-41990-431900 1043179072 Floor mats 130.29 05/30/2012 609-49754-431900 163.02Check Total: Vendor:1859 GODFATHER'S EXTERMINATING INC Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 45575 Quarterly exterminatrion 58.78 05/30/2012 609-49754-431900 58.78Check Total: Vendor:2257 THE GOLF CHANNEL Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 443490 The Golf Channel April 2012 390.52 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 390.52Check Total: Vendor:2257 THE GOLF CHANNEL Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 443482 The Golf Channel HD April 2012 1.55 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 1.55Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1206 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 139591 4.50 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 139591 340.00 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 344.50Check Total: Vendor:2906 BRIAN AND CATHY GROTT Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 67804 67.89 05/30/2012 655-00000-115040 67.89Check Total: Vendor:2433 NICHOLAS R HACKENMUELLER Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: True 5/9/12 5/9/12 EDA mtg 50.00 05/30/2012 101-46500-431990 50.00Check Total: Vendor:1883 STEVE HANSON Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 4/20/12 Reimb Cub invoice - food for house burn training-hot dogs; chips 147.87 05/30/2012 101-42200-443990 147.87Check Total: Vendor:1750 HBC HIAWATHA BROADBAND COMM INC Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: True 550-1 (3) hr - Paid Production - commercial editing 225.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 6287 May 2012 contract 15,000.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 6288 (7) hrs 525.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 6288 Mgmt Fee-includes video mgmt & tech support services 5,263.50 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 6288 Neustar porting fees 335.17 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 6288 (5) hr - FiberNet LNP porting requests processed 375.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 6288 1751 SUBS @ 2/SUB for use of OSS System 3,502.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 6288 1751 SUBS @ 2.5/SUB for billing services 4,377.50 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 6288 Reimb postage (98) late notices in April 44.10 05/30/2012 655-49870-432200 29,647.27Check Total: Vendor:1224 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False 4782514 (100) SR 5/8 reg ECR 100 cu ft 5,726.01 05/30/2012 601-49440-422701 4782550 (50) touch pads; (200) meter washers 783.45 05/30/2012 601-49440-422701 4782568 utx - (10) single port mxu's 1,175.34 05/30/2012 601-49440-422701 7,684.80Check Total: Vendor:1604 HEALTH PARTNERS Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 40375913 6/1 - 6/30/12 Medical insurance 60,476.51 05/30/2012 101-00000-217060 40375913 6/1 - 6/30/12 Dental insurance 6,144.82 05/30/2012 101-00000-217062 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 66,621.33Check Total: Vendor:2591 BRIAN HELLMAN Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 1920 Riverside Cemetery - spring clean-up 200.00 05/30/2012 651-49010-431050 1921 DMV - spring clean-up & mowing 4/13; mowing 4/22 70.00 05/30/2012 217-41990-431050 1922 Fire Hall - spring clean-up & mowing 4/13; lawn care 4/22 70.00 05/30/2012 101-42200-431050 1923 Library - spring clean-up & mowing 4/13; lawn care 4/22 80.00 05/30/2012 211-45501-431050 1924 Liquor Store - spring clean-up & mowing 4/13; lawn care 4/22 80.00 05/30/2012 609-49754-431050 1925 Prairie Building - spring clean-up w/mowing 4/13, lawn care 4/22 70.00 05/30/2012 101-41941-431050 570.00Check Total: Vendor:1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 05/18/2012 23.57 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 38.01 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 29.00 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 45.00 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 31.20 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 18.74 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 100.00 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 37.05 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 30.30 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 80.27 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 60.05 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 39.43 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 25.01 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 41.48 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 42.09 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 05/18/2012 Motor fuel credit 4/20/12 - 5/18/12 -39.49 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 601.71Check Total: Vendor:1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 5/18/12 50.39 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 5/18/12 Motor fuel credit 4/21/12 - 5/18/12 -3.06 05/30/2012 101-42200-421200 47.33Check Total: Vendor:2305 HOME BOX OFFICE Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False Apr-12 HBO Cinemax April 2012 213.48 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 HBO April 2012 726.84 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 HBO Bulk April 2012 509.74 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,450.06Check Total: Vendor:1244 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 12050729 Pool chemicals 1,180.20 05/30/2012 226-45122-421600 1,180.20Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False KSTC Apr-12 KSTC April 2012 368.55 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 368.55Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False KSTP Apr-12 KSTP April 2012 368.55 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 368.55Check Total: Vendor:2871 JACK'S OIL DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: True 37492 535 gal ethanol blended; 561 gal #2 fuel 3,850.60 05/30/2012 101-43120-421200 3,850.60Check Total: Vendor:2625 JIGSAW BUILDERS INC Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 10359 siding repairs - snt to insurance co for reimbursement 465.00 05/30/2012 226-45122-440100 465.00Check Total: Vendor:1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRUBTING Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 1756314 3.00 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 1756314 717.15 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 720.15Check Total: Vendor:2188 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPES Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 60878873 (1) solenoid assy return -48.02 05/30/2012 101-45201-421990 61252207 (20) pop-up sprinklers; (50) 1/2 barb cp; (2) rain senssors 396.81 05/30/2012 101-45201-422510 348.79Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 1290783 47.15 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 1290783 4,108.68 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 1292104 11.69 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 1292104 991.09 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1292105 92.43 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 1292105 2,755.58 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 1292105 re-sale 181.03 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 1294584 48.66 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 1294584 1,752.95 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 1295905 35.34 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 1295905 3,271.21 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 1295906 22.24 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 1295906 620.00 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 1295906 re-sale 155.29 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 1296636 14.25 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 1296636 1,114.06 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 1296637 82.01 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 1296637 2,767.30 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 1296637 re-sale 36.00 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 1296638 62.97 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 1299760 37.53 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 1299760 2,571.69 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 1299761 51.42 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 1299761 2,199.82 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 533864 -1.39 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 533864 -269.50 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 22,759.50Check Total: Vendor:2251 KARE GANNETT CO INC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 171-1017 KARE April 2012 947.70 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 947.70Check Total: Vendor:1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 107961 General EDA Matters 1/10-2/16/12 2,035.50 05/30/2012 213-46301-430400 2,035.50Check Total: Vendor:2908 DOUGLAS AND DENISE KOCH Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 69427 44.96 05/30/2012 655-00000-115040 44.96Check Total: Vendor:1277 PATRICIA KAY KOVICH Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: True 5/10-5/11/12 Reimb mileage; meals - Excel classes - St Cloud 71.92 05/30/2012 101-41520-433100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 71.92Check Total: Vendor:2909 ARLENE KUJAWA Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 69965 20.48 05/30/2012 655-00000-115040 20.48Check Total: Vendor:AR-LAKE LAKE STATE LODGING Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False AR Refund Reissue - check #98483 dated 12/15/09 lost 100.00 12/15/2009 101-00000-202010 100.00Check Total: Vendor:1290 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 157209 4/11/12 Safety & Loss Control Workshop Brooklyn Pk - D.W. 20.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-433200 20.00Check Total: Vendor:2304 LEGACY MECHANICAL SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 1853 Labor/supp toilet repair 148.75 05/30/2012 101-41941-440100 1927 Dumont - rplced bearings on supp & retrn fan dehum unit 1,200.00 05/30/2012 226-45122-440440 1,348.75Check Total: Vendor:2166 LIFETIME ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 8382423 A & E Lifetime Network April 2012 564.60 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 564.60Check Total: Vendor:2166 LIFETIME ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 8383314 A & E Lifetime Movie Network April 2012 263.48 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 263.48Check Total: Vendor:2166 LIFETIME ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 8383922 A & E Lifetime Real Women April 2012 44.37 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 44.37Check Total: Vendor:1300 DOUGLAS WILLIAM LYSENG Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: True 1229 Customer premises - On-site services 345.85 05/30/2012 656-49877-431990 1229 (1) Cisco 1200 wireless AP for FNM customer 73.74 05/30/2012 656-49877-421800 1229 5/8/12 - reinstalled drivers on FNM Compal laptop; 60.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 1229 5/11/12 - removed malware/updated Dell Netbook 60.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 539.59Check Total: Vendor:2911 M & M CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 5/9/12 utx (addl .64 owed) Cleaned 5,949 sq. ft. carpet 550.00 05/30/2012 211-45501-431990 550.00Check Total: Vendor:1303 M AMUNDSON LLP Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: True 131175 re-sale 835.12 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 131175 re-sale 65.38 05/30/2012 609-49750-425500 900.50Check Total: Vendor:2819 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 5/1/12 Labor Relations Services 4/1-4/30/12 75.00 05/30/2012 101-41800-430400 75.00Check Total: Vendor:1229 MAJIRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: True 763 (1) 24x63 banner; (4) hr creative serv (city to be reimbursed) 305.43 05/30/2012 101-45130-444260 793 (1000) business cards; creative serv (city to be reimbursed) 109.55 05/30/2012 101-45130-444260 796 shipping 22.54 05/30/2012 226-45122-433300 796 1/2 hr labor 42.50 05/30/2012 226-45122-431990 796 (4,000) inserts to put in Mar UB; (1,000) birthday postcards 289.63 05/30/2012 226-45122-420300 798 (4) hr Creative services - set up letterhead; env; cust letter 340.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-431940 798 March-(5000) letterhead 564.30 05/30/2012 655-49870-420300 798 March customer letter - (1700) env; imprint; inserts 802.63 05/30/2012 655-49870-421810 798 March customer letter - mail service (insert; data inkjet; ect.) 383.68 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 798 (4000) April UB inserts - "Refer a Friend" 430.92 05/30/2012 655-49870-421810 798 (1700) Annual Television Notice 504.83 05/30/2012 655-49870-421810 798 Annual TV Notice - mailing service 367.92 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 798 April customer letter - (1700) letter imprint; env 438.19 05/30/2012 655-49870-421810 798 April customer letter - mail service (insert; data inkjet; ect) 383.68 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 798 April customer letter - (1.5) hr Creative fee 127.50 05/30/2012 655-49870-431940 798 (3) hr Creative fee - door hangers 255.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-431940 798 (4000) Door Hangers 418.95 05/30/2012 655-49870-421810 798 Door Hangers - shipping 44.92 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 798 (250) M.H. business cards - (.5) creative serv; print; shipping 86.03 05/30/2012 655-49870-421990 798 (2.75) Creative fee - Partner w/FNM inserts for EDA meeting 233.75 05/30/2012 655-49870-431940 798 (25) FNM Business inserts for EDA meeting 13.09 05/30/2012 655-49870-421810 798 (1.5) Creative fee - FNM cust serv agreemt-interative pdf 127.50 05/30/2012 655-49870-431940 798 (2289) FNM mailer - "Keep it Local" 737.44 05/30/2012 655-49870-421810 798 (11) Monti Air door hangers - pricing label sheets 11.76 05/30/2012 655-49870-421810 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 798 (9.5) hr Feb - May Creative fee - Times Comm Guide ad; ect. 807.50 05/30/2012 655-49870-431940 798 FNM mailer - "Keep it Local" - mail serv (data inkjet; ect) 153.55 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 799 Walk n Roll brochures - (2500) print; (3) hr creative services 878.08 05/30/2012 101-45130-444140 801 Tech Support Magnets - (500) print; (.5) hr Creative services 184.36 05/30/2012 655-49870-421810 801 FNM Tote Bags - (250) print; (.25) hr Creative services 396.77 05/30/2012 655-49870-421810 9,462.00Check Total: Vendor:1308 MARCO INC Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 203439716 5/10 - 6/10/12 5,415.51 05/30/2012 101-41940-431900 5,415.51Check Total: Vendor:1315 MCLAUGHLIN INVESTMENTS INC Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 44160 Tempest Shadow Smoke Machine repair 237.43 05/30/2012 101-42200-440440 237.43Check Total: Vendor:1318 JONATHAN CALEB MELLBERG Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: True 5/14/12 City Council meeting recording 5/14/12 80.00 05/30/2012 101-41110-431990 80.00Check Total: Vendor:2215 METRO GOLDWYN MAYER INC Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: False Apr-12 MGM HD April 2012 8.75 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 8.75Check Total: Vendor:1920 MFRA - MCCOMBS FRANK ROOS ASSOC INC Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: True 70481 Services thru 4/30/12 - Zoning Ordinance Amendments; Ament Text 795.00 05/30/2012 101-41910-431990 795.00Check Total: Vendor:1327 MIDSTATES EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: False 212225 (2) carbide router bits 631.70 05/30/2012 101-43120-422100 631.70Check Total: Vendor:1330 CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: False 400413002963 (201) transactions - April 2012 120.60 05/30/2012 101-42100-431990 120.60Check Total: Vendor:2217 MLB NETWORK LLC AFFILIATE SALE Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: False 018822 MLB April 2012 264.42 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 264.42Check Total: Vendor:1341 MMKR Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: False 31364 Progress billing - services completed through 4/30/12 3,200.00 05/30/2012 101-41540-430100 3,200.00Check Total: Vendor:1738 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: False Certificate Robert D. Paschke - renew Class B #7790 - Water Supply System Op 23.00 05/30/2012 101-43110-443300 23.00Check Total: Vendor:1376 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LIBRARY Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: True 4/1-4/30/12 utx - Program supplies 240.59 05/30/2012 211-45501-421990 4/1-4/30/12 Program supplies 46.29 05/30/2012 211-45501-421990 4/1-4/30/12 Bank service charge 5.00 05/30/2012 211-45501-431990 4/1-4/30/12 Program services 350.00 05/30/2012 211-45501-431990 641.88Check Total: Vendor:1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: True May 2012 Monthly appropriation 4,208.33 05/30/2012 101-45175-444310 4,208.33Check Total: Vendor:1382 MOON MOTOR SALES INC Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: False 4567508 (1) carburetor; (4) PST gaskets 34.15 05/30/2012 101-45201-422100 34.15Check Total: Vendor:1384 MORAN USA LLC Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: False INV073935 25.94 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 INV073935 re-sale 432.08 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 458.02Check Total: Vendor:1629 MP NEXLEVEL LLC Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: True 95559 Customer premise - (250) bore 1" duct; (694) pull 1 fiber; ect. 2,599.20 05/30/2012 656-49877-431990 95560 Customer premise - (664) pull 12 fiber; (40) bore 1" duct; ect. 889.20 05/30/2012 656-49877-431990 95561 Customer premise - (1344) pull 12 fiber; (50) bore 1" pipe; ect. 1,282.70 05/30/2012 656-49877-431990 95562 Buried drops - (4) SEB 101 (P) 1,460.00 05/30/2012 656-49877-431990 6,231.10Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2478 MSNBC INC BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: False 443483 MSNBC April 2012 484.62 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 484.62Check Total: Vendor:2334 MTV NETWORKS Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: False Apr-12 MTV CMT April 2012 283.90 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 MTV Comedy Central-CMC April 2012 409.34 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 MTV April 2012 992.76 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 MTV MTV Hits April 2012 86.05 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 MTV MTV2-MT2 April 2012 38.13 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 MTV Nick Jr April 2012 40.64 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 MTV Nickelodeon April 2012 1,418.09 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 MTV Nicktoon - NTO April 2012 86.05 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 MTV Spike April 2012 847.28 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 MTV TeenNick April 2012 86.05 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 MTV TV Land April 2012 355.70 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 MTV VH1 Classic Rock April 2012 86.05 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 Apr-12 MTV VH1 April 2012 425.43 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 5,155.47Check Total: Vendor:2485 MUN2 INC Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: False 443484 MUN2 April 2012 44.37 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 443484 MUN2 Hispanic Tier April 2012 0.33 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 44.70Check Total: Vendor:2218 MUSIC CHOICE Check Sequence: 107 ACH Enabled: False Apr-12 Music Choice April 2012 188.32 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 188.32Check Total: Vendor:2275 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WILD Check Sequence: 108 ACH Enabled: False C98071 National Geographic Wild April 2012 50.00 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 50.00Check Total: Vendor:2486 NBC INC CABLE SATELLITE OLYMPICS BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 109 ACH Enabled: False 443485 CNBC & MSNBC Olympics April 2012 141.16 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 141.16Check Total: Vendor:2256 NBC SPORTS NETWORK Check Sequence: 110 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 17 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 443495 NBC Sports Network April 2012 285.97 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 285.97Check Total: Vendor:2256 NBC SPORTS NETWORK Check Sequence: 111 ACH Enabled: False 443496 NBC Sports Network HD April 2012 1.55 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 1.55Check Total: Vendor:1150 NCH CORPORATION Check Sequence: 112 ACH Enabled: True 20573481 (5) drill bits; (1) step bit 137.20 05/30/2012 101-45201-421990 137.20Check Total: Vendor:1861 JEREMY NEMETH Check Sequence: 113 ACH Enabled: False 5/11/12 Mileage remburse - B L (softball packets) posters to businesses 16.76 05/30/2012 226-45122-433100 16.76Check Total: Vendor:1395 NEXTEL WEST CORP Check Sequence: 114 ACH Enabled: False 571273315-126 4/13-5/12/12 14.75 05/30/2012 101-42200-432100 571273315-126 4/13-5/12/12 17.60 05/30/2012 101-42400-432100 571273315-126 4/13-5/12/12 20.67 05/30/2012 101-42700-432100 571273315-126 4/13-5/12/12 15.64 05/30/2012 101-43110-432100 571273315-126 4/13-5/12/12 4.94 05/30/2012 101-43111-432100 571273315-126 4/13-5/12/12 5.97 05/30/2012 101-43115-432100 571273315-126 4/13-5/12/12 9.09 05/30/2012 101-43120-432100 571273315-126 4/13-5/12/12 1.00 05/30/2012 101-45201-432100 571273315-126 4/13-5/12/12 18.09 05/30/2012 226-45122-432100 571273315-126 4/13-5/12/12 84.30 05/30/2012 601-49440-432100 571273315-126 4/13-5/12/12 10.39 05/30/2012 602-49490-432100 571273315-126 4/13-5/12/12 168.17 05/30/2012 655-49870-432100 370.61Check Total: Vendor:2134 NFL NETWORK Check Sequence: 115 ACH Enabled: False 104870 NFL April 2012 885.48 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 885.48Check Total: Vendor:2216 NHL NETWORK Check Sequence: 116 ACH Enabled: False Apr-12 NHL April 2012 262.54 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 262.54Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 18 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1687 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC Check Sequence: 117 ACH Enabled: False 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46539-431990 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46538-431990 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46537-431990 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46536-431990 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46535-431990 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46534-431990 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46530-431990 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46529-431990 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46524-431990 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46522-431990 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46520-431990 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46519-431990 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46506-431990 2914 TIF Mgmt Plan (1/14) 128.89 05/30/2012 213-46505-431990 1,804.46Check Total: Vendor:1775 NORTHWESTERN POWER EQUIPMENT CO INC Check Sequence: 118 ACH Enabled: False 120253TE 44(1) Hi-E-Dry dehumidifier 3,254.34 05/30/2012 601-49440-440440 3,254.34Check Total: Vendor:2910 PAMELA NORWICK-SQUIRE Check Sequence: 119 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 70494 41.10 05/30/2012 655-00000-115040 41.10Check Total: Vendor:1405 OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED Check Sequence: 120 ACH Enabled: False 641071 (2) dry erasers; (1) pk "AAA" batteries; (1) heatseal sheet; ect 95.47 05/30/2012 101-43110-420990 642272 (15) rm paper 96.17 05/30/2012 101-43110-420300 191.64Check Total: Vendor:1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 121 ACH Enabled: True 15820 (2) vertical duplex covers 212.69 05/30/2012 226-45122-422300 15820 utx - on shipping 6.65 05/30/2012 226-45122-422300 219.34Check Total: Vendor:2920 KRISTIN OTTEN Check Sequence: 122 ACH Enabled: False 5/22/12 Friendship Island refund 210.00 05/30/2012 226-45122-347930 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 19 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 210.00Check Total: Vendor:2488 OXYGEN BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 123 ACH Enabled: False 443486 Oxygen April 2012 357.58 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 357.58Check Total: Vendor:1419 PAN O GOLD CO ST CLOUD Check Sequence: 124 ACH Enabled: True 010004213219 re-sale 29.88 05/30/2012 226-45127-425410 010004213918 re-sale 29.88 05/30/2012 226-45127-425410 59.76Check Total: Vendor:1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 125 ACH Enabled: False 8348760-IN 12.50 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 8348760-IN 799.38 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 8349558-IN 4.50 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 8349558-IN 134.98 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 8349567-IN 2.25 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 8349567-IN 133.30 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 1,086.91Check Total: Vendor:2255 PBS KIDS SPROUT Check Sequence: 126 ACH Enabled: False 443488 PBS Kids Sprout April 2012 27.41 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 27.41Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 127 ACH Enabled: False 2236193 29.19 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 2236193 2,721.13 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 2237148 3.24 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 2237148 529.43 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 2237149 25.02 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 2237149 969.95 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 2238833 152.92 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 2238833 6,965.00 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 2238834 4.17 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 2238834 144.00 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 2239708 40.31 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 2239708 2,445.97 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 2239709 5.56 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 2239709 44.35 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 20 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2239709 96.00 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 2239709 re-sale 64.50 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 2240250 40.66 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 2240250 3,153.59 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 2240251 80.62 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 2240251 227.50 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 2240251 3,130.15 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 2240251 re-sale 112.00 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 2242270 69.49 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 2242270 4,713.49 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 3482150 -1.39 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 3482150 -44.00 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 25,722.85Check Total: Vendor:1852 POWER & TEL Check Sequence: 128 ACH Enabled: True 5191080-00 utx - (6000) CAT5E; (1000) clip; (2000) 8" tie 957.67 05/30/2012 656-49877-421800 957.67Check Total: Vendor:2912 RAINVILLE-CARLSON INC Check Sequence: 129 ACH Enabled: False 120229 siding repair - submitted to insurance co for reimbursement 3,280.00 05/30/2012 226-45122-440100 3,280.00Check Total: Vendor:1924 RAS GLASS Check Sequence: 130 ACH Enabled: False I0110877 exit window supplies - (1) 30' glazing tape; (1) setting seal 27.79 05/30/2012 226-45122-440100 I0110877 labor - exit window 120.00 05/30/2012 226-45122-440100 147.79Check Total: Vendor:2104 RELIABLE OFFICE SUPPLIES Check Sequence: 131 ACH Enabled: False CTQ72600 utx (add .36 owed) (1) pk heavy tape; (3) 12/pk lrg clmps; ect 43.68 05/30/2012 217-41990-420990 CTQ72601 (2) file cabinets 97.75 05/30/2012 217-41990-424600 141.43Check Total: Vendor:2602 RFD TV Check Sequence: 132 ACH Enabled: False 1712-1233 RFD TV April 2012 40.46 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 40.46Check Total: Vendor:2856 RIVERLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Check Sequence: 133 ACH Enabled: False 00112293 Auto Extrication - Hands-On 3/12/12 575.00 05/30/2012 101-42200-433200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 21 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 575.00Check Total: Vendor:1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 134 ACH Enabled: True A19785 Labor & Parts - replace bent arm on door closer 175.34 05/30/2012 101-42400-440100 175.34Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 135 ACH Enabled: True 4/2-4/30/12 Mileage reimbursement 105.45 05/30/2012 101-42700-433100 5/31/12 Contract 1,520.13 05/30/2012 101-42700-431200 1,625.58Check Total: Vendor:1481 ANGELA SCHUMANN Check Sequence: 136 ACH Enabled: True 5/17/12 Reimb mileage - Woodbury - APA Seminar 66.00 05/30/2012 101-41910-433100 66.00Check Total: Vendor:2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC Check Sequence: 137 ACH Enabled: False W3535233 4/27/12 security wine tasting event 119.70 05/30/2012 609-49754-425550 W3535233 4/28 & 4/29 security - Bergloff wedding 179.56 05/30/2012 226-45122-431990 299.26Check Total: Vendor:2301 SHOWTIME NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 138 ACH Enabled: False Apr-12 Showtime April 2012 387.60 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 387.60Check Total: Vendor:1361 SHRED IT USA INC Check Sequence: 139 ACH Enabled: False 9400283109 Document shredding 10.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-431990 9400283542 Document shredding 10.00 05/30/2012 101-43110-431990 9400283543 Document shredding 10.00 05/30/2012 217-41990-431990 9400283608 Document shredding 19.73 05/30/2012 101-41940-431990 49.73Check Total: Vendor:1487 CATHY SHUMAN Check Sequence: 140 ACH Enabled: True 5/9/12 Reimb mileage - Waite Pk - Liquor License Training 36.08 05/30/2012 101-41310-433100 36.08Check Total: Vendor:1490 CYNTHIA R SIMPSON Check Sequence: 141 ACH Enabled: False 690642 Firehall cleaning 5/6 - 5/18/12 100.00 05/30/2012 101-42200-431100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 22 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 100.00Check Total: Vendor:2212 SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC Check Sequence: 142 ACH Enabled: False Apr-12 WUCW April 2012 284.31 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 284.31Check Total: Vendor:2905 JENNIFER SORENSON Check Sequence: 143 ACH Enabled: False Refund FiberNet Monticello acct # 65123 37.22 05/30/2012 655-00000-115040 37.22Check Total: Vendor:2155 SOUTH CAROLINA NET INC Check Sequence: 144 ACH Enabled: False 265140 C.A.L.E.A. 5/1-5/31/12 656.38 05/30/2012 655-49870-431970 656.38Check Total: Vendor:1497 SPECTRUM SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 145 ACH Enabled: True 219872 (10) bx disp gloves 69.00 05/30/2012 226-45127-425410 219873 (1) 3/1250ml handwash; (1) 3/1250 hair & body wash 99.01 05/30/2012 226-45122-421990 219873 (2) window squeegees; (2) cs can liners; (2) pk vac bags 129.16 05/30/2012 226-45122-421100 219874 (2) bx disp earplugs; (10) starlite clear anitfog 48.11 05/30/2012 101-45201-421650 220073 (1) tri-grip charcoal; (2) wastebaskets 93.51 05/30/2012 226-45122-422990 220074 (1) 3/1250ml handwash; (40) cold compress; ect 638.64 05/30/2012 226-45122-421990 220074 (1) cs bleach; (5) cs scrim wipers; (2) cs wipes; ect 370.97 05/30/2012 226-45122-421100 220075 (1) cs 9" plates 30.98 05/30/2012 226-45127-425410 220076 (1) 4/1 gal detergent 40.49 05/30/2012 101-45201-421100 220076 (10 ) starlite mirrors 22.44 05/30/2012 101-45201-420650 1,542.31Check Total: Vendor:1745 THE STANDARD Check Sequence: 146 ACH Enabled: False 00 147036 0001 June 2012 Life insurance premium 2,165.11 05/30/2012 101-00000-217066 2,165.11Check Total: Vendor:1506 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 147 ACH Enabled: False 1889805 (1) bale 57# bags; (1) bale quart bags; (3) bale 20# bags; ect 206.06 05/30/2012 609-49750-443990 1889805 (1) cs multifold towels 24.68 05/30/2012 609-49754-421990 230.74Check Total: Vendor:2480 SYFY BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 148 ACH Enabled: False 443489 SYFY April 2012 395.22 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 23 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 395.22Check Total: Vendor:1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 149 ACH Enabled: False 271-3230 5/12 167.41 05/30/2012 655-49870-432100 271-3248 5/12 11.50 05/30/2012 217-41990-432100 271-3257 5/12 92.94 05/30/2012 602-49490-432100 271-7112 5/12 54.30 05/30/2012 226-45122-432100 295-2005 5/12 36.69 05/30/2012 101-43110-432100 295-3714 5/12 133.12 05/30/2012 601-49440-432100 295-3714 5/12 E Cty Rd lift station 271-3251 20.65 05/30/2012 602-49490-432100 516.61Check Total: Vendor:2475 TELECOM SPOT Check Sequence: 150 ACH Enabled: False 42707 (7) Aastra 6757i (57i) IP Telephone; English Keypad 1,316.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-421820 1,316.00Check Total: Vendor:2484 TELEMUNDO BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 151 ACH Enabled: False 443491 Telemundo April 2012 44.37 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 443491 Telemundo Hispanic Tier April 2012 0.34 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 44.71Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 152 ACH Enabled: True 319050 re-sale return -115.20 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 689513 150.60 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 689528 14,471.85 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 690033 153.30 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 690819 re-sale 108.85 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 690828 49.20 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 690831 13,485.85 05/30/2012 609-49750-425200 28,304.45Check Total: Vendor:1524 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORPORATION Check Sequence: 153 ACH Enabled: False 3000146261 Maintenance Agreement 4/1/12-6/30/12 541.27 05/30/2012 226-45122-431900 541.27Check Total: Vendor:2252 TOWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY Check Sequence: 154 ACH Enabled: False 285844 WGN April 2012 242.93 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 24 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 242.93Check Total: Vendor:2916 TRANSCEND UNITED TECHNOLOGIES Check Sequence: 155 ACH Enabled: False 80481 Customer premises - assist w/ converting Telco services 212.50 05/30/2012 656-49877-431990 212.50Check Total: Vendor:2165 TV GUIDE NETWORKS LLC TV GUIDE ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LLC Check Sequence: 156 ACH Enabled: False 088379 TV Guide Network April 2012 402.85 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 402.85Check Total: Vendor:2483 UNIVERSAL HD BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 157 ACH Enabled: False 443492 Universal HD April 2012 17.05 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 17.05Check Total: Vendor:2477 USA NETWORK BANK OF AMERICA Check Sequence: 158 ACH Enabled: False 443494 USA Network April 2012 1,138.61 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 1,138.61Check Total: Vendor:1549 VEOLIA ES SOLID WASTE MIDWEST LLC Check Sequence: 159 ACH Enabled: False G20001139180 April 2012 30,988.18 05/30/2012 101-43230-431000 G20001139180 April 2012 10,275.30 05/30/2012 101-43230-431010 G20001139180 April 2012 101.72 05/30/2012 655-49870-431000 G20001139180 April 2012 34.00 05/30/2012 655-49870-431010 G20001139180 April 2012 35.10 05/30/2012 101-43127-431000 G20001139180 April 2012 70.20 05/30/2012 101-45201-431000 G20001139180 April 2012 111.15 05/30/2012 602-49480-431000 G20001139180 April 2012 204.75 05/30/2012 226-45122-431000 G20001139180 April 2012 11.70 05/30/2012 211-45501-431000 G20001139180 April 2012 23.40 05/30/2012 609-49754-431000 41,855.50Check Total: Vendor:1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV LLC VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATIONS INC Check Sequence: 160 ACH Enabled: False 00014761 June 2012 64,399.08 05/30/2012 602-49480-430800 00014761 2011 Reconciliation - R & M limit overage 47,743.16 05/30/2012 602-49480-430800 00014761 2011 Reconciliation - OM Electrical overage 29,978.64 05/30/2012 602-49480-430800 00014761 2011 Reconciliation - LIM Polymer overage 1,215.06 05/30/2012 602-49480-430800 00014761 2011 Reconciliation - LIM Natural Gas underage -6,023.71 05/30/2012 602-49480-430800 00014846 Jan - Mar 2012 Cargill testing (rebilled) 4,621.65 05/30/2012 602-49480-430800 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 25 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 141,933.88Check Total: Vendor:1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 161 ACH Enabled: False 25223165 re-sale 306.60 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 25223267 re-sale 134.80 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 441.40Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 162 ACH Enabled: False 56470-IN 14.00 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 56470-IN 650.50 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 56470-IN 80.00 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 744.50Check Total: Vendor:1568 WEST SHERBURNE TRIBUNE Check Sequence: 163 ACH Enabled: False 064664 Apr 285, 2x5 All Wines 30% off 98.50 05/30/2012 609-49754-434990 98.50Check Total: Vendor:2651 WILSON DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 164 ACH Enabled: False 22792 ZEDTMS - Acquisition & Relocation Serv - Montgomery Farms 3,583.78 05/30/2012 213-46522-431990 3,583.78Check Total: Vendor:2728 WINDSTREAM COMMUNICATIONS Check Sequence: 165 ACH Enabled: False 12130-23364 4/10-5/9/12 Usage charges - Intrastate 71.02 05/30/2012 655-49860-430910 71.02Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 166 ACH Enabled: False 408710 8.34 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 408710 519.25 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 408981 11.12 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 408981 384.00 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 409700 16.68 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 409700 807.75 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 1,747.14Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 167 ACH Enabled: False 743228 23.20 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 743228 2,888.88 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 743228 re-sale 39.95 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 26 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 743229 26.10 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 743229 2,333.64 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 746580 24.65 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 746580 1,523.42 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 746580 re-sale 79.90 05/30/2012 609-49750-425400 746581 50.75 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 746581 3,594.97 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 860280 return -65.79 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 10,519.67Check Total: Vendor:1657 WORLD CLASS WINES INC Check Sequence: 168 ACH Enabled: False 1774268 22.08 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 1774268 1,810.12 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 1788233 44.06 05/30/2012 609-49750-433300 1788233 1,309.19 05/30/2012 609-49750-425100 1788233 2,158.49 05/30/2012 609-49750-425300 5,343.94Check Total: Vendor:2219 WORLD FISHING NETWORK LTD Check Sequence: 169 ACH Enabled: False 423-1012 World Fishing April 2012 44.37 05/30/2012 655-49860-430920 44.37Check Total: Vendor:1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 170 ACH Enabled: True 5/16/12 Fines and Fees EFT recpt 53093 5/17/12 4,638.18 05/30/2012 101-00000-208020 4,638.18Check Total: Vendor:1583 WRIGHT HENNEPIN COOP ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 171 ACH Enabled: False 5/17/12 (14) lights School Blvd 4/16-5/15/12 193.90 05/30/2012 101-43160-431900 5/17/12 (30) lights School Blvd 4/16-5/15/12 415.50 05/30/2012 101-43160-431900 5/17/12 Chelsea Rd E 4/16-5/15/12 180.00 05/30/2012 101-43160-431900 5/17/12 (9) lights 7th St & Highland 4/16-5/15/12 90.00 05/30/2012 101-43160-431900 5/17/12 Cedar St Dundas to Chelsea 4/16-5/15/12 124.65 05/30/2012 101-43160-431900 5/17/12 School Blvd Fenning/18/Edmonson 4/16-5/15/12 372.00 05/30/2012 101-43160-431900 5/9/12 4/1 - 5/1/12 96.99 05/30/2012 602-49490-438100 5/9/12 1,365.37 05/30/2012 602-49490-438100 2,838.41Check Total: Vendor:1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 172 ACH Enabled: True 10102701134 Monticello Maps - general; drawings/layouts (1/2) 320.75 05/30/2012 101-43111-430300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 27 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10102701134 Monticello Maps - general; drawings/layouts (1/2) 320.75 05/30/2012 101-41910-430300 10102701134 Monticello Maps - general-create industrial sites/area location 197.50 05/30/2012 101-46500-430300 839.00Check Total: Vendor:1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 173 ACH Enabled: False 5/11/12 51-4400193-4 15.76 05/30/2012 101-43160-438100 5/11/12 51-0371645-4 15.76 05/30/2012 101-45201-438100 5/16/12 51-6505909-4 148.35 05/30/2012 217-41990-438100 5/17/12 51-6505912-9 86.58 05/30/2012 101-42700-438100 5/17/12 51-9069641-8 1,399.71 05/30/2012 655-49870-438100 5/17/12 51-0395766-0 537.18 05/30/2012 601-49440-438100 5/17/12 51-6505907-2 57.19 05/30/2012 101-43140-438100 5/3/12 51-6505915-2 580.07 05/30/2012 101-45201-438100 5/3/12 51-6505915-2 49.38 05/30/2012 601-49440-438100 5/3/12 51-6505915-2 55.55 05/30/2012 226-45203-438100 5/3/12 51-6505915-2 61.88 05/30/2012 101-45203-438100 3,007.41Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 607,700.22 173 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/23/2012 - 10:06 AM)Page 28 User: Printed:05/22/2012 - 8:34AM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00204.05.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1544 US POSTAL SERVICE Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 5/22/12 Deposit Permit #99 1,000.00 05/22/2012 101-00000-155010 1,000.00Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 1,000.00 1 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/22/2012 - 8:34 AM)Page 1 User: Printed:05/14/2012 - 2:40PM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00201.05.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1426 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 10128 Qtr1 2012 118 6th St W Prairie Center 35.64 05/15/2012 101-41941-438200 10250 Qtr1 2012 3698 1/2 School Blvd HE Garage 35.64 05/15/2012 655-49870-438200 5250 Qtr 1 2012 Bridge Park West 67.31 05/15/2012 101-45201-438200 7224 Qtr 1 2012 WWTP 2,452.25 05/15/2012 602-49480-438200 7885 Qtr 1 2012 Help Center 44.68 05/15/2012 217-41990-438200 8086 Qtr 1 2012 4th St Warming House 35.64 05/15/2012 101-45201-438200 8114 Qtr 1 2012 Hi-Way Liquors 130.64 05/15/2012 609-49754-438200 8117 Qtr 1 2012 MCC 3,542.14 05/15/2012 226-45122-438200 8119 Qtr 1 2012 Fire Station 44.68 05/15/2012 101-42200-438200 8120 Qtr 1 2012 Bldg Inspection Garage 35.64 05/15/2012 101-41940-438200 8177 Qtr 1 2012 Library 175.88 05/15/2012 211-45501-438200 8631 Qtr 1 2012 203 Chelsea Rd Animal Shelter 180.40 05/15/2012 101-42700-438200 8673 Qtr 1 2012 HeadEnd Building 35.64 05/15/2012 655-49870-438200 8903 Qtr 1 2012 PW Shop/Clerical 103.50 05/15/2012 101-43127-438200 8904 Qtr 1 2012 PW Vehicle Storage 130.64 05/15/2012 101-43127-438200 8905 Qtr 1 2012 PW Office 71.84 05/15/2012 101-43127-438200 7,122.16Check Total: Vendor:2902 TITLE MARK LLC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True Lot 13 Lot 13 Block 34 - 112 Broadway Monticello 183,678.09 05/15/2012 213-46522-443990 Lot 14 & Lot 15 Lot 14 & 15 Block 34 - 100 Broadway Monticello 671,893.70 05/15/2012 213-46522-443990 855,571.79Check Total: Vendor:2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 5/5/12 T & S Sales - (1) prybar set 119.69 05/15/2012 101-43127-424100 5/5/12 T & S Sales - (1) prybar set 119.69 05/15/2012 101-45201-424100 5/5/12 Fastenal - (1) nut; (1) bakup flange; (5) HCS 39.53 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 Fastenal - #228 & #226 - (5) HCS 29.11 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 Marties - (4) organic fert 102.60 05/15/2012 101-45201-421600 5/5/12 Marties -(50) lbs shady 69.47 05/15/2012 651-49010-421990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/14/2012 - 2:40 PM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5/5/12 NBP - (40) rm copy paper 138.94 05/15/2012 217-41990-420990 5/5/12 NBP - (2) pk "AA" batteries 24.61 05/15/2012 217-41990-421990 5/5/12 NBP - (2) pk receipt rolls; (10) pk corr tape; (10) refill pens 171.28 05/15/2012 217-41990-420990 5/5/12 utx - Atlas Notary - (1) self inking stamp 19.70 05/15/2012 101-43110-420990 5/5/12 Reds - #31021 miles 38.25 05/15/2012 217-41990-421200 5/5/12 Gradys - fitness area - (1) 11 oz lube spray; (1) hex tool 14.19 05/15/2012 226-45122-422105 5/5/12 utx - Sweetwater - warehouse - (1) wireless transmitter microphn 198.00 05/15/2012 226-45127-424600 5/5/12 Napa - (6) gaskets; (2) rubber wiri 16.35 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 Napa - (1) ext unut 4.85 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 Napa - #228 - (2) input shafts; (2) bearing cups; (2) oil seals 37.09 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 Napa - (3) oil seals; (8) tappered bearings 89.99 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 Beaudry Oil - 165 gal chev delo 10W30 2,009.68 05/15/2012 101-43127-421300 5/5/12 Walmart - (56) oz dawn; scourer; dishwand 14.98 05/15/2012 226-45122-421100 5/5/12 Walmart - re-sale 19.21 05/15/2012 226-45203-421450 5/5/12 Walmart - re-sale 37.46 05/15/2012 226-45203-425410 5/5/12 Marties - (1) ton 15-0-5 20% slow rel fert 547.57 05/15/2012 101-45201-421600 5/5/12 Marties - (1) ton 15-0-5 20% slow rel fert 547.57 05/15/2012 101-45201-421600 5/5/12 Marties - (1) ton 15-0-5 20% slow rel fert 547.57 05/15/2012 101-45201-421600 5/5/12 Gradys - (1) 4 pk batteries 12.81 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 Napa - (2) couplers; (2) adapters; (2) air filters; (1) rubber 102.76 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 K-Mart - (1) dixie dispenser; (2) pk cups 21.42 05/15/2012 101-43110-421990 5/5/12 K-Mart - (3) gal bottle 12.70 05/15/2012 101-43110-421990 5/5/12 Zarnoth Brush - #108 - (1) poly calbewrap; (6) guttr brooms; ect 1,277.58 05/15/2012 101-43120-422110 5/5/12 Napa - #109 - (2) oil filters 54.93 05/15/2012 101-43120-422100 5/5/12 Marties - (41) ballfield markers 317.69 05/15/2012 101-45203-421990 5/5/12 Discount Rubber Stamps - (1) self staming notary stamp 28.51 05/15/2012 101-43110-420990 5/5/12 M & M Bus Service - (2) bushings; (3) idler flats; ect 528.52 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 Shade Tree - (2) ATV tires 181.69 05/15/2012 101-45201-422200 5/5/12 Fastenal - (5) HCS return -24.11 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 Fastenal - #226 hardware 16.10 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 Fastenal - (2) oals; (1) keystkz; (4) 80 g od 36.82 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 Marties - (1) ton 15-0-5 slow 20% slow rel fert 547.57 05/15/2012 101-45201-421600 5/5/12 Napa _ shop supplies - (2) fittings; (1) brush 18.18 05/15/2012 101-43127-421500 5/5/12 Kwik Trip - (13.075) gallons Bryan R. 49.67 05/15/2012 655-49870-421200 5/5/12 Kwik Trip - (10.529) gallons Bryan R. 40.00 05/15/2012 655-49870-421200 5/5/12 Kwik Trip - (29.581) gallons Dan S. 112.38 05/15/2012 655-49870-421200 5/5/12 Northern Tool & Equip - (2) 20x20 blue tarp 60.05 05/15/2012 101-42200-421990 5/5/12 Monticello City of - (1) Right of Way permit RW-015&16 50.00 05/15/2012 656-49877-443700 5/5/12 AST Sports - (5) track jkt 187.50 05/15/2012 609-49754-421110 5/5/12 AST Sports - (5) crest logo 32.50 05/15/2012 609-49754-421110 5/5/12 St Cld State - Mpls 4/23-4/27/12 Municipal Clerks Inst - K.B. 430.00 05/15/2012 101-41310-433200 5/5/12 Gradys - fitness area - (1) metal nevr-dull; (2) snap hooks 13.43 05/15/2012 226-45122-422990 5/5/12 Walmart - re-sale 36.15 05/15/2012 226-45127-425410 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/14/2012 - 2:40 PM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5/5/12 Walmart - re-sale 4.29 05/15/2012 226-45203-421450 5/5/12 Walmart - re-sale 6.03 05/15/2012 226-45127-421450 5/5/12 Hirshfields - (6) 5 gal whte fdry; (1) gal gls ntrl; (1) gal gry 608.85 05/15/2012 101-43120-421510 5/5/12 Fastenal - streets - (1) wire brush 65.70 05/15/2012 101-43120-422110 5/5/12 utx - Sportsmith - (4) snap links; (2) ankle straps; ect 156.25 05/15/2012 226-45127-421720 5/5/12 Koehler & Dramm - banquet room - (60) votive candles in glass 986.67 05/15/2012 226-45127-420750 5/5/12 M & M Bus Service - (1) spindle shaft; (1) weed whip attach; ect 239.56 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 Marties - (1) ton 15-0-5 pre emerg 799.43 05/15/2012 101-45201-421600 5/5/12 Marties - (1) ton 15-0-5 pre emerg 799.43 05/15/2012 101-45201-421600 5/5/12 utx - PayPal (got to have it for less) - (2) 55 gal steel lids 159.53 05/15/2012 101-45201-421650 5/5/12 Home Depot - (2) pk plc 19.17 05/15/2012 101-45201-421650 5/5/12 Gradys - Hillcrest - (3) keyblanks 6.38 05/15/2012 101-45201-421650 5/5/12 utx - Sweetwater - (10) windscreens for warehouse microphone 45.95 05/15/2012 226-45127-421720 5/5/12 Marties - Community Garden - (2) 4-6-4 organic fert 53.44 05/15/2012 226-45127-421980 5/5/12 Gradys - (1) oxy cleaner 4.26 05/15/2012 602-49490-421100 5/5/12 Napa - Lift Station Generator - (1) oil filter; (1) fuel filter 17.44 05/15/2012 602-49490-422100 5/5/12 Gradys - (1) 100 pk latex gloves 13.88 05/15/2012 601-49440-420650 5/5/12 U of M Extension - BMP Functions Workshop - K.L. 65.00 05/15/2012 101-43115-433200 5/5/12 Kwik Trip - (29.54) gallons Ben W. 110.45 05/15/2012 655-49870-421200 5/5/12 Monticello NAPA - (2) U-bolt 9.70 05/15/2012 656-49877-421990 5/5/12 Jimmy Johns - CC/EDA meeting 80.05 05/15/2012 101-41110-443990 5/5/12 MN City-County Mgmt Assoc - 5/2-5/4/12 Conf J.O. 225.00 05/15/2012 101-41310-433200 5/5/12 Grandview Lodge-Nisswa - 5/2-5/4/12 MCMA Conference J.O. 479.22 05/15/2012 101-41310-433100 5/5/12 Napa - lift station generators - (2) oil filters 14.83 05/15/2012 602-49490-421300 5/5/12 Napa - lift station generators - (1) fuel filter 15.38 05/15/2012 602-49490-421300 5/5/12 Gradys - (1) 2" roof nails 2.98 05/15/2012 226-45122-422990 5/5/12 Gradys - water tower cleaning - (220) ft rope; (1) pulley swivel 74.16 05/15/2012 601-49440-420650 5/5/12 Gradys - (1) ft pass chain 3.20 05/15/2012 601-49440-420650 5/5/12 Gradys - (1) refillable butane lighter 5.33 05/15/2012 101-43120-421990 5/5/12 Gradys - lift station generator - (1) poly plug; (4) ft htr hose 18.12 05/15/2012 602-49490-422100 5/5/12 Fastenal - shop supplies - (1) 18"x1500" wrp 24.77 05/15/2012 101-43127-421500 5/5/12 Napa - #226 - (1) ext unut 4.85 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 Home Depot - poly for tree dumpster 78.00 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 Radio Shack - cables for the warehouse & chapel 60.84 05/15/2012 226-45122-422990 5/5/12 Napa - generators - (2) oil filters; (2) fuel filters 49.75 05/15/2012 602-49490-421300 5/5/12 Cub - produce/re-sale 50.00 05/15/2012 609-49750-425400 5/5/12 Fastenal - (2) 1/2x2.5bent pn w c/p; (2) 1/4x4-1/4zdetenpin 12.45 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 Fastenal - (5) steel coup; (4) spring pins; (1) ct whl 86.34 05/15/2012 101-43120-422110 5/5/12 Gradys - raising manholes - (4) 60 lb motar mix 27.74 05/15/2012 602-49490-422700 5/5/12 Gradys - community garden - (1) marking paint 8.00 05/15/2012 226-45127-421980 5/5/12 Walmart - (6) cont cupcakes 36.00 05/15/2012 226-45127-421460 5/5/12 Walmart - re-sale produce 5.34 05/15/2012 226-45127-425410 5/5/12 Home Depot - tie up trees along Walnut - tubing & wire 44.23 05/15/2012 226-45122-422990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/14/2012 - 2:40 PM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5/5/12 K-Mart - (1) remote for tv @ desk 9.99 05/15/2012 226-45122-420990 5/5/12 K-Mart - (1) gate for childcare 50.01 05/15/2012 226-45127-421740 5/5/12 Gradys - raising manholes - (1) 60 lb sand mix; (1) 60 lb mortar 13.87 05/15/2012 602-49490-422700 5/5/12 M & M Bus Service - (1) weed whip attach; (1) air cleaner cover 100.45 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 Olson & Sons - #137 - (5) dim fuses 10.42 05/15/2012 101-43120-422110 5/5/12 Marties - (3) straw bales 9.62 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 Marties - softener - (63) pellets; (15) iron 462.98 05/15/2012 226-45122-421990 5/5/12 Gradys - (2) marking paints 16.01 05/15/2012 226-45127-421980 5/5/12 Gradys - (2) key blanks; (2) marine epoxy 19.19 05/15/2012 226-45122-422990 5/5/12 Cub - (13) pk hamburger buns re-sale 19.37 05/15/2012 226-45203-425410 5/5/12 Kwik Trip - (12.33) gallons Brian N. 46.10 05/15/2012 655-49870-421200 5/5/12 Kwik Trip - (23.125) gallons Dustin W. 86.00 05/15/2012 655-49870-421200 5/5/12 Cub - Rehab liquid for training/incidents - Powerade; ect. 73.97 05/15/2012 101-42200-443990 5/5/12 Marties - (6) IF salt for softner at shelter 41.36 05/15/2012 101-42700-422990 5/5/12 Marties - (2) bone treats; (1) shampoo 22.43 05/15/2012 101-42700-421990 5/5/12 Marties - (15) straw - house burn 701 Elm 48.09 05/15/2012 101-42200-421990 5/5/12 Monticello City of - (1) Right of Way permit RW023-2012 25.00 05/15/2012 656-49877-443700 5/5/12 Target - (7) construction - Safety Committee Boards 14.89 05/15/2012 101-41800-420990 5/5/12 MN City/County Mgmt Assoc - Refer to inv 2/6/12 Election Wkshp -45.00 05/15/2012 101-41310-433200 5/5/12 Ausco Design & Mktg - (150) mugs; (150) 1gb USB drives 1,832.37 05/15/2012 213-46301-434600 5/5/12 Internat'l City/Cty Mgmt Assoc - 2012 membership - Jeff O'Neill 864.56 05/15/2012 101-41310-443300 5/5/12 Target - (1) printer; assorted ink; 3yr service plan 453.80 05/15/2012 101-42200-420990 5/5/12 Walmart.com - fitness supplies (10) exercise balls 117.24 05/15/2012 226-45127-421720 5/5/12 Gradys - (3) assorted masking tape 15.46 05/15/2012 101-43115-421990 5/5/12 Walmart - (1) 8gb SD card; (1) Nikon S3100 - returned 87.51 05/15/2012 101-43115-421990 5/5/12 Walmart - net return (1) Nikon S3100 / purchase (1) Nikon L26 53.44 05/15/2012 101-43115-421990 5/5/12 Gradys - (2) caulk 5.32 05/15/2012 601-49440-422701 5/5/12 Gradys - (1) glue spray 17.09 05/15/2012 602-49490-422100 5/5/12 Reds - mileage 31350 40.31 05/15/2012 217-41990-421200 5/5/12 Home Depot - (3) 60 lb mortar mix 11.99 05/15/2012 602-49490-422700 5/5/12 Kwik Trip - (29.915) gallons Dan S. 109.16 05/15/2012 655-49870-421200 5/5/12 Kwik Trip - (10.972) gallons Bryan R. 40.04 05/15/2012 655-49870-421200 5/5/12 First Hospital dba FirstLab - (2) DOT Drug Screen Random (1/2) 79.90 05/15/2012 101-43120-431990 5/5/12 First Hospital dba FirstLab - (2) DOT Drug Screen Random (1/2) 79.90 05/15/2012 101-45201-431990 5/5/12 Home Depot - (3) Energizer Max D 8 38.41 05/15/2012 101-42200-421990 5/5/12 Home Depot - (1) 1/4" x 100' braided nylon/ploy rope 12.81 05/15/2012 101-42200-421990 5/5/12 Home Depot - (2) Echo bar/chain oil: quart 12.80 05/15/2012 101-42200-421990 5/5/12 Burnham - Pioneer, Ellison, 4th St, E Bridge - magnolia, mulch 299.25 05/15/2012 101-45201-440900 5/5/12 Northern Tool - irrigation supp - (2) pipe wrenches 51.47 05/15/2012 101-45201-422510 5/5/12 Home Depot - (2) lath bundles 25.59 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 utx ($7.90) Burnham - Hillcrest - ivory silk 221.88 05/15/2012 224-46102-443910 5/5/12 Gradys - (1) PVC fitting; (1) couple 3.18 05/15/2012 101-45201-422510 5/5/12 Fastenal - (2) detent pins 5.49 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/14/2012 - 2:40 PM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5/5/12 Napa - (3) oil filters 11.99 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 Burnham - (1) ivory silk 919.13 05/15/2012 224-46102-443910 5/5/12 Target - (1) 5cd Ipod 149.61 05/15/2012 217-41990-443990 5/5/12 Burnham - Ellison, W. Bridge, Pionner, Par West (7) magnolia 897.75 05/15/2012 224-46102-443910 5/5/12 OfficeMax - (1) 2"x4" labels; (2) 25 2pkt folders; (1) tape 53.82 05/15/2012 213-46301-420990 5/5/12 Home Depot - EDA Signs-(6) assorted 2x4 #2 prime-weathershield 24.43 05/15/2012 213-46301-421990 5/5/12 Home Depot - EDA Signs-(4) 3/4" boilder drain; (4) 2x4-8 pt #2 41.25 05/15/2012 213-46301-421990 5/5/12 M & M Bus Service - (2) gaskets; (2) heat defelctors; ect 25.59 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 Fastenal - wire wheels - (1) ctwwhl qct-12 169.51 05/15/2012 101-43120-422110 5/5/12 Hi-Way Liquor - wine tasting event - (3) gift cards 200.00 05/15/2012 609-49750-425550 5/5/12 Marties - (5) lb per rye 9.89 05/15/2012 101-43130-422420 5/5/12 Pipeline - (2) 600 lb IPS balls; (1) teflon tape 44.90 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 Home Depot - rain-r-shine PVC cement 6.38 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 Napa - #179 - (1) hydraulic filter 6.29 05/15/2012 101-43120-422110 5/5/12 Boyer Truck - #105 - (1) muffler; (1) muffler inlet; (2) clamps 1,229.97 05/15/2012 101-43120-422100 5/5/12 Napa - #212 - (2) air filters 35.61 05/15/2012 101-43127-422120 5/5/12 General Rental - (1) propane 100 lb tank fill 82.50 05/15/2012 101-43120-421990 5/5/12 Gradys - (1) 5 gal driv sealer 15.49 05/15/2012 101-43120-422400 5/5/12 Fastenal - wire wheels - (1) ctwwhl qctl; (2) ctwwl qct-12 260.48 05/15/2012 101-43120-422110 5/5/12 Moon Motors - (2) cement grinder air cleaners 47.00 05/15/2012 101-43120-422110 5/5/12 Fastenal - (200) foam ear plugs 41.90 05/15/2012 101-43127-420650 5/5/12 Central Hydraulics - #179 - (1) male pipe-female swivel pipe 86.85 05/15/2012 101-43120-422110 5/5/12 Zep - shop supplies - (1) dz brake wash; (5) 5 gal klear; ect 511.44 05/15/2012 101-43127-421600 5/5/12 Napa - stock - air, oil, fuel filters 226.36 05/15/2012 101-43127-422120 5/5/12 Reds - #111 & spare - (3) batteries; (1) MTP-65 526.13 05/15/2012 101-43120-422100 5/5/12 Walmart - (6) pk cupcakes 36.00 05/15/2012 226-45127-421460 5/5/12 Walmart - re-sale 16.33 05/15/2012 226-45127-425410 5/5/12 Gradys - (2) CPVC pipe; (1) CPVC coupling 13.43 05/15/2012 226-45127-421980 5/5/12 M & M Bus Serv Inc - (1) asy cap 14.56 05/15/2012 101-42200-422990 5/5/12 Kwik Trip - (27.376) gallons Ben W. 104.00 05/15/2012 655-49870-421200 5/5/12 Cub - Rehab liquid - Powerade; Gatorade 65.98 05/15/2012 101-42200-443990 5/5/12 Target - (1) sandisk 19.23 05/15/2012 101-42200-420990 5/5/12 Home Depot - (1) conduit; (1) poly set; (1) PVC solvent; ect. 23.31 05/15/2012 656-49877-421990 5/5/12 Gradys - (1) snap rnd eye swivel 3/8" #5; (1) 99 GM keyblank 9.59 05/15/2012 101-42200-422990 5/5/12 Walmart - Safety Program prizes - radio; fire exting; ect. 80.32 05/15/2012 101-41800-443990 5/5/12 SuperAmerica - (12.058) gallons Brian N. 44.00 05/15/2012 655-49870-421200 5/5/12 Morries Buffalo Ford - (1) fuel cap asy (Byran R. truck) 22.37 05/15/2012 655-49870-422110 5/5/12 Applebees - Gigabit meeting 43.72 05/15/2012 655-49870-443990 5/5/12 MN Dept of Labor & Ind - Certified Bldg Official renewal - R.H. 110.00 05/15/2012 101-42400-443700 5/5/12 Monticello City of - (1) Right of Way permit RW031-2012 25.00 05/15/2012 656-49877-443700 5/5/12 Monticello City of - (1) Right of Way permit RW009-2012 (A/R inv 25.00 05/15/2012 656-49877-443700 5/5/12 Pipeline Supply - (1) 6" PVC cap; (10) 1-1/2" solid core pipe 13.86 05/15/2012 602-49490-421990 5/5/12 Auto Value - Pioneer Prk - (1) power unit; (1) auto spray 13.61 05/15/2012 101-45201-440800 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/14/2012 - 2:40 PM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5/5/12 Pipeline Supply - (1) pressure switch 11.34 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 Auto Value - (1) micro stream 20.52 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 Gradys - Jet - (1) 16 oz armorall protectant 8.00 05/15/2012 602-49490-421990 5/5/12 Gradys - Shop - (1) sprayer repair kit 17.09 05/15/2012 602-49490-422100 5/5/12 Gradys - Shop - (1) O-ring 5.31 05/15/2012 602-49490-422100 5/5/12 Gradys - (2) 1" elbows 9.17 05/15/2012 101-45201-421990 5/5/12 Napa - (3.5) air hose 3.75 05/15/2012 601-49440-422100 5/5/12 Gradys - Pioneer Prk - (2) 60 lb concrete mix 13.87 05/15/2012 101-45201-440800 5/5/12 Home Depot - Pioneer Prk - (4) 80 lb concrete mix 15.13 05/15/2012 101-45201-440800 5/5/12 Gradys - (4) ft cable; (2) thimble wire; (6) clip wire ropes 20.39 05/15/2012 101-45203-421990 5/5/12 Gradys - (1) trigger torch; (1) duck tape 29.90 05/15/2012 601-49440-421990 5/5/12 OfficeMax - Farmer's Mrk - lam posters 28.86 05/15/2012 226-45127-421980 5/5/12 Napa - #132 - (2) hose fittings; (2) hose 21.18 05/15/2012 101-43120-422100 5/5/12 Home Depot - Sunset Pond - (20) 80 lb concrete mix 95.97 05/15/2012 101-45201-440800 5/5/12 Burnham - Pioneer Prk - 2.5 yrds mulch 106.88 05/15/2012 101-45201-422500 5/5/12 Napa - #205 & #206 - truck trailer towing - (2) hitches; ect 297.12 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 Burnham - Elm & Ellison Pk (2) Elm; dutch elm inject; ect 822.93 05/15/2012 224-46102-443910 5/5/12 Vonco II - Pioneer Prk clean-up debris removal 40.62 05/15/2012 101-45201-443990 5/5/12 Fastenal - (2) cord ear plugs; (2) safety vests 56.26 05/15/2012 101-43120-420650 5/5/12 Cutter Sales - #179 - (2) bearing inserts 63.18 05/15/2012 101-43120-422110 5/5/12 NCH - shop supplies - (200) flat washers; (200) lock nuts; ect 799.97 05/15/2012 101-43127-421990 5/5/12 Fastenal - (11) safety vests 290.77 05/15/2012 101-43120-420650 5/5/12 Napa - #120 - (2) V-belts 90.59 05/15/2012 101-43120-422110 5/5/12 Hotsy Equipment - pressure washer - (1) 200' reel hose; ect 341.52 05/15/2012 101-43127-440440 5/5/12 Gradys - (2) fire trk keys 6.39 05/15/2012 101-43120-422100 5/5/12 The Plumbery - water filter & faucet end 51.81 05/15/2012 101-43127-421990 5/5/12 Gradys - (1) saw keyhole 9.07 05/15/2012 101-43127-424100 5/5/12 Gradys - (1) funnel, (5) ft vinyl 16.50 05/15/2012 101-43127-421990 5/5/12 Home Depot - door handle for 39 farm 38.39 05/15/2012 101-43127-440100 5/5/12 Moon Motors - concrete grinder 8.55 05/15/2012 101-43127-422110 5/5/12 Cutter Sales - #179 - (2) screw sets 91.81 05/15/2012 101-43120-422110 5/5/12 Menards - Ellison Prk dock repair - treated lumber 215.39 05/15/2012 101-45201-440800 5/5/12 Napa - (4) alt baearings; (1) fuel water seperators 98.17 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 101 Market - Community Garden Supp - (2) rain wands; ect 74.77 05/15/2012 226-45127-421980 5/5/12 Chatters - ZZZNEP - lunch meeting 10.21 05/15/2012 101-42500-433100 5/5/12 Reds - mileage 31,698 40.23 05/15/2012 217-41990-421200 5/5/12 MEI - Qtr 1 2012 162.00 05/15/2012 101-41941-431990 5/5/12 NBP - (1) dz blk pens; (1) bx clsp envelopes; (5) bx clamps; ect 39.78 05/15/2012 217-41990-420990 5/5/12 Walmart - blue & blackpens 4.41 05/15/2012 226-45122-420990 5/5/12 Walmart - (16) ct swifer 17.02 05/15/2012 226-45122-421100 5/5/12 Walmart - (5) pk cupcakes 30.00 05/15/2012 226-45127-421460 5/5/12 Walmart - re-sale 7.39 05/15/2012 226-45127-425410 5/5/12 Napa - (24) oil for left station 102.34 05/15/2012 602-49490-421300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/14/2012 - 2:40 PM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5/5/12 Burnham - (2) techny globe 64.10 05/15/2012 101-45201-422300 5/5/12 Fastenal - (2) 7/16x14x5 yz8; (2) thru-hard 7/16yz 3.72 05/15/2012 101-43127-422110 5/5/12 Echostar - 5/2/12 - 6/1/12 42.74 05/15/2012 609-49754-432500 5/5/12 Gradys - snapper lawn mower & supply - (2) spring ext 13.87 05/15/2012 101-45201-422100 5/5/12 Cub - (3) air freshner; bath tissue; Dawn dish soap; bleach; ect 10.43 05/15/2012 101-42700-421100 5/5/12 Napa - (1) tire rep E (855) 8.64 05/15/2012 656-49877-421990 5/5/12 Verizon - (1) case for smart phone split between water/sewer 11.24 05/15/2012 601-49440-422700 5/5/12 Verizon - (1) case for smart phone split between water/sewer 11.25 05/15/2012 602-49490-422700 30,889.06Check Total: Vendor:2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 00005043657 Vanco Fitness Rewards April 2012 78.00 05/15/2012 226-45122-430700 00005045393 Gateway fees April 2012 (1/2) 16.40 05/15/2012 601-49440-443980 00005045393 Gateway fees April 2012 (1/2) 16.40 05/15/2012 602-49490-443980 110.80Check Total: Vendor:2546 WELLS FARGO BANK NA Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 5/1/12 FNM Series 2008 interest 147,111.46 05/15/2012 657-00000-101210 147,111.46Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 1,040,805.27 5 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (05/14/2012 - 2:40 PM)Page 7 CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 1 5B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Kayla Cook Friendship Island Lead MCC 5/29 PT Cody Strandberg Seasonal Water and Sewer Water 6/4 Seasonal Austin Wilkes Seasonal Water and Sewer Water 6/11 Seasonal Kara Ziemer MCC Lifeguard 5/18 PT Morgan Schmitz Wedding Host MCC 5/19 PT Aaron Larson Seasonal Streets Streets 6/11 Seasonal Name Reason Department Last Day Class Sally Neil Involuntary DMV 5/7 PT Michael Dingman Voluntary MCC 5/10 PT Eric Nordberg Voluntary MCC 5/1 PT Brandon Trocke Involuntary MCC 5/10 PT Rodney Hitter Voluntary Liquor Store 5/18 PT NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Book3: 5/23/2012 CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 1 5C.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-043acceptingacontributionfromTom PerraultfortheGeneralFund (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TomPerraultiscontributing$250forMaytogointotheGeneralFund.Asrequiredby statestatute,iftheCityacceptsthedonationoffunds,theCityCouncilneedstoadopta resolutionspecifyingtheamountofthedonationanditsuse. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffaccountsforandreconcilesdonationscontributed throughtheCity. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Approvethecontributionsandauthorizeuseoffundsasspecified. 2.Donotapprovethecontributionsandreturnthefundstothedonors. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendationistoadopttheresolutionacceptingthecontributions. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-043 CityofMonticello RESOLUTIONNO.2012-043 APPROVINGCONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloisgenerallyauthorizedtoaccept contributionsofrealandpersonalpropertypursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesSections 465.03and465.04forthebenefitofitscitizensandisspecificallyauthorizedtomaintain suchpropertyforthebenefitofitscitizensinaccordancewiththetermsprescribedbythe donor.SaidgiftsmaybelimitedunderprovisionsofMNStatutesSection471.895. WHEREAS,thefollowingpersonsandorentitieshaveofferedtocontribute contributionsorgiftstotheCityaslisted: DONOR/ENTITYDESCRIPTIONVALUE TomPerraultCash$250 WHEREAS,allsaidcontributionsareintendedtoaidtheCityinestablishing facilities,operationsorprogramswithinthecity’sjurisdictioneitheraloneorin cooperationwithothers,asallowedbylaw;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilherebyfindsthatitisappropriatetoacceptthe contributionsoffered. NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVED bytheCityCouncilofMonticelloas follows: 1.ThecontributionsdescribedaboveareherebyacceptedbytheCityof Monticello. 2.Thecontributionsdescribedabovewillbeusedasdesignatedbythe donor.Thismayentailreimbursingorallocatingthemoneytoanother entitythatwillutilizethefundsforthefollowingstatedpurpose: DONOR/ENTITYRECIPIENTPURPOSE TomPerraultCityofMonticelloGeneralfund(May) AdoptedbytheCityCouncilofMonticellothis29thdayofMay,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 1 5D.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-044acceptingacontributionfrom CenterPointEnergytowardsuppliesfortheMonticelloFireDepartment (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CenterPointEnergyiscontributing$1050fortheMonticelloFireDepartmentwiththe fundstogotowards2portablefoamsystems,storagebracketsandwriststraps.This equipmentwillbeusedinfirefightingefforts.Asrequiredbystatestatute,iftheCity acceptsthedonationoffunds,theCityCouncilneedstoadoptaresolutionspecifyingthe amountofthedonationanditsuse. CenterpointEnergyisplanningtoattendtheJune11thCouncilmeetingtopresentthe checktoFireChiefSteveJoerg. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffaccountsforandreconcilesdonationscontributed throughtheCity. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Approvethecontributionsandauthorizeuseoffundsasspecified. 2.Donotapprovethecontributionsandreturnthefundstothedonors. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendationistoadopttheresolutionacceptingthecontributions. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-044 CityofMonticello RESOLUTIONNO.2012-044 APPROVINGCONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloisgenerallyauthorizedtoaccept contributionsofrealandpersonalpropertypursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesSections 465.03and465.04forthebenefitofitscitizensandisspecificallyauthorizedtomaintain suchpropertyforthebenefitofitscitizensinaccordancewiththetermsprescribedbythe donor.SaidgiftsmaybelimitedunderprovisionsofMNStatutesSection471.895. WHEREAS,thefollowingpersonsandorentitieshaveofferedtocontribute contributionsorgiftstotheCityaslisted: DONOR/ENTITYDESCRIPTIONVALUE CenterPointEnergyCash$1050 WHEREAS,allsaidcontributionsareintendedtoaidtheCityinestablishing facilities,operationsorprogramswithinthecity’sjurisdictioneitheraloneorin cooperationwithothers,asallowedbylaw;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilherebyfindsthatitisappropriatetoacceptthe contributionsoffered. NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVED bytheCityCouncilofMonticelloas follows: 1.ThecontributionsdescribedaboveareherebyacceptedbytheCityof Monticello. 2.Thecontributionsdescribedabovewillbeusedasdesignatedbythe donor.Thismayentailreimbursingorallocatingthemoneytoanother entitythatwillutilizethefundsforthefollowingstatedpurpose: DONOR/ENTITYRECIPIENTPURPOSE CenterPointEnergyCityofMonticelloFireDeptFirefightingsupplies AdoptedbytheCityCouncilofMonticellothis29thdayofMay,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 1 5E.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-046statingIntenttoReimbursefrom bondproceedsfor2012RuralRoadImprovements,CityProjectNo.12C001 (TK) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheInternalRevenueServicerequirestheCitytoadoptaresolutiondeclaringtheofficial intenttoreimbursecertainprojectexpendituresfrombondproceeds,iftheCityplansor wouldissuebondstofinanceprojectcosts.Bypassingthisresolutionitwouldallowthe Citytoincludethe2012RuralRoadImprovementprojectinafuturebondissue. Withouttheresolution,theprojectcouldnotbefundedbybonds.Atthistime,theCity doesnotplantoissuebondstofinancethisproject,butcouldconsiderinthefutureif otherimprovementprojectsareapprovedbyCouncil. A1.BudgetImpact:Byadoptingtheresolution,theCitywouldhavetheabilityto includethe2012RuralRoadImprovementProject#12C001inafuturebond issue. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Therewouldbenoimpactonthestaffbythisaction. WhentheCityissuesbondstherewouldbestafftimeandconsultantcostsrelated tothebondissue. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2012-046declaringtheofficialintenttoreimburse expendituresfromtheproceedsofbondsforthe2012RuralRoadImprovements, CityProjectNo.12C001. 2.Motiontonotadoptaresolutiondeclaringtheofficialintenttoreimburse expendituresfromtheproceedsofbonds. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffsupportsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-046 CITYOFMONTICELLO RESOLUTION2012-046 DECLARINGTHEOFFICIALINTENTOFTHECITYOFMONTICELLO TOREIMBURSECERTAINEXPENDITURESFROMTHEPROCEEDS OFBONDSTOBEISSUEDBYTHECITYFOR 2012RURALROADIMPROVEMENTS,CITYPROJECT12C001 WHEREAS,theInternalRevenueServicehasissuedTreas.Reg.§1.150-2providingthat proceedsoftax-exemptbondsusedtoreimbursepriorexpenditureswillnotbedeemedspent unlesscertainrequirementsaremet;and WHEREAS,theCityexpectstoincurcertainexpenditureswhichmaybefinancedtemporarily fromsourcesotherthanbonds,andreimbursedfromtheproceedsofabond; WHEREAS,theCityhasdeterminedtomakethisdeclarationofofficialintent(“Declaration”)to reimbursecertaincostsfromproceedsofbondsinaccordancewiththeReimbursement Regulations. NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOF MONTICELLO(THE“CITY”)ASFOLLOWS: 1.TheCityreasonablyintendstomakeexpendituresfortheprojectsdescribedinExhibitA (the“Projects”),andreasonablyintendstoreimburseitselfforsuchexpendituresfromthe proceedsofdebttobeissuedbytheCityinthemaximumprincipalamountdescribedin ExhibitA.Allreimbursedexpenditureswillbecapitalexpenditures,costsofissuanceof thebonds,orotherexpenditureseligibleforreimbursementunderSection1.150-2(d)(3) oftheReimbursementRegulations. 2.ThisDeclarationhasbeenmadenotlaterthan60daysafterpaymentofanyoriginal expendituretobesubjecttoareimbursementallocationwithrespecttotheproceedsof bonds,exceptforthefollowingexpenditures:(a)costsofissuanceofbonds;(b)costsin anamountnotinexcessof$100,000or5percentoftheproceedsofanissue;or(c) “preliminaryexpenditures”uptoanamountnotinexcessof20percentoftheaggregate issuepriceoftheissueorissuesthatfinanceorarereasonablyexpectedbytheCityto financetheprojectforwhichthepreliminaryexpenditureswereincurred.Theterm “preliminaryexpenditures”includesarchitectural,engineering,surveying,bondissuance, andsimilarcoststhatareincurredpriortocommencementofacquisition,constructionor rehabilitationofaproject,otherthanlandacquisition,sitepreparation,andsimilarcosts incidenttocommencementofconstruction. 3.ThisDeclarationisanexpressionofthereasonableexpectationoftheCitybasedonthe factsandcircumstancesknowntotheCityasofthedatehereof.Theanticipatedoriginal expendituresfortheProjectandtheprincipalamountofthebondsdescribedinparagraph 1areconsistentwiththeCity’sbudgetaryandfinancialcircumstances.Nosourcesother thanproceedsofbondstobeissuedbytheCityare,orarereasonablyexpectedtobe, reserved,allocatedonalong-termbasis,orotherwisesetasidepursuanttotheCity’s budgetorfinancialpoliciestopaysuchprojectexpenditures. 4.TheCityAdministratorisauthorizedtodesignateappropriateadditionstoExhibitAin circumstanceswheretimeisoftheessence,andanysuchdesignationshallbereportedto theCouncilattheearliestpracticaldateandshallbefiledwiththeofficialbooksand recordsoftheCityasprovidedinSection3. 5.Thisresolutionisintendedtoconstituteadeclarationofofficialintentforpurposesof Treas.Reg.§1.150-2andanysuccessorlaw,regulation,orruling. ADOPTEDBY theCityCouncilthis29thdayofMay,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO __________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator EXHIBITA TOOFFICIALINTENTRESOLUTION#2012-046 ADOPTEDMay29,2012 DATEOF DECLARATION DESCRIPTIONOFPROJECT MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL AMOUNTOFDEBT FORPROJECT 5/29/20122012RURALROADIMPROVEMENTS, CITYPROJECTNO.12C001 $1,100,000.00 CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 1 5F.ConsiderationofadoptingResolutions#2012-047and#2012-048acceptingquotes andawardingcontractsforthe2012StreetBituminousSealcoatProjectandthe 2012StreetPavementMarkingProject (BP/TM) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Councilisrequestedtoconsideracceptingquotesandawardingcontractsforthe2012 StreetBituminousSealcoatProjectandthe2012StreetPavementMarkingProject.The 2012projecttotalsapproximately62,632squareyardsofCitystreets.Theareastobe sealcoatedhavebeenpatchedandcracksealedbycityforcesinpreparationforthis project. Standardstodayinroadmaintenancearetosealcoatnewroadsfiveyearsaftertheyhave beenconstructedandeverysevenyearsafterthat.Followingthisguide,thegoalweare tryingtoachieveisforourresidentialstreetsurfacestolast30to35years.Wehavehad severalprojectsonourroadwaysysteminpastyearsspendingmillionsofdollars.Itis veryimportantthatwefollowuptheseprojectswithagoodmaintenanceprogramin whichwetrytoadhereannuallywithrespecttotheinitialsubmittedbudgets. PublicWorksadvertisedforquotestobeopenedonMay21,2012forchipsealing 78,549squareyardsofCitystreets.Atotaloffour(4)quoteswerereceived,withAllied BlacktopCo.ofMapleGrovebeingthelowestquoteat$1.23/sq.yd.foratotalof $96,615.27.Alsoincludedintheprojectthisyearwerethenewpavementmarkings (totaling50,795linearfeet)forthestreetstobechipsealed,aswellasaportionofWest 7th StreetandaportionofElmStreet. AAAStripingServicefromSt.Michaelwastheonlycompanythatwereceiveda proposalfromforthepavementmarking;thatproposalbeing$13,102.70.Combining bothlowquotesforthecompleteprojecttotaled$109,717.97.PublicWorkshassetaside $90,000inthe2012Budgetforthisproject. Duetotheoverageoftheprojecttotal,weexercisedourrighttodeductupto25%ofthe originalcontractquantityasstatedinthePlans&Specificationsforthe2012Sealcoating Project.WesubmittedAddendumNo.2tothePlans&Specificationsdeducting20% fromtheprojecttobringuswithinbudget.Thisdeductionreducestheprojectto62,632 squareyards.Atthelowquoteof$1.23/sq.yd.thetotalwillbe$77,037.36forthechip sealand$13,102.70forpavementmarkings;bringingthecompleteprojecttotalto $90,140.06. CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 2 Alistingofthestreetstobechipsealedisasfollows: STREET NAME AREA STREET BIT WIDTH STREET SEG LENGT H SQ YDS TOTA L SQ YDS 7TH STREET EAST STHENRY’SMAIN ENTRANCE~ DUALCATCHBASINS 63 243 2,065 1,701 7TH STREET EAST DUALCATCHBASINS~ STBEN’SDRIVEWAY 63.5 280 1,976 1,976 7TH STREET EAST STBEN’SDRIVEWAY~ HOMEDEPOT ENTRANCE 63.5 514 3,627 3,627 7TH STREET EAST HOMEDEPOT ENTRANCE~ HIGHLANDWAY 52 520 3,004 3,004 7TH STREET HIGHLANDWAY~52 425 2,456 2,456 7TH STREET CONCRETEMED~52 420 2,427 1,984 7TH STREET TARGETENTRANCE~93 558 4,960 4,030 HIGHLAND UNION CROSSING 37 1,018 4,185 4,185 CHELSEA RD 457’EAST OF 90TH 41 457 2,081 2,081 CHELSEA RD 90TH STREET ~DALTON 41 2,493 11,357 11,357 CHELSEA RD DALTON AVENUE ~41 1,495 6,811 6,811 DALTON CHELSEA ROAD ~41 1,275 5,808 5,808 DALTON DALTON COURT ~CUL-41 782 6,562 3,562 DALTON DALTON AVE NE ~CUL-41 696 3,171 3,171 DALTON DALTON AVE NE ~END 41 511 2,3287 2,328 90TH STREET CHELSEA RD ~PARK 41 576 2,624 2,624 90TH STREET PARK PLACE DR ~41 423 1,927 1,927 TOTALSQUAREYARDS 62,632 AcompletesetofPlansandSpecificationsalongwithallAddendumsareonfileatthe OfficeofPublicWorksandavailableuponrequest. CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 3 A1.BudgetImpact:Inpreparationforthisproject$90,000wasplacedinthe2012 StreetDepartmentBudget.Theportionoftheprojectcoveredunderthisamount willbeallofthestreetslistedinthespecsforwhichthelowquotecametoatotal of$77,037.36fromAlliedBlacktopCo.and$13,102.70fromAAAStriping ServiceCoforagrandtotalprojectcostof$90,140.06. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Aprojectofthissizenormallytakestwodays.We willhaveaCityinspectoronthejobsiteforthosedays. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2012-047acceptingthequotesforchipsealingand awardingthesealcoatingcontracttoAlliedBlacktopCo.intheamountof $77,037.36andadoptResolution#2012-048acceptingthequoteforpavement markingandawardingthecontracttoAAAStripingServiceintheamountof $13,102.70foragrandtotalof$90,140.06forthe2012StreetBituminous SealcoatingProject.ThisprojectistobecompletedpercontractbyAugust24, 2012. 2.Motiontodenythequotesandnotawardthecontractsatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendstheCityCouncilapproveAlternative#1,acceptingquotesand awardingthecontracttoAlliedBlacktopCo.intheamountof$77,037.36andAAA ServiceCointheamountof$13.102.70foragrandtotalof$90,140.06.ThePublic WorksDepartmentandEngineeringDepartmentwillbeinspectingtheprojecttoseethat thecontractoradherestotheplansandspecifications. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-047 Resolution#2012-048 2012SealcoatingProjectQuoteTabulation 2012PavementMarkingProjectProposalTabulation 2012SealcoatingProjectMaps CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2012-047 ACCEPTINGQUOTESANDAWARDINGCONTRACTFORTHE2012STREET BITUMINOUSSEALCOATPROJECT WHEREAS,theCityhassolicitedquotesforthe2012StreetBituminousSealcoatProject accordingtotheplansandspecificationsprovidedtothepublic.Quoteswerereceived,opened, andtabulated,andwerefoundtocomplywithsaidplansandspecifications: CONTRACTORTOTALBASEQUOTE AlliedBlacktopCo.$1.23persquareyard CaldwellAsphaltCo.$1.24persquareyard PearsonBrothersInc.$1.37persquareyard AstechCorp.$1.33persquareyard WHEREAS,thequotesubmittedbyAlliedBlacktopCo.,ofMapleGrove,Minnesota,inthe amountof$1.23persquareyardforthe2012BituminousSealcoatProject,inaccordancewith theplansandspecifications,wasthelowestresponsiblequoteandshallbeandherebyis accepted. NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1.Suchplansandspecifications,acopyofwhichisonfileintheofficeoftheCityClerk, areherebyapproved. 2.Quotessubmittedfortheprojectaccordingtotheplansandspecificationsarehereby accepted. 3.TheCityAdministratorisherebyauthorizedanddirectedtoenterintoacontractwith saidcompanyfortheconstructionofsaidimprovementsforandonbehalfoftheCityof Monticello. 4.ThePublicWorksDepartmentshalldirectandinspecttheproject. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis29th dayofMay,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO _________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2012-048 ACCEPTINGQUOTESANDAWARDINGCONTRACTFORTHE 2012STREETPAVEMENTMARKINGPROJECT WHEREAS,theCityhassolicitedquotesforthe2012StreetPavementMarkingProject accordingtotheplansandspecificationsprovidedtothepublic.Quoteswerereceived,opened, andtabulated,andwerefoundtocomplywithsaidplansandspecifications: CONTRACTORTOTALBASEQUOTE AAAStripingServiceCo.$13,102.70 WHEREAS,thequotesubmittedbyAAAStripingServiceCompany,ofSt.Michael,Minnesota, intheamountof$13,102.70forthe2012StreetPavementMarkingProject,inaccordancewith theplansandspecifications,wasthelowestresponsiblequoteandshallbeandherebyis accepted. NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1.Suchplansandspecifications,acopyofwhichisonfileintheofficeoftheCityClerk, areherebyapproved. 2.Quotessubmittedfortheprojectaccordingtotheplansandspecificationsarehereby accepted. 3.TheCityAdministratorisherebyauthorizedanddirectedtoenterintoacontractwith saidcompanyfortheconstructionofsaidimprovementsforandonbehalfoftheCityof Monticello. 4.ThePublicWorksDepartmentshalldirectandinspecttheproject. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis29th dayofMay,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO _________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator QUOTESRECEIVED:4 QUOTESOPENED:MONDAY,MAY21AT10:00A.M. QUOTE SECURITYCITYSTREETSCITYSTREETS CONTRACTOR(X)UNITPRICETOTALSUM ALLIEDBLACKTOPCO 1050389THAVENUENORTH MAPLEGROVE,MN55369X$1.23/SQYD$96,615.27 CALDWELLASPHALTCO 24060175THSTREETNE HAWICK,MN56273X$1.24/SQYD$97,400.76 ASTECHCORP POBOX1025 ST.CLOUD,MN56302X$1.33/SQYD$104,470.17 PEARSONBROSINC 11079LAMONTAVENE 2012STREETBITUMINOUSSEALCOAT CITYOFMONTICELLO,MINNESOTA QUOTEA QUOTETABULATIONSUMMARY 11079LAMONTAVENE HANOVER,MN55341X$1.37/SQYD$107,612.13 Iherebycertifythatthisisatrueandcorrecttabulationofthequotesasreceived onMay21,2012. TomMoores,StreetSuperintendent F:\CityClerk\agendas\2012CouncilAgendas\05-29-12\5FQUOTETAB-2012SEALCOATINGPROJECT:5/24/2012 -PAGE1OF1- PROPOSALSRECEIVED:1 PROPOSALSOPENED:MONDAY,MAY21AT10:30A.M. AAASTRIPINGSERVICECO. 12220-43RDSTREETNE ST.MICHAEL,MN55376$13,102.70 Iherebycertifythatthisisatrueandcorrecttabulationoftheproposalsasreceived onMay21,2012. PROPOSALTABULATIONSUMMARY 2012STREETPAVEMENTMARKINGPROJECT CITYOFMONTICELLO,MINNESOTA LUMPSUMPROPOSALCONTRACTOR onMay21,2012. TomMoores,StreetSuperintendent F:\CityClerk\agendas\2012CouncilAgendas\05-29-12\5FQuoteTab-2012PAVEMENTMARKINGPROJECT:5/24/2012 -PAGE1OF1- C H I P S E A L R O C K S T O C K P IL E S SWEEPING DUMPSITE SEALCOATING PROJECT 2012 SWEEPING DUMPSITE C H I P S E A L R O C K S T O C K P IL E S CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 1 5G.ConsiderationofapprovingaConditionalUsePermitforClinicUseinaB-1 (NeighborhoodBusiness)DistrictforLots1&2,Block5,LowerMonticello (355 EastBroadway);PID155-015-005010.Applicant:Saunders,Dorothy (AS) A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND: Property:Legal:Lots1and2,Block5,LowerMonticello Address:355EastBroadway PlanningCaseNumber:2012-015,ZCHIRO Request(s):ConditionalUsePermitforClinicUse DeadlineforDecision:June29th,2012 LandUseDesignation:“MixedUse” ZoningDesignation:B-1,NeighborhoodBusinessDistrict Thepurposeofthe“B-1”neighborhoodbusinessdistrictis toprovidefortheestablishmentoflocalcentersfor convenient,limitedoffice,retail,orserviceoutletswhich dealdirectlywiththecustomerforwhomthegoodsor servicesarefurnished.Thesecentersaretoprovideservices andgoodsonlyforthesurroundingneighborhoodsandare notintendedtodrawcustomersfromtheentirecommunity. CurrentSiteUse:Commercialofficebuilding,10,928squarefoot commerciallot(66’x165’) SurroundingLandUses: North:Single-familyresidential,zonedR-2 East:Single-familyresidential,zonedR-2 South:Single-familyresidential,zonedR-2 West:Single-familyresidential,zonedB-1 ProjectDescription:ConditionalUsePermittoallowachiropracticclinicina B-1District. ANALYSIS TheapplicantisrequestingapprovalofaConditionalUsePermittoallowforconversion ofanexistingofficebuildingtoachiropracticclinicwithinaB-1District. Theapplicantwillbeatenantwithintheexistingbuilding.Thechiropracticclinicwill occupy2200squarefeetoftheapproximately3600squarefootbuilding. CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 2 ThesitehasinthepastreceivedaConditionalUsePermitforofficeuseintheB-1 District.Officeuseshavesincebecomepermitteduses(withtheadoptionofthe comprehensiveamendmenttothezoningordinance).Futureconversiontoofficeuses wouldnotrequireanewCUP. LandUse Thesiteisguidedas“MixedUse”withintheComprehensivePlan.ThePlanstates: MixedUseisatransitionareabetweentheDowntownandthehospitalcampus.It hasbeencreatedinrecognitionoftheuniquenatureofthisarea.Theareaserves twofunctions.Itistheedgebetweenlong-termresidentialneighborhoodsanda majortransportationcorridor(BroadwayStreet).Itisalsoalinkbetweenthe Downtown,thehospitalcampusandtheeastinterchangeretailarea.Theprimary goalofthislanduseistopreserveandenhancehousinginthispartofMonticello. Anynon-residentialdevelopmentshouldbedesignedtominimizetheimpactson andconflictswithadjacentneighborhoods. Thisapplicationisforalimited-scalemedicalserviceusewithinapre-existingembedded commercialbuildingandthereforemeetstheintentforappropriatetransitionuseswithin theMixedUsedesignation. Zoning TheB-1Districtisdesignedtofitwithinresidentialneighborhoods,andisspecifically thoughtofasanacceptable“spotzone”,asitisnotusuallycontiguoustoother commercialuses.Thezoningordinancedoesnotspecifyspecificconditionsforclinic useswithinB-1Districts.However,theapplicantisrequiredtocomplywithbasecode requirementspertainingtoparking,signage,setbacks,etc.InevaluatingB-1District requests,theCityalsoreviewsgeneralcompatibilitywiththesurroundingneighborhood. Theproposedchiropracticclinicusedescribedwithintheapplicant’snarrativeissimilar inscopeandintensitytoanofficeuse.Theapplicantisproposinghoursofoperation from9AMto6PM,Monday-Friday,withSaturdaysandSundaysbyappointmentonly. Theclinicwillstafftwofull-timechiropractorsand3part-timestaff.Thesiteplan providedindicatesthat1,200squarefeetofthebuildingwillbedevotedtoactiveclinic use,withtheremaining1,000feetactingasstorageareafortheclinic. Thepropertyownerintendstoconverttherear1,400squarefeetofthebuildingintoa singleresidentialunit.Priortothecurrentofficeuse,thisareapreviouslyservedasan attachedresidentialunit. AttacheddwellingunitsareallowedascombinationusesintheB-1Districtpersections 3.5(C)and5.2(A)(1)ofthezoningordinance.Thezoningordinancespecifiesthe requiredamountofsquarefootageperunitandthepropertyownerwillberequiredto meetcoderequirementsforthispurpose.Anexisting500squarefootdetachedaccessory garagestructurewillservetomeettheresidentialuseparkingrequirements. CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 3 ZoningOrdinanceRequirements YardRequirements Thelot,at10,928squarefeet,meetsB-1lotarearequirements.Thecoderequired minimumlotwidthis80’.The66’lotwidthisanexistinglawfulnon-conforming condition. Theexistingprincipalandaccessorybuildingsdonotmeetcurrentbuildingsetback requirementsfortheside,frontorrearyard.Thesearepre-existinglawfulnon- conformingconditionsthatarenotbeingimpactedorexpandedbythisrequest.Itshould benotedthatthepropertyownerwouldnotbeallowedtoexpandeitherstructurewithout avariance. Access ThebuildingiscurrentlyservedbytwoaccesspointsfromNewStreet.Bothaccess drivesmeetminimum24’widthrequirements. Asstatedintheprovidednarrative,theclinicutilizestheservicesofanMRIunitoncea month.ThisparticularsiteallowstheMRIunittopull-inandparkon-sitetoservice customers.TheapplicantwillberequiredtoverifythesizeoftheMRIunitandthe abilitytolocatetheunitcompletelyon-site,whilemaintainingadequatesiteaccess.The applicantwillalsoberequiredtoverifythatthemobileunitwillnotidlewhileon-site, creatingthepotentialfornoiseandfumes. AsidewalkalongthenorthsideofBroadwayservesaspedestrianaccesstotheproperty. Parking Thecurrentsiteisstripedtoaccommodate8vehicles.Byordinance,clinicusesrequire4 spacesforevery1000squarefeetofarea.Theclinicuseproposed,includingstorageand receptionareas,requires8spaces.Therefore,theapplicationmeetsparkingcode requirements.Thecurrentstalldimensionsalsomeetcoderequirementsforstallsize. Theproposedsiteplanprovidedbytheapplicantillustrates13possiblespacesforthe clinicuse.However,re-stripingtoaccommodate13spaceswouldcausenon-compliance withthecodeintermsofstalldimension.Re-configurationofthelotwouldalsolikely presentmaneuveringconflictsforthenorthernandsouthernmostspaces,andrequiresthe removaloflandscapingelementsontheproperty.Therefore,maintenanceoftheexisting parkingconfigurationisrecommended. Itshouldbenotedthattheproposedusecangenerallybeconsideredlessintensethanthe previousofficeuseintermsoftrafficgeneration,duetoreductioninhoursofserviceand on-siteactivity. ThemobileMRIunitwilldisplacethemajorityofoff-streetparkingwhileon-site,at whichtimeitisanticipatedthatpatientswillneedtoutilizeon-streetparking.On-street parkingisavailableonbothsidesofNewStreet. CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 4 Signage Theapplicantisproposingtoutilizetheexistingawningsforpermanentsignage.No additionalfree-standingsignageandnoadditionalwallsignageareproposed.Asa conditionofapproval,staffisrecommendingthatnotemporarybannersignagebeaffixed tothecurrentawningsasameansofpermanentsigndisplay. Landscaping Nolandscapingchangestothesiteareproposed.Baselandscapingrequirementshave beenmetforthecommercialsite. Thebuildingsonthesiteactassolidbufferstotheresidentialpropertiestothenorthand west. A10’perimetervehicularbufferisinplaceontheeastsideofthesite. Lighting Noparkinglotlightingexistsonsiteandtheapplicanthasnotproposedinstallationof anyadditionallighting. Theawningforthesiteisinternallyilluminatedandisrequiredtocomplywithcode illuminationrequirements. PlanningCommissionRecommendation ThePlanningCommissionreviewedthisitemduringapublichearingonMay15th,2012. Duringthehearing,theapplicantwasabletoprovidetheCommissionwithadditional detailrelatedtosomeoftheconditionsidentifiedwithinExhibitZ. TheapplicantindicatedthatthemobileMRIunitisbroughttothesiteviasemi-trailer. OncethetrailerwiththeMRIunitisparkedon-site,thecab/tractorleavesthesiteand onlythetrailerremainsfortheday.Noidlingofasemi-trailerwilloccuronsite. Thepropertyownerindicatedthatthecurrentawningsignageisvinyldecallettering. Theletteringcanberemovedandreplaced,whichiswhattheapplicantintendstodo.No temporarybannerswillbeaffixedtothesignage. Theapplicants,Drs.DeanandDorothySaunders,intendtorentthesinglerental apartmentattherearofthepropertytotheirparents. Nootherpublicwereinattendancetocommentontheapplicationrequest. TheCommissionaddedaconditiontoExhibitZrequiringthatanyadditionalsitelighting proposedatalaterdatebereviewedforcompliancewithcoderequirements.The Commissionalsoaddedaconditionrequiringthatthepropertyownercomplywith zoningordinancerequirementsforsquarefootageperbedroomfortheresidentialunit. CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 5 ThePlanningCommissionvoted4-0torecommendapprovalviaresolution2012-045. ThedraftminutesofthemeetingareattachedforCouncil’sreference. A1.BudgetImpact:None. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:None. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheConditionalUsePermitforClinicUseinaB-1District, basedonfindingsasadoptedbythePlanningCommissioninResolution#2012- 045,withconditionsasnotedinExhibitZ. 2.MotiontodenyapprovalofaConditionalUsePermitforClinicUseinaB-1 District,basedonafindingtobemadebythePlanningCommission. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternative#1forapprovaloftheCUP,basedonfindingsthattheuse isabletomeetboththeintentoftheMixedUseLandUsedesignationandthespecific standardsofthezoningordinance.Theproposedclinicuserepresentsanappropriate commercialadaptionfortheexitingbuildingandsite. ThePlanningCommissionrecommendsAlternative#1above. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.ExhibitZ–ConditionsofApproval B.PlanningCommissionResolution#2012-045 C.SiteLocationMap D.ApplicantNarrative(s) E.SitePlan F.SiteImages G.DraftPlanningCommissionMinutes–05/15/12 EXHIBITZ ConditionsofapprovalforClinicUseat355EastBroadway 1.Maintenanceoftheexistingparkingconfigurationfornumberandsizeofstalls. 2.TheapplicantwillberequiredtoverifythesizeoftheMRIunitandtheabilitytolocate theunitcompletelyon-site. 3.ThemobileMRIunitwillnotidleon-site,creatingthepotentialfornoiseandfumes. 4.Notemporarybannersignageshallbeaffixedtothecurrentawningsasameansof permanentsignage. 5.Theinternalilluminationfortheawningisrequiredtocomplywithcodeillumination requirements. 6.Anylightingaddedtothesitemustbeverifiedbyphotometricplantobecodecompliant. 7.Residentialrentalunitmustmeetbasezoningrequirementsforsquarefootageper bedroom. CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2012–045 Date:May15th,2012ResolutionNo.2012-045 MotionBy:SecondedBy: ARESOLUTIONRECOMMENDINGAPPROVALOFACONDITIONALUSE PERMITFORACLINICUSEINAB-1(NEIGHBORHOODBUSINESS)DISTRICT WHEREAS,DorothySaundershasrequestedanamendmenttoConditionalUsePermitfora ClinicUseatthepropertywhichislegallydescribedasLots1and2,Block5,LowerMonticello, whichislocatedinanB-1District;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionhasreviewedtheapplicationforConditionalUsePermit pursuanttotheregulationsoftheMonticelloZoningOrdinance;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionheldapublichearingonMay15th,2012onthe applicationandtheapplicantandmembersofthepublicwereprovidedtheopportunitytopresent informationtothePlanningCommission;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionhasconsideredallofthecommentsandthestaffreport, whichareincorporatedbyreferenceintotheresolution;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionoftheCityofMonticellomakesthefollowingFindings ofFactinrelationtotherecommendationofapproval: 1.Theapplicationisconsistentwiththe2008MonticelloComprehensivePlanforMixed Use. 2.Theclinicuseservesasanappropriatetransitionusebetweenthehospitalandthe downtown. 3.Theproposedclinicusewillmeetboththeintentandthespecificstandardsofthezoning ordinance. 4.Theuseiscompatiblewiththesurroundingresidentialusesandisnotexpectedtobe detrimentaltothehealth,safety,moralsorwelfareofpersonsresidingneartheuse. NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED,bythePlanningCommissionoftheCityof Monticello,Minnesota: 1.PursuanttoMinn.Stat.§462.357,theapplicationforConditionalUsePermitforClinic UseinaB-1(NeighborhoodBusiness)DistrictisherebyrecommendedtotheCity Councilforapproval. 2.TherecommendationforapprovalissubjecttothoseConditionsasfollows: a)Maintenanceoftheexistingparkingconfigurationfornumberandsizeofstalls. b)TheapplicantwillberequiredtoverifythesizeoftheMRIunitandtheabilityto locatetheunitcompletelyon-site. c)ThemobileMRIunitwillnotidleon-site,creatingthepotentialfornoiseandfumes. d)Notemporarybannersignageshallbeaffixedtothecurrentawningsasameansof permanentsignage. e)Theinternalilluminationfortheawningisrequiredtocomplywithcodeillumination requirements. f)Anylightingaddedtothesitemustbeverifiedbyphotometricplantobecode compliant. g)Residentialrentalunitmustmeetbasezoningrequirementsforsquarefootageper bedroom. ADOPTED this15thdayofMay2012,bythePlanningCommissionoftheCityof Monticello,Minnesota. MONTICELLOPLANNINGCOMMISSION By:_______________________________ WilliamSpartz,Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ AngelaSchumann,CommunityDevelopmentDirector ConsiderationtoapproveaConditionalUsePermitforClinicUseinaB-1(NeighborhoodBusiness)District Lots1&2,Block5,LowerMonticello,355EastBroadway,PID#155-015-005010 SPECIALMEETINGMINUTES MONTICELLOPLANNINGCOMMISSION Tuesday,May15,2012-4:45PM BridgeRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter CommissionersPresent:BradFyle,CharlotteGabler,BillSpartz,BarryVoight CouncilLiaisonAbsent:LloydHilgart StaffPresent:AngelaSchumann,SteveGrittman-NAC StaffAbsent:RonHackenmueller 1.CalltoOrder BillSpartzcalledthemeetingtoorderat4:45p.m. 2.PublicHearing-ConsiderationofarequestforConditionalUsePermitforClinic UseinaB-1(NeighborhoodBusiness)DistrictApplicant:Saunders,Dorothy PlanningCaseNumber:2012-015,ZCHIRO CommunityDevelopmentDirectorSchumannreviewedtherequestandtherelated analysis.TheapplicantisrequestingapprovalofaConditionalUsePermittoallowfor conversionofanexistingofficebuildingtoachiropracticclinicwithinaB-1District. Theapplicantwillbeatenantwithintheexistingbuilding.Thechiropracticclinicwill occupy2200squarefeetoftheapproximately3600squarefootbuilding. Thesiteisguidedas“MixedUse”withintheComprehensivePlan.MixedUseisa transitionareabetweentheDowntownandthehospitalcampus.Schumannstatedthat as thisapplicationisforalimited-scalemedicalserviceusewithinapre-existing embeddedcommercialbuilding,itmeetstheintentforappropriatetransitionuseswithin theMixedUsedesignation. Schumannreferredtothezoning,statingthattheB-1Districtisdesignedtofitwithin residentialneighborhoods.Thezoningordinancedoesnotspecifyspecificconditionsfor clinicuseswithinB-1Districts.However,theapplicantisrequiredtocomplywithbase coderequirements.TheCityalsolooksforgeneralcompatibilitywiththesurrounding neighborhood. Thepropertyownerintendstoconverttherear1,400squarefeetofthebuildingintoa singleresidentialunit.Schumannnotedthatattacheddwellingunitsareallowedas combinationusesintheB-1Districtperthezoningordinance.Thezoningordinance specifiestherequiredamountofsquarefootageperunitandthepropertyownerwillbe requiredtomeetcoderequirementsforthispurpose,andtheapplicantwillberequiredto complywiththeCity’srentallicensingprovisions.Shestatedthatanexisting500square footdetachedaccessorygaragestructurewillservetomeettheresidentialuseparking requirements. PlanningCommissionMinutes–05/15/12 2 Schumannreviewedthegeneralsitecharacteristics.Thebuildingiscurrentlyservedby twoaccesspointsfromNewStreet.TheapplicantintendstoutilizeanMRIunit,which willpull-inandparkon-sitetoservicecustomers.Theapplicantwillberequiredto verifythesizeoftheMRIunitandtheabilitytolocatetheunitcompletelyon-site,while maintainingadequatesiteaccess.Theapplicantwillalsoberequiredtoverifythatthe mobileunitwillnotidlewhileon-site,creatingthepotentialfornoiseandfumes. Schumannreviewedonsiteparking,statingthatthecurrentsiteisstripedto accommodate8vehicles.Byordinance,clinicusesrequire4spacesforevery1000 squarefeetofarea.Theclinicuseproposed,includingstorageandreceptionareas, requires8spaces.Therefore,theapplicationmeetsparkingcoderequirements.The currentstalldimensionsalsomeetcoderequirementsforstallsize.Staffis recommendingmaintenanceoftheexistingparkingconfigurationwithnochanges. Theapplicantisproposingtoutilizetheexistingawningsforpermanentsignage.Asa conditionofapproval,staffisrecommendingthatnotemporarybannersignagebeaffixed tothecurrentawningsasameansofpermanentsigndisplay. Nolandscapingchangestothesiteareproposedandtheapplicanthasnotproposed installationofanyadditionallighting. StaffrecommendedapprovaloftheCUP,basedonfindingsthattheuseisabletomeet boththeintentoftheMixedUseLandUsedesignationandthespecificstandardsofthe zoningordinance.Theproposedclinicuserepresentsanappropriatecommercial adaptionfortheexitingbuildingandsite. Thepublichearingwasopened. CommissionerSpartzopenedthepublichearing. ArepresentativeforTEAMChiropracticexplainedtheirreasonsforrelocatingtheir chiropracticclinictothislocation.Therewillbemoreroomforstorageandparkingat thislocation. CommissionerVoightinquiredastowhethertheapplicantunderstoodthecondition regardingthebuildingsign.Mr.DonHickman,propertyowner,statedthatthetenant wouldbere-letteringtheexistingawningsignandwouldnotbeutilizingabanneronthe awning.Theletteringisvinyldecalandcanberemovedandreplaced. CommissionerVoightinquiredwhetherTEAMintendedtoleavethesignageabovethe garagedooropening.TEAM’srepresentativeindicatedthattheywouldkeeptheawning butremovethelettering.Mr.Hickmanalsonotedthattheywouldbeeliminatingthe garagedoorsandactuallyrenovatingtheexteriorinthatareatoremovethegaragedoors andtomatchthebalanceofthebuilding. PlanningCommissionMinutes–05/15/12 3 TheTEAMrepresentativeclarifiedfortheCommissionthattheMRIunitisbroughtin, butthecableaves.Therefore,therewouldbenoidlingofthevehicle.Shealsoindicated thattheparentsordoctorsDeanandDorothySanderswillberentingtheresidentialunit. Hearingnofurthercomment,thepublichearingwasclosed. Therewassomediscussionaboutbasezoningrequirementsforresidentialproperty,the numberofsquarefeetrequiredperbedroom,rentallicensingregulations. BarryVoightsuggestedanumberofaddedconditionswhichareincorporatedinto ExhibitZ. BARRYVOIGHTMOVEDTOADOPTRESOLUTION2012-045, RECOMMENDINGAPPROVALOFTHECONDITIONALUSEPERMITFORA CLINICUSEINAB-1DISTRICT,WITHCONDITIONSASNOTEDINTHE AMENDEDEXHIBITZBELOW. MOTIONWASSECONDEDBYBRADFYLE.MOTIONCARRIED4-0. EXHIBITZ 1.Maintenanceoftheexistingparkingconfigurationfornumberandsizeofstalls. 2.TheapplicantwillberequiredtoverifythesizeoftheMRIunitandtheabilitytolocate theunitcompletelyon-site. 3.ThemobileMRIunitwillnotidleon-site,creatingthepotentialfornoiseandfumes. 4.Notemporarybannersignageshallbeaffixedtothecurrentawningsasameansof permanentsignage. 5.Theinternalilluminationfortheawningisrequiredtocomplywithcodeillumination requirements. 6.Anylightingaddedtothesitemustbeverifiedbyphotometricplantobecodecompliant. 7.Residentialrentalunitmustmeetbasezoningrequirementsforsquarefootageper bedroom. 3.Adjourn BARRYVOIGHTMOVEDTOADJOURNTHEMEETINGAT5:15PM. MOTIONWASSECONDEDBYBRADFYLE.MOTIONCARRIED4-0. Recorder:KerryT.Burri__ PlanningCommissionMinutes–05/15/12 4 Approved:June5,2012 Attest:___________________________________________ AngelaSchumann,CommunityDevelopmentDirector CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 1 5H.ConsiderationofapprovingSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofEllisonPark,West BridgePark,PioneerPark,andCommunityCenterParkingLotandrelated assistanceinconjunctionwiththeannualRiverfestcelebrationonJuly12-15,2012. Applicant:RiverfestCommittee (AS/PublicWorks) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovalofuseofMonticelloparkfacilitiesand relatedCityassistancefortheannualcommunityfestivalofRiverfest. SpecialEventpermitsarerelativelynew,havingbeenadoptedthroughthenewZoning Ordinancein2011,andassuch,thiswillbethefirstyearforaRiverfest-relatedpermit request.StaffadvisedtheRiverfestCommitteetoobtainaSpecialEventpermitfor2012 asameanstoformallyrecognize“official”RiverfesteventsandtoallowtheCommittee tostructureparticipationbyoutsidevendors. Asinpreviousyears,theRiverfestCommitteeisplanningeventsforThursdaythrough Sundaythroughoutthecommunity.Thisyear’seventswilloccurThursday,July12th throughSunday,July15th.Afulllistingofeventsandactivitieshasbeenprovidedbythe Committee.TheseeventswillincludeactivitiesatPioneerPark,theBridgeParks,the MonticelloCommunityCenterandEllisonPark.Thepermitrequestalsoincludesthe closureanduseofpublicrightsofwayinconjunctionwiththeRiverfestparadeon Sunday. CityPublicWorksstaffhavepreviouslybeeninvolvedwithassistinginparkpreparation, eventset-upandtrafficcontrol.TheFireDepartmenthasalsoprovidedassistanceon sceneduringthecommunityfireworks,whichwilloccuronFridaythe13th for2012.The requestfromtheRiverfestCommitteeistoallowsuchassistancetocontinuefor2012. TheMonticelloLionsClubsubmittedapplicationsfortemporaryon-saleliquorlicenses inconjunctionwithRiverfestactivitiesatEllisonPark,WestBridgeParkandthe CommunityCenterParkingLot.ThoseapplicationswereapprovedbyCouncilonApril 23,2012andhavebeensubmittedtotheStateforsignatures.TheLionsClubhas providedaninsurancecertificatenamingtheCityasasecondinsuredforthoseevents. ThefulleventlistingprovidedbytheRiverfestCommitteeistremendouslyhelpfulfor Citystaffinbothprovidingtheneededassistanceduringthefestivalandforpromoting theeventviaCitymediasources. A1.BudgetImpact:Riverfestfireworksarebudgetedoutofliquorfundsandanew threeyearcontractwiththevendorwasapprovedattheFebruary27th Council meeting.InsurancecostsforthefireworksareincludedintheCity’sinsurance policies,andthefireworksvendorwasrequiredtonametheCityandSchool Districtasanadditionalinsuredontheirpoliciesaswell. CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 2 Thereisthepotentialforaminorlossofrevenueforparkrentalduringthedates Riverfestactivitiesoccuratthevariousparks.Nootherbudgetimpactis anticipated. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:TheParksandStreetsDepartmentstaffspendtime duringthefullweekpriortotheeventpreparingforthevariousactivities.In addition,onetotwodaysfollowingthefestivalarespentinclean-upandfollow- updetails. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheSpecialEventPermitallowinguseofEllisonPark,West BridgePark,PioneerPark,andCommunityCenterParkingLotandrelated assistanceinconjunctionwiththeannualRiverfestcelebrationonJuly12-15, 2012subjecttoexpansionofcertificateofinsurancetoincludegeneralliability eventcoveragewiththeCitynamedasadditionalinsured. 2.MotiontodenytheSpecialEventPermit. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffsupportsAlternative#1infavoroftheSpecialEventpermitforRiverfest.The requirementforgeneralliabilitycoveragewiththeCitynamedasadditionalinsuredisa standardrequestforeventsonCityproperty. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ExhibitA–RiverfestEventNarrative ExhibitB–RiverfestInsuranceCertificate CERTIFICATE HOLDER ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION.All rights reserved.ACORD 25 (2010/05) AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CANCELLATION DATE (MM/DD/YYYY)CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE LOCJECT PRO-POLICY GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: OCCURCLAIMS-MADE COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL LIABILITY PREMISES (Ea occurrence)$DAMAGE TO RENTED EACH OCCURRENCE $ MED EXP (Any one person)$ PERSONAL &ADV INJURY $ GENERAL AGGREGATE $ PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $ $RETENTIONDED CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR $ AGGREGATE $ EACH OCCURRENCE $UMBRELLA LIAB EXCESS LIAB DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required) INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)LIMITS WC STATU- TORY LIMITS OTH- ER E.L.EACH ACCIDENT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ $ $ ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below (Mandatory in NH) OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS AUTOS AUTOS COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ $ $ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDL WVD SUBR N / A $ $ (Ea accident) (Per accident) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:REVISION NUMBER: INSURED PHONE (A/C, No, Ext): PRODUCER ADDRESS: E-MAIL FAX (A/C, No): CONTACT NAME: NAIC # INSURER A : INSURER B : INSURER C : INSURER D : INSURER E : INSURER F : INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. INS025 (201005).01 5/21/2012 Christensen Group 11100 Bren Rd W Minnetonka MN 55343 Lynn Schnell (952)653-1091 (952)653-1191 lschnell@cg-iri.com Lions Clubs of Minnesota C/O CRM Risk Managers 13214 Kerry Lane Eden Prairie MN 55346 Berkley Assurance Company January 2012 A Liquor Liability VUMC1080001 1/1/2012 1/1/2013 Occurrence $1,000,000 Aggregate $2,000,000 Member Club: Monticello Lions Club Certifcate Holder is included as Additional Insured as their interest may appear in all club events. Specifically noting: 7/14/12 Riverfest Street Dance, Monticello Community Center Parking Lot, 505 Walnut St, Monticello, MN 55362 7/14/12 Riverfest Beanbag Tourney, West Bridge Park, 107 West River St, Monticello, MN 55362 7/15/12 Riverfest in the Park, Ellison Park, 811 East River St, Monticello, MN 55362 T Hendrickson/LYNNS City of Monticello Attn: Cathy Schuman 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 55362 CityCouncilAgenda:5/29/12 1 5I.Considerationofapproving2011StormWaterPollutionPreventionProgram (SWPPP)AnnualReport (BW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: In2005theCityofMonticellowasdesignatedasaregulatedsmallmunicipalseparate stormsewersystem(MS4)underMinnesotaRules,Chapter7090.ThisrequiredtheCity toobtainaNationalPollutantDischargeEliminationSystem/StateDisposalSystem (NPDES/SDS)stormwaterpermit,andtodevelopandimplementaStormWater PollutionPreventionProgram(SWPPP)toreducethedischargeofpollutants,including sediments,fromourstormsewersystemtothemaximumextentpracticable. OnFebruary15,2007ourdraftSWPPPwassubmittedtotheMinnesotaPollution ControlAgency(MPCA)forreviewandapproval.OnMarch24,2008theMPCA approvedourdraftSWPPPandweweregrantedgeneralpermitcoverage. Asrequired,ourSWPPPaddresses6minimumcontrolmeasures(MCM’s)asfollows: 1.PublicEducationandOutreach, 2.PublicParticipationandInvolvement, 3.IllicitDischargeDetectionandElimination, 4.ConstructionSiteStormwaterRunoffControl, 5.Post-ConstructionStormwaterManagementMeasures;and, 6.PollutionPrevention/GoodHousekeepingMeasures. Atotalof39bestmanagementpractices(BMP’s)andmeasurablegoalsassociatedwith the6MCM’sareidentifiedintheSWPPPforimplementation.Ashasbeendiscussed before,theseBMP’srequirehundredsofhoursofCitystafftimeeachyeartoadminister andcompletethetasksidentifiedinourSWPPP.Thesetasksincludesuchitemsas preparinganddistributingpublicinformationpamphletsandnewsarticles,holdingpublic meetings,andinventoryingandmappingourentirestormsewersystemincludingponds, pipes,structures,outfalls,waterbodies,etc. EachyearwearerequiredtosubmitourannualreporttotheMPCAbyJune30th.The reportsummarizesourSWPPPimplementationeffortsoverthepreviouscalendaryear. Ourdraft2011annualreportisattachedassupportingdocumentationforCouncilto reviewandapprovepriortosubmittingtotheMPCA. Thisyearthereisnothingneworotherwisenoteworthytoreport.Councilshouldbe awarethoughthatwearenotkeepingupwithourstormwaterpondmaintenanceefforts asrequiredbyourSWPPPunderBMP#’s6b-3and6b-5.Sincethiscouldresultinthe MPCAdenyingfutureNPDESpermitstotheCityforourgeneralpermitand/orpermits forspecificimprovementprojects,staffrecommendsincreasingourmaintenanceefforts asquicklyaspossible.Staffthereforeintendstoincreasethebudgetitemdedicatedfor suchmaintenanceworkin2013,andwillbepreparedtodiscussthisinmoredetailwith Councilasneededduringour2013budgetworkshops. CityCouncilAgenda:5/29/12 2 ShouldCouncilwishtodirectanychangestothe2011AnnualReport,staffwillmake anychangesnecessarypriortosubmittingthereporttotheMPCAbyJune30th. A.1BudgetImpact:Completingthe2011AnnualReporthadnodirectimpacttothe budget. A.2StaffWorkload:Staffhasspentapproximately80hourspreparingthe2011 AnnualReport,includingallassociateddocumentation. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethe2011SWPPPAnnualReportandauthorizeimmediate submittaltotheMPCA. 2.Motiontodenyapprovalandsubmittalofthe2011SWPPPAnnualReporttothe MPCApendingrevisionsbasedonCouncilinput. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Draft2011SWPPPAnnualReport CityCouncilAgenda:5/29/12 5J.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-052committinglocalmatchingfunds forcompletingtheGreatRiverTrailwaysandTrailheadImprovements,City ImprovementProject10C010.(BW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: PerCouncilauthorization,staffhasappliedfornumerousgrantstoconstructfournewtrail segmentsandatrailheadfacility,collectivelycalledtheGreatRiverTrailwaysand TrailheadImprovements,whichwillprovideneededlinksbetweenthepreviously constructedpedestrianunderpassunderCSAH75neartheMonticelloNuclearGenerating Planttobothlocalandregionalinfrastructureandpointsofinterest. InDecemberof2011,theCitywasawarded$67,000fromthestatethroughthe2011DNR LocalTrailConnectionsgrantprogramforsegments1and2. InFebruaryof2012,theCitywasawardedfederalfundingintheamountof$157,700 throughtheSAFETEA-LUprogramfortrailwaysegments1,23,and4,aswellasthe Trailheadfacility. InMarchof2012,staffappliedforanadditional$56,127.65ingrantsthroughthe2012 DNRLocalandRegionalTrailgrantprograms.TheDNRanticipatesawardingfunding fromtheseprogramsinJulyof2012.IftheCityissuccessfulinreceivingtherequested funding,ourtotalestimatedlocalshareforalltheproposedimprovementswilltotalabout $67,000. InorderfortheCitytoreceivetheawardedSAFETEA-LUfundingintheamountof $157,700,thestatemustfirstincorporateourprojectintotheStatewideTransportation ImprovementPlan(STIP).Therefore,theCityCouncilisbeingrequestedtoadopt Resolution#2012-052,afterwhichstaffmustsubmitthecertifiedresolutiontothestateby May31st toallowourprojecttobeaddedtotheSTIP. A.1BudgetImpact:Byadoptingtheattachedresolution,CouncilwillallowtheCityto receiveSAFETEA-LUfundingintheamountof$157,700forcompletingtheGreatRiver TrailwaysandTrailheadImprovements. A.2StaffWorkload:Staffwillberequiredtoadministertheawardedfederalfunding,which willrequireafairamountoftimeoverthelifeoftheproject.However,staffdoesnot anticipatethatthiswillconflictwithcompletingothertasksasrequired. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2012-052agreeingtocommitlocalmatchingfundsfor completingtheGreatRiverTrailwaysandTrailheadImprovements,CityProject No.10C010. 2.MotiontodenyadoptingResolution#2012-052atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityCouncilAgenda:5/29/12 CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternativeActionNo.1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-052 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTION2012-052 AGREEINGTOCOMMITLOCALREVENUESTOMATCHTHESAFETEA-LU FUNDSAPPROVEDBYTHECENTRALMINNESOTAAREATRANSPORTATION PARTNERSHIP(ATP)ANDTOCOVERANYOTHERCOSTSTOCOMPLETETHE GREATRIVERTRAILWAYSANDTRAILHEADIMPROVEMENTSINCLUDEDIN THESTATETRANSPORTATIONIMPROVEMENTPROGRAM(STIP) WHEREAS,theMinnesotaDepartmentofTransportation(Mn/DOT)establishedeightArea TransportationPartnershipsthroughouttheStateofMinnesotatodevelopprioritizedlistsof transportationprojectsseekingfederalfundingunderSafe,Accountable,Flexible,Efficient TransportationEquityAct:ALegacyforUsers(SAFETEA-LU)forinclusionintheState TransportationImprovementProgram(STIP);and WHEREAS,theCentralMinnesotaAreaTransportationPartnership(ATP)prioritizesprojects seekingSAFETEA-LUfundingintheCountiesofBenton,Cass,CrowWing,Isanti,Kanabec, MilleLacs,Morrison,Sherburne,Stearns,Todd,Wadena,andWright;andisfinalizingthe completionofits2013-2016AreaTransportationImprovementProgram(ATIP)thatbecomesa subsetofMinnesota’s2013-2016STIP;and WHEREAS,Region7WTransportationPolicyBoard,representingtheCountiesofBenton, Sherburne,StearnsandWrightandsupportstheATPintheexecutionofitsresponsibilitiesby solicitingandselectingprojectsinRegion7Wandrecommendingthemforinclusioninthe ATP’sDraftATIP;and WHEREAS,theATPgrantsregionstheauthoritytodeterminethefederalSAFETEA-LU fundingamountrecommendedforeachprojectthatisselectedforprogrammingintheATPin ordertomaximizelimitedfederalfundsandleveragelocalresourcestoaddressthe transportationneedsofeachregion;and WHEREAS,Region7WTransportationPolicyBoardrecommendedtheATPprogramfederal fundsintheamountof$157,700inyear2013ofits2013-2016ATIPforS.P.222-090-002,to constructfoursegmentsofbike/pedtrailsinMonticello,submittedbytheCityofMonticello; and WHEREAS,eachjurisdictionand/oragencymustacknowledgetheamountoffederalfunds recommendedbytheRegion7WTransportationPolicyBoardandcommitthenecessarylocal fundingtomatchtheSAFETEA-LUfundsrequested,aswellasanyotherfundingthatmaybe necessarytocompletetheprojectasproposedinitsapplication;and WHEREAS,theCityofMonticelloacknowledgesthe$157,700infederalSAFETEA-LU federalfundsthatisbeingrecommendedbytheATPforS.P.222-090-002,andunderstandsthat aminimumlocalfinancialmatchof$105,516willbenecessarybasedonthepresentcost estimatetofullyimplementtheproject;and NOW,THEREFOREBEITRESOLVED,theCityofMonticelloagreestocommitthe necessarylocalrevenuestomatchtheSAFETEA-LUfundsapprovedbytheATPandincluded intheSTIPandtocoveranyothercoststhatmaybenecessarytocompletetheprojectas submitted. ADOPTEDBY theCityCouncilthis29thdayofMay,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO __________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CERTIFICATION STATEOFMINNESOTA COUNTYOFWRIGHT IherebycertifythattheforegoingisatrueandcorrectcopyofResolution#2012-052 dulypassed,adoptedandapprovedbytheMonticelloCityCouncilattheirscheduledmeetingon May29,2012,andrecordedinminutesofsaidmeeting. ____________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator NotaryPublic:_______________________________ Date:___________________________ (STAMP) CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 1 7.PublicHearing–ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-049approving vacationofdrainageandutilityeasementsbetweenLots11and12,Block3,Carlisle Village4th Addition(8320&8348GatewaterDrive)andapprovingAdministrative LotCombinationforLots11and12.Applicant:MichaelLynch (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: MichaelLynchsubmittedanapplicationandpetitionforCounciltocallforaPublic Hearingtoconsidergrantingvacationofutilityanddrainageeasementslocatedbetween Lots11and12,Block3inCarlisleVillage4th Addition.Inconjunctionwiththatrequest, theapplicantisalsoseekingCouncilapprovalofanadministrativelotcombinationto combinethetwoparcels. Atthepresenttime,thepropertiesareownedbyCarlisleVillage,LLCofAnoka.With approvalofthevacationandcombination,Mr.Lynchintendstopurchasethetwo propertiesforthepurposeofconstructionofasingle-familyhome. Administrativesubdivisionsforpreviouslyplattedpropertiesunder5acresinsizeare permittedundertheCity’sSubdivisionOrdinance.Inordertocombinethetwolotsfor developmentofahomeonthesite,thedrainageandutilityeasementslyingbetweenthe twopropertiesmustalsobevacated.Thoughtheapplicantpetitionedforvacationofthe fulleasementarea,staffrecommendstheretentionofthe12’drainageandutility easementareaaroundtheperimeterofthelotsinordertomaintainconsistency. ThesubjectparcelsarezonedR-A.Thelotstobecombinedareeachapproximatelyone quarteracreinsize.Thecombinedlotwilltotal24,223squarefeet.Thelotareaand widthremainincompliancewithcodeaftercombination.TheCityEngineerhasalso reviewedthevacationrequestandfindsittobeacceptable.Therearenopublicutilities locatedwithintheeasementareaproposedforvacation.Ifprivateutilitiesexistwithin theeasementareatobevacated,itwillbethepropertyowner’sresponsibilitytowork withtheprivateutilitiestorelocatetheirutilities,ifnecessary.Upondevelopmentofthe property,thelotwillbegradedtoaccommodateproperdrainagetotheeasementsatthe perimeteroftheproperty. ItshouldbenotedthattherearetreesonbothLot11and12thathavebeenidentifiedfor preservationperrequirementsofthedevelopmentcontractforCarlisleVillage.Atthe timeabuildingpermitissubmittedfortheproperty,thebuilderwillberequiredtoinstall requiredpreservationfencingandconstructonsitewithoutdisturbancetothetrees. UponapprovalofthecombinationandvacationbytheCityCouncil,formal documentationofbothactionswillbefiledatWrightCounty. Theapplicantwillberequiredtoprovideacertificateofsurveydocumentingthe conditionsofthecombinedlot.Thiswilloccurintandemwiththebuildingandbuilding permitprocess. CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 2 A1.BudgetImpact:Somestafftimeandcostsofpublicationandnotificationof affectedproperties.Itshouldalsobenotedthatthereispotentialforaminimal taxrevenueimpactinthattheresultingcombinationwillallowforonesingle- familyhomeversustwo. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Somestafftimewasconsumedinresearchingand preparingthisrequestforCouncil. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2012-049approvingvacationofdrainageandutility easementsbetweenLots11and12,Block3,CarlisleVillage4th andapproving AdministrativeLotCombinationforLots11and12. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofResolution#2012-049atthistime.Withthisoption, Councilshouldprovidefindingsoffactasreasonfordenialoftherequest. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1.Thelotcombinationresultsinalotthatis compliantwithordinancerequirementsandconsistentwithR-Azoningregulations.The vacationofdrainageandutilityeasementshasalsobeenfoundtobeacceptable. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.Resolution#2012-049 B.Application,petitionandnarrativeforproposedeasementvacation C.AerialImage D.LotCombinationIllustration E.LegalDescriptionsofAreatobeVacatedandofCombinedParcels F.SubdivisionOrdinance-SubdivisionbyMetesandBounds CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2012-049 APPROVINGVACATIONOFDRAINAGEANDUTILITYEASEMENTS ANDAPPROVINGADMINISTRATIVELOTCOMBINATION, LOTS11AND12,BLOCK3,CARLISLEVILLAGE4TH ADDITION WHEREAS,theCityofMonticellodidreceiveapetitiondatedMay7,2012,fromtheownerof Lots11and12,Block3,CarlisleVillage4th Additionrequestingvacationofaportionofthe12 footdrainageandutilityeasementontheboundarylyingbetweensaidlots;and WHEREAS,theownerofLots11and12,Block3,CarlisleVillage4th Additionalsorequested anAdministrativeLotCombinationofsaidLots11and12subjecttovacationoftheeasement; and WHEREAS,onMay17and24,2012,theCitypublishednoticeofaPublicHearingtobeheld onMay29,2012,toconsidervacatingaportionofthedrainageandutilityeasementonthe boundarylyingbetweenLots11and12,Block3,CarlisleVillage4th Addition;and WHEREAS,onMay16,2012,affectedpropertyownersweremailedanoticeofthePublic HearingtobeheldMay29,2012; NOWTHEREFORE,BEITHEREBYRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOF MONTICELLO,MINNESOTA:thatthefollowingdescribedportionofdrainageandutility easementsbevacated: LegaldescriptionforthevacationofaportionofLot11,Block3,CARLISLEVILLAGE 4THADDITION: Thatpartoftheexisting6.00footdrainageandutilityeasementoverthenortherly6.00 feetofLot11,Block3,CARLISLEVILLAGE4THADDITION,accordingtosaidplat onfileandofrecordintheofficeoftheCountyRecorder,WrightCounty,Minnesota, whichlieseasterlyofthewesterly12.00footofsaidLot11,andalsowhichlieswesterly oftheeasterly12.00feetofsaidLot11. LegaldescriptionforthevacationofaportionofLot12,Block3,CARLISLEVILLAGE 4THADDITION: Thatpartoftheexisting6.00footdrainageandutilityeasementoverthesoutherly6.00 feetofLot12,Block3,CARLISLEVILLAGE4THADDITION,accordingtosaidplat onfileandofrecordintheofficeoftheCountyRecorder,WrightCounty,Minnesota, whichlieseasterlyofthewest12.00footofsaidLot12,andalsowhichlieswesterlyof theeasterly6.00feetofsaidLot12. NOWTHEREFORE,BEITFURTHERRESOLVED:thattheMonticelloCityCouncil approvestheAdministrativeLotCombinationofLots11and12,Block3,CarlisleVillage4th Additiondescribedasfollows: NewcombinedlegaldescriptionofLots11and12,Block3,CarlisleVillage4 th Addition: AllthatpartofLot11andLot12,Block3,CARLISLEVILLAGE4THADDITION, accordingtosaidplatonfileandofrecordintheofficeoftheCountyRecorder,Wright County,Minnesota. NOWTHEREFORE,BEITFURTHERRESOLVED:thatgrantingofsaidvacationissubject tothefollowingconditions: PropertyownershallprovidearevisedCertificateofSurveyshowingthereestablishment ofdrainageandutilityeasementsandshowingthecombinedLots11and12. TheCityshallcontinuetomaintaintheremainingdrainageandutilityeasementonthe perimeteroftheproperty. Ifprivateutilitiesexistwithintheeasementareatobevacated,itwillbetheproperty owner’sresponsibilitytoworkwiththeprivateutilitiestorelocatetheirutilities. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis29th dayofMay,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO _____________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CERTIFICATION STATEOFMINNESOTA COUNTYOFWRIGHT IherebycertifythattheforegoingisatrueandcorrectcopyofResolution#2012-049 dulypassed,adoptedandapprovedbytheMonticelloCityCouncilattheirscheduledmeetingon May29,2012,andrecordedinminutesofsaidmeeting. ____________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator NotaryPublic:_______________________________ Date:___________________________ (STAMP) ATTACHMENT“A” AttachlegaldescriptionforD&Ueasement LegaldescriptionforthevacationofaportionofLot11,Block3,CARLISLE VILLAGE4THADDITION: Thatpartoftheexisting6.00footdrainageandutilityeasementoverthenortherly6.00 feetofLot11,Block3,CARLISLEVILLAGE4THADDITION,accordingtosaidplat onfileandofrecordintheofficeoftheCountyRecorder,WrightCounty,Minnesota, whichlieseasterlyofthewesterly12.00footofsaidLot11,andalsowhichlieswesterly oftheeasterly12.00feetofsaidLot11. LegaldescriptionforthevacationofaportionofLot12,Block3,CARLISLE VILLAGE4THADDITION: Thatpartoftheexisting6.00footdrainageandutilityeasementoverthesoutherly6.00 feetofLot12,Block3,CARLISLEVILLAGE4THADDITION,accordingtosaidplat onfileandofrecordintheofficeoftheCountyRecorder,WrightCounty,Minnesota, whichlieseasterlyofthewest12.00footofsaidLot12,andalsowhichlieswesterlyof theeasterly6.00feetofsaidLot12. ATTACHMENT“B” AttachlegaldescriptionforLotCombination NewcombinedlegaldescriptionofLots11and12,Block3,CarlisleVillage4th Addition. AllthatpartofLot11andLot12,Block3,CARLISLEVILLAGE4THADDITION, accordingtosaidplatonfileandofrecordintheofficeoftheCountyRecorder,Wright County,Minnesota. ATTACHMENT“C” AttachOfficialCertificateofSurvey Showingreestablishmentofdrainageandutilityeasement andshowingcombinedLots11and12 Date:May14,2012 Client:CityofMonticello Project:CARLISLEVILLAGE4THADDITION Subject:Lot11and12,Block3,D&Uvacationdescription&newlegal descriptionofcombinedLot11andLot12,Block3. WSBNo.:1010-00 ProposedlegaldescriptionforthevacationofaportionofLot11,Block3, CARLISLEVILLAGE4THADDITION: Thatpartoftheexisting6.00footdrainageandutilityeasementoverthenortherly6.00 feetofLot11,Block3,CARLISLEVILLAGE4THADDITION,accordingtosaidplat onfileandofrecordintheofficeoftheCountyRecorder,WrightCounty,Minnesota, whichlieseasterlyofthewesterly12.00footofsaidLot11,andalsowhichlieswesterly oftheeasterly12.00feetofsaidLot11. ProposedlegaldescriptionforthevacationofaportionofLot12,Block3, CARLISLEVILLAGE4THADDITION: Thatpartoftheexisting6.00footdrainageandutilityeasementoverthesoutherly6.00 feetofLot12,Block3,CARLISLEVILLAGE4THADDITION,accordingtosaidplat onfileandofrecordintheofficeoftheCountyRecorder,WrightCounty,Minnesota, whichlieseasterlyofthewest12.00footofsaidLot12,andalsowhichlieswesterlyof theeasterly6.00feetofsaidLot12. ProposednewcombinedlegaldescriptionofLots11and12,Block3,Carlisle Village4th Addition. AllthatpartofLot11andLot12,Block3,CARLISLEVILLAGE4THADDITION, accordingtosaidplatonfileandofrecordintheofficeoftheCountyRecorder,Wright County,Minnesota. K:\1010.00\7thStreetVacation.doc MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TITLE XI/Chapt 8/Page 1 CHAPTER 8 REGISTERED LAND SURVEYS AND CONVEYANCE BY METES AND BOUNDS SECTION: 1 1 -8 -1:R egis t ered Land S u rveys 11-8-2:Conveyance by Metes and Bounds 11-8-1:REGISTERED LAND SURVEYS: It is the intention of this ordinance that all registered land surveys in the city of Monticello should be presented to the Planning Commission in the form of a preliminary plat in accordance with the standards set forth in this ordinance for preliminary plats and that the Planning Commission shall first approve the arrangement, sizes, and relationship of proposed tracts in such registered land surveys and that tracts to be used as easements or roads should be so dedicated. Unless a recommendation and approval have been obtained from the Planning Commission and City Council respectively in accordance with the standards set forth in this ordinance, building permits will be withheld for buildings on tracts which have been so subdivided by registered land surveys, and the City may refuse to take over tracts as streets or roads or to improve, repair, or maintain any such tracts unless so approved. 11-8-2:CONVEYANCE BY METES AND BOUNDS: No conveyance in which the land conveyed is described by metes and bounds shall be made or recorded if the parcels described in the conveyance are five (5) acres or less in area and three hundred (300) feet in width unless such parcel was a separate parcel of record at the effective date of this ordinance. Building permits will be withheld for buildings or tracts which have been subdivided and conveyed by this method, and the City may refuse to take over tracts as streets or roads or to improve, repair, or maintain any such tracts. Not withstanding the previous prohibition, a person may request an administrative subdivision of property described by metes and bounds under the following conditions: a.The purpose of the subdivision is to combine two (2) or more parcels of record to create a parcel conforming to the requirements of the applicable zoning district. b.The purpose of the subdivision is to divide one (1) previously platted parcel into no more than two (2) buildable parcels, both of which will be in full conformance with all applicable zoning regulations, and for which no public right of way, easements, or other drainage concerns are evident to the Zoning Administrator. MONTICELLO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE TITLE XI/Chapt 8/Page 2 Said administrative subdivision shall be subject to approval of the Zoning Administrator, who may at his or her discretion, refer the subdivision to other City staff for review and recommendation. If the Zoning Administrator approves the proposed subdivision, he or she shall place the proposed subdivision on the agenda of the next City Council meeting which is no less than three (3) weeks from the date of a complete submission. In the event that the County Recorder shall refuse to record an administrative subdivision due to the legal description of the proposed parcels or for any other reason, the applicant shall be required to comply with all of the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance for Preliminary Plats. (#426, 7/11/05) CouncilAgenda:05/29/12 1 8.ConsiderationofAccepting2011AuditReport (TK) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Inkeepingwithoperationoftransparentorganizationstrustedwithproperlymanaging publicdollars,allcitiesarerequiredtohaveaprivatethirdpartyconductanannualaudit ofitsfinancialstatements.TheauditfirmofMalloy,Montague,Karnowski,Radosevich &Co.,P.A.(MMKR)conductedtheaudit,whichisthefifthyearforthefirmauditing theCity.InadditiontheCity’s2010ComprehensiveAnnualFinancialReport(CAFR) forthesecondtimereceivedtheGovernmentFinanceOfficersAssociation’s(GFOA) CertificateofAchievementforExcellenceinFinancialReportingandthe2011CAFRis inthesameformatsostaffcanapplyforthisawardonceagain. Theauditfindingsfor2011showcontinuedimprovementovertheresultsinpastyears andreflecttheongoingpositivematurationofourfinancialsystemsunderthecurrent FinancialDepartmentandCityAdministration.Theauditprocesswasmoreefficient thanlastyear,whichwasduetothechangeoftheAssistantFinanceDirectorin2010.It shouldbenotedthatthatbothfindingsweretheresultofoneitembeingdiscoveredand didn’treflectanymajorissueswithintheCity’sfinanceoperations. The2011auditdidnotrequireasignalauditbecompletedforanygrantstheCity receivedin2011. AgaintheCity’sCAFRwaspreparedinaformattoreceiveGFOA’sCertificateof AchievementforExcellenceinFinancialReporting.Byhavingthereportinthisformat, theCity’sreportcanbeeasilycomparedtoothercities’financialreportsfromaroundthe countryandcouldhelptheCityachieveanevenbetterbondrating.AnareathatIthink willbeofvalueistheStatisticalSection,whichbeginsonpage63,andprovides10year (whenavailable)financialandotherdataoftheCity. JimEichten,PrincipalofMMKR,willpresentasummaryoftheirfindingsand summarizethehighlightsoftheCity’s2011CAFR. A1.BudgetImpact:TheCitybudgeted$34,350fortheauditbasedfirstyearcosts ontheCity’sthreeyearcontactwithMMKR. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Tocompletetheaudit,thefinancestaffhasworked manyhoursprovidinginformationandconstructingvariousworksheets,audit schedulesandpreparingthe2011CAFRforMMKRandthisistheculminationof MMKRandstaff’swork. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoacceptthe2011AuditReport. 2.Motiontonotacceptthe2011AuditReportatthistime. CouncilAgenda:05/29/12 2 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: TheCitystaffsupportsAlternative#1.TheCityAdministratorandFinanceDirector wouldliketoalsocommendtheworkoftheFinanceDepartmentstaffinthis accomplishment.Also,thescopeofanauditgoesbeyondtheFinanceDepartmentand includesotherscrutinyofoperationsaffectingallCityDepartments.Forinstance, biddingprocedures,contractadministration,employeereimbursementsandother processesarereviewedbytheAuditors,So,althoughawellrunandconscientious FinanceDepartmentiskeytohavingacleanaudit,alldepartmentsshouldberecognized foradherencetorulesintendedtoprotectandpreservetrustintheoperationofitslocal government. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: The2011ComprehensiveAnnualFinancialReport,SpecialPurposeAuditReport,and ManagementLetter INTRODUCTORY SECTION FINANCIAL SECTION CITY OF MONTICELLO Management’s Discussion and Analysis Year Ended December 31, 2011 -3- As management of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the City), we offer the readers of these financial statements this narrative overview and analysis of the City’s financial activities for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2011. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS The assets of the City exceeded its liabilities at year-end by $111,846,991 (net assets). Of this amount, $31,659,622 (unrestricted net assets) may be used to meet the City’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. As of the close of the current fiscal year, the City’s governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $38,073,550, an increase of $8,415,616 from the prior year. Nonspendable, restricted, committed, and assigned uses of fund balance totaled $39,001,285, leaving an unassigned fund balance deficit of ($927,735). At the end of the current fiscal year, unassigned fund balance for the General Fund was $649,821, or 10.0 percent, of total General Fund expenditures for 2011. In addition, the City has $3,374,200 as committed for working capital and contingencies. The City targets 45 percent of next year’s expenditure budget as the optimum fund balance level, providing a reserve for cash flow during the first six months of each subsequent year until property tax receipts are released from the county treasurer’s office and distributed to the local levels of government. The $3,374,200 represents this 45 percent and is reported as designated for working capital and contingencies in the General Fund. The City’s total long-term liabilities increased by $6,126,368 (9.4 percent) during 2011. Principal payments made on outstanding debt totaled $4,953,000. The City issued $10,735,000 in new debt in 2011 to refund an existing improvement bond. OVERVIEW OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS This discussion and analysis is intended to serve as an introduction to the City’s basic financial statements, which are comprised of three components: 1) government-wide financial statements, 2) fund financial statements, and 3) notes to basic financial statements. The report also contains other required supplementary information, which can provide detailed information on the City’s financial activity. Government-Wide Financial Statements – The government-wide financial statements are designed to provide readers with a broad overview of the City’s finances in a manner similar to a private sector business. The Statement of Net Assets presents information on all of the City’s assets and liabilities, with the difference between the two reported as net assets. Over time, the changes in net assets may serve as a useful indicator of the financial health of the City. The Statement of Activities presents information showing how the City’s net assets changed during the year. All changes in net assets are reported as soon as the underlying event affecting the change occurs, regardless of the timing of related cash flows. Therefore, revenues and expenses are reported in this statement for some items that will result in cash flows in future fiscal periods, such as uncollected taxes and earned but unused vacation leave. -4- Both of the government-wide financial statements distinguish functions of the City that are principally supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenue (governmental activities) from other functions that are intended to recover all or a significant portion of their costs through user fees and charges (business-type activities). The governmental activities provided by the City include general government, public safety, public works, sanitation, culture and recreation, and economic development. Business-type activities include water, sewer, liquor, cemetery, and fiber optics activities. The government-wide financial statements include not only the City itself (known as the primary government), but also the Economic Development Authority (EDA). The EDA is a legally separate entity which functions, in essence, as a department of the City, to provide redevelopment assistance through the administration of various programs. Therefore, the EDA has been included as an integral part of the City’s financial statements. Fund Financial Statements – A fund is a grouping of related accounts used to maintain control over resources that have been segregated for specific activities or objectives. The City, like other units of government, uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal requirements. All of the City’s funds can be divided into two categories: governmental funds and proprietary funds. Governmental Funds – Governmental funds are used to account for essentially the same functions reported as governmental activities in the government-wide financial statements. However, unlike the government-wide financial statements, governmental fund financial statements focus on near-term receipt and use of spendable resources, as well as on the balance of spendable resources available at the end of the fiscal year. This information may be useful in evaluating a government’s near-term financing requirements. Because the focus of governmental funds is narrower than that of the government-wide financial statements, it is useful to compare the information presented for governmental funds with similar information presented for governmental activities in the government-wide statements. By doing so, readers may better understand the long-term impact of the City’s near-term financing decisions. Both the governmental funds Balance Sheet and the governmental funds Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances provide a reconciliation to facilitate this comparison. The City maintains several individual governmental funds. Information is presented separately in the governmental funds Balance Sheet and in the governmental funds Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances for the General Fund, Community Center Special Revenue Fund, EDA Special Revenue Fund, Debt Service Fund, Capital Outlay Revolving Capital Project Fund, Sanitary Sewer Access Capital Project Fund, and Capital Projects Fund, all of which are considered to be major funds. Data from the remaining governmental funds are combined into a single, aggregated presentation. Individual fund data for each of these nonmajor governmental funds is provided in the form of combining statements elsewhere in this report. The City adopts an annual budget for its General Fund and major special revenue funds. A budgetary comparison schedule has been provided for the General Fund and major special revenue funds to demonstrate compliance with the adopted budgets. Proprietary Funds – The City maintains five enterprise funds which are considered proprietary funds. Enterprise funds are used to report the same functions presented as business-type activities in the government-wide financial statements. The City uses enterprise funds to account for its water and sewer service operations, liquor sales operation, cemetery maintenance, and fiber optics operation. Proprietary funds provide the same type of information as the government-wide financial statements, only in more detail. The proprietary fund financial statements provide separate information for each of the enterprise operations. -5- Notes to Basic Financial Statements – The notes to basic financial statements provide additional information that is essential to obtaining a full understanding of the data provided in the government-wide and fund financial statements. Other Information – Additional information on nonmajor funds can be found in the combining nonmajor fund statements section of this report. GOVERNMENT-WIDE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS As noted earlier, net assets may serve over time as a useful indicator of a government’s financial position. The City’s assets exceeded its liabilities by $111,846,991 at the end of 2011. A portion of the City’s net assets (56.6 percent) reflects its investment in capital assets (e.g. land, buildings, machinery and equipment, and infrastructure) less any related outstanding debt used to acquire those assets. The City uses these capital assets to provide services to citizens; consequently, these assets are not available for future spending. Although the City’s investment in its capital assets is reported net of related debt, it should be noted that the resources needed to repay this debt must be provided from other resources, since the capital assets themselves cannot be used to liquidate these liabilities. A portion of the City’s net assets (28.3 percent) reflects its unrestricted net assets which may be used to meet the City’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors. City of Monticello’s Net Assets 201120102011201020112010 Current and other assets55,638,978$ 48,467,136$ 12,031,983$ 16,141,875$ 67,670,961$ 64,609,011$ Capital assets71,241,717 69,750,143 47,232,257 47,415,729 118,473,974 117,165,872 Total assets126,880,695 118,217,279 59,264,240 63,557,604 186,144,935 181,774,883 Long-term liabilities 44,714,165 38,527,259 26,746,466 26,807,004 71,460,631 65,334,263 Other liabilities2,271,285 2,574,057 566,028 1,811,747 2,837,313 4,385,804 Total liabilities46,985,450 41,101,316 27,312,494 28,618,751 74,297,944 69,720,067 Net assets Invested in capital assets, net of related debt38,242,040 31,901,676 25,031,043 28,556,355 63,273,083 60,458,031 Restricted16,894,936 18,337,866 19,350 19,350 16,914,286 18,357,216 Unrestricted24,758,269 26,876,421 6,901,353 6,363,148 31,659,622 33,239,569 Total net assets79,895,245$ 77,115,963$ 31,951,746$ 34,938,853$ 111,846,991$112,054,816$ Governmental ActivitiesBusiness-Type ActivitiesTotal At the end of 2011, the City was able to report positive balances in all three categories of net assets, both for the government as a whole and for its separate governmental and business-type activities. -6- Governmental Activities – Total net assets and net assets invested in capital assets, net of related debt in the City’s governmental activities increased from the previous year as the result of increased interest earnings, transfers into the governmental activities from the business-type activities for capital needs, and improvements to the City’s infrastructure, including the 2011 Street Reconstruction Project and Highway 75 road and trail improvements, of which the state and county contributed a portion of the cost through its State Street Aid programs and county construction funds. Business-Type Activities – The shifts in net assets invested in capital assets, net of related debt and unrestricted net assets in the City’s business-type activities during 2011 are mainly because of the ongoing construction and operations in the City’s Fiber Optics Fund. In 2011, the project included the installation of the fiber optics system within the City and installation to customers as well as continuing operations. City of Monticello’s Changes in Net Assets 201120102011201020112011 Revenues Program revenues Charges for services2,502,380$ 3,453,575$ 5,574,010$ 3,939,379$ 8,076,390$ 7,392,954$ Operating grants and contributions253,127 424,845 – – 253,127 424,845 Capital grants and contributions2,083,511 4,124,271 – – 2,083,511 4,124,271 General revenues Property taxes8,451,149 8,260,705 – – 8,451,149 8,260,705 Franchise taxes341,362 371,258 – – 341,362 371,258 General grants and aids19,359 37,665 – – 19,359 37,665 Investment earnings1,467,780 859,583 495,484 236,131 1,963,264 1,095,714 Other354,501 442,091 1,555,509 125,326 1,910,010 567,417 Total revenues15,473,169 17,973,993 7,625,003 4,300,836 23,098,172 22,274,829 Expenses General government 2,111,710 2,065,463 – – 2,111,710 2,065,463 Public safety 1,788,595 1,766,712 – – 1,788,595 1,766,712 Public works4,838,544 3,579,291 – – 4,838,544 3,579,291 Sanitation495,693 534,903 – – 495,693 534,903 Culture and recreation1,724,348 2,609,429 – – 1,724,348 2,609,429 Economic development 1,199,936 2,647,687 – – 1,199,936 2,647,687 Interest and fiscal charges1,248,716 1,464,012 – – 1,248,716 1,464,012 Water – – 1,167,572 936,718 1,167,572 936,718 Sewer – – 2,340,555 2,495,976 2,340,555 2,495,976 Liquor – – 658,999 637,574 658,999 637,574 Cemetery – – 28,849 26,659 28,849 26,659 Fiber optics – – 5,702,480 3,815,377 5,702,480 3,815,377 Total expenses13,407,542 14,667,497 9,898,455 7,912,304 23,305,997 22,579,801 Increase in net assets before transfers2,065,627 3,306,496 (2,273,452) (3,611,468) (207,825) (304,972) Transfers713,655 (5,774,257) (713,655) 5,774,257 – – Change in net assets2,779,282 (2,467,761) (2,987,107) 2,162,789 (207,825) (304,972) Net assets – beginning of year77,115,963 79,583,724 34,938,853 32,776,064 112,054,816 112,359,788 Net assets – end of year79,895,245$ 77,115,963$ 31,951,746$ 34,938,853$ 111,846,991$ 112,054,816$ TotalGovernmental ActivitiesBusiness-Type Activities The City’s net assets decreased in fiscal 2011 by $207,825. This decrease was the result of continued startup of operations of the City’s Fiber Optics Project in 2011. Charges for services increased in 2011 because the number of customers receiving services from the new fiber optics system increased and billing reflects a full year of billings compared to only eight months in 2010. Overall, net assets decreased in the business-type activities due to interest on debt totaling $1,818,869 in the Fiber Optics Fund in fiscal 2011. -7- GOVERNMENTAL ACTIVITIES – REVENUES Revenues by Source – Governmental Activities General Grants and Aids <1% Charges for Services 16%Investment Earnings 9% Operating Grants and Contributions 2% Other 2% Capital Grants and Contributions 13% Franchise Taxes 2% Property Taxes 55% Revenues for the City’s governmental activities decreased by $2,500,824, or 13.9 percent. The major components of this decrease are explained as follows: Capital grants and contributions decreased by $2,040,760, or 49.5 percent. This decrease was due to the City special assessing property owners less for their share of the 2011 Street Reconstruction Project and other improvement projects due to size and type of project compared to 2010 projects. Charges for services decreased by $951,195, or 27.5 percent. This decrease was primarily due to fewer development fees paid and fewer charges to the City for its services on construction projects. Investment earnings increased by $608,197, or 70.8 percent, due to stable interest rates on long-term investments and an increase in available cash to invest from the prior year. Expenses – City expenses for governmental activities decreased by $1,259,955, or 8.6 percent. This decrease is primarily due to a decrease in culture and recreation and economic development activity in fiscal 2011. -8- BUSINESS-TYPE ACTIVITIES Revenues by Source – Business-Type Activities Charges for Services 73% Other 20% Investment Earnings 7% Business-type activities decreased the City’s net assets by ($2,987,107). The rates for each of the City’s utility services operated as enterprise funds are reviewed annually and adjusted by the City Council to assure operating revenues are independently sufficient to cover their own operating expenses and provide for their own capital equipment replacement needs. Capital grants and contributions may be necessary for the future replacement of facility needs as the current and projected future rates will not be sufficient for their ultimate replacement. The City’s business-type charges for services increased by $1,634,631, or 41.5 percent, primarily due to the new charges for the City’s new fiber optics system, which began operations in 2010. Investment earnings increased due to improved interest rates and increased funds invested. Business-type activities other general revenues increased $1,430,183, mainly due to a legal settlement in fiscal 2011. Business-type expenses increased from the previous year by $1,986,151 due to increased costs related to the Fiber Optics Fund of $1,887,103. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE GOVERNMENT’S FUNDS As noted earlier, the City uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal requirements. Governmental Funds – The focus of the City’s governmental funds is to provide information on near-term receipts, uses, and balances of spendable resources. Such information is useful in assessing the City’s financing requirements. In particular, unassigned fund balance may serve as a useful measure of a government’s net resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year. As of the end of the current fiscal year, the City’s governmental funds reported combined ending fund balances of $38,073,550, an increase of $8,415,616 from the prior year. Of this total amount, a deficit of ($927,735) constitutes unassigned fund balance. The remainder of the fund balance is nonspendable, restricted, committed, or assigned for a variety of purposes. -9- The City’s General Fund decreased $656,430 during the current fiscal year. Decreased charges for services provided the decrease in revenues, while property taxes and investment earnings increased for 2011. The decreases were due to less construction activity taking place in 2011. The City also transferred out to other funds $728,383 from the General Fund in 2011, which was a decrease of $475,617. Each of the main activities of the General Fund were completed efficiently and effectively as authorized within the adopted budget, without fully using reserve balances. Total General Fund expenditures were over budget by $60,710 for the year. Community Center Special Revenue Fund – The decrease in the Community Center Special Revenue Fund balance was the result of a decrease in transfers in and a transfer out in 2011 for the Community Center Special Revenue Fund’s share of debt service payments. EDA Special Revenue Fund – The EDA Special Revenue Fund in 2011 sold a parcel of land in the Otter Creek Business Park to a city business for their expansion and created a new tax increment district to help finance the expansion. In addition, the EDA purchased some land adjacent to the Otter Creek Business Park for resale in the future. The business park land is available for sale at a discount as an economic development incentive for industrial facilities. In addition, the EDA paid off one of its pay-as-you-go obligations to developers and decertified a tax increment district in 2011. For these reasons, both revenues and expenditures are higher in 2011 compared to 2010. Debt Service Fund – The main revenue source is the collection of special assessments, with the annual principal and interest on debt as the main expenditure in 2011. Reserves increased by $10,602,565 due to the new debt issued in 2011 to refund the 2005 special assessment bond issue. Capital Outlay Revolving Capital Projects Fund – The increase in fund balance is due to the City receiving and assigning cable franchise fees for communication improvements from the Wright Sherburne Cable Commission. Sanitary Sewer Access Capital Projects Fund – The Sanitary Sewer Access Capital Projects Fund balance decreased by $945,627 due to the transfer of funds for the Sanitary Sewer Access Capital Projects Fund’s share of debt service payments. Capital Projects Fund – The Capital Projects Fund’s resources increased in the current year primarily due to the decrease in capital projects completed throughout the year. Proprietary Funds – The City’s proprietary funds provide the same type of information found in the government-wide financial statements, but in more detail. Water Fund – Net assets increased $21,770 for the Water Fund; however, the Water Fund had an operating loss of $77,718 in 2011. The depreciable costs of assets are not fully offset by the water rates. Sewer Fund – Similar to the Water Fund, the depreciable cost of assets are not fully offset by the sewer rates and, therefore, the Sewer Fund had an operating loss in fiscal 2011. The sewer rates were increased 9.0 percent in 2011, resulting in an increase in revenues. Liquor Fund – The City’s liquor operations ended the year with an increase in net assets from operations. The City’s Liquor Fund had operating net income of $492,264 and transferred $250,000 to other funds to reduce property taxes. -10- Cemetery Fund – Net assets of the Cemetery Fund decreased $4,637 in 2011. The Cemetery Fund sets its charges and fees at a level to breakeven or to increase slightly. Fiber Optics Fund – In 2007, the City started its Fiber Optics Project, which installed a fiber optics system to every premise in the City to provide customers with phone, high-speed Internet, and cable television services as a self-supporting system with competitive pricing which will act as an economic development tool for the City. The system began operations in the spring of 2010 as system construction continued. As of December 31, 2011, the system was 100 percent operational with bonds payable of $26,445,000. GENERAL FUND BUDGETARY HIGHLIGHTS General Fund revenues for 2011 were over budget by $133,391 in total. Licenses and permits collected were $46,251 below budget due to the slow housing market and the poor economy related to new development. In addition, investment earnings were $99,476 over budget due to better than expected interest rates. General Fund expenditures for 2011 were only $60,710 more than budgeted. CAPITAL ASSETS AND DEBT ADMINISTRATION Capital Assets – The City’s investment in capital assets for its governmental and business-type activities amounts to $118,473,964 as of December 31, 2011, net of accumulated depreciation. This investment in capital assets includes fire and public works equipment, parks and recreation facilities, buildings, roads, sewer, water, and storm sewer utilities. This amount represents a net increase (including additions and deductions) of $1,308,092 over last year. City of Monticello’s Capital Assets 201120102011201020112010 Land10,744,862$ 9,007,112$ 1,751,945$ 1,751,945$ 12,496,807$ 10,759,057$ Construction in progress6,122,163 8,750,672 14,439 12,235,455 6,136,602 20,986,127 Buildings 13,709,653 13,709,653 6,820,979 6,820,979 20,530,632 20,530,632 Improvements other than buildings5,173,392 5,173,392 20,182,719 20,182,718 25,356,111 25,356,110 Machinery, equipment, furniture, and vehicles4,500,651 4,440,856 2,206,787 2,191,902 6,707,438 6,632,758 Infrastructure64,638,749 58,608,523 48,192,665 34,417,075 112,831,414 93,025,598 Less accumulated depreciation(33,647,753) (29,940,065) (31,937,277) (30,184,345) (65,585,030) (60,124,410) Net total71,241,717$ 69,750,143$ 47,232,257$ 47,415,729$ 118,473,974$117,165,872$ Governmental ActivitiesBusiness-Type ActivitiesTotal Additional information on the City’s capital assets is located in Note 3 of the notes to basic financial statements. -11- Long-Term Debt – At the end of 2011, the City has total bonds outstanding in the amount of $70,746,000, of which $29,490,000 is special assessment bonds outstanding. The City has pledged revenue streams from general property taxes; the community center; water and sewer utilities; fiber optics revenues; and sewer, water, and storm sewer access funds for the principal and interest payments due on these bonds. City of Monticello’s Outstanding Bonds 201120102011201020112010 General obligation bonds10,196,903$ 11,531,903$ 654,097$ 747,097$ 10,851,000$ 12,279,000$ Special assessment bonds29,490,000 21,320,000 – – 29,490,000 21,320,000 Revenue bonds3,960,000 4,920,000 26,445,000 26,445,000 30,405,000 31,365,000 Total43,646,903$ 37,771,903$ 27,099,097$ 27,192,097$ 70,746,000$ 64,964,000$ Total Governmental Activities Business-Type Activities The City’s total outstanding bonds increased by $5,782,000, or approximately 8.9 percent, during 2011. State statutes limit the amount of general obligation bonds a government entity may issue to 3 percent of its taxable market value. The current debt limit is $33,196,242, which is significantly in excess of the City’s outstanding net general obligation bonds of $4,365,000, which is subject to the limitation. Additional information on the City’s debt is located in Note 4 of the notes to basic financial statements. ECONOMIC FACTORS AND NEXT YEAR’S BUDGET The City considered many factors when setting the fiscal year 2012 budget, rates, and fees that will be charged in the business-type activities. The City Council decided to set the tax levy at a level that would as much as possible maintain services at previous levels, thus resulting in a tax levy increase of $172,691. The only service reduction was the delay of some capital purchases and improvements. Budgeted revenues for permits and charges for services were reduced to reflect less new development activity taking place in 2011. Budgeted sewer and water user fees were increased by 12 percent and 8 percent, respectively, to be used to fund operational costs for their departments. Finally, the City will not use reserve funds from the Debt Service Fund and from enterprise funds to balance the budget. The City’s property tax levy for 2012 will amount to $7,850,000, which is $172,691 more than 2011. REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION The City’s financial statements are designed to provide our citizens, customers, and creditors with a general overview of the City’s finances and to show the City’s accountability for the money it receives. If you have questions about this report or need additional financial information, contact the City of Monticello, Finance Department at 505 Walnut Street, Suite No. 1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362. Ec o n o m i c Co m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n t C a p i t a l O u t l a y S a n i t a r y Ge n e r a l C e n t e r A u t h o r i t y D e b t S e r v i c e R e v o l v i n g S e w e r A c c e s s C a p i t a l P r o j e c t s N o n m a j o r F u n d s T o t a l s As s e t s Ca s h a n d i n v e s t m e n t s 2 , 8 7 0 , 5 0 7 $ 9 9 5 , 3 7 9 $ 4 , 6 1 8 , 1 6 3 $ 2 , 0 2 7 , 0 6 5 $ 1 , 0 5 0 , 7 8 6 $ 3 , 1 1 7 , 4 9 6 $ 1 , 1 7 0 , 5 9 2 $ 7 , 5 3 7 , 5 0 2 $ 23,387,490$ Ca s h a n d i n v e s t m e n t s h e l d i n e s c r o w – – – 1 0 , 9 6 3 , 1 3 4 – – – – 10,963,134 Re c e i v a b l e s Cu r r e n t t a x e s 3 8 , 4 2 7 7 , 9 3 8 4 , 5 3 0 7 , 8 4 5 – – – 3 4 8 59,088 De l i n q u e n t t a x e s 3 5 9 , 2 6 5 7 9 , 3 5 5 7 9 , 5 6 9 6 7 , 2 6 1 – – – 7 , 8 2 1 593,271 Cu r r e n t s p e c i a l a s s e s s m e n t s 7 2 9 – – 1 , 2 5 4 , 7 7 4 – – – – 1,255,503 De f e r r e d s p e c i a l a s s e s s m e n t s – – – 1 0 , 8 9 1 , 6 6 2 – – – – 10,891,662 De l i n q u e n t s p e c i a l a s s e s s m e n t s 4 , 5 7 8 – – 1 , 4 2 4 , 1 9 1 – – – – 1,428,769 Ac c o u n t s 1 0 6 , 5 9 0 4 7 3 2 , 3 0 0 2 3 9 , 5 0 0 – – – 1 0 2 , 1 1 2 450,975 Ac c r u e d i n t e r e s t 2 8 , 9 4 5 3 , 3 8 0 2 3 , 7 0 5 9 , 4 7 9 6 , 3 7 3 1 8 , 2 5 2 ( 1 0 , 8 7 0 ) 4 9 , 4 4 6 128,710 Du e f r o m o t h e r f u n d s 2 , 3 2 8 , 2 8 4 – – 4 7 3 , 1 7 2 – – – – 2,801,456 Du e f r o m o t h e r g o v e r n m e n t a l u n i t s 1 7 9 – – – – – – – 179 No t e s r e c e i v a b l e 2 0 0 , 7 2 3 – 5 3 2 , 0 2 8 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 – – – 3 0 5 , 1 2 0 2,037,871 La n d h e l d f o r r e s a l e – – 2 , 4 0 1 , 0 5 6 – 1 , 2 7 4 , 0 8 8 – – – 3,675,144 Pr e p a i d i t e m s 1 8 5 , 8 9 3 1 8 , 9 7 3 1 , 5 0 0 – 2 , 8 2 9 – – 1 , 6 6 7 210,862 To t a l a s s e t s 6 , 1 2 4 , 1 2 0 $ 1 , 1 0 5 , 4 9 8 $ 7 , 6 6 2 , 8 5 1 $ 2 8 , 3 5 8 , 0 8 3 $ 2 , 3 3 4 , 0 7 6 $ 3 , 1 3 5 , 7 4 8 $ 1 , 1 5 9 , 7 2 2 $ 8 , 0 0 4 , 0 1 6 $ 57,884,114$ Li a b i l i t i e s a n d F u n d B a l a n c e s Li a b i l i t i e s Ac c o u n t s a n d c o n t r a c t s p a y a b l e 2 5 4 , 3 8 8 $ 3 6 , 3 0 9 $ 9 4 , 6 3 1 $ – $ 4 , 5 5 1 $ – $ 2 1 6 , 5 8 1 $ 2 , 8 4 1 $ 609,301$ Ot h e r a c c r u e d l i a b i l i t i e s 2 4 5 , 7 6 6 – – – – – – – 245,766 Du e t o o t h e r f u n d s – – – – – – 2 , 3 0 3 , 8 0 7 1 7 5 , 1 2 2 2,478,929 Du e t o o t h e r g o v e r n m e n t a l u n i t s 6 , 7 5 0 5 , 6 2 0 – – – – – 5 1 , 8 2 9 64,199 De f e r r e d r e v e n u e 3 6 4 , 5 7 3 8 5 , 5 6 1 7 9 , 5 6 9 1 4 , 7 1 7 , 7 1 9 – – – 3 1 2 , 9 4 1 15,560,363 Es c r o w d e p o s i t s 8 4 2 , 0 0 6 – 1 0 , 0 0 0 – – – – – 852,006 To t a l l i a b i l i t i e s 1 , 7 1 3 , 4 8 3 1 2 7 , 4 9 0 1 8 4 , 2 0 0 1 4 , 7 1 7 , 7 1 9 4 , 5 5 1 – 2 , 5 2 0 , 3 8 8 5 4 2 , 7 3 3 19,810,564 Fu n d b a l a n c e s ( d e f i c i t ) No n s p e n d a b l e 3 8 6 , 6 1 6 1 8 , 9 7 3 1 , 5 0 0 – 1 , 2 7 6 , 9 1 7 – – 1 , 6 6 7 1,685,673 Re s t r i c t e d – – 7 , 4 7 7 , 1 5 1 1 3 , 6 4 0 , 3 6 4 – – – 1 , 0 2 3 , 1 4 7 22,140,662 Co m m i t t e d 3 , 3 7 4 , 2 0 0 9 5 9 , 0 3 5 – – 4 8 , 5 1 7 – 7 5 , 0 0 0 1 , 5 7 9 , 5 7 2 6,036,324 As s i g n e d – – – – 1 , 0 0 4 , 0 9 1 3 , 1 3 5 , 7 4 8 – 4 , 9 9 8 , 7 8 7 9,138,626 Un a s s i g n e d , r e p o r t e d i n Ge n e r a l F u n d 6 4 9 , 8 2 1 – – – – – – – 649,821 Sp e c i a l r e v e n u e f u n d s – – – – – – – ( 1 4 1 , 8 9 0 ) (141,890) Ca p i t a l p r o j e c t s f u n d s – – – – – – ( 1 , 4 3 5 , 6 6 6 ) – (1,435,666) To t a l f u n d b a l a n c e s 4 , 4 1 0 , 6 3 7 9 7 8 , 0 0 8 7 , 4 7 8 , 6 5 1 1 3 , 6 4 0 , 3 6 4 2 , 3 2 9 , 5 2 5 3 , 1 3 5 , 7 4 8 ( 1 , 3 6 0 , 6 6 6 ) 7 , 4 6 1 , 2 8 3 38,073,550 To t a l l i a b i l i t i e s a n d f u n d b a l a n c e s 6, 1 2 4 , 1 2 0 $ 1 , 1 0 5 , 4 9 8 $ 7 , 6 6 2 , 8 5 1 $ 2 8 , 3 5 8 , 0 8 3 $ 2 , 3 3 4 , 0 7 6 $ 3 , 1 3 5 , 7 4 8 $ 1 , 1 5 9 , 7 2 2 $ 8 , 0 0 4 , 0 1 6 $ 57,884,114$ Se e n o t e s t o b a s i c f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s as o f D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 1 Sp e c i a l R e v e n u e F u n d s C a p i t a l P r o j e c t s F u n d s CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Ba l a n c e S h e e t Go v e r n m e n t a l F u n d s 1 4 a n d 1 5 Ec o n o m i c Co m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n t C a p i t a l O u t l a y S a n i t a r y Ge n e r a l C e n t e r A u t h o r i t y D e b t S e r v i c e R e v o l v i n g S e w e r A c c e s s C a p i t a l P r o j e c t s N o n m a j o r F u n d s T o t a l s Re v e n u e Pr o p e r t y t a x e s 5 , 1 4 2 , 7 5 2 $ 1 , 0 4 4 , 0 5 2 $ – $ 1 , 0 8 2 , 9 9 8 $ – $ – $ – $ 2 4 , 8 3 3 $ 7,294,635$ Ta x i n c r e m e n t s – – 1 , 0 4 4 , 7 9 1 – – – – – 1,044,791 Sp e c i a l a s s e s s m e n t s 3 , 5 5 0 – – 1 , 8 5 2 , 5 8 4 – – – – 1,856,134 Fr a n c h i s e t a x e s 7 5 , 0 0 0 – – – 3 8 , 1 4 5 – – 2 2 8 , 2 1 7 341,362 Li c e n s e s a n d p e r m i t s 2 4 9 , 9 9 9 – – – – – – – 249,999 In t e r g o v e r n m e n t a l 2 6 8 , 9 3 6 – – – – – 6 2 6 , 9 9 7 5 3 8 , 4 8 7 1,434,420 Ch a r g e s f o r s e r v i c e s 3 9 9 , 5 4 8 1 , 2 0 7 , 0 2 3 – – – 1 8 8 , 2 6 7 – 4 4 4 , 7 4 6 2,239,584 Fi n e s 8 5 – – – – – – – 85 In v e s t m e n t e a r n i n g s ( c h a r g e s ) 3 0 8 , 2 1 9 3 6 , 3 9 7 3 0 6 , 5 3 1 9 6 , 0 3 8 8 0 , 4 8 6 1 7 5 , 5 0 6 ( 1 1 1 , 8 5 3 ) 5 7 6 , 4 5 6 1,467,780 Mi s c e l l a n e o u s 1 5 2 , 1 7 8 2 1 , 7 7 8 1 2 3 , 7 9 0 2 0 7 , 5 9 7 1 7 , 5 9 4 8 4 4 7 6 , 7 1 8 2 , 5 2 0 603,019 To t a l r e v e n u e 6 , 6 0 0 , 2 6 7 2 , 3 0 9 , 2 5 0 1 , 4 7 5 , 1 1 2 3 , 2 3 9 , 2 1 7 1 3 6 , 2 2 5 3 6 4 , 6 1 7 5 9 1 , 8 6 2 1 , 8 1 5 , 2 5 9 16,531,809 Ex p e n d i t u r e s Cu r r e n t Ge n e r a l g o v e r n m e n t 1 , 6 6 9 , 4 9 3 – – 1 0 4 , 1 4 7 – – – 2 6 5 , 6 3 0 2,039,270 Pu b l i c s a f e t y 1 , 7 2 8 , 4 0 9 – – – – – – – 1,728,409 Pu b l i c w o r k s 1 , 6 5 6 , 6 1 9 – – – – 1 , 0 4 1 – 1 7 , 5 6 2 1,675,222 Sa n i t a t i o n 4 9 5 , 6 9 3 – – – – – – – 495,693 Cu l t u r e a n d r e c r e a t i o n 8 2 9 , 0 9 7 1 , 5 8 0 , 5 7 5 – – – – – 9 , 6 9 7 2,419,369 Ec o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t 1 4 9 , 0 0 3 – 1 , 0 2 1 , 9 9 7 – 2 7 , 4 4 9 – – – 1,198,449 Ca p i t a l o u t l a y Pu b l i c w o r k s – – – – – – 2 , 7 6 1 , 9 4 7 – 2,761,947 Cu l t u r e a n d r e c r e a t i o n – 9 1 , 5 1 7 – – – – – – 91,517 Ec o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t – – – – 7 6 , 0 3 7 – – 1 , 1 3 7 , 7 5 0 1,213,787 De b t s e r v i c e Pr i n c i p a l – – – 4 , 8 6 0 , 0 0 0 – – – – 4,860,000 In t e r e s t a n d f i s c a l c h a r g e s – – – 1 , 3 7 6 , 5 9 5 – – – 6 , 5 0 0 1,383,095 To t a l e x p e n d i t u r e s 6 , 5 2 8 , 3 1 4 1 , 6 7 2 , 0 9 2 1 , 0 2 1 , 9 9 7 6 , 3 4 0 , 7 4 2 1 0 3 , 4 8 6 1 , 0 4 1 2 , 7 6 1 , 9 4 7 1 , 4 3 7 , 1 3 9 19,866,758 Ex c e s s ( d e f i c i e n c y ) o f r e v e n u e s o v e r e x p e n d i t u r e s 7 1 , 9 5 3 6 3 7 , 1 5 8 4 5 3 , 1 1 5 ( 3 , 1 0 1 , 5 2 5 ) 3 2 , 7 3 9 3 6 3 , 5 7 6 ( 2 , 1 7 0 , 0 8 5 ) 3 7 8 , 1 2 0 (3,334,949) Ot h e r f i n a n c i n g s o u r c e s ( u s e s ) Tr a n s f e r s i n – – – 3 , 1 1 9 , 1 8 0 – – 2 , 3 4 1 , 6 3 9 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 5,710,819 Tr a n s f e r s ( o u t ) ( 7 2 8 , 3 8 3 ) ( 8 1 5 , 0 0 0 ) ( 3 1 6 , 2 7 9 ) ( 4 5 2 , 0 0 0 ) – ( 1 , 3 0 9 , 2 0 3 ) – ( 1 , 3 7 6 , 2 9 9 ) (4,997,164) Re f u n d i n g b o n d s i s s u e d – – – 1 0 , 7 3 5 , 0 0 0 – – – – 10,735,000 Pr e m i u m o n d e b t i s s u e d – – – 3 0 1 , 9 1 0 – – – – 301,910 To t a l o t h e r f i n a n c i n g s o u r c e s ( u s e s ) ( 7 2 8 , 3 8 3 ) ( 8 1 5 , 0 0 0 ) ( 3 1 6 , 2 7 9 ) 1 3 , 7 0 4 , 0 9 0 – ( 1 , 3 0 9 , 2 0 3 ) 2 , 3 4 1 , 6 3 9 ( 1 , 1 2 6 , 2 9 9 ) 11,750,565 Ne t c h a n g e i n f u n d b a l a n c e s ( 6 5 6 , 4 3 0 ) ( 1 7 7 , 8 4 2 ) 1 3 6 , 8 3 6 1 0 , 6 0 2 , 5 6 5 3 2 , 7 3 9 ( 9 4 5 , 6 2 7 ) 1 7 1 , 5 5 4 ( 7 4 8 , 1 7 9 ) 8,415,616 Fu n d b a l a n c e s ( d e f i c i t ) Be g i n n i n g o f y e a r 5 , 0 6 7 , 0 6 7 1 , 1 5 5 , 8 5 0 7 , 3 4 1 , 8 1 5 3 , 0 3 7 , 7 9 9 2 , 2 9 6 , 7 8 6 4 , 0 8 1 , 3 7 5 ( 1 , 5 3 2 , 2 2 0 ) 8 , 2 0 9 , 4 6 2 29,657,934 En d o f y e a r 4 , 4 1 0 , 6 3 7 $ 9 7 8 , 0 0 8 $ 7 , 4 7 8 , 6 5 1 $ 1 3 , 6 4 0 , 3 6 4 $ 2 , 3 2 9 , 5 2 5 $ 3 , 1 3 5 , 7 4 8 $ ( 1 , 3 6 0 , 6 6 6 ) $ 7 , 4 6 1 , 2 8 3 $ 38,073,550$ Se e n o t e s t o b a s i c f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O St a t e m e n t o f R e v e n u e , E x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d C h a n g e s i n F u n d B a l a n c e s Ye a r E n d e d D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 1 Go v e r n m e n t a l F u n d s Sp e c i a l R e v e n u e F u n d s C a p i t a l P r o j e c t s F u n d s 1 7 a n d 1 8 Pa r k Street Mi n n e s o t a P a t h w a y D e p u t y G r a n t C D B G – B e r t r a m S t o r m S e w e r C i t y S t r e e t L i g h t i n g In v e s t m e n t D e d i c a t i o n R e g i s t r a r F u n d i n g R e v i t a l i z a t i o n C h a i n o f L a k e s W a t e r A c c e s s A c c e s s R e c o n s t r u c t i o n I m p r o v e m e n t T o t a l s As s e t s Ca s h a n d i n v e s t m e n t s 1 , 0 1 6 , 4 6 7 $ 2 9 , 4 0 6 $ 2 7 4 , 5 2 9 $ 1 5 3 $ 5 2 0 $ 1 , 4 8 4 $ 2 2 7 , 8 3 2 $ 1 , 7 9 3 , 6 0 8 $ 3 , 3 1 0 , 3 5 0 $ 8 8 3 , 1 5 3 $ 7,537,502$ Re c e i v a b l e s Cu r r e n t t a x e s – – – – – – – – 3 4 8 – 348 De l i n q u e n t t a x e s – – – – – – – – 7 , 8 2 1 – 7,821 Ac c o u n t s – – 2 5 , 9 3 1 – – – – – – 7 6 , 1 8 1 102,112 Ac c r u e d i n t e r e s t 6 , 0 0 3 2 , 5 3 7 1 , 5 8 1 1 3 ( 1 ) 1 , 4 1 9 1 1 , 4 5 6 2 0 , 1 6 2 6 , 2 8 5 49,446 No t e s r e c e i v a b l e – – – – 3 0 5 , 1 2 0 – – – – – 305,120 Pr e p a i d i t e m s – – 1 , 5 7 3 – – 9 4 – – – – 1,667 To t a l a s s e t s 1 , 0 2 2 , 4 7 0 $ 3 1 , 9 4 3 $ 3 0 3 , 6 1 4 $ 1 5 4 $ 3 0 5 , 6 4 3 $ 1 , 5 7 7 $ 2 2 9 , 2 5 1 $ 1 , 8 0 5 , 0 6 4 $ 3 , 3 3 8 , 6 8 1 $ 9 6 5 , 6 1 9 $ 8,004,016$ Li a b i l i t i e s a n d F u n d B a l a n c e s Li a b i l i t i e s Ac c o u n t s a n d c o n t r a c t s p a y a b l e – $ – $ 1 , 1 6 1 $ – $ – $ – $ – $ 1 , 6 8 0 $ – $ – $ 2,841$ Du e t o o t h e r f u n d s – 1 7 3 , 8 3 3 – – – 1 , 2 8 9 – – – – 175,122 Du e t o o t h e r g o v e r n m e n t a l u n i t s – – 5 1 , 8 2 9 – – – – – – – 51,829 De f e r r e d r e v e n u e – – – – 3 0 5 , 1 2 0 – – – 7 , 8 2 1 – 312,941 To t a l l i a b i l i t i e s – 1 7 3 , 8 3 3 5 2 , 9 9 0 – 3 0 5 , 1 2 0 1 , 2 8 9 – 1 , 6 8 0 7 , 8 2 1 – 542,733 Fu n d b a l a n c e s ( d e f i c i t ) Sp e c i a l r e v e n u e f u n d s No n s p e n d a b l e f o r p r e p a i d i t e m s – – 1 , 5 7 3 – – 9 4 – – – – 1,667 Re s t r i c t e d f o r e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t 1 , 0 2 2 , 4 7 0 – – – 5 2 3 – – – – – 1,022,993 Re s t r i c t e d f o r g r a n t s – – – 1 5 4 – – – – – – 154 Co m m i t t e d f o r d e p u t y r e g i s t r a r o p e r a t i o n s – – 2 4 9 , 0 5 1 – – – – – – – 249,051 Co m m i t t e d f o r s t r e e t r e c o n s t r u c t i o n – – – – – – – – 1 , 3 3 0 , 5 2 1 – 1,330,521 As s i g n e d f o r p a r k i m p r o v e m e n t s – – – – – 1 9 4 – – – – 194 Un a s s i g n e d – ( 1 4 1 , 8 9 0 ) – – – – – – – – (141,890) Ca p i t a l p r o j e c t s f u n d s As s i g n e d f o r c a p i t a l i m p r o v e m e n t s – – – – – – 2 2 9 , 2 5 1 1 , 8 0 3 , 3 8 4 2 , 0 0 0 , 3 3 9 9 6 5 , 6 1 9 4,998,593 To t a l f u n d b a l a n c e s 1 , 0 2 2 , 4 7 0 ( 1 4 1 , 8 9 0 ) 2 5 0 , 6 2 4 1 5 4 5 2 3 2 8 8 2 2 9 , 2 5 1 1 , 8 0 3 , 3 8 4 3 , 3 3 0 , 8 6 0 9 6 5 , 6 1 9 7,461,283 To t a l l i a b i l i t i e s a n d f u n d b a l a n c e s 1 , 0 2 2 , 4 7 0 $ 3 1 , 9 4 3 $ 3 0 3 , 6 1 4 $ 1 5 4 $ 3 0 5 , 6 4 3 $ 1 , 5 7 7 $ 2 2 9 , 2 5 1 $ 1 , 8 0 5 , 0 6 4 $ 3 , 3 3 8 , 6 8 1 $ 9 6 5 , 6 1 9 $ 8,004,016$ CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O No n m a j o r G o v e r n m e n t a l F u n d s Co m b i n i n g B a l a n c e S h e e t as o f D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 1 Sp e c i a l R e v e n u e F u n d s C a p i t a l P r o j e c t s F u n d s 5 9 a n d 6 0 Pa r k Street Mi n n e s o t a P a t h w a y D e p u t y G r a n t C D B G – B e r t r a m S t o r m S e w e r C i t y S t r e e t L i g h t i n g In v e s t m e n t D e d i c a t i o n R e g i s t r a r F u n d i n g R e v i t a l i z a t i o n C h a i n o f L a k e s W a t e r A c c e s s A c c e s s R e c o n s t r u c t i o n I m p r o v e m e n t T o t a l s Re v e n u e Pr o p e r t y t a x e s – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ 2 4 , 8 3 3 $ – $ 24,833$ Fr a n c h i s e t a x e s – – – – – – – – – 2 2 8 , 2 1 7 228,217 In t e r g o v e r n m e n t a l – 5 3 8 , 4 8 7 – – – – – – – – 538,487 Ch a r g e s f o r s e r v i c e s – – 3 6 5 , 2 8 6 – – – 2 6 , 5 7 6 5 2 , 8 8 4 – – 444,746 Ot h e r In v e s t m e n t e a r n i n g s ( c h a r g e s ) 6 9 , 5 6 3 2 5 , 3 1 6 2 0 , 2 2 3 ( 1 4 9 ) ( 1 1 0 ) ( 1 7 ) 6 , 6 2 9 1 2 6 , 4 4 2 2 4 7 , 7 7 4 8 0 , 7 8 5 576,456 Mi s c e l l a n e o u s – – – – – 2 , 5 2 0 – – – – 2,520 To t a l r e v e n u e 6 9 , 5 6 3 5 6 3 , 8 0 3 3 8 5 , 5 0 9 ( 1 4 9 ) ( 1 1 0 ) 2 , 5 0 3 3 3 , 2 0 5 1 7 9 , 3 2 6 2 7 2 , 6 0 7 3 0 9 , 0 0 2 1,815,259 Ex p e n d i t u r e s Cu r r e n t Ge n e r a l g o v e r n m e n t – – 2 6 5 , 6 3 0 – – – – – – – 265,630 Pu b l i c w o r k s – – – – – – 1 , 0 2 2 1 6 , 5 4 0 – – 17,562 Cu l t u r e a n d r e c r e a t i o n – 7 , 6 3 0 – – – 2 , 0 6 7 – – – – 9,697 Ca p i t a l o u t l a y Cu l t u r e a n d r e c r e a t i o n – 1 , 1 3 7 , 7 5 0 – – – – – – – – 1,137,750 De b t s e r v i c e In t e r e s t a n d f i s c a l c h a r g e s – 6 , 5 0 0 – – – – – – – – 6,500 To t a l e x p e n d i t u r e s – 1 , 1 5 1 , 8 8 0 2 6 5 , 6 3 0 – – 2 , 0 6 7 1 , 0 2 2 1 6 , 5 4 0 – – 1,437,139 Ex c e s s ( d e f i c i e n c y ) o f r e v e n u e o v e r e x p e n d i t u r e s 6 9 , 5 6 3 ( 5 8 8 , 0 7 7 ) 1 1 9 , 8 7 9 ( 1 4 9 ) ( 1 1 0 ) 4 3 6 3 2 , 1 8 3 1 6 2 , 7 8 6 2 7 2 , 6 0 7 3 0 9 , 0 0 2 378,120 Ot h e r f i n a n c i n g s o u r c e s ( u s e s ) Tr a n s f e r s i n – – – – – – – – 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 – 250,000 Tr a n s f e r s ( o u t ) – – ( 9 7 , 5 0 0 ) – – – ( 3 4 0 , 3 0 3 ) ( 4 7 2 , 8 6 1 ) ( 1 9 2 , 5 7 5 ) ( 2 7 3 , 0 6 0 ) (1,376,299) To t a l o t h e r f i n a n c i n g s o u r c e s ( u s e s ) – – ( 9 7 , 5 0 0 ) – – – ( 3 4 0 , 3 0 3 ) ( 4 7 2 , 8 6 1 ) 5 7 , 4 2 5 ( 2 7 3 , 0 6 0 ) (1,126,299) Ch a n g e i n f u n d b a l a n c e s 6 9 , 5 6 3 ( 5 8 8 , 0 7 7 ) 2 2 , 3 7 9 ( 1 4 9 ) ( 1 1 0 ) 4 3 6 ( 3 0 8 , 1 2 0 ) ( 3 1 0 , 0 7 5 ) 3 3 0 , 0 3 2 3 5 , 9 4 2 (748,179) Fu n d b a l a n c e s ( d e f i c i t ) Be g i n n i n g o f y e a r 9 5 2 , 9 0 7 4 4 6 , 1 8 7 2 2 8 , 2 4 5 3 0 3 6 3 3 ( 1 4 8 ) 5 3 7 , 3 7 1 2 , 1 1 3 , 4 5 9 3 , 0 0 0 , 8 2 8 9 2 9 , 6 7 7 8,209,462 En d o f y e a r 1, 0 2 2 , 4 7 0 $ ( 1 4 1 , 8 9 0 ) $ 2 5 0 , 6 2 4 $ 1 5 4 $ 5 2 3 $ 2 8 8 $ 2 2 9 , 2 5 1 $ 1 , 8 0 3 , 3 8 4 $ 3 , 3 3 0 , 8 6 0 $ 9 6 5 , 6 1 9 $ 7,461,283$ No n m a j o r G o v e r n m e n t a l F u n d s Co m b i n i n g S t a t e m e n t o f R e v e n u e , E x p e n d i t u r e s , a n d C h a n g e s i n F u n d B a l a n c e s Ye a r E n d e d D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 1 1 Ca p i t a l P r o j e c t s F u n d s Sp e c i a l R e v e n u e F u n d s CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O 6 1 a n d 6 2 STATISTICAL SECTION (UNAUDITED) 20 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 Go v e r n m e n t a l a c t i v i t i e s In v e s t e d i n c a p i t a l a s s e t s , n e t o f r e l a t e d d e b t 8, 9 7 2 , 4 9 7 $ 7 , 0 0 9 , 6 2 2 $ 7 , 0 0 9 , 6 2 2 $ 1 2 , 4 7 6 , 5 3 6 $ 2 7 , 5 8 4 , 7 6 3 $ 3 3 , 7 1 2 , 3 7 0 $ 3 1 , 9 0 1 , 6 7 6 $ 38,242,040$ Re s t r i c t e d – – – 3 1 , 5 1 7 , 7 9 2 2 2 , 0 7 4 , 4 2 7 1 7 , 6 8 8 , 1 9 3 1 8 , 3 3 7 , 8 6 6 16,894,936 Un r e s t r i c t e d 3 6 , 4 1 3 , 2 8 6 4 5 , 1 3 6 , 4 6 0 5 6 , 9 4 9 , 7 4 9 2 4 , 5 4 3 , 5 0 1 2 8 , 4 4 5 , 2 3 0 2 8 , 1 8 3 , 1 6 1 2 6 , 8 7 6 , 4 2 1 24,758,269 To t a l g o v e r n m e n t a l a c t i v i t i e s n e t a s s e t s 45 , 3 8 5 , 7 8 3 $ 5 2 , 1 4 6 , 0 8 2 $ 6 3 , 9 5 9 , 3 7 1 $ 6 8 , 5 3 7 , 8 2 9 $ 7 8 , 1 0 4 , 4 2 0 $ 7 9 , 5 8 3 , 7 2 4 $ 7 7 , 1 1 5 , 9 6 3 $ 79,895,245$ Bu s i n e s s - t y p e a c t i v i t i e s In v e s t e d i n c a p i t a l a s s e t s , n e t o f r e l a t e d d e b t 32 , 3 5 5 , 0 8 6 $ 3 5 , 0 7 7 , 3 9 1 $ 3 5 , 7 4 9 , 3 8 0 $ 3 3 , 9 7 1 , 1 5 1 $ 3 1 , 3 7 5 , 8 9 0 $ 2 9 , 9 1 0 , 6 9 6 $ 2 8 , 5 5 6 , 3 5 5 $ 25,031,043$ Re s t r i c t e d – – – – 1 9 , 3 5 0 1 9 , 3 5 0 1 9 , 3 5 0 19,350 Un r e s t r i c t e d 4 , 2 5 6 , 8 4 6 4 , 7 4 0 , 4 9 1 5 , 4 3 7 , 8 6 7 6 , 4 4 1 , 4 7 0 4 , 5 2 9 , 8 3 0 2 , 8 4 6 , 0 1 8 6 , 3 6 3 , 1 4 8 6,901,353 To t a l b u s i n e s s - t y p e a c t i v i t i e s n e t a s s e t s 36 , 6 1 1 , 9 3 2 $ 3 9 , 8 1 7 , 8 8 2 $ 4 1 , 1 8 7 , 2 4 7 $ 4 0 , 4 1 2 , 6 2 1 $ 3 5 , 9 2 5 , 0 7 0 $ 3 2 , 7 7 6 , 0 6 4 $ 3 4 , 9 3 8 , 8 5 3 $ 31,951,746$ Pr i m a r y g o v e r n m e n t In v e s t e d i n c a p i t a l a s s e t s , n e t o f r e l a t e d d e b t 41 , 3 2 7 , 5 8 3 $ 4 2 , 0 8 7 , 0 1 3 $ 4 2 , 7 5 9 , 0 0 2 $ 4 6 , 4 4 7 , 6 8 7 $ 5 8 , 9 6 0 , 6 5 3 $ 6 3 , 6 2 3 , 0 6 6 $ 6 0 , 4 5 8 , 0 3 1 $ 63,273,083$ Re s t r i c t e d – – – 3 1 , 5 1 7 , 7 9 2 2 2 , 0 9 3 , 7 7 7 1 7 , 7 0 7 , 5 4 3 1 8 , 3 5 7 , 2 1 6 16,914,286 Un r e s t r i c t e d 4 0 , 6 7 0 , 1 3 2 4 9 , 8 7 6 , 9 5 1 6 2 , 3 8 7 , 6 1 6 3 0 , 9 8 4 , 9 7 1 3 2 , 9 7 5 , 0 6 0 3 1 , 0 2 9 , 1 7 9 3 3 , 2 3 9 , 5 6 9 31,659,622 To t a l p r i m a r y g o v e r n m e n t n e t a s s e t s 81 , 9 9 7 , 7 1 5 $ 9 1 , 9 6 3 , 9 6 4 $ 1 0 5 , 1 4 6 , 6 1 8 $ 1 0 8 , 9 5 0 , 4 5 0 $ 1 1 4 , 0 2 9 , 4 9 0 $ 1 1 2 , 3 5 9 , 7 8 8 $ 1 1 2 , 0 5 4 , 8 1 6 $ 111,846,991$ No t e : T h e C i t y i m p l e m e n t e d G A S B S t a t e m e n t N o . 3 4 i n f i s c a l 2 0 0 4 . T h i s i n f o r m a t i o n i s n o t a v a i l a b l e f o r p r e v i o u s y e a r s . (A c c r u a l B a s i s o f A c c o u n t i n g ) Fi s c a l Y e a r CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Ne t A s s e t s b y C o m p o n e n t La s t E i g h t F i s c a l Y e a r s 6 4 a n d 6 5 20 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 Ex p e n s e s Go v e r n m e n t a l a c t i v i t i e s Ge n e r a l g o v e r n m e n t 1, 5 2 8 , 2 8 1 $ 1 , 9 0 7 , 3 5 2 $ 3 , 6 3 9 , 4 9 7 $ 1 , 8 4 4 , 3 2 0 $ 1 , 5 7 2 , 3 8 9 $ 1 , 7 8 0 , 9 7 2 $ 2 , 0 6 5 , 4 6 3 $ 2,111,710$ Pu b l i c s a f e t y 1, 6 4 9 , 0 9 0 1 , 5 5 1 , 0 9 8 2 , 8 5 6 , 5 7 3 1 , 6 9 3 , 1 1 6 1 , 7 9 2 , 3 5 1 2 , 8 4 9 , 2 7 2 1 , 7 6 6 , 7 1 2 1,788,595 Pu b l i c w o r k s 43 8 , 4 1 3 5 , 9 9 0 , 7 1 9 5 , 3 1 8 , 8 6 5 4 , 5 5 9 , 4 6 0 4 , 6 3 4 , 1 6 7 3 , 8 2 7 , 5 0 1 3 , 5 7 9 , 2 9 1 4,838,544 Sa n i t a t i o n 2, 7 9 8 , 8 8 3 4 9 2 , 4 4 6 4 7 4 , 0 4 5 5 0 9 , 2 0 8 5 1 4 , 2 0 8 5 4 7 , 1 6 0 5 3 4 , 9 0 3 495,693 Cu l t u r e a n d r e c r e a t i o n 41 0 , 7 6 8 2 , 2 1 0 , 7 2 9 2 , 6 9 4 , 9 7 0 2 , 6 6 1 , 9 1 5 2 , 7 0 0 , 6 8 3 2 , 8 2 8 , 1 5 2 2 , 6 0 9 , 4 2 9 1,724,348 Ec o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t 96 9 , 2 2 9 6 5 7 , 2 5 8 2 , 0 6 1 , 3 3 1 7 6 9 , 5 8 4 5 1 0 , 1 2 6 8 4 2 , 8 1 9 2 , 6 4 7 , 6 8 7 1,199,936 In t e r e s t a n d f i s c a l c h a r g e s 1, 4 1 4 , 7 3 7 1 , 7 3 3 , 9 3 3 2 , 3 7 8 , 8 7 1 2 , 1 9 3 , 8 4 0 2 , 1 3 6 , 8 7 2 1 , 6 7 3 , 4 3 1 1 , 4 6 4 , 0 1 2 1,248,716 To t a l g o v e r n m e n t a l a c t i v i t i e s e x p e n s e s 9 , 2 0 9 , 4 0 1 1 4 , 5 4 3 , 5 3 5 1 9 , 4 2 4 , 1 5 2 1 4 , 2 3 1 , 4 4 3 1 3 , 8 6 0 , 7 9 6 1 4 , 3 4 9 , 3 0 7 1 4 , 6 6 7 , 4 9 7 13,407,542 Bu s i n e s s - t y p e a c t i v i t i e s Wa t e r 86 5 , 3 7 9 9 3 9 , 4 4 9 9 1 3 , 6 3 8 9 7 3 , 3 7 5 9 7 5 , 8 4 6 1 , 0 1 8 , 0 9 8 9 3 6 , 7 1 8 1,167,572 Se w e r 2, 0 8 3 , 8 4 1 2 , 0 1 7 , 9 9 3 2 , 0 9 5 , 1 2 4 2 , 0 0 0 , 6 1 0 2 , 0 8 5 , 4 8 5 2 , 0 7 4 , 4 4 7 2 , 4 9 5 , 9 7 6 2,340,555 Li q u o r 3, 0 8 3 , 0 6 2 3 , 1 7 2 , 7 4 1 3 , 2 8 5 , 0 8 2 6 4 4 , 8 5 7 6 2 0 , 7 4 3 6 6 9 , 9 4 0 6 3 7 , 5 7 4 658,999 Ce m e t e r y 32 , 2 7 5 3 3 , 7 1 7 7 1 , 0 4 4 4 1 , 3 1 2 2 9 , 2 6 7 2 7 , 5 3 0 2 6 , 6 5 9 28,849 Fi b e r o p t i c s – – – 8 4 , 5 9 4 1 , 5 9 0 , 2 3 7 2 , 7 9 2 , 8 1 3 3 , 8 1 5 , 3 7 7 5,702,480 To t a l b u s i n e s s - t y p e a c t i v i t i e s e x p e n s e s 6 , 0 6 4 , 5 5 7 6 , 1 6 3 , 9 0 0 6 , 3 6 4 , 8 8 8 3 , 7 4 4 , 7 4 8 5 , 3 0 1 , 5 7 8 6 , 5 8 2 , 8 2 8 7 , 9 1 2 , 3 0 4 9,898,455 To t a l p r i m a r y g o v e r n m e n t e x p e n s e s 15 , 2 7 3 , 9 5 8 $ 2 0 , 7 0 7 , 4 3 5 $ 2 5 , 7 8 9 , 0 4 0 $ 1 7 , 9 7 6 , 1 9 1 $ 1 9 , 1 6 2 , 3 7 4 $ 2 0 , 9 3 2 , 1 3 5 $ 2 2 , 5 7 9 , 8 0 1 $ 23,305,997$ . Pr o g r a m r e v e n u e s Go v e r n m e n t a c t i v i t i e s Ch a r g e s f o r s e r v i c e s Ge n e r a l g o v e r n m e n t 62 9 , 9 4 2 $ 6 8 3 , 5 9 9 $ 9 7 4 , 1 8 6 $ 6 9 5 , 1 1 7 $ 5 2 3 , 2 2 8 $ 4 4 3 , 9 7 6 $ 4 9 1 , 3 0 4 $ 521,182$ Pu b l i c s a f e t y 88 9 , 0 4 1 9 1 2 , 3 0 0 1 , 0 3 0 , 8 4 2 9 3 , 1 3 8 9 9 , 8 1 2 1 5 5 , 0 3 6 9 6 , 2 9 3 202,237 Pu b l i c w o r k s 2, 0 8 5 , 4 7 8 2 , 6 9 2 , 3 3 6 1 , 1 8 6 , 6 7 0 1 , 9 9 4 , 0 6 7 1 , 5 4 4 , 1 4 0 7 4 4 , 2 4 1 1 , 5 5 6 , 0 9 8 508,077 Sa n i t a t i o n 98 , 6 0 2 8 6 3 , 8 5 7 1 2 9 , 0 5 7 – – 1 6 7 , 1 1 9 1 6 5 , 3 8 7 52,304 Cu l t u r e a n d r e c r e a t i o n 75 6 , 3 5 9 1 2 6 , 4 1 8 1 , 0 1 9 , 2 8 6 1 , 0 1 5 , 8 6 9 1 , 0 6 0 , 1 4 7 1 , 1 1 9 , 2 0 4 1 , 1 4 4 , 4 9 3 1,218,580 Ec o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t – 1 4 6 , 7 1 5 1 1 5 , 6 1 6 6 , 7 6 8 1 5 , 8 7 5 1 5 5 , 7 6 9 – – Op e r a t i n g g r a n t s a n d c o n t r i b u t i o n s 3 3 7 , 6 8 8 3 8 1 , 4 2 0 2 8 1 , 5 3 1 1 6 0 , 1 4 7 1 5 9 , 1 9 2 2 6 9 , 4 9 2 4 2 4 , 8 4 5 253,127 Ca p i t a l g r a n t s a n d c o n t r i b u t i o n s 4 , 0 5 9 , 0 3 4 2 , 1 3 5 , 6 8 7 1 2 , 1 5 3 , 1 8 5 3 , 6 1 6 , 8 7 0 9 4 8 , 3 4 0 2 , 0 6 7 , 5 0 9 4 , 1 2 4 , 2 7 1 2,083,511 To t a l g o v e r n m e n t a l a c t i v i t i e s p r o g r a m r e v e n u e s 8 , 8 5 6 , 1 4 4 7 , 9 4 2 , 3 3 2 1 6 , 8 9 0 , 3 7 3 7 , 5 8 1 , 9 7 6 4 , 3 5 0 , 7 3 4 5 , 1 2 2 , 3 4 6 8 , 0 0 2 , 6 9 1 4,839,018 Bu s i n e s s - t y p e a c t i v i t i e s Ch a r g e s f o r s e r v i c e s Wa t e r 58 5 , 6 9 9 7 0 1 , 3 4 6 7 4 2 , 1 4 6 8 6 7 , 8 7 3 9 7 3 , 7 7 6 1 , 0 1 9 , 3 9 0 8 2 8 , 6 3 5 1,078,133 Se w e r 91 8 , 3 0 9 9 6 9 , 9 9 6 1 , 0 4 3 , 2 0 8 1 , 1 9 6 , 9 8 3 1 , 3 0 7 , 0 6 4 1 , 3 7 1 , 7 7 6 1 , 4 7 0 , 5 3 7 1,712,058 Li q u o r 3, 4 1 2 , 8 0 9 3 , 5 4 0 , 5 7 2 3 , 6 1 9 , 2 3 6 1 , 0 0 2 , 9 3 3 1 , 0 5 9 , 4 7 9 1 , 0 4 3 , 2 5 6 1 , 1 7 4 , 7 6 7 1,151,171 Ce m e t e r y 32 , 1 4 1 3 2 , 8 3 4 2 9 , 2 6 5 2 8 , 8 3 0 2 4 , 4 7 5 1 9 , 9 9 5 8 , 6 2 0 22,390 Fi b e r o p t i c s – – – – – – 4 5 6 , 8 2 0 1,610,258 Ca p i t a l g r a n t s a n d c o n t r i b u t i o n s 1 , 3 0 3 , 5 2 7 4 , 3 1 0 , 6 9 1 2 , 1 8 8 , 6 7 5 4 8 2 , 4 1 2 1 0 6 , 7 8 7 – – – To t a l b u s i n e s s - t y p e a c t i v i t i e s p r o g r a m r e v e n u e s 6 , 2 5 2 , 4 8 5 9 , 5 5 5 , 4 3 9 7 , 6 2 2 , 5 3 0 3 , 5 7 9 , 0 3 1 3 , 4 7 1 , 5 8 1 3 , 4 5 4 , 4 1 7 3 , 9 3 9 , 3 7 9 5,574,010 To t a l p r i m a r y g o v e r n m e n t p r o g r a m r e v e n u e s 15 , 1 0 8 , 6 2 9 $ 1 7 , 4 9 7 , 7 7 1 $ 2 4 , 5 1 2 , 9 0 3 $ 1 1 , 1 6 1 , 0 0 7 $ 7 , 8 2 2 , 3 1 5 $ 8 , 5 7 6 , 7 6 3 $ 1 1 , 9 4 2 , 0 7 0 $ 10,413,028$ (continued) Fi s c a l Y e a r CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Ch a n g e s i n N e t A s s e t s La s t E i g h t F i s c a l Y e a r s (A c c r u a l B a s i s o f A c c o u n t i n g ) 6 6 a n d 6 7 20 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 Ne t ( e x p e n s e ) r e v e n u e Go v e r n m e n t a l a c t i v i t i e s (3 5 3 , 2 5 7 ) $ ( 6 , 6 0 1 , 2 0 3 ) $ ( 2 , 5 3 3 , 7 7 9 ) $ ( 6 , 6 4 9 , 4 6 7 ) $ ( 9 , 5 1 0 , 0 6 2 ) $ ( 9 , 2 2 6 , 9 6 1 ) $ ( 6 , 6 6 4 , 8 0 6 ) $ (8,568,524)$ Bu s i n e s s - t y p e a c t i v i t i e s 18 7 , 9 2 8 3 , 3 9 1 , 5 3 9 1 , 2 5 7 , 6 4 2 ( 1 6 5 , 7 1 7 ) ( 1 , 8 2 9 , 9 9 7 ) ( 3 , 1 2 8 , 4 1 1 ) ( 3 , 9 7 2 , 9 2 5 ) (4,324,445) To t a l p r i m a r y g o v e r n m e n t n e t e x p e n s e (1 6 5 , 3 2 9 ) $ ( 3 , 2 0 9 , 6 6 4 ) $ ( 1 , 2 7 6 , 1 3 7 ) $ ( 6 , 8 1 5 , 1 8 4 ) $ ( 1 1 , 3 4 0 , 0 5 9 ) $ ( 1 2 , 3 5 5 , 3 7 2 ) $ ( 1 0 , 6 3 7 , 7 3 1 ) $ (12,892,969)$ Ge n e r a l r e v e n u e s a n d o t h e r c h a n g e s i n n e t a s s e t s Go v e r n m e n t a l a c t i v i t i e s Pr o p e r t y t a x e s 7, 6 7 0 , 6 6 6 $ 7 , 4 7 6 , 1 0 6 $ 7 , 2 5 3 , 5 6 0 $ 7 , 2 4 2 , 8 3 8 $ 8 , 4 5 0 , 5 9 9 $ 8 , 8 2 1 , 5 6 8 $ 8 , 2 6 0 , 7 0 5 $ 8,451,149$ Fr a n c h i s e t a x e s – – – – – 4 8 , 5 1 7 3 7 1 , 2 5 8 341,362 Un r e s t r i c t e d g r a n t s a n d c o n t r i b u t i o n s 9 9 , 6 6 7 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 3 0 , 0 0 0 2 8 8 , 9 4 0 1 5 8 , 3 4 0 4 0 6 , 7 3 5 3 7 , 6 6 5 19,359 In v e s t m e n t e a r n i n g s 72 8 , 2 7 4 9 8 5 , 4 9 7 2 , 0 9 3 , 8 7 7 2 , 1 7 0 , 0 2 5 1 , 4 6 1 , 6 5 8 7 7 0 , 1 7 8 8 5 9 , 5 8 3 1,467,780 Ga i n o n d i s p o s a l o f c a p i t a l a s s e t s – – – – – 4 1 , 1 7 3 – – Mi s c e l l a n e o u s 2, 8 6 0 , 7 2 8 2 , 7 9 9 , 7 0 3 4 , 6 1 9 , 6 2 9 5 2 8 , 1 9 3 2 3 3 , 3 2 6 3 6 6 , 9 6 1 4 4 2 , 0 9 1 354,501 Tr a n s f e r s (1 , 3 2 6 , 5 6 9 ) 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 9 9 7 , 9 2 9 3 7 1 , 2 4 5 2 5 1 , 1 3 3 ( 5 , 7 7 4 , 2 5 7 ) 713,655 To t a l g o v e r n m e n t a l a c t i v i t i e s 1 0 , 0 3 2 , 7 6 6 1 1 , 7 1 1 , 3 0 6 1 4 , 3 4 7 , 0 6 6 1 1 , 2 2 7 , 9 2 5 1 0 , 6 7 5 , 1 6 8 1 0 , 7 0 6 , 2 6 5 4 , 1 9 7 , 0 4 5 11,347,806 Bu s i n e s s - t y p e a c t i v i t i e s In v e s t m e n t e a r n i n g s 12 5 , 2 4 5 8 9 , 9 8 7 3 3 4 , 6 2 3 3 2 6 , 3 5 6 5 4 7 , 7 0 3 1 8 8 , 1 7 8 2 3 6 , 1 3 1 495,484 Mi s c e l l a n e o u s 23 , 7 7 0 ( 2 5 , 5 7 6 ) 2 7 , 1 0 0 6 2 , 6 6 4 1 3 6 , 3 5 6 4 2 , 3 6 0 1 2 5 , 3 2 6 1,555,509 Tr a n s f e r s 1, 3 2 6 , 5 6 9 ( 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 ) ( 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 ) ( 9 9 7 , 9 2 9 ) ( 3 7 1 , 2 4 5 ) ( 2 5 1 , 1 3 3 ) 5 , 7 7 4 , 2 5 7 (713,655) To t a l b u s i n e s s - t y p e a c t i v i t i e s 1 , 4 7 5 , 5 8 4 ( 1 8 5 , 5 8 9 ) 1 1 1 , 7 2 3 ( 6 0 8 , 9 0 9 ) 3 1 2 , 8 1 4 ( 2 0 , 5 9 5 ) 6 , 1 3 5 , 7 1 4 1,337,338 To t a l p r i m a r y g o v e r n m e n t 11 , 5 0 8 , 3 5 0 $ 1 1 , 5 2 5 , 7 1 7 $ 1 4 , 4 5 8 , 7 8 9 $ 1 0 , 6 1 9 , 0 1 6 $ 1 0 , 9 8 7 , 9 8 2 $ 1 0 , 6 8 5 , 6 7 0 $ 1 0 , 3 3 2 , 7 5 9 $ 12,685,144$ Ch a n g e i n n e t a s s e t s Go v e r n m e n t a l a c t i v i t i e s 9, 6 7 9 , 5 0 9 $ 5 , 1 1 0 , 1 0 3 $ 1 1 , 8 1 3 , 2 8 7 $ 4 , 5 7 8 , 4 5 8 $ 1 , 1 6 5 , 1 0 6 $ 1 , 4 7 9 , 3 0 4 $ ( 2 , 4 6 7 , 7 6 1 ) $ 2,779,282$ Bu s i n e s s - t y p e a c t i v i t i e s 1, 6 6 3 , 5 1 2 3 , 2 0 5 , 9 5 0 1 , 3 6 9 , 3 6 5 ( 7 7 4 , 6 2 6 ) ( 1 , 5 1 7 , 1 8 3 ) ( 3 , 1 4 9 , 0 0 6 ) 2 , 1 6 2 , 7 8 9 (2,987,107) To t a l p r i m a r y g o v e r n m e n t 11 , 3 4 3 , 0 2 1 $ 8 , 3 1 6 , 0 5 3 $ 1 3 , 1 8 2 , 6 5 2 $ 3 , 8 0 3 , 8 3 2 $ ( 3 5 2 , 0 7 7 ) $ ( 1 , 6 6 9 , 7 0 2 ) $ ( 3 0 4 , 9 7 2 ) $ (207,825)$ No t e : CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Ch a n g e s i n N e t A s s e t s La s t E i g h t F i s c a l Y e a r s ( c o n t i n u e d ) (A c c r u a l B a s i s o f A c c o u n t i n g ) Th e C i t y i m p l e m e n t e d G A S B S t a t e m e n t N o . 3 4 i n f i s c a l 2 0 0 4 . T h i s i n f o r m a t i o n i s n o t a v a i l a b l e f o r p r e v i o u s y e a r s . Fi s c a l Y e a r 6 8 a n d 6 9 20 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 Ge n e r a l F u n d Re s e r v e d 2 4 5 , 2 2 5 $ 2 7 0 , 4 4 1 $ 1 9 4 , 1 7 2 $ 3 8 8 , 5 2 7 $ 4 0 5 , 8 1 9 $ 4 3 0 , 2 9 4 $ 3 5 9 , 3 0 3 $ 3 9 2 , 5 4 1 $ 3 3 6 , 2 8 6 $ –$ Un r e s e r v e d 5 , 1 0 8 , 9 5 3 5 , 1 1 6 , 9 3 6 4 , 5 7 6 , 0 7 2 4 , 7 3 5 , 8 6 4 5 , 0 1 4 , 0 9 4 5 , 1 3 1 , 1 9 3 5 , 8 1 9 , 2 4 9 4 , 7 0 5 , 0 9 2 4 , 6 4 4 , 7 4 8 – No n s p e n d a b l e – – – – – – – – – 386,616 Co m m i t t e d – – – – – – – – – 3,374,200 Un a s s i g n e d – – – – – – – – – 649,821 To t a l G e n e r a l F u n d 5 , 3 5 4 , 1 7 8 $ 5 , 3 8 7 , 3 7 7 $ 4 , 7 7 0 , 2 4 4 $ 5 , 1 2 4 , 3 9 1 $ 5 , 4 1 9 , 9 1 3 $ 5 , 5 6 1 , 4 8 7 $ 6 , 1 7 8 , 5 5 2 $ 5 , 0 9 7 , 6 3 3 $ 4 , 9 8 1 , 0 3 4 $ 4,410,637$ Al l o t h e r g o v e r n m e n t a l f u n d s Re s e r v e d 6 4 , 2 9 3 , 6 1 8 $ 1 0 , 2 6 4 , 6 6 6 $ 1 4 , 1 4 4 , 9 0 8 $ 1 4 , 7 5 4 , 9 2 3 $ 1 7 , 9 1 2 , 4 1 8 $ 2 7 , 0 7 2 , 9 5 7 $ 1 6 , 6 6 3 , 8 0 1 $ 1 0 , 2 8 0 , 3 2 6 $ 7 , 8 8 4 , 4 3 1 $ –$ Un r e s e r v e d , r e p o r t e d i n Sp e c i a l r e v e n u e f u n d s 8 , 8 9 3 , 2 5 6 7 , 9 9 9 , 5 4 7 9 , 0 8 0 , 6 8 7 1 8 , 4 2 5 , 8 9 3 1 4 , 9 4 6 , 4 4 3 7 , 5 5 4 , 3 3 4 1 4 , 1 9 1 , 4 7 3 1 8 , 4 5 1 , 8 2 8 1 8 , 3 2 4 , 6 8 9 – Ca p i t a l p r o j e c t s f u n d s 2 3 7 , 4 8 6 1 , 2 6 0 , 3 1 8 ( 9 4 , 9 4 5 ) 9 , 2 6 1 , 1 8 8 ( 1 , 8 0 5 , 3 7 2 ) ( 6 3 0 , 2 1 4 ) ( 1 , 8 3 9 , 4 7 8 ) ( 2 , 1 2 4 , 3 9 1 ) ( 1 , 5 3 2 , 2 2 0 ) – No n s p e n d a b l e – – – – – – – – – 1,299,057 Re s t r i c t e d – – – – – – – – – 22,140,662 Co m m i t t e d – – – – – – – – – 2,662,124 As s i g n e d – – – – – – – – – 9,138,626 Un a s s i g n e d Sp e c i a l r e v e n u e f u n d s – – – – – – – – – (141,890) Ca p i t a l p r o j e c t s f u n d s – – – – – – – – – (1,435,666) To t a l a l l o t h e r g o v e r n m e n t a l f u n d s 7 3 , 4 2 4 , 3 6 0 $ 1 9 , 5 2 4 , 5 3 1 $ 2 3 , 1 3 0 , 6 5 0 $ 4 2 , 4 4 2 , 0 0 4 $ 3 1 , 0 5 3 , 4 8 9 $ 3 3 , 9 9 7 , 0 7 7 $ 2 9 , 0 1 5 , 7 9 6 $ 2 6 , 6 0 7 , 7 6 3 $ 2 4 , 6 7 6 , 9 0 0 $ 33,662,913$ No t e : T h e C i t y i m p l e m e n t e d G A S B S t a t e m e n t N o . 5 4 i n f i s c a l 2 0 1 1 . (M o d i f i e d A c c r u a l B a s i s o f A c c o u n t i n g ) Fi s c a l Y e a r CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Fu n d B a l a n c e s o f G o v e r n m e n t a l F u n d s La s t T e n F i s c a l Y e a r s 7 0 a n d 7 1 20 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 Re v e n u e s Ta x e s Ge n e r a l p r o p e r t y t a x e s 6 , 3 4 6 , 3 0 5 $ 7 , 2 0 9 , 5 6 0 $ 6 , 7 3 4 , 8 1 4 $ 6 , 7 2 2 , 3 9 3 $ 6 , 4 6 1 , 7 4 8 $ 6 , 1 9 0 , 5 9 9 $ 7 , 2 3 3 , 5 8 2 $ 7 , 5 0 2 , 8 4 4 $ 7 , 3 1 9 , 1 5 4 $ 7,294,635$ Ta x i n c r e m e n t s 6 7 2 , 3 8 2 6 2 4 , 3 2 0 9 3 5 , 8 5 2 7 5 3 , 7 1 3 7 9 1 , 8 1 2 8 2 4 , 7 1 4 1 , 1 7 2 , 4 4 7 1 , 1 9 3 , 0 2 1 1 , 1 5 5 , 3 8 6 1,044,791 Sp e c i a l a s s e s s m e n t s 8 9 8 , 4 5 5 1 , 2 9 2 , 4 1 5 2 , 0 9 8 , 4 9 9 3 , 3 4 1 , 5 3 7 2 , 0 0 6 , 5 1 9 3 , 1 1 2 , 3 7 4 2 , 5 6 6 , 9 3 2 2 , 4 6 2 , 6 7 3 1 , 4 6 5 , 2 6 4 1,856,134 Fr a n c h i s e t a x e s – – – – – – – 4 8 , 5 1 7 3 7 1 , 2 5 8 341,362 Li c e n s e s a n d p e r m i t s 7 0 5 , 1 7 9 6 8 9 , 4 2 1 7 9 7 , 4 5 8 9 5 6 , 3 0 0 7 5 8 , 7 1 8 6 2 7 , 7 5 1 9 1 7 , 5 3 9 2 6 6 , 7 9 7 2 1 7 , 1 8 4 249,999 In t e r g o v e r n m e n t a l 4 7 3 , 8 8 3 1 , 3 7 7 , 2 6 9 6 8 9 , 8 9 1 3 7 3 , 9 2 9 9 3 7 , 0 7 6 1 , 7 6 4 , 6 3 3 5 5 0 , 2 8 3 1 , 6 8 8 , 8 9 5 1 , 6 2 0 , 7 7 1 1,434,420 Ch a r g e s f o r s e r v i c e s 2 , 3 0 4 , 6 8 9 2 , 8 1 7 , 9 4 1 3 , 2 2 3 , 0 1 2 4 , 0 1 4 , 9 5 6 2 , 7 9 6 , 8 7 1 2 , 8 8 8 , 9 8 1 2 , 2 9 0 , 0 9 1 2 , 5 1 8 , 5 4 8 2 , 8 9 0 , 0 0 6 2,239,584 Fi n e s a n d f o r f e i t s – – – 4 , 0 0 0 1 , 7 5 0 5 , 0 2 7 2 , 2 1 6 1 , 2 2 0 2 0 5 85 Ea r n i n g s o n i n v e s t m e n t s – 6 6 8 , 6 4 3 7 2 8 , 2 7 4 9 8 5 , 4 9 7 2 , 0 9 3 , 8 7 7 2 , 1 7 0 , 0 2 5 1 , 4 6 1 , 6 5 8 7 7 0 , 1 7 8 8 5 9 , 5 8 3 1,467,780 Mi s c e l l a n e o u s 2 , 3 8 2 , 1 0 5 2 , 0 6 5 , 0 4 3 1 , 9 7 9 , 0 7 5 3 , 1 6 5 , 3 7 2 4 , 5 6 4 , 6 6 0 3 7 2 , 5 0 2 1 9 7 , 9 8 8 4 3 5 , 1 8 6 6 4 3 , 8 7 3 603,019 To t a l r e v e n u e s 1 3 , 7 8 2 , 9 9 8 1 6 , 7 4 4 , 6 1 2 1 7 , 1 8 6 , 8 7 5 2 0 , 3 1 7 , 6 9 7 2 0 , 4 1 3 , 0 3 1 1 7 , 9 5 6 , 6 0 6 1 6 , 3 9 2 , 7 3 6 1 6 , 8 8 7 , 8 7 9 1 6 , 5 4 2 , 6 8 4 16,531,809 Ex p e n d i t u r e s Ge n e r a l g o v e r n m e n t 1 , 3 1 2 , 6 1 3 1 , 4 1 7 , 4 8 1 1 , 6 5 6 , 2 0 7 1 , 5 4 4 , 4 4 6 1 , 7 4 3 , 7 1 6 1 , 8 9 9 , 0 9 7 1 , 5 7 9 , 1 6 4 1 , 6 3 4 , 3 9 5 1 , 9 9 7 , 4 5 8 2,039,270 Pu b l i c s a f e t y 8 9 2 , 1 3 3 1 , 2 7 4 , 3 8 9 1 , 6 0 8 , 6 5 2 1 , 6 6 6 , 8 6 9 2 , 7 6 0 , 0 9 0 1 , 6 0 3 , 3 3 1 1 , 7 3 6 , 9 6 2 2 , 7 3 8 , 7 6 8 1 , 6 8 4 , 2 9 6 1,728,409 Pu b l i c w o r k s 1 , 4 1 8 , 3 1 9 2 , 4 6 9 , 5 2 3 2 , 3 3 2 , 2 0 2 4 , 6 3 5 , 5 1 9 3 , 5 9 4 , 8 4 4 1 , 9 5 1 , 7 1 2 2 , 3 8 0 , 9 9 3 2 , 0 7 4 , 8 1 1 1 , 5 6 2 , 1 5 5 1,675,222 Sa n i t a t i o n 3 8 6 , 6 4 1 3 8 4 , 2 2 8 4 1 0 , 7 6 8 4 9 2 , 4 4 6 4 7 4 , 0 4 5 5 0 9 , 2 0 8 5 1 4 , 2 0 8 5 4 7 , 1 6 0 5 3 4 , 9 0 3 495,693 Cu l t u r e a n d r e c r e a t i o n 5 0 6 , 5 0 5 2 , 1 7 9 , 4 2 9 2 , 3 9 5 , 0 1 5 2 , 3 6 1 , 3 0 2 2 , 2 7 1 , 2 1 6 2 , 2 1 4 , 1 0 8 2 , 2 2 0 , 3 6 8 2 , 3 5 5 , 6 6 9 2 , 1 6 4 , 5 3 4 2,419,369 Ec o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t 1 , 9 4 9 , 2 1 3 1 , 0 3 9 , 2 3 0 9 6 9 , 2 2 9 6 3 7 , 7 7 7 2 , 0 5 6 , 0 5 5 7 7 2 , 8 5 2 5 2 5 , 7 8 3 8 4 2 , 8 1 9 2 , 6 4 7 , 6 8 7 1,198,449 He a l t h a n d w e l f a r e 1 1 4 , 3 6 7 – – – – – – – – – Ca p i t a l o u t l a y 3 , 6 0 9 , 2 8 3 4 , 9 0 3 , 5 2 1 2 , 6 4 9 , 3 1 6 1 2 , 1 3 7 , 7 4 0 1 3 , 0 7 4 , 9 6 5 6 , 4 3 0 , 4 2 1 3 , 5 2 2 , 1 9 6 1 , 9 4 6 , 1 5 3 4 , 1 3 8 , 4 5 9 4,067,251 De b t s e r v i c e Pr i n c i p a l 3 , 8 9 0 , 2 4 6 2 , 1 6 7 , 9 2 5 4 , 0 9 6 , 5 3 9 1 , 9 1 1 , 1 2 6 3 , 4 0 7 , 6 5 5 3 , 3 8 8 , 3 8 2 5 , 0 3 7 , 0 2 8 6 , 7 4 9 , 2 9 3 5 , 0 0 1 , 0 0 0 4,860,000 In t e r e s t a n d p a y i n g a g e n t f e e s 1 , 5 1 3 , 4 8 1 1 , 4 1 8 , 3 7 5 1 , 4 6 0 , 1 8 3 1 , 4 2 6 , 3 6 7 2 , 3 7 3 , 4 3 8 2 , 2 5 6 , 3 1 1 2 , 1 9 2 , 0 6 3 1 , 8 0 1 , 3 9 2 1 , 5 5 3 , 6 6 1 1,383,095 To t a l e x p e n d i t u r e s 1 5 , 5 9 2 , 8 0 1 1 7 , 2 5 4 , 1 0 1 1 7 , 5 7 8 , 1 1 1 2 6 , 8 1 3 , 5 9 2 3 1 , 7 5 6 , 0 2 4 2 1 , 0 2 5 , 4 2 2 1 9 , 7 0 8 , 7 6 5 2 0 , 6 9 0 , 4 6 0 2 1 , 2 8 4 , 1 5 3 19,866,758 Ex c e s s o f r e v e n u e s o v e r ( u n d e r ) e x p e n d i t u r e s ( 1 , 8 0 9 , 8 0 3 ) ( 5 0 9 , 4 8 9 ) ( 3 9 1 , 2 3 6 ) ( 6 , 4 9 5 , 8 9 5 ) ( 1 1 , 3 4 2 , 9 9 3 ) ( 3 , 0 6 8 , 8 1 6 ) ( 3 , 3 1 6 , 0 2 9 ) ( 3 , 8 0 2 , 5 8 1 ) ( 4 , 7 4 1 , 4 6 9 ) (3,334,949) Ot h e r f i n a n c i n g s o u r c e s ( u s e s ) Tr a n s f e r s i n 1 , 9 6 5 , 2 6 7 4 , 4 9 6 , 1 2 0 5 , 8 5 9 , 5 3 5 4 , 1 2 8 , 0 1 0 8 , 1 8 1 , 3 7 2 5 , 2 0 2 , 0 5 1 1 6 , 8 1 8 , 0 9 0 1 0 , 1 7 2 , 8 7 8 4 , 6 8 7 , 1 2 6 5,710,819 Tr a n s f e r s o u t ( 1 , 7 6 5 , 2 6 7 ) ( 4 , 3 6 6 , 1 2 0 ) ( 5 , 6 0 9 , 5 3 5 ) ( 3 , 8 7 8 , 0 1 0 ) ( 7 , 9 3 1 , 3 7 2 ) ( 4 , 2 0 4 , 1 2 2 ) ( 1 6 , 4 4 6 , 8 4 5 ) ( 9 , 9 2 1 , 7 4 5 ) ( 4 , 4 3 1 , 1 5 8 ) (4,997,164) De b t i s s u e d 2 , 4 2 0 , 0 0 0 2 , 4 2 0 , 0 0 0 3 , 1 3 0 , 2 2 2 2 5 , 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 – 5 , 1 3 7 , 9 0 3 1 5 , 4 5 0 , 0 0 0 – 3 , 2 5 5 , 0 0 0 10,735,000 Pr e m i u m o n d e b t i s s u e d – – – 7 6 1 , 3 9 6 – 8 3 , 7 1 0 – – – 301,910 (D i s c o u n t ) o n d e b t i s s u e d – – – – – – – – ( 1 9 , 5 3 0 ) – Re f u n d e d b o n d s r e d e e m e d – – – – – – ( 1 5 , 9 0 8 , 5 6 4 ) – ( 8 6 5 , 0 0 0 ) – De f e r r e d a m o r t i z e d g a i n ( l o s s ) o n r e f u n d i n g – – – – – – ( 3 8 4 , 4 3 2 ) – – – Re i m b u r s e m e n t o f p r o j e c t c o s t 9 3 7 , 3 4 0 – – – – – – – – – Sa l e o f l a n d h e l d f o r r e s a l e 1 2 , 0 0 0 – – – – ( 1 0 3 , 0 8 4 ) 7 4 , 6 5 0 – – – Sa l e o f c a p i t a l a s s e t s – – – – – 3 7 , 5 2 0 2 , 5 7 5 6 2 , 4 9 6 6 7 , 5 6 9 – To t a l o t h e r f i n a n c i n g s o u r c e s ( u s e s ) 3 , 5 6 9 , 3 4 0 2 , 5 5 0 , 0 0 0 3 , 3 8 0 , 2 2 2 2 6 , 1 6 1 , 3 9 6 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 6 , 1 5 3 , 9 7 8 ( 3 9 4 , 5 2 6 ) 3 1 3 , 6 2 9 2 , 6 9 4 , 0 0 7 11,750,565 Net c h a n g e i n f u n d b a l a n c e s 1, 7 5 9 , 5 3 7 $ 2 , 0 4 0 , 5 1 1 $ 2 , 9 8 8 , 9 8 6 $ 1 9 , 6 6 5 , 5 0 1 $ ( 1 1 , 0 9 2 , 9 9 3 ) $ 3 , 0 8 5 , 1 6 2 $ ( 3 , 7 1 0 , 5 5 5 ) $ ( 3 , 4 8 8 , 9 5 2 ) $ ( 2 , 0 4 7 , 4 6 2 ) $ 8,415,616$ De b t s e r v i c e a s a p e r c e n t a g e o f n o n c a p i t a l e x p e n d i t u r e s 45 . 1 % 2 9 . 0 % 3 7 . 2 % 2 2 . 7 % 3 0 . 9 % 3 8 . 7 % 4 4 . 7 % 4 5 . 6 % 3 8 . 2 % 3 9 . 5 % Fi s c a l Y e a r CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Ch a n g e s i n F u n d B a l a n c e s o f G o v e r n m e n t a l F u n d s La s t T e n F i s c a l Y e a r s (M o d i f i e d A c c r u a l B a s i s o f A c c o u n t i n g ) 7 2 a n d 7 3 Total Ma r k e t V a l u e 67 . 6 4 5 % 6 6 3 , 4 9 6 , 8 0 0 $ 1 . 5 % 65 . 5 5 8 7 3 9 , 0 0 7 , 6 0 0 1 . 5 62 . 4 5 2 8 1 2 , 8 5 5 , 3 0 0 1 . 4 58 . 7 6 0 8 8 2 , 0 3 8 , 3 0 0 1 . 4 51 . 0 4 0 9 9 3 , 6 4 7 , 3 0 0 1 . 4 42 . 6 0 1 1 , 2 4 3 , 4 6 1 , 1 0 0 1 . 3 46 . 9 4 2 1 , 2 8 2 , 4 0 0 , 7 0 0 1 . 3 46 . 1 9 1 1 , 2 4 5 , 4 0 7 , 6 0 0 1 . 4 45 . 8 2 2 1 , 1 8 8 , 2 2 2 , 1 0 0 1 . 5 46 . 7 2 9 1 , 1 0 6 , 5 4 1 , 4 0 0 1 . 5 Pe r c e n t a g e o f T o t a l N e t T a x C a p a c i t y V a l u e 32 . 7 % 6 5 . 6 % 1 . 3 % 0 . 4 % 1 0 0 . 0 % 35 . 9 6 2 . 5 1 . 2 0 . 4 1 0 0 . 0 38 . 9 5 9 . 3 1 . 2 0 . 6 1 0 0 . 0 41 . 5 5 6 . 7 1 . 3 0 . 6 1 0 0 . 0 41 . 8 5 6 . 5 1 . 2 0 . 5 1 0 0 . 0 42 . 8 5 5 . 0 1 . 1 1 . 1 1 0 0 . 0 43 . 0 5 4 . 6 1 . 0 1 . 4 1 0 0 . 0 41 . 8 5 5 . 5 1 . 0 1 . 7 1 0 0 . 0 35 . 4 6 2 . 0 1 . 1 1 . 4 1 0 0 . 0 31 . 9 6 5 . 5 1 . 2 1 . 4 1 0 0 . 0 * T a x c a p a c i t y v a l u e d o e s n o t i n c l u d e t a x i n c r e m e n t . No t e : So u r c e : CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Ta x C a p a c i t y V a l u e a n d E s t i m a t e d M a r k e t V a l u e o f T a x a b l e P r o p e r t y La s t T e n F i s c a l Y e a r s Wr i g h t C o u n t y C e r t i f i c a t e o f T a x e s a n d T a x a b l e P r o p e r t i e s 20 0 5 20 0 4 20 0 7 20 0 6 20 0 9 20 0 8 20 0 3 20 0 2 20 1 0 20 1 1 20 1 1 20 0 4 20 1 0 20 0 3 20 0 2 20 0 7 20 0 6 20 0 5 Ta x R a t e 5, 1 8 2 , 3 7 0 5, 8 2 4 , 2 3 8 6, 9 2 9 , 5 1 7 3, 3 0 9 , 0 3 7 $ Fi s c a l Y e a r P r o p e r t y Pe r s o n a l Co m m e r c i a l Pr o p e r t y P r o p e r t y Re s i d e n t i a l Capacity as aNet Tax Percentage of Market Value To t a l D i r e c t Ta x e x e m p t p r o p e r t y v a l u e s a r e n o t i n c l u d e d i n t o t a l n e t c a p a c i t y v a l u e . Mi s c e l l a n e o u s an d Ag r i c u l t u r a l 7, 4 4 3 , 3 3 1 7, 5 0 6 , 9 7 3 6, 1 6 5 , 7 0 4 5, 3 0 7 , 2 6 0 20 0 8 20 0 9 3, 9 1 5 , 2 0 4 4, 5 5 2 , 3 8 0 10 , 7 9 3 , 8 3 6 10 , 8 9 7 , 8 9 8 17 7 , 8 2 2 17 6 , 2 8 9 17 4 , 2 2 3 18 9 , 5 6 3 9, 4 5 5 , 6 6 6 9, 9 6 6 , 8 7 3 6, 8 2 0 , 5 8 7 14 3 , 4 5 2 16 0 , 5 9 4 17 0 , 4 4 6 8, 9 1 3 , 8 2 1 6, 9 4 8 , 7 0 7 7, 0 8 5 , 1 0 5 7, 8 7 1 , 1 3 2 19 4 , 8 2 5 43 , 9 0 4 $ 47 , 1 4 8 70 , 1 3 2 70 , 8 4 3 69 , 6 2 6 18 3 , 6 9 5 23 6 , 7 8 9 29 9 , 1 9 1 25 1 , 1 7 7 16 , 6 2 8 , 9 9 9 22 9 , 0 1 6 Va l u e * Ta x C a p a c i t y Ta x a b l e N e t To t a l 10 , 1 3 4 , 5 1 1 $ 10 , 9 1 9 , 2 4 7 11 , 7 1 4 , 6 7 1 Re a l P r o p e r t y 13 , 9 3 5 , 4 4 2 16 , 2 0 4 , 8 5 5 17 , 3 1 2 , 0 7 5 17 , 9 4 7 , 2 6 0 17 , 4 0 0 , 2 8 0 12 , 4 9 8 , 9 1 2 13 0 , 4 7 8 $ 13 6 , 3 0 8 6, 6 5 1 , 0 9 2 $ 7 6 a n d 7 7 Ta x a b l e N e t T a x M a r k e t T a x a b l e N e t T a x Ma r k e t V a l u e C a p a c i t y V a l u e R a n k V a l u e C a p a c i t y V a l u e R a n k Xc e l E n e r g y ( N o r t h e r n S t a t e s ) 3 1 2 , 9 0 6 , 2 0 0 $ 6 , 2 5 2 , 1 1 2 $ 1 3 7 . 6 0 % 2 5 8 , 5 6 0 , 0 0 0 $ 5 , 1 6 5 , 3 4 4 $ 1 50.97 % Wa l - M a r t R e a l E s t a t e B u s i n e s s T r u s t 1 2 , 8 0 4 , 4 0 0 2 5 5 , 3 3 8 2 1 . 5 4 – – – – Ta r g e t C o r p o r a t i o n 1 1 , 8 1 8 , 9 0 0 2 3 5 , 6 2 8 3 1 . 4 2 – – – – Ne w R i v e r M e d i c a l C e n t e r 7 , 6 1 7 , 3 0 0 1 5 2 , 3 4 6 4 0 . 9 2 – – – – Ho m e D e p o t U S A , I n c . 7 , 2 2 4 , 0 0 0 1 4 3 , 7 3 0 5 0 . 8 6 – – – – L& P V e n t u r e s , L L C 5 , 5 2 9 , 1 0 0 1 0 9 , 8 3 2 6 0 . 6 6 – – – – Mu l l e r F a m i l y T h e a t r e s 5 , 5 3 6 , 4 0 0 1 0 9 , 5 9 7 7 0 . 6 6 – – – – AX T C R e t a i l , L P 5 , 1 5 6 , 9 0 0 1 0 1 , 6 3 8 8 0 . 6 1 – – – – BB F P r o p e r t i e s , I n c . 3 , 9 7 7 , 4 0 0 7 8 , 7 9 8 9 0 . 4 7 3, 5 4 7 , 7 0 0 7 0 , 2 0 4 5 0.69 Ta p p e r ’ s H o l d i n g s , L L C 3 , 9 9 9 , 4 0 0 7 8 , 4 8 8 1 0 0 . 4 7 3, 5 8 7 , 2 0 0 7 0 , 2 4 4 4 0.69 Pe t e r s o n H o l d i n g s , L L C – – – – 6, 5 4 9 , 8 0 0 1 2 9 , 4 9 6 2 1.28 Ja c o b H o l d i n g s o f M o n t i c e l l o , L L C – – – – 4, 7 4 3 , 3 0 0 9 3 , 3 6 0 3 0.92 Go u l d B r o t h e r s C h e v r o l e t , L L P – – – – 3, 5 2 2 , 4 0 0 6 9 , 6 9 8 6 0.69 Mo n t i c e l l o W a s h i n g t o n A s s o c i a t i o n – – – – 3, 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 6 9 , 6 5 0 7 0.69 To m a n n , T e r r a n c e & M a r y F a m i l y , L T D – – – – 3, 8 9 2 , 5 0 0 6 8 , 4 1 8 8 0.68 Wr i g h t C o u n t y P r o d u c t s – – – – 3, 0 6 1 , 3 0 0 6 0 , 4 7 6 9 0.60 Mi n n e g a s c o , I n c . – – – – 2, 8 9 2 , 5 0 0 5 7 , 8 5 0 1 0 0.57 To t a l 37 6 , 5 7 0 , 0 0 0 $ 7 , 5 1 7 , 5 0 7 $ 4 5 . 2 1 % 2 9 3 , 8 5 6 , 7 0 0 $ 5 , 8 5 4 , 7 4 0 $ 57.78 % So u r c e : 20 1 1 To t a l N e t T a x Pe r c e n t a g e o f CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Pr i n c i p a l P r o p e r t y T a x p a y e r s Cu r r e n t Y e a r a n d N i n e Y e a r s A g o Ta x p a y e r 20 0 2 Wr i g h t C o u n t y C e r t i f i c a t e o f T a x e s a n d T a x a b l e P r o p e r t i e s Capacity Value Ca p a c i t y V a l u e Total Net Tax Percentage of 7 9 a n d 8 0 To t a l T a x C o l l e c t i o n s i n A b a t e m e n t s Le v y f o r S u b s e q u e n t a n d Fi s c a l Y e a r A m o u n t Y e a r s A m o u n t A d j u s t m e n t s A m o u n t Pr o p e r t y T a x e s : 6, 4 9 8 , 1 8 7 $ 6 , 4 4 4 , 7 1 6 $ 99 . 1 8 % 50 , 5 1 0 $ 6 , 4 9 5 , 2 2 6 $ 99 . 9 5 % (2 , 9 6 1 ) $ – $ – % 6, 7 8 1 , 9 4 6 6 , 7 2 4 , 0 2 2 9 9 . 1 5 5 1 , 1 3 6 6 , 7 7 5 , 1 5 8 9 9 . 9 0 ( 6 , 7 8 8 ) – – 6, 9 5 7 , 8 9 7 6 , 8 7 7 , 2 1 0 9 8 . 8 4 7 7 , 8 4 9 6 , 9 5 5 , 0 5 9 9 9 . 9 6 ( 2 , 8 3 8 ) – – 6, 9 5 7 , 7 7 6 6 , 8 7 0 , 9 6 6 9 8 . 7 5 8 5 , 2 5 1 6 , 9 5 6 , 2 1 7 9 9 . 9 8 ( 1 , 5 5 9 ) – – 6, 7 5 0 , 1 3 2 6 , 6 3 3 , 0 9 6 9 8 . 2 7 1 0 4 , 0 1 2 6 , 7 3 7 , 1 0 8 9 9 . 8 1 ( 1 1 , 3 1 0 ) 1 , 7 1 4 0 . 0 3 6, 4 9 9 , 9 1 4 6 , 3 0 5 , 8 2 6 9 7 . 0 1 1 5 8 , 1 5 6 6 , 4 6 3 , 9 8 2 9 9 . 4 5 ( 2 3 , 8 9 0 ) 1 2 , 0 4 2 0 . 1 9 7, 6 0 0 , 1 8 9 7 , 3 8 5 , 1 9 4 9 7 . 1 7 1 2 6 , 3 8 4 7 , 5 1 1 , 5 7 8 9 8 . 8 3 ( 5 5 , 4 1 1 ) 3 3 , 2 0 0 0 . 4 4 7, 7 5 0 , 1 1 9 7 , 5 0 1 , 3 1 5 9 6 . 7 9 1 2 0 , 4 8 1 7 , 6 2 1 , 7 9 6 9 8 . 3 4 ( 2 0 , 9 4 8 ) 1 0 7 , 3 7 5 1 . 3 9 7, 6 4 8 , 2 7 2 7 , 4 3 5 , 6 3 9 9 7 . 2 2 4 8 , 1 2 4 7 , 4 8 3 , 7 6 3 9 7 . 8 5 ( 9 , 3 3 7 ) 1 5 5 , 1 7 2 2 . 0 3 7, 6 6 7 , 3 0 9 7 , 4 4 6 , 1 2 8 9 7 . 1 2 – 7 , 4 4 6 , 1 2 8 9 7 . 1 2 ( 1 6 , 9 8 2 ) 2 0 4 , 1 9 9 2 . 6 6 513,702$ Ta x I n c r e m e n t s : 62 4 , 8 1 0 $ 6 1 9 , 7 7 4 $ 99 . 1 9 % 4, 7 8 2 $ 6 2 4 , 5 5 6 $ 99 . 9 6 % (2 5 4 ) $ – $ – % 61 2 , 7 3 1 6 0 1 , 8 4 0 9 8 . 2 2 6 , 8 8 2 6 0 8 , 7 2 2 9 9 . 3 5 ( 4 , 0 0 9 ) – – 65 6 , 6 3 9 6 5 3 , 0 1 2 9 9 . 4 5 3 , 5 1 1 6 5 6 , 5 2 3 9 9 . 9 8 ( 1 1 6 ) – – 73 6 , 3 0 1 7 3 2 , 5 3 4 9 9 . 4 9 3 , 7 6 7 7 3 6 , 3 0 1 1 0 0 . 0 0 – – – 77 9 , 4 0 0 7 7 7 , 2 9 7 9 9 . 7 3 4 4 3 7 7 7 , 7 4 0 9 9 . 7 9 – 1 , 6 6 0 0 . 2 1 88 9 , 2 6 2 8 3 6 , 3 9 7 9 4 . 0 6 1 , 2 1 0 8 3 7 , 6 0 7 9 4 . 1 9 ( 4 9 , 9 6 5 ) 1 , 6 9 0 0 . 1 9 1, 1 9 1 , 1 7 7 1 , 1 8 4 , 4 0 2 9 9 . 4 3 4 , 8 6 7 1 , 1 8 9 , 2 6 9 9 9 . 8 4 – 1 , 9 0 8 0 . 1 6 1, 2 4 7 , 6 0 5 1 , 2 0 5 , 5 8 2 9 6 . 6 3 2 3 , 3 1 6 1 , 2 2 8 , 8 9 8 9 8 . 5 0 ( 5 6 2 ) 1 8 , 1 4 5 1 . 4 5 1, 1 9 3 , 3 8 3 1 , 1 4 4 , 2 4 3 9 5 . 8 8 1 3 , 6 0 6 1 , 1 5 7 , 8 4 9 9 7 . 0 2 ( 6 , 7 4 5 ) 2 8 , 7 8 9 2 . 4 1 1, 1 1 0 , 8 0 0 1 , 0 7 9 , 1 0 9 9 7 . 1 5 – 1 , 0 7 9 , 1 0 9 9 7 . 1 5 ( 4 , 3 1 4 ) 2 7 , 3 7 7 2 . 4 6 79,569$ So u r c e : CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Pr o p e r t y T a x L e v i e s a n d C o l l e c t i o n s La s t T e n F i s c a l Y e a r s 20 1 1 20 0 4 20 0 6 20 0 4 20 0 2 20 1 1 20 0 6 20 0 9 20 1 0 20 0 7 of LevyPercentageTotal Uncollected of L e v y Pe r c e n t a g e 20 0 7 20 0 3 Wr i g h t C o u n t y De c e m b e r 3 1 , 20 0 5 Fi s c a l Y e a r En d e d to D a t e 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 5 20 0 9 20 1 0 To t a l C o l l e c t i o n s Co l l e c t e d W i t h i n t h e Fi s c a l Y e a r o f t h e L e v y of L e v y Pe r c e n t a g e 20 0 8 20 0 8 8 1 a n d 8 2 Ba s e R a t e R a t e 5 0 1 – 4 , 0 0 0 R a t e 4 , 0 0 1 – 1 3 , 3 6 9 R a t e O v e r 1 3 , 3 6 9 B a s e R a t e R a t e 5 0 1 – 4 , 0 0 0 R a t e 4 , 0 0 1 – 1 3 , 3 6 9 R a t e O v e r 1 3 , 3 6 9 B a s e R a t e R a t e O ver 500 Fi r s t 5 0 0 p e r 1 0 0 p e r 1 0 0 p e r 1 0 0 F i r s t 5 0 0 p e r 1 0 0 p e r 1 0 0 p e r 1 0 0 F i r s t 5 0 0 p e r 1 0 0 Cu b i c F e e t C u b i c F e e t C u b i c F e e t C u b i c F e e t C u b i c F e e t C u b i c F e e t C u b i c F e e t C u b i c F e e t C u b i c F e e t C u b i c F e e t 8. 2 5 $ 0 . 5 0 $ 0 . 5 0 $ N / A 8 . 2 5 $ 0 . 5 0 $ N / A N / A 1 0 . 0 0 $ 1.73$ 8. 2 5 0 . 5 0 0 . 5 0 N / A 8 . 2 5 0 . 5 0 N / A N / A 1 0 . 0 0 1 . 7 3 8. 2 5 0 . 5 0 0 . 5 0 N / A 8 . 2 5 0 . 5 0 N / A N / A 1 0 . 0 0 1 . 7 3 8. 5 8 0 . 5 2 0 . 5 2 N / A 8 . 5 8 0 . 5 2 N / A N / A 1 0 . 0 0 1 . 8 0 8. 9 2 0 . 5 4 0 . 5 4 N / A 8 . 9 2 0 . 5 4 N / A N / A 1 0 . 4 0 1 . 8 7 10 . 2 6 0 . 6 2 0 . 7 1 N / A 1 0 . 2 6 0 . 6 2 N / A N / A 1 1 . 9 6 2 . 1 5 11 . 9 1 0 . 7 4 0 . 8 4 N / A 1 1 . 9 1 0 . 7 4 N / A N / A 1 3 . 7 5 2 . 4 7 12 . 4 0 0 . 7 8 0 . 8 8 N / A 1 2 . 4 0 0 . 7 8 N / A N / A 1 4 . 4 5 2 . 6 0 13 . 0 0 0 . 8 5 0 . 9 5 N / A 1 4 . 7 5 0 . 9 5 N / A N / A 1 5 . 1 5 2 . 7 5 14 . 3 0 0 . 9 5 1 . 1 0 1 . 2 0 1 4 . 3 0 0 . 9 5 1 . 1 0 1 . 2 0 1 6 . 7 5 3 . 0 0 N/ A – N o t A v a i l a b l e So u r c e : CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Ut i l i t y R a t e s p e r Y e a r La s t T e n F i s c a l Y e a r s 20 0 7 20 1 1 20 0 9 20 0 8 Ci t y o f M o n t i c e l l o u t i l i t y b i l l i n g d e p a r t m e n t 20 1 0 Fi s c a l Y e a r 20 0 4 20 0 3 20 0 2 20 0 6 20 0 5 Sewer Wa t e r Re s i d e n t i a l C o m m e r c i a l 8 4 a n d 8 5 Ge n e r a l O t h e r G e n e r a l G e n e r a l Ob l i g a t i o n G e n e r a l O b l i g a t i o n G e n e r a l O b l i g a t i o n Im p r o v e m e n t O b l i g a t i o n T a x I n c r e m e n t O b l i g a t i o n R e v e n u e C o n t r a c t I m p r o v e m e n t R e v e n u e T o t a l P r i m a r y Bo n d s B o n d s B o n d s N o t e s B o n d s f o r D e e d B o n d s B o n d s G o v e r n m e n t P e r C a p i t a ( 1 ) 9, 1 6 0 , 0 0 0 $ 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 $ 2 , 4 1 0 , 0 0 0 $ 1 2 , 6 2 6 , 2 8 9 $ 7 , 3 4 5 , 0 0 0 $ – $ – $ – $ 3 1 , 7 6 1 , 2 8 9 $ 1 2 . 3 6 %3,593$ 7, 7 6 0 , 0 0 0 2 , 5 3 5 , 0 0 0 2 , 3 6 0 , 0 0 0 1 2 , 0 5 3 , 3 6 4 7 , 3 0 5 , 0 0 0 – – – 3 2 , 0 1 3 , 3 6 4 1 1 . 0 8 3,275 6, 7 1 5 , 0 0 0 2 , 4 2 0 , 0 0 0 1 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 1 , 4 5 6 , 8 2 5 7 , 1 7 0 , 0 0 0 2 , 1 8 5 , 2 2 2 – – 3 1 , 0 4 7 , 0 4 7 9 . 9 6 3,041 31 , 0 6 5 , 0 0 0 2 , 4 2 0 , 0 0 0 9 7 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 8 3 5 , 6 9 9 6 , 9 1 0 , 0 0 0 2 , 0 8 5 , 2 2 2 – – 5 4 , 2 8 5 , 9 2 1 1 6 . 3 4 5,092 30 , 2 5 5 , 0 0 0 2 , 2 1 0 , 0 0 0 8 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 1 8 8 , 9 7 3 6 , 6 5 0 , 0 0 0 7 6 4 , 2 9 3 – – 5 0 , 8 7 8 , 2 6 6 1 4 . 1 9 4,569 28 , 4 1 5 , 0 0 0 7 , 1 3 2 , 9 0 3 6 8 0 , 0 0 0 9 , 5 1 5 , 5 9 2 6 , 2 2 0 , 0 0 0 6 6 4 , 2 9 3 9 0 7 , 0 9 7 – 5 3 , 5 3 4 , 8 8 5 1 4 . 1 2 4,757 24 , 0 7 5 , 0 0 0 1 5 , 7 3 7 , 9 0 3 5 7 5 , 0 0 0 – 6 , 1 8 0 , 0 0 0 5 6 4 , 2 9 3 9 0 7 , 0 9 7 2 6 , 4 4 5 , 0 0 0 7 4 , 4 8 4 , 2 9 3 1 9 . 0 1 6,553 21 , 5 3 5 , 0 0 0 1 2 , 8 2 2 , 9 0 3 4 7 0 , 0 0 0 – 5 , 5 5 5 , 0 0 0 – 8 3 7 , 0 9 7 2 6 , 4 4 5 , 0 0 0 6 7 , 6 6 5 , 0 0 0 1 7 . 6 0 5,896 21 , 3 2 0 , 0 0 0 1 1 , 5 3 1 , 9 0 3 – – 4 , 9 2 0 , 0 0 0 – 7 4 7 , 0 9 7 2 6 , 4 4 5 , 0 0 0 6 4 , 9 6 4 , 0 0 0 1 5 . 8 4 5,649 29 , 4 9 0 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 1 9 6 , 9 0 3 – – 3 , 9 6 0 , 0 0 0 – 6 5 4 , 0 9 7 2 6 , 4 4 5 , 0 0 0 7 0 , 7 4 6 , 0 0 0 1 6 . 7 3 5,545 (1 ) S e e t h e S c h e d u l e o f D e m o g r a p h i c a n d E c o n o m i c S t a t i s t i c s . No t e : D e t a i l s r e g a r d i n g t h e C i t y ’ s o u t s t a n d i n g d e b t c a n b e f o u n d i n t h e n o t e s t o b a s i c f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t s . CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Ra t i o s o f O u t s t a n d i n g D e b t b y T y p e La s t T e n F i s c a l Y e a r s 20 1 1 20 1 0 20 0 9 20 0 6 20 0 7 Fi s c a l Y e a r Income (1)of PersonalPercentage Bu s i n e s s - T y p e A c t i v i t i e s 20 0 8 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 5 Go v e r n m e n t a l A c t i v i t i e s 8 6 a n d 8 7 Fi s c a l Y e a r 20 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 13 , 2 6 9 , 9 3 6 $ 1 4 , 7 8 0 , 1 5 2 $ 1 6 , 2 5 7 , 1 0 6 $ 1 7 , 6 4 0 , 7 6 6 $ 1 9 , 8 7 2 , 9 4 6 $ 2 3 , 2 0 3 , 6 8 2 $ 3 7 , 3 0 3 , 8 3 3 $ 3 8 , 0 7 4 , 8 4 2 $ 3 5 , 6 4 6 , 6 6 3 $ 33,196,242$ 7, 5 4 5 , 0 0 0 7 , 4 2 0 , 0 0 0 7 , 1 7 0 , 0 0 0 6 , 9 1 0 , 0 0 0 6 , 6 5 0 , 0 0 0 6 , 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 6 , 1 8 0 , 0 0 0 5 , 5 8 5 , 0 0 0 4 , 9 8 5 , 0 0 0 4,365,000 5, 7 2 4 , 9 3 6 $ 7 , 3 6 0 , 1 5 2 $ 9 , 0 8 7 , 1 0 6 $ 1 0 , 7 3 0 , 7 6 6 $ 1 3 , 2 2 2 , 9 4 6 $ 1 7 , 1 0 3 , 6 8 2 $ 3 1 , 1 2 3 , 8 3 3 $ 3 2 , 4 8 9 , 8 4 2 $ 3 0 , 6 6 1 , 6 6 3 $ 28,831,242$ To t a l n e t d e b t a p p l i c a b l e t o t h e l i m i t 56 . 8 6 % 5 0 . 2 0 % 4 4 . 1 0 % 3 9 . 1 7 % 3 3 . 4 6 % 2 6 . 2 9 % 1 6 . 5 7 % 1 4 . 6 7 % 1 3 . 9 8 % 1 3 . 1 5 % Ma r k e t v a l u e ( p a y a b l e 2 0 1 1 v a l u e ) 1 , 1 0 6 , 5 4 1 , 4 0 0 $ De b t l i m i t ( 3 % o f m a r k e t v a l u e ) 3 3 , 1 9 6 , 2 4 2 De b t a p p l i c a b l e t o l i m i t Ot h e r g e n e r a l o b l i g a t i o n b o n d s 1 0 , 8 5 1 , 0 0 0 Le s s a m o u n t s f o r g e n e r a l o b l i g a t i o n b o n d s n o t s u b j e c t t o l i m i t ( 6 , 4 8 6 , 0 0 0 ) To t a l n e t d e b t a p p l i c a b l e t o l i m i t 4 , 3 6 5 , 0 0 0 Le g a l d e b t m a r g i n 2 8 , 8 3 1 , 2 4 2 $ No t e : CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Le g a l D e b t M a r g i n I n f o r m a t i o n La s t T e n F i s c a l Y e a r s Al l M i n n e s o t a m u n i c i p a l i t i e s ( c o u n t i e s , c i t i e s , t o w n s , a n d s c h o o l d i s t r i c t s ) a r e s u b j e c t t o s t a t u t o r y “ n e t d e b t ” l i m i t a t i o n s u n de r t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f M i n n e s o t a S t a t u t e s , S e c t i o n 4 7 5 . 5 3 . U n d e r t h i s p r o v i s i o n , b e g i n n i n g w i t h i s s u e s h a v i n g a se t t l e m e n t d a t e a f t e r J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 0 8 , t h e s t a t e o f M i n n e s o t a i n c r e a s e d t h e l e g a l d e b t l i m i t f r o m 2 p e r c e n t t o 3 p e r c e n t o f t h e C it y ’ s t a x a b l e m a r k e t v a l u e . To t a l n e t d e b t a p p l i c a b l e t o l i m i t Le g a l d e b t m a r g i n Le g a l D e b t M a r g i n C a l c u l a t i o n f o r F i s c a l Y e a r 2 0 1 1 De b t l i m i t a s a p e r c e n t a g e o f d e b t l i m i t 9 0 a n d 9 1 20 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 Fu n c t i o n N/ A N / A N / A 1 6 . 6 0 1 6 . 6 0 1 6 . 6 0 1 7 . 6 0 1 7 . 6 0 1 9 . 0 0 19.00 N/ A N / A N / A 3 . 0 0 3 . 0 0 3 . 0 0 3 . 0 0 3 . 0 0 3 . 0 0 3.00 N/ A N / A N / A 2 1 . 5 0 2 1 . 5 0 2 1 . 5 0 2 1 . 5 0 1 9 . 5 0 1 9 . 5 0 19.00 Cu l t u r e a n d r e c r e a t i o n N/ A N / A N / A 5 . 0 0 5 . 0 0 5 . 0 0 5 . 0 0 5 . 0 0 5 . 0 0 5.00 N/ A N / A N / A 8 . 0 0 8 . 0 0 8 . 0 0 8 . 0 0 8 . 0 0 8 . 0 0 8.00 Co m m u n i t y d e v e l o p m e n t N / A N / A N / A 2 . 0 0 2 . 0 0 2 . 0 0 2 . 0 0 2 . 0 0 2 . 0 0 2.00 N/ A N / A N / A 4 . 0 0 4 . 0 0 4 . 0 0 4 . 0 0 4 . 0 0 4 . 0 0 4.00 N/ A N / A N / A 1 0 . 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 1 0 . 0 0 10.00 Fi b e r N e t N / A N / A N / A – – – – 6 . 0 0 1 1 . 0 0 11.50 To t a l N / A N / A N / A 7 0 . 1 0 7 0 . 1 0 7 0 . 1 0 7 1 . 1 0 7 5 . 1 0 8 1 . 5 0 81.50 N/ A – N o t A v a i l a b l e So u r c e : C i t y F i n a n c e D e p a r t m e n t CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Fu l l - T i m e E q u i v a l e n t C i t y G o v e r n m e n t E m p l o y e e s b y F u n c t i o n La s t T e n F i s c a l Y e a r s Fi s c a l Y e a r Pu b l i c w o r k s En g i n e e r i n g Ge n e r a l g o v e r n m e n t Se w e r / w a t e r Pa r k s Ma i n t e n a n c e Li q u o r s t o r e Co m m u n i t y c e n t e r 9 5 a n d 9 6 20 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 Fu n c t i o n Fi r e 28 8 3 1 6 2 7 8 3 2 5 2 6 6 3 1 7 3 9 5 3 7 5 2 8 2 284 N/ A N / A N / A 1 0 3 0 5 0 1 2 0 1 6 0 2 2 5 175 Sa l t ( t o n s ) N / A N / A N / A 1 1 4 1 6 4 2 7 4 4 7 4 4 7 5 5 2 1 445 Sa n d ( t o n s ) N / A N / A N / A 3 2 0 3 1 9 3 4 7 6 1 1 6 1 5 7 1 0 547 Cr a c k s e a l a n t ( p o u n d s ) N / A N / A N / A N / A 1 1 , 1 1 5 1 4 , 2 0 0 1 8 , 1 5 0 1 5 , 0 0 0 2 3 , 5 8 0 11,384 As p h a l t r e p a i r s ( t o n s o f a s p h a l t ) N / A N / A N / A N / A 3 0 0 3 3 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 253 Cu l t u r e a n d r e c r e a t i o n Sh a d e t r e e s p l a n t e d 8 0 – – – – 3 8 4 4 1 0 4 2 5 1 5 0 140 Di s e a s e d t r e e s r e m o v e d N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A 8 6 8 2 0 0 1 8 0 113 Tr a i l s m a i n t a i n e d ( m i l e s ) N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A 1 7 1 7 1 7 17 Co m m u n i t y c e n t e r u s e r s N / A N / A N / A N / A 1 4 5 , 7 0 0 1 6 8 , 9 2 3 1 8 6 , 4 2 9 1 8 6 , 2 7 9 1 8 3 , 5 2 7 190,014 Pr o g r a m s a l e s N / A N / A N / A N / A 6 7 , 0 2 1 8 8 , 4 1 2 1 2 9 , 3 3 9 1 4 9 , 8 2 9 1 6 7 , 7 2 3 168,159 Re n t a l r e v e n u e N / A N / A N / A N / A 1 4 8 , 5 3 3 1 3 9 , 0 9 6 1 3 6 , 5 4 7 1 2 7 , 6 1 2 1 8 4 , 9 1 3 154,962 Ec o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t Pe r m i t s i s s u e d 1 , 1 8 2 1 , 1 5 6 1 , 1 9 9 1 , 4 1 2 1 , 3 2 3 9 6 2 3 , 6 8 1 8 7 9 4 9 5 372 Pe r m i t v a l u a t i o n 4 0 , 1 8 7 , 7 7 2 $ 3 9 , 5 9 9 , 2 6 3 $ 6 2 , 3 0 0 , 3 6 0 $ 6 8 , 0 6 9 , 4 4 4 $ 4 5 , 5 7 2 , 6 9 0 $ 4 5 , 9 1 7 , 0 0 0 $ 4 5 , 9 5 0 , 0 0 0 $ 1 1 , 6 3 0 , 0 0 0 $ 9 , 0 3 3 , 0 7 8 $ 5,333,124$ Wa t e r Me t e r s r e p l a c e d 2 6 1 1 1 8 6 4 8 1 1 0 9 9 4 1 1 1 2 8 0 1 4 5 215 Cu r b b o x r e p a i r s ( w a t e r v a l v e s ) 2 1 2 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 7 5 2 0 0 2 0 0 200 Hy d r a n t r e p a i r 1 7 5 1 7 5 1 7 5 1 7 5 1 7 5 1 7 5 1 7 5 1 7 5 1 7 5 430 Av e r a g e a n n u a l r e s i d e n t i a l w a t e r u s e 2 5 9 , 4 7 6 , 7 1 2 3 5 3 , 4 5 2 , 9 2 6 3 2 4 , 8 6 8 , 0 4 3 3 4 4 , 1 9 7 , 0 5 8 4 1 9 , 8 9 2 , 1 3 5 4 6 7 , 6 7 3 , 4 8 8 4 0 9 , 8 7 9 , 6 5 8 4 3 0 , 2 6 3 , 7 9 1 3 7 6 , 6 8 7 , 8 4 0 348,580,072 Av e r a g e d a i l y c o n s u m p t i o n ( M G ) 1 . 2 3 2 1 . 5 6 4 1 . 4 9 7 1 . 5 6 9 1 . 8 1 7 1 . 9 2 1 1 . 7 4 9 1 . 8 0 6 1 . 6 2 5 1.557 Ma x i m u m d a i l y g a l l o n s p u m p e d ( M G ) 3 . 1 4 0 4 . 4 0 1 4 . 2 0 9 4 . 8 8 9 5 . 2 7 1 5 . 1 5 0 4 . 7 2 8 4 . 4 9 6 3 . 5 6 5 4.116 Se w e r Se w a g e f l o w ( M G ) 3 6 1 3 9 5 4 0 4 4 3 4 4 1 4 4 2 3 4 0 8 3 9 0 3 9 8 431 Mi l e s j e t t e d 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 5 27 Bl o c k s r o d d e d 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 5 10 Mi l e s i n s p e c t e d 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 30 Li b r a r y It e m s c h e c k e d o u t N / A N / A N / A N / A 1 8 8 , 7 0 4 2 0 9 , 1 7 4 2 1 6 , 5 9 9 2 1 9 , 6 9 4 2 4 8 , 3 2 7 228,886 Pr o g r a m s o f f e r e d N / A N / A N / A N / A 2 3 2 1 4 5 1 5 5 1 7 0 1 6 4 153 Pr o g r a m p a r t i c i p a n t s N / A N / A N / A N / A 4 , 1 9 6 3 , 5 3 7 3 , 8 6 9 4 , 1 0 0 3 , 6 0 4 3,807 De p u t y r e g i s t r a r ( D M V ) Mo t o r v e h i c l e t r a n s a c t i o n s 4 1 , 0 5 4 4 7 , 6 8 4 4 4 , 6 8 4 4 6 , 4 9 2 4 5 , 2 2 5 4 0 , 9 5 0 4 5 , 5 9 5 4 8 , 0 0 0 5 1 , 2 5 0 54,814 DN R t r a n s a c t i o n s N / A N / A N / A N / A 5 , 3 0 7 5 , 5 8 0 6 , 0 0 0 6 , 5 0 0 5 , 9 8 2 5,616 Ga m e / f i s h t r a n s a c t i o n s N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A 1 6 7 2 3 5 2 5 0 1 5 6 325 De a l e r s h i p s s e r v i c e d N / A N / A N / A N / A 1 8 1 4 2 1 2 5 3 0 34 Dr i v e r s l i c e n s e s t r a n s a c t i o n s N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A N / A 4 5 0 6 0 5 579 N/ A – N o t A v a i l a b l e MG – M i l l i o n s o f G a l l o n s No t e : I n d i c a t o r s a r e n o t a v a i l a b l e f o r t h e g e n e r a l g o v e r n m e n t c i t y f u n c t i o n s . So u r c e s : V a r i o u s c i t y d e p a r t m e n t s CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Op e r a t i n g I n d i c a t o r s b y F u n c t i o n La s t T e n F i s c a l Y e a r s Ca l l s f o r s e r v i c e ( e n g i n e e r i n g ) Pu b l i c w o r k s Ca l l s f o r s e r v i c e Fi s c a l Y e a r 9 7 a n d 9 8 20 0 2 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 2 0 0 9 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 Fu n c t i o n Pu b l i c s a f e t y Fi r e Fi r e s t a t i o n s i n s e r v i c e 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nu m b e r o f v o l u n t e e r s – – – 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 30 Pu b l i c w o r k s St r e e t s ( m i l e s ) – – – 5 2 . 4 6 5 . 7 6 7 . 6 6 7 . 6 6 8 . 0 6 8 . 0 68.0 Cu l t u r e a n d r e c r e a t i o n Pa r k s a c r e a g e – – – – – – 1 2 0 1 8 0 5 0 9 635 Pa r k s 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 9 1 9 2 0 2 0 2 8 28 Pa r k b u i l d i n g s 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 0 1 1 1 5 15 Co m m u n i t y c e n t e r ( s q u a r e f o o t a g e ) 8 1 , 0 0 0 8 1 , 0 0 0 8 1 , 0 0 0 8 1 , 0 0 0 8 1 , 0 0 0 8 1 , 0 0 0 8 1 , 0 0 0 8 1 , 0 0 0 8 1 , 0 0 0 81,000 Wa t e r Fi r e h y d r a n t s 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 700 No t e : N o c a p i t a l a s s e t i n d i c a t o r s a r e a v a i l a b l e f o r t h e g e n e r a l g o v e r n m e n t a n d e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t f u n c t i o n s . So u r c e s : V a r i o u s c i t y d e p a r t m e n t s CI T Y O F M O N T I C E L L O Ca p i t a l A s s e t S t a t i s t i c s b y F u n c t i o n La s t T e n F i s c a l Y e a r s Fi s c a l Y e a r 9 9 a n d 1 0 0 CityCouncilAgenda:5/29/12 1 9.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-050approvingPlansandSpecifications andauthorizingAdvertisementforBidsfor2012RuralRoadImprovements,City ProjectNo.12C001 (BW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovingplansandspecificationsandauthorizing advertisementforbidsforthe2012RuralRoadImprovements,CityProjectNo.12C001. OnApril9,2012,CouncilauthorizedtheCityEngineer,withassistancefromWSBand Associates,topreparefinalplansandspecificationsforproposedpavementrehabilitation improvementstothreeruralroadsegmentsandtwopathwaysegments. TheruralroadsegmentsincludeEdmonsonAvenuefromabout260’southofChelsea RoadtothesouthCitylimits,FallonAvenuefromSchoolBoulevardtoHunters Crossing,andFenningAvenuefromSchoolBoulevardto85th StreetNE. ThetwopathwaysegmentsareinthesoutheastquadrantoftheCity.Segment#1is locatedintheOakRidgeEstatesdevelopment,justnorthofJasonAvenue.Segment#2 islocatedonboththeOakRidgeEstatesandMeadowOak4th Additiondevelopments andconnectsOakviewLaneandMeadowLaneNE. ThepavementsectionsonbothEdmonsonAvenueandFallonAvenuewillbereclaimed, whichinvolvesgrindingtheexistingpavementsectionup,placingitovertheremaining aggregatebase,thencompactingitsonewpavementcanbeplacedontop. Bothpathwaysegmentswillalsobereclaimedandrepaved,similartotheprocessthat willbefollowedonEdmonsonandFallonAvenues.Someminordrainage,grading,and turfestablishmentimprovementswillalsoberequiredalongbothpathwaysegments. EdmonsonAvenuewillremainaruralsection.Thenew4”pavementsectionwillbe widenedto24-feetand2-footwideaggregateshoulderswillbeplacedalongboth pavementedges.ThewidersectionwillaccommodatetrafficbettersinceEdmonsonisa high-speedroadwithsignificanttrafficvolumes.Theroadisproposedtobeloweredup to4inchestoavoidre-gradingin-slopes.Allexistingdrainageculvertswererecently cleanedandinspected,anditappearsthatnoneoftheculvertsneedtobereplaced. FallonAvenuewillalsoremainaruralroad,andthenew3½”pavementsectionwill remainat22feetinwidth,with1-footwideaggregateshouldersplacedalongboth pavementedges.ThecrestoftheroadbetweenthePioneerParkparkinglotandSchool Boulevardisproposedtobeloweredapproximately1foottocreatebettersightlinesfor improvedsafety,andtheareabetweenthewetlandsisproposedtobeloweredabout6 inches.Allexistingdrainageculvertswererecentlycleanedandinspected,anditappears thatnoneoftheculvertsneedtobereplaced. RegardingparkingalongFallonAvenue,parkingiscurrentlyrestrictedalongtheeast sideofFallonAvenueacrossfromPioneerParktopreventchildrenfromrunningintothe CityCouncilAgenda:5/29/12 2 roadfrombetweenparkedcars,whichwasanissueduringpeakparkuses.This restrictionisproposedtobecontinued. GiventhepotentialcostsavingsassociatedwithconstructingPioneerParkparkingin conjunctionwiththisprojects,Staffexaminedthedesignandthecostsassociatedwith providingadditionalparkingonthewestsideofFallonAvenuealongPioneerPark betweenSchoolBoulevardandtheparkinglot.Additionalparkingwouldbehelpfulin betteraccommodatingpeakuseparkingdemands.Aplanwasdevelopedtoprovide29 on-streetangledparkingstallswheretheexistingditchis.Currently,about19vehicles areabletoparallelparkalongthewestsideofFallonAvenueinthisarea,butthereareno shouldersandtheditchsectionhasfairlysteepin-slopesmakingithardtopulloffthe roadveryfar.Thisrequiresmostofthevehicletoremaininthedrivinglane.Theangled parkingoptionwouldthereforeprovideasaferparkingoptionforparkusers,andwould resultinanetincreaseofabout10parkingstalls.However,staffdoesnotrecommend constructingthisadditionalparkingatthistime.Thisisbecausetheestimatedcostto providethenet10newparkingstallsis$55,400.Also,theangledparkingwilllikely needtoberemovedwhenthedeepsanitarysewerlineisinstalledunderFallonAvenue duetofutureresidentialdevelopmentsouthofCardinalHills,HuntersCrossingandKlein Farms.Finally,whentheFallonAvenuebridgeisconstructed,therewillbeadditional trafficonFallonAvenuewhichcouldconflictwithcarsmakingparkingmovementsin andoutofthehead-installs. Amorecost-effectiveoptionforprovingsaferon-streetparkingforparkuserswouldbe tosalvagetheexistingtopsoilfromtheditchareaandusethematerialgeneratedfrom loweringtheroadtofillintheditchsection,whichcouldthenbecoveredwiththe salvagedtopsoilandseeded.Thiswouldallowdriverstoparktheirvehiclescompletely off-roadduringpeakparkusetimes.Staffisthereforeproposingtocompletethiswork withtheprojectsincecostswillbenegligible. StaffwillcontinuetomonitortheparkingneedsforPioneerParkinthefuture.Atsome pointthismayincludeprovidingadditionalparkingwithintheparkitselfasthiswould likelybethebestoptionwhenthedeepsanitarysewerisconstructedunderFallon Avenue.Sincetrafficvolumeswilllikelyhaveincreasedsubstantiallybythattime,and consideringtheproposedtransportationimprovementsalongtheFallonAvenuecorridor, thisseemsthemostlikelyoptiontoeventuallyhandleparkingneedsatPioneerPark. Councilshouldbeawarethattheon-streetangledparkingplanwasdiscussedbythe ParksCommissionduringtheirmeetingonthemorningofMay23rd,andthatthe CommissionunanimouslyvotedtorecommendthatCityCouncilapproveconstructing theon-streetangledparking.However,atthattimetheestimatedcostswerenotknown, andtheParksCommissionmemberswerenotawarethattheoptionexistedtolevelthe ditchareasodriverscouldpullfullyofftheroad. FenningAvenuewillalsoremainaruralroad,andtheexistingpavementsurfacewillbe overlaidwith1½”ofnewpavement.Millingisonlyproposedtooccuralongsawcut edges.Inaddition,1-footgravelshoulderswillbeconstructedalongeachedgeofthe pavementsurface.TheexistingdrainageculvertsalongFenningAvenuewererecently CityCouncilAgenda:5/29/12 3 cleanedandinspected,anditappearsthatnoneoftheculvertsneedtobereplaced.As waspreviouslydiscussed,nopathwayisproposedtobeconstructedalongFenning Avenueatthistime. Theestimatedprojectcosts,including22%indirectcosts,areasfollows: $594,100–EdmonsonAvenueReclaim/Repave $213,000–FallonAvenueReclaim/Repave $103,600–FenningAvenueOverlay $74,400–PathwaySegments1&2Reclaim/Repave $985,100–TotalEstimatedProjectCosts ThisprojectcanbefundedusingacombinationofCitycontributions,stateaidfunds, streetreconstructionfunds,andspecialassessmentstobenefittingpropertieswithinCity limits.Townshippropertiesabuttingtheimprovementswillnotbeassessedunlessthey requesttobeannexedintotheCity,atwhichtimetheywouldonlybeassessedforthe remainingusefullifeoftheimprovements.Allassessmentswillbebasedonthecurrent useofthepropertyatthetimetheimprovementsaremade,butiftheuseoftheproperty changesinthefuture,theassessmentwouldbere-evaluatedatthetimebasedona20- yearusefulpavementlife,notincludingadditionalinterestcosts. Basedonthepreliminaryassessmentrole,approximately$385,303.50inspecial assessmentscanbeleviedagainstbenefittingpropertieswithintheCitylimitsalong EdmonsonAvenue($311,727),FallonAvenue($61,165.50),andFenningAvenue ($12,411).Thisincludesassessmentsintheamountsof$61,165.50and$6,111forCity- ownedpropertiesalongFallonAvenueandFenningAvenue,respectively. Staffestimatesapproximately$290,000oftheprojectcostsforEdmonsonAvenue betweenSchoolBoulevardandChelseaRoadwillbeeligibleforstateaidfunding.The remainingruralroadsegments,includingEdmonsonbetweenthesouthCitylimitsand SchoolBoulevard,arenotstateaidroutesandarethereforenotstateaideligible. Theremainingestimatedprojectcoststotal$309,796.50whichcouldbefundedusing streetreconstructionfunds. Aswasdiscussedinapreviousagendaitem,staffdoesnotanticipateusingbondstofund theseimprovements.However,duetothelowbondratesthatarecurrentlyavailable,it maymakesensetousebondstofundsomeoralloftheimprovementsifother improvementsareconstructedthisyear.Ifso,bondpaymentswouldthenbemadefrom theappropriatefunds. StaffrequestsCouncilapprovaloftheplansandspecificationspreparedbyWSBand Associatesandtoauthorizeadvertisementsforbids.Oncebidsarereceived,whichis anticipatedtooccuronJune21st,staffwillpresentthebidstoCouncilforconsideration ofawardofprojectonJune25th. CityCouncilAgenda:5/29/12 4 StaffisalsorequestingCouncilauthorizationtostudyall-waystopwarrantsatthe intersectionofDundasRoadandEdmonsonAvenuewhichhasbeenthesceneof numerouscrashesovertheyears,oneofwhichrecentlyresultedinafatality.Whilestaff hasenactednumeroussafetymeasuresatthisintersectionovertheyears,suchasthe installationofoversized48”stopsignsandstop-aheadwarningsigningonDundasRoad, severecrashescontinuetooccur.StaffthereforerequestsCouncilauthorizationtostudy thisintersectiontodetermineifall-waystopsignsarewarranted.Ifauthorized,staffwill completethestudyascost-effectivelyaspossibleusingCityresourceswhereverpossible. Ifanall-waystopiswarranted,newsignscouldbeinstalleduponcompletionofthe improvementstoEdmonsonAvenue. A1.BudgetImpact:Asisnotedabove,thetotalestimatedcostfortheproposed improvementsis$985,100. Thebiddingenvironmentforstreetimprovementprojectsisstillexpectedtobe favorablethisyear,resultinginsignificantsavingsfortheCityifwemoveahead withthisprojectin2012. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:VariousstafffromtheEngineeringandPublicWorks Departmentsspentover100hoursworkingwithWSB&Associatestoprepare finalplansandspecifications.Duringconstruction,EngineeringDepartmentstaff willprovidefull-timeconstructioninspection,andPublicWorksDepartmentstaff mayassistwithinspectionsasneeded. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotionadoptingResolution#2012-050approvingPlansandSpecificationsand authorizingAdvertisementforBidsfor2012RuralRoadImprovements,CityProject No.12C001.Thismotionincludesauthorizingstafftostudyall-waystopwarrants fortheintersectionofEdmonsonAvenueandDundasRoad. 2.MotionadoptingResolution#2012-050approvingPlansandSpecificationsand authorizingAdvertisementforBidsfor2012RuralRoadImprovements,CityProject No.12C001. 3.MotiondenyingadoptionofResolution#2012-050atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1or#2,dependingonwhetherCouncil feelsanall-waystopattheintersectionofEdmonsonAvenueandDundasRoadmaybe warranted. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-050 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2012-050 APPROVINGPLANSANDSPECIFICATIONSANDAUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENTFORBIDSFOR2012RURALROADIMPROVEMENTS CITYPROJECTNO.12C001 WHEREAS,pursuanttoaResolutionapprovedbytheCityCouncilonApril9,2012,theCity Engineerhaspreparedplansandspecificationsforthe2012RuralRoadImprovementsdescribed asfollows: ImprovementswillbemadetothreeruralroadsegmentsincludingEdmonsonAvenue fromabout260’southofChelseaRoadtothesouthCitylimits;FallonAvenuefrom SchoolBoulevardtoHuntersCrossing;andFenningAvenuefromSchoolBoulevardto 85th StreetNE.ImprovementstoEdmonsonAvenueandFallonAvenuewillinclude reclaimingandrepavingthepavementsections,installingnewstripingandsigning,and otherappurtenantimprovements. Improvementswillalsobemadetotwopathwaysegmentsincludingsegment#1,located intheOakRidgeEstatesdevelopmentjustnorthofJasonAvenue;andsegment#2 locatedontheOakRidgeEstatesandMeadowOak4th Additiondevelopmentsbetween OakviewLaneandMeadowLaneNE.Improvementstothepathwaysegmentswill includereclaimingandrepavingthepavementsections,alongwithdrainage,grading,turf establishment,andotherappurtenantimprovements. WHEREAS,theCityEngineerhaspresentedsuchplansandspecificationstotheCouncilfor approval; NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1.Suchplansandspecifications,acopyofwhichisonfileintheofficeoftheCityClerk, areherebyapproved. 2.TheCityClerkshallprepareandcausetobeinsertedintheofficialpaperandintheStar Tribuneand/orConstructionBulletinanadvertisementforbiduponthemakingofsuch improvementundersuchapprovedplansandspecifications.Theadvertisementshallbe publishednolessthanthreeweeksbeforethelastdayforsubmissionofbids,onceinthe City’slegalpublicationandatleastonceineitheranewspaperpublishedinacityofthe firstclassoratradepaper.Tobeeligibleasatradepaper,apublicationshallhaveallthe qualificationsofalegalnewspaperexceptthat,insteadoftherequirementthatitshall containgeneralandlocalnews,suchtradepapershallcontainbuildingandconstruction newsofinteresttocontractorsinthisstate,amongwhomitshallhaveageneral circulation. Theadvertisementshallspecifytheworktobedone,andshallstatethatbidswillbe openedat10a.m.onJune21,2012,andthattheawardofthebidandtheresponsibility ofthebidderswillbeconsideredbytheCityCouncilat7p.m.onJune25,2012inthe CouncilChambersofCityHall.Anybidderwhoseresponsibilityisquestionedduring considerationofthebidwillbegivenanopportunitytoaddresstheCouncilontheissue ofresponsibility.NobidswillbeconsideredunlesssealedandfiledwiththeClerkand accompaniedbyacashdeposit,cashier’scheck,bidbondorcertifiedcheckpayableto theCityfor5%oftheamountofsuchbid. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis29th dayofMay,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO _________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 1 10.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#560approvingatextamendmenttoTitle10 oftheMonticelloZoningCodeallowingEntertainment/Recreation–Indoor CommercialasaConditionalUseinanIBC(IndustrialandBusinessCampus) DistrictandapprovingaConditionalUsePermitforEntertainment/Recreation– IndoorCommercialforLots6,7,&8,Block2,LauringHillsideTerrace(406East 7th Street);PIDs:155-029-002060,155-029-002070,155-029-29002080.Applicant: CommercialRealtySolutions/WayneElam (NAC) A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND: Property:4067th StreetEast ThesiteislocatedeastofHighway25betweenInterstate 94and7th StreetEast.Thesiteisborderedbymultiple familyresidentialusestothenorth,Interstate94tothe southandvacantparcelstotheeastandwest. PlanningCaseNumber:2012–017 Request(s):ConditionalUsePermittoallowanindoorbaseballtraining facility. DeadlineforDecision:July8,2012 LandUseDesignation:PlacestoShop ZoningDesignation:IBC,IndustrialBusinessCampus Thepurposeofthe“IBC”IndustrialBusinessCampus Districtistoprovidefortheestablishmentoflimited lightindustrialbusinessoffices,limitedlight manufacturing,wholesaleshowroomsandrelateduses inanenvironmentwhichprovidesahighlevelofamenities, includinglandscaping,preservationofnaturalfeatures, architecturalcontrols,andotherfeatures. CurrentSiteUse:Currentuseswithinthemulti-tenantbuildingincludeoffice andwarehousing. SurroundingLandUses: North:Multiple-FamilyResidential East:Vacant South:Interstate94,LightIndustrial West:Vacant CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 2 ProjectDescription: Theapplicantswishtoestablisha7,916squarefootbaseballtrainingfacilitywithinthe 43,200squarefoot“MonticelloTechnologyCenter”building.Thetrainingfacility wouldoccupythesoutheastcornerofthebuilding.Noexteriormodificationstothe existingbuilding(precastconcrete)oroutdoortrainingactivitiesareproposed.The MonticelloWorkforceCenterwillremainatenantinthebuilding.Theapplicant proposestoutilizetheexistingparkinglotorientedonthesouthsideofthebuilding,with thenorthernparkingareacontinuingtoservetheWorkforceCenter. OrdinanceRequirements: Thecurrentzoningordinancelanguagedoesnotaccommodateindoorcommercial recreationintheIBCzoningdistrict.Indoorcommercialrecreationisapermittedusein theB-4,GeneralBusinessDistrictandtheCCD,CentralCommunityDistrict.Indoor commercialrecreationisalsoaconditionaluseintheI-1,LightIndustrialandI-2,Heavy IndustrialDistricts. ZoningtothenorthofthisareaisprimarilyR-3,withCCDtothenorthwestoftheIBC zone,andB-3tothewest.Landtothesouthofthisarea(acrossI-94)iszonedI-1.None ofthelandcurrentlyzonedIBCisaffectedbytheSpecialUseOverlayDistrict. ZoningOrdinanceAmendment: ApartofthisproposalisanamendmenttotheIBCdistricttocreateanallowancefor Entertainment/Recreation-IndoorCommercialbyConditionalUsePermit.Thisclause wouldmirrortheallowancesintheB-4,I-1,andI-2Districtswheretheuseisalready allowed.Thus,iftheordinanceamendmentisapproved,theevaluationofaConditional UsePermitrequestwillbebasedongeneralsiteandneighborhoodconditionsas specifiedinthezoningordinanceChapter2.4(D)andChapter5.2(F)[11]. Adraftordinanceamendingthezoningregulationstoaddindoorcommercialrecreation usesbyCUPisattachedtothisreportforconsideration. ConditionalUsePermitRequirements: Undertheproposedordinanceamendment,intheIBCDistrict,Entertainment/Recreation -IndoorCommercialisallowedbyConditionalUsePermit,subjecttothefollowing requirementswhichareapplicabletotheuseinanyzone,whetherpermittedor conditional(perSection5.2F[11]): (a)Noauctionsshalltakeplaceonthepremises. (b)Outdoorstorageshallbeprohibited. (c)NoiseshallbecontrolledconsistentwiththestandardsoftheOrdinance. CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 3 (d)Whenabuttingaresidentialuse,thepropertyshallbescreenedwithan aestheticbufferinaccordancewithSection4.1(G)oftheOrdinance. Inadditiontotheserequirements,thereareanumberofcriteriaforreviewConditional UsePermitsinChapter2.4(D)(4),asfollows: (e)ConditionalUsePermitCriteria ApprovalofaConditionalUsePermitapplicationrequiresthattheCityfindthat conditionscanbeestablishedtoensurethatallofthefollowingcriteriawillalwaysbe met: (i)Theconditionalusewillnotsubstantiallydiminishorimpairpropertyvalues withintheimmediatevicinityofthesubjectproperty; (ii)Theconditionalusewillnotbedetrimentaltothehealth,safety,morals,or welfareofpersonsresidingorworkingneartheuse; (iii)Theconditionalusewillnotimpedethenormalandorderlydevelopmentof surroundingpropertyforpermittedusespredominantinthearea; (iv)Theconditionalusewillnotposeanundueburdenonpublicutilitiesorroads, andadequatesanitaryfacilitiesareprovided; (v)Theconditionalusecanprovideadequateparkingandloadingspaces,andall storageonthesitecanbedoneinconformancewithCitycoderequirements; (vi)Theconditionalusewillnotresultinanynuisanceincludingbutnotlimitedto odor,noise,orsightpollution; (vii)Theconditionalusewillnotunnecessarilyimpactnaturalfeaturessuchas woodlands,wetlands,andshorelines;andallerosionwillbeproperly controlled; (viii)Theconditionalusewilladheretoanyapplicableadditionalcriteriaoutlinedin Chapter5fortheproposeduse. ConditionalUsePermitAnalysis: Asnoted,nooutdoortrainingactivitiesareproposed.Accordingtotheapplicants,the trainingfacilitywouldworkwithamaximumoftwogroupsofstudentsatatime(6total students)usingtwotrainers.Typically,therewillbelessthan10peoplewithinthe trainingfacility.Withamaximumof10personsinthefacilityatatime,theexistingoff- streetparkingsupplyinthesouthparkinglot(approximately60stalls)isexpectedtobe morethanadequate.However,theimpactofthesetypesofuseswithintheIBCare untested,andtherefore,staffhaveproposedaconditionlimitingthenumberofclientsat anyonetime. Trafficandotherimpactsonpublicfacilitiesisexpectedtominimal,muchlessthanthe buildingwasoriginallydesignedtocreate,andlessthanotherpermittedorconditional usesinthezoningdistricts. Inregardtonoisecontrol,nettingwillbehungontheceilingandwallstodeadenthe soundofthrownballs.Hittingactivitiesaretobeconductedwithasimulator.Whilethe CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 4 proposednetting(asameansofnoisemitigation)isconsideredpositive,itis recommendedthattheinternallayoutofthetrainingfacilitybearrangedsuchthatballs arenotthrownorhittowardanywallssharedwithadjacentofficeusetenants. Thereisanindividualsiteentrancetothesubjecttenantspace.Accessibilityforthis entrance,includinghandicapaccessibleparking,issubjecttothereviewandcommentof theDepartmentofBuildingSafety. Finally,theapplicantshavenotindicatedwhetherornotanynewsignageisproposed. AnynewsignagewillberequiredtomeettherequirementsoftheCity’ssignordinance andasignpermitwillberequired. PlanningCommissionRecommendation: ThePlanningCommissionwillreviewthisiteminaSpecialMeetingwithpublichearing priortotheregularCouncilmeetingonMay29th,2012.AreportontheCommission’s findingswillbepresentedtotheCityCouncilduringitsconsiderationofthisitem. A1.BudgetImpact:None. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:None. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: Decision1:AdoptOrdinanceNo.560establishingEntertainment/Recreation– IndoorCommercialasaConditionalUsePermitintheIBCzoningdistrict. 1.MotiontoadoptOrdinance#560establishingEntertainment/Recreation-Indoor CommercialasaConditionalUsePermitintheIBCzoningdistrict. 2.Motiontodenyamendmentofthezoningordinanceatthistime. Decision2:ApproveaConditionalUsePermitforEntertainment/Recreation– IndoorCommercialuseasaBaseballTrainingFacilityintheIBCzoningdistrictas requestedat406East7th Street. 1.MotiontoapproveaConditionalUsePermitforanindoorbaseballtraining facilityasproposedintheapplicationofMay8,2012,andasrecommendedin PlanningCommissionResolution#2012-051,contingentoncompliancewith thoseconditionsspecifiedinExhibitZ. 2.MotiontodenyapprovingaConditionalUsePermitforanindoorbaseball trainingfacility,basedonfindingstobemadebythePlanningCommission. CityCouncilAgenda:05/29/12 5 3.Motiontotableactionontherequest,pendingadditionalinformationasidentified bythePlanningCommissionandstaffreport. C.STAFFRECOMMNDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternative#1,subjecttoapprovalofthePlanningCommissionatthe publichearing.AdoptionofthezoningamendmentandapprovaloftheConditionalUse Permitarerecommended,basedonfindingsincludedinPlanningCommission Resolution#2012-051andcontingentontheconditionslistedinExhibitZ. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.Ordinance#560 B.PlanningCommissionResolution#2012-051 C.AerialImage D.ZoningMap E.IBCDistrictRegulations F.SitePlan G.FloorPlan H.ApplicantNarrative Z.ExhibitZ-ConditionsofApproval ORDINANCENO.560 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA ANORDINANCEAMENDINGTITLE10–MONTICELLOZONING ORDINANCEOFTHEMONTICELLOCITYCODE,TABLE5.1–USESBY DISTRICT TOINCORPORATEENTERTAINMENT/RECREATION,INDOOR COMMERCIALASACONDITIONALUSEINTHEINDUSTRIAL/BUSINESS CAMPUS(IBC)DISTRICT THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFMONTICELLOHEREBYORDAINS: Section1.Table5.1–UsesbyDistrict,Title10–ZoningOrdinanceisherebyamended withthefollowingadditionfortheIBCdistrict: Conditional:under“CommercialUses” Entertainment/Recreation,IndoorCommercial TABLE5-1:USESBYDISTRICT UseTypes “P”=Permitted “C”=Conditionally Permitted “I”=InterimPermitted BaseZoningDistricts Additional Requireme ntsA O R A R1 R 2 T N R3 M H B 1 B 2 B3 B4 CC D IB C I 1 I 2 CommercialUses Entertainment/Recreati on,IndoorCommercial P P C C C 5.2(F)(11) Section2.ThisOrdinanceshalltakeeffectandbeinfullforcefromandafteritspassage andpublication.TheordinanceinitsentiretyshallbepostedontheCitywebsite afterpublication.CopiesofthecompleteOrdinanceareavailableonlineandat MonticelloCityHallforexaminationuponrequest. ORDINANCENO.560 ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis29thdayofMay,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ____________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator VOTINGINFAVOR: VOTINGINOPPOSITION: CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA PCRESOLUTIONNO.2012–051 Date:May29th,2012ResolutionNo.2012-051 MotionBy:SecondedBy: ARESOLUTIONRECOMMENDINGAPPROVALOFACONDITIONALUSE PERMITFORENTERTAINMENT/RECREATION-INDOORCOMMERCIALINTHE “IBC”INDUSTRIALANDBUSINESSCAMPUSDISTRICT WHEREAS,CommercialRealtySolutionshasrequestedaConditionalUsePermitfora BaseballTrainingFacilityasanIndoorCommercialRecreationaluseat406East7th Street,legall describedatLots6,7,and8ofBlock2,LauringHillsideTerrace;and WHEREAS,thesubjectpropertyiszoned“IBC”,IndustrialandBusinessCampus;and WHEREAs,theIBCzoningdistrictallowsindoorcommercialrecreationalusesbyConditional UsePermit,providedtheuseisconsistentwithotherusesinthebuildingandarea,andmeetsthe requirementsoftheZoningOrdinanceforconsiderationofConditionalUsePermits;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionhasreviewedtheapplicationforConditionalUsePermit pursuanttotheregulationsoftheMonticelloZoningOrdinance;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionheldapublichearingonMay29th,2012onthe applicationandtheapplicantandmembersofthepublicwereprovidedtheopportunitytopresent informationtothePlanningCommission;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionhasconsideredallofthecommentsandthestaffreport, whichareincorporatedbyreferenceintotheresolution;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionoftheCityofMonticellomakesthefollowingFindings ofFactinrelationtotherecommendationofapproval: 1.Theapplicationisconsistentwiththe2008MonticelloComprehensivePlanforPlacesto Shop. 2.TheBaseballTrainingFacilitywillbecompatiblewithotherusesinthearea. 3.Theproposedindoorcommercialrecreationusewillmeetboththeintentandthespecific standardsofthezoningordinance. 4.Theuseiscompatiblewiththesurroundingusesandisnotexpectedtobedetrimentalto thehealth,safety,moralsorwelfareofpersonsresidingneartheuse. NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED,bythePlanningCommissionoftheCityof Monticello,Minnesota: 1.PursuanttoMinn.Stat.§462.357,theapplicationforConditionalUsePermitforIndoor CommercialRecreationisherebyrecommendedtotheCityCouncilforapproval. 2.TherecommendationforapprovalissubjecttothoseConditionsasfollows: (a)Indoororientationforthrownorbattedballsshallbedesignedtoavoidcontactwith commonwallsofothertenantspaces. (b)Paddingorotherwallprotectionshallbeutilizedtoavoidcontactwithcommonwalls whereactivityorientationisuncontrolledtominimize/avoidnoiseconflictswithother tenantspaces. (c)Capacityoftheoccupiedspaceshallbeamaximumof35personsincludingstaffand clientsatanyonetimetoavoidconflictswithothersiteuses.Utilizationbymore than35personsshallrequireanamendmenttotheCUP,andpotentiallyrequireother siteorbuildingimprovements. (d)TheCUPisforbaseballtrainingonlyandisapprovedduetotheuniqueattributesof theuseandtherepresentationsoftheapplicant.Othercommercialrecreationaluses shallrequireaneworamendedCUP. (e)Accessibilityforthetenantsite,includinghandicapaccessibleparking,issubjectto thereviewandcommentoftheDepartmentofBuildingSafety. (f)Outdoorbaseballtrainingactivitiesuponthesubjectpropertyshallbeprohibited. (g)SitesignageshallbesubjecttotherequirementsoftheCity’ssignordinanceandshall requireapplicationandapprovalofasignpermit. ADOPTED this29thdayofMay2012,bythePlanningCommissionoftheCityof Monticello,Minnesota. MONTICELLOPLANNINGCOMMISSION By:_______________________________ WilliamSpartz,Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ AngelaSchumann,CommunityDevelopmentDirector Consideration of a request for Text Amendment to allow Entertainment/Recreation —Indoor Commercial as a Conditional Use in an IBC (Industrial and Business Campus) District and a request for CUP for Entertainment/Recreation—Indoor Commercial Lots 6, 7, & 8, Block 2 Lauring Hillside Terrace, 406 E. 7th Street PID #: 155 -029-002060, 155-029-002070,155-029-002080 CHAPTER 3: ZONING DISTRICTS Section 3.6 Industrial Base Zoning Districts Subsection (C) Industrial and Business Campus District City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 117 (C) Industrial and Business Campus District Section 3.6 (C) IBC Industrial and Business Campus District The purpose of the “IBC” industrial business campus district is to provide for the establishment of limited light industrial business offices, limited light manufacturing, wholesale showrooms and related uses in an environment which provides a high level of amenities, including landscaping, preservation of natural features, architectural controls, and other features. Base Lot Area Minimum = 8,000 sq ft. Base Lot Width Minimum = 100 ft. Typical IBC Building Types Typical IBC Lot Configuration CHAPTER 3: ZONING DISTRICTS Section 3.6 Industrial Base Zoning Districts Subsection (C) Industrial and Business Campus District Page 118 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance TABLE 3-15: IBC DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS REQUIRED YARDS (in feet) [1] Max Height (stories / feet) Max Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Max Impervious (% of gross lot area) Front Interior Side Street Side Rear All Uses 50 30 50 40 2 stories 30 feet [2] (Reserved) (Reserved) [1]: When any yard abuts a zoning district other than I-1 or I-2, the setbacks for the abutting yard must be 50 feet. [2]: Multi-story buildings may be allowed as a conditional use pursuant to Section 2.4(D) contingent upon strict adherence to fire safety code provisions as specified by the International Building Code as adopted in Title 4, Chapter 1 of the Monticello City Code. Accessory Structures See Section 5.3(B) for all general standards and limitations on accessory structures. Additional Regulations In the IBC district, every effort shall be made to preserve natural ponding areas and features of the land to create passive open space. Other Regulations to Consult (not all inclusive) Section 3.3, Common District Requirements Section 3.6(B), Standards Applicable to All Industrial Base Zoning Districts Section 4.1, Landscaping and Screening Standards Section 4.5, Signs Section 4.8, Off-Street Parking Section 4.9, Off-Street Loading Section 4.11, Building Materials ExhibitZ–ConditionsofApproval IndoorCommercialRecreation BaseballTrainingFacilityat406East7th Street 1.Indoororientationforthrownorbattedballsshallbedesignedtoavoidcontactwith commonwallsofothertenantspaces. 2.Paddingorotherwallprotectionshallbeutilizedtoavoidcontactwithcommonwalls whereactivityorientationisuncontrolledtominimize/avoidnoiseconflictswithother tenantspaces. 3.Capacityoftheoccupiedspaceshallbeamaximumof35personsincludingstaffand clientsatanyonetimetoavoidconflictswithothersiteuses.Utilizationbymorethan35 personsshallrequireanamendmenttotheCUP,andpotentiallyrequireothersiteor buildingimprovements. 4.TheCUPisforbaseballtrainingonlyandisapprovedduetotheuniqueattributesofthe useandtherepresentationsofthe 5.Outdoorbaseballtrainingactivitiesuponthesubjectpropertyshallbeprohibited. 6.Accessibilityforthisentrance,includinghandicapaccessibleparking,issubjecttothe reviewandcommentoftheDepartmentofBuildingSafety. 7.SitesignageshallbesubjecttotherequirementsoftheCity’ssignordinanceandshall requireapplicationforsignpermit.