City Council Agenda Packet 03-12-2012AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,March12,2012–7p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:ClintHerbst CouncilMembers:LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf 1A.CalltoOrderandPledgeofAllegiance 1B.ProclamationofGirlScoutWeek(March12-17) 2A.ApprovalofMinutes–February27,2012SpecialMeeting 2B.ApprovalofMinutes–February27,2012SpecialJointMeeting 2C.ApprovalofMinutes–February27,2012RegularMeeting 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda 4.Citizencomments,publicserviceannouncements,andstaffupdates a.CitizenComments: b.PublicServiceAnnouncements: 1)MonticelloRecyclingDay(5/12) 2)MCCPrograms:PoolofGold(3/15)andMarchMadness5K(3/24) c.StaffUpdates: 5.ConsentAgenda: A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillsforMarch12th B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments C.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#554establishingregulationsallowingthe Sheriff’sDepartmenttoconductbackgroundchecksforcityemploymentand licenseapplicationsandSummaryOrdinance#554Aforpublication D.ConsiderationofratifyingappointmentstotheBertramChainofLakesAdvisory Council E.ConsiderationofapprovingaMemorandumofUnderstandingbetweenthe CountyofWrightandtheCityofMonticelloregardingtheYMCA/BertramLake RegionalParkProject SPECIALMEETING 6:15p.m.–W&SRateDiscussion F.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-024permittingXcelEnergyto installprivatesewerandwatersystemimprovements G.Considerationofreducingtheretainageforthe2011StreetReconstruction Improvements,CityProjectNo.11C001 H.ConsiderationofapprovingenhancementrequestsforGoodFridayandapolicy adjustmentofbenefiteligiblehoursforpart-timeemployees I.Considerationofapprovingpurchaseoftelevisionsanddigitalsignsoftware, includingtheinstallationofequipmentandsoftware,withfundingfromCable Commissionfranchisefeereimbursements 6.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 7.ContinuationofPublicHearing–ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#552approving amendmentstothe2012FeeScheduleforwaterandsewerrates 8.PublicHearing–ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-025approvingMinnesota DepartmentofNaturalResourcesOutdoorRecreationGrantapplicationforaproposed PhaseVPropertyAcquisitionattheBertramChainofLakesRegionalPark 9.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#547amendingMonticelloZoningOrdinance Section4.5asrelatedtoTemporarySignage.Applicant:CityofMonticello 10.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#553approvingrezoningfromI-2(Heavy Industrial)toB-2(LimitedBusinessDistrict)foraportionofLot1,Block2,Oakwood IndustrialPark(100ChelseaRd).Applicant:QuarryChurch 11.Addeditems 12.Adjournment CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 1 5A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforMarch12th (TK) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheattachedbillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedsincethelastCouncilmeeting. SubjecttoMNStatutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecks forpayment.ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunless directedotherwise. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillregisters,thesecanbeapprovedwith theconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfromconsentanddiscussed priortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillregistersforatotalamountof$494,517.19. 2.MotiontoapprovethebillregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters User: Printed:03/08/2012 - 8:35AM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00201.03.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2490 HARLAND CLARKE CHECK Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 3/6/12 (2) books - Deposit tickets 155.30 03/15/2012 101-41520-420300 155.30Check Total: Vendor:2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 3/6/12 Gradys - (1) glue spray 17.09 03/15/2012 601-49440-422110 3/6/12 Gradys - (1) 6 oz tear mender 9.61 03/15/2012 601-49440-422110 3/6/12 Gradys - (2) hinges 16.01 03/15/2012 601-49440-422300 3/6/12 Walmart - (1) camera 121.84 03/15/2012 101-43120-421990 3/6/12 Gradys - (1) nail air brad 9.07 03/15/2012 601-49440-422300 3/6/12 Gradys - (1) nail linoleum 2.34 03/15/2012 601-49440-422300 3/6/12 General Rental - alum side; alum cutter; roll holder; ect 52.37 03/15/2012 101-45201-422990 3/6/12 Home Dept - Pioneer Prk Bth (2) lights; (38) pc makita bit set 296.86 03/15/2012 101-45201-422300 3/6/12 Walmart - re-sale 59.49 03/15/2012 226-45127-425410 3/6/12 Walmart 24.00 03/15/2012 226-45127-421460 3/6/12 Walmart - (4) dawn soap 19.11 03/15/2012 226-45122-421100 3/6/12 Big Lake Lumber - (50) 24" coil; (2) 12' brickmold covers 715.12 03/15/2012 601-49440-422300 3/6/12 Cub - (6) table covers; (5) sets plates 52.86 03/15/2012 226-45127-421460 3/6/12 RAF Supply - (1) stereo w/cd play & charger 180.35 03/15/2012 226-45127-421720 3/6/12 RAF supply - credit due to reconditioned unit -50.00 03/15/2012 226-45127-421720 3/6/12 MN Rec - 3/1/12 "Legal Tools for a Healthier Future" K.B. 59.00 03/15/2012 226-45122-433200 3/6/12 Home Depot - bathroom door handle 31.98 03/15/2012 217-41990-422300 3/6/12 Union Speed - #204 - seat repair 480.16 03/15/2012 101-45201-422110 3/6/12 Gradys - (1) 1/2"xclose nipple 4.26 03/15/2012 226-45122-422990 3/6/12 Gradys - (1) cutter tube; (6) comprsn sleeves; ect 16.45 03/15/2012 226-45122-422990 3/6/12 Walmart - party room supplies 42.00 03/15/2012 226-45127-421460 3/6/12 Walmart - re-sale 11.03 03/15/2012 226-45127-425410 3/6/12 OfficeMax #1372 - (2) index maker lsr nopunch 8 60.47 03/15/2012 101-41520-420990 3/6/12 OfficeMax #1372 - (2) flipchart 66.24 03/15/2012 101-41310-420990 3/6/12 US Postal Serv - postage-budget books 11.35 03/15/2012 101-41520-432200 3/6/12 MN Society of CPAs - membership A.M. 245.00 03/15/2012 101-41520-443300 3/6/12 utx - Impark - Mpls parking for FNM meeting - T.K. 13.00 03/15/2012 655-49870-433100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/08/2012 - 8:35 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 3/6/12 utx - Engineer Supply Co - (1) Safco carrier strips 107.24 03/15/2012 101-43111-420990 3/6/12 utx - TimeClockSupplies.com - (2) Acroprint model 125-NR4 568.68 03/15/2012 655-49870-421990 3/6/12 Gradys - (6) copper tubes; (4) couples; (6) elbows 40.01 03/15/2012 217-41990-422300 3/6/12 Gradys - (2) adapters; (1) elbow 11.08 03/15/2012 217-41990-422300 3/6/12 U of M - 3/28/12 Best Practices-Corridor Mgmt Workshop - B.W. 50.00 03/15/2012 101-43111-433200 3/6/12 CoreNet Global 8/2-12/31/12 Membership - M.L.B. 283.32 03/15/2012 213-46301-443300 3/6/12 CoreNet Global - 2013 Membership - M.L.B. 849.96 03/15/2012 213-46301-443300 4,477.35Check Total: Vendor:2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 00004962633 Vanco Fitness Rewards February 2012 109.00 03/15/2012 226-45122-430700 00004964333 Gateway transaction fee February 2012 (1/2) 0.35 03/15/2012 601-49490-443980 00004964333 Gateway transaction fee February 2012 (1/2) 0.35 03/15/2012 602-49490-443980 109.70Check Total: Vendor:2546 WELLS FARGO BANK NA Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 3/2/12 FNM Series 2008 interest 147,111.46 03/15/2012 657-00000-101210 147,111.46Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 151,853.81 4 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/08/2012 - 8:35 AM)Page 2 User: Printed:03/07/2012 - 10:58AM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00202.03.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1006 ABM EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY LLC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 0131655-IN (4) 4" powerlock clamps 130.45 03/13/2012 602-49490-422100 130.45Check Total: Vendor:2820 CITY OF ALBERTVILLE Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False Haz Mat Train Haz Mat Training (2) firefighters - Cargill to reimb 765.00 03/13/2012 101-42200-431990 765.00Check Total: Vendor:2282 ALBIN ACQUISITION CORPORATION Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 0220125487S (1) liquor license background check 23.00 03/13/2012 101-41910-431990 0220125487S (2) background check 46.00 03/13/2012 655-49870-431990 0220125487S (1) background check 23.00 03/13/2012 226-45122-431990 92.00Check Total: Vendor:1026 AMERICAN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS INC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 1090599 Ordinance 543A 2/2 117.20 03/13/2012 101-41310-435100 1091123 1400 E Broadway 2/9; 2/16 151.02 03/13/2012 101-41910-435100 1091124 Shoreland 2/9; 2/16 201.36 03/13/2012 101-41910-435100 1091125 Temp Sign 2/9; 2/16 151.02 03/13/2012 101-41910-435100 1091127 CH 2 Amendment 2/9; 2/16 151.02 03/13/2012 101-41910-435100 1091316 Mature Lifestyles - senior living special tab section 2/19; 2/23 30.00 03/13/2012 226-45122-434990 1091486 EDA 2/9; 2/16 245.41 03/13/2012 213-46301-435100 1092381 2611 Red Oak Lane 2/16; 2/23 144.73 03/13/2012 101-41310-435100 1092382 Fee Schedule 2/16 91.56 03/13/2012 101-41310-435100 1,283.32Check Total: Vendor:1028 AMERIPRIDE LINEN AND APPERAL SERVICES Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 2200216304 17.60 03/13/2012 226-45122-441700 2200216304 60.65 03/13/2012 226-45122-431110 2200216304 12.04 03/13/2012 226-45122-441710 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2200218804 17.60 03/13/2012 226-45122-441700 2200218804 60.65 03/13/2012 226-45122-431110 2200218804 12.04 03/13/2012 226-45122-441710 180.58Check Total: Vendor:1036 APEC Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 117508 (14) filters; (48) poly pads 276.75 03/13/2012 226-45122-422990 276.75Check Total: Vendor:1038 APPERTS FOOD SERVICE Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 1696804 4.75 03/13/2012 226-45122-433300 1696804 (42) pk coffee 38.75 03/13/2012 101-41940-443990 1696804 71.39 03/13/2012 226-45127-421460 1696804 re-sale 490.72 03/13/2012 226-45127-425410 1697729 return - re-sale -33.75 03/13/2012 226-45127-425410 1697730 return- re-sale -52.75 03/13/2012 226-45127-425410 1700313 5.25 03/13/2012 226-45122-433300 1700313 68.86 03/13/2012 226-45127-421460 1700313 (42) pk coffee 37.77 03/13/2012 101-41940-443990 1700313 re-sale 397.68 03/13/2012 226-45127-425410 1,028.67Check Total: Vendor:1041 ARCTIC GLACIER INC Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 412205405 re-sale 42.04 03/13/2012 609-49750-425500 42.04Check Total: Vendor:2808 AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 24468 Well #3 - travel time not invoiced x/ref w/#24414; ck wiring;ect 468.00 03/13/2012 601-49440-431990 468.00Check Total: Vendor:1618 MEGAN BARNETT LIVGARD Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: True 2/1-2/15/12 Mileage -2/1 St Louis Pk & 2/7 St Paul; 2/7 & 2/15 meals 83.09 03/13/2012 101-46500-433100 2/1-2/15/12 utx - parking 2/7 St Paul 10.00 03/13/2012 101-46500-433100 93.09Check Total: Vendor:1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 72263200 19.80 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 72263200 1,027.90 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 72263200 180.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 72351900 12.10 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 72351900 795.80 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 2,035.60Check Total: Vendor:1066 BERNATELLO'S PIZZA INC Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 1354725 (28) pizzas 140.00 03/13/2012 226-45127-421460 1354725 re-sale - (32) pizzas 160.00 03/13/2012 226-45127-425410 300.00Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 134697 re-sale 12.60 03/13/2012 609-49750-425400 134697 re-sale 65.60 03/13/2012 609-49750-425500 134698 222.50 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 134701 6.40 03/13/2012 226-45127-421460 134701 re-sale 422.00 03/13/2012 226-45127-425410 137128 re-sale 108.60 03/13/2012 609-49750-425400 137129 65.25 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 137131 19.20 03/13/2012 226-45127-421460 137131 re-sale 918.00 03/13/2012 226-45127-425410 1,840.15Check Total: Vendor:2576 BIG LAKE LUMBER Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 1690 (1) front bumper assymb 240.47 03/13/2012 101-43120-422110 240.47Check Total: Vendor:2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 903606284 (1000) P5203 347.44 03/13/2012 656-49877-421800 347.44Check Total: Vendor:1079 BOYER TRUCKS ROGERS Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 108687R #107 - (1) asy-O tube; (1) I indicator 299.71 03/13/2012 101-43120-422110 299.71Check Total: Vendor:2047 BRIDGE WATER TELEPHONE COMPANY Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 665FNMT-S-12044 Voice - interconnet fees 2/13-3/12/12 425.77 03/13/2012 655-49860-430910 425.77Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1086 BURNHAM TREE EXPERTS Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 1542 Ellison Park - (1) Elm prune & haul debris 427.50 03/13/2012 224-46102-431990 427.50Check Total: Vendor:2286 KERRY BURRI Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 2/27/12 2/27/12 pizza for CC/PC/EDA mtg 33.46 03/13/2012 101-41110-443990 2/27/12 Mileage reimbursement - pizza 2/27/12 0.40 03/13/2012 101-41310-433100 33.86Check Total: Vendor:1098 CCG CONSULTING LLC Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 3020M 1/12 Bal 12/30/11 File Revisions to Interstate Access Tariff 500.00 03/13/2012 655-49870-431990 500.00Check Total: Vendor:1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 2/29/12 8000014331-5 68.52 03/13/2012 217-41990-438300 2/29/12 8000014331-5 108.33 03/13/2012 101-45201-438300 2/29/12 8000014331-5 637.90 03/13/2012 101-42200-438300 2/29/12 8000014331-5 2,714.26 03/13/2012 101-43127-438300 3,529.01Check Total: Vendor:1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 633008 utx - helium; freight 196.50 03/13/2012 226-45127-421460 633008 hazard material charge 4.50 03/13/2012 226-45127-421460 201.00Check Total: Vendor:2654 CENTURYLINK Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False R72010610612061 Intrastate access charges 3/1-3/31/12 600.00 03/13/2012 655-49860-430910 600.00Check Total: Vendor:1112 CINTAS FIRST AID AND SAFETY Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: False 470784739 Weekly bathroom cleaning 64.13 03/13/2012 609-49754-431100 64.13Check Total: Vendor:1123 CRABTREE COMPANIES INC Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 106811 3/21-12/31/12 Training Center Gate 1 for laserfiche support 781.40 03/13/2012 101-41920-430910 106811 1/1-3/21/13 Training Center Gate 1 for laserfiche support 156.32 03/13/2012 101-00000-155010 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 937.72Check Total: Vendor:1126 CUB FOODS - MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 2/25/12 re-sale 14.58 03/13/2012 609-49750-425500 2/25/12 re-sale 12.17 03/13/2012 609-49750-425500 2/25/12 12 pk charmin tissue; dog food; cat ltr 14.37 03/13/2012 101-42700-421990 2/25/12 (3) lysol spray; swiffer clothes; laundry detrg; ect 65.65 03/13/2012 101-42700-421100 2/25/12 re-sale 15.56 03/13/2012 609-49750-425500 2/25/12 (3) coffee; (2) pk ketchup 36.26 03/13/2012 101-43127-443990 2/25/12 (2) clorox wipes 5.75 03/13/2012 101-43127-421100 2/25/12 (4) klnx; (4) bx spoons; (6) bx forks; (1) soft tissue; ect 39.60 03/13/2012 101-43127-421990 2/25/12 re-sale 13.43 03/13/2012 609-49750-425500 217.37Check Total: Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: False 1015662 16,428.96 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 1015681 410.70 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 1015681 re-sale 125.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425400 1015707 11,558.83 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 1015707 re-sale 42.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425500 1015742 897.95 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 2859 539.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 2876 276.60 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 30,279.04Check Total: Vendor:1134 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 638965 2,282.15 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 638965 re-sale 21.50 03/13/2012 609-49750-425400 639924 530.35 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 2,834.00Check Total: Vendor:1140 DEX MEDIA EAST INC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 650957055 2/1-11/10/12 Buffalo White & Yellow; Buffalo lyp 1,850.21 03/13/2012 655-49870-434990 1,850.21Check Total: Vendor:2821 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 3/1/12 ZEDTMS - (18.5) hrs Professional services for February 2012 2,775.00 03/13/2012 213-46502-431990 3/1/12 ZEDTMS - Mileage reimbursement for February 2012 69.93 03/13/2012 213-46502-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2,844.93Check Total: Vendor:1157 EHLERS AND ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False COPY of 343276 TIF Dist1-22 Analysis - (see 12/31/11 & 1/1/12 J/E-2011 payable) 1,045.00 03/13/2012 213-46522-431990 1,045.00Check Total: Vendor:1793 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES INC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False MKN022312-1 (2) led beacon 2 levels of 8 diodes 332.71 03/13/2012 101-43120-422110 332.71Check Total: Vendor:1722 ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT & SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 9602 Sweep parts - (1) 600/FHD curtain set 449.20 03/13/2012 101-43120-422100 449.20Check Total: Vendor:1680 EPIC PRODUCTS INC Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 363503-IN 15.29 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 363503-IN re-sale 100.50 03/13/2012 609-49750-425400 363514-IN re-sale 69.75 03/13/2012 609-49750-425400 185.54Check Total: Vendor:2650 DWIGHT G ERICKSON Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 93341 Labor - #107 - modify tnk set; row TQ core 200.00 03/13/2012 101-43120-422110 93341 #107 - modify tnk set; row TQ core 915.00 03/13/2012 101-43120-422110 1,115.00Check Total: Vendor:1878 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False RR1103 (1) CB grate 260.78 03/13/2012 101-43130-422420 260.78Check Total: Vendor:1170 FASTENAL COMPANY Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False MNMON67818 West Bridge Park - (1) trempro 640/642 5GA 246.44 03/13/2012 101-45201-421650 MNMON67852 (2) clevis pins; (2) flng lk; (2) strips 6.33 03/13/2012 101-45201-422300 252.77Check Total: Vendor:1171 FEDERAL EXPRESS Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 7-792-31750 Recipient - Polcom Inc Tracy CA 9.72 03/13/2012 655-49870-432400 7-799-34121 Recipient - c/o Hazels Hol Spot Choice Log Carrollton TX 52.91 03/13/2012 655-49870-432400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 62.63Check Total: Vendor:1173 FERRELLAS-5646 Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False RNT4363784 Propane tank rental 2/8/12 - 2/7/13 38.48 03/13/2012 101-43127-441500 38.48Check Total: Vendor:1174 FINKEN WATER CENTERS Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 1921982 Cust #405689 March 2012 cooler rental - School Blvd 5.34 03/13/2012 655-49870-441500 1921992 Cust #405689 March 2012 cooler rental - 6th St 5.34 03/13/2012 655-49870-441500 1922002 Cust #405689 March 2012 keurig rental - 6th St 5.34 03/13/2012 655-49870-441500 1924752 Cust #401437 March 2012 cooler rental 10.15 03/13/2012 609-49754-441500 1930602 Cust #5232 March 2012 cooler rental 9.62 03/13/2012 217-41990-441500 1930622 Cust #5221 March 2012 cooler rental 5.34 03/13/2012 101-41940-441500 1930632 Cust #1064 March 2012 cooler rental 10.15 03/13/2012 226-45122-441500 92604TB Cust #5232 (3) 5 gal drinking water 17.85 03/13/2012 217-41990-443990 92647TB Cust #401437 (7) 5 gal drinking water 50.65 03/13/2012 609-49754-443990 92647TB Cust #401437 (4) 5 oz cups 14.96 03/13/2012 609-49754-421990 92649TB Cust #5221 (10) 5 gal drinking water 59.50 03/13/2012 101-41940-443990 92650TB Cust #1064 (2) 5 gal drinking water 11.90 03/13/2012 226-45122-443990 92650TB Cust #1064 (4) 5 oz cups 14.96 03/13/2012 226-45122-421990 92816TB Cust #405689 (2) 5 gal drinking water - 6th St 11.90 03/13/2012 655-49870-443990 94775TB Cust #405689 (4) 5 gal drinking water - School Blvd 23.80 03/13/2012 655-49870-443990 94803TB Cust #405689 (1) 5 gal drinking water - 6th St 5.95 03/13/2012 655-49870-443990 96501TB Cust #5232 (3) 5 gal drinking water 11.90 03/13/2012 217-41990-443990 96501TB Cust #5232 (1) 5 oz cups 3.74 03/13/2012 217-41990-421990 96541TB Cust #401437 (6) 5 gal drinking water 41.70 03/13/2012 609-49754-443990 96541TB Cust #401437 (2) 5 oz cups 7.48 03/13/2012 609-49754-421990 96543TB Cust #5221 (10) 5 gal drinking water 59.50 03/13/2012 101-41940-443990 387.07Check Total: Vendor:1177 FIRE INSTRUCTION RESCUE EDUCAT Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 08907 10/22 Haz Mat Operatns; 12/17/11 Haz Mat Tech (Cargill to reimb) 11,750.00 03/13/2012 101-42200-433200 11,750.00Check Total: Vendor:1179 FIRE SAFETY USA INC Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 50154 (4) Extrication glove; (4) suspender; (4) decal 323.80 03/13/2012 101-42200-421120 50154 utx - (1) 1 gal Diamondplate cleaner kit; (1) gal Plug N Dike 111.20 03/13/2012 101-42200-421990 435.00Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1186 FLEXIBLE PIPE TOOL COMPANY Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 15010 (1) packing kit; (1) valve kit 655.00 03/13/2012 602-49490-422100 655.00Check Total: Vendor:1194 G AND K SERVICES Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 1043117767 Floor mats 31.14 03/13/2012 217-41990-431900 1043119623 Floor mats 122.29 03/13/2012 609-49754-431900 1043122723 Floor mats 31.14 03/13/2012 217-41990-431900 184.57Check Total: Vendor:1201 RAYMOND J GLUNZ Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 677585 3/4/12 S. Rust 430.00 03/13/2012 651-49010-431150 731396 2/18/12 D. Sherritt 530.00 03/13/2012 651-49010-431150 731397 2/21/12 D. Dorf 500.00 03/13/2012 651-49010-431150 1,460.00Check Total: Vendor:1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True 34002 February 2012 10.87 03/13/2012 601-49440-422770 34002 February 2012 10.88 03/13/2012 656-49877-422770 21.75Check Total: Vendor:1591 GRADY'S ACE HARDWARE Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False 876299 Rack for hand weights - (3) elbows; (5) 1"x10' pipes; ect 73.47 03/13/2012 226-45127-424600 876765 Front Desk - (1) 16oz glue Titebond 2 18.15 03/13/2012 101-41940-422990 880024 (1) 3/8x36" rod thread 5.12 03/13/2012 602-49490-421990 880148 (1) 5x8 nylon flag 60.91 03/13/2012 101-45201-421650 880153 (1) plumb kit; (2) valves; (5) 1"x10" copper tubes 95.03 03/13/2012 601-49440-421990 880895 Chamber office - (2) ring sealant (returned - see 880959) 10.24 03/13/2012 101-45172-440100 880898 (1) corner brace; (1) silicone caulk 10.99 03/13/2012 601-49440-421990 880959 Chamber office - return ring sealants - see 880895 -10.24 03/13/2012 101-45172-440100 881254 (6) elbows; (1) valve ball 34.13 03/13/2012 601-49440-421990 881321 (2) adapters; (1) nylon bushing 10.55 03/13/2012 601-49440-421990 881323 (1) 12oz spray paint 4.26 03/13/2012 601-49440-421990 881326 Chamber office - (1) tub caulk silicone; (2) wallplate; ect. 11.06 03/13/2012 101-45172-440100 881328 (1) PVC tube; (1) couple; (2) slip joint washers 13.53 03/13/2012 101-45201-421650 881803 Chamber office - (1) toilet tank repair no siphon 15.49 03/13/2012 101-45172-440100 883778 return - (1) valve ball; relect numb & letters -18.36 03/13/2012 601-49440-421990 884112 West Bridge Park - (3) folding tbles; (4) flags; ect 328.01 03/13/2012 101-45201-421650 884456 (1) bolt extractor kit 16.55 03/13/2012 226-45122-422990 886054 (2) reducer couplings; (1) teflon tape 15.46 03/13/2012 101-42200-421990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 886510 (1) nail air brad 9.07 03/13/2012 601-49440-422300 886511 return - (1) nail air brad x/ref w/#886510 -9.07 03/13/2012 601-49440-422300 694.35Check Total: Vendor:2302 GRAND PERE WINES INC Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 28138 3.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 28138 300.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 303.00Check Total: Vendor:1206 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 136555 27.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 136555 1,152.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 1,179.00Check Total: Vendor:1217 RANDY HABERMAN Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: True 03/03/2012 Reimbursement - boiler's operator license 45.00 03/13/2012 226-45122-443700 45.00Check Total: Vendor:1750 HBC HIAWATHA BROADBAND COMM INC Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: True 6235 (25) hrs 2,262.50 03/13/2012 655-49870-431990 6235 Reimb postage (106) late notices 46.64 03/13/2012 655-49870-432200 6235 Mgmt Fee-includes video content mgmt & tech support services 5,224.25 03/13/2012 655-49870-431990 6235 Neustar porting fees 74.71 03/13/2012 655-49870-431990 6235 (2.75) hrs - LNP porting requests processed 206.25 03/13/2012 655-49870-431990 6235 1690 SUBS @ $2/SUB for use of OSS System 3,380.00 03/13/2012 655-49870-431990 6235 1690 SUBS @ $2.5 /SUB for billing services 4,225.00 03/13/2012 655-49870-431990 6235 Reimb Source One inv 2011 - "Do Not Call" and "MN Relay" inserts 53.44 03/13/2012 655-49870-421990 6235 Reimb 1/18/12 lunch w/Springsted - Manuel DeAngel 5.12 03/13/2012 655-49870-433100 6235 Reimb 1/26-1/27/12 mileage 156.64 03/13/2012 655-49870-433100 6235 Reimb Thawte Inc inv 2530132766 - 2 yr SSL Web Server Cert 349.00 03/13/2012 655-49870-430920 15,983.55Check Total: Vendor:1224 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 4440588 (60) arm touchpads; (500) mtr washers; (1) noz cap; ect 1,434.44 03/13/2012 601-49440-422701 4452677 (25) #21 gaskets 52.97 03/13/2012 601-49440-422701 4470625 (25) SR 5/8" full liner for bottom plate 53.48 03/13/2012 601-49440-422701 1,540.89Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1233 HIRSHFIELD'S INC Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 030203551 Pioneer Park - (1) gal wht; (1) 10pk 4" gold stripe 47.54 03/13/2012 101-45201-422300 47.54Check Total: Vendor:1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 02/18/2012 Motor fuel 38.06 03/13/2012 101-42200-421200 02/18/2012 Motor fuel 16.65 03/13/2012 101-42200-421200 02/18/2012 Motor fuel 38.40 03/13/2012 101-42200-421200 02/18/2012 Motor fuel 41.73 03/13/2012 101-42200-421200 02/18/2012 Motor fuel 30.00 03/13/2012 101-42200-421200 02/18/2012 Motor fuel 41.64 03/13/2012 101-42200-421200 02/18/2012 Motor fuel 34.63 03/13/2012 101-42200-421200 02/18/2012 Propane tank exchange 23.50 03/13/2012 101-42200-421990 02/18/2012 Motor fuel credit 1/28/12 - 2/14/12 -14.81 03/13/2012 101-42200-421200 249.80Check Total: Vendor:1244 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False 12021415 (5) 3/8" connecting nuts; (2) 1/2" union connectors 68.91 03/13/2012 226-45122-421610 68.91Check Total: Vendor:1752 ICBITS LLC Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 3775FIBER 5/1/12 - 4/30/13 Annual web hosting fee 300.00 03/13/2012 655-49870-430920 300.00Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 1237974 5.56 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 1237974 373.85 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 1237975 12.97 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 1237975 389.74 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 1240495 14.77 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 1240495 1,098.74 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 1240496 18.07 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 1240496 658.64 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 1243142 50.14 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 1243142 3,905.78 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 1243143 50.03 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 1243143 1,487.64 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 1243143 re-sale 59.95 03/13/2012 609-49750-425400 1243144 6.95 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 1243144 130.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1245423 26.41 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 1245423 703.30 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 527702 -10.33 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 527703 -1.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 527704 -5.50 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 8,975.71Check Total: Vendor:1266 KALTEC OF MINNESOTA INC Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 69504 utx - H.E. V.V.D.- (2) RAM Memory 100.00 03/13/2012 655-49870-421990 69510 March 2012 Host and Manage TLS Networking Phase I 479.87 03/13/2012 101-41920-430900 69511 March 2012 Monticello Air - Hosted air Control Server 108.99 03/13/2012 655-49860-430930 688.86Check Total: Vendor:2626 HARRY LANTTO Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: True 2/21/12 Planning Commission 2/21/12 50.00 03/13/2012 101-41910-431990 50.00Check Total: Vendor:1290 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 156586 4/26/12 Safety & Loss Control Workshop St Cloud - M.T. 20.00 03/13/2012 601-49440-433200 156600 4/26/12 Safety & Loss Control Workshop St Cloud - T.M. 20.00 03/13/2012 101-43120-433200 156601 4/26/12 Safety & Loss Control Workshop St Cloud - T.P. 20.00 03/13/2012 101-45201-433200 156602 4/11/12 Safety & Loss Control Workshop Brooklyn Pk - B.P. 20.00 03/13/2012 101-43110-433200 156604 4/26/12 Safety & Loss Control Workshop St Cloud - J.B. 20.00 03/13/2012 101-45201-433200 156604 4/26/12 Safety & Loss Control Workshop St Cloud - B.G. 20.00 03/13/2012 101-43110-433200 157973 4/11/12 Safety & Loss Control Workshop Brooklyn Pk - T.K. 20.00 03/13/2012 101-41520-433200 158612 4/11/12 Safety & Loss Control Workshop Brooklyn Pk - M.H. 20.00 03/13/2012 101-43120-433200 158612 4/11/12 Safety & Loss Control Workshop Brooklyn Pk - D.W. 20.00 03/13/2012 101-45201-433200 158612 4/11/12 Safety & Loss Control Workshop Brooklyn Pk - J.R. 20.00 03/13/2012 601-49440-433200 200.00Check Total: Vendor:1291 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 2/16/12 LMCIT Claim #C0012141 date of loss 1/27/12 1,000.00 03/13/2012 101-49240-436990 1,000.00Check Total: Vendor:1291 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 3/1/12 Claim no C0006059 date of injury 1/2/11 M.V. 540.56 03/13/2012 101-49240-436990 540.56Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1292 LEROY JOB TRUCKING INC Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 14524 (6) Animal charge 60.00 03/13/2012 101-42700-431990 60.00Check Total: Vendor:1296 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 48790 Plow parts - (2) large hole clevis; (2) pins; ect 192.87 03/13/2012 101-43125-422100 192.87Check Total: Vendor:1300 DOUGLAS WILLIAM LYSENG Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: True 1224 Replacement monitor; keyboard sets 559.00 03/13/2012 101-41920-420250 1224 PDF convertor 256.46 03/13/2012 101-41920-430910 1224 IT/Technical services 1/5-2/22/12 4,183.12 03/13/2012 101-41920-430900 1224 (2) barcode reader 470.25 03/13/2012 609-49754-421990 5,468.83Check Total: Vendor:1300 DOUGLAS WILLIAM LYSENG Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: True 1225 Computer serial # 03032012A - Tom Bose C167CH 1,314.22 03/13/2012 101-41920-424720 1225 Office 2010 Professional Edition (Retail single license) - Tom B 534.36 03/13/2012 101-41920-430910 1,848.58Check Total: Vendor:1303 M AMUNDSON LLP Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 126825 re-sale 22.20 03/13/2012 609-49750-425400 126825 re-sale 853.49 03/13/2012 609-49750-425500 875.69Check Total: Vendor:1386 M-R SIGN CO INC Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False 170309 (4) SNSFS 48"x09.00"; (20) SS18"x18" diaber 626.48 03/13/2012 101-43120-422600 170411 (2) SS72"x24" RECHIG100DEST 313.69 03/13/2012 101-43120-422600 170419 Bertram Park - (25) signs; (25) posts; (50) bolts; ect 599.84 03/13/2012 101-45201-422990 1,540.01Check Total: Vendor:2819 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 2/1/12 Labor Relations Services through 1/31/12 237.50 03/13/2012 101-41800-430400 237.50Check Total: Vendor:1229 MAJIRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: True 745 Monticello Air - creative services & 24x36 poster 191.63 03/13/2012 655-49870-421810 745 1/6/12 Meeting with I.M. re: billing inserts 21.25 03/13/2012 655-49870-431940 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 745 1/6/12 Marketing meeting with J.O. 127.50 03/13/2012 655-49870-431940 745 Monticello Times Ice Fishing Guide - creative fee - 2 ads 233.75 03/13/2012 655-49870-431940 745 Creative fee - 1/7/12 Upload tel subscriber notice to website 28.05 03/13/2012 655-49870-431940 745 Creative fee - 1/7/12 Change channel quide & upload to web 42.50 03/13/2012 655-49870-431940 745 Business cards - D. Wiebold - creative fee; (100) cards 60.12 03/13/2012 655-49870-421990 745 Jan UB insert - creative services; print/ship (4050) inserts 588.52 03/13/2012 655-49870-421810 1,293.32Check Total: Vendor:1308 MARCO INC Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 196900344 2/10 - 3/10/12 5,415.51 03/13/2012 101-41940-431900 5,415.51Check Total: Vendor:2025 MAYFLOWER DISTRIBUTING CO Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 2378262P balloons; placemats; plates 410.81 03/13/2012 226-45127-421460 410.81Check Total: Vendor:1318 JONATHAN CALEB MELLBERG Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: True 2/27/12 City Council meeting recording 2/27/12 80.00 03/13/2012 101-41110-431990 80.00Check Total: Vendor:1341 MMKR Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 30316 Progress billing - services completed through 1/31/12 4,300.00 03/13/2012 101-41540-430100 4,300.00Check Total: Vendor:1343 MN DEPT OF COMMERCE Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 1000017041 #6726 Indirect Assessment (phone) 4th Qtr FY 2012 23.31 03/13/2012 655-49870-443700 23.31Check Total: Vendor:1347 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False Lic #1C 1st Class C Engineer License 6/1/12 - 5/31/14 B Weldon 45.00 03/13/2012 226-45122-443700 45.00Check Total: Vendor:1369 MONTICELLO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 4361a Chamber lunch - Gov Dayton's office - Job Creation - M.B.L. 12.00 03/13/2012 101-46500-433200 12.00Check Total: Vendor:1392 MONTICELLO NAPA Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 508843 (1) fuel filter 11.57 03/13/2012 101-43127-422120 512203 (2) 5 min expoxy 11.86 03/13/2012 101-43127-421990 513877 #105 - (25) primary wires; (12) battery cable lugs 108.35 03/13/2012 101-43120-422110 513922 (1) white mix ration 1:1 58.35 03/13/2012 101-43127-421510 514058 (1) lacquer thinner 11.21 03/13/2012 101-43127-421510 514527 (1) vermillion mix ratio 1:1; (1) imp wod fin paper; ect 124.38 03/13/2012 101-43127-421510 514771 Stock - (2) eletron flashers 37.73 03/13/2012 101-43127-422110 514779 (1) rubber undercoat 10.39 03/13/2012 101-43127-421510 514951 #218 - (4) brake tail bulbs 69.04 03/13/2012 101-45201-422100 515558 #218 - (2) lamps; shop gates (1) syn amso grease 36.94 03/13/2012 101-43127-421990 479.82Check Total: Vendor:2512 MONTICELLO PLBG HTG AC LLC Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 121334 LP Labor & Materials - replace (3) toilets at station 1,160.00 03/13/2012 101-42200-440100 1,160.00Check Total: Vendor:1375 MONTICELLO PRINTING INC Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 2/1/12 Business cards - 8 names 70.16 03/13/2012 217-41990-421990 2/1/12 (500) letterhead w/perforation 127.61 03/13/2012 101-41940-420300 2/15/12 (38) Lifesaving Award certificats w/set-up 44.62 03/13/2012 101-42200-420300 2/23/12 (200) wine tasting tickets 74.87 03/13/2012 609-49750-425550 317.26Check Total: Vendor:1380 MONTICELLO VACUUM CENTER Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 61405 Labor/parts 43.79 03/13/2012 226-45122-440440 43.79Check Total: Vendor:2818 RUTH MORGAN Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 3/3/12 Refund membership - eligible for Silver Sneakers membership 74.85 03/13/2012 226-45122-347910 3/3/12 Refund membership - eligible for Silver Sneakers membership 28.07 03/13/2012 226-45122-347920 3/3/12 Refund membership - eligible for Silver Sneakers membership 7.08 03/13/2012 226-00000-208100 110.00Check Total: Vendor:1629 MP NEXLEVEL LLC Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: True 93496 Customer premise - 660 ft bored 1.25" duct; 1132 ft UO-1 pulling 4,859.80 03/13/2012 656-49877-431990 4,859.80Check Total: Vendor:1393 NBP NORTHERN BUSINESS PRODUCTS INC Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 418310-0 (6) pk index paper; (6) bx staples 84.52 03/13/2012 226-45122-420990 418310-1 (1) ct thermal rolls 58.25 03/13/2012 226-45122-420990 418442-0 (2) "copy" stamps; (1) stapler; (1) bx staples; ect 141.56 03/13/2012 101-41940-420990 418442-1 (2) "duplicate" stamps 12.95 03/13/2012 101-41940-420990 419710-0 (2) "draft" stamps; (10) binders 131.43 03/13/2012 101-41940-420990 422863-0 (2) 2 dsk bus crd hlder; (1) storage file 104.48 03/13/2012 101-41940-420990 422863-0 (80) rm copy paper 277.88 03/13/2012 101-41940-420300 423625-0 (12) clipboards; (6) view binders; (2) pk post-its; ect 160.88 03/13/2012 655-49870-420990 423625-0 (1) ct copy paper 42.74 03/13/2012 655-49870-420300 423625-0 (1) ct klnx 27.78 03/13/2012 655-49870-421990 423669-0 (2) bx index 8 tab 258.83 03/13/2012 101-41940-420990 425463-0 (3) rm xerox/dup 11x17 paper 24.01 03/13/2012 226-45122-420990 425463-0 (10) rm copy paper 34.74 03/13/2012 226-45122-420300 427076-0 (1) bx envelopes; (1) pk batteries; (2) dz perm markers; ect 164.91 03/13/2012 609-49754-420990 427076-0 (1) ct suckers 56.73 03/13/2012 609-49754-443990 427218-0 (4) ct thermal rolls 232.99 03/13/2012 609-49754-420990 C418442-1 return - (2) preink stamps -12.95 03/13/2012 101-41940-420990 C423625-0 return - (6) binders -56.21 03/13/2012 655-49870-420990 1,745.52Check Total: Vendor:1150 NCH CORPORATION Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 20548540 (185) GR5 tap bolts 249.93 03/13/2012 101-43127-421990 20552827 (18) heavy wall shrink tubes; (40) therma pods; ect 360.26 03/13/2012 101-43127-421990 610.19Check Total: Vendor:2082 NEUSTAR INC Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False M-10571704 SOW 1/1-1/31/12 4.09 03/13/2012 655-49870-431990 M-10571705 1/1-1/31/12 Local Number Portability charges 112.83 03/13/2012 655-49870-431990 116.92Check Total: Vendor:2134 NFL NETWORK Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 102437 NFL January 2012 872.32 03/13/2012 655-49860-430920 872.32Check Total: Vendor:1771 NICROS INC Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: False 02281205 (1) lead climbing rope 645.12 03/13/2012 226-45127-421710 645.12Check Total: Vendor:1402 NORTH SUBURBAN REG MUTUAL AID ASSOC Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 61 2011 and 2012 Membership dues 300.00 03/13/2012 101-42200-443300 300.00Check Total: Vendor:2492 NORTHLAND REFRIGERATION INC Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 6163 City Hall entry heater - labor/supplies (3) couplings; ect 464.02 03/13/2012 226-45122-440100 6168 Pool vac - labor/older new plus & made elec repairs 225.00 03/13/2012 226-45122-440800 689.02Check Total: Vendor:1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False 20146 General - PUD Ordinance 687.30 03/13/2012 101-41910-431990 20146 General - CCD Ordinance 3,194.66 03/13/2012 101-41910-431990 20147 ZQCSRZ - Quarry Church - Simonson's 485.51 03/13/2012 101-00000-220110 20148 2/21/12 Planning Commission meeting 150.00 03/13/2012 101-41910-431990 4,517.47Check Total: Vendor:1405 OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: False 233353 (1) dz legal pads; (2) pk 3x5 note; (2) pk batteries; ect 102.17 03/13/2012 101-43110-420990 233353 (2) rm 8x11 orange paper 25.63 03/13/2012 101-43110-420300 127.80Check Total: Vendor:1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: False 15727 (4) lamps 16.46 03/13/2012 602-49490-440440 15727 utx - freight 11.99 03/13/2012 602-49490-440440 44349 Motor model BF75 - 7 yr maint labor/supplies 1,729.99 03/13/2012 601-49440-440600 1,758.44Check Total: Vendor:2131 ONVOY VOICE SERVICES Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: True 120302010584 Voice - Wholesale Switching Services 911.06 03/13/2012 655-49860-430910 120302010584 Voice - Operator Services 173.36 03/13/2012 655-49860-430910 120302010584 Voice - Wholesale 800 Switched 309.64 03/13/2012 655-49860-430910 1,394.06Check Total: Vendor:2131 ONVOY VOICE SERVICES Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: True 120302008669 Voice - Dips services 1,417.33 03/13/2012 655-49860-430910 1,417.33Check Total: Vendor:1419 PAN O GOLD CO ST CLOUD Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: False 010004205516 re-sale 29.88 03/13/2012 226-45127-425410 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 29.88Check Total: Vendor:1421 PARK SUPPLY OF AMERICA INC Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: False 40512000 MCC showers & toilet seats - (17) shwr arms; (5) comm plast; ect 134.85 03/13/2012 226-45122-422100 40512001 (1) vac breaker; (1) shower arm; (2) tnk gaskets 54.16 03/13/2012 226-45122-422100 189.01Check Total: Vendor:1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: False 8339526-IN 12.50 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 8339526-IN 640.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 8340290-IN 7.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 8340290-IN 313.48 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 972.98Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: False 2199347 14.47 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 2199347 848.05 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 2199348 13.43 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 2199348 545.84 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 2201177 2.78 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 2201177 99.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 2201178 1.39 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 2201178 44.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 2202995 19.80 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 2202995 1,260.55 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 2202996 19.22 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 2202996 640.58 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 3477747 -1.39 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 3477747 -32.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 3,475.72Check Total: Vendor:1428 PINNACLE PUBLISHING LLC Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: False INV0164535 Monticello Feb 2012 TDS book# 038478 635.40 03/13/2012 101-41940-435200 INV0164546 Monticello Feb 2012 TDS book# 038478 406.80 03/13/2012 609-49754-434990 INV0164554 Monticello Feb 2012 TDS book# 038478 1,048.32 03/13/2012 655-49870-434990 2,090.52Check Total: Vendor:1440 PRO AG CORP CONSULTANTS INC Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: False 1421 Final 1/3 2011 Crop Consulting on Biosolids Application site 1,075.00 03/13/2012 602-49480-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 17 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1,075.00Check Total: Vendor:1442 PURCELL PLUMBING AND HEATING INC Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: False 830954 Chamber office - (1) toilet flex; (1) Kohler tank to bowl gasket 21.35 03/13/2012 101-45172-440100 21.35Check Total: Vendor:1444 QUALITY WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: False 576977-00 27.02 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 576977-00 787.37 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 576977-00 282.98 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 576977-00 re-sale 35.60 03/13/2012 609-49750-425500 579766-00 20.51 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 579766-00 717.18 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 579766-00 121.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 1,991.66Check Total: Vendor:1453 RECREATION SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: False 236222 (1) O-ring; (2) gaskets; (1) 2" valve spring 97.94 03/13/2012 226-45122-421610 97.94Check Total: Vendor:1455 RED'S MARATHON Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: False 2/28/12 FNM Gasoline 621.31 03/13/2012 655-49870-421200 621.31Check Total: Vendor:1472 SAFETY-KLEEN CORP Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: False 57091883 10g parts washer service - solvent 172.20 03/13/2012 101-43127-431990 172.20Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 107 ACH Enabled: True 3/15/12 Contract 1,520.13 03/13/2012 101-42700-431200 1,520.13Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 108 ACH Enabled: True 2/1-2/29/12 Mileage reimbursement 105.45 03/13/2012 101-42700-433100 105.45Check Total: Vendor:2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC Check Sequence: 109 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 18 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference W3449932 Security - 2/10/12 Knights of Columbus R1624 179.55 03/13/2012 226-45122-431992 179.55Check Total: Vendor:1361 SHRED IT USA INC Check Sequence: 110 ACH Enabled: False 0253895443 Document shredding 13.00 03/13/2012 101-43110-431990 0253901120 Document shredding 13.00 03/13/2012 101-41940-431990 0253901122 Document shredding 13.00 03/13/2012 655-49870-431990 39.00Check Total: Vendor:1487 CATHY SHUMAN Check Sequence: 111 ACH Enabled: True 3/5/12 Blaine C.H. - 3/5/12 Open Meeting Law/Data Privacy Seminar 42.18 03/13/2012 101-41310-433100 42.18Check Total: Vendor:2245 SIEMENS INDUSTRY INC Check Sequence: 112 ACH Enabled: False 1800019269 Sales tax on materials - refer to invoice 900574977 pd 2/14/12 106.01 03/13/2012 601-49440-431990 106.01Check Total: Vendor:1490 CYNTHIA R SIMPSON Check Sequence: 113 ACH Enabled: False 690638 Firehall cleaning 2/5-2/18/12 100.00 03/13/2012 101-42200-431100 100.00Check Total: Vendor:1497 SPECTRUM SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 114 ACH Enabled: False 217417 (1) case 2ply tissue 47.73 03/13/2012 101-41941-421990 217418 re-sale 102.22 03/13/2012 226-45127-425410 217418 (2) cs can liners; (1) 6/cs bleach; (2) cs wipes; ect 256.98 03/13/2012 226-45122-421100 217418 (1) cs sanitary napkins 26.06 03/13/2012 226-45122-421990 217418 (2) top lid swing 103.46 03/13/2012 226-45122-422990 217509 re-turn - (2) top lid swing -103.46 03/13/2012 226-45122-422990 217519 (2) 125/2's pain stoppers 16.91 03/13/2012 226-45122-421990 217650 return - (2) 125/2's pain stoppers x/ref w/#217519 -16.91 03/13/2012 226-45122-421990 432.99Check Total: Vendor:1937 CITY OF ST MICHAEL Check Sequence: 115 ACH Enabled: False 02152012-4 Haz Mat Training (4) firefighters - Cargill to reimb 2,138.23 03/13/2012 101-42200-431990 2,138.23Check Total: Vendor:1506 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 116 ACH Enabled: False 1859373 (2) bales 12# bags 36.26 03/13/2012 609-49750-443990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 19 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1859373 re-sale 42.17 03/13/2012 609-49750-425400 1859373 (1) case multifold towels 24.68 03/13/2012 609-49754-421990 103.11Check Total: Vendor:2485 BANK OF AMERICA TELEMUNDO Check Sequence: 117 ACH Enabled: False 409420 MUN2 January 2012 46.41 03/13/2012 655-49860-430920 409420 MUN2 Hispanic Tier January 2012 0.34 03/13/2012 655-49860-430920 46.75Check Total: Vendor:1520 MATT THEISEN Check Sequence: 118 ACH Enabled: True 2/22/12 (3) tool boxes 57.68 03/13/2012 601-49440-421990 57.68Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 119 ACH Enabled: False 318897 34.50 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 677142 12,732.55 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 678072 15,875.30 03/13/2012 609-49750-425200 28,642.35Check Total: Vendor:2614 TITAN MACHINERY Check Sequence: 120 ACH Enabled: False 9C04746 #117 - (1) latch; (1) spacer 31.54 03/13/2012 101-43120-422100 31.54Check Total: Vendor:2429 VERIZON WIRELESS Check Sequence: 121 ACH Enabled: False 2704079658 763-688-5387 2/21-3/20/12 26.02 03/13/2012 101-41920-432100 2704079658 763-688-5616; 763-688-5936 2/21-3/20/12 52.04 03/13/2012 101-43115-432100 2704079658 763-954-1070 2/21-3/20/12 37.19 03/13/2012 101-43120-432100 2704079658 763-954-1076 2/21-3/20/12 26.04 03/13/2012 101-43110-432100 141.29Check Total: Vendor:1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 122 ACH Enabled: False 25221931 re-sale 264.60 03/13/2012 609-49750-425400 87519 re-sale 250.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425400 514.60Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 123 ACH Enabled: False 52579-IN 5.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 52579-IN 265.17 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 20 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 52579-IN 136.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 406.17Check Total: Vendor:1863 WEST METRO BUICK-PONTIAC-GMC INC Check Sequence: 124 ACH Enabled: False 147873 '02 Chev K1500 - oil change (mileage 51342) 32.72 03/13/2012 655-49870-440500 32.72Check Total: Vendor:1570 BRUCE WESTBY Check Sequence: 125 ACH Enabled: True 1/18-3/2/12 Jan-Feb 2012 - personal vehicle mileage St Cld; Chanhassen; ect. 69.21 03/13/2012 101-43111-433100 1/18-3/2/12 Reimb City Engineers Assoc of MN 2012 annual dues 60.00 03/13/2012 101-43111-443300 1/18-3/2/12 Reimb City Eng Assoc of MN conference 1/25-1/27/12 Brooklyn Ctr 285.00 03/13/2012 101-43111-433200 414.21Check Total: Vendor:1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 126 ACH Enabled: False 292689-00 6.30 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 292689-00 360.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 293087-00 14.85 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 293087-00 1,148.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 1,529.15Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 127 ACH Enabled: False 398523 15.98 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 398523 1,024.50 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 1,040.48Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 128 ACH Enabled: False 707478 18.85 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 707478 1,620.88 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 707479 11.60 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 707479 648.83 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 710744 18.85 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 710744 1,518.32 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 710745 5.80 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 710745 339.75 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 854915 return x/ref w/#704387 -28.23 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 4,154.65Check Total: Vendor:2573 WOODLAND HILL VINEYARDS LLC Check Sequence: 129 ACH Enabled: False AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 21 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1207 306.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 306.00Check Total: Vendor:1657 WORLD CLASS WINES INC Check Sequence: 130 ACH Enabled: False 1719081 2.50 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 1719081 228.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 1724013 6.69 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 1724013 804.33 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 1724013 80.00 03/13/2012 609-49750-425300 1724025 5.31 03/13/2012 609-49750-433300 1724025 421.17 03/13/2012 609-49750-425100 1,548.00Check Total: Vendor:1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 131 ACH Enabled: True Patrol-12-3 March 2012 94,763.50 03/13/2012 101-42100-430500 94,763.50Check Total: Vendor:1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER Check Sequence: 132 ACH Enabled: False I201200000018 A-1193871 Key Land Homes Condititonal Use Proceed 46.00 03/13/2012 101-41910-431990 I201200000018 A-1193872 Sunny Fresh Foods Inc Condititonal Use Proceed 46.00 03/13/2012 101-41910-431990 I201200000018 A-1193873 Sell Real Estate Hdgs LLC Condititonal Use Proceed 46.00 03/13/2012 101-41910-431990 I201200000018 A-1194506 Sunset Ponds LLC Development Agreement 46.00 03/13/2012 101-41910-431990 I201200000018 A-1194858 Samuel Properties & Const Inc Conditional Use Proceed 46.00 03/13/2012 101-41910-431990 230.00Check Total: Vendor:2810 WRIGHT COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES Check Sequence: 133 ACH Enabled: False ICS 300 Registr PHEP-NIMS 300 Course - 2/29-3/2/12 R.H.; B.P 200.00 03/13/2012 101-41800-431960 200.00Check Total: Vendor:1583 WRIGHT HENNEPIN COOP ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 134 ACH Enabled: False 2/27/12 HADCO lights @ East 7th St 357.75 03/13/2012 101-43160-431900 357.75Check Total: Vendor:1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 135 ACH Enabled: False 1010000173 General - TH 25 342.50 03/13/2012 101-43111-430300 1010000173 General - proj mgmt/coord - Kjellberg 484.00 03/13/2012 101-43111-430300 1010000173 General - plan review - TH 25 822.00 03/13/2012 101-43111-430300 101009075 State Aid Network - general - 2011 certification of mileage 49.50 03/13/2012 101-43111-430300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 22 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 101009075 State Aid Network - proj mgmt/coord - review 2012 changes 121.00 03/13/2012 101-43111-430300 10102701132 10C010 - Monticello Maps - general 160.50 03/13/2012 400-43300-459010 10102701132 10C010 - Monticello Maps - proj mgmt/coord 363.00 03/13/2012 400-43300-459010 10102701132 10C010 - Monticello Maps - drawings/layouts 428.00 03/13/2012 400-43300-459010 148847046 Prairie Rd Reconstruction - as-builts (no proj per A.M.) 158.00 03/13/2012 101-43111-430300 148847046 Prairie Rd Reconstruction - mylar reproductns (no proj per A.M.) 141.90 03/13/2012 101-43111-430300 149437020 10C005 - NE Quad 25/75 Tran Analysis -Ph 3 Const-proj mgmt/coord 181.50 03/13/2012 400-43300-459010 149437020 10C005 - NE Quad 25/75 Tran Analysis -Ph 3 Const-pay voucher 72.00 03/13/2012 400-43300-459010 149442015 11C001 -2011 Street Reconst - Ph 3 - proj mgmt/coord 665.50 03/13/2012 400-43300-459010 149442015 11C001 -2011 Street Reconst - Ph 3 - meetings 363.00 03/13/2012 400-43300-459010 149442015 11C001 -2011 Street Reconst - Ph 3 - pay voucher 132.50 03/13/2012 400-43300-459010 149442015 11C001 -2011 Street Reconst - Ph 3 - as-builts 60.50 03/13/2012 400-43300-459010 149442015 11C001 -2011 Street Reconst - Ph 4 - drawings/layouts 316.00 03/13/2012 400-43300-459010 149448011 ZRCFOS - Fallon Overpass Prelimin Design - proj mgmt/coord 548.00 03/13/2012 101-43111-430300 14945601 ZEDTMS - Embracing Downtown - proj mgmt/coord 629.00 03/13/2012 213-46301-431990 14945601 ZEDTMS - Embracing Downtown - drawings/layouts 749.00 03/13/2012 213-46301-431990 16273207 Monti Wetland LGU - environmental documents 74.75 03/13/2012 101-43111-430300 16275107 Z7STEX - 7th St Ext - proj mgmt/coord 439.50 03/13/2012 101-43111-430300 16275107 Z7STEX - 7th St Ext - quantity/cost opinion 302.50 03/13/2012 101-43111-430300 16275107 Z7STEX - 7th St Ext - meetings 121.00 03/13/2012 101-43111-430300 7,725.15Check Total: Vendor:1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 136 ACH Enabled: False 2/16/12 51-6505909-4 114.19 03/13/2012 217-41990-438100 2/17/12 51-6505912-9 48.34 03/13/2012 101-42700-438100 2/17/12 51-9069641-8 1,397.02 03/13/2012 655-49870-438100 2/20/12 51-9348896-7 255.51 03/13/2012 101-41940-438100 2/20/12 51-9391437-3 207.50 03/13/2012 101-41941-438100 2/20/12 51-6505913-0 453.06 03/13/2012 101-42200-438100 2/20/12 51-0238874-9 99.48 03/13/2012 101-43160-438100 2/20/12 51-0238890-9 109.22 03/13/2012 101-43160-438100 2/20/12 51-7780310-4 69.12 03/13/2012 101-41940-438100 2/20/12 51-6505910-7 1,445.52 03/13/2012 609-49754-438100 2/20/12 51-6505911-8 1,816.48 03/13/2012 101-41940-438100 2/20/12 51-6505911-8 7,888.72 03/13/2012 226-45122-438100 2/20/12 51-6505911-8 467.10 03/13/2012 101-42800-438100 2/20/12 51-6505911-8 207.60 03/13/2012 101-42800-438100 2/20/12 51-4271112-2 832.36 03/13/2012 211-45501-438100 2/28/12 51-6505907-2 135.91 03/13/2012 101-43140-438100 2/28/12 51-6505916-3 13,829.82 03/13/2012 101-43160-438100 2/28/12 51-6505908-3 18.36 03/13/2012 101-42500-438100 2/29/12 51-6505905-0 5,655.02 03/13/2012 601-49440-438100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 23 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 35,050.33Check Total: Vendor:1679 ZEP SALES AND SERVICE Check Sequence: 137 ACH Enabled: False 57441521 (1) dz zep 2000; (1) dz zep 75 184.86 03/13/2012 101-43127-421600 184.86Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 340,520.17 137 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/07/2012 - 10:58 AM)Page 24 User: Printed:03/01/2012 - 9:56AM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00203.03.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1345 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False Plan Review 11C006 - Swimming Pool plan review 600.00 03/01/2012 226-45122-453010 600.00Check Total: Vendor:1348 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False Plan Review 11C006 - Plumbing plan review 150.00 03/01/2012 226-45122-453010 150.00Check Total: Vendor:1366 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False Sign Permits (2) temp sign permits - Pioneer Pk; WWTP 70.00 03/01/2012 101-41940-443700 70.00Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 2193374 11.12 03/01/2012 609-49750-433300 2193374 1,057.09 03/01/2012 609-49750-425100 1,068.21Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 1,888.21 4 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (03/01/2012 - 9:56 AM)Page 1 User: Printed:02/24/2012 - 2:24PM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00205.02.2012 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 2/6/12 Elections Workshop 3/20/12 C.S. 255.00 02/20/2012 101-41310-433200 255.00Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 255.00 1 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (02/24/2012 - 2:24 PM)Page 1 CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 1 5B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Laura Gifford Certified Group Fitness Instructor MCC 2/23 PT Tim Alberts Liquor Store Clerk Liquor Store 3/2 PT Name Reason Department Last Day Class Ramon Skillingstad Voluntary Liquor Store 2/17 PT Brian Rousselow Voluntary Parks 3/2 PT Eileen Pitel Voluntary MCC 2/17 PT NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Book1: 3/8/2012 CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 1 5C.ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#554establishingTitle1,Chapter8regulating criminalhistorybackgroundinvestigationsandadoptingOrdinance#554Afor summarypublication (JO/CS/TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityStaffisrequestingthatCounciladoptOrdinance#554whichwouldestablishanew Chapter8underTitle1oftheCityCode,whichwouldregulatebackgroundchecksthat needtobeconductedbytheWrightCountySheriff’sOffice,mainlyforlicensing purposes.ThiswasbroughttotheattentionoftheCitybytheSheriff’sOfficewhenthe Sheriffwasaskedtosignoffonapawnlicenserenewal.Attachedisanexcerptfromthe LeagueofMNCitiesrelatingtocriminalhistorybackgroundchecks. DuetoachangeinMinnesotastatutes,anordinancemustbeinplacetoallowthe Sheriff’sOfficetoaccesstheMinnesotaBureauofCriminalApprehension’s computerizedCriminalHistorydatabase.SincetheCitycontractswiththeSheriff’s Departmenttoprovidepoliceservices,aCityordinanceshouldbeadoptedthat establishesregulationsforconductingcriminalhistorybackgroundchecksthroughthe CriminalJusticeDataNetwork(CJDN).JoelJamnikdraftedanordinancethatcovers bothemploymentandlicensingbackgroundchecksandincludesthenecessarylanguage tocomplywithstatestatutesandBCArequirements. TheCityisrequiredtoconductbackgroundinvestigationsforsomeofthelicenseswe issue,suchasliquorlicenses(newandrenewal),pawnbrokers(new),transientmerchants (new)andafewothermiscellaneousbusinesslicenses.Wehavebeenrunningthese throughtheSheriff’sOfficeuptothispointintime.InorderforCitystafftocontinue thisrequiredprocess,itisrecommendedthatCounciladoptthenewordinanceas proposed.Wealsorecommendadoptionofthesummaryordinancewhichwouldsave theCitymoneyinpublishingcosts. Atthistime,theCitydoesnotasktheSheriff’sDepartmenttocompletecriminalhistory investigationsforemployment.Allapplicants,age18andolder,whoareoffered employmentwiththecityhaveabackgroundcheckperformedthroughourHuman Resourcesdepartment.However,thisordinancewouldgranttheauthoritytohavea backgroundcheckperformedthroughtheBCA’sCJDN,ifnecessary. A1.BudgetImpact:MinimalcostsfortheCityAttorneytodrafttheordinance languageandforpublishingthesummaryordinance.TheCitycollectsfeeswith thelicenseapplicationstocoverthecostofrequiredbackgroundchecks. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Minimal,aswealreadywereconductingbackground checks.Thisordinanceputsusincompliancewithstaterequirements. CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 2 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptOrdinance#554establishingTitle1,Chapter8intheMonticello CityCoderegulatingcriminalhistorybackgroundinvestigationsandadopting Ordinance#554Aforsummarypublication. 2.MotiondenyingadoptionofOrdinance#554atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffsupportsAlternative#1.Pleasenotethatadoptionofasummaryordinance requiresa4/5th approvalbyCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ProposedOrdinanceNo.554–CriminalHistoryBackgroundInvestigations SummaryOrdinanceNo.554A LMCexcerptprovidedtoCitystaffregardingcriminalhistorychecks ORDINANCENO.554 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA ANORDINANCERELATINGTOCRIMINALHISTORY BACKGROUNDINVESTIGATIONSFORAPPLICANTSFOR CITYEMPLOYMENTANDCITYLICENSES THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFMONTICELLO,MINNESOTAORDAINS: SECTION1.TheMonticelloCityCodeshallbeamendedbyaddingnewChapter8to Title1toreadasfollows: CHAPTER8 CRIMINALHISTORYBACKGROUNDINVESTIGATIONS SECTION2.TheMonticelloCityCodeshallbeamendedbyaddingthefollowing sectionstonewChapter8ofTitle1toreadasfollows: SECTION: 1-8-1:Purpose 1-8-2:EmploymentBackgroundInvestigations 1-8-3:LicenseBackgroundInvestigations 1-8-1:PURPOSE:Thepurposeandintentofthissectionistoestablishregulationsthat willallowlawenforcementaccesstoMinnesota’sComputerizedCriminalHistory informationforspecifiednon-criminalpurposesofemploymentbackground checksforthepersonsappointedbytheCitytoanypositionofemployment, includingvolunteerpositions,andforlicensingbackgroundchecks. 1-8-2:EMPLOYMENTBACKGROUNDINVESTIGATIONS:TheWrightCounty Sheriff’sDepartmentisherebyauthorized,astheexclusiveentitywithintheCity, todoacriminalhistorybackgroundinvestigationonapplicantsforvolunteer positionsandregularpart-timeorfull-timeemployeesoftheCityofMonticello andotherpositionsthatarerequiredbylaw,workwithchildrenorvulnerable adults,orthatareresponsibleforthemanagementordisbursementofpublic funds,unlesstheCity’shiringauthorityconcludesthatabackgroundinvestigation isnotneeded. Inconductingthecriminalhistorybackgroundinvestigationinordertoscreen employmentapplicants,theWrightCountySheriff’sDepartmentisauthorizedto accessdatamaintainedintheMinnesotaBureauofCriminalApprehensions ComputerizedCriminalHistoryinformationsysteminaccordancewithBCA ORDINANCENO.554 policy.AnydatathatisaccessedandacquiredshallbemaintainedattheWright CountySheriff’sDepartmentunderthecareandcustodyofthechieflaw enforcementofficialorhisorherdesignee.Asummaryoftheresultsofthe ComputerizedCriminalHistorydatamaybereleasedbytheWrightCounty Sheriff’sDepartmenttothehiringauthority,includingtheCityCouncil,theCity Administrator,orotherCitystaffinvolvedinthehiringprocess. Beforetheinvestigationisundertaken,theapplicantmustauthorizetheWright CountySheriff’sDepartmentbywrittenconsenttoundertaketheinvestigation. ThewrittenconsentmustfullycomplywiththeprovisionsofMinn.Stat.Chap. 13regardingthecollection,maintenanceanduseoftheinformation.Exceptfor thepositionssetforthinMinnesotaStatutesSection364.09,theCitywillnot rejectanapplicantforemploymentonthebasisoftheapplicant’spriorconviction unlessthecrimeisdirectlyrelatedtothepositionofemploymentsoughtandthe convictionisforafelony,grossmisdemeanor,ormisdemeanorwithajail sentence.IftheCityrejectstheapplicant'srequestonthisbasis,theCityshall notifytheapplicantinwritingofthefollowing: 1.Thegroundsandreasonsforthedenial. 2.Theapplicantcomplaintandgrievanceproceduresetforthin MinnesotaStatutesSection364.06. 3.Theearliestdatetheapplicantmayreapplyforemployment. 4.Thatallcompetentevidenceofrehabilitationwillbeconsidered uponreapplication. 1-8-3:LICENSEBACKGROUNDINVESTIGATIONS:TheWrightCountySheriff’s Departmentisherebyauthorized,astheexclusiveentitywithintheCity,todoa criminalhistorybackgroundinvestigationonapplicantsforCitypermits,licenses, andotherapprovalsunderthisTitleorotherprovisionsofstatelaworCityCode; unlesstheCity’slicensingauthorityconcludesthatabackgroundinvestigationis notneeded. Inconductingthecriminalhistorybackgroundinvestigationinordertoscreen licenseapplicants,theWrightCountySheriff’sDepartmentisauthorizedto accessdatamaintainedintheMinnesotaBureauofCriminalApprehensions ComputerizedCriminalHistoryinformationsysteminaccordancewithBCA policy.AnydatathatisaccessedandacquiredshallbemaintainedattheWright CountySheriff’sDepartmentunderthecareandcustodyofthechieflaw enforcementofficialorhisorherdesignee.Asummaryoftheresultsofthe ComputerizedCriminalHistorydatamaybereleasedbytheWrightCounty Sheriff’sDepartmenttothelicensingauthority,includingtheCityCouncil,the CityAdministrator,orotherCitystaffinvolvedthelicenseapprovalprocess. ORDINANCENO.554 Beforetheinvestigationisundertaken,theapplicantmustauthorizetheWright CountySheriff’sDepartmentbywrittenconsenttoundertaketheinvestigation. ThewrittenconsentmustfullycomplywiththeprovisionsofMinn.Stat.Chap. 13regardingthecollection,maintenanceanduseoftheinformation.Exceptfor thepositionssetforthinMinnesotaStatutesSection364.09,theCitywillnot rejectanapplicantforalicenseonthebasisoftheapplicant’spriorconviction unlessthecrimeisdirectlyrelatedtothelicensesoughtandtheconvictionisfora felony,grossmisdemeanor,ormisdemeanorwithajailsentence.IftheCity rejectstheapplicant'srequestonthisbasis,theCityshallnotifytheapplicantin writingofthefollowing: 1.Thegroundsandreasonsforthedenial. 2.Theapplicantcomplaintandgrievanceproceduresetforthin MinnesotaStatutesSection364.06. 3.Theearliestdatetheapplicantmayreapplyforthelicense. 4.Thatallcompetentevidenceofrehabilitationwillbeconsidered uponreapplication. Section3.ThisOrdinanceshalltakeeffectandbeinfullforcefromandafterits passageandpublication.Theordinanceinitsentiretyshallbepostedon theCitywebsiteafterpublication.CopiesofthecompleteOrdinanceare availableonlineandatMonticelloCityHallforexaminationupon request. ADOPTEDANDAPPROVEDFORPUBLICATIONBY theCityCounciloftheCityof Monticello,Minnesota,this12thdayofMarch,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator VOTINGINFAVOR: VOTINGINOPPOSITION: SUMMARYORDINANCENO.554A CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA ANORDINANCERELATINGTOCRIMINALHISTORY BACKGROUNDINVESTIGATIONSFORAPPLICANTSFOR CITYEMPLOYMENTANDCITYLICENSES NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN that,onMarch12,2012,OrdinanceNo.554was adoptedbytheCityCounciloftheCityofMonticello,Minnesota.Duetothelengthy natureofOrdinanceNo.554,thefollowingsummaryoftheordinancehasbeenprepared forpublicationasauthorizedbystatelaw. TheordinanceadoptedbytheCouncilamendstheCityCodetoprovidefor criminalhistorybackgroundinvestigationspriortoappointingemployeesorvolunteersto certaincitypositionsorbeforegrantingcertaincitylicenses,permitsorapprovalsto personsconductingcertainbusinesseswithintheCity,includingliquorlicensees.The ordinanceisrequiredfortheCitytoconductcriminalhistorybackgroundchecksina mannerconsistentwithrequirementsinstatelaw,andtohavetheWrightCountySheriff accessstatecriminalhistoryrecordsfornon-criminalinvestigationpurposes.Provisions includenoticetothepersonbeinginvestigatedandproceduresifadverseappointmentor licensingdecisionsaremadebasedontheresultsoftheinvestigation. Aprintedcopyofthewholeordinanceisavailableforinspectionbyanypersonduring theCity’sregularofficehours.ThecompleteordinancewillbepostedontheCity’s websitefollowingpublication. APPROVEDFORPUBLICATION bytheCityCounciloftheCityof Monticello,Minnesota,this12th dayofMarch,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: JeffO’NeillCityAdministrator VOTINGINFAVOR: VOTINGINOPPOSITION: CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 1 5D.ConsiderationofratifyingappointmentstotheBertramChainofLakesAdvisory Council (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoratifyappointmentstotheBertramChainofLakesAdvisory Council,whichweremadeduringtheirlastregularmeetingonMarch3rd,2012. TheCouncilratifiesappointmentstotheBertramChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncilin recognitionoftheAdvisoryCouncil’srecommendingroleasrelatedtothepark.The CityCouncilandCountyBoardofCommissionershavefullauthorityinformaldecisions pertainingtothepark.Thefullrepresentativemake-upoftheAdvisoryCouncilis attachedforreference. Twoat-largeCountyresidentpositionswereopenasaresultoftheresignationofLarry Hance(healthreasons)andthereplacementofJaniceBergstrombyMartynDibbenasthe WrightCountyParksBoardrepresentative.Mr.Dibbenhadbeenservingintheat-large position,whichwiththenewappointmentlefthisat-largeseatopen. Fourapplicationswerereceivedforthetwopositionopenings.TheAdvisoryCouncil recommendsappointmentofTomJahnkeandJimHayestofillthepositions.Mr.Jahnke residesinBuffaloandMr.HayesisaresidentofMapleLake. A1.BudgetImpact:None. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:None. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveappointmentofTomJahnkeandJimHayestotheBertram ChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncil. 2.MotiontodenyratifyingappointmentstotheBertramChainofLakesAdvisory Council. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffandtheBertramChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncilrecommendAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.BertramChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncilDetail B.BertramChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncilApplications C.CityCouncilAgenda,4/13/09 D.CityCouncilMinutes,4/13/09 Bertram Chain of Lakes Vision to Reality The mission of Wright County and the City of Monticello is to acquire, develop, operate, and maintain the Bertram Chain of Lakes as a regional park and recreation area which enriches the quality of life for our residents and visitors alike, and preserves a natural resource for future generations. Advisory Council Planning Mission The public will be the primary driving force behind the master planning proc- ess for the Bertram Chain of Lake Regional Park. The Master Plan will be a dynamic, evolving document that will be the direct outcome of the site and resource analysis and the public participation process. Advisory Council Master Planning Objectives Public involvement in the process will come from a series of public meetings and the Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council. The Master Plan will consider the history of the area, setting, needs of sur- rounding communities and citizens, natural and cultural resources of the site, and reclamation issues. The Master Plan will provide for outdoor recreation opportunities for the public, resource management to ensure the continued protection and en- hancement of the natural setting, and include restoration appropriate to the park and its environment. To ensure consistency with County and City planning objectives, policies and implementation, the planning process will include County and City staff. Advisory Council Guidelines Suggestions from the public involvement process will be reviewed by the Council to determine how they meet the vision of the park and how they can be incorporated into the master plan. The Council will communicate to the public the decisions made, the process used, financial impacts and how public input affected these decisions. The park service area within Wright County will be used as the notification radius used to inform the public of events, meetings, proposed development, and master plan review and to invite their participation. The Council will provide policy makers the input received from the public process, as well as trends, survey findings, financial impacts and other infor- mation in a timely manner so that they may make informed decisions. Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Advisory Council Structure 2 Monticello City Council Members 2 Wright County Commissioners 1 Wright County Parks Advisory Board Members 1 Monticello City Parks Commission Members 2 Citizens at Large 1 Monticello Township Officer 1 Monticello School District Representative 1 Monticello Community Center Advisory Board CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 1 5E.ConsiderationofapprovingaMemorandumofUnderstandingbetweentheCountyof WrightandtheCityofMonticelloregardingtheYMCA/BertramLakeRegionalPark Project.(AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoratifytheformalMemorandumofUnderstandingbetween theCountyofWrightandtheCityofMonticelloregardingtheYMCA/BertramLake RegionalParkProject. Thisagreementwasdirectedfordevelopmentin2006bytheCityCouncil,concurrent withactionrelatedtodevelopmentofaletterofintenttopurchasetheYMCACamp Manitouproperty.Recentresearchonthisdocumentrevealedthatalthoughdrafted,the documentwasneverformallyexecuted. ThedocumentformalizesthecurrentpartnershipbetweentheCityandCounty,under whichthetwopartiesagreetomatch,ata50/50ratio,anyStatefundsawardedtothe project.ThedocumentnotesthatanyacquisitionsatBertrammustbeapprovedbyboth parties,andthatbothshallownanequal,undividedinterestinthepark.Thesetermsare consistentwiththeoriginaldirectionoftheCityCouncilonthepark’sestablishment. TheagreementalsoindicatesthatfutureactionbytheCityCouncilandCountyBoard willberequiredforanydecisionsrelatingtooperationsandmaintenance.Theagreement furtherstipulatesthataJointPowersBoardmaybeformedtoprovideoversightonsuch matters. TheBertramChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncilunanimouslysupportstheadoptionofthe memorandum. InworkingwithStatelegislatorsonbondingbillsforparkacquisition,itwasnotedthat anexecutedagreementbetweentheCountyandtheCityisneededasdemonstrationof bothparties’commitmenttoacquisitionandownership.Currently,SenatorKochhas authoredandintroducedaboundingbillwhichincludesStatefundingsufficientto acquiretheremaining551acresofpropertyatBertram,withCityandCountymatch. Itshouldalsobenotedthatoriginaldiscussionsonthepurchaseofthefullparkincluded theideathat,shouldalargepurchasebeundertaken(includingthatwhichmightoccuras aresultofbondfundingthroughtheStateorthroughaCountybond),theCountywould considerallowingtheCitytofinancesuchacquisitionthroughtheCounty.Further discussionsonthatarrangementwillcontinuewithmembersoftheBertramPark negotiationsteam.ThatteamcurrentlyconsistsofCountyBoardrepresentativesPat SawatzkeandRoseThelenandCityCouncilmembersClintHerbstandGlenPosusta. A1.BudgetImpact:None.Thisagreementisaformalizationofcurrentandpast agreementbetweentheCityandCountyasrelatedtoacquisitionandownershipof thepark. CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 2 A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:None. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveaMemorandumofUnderstandingbetweentheCountyof WrightandtheCityofMonticelloregardingtheYMCA/BertramLakeRegional ParkProject. 2.MotiontodenyaMemorandumofUnderstandingbetweentheCountyofWright andtheCityofMonticelloregardingtheYMCA/BertramLakeRegionalPark Project. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.MemorandumofUnderstandingbetweentheCountyofWrightandtheCityof MonticelloregardingtheYMCA/BertramLakeRegionalParkProject B.CityCouncilMinutes,4/24/06 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RE: YMCA/BERTRAM LAKE PARK PROJECT The following is a Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Wright, (hereinafter referred to as “County”) and the City of Monticello, (hereinafter referred to as “City”). The purpose of this document is to establish the terms, conditions and responsibilities of the parties relative to the acquisition of land in Monticello Township of approximately 1,200 acres in size, for regional park purposes. In addition, the parties wish to state their intentions regarding ownership and operation. WHEREAS The YMCA, is the willing seller, and which owns undeveloped real property in Monticello Township; and WHEREAS Both the City and the County have expressed an interest in acquiring said property for regional park purposes; and WHEREAS A real estate appraiser has been hired to provide the value for said property; and WHEREAS The parties to this document wish to set out the terms and conditions for said property; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNTY AND THE CITY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The County and the City shall cooperate in formulating a purchase for the real property known as the “YMCA property”. 2. This agreement shall be from the date adopted by both parties. 3. For each incremental purchase an acceptable appraisal will be presented to both parties, a purchase offer may be formulated. Said purchase offer must be approved by the governing bodies of the County and the City before it is communicated to the present owner. In formulating a purchase offer, both governing bodies may close meetings pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 13D.05, Subd. 3(c). 4. Local cash match for any grant awarded for the acquisition of the real property shall be provided as follows: County 50 % City 50 % 5. The real property in question, once acquired, would be owned jointly, with the County owning a 50 % undivided interest and the City owning a 50 % undivided interest. 6. It is anticipated that the park would be managed by a fulltime operations manager, who would be assisted by some full time staff, as well as by seasonal staff. The County would have primary responsibility for administering programs in areas of the park with uses customarily found in County/Regional parks. The City would have primary responsibility for administering programs in areas of the park with uses customarily found in City parks. The City would be responsible for scheduling and coordinating the use of the ball fields. 7. Funding for maintenance of the park would be shared by the parties, and prorated according to the area of the park maintained. 8. Funding for park capital improvements and major infrastructure maintenance projects would be provided as specifically agreed by the parties. 9. Funding for future land acquisition for the park would be provided according to the agreement of the parties. 10. Each party shall be responsible for the costs related to staff time and supplies, as well as private consultants which it devotes to the attempt to acquire this property. 11. The parties shall cooperate in providing resources related to making a purchase offer for the property. 12. Legal representation shall be provided by the Wright County Attorney’s Office, (hereinafter referred to as “County Attorney”) with respect to the attempt to purchase this property. The City Attorney will review correspondence and other documents as requested by the City. The County and the City may seek the assistance of other legal counsel, if necessary. 13. In the event that the City and the County acquire the property in entirety, the parties intend to adopt a formal Joint Powers Agreement to memorialize the terms and conditions of ownership, maintenance and capital improvements of said property going forward. Said Joint Powers Agreement would establish an appointed Joint Powers Board responsible for governing the park. 14. The Joint Powers Park Board would be autonomous in governing the park, but would not have taxing authority. An annual budget would need to be submitted and approved each year by the City and the County. Funding would be provided by the parties according to the approved budget. 15. The City agrees to indemnify and hold the County harmless from all liability, claims, or actions that may, in any manner, result from or arise out of the City’s activities under this Memorandum of Understanding. Likewise, the County agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from all liability, claims, or actions that may, in any manner, result from or arise out of the County’s activities under this Memorandum of Understanding. 16. This Memorandum of Understanding may be modified or amended by a written instrument signed by representatives of both parties. Dated: ____________________ COUNTY OF WRIGHT _________________________________ Chairperson, County Board _________________________________ County Coordinator Dated: ____________________ CITY OF MONTICELLO _________________________________ Mayor _________________________________ City Administrator CityCouncilAgenda:3/12/12 1 5F.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-024permittingXcelEnergytoinstall privatesewerandwatersystemimprovements (BW) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: XcelEnergyrecentlysubmittedplansforexpandingthegunrangefacilitiesattheir MonticelloNuclearGeneratingPlant(MNGP).Aspartoftheirgunrangeexpansion plans,Xcelisproposingtoinstallprivatesanitarysewerandwatersupplysystem improvements.PerCityOrdinanceTitle7,Chapter2,Section3(A),privatesewerand/or watersystemsarenotallowedwithinCitylimitswithoutresolutionoftheCouncil.The exactordinancelanguageisasfollows: 7-2-3:PRIVATESEWERANDWATERSYSTEMS: (A)Itshallbeunlawfulforanypersonstoinstallprivatewatersystemorsewer systeminthecityexceptinsuchcasesasthepublicwaterandsewersystem arenotaccessibletothepremiseswheresuchprivatesystemsarerequested. Todeterminewhetherornotsuchpublicwaterand/orsewersystemsare availableforconnection,eachpersondesiringtoinstallaprivatewateror sewersystemmustfirstmakeapplicationforconnectiontoapublicsystem. UponresolutionoftheCouncildeterminingthatitisnotfeasibletoconnect theapplicant'spremisestothepublicwaterorsewersystem,thenthe applicantshallbegrantedapermittoinstallaprivatewaterand/orsewer system. (#4,11/24/75) TheMNGPcurrentlyhasaprivatewatersupplywellfortheirpotablewaterneeds,and theydrawwaterfromtheriverfortheirfireprotectionandplantcoolingneeds.The nearestpublicwatertrunklineisunderWestRiverStreet,orapproximately0.8miles fromthegunrangesiteasthecrowflies.Assuch,XcelEnergywouldneedtoextend theirprivatewatersystemlinesamileorsotoconnecttotheCity’spublicwatersystem. Inregardstosanitarysewer,MNGPiscurrentlyconnectedtoourpublicsanitarysewer systematWestRiverStreetviaaprivateforcemainline.Connectingtheirforcemain systemtothesanitarysewersystemproposedforthegunrangewouldalsobecost prohibitive. XcelEnergyisthereforerequestingthattheCityCouncilpermitthemtoinstallprivate sanitarysewerandwatersystemimprovementsontheirsiteaspartoftheirgunrange improvementsproject. A.1BudgetImpact:Nobudgetimpactsareanticipatedwiththisrequest. A.2StaffImpact:Nostaffimpactsareanticipatedwiththisrequest. CityCouncilAgenda:3/12/12 2 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2012-024permittingXcelEnergytoinstallprivate sewerandwatersystemimprovementswiththeirgunrangeimprovementsatthe MNGPperCityapprovedplansandspecifications. 2.MotiontotableadoptionofResolution#2012-024permittingXcelEnergyto installprivatesewerandwatersystemimprovementswiththeirgunrange improvementsattheMNGPperCityapprovedplansandspecificationspending completionofthefollowingitems:___________________________________. 3.MotiondenyingadoptionofResolution#2012-024atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommendsapprovingalternative#1oralternative#2,dependingonwhether Councilwouldlikeadditionalinformationbeforemakingadecision.Councilshouldbe awarethatatthetimeitiscost-effectivetodoso,theCitywillrequireMNGPtoconnect alloftheirsewerandwaterutilitiestoourpublicutilitiessystems.However,inthe meantimethereshouldbenonegativeimpactsassociatedwithallowingXcelEnergyto installprivatesewerandwatersystemsontheMNGPsite,especiallygiventhesmall scopeoftheproposedservicearea. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2012-024 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2012-024 PERMITTINGINSTALLATIONOFPRIVATESEWERANDWATERSYSTEMS WITHAPPROVEDGUNRANGEIMPROVEMENTSATTHE MONTICELLONUCLEARGENERATINGPLANT WHEREAS,theMonticelloNuclearGeneratingPlant(MNGP)hassubmittedplanstotheCity ofMonticelloforimprovementstotheirexistinggunrange;and WHEREAS,CityOrdinance7-2-3,PrivateSewerandWaterSystems,statesthatprivatesewer and/orwatersystemsarenotallowedwithinCitylimitswithoutresolutionoftheCityCouncil; and WHEREAS,itwouldnotbecost-effectiveforMNGPtoconnecttheirproposedsewerandwater systemimprovementstotheCity’spublicutilitiessystemsatthistime;and WHEREAS,theCitywillrequireMNGPtoconnecttheirentiresewerandwatersystemtothe City’spublicutilitiessystemsatsuchtimethatitiscost-effectivetodoso; NOWTHEREFOREBEITRESOLVED,bytheCityCouncilfortheCityofMonticellothat XcelEnergyisherebypermittedtoinstallprivatesewerandwatersystemimprovementswith theirgunrangeimprovementsattheMNGPperCity-approvedplansandspecifications. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis12th dayofMarch,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO _____________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: __________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 5G.Considerationofreducingtheretainageforthe2011StreetReconstruction Improvements,CityProjectNo.11C001 (BW/WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoauthorizereducingtheretainagebeingheldforCityProject No.11C001from5%to2%. The2011StreetReconstructionProjectwassubstantiallycompleteinOctober2011with thefinalliftofpavementplacedonthestreetswithintheprojectarea.Allutilityworkfor thisprojecthasbeeninspected,tested,andapprovedinaccordancewiththespecifications fortheproject.TheCity’sstandardcontractdocumentsrequireaminimum5%retainage onallpaymentsmadetothecontractorforworkcompletedontheproject.Thevalueof theworkcompletedtodateis$1,328,010.29soanamountof$66,400.51isbeingheldas a5%retainage. Theremainingworktobecompletedincludespavementstripingandminorpunchlist items.Giventhesmallamountofworkremainingontheproject,RedstoneConstruction, Inc.hasrequestedareductionoftheretainageonthecontractfrom5%to2%ofthevalue oftheworkcompleted.Approvaloftheretainagereductionwouldthereforelowerthe retainageamountto$26,560.21,areductionof$39,840.30. IfCouncilapprovesthereductionasrequestedtheCitywillpayRedstoneConstruction, Inc.theamountof$39,840.30.Theretainedamountof$26,560.21isadequatetocover allworkremainingontheproject. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethereductionofthe5%retainedamount($66,400.51)to2% ($26,560.21)andauthorizepaymenttoRedstoneConstruction,Inc. 2.Motiontodenytherequestedreductionatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternative#1.Theprojectissubstantiallycompletewithpavement stripingandminorpunchlistitemstobecompletedinthespringof2012beforefinal acceptanceandcloseoutofthecontract. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: None CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 1 5H.ConsiderationofapprovingenhancementrequestsforGoodFridayandapolicy adjustmentofbenefiteligiblehoursforpart-timeemployees (JO/TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoconsideraddingGoodFridayasapaidholidayandconsider changingthethresholdforprovidingbenefitstoparttimeemployeesfrom25to30hours perweek.Thisrequeststemsfromourongoingefforttomaintainanexcellentwork environment.Recently,DepartmentHeadswereaskedtosubmitideasthat,if implemented,wouldcontributetowardworksatisfaction.Aspartofthisprocess, DepartmentHeadsmetwiththeirstaffoncollectingideasforreviewbythegroup.The ideasgeneratedwerethenratedas“low,”“moderate,”or“high”priorityforeach department. ThePersonnelCommitteemettoreviewtheitemsandprovidedrecommendationsfor follow-up.Mostoftheitemsrevieweddidnotinvolvesignificantcostandwillbe addressedatanupcomingDepartmentHeadmeeting.Acompletesummaryofthese itemsandfollowupactionwillbeforthcoming.However,twooftheideasdidrequire Councilactionbecauseonewastimesensitiveandbothinvolvedadjustmentstothe employeebenefitspackage. Asaresultofthediscussion,itisproposedbythePersonnelCommitteetoaddGood Friday(April6th)asanadditionalpaidholidayfor2012andalsotoincreasethepart-time hoursrequirementtoearnpart-timebenefitsfrom25perweekto30hoursperweek. Theadditionalpaidholidayforfull-timestaffwouldallowtheclosureofCityHall, PublicWorks,andFiberNetHeadEnd.Thefollowingessentialofficeswouldremain openforbusiness:DMV,FNMbusinessoffice,MCC,andHi-WayLiquors.Officesthat remainopenwouldbestaffedwithpart-timeemployeeswherepossible.Anyfull-time employeesscheduledtoworkontheholidaywouldbeallowedtotakeanotherdayoffas afloatingholiday. Theideatoincreasethehoursrequirementstoearnpart-timebenefits(50%full-time vacationand50%full-timeholiday)wasanemployeeandmanagementinitiative. Increasingthehoursrequirementforpart-timebenefitstatusallowsmanagementgreater flexibilityinschedulingandalsohelpstomaintainpart-timeemployeeswhomaybe lookingformorehours.Therearecurrentlytwoemployeeswhoarepart-timebenefited status,andwewouldrecommendtheybegrandfatheredinunderthecurrenthour’s requirement. A1.BudgetImpact:None.Althoughthereisnodirectadditionalcost,itremoves onedayofproductivitywiththeGoodFridayholiday. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:None CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 2 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: Decision1 1.MotiontoapproverecognizingGoodFridayasapaidholidayfor2012. 2.MotiontodenyrecognizingGoodFridayasapaidholidayfor2012. Decision2 1.Motiontoapprovethechangeinpolicylanguageincreasingthehours requirementforpart-timebenefitedstafffrom25to30hoursperweek(and grandfatherinthetwoemployeescurrentlyeligible). 2.Motiontodenyincreasingthehoursrequirementforpart-timebenefitedstaffat thistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: ThePersonnelCommitteeandCitystaffrecommendsapprovingbothdecisions. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Reviseddefinitionofpart-timebenefitedstatus PolicyLanguage Part-TimeBenefitedStatus VacationLanguage Current: Employeesclassifiedaspermanentpart-timewhohaveworkedanaverageof25hoursperweek ormoreforthepastsixmonthsshallbeentitledtoaccruevacationleaveattherateof50%ofthe vacationscheduleforeachyearofservice. Revised: Employeesclassifiedaspermanentpart-timewhohaveworkedanaverageof 30 hoursperweek ormoreforthepastsixmonthsshallbeentitledtoaccruevacationleaveattherateof50%ofthe vacationscheduleforeachyearofservice. InsuranceLanguage Current: Full-timeregularandpermanentpart-timeemployeeswhoaverage25hoursormoreperweek shallbeeligibletoapplyforemployeeanddependentinsurancebenefits. Revised: Full-timeregularandpermanentpart-timeemployeeswhoaverage 30 hoursormoreperweek shallbeeligibletoapplyforemployeeanddependentinsurancebenefits. CityCouncilAgenda:3/26/2012 1 5I.Considerationofapprovingpurchaseoftelevisionsanddigitalsignsoftware, includingtheinstallationofequipmentandsoftware,withfundingfromCable Commissionfranchisefeereimbursements.(KB/JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: AttheFebruary27,2012Councilmeeting,theCouncilwasaskedtoapprovetheuseof CableCommissionFranchisefeestopurchasedigitalsignageandthehighdefinition monitors.TheCounciltabledthismotiontotheMarch12,2012Councilmeeting, requestingmoreinformationoncostsforthisprogram.Asnotedpreviously,thisisa marketinginitiativebroughtforwardfromtheCrossPromotionalTeam(CPT)toenhance consumerawarenessofvariousservicesandactivities,whicheachCitydepartment provides,usingdigitalsignageandmonitors. Aswereviewthedigitalsignageoptionsthatcouldbeusedinthisinitiative,weare findingthatcarefulandthoroughresearchisneededtoensurethatwebringforwardthe correctequipment,software,installation,etc.forthisprojecttoaccomplishtheultimate goalsofthisprogram.ThesegoalsaretoprovidedigitalsignageattheCity’senterprise locationsthatprovidegeneralCitymessagesbutcanalsobemodifiedtoprovidesite specificmessagesaswell.WealsoexpecttoutilizethesemessagesonaFiberNet channelfurthermarketingourCityfacilities,servicesandeventstothegeneralpublic. Wedorealizethatthereisastrongdesiretohavethisprogramavailablesoonerrather thanlaterandwillcontinuetokeepthatinmindaswecontinueourresearch. A1.BudgetImpact:Notfullyknownatthistime. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Notfullyknownatthistime. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontotablethisitemtoatimetobedeterminedbytheCPTwhenthis programisfullyready. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: None CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 1 7.ContinuationofPublicHearing-ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#552 amendingthe2012FeeSchedulewithadjustmentstowaterandsewerrates (TK) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityrevieweditswaterandsewerratesataworkshoponFebruary27 th.Therates aregenerallysetataleveltoassuretheyarecoveringoperationsandsomecapital replacementofthosesystems.Thisistypicallycompletedpriortothefirstquarterbilling cyclewhichismailedinApril. AnotherfactortoconsiderwhensettingnewratesisthattheCitycurrentlypaysthedebt onthewastewatertreatmentplantfromtheseweraccessfundandataxlevy.For2012, theCitylevied$500,000andtookout$450,000fromtheSewerAccessFund.However, basedoncurrentrevenuesintotheSewerAccessFundandtherequiredbondpayments, theSewerAccessFundwillrunoutofcashintheyear2014andthebondwillneedtobe repaidentirelyfromataxlevyoracombinationoftaxlevyandsewerrates. TheWaterAccessFundandSewerAccessFundalsopayaportionofthe2005A ImprovementBond.Withthescheduled2012transferfromtheWaterAccessFundto the2005ImprovementBondFund,theWaterAccessFundwillbeoutofcashuntil additionalwatertrunkandaccessfeescanbecollectedonnewdevelopments.TheWater FundcanloantheAccessFundthecashortakeoverthedebtpaymentinwhichcasethe debtpaymentshouldbecalculatedintothewaterrates. Anotherfactor,asyoucansee,istheratescurrentlydonotcovermuchofthe depreciationofsystemassets.IftheCitydoesnotcoveratleastaportionofthe depreciationnow,whensystemassetsarereplacedtheratescouldhavetobeincreased significantlyatthattime,ortheCitywillneedtoissuedebtandbuildthosedebt paymentsintofuturerates.TheCity’s5-yearcapitalimprovementplanlists$812,000of improvementstobepaidfromthewaterfundand$6,172,600fromthesewerfundover thenextfiveyears.Thesewerfundimprovementsinclude$4,500,000ofimprovements tothewastewatertreatmentplant. Forwaterrevenues,anotherfactoristheweather.Lastspringandsummerwerewetand mostpeoplewerenotwateringoutsideuntilthefall.Reducedoutdoorwateringwill resultinreducedcostsandreducedrevenuesfortheCity. NextfactortoconsideriswhethertheCitywouldconsiderbillingforotherservices, whicharenoweithernotfundedorfundedthroughthepropertytaxlevy,suchasstorm waterdrainagemaintenanceorimprovements,garbage/recyclingservices,orsomeother service. Finally,CargillKitchensSolutionsusesover15,000,000gallonsofwaterandsewera quarter,soarateincreaseaffectsthemgreatly.Also,asanindustrialuser,Cargillis billednotonlyforwaterandsewerbutalsoBODandTSSloadingintothesystem.Last yeartheCitydidworkcloselywithCargilltoarriveatanindustrialratestructure. CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 2 AttheFebruary27th workshop,staffpresentedratesataleveltogenerateaboutthesame amountofgrossprofitandnetlossafterdepreciationas2011.Theresultsshowedthat thewaterratesneedtobeincreased8%andsewerratesincreased12%for2012.Atthis leveltherateswouldcoververylittleoftheassetreplacement. Attheworkshop,Councilrequestedthatstafflookatwhattherateswouldneedtobeto coverdepreciationandthefuturewastewatertreatmentplant(WWTP)bondpayment. Tocoverhalfthedepreciation,therateswouldneedtobeincreasedanadditional20%for waterand26%forsewer.Tocoverthe$450,000debtpaymentthattheSewerAccess Fundiscurrentlypaying,thiswouldrequireanadditional28%increaseinthesewerrate. Basedoncurrentbudget,lastyear’srevenues,andpossiblefuturedebtandcapital expenses,staffwouldrecommendawaterrateincreaseof10%andsewerrateincreaseof 15%.Whilethesearetherecommendedrateincreases,staffunderstandstheimpactthat rateincreaseshaveontheresidentsandbusinessesofMonticello.IfCouncilwereto considersomeotherrateincrease,staffwouldrecommendthattheincreasenotbelower than8%forwaterand12%forsewerasoriginallyproposed. Whilethepercentageincreasemaysoundlarge,theincreasetoresidentscanbesmall dependingonwaterusebecausewearedealingwithlownumberstobeginwith. Attachedisaspreadsheetusing5differentwaterconsumptionsandtheeffectsthatthe 10%waterrateand15%sewerrateincreasewouldhaveontheseaccounts.Thecurrent waterusageandbillwastakenfromtheOctober2011billingcyclewhichisforservice forJuly,August,andSeptember.Asyoucansee,someonewhoreceivestheminimum billwouldseeanincreaseof$3.98perquarteror$15.92fortheyear.Thehomethat used80,036gallonsofwaterwasahomethatwateredduringthequarteranditssewer ratewasbasedonwinterconsumption,whichisatamuchlowerwaterusage.Thathome wouldseea$16.68increaseforthequarterand,basedonoutdoorwateruse,wouldsee anincreaseoflessthan$50.00fortheyear.Pleaserefertothecomparisonbillings shownonthelastpageofthesupportingdataforotherexamples. ForCargillKitchenSolutionstheproposedrateincreasewouldincreasetheirbillfrom $426,375.18in2011to$486,274.39,oranincreaseof$59,899.21basedonwaterand sewerusagein2011. A1.BudgetImpact:TherateswillaffecttheamountofrevenuetheCitywill generatefromwaterandsewerchargesin2012andwouldalsohavelong-term effectsonfutureratechangesbasedonsystemneeds. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Oncethenewratesareestablished,thereissomestaff timetoimportthenewratesintotheutilitybillingsystem.Becauseofthetimeit willtaketoimportintothebillingsystemandhavetheratesincludedwiththe firstquarterbillingcycle,therateincreasecannotwaituntiltheMarch26th meeting. CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 3 B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptOrdinance#552amendingthe2012FeeSchedulewithawater rateincreaseof10%andasewerrateincreaseof15%. 2.MotiontoadoptOrdinance#552amendingthe2012FeeSchedulewithan alternativewaterrateand/orsewerrateincrease. 3.Motiontonotapproveawaterrateandsewerrateincreaseatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffsupportsAlternative#1toapproveawaterrateincreaseof10%andasewerrate increaseof15%duetobudgetedexpensesandpossiblefuturedebtandcapitalexpenses. However,ifthisisnotthedesireoftheCouncil,staffwouldrecommendanincreaseofat least8%forthewaterratesand12%forthesewerratesfor2012. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Ordinance#552-asproposedunderAlternate#1 Ratesheetsdemonstratingtheseoptions: coveringoperations coveringoperationsand½ofdepreciation coveringoperationsand½ofWWTPdebtpayment recommendedrateincrease Comparisonofcurrentandproposedrateson5differenthomesbasedonwateruse ORDINANCENO.552 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA ANORDINANCEREVISINGTHE2012FEESCHEDULE WITHAMENDEDWATER&SEWERRATES NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN that,onMarch13,2012,OrdinanceNo.552wasadoptedbythe CityCounciloftheCityofMonticello,Minnesota,creatingthefollowingrevisionstothe2012 FeeSchedule. Section1.TheFeeSchedulecategory,SanitarySewer,oftheMonticelloCityCode,Title20 shallbeamendedasfollows: Sewerratefeestructurechanges: SewerRates:1st 3740gallons$19.25minimum Over3740gallons$3.45per748gallons SewerRates-SpecialCases:$23.00Xnumberofpeopleinhousehold IndustrialSewerRates:AllUsage$2.07/748gallons+salestax BOD5:$0.368/lb.+salestax TSS:$0.506/lb.+salestax Section2.TheFeeSchedulecategory,Water,oftheMonticelloCityCode,Title20shallbe amendedasfollows: Waterratefeestructurechanges: ResidWater:1st 3740gallons$15.73minimum 3741-29920gallons$1.05/748gallons 29921-100,000gallons$1.21/748gallons Over100,000gallons$1.35/748gallons Comm/IndustrialWaterRate,Mtr1 AllUsage$1.25/748gallons+salestax IrrigationWaterRateforResid,Twnhms&Comm:(ifmeteredseparatelyoncommercial properties,nominimumbaserateisapplied) 1st 3740gallons$15.73minimum+salestax 3741-29920gallons$1.05/748gallons+salestax 29921-100,000gallons$1.21/748gallons+salestax Over100,000gallons$1.35/748gallons+salestax Section3.ThisOrdinanceshalltakeeffectandbeinfullforcefromandafteritspassage andpublication.TheordinanceinitsentiretyshallbepostedontheCitywebsite afterpublication.CopiesofthecompleteOrdinanceareavailableonlineandat MonticelloCityHallforexaminationuponrequest. ORDINANCENO.552 ADOPTEDANDAPPROVEDFORPUBLICATION bytheCityCounciloftheCityof Monticello,Minnesota,this12thdayofMarch,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: JeffO’NeillCityAdministrator VOTINGINFAVOR: VOTINGINOPPOSITION: CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 1 8.PublicHearing-ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2012-025authorizing submissionofaMinnesotaDepartmentofNaturalResourcesOutdoorRecreation GrantapplicationforaproposedPhaseVPropertyAcquisitionattheBertram ChainofLakesRegionalPark (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Aspartofcontinuedeffortstoaccomplishthecompleteacquisitionofpropertyatthe BertramChainofLakesRegionalPark,theCityCouncilisaskedtoapprovesubmission ofaCity/CountyapplicationtotheDNR’s2012OutdoorRecreationgrantprogram.As partofthegrantsubmission,apublichearingisrequired. Theapplicationfor2012OutdoorRecreationgrantfundingisintendedforacquisitionof Parcel1ofthepark.Parcel1isaprimarycomponentintheactiverecreationalareaof thepark.TheactiveplayareaisintendedtofulfilltheCity’sactiveandathleticfield needsasidentifiedinthe2011ParkandPathwayPlanand2008ComprehensivePlan. TheOutdoorRecreationGrantprogramisaDepartmentofNaturalResourcesgrant programdesignedtoassistlocalgovernmentsinacquiringparklandandindevelopingor redevelopingparkland.ApplicationstotheprogramaredueMarch31st,2012.Grant awardsareexpectedtobemadeinsummer2012,withanexpirationofawardgenerally occurring24monthslater. Thefollowinginformationisrequiredtobepresentedduringthehearing: Projectscopeandtypeofactivities Implementationschedule Overallcostandproposedfunding Costtobeassessedtocommunityresidents Associatedprojectcosts Theabovecomponentsaredetailedinthereportbelow. ProjectScope TheBertramChainofLakesRegionalParkisa1,200acreregionalparkblending opportunitiesforpassivenaturalrecreationexperienceswithactiveathleticand recreationalplayareas.TheparkisidentifiedinboththeCityofMonticelloandWright County’sComprehensivePlans. AmasterplanhasbeendevelopedfortheBertramChainofLakesRegionalPark includingbothathleticandnatural-resourcebasedrecreationalfacilities.TheBertram ChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncil,therepresentativebodyestablishedforguidingthe park’smasterplanning,hastakeninputonactivitiesandprogramsthroughaseriesof publicmeetingsandsurveys.Thisinputservedasthebasisforthedevelopmentofa masterconceptplanforthefullregionalpark.Theconceptplansforboththelargerpark CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 2 andtheathleticcomplexhavebeenadoptedaspartoftheCityofMonticello’sPark& PathwayPlan. TheacquisitionproposedwiththeOutdoorRecreationapplicationincludesthepurchase of40.17acresofproperty(Parcel1)whichwillbedevelopedforactiverecreationaluse. TheparceliscurrentlyownedbytheYMCAofMinneapolisandSt.Paulandis leased/rentedforagriculturalpurposes.Atthistime,theCityofMonticello,in conjunctionwithprojectpartnerWrightCounty,isseeking onlytheacquisition ofthe subjectpropertyaspartofthelargeracquisitionprocessforthe1,200acrepark. The40.17acreswillbethefuturesiteoftheprimaryaccesstotheBertramChainof LakesRegionalAthleticComplex.Theathleticcomplexmasterplanincludessoftball, baseball,soccerandlacrossefields.Thecomplexwillalsoincludeparkingareasto supportthefields,restroomfacilities,concessionbuildings,aplayground,andopenplay areas.Theathleticcomplexplanwasdevelopedbasedontheinputoftheschooldistrict, numerousathleticorganizations,andthegeneralpublic.Theplanwasfurtherrefined basedontheexperienceandknowledgeofalandscapearchitectworkingprobonoon behalfoftheproject. Aparticularstrengthofthemasterplanfortheparkistheconnectionbetweenthenatural resourcespresentattheparkandtheactiverecreationareas.Thegoalistocreatethe opportunityforinteractionbetweenusersoftheregionalathleticcomplexandthenatural park.Theplanalsoaccountsforneededbufferingbetweenthehigherintensityactive usesandthelowerintensitynaturalresourceuses. AnimportantcomponentoftheOutdoorRecreationGrantistheapplicant’sabilityto supportenvironmentallyconsciousparkdevelopment.Theopportunitytoreinforce sustainabilityandtheconnectionbetweenpeopleandtheirenvironmentispresentinthe masterplanforthepark.TheCityofMonticelloandWrightCountywillthereforestrive toaffectthemasterplaninanenergyefficientandenvironmentallyresponsiblemanner. Consistentwiththeoriginalmemorandumofunderstanding,WrightCountyandtheCity ofMonticellowilljointlyownandoperatetheBertramChainofLakesRegionalPark. Bothwillplanandbudgetforon-goingimprovementsandmaintenance.Thepartnership betweenthetwoentitiesfurtherstrengthensthetiebetweenthenaturalandactiveareasof thepark.Decisionspertainingtoimprovements,operations,andmaintenancewillbethe objectoffutureindependentactionsbytheCityofMonticelloandWrightCounty. ImplementationSchedule Atthepresenttime,theCityandCountyarefocusedontherealizationoffullacquisition oftheregionalpark.Thisgrantisthereforewrittentosupportonlytheacquisitionofthe 40.17acresknownasParcel1andnotactualparkdevelopment.However,ifsuccessful inthisandfutureOutdoorRecreationgrantapplications,theCityandCountywill proceeddirectlytoplanningforphaseddevelopmentoftheathleticfieldareawiththe goalofprovidingdirectaccesstoopenplayareaswithinthreeyears,asrequiredbythe grant. CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 3 Asacquisitionofallparcelswithinthefullparkboundarynearscompletion,theCityof MonticelloandWrightCountywillembarkonadetailedfeasibilitystudyfortheathletic complexarea.Themasterplandevelopedasaresultofdetailedneedsassessmentand publicinputwillserveasthebasisforthefeasibilitystudy.Thefinalstudywillinclude thefollowingcomponents: Detailedenvironmentalanalysis Fielddevelopmentcostandphasing Facilitydevelopmentcostandphasing Capitalplanning o Phasedfundingoptions o Fullbuild-outfundingoption Operationsandmaintenanceframework ADAintegrationandcompliance Activeandnaturalareatransitions Sponsorshipinvolvementandcost-sharingstructure OverallCostandProposedFunding ThetotalcostforacquisitionofParcel1is$1,004,250.TheOutdoorRecreationGrantis a50%matchgrantprogram.Ifawardedthefull50%offunding,theCityandCounty wouldbeaskedtoconsidercommitting$502,125.00combined,or$251,062.50each. Inthepast,theCityhasfundedgrantmatchesfromtwosources,theParkDedication FundandtheConsolidatedBondFund.Atthepresenttime,theParkDedicationFund hasazerobalanceandanyfuturededicationfeespaidintothefundwillrepayaprior BertramParkacquisitionmadethroughtheuseoftheConsolidatedBondFund.(The mostrecentmatchfundingapprovaldidnotrequirerepaymentofthefund.) Assuch,matchfundingforasuccessfulOutdoorRecreationgrantwillagainneedto comefromanalternatesource,suchastheConsolidatedBondFund.TheCityCouncil hasalsoindicatedthatproceedsfromthesaleofCity-ownedpropertymaybedirected towardsfutureparkacquisitionsasanoption. Futuredevelopmentcostsfortheathleticcomplexproposedforthesitewillbeidentified viathefeasibilityreportabove,aswillfundingoptions. CosttobeAssessedtoCommunityResidents Previousacquisitionshaveincludedno advalorum funding.Additionally,ithasbeen publiclystatedbytheCouncilthatitistheirintentthatno advalorum fundsbeusedfor futureacquisitionofparklandattheBertramChainofLakes.Noindividualproperty assessmentshavebeenleviedtocommunityresidentsforpastBertramParkacquisitions andnoCouncilactionhasbeenmadetodirectanysuchfutureassessmentsfor acquisition. CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 4 Thefeasibilitystudyforparkdevelopmentwillidentifyallfundingoptionsforpark development,includingthepotentialforcostsassessmentstocommunityresidentsand/or referendum. AssociatedProjectCosts CostsassociatedwiththeacquisitionofParcel1willincludethestated$251,062.50City matchforparcelacquisition,plusappraisal,titleandclosingcosts. A1.BudgetImpact:Notedabove. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:StaffimpactsdirectlyrelatedtoCouncilactiononthis itemincludegrantwritingandpreparationestimatedat8-10hours. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2012-025supportinganOutdoorRecreationGrant applicationbytheCityofMonticelloonbehalfoftheCityofMonticelloand WrightCounty. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofResolution#2012-025supportinganOutdoor RecreationGrantapplicationbytheCityofMonticelloonbehalfoftheCityof MonticelloandWrightCounty. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1.TheOutdoorRecreationgrantprogramis currentlytheonlygrantprogramapplicableforStatefundingofParcel1and2of BertramPark.SubmissionofanapplicationforacquisitionofParcel1isconsistentwith thestatedgoalsoutlinedinthe2008ComprehensivePlan,theadopted2011Parkand PathwayPlanandtheadoptedCapitalImprovementPlan. Ifawardedgrantfundingthroughtheprogram,Councilwillbeaskedinasubsequent decisiontomatchfunding.Atthattime,Councilmaychoosetodenyawardandelectnot toproceedwithacquisition. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.Resolution#2012-025 B.OutdoorRecreationGrantManual C.BertramChainofLakesProjectAcquisitionArea D.2012BertramChainofLakesFundingTable E.MasterPlan,BertramChainofLakesRegionalPark F.MasterPlan,BertramChainofLakesRegionalParkAthleticComplex CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2012-025 SUPPORTINGA2012MINNESOTADEPARTMENTOFNATURALRESOURCES OUTDOORRECREATIONGRANTAPPLICATIONFORAPROPOSED PHASEVPROPERTYACQUISITIONATTHEBERTRAMCHAINOFLAKES REGIONALPARK WHEREAS,theCityofMonticellodesirestosubmitanapplicationfora2012MNDepartment ofNaturalResourcesOutdoorRecreationGrantforthepurposeofaPhaseVproperty acquisitionattheBertramChainofLakesRegionalPark;and WHEREAS,theCityCounciloftheCityofMonticelloconsideredandapprovedthisactionata PublicHearingheldonMarch12,2012,wherethefollowinginformationwaspresentedas relatedtothegrantapplication: Projectscopeandtypeofactivities Implementationschedule Overallcostandproposedfunding Costtobeassessedtocommunityresidents Associatedprojectcosts NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED thattheCityofMonticelloshallactaslegalsponsor fortheprojectcontainedintheOutdoorRecreation,RegionalParkand/orParkLegacy ApplicationtobesubmittedonMarch13,2012andthattheMayorandCityAdministratorofthe CityofMonticelloareherebyauthorizedtoapplytotheDepartmentofNaturalResourcesfor fundingofthisprojectonbehalfoftheCityofMonticello;and BEITFURTHERRESOLVED thattheCityofMonticellohasthelegalauthoritytoapplyfor financialassistance,andfinancialcapabilitytomeetthematchrequirementandensureadequate construction,operation,maintenanceandreplacementoftheproposedprojectforitsdesignlife; and BEITFURTHERRESOLVED thattheCityofMonticellohasnotincurredanydevelopment costsdescribedonItem5bandhasnotenteredintoawrittenpurchaseagreementtoacquirethe propertydescribedonItem5a;and BEITFURTHERRESOLVED thatuponapprovalofitsapplicationbythestate,theCityof MonticellomayenterintoanagreementwiththeStateofMinnesotafortheabove-referenced project,andthattheCityofMonticellocertifiesthatitwillcomplywithallapplicablelawsand regulationsasstatedinthegrantagreementincludingdedicatingtheparkpropertyforoutdoor recreationusesintoperpetuity;and BEITFURTHERRESOLVED thattheCityAdministratoroftheCityofMonticelloishereby authorizedtoexecutesuchagreementsasarenecessarytoimplementtheprojectonbehalfofthe applicant. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis12th dayofMarch,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO _____________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: __________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CERTIFICATION STATEOFMINNESOTA COUNTYOFWRIGHT IherebycertifythattheforegoingisatrueandcorrectcopyofResolution#2012-025 dulypassed,adoptedandapprovedbytheMonticelloCityCouncilattheirscheduledmeetingon March12,2012,andrecordedinminutesofsaidmeeting. ____________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator NotaryPublic:_______________________________ Date:___________________________ (STAMP) OR December 2011 1 Outdoor Recreation Grant Program Program Manual MN Department of Natural Resources OR December 2011 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PROGRAM INTRODUCTION Program Purpose Funding Grant Awards and Match Requirements Eligible Applicants Eligible Projects Eligible Recreation Facilities Eligible Recreation Support Facilities Ineligible Facilities and Costs II. THE APPLICATION PROCESS Application Information Appraisal Requirements Competitive Review and Selection Process Award of Funds Grants and Public Information III. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Land Retention Requirements Reporting Requirements Monitoring Requirement Closeout Procedures Acknowledgment Sign Availability to Users IV. CONTACT INFORMATION OR December 2011 3 I. Program Information The Outdoor Recreation Grant Program assists local governments in acquiring parkland and developing or redeveloping outdoor recreation facilities. Applications must be submitted by March 31 to be eligible for funding assistance for the current year. Applicants are eligible to receive more than one grant. FUNDING The program finances projects using federal funds through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LAWCON). Historically, some state dollars authorized by the Minnesota State Legislature have been available. The amount of grant dollars available for distribution each year varies. Applications are solicited in advance of the actual appropriation to ensure that projects are ready to start after the funding becomes available. GRANT AWARDS AND MATCH REQUIREMENTS Grant awards are typically for 50 percent of the total eligible project costs. The remaining 50 percent "local share" can consist of can consist of cash or the value of materials, labor and equipment usage provided by the local sponsor or by local donations or any combination thereof. Costs must be incurred and paid for before reimbursement can be made. Grant agreements generally expire within 24 months and projects must be completed by then. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: Cities, counties, townships and recognized tribal governments. (Tribal governments are not eligible for grants funded by state appropriations.) Note: The applicant must be the current or intended owner and manager of the property to be acquired or developed. Multi-organization collaboration is not required for this program. ELIGIBLE PROJECTS: * Acquisition of land for future development of outdoor recreation facilities. Recreation facilities must be developed within three years from the date of acquisition. * Development, redevelopment or rehabilitation of outdoor recreation facilities on land already owned by the applicant. The applicant must own the land. * A combination of land acquisition and development, redevelopment or rehabilitation of outdoor recreation facilities. OR December 2011 4 ELIGIBLE RECREATION FACILITIES: One or more of the following facilities must be included in a proposed project. - Boat/Canoe Access Sites - Campgrounds - Fishing Piers/Shore Fishing Areas - Ice/In-Line Skating Rinks/Parks - Nature Study/Observation Areas - Picnic Shelters - Playgrounds - Sports Fields and Courts - Swimming Beaches and Outdoor Pools - Trails (non-motorized internal park trails) ELIGIBLE RECREATION SUPPORT FACILITIES: The following facilities are also eligible for funding as part of a grant application that contains at least one facility from the eligible recreation facilities list above. - Change Houses, Restrooms, Shower Buildings and Warming Houses - Fencing, Lighting and Signs - Landscaping and Natural Area Restoration - Park Roads and Parking Areas (may not exceed 40% of the total project cost) - Permanent Benches, Seats, Drinking Fountains, Grills, Picnic Tables, Trash Receptacles and Fire Pits - Walkways INELIGIBLE FACILITIES AND COSTS: Ineligible facilities or costs are those items that cannot be funded with an Outdoor Recreation Grant or included as part of the local match requirement. The following list includes common types of ineligible facilities. A determination of eligibility will be made by the Department of Natural Resources with final approval by the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources. - Administrative Expenses/ Design and Engineering in excess of 10% of the Total Project Cost. - Concession-only Buildings - Decorative Fountains, Statues and Plaques - Dredging, Water Impoundments and Dams - Facilities not available for general public use - Golf Courses - Indoor Recreational Facilities (ie: ice arenas, enclosed swimming pools, etc.) - Land already in public ownership - Legal Fees - Motorized Trails - Non Permanent Skate Park Ramps and Equipment - Press Boxes - Sewer to Campsites - Shooting Ranges OR December 2011 5 II. The Application Process To receive an application, complete and return an Application Request Form. This can be completed online or you can submit by mail or e-mail. We urge applicants to submit the request form no later January 31st to ensure adequate time to complete your grant application. This will allow adequate time to meet certain application requirements, such as holding a public hearing, having the project reviewed for any needed permits, completion of an appraisal, etc. After submitting the Application Request Form, the application forms will be sent to you. Completed applications sent by mail must be postmarked by March 31st. Electronic submissions, such as a .pdf file attached to email, must be received by March 31st. This program is very competitive. Staff members are available to discuss your project or review application materials. You are encouraged to submit any draft application or materials by March 1st if you would like staff to provide comments. APPRAISAL REQUIREMENTS The application must include a self-contained appraisal report for land to be acquired. Appraisals must be performed by a qualified licensed appraiser and meet the Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisition (UASFLA). The appraisal must include the DNR as an intended user and the landowner or designated representative must be given an opportunity to accompany the appraiser during the inspection of the property. Appraisals must have an effective date within 13 months of the application deadline. Appraisals will be reviewed by the state to ensure that they meet applicable standards. If the appraisal is not accepted, the applicant will be contacted for additional clarification or modification. If you or the appraiser have any questions, please contact the program staff assigned to your area prior to completing the appraisal assignment. THE COMPETITIVE REVIEW AND SELECTION PROCESS The program is competitive and requires a review and selection process to make funding determinations and awards. The review and selection process will take place after March 31, and funding announcements will be made in summer. Completed applications received after the deadline will not be eligible for funding consideration. Program staff will review applications and, if necessary, a site visit will be conducted. Minnesota’s 2008-2012 State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan The 2008-2012 State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is Minnesota’s outdoor recreation policy plan. This plan was developed with the input of Minnesota outdoor and natural resource leaders. It establishes outdoor recreation priorities for Minnesota to assist outdoor recreation and natural resource managers, the state legislature, and the executive branch in decision-making about the state’s outdoor recreation system and sets out criteria for awarding grants consistent with these identified priorities. A majority of the review and selection process will focus on guidelines outlined in the 2008-2012 SCORP. Applications are assessed to ensure that the proposed project is consistent with priorities established in the SCORP document. OR December 2011 6 The SCORP priorities for Minnesota outdoor recreation selection guidelines are focused on three of the four strategies addressed in the Minnesota’s 2008-2012 State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan. These strategies support the overall goal to increase participation in outdoor recreation by all Minnesotans and visitors. Strategy 1: Acquire, protect and restore Minnesota’s natural resource base on which outdoor recreation depends. This includes obtaining prime outdoor recreation areas throughout the state prior to anticipated land use changes. Focus areas: Acquisition, protection or restoration of land or other natural resources that will provide or enhance public outdoor recreation opportunities and/or located in an area of rapid population growth; acquisition of potential prime outdoor recreation areas that may otherwise be threatened by anticipated land use changes; acquisition of land in areas that protect water quality; and/or acquisition of land in areas that protect key threatened habitats. Also considered will be whether the applicant has adopted programs to evaluate, regulate, fund and provide incentives for land and natural resource protection. Strategy 2: Develop and maintain a sustainable and resilient outdoor recreation infrastructure. Focus areas: Redevelopment, renovation or rehabilitation of current infrastructure, including improvements for safety, accessibility and energy efficiency. In addition, projects that result in sustaining the environmental infrastructure, such as water resources, native habitat, plants, animals, etc. Strategy 3: Promote increased outdoor recreation participation through targeted programming and outreach. Focus areas: Projects that result in more opportunities to participate with peers and family in nature-based outdoor recreation experiences through schools, youth programs, etc., for young people, people from diverse cultural communities or new immigrant communities and seniors. In addition, projects that help support nature education initiatives to ensure “no child left inside” address constraints to outdoor recreation such as economic issues, facility design, public awareness, safety or security issues and/or provide better access to outdoor recreation areas for people for whom limited mobility, cost, distance from recreation areas or other factors restrict participation. The complete SCORP document is available in the Grants category of the DNR website at www.mndnr.gov. Additional review components: The review will then assess the design of the proposed project and existing park facilities. Project design should be compatible with the physical characteristics of the site, consistent with generally accepted engineering and architectural design standards, in accordance with accessibility standards and minimize risk to the health and safety of users. In addition to the design, the review will look at the commitment of the applicant to accomplish the proposed project and to protect and preserve the funded recreation facility. This commitment is assessed through measures such as whether adequate operation and maintenance costs have been developed for the proposed project and if the applicant has committed some of its own resources to the project. OR December 2011 7 AWARD OF FUNDS Announcement of funding approvals will take place after the review and selection process is complete. All applicants will receive official written notification regarding their request for funding. If your proposed project has received preliminary approval for funding, you will be contacted regarding additional information requirements needed before an agreement can be processed. These requirements may include Minnesota Historical Society review, a deed restriction and other details. If the Minnesota Historical Society (MHS) determines that there is a potential for the site to yield historical or archeological information, you will be contacted and provided instructions on hiring an archeological consultant to perform an on-site survey and to coordinates with the MHS to ensure the project will have no adverse effects on these resources. These surveys are to be funded by the applicant and must be completed before grant funds can be reimbursed. Projects cannot begin until all final documentation has been submitted and a grant agreement has been completed. This process can take three months to complete. Most projects can expect to begin in the fall. Any project costs incurred prior to the start date of the grant agreement will not be eligible for reimbursement. Nor can they be considered as part of the required local match. Payment of grant funds to the local sponsor is on a reimbursement basis. The grant recipient must initially expend monies that are then reimbursed under the terms of the grant agreement. Ten percent of the grant funds will be retained until a final inspection has been completed. GRANTS AND PUBLIC INFORMATION Under MN Statute 13.599, responses to a request for proposal are nonpublic until the application deadline is reached. At that time, the name and address of the grantee, and the amount requested becomes public. After the application evaluation process is completed, data (except trade secret data) becomes public. Data created during the evaluation process is nonpublic until the negotiation of the grant agreement with the selected grantee(s) is completed. MN Statute 13.44 categorizes estimated or appraised value of real property prior to purchase and sale as confidential data on individuals or protected nonpublic data. See also Minnesota Government Data Privacy Act for more information. This information, along with corresponding budget information, will be redacted from the applications before making them public. OR December 2011 8 III. Program Requirements LAND RETENTION REQUIREMENTS 1) CONVERSION OF USE: It is the intention of the State that the property acquired under an agreement shall exist in the Grantee's ownership and be maintained and managed consistent with the purpose identified in the application. The Grantee shall not at any time convert any property acquired or developed pursuant to the agreement to uses other than the permitted uses specified in this agreement without the prior written approval of the State. The State will consider a conversion request only after the following pre-requisites have been met: 1. All practical alternatives to the conversion have been evaluated and rejected on a sound basis. 2. The Grantee has agreed to replace the converted lands with other lands of at least equal fair market value and reasonably equivalent recreational usefulness as determined by the State. The State shall have the authority to approve or disapprove conversion requests. 2) DEED RESTRICTION REQUIREMENT: The Grantee will be required to record a condition with the deed of the property acquired and, if necessary, adjacent lands owned by the applicant. The condition is to ensure that the property will be permanently managed and maintained consistent with the purpose identified in the application, and that the property may not be used for any other purpose without written approval from the State. The specific language for the condition will depend on the funding source provided and will be stated in the grant agreement. The Site Boundary Map submitted with your application will delineate and establish the property boundaries subject to the grant agreement. Therefore, it is very important that any existing public facilities and any known future public facilities (e.g., wells, lift stations, roadway improvements, etc.) are clearly identified and excluded from the boundaries of the project. The site boundaries should include only the property that the project sponsor plans on managing for outdoor recreation uses in perpetuity. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS It is the policy of the State of Minnesota to monitor progress on state grants by requiring grantees to submit written progress reports at least annually until all grant funds have been expended and all of the terms in the grant agreement have been met. A progress report form will be provided by program staff. Grant payments shall not be made on grants with past due progress reports unless program staff have given the grantee a written extension. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS It is the policy of the State of Minnesota to conduct at least one monitoring visit per grant period on all state grants of over $50,000 and to conduct at least annual monitoring visits on grants of over $250,000. OR December 2011 9 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES Upon completion of your project, a final billing must be submitted to our office no later than 30 days after the expiration date on your agreement. Program staff will complete a final inspection of the project. The inspection will focus on ensuring that the project was completed in accordance with the grant agreement, that facilities developed are accessible and a funding acknowledgment sign is installed. If any problems are revealed during the inspection, they will need to be corrected before you receive final reimbursement for your grant and the official closeout notification for your project. All expenditures are subject to verification by an independent state audit and, therefore, you must retain all project records for a period of at least six years after you receive the official closeout notification letter. Periodic post-completion inspections will be conducted to ensure that the site is being properly operated and maintained and that no conversion of use has occurred. ACKNOWLEDGMENT SIGN All projects acquired or developed with assistance from this program must display a state approved funding acknowledgment sign at the main entrance to the park. The grant program staff will provide the specific sign information. AVAILABILITY TO USERS Public property, facilities & programs that receive state assistance and future development of a site that has received state assistance shall be open to entry by all persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion or sex. No person shall, on the basis of disability shall be excluded from participation in any program or activity receiving state assistance. Finally, discrimination on the basis of residence, including preferential reservation, membership or annual permit systems is prohibited except to the extent that reasonable differences in admission and other fees may be maintained on the basis of residence. Fees charged to non-residents cannot exceed twice that charged to residents and must be comparable to fees charged at other state or local facilities. IV. Contact Information Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Division of Parks and Trails 500 Lafayette Road, Box 52 Saint Paul, MN 55155 Audrey Mularie, Southern Minnesota, North Metro audrey.mularie@state.mn.usor (651) 259-5549 Joe Hiller Northern Minnesota, South Metro joe.hiller@state.mn.us or (651) 259-5538 5A 5 3 6 7 4 9 8 1 2 12 10 11 Wright County Parks Created by: Wright County GIS, Office of the County Surveyor January, 2009 08001,600400 Feet Bertram Chain of Lakes Map 2 Project Area 2 Parcel #Land AcresWater AcresTotal Acres 140.17040.17 239.89039.89 5A104.3339.7144.03 6174.640174.64 7121.0948.23169.32 834.27.9542.15 99.5746.2755.84 109.8132.3742.18 110.3400.34 1241.870.3342.2 Phase Acres Year Funded Grant $Non-Local Funding Source County $City $Total Status/Result 1 2008 $1,000,000 LCCMR/Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $3,000,000 Funds Expended Phase 1 Completed December, 2008 1 2008 $200,000 DNR-Metro Greenways/Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund $200,000 $200,000 $600,000 Funds Expended Phase 1 Completed December, 2008 1 318 Total 2008 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $3,600,000 2 51.4 2010 $549,628 DNR-Metro Greenways/Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund $274,814 $274,814 $1,099,256 Funds Expended Phase II Completed June 2010 3 Aug-08 $266,249 DNR-Non-Metro Regional Parks/LAWCON (Federal)$148,101 $148,101 $562,451 Grant Awarded & Encumbered for Phase 3, Local Share has not been requested. 3 Jan-10 $400,000 DNR-Legacy Park/Amendment (Legacy Amendment Funds)$222,500 $222,500 $845,000 Grant Awarded & Encumbered for Phase 3, Local Share has not been requested. 3 Sep-10 $334,725 DNR-Non-Metro Regional Parks/LAWCON (Federal)$167,363 $167,363 $669,451 Grant Awarded & Encumbered for Phase 3, Local Share has not been requested. 3 Sep-10 $76,000 DNR-Legacy Park/Amendment (Legacy Amendment Funds)$61,299 $61,299 $198,598 Grant Awarded & Encumbered for Phase 3, Local Share has not been requested. 126 Total 2011 $1,076,974 $599,263 $599,263 $2,275,500 Grant Awarded & Encumbered for Phase 3, Local Share has not been requested. $2,826,602 ENTF, LAWCON, Parks Legacy Amendment $2,074,077 $2,074,077 $6,974,756 4 140 2011-2012 $2,993,625 Non-Metro/Legacy Park/Either Legacy Funds or LAWCON (Federal)$2,993,625 Grants submitted $833,333 Funding awarded from above for parcels 9,10 and 12 $204,000 $204,000 $1,241,000 Grant funding awarded (from Legacy/ENTF) 615 2013-2014 5,340,065$ Park Legacy/Non-Metro/LAWCON/DNR Outdoor Rec 3,472,089$ 3,472,089$ 12,284,244$ Parcels 8,1,2, 3 and 4, balance of 5, 7 1250.35 $9,000,000 44% non-local, 28% County, 28% City $5,750,000 $5,750,000 $20,500,000 Overall Funding Plan Remaining Funding Needs (If Phase IV Proposed Funding is approved) Total Funding to Date Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park - Acquisition Project Funding History and Needs Phase I Funding (2008) Phase 2 Funding (2010) Phase 3 Funding 2012 Proposed Acqusition with Grant Information CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 1 9.ConsiderationtoadoptOrdinance#547,amendingTitle10oftheMonticelloCity Code,MonticelloZoningOrdinance,Section4.5-Signs (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: InFebruaryof2011,theCityofMonticelloadoptedaninterimordinanceallowingfor theexpansioninusageoftemporarysignage.TheinterimordinanceexpiredonJanuary 1,2012. Thefollowingtableillustratesacomparisoninflexibilityallowedundertheinterim ordinance.Thecompleteinterimordinance,whichincludesotherperformancestandards, isalsoincludedwiththisreportasSupportingData. CodeRequirement ExistingOrdinance InterimOrdinance SignsAllowedPerparcelPerbusiness,signmustbelocated onparcelonwhichbusinessin located NumberofSignsper Location 11signevery75linearfeetof ROW,1signperbusiness NumberofDays(Annual)40Unlimited PermitRequiredYesYes TheinterimordinancewasadoptedtoallowthePlanningCommission,andCityasa whole,anopportunitytoanalyzethetemporarysignissueoverafiniteperiodand determinetheimpacts(bothpositiveandnegative)oftheinterimregulation. Atthistime,theCommissionisaskedtoreviewallavailabledatacompiledduringthe interimordinanceperiodandtomakearecommendationonfurthertemporarysign ordinanceamendmentsrelativetotheCity’sgoalsforsignageasacomponentoflanduse policy. Analysis Inregardtoanalyzingtheoutcomesoftheinterimordinance,threeprimarypiecesof informationareofferedforCommission’sreview: 1.Permitdata Duringtheperiodoftheinterimordinance,38temporarysignpermitswereissued. Forreference,in2010,theCityissued25temporarysignpermits. TheMonticelloChamberofCommercehasindicatedthatthecommunityiscurrently hometoapproximately430businesses. Thispermit-to-businessratiosuggeststhatamajorityofbusinesses(particularlyin theindustrialdistricts)donotutilizetemporarysignage.Lessthan10%ofbusinesses CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 2 utilizetemporarysignage.Theoutlierstothisstatementincludethosesignsplaced withoutpermitandotherbusinessesthatillustrateinfrequentusagetendencies. FurtheranalysisofpermitdataisincludedinItem3. 2.Streetcorridorimages Inreviewingtheimagestakenbybuildinginspectorsoverthelast12months,the primaryissuesarerelatedtothepermitting,type,condition,and/orlocationof signage. a)ManyofthesignswereillegallyplacedwithintheROWorwereoff-premise. b)Signswereconstructedofprohibitedmaterialsandwerepoorlymaintained. c)Signswereillegalduetolackofsignpermit. d)Theuseofmultiplesigntypesatonetime,inviolationoftheordinance.The codeallowsthedisplayofonlyonetemporarysigndeviceatatime.Many businessesutilizebanners,flags,andportablesignsintandem. Inthecaseofitem“a)”above,itshouldbenotedthattheuseofcity,county,stateand federalright-of-waysforsignageisstrictlyprohibitedandinthecaseofstate,county andfederalright-of-ways,cannotbepermittedfortemporarysignageunderany ordinanceamendment.Thisisarecognizedissueformanycommercialcorridor businessesseekingtogainvisibilityfortheirtemporarysignage.However,theCity doesnothavetheabilityorauthoritytoaddressthisissue. 3.Surveyoftemporarysignpermitholders Attheconclusionoftheinterimordinance,ashortsurveywassenttoalltemporary signpermitholders.Ofthe38businesspermitholders,27providedtheiremail address.TheCityreceived15surveyresponses,a57%responserate.Twosurvey remindersweresenttotrytoincreaseresponse.Itshouldbenotedthatthesurvey responserepresentslessthan50%ofthepermitholders. ThefullsurveyreportisincludedfortheCityCouncil’sreference. Surveyresults: Themajorityofsurveyrespondentsindicatedthattheywereawareofthe interimordinance. Themajorityofsurveyrespondents(79+%)usedunder60totaldaysof signage. Themajorityofrespondentsalsoutilizedotherformsoftemporarysignage including:electronicorchangeablecopyboards,windowsignage,sandwich boardsandbannersignage. Therespondentsweresplitfairlyevenlybetweenmulti-tenant(46%)and singlepad(54%)businesses,whichmirrorstheMonticelloChamber’soverall communitybusinessinventory.TheChamber’sinventoryshows431total CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 3 businesses,with199multi-tenantbusinesses,ora46%multi-tenantbusiness make-up. Withtheaboveinformationunderstoodasasamplingofinterimordinanceoutcomes, staffispresentedthePlanningCommissionwithtwopotentialalternativesfor consideration. Alternative1:Extendtheinterimordinanceforoneadditionalyear StaffmetwithagroupofbusinessrepresentativesinJanuaryofthisyeartogather feedbackontheoutcomesoftheinterimordinanceandtheirrecommendationfor permanentamendments.ThegroupincludedChamberofCommercestaff,marketing professionals,propertyowners,andbusinessowners.Thisgroupwasthesamesample groupinvolvedinthepreparationoftheinitialinterimordinance. Thisgroupindicatedsupportformuchofthelanguagecontainedwithintheinterim ordinance,statingthattheordinanceseemedtoworkwellfortheirneeds.Acopyofthe interimordinanceisincludedasSupportingData,withtheprovisionssupportedbythis businessgroup.Insummary,thegroupsupportedthenumber,size,spacing,and allowanceperbusinessprovisionsoftheinterimordinance.Inadditiontothese standards,thegroupsuggestedthattheCityaddlanguagerelatingtomaintenanceand appearanceofsignage,requiringthatsignownerskeepthesignsingoodrepair.In addition,thegroupagreedthatastreamlinedcodewhichgroupsbothportabletemporary signsandattentiongettingdevicestogetheras“temporarysigns”wasbestforclarityand easeofregulation. However,thegroupdidexpressconcernwithatightlimitationonthenumberofdays allowed.Therewasnosupportforreturningtoa40daymaximumperyear.Instead, somemembersofthegroupsoughtacompleterelaxationofthecodeinthisarea (allowinganunlimitednumberofdaysandchangingtheterminologyfrom“temporary” to“portable”.Otherssuggestedatieredapproachthatwouldallowanoverallincreasein thenumberofdays,butwiththenumberofdayssplitbetweentypesofsignage(banner, portable,flags).Thisapproachwouldallowbusinessesmoreflexibilityinhowtheyuse temporarysigndevices. Ultimately,thegrouprecommendedthattheCityaddtheprovisionformaintenanceto theexistinginterimordinanceandthenextendtheinterimordinanceforoneadditional year.Inthattime,theCitycouldcontinuetoevaluatetheimpactofunlimitedsaysof use,completeadditionalstudyonthevisualpreferenceoftheentirecommunity,and examinealternativesforthetieredapproach. Alternative2:Amendthetemporarysignordinancewithsuggestedmodifications Staffalsopresentedanoptionforamendment,indicatingthat,ifthePlanning Commissionbelievedenoughinformationwasgatheredduringthisinitialinterim ordinanceperiod,asetofamendmentsreflectingablendingoftherecommendationsof CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 4 staff(whicharebasedonthedatacollected)andthebusinesscommunitycouldbe adoptedwithprovisionsasfollows,withchangesfromthecurrentcodeinredbold italics. (1)ForpropertyinaBusinessDistrictoranIndustrialDistrict(seetable3-1),theuseof commercialtemporarysigndevicesshallnotexceedforty(40)ninety(90)daysper calendaryearperbuilding business.Notmorethanone(1)temporarysigndeviceper buildingshallbedisplayeduponapropertyatanyonetime.Theareaoftemporary signdevicesshallnotexceedthirty-two(32)forty(40)squarefeet. NOTE:Commissionmaywishtoaddresstheissueofbusiness’utilizing portablesignageand bannersignage,ormultiplebanners,atthesametime. Again,thisiscurrentlyaviolationofthecode.Anoptionforsuchadditional usagecouldbeconsideredaspartofthetieredapproachdiscussedinmore detailbelow. Staffcontinuestorecommendonesignperbusinessforeaseofuseforboth theCityandtheapplicant. Commissionwillnotethatthisisasubstantialincreaseoftotaltemporary signagedaysoverthecurrentallowanceof40days.However,itisconsistent withthemajorityofpermitresponsesfornumberofdaysused. Analternativetieredapproachcouldbeincorporatedinsteadofasingular statementofdays.Permitpricingwouldtier,accordingly. Example: 91-120totaldays:Anycombinationofdaysfortemporarysigndevices includingportablesignage,attention-gettingdevice,pennants,flags, and/orbanner.Onlyonetemporarysigndeviceperbusinessatanysingle timeperiodshallbepermitted. 61-90totaldays:Anycombinationofdaysfortemporarysigndevices includingportablesignage,attention-gettingdevice,pennants,flags, and/orbanner.Onlyonetemporarysigndeviceperbusinessatanysingle timeperiodshallbepermitted. 1-60:Anycombinationofdaysfortemporarysigndevicesincluding portablesignage,attention-gettingdevice,pennants,flags,and/orbanner. Onlyonetemporarysigndeviceperbusinessatanysingletimeperiod shallbepermitted. (2)One(1)temporarysignshallbeallowedeveryseventy-five(75)linealfeetofstreet frontage,onnotmorethantwo(2)publicstreets,andshallbelocatedontheparcel forwhichthepermithasbeenissued.Temporarysignsmustbelocatedonprivate CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 5 propertybypermissionoftheownerandmaynotbelocatedonanypubliceasement orright-of-way. (3)Temporarysignsmustbeconstructedofmaterialsconsistentwithtemporarysigns (portable)suchasaluminum,acrylic,plexiglass,lexan,polycarbonate,orother comparablematerialsandmaynotbeconstructedofplywood,chipboard, unfinishedmaterials,orothersimilarmaterials.Inthecaseofbanners,weather- resistantplasticorpolymaterialsshallberequired.Alltemporarysignagemustbe keptingoodrepairandmaynotconstituteanuisanceasdefinedbyTitle7, Chapter1ofCityCode. (4)Incaseswherepropertiesforego,inwriting,temporarysignageallowedbySection 4.5(I)(1)above,anadditionalpermanentmessageboardsignuptofifty(50)square feetinareashallbeallowed.Suchsignmaybeincorporatedintoaproperty’s freestandingsignorthebuildingasadditionalwallsignarea.Freestandingsignsshall besubjecttotheheightlimitationsoftheapplicablezoningdistrict. (5)Governmentbuildingsandstructures,publicandquasi-publicbuildings,public parksandrecreationareas,publiceducationalinstitutionslimitedtoaccredited elementary,middleorseniorhighschools,andreligiousinstitutionsshallbe allowedtemporarysignageinaccordancewiththeprovisions(1)through(6)ofthis ordinance. Thisprovision,althoughnotpartoftheinterimordinancediscussion,isa staff-recommendedamendmentnecessarytoaddresstheissueof regulationsfortemporarysignagefornon-profitandpublicentitieslocated inresidentialdistricts. (6)SubjecttootherprovisionsofSection4.5(I),one(1)additionaltemporarysigndevice shallbepermittedforabusinessonaone-timebasisforaperiodofuptoforty(40) daystobeutilizedwithinsix(6)monthsofthefirstdayofthebusinessopeningtothe public.SuchsignageshallnotbelimitedbytheprovisionsofSections4.5(I)(2). ThealternativesaboveallowtheCitythelatitudetoconsiderrecommendinganextension oftheinterimordinanceasis,extendtheinterimordinancewithmodifications,orto adoptanordinancebasedonthedatacollectedunderthetwelvemonthsoftheexpired interimordinance. PlanningCommissionRecommendation ThePlanningCommissionheldapublichearingonthisitemonFebruary21st,2012.The Commissionvoted3-2infavorofrecommendationtoadoptOrdinance#547in accordancewithAlternative#2. CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 6 AletterofpubliccommentfromPatSawatzke,ownerofRiverCitySigns,atemporary signrentalbusinessinMonticello,wasprovidedaspartofthepublicrecord.Mr. SawatzkestatedsupportforAlternative#2above,amendingthetemporarysign ordinanceasproposedbystaff.Nootherpublictestimonywasofferedduringthe hearing.TheChamberofCommercedidpublicizethehearingintheirweeklyemailand intheirnewsletter. CommissionersDragstenandFyle,votingindissent,indicatedthatalthoughthe amendmentwasgenerallyfavorable,theypreferredanextensionoftheinterimordinance foranadditionalyearinlightofeconomicconditions.ThebalanceoftheCommission indicatedthattheybelievedenoughdatahadbeengatheredandthattheamendments representedafairexpansionoftemporarysignallowances. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptOrdinance#547amendingTitle10oftheMonticelloCityCode, MonticelloZoningOrdinance,Chapter4.5,Signs,asrecommendedinAlternative #2aboveandbasedonthefindingsoffactasstatedinthestaffreportof2/21/12. 2.MotiontoadoptanextensionofInterimOrdinance#526,aninterimordinance providingtemporaryexpansionoftemporarysignageallowanceswithintheCity ofMonticello,basedonafindingthatadditionalinformationisneededfor developmentoffinalordinanceamendments,toDecember31,2012. 3.Motiontotabletheitemforfurtherreview. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1foradoptionofOrdinance#547basedonthe includedfindingsoffact.Staffbelievesthattheproposedamendmentsprovideneeded flexibilityfortemporarysignusers,increasingtheoverallnumberofdays,allowing signagetobedistributedequitablybybusiness(ratherthanbuildingorparcel),and creatingneededstandardsforsignmaintenance. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.Ordinance#547–AmendmenttoTitle10,Section4.5(I)–TemporarySigns B.FindingsofFact C.PlanningCommissionMinutes,2/21/12 D.MonticelloZoningOrdinance,Chapter4.5–Signs E.InterimOrdinance#526 F.PermitHolderData G.PermitHolderSignSurvey H.CorridorImages I.NeighboringCommunityComparison–TemporarySignRegulations J.PublicCommentLetter ORDINANCENO.547 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA ANORDINANCEAMENDINGTITLE10–MONTICELLOZONING ORDINANCEOFTHEMONTICELLOCITYCODE, SECTION4.5(I)–TEMPORARYSIGNS THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFMONTICELLOHEREBYORDAINS: Section1.Section4.5(I)–TemporarySigns,Title10–ZoningOrdinanceishereby amendedasfollows: (I)TemporarySigns (1)ForpropertyinaBusinessDistrictoranIndustrialDistrict(see table3-1),theuseofcommercialtemporarysigndevicesshallnot exceedforty(40)ninety(90)dayspercalendaryearperbuilding business.Notmorethanone(1)temporarysigndeviceperbuilding shallbedisplayeduponapropertyatanyonetime.Theareaof temporarysigndevicesshallnotexceedthirty-two(32)forty(40) squarefeet. (2)One(1)temporarysignshallbeallowedeveryseventy-five(75) linealfeetofstreetfrontage,onnotmorethantwo(2)public streets,andshallbelocatedontheparcelforwhichthepermithas beenissued.Temporarysignsmustbelocatedonprivateproperty bypermissionoftheownerandmaynotbelocatedonanypublic easementorright-of-way. (3)Temporarysignsmustbeconstructedofmaterialsconsistentwith temporarysigns(portable)suchasaluminum,acrylic,plexiglass, lexan,polycarbonate,orothercomparablematerialsandmaynot beconstructedofplywood,chipboard,unfinishedmaterials,or othersimilarmaterials.Inthecaseofbanners,weather-resistant plasticorpolymaterialsshallberequired.Alltemporarysignage mustbekeptingoodrepairandmaynotconstituteanuisanceas definedbyTitle7,Chapter1ofCityCode. (2)(4)Incaseswherepropertiesforego,inwriting,temporarysignage allowedbySection4.5(I)(1)above,anadditionalpermanent messageboardsignuptofifty(50)squarefeetinareashallbe allowed.Suchsignmaybeincorporatedintoaproperty’s freestandingsignorthebuildingasadditionalwallsignarea. Freestandingsignsshallbesubjecttotheheightlimitationsofthe applicablezoningdistrict. ORDINANCENO.547 (5)Governmentbuildingsandstructures,publicandquasi-public buildings,publicparksandrecreationareas,publiceducational institutionslimitedtoaccreditedelementary,middleorseniorhigh schools,andreligiousinstitutionsshallbeallowedtemporary signageinaccordancewiththeprovisions(1)through(6)ofthis ordinance. (3)(6)SubjecttootherprovisionsofSection4.5(I),one(1)additional temporarysigndeviceshallbepermittedforabusinessonaone- timebasisforaperiodofuptoforty(40)daystobeutilizedwithin six(6)monthsofthefirstdayofthebusinessopeningtothepublic. SuchsignageshallnotbelimitedbytheprovisionsofSections 4.5(I)(2). Section2.ThisOrdinanceshalltakeeffectandbeinfullforcefromandafterits passageandpublication.Revisionswillbemadeonlineafteradoptionby Council.CopiesofthecompleteZoningOrdinanceareavailableonline andatMonticelloCityHall. ADOPTEDANDAPPROVEDFORPUBLICATIONBY theMonticelloCityCouncil this12th dayofMarch,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO ____________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator VOTINGINFAVOR: VOTINGINOPPOSITION: City Council Agenda: 03/12/12 1 FINDINGS OF FACT – ORDINANCE #547 SUPPORTING DATA ITEM B  The amendment is consistent with the City’s purpose in regulating the number, size, type and other physical characteristics of signs in order to promote the public health, safety and welfare.  The amendment language proposed addresses the primary concerns noted by the interim ordinance data, including the need for valid permits, the desire for well-maintained and attractive temporary signage, and the continued prohibition of off-premise signage.  An amendment providing an allowance for additional days is justified by the permit holder survey data, and can allows flexibility for business owners in their sign device choice.  Regulating temporary signage as described within the proposed amendment preserves and maintains the scenic and aesthetic environment of the community, and protects and promotes the quality of life of the City’s residents.  Regulation of temporary signage is necessary for the safety of local and visiting motorists and pedestrians and to reduce the distracting influence of uncontrolled signage. MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, February 21, 2012 - 6:00 PM Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Rod Dragsten, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, Barry Voight, and William Spartz Council Liaison: Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Steve Grittman-NAC 1. Call to order Rod Dragsten called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Consideration to approve Planning Commission minutes of January 3, 2012 BILL SPARTZ MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 3, 2012. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY CHARLOTTE GABLER. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 3. Citizen Comments None 4. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None 5. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration to adopt the City of Monticello Official Zoning Map The Planning Commission tabled action on this item in January to allow staff the opportunity to research the final zoning action and zoning designation for the old bowling alley property (101 Chelsea Road). Staff confirmed that City Council acted to rezone Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of Oakwood Industrial Park, the bowling alley parcels, via Ordinance #521 in June 2011. This action was taken outside of the pending sale transaction, due to rezoning action’s consistency with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The map reflects the three rezoning actions taken in 2011. These include:  Rezoning from I-1 (Light Industrial) to B-2 (Neighborhood Business) for 101 Chelsea Road – Ordinance #531  Rezoning from I-1 (Light Industrial) to B-4 (Regional Business) for 102 Thomas Park Drive – Ordinance #534  Rezoning from I-1 (Light Industrial) to B-4 (Regional Business) for 9766 Fallon Avenue – Resolution 2011-092, completed with Comprehensive Plan Amendment The Bondhus Tool property, located at 1400 East Broadway, was incorrectly zoned R-2 Planning Commission Minutes – 02/21/12 2 with the 2011 Zoning Ordinance update and map revision. The property is guided industrial and was zoned I-1 on the pre-2011 zoning maps. The public hearing for the rezoning of the Bondhus property is scheduled next on this agenda. The map illustrates the proper zoning as I-1. The public hearing was opened. Hearing no public comments, the public hearing was closed. BILL SPARTZ MOVED TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF THE 2012 CITY OF MONTICELLO OFFICIAL ZONING MAP, SUBJECT TO FINAL ZONING ACTION AS TAKEN BY THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL RELATED TO THE BONDHUS TOOL PARCELS (1400 E. BROADWAY). MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRAD FYLE. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 6. Public Hearing - Consideration of request for Rezoning from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to I-1 (Light Industrial) for 1400 East Broadway Applicant: City of Monticello The Bondhus Tool property, located at 1400 East Broadway, was incorrectly zoned R-1 (Single-Family Residential) with the 2011 Zoning Ordinance update and map revision. The rezoning of the subject property is intended to correct an error related to the adoption of a new zoning map occurring concurrently with the adoption of the 2011 comprehensive zoning ordinances. The property was zoned I-1 on the pre-2011 zoning maps and was not intended for rezoning action as part of the ordinance update. Chapter 2.4 B (5) Approval Criteria Recommendations and decisions on zoning amendments shall be based on consideration of the following criteria: a) Whether the proposed amendment corrects an error in the original text or map; or b) Whether the proposed amendment addresses needs arising from a changing condition, trend, or fact affecting the subject property and surrounding area. c) Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with achieving the goals and objectives outlined in the comprehensive plan. The rezoning is supported under criteria “a” above. The property is guided as “Places to Work” in the 2008 Monticello Comprehensive Plan, and therefore also meets review criteria “c” above. Bondhus Tool Company is currently in operation on the subject parcels. Bondhus Tool is a light manufacturing facility and therefore consistent with the I-1 (Light Industrial) zoning designation. The rezoning represents a return to appropriate zoning based on a review of all available records. Rezoning would occur concurrently with the adoption of 2012 Zoning Map subject to Council approval. Planning Commission Minutes – 02/21/12 3 The public hearing was opened. Rod Dragsten asked the property owner why the smallest parcel hadn’t been combined with the rest of property. Property owner Mary K. Bondhus shared her understanding of the history of that smallest parcel. It had been included in the purchase agreement but either hadn’t been signed off on or transferred in the same way as the other properties prior to Stuart Hoglund’s death. She noted that it has a tax value of $15 and that it would not be cost-effective to pay an attorney to handle that administrative change. Angela Schumann indicated that it would be possible to combine properties administratively if the property owner chose to do so. Hearing no other public comment, the public hearing was closed. BILL SPARTZ MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2012-017, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE #544 REZONING FROM R-1 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) TO I-1 (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1400 EAST BROADWAY. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BARRY VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request to amend Title 10 of the Monticello City Code, Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 4.5, Signs In February of 2011, Monticello adopted an interim ordinance allowing for the expansion in usage of temporary signage. The interim ordinance was adopted to allow an opportunity to analyze the temporary sign issue over a finite period and determine the impacts of the interim regulation. The interim ordinance expired on January 1, 2012. The Commission was asked to review all available data compiled during the interim ordinance period and make a recommendation for further action. The two primary issues with temporary signage continue to be how to handle equity among businesses and how many days is reasonable for temporary signage. Staff summarized the comparison in flexibility allowed under the interim ordinance. Code Requirement Existing Ordinance Interim Ordinance Signs Allowed Per parcel Per business, sign must be located on parcel on which business in located Number of Signs per Location 1 1 sign every 75 linear feet of ROW, 1 sign per business Number of Days (Annual) 40 Unlimited Permit Required Yes Yes Planning Commission Minutes – 02/21/12 4 Three primary measures were used to evaluate the interim ordinance: permit data, street corridor images, and survey data. 1. Permit data- During the period of the interim ordinance, 26 temporary sign permits were issued. This permit-to-business ratio suggests that a majority of businesses do not utilize temporary signage. 2. Street corridor images- Based on images taken by building inspectors, the primary issues are related to the permitting, type, and/or location of signage versus the actual number of signs. 3. Survey of temporary sign permit holders-Of the 26 business permit holders, the City received 15 survey responses, a 57% response rate.  The majority of survey respondents indicated that they were aware of the interim ordinance.  The majority (79+%) used under 60 total days of signage.  The majority of respondents also utilized other forms of temporary signage.  The respondents were split fairly evenly between multi-tenant (46%) and single pad (54%) businesses. Alternative 1: Extend the interim ordinance for one additional year Staff met with business representatives in January to gather feedback on the outcomes of the interim ordinance and recommendation for permanent amendments. The group supported the number, size, spacing, and allowance per business provisions of the interim ordinance. The group also suggested adding language requiring that sign owners keep the signs in good repair. The group agreed that a streamlined code which groups both portable temporary signs and attention getting devices together as “temporary signs” was best for clarity and ease of regulation. The group recommended that the City add the provision for maintenance to the existing interim ordinance and extend the interim ordinance for one additional year. In that time, the City could continue to evaluate the impact of unlimited says of use, complete additional study on the visual preference of the entire community, and examine alternatives for a tiered approach. Alternative 2: Amend the temporary sign ordinance with suggested modifications Alternative 2 is a set of amendments reflecting a blending of the recommendations of staff (which are based on the data collected) and the business community which could be adopted with provisions as follows. (1) For property in a Business District or an Industrial District (see table 3-1), the use of commercial temporary sign devices shall not exceed forty (40) ninety (90) days per calendar year per building business. Not more than one (1) temporary sign device per building shall be displayed upon a property at any one time. The area of temporary sign devices shall not exceed thirty-two (32) forty (40) square feet. Planning Commission Minutes – 02/21/12 5 (2) One (1) temporary sign shall be allowed every seventy-five (75) lineal feet of street frontage, on not more than two (2) public streets, and shall be located on the parcel for which the permit has been issued. Temporary signs must be located on private property by permission of the owner and may not be located on any public easement or right-of-way. (3) Temporary signs must be constructed of materials consistent with temporary signs (portable) such as aluminum, acrylic, plexiglas, lexan, polycarbonate, or other comparable materials and may not be constructed of plywood, chipboard, unfinished materials, or other similar materials. In the case of banners, weather- resistant plastic or poly materials shall be required. All temporary signage must be kept in good repair and may not constitute a nuisance as defined by Title 7, Chapter 1 of City Code. (4) In cases where properties forego, in writing, temporary signage allowed by Section 4.5(I)(1) above, an additional permanent message board sign up to fifty (50) square feet in area shall be allowed. Such sign may be incorporated into a property’s freestanding sign or the building as additional wall sign area. Freestanding signs shall be subject to the height limitations of the applicable zoning district. (5) Government buildings and structures, public and quasi-public buildings, public parks and recreation areas, public educational institutions limited to accredited elementary, middle or senior high schools, and religious institutions shall be allowed temporary signage in accordance with the provisions (1) through (6) of this ordinance. (6) Subject to other provisions of Section 4.5(I), one (1) additional temporary sign device shall be permitted for a business on a one-time basis for a period of up to forty (40) days to be utilized within six (6) months of the first day of the business opening to the public. Such signage shall not be limited by the provisions of Sections 4.5(I)(2). This issue will move forward for City Council consideration on March 12th. A letter would be sent to the business community outlining the recommended ordinance and enforcement policy. Bill Spartz asked about the penalty for signs placed in inappropriate locations. Staff noted that the signs would be removed and the business would be contacted. Building Department will conduct a weekly spring sweep in an effort to hold businesses more accountable for temporary signage. Rod Dragsten pointed out that some people doesn’t understand where the right of way is located and suggested that the City indicate road width and road right-of-way on maps to be distributed to permit holders. Planning Commission Minutes – 02/21/12 6 Staff noted that property owners in the CCD who have not been applying for permits when putting up temporary signage should be subject to enforcement. Brad Fyle recommended extending the interim ordinance for one more year. Barry Voight expressed frustration with the number of permits issued during the interim ordinance as well as the lack of survey results and suggested that the City put the issue to rest. He said the City was led to believe that temporary sign ordinances made it difficult to run a business in town but that Monticello’s ordinance is in line with how this issue is handled in surrounding communities. He noted that enforcement is key but stated that businesses have to be held accountable too. He specifically asked staff if provision number 6 in Exhibit I, which deals with additional signage related to grand openings, needed to be amended. Staff indicated that it should be broadened to include both provisions 1 and 4. Rod Dragsten said that he thought the business community monitored themselves well but would prefer to see no limit on the number of days for temporary signage and extend the ordinance for one more year. Bill Spartz said that 90 days is sufficient and would like to put the matter to rest. Charlotte Gabler said a number of days would be needed for enforcement and agrees with the 90 days. Ron Hackenmueller clarified that the total number of temporary signs for the year may have been closer to 40 for both 2011 and 2010 but that 26 is the number of temporary signs during the interim ordinance. Lloyd Hilgart asked how many temporary sign users did not have a permit. Staff estimated there may have been 8-10 that were then asked to obtain a permit. Angela Schumann stated that regulating the number of days for temporary signs does matter in terms of community aesthetics. There was further discussion about having to track the number of days and the potential consequences of unlimited days. The public hearing was opened. Angela Schumann noted that the City had received a letter from River City Signs owner Pat Sawatzke in support of Alternative 2, Motion 1. Hearing no further public comment, the public hearing was closed. BILL SPARTZ MOVED TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE AMENDMENT #547, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE, CHAPTER Planning Commission Minutes – 02/21/12 7 4.5, SIGNS, AS RECOMMENDED VIA ALTERNATIVE 2 ABOVE AND BASED ON THE FINDINGS OF FACT AS STATED BELOW AND BROADENING NUMBER 6 IN EXHIBIT I TO INCLUDE PROVISIONS 1 & 4. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED 3-2 WITH BRAD FYLE AND BARRY VOIGHT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. FINDINGS OF FACT  The amendment is consistent with the City’s purpose in regulating the number, size, type and other physical characteristics of signs in order to promote the public health, safety and welfare.  The amendment language proposed addresses the primary concerns noted by the interim ordinance data, including the need for valid permits, the desire for well-maintained and attractive temporary signage, and the continued prohibition of off-premise signage.  An amendment providing an allowance for additional days is justified by the permit holder survey data, and can allow flexibility for business owners in their sign device choice.  Regulating temporary signage as described within the proposed amendment preserves and maintains the scenic and aesthetic environment of the community, and protects and promotes the quality of life of the City’s residents.  Regulation of temporary signage is necessary for the safety of local and visiting motorists and pedestrians and to reduce the distracting influence of uncontrolled signage. 8. Public Hearing – Consideration to amend Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 27, Regulating the Management of the Mississippi Wild, Scenic, and Recreational River System and the Shoreland Areas of the City of Monticello and Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 3, Section 7 for the adoption of Overlay Ordinances regulating the Mississippi Wild, Scenic & Recreational River District and the Shoreland District. Applicant: City of Monticello As part of the 2010/2011 comprehensive Zoning Ordinance amendment process, the City began revising existing Mississippi Wild, Scenic & Recreational regulations and the drafting of new Shoreland ordinances. For the past year, staff has been working with the City’s regional Department of Natural Resources (DNR) representative, Roger Stradal, to develop a better understanding of existing template ordinances and the process for revision and adoption of new ordinances. State regulations require that the DNR review and certify the Shoreland and Wild & Scenic provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Stradal has aided the City in developing the ordinances consistent with statutes. The City has incorporated all final comments from the DNR on the Mississippi Wild, Planning Commission Minutes – 02/21/12 8 Scenic & Recreational ordinance. Staff plan to incorporate the DNR’s final comments on the Shoreland ordinance and bring the revised ordinance forward for Planning Commission review in March. The ordinances will become overlay districts to the base zoning districts and act as a second layer of regulation for properties lying within the boundaries of the overlay districts. The City is responsible for enforcing these ordinances for any development within that overlay district and rely on the DNR for secondary assistance when needed. The City has actually needed to enforce the ordinance within the past year. As Monticello’s portion of the Mississippi River has been defined by the State as “Recreational”, the City is required to adopt local regulations consistent with standards for “Recreational” river areas. Specifically, the draft Mississippi Wild & Scenic ordinance outlines:  Allowable uses via City’s use table (Chapter 5), in accordance with MN Rules  Minimum standards for lots, including area and setbacks o Commission will note that the lot area and setback are generally consistent with the ranges provided for the R-A and R-1 districts, with larger area requirements for riparian lots and larger setback requirements at the shoreline. o Both sewered and unsewered provisions are included, as there may be cases in which recently annexed properties with private systems require development require under these regulations.  Maximum impervious surface requirements  Additional performance standards for density, structure placement and stormwater management  Limitations for clear-cutting and grading within the overlay district o This City receives assistance in the administration and enforcement of these regulations from the Wright County Soil & Water District and the local DNR Conservation Officer.  Process for development and agency action Staff recommended that the Planning Commission review the Mississippi Wild, Scenic & Recreational ordinances and then continue the hearing to March for review of the proposed Shoreland Ordinances. Once the Planning Commission recommends approval of these ordinances they would go forward to City Council. Council would take action to repeal the existing Chapter 27 in the zoning code and adopt these new sections in its place. Charlotte Gabler asked if planning for the future bridge crossing would be affected by these ordinances. Angela Schumann noted that the bridge crossing project would have its own environmental review process but that any development that occurs outside the scope of that project in that area would be affected. Planning Commission Minutes – 02/21/12 9 Brad Fyle expressed his concern that the city should not approve anything that is not required. Angela Schumann said that the City has tried to adopt a model ordinance that follows the base State statutes. She noted that any issues related to pathways or roads would follow a different approval process and that the DNR is consulted when pathways are proposed. She noted that staff also considers provisions of the Wild and Scenic requirements as part of an environmental project memo in applying for grants for paths and trails. The public hearing was opened. DNR representative Roger Stradel agreed that roads are typically already in place in these areas and that the DNR is generally supportive of pathways as long as they meet requirements. Rod Dragsten asked for clarification about the requirements for screening a structure on property on the river. He asked if a property owner who lived on the river would not be allowed to have a view of the river from the home. Roger Stradel summarized that there are specific requirements. Property ow ners are allowed to remove brush and buckthorn and to trim trees. He described the importance of trees in maintaining the shoreline and noted that there must be a constant canopy and that trees larger than 4 inches in diameter must not be removed. Angela Schumann stated that provisions are designed to give the City the flexibility to look at what is vegetation in place, what is being constructed, and what is appropriate vegetative screening. As an example, a property owner cleared brush along the shoreline and worked with Wright County to re-establish native vegetation. The restoration improved the view of the river and kept the property from eroding. Hearing no further public comment, the public hearing was closed. BARRY VOIGHT MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO MARCH 6TH, 2012, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REVIEWING THE SHORELAND OVERLAY DISTRICT REGULATIONS AND CHAPTER 8, DEFINITIONS. MOTIONWAS SECONDED BY BILL SPA RTZ . MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 9. Public Hearing – Consideration of a request for Amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section 4(P) for Specific Review Requirements and Procedures for Planned Unit Development. Applicant: City of Monticello Steve Grittman provided documentation related to a series of proposed amendments to the City’s Planned Unit Development ordinance. The amendments proposed are a result of feedback provided at the joint session Planning Commission and City Council Planning Commission Minutes – 02/21/12 10 workshop held in October of 2011 as well as staff recommendations. Most of the proposed changes are clerical or intended to clarify existing language and the general form of the ordinance is left intact. The ordinance continues to allow Planned Unit Development by zoning district only and retains the collaborative process. Another change includes clarifications to processing and submission requirements, and specifies that upon final approval of a PUD project, the applicant shall record a plat and the City shall adopt a rezoning ordinance creating a new zoning district applying to the specific parcel(s) in question, and changing the zoning map to this new district. Steve Grittman briefly outlined specific proposed changes to the ordinance:  Deleted conditional clause from the purpose statement so that the city has authority to deny a PUD  Deleted language related to base zoning district  Recommended addition of a referencing requirement  Deleted the minimum threshold size for the PUD  Clarified multiple party ownership  Removed planning objectives from ordinance language  Refocused language relating to development footprint and ecological-based approach  Broadened applicability of section from unit counts to intensity  Deleted incentive related to street size as a bonus for developers  Required developer to submit a calculation for net developable land  Specified option of submitting Concept Plan and Development Plan concurrently  Required identification of specific densities as part of Concept Plan submittal  Specified Planning Commission review and public hearing of application  Specified timing requirements for Council action on a concept plan  Clarified the distinction between the process of plat action and zoning action  Specified effective date clause for ordinance  Specified three levels of amendment  Added language about PUD cancellation process The public hearing was opened. Hearing no public comment, the public hearing was closed. Angela Schumann suggested adding back language that had been included in the editorial comments but inadvertently left out of Section 3, Specific PUD Preliminary Plat Submittals. Specific documents required to be included are: building design and materials, landscaping detail screening, fencing, grading, streets utilities, signage, and lighting. BARRY VOIGHT MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2012-019 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE #546 FOR THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT AND INCLUDING LANGUAGE ADDED TO SECTION 3, SPECIFIC PUD PRELIMINARY PLAT Planning Commission Minutes – 02/21/12 11 SUBMITTALS, REQUIRING DOCUMENTS RELATED TO BUILDING DESIGN AND MATERIALS, LANDSCAPING DETAIL SCREENING, FENCING, GRADING, STREETS UTIILTIES, SIGNAGE AND LIGHTING. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRAD FYLE. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. This item will go before the City Council at the second meeting in March. 10. Community Development Director’s Report Upcoming Special Meeting-Staff reported that there is a Joint City Council/EDA/Planning Commission special meeting scheduled for 5:15 PM on February 27th to provide an Embracing Downtown Monticello process update. There was some question about a revised meeting time of 5:30 PM. Staff agreed to confirm that with the Commission. CCD Ordinance Rewrite-The ad hoc task force assigned to direct the CCD rewrite met with Planner Grittman February 10th to determine how to write the ordinance standards. Charlotte Gabler and Bill Spartz were in attendance. Two workshops were scheduled to provide for further input in preparing a draft ordinance. The first workshop, scheduled for 4:30 PM on March 6th, will cover permitted and conditional uses to be included within the CCD. The second workshop, tentatively scheduled for March 20th at 4:30 PM, will cover other code performance standards. A final draft of the CCD ordinance is expected to come before the Commission in April or May. Development Survey-The City received 5 responses out of the 18 development surveys emailed. Overall the results were favorable, although the clarity of application materials may need to be reviewed and improved. Growth Projections-Steve Grittman is preparing a project scope and estimate for updating the growth projections to be forwarded to the Planning Commission in March. Ford Project-The City has not received a development stage application. Housing Statistics-Staff noted that information about current real estate trends was included in the agenda packets. Land Use-Related Legislation-A summary of recent land-use related legislation making its way through this year’s legislative session was also included in the packet. 11. Adjourn BILL SPARTZ MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:46 PM. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BARRY VOIGHT. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri __ Approved: March 6, 2012 Attest: ___________________________________________ Angela Schumann, Community Development Director CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (A) Findings, Purpose, and Effect City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 189 4.5 Signs (A) Findings, Purpose, and Effect (1) Findings The City finds: (a) Exterior signs have a substantial impact on the character and quality of the environment. (b) Signs provide an important medium through which individuals may convey a variety of messages. (c) Signs can create traffic hazards and aesthetic concerns, thereby threatening the public health, safety and welfare. (d) The City's zoning regulations include the regulation of signs in an effort to provide adequate means of expression and to promote the economic viability of the business community, while protecting the City and its citizens from a proliferation of signs of a type, size, location and character that would adversely impact upon the aesthetics of the community and threaten the health, safety and welfare of the community. The regulation of the physical characteristics of signs within the City has had a positive impact on traffic safety and the appearance of the community. (2) Purpose and Intent (a) It is not the purpose or intent of Section 4.5 to regulate the message displayed on any sign; nor is it the purpose or intent of this section to regulate any building design or any display not defined as a sign, or any sign which cannot be viewed from outside a building. (b) The purpose and intent of Section 4.5 is to: (i) Regulate the number, location, size, type, illumination and other physical characteristics of signs within the City in order to promote the public health, safety and welfare. (ii) Maintain, enhance and improve the aesthetic environment of the City by preventing visual clutter that is harmful to the appearance of the community. (iii) Improve the visual appearance of the City while providing for effective means of communication, consistent with constitutional guarantees and the City's goals of public safety and aesthetics. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (C) Permit Not Required Page 190 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (iv) Provide for fair and consistent enforcement of the sign regulations set forth herein under the zoning authority of the City. (3) Effect A sign may be erected, mounted, displayed or maintained in the City if it is in conformance with the provisions of this ordinance. The effect of Section 4.5, as more specifically set forth herein, is to: (a) Allow a wide variety of sign types in commercial zones, and a more limited variety of signs in other zones, subject to the standards set forth in Section 4.5. (b) Allow certain small, unobtrusive signs incidental to the principal use of a site in all zones when in compliance with the requirements of Section 4.5. (c) Prohibit signs whose location, size, type, illumination or other physical characteristics negatively affect the environment and where the communication can be accomplished by means having a lesser impact on the environment and the public health, safety and welfare. (d) Provide for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of Section 4.5. (B) Permit Required No sign shall be erected, altered, improved, reconstructed, maintained or moved in the City without first securing a sign permit from the City: (1) The content of the message or speech displayed on the sign shall not be reviewed or considered in determining whether to approve or deny a sign permit. (2) Application for a sign permit shall be in conformance with the requirements of Section 2.4(K), Sign Permits: (C) Permit Not Required The following signs shall not require a permit and are allowed in addition to those signs allowed by Sections 4.5(I) and 4.5(J) of this section. These exemptions, however, shall not be construed as relieving the owner of the sign from the responsibility of its erection and maintenance, and its compliance with the provisions of this section or any other law or ordinance regulating the same. Section 2.4(K) Sign Permits CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (C) Permit Not Required City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 191 (1) The changing of the display surface on a painted or printed sign only. This exemption, however, shall apply only to poster replacement and/or on site changes involving sign painting on a surface other than the surface of the building. (2) Permanent signs two (2) square feet or less in size. (3) One (1) sign per property in residential districts not to exceed four (4) square feet. (4) All noncommercial signs are permitted on private property in any zoning district with the express consent of the owner or occupant of such property. In a State general election year, noncommercial signs of any size may be posted in any number forty-six (46) days before the State primary in a State general election year until ten (10) days following the State general election. Election signs posted in connection with elections held at times other than those regulated by Minn. Stat. 211B.035 shall not be posted more than 13 weeks prior to the election and shall be removed by the party responsible for the erection of the sign or the property owner within ten (10) days after the election. (5) Official and Public signs. (6) One (1) sign shall be allowed per street frontage when a property is offered for sale or lease, provided that: (a) Within residential zoning districts (see table 3-1), no sign shall exceed twelve (12) square feet in area and six (6) feet in height for single-family, two- family, townhouse, and quadraminium units; or thirty two (32) square feet in area or eight (8) feet in height for multi-family or institutional uses. (b) For non-residential zoning districts (see table 3-1), as well as for any parcel larger than ten (10) acres in any zoning district, signs may be up to ninety six (96) square feet in area or twelve (12) feet in height as defined in this ordinance. One (1) additional such sign shall be allowed for any street frontage which exceeds one thousand (1,000) linear feet. For the purposes of this section, frontage on any right of way, including local streets, County or State Highways, or I-94 shall constitute a ―frontage‖, regardless of access. (7) Sandwich board signs are allowed within all business zoning districts (see table 3- 1) provided that: CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (D) Prohibited Signs Page 192 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (a) Not more than one (1) sign is allowed per principal building except that one sign is allowed per tenant within a principal building having two (2) or more tenants each with an exclusive exterior entrance. (b) The sign shall only be displayed when the business is open to the public. (c) Except in the CCD district, the sign shall be placed only on the business property and shall be located within required principal building setbacks, or encroaching into required setback areas a maximum of five (5) feet, and shall not be placed on any vehicle. (d) The signs shall be located so as to maintain a minimum five (5) foot pedestrian walkway and so as not to obstruct vehicular traffic. (e) The sign shall be set back a minimum of two (2) feet from the back of curb of a public street or private drive aisle. (f) The sign shall conform to the following height and area requirements: (i) Height: Five (5) feet. (ii) Area: Six (6) square feet. (g) For sandwich board signs within the CCD district, sandwich board signs may be located in accordance with the provisions of subpart (c) above. In addition, such signs may be placed upon the sidewalk or boulevard portion of a public right-of-way upon the issuance of an annual permit in accordance with the provisions and process of Section 2.4(K) of this ordinance. (D) Prohibited Signs The following signs are prohibited: (1) Any sign, signal, marking or device which purports to be or is an imitation of or resembles any official traffic control device or railroad sign or signal, or emergency vehicle signs, or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic or which hides from view or interferes with the effectiveness of any official traffic control device or any railroad sign or signal. (2) All off premises signs greater than six (6) square feet in area. (3) Flashing signs. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (E) Nonconforming Signs and Uses City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 193 (4) Roof signs. (5) Rotating signs. (6) Shimmering signs. (7) Signs which move or imitate movement, except for dynamic scrolling signs as defined in this ordinance. (8) Signs painted, attached or in any other manner affixed to trees or similar natural surfaces, or attached to utility poles, bridges, towers, or similar public structures. (9) Off Premises Signs: (a) Off premise signs existing as non-conforming structures at the time of adoption of this ordinance greater than six (6) square feet in area shall be considered a principal use of property. (b) Annual permits are required for all off premises signs. Off premises signs shall be removed as a condition of construction of another principal use upon the property or platting or subdivision approval for the land on which it is located. (10) Abandoned signs. (E) Nonconforming Signs and Uses (1) Signs: A non-conforming sign lawfully existing upon the effective date of this ordinance as denoted in Section 1.4 shall be regulated in accordance with Chapter 6 of this ordinance. (2) Uses: When the principal use of land is legally non-conforming under Chapter 6 of this ordinance, all existing or proposed signs in conjunction with that land use shall be considered conforming if they are in compliance with the sign provisions for the most restrictive zoning district in which the principal use is allowed. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions Page 194 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (3) When a sign is considered to be non-conforming due to size, location, or other factor, but represents a conforming use of land, such sign may be continued, including through repair, replacement, restoration, maintenance, or improvement, but not including expansion, unless it is considered to be abandoned as defined by this ordinance. When a non-conforming sign has been damaged to an extent of 50% or more of its market value, such sign shall be considered to be abandoned if no building or sign permit has been applied for within 180 days of the date of damage. (F) Enforcement and Penalties Section 4.5 shall be administered and enforced in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 7 of this ordinance. (G) Substitution The owner of any sign which is otherwise allowed by Section 4.5 of this ordinance may substitute non-commercial copy in lieu of any other commercial or non-commercial copy. This substitution of copy may be made without any additional approval or permitting. The purpose of this provision is to prevent any inadvertent favoring of commercial speech over non-commercial speech, or favoring of any particular non- commercial message over any other non-commercial message. This provision prevails over any more specific provision to the contrary. (H) General Provisions (1) Accessory Structures Except as provided for by Section 4.5(D)(9), all signs shall be considered accessory structures. (2) Setbacks All freestanding signs shall be set back fifteen (15) feet from any property line abutting a public right-of-way and five (5) feet from any side or rear property line. No sign may be located within a drainage and utility easement. (3) Standards Adopted The design and construction standards as set forth in Chapter 4 of the 1997 edition of the Uniform Sign Code as may be amended, are hereby adopted. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 195 (4) Electrical Signs The installation of electrical signs shall be subject to the State's Electrical Code. Electrical service to such signs shall be underground. (5) Approval No sign shall be attached or be allowed to hang from any building until all necessary wall and roof attachments have been approved by the Community Development Department. (6) Sign Interference No signs, guys, stays or attachments shall be erected, placed or maintained on trees nor interfere with any electric light, power, telephone or telegraph wires or the supports thereof. (7) Illuminated Signs Illuminated signs shall be shielded to prevent lights from being directed at oncoming traffic in such brilliance that it impairs the vision of the driver and may not interfere with or obscure traffic signs or signals. Lighting may not illuminate any adjacent properties, buildings, or streets. (8) Permit Display Signs requiring permits shall display in a conspicuous manner the permit sticker or sticker number. (9) Placement No sign or sign structure shall be erected or maintained that prevents free ingress or egress from any door, window or fire escape. No sign or sign structure shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape. (10) Structure A freestanding sign or sign structure constructed so that the faces are not back to back, shall not have an angle separating the faces exceeding thirty (30) degrees unless the total area of both sides added together does not exceed the maximum allowable sign area for that district. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions Page 196 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (11) Square Footage Calculation (Total Area = A x B): (a) For wall signs, the area of a sign shall be that area within the marginal lines created by the sign surface which bears the advertisement or, in the case of messages, figures or symbols attached directly to the part of a building, which is included in the smallest rectangular figure which can be made to circumscribe the message, figure, or symbol displayed thereon: (b) For monument signs, area shall be calculated as for wall signs. Structural members of the sign, including supports or other decorative features shall not be considered as a part of the measured sign area: (c) For pylon signs, the entire area of the sign face or cabinet shall be considered as a part of the measured sign area. Structural supports, provided that they have no message or other graphics, shall be exempt from the area calculation. (12) Height The top of a wall sign, including its superstructure, if any, shall be no higher than the roof of the building to which such sign may be attached. (13) Landscaping A site plan shall be submitted as a part of any application for a freestanding sign which includes plans for the landscaping of the area near the sign, and which demonstrates that the sign will complement the existing or proposed general site landscaping of the property. (14) Vehicle Fuel Facilities Signs for vehicle fuel facilities shall be regulated by the sign provisions for the zoning district in which the facility is located, except that within a freestanding sign, an area not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet shall be allowed for continuous display (no flashing, scrolling or other animation) of electronic or non-electronic changeable copy identifying current fuel prices in accordance with Minnesota state statutes section 239.751. (15) Window Signs Window signs are not considered a part of the maximum sign area otherwise allowed under Section 4.5 of this ordinance and do not require a permit. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 197 (16) Changeable Copy Signs (a) Changeable copy signs are subject to the following additional regulations: (i) Signs must be permanently anchored to the structure. (ii) Signs must be incorporated within the overall sign structure for both monument and pylon signs and must be consistent in design with the sign structure. (b) Within commercial and industrial districts and for civic and institutional uses including, but not limited to, public school facilities, hospital and medical facilities, municipal facilities and places of public assembly, one (1) changeable copy sign shall be allowed per site provided that the area of the sign not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the allowable sign area or fifty (50) square feet, whichever is less, for a freestanding or wall sign. The area of this sign shall be counted against the maximum sign area for the building, except where the property owner has agreed to forgo the use of temporary signs in accordance Section 4.5(I)(2) in which case the area of the changeable copy sign shall be allowed in excess of the maximum sign area. (17) Time and Temperature Signs Within commercial and industrial zoning districts, an area not to exceed sixteen (16) square feet within a freestanding or wall sign shall be allowed for display of an electronic time and temperature sign subject to the sign provisions for the zoning district in which the sign is located. (18) Projecting Signs Projecting signs may be allowed in commercial districts provided that: (a) There is a minimum of eight (8) feet of clearance under the base of the sign to the ground below. (b) The sign does not project more than five (5) feet beyond the wall to which it is mounted, may not project over any vehicular drive aisle or traveled portion of a public or private street and except in the CCD, Central Community District may not project over a public right-of-way. (c) The area of the projecting sign is not more than fifty (50) percent of the maximum area allowed for an individual wall sign in the respective zoning district in Section 4.5(J). CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (H) General Provisions Page 198 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (19) Dynamic Displays (a) Findings Based on studies related to the use of dynamic sign displays and driver distraction, the City finds that dynamic signs, as defined by the zoning ordinance, have a unique potential to create driver distraction, a major cause of traffic crashes. As a result, the City has adopted special regulations that relate to such signs. These regulations shall apply to all proposed dynamic signage in the City, whether new or existing, conforming or non-conforming at the time of adoption of this ordinance. (b) Regulations governing Dynamic Sign Displays (i) Dynamic sign displays shall have messages that change instantaneously, and do not fade, dissolve, blink, or appear to simulate motion in any way. Prohibited blinking signs shall include signs which are displayed as continuous solid messages for less than the time required by subpart (iii) of this subsection below. The exception to this regulation is the allowance of messages that appear to scroll horizontally across the sign, but are otherwise in compliance with the requirements of this ordinance, including the definition of ―scrolling signs‖. (ii) Dynamic sign displays shall not be permitted in any Residential zoning district. (iii) Dynamic sign displays shall be permanent signs. (iv) No dynamic sign display shall change more than one time per three (3) second period; time and temperature displays may change as frequently as once every three (3) seconds. (v) Dynamic sign displays shall be no brighter than other illuminated signs in the same district. (vi) Dynamic sign displays shall be designed to freeze the display in the event of malfunction, and the owner shall discontinue the display immediately upon malfunction, or upon notice from the City that the display violates the City’s regulations. (vii) Applicants for dynamic sign displays shall sign a license agreement supplemental to the building permit agreeing to operation of a sign in conformance with these regulations. Violation of these regulations shall result in forfeiture of the license, and the City shall be authorized to arrange disconnection of electrical service to the facility. (viii) No dynamic sign display shall be permitted to be located in a yard or on the side of a building which abuts a residentially zoned parcel. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (I) Temporary Signs City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 199 (20) Design and Materials Standards for Signs in Commercial Districts, Industrial Districts, the CCD District, PUDs, and Performance Based Mixed Use Development (a) In General The design and materials of any sign shall be consistent with the building materials requirements of the district in which the sign is located, and shall be the same as, or compatible with, the materials and design of the principal building(s) on the property. (b) Specific Materials for Pylon Signs All exposed pole or post structures must be wrapped or faced with stucco, architectural metal, brick or stone consistent with building architecture. (I) Temporary Signs (1) For property in a Business District or an Industrial District (see table 3-1), the use of commercial temporary sign devices shall not exceed forty (40) days per calendar year per building. Not more than one (1) temporary sign device per building shall be displayed upon a property at any one time. The area of temporary sign devices shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet. (2) In cases where properties forego, in writing, temporary signage allowed by Section 4.5(I)(1) above, an additional permanent message board sign up to fifty (50) square feet in area shall be allowed. Such sign may be incorporated into a property’s freestanding sign or the building as additional wall sign area. Freestanding signs shall be subject to the height limitations of the applicable zoning district. (3) Subject to other provisions of Section 4.5(I), one (1) additional temporary sign device shall be permitted for a business on a one-time basis for a period of up to forty (40) days to be utilized within six (6) months of the first day of the business opening to the public. Such signage shall not be limited by the provisions of Sections 4.5(I)(2). (4) Businesses or organizations with their activities located in the CCD, Central Business District, may display temporary, off-premise signs by express permit issued by the City Council or the Council’s designee where access to commercial areas requires directional signage from the City’s arterial roads. Signs allowed under this section shall be considered to be in addition to any other sign allowances, including permanent signage, other on-site temporary signs, or ―sandwich board‖ signs displayed pursuant to Section 4.5(C)(7). Signs allowed CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (J) District Regulations Page 200 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance under this section may, at the discretion of the Council, be permitted under the following conditions: (a) Off-premise, temporary signs shall be no more than four (4) square feet in area. (b) Off-premise temporary signs shall be no more than three (3) feet in height. (c) Off-premise temporary signs shall be limited to no more than one (1) sign every seventy-five (75) lineal feet of street frontage, but no more than three (3) signs per parcel. (d) Notwithstanding other regulations to the contrary, such signs may be placed upon the public sidewalk within a City street right of way. Any such sign placed on the public sidewalk shall be located so as to avoid impeding pedestrian traffic, and to avoid visual interference with vehicular traffic. (e) An application for an off-premise, temporary sign shall be accompanied by a written statement of permission from the owner of the private property on which the sign is to located. Such statement shall include an express grant of permission for City inspectors to enter the property for the purpose of inspecting and/or removing said signs. (f) An application for signs subject to the provisions of this section may be made for a single period of display, or in the alternative, the City may grant approval for annual license for the display of such signs in accordance with Section 2.4(K). Separate fees may be established for single-period or annual- period permits. (g) Eligible days for the display of signs subject to this section shall be Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday only. (J) District Regulations In addition to the signs allowed by Section 4.5(C) and Section 4.5(I), the following signs shall be allowed within the specific zoning districts: (1) Within residential zoning districts (see table 3-1), the following additional regulations apply: (a) Except for the uses specified in Sections 4.5(J)(1)(b) and 4.5(J)(1)(c) below, not more than one (1) sign shall be allowed provided that: (i) The area of the sign shall not exceed four (4) square feet. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (J) District Regulations City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 201 (ii) Freestanding signs shall be limited to a maximum height of four (4) feet. (b) In addition to the sign allowed by Section 4.5(J)(1)(a) above, one (1) residential area identification sign shall be allowed. Such sign shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height. (c) Government buildings and structures, public, quasi-public or private recreation buildings, public parks and recreation areas, public and private educational institutions limited to accredited elementary, middle or senior high schools, and religious institutions such as churches, chapels, temples and synagogues shall be allowed two (2) institutional identification signs not exceeding seventy-five (75) square feet in area and eight (8) feet in height. (2) Within business and industrial zoning districts (see table 3-1), the following additional regulations shall apply: (a) Total Area of Signs The total area of all signs (with the exclusion of freestanding signs as may be allowed by this code) displayed on a lot shall not exceed fifteen (15) percent of the total building facade fronting not more than two (2) public streets. (b) Freestanding Signs (i) Unless otherwise specified in this section, one (1) sign is allowed per lot. The area of a freestanding sign may not exceed one hundred (100) square feet each side with a maximum height of twenty-two (22) feet. (ii) If a monument, rather than pylon sign is utilized, an additional one hundred (100) square feet of area beyond the total area calculated in Section 4.5(J)(2)(a) above, devoted to wall, canopy or marquee signs shall be granted. (iii) For shopping centers greater than one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) square feet of aggregate building square footage and greater than twenty (20) acres in site area, two (2) freestanding signs may be permitted. Two (2) pylon signs may be constructed or, as an alternative, one (1) pylon and one (1) monument sign may be constructed. When the latter option is chosen, the monument sign shall be no greater than fourteen (14) feet in height nor more than one hundred (100) square feet in area. The pylon sign may be no greater than twenty-five (25) feet in height and three hundred (300) square feet in area. The Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District allows for additional signage in specific commercial and industrial areas [Section 3.7(F)] CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (J) District Regulations Page 202 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance (c) Wall, Canopy, or Marquee Signs (i) Wall, canopy, projecting, and marquee signs shall be consistent with the maximum area requirements of Section 4.5(J)(2)(a). (ii) Wall, canopy and marquee signs are permitted on any building facade except those which abut properties zoned for residential use. (d) Directional signage In addition to the sign allowed by Section 4.5(J)(2)(b)(i), directional signage may be allowed on site in an amount not to exceed three (3) signs with an individual square footage maximum of ten (10) square feet each and thirty (30) total square feet. (e) Multiple Occupancy Commercial And Industrial Buildings When a single principal building is devoted to two (2) or more commercial or industrial principal uses, signs shall be allowed subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department based upon the following requirements: (i) The maximum individual sign sizes for multiple occupancy buildings and individual businesses that may display a sign shall not exceed the maximum provisions in the same zoning district in Section 4.5(J). (ii) Commercial retail, office, or mixed use multiple occupancy buildings may display a freestanding sign consistent with the applicable zoning district provisions in Section 4.5(J). (iii) Except as provided by window, changeable copy, or temporary signs in this ordinance, individual tenants of a multiple occupancy building within a commercial or industrial zoning district shall not display separate wall, canopy, or marquee signs unless the tenant's business has an exclusive exterior entrance and subject to the following requirements: 1. Each sign shall be limited to the maximum wall sign size permitted in the applicable zoning district provisions in Section 4.5(J). 2. The sign shall be located only on the exterior wall of the tenant space to which the sign permit is issued, but are not required to face a public street. 3. A comprehensive sign plan is submitted that includes all of the following information: a. A site plan to scale showing the location of lot lines, buildings, structures, parking areas, existing and proposed signs, and any other physical features of the area included within the proposed comprehensive sign plan. CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.7 Transitional Features Subsection (A) Purpose and Intent City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 203 b. Elevations to scale of buildings included within the comprehensive sign plan including the location of existing or proposed wall, canopy, or marquee signs. c. To scale plans for all existing and proposed signs of any type included within the comprehensive sign plan indicating area, dimensions, height, materials, colors, and means of illumination (if any). 4. No permit shall be issued for a new or replacement sign for an individual tenant except upon a determination by the Community Development Department that it is consistent with the approved comprehensive sign plan. (3) In a PUD, Planned Unit Development District, signing restrictions shall be based upon the individual uses and structures contained in the complex. Signs shall be in compliance with the restrictions applied in the most restrictive zoning district in which the use is allowed. 4.6 Underground Utilities All utilities within or serving new development [e.g. cable television, electrical (excluding transformers), gas, sewer, telephone, and water lines] shall be placed underground. 4.7 Transitional Features (A) Purpose and Intent Transitional features are architectural elements or site aspects that must be used to ease the transition between new development and existing structures and community character. It is the intent of these standards to: (1) Blend land use types throughout the City to minimize visual conflicts; (2) Limit the excessive consumption of land though the utilization of large vegetated buffers to separate potentially conflicting use types; and (3) Limit interruptions in vehicular and pedestrian connections created by efforts to segregate uses. 2011INTERMSIGNLISTS PERMIT#ADDRESS BUSINESSNAME OWNER'SNAME E-MAIL MISCNOTES 2011-00002 4300SchoolBlvd ElkAgencyInsurance KentKjellberg 2011-00030 141BroadwayE LibertyTax KenHoelker 2011-00041 800BroadwayE MiddleSchool CandiceBenoit 2011-00042 9361CedarSt GreatClips MikeKrutzig 2011-00045 261BroadwayE WomenofToday StephenConroy 2011-00052 9440StHwy#25 KwikTripInc SandeeHindermann ctyank@hotmail.com 2011-00055 520WalnutSt WrecklessDrivingAcademy BullseyeProperties 2011-00062 1220StHwy#25 PizzaRanch MarkWarnert OpeningSoon 2011-00068 316PineSt Bridgewater/TDS TomOllig thomas.ollig@tdstelecom.com 2011-00081 1200StHwy#25 PizzaRanch MarkWarnert GrandOpening 2011-00087 1001StHwy#25 WestMetro JeffSell 2011-00091 812GolfCourseRd RiverCitySigns PatSawatzke 2011-00093 101E3rdSt FindersKeepersGift&Consignment CherylWolff cwolfftravel@hotmail.com 2011-00094 100DundasRd MartiesFarmService BarbBrion info@martiesfarmservice.com 2011-00099 9395StHwy#25 CulversResturant DavidLoos(?)DJL93@comcast.net 2011-00104 254BroadwayW BeefOBradys BarryFluth/ToddTaylor monticellobeefs@yahoo.com 2011-00103 213StHwy25 SweetDreams MarnFlicker mmflick@hotmail.com 2011-00109 512PineSt TheStation StandardIron debcox83@yahoo.com 2011-00120 206W4thSt DohertyStaffing CargillKitchenSolutions dhughes@dohertystaffing.com 2011-00140 307ChelseaRd HoglundBody&Equipment WayneHoglund hr@hoglundbus.com 2011-00162 518CedarSt SunlifeTanning&Treasures BullseyeProperties sunlife05@gmail.com 2011-00163512CedarStRevitalizeMeSalon&SpaBullseyeProperties amhj4hansen@live.com Samebuildingasabove-doeseachtentantneedapermit? 2011-00187 9749HartBlvd AstSports JamiePaulson jamie.astsports@tds.net 2011-00232 206ChelseaRd WrightWayQuilt&Sew RochelleGarvey rochellegarvey@yahoo.com 2011-00234 1001HartBlvd MonticelloClinic LindaDircks linda.dircks@bufflaoclinic.com 2011-00287 1107HartBlvd NewRiverPhyscian'sClinic JoniPawelk joni.pawelk@newrivermedical.com 2011-00321 123W7thSt HolidayStationStores RonaldErickson,CEO mary.seifert@holidaycompanies.com 2011-00356 611WalnutSt BurschTravel PatrickO'Donnell johng@burschtravel.com 2011-00345 4272SchoolBlvd Lee'sTaeKwonDo MartyKjellberg lee@martielawfirm.com 2011-00344 4105CedarSt MusicMaster RickBrendsell newsongmusicco@yahoo.com 2011-00448 4093CedarSt Sprint RickBrendsell cellularplus@tds.net 2011-00488 1543East7thSt FantasticSams TriciaMotz sziessman@comcast.net 2011-00494 4111CedarSt MonticelloTire&Auto RickBrendsell montitire@tds.net 2011-00500 9371CedarSt DoOvers MikeKrutzig doovers@tds.net 2011-00524 9311CedarSt ChinaBuffet MikeKrutzig sabrinaJiang2008@yahoo.com 2011-00576 1117CedarSt,Suite130NAPA FredMenth fredmenth@msn.com 2011-00575 224W3rdSt NAPA FredMenth fredmenth@msn.com 2011-00582 9261CedarSt VerisonWireless MikeKrutzig sbakken@selectcomm.net Exhibit 5E City Allowed By Number per Location Calendar Days Permit Required Multi-Tenant Allowance Buffalo By Building 1 30 YES NO Becker By Business No Regulation 60 YES NO Big Lake By Parcel 1 60 YES NO Elk River By Parcel 1 90 YES NO St. Michael By Business 1 - 100 feet apart 90 YES NO Neighboring Community Survey - Temporary Sign Regulations CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 1 10.ConsiderationofapprovingOrdinance#553rezoningaportionofLot1,Block2, OakwoodIndustrialPark,fromI-2(HeavyIndustrial)toB-2(LimitedBusiness District).Applicant:QuarryChurch (NAC/AS) A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND: Property:Legal:Lot1,Block2,OakwoodIndustrialPark Address:100ChelseaRoad Thesubjectsiteislocatedatthesoutheastquadrantof OakwoodDriveandChelseaRoad PlanningCaseNumber:2012-002 Request(s):RezoningthesubjectparcelfromI-2,HeavyIndustrialtoB-2,Limited Business DeadlineforDecision:April15th,2012 (60days) LandUseDesignation:“PlacestoShop” ZoningDesignation:I-2,HeavyIndustrial ThepurposeoftheI-2,HeavyIndustrialDistrictisto providefortheestablishmentofheavyindustrialand manufacturingdevelopmentandusewhichbecauseofthe natureoftheproductorcharacterofactivityrequires isolationfromresidentialorcommercialuse. CurrentSiteUse:The3.7acresiteisoccupiedbyseveralstructuresallof whichrelatetoaformerlumberyarduse.Thepropertyis presentlyunoccupied. SurroundingLandUses: North:Formerbowlingalley(presentlyownedbytheCity),zoned B-2,LimitedBusiness East:Lightindustrialuse,zonedI-2,HeavyIndustrial South:AlternativeLearningProgram(interimuse),zonedI-2, HeavyIndustrial(guided“PlacestoShop”) West:Vacant,zonedB-4,RegionalBusiness CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 2 ProjectDescription:Theapplicantswishtorezonethepropertytomatchits guidedcommerciallandusedesignation(“Placesto Shop”).Theformerlumberyardbuildingsarepresently unoccupied.Theapplicantsexpecttooccupytheproperty withchurchadministrativeofficesinthenearterm, eventuallymovingtheirworshipandotheractivitiesto propertyovertime. RequirementsforZoningAmendments-Chapter2.4B(5)ApprovalCriteria Recommendationsanddecisionsonzoningamendmentsshallbebasedonconsideration ofthefollowingcriteria: (a)Whethertheproposedamendmentcorrectsanerrorintheoriginaltextormap;or (b)Whethertheproposedamendmentaddressesneedsarisingfromachanging condition,trend,orfactaffectingthesubjectpropertyandsurroundingarea. (c)Whethertheproposedamendmentisconsistentwithachievingthegoalsand objectivesoutlinedintheComprehensivePlan. Thesubjectsiteisguidedforcommercialuseandmorespecifically,“PlacestoShop”. Suchguidedlandusedesignationisnotconsistentwiththesite’spresentI-2,Heavy Industrialzoningdesignation.Inthisregard,therezoningwouldbeconsistentwiththe goalsandobjectivesoftheCity’sComprehensivePlan(bycorrectinganexistingzoning inconsistency),item“c”above. AccordingtotheComprehensivePlan,“PlacestoShop”designatelocationsthatareor canbedevelopedwithbusinessesinvolvedwiththesaleofgoodsandservices.“Places toShop”alsoguidelandusesthatarebothlocalandregionalinnatureandmayinclude officesforservicebusinesses. Theparcel’sdesignationas“PlacestoShop”inthe2008ComprehensivePlanwasdueto twoprimaryfactors.Theparcel’suseatthattimeasalumber/buildingsupplyfacility wasconsideredcommercial/retailinnature.Thecommercialdesignationallowedtheuse tocontinuewithoutnon-conformityintermsoflanduse.Secondly,theComprehensive PlanrecognizedtheparcelsbothnorthandsouthofChelseaalongEdmonsonasa “gateway”fromtheeasttothecommercialsectorlyingalongHighway25.Thus,both sidesofChelseaimmediatelyeastofEdmonsonwereguided“PlacestoShop”. FutureSiteDevelopment Aspreviouslynoted,theapplicantsexpecttooccupythesiteasachurchfacility, beginningbymovingtheiradministrativeofficefunctionstotheproperty.Itshouldbe notedthatthatuseofthesiteforofficeusesiscurrentlypermittedintheI-2districtand norezoningisnecessarytoaccommodatethefirstintendedphaseforQuarry.Ifthe CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 3 requestedrezoningisapproved,futureuseofthesitemustbeconsistentwiththe provisionsoftheB-2,LimitedBusinesszoningdistrict. ThepurposeoftheB-2districtistoprovideforlowintensityretailorserviceoutlets whichdealdirectlywiththecustomerforwhomthegoodsorservicesarefurnished.The usesallowedinthedistrictaretoprovidegoodsandservicesonalimitedcommunity marketscaleandlocatedinareaswhicharewellservedbycollectororarterialstreet facilitiesattheedgeofresidentialdistricts.IntheB-2District,bothofficesand“places ofpublicassembly”suchaschurchworshipcentersarepermitteduses. Asapotentialowneranduserofacommerciallyzonedsite,QuarryChurchshouldbe awareoftheusesandimpactsofothersurroundingindustrialandcommercialsites.These couldincludehigherintensitylandusessuchasrestaurants,hotels,andmanufacturing uses,whichgeneratelargervolumesoftrafficandotherlanduseimpacts.Itshouldalso benotedthatreligiousinstitutionsareoftenseekingveryactivecommercial/industrial neighborhoodsduespecificallytotraffic,non-traditionalpopulations. Futuredevelopment(redevelopment)ofthesitewillbesubjecttositeandbuildingplan reviewprocedures.PlacesofPublicAssemblyarepermittedinthedistrict.Intheregard, futuredevelopmentplanswillbesubjecttoreviewandrecommendationbythePlanning CommissionandapprovalbytheCityCouncil. IndustrialandEconomicDevelopmentRecommendation OnTuesday,March6th,theIEDCreviewedthisitem.TheIEDCrecommendeddenialof therequestforrezoning.TheofficialvoteoftheIEDCwas4-0todeny,withfour membersabstainingfromthevote.TheIEDC’srecommendationwasbasedonthe following: 1.Lossofindustrialland.TheIEDCrecognizedthatalthoughsmallinscope,this requestrepresentscontinuedshiftofindustriallandtocommercialuse.The group’sroleistosupportindustrialdevelopmentandjobcreationandtherefore anylossinindustriallandwithintheCityisaconcern. 2.Potentialfutureconflictbetweencommercialandindustriallanduses.Citing noise,dustandotherheavyindustrialimpacts,thegroupindicatedthatthe potentialforconflictbetweenthesurroundingI-2usersandthissitewasanother concern. PlanningCommissionRecommendation Nopublictestimonywasofferedduringthepublichearing,withtheexceptionofthat providedbytheapplicant.PastorMichaelGrosswaspresentrepresentingQuarry Church. ThePlanningCommissionersrequestedclarificationfromstaffregardingprovisionsthat wouldservetomitigatethepotentialconflictsnotedbytheIEDC.Staffexplainedthat CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 4 anycommercialuserwouldberequiredtomeetallexistingordinancestandards, includingparking,landscapingandperimeterbuffering.Inthiscase,asthedeveloping parcel,theuserwillhavetoprovidethefullrequiredbuffer.Foracivicorinstitutional use,thatwillrequirethemaximumamountofbuffering.ChairmanDragstenasked Quarrytostatefortherecordthatitunderstoodthenatureofthesurroundinguses.The applicantstatedthattheyunderstoodthispotentialandtheneedtocomplywith ordinances. ThePlanningCommissionalsoclarifiedthattherewasaninterveningparcelbetweenthe I-2propertytothesouthandthesubjectpropertythatwasalsoguidedforcommercial use.Staffconfirmed.Thatparcel,currentlyoccupiedbytheAlternativeLearning Programis.76acresinsize. DecisionAnalysis In2011,theCityrezonedthe“bowlingalleyparcels”toB-2inadecisiononan applicationsubmittedbyQuarryChurch.Atthattime,theCityactedproactivelytozone thepropertyconsistentwiththeComprehensivePlan,whichguidedthatsiteas“Placesto Shop”andtoaccommodateapotentialsaleofthepropertytothechurch.Thesale transactiondidnotoccurforfinancialreasons. ToresponddirectlytotheIEDC’sconcernsregardingindustriallandarea,the ComprehensivePlanspecificallyrecognizesandsupportstheroleofindustrial developmentwithinthecommunityandprovidesfornewandexpandedindustrialuses. TheseareasincludeanexpansionofthecurrentOtterCreekBusinessCampus,an approximately400acregeneralindustrialareaimmediatelysouthofthecurrentCity boundary(withintheMOAA),andanareawithinthenorthwestplanningarea. Additionally,changingpatternsofdevelopmentforindustrialpropertiesmakethe developmentofnewindustrialareasapriorityduetorequirementsforbetter,higher volumeaccesscapacity,redundantutilitycapabilities,andmostimportantly,largerland areas. Astopotentialconflictsbetweencommercialandindustrialusers,regardlessofthe specifictypeofcommercialuseronthisparcel,andanycurrentorfutureindustrialusers onadjacentparceltotheeast,botharerequiredtocomplywithzoningordinancesand citycodesforbufferyards,noise,dust,outdoorstorage,etc.Thesecodestandardsare specificallydevelopedtobalancetheimpactsoflanduseswiththeactualneedsand activitiesoftheuseitself. ItisalsonotedthateithertheB-3orB-4zoningdistrictswouldalsomeetthe"Placesto Shop"designationsetbytheComprehensivePlan.However,giventheCity's strengtheningoftheB-3asanexclusivelyauto-orienteddistrictandthesite'slocation welloffofHighway25,staffdoesnotbelieveaB-3designationisappropriateforthe site.“PlacesofPublicAssembly”isnotlistedaseitheraconditionalorprincipalusein theB-4Districtandwasthusnotrequestedbytheapplicant.AB-2designationatthis CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 5 sitedoesprovideatransitionbetweentheB-3andB-4districtswithintheHighway25 commercialdistrictandtheindustrialdistrictstotheeast. Inconsideringthisrequest,staffhasoutlinedthreepotentialoptionsfortheCityCouncil. Option1:Approvetherezoningasrequested,consistentwiththeComprehensive Planandstaffrecommendation. Option2:TheCouncilmaycallahearingtoreviewallcommercialzoning designationsforpotentialsiterezoning.Inthatcase,theCouncilwouldtableaction onthisrequesttoallowthePlanningCommissiontoholdahearingtoconsiderthe mostappropriatezoningdistrictfortheparcel.Recommendationresultingfromthe hearingwouldbeforwardedtotheCouncilforreview.Thedeadlineforagency actiononthelanduseapplicationsubmittedbyQuarryChurchwouldbeformally extendedby60days. Option3:IftheCityCouncilbelievesthatthisparcel,andtheparceltothesouth (whichisalsodesignatedas“PlacestoShop”),arebettersuitedtoindustrialland uses,thentheCouncilshouldtableactiononthisrezoningrequest,extendactionon theapplicant’srequestby60days,andcallforapublichearingtoamendthe ComprehensivePlanfrom“PlacestoShop”to“PlacestoWork”.Suchhearing wouldbeheldbythePlanningCommission.Recommendationsresultingfromthe hearingwouldbeforwardtotheCouncilforreview. A1.BudgetImpact:ShouldCouncilcallforahearingrelatedtoeitherrezoningor comprehensiveplanamendmentaction,additionalfeeswillbeincurredfor hearingnotification.NACwillalsobeinvolvedinanalysisandrecommendation onsuchaction. A2.StaffImpact:ImpactstoCouncilactionmayincludeadditionalstafftimein analyzingandpreparingrecommendationsrelatedtorezoningorcomprehensive planamendmenthearings. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: ThePlanningCommissionrecommendsAlternative#1below. 1.MotiontoadoptOrdinance#553approvingazoningordinanceamendment rezoningthesubjectpropertyfromI-2(HeavyIndustrial)toB-2(Limited Business),basedonfindingsoffactasidentifiedinPlanningCommission resolution2012-023. 2.MotiontotableactiononOrdinance#553forrezoningfromI-2toB-2to: a.Developfindingsoffactfordenialoftherezoning. CityCouncilAgenda:03/12/12 6 b.Formallyextendthedeadlineforagencyactionontherequestfor rezoning. c.CallforapublichearingforamendmentoftheComprehensivePlanfora changeinlandusefromcommercialtoindustrialforthesubjectparceland theparcelimmediatelytothesouth. 3.MotiontotableactiononOrdinance#553forrezoningfromI-2toB-2to: a.Developfindingsoffactfordenialoftherezoning. b.Formallyextendthedeadlineforagencyactionontherequestfor rezoning. c.CallforapublichearingforrezoningfromI-2toacommercialzoning designation,B-1,B-2,B-3,orB-4. C.STAFFRECOMMNDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternative#1forapprovaloftherequestedrezoning,basedonthe findingsincludedintheattachedresolutionofrecommendationadoptedbythePlanning Commission.Asnotedinthereportnarrative,therezoningofthesubjectpropertyfrom industrialtocommercialisconsistentwiththegoalsandobjectivesoftheCity’s ComprehensivePlan,whichdirectscommercialuseofthesite. ShouldCouncilelectalternative2or3,staffwilldiscussoptions,includingpotential alternativelocations,withtheapplicant. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.Ordinance#553–RezoningfromI-2toB-2 B.PlanningCommissionResolution2012-023 C.AerialSiteImage D.OfficialLandUseMap E.OfficialZoningMap ORDINANCENO.553 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA ANORDINANCEREZONINGFROMI-2(HEAVYINDUSTRIAL)TOB-2(LIMITED BUSINESS)FORAPORTIONOFLOT1,BLOCK2,OAKWOODINDUSTRIALPARK THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFMONTICELLOHEREBYORDAINS: Section1.ThefollowinglotisherebyamendedtorezonefromI-2(heavyindustrial)to B-2(limitedbusiness): AportionofLot1,Block2,OakwoodIndustrialPark,legallydescribedas follows: Lot1,Block2,OakwoodIndustrialPark,accordingtoplatonfile andofrecordintheOfficeoftheRegisterofDeeds,inandforthe CountyofWright,StateofMinnesota,exceptthatpartthereof whichliesEastofalinedrawn331.5feetWestofandparallelto the.Eastlineofsaidlotasmeasuredatrightanglesthereto,subject toeasements,roadwaysandconditionsofrecord. CaptionamendedMay27,1983at8A.M.toexcludetheSouth 100feetoftheabovedescribedtract. Section2.TheOfficialZoningmapunderTitle10,Section3.1oftheZoningOrdinance shallbeamendedaccordingly. Section2.ThisOrdinanceshalltakeeffectandbeinfullforcefromandafterits passageandpublication.Revisionswillbemadeonlineafteradoptionby Council.CopiesofthecompleteZoningOrdinanceareavailableonlineand atMonticelloCityHall. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis12th dayofMarch,2012. CITYOFMONTICELLO _____________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator VOTINGINFAVOR: VOTINGINOPPOSITION: CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2012 –023 Date: March 6, 2012 Resolution No. 2012-023 Motion By: Seconded By: A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO BY REZONING THE PARCEL IDENTIFIED IN ATTACHMENT “A” FROM “I-2”, HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO “B-2”, LIMITED BUSINESS DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has adopted a zoning map dividing the City into separate land use districts; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Map of the City of Monticello is to reflect the official land use goals, policies, and directions of the City’s Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has conducted a public hearing on March 6, 2012 to receive public comment on the proposed amendments to the Zoning Map; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The amendment is consistent with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The amendment will accommodate the proposed future use of the property. 3. The proposed B-2 zoning district zoning requirements can be met on the property by uses listed in that district. 3. The amendment will result in a zoning pattern that reflects the intent and direction of the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the amendment to the Monticello Zoning Map as presented. ADOPTED this 6th day of March 2012, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: _______________________________ Rod Dragsten, Chair ATTEST: ___________________________________ Angela Schumann, Community Development Director EXHIBIT A – LEGAL DESCRIPTION The property to be rezoned by Monticello Planning Commission Resolution 2012 - ___ is legally described as follows: £¤10 £¤10 Æÿ25 !(14 !(11 !(43 !(50 !(68 !(5!(81 §¨¦ 94 Æÿ25 !(75 !(18 !(117 !(3 9 !(106 !(37!(1 3 1 0 0.5 10.25 Miles- November 1, 2011Data Source: MnDNR, Sherburne County, Wright County, and WSB & Associates. Land Use Plan Legend Places to Live Places to Shop Places to Work Places to Recreate Places for Community Downtown Mixed Use Interchange Planning Area Urban Reserve Infrastructure Rivers and Streams Public Waters Inventory Wetlands (National & Public Waters Inventories) Potential Greenway Potential Interchange Future Bridge Existing Arterial or Collector Road Proposed Arterial or Collector Road Powerline Monticello City Boundary Orderly Annexation Area Amended by City Council Resolution 2011-92, September 26, 2011