City Council Minutes 01-11-2016REGULAR MEETING — M0NT9CELL0 CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 11, 2016 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, and Glen Posusta Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with a quorum present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from December 14 2015 (Eval) Tom Perrault moved approval of the Special Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2015 relating to the City Administrator's annual review. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Special Meeting Minutes from December 14, 2015 (PW /Bldi_,.) Tom Perrault moved approval of the Special Meeting Minutes of December 14, 2015 as amended. This meeting included discussion on a Public Works Director. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Regular Meeting Minutes from December 14 2015 Tom Perrault moved approval of the regular meeting minutes of December 14, 2015 as amended. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. • Special Meeting Minutes from December 28. 2015 (bills) Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of the Special Meeting Minutes of December 28, 2015 relating to payment of bills. Tom Perrault seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -0 -1; Glen Posusta abstained from the vote because he was not in attendance at the December 28 special meeting. C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda • Charlotte Gabler added discussion on recycling. • Glen Posusta added discussion on the FiberNet Third Party Management Interviews. • Brian Stumpf added to have an update from Tom Moores, Street Superintendent, on above ground fuel tanks. City Council Minutes — January 11, 2016 Page 1 1 7 • Jeff O'Neill added discussion on the commuter parking lot and FiberNet Management Interviews. D. Citizen Comments • Wes Olson, Monticello Lions Club, addressed the City Council in regard to storage needs for the Lions Club. The Lions Club is in the process of working on an agreement for storage with the Monticello Help Center but this may not be in place for two years. Therefore, they would want to use the bowling alley space for cold storage as an interim solution. Brian Stumpf, with agreement from the City Council, directed City staff to work with the Lions Club and update the City Council on possible solutions. E. Public Service Announcements • Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator, gave an update on Holiday Hours for Martin Luther King Day. F. Council Liaison Updates • Personnel Committee — Brian Stumpf noted that the Personnel Committee conducted EDA Manager Interviews. He noted that the candidates will be discussed at a future special EDA meeting. • IEDC — Brian Stumpf attended a portion of the meeting at which time there was discussion on the sign ordinance. He also mentioned that there will be a new member. Planning Commission — Charlotte Gabler noted that the Planning Commission agenda included: Zoning Map approval; Sign Ordinance approval; and Massage Therapy Ordinance. BCOL — Glen Posusta commented that the last meeting touched on the last parcel of the park — where the ballfields will be located. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, added that the group also discussed grant funding; the RFP that was released for Phase I; and events scheduled in the park in 2016. G. Department Updates • City Administrator Jeff O'Neill provided the following updates: 1. Updated on an email the City Council received in regard to animal control. He noted that the issue noted in the email has been resolved. He also mentioned that a quarterly report will be put together in regard to animal control that Jennifer Schreiber is doing some research on dog licensing. 2. Noted that the first meeting of the City Council quarterly workshop will include an introduction of the goal setting process to be used by staff and Council. 3. The Coalition of Utility Cities is setting its legislative strategy and Mr. O'Neill will be attending the meeting. 4. The final EDA Manager candidates have been selected. City Council Minutes — January 11, 2016 Page 2 17 5. In regard to the FiberNet Third Party management interviews, Mr. O'Neill mentioned that there was a snafu in providing notice to the City Council. Three members of the City Council were not notified of the meeting due to a miscommunication. 2. Consent Agenda Tom Perrault moved approval of the consent agenda. Charlotte Gabler seconded. Motion carried unaninnously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $306,910.87. B. Consideration of approving new hires /departures. Recommendation: Approved to ratify the hires for the MCC, Parks, and Water Department and the departures for the MCC. C. Consideration of approving the sale /disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: Approved the sale or disposal of 1) foam exercise mats (Community Center) and 2) list of supplies from Public Works Department. D. Consideration to approve City Council Special Workshop Schedule. Recommendation: Approved the 2016 Special Workshop Schedule as presented. E. Consideration to approve the Wright County Annual Highway Maintenance Agreement. Recommendation: Approved the 2016 Maintenance Agreement with Wright County as presented. F. Consideration to approve Resolution 2016 -001 approving State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Apprehension Joint Powers Agreements with the City of Monticello on behalf of its City Attorney. Recommendation: Approved Resolution 2016 -001 approving State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety, and Bureau of Apprehension Joint Powers Agreements with the City of Monticello on behalf of its City Attorney. G. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -002 approving the conveyance of Outlot A Carlisle Village 4th Addition, Parcel 155- 183- 000010 to the City of Monticello for authorized public use. Recommendation: Approved Resolution 2016 -002 approving the conveyance of Outlot A, Carlisle Village 4th Addition, Parcel 155- 183 - 000010 to the City of Monticello for authorized public use. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. City Council Minutes —January 11, 2016 Page 3 1 7 3. Public Hearings A. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2016 -003 ordering improvements and Project No. 15C041 and 15CO04 Shibani Bisson, WSB /City Engineer, presented the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project and TH 25/7th Street Intersection Improvements. This project is part of the 2002 Overall Street Reconstruction Program. After the completion of this project, approximately 80% of the overall program will be completed. Ms. Bisson outlined the project area — Area 5. She then gave a brief summary of the improvements including the street reconstruction area, sidewalk/trail connections, and utility improvements. Ms. Bisson noted that if any of the properties have current drainage issues they can be addressed within the project. The presentation then proceeded to cover the 7th Street/TH 25 Intersection improvements. Ms. Bisson covered the costs and funding of the projects. For Area 5 the assessments total approximately 25% of the total cost. The rate is $4,500 per single family residential, which also includes duplexes, and for non - residential rate it would be $100 per front foot. This number can be adjusted based on actual costs. Sidewalk improvement costs per sidewalk area were then reviewed. It was mentioned that if the Council chooses to construct any sidewalks in the grid area, the City's policy includes benefitting property owners to pay for 25% of the sidewalk construction, with the City paying the remaining 75 %. The costs for 7th Street/TH 25 intersection were then reviewed. The project schedules were provided with the assessment hearing being tentatively scheduled for October 24, 2016. Glen Posusta commented that he would like to see concrete sidewalks installed. Brian Stumpf concurred and added that concrete requires less maintenance and lasts longer. Lloyd Hilgart noted that he is not in favor of assessing anyone for sidewalks. Brian Stumpf opened the public hearing. The following individuals testified: Michael Michaelis, 200 East Broadway. Mr. Michaelis commented that he was assessed in 2003 when Broadway improvements were constructed. He questioned if he was being assessed again. Shibani Bisson responded that he will be assessed for 50% of his front footage for his access to Cedar Street. Mr. Michaelis also questioned if sidewalks will be constructed on Cedar Street. Brian Stumpf responded that he would support only a sidewalk on the west side of Cedar and not on the east side. Ms. Bisson noted that staff's recommendation would be to not have sidewalk on the east side of Cedar Street. Mr. Michaelis expressed concern over the 7th Street /TH 25 intersection and the aesthetics and boulevard being installed. His concern was in regard to the area being destroyed because of winter conditions. Ms. Bisson responded that they have taken this into account and will be looking at sustainable plantings and materials. City Council Minutes — January 11, 2016 Page 4 1 7 Frank Ramicciotti, 307 Washington Street. Mr. Ramicciotti questioned if the trail on Washington was only going to run two blocks. Ms. Bisson responded that there will be a sidewalk constructed on the west side of Washington Street from Broadway to the railroad tracks with this project. This will connect to a sidewalk on Broadway and, in the future, will connect to 7th Street. Mr. Ramicciotti's main concern with the project is that he is being assessed twice for having one property. He currently owns a duplex on this property and is being assessed $9,000. He commented that his property is only worth $159,000 and doesn't feel that the improvements will increase his property by this $9,000. Ms. Bisson responded that Mr. Ramicciotti can appeal the assessment and can have a benefit appraisal completed that would tell if a benefit was gained. Glen Posusta added that this is the fourth core area improved as part of the overall street reconstruction project and in the first three the City assessed duplexes for both units. Therefore, it wouldn't be fair to change the process now. Brian Stumpf encouraged Mr. Ramicciotti to work with Ms. Bisson and staff on this process. Emily Diersen, 900 118" Ln. NW, Coon Rapids, MN. Ms. Diersen owns a duplex at 301 East Yd Street. She doesn't think it is fair to be assessed for two properties and feels that the City should reconsider the amount. Brian Stumpf responded that it actually wouldn't be fair to not assess for two properties because that is what the City has done for the previous projects. He encouraged her to work with City staff to appeal the assessment. Wayne Oberg, Finance Director, added that this hearing is not an assessment hearing. The assessment hearing will be held in the fall of this year, at which time, Ms. Diersen can dispute her assessment. Richard Quick, 113 East 411 Street. Mr. Quick commented that street reconstruction is desperately needed on these streets. He added that it should have been done years ago. He feels that because the City waited to do the street improvements and only patched the area the costs are now higher than they would have been. He commented that he hasn't received any documentation or communication that states exactly what the properties are being assessed for. He feels that the City isn't being transparent in regard to specifics of what improvements property owners are receiving and the costs associated with what they are receiving. Brian Stumpf responded that Mr. Quick is paying $4,500 for street reconstruction. Shibani Bisson added that the City conducted a neighborhood meeting and mailed several correspondence in regard to the project. She also mentioned that property owners can contact her with any questions. David Hayes, Representative of St. Peters Church. St. Peters Church is being assessed $4,500 for the Parish House and the remaining property is being assessed the $100 FF. Mr. Hayes questioned how the boundary between the Parish House, which is being assessed as residential, and the Church, which is being assessed as non - residential, decided? Ms. Bisson responded that she has a City Council Minutes — January 11, 2016 Page 5 1 7 diagram and will meet with him and explain how the front footage for assessment was decided. Brian Stumpf closed the public hearing. Discussion on sidewalks commenced. The City Council deliberated over various sidewalk sections. Shibani Bisson wanted input from the City Council on which sidewalks to include in the project, which to bid as alternates, and which to take out. Mr. Stumpf is concerned about the sidewalk between TH 25 and Cedar Street on the south side of 7"' Street. He thinks that this should be taken out and wait until the south side area develops. City Staff responded that there is pedestrian traffic on the south side of 7t1 Street and they would like to construct the sidewalk to prevent what is happening near McDonalds where there isn't a sidewalk and pedestrians have worn a path in the boulevard. Glen Posusta thinks there should be a sidewalk on 7th Street for the businesses. Glen Posusta question why all four corners of 7t1 Street and Highway 25 intersection aren't scheduled for crosswalks. Shibani Bisson will look into including crosswalks on all four corners. Tom Perrault is not in favor of any sidewalk on Cedar Street and he feels that 7th Street and Washington should be bid as alternates. Lloyd Hilgart is in favor of having sidewalks on the south side of 7t1 Street and on Washington. Brian Stumpf is also in favor of sidewalk on Washington. Charlotte Gabler questioned whether the City qualifies for any other funding, for instance grants since it is in a school zone area. Angela Schumann responded that she will look into it. Lloyd Hilgart moved to adopt Resolution 2016 -003 ordering improvements and authorizing preparation of plans and specifications for the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project and for TH 25/711 Street Intersection improvements, City Projects 15CO01 and 15CO04 and include sidewalks on south side of 71h street, west side of Cedar Street, and Washington Street with the caveat that the sidewalks are not assessed to residential property but be assessed to City as part of the base bid. This also includes that costs will be broke out for sidewalks. Glen Posusta seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1; Tom Perrault voted against for reasons noted above. 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration to approve annual gppointments and designations for 2016. Brian Stumpf noted a couple of changes and commented on the updated list. He also mentioned that Glen Posusta communicated that he can no longer serve as liaison on the Parks Commission. Brian Stumpf questioned if any City Council member would like to serve on the Parks Commission. No one volunteered at this time, therefore, that position remained vacant. There was a question on the day and time of the meeting. Brian Stumpf noted that the Personnel Committee will be looking at liaison appointments in the near future and determine if they are needed. City Council Minutes — January 11, 2016 Page 6 1 7 Glen Posusta moved approval of the annual appointments and designatnons for 2016 as updated. Lloyd Hilgart seconded. Motion carried unaninnously. B. Consideration to take action related to City hold on tax forfeit parcels 155 -054- 001020, 155 -500- 101408 and 155 -500- 101412 Angela Schumann gave an overview of the tax forfeited properties and provided options for the City Council. These options include: releasing the hold on the three parcels to the County; requesting the conveyance of the parcels for "public purpose" related to road access and to prepare estimates for planning- related costs; requesting conveyance of the parcels for "public purpose" relating to the blighted nature of potential environmental issues associated with the parcels and to prepare estimates for planning- related costs; or work with Wright County to acquire the parcels at market value. There was some discussion among the City Council on the property. Tom Perrault commented that a new Public Works building could be constructed on the site. Glen Posusta doesn't think the City should own any additional property. Glen Posusta moved approval of Alternate I releasing the hold on the three parcels to Wright County. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1; Toni Perrault voted against. Add -On Items 1. Charlotte Gabler questioned whether there was an update on recycling and obtaining bigger cans. Wayne Oberg responded that the City is equipped to swap out bigger cans as needed or requested. 2. Glen Posusta commented on the FiberNet Third Management Party Interviews. He noted that he will be in attendance. 3. Jeff O'Neill requested approval from the City Council to reduce the footprint of the commuter lot and use a portion of the lot for private use for adjoining parcels. Glen Posusta questioned the reason for this. Mr. O'Neill responded that a local developer is interested in a portion of the lot to use for parking. There was a consensus of the City Council to look into allowing the sale /use of a portion of the commuter lot. 4. Tom Moores updated the City Council on the cost of an above - ground 4,000 gallon gasoline tank. The cost of two 4,000 gallon tanks would be $131,750 according to a quote. It was a consensus of the City Council to wait for this until a new Public Works facility is built. 5. Adiournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber -� Approved: Attest: 1i � � � e � __�/ y inistrator City Council Minutes — January 11, 2016 Page 7 1 7