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City Council Agenda Packet 12-09-2013
AGENDA SPECIALMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,December9,2013–6:15p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:ClintHerbst CouncilMembers:LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf Others:TracyErgen,WayneOberg,JeffO’Neill 1.CalltoOrder 2.PurposeofMeeting:Discussionof2014benefitoptionsforhealthinsuranceand salaryadjustments 3.Considerationofapproving2014benefitoptions 4.Adjournment CouncilSpecialAgenda:12/09/13 1 Considerationofbenefitandsalaryamountsfor2014 (JO/TE/WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CouncilisaskedtoconsideroptionsrelatingtotheCity’scontributionamountfor medicalanddentalcoveragethe2014benefitplanyear.Asdiscussedinarecentcouncil workshop,theCityreceiveda29%increaseinourmedicalinsurancepremiumsanda9% increaseinourdentalpremiumsfor2014.Thelargeincreaseinourmedicalpremiums arepartlyduetoouragingpopulationaswellasanumberof“catastrophic”claimsin 2013. BenefitPlanDesignfor2014:Tokeeptheincreaseto15%staffeliminatedthe$25co- payplanoptionfor2014andincreasedthedeductibleonourhighdeductibleplan offeringsfrom$1750single/$3500familyto$2500single/$5000family. ThePersonnelCommitteebeganrenewaldiscussionsbackinlateSeptember.Anumber ofoptionswerediscussedonhowtohandletheincrease.Becausealloftheoptions discussedwerewithinbudgetandofsimilarcosttotheCity,thePersonnelCommittee surveyedallbenefitedstafftodeterminetheirpreferredoption.Acopyofthesurvey alongwiththeresultsisenclosed. Insummary,thesurveyresultsshowedthat80%ofemployeeschoseOption3whichwas fortheCitytopickuptheincreaseinpremiumandnocostoflivingadjustment(COLA) for2014. WhenthePersonnelCommitteemetinNovembertodiscussthesurveyresultstherewas discussionrelatedtotheCity’spayrangesandhowtheCity’ssalaryrangeshavefallen behindothercomparablecities.Thegroupalsodiscussedpotentialissuesrelatedtofuture recruitmentandretentionofstaffunlessthepayscaleswereadjusted. ThePersonnelCommitteealsodiscussedtheneedtobeginchargingemployeesa premiumfortheircoverage.Whileitistypicalforcitiestopay100%ofthepremiumfor singlemedicalanddentalcoverage,mostothercitiesrequireemployee’spayaportionof thepremiumsforfamilycoverage.Currently,Monticellopays100%ofthesingle medicalanddentalpremiumand100%ofthefamilymedicaland85%ofthefamily dentalpremium. ToaddresstheissueoftheCity’spayrangesaswellasthesignificantincreaseinour medicalpremiumsthePersonnelCommitteecameupwithahybridoptionfor considerationlistedasOption4below. Option1 Fullstepincreases (performancebased-average3.75%) Adda9th steptopayequityprogram NoCOLAfor2014 Employees absorbhealthinsuranceincrease CouncilSpecialAgenda:12/09/13 2 Option2 Fullstepincreases (performancebased-average3.75%) 1.5%COLAfor2014 Employees absorbhealthinsuranceincrease Option3(80%ofemployeeschosethisoption) Fullstepincreases (performancebased-average3.75%) NoCOLAfor2014 City absorbshealthinsuranceincrease Option4(HybridoptionaddedbyPersonnelCommittee) Fullstepincreases (performancebased-average3.75%) 1%COLA Cityabsorbs1/3ofhealthinsuranceincrease Employees absorb2/3ofhealthinsuranceincrease A1.BudgetImpact: Alloptionsarewithinbudgetfor2014.Refertotheattacheddocumentfor detailedbudgetandpremiuminformation. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveOption1whichincludesfullstepincreases,addinga9th stepto thepayequityprogram,0%COLA,andemployeesabsorbingentirecostofthe healthinsuranceincrease. Pros: Highersalaryrangesforrecruitment Allowsallemployeestheopportunityforastepincreasein2014 Adjustsemployeepremiumstobemorein-linewithothercities Cons: Employeesabsorbbothandincreaseindeductibleplusanadditional $1972.92inannualpremiumforthoseonthefamilyplan. 2.MotiontoapproveOption2whichincludesfullstepincreases,a1.5%COLA, andemployeesabsorbingtheentirecostofthehealthinsuranceincrease. Pros: Highersalariesforrecruitment Adjustssalariestobemoreinlinewithothercities Adjustsemployeepremiumstobemorein-linewithothercities Cons: Allemployeesabsorbbothincreaseindeductibleplusanadditional $1972.92inannualpremiumforthoseonthefamilyplan. CouncilSpecialAgenda:12/09/13 3 3.MotiontoapproveOption3whichincludesfullstepincreases,0%COLA,and theCityabsorbingthehealthinsuranceincrease. Pros: Allowsemployeesadditionaltimetoplanforapremiumincreasefor2015 IftheCityabsorbsthepremiumincreasefor2014andtheemployees absorbin2015,theCitywillbeabletoplanandbudgetforalargerthan normalCOLAfor2015toaddressthesalaryrangeissue. Cons: Notadjustingthesalaryrangesmaymakerecruitmentandretentionof employeesdifficultin2014. 4.MotiontoapproveOption4whichincludesafullstepincrease,a1%COLA,City absorbing1/3ofthehealthinsuranceincrease,andemployeesabsorbing2/3of thehealthinsuranceincrease. Pros: Adjustsemployeepremiumstobemorein-linewithothercities. Highersalaryrangesforrecruitment Adjustssalariestobemorein-linewithothercities Cons: Employeesabsorbbothandincreaseindeductibleplusanadditional $1350.08inannualpremiumforthoseonthefamilyplan. 5.Motiontoapprovealternativeoptionasdeterminedbycouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsOption3withanadditionalrecommendationthatfor2015employees pickupthefullincreaseinpremiumsandtheCityadjustsalaryrangessothattheyare morecompetitivewithothercitypayranges.Thisallowsadditionaltimeforboththe Cityandstafftobudgetforthefuturesalaryrangeadjustmentsandpremiumincreasesto theirhealthinsurance. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A-EmployeeSurvey B-SurveyResults C-BudgetandPremiumInformation HealthInsuranceSurvey Assomeofyoumayhaveheardourhealthinsuranceratesareincreasingby29%for2014. Thislargeincreaseispartlyduetoouragingpopulationaswellasanumberof “catastrophic”claimsin2013. Unfortunately,increasingthedeductiblesontheplanoptionsonlyreducestheincreaseto 15%.Duetothespikeinourpremiums,theCitymustmakesometoughchoicesregarding ourbenefitoptionsfor2014. Recently,thePersonnelCommitteemettodiscussanumberofoptionsrelatingtohowto handlethepremiumincrease.Thegroupwouldlikeyourfeedbackonthethreeoptions below.Yourfeedback,alongwithotherconsiderations,willbetakenintoaccountwhen makingafinaldecisiononwhichhealthinsuranceoptionstheCitywillofferfor2014. ******************************************************************************************* Pleaseranktheoptionslistedbelowfrom1to3. 1=Mostpreferred2=Somewhatpreferred3=Leastpreferred _________Option1 Fullstepincreases (performancebased-average3.75%) Adda9th steptopayequityprogram NoCOLAfor2014 Employees absorbhealthinsuranceincrease (Seeattachedsheetforcostestimates) _________Option2 Fullstepincreases (performancebased-average3.75%) 1.5%COLAfor2014 Employees absorbhealthinsuranceincrease (Seeattachedsheetforcostestimates) _________Option3 Fullstepincreases (performancebased-average3.75%) NoCOLAfor2014 City absorbshealthinsuranceincrease (Seeattachedsheetforcostestimates) Comments:____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PleasereturntoHumanResourcesbyWednesday,November6th. PreliminaryPlanOfferingswithPremiumEstimates BelowaretheassociatedmonthlypremiumamountsanddeductiblesiftheCitygoeswith Option1 or Option2 onthesurvey. Employeeswillbegiventhefollowingtwoplanoptionsatrenewal. Plan1 $2500Single/$5000FamilyDeductible-100%coverageafterdeductible* EmployeeContributionSingle:$0/mo.Family:$152.18/mo. CityContributionSingle:$515.50Family:$1167.48/mo. Plan2 $3500Single/$7000FamilyDeductible-100%coverageafterdeductible* EmployeeContributionSingle:$0Family:$13.34/mo. (+$58.08HSAContribution) CityContributionSingle:$515.50Family:$1167.48/mo. ******************************************************************************************* BelowaretheassociatedpremiumamountsanddeductiblesiftheCitygoeswith Option3 onthesurvey. $2500Single/$5000FamilyDeductible-100%coverageafterdeductible* EmployeeContributionSingle:$0/mo.Family:$0/mo. CityContributionSingle:$515.50Family:$1319.66/mo. (+79.22HSAContribution)(+46.62HSAContribution) Part-TimeBenefitedEmployees: TheCity’scontributionis50%ofthefull-timepremiumcontributionforpart-time benefitedemployees. *EmbeddedDeductible:Ifyouareonafamilymedicalplanwithanembeddeddeductible, yourplancontainstwocomponents,anindividualdeductibleandafamilydeductible. Havingtwocomponentstothedeductibleallowseachmemberofyourfamilythe opportunitytogethermedicalbillscoveredpriortotheentiredollaramountofthefamily deductiblebeingmet.Theindividualdeductibleisembeddedinthefamilydeductible.This isachangefrompreviousHSAplanstheCityhasoffered. CityofMonticello,Minnesota WageandBenefitSurvey November8,2013 5 4 36 14 27 4 26 14 5 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 123 Option SurveyResults 3rdChoice 2ndChoice 1stChoice 1stChoice 11% 2ndChoice 31%3rdChoice 58% Option1-Step+9thStep 1stChoice 9% 2ndChoice 60% 3rdChoice 31% Option2-Step+1.5%COLA 1stChoice 80% 2ndChoice 9% 3rdChoice 11% Option3-Step+Health AGENDA REGULARMEETING–MONTICELLOCITYCOUNCIL Monday,December9,2013–7p.m. MississippiRoom,MonticelloCommunityCenter Mayor:ClintHerbst CouncilMembers:LloydHilgart,TomPerrault,GlenPosusta,BrianStumpf 1.CalltoOrderandPledgeofAllegiance 2A.ApprovalofMinutes–November25,2013SpecialMeeting 2B.ApprovalofMinutes–November25,2013SpecialJointCC/PCMeeting 2C.ApprovalofMinutes–November25,2013RegularMeeting 3.Considerationofaddingitemstotheagenda 4.Citizencomments,publicserviceannouncements,updates a.CitizenComments: b.PublicServiceAnnouncements: 1)SkatewithSanta(12/15) 2)FrostbiteChallenge(1/11-12) c.Updates: 1)MonticelloLibrary(DebLuken) 5.ConsentAgenda: A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillsforDecember9th B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments C.ConsiderationofcallingforaspecialmeetingonDecember23rdforapprovalof bills D.ConsiderationofrenewingtermsforPlanningCommissionandIEDC representatives E.Considerationofapproving2014ScheduleforCouncilandCommissionmeetings F.ConsiderationofapprovingCityFacilityBusinessHoursfor2014 SPECIALMEETING 5:15p.m.–CLOSED:CityAdministratorreview 6:15p.m.–Salary/Benefitadjustments G.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2013-099approvingdecertificationofTax IncrementFinancingDistrictNo.1-6 H.Considerationofapprovingalicenseagreementandamendmenttoconditional usepermitforCarconeAddition/WestMetro I.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2013-102approvinganagreementwith MnDOTforinstallingbatterybackupsatthe7th StreetandOakwoodDrive signalsatTH25 6.Considerationofitemsremovedfromtheconsentagendafordiscussion 7.PublicHearing-ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#587amendingtheCityFee Schedulefor2014andadoptingSummaryOrdinance#587Aforpublication 8.PublicHearing-ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2013-100establishingthefinal TaxLevyfor2014 9.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2013-101approvingthe2014Citybudget 10.ConsiderationofapprovinganAmendmenttotheOperatingAgreementExhibitforthe FourthAddendumtotheMemorandumofUnderstandingbetweenWrightCounty,City ofMonticello,andYMCAofGreaterTwinCities,expandingtheuseofandhoursof CampManitousiteimprovements 11.Addeditems 12.Adjournment City Council Special Meeting Minutes – November 25, 2013 Page 1 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING – MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 25, 2013 – 4:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None Others: Tracy Ergen, Wayne Oberg, Jeff O’Neill, Tony Velishek (Foster-White Agency) 1. Call to Order Mayor Herbst called the special meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. 2. Purpose of Meeting: Discussion of (3) 2014 health insurance benefit options and (4) 2014 levy and budget Tracy Ergen explained the purpose of the meeting is to discuss health insurance benefits and the 2014 budget. 3. Consideration of proposed 2014 health insurance benefit options Tracy Ergen stated that the city is facing a 29% increase in health care benefits for the current plan. By adjusting some of the deductible levels, they were able to reduce that amount to a 15% increase in premiums. In some research that Tracy Ergen did, she found that the city pays slightly more for health insurance benefits compared to other cities. On the other hand, city employee pay scale is about 5% less than average for comparable cities. Tracy Ergen discussed some of the options that the city has been considering, which included combinations of health insurance coverage and COLA and step increases. Tracy Ergen had sent out a survey to employees a few weeks ago and asked for input on preferences among 3 options. Most employees preferred the 3rd option which calls for step increases and the city covering the 15% increase in health insurance premiums. Glen Posusta asked about the cause for the increase. Approx 4% is due to the Affordable Care Act and the remaining 25% was due to high (catastrophic) claims. The city paid out more in claims than was collected in premiums. Brian Stumpf suggested that it might be best for the city to absorb the premium increase along with the step increases but no COLA increases. Glen Posusta felt that the employees should pay a portion of the increase as he thinks this will help for future adjustments that may be needed. Brian Stumpf suggested that it would be helpful to receive this information sooner in the year. Tony Velishek explained that their company starts looking at trends and rates in June or July and the renewal statement comes in September. Wayne Oberg gave some comparisons in amounts that could be expected for employees on family insurance and single insurance. Lloyd Hilgart pointed out the value of the health insurance to employees with family coverage is $18,000 per year. Tom Perrault City Council Special Meeting Minutes – November 25, 2013 Page 2 said he is okay with covering the health insurance increase but would prefer COLA rather than step increases. Tracy Ergen mentioned that employees prefer step increases (listen to tape). Roger Hoglund asked about what has happened to the budgets for positions that have been cut. Jeff O’Neill pointed out that consultants and other staff have taken on most of that work so the budget will be allocated accordingly. Jeff O’Neill summarized by pointing out that the city has had a very good insurance plan and invests quite a bit into the plan. Due to the large increase, the council will be asked to make a hard decision on how to allocate the premium increase. 4. Review of 2014 levy and budget proposal Wayne Oberg gave an overview of the levy process and noted that council will be asked to determine the final levy on Dec 9th. He compared tax capacity values and rates over the years. (ask for slides) Wayne Oberg pointed out that the tax capacity for the city has dropped due to changes in valuation for Xcel Energy. Wayne Oberg showed the breakdown of the total levy with the city receiving 38.4%, county at 37% and school district at 24%. Wayne Oberg discussed the amounts of the tax levy going into the general fund, MCC operations, and debt service. Most of the proposed 3.16% tax levy increase will go toward debt service. Wayne Oberg talked briefly about reallocating some of the expense categories in the general fund into other funds of the city. Some of the categories include IT, printing, telephone and internet. The reallocation will not increase the overall budget. Wayne Oberg pointed out that Council approved a reduction in the law enforcement hours which reduced the budget. There are other items in the budget that could utilize those funds such as a fire truck and street repairs. If the law enforcement hours were reinstated from 48 to 52 hours, an additional $90,000 would need to be found in the budget. Wayne Oberg reviewed some of the law enforcement statistics which show that there is not a lot of variation in service calls and crimes over the past years. Wayne Oberg quickly went through the list of proposed capital equipment items for 2014 of which most will be financed through bonds. 5. Adjournment TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL MEETING AT 5:37 P.M. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman ____ Approved: Attest: __________________________ City Administrator Special Joint Council/Planning Commission Minutes – November 25, 2013 Page 1 MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING – MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL AND MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, November 25, 2013 – 5:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present-CC: Clint Herbst Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Present-PC: Bill Spartz, Brad Fyle, Charlotte Gabler, Sam Burvee, Grant Sala Absent: None Others: Angela Schumann, Jeff O’Neill, Steve Grittman 1. Call to Order Mayor Herbst called the special joint meeting to order at 5:43 p.m. 2. Purpose of Workshop: Review R-4 District regulations Angela Schumann explained the format for the meeting and turned it over to Steve Grittman for his presentation on potential R-4 sites. 3. Discussion of R-4 District regulations Steve Grittman explained that the city recently turned down an application for rezoning to R-4, which is a new zoning district in the zoning code. The R-4 was intended to fill a gap in the new zoning code for multi-family housing with greater density and higher amenities. It makes sense to look at the criteria for the R-4 district and potential sites that might lend well toward an R-4 development. By walking through the standards and comparing them to various sites should allow council and planning commission an opportunity to determine sites for potential R-4 developments. Clint Herbst asked if there was anyone that feels that there are no available sites in the city that would fit R-4 zoning. He wanted to make sure that they were going down the right path. Angela Schumann inserted that this process should help justify why a site would be selected based on the criteria in the zoning code. Brian Stumpf asked if IRET was still looking at Monticello as a potential site for development which Steve Grittman confirmed. Glen Posusta asked if this workshop might iron out some difficulties that would avoid controversy in the future from surrounding property owners. Steve Grittman felt that there would still be discussion and possible opposition, but it should help planning commission and council direct developer inquiries to sites that better meet the criteria for high density multi-family housing. Lloyd Hilgart indicated that he would not support rezoning at this time; he would rather wait until there are some potential developers that come forward. Steve Grittman reviewed some of the characteristics that would be desirable for R-4: major arterial roadway exposure, major collector roadway frontage/access, local Special Joint Council/Planning Commission Minutes – November 25, 2013 Page 2 community amenities (parks, trails), compatible land uses nearby (commercial, institutional), and lack of incompatible land use nearby (single family residential, heavy industrial). Clint Herbst commented that single family residential should not disqualify a piece of land. Brian Stumpf suggested that back yards of single family homes may not create an incompatible situation, such as the homes across from Outlot A of Country Club Manor. Brad Fyle suggested that higher end apartments may not want to be so close to the freeway. Bill Spartz suggested that number of units and/or height may be a detractor in some cases. Clint Herbst pointed out that the R-4 zoning has some built-in guidelines on density per acre. Clint Herbst also noted that high end amenity developments may need to build with more units and greater height to make the financial plan work. Steve Grittman introduced some potential R-4 sites that were discussed during his presentation. Site 1) Country Club Manor – Outlot A PROS: freeway exposure, county road access, current R-3 zoning, some higher density in area, exposure only to back yard of lower density housing. CONS: adjacent to single family, no close freeway access, no nearby commercial. Steve Grittman pointed out that the city has indicated in the past that some of this land could be used if a future freeway exchange was developed at County Road 39. Clint Herbst was reluctant to target this site because of the potential for an interchange development. Brian Stumpf added that the area is close to Bertram Chain of Lakes park and downtown and it is served by a new road system. Tom Perrault felt it would be more desirable if development occurred closer to Elm Street rather than Golf Course Road. Otter Creek Crossings – commercial land PROS: Glen Posusta asked about the opposite (south) side of the freeway with the exposure it would have. CONS: No good access to freeway, across the street from industrial uses. Consensus was that this land would not be desirable for high end multi-family housing. In addition, it could fall into the perimeter of land needed for a future freeway exchange. Charlotte Gabler questioned whether the city might want to add criteria to restrict R-4 zoning with a certain distance of a freeway exchange, existing or potential. Site 2) 7th Street East – west of The Bluffs apartments PROS: Freeway exposure, collector road frontage, higher density in area, no low density, nearby commercial. Special Joint Council/Planning Commission Minutes – November 25, 2013 Page 3 CONS: Monticello’s Comprehensive Plan has identified this as “places to shop” - a mix of light industrial and commercial, significant high density nearby, no immediate freeway access. Steve Grittman pointed out that while the vast majority of studies show that high-density housing in and of itself does not precipitate a decrease in property values, an over concentration of high density housing may decreases property values and often correlates with higher crime rates. Clint Herbst feels that a high end developer would choose a different site that better suits the amenities they want to offer. Brian Stumpf expressed some concern about designating this site as R-4 with future development of the Fallon overpass and changes to 7th Street in that area. Site 3) Meadow Oak Avenue – north of Resurrection Church PROS: Freeway exposure and access, compatible land uses in area, no exposure to lower density, nearby commercial. CONS: Consumes otherwise prime commercial, access would be from a local street that serves single family homes. Tom Perrault does not consider this prime commercial as it is situated near residential and is also close to schools. Although it would increase traffic, it would not go through neighborhoods. Clint Herbst feels that would be suitable for a hotel so would probably work for multi-family too. Brian Stumpf thinks this could be a good R-4 site and a good transition to the freeway. Charlotte Gabler questioned whether this would be a desirable sightline from the freeway as traffic goes by. Steve Grittman pointed out that the grade and angles of the freeway in this area do not provide great visibility of this property. Angela Schumann stated it should be possible to add conditions to a CUP with this being such a highly visible site from the interstate. Lloyd Hilgart noted that the size of the project on 12 acres may be an issue if it were all developed into multi-family housing units. Site 4) Vacant land between Cedar Street and Edmonson Avenue – City/Lundsten property PROS: Compatible area land use, no exposure to lower density, nearby commercial. CONS: Consumes valuable commercial, no exposure to arterial roads, exposure to industrial areas. Council did not think these parcels would be good choices for R-4 development. Groveland commercial strip – along Chelsea Road West PROS: Glen Posusta suggested this because of proximity to freeway access, nearby commercial, already bermed. Special Joint Council/Planning Commission Minutes – November 25, 2013 Page 4 CONS: Single family residential nearby toward the east end. Comments were somewhat positive and suggested that they may want to take a closer look at the land in that area. They will need to address some transition to the single family residences. Consensus was that there may be potential for R-4 development but may create some resistance from nearby residential owners. Tom Perrault also mentioned looking at the land occupied by the pawn shop if that were to be redeveloped. Site 5) Featherstone (unplatted) - near 85th Avenue PROS: No nearby development, no exposure to lower density, commercial in area. CONS: Detached from community, no exposure to arterial roads, no nearby amenities. Clint Herbst commented that it should be easy to allow someone to locate there without too much opposition. General consensus was that a developer is not as likely to choose a site this far out at this time. Brad Fyle thought that the country view might be more desirable than the freeway. Clint Herbst summarized the workshop by noting that there appears to be a willingness to look at various sites in the city as potential for R-4 zoning. Jeff O’Neill asked if there would be a point where rezoning would take place in advance of development. Steve Grittman explained that he thought it would be helpful to gather the information that was provided through the discussion and lay that out. Perhaps staff could rank some of the sites and let the planning commission review the potential for rezoning of any specific sites as an R-4 district. Consensus of council is to not do any rezoning up front until the city is approached with a development proposal. Jeff O’Neill pointed out that most of those sites will need a super majority approval for making a comp plan amendment consistent with the zoning request. Charlie Pfeffer stated that most developers would not want to run the rezoning and CUP approval at the same time. 4. Adjournment TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN THE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING AT 6:52 P.M. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman ____ Approved: Attest: _________________________________ City Administrator City Council Meeting Minutes – November 25, 2013 Page 1 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING – MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 25, 2013 – 7 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2A. Approval of Minutes – November 12, 2013 Regular Meeting GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ACCEPT THE NOVEMBER 12, 2013 MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda There were no added items. 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements a. Citizen Comments: none b. Public Service Announcements: 1) Home for the Holidays (12/6) – Kitty Baltos announced the activities on December 6th at West Bridge Park from 6 – 8 p.m. The lights and decorations at the park are provided by the Lions Club. Horse drawn hay rides are sponsored by TDS as well as visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus. There will be a campfire, a singalong with Girl Scouts at 6:30 p.m., Quarry Church dance performances, and free cookies and cocoa provided by Monticello Women of Today and the RV Center. 2) Around the World Holiday event (12/7) – Kitty Baltos talked about the activities happening at MCC on December 7th from 9 to 11:30 a.m. MCC and ECFE team up for this free event. Pictures with Santa are sponsored by TDS, entertainment by Dean-o-Mite, Kids ID program by the Masonic Lodge, and activities and refreshments are provided. Girl Scouts are collecting new or gently used hats, mittens, gloves and scarves for local children in need. City Council Meeting Minutes – November 25, 2013 Page 2 3) Lions Club Pancake Breakfast will be December 8th at the Monticello Legion from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Proceeds will go toward Christmas baskets for families in need. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving payment of bills for November 25th. Recommendation: Approve payment of bill and purchase card registers in the amount of $952,125.59. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments. Recommendation: Ratify terminations for FiberNet. C. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2013-097 accepting a contribution from TDS Telecom for sponsoring Home for the Holidays and Pictures with Santa. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2013-097 accepting a contribution from TDS Telecom in the amount of $600 for Home for the Holidays and $500 for Pictures with Santa. D. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit allowing use of city property and resources for Frostbite Challenge activities taking place January 11-12, 2014. Applicant: Monticello Chamber of Commerce. Recommendation: Approve a Special Event Permit for the Monticello Chamber of Commerce for Frostbite Challenge activities on January 11-12, 2014. E. Consideration of approving two applications for temporary on-sale liquor licenses for the Monticello Lions for Frostbite Challenge on January 11, 2014. Recommendation: Approve two temporary on-sale liquor license applications for the Monticello Lions on January 11, 2014 for Frostbite Challenge activities at Fourth Street Park (pond hockey) and at 3613 Chelsea Rd West (snow swap meet). F. Consideration of approving 2013 operating transfers. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. G. Consideration of authorizing review of old bowling alley site for potential re-use. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS F AND G. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. City Council Meeting Minutes – November 25, 2013 Page 3 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 5F. Consideration of approving 2013 operating transfers Tom Perrault removed this because he had questions on which transfers have been made already. Wayne Oberg explained those are listed on the upper part of the spreadsheet and were authorized by resolution in 2012 or during the past year. Wayne Oberg went through the transfers, explaining which transfers have been done and which are not completed yet, and reviewed the purpose for each transfer. Wayne Oberg clarified that Council must approve the appropriations in order to make the transfers. These transfers are made in accordance with accounting standards and for year end reporting. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO APPROVE THE 2013 OPERATING TRANSFERS AS LISTED (BELOW). LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4-1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. City Council Meeting Minutes – November 25, 2013 Page 4 5G. Consideration of authorizing review of old bowling alley site for potential re-use Tom Perrault expressed concern about the value of any improvements that would be put into the bowling alley and how would it affect future redevelopment of the property. Jeff O’Neill explained that the potential users would be responsible for funding any remodeling that would be done for the interim use. This agenda item is asking for authorization for the city to investigate the potential for using the building for proposed use for soccer and other recreational/sports uses. The Monticello Soccer Association is willing to fund up to $4000 for investigating the building for hazardous materials or other problems. Clint Herbst feels that the site is not necessarily the most desirable for redevelopment right now, so it may make sense to let it be used for other purposes. However, he feels that the city should make sure to recover any costs that might be incurred in renovating the building for an interim use. Tom Perrault recommended that the city should make sure to have an agreement that covers costs and that there not be issues with relocation costs in the event that the property would be sold to a developer. Angela Schumann noted that the city owns the building and would not be responsible for costs of relocating any leaseholders. Lloyd Hilgart stated that he would prefer that the MCC not be involved in use of the building. LLOYD HILGART MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF TO CONDUCT A REVIEW OF THE OLD BOWLING ALLEY FOR POTENTIAL RE- USE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting Resolution #2013-098 approving a modification of the Redevelopment Program for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and approving a modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-6 Angela Schumann introduced this request for Council to approve a modification of the Redevelopment Program and modification to the financing plan for TIF 1-6. The modification would authorize additional land acquisition and reallocate the budgeted increment within TIF 1-6. Since this is a pre-1990 TIF district, there is greater flexibility in the usage of the available increment. Tax increments are not subject to pooling restrictions and do not have to be spent in the district where it originated. To acquire property outside the district, the language of the TIF plan must be modified. Angela Schumann referenced the handouts that show the budget plan modifications that are proposed. The redevelopment program is the document that authorizes and governs redevelopment activities with the redevelopment project. The proposed modifications authorize the use of tax increment from TIF 1-6 for acquisition of land within the Redevelopment Project and modifies the estimate of costs and sources of revenues within the budget. The recommendation from the Planning Commission and EDA were unanimous in favor of these modifications. City Council Meeting Minutes – November 25, 2013 Page 5 Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. There were no comments so the public hearing was closed. Angela Schumann noted that all procedures were followed as required by law. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2013-098 APPROVING A MODIFICATION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR CENTRAL MONTICELLO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND APPROVING A MODIFICATION TO THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-6. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 8. Consideration of authorizing Doug Dawson, CCG to complete a status report on FiberNet technology and operational improvements for 2013 and 2014 Jeff O’Neill is asked to authorize a review of the FiberNet system that would include all operational changes since new management took over in 2012. The city feels that it is imperative to make sure that these changes are the best direction for the city. Manager Mark Pultusker’s contract is up for renewal and the city would like to review progress of the system before entering into another contract. Jeff O’Neill noted the cost is estimated at up to $11,000 to complete the review. Brian Stumpf asked who Doug Dawson would report to during his review. Jeff O’Neill explained that Doug Dawson would work with Jeff O’Neill and Wayne Oberg and he will also meet with FiberNet Advisory Board members and employees. Brian Stumpf wanted to know how staff would address any negative issues that might come up. Jeff O’Neill explained that Doug Dawson would be doing this from a neutral position and Jeff O’Neill would not anticipate any problems to emerge. Tom Perrault asked if there was any other company that could do this work; he was concerned that Doug Dawson might be too close to the situation. Glen Posusta explained that Doug Dawson has not been involved in the management of FiberNet, yet he is familiar with the system. Glen Posusta also noted that Doug Dawson provides consulting services of this nature as part of his business. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #1 TO AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF TO ENGAGE THE SERVICES OF DOUG DAWSON, CCG, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EVALUATING THE APPROACH AND ASSOCIATED IMPROVEMENTS MADE TO THE FIBERNET OPERATIONS IN THE PAST YEAR, AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $11,000. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4-1 WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 9. Added items There were no added items. City Council Meeting Minutes – November 25, 2013 Page 6 10. Adjournment BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:37 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman ____ Approved: Attest: _____________________________ City Administrator CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 1 5A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforDecember9th (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaffsubmitstheattachedbillregistersandpurchasingcardregistersforapprovalby Council.Thebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedandthepurchasingcard registerscontainallcardpurchasesmadesincethelastCouncilmeeting.SubjecttoMN Statutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksforpayment. ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise.AcreditpurchasingagreementandpolicywasapprovedbyCouncilinitially andcardpurchasesmustcomplywiththepolicy. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillandpurchasecardregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotalamountof $362,103.03. 2.MotiontoapprovetheregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters PurchaseCardregisters User: Printed:12/04/2013 - 10:01AM Ann.Zimmerman Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Accounts Payable Batch:00202.12.2013 - 12/10/13 A/P Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:2282 ALBIN ACQUISITION CORPORATION Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 1120135487S (1) background check 23.00 12/10/2013 609-49754-431990 1120135487S (2) background check 60.00 12/10/2013 226-45122-431990 83.00Check Total: Vendor:1038 APPERTS FOOD SERVICE Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 2029016 5.25 12/10/2013 226-45122-433300 2029016 pizzas 37.21 12/10/2013 226-45127-421460 2029016 re-sale 649.03 12/10/2013 226-45127-425410 691.49Check Total: Vendor:1045 ASSOCIATED VETERINARY CLINIC Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 232916 (82) assorted medicine 881.28 12/10/2013 101-42700-421990 232916 utx - shipping medicine 5.80 12/10/2013 101-42700-421990 887.08Check Total: Vendor:1059 BARTON SAND AND GRAVEL CO Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 131115 80.93 ton class 5 gravel base 579.51 12/10/2013 101-43120-422400 579.51Check Total: Vendor:1062 BEAUDRY OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 791252 800 gallons unleaded fuel 2,332.00 12/10/2013 101-43120-421200 2,332.00Check Total: Vendor:1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 40292500 freight 10.80 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 40292500 re sale 559.98 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 40655400 re sale 3,060.59 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 40655400 feight 20.70 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 40719500 Original invoice 40462600 pd 11/26/13 -55.02 12/10/2013 609-49750-425100 40719500 Original invoice 40462600 pd 11/26/13 -0.78 12/10/2013 609-49750-433300 40786700 re sale 222.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 40786700 freight 8.10 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 3,826.37Check Total: Vendor:1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 36623 re-sale 65.20 12/10/2013 609-49750-425400 36624 re-sale 199.55 12/10/2013 609-49750-425200 38697 re sale 32.80 11/26/2013 609-49750-425500 38697 re sale 58.80 11/26/2013 609-49750-425400 38698 re sale 1,123.30 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 39353 re-sale 361.00 12/10/2013 226-45127-425410 1,840.65Check Total: Vendor:2535 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: True 906496201 (50) - 810-885-006 SCAPC/SCAPC SM SIM 6' 323.23 12/10/2013 656-49877-421990 906510080 (10) 820-K85-006 SCAPC/LCAPC SM SIM 6' 214.75 12/10/2013 656-49877-421990 906600665 (30) VDSL2 combo WAN Gateway; (10) coax adapter 3,227.63 12/10/2013 656-49877-421800 3,765.61Check Total: Vendor:1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: True 2348-000G135 General 3,171.00 12/10/2013 101-41610-430400 2348-000G135 General - BCAL Phase IV 2,275.00 12/10/2013 229-45202-431990 2348-000G135 General - community development; ect. 350.00 12/10/2013 101-41910-430400 2348-000G135 General - ZTOWER - title work for tower 28.00 12/10/2013 101-41910-430400 2348-000G135 General - ZZALDI - ALDI agreement; ect. 280.00 12/10/2013 101-00000-220110 2348-121G2 ZZALDI - Monticello Business Ctr 7th St Addn 575.00 12/10/2013 101-00000-220110 2348-122G1 Madison Group Arbitration 1,293.20 12/10/2013 655-49870-430400 2348-123G1 MGFARM - EDA/G. Ekegren dba Pizza Factory Oct serv/expense 1,625.50 12/10/2013 213-46522-430400 9,597.70Check Total: Vendor:2213 CBS TV STATIONS Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False Nov - 13 WCCO November 2013 822.12 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 822.12Check Total: Vendor:1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: True 1066195 re sale 674.80 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 1077416 re sale 16,002.60 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1077416 re sale 269.35 11/26/2013 609-49750-425400 1085841 re sale 8,735.52 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 1085841 re sale 106.95 11/26/2013 609-49750-425400 1085858 re sale 799.85 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 16279 re sale 26,559.27 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 16369 re sale 990.50 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 16522 re sale 120.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 16533 re sale 716.33 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 54,975.17Check Total: Vendor:1134 DAY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 727898 re sale 955.55 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 727919 re sale 189.40 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 728987 re sale 2,101.35 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 729762 re sale 2,584.50 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 5,830.80Check Total: Vendor:2891 DISCOUNT POST & POLE Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 694988 (3) cu yrd wood chips (Pioneer Park) 63.06 12/10/2013 101-45201-422500 695010 (10) cedar 1"x6"x8' 115.43 12/10/2013 101-45201-422300 695025 (30) cedar 1"x6"x8', (4) 5"x5"x12' 564.30 12/10/2013 101-45201-422300 742.79Check Total: Vendor:3344 DOMAIN ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False Relocate Clm #1 MGFARM - Pizz Factory inv 12960 1,500.00 12/10/2013 213-46522-443990 1,500.00Check Total: Vendor:1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 47212 PHN - TIF District No 1-6 11/14 205.10 12/10/2013 213-46506-435100 49440 Ordinance 586 11/21 351.60 12/10/2013 101-41310-435100 49441 Ordinance 585 11/21 102.55 12/10/2013 101-41310-435100 51624 2014 Fee Schedule PHN 11/18 65.93 12/10/2013 101-41310-435100 725.18Check Total: Vendor:1167 EXTREME BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 253510 re sale -37.69 11/26/2013 609-49750-425400 865186 re sale 234.50 11/26/2013 609-49750-425400 196.81Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1170 FASTENAL COMPANY Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False MNMON79272 (4) trubolts 1.65 12/10/2013 101-45201-422100 1.65Check Total: Vendor:2561 FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 63341 ST3 - (20) mtr ecdr usg 2,200.00 12/10/2013 601-49440-422710 2,200.00Check Total: Vendor:1634 FIRE EQUIPMENT SPECIALTIES INC Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 8091 (3) pr firefighter boot 774.03 12/10/2013 101-42200-421120 774.03Check Total: Vendor:1662 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME COMPANY Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 28263 re-sale 247.80 12/10/2013 609-49750-425500 247.80Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False KMSP Nov-13 KMSP November 2013 1,105.00 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 1,105.00Check Total: Vendor:2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False WFTC Nov-13 WFTC November 2013 176.80 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 176.80Check Total: Vendor:1859 GODFATHER'S EXTERMINATING INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 68758 Quarterly extermination - MCC 85.50 12/10/2013 226-45122-431990 68759 Quarterly extermination - DMV 37.41 12/10/2013 217-41990-431990 68760 Quarterly extermination - Library 53.44 12/10/2013 211-45501-431990 68761 Quarterly extermination - Prairie Center 53.44 12/10/2013 101-41941-431990 68761 Quarterly extermination - Liquor 58.78 12/10/2013 609-49754-431990 288.57Check Total: Vendor:1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 83565 November 2013 locates 104.70 12/10/2013 601-49440-422770 83565 November 2013 locates 104.70 12/10/2013 656-49877-422770 209.40Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1206 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 159726 re sale 432.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 159726 freight 9.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 441.00Check Total: Vendor:1224 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS LTD Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False B784732 12C003 - wwtp project - (1) 1000 gal meter & parts 2,945.75 12/10/2013 602-00000-165010 2,945.75Check Total: Vendor:1242 HOLIDAY CREDIT OFFICE Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: True 11/18/13 motor fuel 10/26/13 - 11/15/13 707.91 12/10/2013 101-42200-421200 707.91Check Total: Vendor:2305 HOME BOX OFFICE Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: True Nov - 13 HBO November 2013 367.38 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 Nov - 13 HBO Bulk November 2013 509.74 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 Nov - 13 HBO Cinemax November 2013 91.84 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 968.96Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False KSTC Nov -13 KSTC November 2013 353.60 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 353.60Check Total: Vendor:2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False KSTP Nov -13 KSTP November 2013 353.60 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 353.60Check Total: Vendor:3356 INDIAN ISLAND WINERY Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 1688 re sale 223.68 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 223.68Check Total: Vendor:1256 J&W INSTRUMENT INC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False 239131 (10) bx chessell circular charts, (2) pk green pen for recording 627.45 12/10/2013 601-49440-422700 627.45Check Total: Vendor:1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 2152661 re sale 1,054.85 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2152661 freight 3.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1,057.85Check Total: Vendor:1263 JOHNSON BROS WHOLESALE LIQUOR Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 1718233 re sale 1,716.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 1718233 freight 48.65 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1718541 re-sale 60.00 12/10/2013 609-49750-425300 1718970 freight 51.43 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1718970 re sale 3,630.51 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 1718971 re sale 2,072.50 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 1718971 freight 43.09 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1721599 re sale 78.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 1721599 freight 1.39 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1721600 re sale 1,434.55 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 1721600 freight 48.64 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1723294 re sale 92.25 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 1723294 freight 1.39 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1723295 freight 34.75 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1723295 re sale 1,176.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 1725213 re sale 1,766.37 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 1725213 freight 20.95 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1725214 re sale 789.53 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 1725214 freight 22.24 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1725971 re sale 106.50 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 1725971 freight 1.39 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 13,196.13Check Total: Vendor:1290 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 193099 11/21/13 Respectful Workplace/Sexual Harassment & Prevention 550.00 12/10/2013 101-43110-433200 550.00Check Total: Vendor:1291 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 11/18/13 LMCIT Claim #C0026604 date of loss 10/26/13 100.00 12/10/2013 101-42200-436990 100.00Check Total: Vendor:1308 MARCO INC Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True 240968057 11/10-12/10/13 5,022.07 12/10/2013 702-00000-441500 5,022.07Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1309 MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 815580 (13) bag IF salt 82.72 12/10/2013 101-42700-422990 82.72Check Total: Vendor:1318 JONATHAN CALEB MELLBERG Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: True 11/25/13 City Council meeting recording 11/25/13 80.00 12/10/2013 101-41110-431990 80.00Check Total: Vendor:2215 METRO GOLDWYN MAYER INC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: True Nov - 13 MGM HD November 2013 38.11 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 38.11Check Total: Vendor:2179 MINNESOTA 9-1-1 PROGRAM Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False Oct - 13 November 2013 911 Wright Co 863.04 12/10/2013 655-00000-208170 863.04Check Total: Vendor:1351 MN FIRE SERVICE CERT BOARD Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 2325 (8) 10/26/13 Technical Resuer Ropes I Certification Exam 1,400.00 12/10/2013 101-42200-115030 2325 (8) 10/26/13 Technical Resuer Confined Space I & II Cert Exam 1,000.00 12/10/2013 101-42200-115030 2,400.00Check Total: Vendor:1743 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 11/20/13 utx - 6/21/13 concrete tools purchased at garage sale 80.00 12/10/2013 101-45201-424100 11/20/13 7/25/13 Home Depot (5) perennial - E. Bridge gardeners 37.30 12/10/2013 101-45201-440900 11/20/13 8/213 USPS - WWTP WINS Report to State of MN 1.72 12/10/2013 602-49480-432200 119.02Check Total: Vendor:1743 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 11/22/13 reimbursement (66) chairs 250.00 12/10/2013 226-45127-424600 250.00Check Total: Vendor:3449 MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL PK INC Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 11/18/13 Reimb overpaymnet of interest - 155011000101 3,852.90 12/10/2013 312-00000-361020 11/18/13 Reimb overpaymnet of interest - 155011000111 6,572.60 12/10/2013 312-00000-361020 11/18/13 Reimb overpaymnet of interest - 155011000171 24,925.12 12/10/2013 312-00000-361020 11/18/13 Reimb overpaymnet of interest - 155143001020 1,705.38 12/10/2013 312-00000-361020 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 37,056.00Check Total: Vendor:1376 MONTICELLO PUBLIC LIBRARY Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True 10/1-10/31/13 Program supplies 189.63 12/10/2013 211-45501-421990 10/1-10/31/13 Program services 565.00 12/10/2013 211-45501-430150 754.63Check Total: Vendor:2218 MUSIC CHOICE Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: True Apr -13 balance Music Choice April 2013 corrected rate - additional owed 3.14 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 Aug -13 balance Music Choice August 2013 corrected rate - additional owed 3.46 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 Feb -13 balance Music Choice February 2013 corrected rate - additional owed 2.90 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 Jan-13 balance Music Choice January 2013 corrected rate - additional owed 2.60 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 Jul -13 balance Music Choice July 2013 corrected rate - additional owed 3.38 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 Jun -13 balance Music Choice June 2013 corrected rate - additional owed 3.30 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 Mar -13 balance Music Choice March 2013 corrected rate - additional owed 3.06 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 May -13 balance Music Choice May 2013 corrected rate - additional owed 3.22 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 Nov - 13 Music Choice November 2013 188.90 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 Oct -13 balance Music Choice October 2013 corrected rate - additional owed 3.62 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 Sep -13 balance Music Choice September 2013 corrected rate - additional owed 3.54 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 221.12Check Total: Vendor:2082 NEUSTAR INC Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: True M-10677559 10/1-10/31/13 Local Number Portability Charges 60.00 12/10/2013 655-49870-431990 M-10677559 Previous LNP; late fee; ect. charges 20.67 12/10/2013 655-49870-431990 80.67Check Total: Vendor:1913 NEW FRANCE WINE Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False 86105 re sale 1,384.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 86105 freight 25.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1,409.00Check Total: Vendor:2134 NFL NETWORK Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: True 115549 NFL October 2013 764.16 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 764.16Check Total: Vendor:2216 NHL NETWORK Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False Oct-13 Revised NHL October 2013 - updated rate 265.07 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 265.07Check Total: Vendor:2216 NHL NETWORK Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False Nov - 13 NHL November 2013 259.41 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 259.41Check Total: Vendor:1405 OFFICEMAX INCORPORATED Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 869841 (2) wall cal, (3) dsk pads, ect 68.74 12/10/2013 101-43110-420990 68.74Check Total: Vendor:1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: True 16601 (293) flour lights, (60) hid lamps 697.89 12/10/2013 101-43160-421530 697.89Check Total: Vendor:2131 ONVOY VOICE SERVICES Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: True 131202010653 Voice - Operator Services; Wholesale Switching & *00 Switched 469.56 12/10/2013 655-49860-430910 469.56Check Total: Vendor:2131 ONVOY VOICE SERVICES Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: True 131202008669 Voice - 12/2-1/1/14 A-Links; 11/25/13 Dips 1,351.49 12/10/2013 655-49860-430910 1,351.49Check Total: Vendor:1674 JAMIE ANN PAULSON Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: True 13681 (13) embroidery - crest 84.50 12/10/2013 101-42400-421110 13681 (13) clothing 260.70 12/10/2013 101-42400-421110 345.20Check Total: Vendor:1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 2517658 re sale 3,768.12 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 2517658 freight 45.87 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 2517659 freight 66.72 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 2517659 wine 2,761.45 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 2518183 freight 20.38 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 2518183 re sale 1,657.68 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 2518184 re sale 919.52 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 2518184 freight 15.29 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 2519933 re sale 3,736.22 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 2519933 freight 45.86 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2521046 freight 33.71 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 2521046 fre sale 3,123.41 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 2521047 fre sale 1,262.90 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 2521047 freight 36.14 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 2522398 re sale 631.55 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 2522398 freight 8.34 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 2522887 re sale 1,127.73 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 2522887 freight 6.95 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 19,267.84Check Total: Vendor:3574 PREFERRED TITLE INC Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False File No11005-13 File No. 11005-13 Dennis Anderson/City of M 789.50 12/10/2013 101-41310-431990 789.50Check Total: Vendor:1442 PURCELL PLUMBING AND HEATING INC Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 035233 utx - toilet repair - parts/labor; urnial - labor 227.37 12/10/2013 609-49754-440100 227.37Check Total: Vendor:2602 RFD TV Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 1953-1251 RFD TV October 2013 30.77 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 30.77Check Total: Vendor:1459 RJM DISTRIBUTING INC Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 27339 re-sale 549.50 12/10/2013 609-49750-425200 549.50Check Total: Vendor:1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: True A22430 (4) assorted Medico keys 38.48 12/10/2013 655-49870-421990 38.48Check Total: Vendor:1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: True 12/15/13 Contract 1,593.75 12/10/2013 101-42700-431200 9/1-9/30/13 Mileage reimbursement 84.75 12/10/2013 101-42700-433100 1,678.50Check Total: Vendor:1361 SHRED IT USA INC Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: False 9402851849 Shredding service 10.70 12/10/2013 655-49870-431990 9402852229 Shredding service 10.00 12/10/2013 101-43110-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 9402852359 Shredding service 20.07 12/10/2013 101-41940-431990 9402866704 Shredding service 10.00 12/10/2013 217-41990-431990 50.77Check Total: Vendor:2212 SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False Nov-13 WUCW November 2013 274.04 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 274.04Check Total: Vendor:3309 SOUTHERN WINE & SPIRITS OF MINNESOTA Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 1102395 re sale 644.82 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 1102395 freight 9.17 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1102397 freight 40.12 11/26/2013 609-49750-425400 1102397 freight 1.25 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1102398 re sale 2,089.50 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 1102398 freight 38.12 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1105681 re-sale 276.95 12/10/2013 609-49750-425100 1105681 freight 2.50 12/10/2013 609-49750-433300 1105682 freight 3.75 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1105682 re sale 115.33 11/26/2013 609-49750-425500 1105683 re sale 448.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 1105683 freight 2.50 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 3,672.01Check Total: Vendor:1506 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False 2072128 Credit Original invoice paid 9/10/13 - product returned -21.54 12/10/2013 609-49750-425500 2121037 (4) bale assorted brown bags 115.58 12/10/2013 609-49754-421990 2121037 (1) case 6/33.9 oz tin regular coffee 68.53 12/10/2013 609-49754-443990 2121037 (1) case 16/250 towel multifold white 24.68 12/10/2013 609-49754-421990 187.25Check Total: Vendor:1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: True 00756077 -61.50 12/10/2013 609-49750-425200 790466 re sale 59.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425400 790467 re sale 161.25 11/26/2013 609-49750-425400 790467 re sale 24.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 790468 re sale 11,287.37 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 791716 re sale 67.60 11/26/2013 609-49750-425400 791717 re sale 24.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 791718 re sale 8,316.60 11/26/2013 609-49750-425200 791718 re sale 165.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425400 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 20,043.32Check Total: Vendor:2252 TOWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 338379 WGN November 2013 209.90 12/10/2013 655-49860-430920 209.90Check Total: Vendor:2268 UNIVERSAL SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE COMPANY Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False UBDI0000660659 Filer 499 ID 828118 Interest & DCIA Penalty 0.57 12/10/2013 655-49870-431970 0.57Check Total: Vendor:1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV LLC VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATIONS INC Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 00031686 November 2013 65,988.42 12/10/2013 602-49480-430800 00032486 December 2013 65,988.42 12/10/2013 602-49480-430800 131,976.84Check Total: Vendor:1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SERV LLC VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATIONS INC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 00032664 12C003 Progress Inv #11 WWTP DEEP - Upgrades PH 1 Design 2,466.62 12/10/2013 602-00000-165010 2,466.62Check Total: Vendor:1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True 1192185 Credit Credit - original invoice 1192185 paid 10/15/13 -23.60 12/10/2013 609-49750-425400 1217865 re sale 126.40 11/26/2013 609-49750-425400 1223201 re sale 209.80 11/26/2013 609-49750-425400 312.60Check Total: Vendor:1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 0087959-IN re-sale 1,259.75 12/10/2013 609-49750-425100 0087959-IN freight 10.00 12/10/2013 609-49750-433300 0087960-IN freight 7.50 12/10/2013 609-49750-433300 0087960-IN re-sale 264.00 12/10/2013 609-49750-425300 1,541.25Check Total: Vendor:1298 WALKER SIGN HOLDINGS INC Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 178336 utx - Labor/trip charges - replaced transformer for "IQ" 264.00 12/10/2013 609-49754-440990 178336 Materials - replaced transformer for "IQ" 234.06 12/10/2013 609-49754-440990 498.06Check Total: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor:1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 6353 (4) 100W MH lamps 53.44 12/10/2013 101-42200-422300 6382 utx - labor well#2 chlorine leak 104.20 12/10/2013 601-49440-431990 157.64Check Total: Vendor:2728 WINDSTREAM COMMUNICATIONS Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False 2728 10/10-11/9/13 Usage charges - Intrastate 2.61 12/10/2013 655-49860-430910 2.61Check Total: Vendor:1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 479930 re sale 240.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 479930 freight 4.17 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 480546 re sale 816.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 480546 freight 16.68 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 481308 re sale 632.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 481308 freight 8.34 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1,717.19Check Total: Vendor:1209 WIRTZ BEVERAGE MINNESOTA WINE & SPIRITS Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 1080112242 re sale 1,468.46 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 1080112242 re sale 4,286.15 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 1080112242 freight 93.64 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 1080114949 re sale 595.32 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 1080114949 re sale 1,460.17 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 1080114949 re sale 168.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425400 1080114949 freight 50.34 11/26/2013 609-49750-433300 2080015886 re sale -6.42 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 2080021091 re sale -244.28 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 2080022261 re sale -52.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 2080022281 re sale -86.33 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 2080023486 re sale -704.43 11/26/2013 609-49750-425100 7,028.62Check Total: Vendor:2573 WOODLAND HILL VINEYARDS LLC Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 1477 re sale 324.00 11/26/2013 609-49750-425300 324.00Check Total: Vendor:2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False License 2014 Tobacco License Renewal 150.00 12/10/2013 609-49754-443700 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 150.00Check Total: Vendor:2810 WRIGHT COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 11/18/13 Wright Cty Wellness on Wheels Van - (23) shots 840.00 12/10/2013 101-42200-431990 840.00Check Total: Vendor:1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 11/19/13 MGFARM - 51-0798481-0 59.75 12/10/2013 213-46522-438100 11/20/13 51-9391437-3 324.37 12/10/2013 101-41941-438100 11/29/13 51-6505907-2 141.14 12/10/2013 101-43140-438100 11/29/13 51-6505908-3 19.16 12/10/2013 101-42500-438100 544.42Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: 362,103.03 84 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (12/04/2013 - 10:01 AM)Page 14 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 12/9/13 Approved by: _________________________________ Mayor Clint Herbst CityCouncilAgenda:12/9/2013 1 5B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Amanda Erlandson Friendship Island Teacher MCC 12/18 PT Paul Froiland Lead Building Maintenance/Cust.MCC 11/30 FT Name Reason Department Last Day Class Herb Schoenborn Voluntary Parks 11/5 PT Jeremy Nemeth Voluntary MCC 11/15 PT Lauren Ireland Involuntary MCC 11/2 PT Lisa Klatt Voluntary MCC 10/18 PT Kristina Brunsberg Involuntary MCC 11/24 PT Jenna Kothenbeatel Involuntary MCC 11/22 PT NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES New Hire and Terms City Council 2013: 12/2/2013 CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 1 5C.ConsiderationofcallingforaspecialmeetingonDecember23rdforapprovalof bills (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: SincetheCityCouncilonlymeetsonceinDecember,aSpecialCouncilmeetinghasbeen heldinthepasttoapproveonelastcheckrunfortheyear.Thislastcheckrunis necessarytopayvendorsinatimelymannerandtoavoidinterestcharges,latefees, and/orpenaltiesonbillsreceivedaftertheDecembermeetingandduepriortothefirst meetinginJanuary. Thisspecialmeetingcouldbeheldatthestartofthedayorattheendoftheday.The staffisrecommendingMonday,December23rdat7:30a.m.forthismeeting. A1.BudgetImpact:Byholdingaspecialmeeting,thiswouldavoidtheCity havingtopaysomeinterestorlatefeesonbillsthatwouldbereceivedafterthe December9th CouncilmeetingandduepriortothefirstCouncilmeetingin January. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:None. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontocallforaSpecialCouncilMeetingonMonday,December23,2013at 7:30a.m.forthepurposeofapprovingbills. 2.Motionforother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: TheCitystaffsupportsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: None CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 1 5D.ConsiderationofrenewingappointmentsofrepresentativestotheMonticelloIEDC andPlanningCommission (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtorenewthefollowingappointmentsofrepresentativesfornew termseffectiveJanuary1,2014.Renewalsandnewappointmentsmustbeapprovedby Council. TheIEDCrecommendsthere-appointmentofJoniPawelk,ZonaGutzwiller,Don RobertsandWayneElam.Theseareall3-yeartermrenewalsexpiringDecember31, 2016.Allmembershaveagreedtoserveanother3-yearterm. ThePlanningCommissionrecommendsthere-appointmentofCharlotteGablerandBrad Fyle.Theseareboth3-yeartermrenewalsexpiringDecember31,2016.Both commissionershaveagreedtoserveanother3-yearterm. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproverenewingtheappointmentsofrepresentativestotheMonticello IEDCandPlanningCommissionasproposed. 2.Motiontonotapprovetherenewalsatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityStaffrecommendsAlternative#1torenewtheappointmentstotheIEDCand PlanningCommissionaslistedabove. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: None CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 1 5E.Considerationofapproving2014ScheduleforCouncilandCommissionmeetings (JO/CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoapprovetheenclosedschedulefor2014Counciland Commissionmeetings.Thisincludesmeetingsforcommissionsandboardsthatexistby cityordinanceorstatestatute.Thescheduleincludesadjustmentsforholidaysorother datesrestrictedbylaw.Ifapproved,thesedatesandtimeswillbecometheofficial meetingdatesandtimesandwillbemadeavailabletothepublic. A1.BudgetImpact:NA A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffwillpostthescheduleonthecity’swebsiteand bulletinboardafterapproval. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethe2014ScheduleforCouncilandCommissionmeetingsas presented. 2.Motiontonotapprovethe2014meetingscheduleatthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1.AccordingtoMinnesotaStatutes,CityCouncil shallkeepascheduleofitsregularmeetingdates,andtimesonfileatcityhalland availabletothepublic.Ratherthanpublisheachindividualmeetingasitoccurs,itis recommendedtoadoptregularmeetingdatesandtimesforCouncilandCommissions whichisdonewiththisschedule.Ifthereareanychangesoradditionswhichcomeup duringtheyear,thosemeetingupdateswouldbepostedaccordingtotheopenmeeting law. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Proposed2014ScheduleforCouncilandCommissionmeetings Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 30 August 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 February 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 July 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 April 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 September 2014 Sun Mo Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 May 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23/30 24 25 26 27 28 29 November 2014 City of Monticello - Regularly Scheduled Meetings of Council and Appointed Commissions - 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 December 2014 Holiday Planning Commission 6PM Parks Commission 9:15AM Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory 8AM Library Board 5:30PM MCC Advisory 4:30PM Industrial/ Economic Development 7AM City Council 7PM Transportation Advisory Committee 7:30AM FiberNet Advisory Board 6PM Police Advisory Commission 7PM Regularly scheduled meetings are sometimes rescheduled. Notice of meeting changes are posted 72 hours in advance on the Offic ial City Government bulletin board in compliance with open meeting law. Economic Development Authority 6PM Monticello Orderly Annexation Area 8PM Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23/30 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 March 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 June 2014 Fire Relief Meeting 7PM CouncilAgenda:12/09/13 1 5F.ConsiderationofapprovingCityFacilityBusinessHoursfor2014 (JO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilisaskedtoreviewtheattachedtablethatidentifieshoursofoperationand holidayscheduleforeachcityfacilityservingthepublic.Thisscheduleisreviewed annuallyforchangestobeapprovedbyCouncil. Someofthehighlightsareasfollows: FiberNetCustomerServiceOfficehourshavebeenadjustedtoreflectnewhours. FiberNetHead-endhourshavebeenremovedfromtheschedulesincethat buildingisnotopentothepublic. MonticelloCommunityCenterhaseliminatedtheshorterseasonalhoursduring thesummermonths. MartinLutherKingDay,PresidentsDay,andVeteransDay:DMV,LiquorStore, CommunityCenter,andFiberNetareopenforvariablehoursontheseholidays. NewYear’sDay,MemorialDay,andLaborDay:BoththeCommunityCenter andtheLiquorStoreareopenontheseholidays. IndependenceDay:TheLiquorStorewillbeopenonJuly4th. A1.BudgetImpact:NA A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:NA B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovetheCityBusinessHoursschedulefor2014aspresented. 2.Motiontomodifythehoursofoperationinsomeothermanner. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ProposedCityBusinessHoursschedulefor2014 2013CityBusinessHoursschedule A B C D E F G H Holiday City Hall Public Works Public Works FiberNet FiberNet Office DMV Liquor Store MCC falls on Open to Office - Open Working Hrs Head-end Open to Open to Open to Open to Public to Public (Contract)Working Hours Public Public Public Public 1 Standard Hours: Noon-4pm - Walk- in hours* Monday - Friday 8am - 4:30pm 7:30am - 4pm 7:30am - 4pm 8am-4:30pm 10am-4pm*8am - 4:30pm 9am - 10pm 5am - 10pm 2 Saturday Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am - 1pm Standard 7am - 9pm 3 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 7am - 9pm 4 Seasonal Hours:(summer)(summer)(Memorial-Labor Day) Monday-Thursday may start earlier 12pm-4pm*5am - 9pm Friday if heat issues (this column to 12pm-4pm*5am - 8pm Saturday be removed)*phones answered 7am - 8pm Sunday 9am to 9pm 7am - 6pm Tues 9am-4:30pm 5 New Years Eve 12/31/2013 Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Wed 6 New Years Day 1/1/2014 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm 7am - 10pm Mon 7 Martin Luther King Day 1/20/2014 Closed Closed Closed Closed Standard 9am - 1pm Standard Standard Mon 8 Presidents Day 2/17/2014 Closed Closed Closed Closed Standard 9am - 1pm Standard Standard Sun 9 Easter Sunday 4/20/2014 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Mon 10 Memorial Day 5/26/2014 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm 7am - 5pm Fri 11 Independence Day 7/4/2014 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm Closed Mon 12 Labor Day 9/1/2014 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm 7am - 5pm Mon 13 Columbus Day 10/13/2014 Standard Standard Closed Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Tues 14 Veteran's Day 11/11/2014 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am - 1pm Standard Standard Thu 15 Thanksgiving 11/27/2014 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am-4:30pm Day after Fri No Walk-in Hours 16 Thanksgiving 11/28/2014 Closed Closed Standard Closed Standard Standard Standard Standard Wed 17 Christmas Eve 12/24/2014 8am - noon 7:30-11:30am 7:30-11:30am 8am - noon 10am-2pm*8am - noon 9am - 4pm close at 2pm Thur 18 Christmas Day 12/25/2014 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am-4:30pm Wed No Walk-in Hours 19 New Year's Eve 12/31/2014 Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard POLICY: Modifications require Council approval. Decisions to close facilities due to inclement weather (or other reason) to be made by City Administrator after consultation with the Department Head and Mayor. SCHEDULE OF CITY FACILITY BUSINESS HOURS - 2014 PROPOSED A B C D E F G H Holiday City Hall Public Works Public Works FiberNet FiberNet Office DMV Liquor Store MCC falls on Open to Office Open Working Head-end Open to Open to Open to Open to Public to Public Hrs (Contract)Working Hours Public Public Public Public 1 Standard Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 4:30pm 7:30am - 4pm 7:30am - 4pm 8am-4:30pm 10am-4pm*8am - 4:30pm 9am - 10pm 5am - 10pm 2 Saturday Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am - 1pm Standard 7am - 9pm 3 Sunday Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am - 9pm 4 Seasonal Hours:(summer)*phones are (Memorial-Labor Day) Monday-Thursday may start earlier answered 5am - 9pm Friday if heat issues 9am to 9pm 5am - 8pm Saturday 7am - 8pm Sunday 9am - 6pm Mon 5 New Years Eve 12/31/2012 Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Tue 6 New Years Day 1/1/2013 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm 7am - 10pm Mon 7 Martin Luther King Day 1/21/2013 Closed Closed Closed Closed Standard 9am - 1pm Standard Standard Mon 8 Presidents Day 2/18/2013 Closed Closed Closed Closed Standard 9am - 1pm Standard Standard Sun 9 Easter Sunday 3/31/2013 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Mon 10 Memorial Day 5/27/2013 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm 7am - 5pm Thur 11 Independence Day 7/4/2013 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm Closed Mon 12 Labor Day 9/2/2013 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am - 6pm 7am - 5pm Mon 13 Columbus Day 10/14/2013 Standard Standard Closed Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Mon 14 Veteran's Day 11/11/2013 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed 9am - 1pm Standard Standard Thu 15 Thanksgiving 11/28/2013 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Day after Fri 16 Thanksgiving 11/29/2013 Closed Closed Standard Closed Standard Standard Standard Standard Tue 17 Christmas Eve 12/24/2013 8am - noon 7:30-11:30am 7:30-11:30am 8am - noon 10am-2pm 8am - noon 9am - 4pm close at 2pm Wed 18 Christmas Day 12/25/2013 Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Tue 19 New Year's Eve 12/31/2013 Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard POLICY: Modifications require Council approval. Decisions to close facilities due to inclement weather (or other reason) to be made by City Administrator after consultation with the Department Head and Mayor. SCHEDULE OF CITY FACILITY BUSINESS HOURS CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 1 5G.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2013-099approvingdecertificationofTax IncrementFinancingDistrictNo.1-6 (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsideradoptionofaresolutionfordecertificationofTax IncrementDistrictNo.1-6.Theeffectivedateofdecertificationasidentifiedinthe resolutionisDecember31st,2013. TIFDistrict1-6mustbedecertifiedbytheCityattheendof2013.Thedistrictwas establishedin1985asaredevelopmentdistrict,withthefirstyearofincrementcollected in1988.Allcurrentobligationsofthedistricthavebeenpaid.Taxincrementwillno longerbecollectedaftertheeffectivedecertificationdate.ExistingfundswithinTIF District1-6shallremainavailableforfutureexpenditure,asauthorizedintheTax IncrementFinancingPlan. InNovember,theCityCounciladoptedaresolutionapprovingamodificationtotheTax IncrementFinancingPlanforTaxIncrementDistrictNo.1-6andcompanion modificationfortheRedevelopmentProjectforCentralMonticelloRedevelopment ProjectNo.1.ThemodificationsauthorizedadditionallandforacquisitionbytheEDA andthereallocationofbudgetedincrementwithinDistrict1-6.ThePlanning CommissionfoundthemodificationsconsistentwiththeComprehensivePlanandthe CouncilandEDAadoptedthemostrecentmodificationsbasedontheirconsistencywith theTIFManagementPlanandgoalsoftheEmbracingDowntownPlan. A1.BudgetImpact:Legalandconsultantfeeshavebeenincurredinrelationshipto theproposedTIFDistrict1-6modification.Theexpenseswillbecodedtothe administrativelineitemofthedistrict.TheTIFDistrict1-6Planasdetailedin ExhibitCaccountsforthoseexpenditures. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Stafftimehasbeenandwillcontinuetobespentin preparingandreviewingdocumentsrelatedtothemodificationandfuture expenditureoffunds B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2013-099approvingdecertificationofTaxIncrement FinancingDistrictNo.1-6. 2.MotiontonotadoptResolution#2013-099atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffsupportsAlternative#1.Thisactionisinaccordancewiththestatutegoverning redevelopmentdistricts. 2 D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2013-099 1 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2013-099 DECERTIFYINGTAXINCREMENTFINANCINGDISTRICTNO.1-6 WHEREAS,onNovember12,1985,theCityofMonticello(the“City”)establishedTax IncrementFinancingRedevelopmentDistrictNo.1-6(the“District”);and WHEREAS,themaximumdurationlimitfortheDistrictistwenty-five({XE "RedevelopmentDistrict:Duration"}{XE"HousingDistrict:Duration"}{XE"Compact DevelopmentDistrict:Duration"}25)yearsfromthedateofreceiptbytheauthorityofthefirst increment;and WHEREAS,themonthandyearofthefirstreceiptoftaxincrementfortheDistrictis July1988;and WHEREAS,theCitydesiresbythisresolutiontodecertifytheDistricteffective December31,2013,bywhichalltaxingjurisdictionswillbenefitfromanincreasedtaxbase effectivefortaxespayablein2014;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilacknowledgessuchactionwillbetakenbyWrightCounty todecertifytheDistrictasataxincrementdistrictandtonolongerremittaxincrementfromthe DistricttotheCityafterDecember31,2013. NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDbytheCityCounciloftheCityofMonticello that: 1.TheExecutiveDirectoroftheCityofMonticelloEconomicDevelopment AuthorityisauthorizedanddirectedtoprovideWrightCountywith documentsrelatedtodecertificationoftheDistrict,tosubmitthe ConfirmationofDecertifiedTIFDistrictformtotheOfficeoftheState AuditorandtakeanyotherstepsrequiredfordecertificationbyDecember31, 2013. 2.TheExecutiveDirectoroftheCityofMonticelloEconomicDevelopment Authorityisauthorizedanddirectedtodeterminetheamountofexcesstax increment,ifany,intheaccountfortheDistrictandtoreturnallexcesstax incrementtoWrightCountyforredistributiontoothertaxingjurisdictions. 2 ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis9th dayofDecember,2013. CITYOFMONTICELLO _____________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator 3 EXTRACTOFMINUTESOFAMEETINGOFTHE CITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOF MONTICELLO,MINNESOTA HELD:December9,2013 Pursuanttoduecallandnoticethereof,aregularmeetingoftheCityCounciloftheCityof Monticello,WrightCounty,Minnesota,wasdulyheldattheMonticelloCityHallonthe9 th day ofDecember,2013at7:00p.m. ThefollowingmembersoftheCouncilwerepresent: Andthefollowingwereabsent: Member_____________introducedtheresolutionandmoveditsadoption. Themotionfortheadoptionoftheforegoingresolutionwasdulysecondedbymember _______________anduponvotebeingtakenthereon,thefollowingvotedinfavorthereof: andthefollowingvoteagainstthesame: Whereuponsaidresolutionwasdeclareddulypassedandadopted. 4 STATEOFMINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTYOFWRIGHT) I,theundersigned,beingthedulyqualifiedandactingDeputyCityClerkofthe CityofMonticello,Minnesota,DOHEREBYCERTIFYthattheattachedresolutionisa trueandcorrectcopyofanextractofminutesofameetingoftheCityCounciloftheCity ofMonticello,Minnesota,dulycalledandheld,assuchminutesrelatetothe decertificationofTaxIncrementFinancingRedevelopmentDistrictNo.1-6. WITNESSmyhandassuchDeputyCityClerkoftheCityofMonticellothis___ dayofDecember,2013. _______________________________ CatherineShuman,DeputyCityClerk CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 1 5H.ConsiderationofapprovingalicenseagreementandPUDadjustmenttothe CarconeAddition/WestMetroBuick-Pontiac-GMC (AS/SB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: WestMetroBuick-Pontiac-GMCisrequestingCityCouncilapprovalofalicense agreementandPUDadjustmentfortheCarconeAdditionasrelatedtotheuseofCity rightofwayalongOakwoodAvenue. Theattachedmapillustratestheareatheapplicantproposestoutilizeforadditionalsales anddisplayarea.ThepavedexpansionareaextendsintothecurrentOakwoodAvenue rightofwaybyapproximately11feet.Assuch,theCityrequiresexecutionofalicense agreementforuseoftherightofway.Theapplicanthassignedtherequiredlicense agreement,whichwaspreparedandreviewedbytheCityAttorney.Theapplicanthas alsosubmittedtherequiredapplicationsforrightofway,gradingandPUDadjustment permits. Engineeringstaffhasreviewedthesiteimprovementrelativetorightofwayimpacts, existingdrainagepatterns,andpublicandprivateutilitiesinthearea.Basedonthe materialssubmitted,engineeringstaffhasapprovedtherequiredrightofwayandgrading permits. In2012,theCityapprovedanamendmenttoConditionalUsePermitforPlannedUnit DevelopmentfortheCarconeAddition,whichincludesthispropertyaswellasthree otherparcels(oneotherparcelownedbyWestMetroandtwoparcelsownedby CornerstoneChevrolet).Theproposedareatobeutilizedasanadditionalsalesand displayarearequiresanadjustmenttotheexistingPUD.TheordinanceallowsforaPUD adjustmentapprovalbysimplemajorityvoteoftheCityCouncil.Thestandardsforthe adjustmentprocessareincludedwiththisreportforreference. A1.BudgetImpact:Theapplicanthassubmittedpaymentforallrequiredpermits andapplications.Alimitedamountoflegalexpensehasbeenincurredfor preparationoftherequiredlicenseagreement. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Limitedtoreviewofsubmittedpermits. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapprovealicenseagreementandPUDadjustmentforLot1,Block2of CarconeAddition/WestMetro. 2.MotiontonotapprovethelicenseagreementandPUDadjustmentatthistime. 2 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffsupportsAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.SitePlan B.LicenseAgreement C.MonticelloZoningOrdinance,Excerpt CHAPTER 2: APPLICATION REVIEWS AND PROCEDURES Section 2.4 Specific Review Procedures & Requirements Subsection (P) Planned Unit Developments Page 78 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance 7. Developer shall provide all easement dedication documents for easements not shown on the final plat including those for trails, ingress/egress, etc., together with all necessary consents to the easement by existing encumbrancers of the property. (iv) PUD Final Plat Review The application for PUD Final Plat shall be reviewed in accordance with City Code Title 11, Chapter 3, Section 3, Final Plat Procedure. (10) PUD Amendments Approved PUD’s may be amended from time to time as a result of unforeseen circumstances, overlooked opportunities, or requests from a developer. At such a time, the applicant shall make an application to the city for a PUD amendment. All such amendments will be processed as one of the following: (a) Administrative Amendment – The Community Development Department may approve minor changes in the location, placement, and height of buildings if such changes are required by engineering or other circumstances, provided the conform to the review criteria applied by the Planning Commission and City Council, and are consistent with all requirements of the PUD ordinance. Under no circumstances shall an administrative amendment allow additional stories to buildings, additional lots, or changes to designated uses established as part of the PUD. (b) PUD Adjustment – an adjustment to a PUD may be made through review and approval by a simple majority vote of the City Council with or without referral to the Planning Commission. To qualify for this review, the minor adjustment shall not: (i) Eliminate, diminish or be disruptive to the preservation and protection of sensitive site features. (ii) Eliminate, diminish or compromise the high quality of site planning, design, landscaping or building materials. (iii) Alter significantly the location of buildings, parking areas or roads. (iv) Increase or decrease the number of residential dwelling units by more than five percent. (v) Increase the gross floor area of non-residential buildings by more than three percent or increase the gross floor area of any individual building by more than five percent (residential lots not guided for specific structure sizes are excluded from this requirement). (vi) Increase the number of stories of any building. CHAPTER 2: APPLICATION REVIEWS AND PROCEDURES Section 2.4 Specific Review Procedures & Requirements Subsection (P) Planned Unit Developments City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 79 (vii) Decrease the amount of open space or alter it in such a way as to change its original design or intended function or use. (viii) Create non-compliance with any condition attached to the approval of the Final PUD Plan. (c) PUD Amendment – any change not qualifying for an administrative amendment or a PUD adjustment shall require a PUD amendment. An application to amend a PUD shall be administered in the same manner as that required for an initial PUD beginning at PUD Preliminary Plat. (11) PUD Cancellation A PUD shall only be cancelled and revoked upon the City Council adopting an ordinance rescinding the ordinance approving the PUD. In any event, it shall not be necessary for the council to find the creation of a PUD district was in error. The ordinance revoking the PUD shall include a section rezoning the property to agricultural use, or the City Council may determine that a more appropriate base zoning district should be chosen to further the intent and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. (12) Administration In general, the following rules shall apply to all PUDs: (a) Rules and regulations: No requirement outlined in the PUD process shall restrict the City Council from taking action on an application if necessary to meet state mandated time deadlines; (b) Preconstruction: No building permit shall be granted for any building on land for which a PUD plan is in the process of review, unless the proposed building is allowed under the existing zoning and will not impact, influence, or interfere with the proposed PUD plan. (c) Effect on Conveyed Property. In the event any real property in the approved PUD Agreement is conveyed in total, or in part, the buyers thereof shall be bound by the provisions of the approved Final PUD Plan constituting a part thereof as well as the PUD zoning ordinance; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed to create non-conforming lots, building sites, buildings or uses by virtue of any such conveyance of a lot, building site, building or part of the development created pursuant to and in conformance with the approved PUD. CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 1 5I.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2013-102approvinganagreementwith MnDOTforinstallingbatterybackupsatthe7th StreetandOakwoodDrivesignals atTH25 (SB/TM) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: StaffhasbeendiscussingwithMnDOTaddingbatterybackupstosignalsalongTH25to delaysomeofthetrafficbackupsandpublicworksstafftimeinvolvedwhenthesesignals losepower.Currentlywhenthepowergoesout,thesignalsalongTH25,whichdonot havebatterybackup,donotgointoflashmode,butarecompletelyblack.Inthepast, thiscausedmajortrafficbackupsspecificallyon7th Street,TH25andI-94whenthe signalatTH25and7th Streetwasoutofpower.PublicWorkswouldliketoseeall signalshavebatterybackupsinstalledtoavoidthesemajortrafficissues.Thebatteries keepthesignalsinflashmodeforupto8hourswhenthereisapoweroutage. CurrentlyMnDOTdoesnotinstallbatterybackupsonnewsignalsorsignalsthatare beingmodified,butwilldosoattherequestoftheCitywiththeCityparticipatinginthe cost.Consequently,WrightCounty’spracticehasbeentoinstallbatterybackupsatall theirsignals,astheycurrentlyexistonthesignalsalongCSAH75andCR39in Monticello.Eachagencyhasdevelopedtheirownpolicybasedontheirperceivedneed, priorityandcost/benefittoinstallthebatterybackups. WithMnDOT’sI-94ReconstructionprojectbetweenTH25andCSAH18tooccurin 2014,signalmodificationsandpedestrianimprovementsarebeingmadetothesignalsat TH25andthewestboundI-94off-rampandTH25andOakwoodAvenue.Staff requestedthatbatterybackupsbeinstalledattheseintersectionsalongwiththe intersectionat7th Street.Nootherimprovementsat7th Streetarebeingmadewiththe project. BatterybackupinstallationsforthesignalsalongTH25atSchoolBoulevard,Chelsea RoadandCSAH75canbeincludedwithTH25expansionprojectandTH25/CSAH75 intersectionimprovementsscheduledforconstructionin2015ortheCitycaninitiate addingthebatterybackupsin2014withasimilaragreementwithMnDOT. A1.BudgetImpact:Thecity’scostshareforthebatterybackupsatTH25/7th Street signalis$5,862.50,whichis50%ofthetotalcostbasedontwoofthefour intersectingstreetlegsthatarecitystreets.Thecity’scostsharefortheTH 25/OakwoodAvenuesignalrevisionsandbatterybackupsis$2,931.25,whichis 25%ofthetotalcostbasedononeofthefourintersectingstreetlegsthatisacity street.ThereisnocostsharefortheCityforthesignalatTH25andthe westboundI-94off-ramp.Thetotalcityshareis$9,497.25,whichincludes8% forconstructionengineering.Thisamountwasincludedinthecapital improvementplanfor2014.FundingfortheseitemsaretocomefromtheCapital ProjectFundorStreetLightFund.Thebatteriestypicallylast5yearsand MnDOTwillpurchaseandinstallthereplacementbatteriesandbilltheCityour share,whichiscurrentlyestimatedat$700foreachsignalsystemevery5years. CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 2 A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thebatterybackupsareintendedtorelievestaff workloadimpactwhenthereisapoweroutage. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2013-102approvingTrafficControlSignal AgreementforbatterybackupsalongTH25and7th StreetandOakwoodDrive. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofResolution#2013-102atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffrecommendsAlternative#1.MnDOTplanstobidtheI-94ReconstructionProject onDecember20,2013andisrequiredtohaveallagreementsapprovedpriortothatdate. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2013-102 MnDOTTrafficSignalAgreement CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2013-102 APPROVINGATRAFFICCONTROLSIGNALAGREEMENTWITHTHE MINNESOTADEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATIONFORBATTERYBACKUPS FOR7TH STREETANDOAKWOODDRIVEINTERSECTIONSATHWY25 WHEREAS,theCityofMonticellohasrequestedMn/DOTtoinstallbatterybackupsintothe signalsat7th StreetandOakwoodDrivewheretheyintersectwithTH25; NOW,THEREFOREBEITRESOLVED,thattheCityofMonticelloenterintoMn/DOT AgreementNo.04863withtheStateofMinnesota,DepartmentofTransportationforthe followingpurposes: ToprovideforpaymentbytheCitytotheStateofthecity'sshareofthecostsofthe TrafficControlSignalsconstructionandotherassociatedconstructiontobeperformed upon,alongandadjacenttoTrunkHighwayNo.25atOakwoodDrive(SignalSystem "B")andonTrunkHighwayNo.25at7th Street(SignalSystem"C")withinthecorporate CitylimitsunderStateProjectNo.8680-158. BEITFURTHERRESOLVED thattheMayorandCityAdministratorareherebyauthorizedto executetheAgreementandanyamendmentstotheAgreement. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilonthe9th dayofDecember,2013. CITYOFMONTICELLO __________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CERTIFICATION STATEOFMINNESOTA COUNTYOFWRIGHT Iherebycertifythattheforegoingisatrueandcorrectcopyofaresolutiondulypassed, adoptedandapprovedbytheMonticelloCityCouncilattheirscheduledmeetingonDecember9, 2013,andrecordedinminutesofsaidmeeting. ____________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator NotaryPublic:_______________________________ Date:___________________________ (STAMP) CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 1 7.PublicHearing-ConsiderationofadoptingOrdinance#587amendingtheCityFee Schedulefor2014andadoptingSummaryOrdinance#587Aforpublication (JO/WO/CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: ThefeesforservicesperformedbytheCityaresetbyordinanceandincludedintheCity FeeSchedule.Everyyear,staffreviewsthesefeestomakesurethefeeschargedarein linewithwhattheservicecostsorisnecessarytoprovidetheservice.Attachedisthe proposed2014FeeSchedulebasedonstaffreviewofthesefees.Thechangestothefees schedulethatarebeingrecommendedareinred.Asummaryofthechangesare describedbelow. UndertheCemeterysection,“planterwithstand”hasbeenadded.Thisisin practicealreadyandissimplybeingaddedtothefeeschedule. IntheCommunityCentersection,staffisrecommendingavarietyoffeechanges aspartofarevenuerecoveryplanconsistentwiththeproposed2014budget. Membershipfeesarebeingincreasedaswellasadd-onoptions.FeesforSpecial PassesandSpecialRateshavebeenadjustedandarenowaddedtotheFee Schedule. IntheCommunityDevelopment–Buildingsection,thesechangesare recommended:(1)setaminimumchargefortimespentonbuildinginspections thatarenotrelatedtoactivepermitsandforcreatingduplicatebuildingpermit records,and(2)increasethemobilehomepermitchargeto$150. IntheCommunityDevelopment–Planning/Zoningsection,changesare recommendedforthese. o AdministrativeHomeOccupationPermit($50)–thisisanexistingpermit thatisbeingaddedtotheFeeSchedule o ComprehensivePlanAmendment–establishfeeat$200+escrow o UnderParkDedication–updatethe“cash-in-lieu”tocorrespondtothe statestatutes o SeparateplatsubdivisionsintoPreliminaryPlat($300+escrow)and FinalPlat($50+escrow) o SimpleSubdivision/LotCombination/LotLine–thisisanexistingcharge thatisbeingaddedtotheFeeSchedule o SitePlanReview–decreasefeeto$50 o SpecialUsePermits–removefromFeeScheduleasthispermithasbeen replaced UnderFireDepartment,afeeforHomeFireSafetyInspectionshasbeenaddedto theFeeSchedule.Thisisachargefordaycareandfostercareinspections,which arerequiredtobedoneforstateandcountylicensing.Theseareperformedby MonticelloFireMarshallMarcSimpson. CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 2 UnderLicensesandPermits,updatedtheamountsforliquoradministrativefines, whichwereadjustedbyCouncilonMay28,2013. UnderMiscellaneousItems,decreasedthefeefornotaryincompliancewithstate statutes. AddedanewParkssectiontoincorporateexistingchargesforuseofpark facilitiesandmemorialsintotheFeeSchedule. UndertheWatersection,staffisproposingseveraladjustmentstoaccommodate increasedcostsofsuppliessuchashydrantwrenchesandwatermeters. FinalBillProcessingFee StaffdiscussedanewfeeforFinalBillProcessing,whichwouldbechargedtoautility customerontheirlastbill.Thisfeeiscontemplatedforoff-settingthecostassociated withclosingoutrental/tenantaccountswhichoccursonarelativelyfrequentbasis.The recommendedchargeis$20.At30meterreadspermonth,thenewfeewouldgenerate anadditional$7,200peryeartoapplytowardcostsassociatedwithtakingthemeter readingandprocessingthefinalbill.ThenewfeewouldgointoeffectwiththeQuarter1, 2014billing,whichgetssentoutinApril.Thisisnotalandlordbill;however,aswith anydelinquentutilitybills,itcouldbesubjecttoassessmentagainstthepropertyownerif theyremainunpaid.Thisisafeethatiscommonlyappliedinothercommunities accordingtoMattTheisen,andsomechargeasmuchas$60.Thisfeeisshownunderthe WatersectionontheproposedFeeScheduleandwouldbeadoptedwiththeFeeSchedule unlessCouncildirectsotherwise. Water&SewerRates Staffhasnotproposedorbudgetedaratechangeforwaterandsewerfundsfor2014. Thecurrentwaterandsewageratesadequatelycoveroperationsanddebtservice. However,anyfuturedebtincurredtofinancewastewatertreatmentplantactivitieswill requireanadjustmenttosewagerates.Additionally,thewaterandsanitaryseweraccess fundswillbefullydepletedbytheendof2013.Consequently,boththewaterandsewage utilityratesmayneedadjustmentsinthefuturetomakedebtservicepaymentsondebt relatedtoinfrastructureimprovementsforeachservice. A1%increaseinwaterandsewageratesforresidentialandcommercialwouldincrease revenueinthewaterandsewerfundsapproximately$12,000and$15,000respectively. Councilhastheoptiontoconsidermakinganadjustmentinthisarea,butstaffisnot recommendinganincreaseatthistime.recommendation. A1.BudgetImpact:Increasedfeeswouldincreasebudgetedrevenuesinsomeareas for2014.Therewillbeaminimalcosttopublishasummaryofthefeeschedule. Thefullfeeschedulewillbeavailableonthecity’swebsiteorcanberequested fromcityhallstaff. CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 3 A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thisitemwouldhavenoadditionalstaffworkload impact. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: Decision1: 1.MotiontoadoptOrdinance#587approvingthe2014FeeScheduleassubmitted, effectiveJanuary1,2014. 2.MotiontoadoptOrdinance#587approvingthe2014FeeSchedulewith additionalchangesasdirectedbyCouncil_______________________________. 3.Motiontonotadoptthe2014feescheduleatthistime. Decision2: 1.MotiontoadoptSummaryOrdinance#587Aprovidingforpublication. Itshouldbenotedthatsummarypublicationrequiresa4/5th supermajorityvote byCouncil. 2.MotiontonotadoptSummaryOrdinance#587Aforpublication. Ifasummaryordinanceisnotadopted,thecityisrequiredtopublishthefullFee Scheduleinthenewspaper. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffsupportsAlternative#1foreachdecision.IfCouncilwishestoconsider additionalchangestotheFeeSchedule,thosechangeswouldbeincorporatedintothe ordinanceaccordinglypercouncildirection. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Ordinance#587-proposed2014FeeSchedule SummaryOrdinance#587A GraphofTotalUtilityRatesbyMetro/State ORDINANCENO.587 CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA ANORDINANCEADOPTINGTHE2014FEESCHEDULE TITLE20OFTHEMONTICELLOCITYORDINANCE THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFMONTICELLOHEREBYORDAINS: Section1.Title20–FeeScheduleshallbeamendedasshowninthe2014FeeSchedulein Attachment“A.” Section2.TheCityClerkisherebydirectedtomakethechangesrequiredbythisOrdinance aspartoftheOfficialMonticelloCityCode,Title10,ZoningOrdinance,andto renumberthetablesandchaptersaccordinglyasnecessarytoprovidetheintended effectofthisOrdinance.TheCityClerkisfurtherdirectedtomakenecessary correctionstoanyinternalcitationsthatresultfromsaidrenumberingprocess, providedthatsuchchangesretainthepurposeandintentoftheZoningOrdinance ashasbeenadopted. Section3.ThisOrdinanceshalltakeeffectandbeinfullforcefromandafteritspassage andpublication.TheordinanceinitsentiretyshallbepostedontheCitywebsite afterpublication.CopiesofthecompleteOrdinanceareavailableonlineandat MonticelloCityHallforexaminationuponrequest. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis9th dayofDecember,2013. CITYOFMONTICELLO __________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator VOTINGINFAVOR: VOTINGINOPPOSITION: ORDINANCENO.587 ATTACHMENT“A” 2014CITYOFMONTICELLOFEESCHEDULE ANIMALCONTROL BoardingFee:$14/perday+tax DogLicense:AlteredPet$10-2years UnalteredPet$15-2years AlteredPet$5.00-1year UnalteredPet$7.50-1year LateFee$5 ReplacementTag$1+tax Euthanization/DisposalFee$37peranimal+tax Licensed Unlicensed Fine:RunningatLarge:Firstoffense$25$35 Secondoffense$35$45 Thirdoffense$50$60 IfimpoundedAddboardingfee(plustax) PermitforKeepingFowlonPremises$50 Annualrenewalforcurrentpermit$25 CEMETERY AdministrativeFee:$50 FlatMarkersettingwith4"concreteborder$150 FrostCharge:(excavationsDecemberthroughFebruary)$100 GraveExcavationFee: Weekday$400 Weekend$450 InfantGraveExcavation-Weekday$100 InfantGraveExcavation-Weekend$125 CremationGraveExcavation-Weekday$80 CremationGraveExcavation-Weekend$105 GravePurchasingFee:Resident Non-Resident FullGrave(4'x12')FlushMarkerArea$800$1,000 FullGrave(4'x12')RaisedMarkerArea$900$1,100 InfantGrave(2'x6')$200$200 CremationGrave(4'x4')$400$500 GraveStakingFee(monumentorexcavation):$50 GraveTransferFee:$15 MemorialPlaque(Bronze)Stone:Costplustax OpeningandclosingofNiche:$50 PerpetualCareFee: NewGraveSalesIncludedingraveprice(Maint.nottaxable-PlantCaretaxable) GraveSoldPre-1960$100 Planterwithstand$35(includestax) TITLE20-CHAPTER1 2014FEESCHEDULE-CITYOFMONTICELLO FeeScheduleRatessupercedeamountsshownincityordinancesorpolicieswhicharedatedpriortothefeeschedule. MonticelloFeeSchedule-2014proposed1 COMMUNITYCENTER MembershipFees: DailyPassResidentRateRegularRate Junior/Senior$5 $5.50 $6 $6.50 Adult$6 $6.50 $7 $7.50 Family$20 $21 $26 $27.50 *ClimbingwallisnotincludedwithDailyPass. 3MonthMembership Junior/Senior$72 $76 $88 $93 Adult$99 $104 $121 $127 DualSenior$116 $122 $143 $150 Family$154 $162 $176 $185 AnnualMembership(PaidinfullOptions) Junior/Senior$198 $208 $264 $277 Adult$264 $277 $341 $358 DualSenior$319 $335 $425 $446 Family$385 $404 $468 $491 ContinuousMembership(MonthlyPaymentOption**) Junior/Senior$19 $20 $25 $26 Adult$28 $29.50 $33 $35 DualSenior$31 $32.50 $40 $42 Family$39 $41 $44 $46 **AutomaticWithdrawal Cancellationfeeapplieswithin12months. Childcare-optionwithMembership $5/monthforeachchild $6 UnlimitedFitnessClasses-optionwithMembership $10/monthperperson $15 SpecialPasses:ResidentRateRegularRate ClimbingPass(5uses)--$23 SplashPass(10uses)-Junior$46$46 SplashPass(10uses)-Adult$46$52.50 IndoorPlayPass(10uses)$21$31.50 CourtPass-Gymnasium(10uses)-Junior$35$40 CourtPass-Gymnasium(10uses)-Adult$40$46 GroupXClassPass(10uses)$55$75 SpecialRates: ClimbingWallDailyFee-Junior--$5.50 ClimbingWallDailyFee-Adult--$6.50 IndoorPlayArea$2.75$3.75 PublicSkate-Children5-17--$3 PublicSkate-Adult--$4 DiscountedSwimRates-Junior/Adult--$3.50 GroupRates-Junior--$4.50 GroupRates-Adult--$5.50 ShowerOnly--$3 GroupXClassDrop-In$6.50$9 SilverSneakersDrop-In--$3.50 PickleBallDrop-In--$2.50 ContactCommunityCenterforratesonBirthdayParties,SwimLessons,andCorporateMemberships GymnasiumRentalRates: Gym-primetime$53/hour Gym-nonprimetime$36/hour FullKitchen$83flatfee EnergyFee$75flatfee DamageDeposit1/2ofrentalfees Earlysetupfee$52/hour HourlyRoomRentalRates(2hourminimumrequired):Resident Regular Non-Profit BoomIslandRoom$14$16$13 BridgeRoom(full)$22$26$19 N.orS.BridgeRoom$13$15$11 RiverRoom$11$14$9 WarehouseRoom-Weekday$25$30$19 WarehouseRoom-Weekend$30$36$25 MonticelloFeeSchedule-2014proposed2 MississippiRoom:PrivateResident PrivateRegular BusinessResident BusinessRegular HalfRoomRental$47$57$36$52 FullRoomRental$66$80$55$73 Rentaleventwithalcohol(notweddings):Resident Regular Organization (2hourminimum-reservewithin3monthsofevent)$138perhour$151perhour$127perhour HostessFee:$22/hour Lockerfees:$5/monthperlocker COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT-BUILDING CountyAssessorFees:BuildingValuation$499,999orless$25 BuildingValuation$500,000ormore$100 BuildingInspection(non-permitrelated):$50/hour $12.50minimumchargefor15minutesorless BuildingPermitFees:106%of1997Staterecommended schedule BuildingPermitSurcharge:usestate-mandatedfee ContractorLicenseCheckFee:$25 BuildingPermit/Records-Duplicate$50/hour $12.50minimumchargefor15minutesorless BlightProcessingFee$50(perparcel) DemolitionPermit:106%of1997Staterecommendedschedule Permitisissuedunderabuildingpermit(followsameproceduresasissuingabuildingpermit).Priorto demolitionpermitissuanceverifywithPublicWorks.Contractormustarrangedisconnection: 1)Sanitarysewer;2)Citywater&retrievewatermaterand3)approveroutingfortrucksandheavy equipment,(ifapplicable).Excavationpermitmayalsoberequired. FireAlarm/FireSprinklerSystem106%of1997StateRecommendedSchedule MechanicalPermits:Residential$45base+$9/fixture Commercial1.25%ofvaluation+statesurcharge,minimum$100+statesurcharge MechanicalSurcharge.0005Xvaluation;minimum$5(statemandated) MobileHomePermit $95 $150 MovingBuildings:$150+expense+demolitionpermit PlanReview:65%ofbuildingpermitfee PlumbingPermits:Residential $45base+$9/fixture ("Fixture"includessuchthingsastraps,toilets,floordrains,sinks,showers) Commercial1.25%ofvaluation+statesurcharge,minimum$100+statesurcharge PlumbingSurcharge:.0005Xvaluation;minimum$5(statemandated) RentalHousingLicenseFee:$45/perbuilding+$15foreachdwellingunitwithinthebuilding RentalHousingLicenseApplication/LateFee:Doublethestandardlicensefee RentalHousingLicenseTransferFee:$35 SignPermits:Permanent$50forfirst$1,000ofvalue(minimumfee$50) $10eachadditional$1,000ofvalue SignPermits:Temporary$35 StateSurchargeonBuildingPermits: ValuationofStructure AdditionorAlterationSurchargeComputation $1,000,000orless.0005xvaluation;minimum$5(statemandated) $1,000,000to$2,000,000$500+.0004x(Value-$1,000,000) $2,000,000to$3,000,000$900+.0003x(Value-$2,000,000) $3,000,000to$4,000,000$1200+.0002x(Value-$3,000,000) $4,000,000to$5,000,000$1400+.0001x(Value-$4,000,000) Greaterthan$5,000,000$1500+.00005x(Value-$5,000,000) UtilityLocateFee:Residential$40 Commercial/Industrial$55 COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT-PLANNING/ZONING AdministrativeHomeOccupationPermit$50 ComprehensivePlanAmendment$200+escrow(perchart) MonticelloFeeSchedule-2014proposed3 ConditionalUsePermit$200+Escrow(perchart) EscrowChart-LandUseApplicationPlanReview CommercialResidential 0-3acres$2,0001unit $500(singlefamily) 4-10acres$6,0002+units$1000base+ 11+acres$10,000$100perunit InterimUsePermit:$200+Escrow(perchart) Labor(forCommunityDevelopment/Projects): Planner$142/hour Engineer$142/hour(maximum) ConstructionInspector$102/hour(maximum) ParkDedication(residential)Anamountoflandequaltoelevenpercent(11%) ofthetotalgrosslandareaoftheplatshallbe presumptivelydefinedas"reasonablycommensurate." Intheeventthatthesubdividerobjectstotheeleven percent(11%)standard,theCityshall,atthe developer'srequestandexpense,conducta specificdedicationstudyoftheparksystemand thedemandplacedonthesystembytheproposed plat. Cash-in-Lieu:$1,704ofcashpaymentpergrossacre ofdevelopmentarea Cash-in-Lieu:11%offairmarketvalueoftherawlandtobe plattedatthetimeoffinalplat.Thecitymayrequirean appraisaltodeterminemarketvalueofsubjectlandbeingplatted. ParkingFund(CCDDistrict)$4,500perstall PlatSubdivisions: PreliminaryPlat$300+escrow(perchart) FinalPlat$50+escrow(perchart) PlannedUnitDevelopments(PUDs):Collaborative: Concept: Development: Final: RezoningRequest:$200+Escrow(perchart) SimpleSubdivision/AdministrativeLotCombination/ LotLineAdjustment $200+Escrow(perchart) SitePlanReview $200 +Escrow(perchart)$50 SpecialHomeOccupationPermits:$200+Escrow(perchart) SpecialPlanningCommissionMeeting$350 SpecialUsePermits(waivedforparadesonly)$50 (delete) StreetVacation:$200+Escrow(perchart) TemporaryUsePermit(waivedforparadesonly)$50 Variance: SingleFamily-AplicationFee$200 -Deposit$500 AllOtherApplications-ApplicationFee$200 -Deposit$1,000 NOTE:Whenmultiplelanduseapplicationsarerunconcurrently,onlyoneapplicationfeeandescrowdeposit shallberequiredpermeetingcycle. ENGINEERING DrivewayPermit$25 GradingPermit: ExistingSingle-FamilyResidential$75perpermit+$1,500/acrerestorationsuretybond. NewSingle-FamilyResidentialDevelopment,Nodrainagecalculationreviewrequired: Multi-Dwelling,Commercial&IndustrialProperties$150perpermitplusrestorationsuretybondof$3000/firstacre; $1500eachadditionalacre. $200+escrow(perchart) $50+escrow(perchart) $50+escrow(perchart) $200+escrow(perchart) MonticelloFeeSchedule-2014proposed4 Drainagecalculationreviewrequired: $350perpermitplusrestorationsuretybondof$3000/firstacre; $1500eachadditionalacre. LandReclamation/MiningPermit(requiresFeedeterminedbyCityCouncilresolution+100% subdivisiondevelopmentagreementorCUP)oflandrestorationcostsasdeterminedbyCityEngineer Right-of-WayPermits Drops-nodrawingrequiredunlessorigination occursmorethan10feetfrompropertytobeserved: Feew/outdrawings$25/25addresses(maximum) Feewithdrawings$25/5addresseswithdrawings(maximum) PermitExtensionFee:$17.50 PavementHoleFee:$50 TrunkLineFee: BaseFee(first100feet)$40 Trenching(over100feet)$.10/linealfoot Boring(over100feet)$.05/linealfoot ObstructionFee:$40 FIBERNET EmergencyResponse: Fibercuts;customer-initiatedemergencyservice$70/hourplusexpenses(supplies,equipmentrental,outsidecontractors,etc.) *minimumof30minutes,chargedin30minuteincrements NOTE:ContactFiberNetBusinessOfficeorwebsiteforcurrentratesforinternet,phoneandcableTV. FIREDEPARTMENT Controlled/PrescribedBurns: Building$2,500 PrairieorWildland,lessthan20acres$750/hour PrairieorWildland,20acresormore$1,000/hour EmergencyResponse-CarAccident$500 FalseAlarmPolicy*-FirstTimeNocharge SecondTime$250 ThirdTimeorMore$350 *Percalendaryear FireLockBoxFee:$171+salestax HomeFireSafetyInspections(i.e.daycare/fostercare)$50 LICENSES/PERMITS BurningPermit:$250deposit (tocoverexpenses,ifPW/FireDeptarecalledtoburnsite) CigaretteLicense:TobaccolicensesareissuedbyWrightCounty UtilityExcavationPermitFee(water,wastewater,stormwater)$50 (BondingandInsurancerequired) GamblingLicense:LicensedthroughStateofMinnesota;RequiresCouncilapproval LiquorAdministrativeFines: Firstviolation $500 Secondviolation,within2years $1,000 Thirdviolation,within2years $2,000(nomandatoryrevocationoflicense) LiquorLicenses: 1-DayConsumption&Display$25 TemporaryOn-Sale(Beer)$10/day Wine,On-Sale$275/peryear Wine/StrongBeerComb.On-Sale$1,200/peryear Wine/3.2BeerCom.On-Sale$500/peryear 3.2Beer,On-Sale$275/year 3.2Beer,Off-Sale$100/peryear Liquor,On-Sale$3,750/peryear Liquor,SundaySales$200(Statutorylimit) Liquor,Setups$250/year Liquor,Club(Veteran'sOrg). Membership 200orless$300(Statutorylimit) MonticelloFeeSchedule-2014proposed5 201-500$500(Statutorylimit) 501-1000$650(Statutorylimit) 1001-2000$800(Statutorylimit) 2001-4000$1,000(Statutorylimit) Over4000$2,000(Statutorylimit) PawnShop: Annuallicense,initial$50 Annualrenewalofcurrentlicense$25 Transactionfee$1.00pertransaction Peddler/SolicitorPermit:Nocharge-Cityresident/business(mustregister) $10/person-Non-resident TransientMerchant: Annualpermit,privatepremise$75/year DailyFees,operatingunderannualpermit$10/day(withannualpermit) Dailyfees,independentmerchant$50/day Dailyfees,farm/gardenfruits&vegetablesNofeefrom6/15to9/15(statemandated) FireworksSale$350/year TravelingShows$100/firstday;$50/dayforeachdaythereafter MISCELLANEOUSITEMS Assessment/PropertySearch-full$25 PropertyBillSearch-limitedFree BusinessListFree Brochures:Free Cityresidentlist:(Ex.UtilityBillingList)$0.25/page+salestax CityLabels$.50/sheet+salestax ComprehensiveGuidePlan-Entire$32plustax DowntownRevitalizationPlan$15plustax TransportationPlan$50plustax MonticelloFeeSchedule-2014proposed6 Copies:copymachine$.25percopy+salestax engineeringcopier$.50/squarefoot+salestax($2minimum) emailed$35.00/hour+salestax(minimum1/4hour) electronicmedia$10.00+costofmedia+salestax DelinquentCertificationProcessingFee:$75perparcel MinimumAccountBalanceof$50 Processedonceayear DelinquentList$10+tax(each) DepositsonCityRepairProjects$100-$300(dependingonest.valueofwork) Maps:Citymap(24"X36")$3+salestax Citymap(11"X17")$1+salestax Zoningmap(24"X36")$3+salestax Statemaps$.55+salestax WrightCountymaps$3+salestax Notary:$2 $1each Signs:Currentlistedprice+10%handlingcharge+tax THEFOLLOWINGITEMSCANALSOBEDOWNLOADEDFROMCITYWEBSITE:www.ci.monticello.mn.us CityOrdinances: EntiresetofordinancesToobtainpapercopies,contactCityHall. ZoningOrdinanceChargesbasedonpriceslistedunder"Copies." SubdivisionOrdinance CityCode SanitarySewer AssessmentPolicy CityMaps MeetingAgendas/Minutes PARKS Memorials: Bench$1,500(includestax,delivery,installation) Tree$300(includestax,delivery,installation) FacilityRentalFees: Baseball/SoftballFieldRental*(nolights) Residents$25perfieldperday Non-resident$35perfieldperday FieldLighting* Residents$15perhourperfield Non-resident$20perhourperfield *thesefeesareforindividuals/groupstousethecityfacilityforpracticeoraninformalgame. TournamentFieldRental(includeslightsasneeded) -upto3days$90perfield -extendeddays$10perfieldforeachadditionalday ParkRentalRates:Resident Non-Resident EllisonGazebo$100$125 EllisonLogShelter$100for6hrs$125for6hrs WestBridgeParkShelter/WarmingHouse$100for6hrs$125for6hrs WestBridgePicnicShelter$100for6hrs$125for6hrs PioneerPark$100for6hrs$125for6hrs GrovelandParkPicnicShelter$100for6hrs$125for6hrs OtterCreek$50for6hrs$75for6hrs EastBridgeWeddingGazebo$100for6hrs$125for6hrs PUBLICWORKS BoulevardDiseaseTreeRemovalIfCityiscontractedfortreeremoval,theCitywill pay1/2thecostofremovalupto$225pertree, withresidentresponsibleforthebalance. BoulevardReplacementTreeat1/2cost$30maximumcrediteach Chipping:$40+taxper1/2hourorpartthereofforthefirst2hours $70+taxper1/2hourorpartthereofforthenexthour Nomorethan3hoursperyearperproperty ConeReplacement:Cost+salestax ConstructionInspection(CityorEngineer)$80/hour MonticelloFeeSchedule-2014proposed7 Labor(noequipment):$35.00/hour-regularbusinesshours Ratewillbeincreasedifresponserequiredoutsideofregularhours Rodding:$230/hourforoneoperator&machine $115/hourorpartthereoffor2operators,machineandpickup SidewalkSnow&IceControl$35.00perlot-1stOffence $50.00perlot-2ndOffence $75.00perlotmaximumafter2ndOffence $75.00MobilizationChargeperOffenceatStaffDiscretion Sweeping:$125/hour-includesoperator Vac/SewerJet:$287.50/hourforoneoperator&machine $345/hourfortwooperators&machine OtherEquipment(includingoperator): LargeFrontEndLoaders$125/hour MidSizeLoaders$75/hour BackhoeLoader$125/hour MotorGrader$125/hour SkidSteere$75/hour DumpTruck$75/hour Pickupor1-tonTruck$35/hour SANITARYSEWER SewerRates:1st3740gallons$20.65minimum Over3740gallonsOver3740gallons$3.7000/748gallons SewerRates:SpecialCases$24.65Xnumberofpeopleinhousehold IndustrialSewerRates:AllUsage$2.2200/748gallons+salestax BOD5:0.320/lb.+salestax TSS:0.440/lb.+salestax TestingActualcosts+10% SewerDischargeEnvironmentalFee:2%ofsewerbill AllSewerCustomers SewerConnectionPermit:$75(residentialorcommercial) SewerandWaterCombinationPermit:$127(residential) $127plustax(commercial) SewerAccessCharge: Residential-SingleFamily$4,030/Unit Allothersperunitequivalent$4,030/Unit TrunkSanitarySewer: ResidentialUnit$1,223/unit Non-Residential$3,065/peracre MonticelloFeeSchedule-2014proposed8 WasteWaterDischargePermit: 10,000to15,000GPD$50annually 15,001to25,000GPD$100annually 25,001to50,000GPD$150annually 50,001to100,000GPD$250annually over100,000GPD$300annually STORMSEWER TrunkStormSewerFees:$3,245(netacre) AlternatePondingArea-Residential$3,490peracre AlternatePondingArea-Commercial$6,997peracre AlternatePondingArea-Industrial$8,176peracre WASTEITEMS GarbageServiceFees-Apts:w/odumpsters PickupDisposal$18.90x#units+9.75%tax/perquarter DisposalSurcharge$3.48x#units(non-taxable)perquarter GarbageServiceFees-CommercialResidential&Non-CommercialResidential: 60gallon:PickupDisposal$15.93x#units+9.75%taxperquarter DisposalSurcharge$2.31x#units(non-taxable)perquarter GarbageCart$3.29x#units(incl.9.75%tax)perquarter 90gallon:PickupDisposal$18.90x#units+9.75%taxperquarter DisposalSurcharge$3.48x#units(non-taxable)perquarter GarbageCart$4.12x#units(incl.9.75%tax)perquarter CartTransferFee$30 GarbageCartReplacement(iflost): 38gallon$59.06+9.75%tax 60gallon$65.31+9.75%tax 90gallon$70.75+9.75%tax RecycleCartReplacement(iflost): 35gallon$60 64gallon$65 StorageBins(red,yellow,blue)$10includessalestax(untilsoldout) WATER HydrantRatesforContractors: (#1,#2and#3AREALLTAXABLEIFCOMMERCIAL) 1.AllcontractorsmustobtainapermitfromtheWaterSuperintendent.Thepermitfeeis$500. Thispermitwilldefinethehydranttobeusedandprovidesatallysheetforwaterusage. 2.Thefollowingratesshallapply: Upto500cu.ft.or3,750gallons$28.00minimum 500cu.ft.ormore$2.75percubicfoot 3,750gallonsormore$3.63per1,000gallons 3.ThefollowingdepositsshallbetakenforuseofCityequipment(noexceptions): HydrantWrench$30.00 $50.00 2-1/2"fillhose$100.00 1-1/2"fillhosewith2-1/2"adapter$100.00 2-1/2"hydrantmeter$1,000.00 3/4"andsmallmeter$100.00 Nozzle$50.00 *Ifequipmentisreturnedwithin10daysofpermitexpirationingoodcondition,thefullamountforwateruse andequipment,less10%permonthonportionthereofforrent,shallberefunded. IndustrialWaterRate,Mtr1 Allusage$1.35/748gallons+salestax MonticelloFeeSchedule-2014proposed9 IrrigationWaterRate-Resid,Twnhms&Comm: first3740gallons$17.00minimum+salestax 3741-29,920gallons$1.13/748gallons+salestax 29,921-100,000gallons$1.31/748gallons+salestax over100,000gallons$1.43/748gallons+salestax (ifmeteredseparately,noquarterlyminimumbaserateisappliedtoirrigationmeterswithzerousage) FinalBillProcessingFee$20 Res/CommWater:0-3740gallons$17.00minimum 3741-29,920gallons$1.13/748gallons 29,921-100,000gallons$1.31/748gallons over100,000gallons$1.43/748gallons MinimumBillforMalfunctioningMeter$150after4thcontactattempt. TrunkWaterCharge:$907perresidentialunit $2,267peracrenon-residential WaterAccessCharge:1"line$801+materials 1-1/4"line$1,217+materials 1-1/2"line$1,460+materials 2"line$1,920+materials 3"line$2,402+materials 4"line$3,164+materials 6"line$3,984+materials 8"line$5,231+materials WaterAvailabilityCharge:$38.25 (Forthosewhohavecitywateravailablebut(billedinJuly) choosenottohookup) WaterConnectionPermit:$65(residential) $65plustax(commercial) WaterMainTapping-NewServices(1"only)$250each+materials WaterMeters:5/8"meter$325+salestax $240+salestax 3/4"meter$360+salestax $375+salestax 1"meter$430+salestax $445+salestax 11/2"meter$705+salestax $660+salestax 2"meter +up Cost+$50+salestax 1"x3/4"metervalves $45+salestax $55+salestax 1"x1"metervalves $50+salestax $60+salestax WaterShutOff,thenTurnedOn:$50.00($25on/$25off)+delinquency(taxableifnon-res.) WaterViolations(sprinkling): 1stViolationNoFee 2ndViolation$50 EachSubsequentViolation$100/perviolation MonticelloFeeSchedule-2014proposed10 SUMMARYORDINANCENO.587A CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA ASUMMARYORDINANCEADOPTINGTHE2014FEESCHEDULE TITLE20OFTHEMONTICELLOCITYORDINANCE NOTICEISHEREBYGIVEN that,onDecember9,2013,OrdinanceNo.587was adoptedbytheCityCounciloftheCityofMonticello,Minnesota.Duetothelengthynatureof OrdinanceNo.587,thefollowingSummaryOrdinanceNo.587Ahasbeenpreparedfor publicationasauthorizedbystatelaw. TheordinanceadoptedbytheCouncilestablishesthe2014FeeSchedulefortheCityof Monticello,alsoknownasTitle20oftheMonticelloCityOrdinance.Thegeneralpurposeofthe ordinanceistoadoptfeesforservicesprovidedbytheCityofMonticellowithchangesinthe followingsections: Cemetery CommunityCenter CommunityDevelopment-Building CommunityDevelopment–Planning/Zoning FireDepartment Licenses/Permits MiscellaneousItems Parks Water Aprintedcopyofthewholeordinanceisavailableforinspectionbyanypersonduring theCity’sregularofficehours.ThecompleteordinancewillbepostedontheCity’swebsite followingpublication. APPROVEDFORPUBLICATION bytheCityCounciloftheCityofMonticello, Minnesota,this9th dayofDecember,2013. CITYOFMONTICELLO ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: JeffO’NeillCityAdministrator VOTINGINFAVOR: VOTINGINOPPOSITION: Rogers, MN Owatonna, MN Elk River, MN St. Michael, MN Monticello, MN St. Cloud, MN North Mankato, MN Alexandria, MN Austin, MN Albert Lea, MN Thief River Falls, MN Rochester, MN Otsego, MN St. Joseph, MN Detroit Lakes, MN Stewartville, MN Willmar, MN Fergus Falls, MN Worthington, MN Grand Rapids, MN Buffalo, MN Zimmerman, MN Little Falls, MN Brainerd, MN Litchfield, MN Waseca, MN Baxter, MN Hibbing, MN Big Lake, MN Moorhead, MN New Ulm, MN Marshall, MN Bemidji, MN Oak Grove, MN Hutchinson, MN Kasson, MN East Grand Forks, MN Fairmont, MN Hermantown, MN $0.00 $24.00 $48.00 $72.00 $96.00 $120.00 Ci t y $30.91 $37.24 $41.01 $42.36 $43.78 $45.95 $49.38 $49.42 $49.89 $50.83 $51.23 $51.82 $56.43 $57.03 $57.48 $57.85 $59.40 $60.68 $61.86 $61.90 $62.76 $63.34 $63.64 $64.63 $65.03 $67.34 $68.19 $68.81 $68.95 $72.18 $72.83 $75.00 $76.98 $81.23 $82.52 $86.74 $87.24 $98.89 $99.12 MINNESOTA (Excluding Minneapolis/St. Paul Metro) Copyright © 2013 AE2S - All Rights Reserved Water Wastewater Stormwater $52.25 $52.13 $51.09 $50.15 $49.41 $48.14 $48.11 $47.35 $47.17 $46.10 $45.61 $45.30 $44.76 $44.38 $44.28 $44.06 $43.98 $43.86 $43.84 $43.56 $43.43 $42.53 $41.63 $41.44 $41.13 $40.90 $40.34 $40.29 $39.39 $39.28 $38.60 $38.00 $37.13 $35.27 $35.09 $33.91 $31.27 $30.74 $18.08 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Stewartville, MN Rapid City, SD Albert Lea, MN Spearfish, SD Victoria, MN St. Cloud, MN Valley City, ND Winona, MN Bismarck, ND Mitchell, SD Mandan, ND Austin, MN Thief River Falls, MN Grafton, ND Brandon, SD Albertville, MN Crookston, MN Butte, MT Great Falls, MT St. Michael, MN Alexandria, MN Missoula, MT Sioux Falls, SD Minot, ND Rochester, MN Wahpeton, ND Billings, MT Jamestown, ND Williston, ND Casper, WY Devils Lake, ND West Fargo, ND Watertown, SD Gillette, WY Willmar, MN Evanston, WY Monticello, MN Rogers, MN Sidney, MT Water Wastewater Stormwater $52.25 $52.13 $51.09 $50.15 $49.41 $48.14 $48.11 $47.35 $47.17 $46.10 $45.61 $45.30 $44.76 $44.38 $44.28 $44.06 $43.98 $43.86 $43.84 $43.56 $43.43 $42.53 $41.63 $41.44 $41.13 $40.90 $40.34 $40.29 $39.39 $39.28 $38.60 $38.00 $37.13 $35.27 $35.09 $33.91 $31.27 $30.74 $18.08 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Stewartville, MN Rapid City, SD Albert Lea, MN Spearfish, SD Victoria, MN St. Cloud, MN Valley City, ND Winona, MN Bismarck, ND Mitchell, SD Mandan, ND Austin, MN Thief River Falls, MN Grafton, ND Brandon, SD Albertville, MN Crookston, MN Butte, MT Great Falls, MT St. Michael, MN Alexandria, MN Missoula, MT Sioux Falls, SD Minot, ND Rochester, MN Wahpeton, ND Billings, MT Jamestown, ND Williston, ND Casper, WY Devils Lake, ND West Fargo, ND Watertown, SD Gillette, WY Willmar, MN Evanston, WY Monticello, MN Rogers, MN Sidney, MT Water Wastewater Stormwater $52.25 $52.13 $51.09 $50.15 $49.41 $48.14 $48.11 $47.35 $47.17 $46.10 $45.61 $45.30 $44.76 $44.38 $44.28 $44.06 $43.98 $43.86 $43.84 $43.56 $43.43 $42.53 $41.63 $41.44 $41.13 $40.90 $40.34 $40.29 $39.39 $39.28 $38.60 $38.00 $37.13 $35.27 $35.09 $33.91 $31.27 $30.74 $18.08 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Stewartville, MN Rapid City, SD Albert Lea, MN Spearfish, SD Victoria, MN St. Cloud, MN Valley City, ND Winona, MN Bismarck, ND Mitchell, SD Mandan, ND Austin, MN Thief River Falls, MN Grafton, ND Brandon, SD Albertville, MN Crookston, MN Butte, MT Great Falls, MT St. Michael, MN Alexandria, MN Missoula, MT Sioux Falls, SD Minot, ND Rochester, MN Wahpeton, ND Billings, MT Jamestown, ND Williston, ND Casper, WY Devils Lake, ND West Fargo, ND Watertown, SD Gillette, WY Willmar, MN Evanston, WY Monticello, MN Rogers, MN Sidney, MT Water Wastewater Stormwater 8.PublicHearing-Considerationof finalTaxLevyfor 201 A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND CityCouncilandstaffmetseveraltimesto taxlevy.Asaresult,theCouncilapproveda201 wascertifiedtoWrightCountyforthetaxnoticesthatweremailedin Theproposedtaxlevyof$ isa3.16%increase.Thebelowgraphreflectstheslightgrowthinthelevyover sixyears,trailingbothpopulationand CityCouncilAgenda: 1 Considerationof adoptingResolution#2013-100 2014 (WO) REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilandstaffmetseveraltimesto discusstheCity’sproposed201 theCouncilapproveda2014 preliminarylevyof$ wascertifiedtoWrightCountyforthetaxnoticesthatweremailedin Theproposedtaxlevyof$8,150,000is$250,000 higherthanthe201 Thebelowgraphreflectstheslightgrowthinthelevyover sixyears,trailingbothpopulationand consumerpriceindex(CPI)i CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 100 establishingthe discusstheCity’sproposed2014budgetand preliminarylevyof$8,150,000,which wascertifiedtoWrightCountyforthetaxnoticesthatweremailedin November. higherthanthe2013finallevy,which Thebelowgraphreflectstheslightgrowthinthelevyover thelast )indicators. CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 2 Thefollowingscheduledisplaystheallocationofthelevyovervariousfunds: 201120122013 2014 PropertyPropertyProperty Property %$$ FundTaxesTaxesTaxes Taxes ChangeChange GeneralFund$5,407,872$5,451,248$5,540,000$5,497,000-0.8%($43,000) CommunityCenter-Debt815,000$890,000$875,000$1,040,00018.9%$165,000 CommunityCenter-Operations285,000260,000295,000$350,00018.6%$55,000 2005A/2011AGOIBF244,131251,906245,000223,000-9.0%(22,000) 2007AGOIBF418,306416,846425,000540,00027.1%115,000 2008AGOSewerRefunding430,000500,000500,000500,0000.0%- 2010AGOIBF52,00050,00020,000--100.0%(20,000) 2013AGOCertificates-------- StreetReconstruction25,00025,000----- Total$7,677,309$7,845,000$7,900,000$8,150,000 3.16%$250,000 Together,theGeneralFundandCommunityCenter–Operationsaccountfor$12,000of thetotalincreaseof$250,000.Offsettingthedeclineofimpactfeesforimprovements completedinthemiddleofthepreviousdecade,theremaining$238,000oftheincreaseis restrictedtodebtservice.Nopartofthe2014levyisgoingtowardsdebtservicefor FiberNet. Thetaxcapacityratechangesfor2013and2014forthethreemaintaxingauthoritiesis asfollows: 1.9% -15.1% -8.4% -1.9% 5.7%7.6% -20.0% -15.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% County City School TCRateChangeby%-2013to2014 District 2013 2014 %Chg County44.28843.428-1.9% City42.26244.6725.7% School26.22928.2277.6% Hospital0.608--100.0% 113.387116.3272.6% CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 3 Contributingtotheincreaseinthetaxcapacityrateisthenuclearpowerplant$30million reductioninestimatedmarketvaluefor2014.Thisreductionfollowsthelarge$160 milliongainfortaxyear2013. Thetwo-yeartaxcapacityratechangesfortheperiod 2012-2014 forthethreemain taxingauthoritiesisasfollows. District 2012 2014 %Chg County43.45243.428-0.1% City49.77344.672-10.2% School28.62028.227-1.4% Hospital1.781--100.0% 123.626116.327-5.9% A1.BudgetImpact:Thelevyprovidessignificantresourcesforoperationsanddebt service.Theimpactisthelevyamount($8,150,000). A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thebudgetshouldservestaffasaguidetoexpenditure limitsfor2014,buthasnoworkloadimpact. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2013-100establishingtheCitypropertytaxlevyfor 2014at$8,150,000. 2.MotiontoadoptaResolutiontoestablishthepropertytaxlevyintheamountof $___________,withthetaxlevynottoexceed$8,150,000. 3.Motiontonotadoptthe2014taxlevyatthistime. -0.1% -10.2% -1.4% -12.0% -10.0% -8.0% -6.0% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% County City School TCRateChangeby%-2012to2014 CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 4 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1,whichsetsthepropertytaxlevyat$8,150,000. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2013-100 PowerPointpresentationtobehandedoutatthemeeting CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2013-100 RESOLUTIONESTABLISHINGTHE2014PROPERTYTAXLEVYAND AUTHORIZINGCANCELLATIONOFCERTAINDEFERREDTAXLEVIES WHEREAS,theFinanceDirectorhaspreparedandsubmittedtotheCityCouncilabudgetsetting forththereinhisestimatedneedsoftheCityofMonticelloforoperations,capitalimprovements anddebtserviceforthefiscalyearcommencingJanuary1,2014;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilhasreviewedthesameandhasmadesuchchangesthereinasappear tobeinthebestinterestoftheCityofMonticello; NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED bytheCityCounciloftheCityofMonticelloas follows: SECTIONI.ThereisherebylevieduponalltaxablepropertyintheCityofMonticello adirectadvaloremtaxcollectiblein2014forthefollowingpurposesandinthefollowing amounts: REVENUENETCERTIFIEDLEVY General5,497,000$ CommunityCenter1,390,000$ DEBTSERVICEFUNDS* G.O.Bonds,Series2007A540,000$ G.O.Bonds,Series2008B500,000$ G.O.Bonds,Series2010A-$ G.O.Bonds,Series2011A223,000$ G.O.Bonds,Series2013A-$ TOTALTAXLEVY 8,150,000$ *Denotesspecialleviesfor2014 SECTIONII.Itisherebydeterminedthatsufficientmoniesarenowonhand,orwillbe whenneeded,forthepaymentofprincipalandinteresttocomedueduringtheyear2014for certainbondissuesoutstandingoftheCityofMonticello. SECTIONIII.TheTreasurer-AuditorofWrightCountyisherebyauthorizedand directed,pursuanttotheprovisionsofSection475.61,MinnesotaStatutesAnnotated,tocancelor otherwiseamendtheleviesforsaidindebtednessheretoforemadetobeleviedfortheyear2013 forcollectionintheyear2014asfollows: Bond2014Levy DebtServiceLeviesResolutionLevyAdded(Canceled) G.O.Bonds,Series2007A368,126$540,000$171,874$ G.O.Bonds,Series2008B1,048,995500,000(548,995) G.O.Bonds,Series2010A216,864-(216,864) G.O.Bonds,Series2011A460,812223,000(237,812) G.O.Bonds,Series2013A61,727-(61,727) SECTIONIV.TheCityClerkisherebyinstructedtotransmitacertifiedcopyofthis resolutiontotheTreasurer-AuditorofWrightCounty,Minnesota. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis9th dayofDecember,2013. CITYOFMONTICELLO ___________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator TheaboveresolutionwasintroducedbyCouncilmember__________andwasdulysecondedby Councilmember___________. Thefollowingvotinginfavor: . Thefollowingvotedinopposition: CERTIFICATION STATEOFMINNESOTA COUNTYOFWRIGHT Iherebycertifythattheforegoingisatrueandcorrectcopyofaresolutiondulypassed, adoptedandapprovedbytheMonticelloCityCouncilattheirscheduledmeetingonDecember9, 2013,andrecordedinminutesofsaidmeeting. ____________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator NotaryPublic:_______________________________ Date:___________________________ (STAMP) CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 1 9.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2013-101approving2014Citybudget (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: CityCouncilandstaffmetseveraltimestodiscusstheCity’sproposed2014budgetand taxlevy.Asaresult,theCouncilapproveda2014preliminarylevyof$8,150,000,which wascertifiedtoWrightCountyforthetaxnoticesthatweremailedinNovember.The 2014proposedlevyis$250,000(or3.16%)morethanthe2013adoptedlevy. Thetotal2014proposedexpendituresandotherusesbudgetforallfundsis$32,808,364. Thetotal2014proposedrevenueandothersourcesbudgetis$30,108,364.The differencebetweenexpendituresandotherusesandrevenuesandothersourcesiseither anadditiontoorsubtractionfromfundreserves. ProjectedBeginningProjectedBeginning FundBalance/EstimatedFundBalance/ WorkingCapitalRevenuesAppropriationsWorkingCapital GeneralFund 3,456,337$6,760,000$6,760,000$3,456,337$ SpecialRevenueFunds EconomicDevelopment6,898,464967,908720,9577,145,415 DeputyRegistrar112,425381,050380,583112,892 MinnesotaInvestment1,091,05825,000-1,116,058 MonticelloCommunityCenter55,2002,815,0002,815,00055,200 Park&PathwayDedication97,754499,500494,500102,754 TotalSpecialRevenueFunds 8,254,9014,688,4584,411,0408,532,319 DebtServiceFunds 2007AG.O.ImprovementBond133,311662,022736,10059,233 2008AG.O.SewerRefunding565,463955,0001,049,593470,870 2008AG.O.RevenueRefunding(2,198)1,040,5001,037,860442 2010AG.O.ImprovementBond663,377296,948360,650599,675 2011AG.O.RefundingBond1,134,5112,774,0932,880,6501,027,954 TotalDebtServiceFunds 2,494,4645,728,5636,064,8532,158,174 CapitalProjectFunds CapitalProject475,8541,670,0001,785,000360,854 ClosedBondFund812,245288,000494,500605,745 StormwaterAccess1,176,94370,000366,300880,643 StreetLightingImprovement675,087130,00075,000730,087 StreetConstruction1,713,37925,000400,0001,338,379 TotalCapitalProjectFunds 4,853,5082,183,0003,120,8003,915,708 EnterpriseFunds Water4,455,3681,373,6201,430,4524,398,536 Sewage4,001,4302,172,9503,170,5643,003,816 Liquor296,7594,954,5004,998,455252,804 Cemetery18,88325,60829,17215,319 FiberOptics217,7521,820,0001,820,000217,752 TotalEnterpriseFunds 8,990,19210,346,67811,448,6437,888,227 InternalServiceFunds ITServices(Authorized)30,000252,808252,71130,097 CentralEquipment(Authorized)833,241129,330750,317212,254 TotalInternalServiceFunds 863,241382,1381,003,028242,351 TotalAllFunds 28,912,643$30,088,837$32,808,364$26,193,116$ FiscalYear2014 CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 2 Adetailedbudget-by-budgetsummaryisattached. A1.BudgetImpact:Thiswouldsettheexpenditurebudgetsfor2014at $32,808,364forallfundsandtheCity’spropertytaxlevyat$8,150,000. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Thebudgetshouldservestaffasaguidetoexpenditure limitsfor2014,buthasnoworkloadimpact. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution2013-101approvingthe2014expenditurebudgetat $32,808,364. 2.MotiontoadoptaResolutiontoapprovethe2014expenditurebudgetwith modificationtofunds:Fund_____________for______________. 3.Motionnottoapprovethe2014expenditurebudgetandtocallforaspecial meetingtoapprovethebudgetpriortoDecember31st. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1,toadopttheresolutionapprovingthe2014 expenditurebudgetforallfundsat$32,808,364. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A-Resolution#2013-101 B-Summarybudgetforeachfund C-CapitalImprovementPlan PowerPointpresentationtobehandedoutatthemeeting CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2013-101 ADOPTINGTHE2014BUDGETANDAUTHORIZINGSPECIFIC FINANCE-RELATEDACTIVITIES WHEREAS,thebudgetisthefiscalblueprintfortheentireyearwheretheCityCouncilhas consideredandincorporatedallforeseeablespendingplansfor2014;and WHEREAS,theCity,throughsoundfiscalpolicy,establishesthatcurrentrevenueswillbeused tofinancecurrentexpendituresandregularly-occurringcapitalexpenditures;and WHEREAS,theCityCouncilshallbythisresolutionsetforththetotalexpendituresanduses, excludingdepreciation,andthetotalrevenuesandothersourcesforeachbudgetedfund. NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED,by theCityCounciloftheCityofMonticellothe followingisherebyapproved: SECTION1.AUTHORIZATIONOFAPPROPRIATIONS: Fund2014Budget GeneralFund 6,760,000$ SpecialRevenueFunds EconomicDevelopment720,957 DeputyRegistrar380,583 MinnesotaInvestment- MonticelloCommunityCenter2,815,000 Park&PathwayDedication494,500 TotalSpecialRevenueFunds4,411,040 DebtServiceFunds 2007AG.O.ImprovementBond736,100 2008AG.O.SewerRefunding1,049,593 2008AG.O.RevenueRefunding1,037,860 2010AG.O.ImprovementBond360,650 2011AG.O.RefundingBond2,880,650 TotalDebtServiceFunds6,064,853 CapitalProjectFunds CapitalProject1,785,000 ClosedBondFund494,500 StormwaterAccess366,300 StreetLightingImprovement75,000 StreetConstruction400,000 TotalCapitalProjectFunds3,120,800 EnterpriseFunds Water1,430,452 Sewage3,170,564 Liquor4,998,455 Cemetery29,172 FiberOptics1,820,000 TotalEnterpriseFunds11,448,643 InternalServiceFunds ITServices(Authorized)252,711 CentralEquipment(Authorized)750,317 TotalInternalServiceFunds1,003,028 TotalAllFunds 32,808,364$ SECTION2.ESTIMATEDREVENUESFROMALLSOURCES: Fund2014Budget GeneralFund 6,760,000$ SpecialRevenueFunds EconomicDevelopment967,908 DeputyRegistrar381,050 MinnesotaInvestment25,000 MonticelloCommunityCenter2,815,000 Park&PathwayDedication499,500 TotalSpecialRevenueFunds4,688,458 DebtServiceFunds 2007AG.O.ImprovementBond662,022 2008AG.O.SewerRefunding955,000 2008AG.O.RevenueRefunding1,040,500 2010AG.O.ImprovementBond296,948 2011AG.O.RefundingBond2,774,093 TotalDebtServiceFunds5,728,563 CapitalProjectFunds CapitalProject1,670,000 ClosedBondFund288,000 StormwaterAccess70,000 StreetLightingImprovement130,000 StreetConstruction25,000 TotalCapitalProjectFunds2,183,000 EnterpriseFunds Water1,373,620 Sewage2,172,950 Liquor4,954,500 Cemetery25,608 FiberOptics1,820,000 TotalEnterpriseFunds10,346,678 InternalServiceFunds ITServices(Authorized)252,808 CentralEquipment(Authorized)129,330 TotalInternalServiceFunds382,138 TotalAllFunds 30,088,837$ SECTION3.TRANSFERS: Byresolution,theCouncilcanamendorrescindthissectionastheyearprogresses.The followinglistdoesnotincludeanytransfersforprojectsthathavenotreceivedformalcouncil authorization. a.ToCommunityCenterFundfromDeputyRegistrar(DMV)Fund-$50,000. b.To2011AGOImprovementBondFundfromSewageFund-$704,540,StormSewer AccessFund-$266,500,WaterFund-$500,000,andEDA/TIF-$278,353(Total- $1,749,393). c.To2008AGOSewerRevenueRefundingBondFundfromSewageFund-$450,000. d.To2008ARevenueRefundingBondFundfromCommunityCenterFund-$1,040,000. e.To2010AGOImprovementBondFundfromSewageFund-$128,795,StormSewer AccessFund-$59,800andWaterFund$51,000(Total-$239,595). f.ToEDAFundfromGeneralFund-$93,000. g.ToFiberNetFundfromLiquorFund-$350,000. SECTION4.CAPITALEQUIPMENTANDIMPROVEMENTACQUISITION: a)Itemslistedinsectionbelowauthorizingissuanceofcapitalequipmentdebt. SECTION5.OTHERBUDGETAUTHORIZINGACTIONS: a.Removespriorcommitmentsandassignments,exceptthoserequiredbyGASB,from fundbalanceclassifications. b.AmendsthelistofreimbursableequipmentinResolution2013-018toincludewith approximatecostsasfollows:1)blacktopplainer-$22,000;2)router-$22,000;3)air compressor-$20,000. c.Approvesa_____cost-of-livingadjustmenttofull-time,part-time(excludingMCCstaff andvolunteerfirepersonnel)andseasonalemployeesforthepayperiodcommencingon January11,2014. d.Establishesthe2014monthlyfamilyhealthanddentalinsurancebenefitsat______and ________,respectively;andthe2014monthlysinglehealthanddentalinsurancebenefits at_______and_______,respectively. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis9h dayofDecember,2013. CITYOFMONTICELLO _____________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 GENERALFUND201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes5,075,506$5,148,326$5,669,969$5,540,000$5,540,000$5,497,000$-0.8% TaxIncrements--------- Franchise&OtherTaxes18,17793,368237,022236,500236,500236,5000.0% Licenses&Permits223,494258,206275,198270,980270,980273,1800.8% IntergovernmentalRevenues328,757261,553304,395284,509284,509289,6771.8% ChargesforServices1,342,545398,410310,121272,610272,610281,2733.2% Fines&Forfeits2558514,3381001001000.0% SpecialAssessments5,1163,55010,3493003003000.0% Miscellaneous373,946436,769491,956181,970181,970181,9700.0% OperatingTransfers65,000-1,729------ TOTALREVENUES7,432,796$6,600,267$7,315,077$6,786,969$6,786,969$6,760,000$-0.4% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices2,764,180$2,649,533$2,710,939$2,769,569$2,772,569$2,670,815$-3.6% Supplies390,396450,313473,829507,675507,675537,8755.9% OtherServices&Charges3,173,0523,395,4063,325,9003,324,6663,321,0963,332,6100.2% CapitalOutlay12,23533,062-105,059115,799125,70019.6% OperatingTransfers1,204,000728,3832,326,99580,00092,00093,00016.3% TOTALEXPENDITURES7,543,863$7,256,697$8,837,663$6,786,969$6,809,139$6,760,000$-0.4% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY15,768,590$5,657,523$5,001,093$3,478,507$3,478,507$3,456,337$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures(111,067)(656,430)(1,522,586)-(22,170)- FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER315,657,523$5,001,093$3,478,507$3,478,507$3,456,337$3,456,337$ Summary - 1 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 EDAFUND201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE TaxIncrements1,165,203$1,050,563$1,052,110$681,240$672,544$672,494$-1.3% Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues9,818-------- ChargesforServices--------- Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous280,923430,327293,15790,10090,100202,414124.7% OperatingTransfers5,301--80,00092,00093,00016.3% TOTALREVENUES1,461,245$1,480,890$1,345,267$851,340$854,644$967,908$13.7% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices25,673$25,864$13,906$110,407$5,250$12,031$-89.1% Supplies--1,170------ OtherServices&Charges198,115465,790214,61858,20157,400108,63086.6% CapitalOutlay595,403434,460433,406288,465575,280321,94311.6% OperatingTransfers673,456316,279699,264774,403779,804278,353-64.1% TOTALEXPENDITURES1,492,647$1,242,393$1,362,364$1,231,476$1,417,734$720,957$-41.5% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY17,271,556$7,240,154$7,478,651$7,461,554$7,461,554$6,898,464$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures(31,402)238,497(17,097)(380,136)(563,090)246,951 FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER317,240,154$7,478,651$7,461,554$7,081,418$6,898,464$7,145,415$ Summary - 2 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 DEPUTYREGISTRAR201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues--------- ChargesforServices330,733365,285455,293370,050380,050380,0502.7% Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous6,81420,22312,1052,0002,0001,000-50.0% OperatingTransfers--------- TOTALREVENUES337,547$385,508$467,398$372,050$382,050$381,050$2.4% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices252,820$247,347$264,045$272,969$272,969$276,434$1.3% Supplies6,7405,7154,82514,35014,35014,3500.0% OtherServices&Charges14,41212,56713,38818,07018,07039,799120.2% CapitalOutlay--------- OperatingTransfers-97,500325,000-75,00050,000--- TOTALEXPENDITURES273,972$363,129$607,258$305,389$380,389$380,583$24.6% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY1164,670$228,245$250,624$110,764$110,764$112,425$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures63,57522,379(139,860)66,6611,661467 FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER31228,245$250,624$110,764$177,425$112,425$112,892$ Summary - 3 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 COMMUNITYCENTER201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes1,049,658$1,048,883$1,197,239$1,170,000$1,170,000$1,390,000$18.8% Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues61,274-------- ChargesforServices1,097,6651,194,3891,106,1581,292,7001,292,7001,349,7504.4% Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous69,28765,97458,96935,50035,50025,250-28.9% OperatingTransfers200,000-850,000100,000175,00050,000-50.0% TOTALREVENUES2,477,884$2,309,246$3,212,366$2,598,200$2,673,200$2,815,000$8.3% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices886,333$940,447$923,264$976,660$976,660$999,284$2.3% Supplies183,616213,163173,306227,700302,700243,5006.9% OtherServices&Charges396,355426,961361,638389,840455,140438,21612.4% CapitalOutlay-91,5171,662,666129,000188,00094,000-27.1% OperatingTransfers815,032815,000890,000875,000875,0001,040,00018.9% TOTALEXPENDITURES2,281,336$2,487,088$4,010,874$2,598,200$2,797,500$2,815,000$8.3% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY1959,302$1,155,850$978,008$179,500$179,500$55,200$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures196,548(177,842)(798,508)-(124,300)-$ FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER311,155,850$978,008$179,500$179,500$55,200$55,200$ Summary - 4 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 PARK&PATHWAYDEDICATION201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues-538,487------- ChargesforServices--------- Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous19,54725,31610,9375,0005,0005,0000.0% OperatingTransfers300,000-573,833600,000750,000494,500-17.6% TOTALREVENUES319,547$563,803$584,770$605,000$755,000$499,500$-17.4% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Supplies--------- OtherServices&Charges5,0227,630126------ CapitalOutlay289,1841,144,250-600,0001,100,000494,500-17.6% OperatingTransfers--------- TOTALEXPENDITURES294,206$1,151,880$126$600,000$1,100,000$494,500$-17.6% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY1420,846$446,187$(141,890)$442,754$442,754$97,754$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures25,341(588,077)584,6445,000(345,000)5,000 FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER31446,187$(141,890)$442,754$447,754$97,754$102,754$ Summary - 5 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 CAPITALPROJECTFUND201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues-43,375238,580633,700633,7001,670,000163.5% ChargesforServices445,762613,623------- Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous(76,699)(67,135)24,28615,00015,000--100.0% OperatingTransfers700,000672,5003,148,680766,300556,701--100.0% DebtProceeds2,745,0001,669,139------- TOTALREVENUES3,814,063$2,931,502$3,411,546$1,415,000$1,205,401$1,670,000$18.0% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Supplies896-------- OtherServices&Charges423,66833333325,00025,00025,0000.0% CapitalOutlay2,797,3292,761,6141,253,1391,400,0001,400,0001,760,00025.7% OperatingTransfers---100,000100,000--100.0% TOTALEXPENDITURES3,221,893$2,761,947$1,253,472$1,525,000$1,525,000$1,785,000$17.0% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY1(2,124,346)$(1,532,176)$(1,362,621)$795,453$795,453$475,854$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures592,170169,5552,158,074(110,000)(319,599)(115,000) FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER31(1,532,176)$(1,362,621)$795,453$685,453$475,854$360,854$ Summary - 6 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 CLOSEDBONDFUND201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes2,699$8,553$-$-$-$-$--- Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues--------- ChargesforServices--------- Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments753,076702,564844,574441,095441,095283,000-35.8% Miscellaneous4,79042,86633,2425,0005,0005,0000.0% OperatingTransfers343,201-299,339------ DebtProceeds--------- TOTALREVENUES1,103,766$753,983$1,177,155$446,095$446,095$288,000$-35.4% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Supplies--------- OtherServices&Charges--------- CapitalOutlay--------- DebtService10,248103,757------- OperatingTransfers-452,000575,122600,000750,000494,500-17.6% TOTALEXPENDITURES10,248$555,757$575,122$600,000$750,000$494,500$-17.6% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY1(777,627)$315,891$514,117$1,116,150$1,116,150$812,245$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures1,093,518198,226602,033(153,905)(303,905)(206,500) FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER31315,891$514,117$1,116,150$962,245$812,245$605,745$ Summary - 7 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 STORMWATERACCESSFUND201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues--------- ChargesforServices7,16952,883-50,00050,00050,0000.0% Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous74,340126,44262,03740,00020,00020,000-50.0% OperatingTransfers--------- DebtProceeds--------- TOTALREVENUES81,509$179,325$62,037$90,000$70,000$70,000$-22.2% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Supplies--------- OtherServices&Charges59916,540604------ CapitalOutlay(6,067)--40,00040,00040,0000.0% OperatingTransfers264,599472,861396,073321,800321,800326,3001.4% TOTALEXPENDITURES259,131$489,401$396,677$361,800$361,800$366,300$1.2% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY12,291,081$2,113,459$1,803,383$1,468,743$1,468,743$1,176,943$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures(177,622)(310,076)(334,640)(271,800)(291,800)(296,300) FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER312,113,459$1,803,383$1,468,743$1,196,943$1,176,943$880,643$ Summary - 8 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 STREETLIGHTIMPROVEMENTS201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Franchise&OtherTaxes297,584228,216110,912130,000130,000130,0000.0% Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues--------- ChargesforServices--------- Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous28,01580,78540,427------ OperatingTransfers--------- DebtProceeds--------- TOTALREVENUES325,599$309,001$151,339$130,000$130,000$130,000$0.0% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Supplies--------- OtherServices&Charges--570------ CapitalOutlay---200,00075,00075,000-62.5% OperatingTransfers-273,060400,00096,30096,300--100.0% TOTALEXPENDITURES-$273,060$400,570$296,300$171,300$75,000$-74.7% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY1604,078$929,677$965,618$716,387$716,387$675,087$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures325,59935,941(249,231)(166,300)(41,300)55,000 FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER31929,677$965,618$716,387$550,087$675,087$730,087$ Summary - 9 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 STREETRECONSTRUCTION201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes6,310$24,867$29,655$-$-$-$--- Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues--------- ChargesforServices3-------- Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous103,337247,775133,86950,00025,00025,000-50.0% OperatingTransfers250,000250,000275,000------ DebtProceeds--------- TOTALREVENUES359,650$522,642$438,524$50,000$25,000$25,000$-50.0% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Supplies--------- OtherServices&Charges--37------ CapitalOutlay---350,000-400,00014.3% OperatingTransfers-192,5751,862,005434,000219,000--100.0% TOTALEXPENDITURES-$192,575$1,862,042$784,000$219,000$400,000$-49.0% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY12,641,180$3,000,830$3,330,897$1,907,379$1,907,379$1,713,379$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures359,650330,067(1,423,518)(734,000)(194,000)(375,000) FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER313,000,830$3,330,897$1,907,379$1,173,379$1,713,379$1,338,379$ Summary - 10 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 CAPIITALPROJECTREVOLVING201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues244,45738,14533,606----- ChargesforServices--------- Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous100,62298,08136,254272,665236,725--100.0% OperatingTransfers--------- DebtProceeds--------- TOTALREVENUES345,079$136,226$69,860$272,665$236,725$-$-100.0% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Supplies-11,82240,215------ OtherServices&Charges79415,6272,829------ CapitalOutlay(17,940)76,038361,947467,335247,032--100.0% OperatingTransfers45,000---710,000---- TOTALEXPENDITURES27,854$103,487$404,991$467,335$957,032$-$-100.0% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY1705,474$1,022,699$1,055,438$720,307$720,307$-$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures317,22532,739(335,131)(194,670)(720,307)- FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER311,022,699$1,055,438$720,307$525,637$-$-$ Summary - 11 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 WATERFUND201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Licenses&Permits7,8763209703,7003,7003,7000.0% IntergovernmentalRevenues--------- ChargesforServices826,321919,5901,146,6041,121,8001,121,8001,121,8000.0% Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments160,317158,543158,319150,000150,000150,0000.0% Miscellaneous116,633255,600194,67592,50092,50072,500-21.6% ContributedCapital-----25,620--- OperatingTransfers--------- DebtProceeds--------- TOTALREVENUES1,111,147$1,334,053$1,500,568$1,368,000$1,368,000$1,373,620$0.4% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices190,809$225,729$217,412$272,423$272,423$247,730$-9.1% Supplies84,971106,304124,203111,950111,950102,950-8.0% OtherServices&Charges343,750326,815250,151210,551210,551228,7728.7% CapitalOutlay--3,375512,900512,900300,000-41.5% DebtService OperatingTransfers-144,718207,219413,500413,500551,00033.3% TOTALEXPENDITURES619,530$803,566$802,360$1,521,324$1,521,324$1,430,452$-6.0% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY12,888,380$3,379,997$3,910,484$4,608,692$4,608,692$4,455,368$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures491,617530,487698,208(153,324)(153,324)(56,832) FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER313,379,997$3,910,484$4,608,692$4,455,368$4,455,368$4,398,536$ Summary - 12 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 SEWAGEFUND201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE Propertytaxes-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues--------- ChargesforServices1,470,5821,712,6841,853,1411,800,5002,050,5002,050,50013.9% Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous95,764192,338135,99981,26281,26262,000-23.7% ContributedCapital143,433----60,450--- OperatingTransfers--------- DebtProceeds1,4361,4361,4366,100,0003,000,000--100.0% TOTALREVENUES1,711,215$1,906,458$1,990,576$7,981,762$5,131,762$2,172,950$-72.8% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices246,754$258,576$283,869$270,867$270,867$246,039$-9.2% Supplies30,51621,19421,77426,85026,85025,750-4.1% OtherServices&Charges860,824892,7841,049,425926,330926,330969,2204.6% CapitalOutlay144,868-79,0196,689,2002,989,200300,000 -95.5% DebtService121,905121,051109,981120,000106,300346,220188.5% OperatingTransfers(1,444)318,937---1,283,335--- TOTALEXPENDITURES1,403,423$1,612,542$1,544,068$8,033,247$4,319,547$3,170,564$-60.5% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY12,140,998$2,448,790$2,742,706$3,189,214$3,189,214$4,001,430$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures307,792293,916446,508(51,485)812,216(997,614) FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER312,448,790$2,742,706$3,189,214$3,137,730$4,001,430$3,003,816$ Summary - 13 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 LIQUORFUND201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE SaleofGoods4,477,651$4,653,385$4,854,798$4,461,500$4,848,500$4,944,500$10.8% Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues--------- ChargesforServices--------- Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous99,139203,048(9,161)50,00010,00010,000-80.0% ContributedCapital--------- OperatingTransfers20,065-------- DebtProceeds--------- TOTALREVENUES4,596,855$4,856,433$4,845,637$4,511,500$4,858,500$4,954,500$9.8% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices408,092$416,160$422,579$456,489$456,489$470,130$3.0% Supplies3,286,8673,486,6523,627,1383,512,9003,889,9003,893,70010.8% OtherServices&Charges200,468193,693200,897215,017215,017234,6259.1% CapitalOutlay33,76837,78216,23445,000-50,00011.1% DebtService OperatingTransfers266,000250,0003,500,000220,000650,000350,00059.1% TOTALEXPENDITURES4,195,195$4,384,287$7,766,848$4,449,406$5,211,406$4,998,455$12.3% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY12,697,070$3,098,730$3,570,876$649,665$649,665$296,759$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures401,660472,146(2,921,211)62,094(352,906)(43,955)$ FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER313,098,730$3,570,876$649,665$711,759$296,759$252,804$ Summary - 14 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 RIVERSIDECEMETERY201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues--------- ChargesforServices8,62022,39019,81024,80024,80024,8000.0% Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous9861,8219638088088080.0% ContributedCapital--------- OperatingTransfers--------- DebtProceeds--------- TOTALREVENUES9,606$24,211$20,773$25,608$25,608$25,608$0.0% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices3,090$6,845$6,602$4,068$4,068$4,073$0.1% Supplies202232457757757750.0% OtherServices&Charges19,93118,54515,84921,23521,23524,32414.5% CapitalOutlay--------- OperatingTransfers--------- TOTALEXPENDITURES23,223$25,413$22,696$26,078$26,078$29,172$11.9% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY136,095$22,478$21,276$19,353$19,353$18,883$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures(13,617)(1,202)(1,923)(470)(470)(3,564) FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER3122,478$21,276$19,353$18,883$18,883$15,319$ Summary - 15 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 FIBEROPTICS201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues8,069-------- ChargesforServices434,0461,593,7791,765,4571,620,0001,570,0001,470,000-9.3% Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous55,6741,413,697202,375------ ContributedCapital--------- OperatingTransfers--4,450,000220,000860,000350,00059.1% DebtProceeds11,765,9841,947,8911,003,262------ TOTALREVENUES12,263,773$4,955,367$7,421,094$1,840,000$2,430,000$1,820,000$-1.1% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices488,830$666,974$639,646$573,674$573,674$419,349$-26.9% Supplies1,267,507697,039106,881293,160293,160293,1600.0% OtherServices&Charges2,137,6092,428,7862,187,623912,6661,062,666894,727-2.0% CapitalOutlay4,215,41090,809-57,000507,000212,764273.3% DebtService1,814,7071,818,869938,053------ OperatingTransfers10,03210,032------- TOTALEXPENDITURES9,934,095$5,712,509$3,872,203$1,836,500$2,436,500$1,820,000$-0.9% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY1(4,897,175)$(2,567,497)$(3,324,639)$224,252$224,252$217,752$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures2,329,678(757,142)3,548,8913,500(6,500)- FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER31(2,567,497)$(3,324,639)$224,252$227,752$217,752$217,752$ Summary - 16 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 ITSERVICES201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes-$-$-$-$-$-$--- TaxIncrements--------- Franchise&OtherTaxes--------- Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues--------- ChargesforServices-----252,708--- Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous-----100--- ContributedCapital--------- OperatingTransfers----30,000---- DebtProceeds--------- TOTALREVENUES-$-$-$-$30,000$252,808$--- EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Supplies-----26,950--- OtherServices&Charges-----215,761--- CapitalOutlay-----10,000--- DebtService--------- OperatingTransfers--------- TOTALEXPENDITURES-$-$-$-$-$252,711$--- FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY1-$-$-$-$30,000$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures----30,00097 FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER31-$-$-$-$30,000$30,097$ Summary - 17 ProposedBudget 12/4/2013 CENTRALEQUIPMENTFUND201020112012201320132014% REVENUESACTUALACTUALACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED BUDGETCHANGE PropertyTaxes-$-$-$-$-$-$--- TaxIncrements--------- Franchise&OtherTaxes--------- Licenses&Permits--------- IntergovernmentalRevenues--------- ChargesforServices---79,85987,029128,33060.7% Fines&Forfeits--------- SpecialAssessments--------- Miscellaneous-----1,000--- ContributedCapital--------- OperatingTransfers----470,000---- DebtProceeds---500,000500,000--100.0% TOTALREVENUES-$-$-$579,859$1,057,029$129,330$-77.7% EXPENDITURES PersonnelServices-$-$-$-$-$-$--- Supplies--------- OtherServices&Charges----5,000---- CapitalOutlay---500,000160,000675,00035.0% DebtService----58,78866,120--- OperatingTransfers-----9,197--- TOTALEXPENDITURES-$-$-$500,000$223,788$750,317$50.1% FUNDBALANCE-JANUARY1-$-$-$-$833,241$ Excess(Deficiency)of RevenuesoverExpenditures---79,859833,241(620,987) FUNDBALANCE-DECEMBER31-$-$-$79,859$833,241$212,254$ Summary - 18 Capital Improvement Plan City of Monticello, Minnesota PROJECTS & FUNDING SOURCES BY DEPARTMENT 2014 2018thru Total20142015201620172018DepartmentProject#Priority Community Center MCC-13-001 35,00025,000 10,000Movable Walls 3 Community Center Fund 25,000 10,000 35,000 MCC-13-002 1,000,0001,000,000Splash Park 3 Community Center Fund 1,000,000 1,000,000 MCC-13-005 200,000100,000 100,000New Roofs 2 Community Center Fund 100,000 100,000 200,000 MCC-13-006 65,00065,000Parking Lot Improvements 2 Community Center Fund 65,000 65,000 MNC-13-006 45,00015,000 15,000 15,000Carpet3 Community Center Fund 15,000 15,000 15,000 45,000 MNC-13-007 10,00010,000Wood Floor - Mississippi Room 3 Community Center Fund 10,000 10,000 MNC-13-008 30,00030,000Reglaze Water Slide 2 Community Center Fund 30,000 30,000 MNC-13-009 50,00050,000Gym Floor Replacement 2 Community Center Fund 50,000 50,000 MNC-13-010 25,00015,000 10,000Vanity and Partition Replacement 3 Community Center Fund 15,000 10,000 25,000 MNC-13-013 50,00050,000Diamond Brite Pool Resurface 2 Community Center Fund 50,000 50,000 MNC-13-014 30,00010,000 20,000Mechanical Improvements 2 Community Center Fund 10,000 20,000 30,000 STE-13-013 126,00030,000 30,000 30,000 36,000Recreation Equipment 3 Community Center Fund 30,000 30,000 30,000 36,000 126,000 STE-13-014 3,0003,000Table Covers 3 Community Center Fund 3,000 3,000 STE-13-015 15,0005,000 5,000 5,000Tables3 Community Center Fund 5,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 STE-13-016 7,0003,000 4,000Patio Furniture 3 Community Center Fund 3,000 4,000 7,000 VEQ-13-045 12,00012,000Dishwasher2 Community Center Fund 12,000 12,000 VEQ-13-058 10,00010,000Diamond Brite/Spas 3 Community Center Fund 10,000 10,000 VEQ-13-059 40,00040,000Upgrade Indoor Play Structure 3 Community Center Fund 40,000 40,000 VEQ-13-060 65,00035,000 30,000Pool Toy 3 Community Center Fund 35,000 30,000 65,000 Page 1Produced Using the Plan-It Capital Planning Software Total20142015201620172018DepartmentProject#Priority 1,818,00095,000 218,000 1,200,000 164,000 141,000Community Center Total DMV - Deputy Registrar VEQ-13-047 20,00020,000DMV Vehicle 2 DMV Fund 20,000 20,000 20,00020,000DMV - Deputy Registrar Total Fire & Rescue FRD-13-001 250,000250,000Fire Station Addition 2 Capital Project Fund 250,000 250,000 FRD-13-002 3,000,0003,000,000New Fire Station 2 Capital Project Fund 3,000,000 3,000,000 STE-13-006 25,0005,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000SCBA Packs 2 General Fund 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 VEQ-13-006 1,000,0001,000,000Fire Ladder Truck 2 Capital Equipment Fund 1,000,000 1,000,000 VEQ-13-007 335,000335,000Fire Pumper Truck 2 Capital Equipment Fund 335,000 335,000 4,610,000340,000 255,000 5,000 1,005,000 3,005,000Fire & Rescue Total IT Services STE-13-001 69,60012,000 15,600 10,800 15,600 15,600Personal Computers 2 IT Services Fund 12,000 15,600 10,800 15,600 15,600 69,600 STE-13-002 4,0004,000Ledger Size Color Scanner 2 IT Services Fund 4,000 4,000 STE-13-003 6,0002,000 4,000Multi-server Component Upgrade 2 IT Services Fund 2,000 4,000 6,000 STE-13-004 8,0008,000Security Camera System 2 IT Services Fund 8,000 8,000 STE-13-005 15,0003,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000Laptops2 IT Services Fund 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 15,000 STE-13-007 49,00017,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000GIS Hardware and Software 2 IT Services Fund 17,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 49,000 STE-13-008 16,0003,600 2,800 3,000 3,200 3,400Pavement Management Software 2 IT Services Fund 3,600 2,800 3,000 3,200 3,400 16,000 167,60045,600 29,400 32,800 29,800 30,000IT Services Total Municipal Liquor LIQ-13-001 50,00050,000Counters and Checkout 2 Municipal Liquor Fund 50,000 50,000 LIQ-13-002 75,00075,000Parking Lot Improvements 2 Municipal Liquor Fund 75,000 75,000 LIQ-13-003 1,500,0001,500,000Liquor Store - #2 3 Municipal Liquor Fund 1,500,000 1,500,000 VEQ-13-046 25,00025,000Liquor Store Coolers 2 Municipal Liquor Fund 25,000 25,000 Page 2Produced Using the Plan-It Capital Planning Software Total20142015201620172018DepartmentProject#Priority 1,650,00050,000 75,000 25,000 1,500,000Municipal Liquor Total Public Works PWK-13-001 9,000,0009,000,000Public Works Facility 3 Capital Project Fund 9,000,000 9,000,000 PWK-13-002 200,000200,000PW Facility Land Acquisition 3 Capital Project Fund 200,000 200,000 STE-13-011 12,0005,000 7,000Generator2 General Fund 5,000 7,000 12,000 VEQ-13-010 12,50012,500Speed Trailer 2 Capital Equipment Fund 12,500 12,500 VEQ-13-013 65,00065,000One-Ton Truck 2 Capital Equipment Fund 65,000 65,000 VEQ-13-014 59,00027,000 32,000Truck - Pickup 4X4 2 Capital Equipment Fund 27,000 32,000 59,000 VEQ-13-015 130,000130,000Bucket Truck 2 Capital Equipment Fund 130,000 130,000 VEQ-13-016 120,000120,000Blacktop Paver 2 Capital Equipment Fund 120,000 120,000 VEQ-13-017 22,00022,000Blacktop Plainer 2 Capital Equipment Fund 22,000 22,000 VEQ-13-018 22,00022,000Router2 Capital Equipment Fund 22,000 22,000 VEQ-13-019 20,00020,000Concrete Saw 2 Capital Equipment Fund 20,000 20,000 VEQ-13-021 95,00095,000Backhoe2 Capital Equipment Fund 95,000 95,000 VEQ-13-022 220,000220,000Plow Truck 2 Capital Equipment Fund 220,000 220,000 VEQ-13-023 65,00065,000One-Ton Truck and Plow 2 Capital Equipment Fund 65,000 65,000 VEQ-13-024 260,000260,000Hook Dump Truck 2 Capital Equipment Fund 260,000 260,000 VEQ-13-025 141,100141,100Snow Go Snow Blower 2 Capital Equipment Fund 141,100 141,100 VEQ-13-026 65,00065,000Skid Steere Loader 2 Capital Equipment Fund 65,000 65,000 VEQ-13-027 30,00030,000Sign Lab System 2 Capital Equipment Fund 30,000 30,000 VEQ-13-028 20,00020,000Paver Trailer 2 Capital Equipment Fund 20,000 20,000 VEQ-13-029 20,00020,000Air Compressor 2 Capital Equipment Fund 20,000 20,000 VEQ-13-030 30,00030,000Blacktop Roller 2 Capital Equipment Fund 30,000 30,000 VEQ-14-001 220,000220,000Wheel Loader - 3 yd.3 Capital Equipment Fund 220,000 220,000 VEQ-14-002 175,000175,000Street Sweeper 3 Page 3Produced Using the Plan-It Capital Planning Software Total20142015201620172018DepartmentProject#Priority Capital Equipment Fund 175,000 175,000 VEQ-14-003 80,00080,000Blacktop Hot Box 3 Capital Equipment Fund 80,000 80,000 11,083,60064,000 783,100 677,000 84,500 9,475,000Public Works Total Recreation & Culture MNC-13-004 10,0005,000 5,000Cemetery Stone Restoration 3 Cemetery Fund 5,000 5,000 10,000 PAR-13-001 60,00060,000Hunters Crossing Park Development 3 Capital Project Fund 60,000 60,000 PAR-13-002 60,00060,000Featherstone Park Development 3 Capital Project Fund 60,000 60,000 PAR-13-003 10,00010,000Sunset Ponds Shelter 3 Capital Project Fund 10,000 10,000 PAR-13-004 80,00040,000 20,000 20,000Pioneer Park - Band Shell 3 Capital Project Fund 40,000 20,000 20,000 80,000 PAR-13-005 75,00065,000 10,000Playground Equipment 2 Capital Project Fund 10,000 10,000 Parks & Pathways Fund 65,000 65,000 PAR-13-006 17,50017,500Monti Hill Park Development 2 Parks & Pathways Fund 17,500 17,500 PAR-13-007 275,00050,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 50,000Pathway Improvemnents 2 Parks & Pathways Fund 50,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 275,000 PAR-13-008 743,000357,000 386,000Bertram Lakes Land Acquisition 2 Parks & Pathways Fund 357,000 386,000 743,000 PAR-13-010 25,0005,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000BCOL Improvements 3 Parks & Pathways Fund 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 25,000 PAR-13-011 10,0006,000 4,000Dugout Roofs - Xcel Ball Fields 3 General Fund 6,000 4,000 10,000 PAR-13-012 2,000,0002,000,000BCOL Ball Fields 3 Capital Project Fund 2,000,000 2,000,000 PAR-13-013 155,000155,000Ellison Park Log Shelter 3 Capital Project Fund 155,000 155,000 PAR-13-014 25,00025,000CSAH 75 Pathway Lighting 3 Street Lighting Fund 25,000 25,000 STE-13-012 3,0001,500 1,500Sod Cutter 2 General Fund 1,500 1,500 3,000 VEQ-13-031 20,00020,000Park Mowers 2 Capital Equipment Fund 20,000 20,000 VEQ-13-032 167,00022,000 65,000 80,000Trucks2 Capital Equipment Fund 22,000 65,000 80,000 167,000 VEQ-13-033 120,00060,000 60,000MT Trackless Sidewalk Machine 2 Capital Equipment Fund 60,000 60,000 120,000 VEQ-13-036 66,00066,000Bobcat Tool Cat 2 Capital Equipment Fund 66,000 66,000 VEQ-13-037 22,50022,500Cushman Truckster 2 Capital Equipment Fund 22,500 22,500 VEQ-13-038 35,00035,000Tractor2 Page 4Produced Using the Plan-It Capital Planning Software Total20142015201620172018DepartmentProject#Priority Capital Equipment Fund 35,000 35,000 VEQ-13-041 25,00012,500 12,500Toro Infield Pro 5040 2 Capital Equipment Fund 12,500 12,500 25,000 4,004,000505,500 919,500 369,000 155,000 2,055,000Recreation & Culture Total Stormwater\Drainage SWD-13-001 200,00040,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000Stormwater Pond Restoration 2 Stormwater Access Fund 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,000 SWD-13-002 1,000,0001,000,000Stormwater Liftstation (TH 25 Pond)2 Stormwater Access Fund 1,000,000 1,000,000 SWD-13-003 200,000100,000 100,000Storm Water Pond Lining 2 Stormwater Access Fund 100,000 100,000 200,000 SWD-13-004 250,00050,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000Boulevard Drainage Tile 2 Stormwater Access Fund 50,000 50,000 Street Construction Fund 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 1,650,00090,000 90,000 90,000 190,000 1,190,000Stormwater\Drainage Total Streets MNC-13-001 185,00025,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000City Street Signs 2 General Fund 25,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 185,000 MNC-14-001 875,000175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000Annual Chip Seal 2 General Fund 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 875,000 STR-13-001 500,000500,000School Blvd/Cedar Street Signal System 2 Capital Project Fund 500,000 500,000 STR-13-002 90,00090,000Parking Lot Reconstruction 3 Capital Project Fund 90,000 90,000 STR-13-003 80,00040,000 40,000Battery Backup - TH 25 Signal Systems 2 Capital Project Fund 20,000 20,000 State Aid 20,000 40,000 60,000 STR-13-004 950,000200,000 250,000 500,000Overlay Rural Outlying Streets 2 Capital Project Fund 200,000 250,000 500,000 950,000 STR-13-005 350,000350,000E 7th Street/Hwy 25 Intersection 3 State Aid 350,000 350,000 STR-13-006 6,000,0001,200,000 4,320,000 480,000Fallon Avenue Overpass 3 Debt Proceeds 1,200,000 4,320,000 480,000 6,000,000 STR-13-007 3,740,0003,550,000 190,000Street Reconstruction - Area 5 3 Capital Project Fund 3,550,000 190,000 3,740,000 STR-13-008 850,000850,000Street Reconstruction - Area 6 3 Capital Project Fund 850,000 850,000 STR-13-009 650,000650,000Street Reconstruction - Area 7B 2 Capital Project Fund 650,000 650,000 STR-13-010 500,00075,000 75,000 200,000 75,000 75,000Street Light Improvements 2 Street Lighting Fund 75,000 75,000 200,000 75,000 75,000 500,000 STR-13-014 2,246,000450,000 1,692,900 103,100TH 25/CSAH 75 Intersection Improvements 2 Capital Project Fund 450,000 450,000 Federal Aid 1,110,900 89,100 1,200,000 MN DOT CIMS 492,000 14,000 506,000 Wright County 90,000 90,000 Page 5Produced Using the Plan-It Capital Planning Software Total20142015201620172018DepartmentProject#Priority STR-13-015 200,000200,000Hillside Farms Street Improvements 2 Capital Project Fund 200,000 200,000 STR-13-016 63,50063,500Spirit Hills Townhouse Wear Course 2 Private Development 63,500 63,500 STR-14-001 125,000125,000TH 25/85th Street Signal 2 Capital Project Fund 125,000 125,000 STR-14-004 150,00050,000 50,000 50,000Signal Modification - FYA 2 Capital Project Fund 50,000 50,000 50,000 150,000 STR-14-005 50,00050,000Oakwood Sidewalk 3 Capital Project Fund 50,000 50,000 17,604,5002,328,500 7,467,900 5,538,100 1,330,000 940,000Streets Total Utility - Sewage UTS-13-001 1,250,000150,000 150,000 650,000 150,000 150,000Annnual Sewage Trunk Improvements 2 Sewage Fund 150,000 150,000 650,000 150,000 150,000 1,250,000 UTS-13-003 1,500,0001,500,000WWTP Influent Wetwell and Grit Chamber 2 Sewage Fund 1,500,000 1,500,000 VEQ-13-004 150,000150,000SCADA System - Sewage 2 Sewage Fund 150,000 150,000 VEQ-14-005 45,00045,000Network Operations PC 2 Sewage Fund 45,000 45,000 2,945,000300,000 195,000 2,150,000 150,000 150,000Utility - Sewage Total Utility - Water UTW-13-001 750,000150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000Annual Water System Improvements 3 Water Fund 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 750,000 UTW-13-004 126,000126,000Watermain - 90th Street to Chelsea 2 Water Fund 126,000 126,000 UTW-13-005 130,000130,000Booster Station Upgrade 2 Water Fund 130,000 130,000 VEQ-13-002 24,00024,000Truck - Regular Cab 4X4 Replacement 2 Water Fund 24,000 24,000 VEQ-13-003 150,000150,000SCADA System - Water 2 Water Fund 150,000 150,000 1,180,000300,000 174,000 276,000 280,000 150,000Utility - Water Total GRAND TOTAL 46,732,7004,118,600 10,226,900 10,362,900 3,388,300 18,636,000 Page 6Produced Using the Plan-It Capital Planning Software CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 1 10.ConsiderationofapprovinganAmendmenttotheOperatingAgreementExhibitfor theFourthAddendumtotheMemorandumofUnderstandingbetweenWright County,CityofMonticello,andYMCAofGreaterTwinCities,expandingtheuseof andhoursofCampManitousiteimprovements (AS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovalofanamendmenttotheOperating AgreementexhibitoftheFourthAddendumtotheMemorandumofUnderstandingfor theBertramChainofLakesRegionalParkproject. ApprovaloftheamendmentdocumentwouldallowtheYMCAtoexpandthehoursof operationforplannedCampManitoucapitalimprovementsatthepark,openingthose improvementstopublicuse.Publicusesandaccessibilityaredescribedindetailwithin theamendment. Inaddition,theproposedamendmentallowstheYMCAtoopencampimprovementsto theirmembersandcamppatronsbeyondthebasedaytimeCampManitouhoursand programusesasestablishedintheGroundLease.Theseusesarealsodescribedinthe amendment. OnNovember12th,2013,theCityCouncilapprovedtheFourthAddendumtothe MemorandumofUnderstanding,whichincludedtheOperatingAgreementasanexhibit. Theoperatingagreementoutlinesadecision-makingframeworkforYMCA-requested programsandimprovementsbeyondthoseinitiallyapprovedfortheYMCAdayCamp Manitou. Atthistime,theYMCAhasgonethroughthereviewprocessasdescribedinthe operatingagreementfortheproposeduseandhourexpansion.TheYMCAhassubmitted detailedplanswhichdescribehowtheproposedhouranduseexpansionremain consistentwiththeGuidingPrinciplesofthePark,andhowtheproposedhouranduse expansionmeetprescribedcriteriaasrequiredbytheoperatingagreement. TheParkUse&Programssub-committeeoftheBertramChainofLakesAdvisory Councilhashadanopportunitytoreviewtheamendmentandhasfoundthatthe expansionofusesandhoursasdescribedintheamendmenttobeacceptable.The MonticelloParksCommissionandthefullBertramChainofLakesAdvisoryCouncil willreviewtheamendmentdocumentonDecember6th.Assuch,theirrecommendation isnotavailableatthetimethisreportwasdrafted,butwillbepresentedtotheCouncilon December9th aspartofthereport’spresentation. TheYMCAhasrequestedthatthisamendmentbeconsideredaspartoftheOperating AgreementexhibittotheFourthAddendumtotheMOU,whichwillbeexecutedbyall partiespriortotheclosingforthePhaseIVacquisitiononDecember17th,2013.Assuch, CityCouncilAgenda:12/09/13 2 acompanionlegaldocumenttitled“AmendmentandAuthenticationofExhibits”isalso includedforapprovalaspartofthisconsideration. A1.BudgetImpact:None.Withthenotedexceptionofthetrailheadbuilding (whichwillbethesubjectoffuturediscussionandagreement),theYMCAwillbe constructingallcapitalimprovementsdescribedintheamendment. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Staffworkloadimpacthasincludedthereviewand analysisoftheproposedamendment,estimatedatapproximately6hours. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoapproveanamendmenttotheOperatingAgreementexhibitforthe FourthAddendumtotheMemorandumofUnderstandingbetweenWright County,CityofMonticello,andYMCAofGreaterTwinCities,expandingthe useofandhoursofCampManitousiteimprovements,andtoapprovethe companionAmendmentandAuthenticationofExhibits. 2.MotiontodenyanamendmenttotheOperatingAgreementexhibitfortheFourth AddendumtotheMemorandumofUnderstandingbetweenWrightCounty,City ofMonticello,andYMCAofGreaterTwinCities,expandingtheuseofandhours ofCampManitou,andtoapprovethecompanionAmendmentandAuthentication ofExhibits. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1.Theamendmentrepresentsthecontinuationofa mutuallybeneficialpartnershipbetweenthethreeparties. Iftheamendmentisapproved,theYMCAintendstobeginconstructionofthese improvementsin2014.Atthepresenttime,theCityandCountyarefocusedon acquisitionfundingandhavenotdeterminedatimelineorfinalfinancialplanfor developmentoftheregionalpark’scapitalimprovements.Assuch,theYMCA’s developmentoftheCampManitouimprovementsandthepublicaccessasproposed withintheamendmentwillcreateanimmediateopportunitytoexpandpublicuseand enjoymentofthepark.Atthesametime,theYMCAisabletooff-setthecostsofthe capitalimprovementsthroughgeneralpublicuserfees. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.FirstAddendumtotheOperatingAgreementfortheYMCACampManitouat BertramChainofLakesRegionalPark B.AmendmentandAuthenticationofExhibits C.OperatingAgreement,ExhibitBoftheFourthAddendumtotheMOU D.CampManitouSitePlan Page | 1 of 7 First Addendum to Operating Agreement for YMCA Camp Manitou at Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park THIS ADDENDUM is an amendment to the Operating Agreement for YMCA Camp Manitou at Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park made and executed ____________ by and between the City of Monticello (the “City”) and Wright County (the “County”) as landlord and the Young Men’s Christian Association of the Greater Twin Cities (“YMCA”) as tenant. Recitals: The Operating Agreement was established to accommodate the development and operation of the YMCA's Camp Manitou within the Regional Park in order to promote its continued operation and compatibility with the operation of the Regional Park. The Operating Agreement provides a framework for governance and decision making and describes parameters for the development and use of the Regional Park by the YMCA. In accordance with the framework of the Operating Agreement, the Parties agree to modify the Operating Agreement to allow the additional development and use of the Regional Park by the YMCA as described in this Addendum. Additions to Program and Use: The YMCA will expand the use of its assets as described in the Ground Lease, and located on the Premises and Additional Premises Exhibits to accommodate the programmatic uses of these assets outside those times described in the Ground Lease (Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. during the summer months) as Day Camp Manitou summer camp programs. The requested changes to the YMCA’s hours of operation and programs will provide an added value for the community, park visitors, YMCA members and their guests. The assets listed will be considered “existing” and are part of the initial development described in the Ground Lease. The use of the Regional Park by the YMCA will include: Adventure Course - Ropes Course, Zip Line, Climbing Tower: This facility will be staffed by trained and qualified YMCA employees or volunteers. These staff members will lead activities such as team building and recreational activities for groups and individuals. User groups could be, but not limited to; church groups, youth groups, adult corporate groups and families. A fee may be charged to the general public for the use of this facility and program. Because of the liability and technical nature of the activity, these activities will only be operated by trained YMCA staff but can be accessed by the general public for a fee. Hours of operation: Within established Park operation hours during the year. Aquatics Area - waterslide, pool, splash pad: The YMCA may determine to open the aquatics area for open swimming, waterslide and splash pad usage to the public and YMCA members during times not associated with Day Camp Manitou program. The YMCA may charge the general public a fee for this use. Page | 2 of 7 The YMCA does not plan to run formal programs outside of regular Camp Manitou hours. Because of the liability and technical nature of the activity, these activities will only be operated by trained YMCA staff. Hours of operation: Late spring to early fall when the day camp is not in operation; Expected hours of operating during the summer would be within the hours of 4:00 p.m. to sunset Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to sunset on Saturday and Sunday. Rainy Day Shelter/Activity Building – program supplies, indoor program space: The building would be used as indoor space to support other activities as well as host events like birthday parties, family reunions, or be operated as an indoor program space for park visitors. The Landlord may reserve this building from the YMCA for a fee. Reservations will be coordinated through the YMCA. The YMCA will be responsible for scheduling and maintenance of the facility. Hours of operation: Within established Park operation hours during the year Program Supplies – Canoes, Kayaks, Paddle Boards, Cross Country Skis, Snowshoes: Program supplies will be made available to YMCA members and groups. Program supplies would be secured in a way that users would check out equipment for independent use. State and park safety standards must be met. Hours of operation: Year round depending on the activity, i.e. lake activities during the summer, skiing and snow shoeing during the winter months; within established Park operation hours during the year. Play Field: The playfield located in the YMCA Ground Lease area will be available for general use or can be reserved by the Landlord through the YMCA. Because of the YMCA is responsible for the maintenance of this area, the YMCA will guide its use. Incidental use by park visitors is acceptable; however, use by organized city or park events or reserved use needs to be approved by the YMCA. Hours of operation: Within established Park operation hours during the year. Amphitheater: The amphitheater located within the Premises area will be available for general and incidental use by the public. Scheduling of this facility will be coordinated by the YMCA. The Landlord may reserve this facility free of charge from the YMCA and shall have the right to charge a fee provided the Landlord assumes all responsibility for the use including routine maintenance activities and any damages to the facilities. A pre and post event inspection shall be performed by Landlord. The Landlord does not take responsibility for general repairs or improvements. Hours of operation: Within established Park operation hours during the year Page | 3 of 7 Arts and Crafts Pavilion: The Arts and Crafts Pavilion located within the Premises area will be available for general and incidental use by the public. Scheduling of this facility will be coordinated by the YMCA. The Landlord may reserve the open air portion of this facility free of charge from the YMCA and shall have the right to charge a fee providing the Landlord assumes all responsibility the use including routine maintenance activities and any damages to the facilities. A pre and post event inspection shall be performed by Landlord. The Landlord does not take responsibility for general repairs or improvements. The locked program supply storage space is the exclusive use of the YMCA. Hours of operation: Within established Park operation hours during the year Nature Pavilion: The Nature Pavilion located within the Premises area will be available for general and incidental use by the public,. Scheduling of this facility will be coordinated by the YMCA. The Landlord may reserve this facility free of charge from the YMCA and shall have the right to charge a fee providing the Landlord assumes all responsibility for the use including routine maintenance activities and any damages to the facilities. A pre and post event inspection shall be performed by Landlord. The Landlord does not take responsibility for general repairs or improvements Hours of operation: Within established Park operation hours during the year Trailhead Building: This building will be program space available to for rental groups as well as programed activities like environmental education and school/church groups participating in outdoor activities like cross country skiing and snow shoeing. The building will be set up like an interpretive center at times and may be open for park visitors. At this time we are uncertain how the building will be programmed, how it will be financed, owned and maintained. This will be negotiated prior to making the capital investment. The trailhead basement will be designed as a storm shelter and will be available if needed for summer day campers and staff to take shelter during weather that poses a risk. Hours of operation: Within established Park operation hours throughout the year and/or by reservation outside of normal park hours, as permitted by the Parks Administrator Once per week Parent Nights for Day Camp programming: During the summer, the parents of the summer day campers are invited to camp and may attend a “Family Night”. The events will take place in the amphitheater from 7:00PM to Sunset. Typically Family Nights have been on Thursdays. Page | 4 of 7 This is a great opportunity for families to visit the park, see what amenities are available and to meet their child’s councilor. This may be a great opportunity for park staff to promote other activities offered at the camp grounds and other recreational areas in the County. Hours of operations: Typically Thursdays, 5:00PM to Sunset The Guiding Principles of the Operating Agreement provide the basis for the Parties approval of this Addendum as follows: The Parties expect that, during the Term, the Camp Manitou program and facilities will change and evolve to meet the needs of current camp patrons. These anticipated changes in the program and facilities will be done by the YMCA in conformance with the standards and provisions of this Operating Agreement and upon the prior recommendation of the Park Advisory Council, and approval of the City Council and County Board. o Create outdoor recreation experiences for all in a fun/safe environment. Outdoor recreation refers to leisure pursuits which are engaged in the outdoors particularly in a natural or semi-natural environment. All activities fit this Guiding Principle. These activities will encourage additional participation for families, members of the community, and YMCA members and guests. o Provide activities and improvements that are responsive to changing camp and camp patron expectations and which are competitive in the outdoor recreation regional market. All activities fit this Guiding Principle. o Provide activities and improvements that add educational, recreational and conservation value to the park experience, which can be safely shared by YMCA camp patrons and the public. All activities fit this Guiding Principle. o Provide improvements and activities that can be used exclusively by the YMCA camp patrons during camp hours and made available to the public at other times for a fee, as agreed upon. No new facilities will be built. The Amphitheater and Nature Pavilion will be available for park visitors’ use if not reserved for other programs by the YMCA or Park. o Provide activities and improvements for exclusive use of the YMCA. Planned program activities like the ropes course and team building will require exclusive use of areas as described above. Page | 5 of 7 Some areas will be reserved for exclusive use; an example would be the Nature Pavilion could be reserved for shelter for a team building group or the Amphitheater for the camp program during Family Nights. o The design intent for the property is to locate active improvements and activities on the north side of Bertram Lake near the Regional Park RV camping area and City athletic fields, while keeping the balance of the park more natural. This is not a request for new facilities not already described in the Ground Lease. The assets that will be constructed in this first phase of development fit this Guiding Principle. o Opportunities for collaboration and partnership between the YMCA, the City of Monticello, and Wright County will be considered in order to improve efforts to plan, maintain, protect and restore resources. Many of these activities will attract park users and members of the local community, such as access to the pool and splash pad, local school groups participating in team building events and use of the ropes course. o Improvements shall be made within “The Premises” as described in the Lease and Lease exhibits, however the YMCA may request making improvements within other areas on the Property. No improvements are being requested with this amendment. The Criteria for Improvements and Additional or Replacement Activities of the Operating Agreement are satisfied as follows: In the consideration of the eventual requests for changes to, deletion of or addition to improvements or modifications of the Camp Manitou Program, the criteria described in Section 2 of the Operating Agreement shall be applied. Requests which demonstrate that they meet the direction stated in these criteria shall be allowed pursuant to the process described in Section 6 of the Operating Agreement. 1. Safety for Users. Improvements and activities shall be designed to be safe for camp patrons and the public. All activities will follow park rules and will be supervised by YMCA staff. At no time will activities be opened to the public without YMCA guidance or supervision. 2. Staffing and Security. Activities must be adequately staffed when operating and secured when not in use. Activities will be adequately staffed to maintain a safe environment. When activities are not in use, they will be safely secured using reasonable attempts to discourage use outside of program hours. 3. Noise and Operating Hours. Noise levels and operating hours must meet levels acceptable for the types of activity and appropriate for the community and the location within the park, and consistent with park ordinances and hours. Page | 6 of 7 Planned activities will maintain a typical noise level expected for that particular activity, such as camp songs may be heard from the amphitheater, cheering may be heard when a child has a successful experience on the high ropes course. 4. Traffic. Vehicle and traffic volumes and patterns need to be considered when adding activities and improvements. Traffic design standards shall be consistent with generally accepted park planning and engineering guidelines. Planned activities will utilize the parking lot within the Premises. For large events, additional parking will be requested and coordinated with other park activities. If the use has a higher traffic or parking demand than expected attributed to the YMCA’s programming, alterations or use limits will need to be addressed and an acceptable solution found as related to the terms within the Operating Agreement. 5. Maintenance. Provisions and responsibility for maintenance of improvements and activities shall be described and included in plans, consistent with the life expectancy of the facility. No new facilities are being requested. The maintenance of all existing assets are covered in the Ground Lease. 6. Resources. The natural resource base will be protected and enhanced during the construction and after improvement development. This shall include protecting native plant species, removal where feasible and control of invasive species in impacted areas and shall include restoration of native plant communities. No new facilities are being requested. The natural resource base is addressed for these existing assets in the Ground Lease. 7. Guiding Principles. Planning, placement and development of the improvements and activities shall be consistent with the intent of the Guiding Principles. Guiding Principles for these activities are addressed above. Page | 7 of 7 In witness whereof this First Addendum to the Operating Agreement is executed by the parties as follows: Dated: ________________________ COUNTY OF WRIGHT _______________________________ Chairperson, County Board _______________________________ County Coordinator Dated: _________________________ CITY OF MONTICELLO _______________________________ Mayor ________________________________ City Administrator Dated: _________________________ YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE GREATER TWIN CITIES __________________________________ Glen Gunderson, President and Chief Executive Officer __________________________________ Gregory W. Waibel, Chief Financial Officer AmendmentandAuthenticationofExhibits ThisAgreementismadeandexecutedthis_________dayofDecember2013amongTHECITY OFMONTICELLO,THECOUNTYOFWRIGHT,andTHEYOUNGMEN’SCHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONOFTHEGREATERTWINCITIES,hereinaftercollectivelyreferredtothe “Parties.” RECITALS ThisAgreementismadeforthepurposeofauthenticatingthattheattacheddocumentsare incorporatedintoandpartoftheFourthAddendumtoMemorandumofUnderstandingbetween theCountyofWright,theCityofMonticello,andYoungMen’sChristianAssociationofthe GreaterTwinCitiesre:YMCA/BertramLakeRegionalParkProject(the“FourthMOU”). TheFourthMOUhavingbeenpreviouslyapprovedbythePartiesprovidesfortheincorporation byreferenceofanoperatingagreementtobeattachedasExhibitB,howevertheOperating AgreementdidnotcontaintheFirstAddendumatthetimeofapprovaloftheFourthMOU.The OperatingAgreementhavingbeenpreviouslyapproved,andtheFirstAddendumtheretonow havingalsobeenapproved,thePartiesintendthatthesamebeincorporatedintotheFourth MOU. AGREEMENT Nowtherefore,thePartiesagreethattheOperatingAgreementattachedtothisAgreement,as wellastheFirstAddendumtosaidOperatingAgreementshallconstituteandcomprisethe ExhibitBtotheFourthMOUasiftheyhadbothbeenoriginallyattachedatthetimetheFourth MOUwasoriginallyexecuted. Dated:________________________COUNTYOFWRIGHT _______________________________ Chairperson,CountyBoard _______________________________ CountyCoordinator Dated:_________________________CITYOFMONTICELLO _______________________________ Mayor ________________________________ CityAdministrator Dated:_________________________YOUNGMEN’SCHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONOFTHEGREATER TWINCITIES __________________________________ GlenGunderson,PresidentandChief ExecutiveOfficer __________________________________ GregoryW.Waibel,ChiefFinancialOfficer EXHIBIT B OF THE 4TH ADDENDUM TO THE MOU OPERATING AGREEMENT FOR YMCA CAMP MANITOU AT BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK This agreement is made effective _______, 2013 by and between the Young Men’s Christian Association of the Greater Twin Cities, a Minnesota corporation (“YMCA”) and the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the “City”) and the County of Wright, a Minnesota political subdivision (the “County”). RECITALS: A.The YMCA has conveyed to the City and the County certain real property (the “Property”) located in Wright County, Minnesota which property is the site of the YMCA’s Camp Manitou program and facilities. As a result of the conveyance, the Property is being developed by the City and the County into the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park (the “Regional Park”) and the YMCA Camp Manitou facility is to be relocated within the Regional Park. B.The foregoing described conveyance is part of a series of transactions between the parties to this agreement as more specifically described in that certain Memorandum of Understanding dated December 15, 2008 and addenda thereto. C.For purposes of locating the YMCA Camp Manitou Facility within the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, the Parties have executed a ground lease dated _________ (the “Lease”) which provides a 99 year location for the operation of the YMCA’s Camp Manitou programs at certain premises (the “Premises”) as described in the Lease. The Lease governs the occupancy and use of the Premises, provides for the current YMCA Camp Manitou core programming and the initial development of the relocated Camp Manitou facilities and defers the management of the day to day relationship between the Regional Park and Camp Manitou to this Operating Agreement. D.This Operating Agreement is intended to accommodate the development and operation of the YMCA’s Camp Manitou within the Regional Park in order to promote its continued operation and compatibility with the operation of the Regional Park by providing a framework for governance and decision-making. The Operating Agreement is intended to supplement but not supersede the Lease. E.It is expected that this Operating Agreement will be modified from time to time to reflect then current circumstances of the Regional Park and its patrons and programming, as well 2 as the YMCA and its camp patrons and programming. All such modifications shall be attached hereto as amendments. F.Definitions as specified within the Lease dated __________ are herein incorporated by reference. Now, therefore, in consideration of mutual promises herein made, the transactions described herein and other good and valuable consideration, the parties to this agreement, the YMCA, County and City, agree as follows: 1.Guiding Principles:The Parties expect that, during the Term of the Lease, the Camp Manitou program and facilities will change and evolve to meet the needs of current camp patrons. These anticipated changes in the program and facilities will be done by the YMCA in conformance with the standards and provisions of this Operating Agreement and upon the prior recommendation of the Park Advisory Council, and approval of the City Council and County Board. The approval will be obtained as described in Section 3 of this Operating Agreement. Nothing in this Operating Agreement limits the YMCA from requesting improvements to the Property outside the Premises, nor does it create any obligation by the City or County to undertake the requested improvements to the Property. The operation and governance of the relationship between the YMCA and the City and County will be guided by the following core values and principles which are intended to provide standards for decisions made by the Parties relating to development and operation of the YMCA Camp Manitou within the Regional Park: o Create outdoor recreation experiences for all in a fun/safe environment. Outdoor recreation refers to leisure pursuits which are engaged in the outdoors particularly in a natural or semi-natural environment. o Provide activities and improvements which are responsive to changing camp and camp patron expectations and which are competitive in the regional outdoor recreation market. o Provide activities and improvements which add educational, recreational and conservation value to the park experience, which can be safely shared by YMCA camp patrons and the public. o Provide improvements and activities which can be used exclusively by YMCA camp patrons during camp hours and made available to the public at other times for a fee, as agreed upon. o Provide activities and improvements for exclusive use of the YMCA. o The design intent for the property is to locate active improvements and activities on the north side of Bertram Lake, while keeping the balance of the park more natural. o Opportunities for collaboration and partnership between the YMCA, the City of Monticello, and Wright County will be considered in order to improve efforts to plan, maintain, protect and restore resources. o Improvements shall be made within “The Premises” as described in the Lease and Lease exhibits unless otherwise specifically approved. 3 2.Criteria for Improvements and Additional or Replacement Activities:In the consideration of the eventual requests for changes to, deletion of, or addition to the Camp Manitou program or improvements, the criteria described in this Section 2 shall be applied. Requests which demonstrate that they meet the direction stated in these criteria shall be allowed pursuant to the process described in Section 3 of this document. 2.1.Safety for Users. Improvements and activities shall be designed to be safe for camp patrons and the public. 2.2.Staffing and Security. Activities must be adequately staffed when operating and secured when not in use. 2.3.Noise and Operating Hours. Noise levels and operating hours must meet levels acceptable for the types of activity and appropriate for the community and the location within the park, and consistent with park ordinances and hours. 2.4.Traffic. Vehicle and traffic volumes and patterns need to be considered when adding activities and improvements. Traffic design standards shall be consistent with generally accepted park planning and engineering guidelines. 2.5.Maintenance.Provisions and responsibility for maintenance of improvements and activities shall be described and included in plans, consistent with the life expectancy of the facility. 2.6.Resources.The natural resource base will be protected and enhanced during the construction and after improvement development. This shall include protecting native plant species, removal where feasible, and control of invasive species in impacted areas and shall include restoration of native plant communities. 2.7.Guiding Principles. Planning, placement and development of the improvements and activities shall be consistent with the intent of the Guiding Principles. 3.Camp Manitou Development: The YMCA agrees to develop, operate, control and maintain the leased Premises as a YMCA camp with related facilities used by the YMCA camp patrons during camp operating hours, which are initially during the Summer months as described in the lease agreement, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm and are available for public use as described in this Operating Agreement. It is the expectation that there will be certain portions of the Premises not available to the public, certain portions of the Premises that will be open to the public with limitations, and other portions of the Premises that will be open to public use without limitation. 3.1.Site Use plan. The YMCA has prepared the attached site use plan, attached as Exhibit A, which depicts the use of the Premises the location of planned improvements. This Site Use Plan identifies areas of the Premises intended for exclusive use by YMCA and its patrons and those areas intended to be available to 4 the public. 3.2.Site Plan and Program Revisions. The Camp Manitou Site Plan or program may be revised from time to time by the YMCA. Any such revision shall be submitted for recommendation to the Park Advisory Council and to the City and County as described for approval as described herein. Approved modifications to the Site Plan or program shall be attached to this Agreement as an addendum. 3.3.Building Plans-New Construction. The YMCA shall provide plans and specifications for all buildings and other improvements to be constructed on the Premises to the Regional Park staff. 3.4.Utility plans. The YMCA shall provide plans and specifications for all utilities planned to be installed at the Premises. Such utility plans shall also identify proposed shared use and expansion capacity. 3.5.Inspection. All construction shall meet all applicable building codes and be inspected as required by law. In addition, the City and County will inspect construction and will not unnecessarily delay the progress of the work. 3.6.Bonding. Construction shall not require any bond surety or other security, unless constructions costs are shared by the parties, for which all applicable public processes shall be followed. 3.7.Schedule. The YMCA shall provide a construction schedule and make a good faith effort to obtain compliance with the schedule by its contractors. 3.8.Commencement. Construction shall commence as scheduled, however the YMCA shall provide a notification to the City and the County at least 15 days preceding any construction. 3.9.Completion. All work shall be timely completed. 3.10.Remodeling or Removal of Improvements. Any proposed alteration to constructed improvements at the Premises shall be undertaken with consultation between the YMCA and the City and County to assure it is accomplished without undue interference with use of the Regional Park. A detailed plan for any such remodeling or removal shall be provided by the YMCA to the City and County at least 30 days in advance of any such work. This does not apply to replacement or repair or maintenance. 4.Use of Regional Park Facilities in YMCA Programs:The initial scope of use for the Camp Manitou Program will be as authorized in the Lease. More specifically, the Camp Manitou Program will include, but not be limited to, the components described in the Lease. In connection with the Camp Manitou Program, the YMCA and camp patrons may use the public 5 areas of the Regional Park, without interfering with the public enjoyment. Any public facilities requiring reservation are subject to the Regional Park’s reservation procedures and applicable fees to be paid by the YMCA for use. 5.Park Management: The City and County through their respective Council and Board of Commissioners may delegate the operation of the Regional Park to a management board. In that event, the Management Board will include an ex-officio (non-voting) representative of the YMCA. Notwithstanding such delegation, the City and County shall retain the ultimate responsibility for the Regional Park and the relationship with the YMCA. 5.1.Appeal to City Council and County Board. Any decisions made by such a management board shall be subject to review by and appeal to the County Board and City Council. The YMCA may obtain review of any action or determination by submitting a letter request to the City and County within 20 days of such action or determination. The City Council or County Board shall consider the matter at its next meeting, no more than 30 days following the notice from the YMCA. 6.Approval Process. When modifications of the Site Use Plan or the YMCA Camp Manitou program activities subject to approval under this Agreement is sought, the following process will apply: 6.1.Pre-application.Staff of the YMCA and the County and City shall meet to discuss modification planning prior to plan development and application. 6.2.Application. The YMCA will prepare all proposals for improvements or additional activities in writing. The proposal will include a description of the improvement or additional activity, concept plans if appropriate, maintenance plans and criteria for continued operation. 6.3.Preliminary Review. The YMCA will confer with the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Advisory Council, or its successor, to ensure the proposal meets the Guiding Principles and Criteria. The Advisory Council will provide a written report summarizing their findings on the appropriateness of the improvement or addition based on the Guiding Principles and Criteria. The report will be provided to the YMCA and the City and County. 6.4.City and County Review. The YMCA will submit the written Proposal as amended from meetings with the Advisory Council, or its successor, to the City Council and County Board of Commissioners, or its delegate. 6.5.Notice of Decision. The City and County will notify the YMCA within 60 days of their determination. 6 6.6.Zoning and Permitting Approvals. If approved, the YMCA will follow the appropriate process for zoning and permitting. Improvements and additions are subject to the required processes for zoning and permitting. 6.7.Appeal of Delegated Decision. In the event of a dispute with the Advisory Council or its successor, the YMCA will have the option to appeal the decision to the City Council and County Board. 7.Shared Use of Facilities: Certain of the facilities developed by the YMCA are intended to be made available for use by the general public outside camp hours. These areas are those which can be utilized without disruption of YMCA Programs, its camp patrons and activities. 7.1.Passive Use by General Public. Access to the Pavilion and Amphitheater will be available to Regional Park users in accordance with Park rules except in the Summer months as described in the Lease agreement, during the hours of 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. 7.2.Locked Areas. Except for the Pavilion and Amphitheater, the improvements on the Premises may be locked and not available for use by the public. The Pavilion and Amphitheatre may be reserved for private events through the City and County, provided that any such use will comply with Regional Park rules and standards. No private events shall be scheduled unless the City and County have both obtained Comprehensive General Liability insurance as described in this Section 8. 7.3.Fees. Concession fees may be charged for public access and use of facilities, but not to exceed market rates for similar services and facilities within the region. 7.4.Operational Control during Public Use. The City and County shall develop appropriate rules and regulations limiting the access to and use of the Premises by Regional Park patrons and the general public consistent with the Lease and this Agreement. All public occupancy shall conform to the approved rules for use of the Premises. 7.5.Temporary Closures. The City and County may temporarily close certain areas of the property, outside the Premises, to public use for the purposes of establishing or protecting significant native populations of plants or animals, or to address hazards. The City and County will provide notification of the temporary closure. 7.6.Insurance and Indemnity for Public Use. The City and County shall each indemnify the YMCA from any and all liability for public use of the Premises. The City and the County each shall provide Comprehensive General Liability insurance 7 coverage naming the YMCA as an additional insured. This insurance shall provide the same policy limits and coverage as the insurance obtained by the YMCA from time to time. The YMCA shall defend and indemnify the City and County from any and all liability for its and its guests or invitees use of the Premises, The YMCA shall provide Comprehensive General Liability insurance coverage naming the City and County as an additional insured. This insurance shall provide the same policy limits and coverage at the insurance obtained by the City and County Upon renewal but in any event prior to April 1 of each calendar year the Parties shall provide to each of the other parties, certificates of coverage documenting the insurance held by each. 8.Essential Services: 8.1.Gate access without fees shall be available to the YMCA and its invitees using the Day Camp Manitou Programs. The current hours are 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, during the summer months as described in the Lease agreement. Organized groups using the YMCA Premises only will not be charged gate fees. 8.2.Road maintenance service shall be provided by the City and County as specified in the Lease. Maintenance service for parking areas serving the YMCA Day Camp Manitou shall be provided by the YMCA. 8.3.Electric Utilities shall be separately metered for the Premises. 8.4.YMCA contractors and vendors shall have access to the Premises at all reasonable times without payment of any gate fees. 9.Maintenance and Repair: With respect to the facilities on the Premises, the expenses of day to day maintenance and repair shall be paid by the YMCA. 10.Inspection and Entry: In exercising the rights of entry pursuant to the Lease, the City and County shall notify the YMCA at least 24 hours prior to entry and state the purpose for such entry. In the event the YMCA determines that such entry would be disruptive to its programs, it shall advise of an alternative entry opportunity which shall not unreasonably interfere with the purpose of the entry notice. 8 11.Enforcement: This Agreement may be enforced in any court of law through the right of specific performance. 12.Dispute Resolution: In the event a dispute relating to this Operating Agreement, neither the City, the County, nor the YMCA may bring any action in a court of law unless the claimant shall have first attempted to resolve the dispute through arbitration or mediation. 13.Signage: The Camp Manitou signage plan for the Regional Park shall include off site directional signs, on-site and on-Premise directional signs and a monument sign for the Premises. The signage plan is subject to the approval of the Park Advisory Council and costs for signage shall be equitably apportioned. The signage plan shall meet the minimum parameters described in this Section 14. o Off-site directional signs or sign language for Camp Manitou shall be included on all signs on local or County Roads for the Regional Park as allowed by current regulations. o Internal circulation signs shall provide direction from entry to the Premises. o There shall be a monument sign erected on the Premises within the Buffer Area identifying the Premises and the YMCA Camp Manitou. The sign shall conform to applicable County and City requirements. This sign shall be designed, constructed and maintained at the sole cost and responsibility of the YMCA. 14.Term: This Operating Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until the termination of the Lease between the YMCA and the City and County. 15.Amendments: it is expected and anticipated that this Agreement will be amended from time to time. No amendment shall be effective unless it is in writing and executed by all Parties. Amendments shall be memorialized in Addenda and attached to this Agreement. 16.General Provisions: 17.1 Compliance with Laws: The parties shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations. 17.2 Notices and Communication: Any Notice required or permitted under this Operating Agreement shall be in writing or electronic form; in each case properly addressed as follows: If to Landlord: County of Wright ATTN: Parks Administrator Wright County Parks Department 1901 Highway 25 North Buffalo, MN 55313 9 If to Landlord: City of Monticello ATTN: City Administrator 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 If to Tenant: Young Men’s Christian Association of the Twin Cities 30 South Ninth Street Minneapolis, MN 55401 Attn: Vice President of Finance Facsimile: 612-371-8716 With a copy to: Gregory E. Korstad Larkin Hoffman Daly & Lindgren Ltd. 1500 Wells Fargo Plaza 7900 Xerxes Avenue South Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55431 Facsimile: 612-896-3333 Either party may change its address for the service of Notice by giving Notice of such change ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such change. 17.3 No Third Party Beneficiaries. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to create any right or obligation to any third party. No third party, including but not limited to, park users or YMCA guests, shall be entitled to seek enforcement of the terms of this agreement. In witness whereof this Shared Use Agreement is executed by the parties as follows: Dated: ________________________ COUNTY OF WRIGHT _______________________________ Chairperson, County Board _______________________________ County Coordinator Dated: _________________________ CITY OF MONTICELLO _______________________________ Mayor ________________________________ City Administrator 10 Dated: _________________________ YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE GREATER TWIN CITIES __________________________________ Glen Gunderson, CEO and President __________________________________ Gregory W. Waibel, Chief Financial Officer Exhibit A - the "Site Use Plan" YMCA Camp Manitou Development Plan Exhibit to the Operating Agreement Bl d g . # Da y C a m p B u i l d i n g I n v e n t o r y C o m m e n t s D e s c r i p t i o n o f A s s e t s 1 T r a i l h e a d b u i l d i n g - F U T U R E D E V E L O P M E N T (C o u n t y P a r k s h a r e d u s e ) S u m m e r s t o r m s h e l t e r W i n t e r i z e d b u i l d i n g f o r t r a i l h e a d c r o s s c o u n t r y s k i i n g . Su m m e r o f f i c e a n d w e l c o m e b u i l d i n g . F a l l w i n t e r sp r i n g a c t i v i t i e s b u i l d i n g w i t h w a l k o u t b a s e m e n t a c t s as s t o r m s h e l t e r a n d r a i n y d a y p r o g r a m s p a c e i n t h e su m m e r , s k i i n g i n t h e w i n t e r Th e d e t a i l s o f h o w t h i s b u i l d i n g w i l l b e f u n d e d , de s i g n e d a n d u s e d i s s t i l l i n n e g o t i a t i o n s a n d t h e r e wi l l l i k e l y n o t b e a n a g r e e m e n t b e t w e e n b o t h p a r t i e s by t h e s i g n i n g o f t h e L e a s e A g r e e m e n t . 2 R a i n y D a y P a v i l i o n ( p o l e b a r n w / l a r g e d o o r s ) - ac t i v i t y b u i l d i n g ( o f f i c e / i n f i r m a r y ) On c o l d d a y s o r d r i v i n g r a i ns , a p a v i l i o n p r o v i d e s pr o t e c t i o n a n d w i l l b e u s e d t h r o u g h o u t e a c h d a y a s th e b a s e o f c a m p o p e r a t i o n s . Po l e b a r n c o n s t r u c t i o n w i t h a n i n s u l a t e d s t a n d i n g me t a l s e a m r o o f 3 A r t s a n d C r a f t s b u i l d i n g / s h e l t e r Th i s b u i l d i n g i s s i z e d t o a l s o b e a r a i n y d a y p r o g r a m sp a c e w i t h s e c u r e d s t o r a g e . Th e m i d d l e t h i r d o f t h i s p a v i l i o n w i l l b e f r a m e d a n d si d e d t o s e c u r e a r t s a n d c r a f t s s u p p l i e s . 7 N a t u r e P a v i l i o n Op e n a i r p a v i l i o n w i t h p i c n i c t a b l e s f o r g r o u p s , st o r a g e a n d p o t e n t i a l p r o g r a m s p a c e f o r n a t u r e st u d i e s a n d p r o g r a m s u p p l i e s . P a v i l i o n a v a i l a b l e o n ev e n i n g s a n d w e e k e n d s f o r p a r k v i s i t o r s Op e n a i r p a v i l i o n w i t h s t i c k f r a m e d p r o g r a m s p a c e ne x t t o t h e p a v i l i o n c o u l d b e e n c l o s e d t o b e u s e d a s lo c a t i o n f o r s t o r a g e a n d n a t u r e d i s p l a y s . 14 S t o r a g e G a r a g e ( n o n - p r o g r a m a r e a ) 24 ' x 3 2 ' a p p r o x . Tw o c a r g a r a g e f o r g e n e r a l s t o r a g e f o r g e n e r a l s i t e ma i n t e n a n c e a s w e l l a s a d u m p s t e r e n c l o s u r e Ty p i c a l s t i c k f r a m e d g a r a g e s i m i l a r i n s i z e t o a t w o ca r g a r a g e w i t h a d d i t i o n a l s p a c e f o r s t o r a g e a n d a wo r k b e n c h . Da y C a m p P r o g r a m A r e a s C o m m e n t s ? 2 G a G a P i t s (l o c a t i o n t o b e d e t e r m i n e d ) Lo c a t i o n t o b e d e t e r m i n e d i n t h e a r e a o f m a i n c a m p - pl a y e d l i k e d o d g e b a l l 16 ' c o r a l w i t h 3 ' w a l l s - p l a y e d l i k e d o d g e b a l l 10 S p l a s h P l a s h P a d a n d P o o l w i t h s l i d e ( s ) w i t h su p p o r t b u i l d i n g a n d c h a n g e c a b i n s . T h e P o o l ma y b e i n a b u i l d i n g f o r s e c u r i t y . Sp l a s h P a d w i l l b e a w a t e r r e c r e a t i o n a r e a w i t h n o st a n d i n g w a t e r , f o u n t a i n s a n d s p r a y f e a t u r e s . T h e r e wi l l b e a p o o l w i t h a d e e p e r p l u n g e p o o l a n d w a t e r sl i d e ( s ) . Th e w a t e r f e a t u r e w i l l b e d e s i g n e d f o r y o u n g e r k i d s wi t h n o " s t a n d i n g w a t e r " , a n d a p o o l w i t h a wa t e r s l i d e . T h e p o o l m a y b e b u i l t i n a b u i l d i n g t o ke e p i t s e c u r e w h e n n o t i n u s e a n d t e m p e r e d f o r us e i n t h e f a l l a n d s p r i n g . ? T r e e t o p Z i p L i n e p r o g r a m (l o c a t i o n ( s ) t o b e d e t e r m i n e d ) Th i s i s a g r o u p t e a m b u i l d i n g a c t i v i t y o r c a n b e u s e d wi t h s m a l l g r o u p s o r i n d i v i d u a l s a s a r e c r e a t i o n a l ac t i v i t y . Th e s t r u c t u r e s , o b s t a c l e s a n d o t h e r i t e m s n e e d e d fo r t h i s p r o g r a m a r e a s i m p l e w o o d s t r u c t u r e s u s i n g ut i l i t y p o l e s , p l a t f o r m s , r o p e s a n d c a b l e s . De v e l o p m e n t o f t h e s e a r e a s w i l l b e o n g o i n g . 21 R o p e s C o u r s e , C l i m b i n g T o w e r a n d L o w T e a m Bu i l d i n g I n i t i a t i v e C o u r s e (l o c a t i o n ( s ) t o b e d e t e r m i n e d ) Th e s e a r e t e a m b u i l d i n g i n i t i a t i v e s f a c i l i t a t e d b y YM C A s t a f f d e s i g n e d t o e n c o u r a g e t e a m w o r k a n d co m m u n i c a t i o n s b e t w e e n p a r t i c i p a n t s Th e s t r u c t u r e s , o b s t a c l e s a n d o t h e r i t e m s n e e d e d fo r t h i s p r o g r a m a r e a s i m p l e w o o d s t r u c t u r e s u s i n g ut i l i t y p o l e s , p l a t f o r m s , r o p e s a n d c a b l e s . De v e l o p m e n t o f t h e s e a r e a s w i l l b e o n g o i n g . Pr i n t e d 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 1 3 4 A m p h i t h e a t e r Ho l d s f u l l c a m p a n d p a r e n t s . U s e d f o r o p e n i n g , cl o s i n g a n d f a m i l y n i g h t s - w o o d b e n c h e s a n d a f r e e st a n d i n g d e c k ; H o l d s s t a f f , c a m p e r s a n d p a r e n t s Si m i l a r i n s i z e t o t h e e x i s t i n g a m p h i t h e a t e r w i t h wo o d b e n c h e s a n d a f r e e s t a n d i n g d e c k ; c a p a c i t y ap p r o x . 4 0 0 t o 5 0 0 c a m p e r s a n d p a r e n t s 12 C a n o e i n g w / s t o r a g e r a c k s a n d d o c k - L o c a t e d o n L o n g L a k e , w e s t e r n s h o r e Ex i s t i n g a r e a - m i n o r u p g r a d e s f o r s t o r a g e a n d se c u r i t y n e e d e d Lo c a t e d o n t h e w e s t e r n s h o r e o f L o n g L a k e . Ex c l u s i v e u s e o f e q u i p m e n t i n a s h a r e d l a n d i n g . Se c u r e d s t o r a g e w i l l b e n e c e s s a r y 5 2 A r c h e r y R a n g e s w / l o c k e d s t o r a g e In c l u d e s n e w t a r g e t s t a n d s , c l e a r i n g t r e e s , f e n c i n g an d s i m p l e s h a d e s t r u c t u r e s . T h i s a r e a w i l l n o t b e de s i g n e d t o b e u s e d b y t h e g e n e r a l p u b l i c . T h e di s t a n c e t o t h e t a r g e t i s t o o s h o r t f o r a d u l t a r c h e r y . Si m p l e a r c h e r y r a n g e s f o r y o u t h , n e t t i n g b e h i n d ta r g e t s t o c a t c h a r r o w s . S h a d s t r u c t u r e s o v e r pa r t i c i p a n t s i f s h a d s t r u c t u r e s a r e n e c e s s a r y 13 C h a n g e C a b i n s a n d b a t h r o o m s a t t h e b e a c h - F U T U R E D E V E L P O M E N T (C o u n t y P a r k s h a r e d u s e ) Sh a r e d u s e b a t h r o o m s a n d c h a n g e c a b i n b u i l d i n g lo c a t e d b y B e r t r a m B e a c h . T h e c h a n g e a r e a u s e d b y ca m p w i l l b e d e s i g n s o t h e y c a n n o t b e a c c e s s e d b y th e p u b l i c Th i s b u i l d i n g w i l l b e b u i l t a s p a r t o f a Y M C A / P a r k pa r t n e r s h i p . I t i s a n t i c i p a t e d t h a t s u p p o r t f a c i l i t i e s wi l l b e n e e d e d p r i o r t o o p e n i n g t h e b e a c h t o t h e pu b l i c . 13 S w i m m i n g A r e a (C o u n t y P a r k s h a r e d u s e ) Cu r r e n t b e a c h i s a p p r o x . 1 2 5 f e e t a n d w i l l n e e d t o b e ex p a n d e d t o 2 0 0 f e e t w i t h 5 0 f e e t r e s e r v e d m - f f o r YM C A p r o g r a m m i n g . C o s t i n c u d e s s h a r i n g c o s t o f be a c h c o n s t r u c t i o n , n e w d o ck s an d p o r t a b l e g u a r d st a n d s . It i s u n d e r s t o o d t h a t t h e b e a c h w i l l n e e d t o b e ex p a n d e d t o a c c o m m o d a t e b o t h t h e Y M C A a n d pu b l i c s w i m m e r s . T h e c o u n t y a n d t h e Y M C A w i l l sh a r e t h e c o s t o f e x p a n d i n g t h e b e a c h t o a s i z e d ag r e e d u p o n b y b o t h p a r t i e s . 9 P l a y F i e l d - a r e a m a y i n c l u d e a n o p e n a i r p a v i l i o n in t h e f u t u r e . Ar e a i s g e n e r a l l y f l a t . S o m e s o i l c o r r e c t i o n s a n d gr a d i n g f o r d r a i n a g e w i l l b e n e c e s s a r y . If a p a v i l i o n i s b u i l t i n t h e f u t u r e , i t w i l l b e a n o p e n pa v i l i o n , s l a b o n g r a d e . ? W e e B a c k p a c k e r P l a y F i e l d ( y o u n g e r c a m p e r s ) Po s s i b l e l o c a t i o n n e x t t o S p l a s h P a d p l a y f e a t u r e fo r y o u n g e r c a m p e r s Ar e a i s g e n e r a l l y f l a t . S o m e s o i l c o r r e c t i o n s a n d gr a d i n g f o r d r a i n a g e w i l l b e n e c e s s a r y . Op e n f i e l d f o r s m a l l g r o u p g a m e s ? F i s h i n g D o c k (l o c a t i o n T B D ) - F U T U R E D E V E L O P M E N T (C o u n t y P a r k s h a r e d u s e ) Sh o u l d b e c o n s t r u c t e d b y t h e C o u n t y P a r k a n d w i l l be s h a r e d b y t h e p u b l i c a n d c a m p e r s M - F d a y c a m p pr o g r a m To b e c o n s t r u c t e d a s p a r t o f t h e Y M C A / P a r k pa r t n e r s h i p Mi s c e l l a n e o u s F a c i l i t y I n f r as t r u c t u r e C o m m e n t s ? P a t h s t h r o u g h o u t c a m p (l o c a t e d t h r o u g h o u t t h e p a r k a n d c a m p a r e a ) Cl a s s 5 , g r a d i n g a n d s t e p s . S o m e p a t h s a r e e x i s t i n g . P a t h s i n s i d e t h e P r e m i s e s w i l l b e m a i n t a i n e d b y t h e YM C A . P a t h s o u t s i d e t h e P r e m i s e s w i l l b e ma i n t a i n e d b y t h e P a r k 6 G r o u p C a m p S i t e s ( 1 4 t o 1 8 ) In c l u d e s c l e a r i n g t r e e s , a p i c n i c t a b l e a n d f i r e p i t . So m e o f t h e e x i s t i n g s i t e s w i l l b e r e l o c a t e d t o n e w si t e . 8 P a r k i n g l o t a n d r o a d c o n f i g u r a t i o n t o a c c e s s ca m p - c o n s t r u c t e d a s n e e d e d (C o u n t y P a r k s h a r e d u s e ) Pl a n n e d p a r k i n g f o r 4 - 8 b u s s e s a n d 2 0 - 3 0 c a r s f o r st a f f a n d v i s i t o r s ( 2 d e s i g n a t e d H C p a r k i n g s p a c e s ) Pa r k i n g n e e d s a r e c u r r e n t m e t u s i n g e x i s t i n g p a r k i n g ar e a s l o c a t e d o n p a r c e l # 8 Pr i n t e d 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 1 3 15 E x i s t i n g a c c e s s r o a d Th e e x i s t i n g a c c e s s r o a d w i l l b e u s e d d u r i n g t h e in t e r i m p e r i o d o f t i m e s t a r t i n g i n 2 0 1 4 u n t i l t h e n e w pe r m a n e n t p a r k r o a d i s c o n s t r u c t e d 16 N e w p a r k r o a d s a c c e s s t h e b e a c h a r e a a n d ca m p g r o u n d s t o t h e e a s t Th e s e r o a d s w o u l d b e c o n s t r u c t e d b y t h e Ci t y / C o u n t y a t a l a t e r d a t e 17 T e m p o r a r y a c c e s s d r i v e f r o m t h e e x i s t i n g c a m p ro a d t o t h e n e w p a r k i n g l o t A t e m p o r a r y c o n n e c t i o n w i l l b e m a d e f r o m t h e ex i s t i n g a c c e s s r o a d . T h i s a c c e s s r o a d w i l l b e re m o v e d b y t h e C o u n t y / C i t y w i t h t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f th e n e w r o a d . Th e c u r r e n t r o a d w i l l b e m a i n t a i n e d o n l y t o a p o i n t o f be i n g p a s s a b l e t o m a k e i t e a s i e r t o a b a n d o n w h e n t h e co u n t y i n s t a l l s t h e m a i n p a r k r o a d t h a t w i l l r u n p a s t t h e YM C A ' s p a r k i n g l o t c u t t i n g o v e r t h e t e m p o r a r y a c c e s s dr i v e t h a t i s b e i n g c r e a t e d i n t h i s e a r l i e r p h a s e . 18 W e l l - l o c a t i o n n o t y e t d e t e r m i n e d Th e w e l l f o r f r e s h w a t e r w i l l b e l o c a t e d i n t h e pr o x i m i t y o f t h e t r a i l h e a d b u i l d i n g a n d p o o l a r e a . Th e Y M C A w i l l i n s t a l l t h e w e l l f o r i t s e x c l u s i v e u s e . I f in t h e f u t u r e , i t i s d e t e r m i n e d t h e w e l l c o u l d b e n e f i t bo t h p a r t i e s , t h e c o u n t y w i l l p a y b a c k t o t h e Y M C A a n am o u n t e q u i v a l e n t t o t h e c o u n t i e s p r o j e c t e d u s e . 19 S e p t i c S y s t e m t o s u p p o r t t r a i l h e a d b u i l d i n g ba t h r o o m s a n d s p l a s h p a d / p o o l - P o s s i b l y d e v e l o p e d i n p h a s e s , a s n e e d e d (C o u n t y P a r k s h a r e d u s e i f p r a c t i c a l b u t n o t r e q u i r e d ) Th e l o c a t i o n w i l l b e d e t e r m i n e d b a s e d o n b o t h t h e YM C A a n d C o u n t y P a r k n e e d s . I t w i l l b e d e s i g n e d t o be e x p a n d e d a s t h e n e e d s o f t h e Y M C A a n d C o u n t y Pa r k c h a n g e . Bo t h p a r t i e s r e c o g n i z e t h a t i t m a y n o t b e p r a c t i c a l t o sh a r e t h e s e p t i c s y s t e m . T h e Y M C A w i l l e x c l u s i v e l y co n s t r u c t a n d m a i n t a i n t h e s e p t i c s y s t e m u n t i l s u c h ti m e i s d e t e r m i n e d i f i t i s p r a c t i c a l t o s h a r e t h e s y s t e m wi t h t h e p a r k d e v e l o p m e n t . Si g n s Ge n e r a l W a y F i n d i n g D i r e c t i o n a l S i g n s De s i g n e d t o m a t c h o t h e r C o u n t y P a r k s i g n s , l o c a t e d as n e e d e d t o d i r e c t g u e s t t o t h e c a m p o f f i c e . Te m p o r a r y s i g n s w i l l b e u s e d w h e n n e e d e d b u t o n l y du r i n g t h e t i m e o f c a m p o p e r a t i o n . At l e a s t o n e t e m p o r a r y s i g n w i l l b e s e t a t B r i a r w o o d a t th e s t a r t a n d e n d o f e a c h d a y t o d i r e c t p a r e n t p i c k u p an d d r o p - o f f f a m i l i e s t o t u r n a t t h e p a r k e n t r a n c e . 20 M a i n E n t r a n c e C a m p S i g n Th i s s i g n w o u l d b e l o c a t e d n e x t t o t h e Y M C A p a r k i n g lo t a n d w i l l i n c l u d e Y M C A b r a n d i n g c o l o r s a n d l o g o Th e s i z e a n d d e s i g n o f t h e s i g n w o u l d m e e t t h e s i g n sp e c i f i c a t i o n s d e s c r i b e d i n t h e L e a s e A g r e e m e n t Ru l e s ( w a t e r f r o n t a n d b o a t i n g a r e a s ) Mi s c e l l a n e o u s r u l e s i g n s w i l l b e n e c e s s a r y a t de s i g n a t e d a r e a s . T h e s e r u l e s w i l l b e s p e c i f i c t o YM C A c a m p p r o g r a m s a n d r e q u i r e d b y A C A . Th e A m e r i c a n C a m p i n g A s s o c i a t i o n ( A C A ) r e q u i r e s th a t r u l e s i g n s a r e p o s t e d i n a r e a s l i k e b o a t i n g , sw i m m i n g b e a c h e s , a r c h e r y , e t c . Po s t e d s i g n s a t " p u b l i c " a c c e s s p o i n t s So m e a r e a s n e e d t o b e d e s i g n a t e d f o r s u m m e r ca m p e r u s e o n l y t o p r o t e c t t h e c h i l d r e n f r o m un w a n t e d i n t e r a c t i o n w i t h t h e p u b l i c . Ex a m p l e s w o u l d b e , b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o , a c c e s s p o i n t s to t h e L e a s e d a r e a t o k e e p t h e g e n e r a l p u b l i c o u t du r i n g t i m e s o f e x c l u s i v e u s e . S i g n s c o u l d b e se a s o n a l . Pr i n t e d 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 1 3 Pr e m i s e s i s d e s c r i b e d i n E x h i b i t C - L e g a l D i s c r i p t i o n Sh a r e d c o s t s w i l l b e n e g o t i a t e d p r i o r t o t h e s t a r t o f t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h o s e b u i l d i n g s a n d u t i l i t i e s t h a t a r e s h a r e d b e t w e e n th e C o u n t y / C i t y a n d Y M C A . I n t h e e v e n t t h e C o u n t y P a r k i s n o t r e a d y t o s t a r t i n v e s t i n g a t t h e t i m e o f c o n s t r u c t i o n , a L a t e Co m e r s A g r e e m e n t w i l l b e r e a c h e d t o a l l o w p a y m e n t a t a l a t e r d a t e p r i o r t o a c c e s s t o s h a r e d s p a c e o r u t i l i t y . Ca m p w i l l p e r i o d i c a l l y p l a n a f a m i l y n i g h t w h e r e t h e c a m p e r s w i l l s t a y a t c a m p p a s t 5 : 0 0 a n d w o u l d b e m e t b y t h e i r pa r e n t s a r r i v i n g b e t w e e n 5 : 3 0 a n d 6 : 3 0 w i t h a p r o g r a m p l a n n e d i n t h e a m p h i t h e a t e r a t 7 : 0 0 , e n d i n g a t 8 : 0 0 . C a m p e r s , w i t h th e i r p a r e n t s w o u l d b e l e a v i n g t h e p a r k b e f o r e d u s k . T h u r s d a y n i g h t h a s t y p i c a l l y b e e n a " P a r e n t N i g h t " . No t e s a n d A s s u m p t i o n s : Th e d a s h e d l i n e i n d i c a t e s t h e d e s i g n a t e d b u f f e r b e t w e e n t h e t r a i l a n d a r e a a v a i l a b l e t o b e d e v e l o p e d b y t h e Y M C A a s de s c r i b e d i n t h e g r o u n d l e a s e . T h e b u f f e r i s 3 5 f e e t f r o m t h e t r a i l s b o a r d i n g t h e L e a s e d a r e a . So m e a r e a s o f c a m p w i l l b e d e s i g n e d t o b e u s e d a n d p r o g r a m m e d b y t h e Y M C A o n a y e a r r o u n d b a s i s . A r e a s l i k e t h e Te a m B u i l d i n g C o u r s e , H i g h Z i p L i n e , A q u a t i c P l a y A r e a a n d T r a i l h e a d b u i l d i n g c a n b e a c c e s s b y t h e p u b l i c , c a m p e r s a n d YM C A f o r a u s e r s f e e t h a t w i l l b e d e t e r m i n e d b y t h e Y M C A . T h e s e a r e a s w i l l b e a d d r e s s e d i n t h e o p e r a t i o n a l a g r e e m e n t . Ty p i c a l d a y c a m p e r g r o u p s i z e i s 1 3 c a m p e r s p l u s on e o r t w o s t a f f . P r o g r a m a r e a s l i k e b o a t i n g / c a n o e i n g , s w i m m i n g , hi k i n g , e t c . t h a t m a y h a p p e n o u t s i d e t h e Y M C A l e a s e d p r o p e r t y m a y b e m a d e u p o f m u l t i p l e c a m p e r g r o u p s Ca p a c i t y o f c a m p i s c u r r e n t l y 2 0 0 - 2 5 0 p e r d a y . W e a r e p l a n n i n g f o r a m a x i m u m c a m p e r c a p a c i t y o f 3 0 0 c a m p e r s p l u s ne c e s s a r y c a m p s t a f f . Pr i n t e d 1 1 / 3 / 2 0 1 3 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 14 17 19 18 20 21 13 12 5 6 Exhibit B -the "Premises or Land" YMCA Camp Manitou DevelopmentPlan