City Council Agenda Packet 10-28-2013AGENDA REGULAR MEETING – MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 28, 2013 – 7 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approval of Minutes – October 14, 2013 Regular Meeting 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements, and updates a. Citizen Comments: b. Public Service Announcements: 1) 2013 Industry of the Year – Suburban Manufacturing 2) Indoor Farmer’s Market 3) Leaf Pick-up (11/2) c. Updates: 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving payment of bills for October 28th B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle conducted by the Monticello Chamber of Commerce for their Annual Banquet D. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 1 for the Sludge Dewatering Facility for Phase 1 of the Waste Water Treatment Facility Biosolids Dewatering, Energy Efficiency, Headworks and Site Improvements, City Project No. 12C003 E. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2013-089 delegating authority to pay certain claims to the position of Finance Director F. Consideration of approving funding for development of a new website for FiberNet G. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2013-090 approving preliminary and final plat and developer’s agreement for Monticello Business Center Seventh Addition and approving a Conditional Use Permit for cross access and parking for a retail commercial use in a B-4 (Regional Business) District. Applicant: ALDI, Inc. H. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2013-091 approving an assessment and waiver of hearing and easement agreement for part of SE ¼ in Section 15 of Monticello Township (PID 213-100-151400) for School Boulevard West Extension, City Project No. 2005-02C Applicant: Ocello, LLC 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting Resolution #2013-092 approving an assessment roll for delinquent accounts receivable to be certified for 2014 payable tax year 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting Resolution #2013-093 approving an assessment roll for delinquent utilities to be certified for 2014 payable tax year 9. Consideration of approving the annual Snow Plowing/Removal Policy for the 2013-2014 snow season 10. Added items 11. Adjournment City Council Minutes – October 14, 2013 Page 1 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING – MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 14, 2013 – 7 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Clint Herbst, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 2A. Approval of Minutes – September 23, 2013 Special Meeting BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE SEPTEMBER 23, 2013 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 2B. Approval of Minutes – September 23, 2013 Regular Meeting BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE SEPTEMBER 23, 2013 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES AS PRESENTED. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 2C. Approval of Minutes – September 30, 2013 Special Meeting GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ACCEPT THE SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES WITH A CORRECTION. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. (Correction is pending based on review by the meeting recorder.) 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda No items were added to the agenda at this time. 4. Citizen comments, public service announcements a. Citizen Comments: None b. Public Service Announcements: 1) Great River Trail Ribbon-cutting Ceremony (10/17) – Shibani Bisson said the city is excited to announce the grand opening and ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Great River Trails and Trailhead. It will be held on the site of the trailhead at the entrance to Montissippi Park at 10 a.m. on October 17th. The public is invited. Project partners include MN City Council Minutes – October 14, 2013 Page 2 Department of Natural Resources, Advanced Disposal, Wright County, Land of Lakes Choirboys, Federal Highway Administration, MN Department of Transportation, and Xcel Energy. 2) MCC Halloween Kiddie Parade (10/26) – Kitty Baltos announced the upcoming Halloween Kiddie Parade on October 26th at 10 a.m. at the parking lot at West 3rd and Walnut streets. The parade ends at the community center where there will be trick and treating, activities, and KRWC roadshow until noon. 3) MCC Spooky Skate - Tom Perrault reminded the public that there is a Spooky Skate coming up at the Ice Arena. (takes place Sunday, October 27th from 12 to 2 p.m.) 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of approving payment of bills for October 14th. Recommendation: Approve payment of bill and purchase card registers for a total of $1,461,100.03. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments. Recommendation: Ratify new hires and terminations for Liquor Store, FiberNet, and MCC. C. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2013-084 accepting a donation from the Monticello Times for sponsorship of the Industry of the Year event. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2013-084 accepting a donation of $250 from the Monticello Times for the IEDC Industry of the Year banquet. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2013-085 accepting work and authorizing final payment to Knife River Corporation for the 2012 Rural Road Improvements, City Project No. 12C001. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2013-085 accepting work and authorizing final payment of $34,303.91 to Knife River Corporation for the 2012 Rural Road Improvements, City Project No. 12C001, contingent on receipt of appropriate documentation. E. Consideration of approving a Conditional Use Permit for detached major accessory structure. Applicant: Charles Walters. Recommendation: Approve a conditional use permit to allow attached and detached garages exceeding 1,200 sq ft, based on the findings in Planning Commission Resolution #2013-081 and contingent on conditions listed below.  The garages will be used solely for the parking of residential vehicles, or the storage of materials and equipment accessory to the principal residential use of the property and no commercial or home-occupation use will be conducted in said accessory buildings. City Council Minutes – October 14, 2013 Page 3  The detached garage will be constructed of materials that match and/or are complementary to those used for the principal building.  The applicant shall comply with all other site requirements of the Wild and Scenic Recreational River Overlay District.  The applicant shall comply with all drainage and erosion control measures necessary to ensure protection of the area during construction. F. Consideration of approving a Conditional Use Permit for detached major accessory structure. Applicant: Karl Eiden. Recommendation: Approve a conditional use permit for major accessory structure, based on findings in Planning Commission Resolution #2013-079 and contingent on conditions listed below.  The use of the accessory structure shall be to directly serve the principal use and must comply with ordinance requirements pertaining to private garages.  The proposed detached structure shall match the existing principal structure roofline and building materials.  Issues related to grading and drainage shall be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. G. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2013-088 calling for a public hearing for a modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF District No. 1-6. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2013-088 calling for a public hearing on November 25, 2013 to consider a modification to the Tax Increment Financing Plan for Tax Increment District No. 1-6. H. Consideration of rescinding Council action adopting Ordinance #583 in regard to the zoning map amendment for Lot 1, Block 2, Riverview Square. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. I. Consideration of approving submission of a letter in support of the I-94 West Corridor Coalition’s request for inclusion of an I-94 expansion project in the Corridors of Commerce program. Recommendation: Approve submission of a letter in support of the I-94 West Corridor Coalition’s request for inclusion of an I-94 expansion project in the Corridors of Commerce program. J. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2013-086 providing for the issuance and sale of approximately $3,000,000 in General Obligation Wastewater Treatment Bonds, Series 2013B. Recommendation: Adopt Resolution #2013-086 providing for the issuance and sale of approximately $3,000,000 in General Obligation Wastewater Treatment Bonds, Series 2013B. K. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2013-087 providing feedback for Wright County in updating their Construction Cost-Sharing Policy. THIS ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. L. Consideration of approving Pond #5 maintenance repair at the I-94/CSAH 18 Interchange. Recommendation: Approve maintenance repairs for Pond #5 at the City Council Minutes – October 14, 2013 Page 4 I-94/CSAH 18 Interchange in an amount up to $10,000, subject to the following contingencies:  WSB to contribute past and current design fees at no cost to the City.  WSB to contribute one-third of the new repair costs. M. Consideration of releasing partial funds for payment to Ebert Construction and Wold Architects for work on MCC Natatorium Improvements, City Project No. 11C006. Recommendation: Approve partial payment to Ebert Construction in the amount of $20,338.77 and Wold Architects in the amount of $7,307.76 for work completed on the MCC Natatorium Improvements, City Project No. 11C006. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH REMOVAL OF ITEMS H AND K. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 5H. Consideration of rescinding Council action adopting Ordinance #583 in regard to the zoning map amendment for Lot 1, Block 2, Riverview Square Clint Herbst questioned whether Northwest Associated Consultants was getting paid for both preparing and redoing the agenda item. Angela Schumann said she would look over the invoice. Jeff O’Neill explained that staff was involved with preparation of the original council agenda report and some modifications that were made. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO RESCIND COUNCIL ACTION ADOPTING ORDINANCE NO. 583, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE LAND USE PLAN FOR THE AREA REMAINS “PLACES TO SHOP” AND THAT A REZONING TO RESIDENTIAL WOULD BE INCONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; AND DIRECTED STAFF TO REVIEW NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INVOICE FOR WORK ON THIS. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. 5K. Consideration of adopting Resolution #2013-087 providing feedback for Wright County in updating their Construction Cost-Sharing Policy Tom Perrault removed this from consent because he had adjustments to make to the resolution. He would like to strike #7 from the resolution, which asks the county board to consider utilizing a wheelage tax for funding road improvements. Tom Perrault does not support that clause and noted the County Board already discussed that and turned it down. Clint Herbst concurred with removal of that line item. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION #2013-087 PROVIDING FEEDBACK FOR WRIGHT COUNTY’S COST-SHARING POLICY UPDATE WITH REMOVAL OF LINE ITEM #7. LLOYD HILGART SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. City Council Minutes – October 14, 2013 Page 5 7. Update on use of commuter parking lot by semi-trailer trucks Jeff O’Neill explained that this item was brought to Council because there appears to be an increase in truck parking at the commuter lot. There have not been any specific problems with violations of the parking restrictions, just a lot more trucks using the lot. Jeff O’Neill went through a list of observations regarding truck parking at the commuter lot. Tom Moores pointed out some of the truck usage that had been documented recently. Jeff O’Neill asked Council to consider whether there should be any direction given to staff. Brian Stumpf stated that he felt that the commuter lot is a good place for truck parking, particularly on weekends when other commuters are not parked there. He did not think there was a problem with visibility caused by truck parking. Clint Herbst stated that it might be possible to move trucks to one end of the parking lot as shown on the drawing. Brian Stumpf felt that is probably not too easy to maneuver in and out of the lot at that point. Tom Moores explained that area is actually owned by Muller Theatre and was used temporarily for truck parking during the Rotary tasting event. Clint Herbst would support giving first priority for parking to trucks that originate from Monticello. Brian Stumpf stated that it might be wise to stripe an area of the parking lot with longer stripes for truck parking if there is an interest to keep trucks directed to a certain area. Clint Herbst felt the southwest portion of the lot might be the best area for truck parking. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED FOR ALTERNATIVE #2 TO LEAVE PARKING AS IS AT THE COMMUTER PARKING LOT AT THIS TIME. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Clint Herbst suggested that no action be taken at this time but asked Council members and staff to keep a watch on the truck parking in that area. 8. Added items  Article in West Sherburne Tribune on Big Lake Township meeting – Bret Weiss presented information on an article that was printed in the West Sherburne Tribune paper following a meeting that he attended with Big Lake township officials regarding a second river crossing. The article commented that the township officials felt they had been left out of the process for discussion of a future river crossing. Bret Weiss said that the discussion actually went very well and he was able to address most of their concerns. Bret Weiss summarized by City Council Minutes – October 14, 2013 Page 6 saying that eventually a decision will need to be made on placement of a second river crossing and this will need to involve various entities, including Sherburne County and Big Lake Township. Bret Weiss noted that he will be setting a meeting with Big Lake City in the near future.  Tom Perrault congratulated Tim Hennagir, editor of the Monticello Times, for 25 years in the newspaper business. 9. Adjournment GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:29 P.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman ____ Approved: Attest: __________________________ City Administrator CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 1 5A.ConsiderationofapprovingpaymentofbillregistersforOctober28th (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Citystaffsubmitstheattachedbillregistersandpurchasingcardregistersforapprovalby Council.Thebillregisterscontainallinvoicesprocessedandthepurchasingcard registerscontainallcardpurchasesmadesincethelastCouncilmeeting.SubjecttoMN Statutes,mostinvoicesrequireCouncilapprovalpriortoreleasingchecksforpayment. ThedayfollowingCouncilapproval,paymentswillbereleasedunlessdirected otherwise.AcreditpurchasingagreementandpolicywasapprovedbyCouncilinitially andcardpurchasesmustcomplywiththepolicy. IfCouncilhasnoquestionsorcommentsonthebillandpurchasecardregisters,thesecan beapprovedwiththeconsentagenda.Ifrequested,thisitemcanberemovedfrom consentanddiscussedpriortomakingamotionforapproval. A1.BudgetImpact:None A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Noadditionalworkrequired B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethebillandpurchasecardregistersforatotalamountof $871,274.56. 2.MotiontoapprovetheregisterswithchangesdirectedbyCouncil. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1or#2,perdirectionofCouncil. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Billregisters PurchaseCardregisters CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/2013 1 5B.ConsiderationofapprovingnewhiresanddeparturesforCitydepartments (TE) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCouncilisaskedtoratifythehiringanddeparturesofemployeesthathaveoccurred recentlyinthedepartmentslisted.ItisrecommendedthattheCouncilofficiallyratifythe hiring/departureofalllistedemployeesincludingpart-timeandseasonalworkers. A1.BudgetImpact:(positionsaregenerallyincludedinbudget) A2.StaffWorkLoadImpact:Ifnewpositions,theremaybesometraining involved.Ifterminatedpositions,existingstaffwouldpickupthosehours,as needed,untilreplaced. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoratifythehire/departuresoftheemployeesasidentifiedontheattached list. 2.Motiontodenytherecommendedhiresanddepartures. C.RECOMMENDATION: BystatutetheCityCouncilhastheauthoritytoapproveallhires/departures.Citystaff recommendsAlternative#1,fortheCounciltoapprovethehiresand/ordeparturesas listed. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Listofnew/terminatedemployees Name Title Department Hire Date Class Ceili Ternes Certified Fitness Instructor MCC 10/9 PT Aaron Bethke Seasonal Parks Worker Parks 10/15 Seasonal Erin Rhonemus Lifeguard MCC 10/16 PT Steven Jundt Slide Attendant MCC 10/24 PT Name Reason Department Last Day Class Randy Haberman Voluntary MCC 10/13 FT Aaron Larson Voluntary Streets 9/27 Seasonal Nicole Brown Voluntary MCC 6/13 PT Amanda Erlandson Voluntary MCC 9/24 PT NEW EMPLOYEES TERMINATING EMPLOYEES New Hire and Terms City Council 2013: 10/22/2013 CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 1 5C.Considerationofapprovinganapplicationforatemporarycharitablegambling permitforaraffleconductedbytheMonticelloChamberofCommercefortheir AnnualBanquet (CS) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheMonticelloChamberhasappliedforatemporarycharitablegamblingpermitfora raffletobeheldonThursday,December6,2013inconjunctionwiththeirAnnual BanquetattheMonticelloCommunityCenter. ToreceiveapermitfromtheState,theCitymustapprovetheapplication.Inthepastthe Cityhasnotopposedtheseexemptgamblinglicenseapplicationsforcharitableevents. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Approvetheapplicationforacharitablegamblingpermitforaraffletobe conductedbytheMonticelloChamberofCommerceattheCommunityCenteron December6,2013. 2.Donotapprovetheapplicationforacharitablegamblingpermit. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: StaffsupportsAlternative#1andisnotawareofanyreasonwhythisapplicationshould notbeapproved. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: ApplicationforExemptGamblingPermit–MonticelloChamberofCommerce CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 1 5D.ConsiderationofapprovingChangeOrderNo.1fortheSludgeDewateringFacility forPhase1oftheWasteWaterTreatmentFacilityBiosolidsDewatering,Energy Efficiency,HeadworksandSiteImprovements,CityProjectNo.12C003 (WSB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoconsiderapprovingChangeOrderNo.1fortheSludge DewateringFacility,CityProjectNo.12C003.Thesludgedewateringfacilitywas awardedattheMay28,2013CityCouncilmeetingtoMunicipalBuilders,Inc. Aswayofbackground,thesludgedewateringfacilityisthebuildingtohousethescrew press,whichdewatersthesludge,andtoprovidetheelectrical,mechanical,and instrumentationsystemsnecessarytooperatethescrewpress.Thesludgedewatering facilitywillallowtheCitytolandfillourbiosolidsproduct,increaseefficiencyand capacityofbiosolidsdewateringoperations,andallowforthesaleofthebiosolidsfarm propertysothatitcanbeusedforotherpurposes.Thisprocessisthefirststeptowarda classAprocessthatwouldallowtheproducttobesoldorusedasacommercialfertilizer. Anumberofitemscameupduringthecourseofconstructionthatneededimmediate resolutiontokeeptheprojectonscheduleandtoavoiddelayclaimsbythecontractor. Somechangeswerenecessarybecauseoftheunexpectedpoorconditionofexisting pipingthatwasintendedtobere-usedandhadtobereplaced.Otherchangesweremade toimprovethefunctionalityofthefinalproject,matchtrimtreatmentsattheplant,or werenecessaryduetothetypeofequipmentbeingfurnished.Finally,somechanges weremadetoreducethecostoftheprojectwhileprovidingtheintendedproduct.These changeswerediscussedatconstructionprogressmeetingsandwererecommendedbythe formerPublicWorksDirectorandtheWasteWaterTreatmentPlantOperator.Atotalof 15itemsareincludedinChangeOrderNo.1assummarizedbelow: ItemNo.DescriptionProjectCostChange 1Furnish12-inchroofplankinsteadof16-inchroofplank a12-inchprecastroofplankwasavailable;itwasoriginally identifiedthat16-inchwastheminimumthicknessavailable ($1,000.00) 2Furnishalternativestairwaygrating alessexpensivestairwayandplatformgratingwasavailable andapprovedbythearchitect ($3,000.00) 3Addepoxytodowelsintoexistingtankwalls neededforadditionalstructuralstrength $1,820.79 4Replacedigesterpipingthroughtankwall theexistingpipingforthedigesterwasnotinsoundcondition toconnecttoandwasreplacedwithnewpiping $3,810.38 5Eliminatefloorsleeve thefloorsleevewastoaccommodateafuturescrewpress; however,itcanbeinstalledinthefuturewhentheexact locationandmodelofafuturescrewpressisdetermined ($500.00) CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 2 ItemNo.DescriptionProjectCostChange 6Additionaldoorhardware neededforthepolymerdoubledoortoimproveaccess/function $567.00 7Additionalscrewpressfloorlevellighting neededtoimprovecoverageinadditiontocrane-heightlevel lighting $1,202.76 8Greenwindowframesinsteadofanodized Resultsinmatchingappearance $1,403.00 9Greenoverheaddoorinsteadofanodized Insteadofananodizedaluminumfinish $3,945.90 10Deletemake-upairunitdisconnects wasalreadybuiltinwiththeunitresultinginnoadditionalcost ($257.26) 11Eliminatewinchwallcontroller determinedtonotbeneeded ($326.65) 12Eliminateteeforfuturepress theteewastoaccommodateafuturescrewpress;however,it canbeinstalledinthefuturewhentheexactlocationandmodel ofafuturescrewpressisdetermined ($300.00) 13Additionalguiderailcost additionalallowanceneededfortherolloffdumpster $276.41 14Caulkbetweenbuildings foraddedprotection $262.50 15Addsampletap pre-polymersampletaprecommendedbysupplier $275.00 TOTAL $8,179.83 Theincreasetothecontracttotals$8,179.83forthischangeorder,resultinginarevised contracttotalof$1,384,279.83.TheamountofChangeOrderNo.1representsa0.6% increasetotheoriginalcontractamount.Itshouldbenotedthatthesludgedewatering buildingwasbidasalumpsumpricefor$1,288,268.89,andthesiteworkwasbidona unitpricebasistotaling$87,831.11.Itisnotuncommontohaveadd-onsand/ordeletions forthesetypesofbuildingprojectssincetheyincludeseveraldetailedengineeringand architecturaldesignitemsthatcanbemodifiedduringconstruction. Itisanticipatedthattherewillnotbeanyfurtherchangeorderswiththebuildingasitis nearlycomplete.ThefacilityistobeoperationalonNovember18,2013.Thesitework, whichincludescurbingandpavingtheaccessareas,remainstobecompletedthisyearor byJune30,2014. CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 3 A1.BudgetImpact:ThetotalcostincreaseforChangeOrderNo.1is$8,179.83. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Therewillbeminimalstaffworkloadimpact. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotionapprovingChangeOrderNo.1fortheSludgeDewateringFacility,City ProjectNo.12C003. 2.Motionofother. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1.Theworkwascompletedtokeepthe projectonscheduleandtoavoiddelayclaimsfromthecontractor. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: LetterofRecommendation ChangeOrderNo.1 engineering planning environmental construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 St. Cloud  Minneapolis  St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:\01494-650\Admin\Construction Admin\Building\Change Orders\LTR CO 1 CTY-hmcc-102213.doc October 22, 2013 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Ms. Cathy Shuman, Deputy City Clerk Re: Change Order No. 1 WWTF Sludge Dewatering Facility City of Monticello Project No. 12C003 WSB Project No. 1494-65 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed Change Order No. 1 (in triplicate) for the above-referenced project for your review and approval. The net increase to the contract amount is $8,179.83, resulting in a revised contract total of $1,384,279.83. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $8,179.83 for Municipal Builders, Inc. Once processed, please keep one copy for your records and return two copies to our office, one for the contractor and one for our files. If you have any questions or comments regarding the enclosed, please contact me at 763-287-7195. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Thomas A. Roushar, PE Senior Project Manager Enclosures cc: Nathan Neubauer, Municipal Builders, Inc. Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc. srb CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 1 5E.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2013-089delegatingauthority,topaycertain claims,tothepositionofFinanceDirectorandinhis/herabsencetothepositionof AssistantFinanceDirector (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: Withsomeexceptions,statelawrequirescouncilapprovalpriortodisbursementof fundsforpaymentofclaims.Forexample,priorcitycouncilapprovalisnotrequired topayclaimswheretheexactamountoftheclaimhasbeenfixedbyjudgment, previouslyapprovedcontract,orstatelaw. Thefollowingaretypesofclaimswherecouncilapprovalisnotrequiredbefore paymentismade:Judgments,principalorinterestonobligationswheretheexact amountshavebeenpreviouslyfixedbycontract,rent,otherfixedchargesdetermined underacontractthatthecouncilhaspreviouslyauthorized,wagesthathavebeen previouslysetbyeitherthecouncilorstatelaw.Nonetheless,reportsonsuch expendituresshouldroutinelybegiventothecouncilbytheclerkortreasurer(or financedirector). Thecandisbursefundsforsmalleramountsthroughacouncilauthorizedpettycash account.Additionally,aclaimcanbepaidifamajorityofthecouncilendorsesthe claimpriortothenextcouncilmeeting.Finally,thelaw(Minn.Stat.412.271,subd.8) allowsacitycounciltodelegateitsauthoritytopaycertainclaims.Thisauthoritymay begivenbythecounciltoacityadministrativeofficial.Cityadministrativeofficials includeacitymanager,administrator,treasurer,seniorfiscalofficer,clerkorclerk- treasurer.Inordertodelegatethisauthority,acitymustdothefollowing: Adoptaresolution.Citiesdelegatingauthoritytopayclaimsmustadopta resolutionspecifyingthetypeofclaimstobepaidandtheadministrativeofficialto whomthisauthorityisgranted. Establishinternalaccountingandadministrativecontrolprocedures.These proceduresmustensuretheproperdisbursementofpublicfunds.Theymust includefrequentperiodiccouncilreviewoftheadministrativeofficial’sactions. Whenmoneyisdisbursedundertheseprocedures,alistofexpendituresmustbe submittedforthecouncil’sinformationatthenextmeeting. Prepareannualauditedfinancialstatements.Citiesdelegatingauthority,as describedhere,mustalsoprepareannualauditedfinancialstatements.Moreover, thesestatementsmustbecertifiedbyanindependentpublicaccountantorthestate auditor.Citiesthatdonotpreparesuchstatementsmaynotdelegateauthorityin thismanner. AppendixAtotheresolutionprovidescontextualelementsforthepaymentofclaims. Item13oftheAppendixrestrictstheapprovaltothepaymentofgasandelectricutilities andtoliquorstoreandcommunitycenterinventorypurchasedforresale. CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 2 A1.BudgetImpact:Thisactionhasnobudgetimpactunlessdiscountsareforgoneor interestandpenaltiesareappliedtodelinquentaccounts. A2.StaffImpact:Thereisnostaffimpactforthisitem. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2013-089delegatingauthoritytopaycertainclaimsto thepositionoffinancedirectorandinhis/herabsencetothepositionofassistant financedirector. 2.MotiontonotadoptResolution#2013-089delegatingauthoritytopaycertainclaims tothepositionoffinancedirector. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsapprovingAlternative#1fordelegatingauthority. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2013-089 AppendixtoResolution LeagueofMNCitiesInformationalMemo CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2013-089 DELEGATINGAUTHORITYTOPAYCLAIMSTOTHEPOSITION OFFINANCEDIRECTORANDINHIS/HERABSENCETOTHE ASSISTANTFINANCEDIRECTOR WHEREAS,MinnesotaStatutesSection412.271Subdivision1providesthattheCity CouncilhasfullauthorityovertheCity'sfinancialaffairs,includingthedisbursementof publicfunds;and WHEREAS,MinnesotaStatutesSection412.271Subdivision8allowsaCityCouncilto delegateitsauthoritytopaycertainclaims;and WHEREAS,theMonticelloCityCouncilfindsthattherearenumerousadvantagestotheCity indelegatingthisauthoritytoanadministrativeofficial;and WHEREAS,theappropriateinternalaccountingandadministrativecontrolproceduresrelated tothepaymentofclaimshavebeendevelopedaspresentedinAppendixAandarehereby approvedandincorporatedintothisresolution. NOW,THEREFOREBEITRESOLVED,bytheCityCouncilofMonticellothattheauthority topaycertainclaimsisdelegatedtothepositionofFinanceDirectorandinhis/herabsenceto theAssistantFinanceDirector;and BEITFURTHERRESOLVED,thatclaimslistsofallclaimspaidwillbepresentedtothe CityCouncilforinformationalpurposesatthenextregularmeetingafterpaymentofthe claims. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis28th dayofOctober,2013. CITYOFMONTICELLO _____________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator APPENDIXA INTERNALACCOUNTINGANDADMINISTRATIVECONTROLPROCEDURES RELATEDTOTHEPAYMENTOFCLAIMS ItistheintentoftheCityofMonticellotopayclaimsinthemostefficientandeffectivemanner possible,consistentwiththeappropriateregulationsandpolicies.Authorizationforpaymentand thedisbursementofallpublicfundsbytheCitywillbecontrolledbythefollowing: 1.AllpaymentswillbemadesubjecttoapplicableStateandFederallaws,theCity CodeandallappropriateCitypolicies. 2.Purchasingandbudgetarycontrolforeachdepartmentaretheresponsibilityof theindividualdepartmentheads.Disbursementswillbemadeupontheapproval forpaymentbyadepartmentheadorbyanyotheremployeedesignatedbythe departmenthead. 3.Disbursementswillbemadeupondepartmentapprovalthatgoodsand/or servicesbeingpaidforhavebeenreceived,goodsand/orservicesbeingpaidfor arenecessary,noduplicatepaymentsaremade,andanyprepaymentsaremade onlyinthebestinterestoftheCity. 4.Disbursementswillbemadeuponreceiptoftheappropriatedocumentationthat willbecomeapartofthefile.Disbursementswillbemadeusingthecorrect accountingcodes. 5.Alldisbursementsincludingchecks,electronictransfers,creditcardsand procurementcards,willberecordedintheCity'saccountingrecordsinatimely mannerandimmediatelybecomepartofthefinancialrecordsoftheCity. 6.Whenpractical,disbursementswillbemadefromoriginal(notcopiedorfaxed) documents. 7.Paymentswillbemadefromeitherinvoicesorstatementsinthebestinterestof theCity. 8.Paymentswillbemadeinatimelyfashiontoavoiddelinquenciesandtotake advantageofearlypaymentdiscounts. 9.Claimslistswillbereviewedandinitialedpriortothereleaseofthechecks. 10.Adetailedreviewmatchingchecksandsupportingdocumentationwillbe completedpriortofilingthechecksandsupportingdocumentation. 11.ClaimslistsofallclaimspaidwillbepresentedtotheCityCouncilfor informationalpurposesatthenextregularmeetingafterpaymentoftheclaims. 12.RequestsfromtheCityCouncilforadditionalinformationwillberespondedto inatimelymanner. 13.Typeofclaimsallowedbythisresolution:gasandelectricutilities,liquor storeandcommunitycenterinventorypurchasedforresale. (Endoflist) 145 University Ave. West www.lmc.org 6/27/2012 Saint Paul, MN 55103-2044 (651) 281-1200 or (800) 925-1122 © 2012 All Rights Reserved This material is provided as general information and is not a substitute for legal advice. Consult your attorney for advice concerning specific situations. INFORMATION M EMO Procedures for Paying City Claims Describes the appropriate process for paying city bills as set by laws applying explicitly to all forms of statutory city government unless otherwise indicated. Learn about city authority to delegate payment of certain claims, prompt payment requirements, facsimile signatures, when council must approve payment and more. In conclusion, brief attention is given to home rule charter cities. RELEVANT LINKS: I. The role of city officials in disbursing funds The basic procedure involved in paying city bills and the official involved in the payment are the same in Standard Plan and Plan A cities. The procedure involved in paying city bills and the officials involved in the payment are slightly different for plan B statutory cities. The following subsections describe these procedures. A. Standard plan and plan A statutory cities Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 1. Minnesota law provides that the city council (for standard plan and plan A statutory cities) has full authority over the city’s financial affairs, including the disbursement of public funds. Minn. Stat. § 412.201. Minn. Stat. § 412.141. Minn. Stat. § 412.02, subd. 3. All written instruments must be executed (signed) by the mayor and clerk, pursuant to authority granted by the council. In these types of statutory cities, the treasurer shall pay out money only upon the written order of the mayor and clerk. In cities with a combined clerk-treasurer position, the duties of the treasurer shall be performed by the clerk-treasurer. Therefore, the council, mayor, clerk, and treasurer should be jointly involved in nearly every disbursement of city funds. 1. Use of facsimile signatures Minn. Stat. § 47.41. The use of facsimile signatures is specifically permitted by statute in all cities. Any one or more of the required signatures may be by facsimile. Any public officer who is authorized to sign any of the following instruments may authorize the bank to honor instruments bearing a facsimile of his or her signature: • Checks. • Drafts. • Warrants. • Warrant-checks. • Vouchers. • Check-orders on public funds. RELEVANT LINKS: League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 6/27/2012 Procedures for Paying City Claims Page 2 Minn. Stat. § 47.42. The public officer will not be personally liable for any loss that results from the use of his or her facsimile signature if all of the following circumstances are met: • The city council has passed a resolution to approve the public officer’s use of a facsimile signature. • The city council has insured the depositor against loss of any funds withdrawn upon unauthorized use of the facsimile signature. • The loss is not due to a wrongful act of the public officer. 2. Claims When the city owes money to a particular individual or business, that person or business has a claim against the city depository—the bank account in which the city deposits its money. The individual or business that is owed money is called the claimant. Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 2. Claims must generally be in writing and are paid through an order drawn by the mayor and clerk upon the treasurer. An order is a numbered document in the form of a check signed by the mayor and city clerk. When an order is presented to and signed by the treasurer, it becomes an order check. An order check is the written instrument that authorizes the bank to disburse city funds to the party and in the amount indicated on the order check. Minn. Stat. § 412.271. The basic process for paying claims in Standard Plan and Plan A statutory cities entails the presentation of an order, signed by the mayor and clerk, to the treasurer for the amount of the claim. The treasurer then signs the order and issues that document to the claimant as an order check. The claimant may cash or deposit the order check just as he or she would a personal check. This process for paying city bills changes depending on the nature of the claim and the authorization required for issuing the order. Subsequent sections of this memorandum will discuss the types of claims that require prior council approval, when prior council approval is not required, and how authority to pay claims may be delegated. B. Plan B statutory cities Minn. Stat. § 412.691. In plan B statutory cities, the city manager is the chief purchasing agent for the city. Contracts for purchases in the amount of $20,000 or less are made by the city manager. The council may, by resolution, set a lower limit. Purchase contracts in amounts in excess of the limit may be let by the council upon obtaining the city manager’s recommendation. Contracts and other documents are executed (signed) by the mayor and city manager. RELEVANT LINKS: League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 6/27/2012 Procedures for Paying City Claims Page 3 See Part II - A - Standard Plan and Plan-A statutory cities. Like Standard Plan and Plan A cities, signatures in a Plan B city may be done with a rubber stamp or machine if approved by the council by resolution. Claims for payment should be reviewed and approved in the same manner as they are in Standard Plan and Plan A statutory cities. These review and approval requirements are described below. II. Paying claims where prior council approval is required Minn. Stat. § 412.271. Prior council review and approval is needed when paying claims for goods and services. Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 2. Minnesota law provides that no order shall be issued for claims arising from the purchase of goods and services until the city council has reviewed and approved the claim. Either the person claiming payment or the person’s representative must prepare a written, itemized list of goods and services provided to the city. The claimant must also sign a declaration stating that his or her claim is just and correct and that no part of it has been previously paid. Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 3. The written claim is then brought to the council for its approval. The council may approve the claim, approve only part of it, or choose not to approve the claim at all. The clerk endorses the claim as either “allowed in the sum of $___” or “disallowed,” depending on the council’s action. If the claim is approved only in part, the council must specifically indicate which items have been rejected. An order is then drawn by the mayor and clerk upon the treasurer. As previously described, the order shall be drawn so that when the treasurer signs it, it becomes a check upon the city depository. Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 3. A.G. Op. 469a-16 (May 21, 1965). At its discretion, the council may have the above-mentioned declaration printed on the back of the order-check. The statement should read as follows: “The undersigned payee, in endorsing this order-check, declares that the same is received in payment of a just and correct claim against the city of_____, and that no part of the claim has heretofore been paid.” When endorsed by the person seeking payment, this statement operates as a sufficient declaration of the claim. RELEVANT LINKS: League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 6/27/2012 Procedures for Paying City Claims Page 4 III. Paying claims where prior council approval is not required Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 1. Prior city council approval is not required to pay claims where the exact amount of the claim has been fixed by judgment, previously approved contract, or state law. The following are the types of claims where council approval is not required before payment is made: Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 1. • Judgments. • The principal or interest on obligations where the exact amounts have been previously fixed by contract. • Rent. • Other fixed charges determined under a contract that the council has previously authorized. • Wages that have been previously set by either the council or state law. Nonetheless, reports on such expenditures should routinely be given to the council by the clerk or treasurer. Special attention should be given to paying city employees, establishing petty cash accounts, making immediate payments on certain contract claims, and payments by independent boards and commissions. The following subsections address each of these subjects. A. Paying city employees Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 2. When city employees are paid on an hourly or daily basis, the clerk must keep a payroll. The payroll must indicate each employee’s name and the number of hours or days the employee has worked. A timekeeper, supervisor, officer or employee having knowledge of how much an employee has worked must sign a declaration stating that the hours and days indicated on the payroll are accurate to the best of his or her knowledge. The employee being paid must also sign a declaration stating that he or she has been paid and has done the work for which payment is received. The effect of these declarations is the same as if subscribed and sworn to under oath. These declarations should take substantially the following form: Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 2. 1. Declaration by timekeeper, supervisor, etc.: I declare under penalties of perjury that to the best of my information and belief the items of this payroll are correct. _____ ___________________________ Date Signed RELEVANT LINKS: League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 6/27/2012 Procedures for Paying City Claims Page 5 Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 2. 2. Declaration by employee: I declare under the penalties of perjury that I have received the wages stated on this payroll opposite my name and have done the work for which wages were paid. _____ ____________________________ Date Signed Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 2 (c). Notwithstanding the procedures described above, a city may choose to use electronic time recording systems if the city council adopts policies to ensure that the timekeeping and payroll methods are accurate and reliable. B. Imprest funds (petty cash) Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 5. The council is authorized by law to establish one or more imprest funds. Imprest funds operate like a petty-cash account. These funds are designed to allow cash payments in situations where the traditional payment method is impractical. While there is no fixed dollar limit, imprest funds are generally used to handle small purchases. Large purchases of goods and services should be made by order-check, with prior council approval as described above. Imprest funds may not be used to pay claims based on the salary or personal expenses of a city officer or employee. Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 5. A city council can establish an imprest fund by transferring money from the city’s general fund and appointing a fund custodian. The custodian is responsible for the safekeeping and proper disbursement of funds. Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 5. The custodian must prepare a written claim that itemizes all disbursements from the fund. This claim must be presented to the council at the next meeting after the disbursements have been made. The council will then act upon the claim, by approving, approving in part, or disapproving the claim. Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 3. The clerk must endorse the claim as allowed or disallowed, depending on the action taken. The custodian is then issued an order for the amount allowed by the council. When the order is signed by the treasurer it becomes an order check. The proceeds from the order check are used to replenish the imprest fund. Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 5. However, if the council disapproves or approves only a portion of the custodian’s claim, the custodian becomes personally liable for the difference. Obviously then, an imprest-fund custodian should clearly understand the fund’s purpose to avoid personal liability for expenditures. RELEVANT LINKS: League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 6/27/2012 Procedures for Paying City Claims Page 6 C. Immediate payment of claims Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 4. Claims based on a contract may be paid immediately if postponing payment until the next council meeting would cause a city’s loss of discount privileges or other loss. Before an immediate payment can be made, however, a majority of council members must endorse the written claim. The claim must then be acted upon at the next council meeting as if it had not been paid. Early payment in this manner does not affect the right of the city or any taxpayer to subsequently challenge the claim’s validity. D. Independent boards, commissions, and departments Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 6. A.G. Op. 469b (Apr. 12, 1967). Some cities have boards and commissions possessing independent legal authority to spend public money without council approval. A good example of this is a library board. In contrast, the council must generally approve expenditures for the city fire department and liquor store. Likewise, a hospital board does not possess independent authority to spend money, and such authority may not be delegated to it. Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 6. It is worth briefly noting that boards and commissions, with independent authority to spend money, may establish imprest funds and make immediate payment of claims as described in the preceding two sections. The post- expenditure approval described in those sections would be sought from the independent board or commission, rather than the city council. IV. Delegation of authority for paying certain claims Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 8. A city council may delegate its authority to pay certain claims. This authority may be given by the council to a city administrative official. City administrative officials include a city manager, administrator, treasurer, senior fiscal officer, clerk or clerk-treasurer. In order to delegate this authority, a city must do the following: • Adopt a resolution. Cities delegating authority to pay claims must adopt a resolution specifying the type of claims to be paid and the administrative official to whom this authority is granted. • Establish internal accounting and administrative control procedures. These procedures must ensure the proper disbursement of public funds. They must include frequent periodic council review of the administrative official’s actions. When money is disbursed under these procedures, a list of expenditures must be submitted for the council’s information at the next meeting. RELEVANT LINKS: League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 6/27/2012 Procedures for Paying City Claims Page 7 • Prepare annual audited financial statements. Cities delegating authority, as described here, must also prepare annual audited financial statements. Moreover, these statements must be certified by an independent public accountant or the state auditor. Cities that do not prepare such statements may not delegate authority in this manner. A.G. Op. 218 -R (Jan. 17, 1951). A city council may not delegate authority to a liquor store manager to pay employee wages and other bills from liquor-store receipts. However, a liquor-store manager can be allowed to make necessary purchases for day- to-day operations through use of an imprest fund as described above. V. Time considerations in paying claims Regardless of who has authority to pay bills in a given instance, state law imposes time frames for paying certain types of claims. However, actual payment may sometimes be delayed because there are insufficient funds available, or because the order check has been lost or destroyed. The following subsections describe the legal time frame for paying certain claims, as well as what happens if there are insufficient funds available or a duplicate order check is required. A. Prompt payment of claims Minn. Stat. § 471.425, subd. 2. Minnesota law requires that both home rule charter and statutory cities make payments to vendors in accordance with the terms of any contract or purchase agreement related to a sale. However, if a contract is silent in this respect, standard payment periods are imposed by law. One of the following requirements must be met, depending upon how often the city has regular meetings: Minn. Stat. § 471.425, subd. 4a. • Payment must be made within 35 days of satisfactory delivery of goods or receipt of the invoice, whichever is later, if the city holds regularly scheduled meetings at least once a month. • Payment must be made within 45 days of satisfactory delivery of goods or receipt of invoice, whichever is later, if the city does not meet regularly at least once a month. • Payment must be made within 45 days of satisfactory delivery of goods or receipt of invoice, whichever is later, for any joint powers board. • Finally, it is worth noting that municipal contracts must require that a prime contractor pay any subcontractors within 10 days of receipt of payment from the municipality. Minn. Stat. § 471.425, subds. 2 and 4. Again, the above timelines do not apply if the sale or service contract terms specify a different payment arrangement. Also, a city need not meet these payment deadlines if it disputes in good faith the validity of the claim for which payment is sought. RELEVANT LINKS: League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 6/27/2012 Procedures for Paying City Claims Page 8 Minn. Stat. § 471.425, subd. 4. Invoice errors can also push back the date that payment is due. If a city receives an erroneous, defective or otherwise improper invoice, it must notify the vendor within 10 days of receiving it. Notification is best given in writing. Upon receiving a corrected invoice, the city must make payment within the standard payment periods described above. Minn. Stat. § 471.425, subd. 4. The statute requiring prompt payment of claims also requires that interest be paid on late payments. The statute sets the interest rate at 1.5 percent per month or part of month, with a minimum payment penalty of $10 on late payments of $100 or more. For late payments less than $100, the municipality must calculate and pay the actual interest. However, no interest is owed when payment is delayed because of a good faith dispute over the claim’s validity or the quality of goods or services purchased. B. Claims not paid due to insufficient funds Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 3. In rare cases, there may be insufficient funds available to pay a properly authorized order that has been presented to the treasurer. The treasurer must mark the date of presentation on any order not paid because of insufficient funds. Such orders must be paid later with interest in the sequence that they were received. The interest rate set by statute is 5 percent of the amount of the order, unless the council sets a lower rate by resolution. This lower rate applies only to orders issued after the lower rate is set. The lower rate, however, may not be set below the above-mentioned 1.5 percent provided for in the prompt payment of claims statute. Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 3. Minn. Stat. § 471.425, subd. 4. It should be emphasized that the 5 percent penalty only applies if the order is marked not paid due to insufficient funds. If the city simply pays a bill late, only the 1.5 percent per month interest rate applies. If however, the order is not paid for lack of funds as well as paid late, the 5 percent penalty would also be required. Cities may wish to pass resolutions setting the penalty at the lower rate of 1.5 percent in order to simplify the calculations for late payments and penalties. C. Lost or destroyed warrants or orders Minn. Stat. § 471.415, subd. 1. If an order or warrant is lost or destroyed, then a replacement may be issued by an official authorized to do so. The new document must correspond to the original in number, date, and amount. The new order or warrant must be endorsed on its face and be stamped with the word “duplicate” along with the date of the second issuance. Minn. Stat. § 471.415, subd. 3. The officer or official issuing a duplicate must record the amount, date, and number of the original order or warrant, as well as the amount, date, and number of the duplicate. RELEVANT LINKS: League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 6/27/2012 Procedures for Paying City Claims Page 9 Minn. Stat. § 471.415, subd. 2. The law requires that an affidavit be filed with the proper officer by the party to whom the original order or warrant was issued before the duplicate is issued. The affidavit must state the ownership of the original, the purpose for which it was issued, and the manner and circumstances of its loss or destruction. A city may, in its discretion, require that an indemnifying bond accompany the affidavit in an amount equal to the original order or warrant. The bond’s purpose is to protect the city in the event that it is forced to pay the original order or warrant. VI. Home rule charter cities The procedures for disbursing city funds described thus far are largely found in the statutory city code, Minnesota Statutes, chapter 412. Home rule charter cities often have their own unique procedures for disbursing funds. Such procedures may be written directly into the city charter or the charter may direct that such procedures be established by ordinance. In either case, charter cities should adhere to their locally established procedures. However, there are also some specific statutory requirements for second, third, and fourth class home rule charter cities that must be considered. These requirements are very similar to those that have already been discussed for statutory cities. Minn. Stat. § 471.38, subd. 1. Generally, whenever a claim against a second, third, or fourth-class home rule charter city can be itemized, it must be made in writing. It must also contain a declaration that the claim is just and correct and that no part of it has been paid. The declaration must be in the following form: Minn. Stat. § 471.391, subd. 1. “I declare under the penalties of law that this account, claim or demand is just and correct and that no part of it has been paid. ” __________________ Signature of claimant Minn. Stat. § 471.38, subd. 2. This requirement, however, does not apply to any claims for the following: • Claims for an annual salary that is fixed by law. • Fees of jurors or witnesses that are fixed by law. • Salary or wages that have been fixed on an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis if set by the governing body and authorized by law to be paid on a payroll basis. Minn. Stat. § 471.391, subd. 2. The check that is used to pay the claim may have the following statement printed on its reverse side, above the space for endorsement by the payee: “The undersigned payee, in endorsing this check declares that the same is received in payment of a just and correct claim against the city and that no part of it has heretofore been paid.” RELEVANT LINKS: League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 6/27/2012 Procedures for Paying City Claims Page 10 Minn. Stat. § 471.391, subd. 2. When the payee endorses a check that has this printed statement, it is deemed sufficient as the required declaration of claim. Minn. Stat. § 410.33. A charter city may also choose to generally apply the procedures and exercise authority found in the statutory city code. For example, if a city’s charter is silent on the matter of delegating authority to pay certain claims to an administrative official, then that city could still make such a delegation in the manner described above. However, in such an instance, the city should probably amend its charter or local ordinance to reflect the practice and to avoid future procedural confusion. See Part II - A - Standard Plan and Plan-A statutory cities. Home rule charter cities may use rubber stamp or facsimile signatures in the same manner as statutory cities. VII. Credit cards Minn. Stat. § 471.382. A city council may authorize the use of a credit card by any city officer or employee who is otherwise authorized to purchase on behalf of the city. A purchase by credit card must comply with state laws applicable to purchasing. In addition, cities should have policies in place to prevent misuse. Minn. Stat. § 412.271, subd. 2. Minn. Stat. § 471.38 subd. 1. State law requires that claims presented to the city for payment must be in writing and itemized. Bills from credit-card companies may not contain the detail necessary to satisfy these itemization requirements. Therefore, cities must retain invoices and receipts for all items charged to a credit card bill. Minn. Stat. Ch. 475. Additionally, city credit card use must comply with state laws governing municipal borrowing. These laws do not authorize cities to use their credit cards to carry debt. Therefore, cities that use credit cards must adopt a policy of paying the entire credit card balance each month. The power to use credit cards for purchasing carries with it the potential for misappropriation. City purchasing policies should have provisions governing credit card use. A municipal credit-card-purchasing policy should contain provisions that: Statement of Position: Credit Card Use and Policies (Office of the State Auditor, 2007). • Identify the officers and employees who are authorized to make purchases on behalf of the city and are eligible to use the card. • Identify the particular purchases that are to be made with the credit card. • Set up a review process for all purchases made with the credit card. • Prohibit the use of a city credit card for personal purchases. • Require supporting documentation. • Limit the total amount of charges that can be made on city credit cards. Minn. Stat. § 471.382. The policy should remind city officers and employees that if they make or direct a credit-card purchase that is not approved by the city council, they may be held personally liable for the amount of the purchase. RELEVANT LINKS: League of Minnesota Cities Information Memo: 6/27/2012 Procedures for Paying City Claims Page 11 VIII. Conclusion It is important for cities to follow the proper procedures for disbursing funds. The most compelling reason is because state law prescribes the procedures. In addition, by following these procedures, a city can ensure expenditures are somewhat less susceptible to successful legal challenge. Finally, cities that use the appropriate methods for disbursing funds may find that financial audits are less costly and time consuming because the auditor can more easily track past disbursements. CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/2013 1 5F.ConsiderationofapprovingfundingfordevelopmentofanewFiberNetwebsite (RL) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: ThelaunchofFiberNet2.0isintendedtobeapublicunveilingoftheimprovements madetothecompany.WiththecontinuedcommitmentandinvestmentoftheCity, FiberNetspentthelastyearrebuildingitsinfrastructuretobettermeettheneedsof residentsandbusinesses.Whilethesestructuralchangesarethemostimportantaspectof FiberNet2.0,theyarepredominantlyoutofthepublicview.Asaresult,itisimperative forFiberNettocomplementitstechnicalchangeswithupdatestotheprinciplepublic elementofthecompany:itswebsite.Byallocatingfundsfordesigninganewwebsite,the CitywillallowFiberNettosolveproblemsassociatedwiththecurrentsite,bettermeet theneedsofconsumers,andestablishapositiveidentityforFiberNet2.0. Initially,thenewsitewillallowFiberNettosolveproblemsassociatedwiththecurrent website.ThegreatesthindranceisFiberNet’slackofcontroloverthesite.Whenthe websitewasbuiltin2009designerscommonlymaintainedsubstantialcontrolovertheir creations,butnowitisanunnecessaryandcostlycomplication.Despitehavingastaff withtherequisitetechnicalexpertise,FiberNetcanonlymakechangestothebasictext onthesite.Whenalterationsareneeded,FiberNetischargedperhalfhourofworkbythe companythatcreatedthesite.Bybuildingthenewsiteandgainingincreasedcontrol, FiberNetwillminimizeongoingmaintenancecostsforitswebsite. Anadditionalproblemstemsfromoutdatedwebsitecode.Atitssimplest,thisismerely anannoyance,i.e.textonthewebsitescrollcannotcontainapostrophesorthepagewill notloadcorrectlyforusers.However,thecodealsopreventsFiberNet’swebsitefrom evolvingwithchangingtechnology.Itiseithercostlyorimpossibletointegrateenhanced searchengineoptimization,individualizedcontent,onlinetechsupport,etc.Designinga newsitewouldallowFiberNettoincorporatetheseelements. Beyondsolvingproblemsassociatedwiththecurrentwebsite,anewonewillallow FiberNettobettermeetconsumerneeds.Sincethewebsite’sdesignin2009,therehas beenasharpincreaseinthenumberofpeopleusingtheinternetfrommobiledevices. AccordingtothePewResearchCenter,58%ofinternetusersaccesswebsitesfromtheir cellphonesortablets.Whenthequestionwasnarrowedtojustcellphoneusers,63%said theyaccesstheinternetfromtheirphones.Despitebeingatechnologycompany, FiberNet’scurrentwebsitedesigndoesnotaccommodatethesemobileusers.Thenew websitesFiberNetresearchedallcomewithamobileplatformincluded;thefeaturewill workforbothsmartphonesandtablets. Justasimportantasthemobileplatformistheabilitytodistinguishthecontentbetween residentsandbusinesses.ThesetwogroupshavevastlydifferentneedsfromFiberNet, andtheirserviceandsupportpackagesreflectthis.Earlierthisyear,FiberNetcreated FNMBusinesstoprovideincreasedspecializedcommunication.Anewwebsitewill furthersupportthisendeavorbyactuallycreatingtwoseparate,complementarywebsites forthepriceofone.ICBits,LLChasagreedtocreatetwositeswithasimilartheme:one CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/2013 2 forFiberNetMonticelloandoneforFNMBusiness.Thetwositeswouldhavean efficientsingleportalforcontrollingboth,butFiberNetcancreatecustomizedcontentfor each.Theseparationwouldallowdistinctbrandsforeachdivisionofthecompany, detailedcontent,andenhancedtechnicalsupportonthewebsites. Finally,thefundsforanewwebsitewillhelpFiberNetestablishapositiveidentityfor FiberNet2.0.Thewebsite,asthepublicfaceofthecompany,isanopportunityto encouragethecommunitytoregainitsexcitementaboutFiberNet.Thecurrentwebsite hasbeeninplacesincetheinceptionofthecompanyandisassociatedwiththe company’stumultuouspast.FiberNet2.0anditsaccompanyingchangesofferan importantopportunitytomoveforward,andanewwebsiteisanintegralpartofthis process.ThenewFiberNetsitewillsetaprofessionaltone,bemoreuser-friendly,and reflectthelong-termvisionforthecompany. AsFiberNetpreparesfortheofficiallaunchofFiberNet2.0,itisessentialtoensurethe publicelementsofthecompanymatchitsupdatedtechnologyandlong-termvisionfor thefuture.Designingandbuildinganewwebsiteiscentraltothesuccessof2.0 marketing.Oncetheupdatedtechnologyisfullyimplemented,aredesignedwebsitewill offeranidealwaytoreachouttotheresidentsandbusinessesofMonticello. A1.BudgetImpact:Theallocationoffundsforanewwebsiterepresentsaonetime paymentnottoexceed$4,500.Thisincludesthebasepriceofbuildingtwo integratedwebsitesaswellasoptionsforcustomization.ICBitsoffereda20% discountonbuildanddesigncostsbecauseFiberNetisapre-existingcustomer andspecifiedcurrenthostingcostswillnotincreasedespitetheadditionofa secondwebsiteforFNMBusiness.Bycomparison,thecontinuedmaintenanceof thecurrentsiterequiresongoingpaymentsof$45.00perhalfhourforallfuture workbyICBits,LLCaswellasthecostofintegratinganynewelementsintothe currentsite. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Atemporaryworkloadincreaseisexpectedduringthe newwebsite’sdesignprocess.Oncecomplete,therewillbeaslightworkload increaseinaccordancewiththeincreasedcontroloverthesite.However,thenew responsibilitieswillbeoutweighedbythecostsavingsofdoingtheworkin-house asopposedtooutsourcingit. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapproveupto$4,500infundingfordevelopmentofanewwebsitefor FiberNetbyICBits. 2.Motiontoapprovefundingintheamountof$_______forthedevelopmentofa newFiberNetwebsite. 3.MotiontodenyfundingfordevelopmentofanewFiberNetwebsiteatthistime. CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/2013 3 C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1.Thecurrentwebsitenolongermeetstheneedsof FiberNetoritsconsumers.ThelaunchofFiberNet2.0isanoptimaltimetoredesignthe sitetosolvethecurrentproblemsaswellasencourageconsumerstolooktothefutureof FiberNetMonticello.Thisactionisfurthersupportedbyfinancialincentives:alumpsum ratherthanongoingpaymentsforwebsitealterationsandanoffertodiscountthecostof buildingthenewsite. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: CostEstimatefromICBits,LLC ICBits – Web site bid for Fibernet Monticello Page 1 of 2 PROPOSAL FOR FIBERNET MONTICELLO Summary Fibernet Monticello is in need of an updated website. Not only in the design, but also the website coding and CMS system. In addition, they are in need of some new functionality (e.g., online chat, a VIP login, etc.), plus, they would like to separate business and residential customers thereby creating a separate website for their business customers. Recommendation To begin, Fibernet would select a design which could be used for both websites. ICBits would modify the design so that each site would have their own feel based on the company logos. Changes would most likely include a different color scheme, and new content/images. Since this is a new site build with a new design of two websites, along with the most recent version of ICTools (the CMS system), below are modules needed to recreate the site as it is today. The second section includes modules and other functionality that will be new to the site. Finally, because Fibernet Monticello is a n existing customer, a 20% discount of existing modules will be applied at the end. Modules needed to recreate site with the same functionality as the site has today: Premier Content Module With our Premier Content module, you can have a single and multiple paged sections (e.g., the home page would be a single page with news articles, specials, events, or press releases; whereas an About section might have separate pages for your history, a staff page, etc.) The system allows users to easily add/edit/delete additional pages and automatically updates the sub-navigation to reflect your changes. ICTools (the site update tool) allows you to add as many pages or articles as you'd like at any time. You can also include publish and drop-off dates for each article to automate when they display on your site. What makes this module powerful is the ability to embed code from other third-party websites. For example, you can embed Google Calendars, YouTube/Vimeo (or other) videos, etc. onto any page. Examples: www.missminnesota.org, www.elitewastedisposal.com, www.kisangajiproject.org Note…this module includes all design, development, publishing, and training costs. $2200 Rotating images This module allows you to add/edit/delete images, text, and links in your home page rotating image feature. Example: Rotating different images on all pages of the website: www.missminnesota.org, www.rgchamber.com, www.pulseproducts.com $ 600 FAQs Frequently Asked Questions display the questions as links. When clicked, the answer displays beneath the question. You can also categorize questions, eliminating long scrolling pages. Examples: www.voicecarenetwork.org, www.greweb.com $600 Dynamic Forms - Intermediate This module allows you to modify your form to request additional visitor information with data stored in the database for later retrieval. In addition, upon form submission, either an email notice, or an email containing all form information is sent to an email account of your choice so that your staff can immediately address the user's request. The form can be as simple as asking for the visitor's name, email, and a description of their request, or as complex as requesting company name, address information, and up to 30 questions. With the Intermediate Dynamic Form module, you can have up to 3 online forms. $600 ICBits – Web site bid for Fibernet Monticello Page 2 of 2 Footer Link Module Many sites include a section at the very bottom of their site where they can cross-link to other websites. This not only provides a nice option for visitors, it can also help improve search engine ranking. This module allows you to group ‘like’ links into 4 columns beneath the website. Example: www.fibernetmonticello.com $200 SUB TOTAL: $ 4200.00 20% DISCOUNT: -840.00 TOTAL: $ 3360.00 New functionality requested  Basic Client Login Area This module would allow your staff to log in to ICTools to create a client login for each of your clients. Here, you would be able to publish images, PDFs, etc. for your clients to review. Each client would be given a unique login username and password to access this information. The client login would contain a Forgotten Password component which would reset the client's password and email a temporary password to the email address on file. Once logged in, the client would see a list of links to the images, PDFs, etc. specific to them. We would also allow Fibernet to publish information that is viewable to all VIP clients. Example: www.tieboss.com $600  Blog Feed We discussed adding a blog feed from Blogger/Blogspot. This would be added to the home page of both sites. $180 per feed  Mobile site This module is used to generate a mobile version of your website for viewing on a smartphone, tablet or other mobile device. These sites typically don’t include all of your website information as most mobile device users are looking for specific information (e.g., your location, contact information, products/pricing, etc.) Choose one of the following options:  Generic Design: The design is simple with your logo and site colors incorporated into it. Example: www.marquee-mn.com/marqueeRE/mobile/.  Custom Design: This mobile site would be customized to more closely mirror your full website. Example: www.heritagebankna.com/mobile/. All mobile sites include a link to the full site. $360 $700  Alert system This would be a custom program enabling staff to set an alert flag…possibly red / yellow / green on the site notifying clients if there are any problems. W hen clicked, a message would give them the status on any outages or other issues. $360  Online Chat There are many companies that provide online chat services. I’m currently getting bids from a few, but they’re all over the map. Just so you have an idea, one I found charges $499 per year per/concurrent operator. Another charged $29.95 p/month p/agent but had other plans depending on your needs. Most offered a link or widget that I would add to your site, so the cost you see to the right is for my setup and testing. However, I will send you more info on the various options I have found. $90…my setup only This cost doesn’t include costs from the online vendor. Other Options  Site Map Larger websites may also want to include a site map. The beauty of our system is that this is dynamically generated for you. So if you add a page, it automatically displays on your site map. Example: www.heritagebankna.com/sitemap.cfm $360  Site Search For large websites, we can add site search functionality. This includes a quick search option on every page, along with a link to ‘advanced’ search which offers the visitor the ability to search by section, by exact phrase or contains options. Example: www.heritagebankna.com $360 Prices outlined in this agreement are good for 6 months. CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 1 5G.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2013-090approvingapreliminaryandfinal platanddevelopmentagreementforMonticelloBusinessCenterSeventhAddition, andapprovingaConditionalUsePermitforcrossaccessandparkingforaretail commercialuseinaB-4(RegionalBusiness)District.Applicant:ALDI,Inc. (NAC) A.REFERENCE&BACKGROUND: Property:OutlotBoftheMonticelloBusinessCenter(PID# 155098000020).ThesiteislocatedeastofHighway25, andisborderedtothesouthbySchoolBoulevard;onthe westbyCedarStreet;andonthenorthandeastbyvacant agriculturalland.TothewestacrossCedarStreet,thereis agasstation,restaurant,andstripcenter.AWalmart SuperstoreiflocatedacrossSchoolBoulevardtothesouth. PlanningCaseNumber:2013-034 Request(s):DevelopmentContract,PreliminaryandFinalPlat approval,siteplanreview,andConditionalUsePermitto allowcrossparkingandcrossaccessfortheproposed ALDIcommercialdevelopment. DeadlineforDecision:November2,2013 LandUseDesignation:PlacestoShop ZoningDesignation:B-4,RegionalBusinessDistrict Thepurposeofthe“B-4”regionalbusinessdistrictisto providefortheestablishmentofcommercialandservice activitieswhichdrawfromandservecustomersfromthe entirecommunityorregion. CurrentSiteUse:Thesiteiscurrentlyvacant. ProjectDescription: TheapplicantproposestoconstructanALDIGroceryStoreinthesouthwestcornerof whatiscurrentlyOutlotBoftheMonticelloBusinessCenter(thereiscurrentlyno addressforthesite).Theapplicantisproposingtodividethesouthwestcornerofthe existingoutlotintoanew2acreparcelfortheALDIsite,withtheremaining10.11acres ofthepropertymaintainedasanoutlot.TheresultingsubdivisionwillbeLot1ofthe MonticelloBusinessCenterSeventhAdditionandOutlotA,withownershipofLot1 goingtoALDI,andOutlotAgoingtoOcello,LLC(thepropertiescurrentowner).The applicantisrequestingapprovalofthepreliminaryandfinalplatforLot1ofthe MonticelloBusinessCenter7th Addition. CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 2 TheproposedcommercialpropertyislocatedwithintheB-4(RegionalBusiness)Zoning District,andissurroundedbyotherB-4andB-3landuses.Thedevelopmentofthenew lotisanticipatedtopositivelyimpactsurroundingcommercialbusinessesoftheareaby eliminatingavacantpropertyandaddingaretailfacilitytothelocaltaxbase. TheproposedALDIlotwillmakeuseoftwoexistingaccesspointstotheexistingOutlot B;oneoffofCedarStreet,andtheotheroffofSchoolBoulevard.Thenorthernlotline oftheALDIlotwillfallwithinthecenteroftheCedarStreetaccesspoint.Noportionof theALDIlotwillencompasstheSchoolBoulevardaccesspoint,whichisimmediately eastoftheproposedlot.Asaresult,theapplicantisrequestingaconditionalusepermit toallowconstructionofasharedaccessdriveandareaofsharedparkingfromtheaccess pointonbothstreets.Theaccessdriveandparkingareawillalsoserveafuturelot directlynorthandeastoftheproposedALDIlot,respectively. TheproposedALDIgrocerystorewillbe17,018squarefeetinarea.Otherproposed improvementsassociatedwiththegrocerystoreincludean80stallparkinglot,the describedaccessdrives,connectiontoutilitiestoservethebuilding,stormwater managementfacilities,lighting,landscapingandsignage.Theapplicanthassubmitted siteandbuildingplans,andisrequestingsiteplanreviewandapprovaltobeableto completetheproposedproject. PlanningCommissionRecommendation ThePlanningCommissionreviewedthepreliminaryandfinalplat,andconditionaluse permitsforcrossaccessandsharedparkinginconjunctionwithapublichearingon October1st,2013. CommissionerGablerinquiredaboutthefuturesignalizationoftheCedarStreetand SchoolBoulevard.PlannerGrittmannotedthatlong-termsignalizationisplannedand thattheengineerscontinuetomonitortrafficlevelswhichmaynecessitatethesignal. Theapplicant,AndrewMackwithALDI,IncandengineeringrepresentativeAndy BrandelofI&SGroup,madethemselvesavailableforquestionsoftheCommission. CommissionerGablerconfirmedthatthebuildingproposedrepresentsaprototypeALDI store.CommissionerGableralsoconfirmednoLEDlightingwouldbeusedonthesite signage. CommissionerSpartzinquiredwhethertheapplicantswerefamiliarwiththeconditions ofapproval.Mr.Brandelconfirmedtheyhadreceivedthereportandintendedtocomply. Nootherpublictestimonywasgiven. ThePlanningCommissionvoted3-0torecommendapprovaloftheconditionaluse permit,basedonfindingsintheattachedresolution.CommissionerSpartzabstained fromvotingonthedecisions. CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 3 ANALYSIS OrdinanceRequirements: PreliminaryandFinalPlatReview. Lots.Thereisnominimumormaximumrequiredlotarea,lotwidth,lotdepthor buildingsetbackwithintheB-4RegionalBusinessDistrict. StreetandAlleys.Theapplicanthassubmittedsiteandbuildingplans demonstratingthelocationofaccesspointsoffofexistingroads.Inaddition,the siteplansshowconsiderationforthelocationofpossiblefuturesubdividedlotsin OutlotA.BothaccessdrivesonCedarSt.andSchoolBoulevardareintendedto besharedwithpotentialfuturesubdividedcommercialproperties. TheapplicantanticipatesthattheCedarStreetandSchoolBoulevardare constructedtoadequatelyhandletheincreasedtrafficthatmayultimatelyresult fromthedevelopmentofboththeALDIpropertyandtheremainingOutlot.And theproposedsharedaccessdriveswillalsoprovideadequatecapacitytofacilitate theflowoftrafficintobothproposedlots. Easements.TheALDIlot(Lot1)willprovideacombinationofeasementsalong front,rear,andsidelotlines.Thesubdivisionordinancerequiressidelotline drainageandutilityeasementstobeaminimumof6feetinwidth,andfrontand reardrainageandutilityeasementstobeaminimumof12feetinwidth.The finalplatforLot1indicatesthatminimum12footdrainageandutilityeasements willbeprovidedalongCedarStreet(frontlotline)andSchoolBoulevard(side lotline),andsixfootdrainageandutilityeasementswillbeprovidedalongthe northsidelotlineandtherearlotline.Withthefutureplattingoftheadjoining lots,theseeasementwidthsshouldbeacceptableandconsistentwithCity practice. Finally,theCityEngineer’sreportstatesthattheapplicantwillhavetoprovidea pedestrianeasementalongCedarStreettoaccommodatetheextensionofthe sidewalkalongthatfrontage,andtodocumenttheexistingtrailextensionalong SchoolBoulevard.Thateasementisfurtherdescribedinthedevelopment contractandwillrequireexecutionofaseparatesidewalk/traileasement document. ErosionandSedimentControl.Theapplicanthasindicatedtheintentionof applyingsedimentcontrolmeasurestotheconstructionsite.Thesemeasures includetworockconstructionentrancesattheaccesspoints,siltfencearoundthe north,east,andwestedgesoftheconstructionarea,erosioncontrolblanketalong slopesofaproposedinfiltrationbasin,inletprotection,andaconcretewashout(to beinstalledpriortoconstructionbeginning.Inaddition,alldisturbedareaswill bereseededassoonaspossibleafterconstructionhasproceeded. CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 4 Drainage.TheCityEngineerhasprovidedrecommendationsontheimpactof proposedgradingonexistingstormwatermovementwithinthesubjectproperty. Theapplicantisproposinganinfiltrationbasinalongthenorthandeastproperty line.Theapplicanthasindicatedthattheywillmaketheadjustmentstotheplan requiredbytheCityEngineer. SteepSlopes.TheALDIlotdoesnotcurrentlycontainareasofsteepslopes.The gradingplanissubjecttoreviewandapprovalbytheCityEngineer. WetlandSystems.Thesitedoesnotcurrentlycontainanywetlands,butfalls withinFloodZoneX(whichisoutsideofthe500yearfloodplain).The StormwaterPollutionPreventionPlanissubjecttoreviewandapprovalbythe CityEngineer. OpenSpaceandLandscaping.Theapplicanthasprovidedalandscapingplan, whichwillbereviewedaspartofthesiteplanreviewprocess. SitePlanReview. B-4RegionalBusinessDistrict.Theproposeddevelopmentwillmeetalllot area,width,depthandsetbackrequirementsfortheB-4District.Inaddition,the proposedALDIbuildingdoesnotexceed23feetinheight,meetingthedistrict’s buildingheightrequirement. LandscapingandScreening.ThereislittleexistingvegetationontheALDIlot, asthesitewaspreviouslyvacantfarmland.Proposedplantings(andplanting areas)appeartomeetsize,number,andlocationrequirementsforthesiteas providedinSection4.1LandscapingandScreeningintheZoningOrdinance. Mulchwillbeappliedtostabilizeplantingsasnecessary. TheproposedEuonymousfortuneishrubshouldbereplacedwithanalternative shrubspecies,asthisspeciescanbeinvasive.Attractive,versatile,anddurable nativeshrubalternativesincludeDivervillalonicera(DwarfBushHoneysuckle) and/orRhusaromatic(Gro-LowFragrantSumac). Landscapingmustadheretoallinstallationandmaintenancerequirements providedinSection4.1(K)oftheZoningOrdinance.Itshouldbenotedthatdue toapipelineeasementrunningalongthesouthsideoftheproposedLot1,Block 1,theincludedlandscapingplanissubjecttochange.Thisconditionwas identifiedafterthePlanningCommission’sreviewoftheoriginallysubmitted landscapingplan.Thedeveloperisnotallowedtoplaceoverstorytreesinthe pipelineeasementasproposedinthatplan.Assuch,acombinationofshrub plantingsinthatarea,alongwithtreerelocationtootherplacesonthelot,is plannedbythedeveloper.Arevisedplantothateffectwillbeforthcoming. CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 5 RooftopScreening.RooftopscreeningwillbeprovidedonthetopoftheALDI building.EnvisorScreeningSystemsareproposedtoscreenrooftopmechanical equipment.Thescreeningsystemiscomposedofthermoformedhighimpact ABS,heldinplacewithatrackedaluminumrailsystem,andinaslategreycolor. ThescreeningsystemappearstomeetbasicrequirementsoftheZoning Ordinance. ExteriorLighting.Theapplicanthasprovidedalightingplanwithsomedetails astolightingdesign.Itappearsthatparkinglotlightingmeetslightingheight requirements(notexceeding25feet). Inalldistricts,lightingshallbedirecteddownward.Inaddition,upwardly- directedlightingshallnotbeusedtoilluminatestructures,exceptforlow-wattage architecturallighting.Lightfixturesinexcessof60wattsor100lumensshalluse fullcut-offlensesorhoodstopreventglareorspilloverfromtheprojectsiteonto adjacentlandsandstreets. Ordinancerequiresthatilluminationfromexteriorlightingnotexceed1foot candleatthepropertylinesofcommerciallots.Thelightingplanindicatesthat thisstandardwillbemetaroundthemajorityoftheperimeteroftheALDIlot.In twolocationsatthenorthandsouthofthelotthe1candlemeasurementextends beyondlotlines,howevertheextensionisminimalandshouldonlyeffectvacant landorstreetrightofways,notresidentialproperties. Signs.Theapplicantisproposingacombinationsigns,includingafreestanding signatthesouthwestcornerofthesite(attheintersectionofCedarSt.andSchool Boulevard)andwallsignsonthenorthandwestbuildingelevations.Thesingle freestandingALDIsignmeetssetbackandsigndesignrequirementsforsign heightandarea.Fourwallsignsareproposedontwobuildingfacades.Thewall signstotalapproximately136squarefeetinarea,oronly4%ofthetwobuilding facades,meetingOrdinancesignarearequirementsforcommercialdistricts.Sign materialisappropriateandcoincideswithprincipalbuildingdesign. BuildingMaterials.Proposedbuildingmaterialsincludebrickandconcrete masonryunitsincomplementaryred,brownandtancolors,andaluminum compositeontheupperbuildingwalls.Thesematerialsmaintainahighstandard ofarchitecturalandaestheticcompatibilitywithsurroundingproperties,andas sucharenotanticipatedtoadverselyimpactthepropertyvaluesofabutting properties. Off-StreetParking.Access,circulation,andparkingdesignfortheproposed ALDIparkinglotareinaccordancewithOrdinanceparkingstandardsfor commercialdistricts,includingmeetingaccesslocationandsizestandards, parkingaisleandstalldesignstandards,andparkingsurfacingrequirements.The parkingdesignalsoprovidesconcretecurbandguttersaroundtheentireperimeter oftheparkinglotandsurroundingparkingislands. CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 6 TheprojectisproposingcrossparkingandcrossaccessfromSchoolBoulevard, whichwillfallwithinOutlotA(totheeastoftheALDIlot),forwhicha ConditionalUsePermitisrequired.TherequestforaCUPisreviewedlaterin thereport. Off-StreetLoading.Thelocation,circulation,size,andsurfacingassociated withtheproposedloadingdockatthenorthendoftheALDIbuildingarein accordancewithOrdinanceloadingrequirements. ConditionalUsePermitReview. TheapplicantisrequestingaConditionalUsePermittoallowcrossaccessfromthe accesspointsonSchoolBoulevardtothesouthandCedarStreettothewest.Inaddition, inALDI’sinitialplan,submittedtoandreviewedbythePlanningCommission,shared parkingof5stallsonOutlotAwasrequiredbasedonpreliminaryparkingcalculations. Witharefinementofthecalculations,ALDIhasbeenabletoprovideenoughparkingon Lot1,Block1tomeetrequirements.Assuch,theCityrecognizestheneedforonlya CUPforcrossparking(notsharedparking),aswellasthecrossaccess.Thisallowsfor vehiclestoparkoneitherproperty. Section4.8(G)(2)(a)AccessandCurbingforCommercialUsesstatesthatadjoining businesspropertiesmayallowcrossparkingand/oraccessifauthorizedbyaConditional UsepertherequirementsofSection2.4(D)(reviewedbelow)andsubjecttothefollowing conditions: 1.TherequiredislandandlandscapingrequirementsinSection4.1are met. StaffResponse.Allislandandlandscapingrequirementsaremetbythe proposedparkingareadesign. 2.Thevehicularuseareameetstherequiredsetbackattheperimeterofthe parcelsinquestion. StaffResponse.Vehicularuseareasetbackrequirementsaremet, includingmaintainingaminimum6footsetbackfrompropertylines. 3.Thecurbcutaccesslocationstotheparkinglot(s)areapprovedbythe City. StaffResponse.Thecurbcutaccesslocationsmeetsetbackrequirements fromnearbyintersectionsandotheraccesspoints.Accessdesign(width, etc.)appeartomeettherequirementsoftheZoningOrdinance. 4.Asharedparking/accessandmaintenanceagreementisprovidedbythe parkingownersandrecordedagainstallsubjectproperties. StaffResponse.Acrossaccessandmaintenanceagreementbetween ALDI(ownersofproposedLot1)andOcello,LLC(ownersofproposed CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 7 OutlotA)isrequiredtobeprovidedtotheCityandrecordedagainstthe subjectpropertiesasaconditionofCUPapproval. Section2.4(D)(4)(a)oftheZoningOrdinancestatesthatapprovalofaConditionalUse PermitrequiresthattheCityfindthatconditionscanbeestablishedtoensurethatallof thefollowingcriteriawillalwaysbemet: (i)Theconditionalusewillnotsubstantiallydiminishorimpairproperty valueswithintheimmediatevicinityofthesubjectproperty; StaffResponse.Theproposedgrocerystoreandassociatedsite improvements(includingtheproposedsharedaccessandparkingarea)are anticipatedtopositivelyimpactpropertyvaluesinthesurroundingareaby developingvacantlandplannedforcommercialuses,andaddingtothe localtaxbase. (ii)Theconditionalusewillnotbedetrimentaltothehealth,safety,morals, orwelfareofpersonsresidingorworkingneartheuse; StaffResponse.TheproposedgrocerystoreisanalloweduseintheB-4 District,andissurroundedbysimilarcommercialusesorbyvacantland. Further,theCity’splannedlandusefortheareaisa“placetoshop.”So theproposedgrocerystoremeetsplannedlanduseobjectivesandis complimentarytosurroundingcommerciallanduses.Itwillprovidefood optionstotheCityandregion,andgiventhatthedevelopmentmeetsall ZoningOrdinancerequirementsforsafeandfunctionaldevelopment,is nototherwiseanticipatedtonegativelyimpactthehealthofthe community. (iii)Theconditionalusewillnotimpedethenormalandorderlydevelopment ofsurroundingpropertyforpermittedusespredominantinthearea; StaffResponse.TheproposedaccessandparkingareaoffofSchool Boulevardcanbesharedwithapotentialcommerciallottotheeastofthe ALDIlot,whichencouragesfurtherdevelopmentofOutlotAinthe future. (iv)Theconditionalusewillnotposeanundueburdenonpublicutilitiesor roads,andadequatesanitaryfacilitiesareprovided; StaffResponse.AccesstotheALDIsitewillbeoffofCedarStreetand SchoolBoulevard,bothexistingroadsystems.Further,theALDIsitewill utilizeexistingpublicutilitiesforsanitarysewerandwaterserviceoffof theseroads(theservicesoffSchoolBoulevardwillbeutilized,andthose fromCedarStreetwillbecapped). (v)Theconditionalusecanprovideadequateparkingandloadingspaces, andallstorageonthesitecanbedoneinconformancewithCitycode requirements; StaffResponse.TheproposedcrossaccessandparkingareaoffofSchool BoulevardwillprovideparkingforboththeALDIlotandafuture CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 8 commerciallottotheeastoftheALDIlot.Basedonthefinishedfloor areaofthegrocerystore,theALDIsiteisrequiredtohave70parking spaces.85parkingspaceswillbeprovidedontheALDIlot,meetingtheir coderequirement.Anadditional15spaceswillbeconstructedwiththe crossaccesspointfromSchoolBoulevard.TheCityconsidersthisa conditionalusepermit. (vi)Theconditionalusewillnotresultinanynuisanceincludingbutnot limitedtoodor,noise,orsightpollution; StaffResponse.Thecrossaccessandparkingareaisnotanticipatedto resultinanyparticularnuisancesrelatedtoodor,noise,orsightpollution. Further,theALDIdevelopmentwillundergoafullsiteplanreview,andas suchwillberequiredtomeetallZoningOrdinancerequirementsrelatedto safeandfunctionalsitedevelopment. (vii)Theconditionalusewillnotunnecessarilyimpactnaturalfeaturessuch aswoodlands,wetlands,andshorelines;andallerosionwillbeproperly controlled; StaffResponse.Anexistinglowareawillbefilledandgradedinorderto constructtheproposedcrossaccessandparkingareatotheeastofthe ALDIlot.Thelowareaisnotidentifiedasawetlandinthesubmittedsite plans.AllstormwaterfromparkingareasassociatedwiththeALDI developmentwilldraintoanewinfiltrationbasinrunningalongthenorth andeastoftheALDIsite.Thiswaterwillbefilteredandinfiltratedinthe basin,andanyoverflowisrequiredpertheCity’sEngineer’s recommendationtomovetoanexistingstormpipeatCedarStreet.The ALDIdevelopmentprojectisotherwiserequiredtomeetallstormwater management,erosioncontrol,andlandscapingstandardsprovidedinthe Ordinance. (viii)Theconditionalusewilladheretoanyapplicableadditionalcriteria outlinedinChapter5fortheproposeduse. StaffResponse.Theproposedcrossaccessandparkingareaisnotonthe samelotastheprincipalstructure,whichiswhyaconditionalusepermit isnecessary.Theuseisotherwiseanticipatedtoaddresscriteriaoutlined inChapter5. DevelopmentAgreementReview. ThedevelopmentagreementforthisprojectincludesassignatoriesALDI,Inc.(asthe buyerofLot1,Block1),Ocello,LLC,(thesellerofLot1,Block1),andtheCityof Monticello.Thedevelopmentagreementactsasbotharecordofthecontractrelatedto platdevelopmentandasarecordoftheconditionalusepermit. Inrelationshiptotheconditionsofapproval,whichareencapsulatedwithinthe developmentcontract,thedevelopershaveindicatedanintenttocomplywiththefirst CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 9 conditionnotedandhavepreparedrevisedplanstoaddresstheCityEngineer’s comments. Thedevelopmentagreementalsoreferencesallapproveddevelopmentplans,includinga revisedlandscapingplanwhichmeetstherequiredsecondconditionofapproval.It shouldbenotedthatduetoapipelineeasementrunningalongthesouthsideofthe proposedLot1,Block1,theincludedlandscapingplanissubjecttochange.The developerisnotallowedtoplaceoverstorytreesintheeasement.Assuch,acombination ofshrubplantingsinthatarea,alongwithtreerelocationtootherplacesonthelot,is plannedbythedeveloper.Aspreviouslynoted,arevisedplantothateffectwillbe forthcoming. Thethirdconditionofapproval,whichrelatestocrossparkingandaccess,isalsobeing negotiatedatthistimebetweenthelotbuyerandseller.Theconditionwillbewrittento accuratelyreflectthenecessarycross/sharedeasementsanddocuments. ThedevelopmentcontractincludesreferencetotherequiredeasementfortheCedar Streetsidewalk,whichwillbeconstructedaspartofthedevelopment.ALDI,Inc.will constructthesidewalkperCityspecifications,willposttherequiredwarrantybond,and understandstheirobligationtomaintainthesidewalkperCityordinance.Aseparate sidewalkeasementdocumentwillalsoberecordedaspartofthedevelopmentprocess. Aletterofcreditforthesidewalkconstructionandlandscapingisrequired,asperCity policyforbothitems. ThedevelopmentagreementmakesnoteofthefutureassessmentfortheCedarStreetand SchoolBoulevardsignal.Nospecificassessmentorwaiverofhearingisidentifiedfor thisimprovementwithintheagreement,astheprojecthasnotbeenauthorizedfor feasibilityatthistime.Existingassessmentsagainsttheunderlyingpropertyandtheir obligationforpaymentarealsoidentifiedwithintheagreement.Thedevelopment agreementalsoidentifiestherequiredtrunkareachargeamounts,whicharetobepaidat buildingpermit,alongwithotherapplicablecharges,includingSACandWAC. Finally,thecontractincludesallcustomarylanguagerelatingthepaymentofinvoices, permittinganddevelopmentperCitystandards. Priortosignatureapplicationandrecordingoftheplat,thedevelopmentagreementand sidewalkeasementdocumentswillberequiredtosignedbyallparties. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS ThePlanningCommissionreviewedthedocumentsassociatedwithDecisions1and2 belowandrecommendsapprovalofthepreliminaryandfinalplatandconditionaluse permit. CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 10 Decision1: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2013-090approvingthepreliminaryandfinalplat anddevelopmentcontractforLot1,Block1andOutlotAofMonticelloBusiness CenterSeventhAddition,asproposedintheapplicationofSeptember10,2013, andasmodifiedinthestaffreportofOctober14,2013,contingentoncompliance withthoseconditionsspecifiedinExhibitZ,andbasedonfindingsinsaid resolutionandasadoptedbythePlanningCommissioninResolution2013-082. 2.MotiondenyingResolution#2013-090forthepreliminaryandfinalplatand developmentcontractforLot1,Block1,andOutlotAofMonticelloBusiness CenterSeventhAddition,baseduponfindingstobemadebytheCityCouncil. 3.Motiontotableactionontherequest,pendingadditionalinformationasidentified bytheCityCouncilandstaffreport. Decision2: 1.MotiontoapproveaConditionalUsePermittoallowcrossaccessandcross parkingbetweentheALDIsite(Lot1,Block1)andOutlotAtotheeast,as proposedintheapplicationofSeptember10,2013,andasmodifiedinthestaff reportofOctober14,2013,contingentoncompliancewiththoseconditions specifiedinExhibitZ,basedonfindingsasadoptedbythePlanningCommission inResolution2013-083. 2.MotiontodenyaConditionalUsePermittoallowcrossaccessandshared parkingbetweentheALDIsite(Lot1)andOutlotAtotheeast,basedupon findingstobemadebytheCityCouncil. 3.Motiontotableactionontherequest,pendingadditionalinformationasidentified bytheCityCouncilandstaffreport. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: PreliminaryandFinalPlatforLot1oftheMonticelloBusinessCenterSeventh Addition.Staffrecommendsapprovalofthepreliminaryandfinalplatsbasedonthe findingthatthedesignofLot1willadheretoSubdivisionOrdinancestandardsforanew plat.Approvalisbasedonthefollowingconditions,asdiscussedearlierinthereport: 1)TheapplicantcomplieswiththetermsoftheCityEngineer’sreport,dated September24,2013. ConditionalUsePermit.StaffrecommendsapprovaloftherequestedConditionalUse PermittoallowcrossaccessandcrossparkingbetweentheALDIsite(Lot1)andOutlot Atotheeast.Approvalisbasedonthefollowingfindings,asdiscussedearlierinthe report: CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 11 1)TheapplicantrevisethelandscapingplansothattheproposedEuonymous fortuneishrubisreplacedwithanalternativeshrubspecies,asthisspeciescanbe invasive.AttractiveshrubalternativesincludeDiervillalonicera(DwarfBush Honeysuckle)and/orRhusaromatic(Gro-LowFragrantSumac).The landscapingplanshallalsoberevisedtomeetCityrequirementsbasedon revisionsassociatedwiththepipelineeasementalongthesouthernborderofthe proposedLot1,Block1. 2)Theapplicantprovideaproperlydrawnlegalinstrumentexecutedbytheparties concernedforcrossuseofoff-streetparkingfacilitiesandcrossaccess,duly approvedastoformandmannerofexecutionbytheCityAttorney,tobefiled withtheCityAdministratorandrecordedwiththeCountyRecorderofWright County. DevelopmentAgreement.StaffandtheCityAttorneyrecommendapprovalofthe developmentagreementwiththenotationthatlanguageasrelatedtothenecessarycross easementsmaybesubjecttorevision.ItshouldbenotedthatiftheCouncilwereonlyto approvethepreliminaryandfinalplatandnottheconditionalusepermit,the developmentagreementwouldberevisedtoremovetheconditionalusepermitlanguage. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A.Resolution#2013-090 B.PlanningCommissionResolution2013-082 C.PlanningCommissionResolution2013-083 D.DevelopmentContractandConditionalUsePermit E.Application F.ProjectNarrative G.PreliminaryPlat H.FinalPlat I.CivilSiteandBuildingPlanSet J.ArchitecturalSheets K.EasementDrawings:walkandaccesses L.MechanicalEquipmentScreeningDetails M.Engineer’sComments Z.ConditionsofApproval CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 12 ExhibitZ RecommendedConditionsofApproval PreliminaryandFinalPlatand ConditionalUsePermitforCrossParkingandCrossAccess ALDI,Inc.(Lot1,Block1,MonticelloBusinessCenterSeventhAddition) 1)TheapplicantcomplieswiththetermsoftheCityEngineer’sreport,dated September24,2013. 2)TheapplicantrevisethelandscapingplansothattheproposedEuonymous fortuneishrubisreplacedwithanalternativeshrubspecies,asthisspeciescanbe invasive.AttractiveshrubalternativesincludeDiervillalonicera(DwarfBush Honeysuckle)and/orRhusaromatic(Gro-LowFragrantSumac). 3)Theapplicantprovideaproperlydrawnlegalinstrumentexecutedbytheparties concernedforcrossuseofoff-streetparkingfacilitiesandcrossaccess,duly approvedastoformandmannerofexecutionbytheCityAttorney,tobefiled withtheCityAdministratorandrecordedwiththeCountyRecorderofWright County. CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2013-90 APPROVINGFINALPLATANDDEVELOPMENTAGREEMENT FORMONTICELLOBUSINESSCENTERSEVENTHADDITION WHEREAS,theMonticelloPlanningCommissionheldapublichearingonOctober1,2013,for theconsiderationofthepreliminaryplatandfinalplatoftheMonticelloBusinessCenterSeventh Addition;and WHEREAS,aftertakingpubliccomment,thePlanningCommissionrecommendedapprovalof thepreliminaryplatandfinalplatoftheMonticelloBusinessCenterSeventhAdditiontothe CityCouncil;and WHEREAS,theMonticelloCityCouncilreviewedtherecommendationofthePlanning CommissionandapprovedthepreliminaryplatandfinalplatoftheMonticelloBusinessCenter SeventhAdditiononOctober28th,2013;and WHEAREAS,thepreliminaryandfinalplatfortheMonticelloBusinessCenterSeventh AdditionidentifiesthespecificplansandusesfortheproposedMonticelloBusinessCenter SeventhAddition; NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA,thatthepreliminaryandfinalplatoftheMonticelloBusinessCenterSeventh Addition,withdrainageandutilityeasementsasrequired,isherebyapprovedcontingentupon meetingallconditionsofthesubdivisionordinance;andthefollowingconditions: 1.TheapplicantcomplieswiththetermsoftheCityEngineer’sreport,dated September24,2013. BEITFURTHERRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA,thatthedocumenttitled“DevelopmentAgreementandConditionalUsePermit fortheMonticelloBusinessCenterSeventhAddition,”withassignmentofthespecifictermsand conditionsforpublicimprovementsandthespecifictermsandconditionsforplatdevelopment, isherebyapproved. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis28thdayofOctober,2013. CITYOFMONTICELLO _______________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2013–082 Date:October1,2013ResolutionNo.2013-082 MotionBy:CommissionerSecondedBy:Commissioner ARESOLUTIONAPPROVINGACONDITIONALUSEPERMITTOALLOWCROSSACCESS ANDCROSSPARKINGBETWEENTHEALDIGROCERYSTOREINLOT1,BLOCK1OF THEMONTICELLOBUSINESSCENTERSEVENTHADDITIONANDOUTLOTAOFTHE MONTICELLOBUSINESSCENTERSEVENTHADDITION WHEREAS,ALDIhasrequestedaConditionalUsePermittoallowcrossaccessandparkingbetweenthe ALDIparcellocatedatLot1,Block1oftheMonticelloBusinessCenterSeventhAddition,andOutlotA oftheMonticelloBusinessCenterSeventhAddition;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionhasreviewedtheapplicationforConditionalUsePermitpursuant totheregulationsoftheMonticelloZoningOrdinance;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionheldapublichearingonOctober1st,2013ontheapplicationand theapplicantandmembersofthepublicwereprovidedtheopportunitytopresentinformationtothe PlanningCommission;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionhasconsideredallofthecommentsandthestaffreport,whichare incorporatedbyreferenceintotheresolution;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionoftheCityofMonticellomakesthefollowingFindingsofFactin relationtotherecommendationofapproval: 1)Theapplicationisconsistentwiththe2008MonticelloComprehensivePlanforPlacestoShop; and 2)TheproposedALDIGroceryStoreparkingandaccessarrangementwillmeettheintentofthe ZoningOrdinance;and 3)TheALDIcommercialdevelopmentisanalloweduseintheB-4RegionalBusinessDistrict;and 4)Theproposedcrossaccessandcrossparkingareaisnotanticipatedtonegativelyimpact surroundingcommercialproperties,andinsteadmayencouragefuturecommercial developmentinOutlotAtotheeastoftheALDIsite. 5)ApprovaloftheCUPforcrossaccessandcrossparkingwillnotresultintheneedfor additionalroadorutilityinfrastructure,andshouldnototherwisenegativelyimpactthe healthorsafetyofthecommunity. 6)ThedesignofboththecrossaccessfromSchoolBoulevardandthecrossparkingarea areinaccordancewiththeparkingandaccessdesignrequirementsoftheZoning Ordinance. NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED,bythePlanningCommissionoftheCityofMonticello, Minnesota,thattheapplicationforConditionalUsePermitisherebyapproved,subjecttothefollowing conditions: 1)Theapplicantprovideaproperlydrawnlegalinstrumentexecutedbytheparties concernedforcrossuseofoff-streetparkingfacilities,dulyapprovedastoformand mannerofexecutionbytheCityAttorney,tobefiledwiththeCityAdministratorand recordedwiththeCountyRecorderofWrightCounty. ADOPTED this1stdayofOctober2013,bythePlanningCommissionoftheCityofMonticello,Minnesota. MONTICELLOPLANNINGCOMMISSION By:_______________________________ BillSpartz,Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ AngelaSchumann,CommunityDevelopmentDirector CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2013–083 Date:October1,2013ResolutionNo.2013-083 MotionBy:CommissionerSecondedBy:Commissioner ARESOLUTIONAPPROVINGTHEPRELIMINARYANDFINALPLATFORMONTICELLO BUSINESSCENTERSEVENTHADDITION,INEXISTINGOUTLOTBOFTHE MONTICELLOBUSINESSCENTER WHEREAS,ALDIhasrequestedapprovalofthepreliminaryandfinalplatfortheMonticelloBusiness CenterSeventhAddition;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionhasreviewedthepreliminaryandfinalplatspursuanttothe regulationsoftheMonticelloSubdivisionOrdinance;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionheldapublichearingonOctober1st,2013ontheapplicationand theapplicantandmembersofthepublicwereprovidedtheopportunitytopresentinformationtothe PlanningCommission;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionhasconsideredallofthecommentsandthestaffreport,whichare incorporatedbyreferenceintotheresolution;and WHEREAS,thePlanningCommissionoftheCityofMonticellomakesthefollowingFindingsofFactin relationtotherecommendationofapproval: 1)Theproposedplatisabletomeetlot,street,stormwateranddrainage,andlandscapingdesign requirementsprovidedintheSubdivisionOrdinance. NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED,bythePlanningCommissionoftheCityofMonticello, Minnesota,thatthesubmittedpreliminaryandfinalplatfortheMonticelloBusinessCenterSeventh Additionareapproved,subjecttothefollowingconditions: 1)Theapplicantcreateopportunitiesfortheproposedinfiltrationbasinareatofunctionas anamenityforneighborsandstoreemployees,includingdemonstratingacombination ofsidewalks,paths,seatingorviewingareasintheareaofthebasinontherevisedfinal ADOPTED this1stdayofOctober2013,bythePlanningCommissionoftheCityofMonticello,Minnesota. MONTICELLOPLANNINGCOMMISSION By:_______________________________ BillSpartz,Chair ATTEST: ______________________________ AngelaSchumann,CommunityDevelopmentDirector 1 (reservedforrecordinginformation) DEVELOPMENTCONTRACT ANDCONDITIONALUSEPERMIT (DeveloperInstalledImprovements) MONTICELLOBUSINESSCENTERSEVENTHADDITION THISDEVELOPMENTCONTRACT (“Contract”)dated , 2013,byandamongthe CITYOFMONTICELLO,aMinnesotamunicipalcorporation(“City”),ALDI INC.(MINNESOTA)(“ALDI”)and OCELLO,LLC,aMinnesotalimitedliabilitycompany (“Ocello”),jointlyreferredtohereinasthe“Developers”. 1.APPROVALS.OnOctober28th 2013,theCityapprovedthefinalplatfor MONTICELLOBUSINESSCENTERSEVENTHADDITION (referredtointhisContractasthe “Plat”orthe“Development”).ThelandwithinthePlatissituatedintheCountyofWright,Stateof Minnesota,andislegallydescribedontheattachedExhibit“A”(“SubjectProperty”).Ocelloiscurrently theownerofthe“SubjectProperty.”Developersproposethat,followingrecordingofthePlat,ALDIwill ownLot1,Block1ofthePlat(the“ALDILot”)andOcellowillownOutlotAinthePlat(the“Ocello Land”).OnOctober28th,2013,theCityapprovedthepreliminaryplatfor MONTICELLOBUSINESS 2 CENTERSEVENTHADDITION.IftheALDILotisconveyedbyOcellotoanentityotherthan ALDI,allreferencestoALDIshallapplytotheowneroftheALDILot.OnOctober28th,theCity approvedissuingaConditionalUsePermittoALDIallowingforcrossaccessandcrossparking. 2.CONDITIONSOFPLATAPPROVAL.TheCityherebyapprovestheplatoncondition thattheDevelopersenterintothisContract,furnishthesecurityrequiredbyit,andrecordtheplatwiththe CountyRecorderorRegistrarofTitleswithin100daysaftertheCityCouncilapprovesthefinalplatorthe executionofthisContract,whicheveroccurslater. 3.CONDITIONSOFCONDITONALUSEPERMITAPPROVAL.TheCity‘sapproval oftheALDIconditionalusepermit(“CUP”)forcrossparkingandsharedaccessarebasedontheconditions that: 1)TheapplicantcomplieswiththetermsoftheCityEngineer’sreport,datedSeptember24, 2013. 2)TheapplicantrevisethelandscapingplansothattheproposedEuonymousfortuneishrub isreplacedwithanalternativeshrubspecies,asthisspeciescanbeinvasive.Attractive shrubalternativesincludeDiervillalonicera(DwarfBushHoneysuckle)and/orRhus aromatic(Gro-LowFragrantSumac). 3)Theapplicantprovideaproperlydrawnlegalinstrumentexecutedbytheparties concernedforcross-useofoff-streetparkingfacilitiesandcrossaccess,dulyapprovedas toformandmannerofexecutionbytheCityAttorney,tobefiledwiththeCity AdministratorandrecordedwiththeCountyRecorderofWrightCounty. 4.RIGHTTOPROCEED.Withintheplatorlandtobeplatted,theDevelopersmaynot constructsewerlines,waterlines,streets,utilities,publicorprivateimprovements,oranybuildingsuntilall thefollowingconditionshavebeensatisfied:1)thisagreementhasbeenfullyexecutedbybothpartiesand filedwiththeCityClerk,2)thenecessarysecurityhasbeenreceivedbytheCity,3)theplathasbeen submittedtotheWrightCountyRecorder'sOffice,and4)theCityhasissuedaletterthatallconditionshave beensatisfiedandthattheDevelopermayproceed. 3 5.CHANGESINOFFICIALCONTROLS.Fortwo(2)yearsfromthedateofthis Contract,noamendmentstotheCity'sComprehensivePlan,orofficialcontrolsshallapplytooraffectthe use,developmentdensity,lotsize,lotlayoutordedicationsofLot1,Block1oftheplat,unlessrequiredby stateorfederallaworagreedtoinwritingbytheCityandtheDeveloper.Thereafter,notwithstanding anythinginthisContracttothecontrary,tothefullextentpermittedbystatelaw,theCitymayrequire compliancewithanyamendmentstotheCity'sComprehensivePlan,officialcontrols,plattingordedication requirementsenactedafterthedateofthisContract. 5.DEVELOPMENTPLANS.TheALDILotshallbedevelopedinaccordancewiththe planslistedbelow(the“ALDIPlans”).TheALDIPlansareattachedtothisContractasExhibitB.Allof theALDIPlanshavebeenapprovedbytheCity.IftheplansvaryfromthewrittentermsofthisContract, thewrittentermsofthisContractshallcontrol.TheALDIPlansare: a.PreliminaryPlat,dated8/29/13 b.FinalPlat,dated8/29/13 c.ExistingSite&RemovalPlan,dated10/24/13 d.SitePlan,dated10/24/13 e.SiteUtilityPlan,dated10/24/13 f.SiteGradingandSpotElevationPlan,dated10/24/13 g.ExistingStormwaterPollutionPreventionPlan,dated10/24/13 h.ProposedStormwaterPollutionPreventionPlan,dated10/24/13 i.SiteDetails,includingfree-standingsignplan,dated10/24/13 j.LightingPlan,dated10/24/13 k.LandscapePlan,dated10/24/13 l.ALDIBuildingfaçadeelevations,dated10/24/13 m.SketchofDescription,ProposedSidewalk/TrailEasement,dated10/15/13 7.LOTCORNERS.InaccordancewithMinnesotaStatutes§505.02,thefinalplacement ofironmonumentsforalllotcornersmustbecompletedbeforetheapplicablesecurityforLotCornersas 4 furtherdescribedatSection24isreleased.TheDevelopers’surveyorshallsubmitawrittennoticetothe Citycertifyingthatthemonumentshavebeeninstalled. 8.PERMITS.EachDevelopershallobtainorrequireitsrespectivecontractorsand subcontractorstoobtainallnecessarypermits,includingbutnotlimitedto: WrightCountyforCountyRoadAccessandWorkinCountyRights-of-Way,if suchpermitisrequiredbyWrightCountyinconnectionwiththeDevelopment. MinnesotaDepartmentofHealthforwatermains. NPDESPermitforStormwater. CityofMonticelloforBuildingPermits. 9.DEWATERING.Duetothevariablenatureofgroundwaterlevelsandstormwaterflows, itwillbetheDevelopers’andtheDevelopers’contractors’andsubcontractors’responsibilitytosatisfy themselveswithregardtotheelevationofgroundwaterintheareaandthelevelofeffortneededto performdewateringandstormflowroutingoperations.Alldewateringshallbeinaccordancewithall applicablecounty,state,andfederalrulesandregulations.TheDevelopersshallobserveallDNR regulationsregardinggroundwaterappropriationspermits,ifapplicable. 10.PUBLICIMPROVEMENTS.Apermanenteasementforsidewalkpurposesalong CedarStreetshallbeexecutedandrecordedbytheDeveloperspriortorecordingthefinalplat,asthepublic sidewalkmaybepartiallylocatedontheDeveloper’sprivateproperty.Thepublicsidewalkshallbe developedinaccordancewiththeapprovedplansandspecificationsfortheADLIdevelopment,required Cityspecifications,andPlan“D”andPlan“M”,asidentifiedinParagraph5ofthisagreement.Asrequired perCityCodeTitle8,Chapter1andTitle8,Chapter5,theadjacentpropertyowner,(ALDIorOcello,as applicable)areresponsibleformaintenanceofallsidewalkandboulevardareas. 11.OWNERSHIPOFIMPROVEMENTS.Uponcompletionoftheworkandconstruction requiredofCitybythisContract,thepublicimprovementslyingwithinpubliceasementsshallbecomeCity propertywithoutfurthernoticeoraction. 5 12.LICENSE.TheDevelopersherebygranttheCity,itsagents,employees,officersand contractorsalicensetoentertheDevelopmenttoperformallworkandinspectionsdeemedappropriateby theCityinconjunctionwithdevelopment.TheCity’sagents,employees,officersandcontractorsentering theDevelopmentsubjecttothislicenseshallexerciseandobservereasonablesafetyprecautionsin performingworkandinspectionspermittedbythislicense. 13.SHAREDPRIVATEPONDANDSTORMSEWEREASEMENTAND MAINTENANCEAGREEMENT.TheDevelopersshallconstruct,operate,repair,replaceandmaintain inagoodstateofrepairandsafecondition,alldrainageimprovements,including,withoutlimitation,the stormsewersystemandpondontheALDIlot.SumpmanholeslocatedontheALDIlotshallbecleaned outatleastonceayearandasnecessarytoremovesediment.Asharedpondingeasementbetweenthe DevelopersshallbeprovidedtotheCityallowingtheoverflowfromthepondontheALDIlottobe directedtotheOcellopropertybasedona100-yearrainfalleventandprovidingforconstruction, operation,repair,replacementandmaintenanceasrequiredunderthisContract.Thesharedeasement requiredunderthisParagraphshallbedulyapprovedastoformandmannerofexecutionbytheCity Attorney,tobefiledwiththeCityAdministratorandrecordedwiththeWrightCountyRecorderwiththe recordingofthefinalplat. 14.EROSIONCONTROLANDSTORMWATERCONTROL.Priortoinitiating constructionwithintheDevelopment,theSWPPPPlan,whichhasbeenapprovedbytheCity,shallbe implementedbyALDI,andshallbeinspectedandapprovedbytheCity.TheCitymayimposeadditional reasonableerosioncontrolandstormwaterrequirementsprovidedthatsuchrequirementsareconsistentwith applicablelaw.Allareasdisturbedbytheexcavationandbackfillingoperationsshallbereseededwithin48 hoursafterthecompletionoftheworkorinanareathatisinactiveformorethanseven(7)daysunless authorizedandapprovedbytheCityEngineer.ExceptasotherwiseprovidedintheSWPPPPlan,seedshall 6 beinaccordancewiththeCity’scurrentseedingspecificationwhichmayincludecertifiedoatseedto provideatemporarygroundcoverasrapidlyaspossible.Allseededareasshallbefertilized,mulched,and discanchoredasnecessaryforseedretention.IfALDIdoesnotcomplywiththeSWPPPPlan,theCity shallprovideALDIwithwrittennoticeofthedefectsanddefault.IfALDIdoesnotcurethedefectsand defaultswithin5days,theCitymaytakesuchactionasitreasonablydeemsappropriatetocontrolerosion. IfALDIdoesnotreimbursetheCityfortheCity’sactualcostsincurredforsuchworkwithin30daysafter receiptoftheCity’swrittenrequest(whichrequestshallincludeallsupportingandrelatedevidence necessarytosubstantiatetheactualcost),theCitymaydrawagainstthedepositforgrading,asdefinedat Section23,toreimbursetheCity’sactualcosts. 15.GRADINGPLANANDCERTIFICATION.TheDevelopmentshallbegradedin accordancewiththeapprovedgradingplanandtheapprovedstormwatercontrolmeasuresanderosion controlplansetforthintheSWPPPPlan,allofwhichshallconformtoCityspecifications.Withinthirty (30)daysaftercompletionofthegradingoftheDevelopment,ALDIshallprovidetheCitywithan“as constructed”gradingplancertifiedbyaregisteredlandsurveyororengineercertifyingthatallponds, swales,andditcheshavebeenconstructedwithinthedrainageandutilityeasementasshownontheplat. Additionally,the“asconstructed”gradingplanwillincludeacertificationthatthegradefollowing constructionactivitieshasbeenundisturbedorhasbeenreturnedtothestaterequiredinthegradingplan. The“asconstructed”gradingplanshallincludefieldverifiedelevationsofthefollowing:a)crosssections ofponds;b)locationandelevationsalongallswales,wetlands,wetlandmitigationareasifany,ditches, locationsanddimensionsofborrowareas/stockpiles;andc)lotcornerelevations,andbuildingpads.The Citywillwithholdissuanceofbuildingpermitsuntiltheapprovedcertifiedgradingplanisonfilewiththe CityandallerosioncontrolmeasuresareinplaceasdeterminedbytheCityEngineer.Thesoilsobservation 7 andtestingreport,includingreferenceddevelopmentphasesandlotdescriptions,shallbesubmittedtothe BuildingOfficialforreviewpriortotheissuanceofbuildingpermits. 16.CLEANUP.DuringthecourseofgradingorconstructionwithintheDevelopment, ALDIorOcello,asthecasemaybe,shallcleandirtanddebrisfromadjacentpublicstreetsthathasresulted fromconstructionworkbyeachoftherespectiveDeveloper’scontractors,subcontractors,theiragentsor assignssothatallsuchstreetsareindrivablecondition.PriortoanyconstructionattheALDILotorthe OcelloLand,therespectiveDevelopershallidentifyinwritingaresponsiblepartyandscheduleforerosion control,streetcleaning,andstreetsweeping.TheDeveloperresponsiblefortheworkshallpayapenaltyof $100.00adayforeachcalendardaythattheadjacentpublicstreetsarenotcleanedinaccordancewiththis section.IftheDeveloperresponsiblefortheworkrepeatedlyfailstocleantheadjacentpublicstreetsin accordancewiththissection,theCitymay,afterfivedayswrittennoticetotheDeveloperresponsibleforthe work,performtheworkorcontracttohavetheworkcompletedandbillthecoststotheDeveloper responsibleforthework.IftheDeveloperresponsiblefortheworkdoesnotreimbursetheCityforanycost theCityincurredforsuchworkwithin30daysfromthedatewrittennoticeoftheamountowedtotheCityis mailed,theCitymaydrawagainstthedepositforgrading,asdefinedatSection24,postedbytheapplicable DevelopertoreimbursetheCity. 17.CLAIMS.IntheeventthattheCityreceivesclaimsfromlabor,materialmen,orothersthat workrequiredbythisContracthasbeenperformed,thesumsduethemhavenotbeenpaid,andthelaborers, materialmen,orothersareseekingpaymentfromtheCity,theDeveloperherebyauthorizestheCityto commenceanInterpleaderactionpursuanttoRule22,MinnesotaRulesofCivilProcedurefortheDistrict Courts,todrawuponthelettersofcreditinanamountupto125percentoftheclaim(s)anddepositthe fundsincompliancewiththeRule,anduponsuchdeposit,theDevelopershallrelease,discharge,and 8 dismisstheCityfromanyfurtherproceedingsasitpertainstothelettersofcreditdepositedwiththeDistrict Court,exceptthattheCourtshallretainjurisdictiontodetermineattorneys'feespursuanttothisContract. 18.STORMSEWERTRUNKAREACHARGE.TheALDILotissubjecttoastormsewer trunkareachargeof $6,490.00,whichis whichis dueandpayablebeforetheCitywillissueALDIa BuildingPermit.ThestormsewertrunkareachargeisbasedonthenetareaoftheALDILot,timesthe City’sStormSewerAreaCharge,andiscalculatedasfollows: 1.76netacresx$3,245/acre=$5,711.20 19.SANITARYSEWERTRUNKAREACHARGE.TheALDILotissubjecttoasanitary sewertrunkareachargeof $6,130.00,whichis dueandpayablebeforetheCitywillissueALDIaBuilding Permit.ThesanitarysewertrunkareachargeisbasedonthegrossareaoftheALDILottimestheCity’s SanitarySewerAreaChargeandiscalculatedasfollows: 2.00grossacresx$3,065/acre=$6,130.00 20.WATERMAINTRUNKAREACHARGE.TheALDILotissubjecttoawatermain trunkareachargeof $4,534.00,whichisdueandpayablebeforetheCitywillissueALDIaBuilding Permit.ThewatermaintrunkareachargeisbasedonthegrossareaoftheALDILottimestheCity’sWater MainAreaChargeandiscalculatedasfollows: 2.0grossacresx$2,267/acre=$4,534.00 21.TRAFFICSIGNALS.EachDevelopershallberesponsibleforaportionofthecostof futuretrafficsignalsforintersectionofCedarStreetandSchoolBoulevardinanamounttobedetermined bytheCitythroughthestatutoryassessmentprocessasdefinedbyMNStatute429. 22.PREVIOUSLYLEVIEDASSESSMENTS–OUTLOTB,MONTICELLOBUSINESS CENTER.ThepropertybeingplattedwaspreviouslyassessedforpublicimprovementstoCedarStreetas OutlotB,MonticelloBusinessCenter.TheleviedamountsonOutlotB,onwhichthebalanceattheendof 9 2013willtotal $51,290.66 forCedarStreetimprovements,shallbepaidatthetimeofplattingofthe MonticelloBusinessCenterSeventhAdditionpursuanttoaseparatecontractbetweenOcelloandALDI. 23.CITYENGINEERINGADMINISTRATIONANDCONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION.TheDevelopersshallpayadepositforin-houseengineeringadministration.City engineeringadministrationwillincludemonitoringofconstructionobservation,consultationwithDeveloper andhisengineeronstatusorproblemsregardingtheproject,andcoordinationforfinalinspectionand acceptanceofanypublicimprovements.TheDevelopershallpayforconstructionobservationperformedby theCity'sin-houseengineeringstafforconsultingengineer.Constructionobservationshallincludepartor fulltimeinspectionofproposedpublicsidewalkandwillbebilledonhourlyrates. ConstructionAdministration&Observation$1,000.00 24.SECURITYREQUIREMENTS.Toguaranteecompliancewiththetermsofthis agreement,paymentofrealestatetaxesincludinginterestandpenalties,paymentofspecialassessments, paymentofthecostsofallpublicimprovements,andconstructionofallpublicimprovements,the DevelopershallfurnishtheCitywithaletterofcredit,intheformattachedhereto,fromabank("security") for $35,550.00.Theamountofthesecuritywascalculatedasfollows: Landscaping$25,900.00 PublicSidewalk5,850.00 Grading,ErosionControl&Restoration6,000.00 LotMonuments800.00 (4monumentsx$200) TOTALSECURITYREQUIREMENTS$38,550.00 TheCitymaydrawdownthesecurity,withfive(5)dayswrittennoticetoALDIorOcello,as applicable,foranyviolationofthetermsofthisAgreementorwithoutnoticeifthesecurityisallowedto lapsepriortotheendoftherequiredterm.Iftherequiredpublicimprovementsarenotcompletedatleast 10 thirty(30)dayspriortotheexpirationofthesecurity,theCitymayalsodrawitdownwithoutnotice.If theSecurityisdrawndown,theproceedsshallbeusedtocurethedefault. ThelandscapingSecurityshallberetainedassecuritytoassurethatalltreesandothervegetation havebeenshowntosurvivefortwo(2)yearsafterthedateonwhichacertificateofoccupancyisissued andshallterminatetwo(2)yearsafterthedateofissuanceofsuchcertificateofoccupancy. Thisbreakdownisforhistoricalreference;itisnotarestrictionontheuseofthesecurity.Thebank shallbesubjecttotheapprovaloftheCityAdministrator.Thesecurityshallbeforanautomatically renewingterm.UponreceiptofproofsatisfactorytotheCitythatworkhasbeencompletedandfinancial obligationstotheCityhavebeensatisfied,withCityapprovalthesecuritymaybereducedfromtimeto timebyninetypercent(90%)ofthefinancialobligationsthathavebeensatisfied.Tenpercent(10%)ofthe amountscertifiedbytheDeveloper'sengineershallberetainedassecurityuntilallimprovementshavebeen completed,allfinancialobligationstotheCitysatisfied,therequired"asconstructed"planshavebeen receivedbytheCity,awarrantysecurityisprovided,andthepublicimprovementsareacceptedbytheCity Council. 25.SUMMARYOFCASHREQUIREMENTS.Thefollowingisasummaryofthecash requirementsunderthisContractwhichmustbefurnishedtotheCitypriortoissuanceofabuildingpermit: A.WatermainAreaCharge$4,534.00 B.SanitarySewerAreaCharge6,130.00 C.StormSewerAreaCharge5,711.20 D.ConstructionAdmin&Administration(escrow)1,000.00 TOTAL CASH REQUIREMENTS $17,375.20 26.WARRANTY.TheDeveloperwarrantsallpublicimprovementsrequiredtobeconstructed byitpursuanttothisContractagainstpoormaterialandfaultyworkmanship.Thewarrantyperiodforthe CedarStreetsidewalkistwoyearsandshallcommencefollowingcompletionandacceptancebyCity 11 Council.TheDeveloperoritsContractorsshallpostmaintenancebondsintheamountoftwenty-five percent(25%)offinalcertifiedconstructioncoststosecurethewarranties.TheCityshallretaintenpercent (10%)ofthesecuritypostedbytheDeveloperuntilthemaintenancebondsarefurnishedtheCityoruntil thewarrantyperiodexpires,whicheverfirstoccurs.Theretainagemaybeusedtopayforwarrantywork. 27.RESPONSIBILITYFORCOSTS. A.Exceptasotherwisespecifiedherein,theDevelopershallpayallactualcostsincurred byitortheCityinconjunctionwiththedevelopmentoftheplat,includingbutnotlimitedtolegal,planning, engineeringandinspectionexpensesincurredinconnectionwithapprovalandacceptanceoftheplat,the preparationofthisContract,reviewofconstructionplansanddocuments,andallcostsandexpenses incurredbytheCityinmonitoringandinspectingdevelopmentoftheplat.TheDevelopershalldeposit withtheCitytheamountsetforthinSection23tobeusedforthepaymentofthesefees. B.TheDevelopershallholdtheCityanditsofficers,employees,andagentsharmless fromclaimsmadebyitandthirdpartiesfordamagessustainedorcostsincurredresultingfromplat approvalanddevelopment.TheDevelopershallindemnifytheCityanditsofficers,employees,andagents forallcosts,damages,orexpenseswhichtheCitymaypayorincurinconsequenceofsuchclaims, includingattorneys'fees. C.TheDevelopershallreimbursetheCityforcostsincurredintheenforcementofthis Contract,includingengineeringandattorneys'fees. D.TheDevelopershallpayinfullallbillssubmittedtoitbytheCityforobligations incurredunderthisContractwithinthirty(30)daysafterreceipt.Ifthebillsarenotpaidontime,theCity mayhaltplatdevelopmentandconstructionuntilthebillsarepaidinfull.Billsnotpaidwithinthirty(30) daysshallaccrueinterestattherateofeighteenpercent(18%)peryear. 12 E.TheDevelopershallpay,orcausetobepaidwhendue,andinanyeventbeforeany penaltyisattached,allspecialassessmentsreferredtointhisContract.Thisisanobligationofthe DeveloperandshallcontinueinfullforceandeffecteveniftheDevelopersellsapartorpartsoftheplatted land. F.Inadditiontothechargesandspecialassessmentsreferredtoherein,othercharges andspecialassessmentsmaybeimposedsuchasbutnotlimitedtoseweravailabilitycharges("SAC"),City waterconnectioncharges,Citysewerconnectioncharges,andbuildingpermitfees. 28.DEVELOPER’SDEFAULT.IntheeventofdefaultbytheDeveloperastoanyofthe worktobeperformedbyithereunder,theCitymay,atitsoption,performtheworkandtheDevelopershall promptlyreimbursetheCityforanyexpenseincurredbytheCity,providedtheDeveloper,exceptinan emergencyasdeterminedbytheCity,isfirstgivennoticeoftheworkindefault,notlessthanforty-eight (48)hoursinadvance.ThisContractisalicensefortheCitytoact,anditshallnotbenecessaryfortheCity toseekaCourtorderforpermissiontoentertheland.WhentheCitydoesanysuchwork,theCitymay,in additiontoitsotherremedies,assessthecostinwholeorinpart. 29.MISCELLANEOUS. OcellorepresentstotheCitythattheplatcomplieswithallcity,county,metropolitan,state, andfederallawsandregulations,includingbutnotlimitedto:subdivisionordinances,zoningordinances, andenvironmentalregulations.Iftheplatceasestocomplywithcounty,metropolitan,state,andfederal lawsandregulations,theCitymay,atitsoption,refusetoallowconstructionordevelopmentworkinthe platuntiltheDeveloperdoescomply.UpontheCity'sdemand,theDevelopershallceaseworkuntilthereis compliance. B.ThirdpartiesshallhavenorecourseagainsttheCityunderthisContract. 13 C.BreachofthetermsofthisContractbyeitherDevelopershallbegroundsfordenial ofbuildingpermitstothatDeveloperonly,includinglotssoldtothirdparties. D.Ifanyportion,section,subsection,sentence,clause,paragraph,orphraseofthis Contractisforanyreasonheldinvalid,suchdecisionshallnotaffectthevalidityoftheremainingportionof thisContract. E.TheactionorinactionoftheCityshallnotconstituteawaiveroramendmenttothe provisionsofthisContract.Tobebinding,amendmentsorwaiversshallbeinwriting,signedbytheparties andapprovedbywrittenresolutionoftheCityCouncil.TheCity'sfailuretopromptlytakelegalactionto enforcethisContractshallnotbeawaiverorrelease. F.ThisContractshallrunwiththelandandmayberecordedagainstthetitletothe property.OcellocovenantswiththeCity,itssuccessorsandassigns,thatOcelloiswellseizedinfeetitleof theOcelloLandbeingfinalplattedand/orhasobtainedconsentstothisContract,intheformattached hereto,fromallpartieswhohaveaninterestintheOcelloLand;thattherearenounrecordedinterestsinthe OcelloLandbeingfinalplatted;andthatOcellowillindemnifyandholdtheCityharmlessforanybreachof theforegoingcovenants.ALDIcovenantswiththeCity,itssuccessorsandassigns,thatALDIiswellseized infeetitleoftheALDILotbeingfinalplattedand/orhasobtainedconsentstothisContract,intheform attachedhereto,ALDILotbeingfinalplatted;andthatALDIwillindemnifyandholdtheCityharmlessfor anybreachoftheforegoingcovenants.TheCityandtheownerorafutureownerofalotoroutlotwithin thePlatmayamendthisAgreementorothercityapprovalsfordevelopmentoruseoftheindividuallotor outlotwithouttheapprovalorconsentoftheotherlotowner(s)inthedevelopment.Privateagreements betweentheownersofpropertywiththePlatforsharedserviceoraccessandrelatedmattersnecessaryfor theefficientuseofthelandwithinthePlatshallbetheresponsibilityofthelotownersandshallnotbindor restrictCityauthoritytoapproveapplicationsfromanypropertyownerwithinthePlat. 14 G.Developershalltakeoutandmaintainorcausetobetakenoutandmaintaineduntilsix(6) monthsaftertheCityhasacceptedthepublicimprovements,publicliabilityandpropertydamageinsurance coveringpersonalinjury,includingdeath,andclaimsforpropertydamagewhichmayariseoutof Developer'sworkortheworkofitssubcontractorsorbyonedirectlyorindirectlyemployedbyanyofthem. Limitsforbodilyinjuryanddeathshallbenotlessthan$500,000foronepersonand$1,000,000foreach occurrence;limitsforpropertydamageshallbenotlessthan$200,000foreachoccurrence;ora combinationsinglelimitpolicyof$1,000,000ormore.TheCityshallbenamedasanadditionalinsuredon thepolicy,andtheDevelopershallfilewiththeCityacertificateevidencingcoveragepriortotheCity signingtheplat.ThecertificateshallprovidethattheCitymustbegiventen(10)daysadvancewritten noticeofthecancellationoftheinsurance.TheDevelopermustprovideaCertificateofInsurancewhich meetsthefollowingrequirements: 1.TheDescriptionsectionoftheAccordformneedstoread“CityofMonticelloisnamedas AdditionalInsuredwithrespecttotheGeneralLiabilityandAutoLiabilitypoliciesona PrimaryandNon-ContributoryBasis.”Eachpolicyshallprovide30daysnoticeof cancellationtoCityofMonticello. 2.CertificateHoldermustbeCityofMonticello. 3.ProvidecopyofpolicyendorsementshowingCityofMonticellonamedasAdditional InsuredonaPrimaryandNon-ContributoryBasis. H.Eachcontractofamunicipalitymustrequiretheprimecontractortopayanysubcontractor withintendaysoftheprimecontractor'sreceiptofpaymentfromthemunicipalityforundisputedservices providedbythesubcontractor.Thecontractmustrequiretheprimecontractortopayinterestof1-1/2 percentpermonthoranypartofamonthtothesubcontractoronanyundisputedamountnotpaidontime tothesubcontractor.Theminimummonthlyinterestpenaltypaymentforanunpaidbalanceof$100or 15 moreis$10.Foranunpaidbalanceoflessthan$100,theprimecontractorshallpaytheactualpenaltydue tothesubcontractor.Asubcontractorwhoprevailsinacivilactiontocollectinterestpenaltiesfroma primecontractormustbeawardeditscostsanddisbursements,includingattorney'sfees,incurredin bringingtheaction. I.Eachright,powerorremedyhereinconferredupontheCityiscumulativeandin additiontoeveryotherright,powerorremedy,expressorimplied,noworhereafterarising,availableto City,atlaworinequity,orunderanyotheragreement,andeachandeveryright,powerandremedyherein setforthorotherwisesoexistingmaybeexercisedfromtimetotimeasoftenandinsuchorderasmaybe deemedexpedientbytheCityandshallnotbeawaiveroftherighttoexerciseatanytimethereafterany otherright,powerorremedy. J.TheDevelopermaynotassignthisContractwithoutthewrittenpermissionofthe CityCouncil.TheDeveloper'sobligationhereundershallcontinueinfullforceandeffectevenifthe Developersells-apartorpartsoftheplattedland. K.TheDevelopersarerequiredtosubmitthefinalplattotheCityinelectronicformat. TheelectronicformatshallbeeitherAutoCAD.DWGfileora.DXFfile.Allconstructionrecorddrawings (e.g.,grading,utilities,andstreets)shallbeinelectronicformatinaccordancewithstandardCity specifications.TheDevelopersshallalsosubmitonecompletesetofreproducibleconstructionplanson MylartotheCity. 30.NOTICES.RequirednoticestotheDevelopersshallbeinwriting,andshallbeeitherhand deliveredtotheDevelopers,theiremployeesoragents,ormailedtotheDevelopersbycertifiedmailatthe followingaddresses: IfforALDI:ALDIInc.(Minnesota)Attention:AndrewMack 4201BagleyAve.N Fairbault,MN55021 Fax#:(507)333-9475 16 Email:Andrew.mack@ALDI.us Withacopyto: DanielJ.Kayne KayneLawGroup 612ParkStreet,Suite200 Columbus,Ohio432150 Fax#:(614)559-6768 Email:dkayne@kaynelaw.com IfforOcello,LLC:Ocello,LLC. 4065ChelseaRoadWest Monticello,MN55362 Attention:ShawnWeinand NoticestotheCityshallbeinwritingandshallbeeitherhanddeliveredtotheCityAdministrator,ormailed totheCitybycertifiedmailincareoftheCityAdministratoratthefollowingaddress:MonticelloCityHall, 505WalnutStreet,Monticello,Minnesota55362. CITYOFMONTICELLO BY:____________________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor (SEAL) AND___________________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator STATEOFMINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTYOFWRIGHT) Theforegoinginstrumentwasacknowledgedbeforemethis________dayof______________, 2013,byClintHerbstandbyJeffO’Neill,theMayorandCityAdministratoroftheCityofMonticello,a Minnesotamunicipalcorporation,onbehalfofthecorporationandpursuanttotheauthoritygrantedbyits CityCouncil. ______________________________________________ NOTARYPUBLIC 17 ALDIINC.(MINNESOTA) BY:__________________________________________ Its:___________________________________________ STATEOFMINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTYOFWRIGHT) Theforegoinginstrumentwasacknowledgedbeforemethis_____dayof____________,2013, by_______________,theVicePresidentofALDIInc.(Minnesota),aMinnesotacorporation,onbehalf ofsaidcorporation. ______________________________________________ NOTARYPUBLIC OCELLO,LLC BY:__________________________________________ Its:___________________________________________ STATEOFMINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTYOFWRIGHT) Theforegoinginstrumentwasacknowledgedbeforemethis________dayof______________, 2013,by__________________________________the____________________________________of Ocello,LLC,aMinnesotalimitedliabilitycompany,onbehalfofthecompany. ______________________________________________ NOTARYPUBLIC 18 DRAFTEDBY: CITYOF MONTICELLO AMS 505 WALNUT STREET,SUITE 1 MONTICELLO,MN 55362 RETURN TO: CITYOF MONTICELLO ATTN DEPUTY CLERK 505 WALNUT STREET,SUITE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 19 EXHIBITA LegalDescription OutlotB,MonticelloBusinessCenter,CountyofWright,StateofMinnesota 20 EXHIBITB Plans August 29, 2013 Angela Schumann Community Development City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit Application Narrative – ALDI, Inc. Dear Ms. Schumann: Enclosed you will find a Site Plan Application, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application, Preliminary Plat Application, and Final Plat Application along with all required supplemental information for a proposed ALDI Grocery Store to be constructed on what is currently Outlot B of the Monticello Business Center (PID # 155098000020) in Monticello, Minnesota. Given its current status as an outlot, there is not an address assigned to this parcel. Outlot B totals 12.11 acres, but as a part of these applications the property is to be divided into a new lot for the ALDI site with the remaining area being another outlot. The resulting subdivision will be The Monticello Business Center 7th Addition. The subdivision will consist of Lot 1, which will be a 2.0-acre lot at the southwest corner of the existing outlot where the proposed ALDI Grocery Store is being proposed, and the remainder of the parcel will contain a new 10.11-acre outlot. This property is currently vacant and owned by Ocello, LLC. Contingent upon the approval of these applications and accompanying final plat, Lot 1 of the proposed Monticello Business Center 7th Addition is to be purchased by ALDI, Inc. to allow for the construction of a new ALDI Grocery Store and related improvements as outlined in this application. The property is located within the B-4 Business Zoning District. The property is bordered on the south by School Boulevard; on the west by Cedar Street; on the north and east by vacant agricultural land including Outlot C of the Monticello Business Center to the east; and unplatted land to the north. All of the surrounding land uses are also B-4 and B-3 Business Zoning Districts. In addition, to the west across Cedar Street there is a gas station, restaurant, and strip mall. To the south across School Boulevard, there is a Wal-Mart. The development of this parcel will help the adjacent commercial businesses of the area by eliminating a very visible vacant property and adding another retail facility to the local tax base. There are currently three accesses into the existing Outlot B, one from School Boulevard and two off of Cedar Street. This project will utilize two of these accesses including the one off of School Boulevard and the southernmost access from Cedar Street. As a part of this project, the two-acre ALDI lot will have its northern lotline located at the center of the southernmost access from Cedar Street. This access will serve the ALDI lot as well as future development to the north and east. In addition, the access from School Boulevard will also be used, but it will not be included in any part of the proposed ALDI lot. Instead this project proposes that a shared access drive be constructed from the access on School Boulevard which will then turn and head west across the proposed Outlot into the proposed ALDI lot. This shared access drive will also include the construction of some parking along it at Site Plan and CUP Application Narrative – ALDI, Inc. August 29, 2013 Page 2 of 4 this time to serve a future lot directly east of the proposed ALDI lot. The access drive and parking will both be shared between the two lots. Both of the proposed accesses to be used by this development were constructed with the adjacent roadways and each include both right and left turn lanes into the site at median openings in the roadways. Therefore, the existing roadway infrastructure has been constructed to adequately handle the increased traffic that may ultimately result from the development of both the ALDI property and the remaining Outlot. The proposed shared access drives will also provide adequate capacity to facilitate the flow of traffic into both proposed lots. The project will include the construction of a 17,018 square foot ALDI Grocery Store to be located on the eastern side of the proposed Lot 1. The ALDI site will also include an 81-stall parking lot, the two accesses described above, utilities to serve the new building, storm drainage, stormwater management facilities, lighting, and landscaping. The proposed site will also include the construction of a sidewalk along Cedar Street across the western portion of the lot, which will be expanded upon with future development to the north. Stormwater management for the ALDI site will be constructed as part of this project. The proposed stormwater management facility will be located on the ALDI lot but designed to treat stormwater runoff from both the proposed ALDI lot and a proposed future lot located directly east of the ALDI lot (for which the shared access and parking off of School Boulevard are to be constructed). This stormwater facility will be an infiltration basin which meets both the City of Monticello and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency requirements for the development. This basin will discharge into an existing 15” storm sewer stub located at the access into the site from Cedar Street. It will meet the City’s previously designed discharge threshold for this pipe. Geotechnical exploration of the site was performed, and it was found that the site is predominantly sand soils; thus, the infiltration basin should fit the stormwater requirements of this site very well. The proposed ALDI building will be 17,018 square feet with an entrance in the southwest corner and a loading dock on the north side of the building. The building exterior and building materials will be constructed in accordance with the B-4 Zoning District Standards. The proposed building features are illustrated by the accompanying building elevations. All trash and loading will be screened within the proposed loading dock. In addition, all rooftop mechanical equipment will be screened with appropriate materials and colors matching the building exterior. Appropriate building and parking lot lighting as well as landscaping will also be provided for the proposed site in accordance with the City Code. The proposed ALDI site will utilize existing public utilities for sanitary sewer and water service, both of which are currently stubbed into Outlot B within the proposed ALDI lot. There are currently sewer and water services stubbed into the proposed ALDI lot from both Cedar Street and School Boulevard. With this development the services off School Boulevard will be utilized, and those from Cedar Street will be capped. The proposed ALDI Grocery Store will require construction of a 6” water service coming from the existing water service, and a 1 ½” water service will also be constructed from the 6” line. The ALDI site will also require the construction of a 6” sanitary sewer service. This service will be extended from the existing 6” sanitary sewer service on the south side of the site, parallel with the watermain. This sewer line has adequate depth and capacity to serve the ALDI facility. The future development of the remaining Outlot will utilize separate service lines that have been constructed into the Outlot at other locations along both School Boulevard and Cedar Street. Therefore, this project will not require any changes or upgrades to the existing publically owned sanitary sewer or water distribution systems. Site Plan and CUP Application Narrative – ALDI, Inc. August 29, 2013 Page 3 of 4 Site signage for this project will be provided by a pylon sign located on the southwest corner of the site along with building signage. The pylon sign will be 22 feet tall and will have an area of 100 square feet. The sign will have two sides and be constructed in accordance with Chapter 4, Section 4.5: Signs of the City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance. In addition, the building signage on both faces of the building will total 136 square feet. This is well under the applicable signage size requirements outlined in the Zoning Ordinance which stipulate the signage maximum area as 15% of the façade. For this facility this calculates to an allowable signage area of 690 square feet, given that the façade of the west and south building elevations total 4,598 square feet (2,105 square feet on the west facade plus 2,493 square feet on the south façade = 4,598 square feet) (15% of 4,598 = 690 square feet). This building signage will include the ALDI logo along with the words “FOOD MARKET” on both the west and south faces of the building at the building entrance as allowed for buildings that face two streets. For your reference the signage is illustrated on the attached building elevations and site plans. The site plans for the access drive and ALDI site along with a map of the project location are shown on the attached plan sheets. Being that this property is currently a single outlot, the property will be subdivided and platted in conjunction with this project. The preliminary and final plats are also included with this submittal along with building elevations and floor plans. All applicable guidelines as outlined for this property in the City of Monticello’s Ordinances were taken into account during the design of this project including the appropriate land use, setbacks, parking requirements, and all other applicable regulations. The City of Monticello Land Use Plan identifies this parcel as being located within a retail area which is applicable to this proposal. The proposed ALDI and surrounding land use of this property will also provide economic development that will expand the property tax base, conserve and potentially increase property values, increase jobs, and provide desirable services to the neighborhood and the City as a whole. This property is currently vacant; therefore, any development of the site will be an improvement from the existing conditions. In addition, being that this project is located within a developing area with several large businesses already located within it, there is already a large traffic volume past the site as well as high visibility of the site. These factors along with the size of the proposed lot and proximity to other commercial developments make this site an appropriate location for a grocery store. The proposed ALDI would serve the surrounding residential and commercial areas with another source of groceries in the area. The addition of the ALDI store near the existing residential areas that are located to the south, east, and west of this site will be beneficial to both ALDI and the residents in the area. This proximity to residential properties will also promote pedestrian traffic to the site via the existing trail and sidewalk system that is currently in place. This proposed project includes a site plan application for the new ALDI site, preliminary and final plats to split the current Outlot B, and also a CUP application for the proposed ALDI lot. Based on the information provided by the City of Monticello, the CUP is required due to the proposed cross access and cross parking which will be utilized as part of this development. The proposed ALDI Grocery Store will share parking and access with the commercial lots to the south and west which are intended to be developed in the future. All cross access drive connections to the adjacent roadway systems will be constructed with this project. While a CUP is required for this development, the use does fall within the accepted uses of the area and will not substantially diminish or impair property values with the vicinity of the property. It is expected to increase interest in the development of the neighboring properties which will share cross access and cross parking with the new ALDI facility. Site Plan and CUP Application Narrative – ALDI, Inc. August 29, 2013 Page 4 of 4 Further, the CUP will not cause detriment to health, safety, morals, or welfare of any persons residing or working near the property. It will also not result in any nuisances such as odor, noise, or sight pollution. The new ALDI Grocery Store seeks to provide a clean, well-lit grocery store as convenience to the area, and proper screening of dumpsters and other necessary areas will be provided. The conditional use is expected to facilitate further interest in the development of nearby properties but will not impede the normal and orderly development of surrounding property. The conditional use will also not pose an undue burden on public utilities or roads as the use was planned for initially with the platting of this property within the existing business district. The conditional use will not unnecessarily impact any natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, or shorelines as the proposed development is already a planned permitted use within this existing business district. All erosion will be properly controlled during construction and the conditional use will adhere to any additional applicable criteria outlined within the City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance both during construction and future operations. Adequate shared parking, loading spaces, shared access, and storage on site will be provided in accordance with all applicable City Code requirements. Granting the proposed conditional use to allow the ALDI development in conjunction with the proposed cross parking and cross access will enable unified development within the area to be served by adequate shared facilities. Based upon the information outlined within this narrative along with our conversations with the City of Monticello, we feel that the Site Plan, CUP, and Preliminary and Final Plat Applications should be approved because the proposed ALDI site fits well with the surrounding properties and will also be an improvement to the current conditions. The proposed site plan as well as the proposed use of this property as outlined in this submittal is consistent with City of Monticello’s Land Use Planning and Zoning. The proposed ALDI Grocery Store is a logical use for the property that fits well with the surrounding properties. The development of the ALDI site also provides another business to the Monticello Business Center area and may help to draw in others to continue the growth and development of this area. Thank you for considering this request. Please contact me at 507-331-1500 with any questions regarding this supplemental information or this project. Sincerely, Andrew T. Brandel, PE Civil Engineer | Principal ATB/sam TH I S D O C U M E N T I S T H E P R O P E R T Y O F I & S G R O U P , I N C . AN D M A Y N O T B E U S E D , C O P I E D O R D U P L I C A T E D WI T H O U T P R I O R W R I T T E N C O N S E N T . PR O J E C T PR O J E C T N O . FI L E N A M E DE S I G N E D B Y DR A W N B Y TI T L E IS S U E D A T E CL I E N T P R O J E C T N O . SH E E T 14 9 8 0 P P L A T RE V I E W E D B Y Ma r k Da t e De s c r i p t i o n Re v i s i o n S c h e d u l e 1 O F 1 12 - 1 4 9 8 0 KH KE Y P L A N I H E R E B Y C E R T I F Y T H A T T H I S S U R V E Y , P L A N , O R RE P O R T W A S P R E P A R E D B Y M E O R U N D E R M Y D I R E C T SU P E R V I S I O N A N D T H A T I A M A D U L Y L I C E N S E D L A N D SU R V E Y O R U N D E R T H E L A W S O F T H E S T A T E O F MI N N E S O T A . DA T E LI C . N O . 43 1 1 0 DA N I E L L . S T U E B E R PR E L I M I N A R Y PL A T AL D I I N C . RE T A I L F A C I L I T Y (+ 0 # .  2 . # 6  ( 1 4  4 ' 8 + ' 9 AA A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A  AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A AA A A A A A AA A A A AA A A A A A AA A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A PROJECT LOCATION 5 % * 1 1 .  $ . 8 &  2+0 '  5 V   6 *    '& / 1 0 5 1 0  # 8 '   0 ' %' & # 4  5 V  &70&#54F Intersection of School Blvd & Cedar St Monticello, MN 55362 ARCHITECT APD Engineering & Architecture, PLLC. Brian Grinnell 615 Fishers Run Victor, New York, 14564 Ph: 585-724-2222 Fax: 585-924-4914 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA CIVIL T1.11 TITLE SHEET, LOCATION MAPS, AND SHEET INDEX C1.10 LAND USE MAP C1.11 EXISTING SITE & REMOVAL PLAN C2.11 SITE PLAN C2.12 SITE UTILITY PLAN C3.11 SITE GRADING & SPOT ELEVATION PLAN C4.11-C4.13 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLANS (SWPPP) C5.11-C5.13 SITE DETAILS C5.14 SITE DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS C6.11 SITE LIGHTING PLAN LANDSCAPING L1.11 LANDSCAPE PLAN L2.11 LANDSCAPE NOTES & DETAILS ARCHITECTURAL A-121 ROOF PLAN A-131 OPERATIONS PLAN A-201 EXTERIOR ELEVATION A-505 EXTERIOR DETAILS OWNER: Aldi, Inc. Andrew Mack 4201 Bagley Avenue North Faribault, Minnesota 55021 Ph: 507-333-9460 x123 Fax: 507-333-9475 PROJECT MANAGER: Andy Brandel PROJECT LOCATION SPECIFICATIONS REFERENCE ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO'S REQUIREMENTS AND MnDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION, 2014 EDITION, AND THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWER, STORM DRAIN AND WATERMAIN AS PROPOSED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA 2013, UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 TITLE REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule DEH ATB T1.11 TITLE SHEET, LOCATION MAP, & SHEET INDEX 1.ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, WHICH INCLUDE THE OWNER - CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT, THE PROJECT MANUAL (WHICH INCLUDES GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS), DRAWINGS OF ALL DISCIPLINES AND ALL ADDENDA, MODIFICATIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS ISSUED BY THE ARCHITECT / ENGINEER. 2.CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SHALL BE ISSUED TO ALL SUBCONTRACTORS BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IN COMPLETE SETS IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE THE FULL EXTENT AND COMPLETE COORDINATION OF ALL WORK. 3.WRITTEN DIMENSIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. NOTIFY ARCHITECT/ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONDITIONS REQUIRING INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 4.FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONDITIONS REQUIRING INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 5.ALL MANUFACTURED ARTICLES, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL BE APPLIED, INSTALLED, CONNECTED, ERECTED, CLEANED AND CONDITIONED ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURERS' INSTRUCTIONS. IN CASE OF DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN MANUFACTURERS' INSTRUCTIONS AND THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, NOTIFY ENGINEER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 6.LARGE-SCALE, MORE SPECIFIC DETAILS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SMALLER-SCALE, LESS SPECIFIC DETAILS AND INFORMATION. MORE STRINGENT REQUIREMENTS FOR CODE, PRODUCTS AND INSTALLATION TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER LESS STRINGENT REQUIREMENTS. NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR CONDITIONS REQUIRING INFORMATION OR CLARIFICATION BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 7. THE LOCATION AND TYPE OF ALL INPLACE UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS ARE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION ONLY AND ARE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF I&S GROUP, INC. NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE IS IMPLIED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE SIZES, LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF ALL INPLACE UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM PLAN. 8.THE CONTRACTOR IS TO CONTACT "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION / CONSTRUCTION (1-800-252-1166) A "GOPHER STATE ONE CALL" WAS NOT PREFORMED AT THE TIME OF THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. 176.16$1(/106+%'..1 $75+0'55%'06'4 2+& %*'.5'#4F 1# - 9 1 1 &  & T   ' # 5 6 2+0 '  5 V   6 *    5%*11.$.8& 5%*11.$.8& B.M. ELEVATION=964.46 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 ZONING REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule APP C1.10 PIN: 155098000020 CLASS: 101-AGRICULTURAL PIN: 155098000030 CLASS: 101-AGRICULTURAL PIN: 155500142400 CLASS: 101-AGRICULTURAL PIN: 155207001010 CLASS: 233-COMM LAND & BLDGS PIN: 155207001020 CLASS: 233-COMM LAND & BLDGS PIN: 155148001020 CLASS: 233-COMM LAND & BLDGS PIN: 155148001010 CLASS: 233-COMM LAND & BLDGS PIN: 155150001010 CLASS: 233-COMM LAND & BLDGS PIN: 155162001020 CLASS: 233-COMM LAND & BLDGS PIN: 155162001010 CLASS: 233-COMM LAND & BLDGS CED A R S T R E E T R O W HI G H W A Y 2 5 R O W SC H O O L B L V D . R O W 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 LAND USE MAP THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 SITE REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule APP C1.11 LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED B.M. ELEVATION=964.46 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 EXISTING SITE & REMOVAL PLAN BENCH MARK 17 14 5 7 1516 10 VERSION 5.0 PROTOTYPE RIGHT HAND ENTRY, SIDE DOCK 17,651 SQ.FT. INCLUDING CANOPY CANOPY SQ.FT.:633 BUILDING SQ.FT.:17,018 F.F.E.:963.50 CA R T C O R R A L CART CORRAL THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 SITE REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule APP C2.11 LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED B.M. ELEVATION=964.46 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 SITE PLAN BENCH MARK CONSTRUCT INFILTRATION BASIN (SEE DETAIL) 100 YR HWL = 960.95 OUTLET = 958.50 BASE = 957.00 17 14 5 7 1516 10 VERSION 5.0 PROTOTYPE RIGHT HAND ENTRY, SIDE DOCK 17,651 SQ.FT. INCLUDING CANOPY CANOPY SQ.FT.:633 BUILDING SQ.FT.:17,018 F.F.E.:963.50 CA R T C O R R A L CART CORRAL THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 SITE REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule APP C2.12 LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED B.M. ELEVATION=964.46 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 SITE UTILITY PLAN CONSTRUCT INFILTRATION BASIN (SEE DETAIL) 100 YR HWL = 960.95 OUTLET = 958.50 BASE = 957.00 BENCH MARK NOTE: COORDINATE ALL WATERMAIN SHUT DOWNS WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO'S PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT NOTE: A UTILITY EXCAVATION PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF MONTICELLO'S PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY UTILITY CONNECTIONS 17 14 5 7 1516 10 VERSION 5.0 PROTOTYPE RIGHT HAND ENTRY, SIDE DOCK 17,651 SQ.FT. INCLUDING CANOPY CANOPY SQ.FT.:633 BUILDING SQ.FT.:17,018 F.F.E.:963.50 CA R T C O R R A L CART CORRAL THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 GRADE REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule APP C3.11 LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED B.M. ELEVATION=964.46 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 SITE GRADING & SPOT ELEVATION PLAN BENCH MARK NOTE: INVERT ELEVATIONS FOR THE STORM SEWER CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES MAY BE FOUND ON THE STORM SEWER SCHEDULE ON SHEET C2.12 LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED B.M. ELEVATION=964.46 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 SWPPP PLAN REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule KBR 12-14980 C4.11 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 EXISTING STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED B.M. ELEVATION=964.46 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 SWPPP PLAN REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule KBR 12-14980 C4.12 SWPPP LEGEND 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 PROPOSED STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) BENCH MARK NOTE: SEED ALL DISTURBED AREAS THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 SWPPP PLAN REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule KBR 12-14980 C4.13 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 N.T.S. N.T.S. PROFILE VIEW PLAN VIEW N.T.S. NOTES: N.T.S. ROUND CB INLET CURB STYLE CB INLET N.T.S. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 DETAILS REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule DEH C5.11 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 SITE DETAILS H.C. CURB RAMP DETAIL (DOME TYPE) N.T.S. STORE ENTRANCE DETAIL 1"=10' 3 3/4"3 3/4" 1'-2 1/2"6"1'-4"2'-4 1/2"1'-1 1/2"6"1'-3"6"1'-2 1/4"6"1'-3 1/2" 5 3/4" 3 3/4" 5 3/4" 1'-2 1/2" 5 7/8" 1'-4 3/8" 3 3/4" 3 1/2" 3 3/4" 3 3/4" 6 3/4" 1'-2"5 1/2"4" 1 3/4" 5 1/2"4 1/2" 3 3/4" 3 3/4"3 3/4"1'-4 1/2" 7 1/2"3 3/4" N.T.S. STORE ENTRANCE NO PARKING STRIPING DETAIL N.T.S. B618 CONCRETE CURB (REVERSE PITCH) N.T.S. B618 CONCRETE CURB STANDARD BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION N.T.S. N.T.S. TURNED DOWN CONCRETE WALK SECTION HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION N.T.S. N.T.S. STORE ENTRANCE UNDER DRAIN SECTION N.T.S. HANDICAPPED SIGN DETAIL LOADING DOCK CONCRETE PAD TYPICAL SECTION N.T.S. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 DETAILS REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule DEH C5.12 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 SITE DETAILS DETAIL FOR SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PIPE BEDDING NON-CONCRETE STORM DRAIN PIPE BEDDING TRENCH WIDTH SANITARY SERVICE DETAILS PLAN VIEW N.T.S. LOADING DOCK CATCH BASIN A-6 DETAIL TYPICAL BLEEDER DRAIN SECTION N.T.S. TYPE 1 CATCH BASIN N.T.S. SANITARY CLEAN OUT N.T.S. TYPICAL GATE VALVE & BOX INSTALLATION THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 DETAILS REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule DEH C5.13 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 SITE DETAILS OUTLET STRUCTURE A-6 DETAIL LOCK DETAIL 'A'-'A' 'A''A' THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 DETAILS REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule DEH C5.14 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 SITE DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS SECTION A-A A A N.T.S. TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT DETAIL MAINTAINED WATER=958.50 100 YR HIGH WATER LEVEL=960.95 BOTTOM BASIN = 957.00 N.T.S. INFILTRATION BASIN DETAIL 3:1 VERSION 5.0 PROTOTYPE RIGHT HAND ENTRY, SIDE DOCK 17,651 SQ.FT. INCLUDING CANOPY CANOPY SQ.FT.:633 BUILDING SQ.FT.:17,018 F.F.E.:963.50 CA R T C O R R A L CART CORRAL 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 LANDSCAPE PLAN THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 LBASE REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule DEH L1.11 LANDSCAPE NOTES & DETAILS THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF I&S GROUP, INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, COPIED OR DUPLICATED WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT. PROJECT PROJECT NO. FILE NAME DESIGNED BY DRAWN BY TITLE ISSUE DATE CLIENT PROJECT NO. SHEET 14980 LBASE REVIEWED BY Mark Date Description Revision Schedule DEH L2.11 4201 Bagley Ave. N Faribault, MN 55021 Tel: 507/333-9460 Fax: 507/333-9485 ALDI, INC. RETAIL FACILITY MONTICELLO MINNESOTA I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. KEY PLAN LIC. NO.DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS DOCUMENT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. LIC. NO.DATE Andrew T. Brandel 47078 10/24/13 12-14980 TA P E R E D I N S U L A T I O N DN AT P I L A S T E R B E Y O N D , P R O V I D E OP E N I N G I N M A S O N R Y T O A L L O W FO R N E W L I G H T G A U G E ' C ' J O I S T TO P E N E T R A T E F O R A N C H O R I N G TO C O L U M N . P R O V I D E F L A S H I N G @ R O O F A N D C A N O P Y C E I L I N G , TY P A T C A N O P Y P I L A S T E R S DN DN DN DN TA P E R E D IN S U L A T I O N SLOPED STRUCTURE OUTLINE OF COOLER (BELOW) OU T L I N E O F F R E E Z E R ( B E L O W ) OUTLINE OF HUSSMANN MULTI-DECK (BELOW) WA L K W A Y P A D S RO O F H A T C H w / S A F E T Y RA I L S - C O O R D . W / R O O F ST R U C T U R E A N D L A D D E R PL A C E M E N T B E L O W PR O T O C O L U N I T CO N D E N S E R DN B2 A5 0 1 A2 A5 0 1 B3 A5 0 1 D3 A5 0 3 LI N E O F E X T E R I O R BL D G . F A C E ( T Y P . ) 36 ' - 0 " V . I . F . 51' - 9 " V . I . F . 12 ' - 0 " V . I . F . SLOPED STRUCTURE B3 A5 0 1 17'-6" V.I.F. 35'-11" V.I.F. 6'-4 3/4" SI M . OP P . HA N D A2 A5 0 1 35'-7 3/8" 17 ' - 9 " 2" D I A . R G S CO N D U I T - S E E E L E C EX H A U S T V E N T S - S E E ME C H D W G S . UN I T H E A T E R F L U E - SE E M E C H D W G S . UNIT HEATER FLUE -SEE MECH DWGS. A1 A5 0 3 A1 A5 0 3 RO O F H Y D R A N T - S E E PL U M B I N G D R A W I N G S CR I C K E T DN DN 65 ' - 5 " V . I . F . 85'-1" V.I.F. RT U - 1 RT U - 2 CR I C K E T EX H A U S T V E N T - SE E M E C H D W G S . "P A T E " P I P E C U R B P C A - 2 WI T H P C C - 5 C A P B Y G C - SE E D E T A I L D 1 / A 5 0 1 GR A Y R O O F M E M B R A N E AT B A C K O F R A I S E D PA R A P E T S - S E E S P E C GR A Y R O O F M E M B R A N E AT B A C K O F R A I S E D PA R A P E T S - S E E S P E C NOTE:1.ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT , SCUPPER AND ROOF DRAIN LOCATIONDIMENSIONS REFER TO EXTERIOR FACE OF BUILDING WALL @FINISHED FLOOR.2.ROOF SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTSA.ACCELERATED WEATHERING: ROOFING SYSTEM SHALLWITHSTAND 2000 HOURS OF EXPOSURE WHEN TESTED$&&25',1*72$670¬*¬$670¬*¬25$670¬*¬B.IMPACT RESISTANCE: ROOFING SYSTEM SHALL RESIST IMPACTDAMAGE WHEN TESTED ACCORDING TO $670¬'¬ OR$670¬'¬C.ROOFING SYSTEM DESIGN: TESTED BY A QUALIFIED TESTINGAGENCY TO RESIST THE FOLLOWING UPLIFT PRESSURES:1.1.CORNER UPLIFT PRESSURE: 72.2T LBF/SQ. FT.1.2.PERIMETER UPLIFT PRESSURE: 47 LB/SQ. FT.1.3.FIELD-OF-ROOF UPLIFT PRESSURE: 37.6 LBF/SQ. FT.1.4.FIRE-RESISTANCE RATINGS: COMPLY WITHFIRE-RESISTANCE-RATED ASSEMBLY DESIGNS INDICATED.IDENTIFY PRODUCTS WITH APPROPRIATE MARKINGS OFAPPLICABLE TESTING AGENCY.27'-8"33'- 4 " 33 ' - 4 " 29 ' - 2 " 33 ' - 4 " 30'-0"SLOPE1/4" PER FT. SL O P E 1/ 4 " P E R F T . SLOPE1/4" PER FT. SL O P E 1/ 4 " P E R F T . SL O P E 1/ 4 " P E R F T . SL O P E 1/ 4 " P E R F T . SL O P E 1/ 4 " P E R F T . SL O P E 1/ 4 " P E R F T . RO O F D R A I N ȭ D I M S 31 ' - 4 " SC U P P E R ȭ D I M S 37 ' - 6 " 33 ' - 4 " 33 ' - 8 " SLOPEDSTRUCTURE D2 A5 0 2 RD 2'-11 1/2" TYP. TY P I C A L S C U P P E R - C O O R D . LO C A T I O N S W I T H T A P E R E D IN S U L A T I O N RD RD RDPARAPETS E X C L U D E D ) SQ U A R E F E E T MAIN RO O F A R E A 16 , 5 5 6 CANOPY R O O F A R E A 63 3 TOTAL RO O F A R E A 17 , 1 8 9 RO U T E C A N O P Y R O O F D R A I N (D S ) P I P I N G T O P I L A S T E R , T H E N DO W N I N S I D E P I L A S T E R & T I E IN T O S T O R M ( T Y P O F 2 ) DSRD DS RD PO S T M O U N T E D EQ U I P M E N T S C R E E N - S E E SP E C I F I C A T I O N S E C T I O N 10 2 4 0 0 A N D S T R U C T U R A L DR A W I N G S - P A I N T A L L EX P O S E D S T E E L P T - 1 0 / C L - 5 8'-0"8'-0" 10 ' - 0 " 10 ' - 0 " 47'-9" V I F  “ UN I T M O U N T E D EQ U I P M E N T S C R E E N - S E E S P E C I F I C A T I O N SE C T I O N 1 0 2 4 0 0 UN I T M O U N T E D EQ U I P M E N T S C R E E N - S E E S P E C I F I C A T I O N SE C T I O N 1 0 2 4 0 0 Dr a w i n g N o . Sc a l e : Pr o j e c t N o . Ty p e : Da t e : Dr a w n B y : Da t e : A Is s u e d : Pr o j e c t N a m e & L o c a t i o n : Dr a w i n g N a m e : PR O J E C T A R C H I T E C T / E N G I N E E R DA T E PR O J E C T L E A D DA T E Se a l Se a l DA T E PR O J E C T D E S I G N E R BCD1234 Da t e : Re v i s i o n s : 5 45 Is s u e d f o r U s e / R e f e r e n c e 08 / 2 7 / 1 3 In c . DO N O T S C A L E P L A N S Co p y i n g , P r i n t i n g , S o f t w a r e a n d o t h e r p r o c e s s e s r e q u i r e d t o p r o d u c e th e s e p r i n t s c a n s t r e t c h o r s h r i n k t h e a c t u a l p a p e r o r l a y o u t . Th e r e f o r e , s c a l i n g o f t h i s d r a w i n g m a y b e i n a c c u r a t e . C o n t a c t A P D En g i n e e r i n g w i t h a n y n e e d f o r a d d i t i o n a l d i m e n s i o n s o r c l a r i f i c a t i o n s . 58 5 . 7 4 2 . 2 2 2 2 58 5 . 9 2 4 . 4 9 1 4 . f a x 61 5 F i s h e r s R u n Vi c t o r , N Y 1 4 5 6 4 61 5 F i s h e r s R u n Vi c t o r , N Y 1 4 5 6 4 58 5 . 7 4 2 . 2 2 2 2 58 5 . 9 2 4 . 4 9 1 4 . f a x Dr a w i n g A l t e r a t i o n It i s a v i o l a t i o n o f l a w f o r a n y p e r s o n , u n l e s s a c t i n g u n d e r t h e di r e c t i o n o f l i c e n s e d A r c h i t e c t , P r o f e s s i o n a l E n g i n e e r , L a n d s c a p e Ar c h i t e c t , o r L a n d S u r v e y o r t o a l t e r a n y i t e m o n t h i s d o c u m e n t i n an y w a y . A n y l i c e n s e e w h o a l t e r s t h i s d o c u m e n t i s r e q u i r e d b y l a w to a f f i x h i s o r h e r s e a l a n d t o a d d t h e n o t a t i o n " A l t e r e d B y " f o l l o w e d by h i s o r h e r s i g n a t u r e a n d t h e s p e c i f i c d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e a l t e r a t i o n or r e v i s i o n . AP D E n g i n e e r i n g & A r c h i t e c t u r e , P L L C ww w . a p d . c o m C AP D E n g i n e e r i n g & Ar c h i t e c t u r e , P L L C ww w . a p d . c o m Co p y r i g h t 2 0 1 3 PLOTTED: 8/27/2013 3:16 PM 13 - 0 2 4 5 AL D I I n c . Mo n t i c e l l o , M N Sc h o o l B l v d & C e d a r S t Mo n t i c e l o , M N 5 5 3 6 2 Wr i g h t 08 / 2 7 / 1 3 RH S D - V 5 As N o t e d Ro o f P l a n BT G A- 1 2 1 1Roof PlanSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"PLANNORTH 44 ' - 0 "     “ 33 ' - 0 " 6' - 6 3 / 4 "     “ 3' - 0 " 12 ' - 0 " 95 ' - 0 " Mc C U E SE C U R I T Y R A I L TU B E S T E E L SP O T M E R C H A N D I S E R S 27'-0" GONDOLA 44'-11" CLEAR WA T E R & FI R E R I S E R HU B D R A I N CH E C K L A N E 55'-6" BA L E R CO A T CL O S E T RE F . EL E C T R I C S W I T C H G E A R & B O L L A R D S DR I N K I N G FO U N T A I N S 17 D O O R F R E E Z E R 19 ' - 0 " x 46 ' - 0 " 15 DOOR COOL E R 24'-0" x 54'-8" TR A S H C A N 6" D I A . C O V E R E D S T E E L PI P E B O L L A R D ( T Y P . O F 7 ) MEATCOOLER 46 ' - 0 " 19'-0" 11 1/2" TYP. EXTERIOR WALL THICKNESS 8'-6" HUB DRAIN 3'-0"7'-10"7'-0"7'-6"7'-0"7'-6"8'-0"7'-6 1/2"6'-11"10'-2 7/8" 3' - 0 " 3' - 0 " 11 ' - 7 " LO C K E R S 10'-0" FL O O R DR A I N PR O T O C O L U N I T Mc C U E G U A R D R A I L 6'-0"4'-6" 9'-6"5'-0"4'-6" 10 ' - 5 " 54 ' - 8 " 24'-0" 11'-4"7'-11"2'-0"6'-0"HUBDRAIN6'-6"CLEAR TU B E S T E E L BA C K RO O M 11 0 WO M E N S 10 4 BR E A K RO O M 10 7 OF F I C E 10 8 HA L L 10 5 ME N S 10 6 UT I L I T Y AR E A 10 9 SA L E S 10 3 EN T R Y 10 1 EX I T 10 2 8'-0"10'-2 3/8" 6'-7 1/4" 5'-9 1/4" CLEAR TH I S D R A W I N G I S F O R G E N E R A L FI X T U R I N G L A Y O U T A N D RE F E R E N C E T O E Q U I P M E N T ON L Y . A L L I N F O R M A T I O N I S F O R AL D I O P E R A T I O N A L U S E O N L Y AN D S H A L L N O T B E U S E D F O R CO N S T R U C T I O N O R B I D D I N G PU R P O S E S . TH I S D R A W I N G I S F O R G E N E R A L FI X T U R I N G L A Y O U T A N D RE F E R E N C E T O E Q U I P M E N T ON L Y . A L L I N F O R M A T I O N I S F O R AL D I O P E R A T I O N A L U S E O N L Y AN D S H A L L N O T B E U S E D F O R CO N S T R U C T I O N O R B I D D I N G PU R P O S E S . LI N E A R F O O T A G E O F B A S E (S H A D E D A R E A S ) : VE R S I O N 5 . 0 P R O T O T Y P E : 82 4 ' - 4 " L . F . HU B DR A I N HU B DR A I N 3'-0"20' - 4 " HU B DR A I N HU B DR A I N 34 ' - 0 " 3' - 0 " HUB DRAIN FR E E S T A N D I N G SA C K I N G CO U N T E R 16'-0" 3' - 0 " PRODUCE 3' 3T BREAD RACK 10 ' 2 T B R E A D SB / SEASONA L 8' HUSSMAND5XULEP8' HUSSMAND5XULEP12' HUSSMAND5XULEP8' HUSSMANC5XLEPFRESH MEAT 7'-0"8'-0"7'-0" 10 ' 2 T B R E A D 3' 3T BREAD RACK HUB DRAIN(CAPPED @F.F. FOR FUTURE USE) 10 ' - 0 " 3' - 0 " 10 0 ' - 0 " 16'-0" MCCUE BUMPER 4'-8"3'-0"4'-8"3'-0"4'-8"3'-0"4'-8"3'-0" 17 ' - 1 " 4'-11 1/8" 72'-7 1/4" 13 5 ' - 7 3 / 4 " 13 ' - 1 " CH A R G E R S H E L F Mc C U E SE C U R I T Y RA I L 44 ' - 0 "     “ 40 ' - 0 " SB / S E A S O N A L 12 ' - 0 " 44'-8" MULT-DECK UNITS27'-1 1/2" CLEAR 8'-2" 8'-0" Mc C u e SE C U R I T Y RA I L TU B E S T E E L 5'-0" RACKING 6'-0" RACKING 6'-0" RACKING MA N A G E R OR G A N I Z A T I O N D E S K WA L K O F F M A T HU B DR A I N RO O F LA D D E R FL O O R SC R U B B E R DUMPSTER ROOF LEADERCHARGER SHELF AS S U M E D P A L L E T S T O R A G E : VE R S I O N 5 . 0 P R O T O T Y P E : 65 P A L L E T S 14 1 ' - 4 " 22'-8" 16 4 ' - 0 " 18'-8"98'-8"117'-4"PALLET JACKS (6 2 ) M O D E L 5 6 3 W CA R T S T O R A G E (3 2 ) M O D E L 5 6 3 W CA R T S T O R A G E SIDE DOCK AREA SUMMARY OCCUPANCY USE ROOM NAMESQUARE FOOTAGE MERCANTILE SALES / ENTRY / EXIT10,126 OFFICE217 BREAK ROOM253 MEN'S ROOM81 WOMEN'S ROOM75 HALL139 SUBTOTAL (MERCANTILE)10,891 STORAGE / STOCK BACKROOM3,258 COOLER1,260 FREEZER821 SUBTOTAL (STORAGE / STOCK)5,339 SUBTOTAL (OCCUPANCIES)16,230 EXTERIOR /INTERIOR WALLS / UNOCCUPIED SPACE788 BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE17,018 EXTERIOR CANOPY633 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE17,651PLANNORTH Dr a w i n g N o . Sc a l e : Pr o j e c t N o . Ty p e : Da t e : Dr a w n B y : Da t e : A Is s u e d : Pr o j e c t N a m e & L o c a t i o n : Dr a w i n g N a m e : PR O J E C T A R C H I T E C T / E N G I N E E R DA T E PR O J E C T L E A D DA T E Se a l Se a l DA T E PR O J E C T D E S I G N E R BCD1234 Da t e : Re v i s i o n s : 5 45 Is s u e d f o r U s e / R e f e r e n c e 08 / 2 7 / 1 3 In c . DO N O T S C A L E P L A N S Co p y i n g , P r i n t i n g , S o f t w a r e a n d o t h e r p r o c e s s e s r e q u i r e d t o p r o d u c e th e s e p r i n t s c a n s t r e t c h o r s h r i n k t h e a c t u a l p a p e r o r l a y o u t . Th e r e f o r e , s c a l i n g o f t h i s d r a w i n g m a y b e i n a c c u r a t e . C o n t a c t A P D En g i n e e r i n g w i t h a n y n e e d f o r a d d i t i o n a l d i m e n s i o n s o r c l a r i f i c a t i o n s . 58 5 . 7 4 2 . 2 2 2 2 58 5 . 9 2 4 . 4 9 1 4 . f a x 61 5 F i s h e r s R u n Vi c t o r , N Y 1 4 5 6 4 61 5 F i s h e r s R u n Vi c t o r , N Y 1 4 5 6 4 58 5 . 7 4 2 . 2 2 2 2 58 5 . 9 2 4 . 4 9 1 4 . f a x Dr a w i n g A l t e r a t i o n It i s a v i o l a t i o n o f l a w f o r a n y p e r s o n , u n l e s s a c t i n g u n d e r t h e di r e c t i o n o f l i c e n s e d A r c h i t e c t , P r o f e s s i o n a l E n g i n e e r , L a n d s c a p e Ar c h i t e c t , o r L a n d S u r v e y o r t o a l t e r a n y i t e m o n t h i s d o c u m e n t i n an y w a y . A n y l i c e n s e e w h o a l t e r s t h i s d o c u m e n t i s r e q u i r e d b y l a w to a f f i x h i s o r h e r s e a l a n d t o a d d t h e n o t a t i o n " A l t e r e d B y " f o l l o w e d by h i s o r h e r s i g n a t u r e a n d t h e s p e c i f i c d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e a l t e r a t i o n or r e v i s i o n . AP D E n g i n e e r i n g & A r c h i t e c t u r e , P L L C ww w . a p d . c o m C AP D E n g i n e e r i n g & Ar c h i t e c t u r e , P L L C ww w . a p d . c o m Co p y r i g h t 2 0 1 3 PLOTTED: 8/27/2013 3:11 PM 13 - 0 2 4 5 AL D I I n c . Mo n t i c e l l o , M N Sc h o o l B l v d & C e d a r S t Mo n t i c e l o , M N 5 5 3 6 2 Wr i g h t 08 / 2 7 / 1 3 RH S D - V 5 As N o t e d 1Operations PlanSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" Op e r a t i o n s P l a n BT G A- 1 3 1 16 ' - 1 1 / 2 " A . F . F . T. O . S T U D 0' - 0 " FI N . F L O O R 22 ' - 6 " A . F . F . T. O . T O W E R O U T R I G G E R S T U D 12 ' - 0 " A . F . F . B. O . P A N E L 11 ' - 0 " A . F . F . T. O . C A N O P Y ST E E L 6' - 3 1 / 2 " SI G N OP N G . 7'-6" SIGN OPNG. TY P . GR A D E L I N E - S E E C I V I L D W G S . TY P . 18 ' - 6 " A . F . F . T. O . T O W E R O U T R I G G E R S T U D @ B U I L D I N G W A L L @ C A R T W A L L @ C A R T W A L L @ B U I L D I N G W A L L GR A D E L I N E - S E E C I V I L D W G S . 16 ' - 1 1 / 2 " A . F . F . T. O . S T U D 22 ' - 6 " A . F . F . T. O . T O W E R O U T R I G G E R S T U D 12 ' - 0 " A . F . F . B. O . P A N E L S 11 ' - 0 " A . F . F . T. O . C A N O P Y ST E E L 0' - 0 " FI N . F L O O R 6' - 3 1 / 2 " SI G N OP N G . 7'-6" SIGN OPNG. TY P . TY P . 18 ' - 6 " A . F . F . T. O . T O W E R O U T R I G G E R S T U D @ B U I L D I N G W A L L @ C A R T W A L L 16'-1 1/2" A.F.F.T.O. STUD0'-0"FIN. FLOOR TY P . TY P . TY P . GR A D E L I N E - S E E C I V I L D W G S . 16 ' - 1 1 / 2 " A . F . F . T. O . S T U D 0' - 0 " FI N . F L O O R TY P . TY P . SIGNAGEDESCRIPTIONQUANTITYSQ. FT. PER SIGNTOTALSTOWER SIGN246.693.2FOOD MARKET SIGN221.342.6TOTAL SIGNAGE135.8SIGNAGE IS SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND SHALL BE UNDER SEPARATEPERMIT SUBMITTAL EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULEKEYMATERIAL / MFG.COLOR / NO.NOTESGRAVEL STOP BY FIRESTONEA1 - SLATE GRAYA1a - SILVER METALLICMODULAR BRICKFIELD COLOR - SEE SPECFIELD AND TRANSOM WINDOW SILLSMODULAR BRICKACCENT COLOR - SEE SPECPILASTERSSTOREFRONTANODIZED ALUM.RE: DWG. A602MEMBRANE ROOFINGGRAYSEE SPECFICATIONS APPENDIX 'B'METAL SOFFIT PANELSSOLID PANELS - SEE SPECRE: DWG. A301-A304EXTERIOR PAINT BYSHERWIN-WILLIAMSPT-10 / CL-5ALUMINUM COMPOSITEPANELA9 - BRIGHT SILVERA9a - SLATE GRAY PROVIDE PANEL JOINTS AS SHOWNON DRAWINGSSPLIT-FACE CMUSEE SPECWATER TABLE FIELDBLRD-2PT-10 / CL-4BLRD-4FACTORY FINISH - CHARCOALRE: A603GUARD RAIL TYPE "A"PT-11 / CL-5RE: A3/A503GUARD RAIL TYPE "B"PT-11 / CL-5RE: A3/A503CART RAIL & STARTER POSTGALVANIZEDDOCK LEVELER / SEAL ANDBUMPERSLEVELER - FACTORY FINISH / SEAL AND BUMPERS- FACTORY FINISH - BLACK BY OWNER - STOP CAST STONE SILLBEHIND SEALCONTROL JOINTMAX 30' OC RE: DWG. A504OVERFLOW SCUPPERPT-10 / CL-5RE: C3/A503FOOD MARKET SIGNAGEBY SIGN VENDOR14'-2 3/4"w. x 1'-6"h.ALDI TOWER SIGNBY SIGN VENDOR 6'-3" w. x 7'-5 1/2" h. SEE DETAILD1/A504; VERIFY SIGN SIZE PRIOR TOFRAMING OPENINGCONCRETE CART BUMPERNATURALSEE STRUCTURAL DWGSCAST STONE SILLSEE SPECWATER TABLE TRIMROOF TOP SCREENINGSLATE GRAYEXIT DISCHARGE LIGHTEXTERIOR REMOTE EMERGENCY FIXTUREMOUNT @ 8'-0" A.F.F.WALL SCONCEFACTORY PAINT - PLATINUM SILVERMOUNT @ 7'-6" A.F.F.EXTERNAL SIRENFACTORY FINISHMOUNT @ 12'-0" A.F.F.UTILITY METERING & C.T.FACTORY FINISHSEE ELECTRICALEXTERIOR LIGHTWALL PACKMOUNT @ 12'-0" A.F.F.EXTERIOR DUPLEXRECEPTACLEFACTORY FINISHMOUNT @ 1'-6" A.F.F.FIRE DEPT. CONNECTIONFACTORY FINISHSEE FIRE PROTECTION DWG.VENT GRILLFACTORY FINISHSEE MECHANICAL DWGSHOSE BIBFACTORY FINISHSEE PLUMBING DWGSSTOREFRONT KEYANODIZED ALUMINUMSEE A602 DUMPSTER ENCLOSURERE. DWG A505 AL D I - M O N T I C E L L O M N EX T E R I O R E L E V A T I O N CO P Y R I G H T ‹     Ea s t E l e v a t i o n We s t E l e v a t i o n No r t h E l e v a t i o n So u t h E l e v a t i o n APD ENGINEERING &ARCHITECTURE, PLLC615 Fishers RunVictor, NY 14564585.742.2222585.924.4914.faxwww.apd.com SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " SC A L E : 1 / 8 " = 1 ' - 0 " In c . 3'-8"9'-10" 2x 4 B L O C K I N G B O L T E D TO T U B E S T E E L F R A M E 1x 6 C O M P O S I T E F E N C E BO A R D S S C R E W E D T O BL O C K I N G 1 1 / 2 " x 1 1 / 2 " T U B E S T E E L FR A M E 3 1 / 2 " x 3 1 / 2 " T U B E S T E E L FR A M E W E L D P L A T E T O T O P OF P O S T HE A V Y D U T Y S P R I N G LO A D E D G A T E W H E E L I N FO R E G R O U N D FO U N D A T I O N - S E E ST R U C T U R A L 7'-0"6" 2x 4 B L O C K I N G BO L T E D T O T U B E ST E E L F R A M E 1x 6 C O M P O S I T E FE N C E B O A R D S SC R E W E D T O BL O C K I N G 1 1 / 2 " x 1 1 / 2 " T U B E ST E E L F R A M E 3 1 / 2 " x 3 1 / 2 " T U B E ST E E L F R A M E W E L D PL A T E T O T O P O F P O S T 1 1 / 2 " x 1 1 / 2 " T U B E ST E E L F R A M E 2x 4 B L O C K I N G BO L T E D T O T U B E ST E E L F R A M E (3 ) H E A V Y D U T Y T E E HI N G E S P E R D O O R 11 " H E A V Y D U T Y GA T E P U L L HE A V Y D U T Y S P R I N G LO A D E D G A T E W H E E L ST A I N L E S S S T E E L CA N E B O L T AI R C R A F T C A B L E FE N C E S U P P O R T W I T H TU R N B U C K L E 1/ 2 " E Y E B O L T T Y P . C2 A5 0 5 6' - 7 1 / 2 " 2x 4 B L O C K I N G BO L T E D T O T U B E ST E E L F R A M E 1x 6 C O M P O S I T E F E N C E BO A R D S S C R E W E D T O BL O C K I N G 1 1 / 2 " x 1 1 / 2 " T U B E ST E E L F R A M E 3 1 / 2 " x 3 1 / 2 " T U B E ST E E L F R A M E W E L D PL A T E T O T O P O F PO S T Dr a w i n g N o . Sc a l e : Pr o j e c t N o . Ty p e : Da t e : Dr a w n B y : Da t e : A Is s u e d : Pr o j e c t N a m e & L o c a t i o n : Dr a w i n g N a m e : PR O J E C T A R C H I T E C T / E N G I N E E R DA T E PR O J E C T L E A D DA T E Se a l Se a l DA T E PR O J E C T D E S I G N E R BCD1234 Da t e : Re v i s i o n s : 5 A B C D 1 2 3 45 Is s u e d f o r U s e / R e f e r e n c e 08 / 2 7 / 1 3 In c . DO N O T S C A L E P L A N S Co p y i n g , P r i n t i n g , S o f t w a r e a n d o t h e r p r o c e s s e s r e q u i r e d t o p r o d u c e th e s e p r i n t s c a n s t r e t c h o r s h r i n k t h e a c t u a l p a p e r o r l a y o u t . Th e r e f o r e , s c a l i n g o f t h i s d r a w i n g m a y b e i n a c c u r a t e . C o n t a c t A P D En g i n e e r i n g w i t h a n y n e e d f o r a d d i t i o n a l d i m e n s i o n s o r c l a r i f i c a t i o n s . 58 5 . 7 4 2 . 2 2 2 2 58 5 . 9 2 4 . 4 9 1 4 . f a x 61 5 F i s h e r s R u n Vi c t o r , N Y 1 4 5 6 4 61 5 F i s h e r s R u n Vi c t o r , N Y 1 4 5 6 4 58 5 . 7 4 2 . 2 2 2 2 58 5 . 9 2 4 . 4 9 1 4 . f a x Dr a w i n g A l t e r a t i o n It i s a v i o l a t i o n o f l a w f o r a n y p e r s o n , u n l e s s a c t i n g u n d e r t h e di r e c t i o n o f l i c e n s e d A r c h i t e c t , P r o f e s s i o n a l E n g i n e e r , L a n d s c a p e Ar c h i t e c t , o r L a n d S u r v e y o r t o a l t e r a n y i t e m o n t h i s d o c u m e n t i n an y w a y . A n y l i c e n s e e w h o a l t e r s t h i s d o c u m e n t i s r e q u i r e d b y l a w to a f f i x h i s o r h e r s e a l a n d t o a d d t h e n o t a t i o n " A l t e r e d B y " f o l l o w e d by h i s o r h e r s i g n a t u r e a n d t h e s p e c i f i c d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e a l t e r a t i o n or r e v i s i o n . AP D E n g i n e e r i n g & A r c h i t e c t u r e , P L L C ww w . a p d . c o m C AP D E n g i n e e r i n g & Ar c h i t e c t u r e , P L L C ww w . a p d . c o m Co p y r i g h t 2 0 1 3 PLOTTED: 8/27/2013 3:21 PM 13 - 0 2 4 5 AL D I I n c . Mo n t i c e l l o , M N Sc h o o l B l v d & C e d a r S t Mo n t i c e l o , M N 5 5 3 6 2 Wr i g h t 08 / 2 7 / 1 3 RH S D - V 5 As N o t e d Ex t e r i o r De t a i l s BT G A- 5 0 5 B1 El e v a t i o n Ex t e r i o r SC A L E : 3 / 4 " = 1 ' - 0 " C2Detail ExteriorSCALE: 1" = 1'-0" A3 De t a i l Ex t e r i o r SC A L E : 1 1 / 2 " = 1 ' - 0 " i nnovative equipm ent scr eens 3 genera tions ahead o f the next best solu tion U.S. Patent No. 5,664,484 An af for dable s olut ion for equipment scr eening i s finally here… Envisor e quipment s cr eens now o ffe r arc hitects the fle xibility t o crea te a f fordable , ele gant, customized scr eening solutions t hat in tegrate with th eir b uil ding de sign, all with no r ooft op penet rat ion . Our paten ted equipment scr eens also prov ide a v iable s olution f or m unic ipal scr eening c ode re quir ements on ever ything from HVAC unit s to Customiz ing a scr een t o fit y our n eeds i s ea sy… Simply c hoose b etween c anted or vertic al, d ecide on a pane l design, sel ect a t op t rim (opt ional), and pick a c olor. I t’s t hat s imple! We c an cu stomi ze any f eature to your particular design r equir emen ts, in cluding custom panel designs, custom color s, and custom top tr im designs. If you don’t see w hat you n eed, tell us w hat you w ant. We’ll bu ild it f or you.52” Louver Panels chiller s, air handler s, power ex hausts, r oof stacks, c ommunicat ion e quipment , dumpsters - y ou name i t! www.ci tyscapesinc.com System Features Vertical Screen Louver Panel Design Cove Top Trim Panel Color: Oyster Top Trim Color: Terra Cotta ..... The Ohio State University Foundation - Columbus, Ohio S tep 2 : D ecide on a Panel D esign PANLOUVERBATTENWIDE RIB BRICK S tep 3 : Sel ect a To p Trim (opt ional) S tep 1 : Choose a Can ted or Verti cal S ystem Envisor scr eens are the p erf ect alter nat ive t o parapet w alls and th ey sat isfy eve n the s t rictest s cr eening c ode r e quirements. Bot h style s feat ure our paten ted attac hment m ethod, w hic h secure our scr eens directly t o the e quipment wit h no rooftop pen etrat ion. Scr een he ight s are available t o scr een virt ually anything y ou de sire. P ane ls are available in 5 standard styles allowing you to contr ol the pr oject without sacr ificing the essential elements of the building design. The pane ls are constructed of t her moformed high impact ABS with a co-ext ruded UV prot ect ive layer on both sides. The panels are held fir mly in place using a r ust-fr ee, double tr acked aluminum r ail system. This e nables the panels to slide side-to-side for easy access to the unit dur ing ser vic ing and maint enance. Don’t s ee a panel t hat fi ts you r project? Te ll us and we’ll make one t hat you d esign. www.ci tyscap esinc.com 2 PETSOMALAEVOCSTEP 1 FLAT 6.5”6.5”8” D ecorat ive t op t rip opt ions offe r the fle xibility t o furthe r c ust omize the ele gant appe arance of the s cr eens by picking up on your building desig n elements and inc orporat ing t hose d etails int o the s cr een itse lf. Alt hough opt ional, they offe r one more way t o make s cr eens part of the d e sign, not part of the proble m. We c an manufacture any size and shape t op t rim y ou crea te. 5 1/2” 3” S tep 4: P ic k a D esign er Color ALABASTER S tep 5: Custom D esigned Solut ions Our designer colors c omplement most architectural applica tions, b ut don’t let standard c ol ors lim it you r creativi ty. We have the ability to ma tch to any cro ss-referen ced color sp ecificat ion. Send us s amples to match. We’ve even matche d a c olor to a rock! Colors shown ar e only approx imate. P lease call for actual samples. Envisor equipment scr eens can be manufactur ed in a limitless combination of shapes and configur ations to help r educe cost, add to the aesthetics of a building, or both. Let us design one for you! Just tell us the equipment manufacturer, the model numbers, and the special requir ements you might have. Call for a complete design kit today or visit our website at www.cityscapesinc.com . ALMOND OYSTER PUTTY KHAKI SAGEBRUSH SHADOW GRAY SLATE GRAY RANCHERO RED CYPRESS MOSS FOREST GREEN MANSARD BROWN www.ci tyscapesinc.com TOP TRIM ADDED MULTIPLE UNIT SCREENS CUSTOM PANELS www.ci tyscapesinc.com Our panels are design ed to slide side-to-side in either direction f or ea sy a ccess to t he equip men t for servicing and routine main tenance. N o Rooft op Pen etration Pre -Eng ineere d Scr eening S ystem Scr eening Code Solution A ttra ctive Alter nat ive t o Par apet Walls M ult iple P ane l Designs D esign er Top Trim A ccents Vertic al or Canted Designs W ide R ange of Design er Colors P anels Slide for Easy S ervice A ccess Custom D esig n Capabilities Pro duct Features Trane Le nnox York C arrier Heil AAON Lieb ert Rh eem Reznor Commercial HVAC and Chiller Equipment Ve ndors w ho have in sta lled ENVI SOR Rooftop E quipmen t Scr een s in clude: Some o f the cl ien ts uti lizing E NV ISO R Rooftop Equipment scr een s on the ir HVAC and Chiller E quip men t include: Hu ssmann Air wise Bryant McQuay BAC H ill P h oenix Am . St andard M unters Eng ineere d Air Equipmen t Ve ndors by CitySc apes Inter nat ional 4200 Ly man Court Hil liard, OH 43026 Toll Free: 877.727.3367 Fax: 800.726.4817 www.ci tyscapesinc.com Retail Clients Aldi AM C Th eaters Avis B est Buy Bloc kbuster C ostco CVS Hertz Home De pot Ko hl’s Low e’s McDonald’s Meijer M obil Oil M uvico Ri te Aid Sam’s Club Sears Tar get Walgr een’s Wa l-Mart We ndy’s 5/2011 TH I S D O C U M E N T I S T H E P R O P E R T Y O F I & S G R O U P , I N C . AN D M A Y N O T B E U S E D , C O P I E D O R D U P L I C A T E D WI T H O U T P R I O R W R I T T E N C O N S E N T . PR O J E C T PR O J E C T N O . FI L E N A M E DE S I G N E D B Y DR A W N B Y TI T L E IS S U E D A T E CL I E N T P R O J E C T N O . SH E E T 14 9 8 0 E A S E RE V I E W E D B Y Ma r k Da t e De s c r i p t i o n Re v i s i o n S c h e d u l e 1 O F 1 12 - 1 4 9 8 0 KH KE Y P L A N I H E R E B Y C E R T I F Y T H A T T H I S S U R V E Y , P L A N , O R RE P O R T W A S P R E P A R E D B Y M E O R U N D E R M Y D I R E C T SU P E R V I S I O N A N D T H A T I A M A D U L Y L I C E N S E D L A N D SU R V E Y O R U N D E R T H E L A W S O F T H E S T A T E O F MI N N E S O T A . DA T E LI C . N O . 43 1 1 0 DA N I E L L . S T U E B E R SK E T C H O F DE S C R I P T I O N AL D I , I N C . TH I S D O C U M E N T I S T H E P R O P E R T Y O F I & S G R O U P , I N C . AN D M A Y N O T B E U S E D , C O P I E D O R D U P L I C A T E D WI T H O U T P R I O R W R I T T E N C O N S E N T . PR O J E C T PR O J E C T N O . FI L E N A M E DE S I G N E D B Y DR A W N B Y TI T L E IS S U E D A T E CL I E N T P R O J E C T N O . SH E E T 14 9 8 0 A C C E A S E RE V I E W E D B Y Ma r k Da t e De s c r i p t i o n Re v i s i o n S c h e d u l e 1 O F 2 12 - 1 4 9 8 0 KH KE Y P L A N I H E R E B Y C E R T I F Y T H A T T H I S S U R V E Y , P L A N , O R RE P O R T W A S P R E P A R E D B Y M E O R U N D E R M Y D I R E C T SU P E R V I S I O N A N D T H A T I A M A D U L Y L I C E N S E D L A N D SU R V E Y O R U N D E R T H E L A W S O F T H E S T A T E O F MI N N E S O T A . DA T E LI C . N O . 43 1 1 0 DA N I E L L . S T U E B E R SK E T C H O F DE S C R I P T I O N AL D I , I N C . TH I S D O C U M E N T I S T H E P R O P E R T Y O F I & S G R O U P , I N C . AN D M A Y N O T B E U S E D , C O P I E D O R D U P L I C A T E D WI T H O U T P R I O R W R I T T E N C O N S E N T . PR O J E C T PR O J E C T N O . FI L E N A M E DE S I G N E D B Y DR A W N B Y TI T L E IS S U E D A T E CL I E N T P R O J E C T N O . SH E E T 14 9 8 0 A C C E A S E RE V I E W E D B Y Ma r k Da t e De s c r i p t i o n Re v i s i o n S c h e d u l e 2 O F 2 12 - 1 4 9 8 0 KH KE Y P L A N I H E R E B Y C E R T I F Y T H A T T H I S S U R V E Y , P L A N , O R RE P O R T W A S P R E P A R E D B Y M E O R U N D E R M Y D I R E C T SU P E R V I S I O N A N D T H A T I A M A D U L Y L I C E N S E D L A N D SU R V E Y O R U N D E R T H E L A W S O F T H E S T A T E O F MI N N E S O T A . DA T E LI C . N O . 43 1 1 0 DA N I E L L . S T U E B E R SK E T C H O F DE S C R I P T I O N AL D I , I N C . F:\CityClerk\agendas\CouncilAgendas\2013CouncilAgendas\10-28-13\5GExhMEngineerCommentsALDIplans.doc Infrastructure Engineering Planning Construction701XeniaAvenueSouth Suite300 Minneapolis,MN55416 Tel:763541-4800 Fax:763541-1700 September24,2013 Ms.AngelaSchumann CommunityDevelopmentDirector CityofMonticello 505WalnutStreet,Suite1 Monticello,MN55362 Re:AldiStore–PlanReview CityofMonticelloPlanningNo.ZZALDI WSBProjectNo.1494-77 DearMs.Schumann: Wehavereviewedthepreliminary,finalplat,constructionplansandtheStormwater ManagementReportfortheAldi,IncRetailFacilitydatedAugust29,2013,andofferthe followingcomments. PreliminaryandFinalPlat 1.Adrainageandutilityeasementshouldbeprovidedfortheinfiltrationbasinandthe outletpipe.Maintenanceresponsibilitiesandaccesstothepondwillbeidentifiedinthe developmentagreement. 2.Removethe“Lot2”textfromthefinalplat. SheetC2.11–SitePlan 1.DimensiontheboulevardandsidewalkwidthalongCedarStreet.Itappearsthereisan8- footboulevardand6-footwidesidewalk.ThismeetsCitystandards. 2.ExtendsidewalkfromtheproposedsidewalkalongCedarStreettoprovideaccesstothe siteandalsoextendtrailalongSchoolBoulevardtoprovideaccesstothesite. 3.DropthecurbatthenortherlyradiusoftheaccessfromCedarStreettoaccommodate futuresidewalkextensionalongCedarStreet. 4.Prepareasidewalkeasementdocumenttoberecordedandincludedwiththedevelopment agreement. 5.Providetruckturningmovementdrawingstoidentifyhowsemitruckswillenterandexit fromCedarStreetandcirculatethroughtheentiresite.Thereisaconcernthattheaccess fromCedarStreetmayneedtobeadjustedtoaccommodatesemitrucks. Ms.AngelaSchumann September24,2013 Page2 F:\CityClerk\agendas\CouncilAgendas\2013CouncilAgendas\10-28-13\5GExhMEngineerCommentsALDIplans.doc 6.Provideestimatedtrafficprojectionsornumberofvehicleandtrucktripsanticipatedto accessthesite.Asignalisanticipatedtobeinstalledinthefutureattheintersectionof SchoolBlvdandCedarStreet.Thedevelopmentagreementwillidentifythatan assessmentwillbeleviedatthetimethesignalisconstructed. 7.Provideaninternalsignageplanforthesite. 8.LabelthetrailalongSchoolBlvd. SheetC3.11–GradingandDrainagePlan 1.ThewaterqualitystandardfortheCityistheNURPeventwhichrequirestreatmentof runofffroma2.5”rainfalleventbelowtheoutlet.Thewaterqualitytreatmentdesignfor thesiteshouldbebroughtintoconformancewiththisstandard. 2.Thepondshouldaccommodatethe100yearstormeventwithoutoverflowingoff-site. 3.Askimmershouldbeprovidedinthepondtotrapdebris. 4.Consideraddingagritchamberorsumpmanholeatthesoutheastinlettothepondtoaid inpreventingasedimentdeltafromforming. 5.Identifyallemergencyoverflowroutesandelevationsforeachcatchbasinonthegrading plan.TheEOFshouldbeaminimumof1.5’belowthelowbuildingopening.(963.5) 6.TheCityisreviewingtheoverallplanfortheultimateemergencyoverflowrouteforthe Ocellopropertyandcontributingdrainageareatoverifythebuildingelevationis adequate. 7.Theon-sitestormsewerthatconveysrunofftothepondappearstobeinconformance withtheCitystandards.ThestormsewerPipeP-1isaminimalamountunderfullflow capacity.(0.35cfslessthanreq.)Thesitedesignengineercouldincreasethepipeslopeto meetthedesigncapacity. 8.Identifythetopcastingandinvertelevationsforeachcatchbasinonthegradingplan. 9.Labelthepondslopes. SheetC2.12–UtilityPlan 1.TheexistingwaterservicefromCedarStreetthatisnotbeingconnectedto,shouldbe tiedtotheexistinggatevalvetopreventpotentialcollapseofthepipe. 2.Aplugwithconcreteplacedarounditshouldbeplacedinthesanitarysewermanholein CedarStreetsincetheexistingsanitarysewersserviceisnotbeingconnectedto. Ms.AngelaSchumann September24,2013 Page3 F:\CityClerk\agendas\CouncilAgendas\2013CouncilAgendas\10-28-13\5GExhMEngineerCommentsALDIplans.doc 3.ItisrecommendedtoextendthesewerandwaterservicesfromSchoolBoulevardnorth ofthepavedaccessareaforfutureextensiontoserveLot2. 4.Splitthedomesticandfireservicewatermaininsidethebuilding.Acurbstopisnot neededforCityaccess.ThegatevalveinSchoolBoulevardwillbeusedtoshutdownthe watermainifnecessary. 5.Movethefiredepartmentconnectiontothesoutheastcornerofthebuildingtobewithin therequired150feetfromtheexistinghydrantonSchoolBlvd.Itappearstheexisting firehydrantfromCedarStreetismorethan150feetfromtheproposedfiredepartment connectionlocation. 6.CoordinateallwatermainshutdownswiththePublicWorksDepartment. 7.AutilityexcavationpermitmustbeobtainedfromthePublicWorksdepartmentpriorto commencementofutilityconnections. 8.Provideanas-builtplanonceconstructioniscomplete. 9.ProvidedocumentationthatNorthernNaturalgasapprovesofworkwithintheir easement. Pleasehavetheapplicantprovideawrittenresponseaddressingthecommentsabove.Final constructionplanswillneedtobesubmitted,reviewed,andapprovedpriortobuildingpermit approval.Inaddition,thefinalplatmustberecordedpriortobuildingpermitapproval.Please givemeacallat763-287-7162ifyouhaveanyquestionsorcommentsregardingthisletter. Thankyou. Sincerely, WSB&Associates,Inc. ShibaniK.Bisson,PE CityEngineer skb CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 1 5H.ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2013-091approvinganagreementfor assessmentandwaiverofhearingandconveyanceofeasementsforpartofSE¼in Section15ofMonticelloTownship (PID213-100-151400)forSchoolBoulevardWest Extension,CityProjectNo.2005-02CApplicant:Ocello,LLC (AS/SB) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoadoptanupdatedassessmentprogramforfundingofthe westextensionofSchoolBoulevardimprovements.Theextensionwasbuilttoservethe Grovelandarea,alongwiththeproposedPoplarHillsandtheproposedOcellotownhome development. Atthetimeoftheproposeddevelopments,theCityandOcello,LLChadreachedan agreementregardingassessmentstobeleviedagainsttheOcellopropertyforroadway, utilityandpondingeasementsfortheSchoolBoulevardWestproject.Theagreement anditsoriginaltermswereapprovedbytheCityCouncilonOctober23,2006. However,duetothesuddencollapseofthehousingmarket,neitherthePoplarHillnor theOcellohousingprojectproceededasoriginallyanticipatedandtheOcelloproperty wasnotannexed.Constructionoftheimprovementswasauthorizedpreviouslyandhad commencedatthetimetheprojectswerehalted. Inthemeantime,thedevelopmentagreementidentifyingtheoriginalassessmentprogram forSchoolBoulevardextensionwasreturnedtotheCityasunrecordablebyWright Countyduetoflawsintheagreement.Consequently,duetoevaporationof developmentdemandandduetothedeveloper’squestionsregardingthecalculationof theoriginalassessmentamount,$285,536.00,thedeveloperrequestedthattheCity considerestablishingarevisedassessmentagreement. Staffandthepropertyownerhavecontinuedtoworkontheremainingquestions associatedwiththeassessmentagreement.Atthistime,thepropertyowner’squestions regardingthecalculationsfortheassessmenthavebeensatisfiedandtheagreementis readyforsignature.Thecalculationsforassessmentontheimprovementsfollowthe samemethodologyasthatappliedtotherecentassessmentagreementforthe7th Street Westproject.Thefinalcalculationofassessmentsfortheimprovementstotals $212,143.00. Theagreementallowsforadeferraloftheassessmentforaperiodoftenyears,oruntil thetimeofplattingofthepropertyowner’slandfordevelopment,whicheveroccursfirst. Theagreementdoesrequirethatduringthedeferralperiod,thepropertyownerpaythe equivalentof1%asinterestontheassessment,startingat5yearsfromthedateofthe agreement. TheagreementdocumentprovidesthenecessaryeasementsfortheSchoolBoulevard Westextension,whichliespartiallywithinMonticelloTownship.Atthattimeof platting,theeasementswillbecomerightofway. Thenecessaryandrequiredwaiverofhearinglanguagehasalsobeenincludedwithinthe agreement. CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 2 A1.BudgetImpact:TheimpacttotheCityislostinterestandassessmentrevenue duringtheperiodfrom2006-2013,whichwouldhavesupportedtheCity’sbond paymentsforthisproject.However,itshouldbenotedthatitispossiblethat similartootherrecentassessmentagreements,Ocellowouldhaverequesteda reapportionmentundertheoriginalagreementtermsduetocollapseofthe housingmarketandassociatedfinancialstressofholdingtheland. The2005bondissueassociatedwiththisprojectwasrefundedby2011bonds. Thelastpaymentonthe2011bondissueisinFebruary2023. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Planningandengineeringstaffhaveallocatedtimeto workthroughthetermsandcalculationsforthisagreement. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2013-091approvingarestatedagreementfor assessmentandwaiverofhearingandconveyanceofeasementsforpartofSE¼ inSection15ofMonticelloTownship (PID213-100-151400)forSchool BoulevardWestExtension,CityProjectNo.2005-02C. 2.MotiontodenyadoptionofResolution#2013-091atthistime. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffandtheCityAttorneyrecommendAlternative#1. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2013-091 AssessmentandEasementAgreement CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2013-091 APPROVINGAGREEMENTOFASSESSMENTANDWAIVEROFHEARINGAND CONVEYANCEOFEASEMENTSWITHOCELLO,LLCFORPROPERTYLOCATED INTHESOUTHEASTQUARTEROFSECTION15,TOWNSHIP121,RANGE25 PID213-100-151400 WHEREAS,Ocello,LLChasagreedtoenterintoanagreementforassessmentsandconveyance ofeasementsrelatedtotheSchoolBoulevardWestExtension,CityProjectNo.2005-02C,as providedintheAgreementofAssessmentandWaiverofIrregularityandAppeal(Attachment “A”)forpropertylegallydescribedasfollows: ThatpartofsaidSoutheastQuarterallinSection15,Township121,Range25,Wright County,Minnesota,describedasfollows: CommencingatthesouthwestcornerofsaidSoutheastQuarter;thencenorthalongthe westlineofsaidSoutheastQuarter,adistanceof1170.18feettothepointofbeginningof thelandtobedescribed;thenceeastparallelwiththesouthlineofsaidSoutheastQuarter, adistanceof723.00feet;thencenorthparallelwiththewestlineofsaidSoutheast QuartertothenorthlineofsaidSoutheastQuarter;thencewestalongsaidnorthlineto thenorthwestcornerofsaidSoutheastQuarter;thencesouthalongthewestlineofsaid SoutheastQuartertothepointofbeginning;exceptthatpartplattedinGroveland4th Additionaccordingtotherecordedplatthereof;WrightCounty,Minnesota. NOWTHEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILOFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA:thattheCityCouncilapprovestheAgreementofAssessmentandWaiverof HearingforthepropertylegallydescribedaboveandidentifiedasPID213-100-151400. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis28thdayofOctober,2013. CITYOFMONTICELLO _________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: ________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator ATTACHMENT“A” AGREEMENTOFASSESSMENTANDWAIVEROFHEARINGFOROCELLO,LLC SCHOOLBOULEVARDWESTEXTENSION,CITYPROJECTNO.2005-02C PID213-100-151400 ASSESSMENT&EASEMENTAGREEMENT THISASSESSMENT&EASEMENTAGREEMENT("Agreement")isexecutedthis 28th dayofOctober,2013,byandbetweentheCITYOFMONTICELLO,aMinnesota municipalcorporation("City"),andOcello,LLC,AMinnesotaLimitedLiabilityCorporation ("Owner"). RECITALS a)OwneristheownerofthatcertainparcelofrealpropertysituatedinWrightCounty, Minnesota,legallydescribedinExhibit"A"attachedheretoandincorporatedherein ("SubjectProperty"). 1.PropertyIDNo.:213-100-151400 b)OwneracknowledgesthattheSubjectPropertybenefitsfromthefollowingimprovement project:SchoolBoulevardWestExtension("Project"). NOWTHEREFORE,inconsiderationoftheforgoingrecitals,andinconsiderationofthemutual promisesandcovenantsandobligationshereinsetforth,thepartiesagreetothetermsand conditionshereof. 1.TheSubjectPropertyisherebyassessedbytheCityforthecosts oftheProjecttogether withadministrative,planning,engineering,legalandfinancingcosts,intheamountof $212,143.00(“SchoolBoulevardWestAssessment”).TheProjectimprovementsareas illustratedintheattachedExhibitB.TheSchoolBoulevardWestAssessmentwasbased onactualProjectcostsandiscalculatedasfollows: a.StreetImprovements:$79,475.Includesconstructingthestreetimprovementson SchoolBoulevardforthe825-feetoffrontagealongthesouthsideoftheroadway only.DoesnotincludethecostsforconstructingtheextensionofRedfordLaneto SchoolBoulevard. b.StormSewerImprovements:$60,152.Includeslateralstormsewerthatextends alongSchoolBoulevardfrontingandservingtheSubjectProperty. c.WatermainImprovements:$59,451.Includeslateralwatermainthatextends alongSchoolBoulevardfrontingandservingtheSubjectProperty.Includesa creditintheamountof$4,976forupsizingthewatermainfroma12-inchpipetoa 16-inchpipe. d.SanitarySewerImprovements:$13,065.Includessanitarysewerthatservesthe SubjectPropertyonly. 2.ThisSchoolBoulevardWestAssessment(collectivelyreferredtohereinasthe “Assessments”)shallbedeferreduntildevelopmentofthepropertyortenyearsfromthe dateofthisAgreement,whicheveroccursfirst.Duringthedeferralperiod,theOwnershall paytheequivalentof1%asinterestontheassessmentstartingatfiveyearsfromthedateof thisAgreement,tobepaidinalumpsumamounttotheCitynolaterthanDecember1st of eachyearofthedeferment.TheAssessmentsshallbedeemedadoptedonthedatethis AgreementisapprovedbytheCity.“Development”shallmean:plattedintolotsand blocks,notoutlots.IftheSubjectPropertyissubdividedorplatted,theassessmentswillbe apportionedtoindividuallots,notoutlots,basedontheprorataportionofthearea(square foot)ofthelotstothetotalareaoftheSubjectPropertytobesubdivided. 3.Upondevelopmentorexpirationofthetenyeardeferralhereunder,theassessmentshallbe appliedtotheSubjectProperty,overatenyearperiodinequalannualinstallments, togetherwithPrimeRateofinterestplusoneandone-halfpercent(1.5%)peryearonthe unpaidbalance.PrimeRateshallbetheprimerateannounceddailyintheWallStreet Journal(“PrimeRate”).IftheWallStreetJournalceasestopublishthePrimeRate,then thePrimeRateshallbetherateofinterestquotedintheFederalReserveStatisticalRelease, SelectedInterestRates(H.R.15).IfarangeisshownforthePrimeRate,thenthehighest numberintherangeshallbeutilized.Theinterestrateisfixedforthedurationofthe assessmentandshallnotexceed6%. 4.TheAssessmentsshallbedeemedadoptedonthedatethisAgreementissignedbythe City.TheOwner,bysigningthisAgreement,acknowledgesthatallproceduraland substantiveobjectionstotheAssessmentareherebywaivedunconditionally,such waiverincludesanyrightsofOwner,itssuccessorsorassignstohearingrequirements andanyclaimthattheassessmentsexceedthebenefittotheSubjectProperty.The OwnerfurtherwaivesanyappealrightsotherwiseavailablepursuanttoMinnesota StatutesSection429.081. 5.OwnerwillconveytotheCityatnocostcontemporaneouslywiththeexecutionof thisAgreement,thetemporaryandpermanenteasementsnecessaryforthe ProjectasillustratedinExhibitC.Alloranyportionofthepermanenteasements grantedhereinshallbereleaseduponthededicationofacorrespondingeasementon anyfutureplat.Theeasementsshallincludethenecessaryconsentsfromany mortgageeorotherpartyhavinganinterestintheeasementarea. 6.OwnerisnotrequiredtoconstructanaccessfromSchoolBoulevardlocateddirectly acrossfromRedfordLanewithdevelopmentoftheSubjectProperty.TheOwnershall usetheexistingcurbcutfromSchoolBoulevardtogainaccesstotheSubjectProperty. 7.CitywillallowOwneratOwner'sexpensetoconstructatemporarypublicliftstationto serviceaportionofitspropertyifthetrunksewerisnotavailabletotheSubjectProperty atthetimeofdevelopment. 8.INWITNESSWHEREOF,asofthedayandyearfirsthereinabovewritten,theparties haveexecutedthisAgreement. OCELLO,LLC BY:_________________________________________ Its:____________________________________ STATEOFMINNESOTA) (ss. COUNTYOFWRIGHT) Theforegoinginstrumentwasacknowledgedbeforemethis________dayof______________, 2013,by_______________________,the__________________________ofOcello,LLC,aMinnesota limitedliabilitycorporation,onitsbehalf. __________________________________________ NOTARYPUBLIC STAMP CITYOFMONTICELLO BY:_________________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor (SEAL) AND _________________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator STATEOFMINNESOTA) (ss. COUNTYOFWRIGHT) Theforegoinginstrumentwasacknowledgedbeforemethis________dayof______________, 2013,byClintHerbstandbyJeffO’Neill,theMayorandCityAdministratoroftheCityofMonticello,a Minnesotamunicipalcorporation,onbehalfofthecorporationandpursuanttotheauthoritygrantedbyits CityCouncil. __________________________________________ NOTARYPUBLIC STAMP DraftedBy: CityofMonticello AMS 505WalnutSt.,Suite1 Monticello,MN55362 763.295.2711 ReturnTo: DeputyCityClerk CityofMonticello 505WalnutSt.,Suite1 Monticello,MN55362 MORTGAGECONSENT TO ASSESSMENTANDEASEMENTAGREEMENT ____________________________,___________________________,whichholdsa mortgageonthesubjectproperty,agreesthattheAssessmentAgreementshallremaininfullforce andeffectevenifitforeclosesonitsmortgage. Datedthis_____dayof____________,2013. _________________BANK, By: Its: STATEOFMINNESOTA) )ss. COUNTYOF__________) Theforegoinginstrumentwasacknowledgedbeforemethis_____dayof ________________,2013,by_____________________________________the ________________________of____________________________,__________________,onits behalf. ________________________________________ NOTARYPUBLIC STAMP EXHIBITA LEGALDESCRIPTION–PID213-100-151400 ThatpartofsaidSoutheastQuarterallinSection15,Township121,Range25,WrightCounty, Minnesota,describedasfollows: CommencingatthesouthwestcornerofsaidSoutheastQuarter;thencenorthalongthewestline ofsaidSoutheastQuarter,adistanceof1170.18feettothepointofbeginningofthelandtobe described;thenceeastparallelwiththesouthlineofsaidSoutheastQuarter,adistanceof723.00 feet;thencenorthparallelwiththewestlineofsaidSoutheastQuartertothenorthlineofsaid SoutheastQuarter;thencewestalongsaidnorthlinetothenorthwestcornerofsaidSoutheast Quarter;thencesouthalongthewestlineofsaidSoutheastQuartertothepointofbeginning; exceptthatpartplattedinGroveland4thAdditionaccordingtotherecordedplatthereof;Wright County,Minnesota. EXHIBITB PROJECTIMPROVEMENTS EXHIBITC EASEMENTAREA CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 1 7.PublicHearing–ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2013-092approvingthe assessmentrollfordelinquentmiscellaneousaccountstobecertifiedfor2014 payabletaxyear (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisaskedtoadoptanassessmentrollforaccountsreceivablebillswhich aredelinquentmorethan60daysandtocertifytheassessmentrolltotheCountyAuditor forcollectiononthe2014realestatetaxesifnotpaidwithin30daysofthispublic hearing. The 2014 assessmentbreaksdownasfollows: Incomparison,the 2013 assessmentbrokedownasfollows: PerdevelopmentagreementswithRoyalOaksandMaplewoodDevelopment,thecitycan assessthedifferencebetweencostsincurredbythecityandescroweddepositsbythe developer.Thecitywouldrefundthedifferenceifdepositsexceededcosts.The Maplewoodpropertydeveloper,MarioCocciarella,hasconfirmedthatheisawareofthe pendingassessmentanddoesnotobject. Itisrecommendedthatthedelinquentaccountsbeputonanassessmentrollfor certificationataninterestrateof6%asallowedbystatestatute.Asinthepast,ifany accountsarepaidwithin30daysaftertheadoptionoftheassessmentroll,theycanbe paidbyNovember27th withoutanyadditionalinterest.AfterCouncilapproval,an additional$75processingfeewouldbeaddedtotheamountdueshownontheattached listtocovercoststhattheCityhasincurredinthedelinquentnoticesprocess. Amount Count Description 19,862.825MaplewoodDev.escrowshortage 3,044.681RoyalOaksescrowshortage 185.892MowingBlight 272.492Watermeters 23,365.8810 Amount Count Description 7,501.2357MowingBlight 174.873BrushChipping 119.701WaterMeterReplacement 12,692.801RecyclingClean-Up 18,254.751 SpiritHills/WildwoodRidge2ndAdditionDrainageCorrectionImprovements 38,743.3563Total CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 2 A1.BudgetImpact:ThisactionwouldreimbursetheCityforcostsithasincurred includingCountyfeeschargedforaddingthesetothetaxes.Therewouldbeno furtherimpactontheCitybudget. A2.StaffImpact:ThereisnostaffimpactontheCityforthisitem. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.MotiontoadoptResolution#2013-092approvingtheassessmentrollfor delinquentmiscellaneousaccountsaslisted,withtheadditionofa$75processing feeforeachitem. 2.MotiontoadoptResolution#2013-092approvingtheassessmentrollfor delinquentmiscellaneousaccountsasadjustedbyCouncil,basedonpublic hearinginput. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CityStaffrecommendsAlternative#1thatCounciladopttheassessmentrollas presented.Alloftheaccountsareatleast60dayspastdueandhavebeengivenproper noticeofthisassessmenthearingandampleopportunitytopaytheaccountinfull.Any accountswhicharepaidonorbeforeNovember27th willberemovedfromthelisttobe certifiedtotheCountyAuditor’soffice. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2013-092 Analysisandlistofdelinquentmiscellaneousaccountsreceivable CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2013-092 ADOPTINGASSESSMENTROLLFORDELINQUENTMISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLEFOR2014PAYABLETAXYEAR WHEREAS,pursuanttopropernoticedulygivenasrequiredbylaw,theCouncilhasmetand heardandpasseduponallobjectionstotheproposedassessmentfordelinquentmiscellaneous accountcharges; NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBY theCityCouncilofMonticello,Minnesota: 1.Suchproposedassessments,acopyofwhichisattachedheretoandmadeaparthereof,is herebyacceptedfortheamountshownplusanadditional$75processingfee;andshall constitutethespecialassessmentsagainsttheparcelsnamedherein,andeachtractofland thereinincludedisherebyfoundtobebenefittedbytheassessmentleviedagainstit. 2.Suchassessmentsshallbepayableinone(1)annualinstallmentpayableinthetaxyearof thefirstMondayinJanuary2014,andshallbearinterestattherateof6percentper annumfromthedateoftheadoptionofthisassessmentresolution.Tothefirst installmentshallbeaddedinterestontheentireassessmentfromthedateofthis resolutionuntilDecember31,2014. 3.Theownerofthepropertysoassessedmay,atanytimeuptoandincludingNovember 27,2013,paythewholeoftheassessmentonsuchpropertytotheCityTreasurer,and thatnointerestshallbechargediftheentireassessmentispaidwithin30daysfromthe adoptionofthisresolution. 4.Theclerkshallforthwithtransmitacertificationofthisassessmenttothecountyauditor tobeextendedonthepropertytaxlistofthecounty.Suchassessmentshallbecollected andpaidoverinthesamemannerasothermunicipaltaxes. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis28thdayofOctober,2013. CITYOFMONTICELLO _____________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator 2013ARDelinquentMiscAccounts PID#AmountDuePropertyOwnerDescriptionNote 1551680010403,044.68RoyalOaksRealtyIncProjectEscrowShortage2003-08P 15510500511083.82David&KrisdenaSchroederMowingBlight SamanthaSchroeder (occupant) 155015005130102.07ChaseHomeFinanceLLCMowingBlight 155010053100116.49KatelynFarnsworthWaterMeterReplacement 155078002160156.00Mark&PamelaAgre 4thcontactnotice(watermeter malfunction) 1551610580903,972.57 MaplewoodDevelopmentDev& Const/MarioCocciarella EscrowShortageforDevelopment1/5of$19862.82 1551610582703,972.57 MaplewoodDevelopmentDev& Const/MarioCocciarella EscrowShortageforDevelopment1/5of$19862.82 1551610581603,972.56 MaplewoodDevelopmentDev& Const/MarioCocciarella EscrowShortageforDevelopment1/5of$19862.82 1551610577903,972.56 MaplewoodDevelopmentDev& Const/MarioCocciarella EscrowShortageforDevelopment1/5of$19862.82 1551610579603,972.56 MaplewoodDevelopmentDev& Const/MarioCocciarella EscrowShortageforDevelopment1/5of$19862.82 10 23,365.88$ Amount Count Description 19,862.825MaplewoodDev.escrowshortage 3,044.68 1 RoyalOaksescrowshortage 185.892MowingBlight 272.492Watermeters 23,365.8810 CouncilAgenda:10/28/13 1 8.PublicHearing-ConsiderationofadoptingResolution#2013-093approvingan assessmentrollfordelinquentutilitiestobecertifiedfor2014payabletaxyear (WO) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: TheCityCouncilisagainaskedtoadoptanassessmentrollforutilitybillingaccounts whicharedelinquentmorethan60daysandtocertifytheassessmentrolltotheCounty Auditorforcollectiononnextyear'srealestatetaxes. Thedelinquentutilityaccountsthatareincludedwiththeagendaareaccountsthatareat least60dayspastdueandincludeallnewdelinquentsfromthelasttimewecertified them.TheCouncilpreviouslyapprovedtheestablishmentofanadministrativefeeof$75 peraccountthatisaddedtoeachdelinquentassessment.Itshouldbenotedthatthe amountsshownontheencloseddelinquentutilitieslistdonotincludetheadditional$75 administrationfeeforthepreparationoftheassessmentroll.Thisfeewillbeaddedafter theassessmentrollisapprovedbyCouncil. Thedelinquentutilityamountsbeingcertifiednowtotalabout$5,000lessthanthe amountcertifiedlastyearforthesametimeperiod.Lastyearthereweretwoassessment rolls.Thisyearthereisonlyoneassessmentroll.Theoverlapofaccountsbetweenthe tworollscomplicatesthecalculationsforthetotalnumberof(different)accountsandthe averagedelinquentaccountbalance.Goingforward,bothcalculationsshouldbeeasily attainableundertheoneassessmentperyearformat. Itisrecommendedthatthedelinquentaccountsbeputonanassessmentrollfor certificationataninterestrateof6%asallowedbystatestatute.Theinterestonthe assessmentswillgenerateanestimated$8,700in2014.Asinthepast,ifanyaccountsare paidwithin30daysaftertheadoptionoftheassessmentroll,theycanbepaidthrough November27th withouttheadditionalinterestbutwouldincludethe$75processingfee. The$75processingchargewillgenerateanestimated$26,250in2014. Thefollowingtableandgraphprovideahistoricalperspectivefortheassesseddelinquent utilityaccounts: Year Amount 2007166,744.69$ 2008151,827.43 2009148,316.73 2010142,463.70 2011147,177.11 2012142,253.36 2013144,426.86 A.1BudgetImpact:Delinquentutility budgetedinthecurrent chargesarecollectedbyquarterlybillpaymentorassessment. A.2StaffWorkload-Theprocessforcollectingdelinquentutilityamountsistime consumingwithpreparingandmailingdelinquentnotices;preparingandmailingnotices ofthepublic assessment forcertification.Themosttime accountdataagainstWrightCountypropertytaxrecords.The$ delinquentaccountshelpsdefraythecostofstafftimeandpublicationexpenses. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS 1.Motiontoadopt delinquent utilities parcel. 2.Motionto adoptResolution#201 directedbyCouncil C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION StaffrecommendsAlternative#1 Alloftheaccountsareatleast60dayspastdueandhav assessmenthearingandampleopportunitytopaytheaccountsinfull.Allutility accountswerenotifiedthattherewouldbeanadditional$ toeachoutstandingbalance willberemovedfromthelisttobecertifiedtotheCountyAuditor’soffice. 2 elinquentutility assessmentsprovideforthe collectionofrevenue budgetedinthecurrent yearbutnotcollecteduntilafutureyear.Intheend,utility chargesarecollectedbyquarterlybillpaymentorassessment. Theprocessforcollectingdelinquentutilityamountsistime consumingwithpreparingandmailingdelinquentnotices;preparingandmailingnotices assessment hearingaswellasotherclericalworkinpreparingtheamounts .Themosttime-consumingstepoftheprocessisverifyingthedelinquent accountdataagainstWrightCountypropertytaxrecords.The$75 feethatisaddedtothe delinquentaccountshelpsdefraythecostofstafftimeandpublicationexpenses. ERNATIVEACTIONS: dopt Resolution#2013-093approving theassessmentrollforthe utilities aslisted,withanadditional$75processingfeeaddedtoeach adoptResolution#2013-093withadjustmentsto directedbyCouncil,baseduponinputduringthepublichearing STAFFRECOMMENDATION: sAlternative#1 thattheCounciladopttheassessmentrollaspresented. Alloftheaccountsareatleast60dayspastdueandhavebeengivenpropernoticeofthis assessmenthearingandampleopportunitytopaytheaccountsinfull.Allutility accountswerenotifiedthattherewouldbeanadditional$75administrativefeeattached toeachoutstandingbalance.Anyaccountswhich arepaidonorbeforeNovember27 willberemovedfromthelisttobecertifiedtotheCountyAuditor’soffice. CouncilAgenda:10/28/13 collectionofrevenue yearbutnotcollecteduntilafutureyear.Intheend,utility Theprocessforcollectingdelinquentutilityamountsistime consumingwithpreparingandmailingdelinquentnotices;preparingandmailingnotices hearingaswellasotherclericalworkinpreparingtheamounts consumingstepoftheprocessisverifyingthedelinquent feethatisaddedtothe delinquentaccountshelpsdefraythecostofstafftimeandpublicationexpenses. theassessmentrollforthe ted,withanadditional$75processingfeeaddedtoeach theassessmentrollas baseduponinputduringthepublichearing. thattheCounciladopttheassessmentrollaspresented. ebeengivenpropernoticeofthis assessmenthearingandampleopportunitytopaytheaccountsinfull.Allutility 5administrativefeeattached arepaidonorbeforeNovember27th willberemovedfromthelisttobecertifiedtotheCountyAuditor’soffice. CouncilAgenda:10/28/13 3 D.SUPPORTINGDATA: Resolution#2013-093 DelinquentUtilityAssessmentAnalysis Listingofdelinquentutilityaccountstobecertified CITYOFMONTICELLO WRIGHTCOUNTY,MINNESOTA RESOLUTIONNO.2013-093 ADOPTINGASSESSMENTROLLFORDELINQUENTUTILITIESRECEIVABLE FOR2014PAYABLETAXYEAR WHEREAS,pursuanttopropernoticedulygivenasrequiredbylaw,theCouncilhasmetand heardandpasseduponallobjectionstotheproposedassessmentfordelinquentmiscellaneous accountcharges; NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDBY theCityCouncilofMonticello,Minnesota: 1.Suchproposedassessments,acopyofwhichisattachedheretoandmadeaparthereof,is herebyacceptedfortheamountshownplusanadditional$75processingfee;andshall constitutethespecialassessmentsagainsttheparcelsnamedherein,andeachtractofland thereinincludedisherebyfoundtobebenefittedbytheassessmentleviedagainstit. 2.Suchassessmentsshallbepayableinone(1)annualinstallmentpayableinthetaxyearof thefirstMondayinJanuary2014,andshallbearinterestattherateof6percentper annumfromthedateoftheadoptionofthisassessmentresolution.Tothefirst installmentshallbeaddedinterestontheentireassessmentfromthedateofthis resolutionuntilDecember31,2014. 3.Theownerofthepropertysoassessedmay,atanytimeuptoandincludingNovember 27,2013,paythewholeoftheassessmentonsuchpropertytotheCityTreasurer,and thatnointerestshallbechargediftheentireassessmentispaidwithin30daysfromthe adoptionofthisresolution. 4.Theclerkshallforthwithtransmitacertificationofthisassessmenttothecountyauditor tobeextendedonthepropertytaxlistofthecounty.Suchassessmentshallbecollected andpaidoverinthesamemannerasothermunicipaltaxes. ADOPTEDBY theMonticelloCityCouncilthis28thdayofOctober,2013. CITYOFMONTICELLO _____________________________________ ClintHerbst,Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ JeffO’Neill,CityAdministrator CityofMonticello DelinquentUtilityAssessmentAnalysis Low High 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 -$99.99$2,331.07$2,939.72$30 41 9%11%9%11% 100.00 199.99 14,193.87 12,852.74 92 88 26%24%35%35% 200.00 299.99 12,399.98 13,382.93 50 55 14%15%49%50% 300.00 399.99 13,665.78 13,731.06 40 40 11%11%61%61% 400.00 499.99 12,014.28 14,466.09 27 32 8%9%68%70% 500.00 599.99 18,610.42 18,833.89 34 34 10%9%78%79% 600.00 699.99 15,613.94 19,441.71 24 30 7%8%85%87% 700.00 799.99 10,611.55 11,169.20 14 15 4%4%89%92% 800.00 899.99 8,393.00 5,941.02 10 7 3%2%92%93% 900.00 999.99 9,600.96 7,643.39 10 8 3%2%95%96% 1,000.00 3,000.00 26,992.01 21,851.61 19 16 5%4%100%100% 144,426.86$142,253.36$350 366 Statistical 2013 2012 Change Low 53.54$50.08$6.9% High 2,484.27$2,646.44$-6.1% Average 412.65$388.67$6.2% Medium 306.87$297.83$3.0% Range Amount Count %ofCount AccumulatedCount% $- $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $0 - $99 $100 - $199 $200 - $299 $300 - $399 $400 - $499 $500 - $599 $600 - $699 $700 - $799 $800 - $899 $900 - $999 > $1,000 DelinquentUtility Amounts 2012 2013 41 88 55 40 32 34 30 15 7 8 16 30 92 50 40 27 34 24 14 1010 19 - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 $0 - $99 $100 - $199 $200 - $299 $300 - $399 $400 - $499 $500 - $599 $600 - $699 $700 - $799 $800 - $899 $900 - $999 > $1,000 DelinquentUtility Accounts 2012 2013 CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 1 9.ConsiderationofapprovingtheannualSnowPlowingandIceRemovalPolicyfor the2013-2014snowseason (TM) A.REFERENCEANDBACKGROUND: EachyearthePublicWorksDepartmentreviewsthepreviousyear’sSnowPlowing&Ice RemovalPolicyandproposesupdatestothedocument.EarlyinOctober,afterallofthe differentdivisionsofPublicWorkshavehadanopportunitytocheckplowroutes,new constructionandchanges;wemeetasagroupforseveralhourstogooverthepolicyin depth.Commentsgeneratedfromthisgroupmeetingoftenresultinmodificationsand changestothepolicy.Thesechangesthenareoutlinedandclearlymarkedinredinthe draftdocumentandbroughtforwardtotheCityCouncilforreview,possiblechangesand adoption.Thisdocumentthenbecomestheframeworkforthesnowplowingand removaloperationsthroughouttheCitybyPublicWorks.Individualdepartmentsthen developtheirownplansonhowtheyaretoaccomplishthegoalssetoutinthepolicy. Thepolicylaysoutprioritiesandtimingforallfacetsofsnowplowing/removal throughoutthecommunity.Theprioritiessetoutinthepolicyaretobeachievedbythe PublicWorksDepartmentunderreasonableconditionsandbudget,assumingthatatleast onepieceofmajorequipmentandoneoperatorarenotavailable.Inmostcasesweare abletomeetthegoalssetoutinthepolicyinlesstimethanstated.Followingisa summaryofthisyear’schangestotheSnowPlowing/RemovalPolicy: ThetitleofPublicWorksDirectorhasbeenremovedfromthepolicyduetothefactthat atthistimethosedutieshavebeendirectedtotheStreetSuperintendentuntilfurther notice. Thedispatchingofequipmentandpersonnelforstreetsandparkinglotswillbe determinedbytheStreetSuperintendentorhisdesigneeandthedispatchingofsidewalks andpathwayswillnowfallunderthedirectionoftheParkSuperintendentorhis designee. ThefollowingarechangesbeingproposedforthePrimaryandSecondarySnow EmergencyRoutes: PrimarySnowEmergencyRoutes: 1.DundasRdfromTH25easttoFallonAvehasbeenaddedduetoXcelEnergy’s maintenanceshopbeinglocatedonthatroad.Manytimestheyaredispatchedoutto electricaloutagesduringsnowstorms. SecondarySnowEmergencyRoutes: 1.DundasRdwasmovedtoPrimaryRoute 2.EdmonsonAvefromChelseaRdto85th StNEwasaddedduetotheamountof traffic,aswellasitbeingamainroadintothecityfromthesouth. 3.CedarStfromOakwoodDrtotheendduetotheamountoftraffic. CityCouncilAgenda:10/28/13 2 4.FallonAvefromChelseaRdto85th StNEwasaddedduetotheamountoftrafficand theproximitytoLittleMountainElementary. CitySidewalks: 1.Thesnowplowpolicyisavailableonthecitywebsiteandmanytimesthroughoutthe winterwereferencecitizenstothatsite.Wefeltitwouldbeverybeneficialtothe citizenstoknowwhattheordinancestatesforsidewalkmaintenance,thereforewe haveaddedCityOrdinanceTitle8.Section8-1-1and8-1-11tobeincluded. 2.Thisyearwearetryingsomethingnewwiththesidewalksandpathways,wehave createdPrimaryandSecondaryRoutes.Wefeelthiswillallowustodirectmorestaff forstreetsnowremovalandthenconcentrateonsidewalks/pathways.Primaryroutes willbesidewalksandpathwaysthatchildrenwalkontogettoschool.Theseareareas wehaveworkedoutwiththeschooldistricttotryandmakeanattempttohave clearedbythetimeschoolstarts.TheSecondaryroutewillconsistofsidewalksand pathwaysthatthecityclearsduetotheamountofpedestriantraffic.Thesesidewalks maynotbecleareduntilthedayafterastorm. A1.BudgetImpact:Theproposedchangestothepolicythisyearwillhaveminor impactontheCity’sbudgetwithnochangestotheordinance. A2.StaffWorkloadImpact:Theproposedchangestothepolicywillhaveminor changestotheworkloadofthePublicWorksduringthewinterseason.Weare adequatelystaffedtohandlethisworkloadbutthetimerequiredtocompletethe processmaybeincreased. B.ALTERNATIVEACTIONS: 1.Motiontoapprovethe2013-2014SnowPlowing&IceRemovalPolicywith minorhighlightedchanges. 2.Motiontodenyadoptingthe2013-2014SnowPlowing&IceRemovalPolicy. C.STAFFRECOMMENDATION: CitystaffrecommendsAlternative#1fortheCityCounciltoapprovethemodifications totheSnowPlowing&IceRemovalPolicyasoutlinedandadoptthepolicy.Keepin mindPublicWorksisadequatelystaffedtohandlethisworkloadbutthetimerequiredto completetheprocessmaybeincreased. D.SUPPORTINGDATA: A-SnowPlowing&IceRemovalPolicy(proposedchangeshighlightedinred) B-SnowPlowRouteMap C-Primary/SecondaryPlowRouteMap D-Primary/SecondarySidewalk/PathwayMaintenanceMap E-SnowmobileRouteMap 2013-2014 [TheCityofMonticellowillprovidesnowandicecontrolinasafeandcosteffectivemanner,keepinginmind safety,budget,personnelandenvironmentalconcerns.Thispolicyindicatestheminimumlevelsofservice thatcanbeexpectedandthecitywillstrivetoachievebetterresultswheneverpossible.] F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |1 - CITYOFMONTICELLO SNOWPLOWING/REMOVALPOLICY TableofContents 1.INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................3 2.AREASOFRESPONSIBILITY ...............................................................................................................................3 3.AMENDMENTSTOPOLICY ..................................................................................................................................3 4.EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................................................................................3 5.WORKSCHEDULE ..................................................................................................................................................4 6.MINIMUMLEVELSOFSERVICE ........................................................................................................................4 7.SNOWEMERGENCYROUTES .............................................................................................................................6 PRIMARYSNOWEMERGENCYROUTES............................................................................................................6 SECONDARYSNOWEMERGENCYROUTES......................................................................................................7 8.METHODOFPLOWINGSNOW ............................................................................................................................7 9.HAULINGOFSNOW ...............................................................................................................................................8 10.WEATHERCONDITIONS .......................................................................................................................................8 11.DISPATCHINGOFEQUIPMENT ..........................................................................................................................8 12.PUBLIC PARKING LOTS ........................................................................................................................................9 PLOWINGTOBEGINBY4A.M.............................................................................................................................9 PLOWEDBY8A.M.(ONNORMALBUSINESSDAYS).......................................................................................9 PLOWEDWITHPRIMARYSNOWEMERGENCYROUTE..................................................................................9 PLOWEDWITHIN12HOURSFOLLOWINGSNOWFALLEVENT....................................................................9 13.CITYSIDEWALKS .......................................................................................................................................................10 8.1.1:MAINTENANCEBYOWNER:...................................................................................................................10 8.1.11:TIMEOFREMOVAL,ICEANDSNOW:..................................................................................................10 F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |2 - 14.CITYMAINTAINEDSIDEWALKS ......................................................................................................................10 PRIMARYSIDEWALKS.........................................................................................................................................10 SECONDARYSIDEWALKS...................................................................................................................................12 SidewalksClearedWithCityAssistance:....................................................................................................13 15.CITYMAINTAINEDPATHWAYS .......................................................................................................................14 PRIMARYPATHWAYS..........................................................................................................................................14 SECONDARYPATHWAYS....................................................................................................................................14 16.CITYMAINTAINEDSKATINGRINKS ..............................................................................................................16 4TH STREETPARK..................................................................................................................................................16 WESTBRIDGEPARK.............................................................................................................................................16 17.DAMAGETOPERSONALPROPERTIES ...........................................................................................................16 18.PLOWINGOFPRIVATEPROPERTY.................................................................................................................16 19.REVIEWOFPOLICY ............................................................................................................................................17 20.WINTERPARKINGREGULATIONS ..................................................................................................................17 TITLE9,CHAPTER1SECTION2:........................................................................................................................17 Parkingandstopping:..................................................................................................................................17 TITLE9,CHAPTER1,SECTION8:.......................................................................................................................17 Parkinginregardtosnowplowingand/orremoval:....................................................................................17 21.WINTERSIDEWALKPATHWAY/SNOWMOBILEREGULATIONS ............................................................18 TITLE6,CHAPTER5,SECTION2:.......................................................................................................................18 Restrictions:................................................................................................................................................18 F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |3 - CITYOFMONTICELLO SNOWPLOWING/REMOVALPOLICY AmendedbytheCityCouncilOctober22,2012 1.INTRODUCTION TheCityofMonticelloassumesbasicresponsibilityforthecontrolofsnowandiceoncitystreetsand cityownedpublicparkinglots.Reasonablesnowandicecontrolisnecessaryforroutinetraveland emergencyservices.Thecitywillprovidesuchcontrolinasafeandcosteffectivemanner,keepingin mindsafety,budget,personnelandenvironmentalconcerns.Thecitywillutilizecityemployees,city equipmentand/orprivatecontractorswhennecessarytoprovidethisservice. 2.AREASOFRESPONSIBILITY Throughitsadoption,theCityCouncilofMonticelloisresponsibleforthepolicyestablishedherein. ImplementationofthispolicyistheresponsibilityoftheStreetSuperintendentorhisdesignee underthe directionoftheCityAdministrator.ThechainofcommandistheCityAdministratorandStreet Superintendent,inthatorder.Decisionsastotime,methodandmaterialsusedonsnow plowing/removaloperationswillbemadebytheStreetSuperintendentunderthedirectionoftheCity Administrator,andanyamendmentsaretobeinaccordancewithamendmentsectionofthispolicy.The ParksDepartmentwillsupplementtheeffortsoftheStreetDepartmentwithprimaryresponsibilitiesin parkinglots,sidewalks,pathwaysandskatingrinks.ThisworkwillbecarriedoutbythePark Superintendentorhisdesignee underthedirectionoftheCityAdministrator.(AmendedbyCityCouncil01/10/2005) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/26/2009) 3.AMENDMENTSTOPOLICY Anyamendmentstothispolicyrequirecouncilapproval.Wheneverpossibleandpractical,amendments shouldbebroughtupatcouncilmeetingsandshouldbeamatterofpublicrecord.However,toallow foremergenciesorotherextenuatingcircumstances,whentimedoesnotpermitcouncilapprovalor action,theCityAdministratororStreetSuperintendentisherebyauthorizedtoamendanyportionofthis policyheseesfit.Ifpractical,theCityAdministratorshallbenotifiedandshallapproveofanysuch amendment.Anysuchamendmentmadeduetoaparticularemergencyshallbebroughttotheattention ofthecounciliftheamendmentistobeapermanentone. (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/26/2009) 4.EQUIPMENT Thecityshallacquire,maintain,repairandreplaceequipmentonatimelybasisasthecity’sestablished budgetshallallow.Toprovideforutilizationofequipmentinacosteffectivemanner,thecitymayuse regularcitytrucks,motorgraders,front-endloaders,snowblowersandanyotherregularequipmentas maybeusefulforcontrolofsnowandice.Equipmentthatcanbeusedonlyforsnowandicecontrol shallbeacquiredandutilizedonlyifdeemedabsolutelyessential.Wheneverexistingsnowremoval heavyequipmentisbelievedtobebrokendownforanexcessofeighthoursduringadeclaredsnow CHANGESINRED ITALICS F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |4 - eventandthatpieceofequipmentisessentialtosnowplowing/removaloperations,theStreet Superintendentorhisdesignee mayrentequipment.TheCityAdministratorshallbenotifiedofthis decisionimmediately.Awrittenreporttoincludeequipmentdown,reasonforrenting,estimatedrental period,rentalcompany,rentalmachineidentification,rentalrate,andestimateoftotalcostshallbe submittedwithin48hours.(AmendedbyCityCouncil10/26/2009) WhentheStreetSuperintendentdeterminesthatthepolicylevelsofservicecannotbeprovidedbycity forces,heshallreporttotheCityAdministratorthefollowinginformation: A.Additionaltimerequiredtoprovidedesiredlevelsofserviceusingjustcityforces. B.Additionalequipmentand/orpersonnelsupportrequiredtoachievedesiredlevelsofservice. C.Estimatednumberofhoursequipmentand/orpersonnelwillberequired. TheStreetSuperintendentwillthentakethefollowingaction: A.Determineavailabilityofcontractorequipment. B.Estimatecostofcontractedservicerequired. C.Determineavailabilityoffundstomeetestimatedcosts. D.Basedoninformationsupplied,theCityAdministratorshalldeterminewhethertocontractfor additionalserviceorequipment,oracceptreducedlevelsofservice. Ifcontractedserviceorequipmentissecured,theStreetSuperintendentshallprovidetheCity Administratorwithareportcontainingthefollowinginformation: A.Purposeofcontractingsnowplowing/removal. B.Estimatedtimeandcostofcontractedservices. C.Timeanddatecontractbegan. IntheabsenceoftheCityAdministrator,theStreetSuperintendentshallhavefullauthorityunderthis sectionandshallcommunicateanydecisionsoractionsresultinginextraordinaryexpenditurestothe CityAdministrator’sdesignee. 5.WORKSCHEDULE SchedulingofemployeesistheresponsibilityoftheStreetSuperintendentorhisdesignee underthe directionoftheCityAdministrator.Whenconditionsallow,workschedulesshallbearrangedtokeep overtimeataminimum,withovertimeschedulingbeingapprovedbytheStreetSuperintendent.The StreetSuperintendentshallnotifytheCityAdministratorofanyunusualamountofovertimetobe performedandthereasons. (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/26/2009) 6.MINIMUMLEVELSOFSERVICE Thefollowingareminimumlevelsofservicethatcanbeexpected.Thecitywillstrivetoachievebetter resultsifpossible. F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |5 - Snowand/oricecontrolmaybeterminatedatanytimetheStreetSupt.orhisdesigneedeterminethat risingorfalling temperatures,visibilityand/ortherateofaccumulationmakethecontrolunsafe, ineffectiveorunnecessary. Shouldasubsequentstormoccurwithintheminimumtimesforservice,thensuchsubsequentstorm shallbecomethestormreferredtointhispolicy. A.Snowremovaland/orsandingoperationsshallbeginwhensnowaccumulation reaches2"or wheniceorsnowpackoccurondesignatedprimarysnowemergencystreets,andshall continueperiodicallythroughoutthedurationofthestorm.ItistheintentionoftheCitytokeep theseroutesopentotraffic,ifpossible,duringastorm;however,itisnottheintenttokeepthem snoworicefree. B.Alldesignated secondarysnowemergencystreets shallbeopentotraffic(twolanes)within eight(8)hours afterthesnowstormsubsides. C.Allremaining nonemergency throughstreetsshallbeopento2-lanetrafficwithin 12hours afterthesnowstormsubsides.Parkinglotsnowmaybepiledforremovalandremovedafter snowishauledfromtheBroadwaymedianandallstreetsarewidenedcurbtocurbwhere possible.Thesnowplowingoperationsinthecommuterparkinglotsshallbestartedby4a.m. wheneverweatherconditionsallow. D.Allpublicstreetssuchas deadendsandcul-de-sacs shallbeopentotrafficwithinsixteen (16) hours afterasnowstormsubsides. E.DowntownBroadway,from150feeteastofLinnStreetto150feeteastofCedarStreetshallbe plowedtothecentermedian.TheStreetSuperintendentorhisdesigneemayelecttoplow downtownstreetsduringeveningorearlymorninghourstoavoidtrafficandparkedvehicles. Otherdowntownstreetswillbeplowedoutward.Cityownedparkinglotsandalleysinblocks 34,35and52areplowedby8a.m.aftera2"accumulationofsnow(seeSection12). (AmendedbyCityCouncil01/10/2005) F.DowntownsnowhaulingincludingthehalfblockofWalnutsouthofBroadway,ifnecessary, shallbeginbythenextmorningafterallstreetshavebeenplowedandthecrewsarerested. HaulingshallnotbeconductedFridayeveningorSaturdayeveningunlessabnormalconditions warrantsame. (AmendedbyCityCouncil01/10/2005) G.Saltandsandoperationsshallprovidebarepavementondrivinglaneswhenconditionsallowfor allprimarysnowemergencyroutes,skidresistanceatschoolcrossings,stopsignsandisolated icyareas.SaltandsandoperationsonallotherstreetswillbedeterminedbytheStreet Superintendentorhisdesignee. H.Snowdepthatthecornersofintersectionsshallbereducedto36"orlessfollowingother necessarysnowplowingandremovaloperations.TheStreetSuperintendentorhisdesigneeshall havetheauthoritytodeterminetheschedulingandpriorityofthisfunction. F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |6 - I.Certaincountyhighwayswithinthecityaremaintainedbythecityandfallundercounty maintenanceagreements. 7.SNOWEMERGENCYROUTES PRIMARYSNOWEMERGENCYROUTES 6TH STREET FROMTHEFIREHALLTOTH25:INCLUDINGFIREHALLPARKINGLOTANDDRIVEWAYS 7TH STREET FROMWALNUTSTREETTOCSAH18 BROADWAY FROMWILLOWSTREETTOMEADOWOAKDRIVE CSAH39WEST FROMTHEPUBLICWORKSBUILDINGTOCSAH75WEST PRAIRIEROAD FROMKEVINLONGLEYDRTOCSAH75WEST FENNINGAVENUE FROMSCHOOLBOULEVARDTO85TH STREET(DUETOTOPOGRAPHY) GILLARDAVENUE FROMCSAH39EASTTO95TH STREET(DUETOTOPOGRAPHY) HARTBOULEVARD FROMMISSISSIPPISHORES TOWWTPTOCSAH75EAST RIVERSTREETEAST FROMWASHINGTONTOTHENURSINGHOME WASHINGTONSTREET FROMBROADWAYTOEASTRIVERSTREET WASHINGTONSTREET FROM EAST BROADWAYTO7TH STREET ROUNDABOUT ATCSAH18&MEADOWOAKAVENUE SCHOOLBOULEVARD FROMTH25TOCSAH18 WALNUTSTREET FROMWESTBROADWAYTO7TH STREET DUNDASROAD FROMTH25EASTTOFALLONAVENUE (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/27/2006) (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/13/2007) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/26/2009) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/24/2011) F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |7 - SECONDARYSNOWEMERGENCYROUTES 3RD STREET FROMCHESTNUTST TOWASHINGTONST 6TH STREETWEST FROMELMSTREETTOTHEFIREHALL ELMSTREET FROMCSAH39WESTTO6TH STREETWEST CEDARSTREET FROMRIVERSTREETTO7TH STREET CHELSEAROAD FROMCSAH18TOCR39WEST DEEGANAVENUE FROMSCHOOLBLVDTOCOMMUTERPARKINGLOT OAKWOODDRIVEEAST FROMT.H.25TOINCLUDETHECUL-DE-SAC OTTERCREEKROAD FROMCSAH75TORIVERSTREETWEST PRAIRIEROAD FROMKEVINLONGLEYDRIVETOCSAH75 MOVETOPRIMARY RIVERSTREETEAST FROMTH25TOCEDARSTREET(INCLUDINGBLOCKOFWALGREEN’S) RIVERSTREETWEST FROMTHEXCEL/CITY BALLFIELDSTOTH25 SCHOOLBOULEVARD FROMTH25TOREDFORDLANE EDMONSONAVENUE FROMCHELSEAROADTO85TH STREETNE FALLONAVENUE FROMCHELSEAROADTO85TH STREETNE CEDARSTREET FROMOAKWOODDRIVETOEND (AmendedbyCityCouncil12/12/2005) (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/13/2007) (AmendedbyCityCouncil12/08/2008) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/26/2009) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/25/2010) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/24/2011) 8.METHODOFPLOWINGSNOW Snowwillbeplowedinamannersoastominimizetrafficobstructions.Withtheexceptionofthat sectionofBroadwaypreviouslymentioned,thesnowwillbeplowedfromthecenterofthestreet F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |8 - outward.TheCitywillplowtheroundaboutatCSAH18andMeadowOakAvenuefromtheoutsideto thecenter.TheCountywillplowtotheoutside.Theplowingactivitiesareshared.Fornarrowstreets orotherstreetswhenconditionsrequire,theStreetSuperintendentorhisdesigneemaychoosetoplow fromonesidetotheother.Snowshallbeplowedandpushedfromlefttorightanddischargedonthe edgeofthestreetoronadjacentright-of-waywithoutregardforsidewalksand/ordriveways.TheCity shallnotberesponsibleforplowingsnowfromanyprivatedrivewaysorsidewalks. (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/27/2006) 9.HAULINGOFSNOW Wherespacedoesnotallowforsnowtobepushedorpiledoutsidethedrivinglanes,thecitywill removethesnowbyhauling.TimingofsuchhaulingshallbeatthediscretionoftheStreet Superintendentorhisdesignee.SnowwillbewindrowedalongthesouthcurbonChelseaRoad betweenHighway25andSandbergRoadandhauledwhenthewindrowreaches2feetinheightto reducesnowpushedontothesidewalk.(AmendedbyCityCouncil12/12/2005) 10.WEATHERCONDITIONS Snowandicecontroloperationswillbeconductedonlywhenweatherconditionsdonotendangerthe safetyofemployeesorequipment,andoperationsareeffective.Factorsthatmaydelaysnowandice controloperationsinclude:severecold,significantwinds,limitedvisibilityandrapidaccumulationof snowand/orice. 11.DISPATCHINGOFEQUIPMENT DispatchingofequipmentshallbedeterminedbytheStreetSuperintendentorhisdesigneeforstreets andparkinglots.DispatchingofequipmentforsidewalkandpathwaysshallbedeterminedbythePark Superintendentorhisdesignee.TheStreetSuperintendentorhisdesigneeshallmonitorweather conditionsandforecaststoaidindispatchdecisions.Plowingand/orsandingoperationsmayoccur duringtheassignedworkshiftoronaspecificsituationcallout.Ifthespecificsituationisonaprimary snowemergencyroute,theresponseshallbeassoonaspossibleifworkersandequipmentareavailable anditismorethanfourhoursuntilaworkshiftistobegin.Onceaworkshifthasended,theStreet Superintendentorhisdesigneehasthediscretionofrespondingimmediatelytootherspecificsituations orwaiting,inthecaseofnon-emergencies,untilanewworkshiftbegins. Foremergencyvehiclesrespondingtoemergencysituations(fire,medical,police)withinthecity, necessaryworkersandequipmentwillbedispatchedassoonaspossible.TheStreetSuperintendentor hisdesigneeshallkeeptheCityAdministratorinformedofstart,progressandendoffullscaleplowing operations. F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |9 - 12.PUBLIC PARKING LOTS PLOWINGTOBEGINBY4A.M. COMMUTERPARKINGLOT INCLUDINGSCHOOLBLVDFROMTH25WESTTODEEGANAVE ANDDEEGANAVENUEFROMSCHOOLBLVDTOCOMMUTERPARKINGLOT COMMUNITYCENTERPARKINGLOTS WESTANDSOUTHLOTS (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/27/2006) PLOWEDBY8A.M.(ONNORMALBUSINESSDAYS) BLOCK34 119EAST3RD STREET(DMV) BLOCK35 WALNUT&3RD STREETPARKINGLOT (Lotissignedfor24-hourparkingtoaidintimelysnowremovalandotherseasonalmaintenance) BLOCK52 WALNUTSTREETNORTHOFWESTBROADWAY CITYHALLPARKINGLOT DEPUTYREGISTRAR/MOTORVEHICLEPARKINGLOT HI-WAYLIQUORPARKINGLOT MONTICELLOFIBERNETHEADENDBUILDINGPARKINGLOT PRAIRIEWESTBUILDING MONTICELLOFIBERNETRETAILSITE-6TH STREET (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/27/2006) (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/13/2007) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/26/2009) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/24/2011) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/22/2012) PLOWEDWITHPRIMARYSNOWEMERGENCYROUTE FIREHALLPARKINGLOT PLOWEDWITHIN12HOURSFOLLOWINGSNOWFALLEVENT 4TH STREETPARKPARKINGLOT(plowedbySewer/WaterDepartment) ANIMALSHELTERPARKINGLOT(plowedbySewer/WaterDepartment) CEDARSTREETPARKINGLOT(OVERFLOWPARKING–EASTBRIDGESLIDINGHILL) F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC Page |10 PLOWEDWITHIN12HOURSFOLLOWINGSNOWFALLEVENT EASTBRIDGEANDWESTBRIDGEPARKPARKINGLOTS PUBLICLIBRARYPARKINGLOT PUBLICWORKSMAINTENANCEBUILDINGANDOFFICEPARKINGLOTSINCLUDINGTHEAREA AROUNDTHEFUELPUMPS(plowedbytheSewer/WaterDepartment) TERRITORIALROAD~DRIVEWAYINTOTHERANDMANSION (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/27/2006) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/26/2009) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/24/2011) 13.CITYSIDEWALKS AllsidewalkswithintheCitylimitsshallbemaintainedbythepropertyownerunlessotherwisestatedin thispolicy.PropertyownersmustfollowCityOrdinanceTitle8,Section8-1-1and8-1-11. 8.1.1:MAINTENANCEBYOWNER:PursuanttoMinnesotaStatutesAnnotated1953,Chapter 429,asamendedbyLaws1955,Chapter811,theprimaryresponsibilityforkeepingand maintainingthepublicsidewalkofthecityinfrontofeachparceloflandabutting thereoncleanandinsuchstateofrepairasnottobedangeroustopublictravelishereby imposedupontheownerofeachsuchabuttingparcelofland. 8.1.11:TIMEOFREMOVAL,ICEANDSNOW:Theowneroroccupantofeverybuildingortract oflandwithinthecityfrontinguponanystreethavingasidewalkabuttinguponsuch premisesshallclearsuchsidewalkoppositesaidbuildingortractoflandofsnowandice withintwenty-four(24)hoursfollowingtheterminationofanysnowstormorthe formationoficefromanycauseandshallkeepthesameclearandfreefromsnowand ice.Ifsuchsnowandiceisnotremovedbytheowneroroccupantwithinthetime specifiedherein,thesameshallberemovedunderthedirectionoftheDirectorofPublic Worksandtheexpenseofsuchremovalshallbeleviedagainstthepropertyownerasa specialassessmentandcollectedasinthecaseofotherspecialassessments. 14.CITYMAINTAINEDSIDEWALKS Sidewalksshallbeclearedtoaminimumof5’widewithintwenty-four(24)hoursoftheendofany snoweventwithsnowaccumulationof½”ormoreonsidewalks.Sidewalksshallbeblownclear and/orbroomedasnecessarytoprovideasurfacedeemedsafeforpedestriantraffic.Sidewalks coordinatedwiththeschooldistricteachyearwillbeattemptedtobeclearedbythestartofschool. PRIMARYSIDEWALKS CLEAREDWITHIN24HOURSOFTHEENDOFASTORMEVENTASPERCITYORDINANCE *3rd STREETWEST SOUTHSIDEOF3RD STREETWESTFROMELMSTREETTOMAPLESTREET F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |11 - PRIMARYSIDEWALKS CLEAREDWITHIN24HOURSOFTHEENDOFASTORMEVENTASPERCITYORDINANCE *BROADWAYEAST SOUTHSIDEBETWEENTHEZOOANDBOB’SBARBERSHOP *BROADWAYEAST SOUTHSIDEFROMPALMSTREETTOWASHINGTONSTREET PALMSTREET FROMWESTBROADWAYTOMID-BLOCK (WESTSIDE) *BROADWAYEAST ONTHENORTHSIDEFROM731E.BROADWAYTOPALMSTTOWASHINGTONSTWITHTHE EXCEPTIONOFDENNY’S SERVICEAT743E.BROADWAY BROADWAYEAST 201EASTBROADWAY(OLDCEDARSTREETGARDENCENTERSITE) BROADWAYEAST FROMT.H.25TO112EASTBROADWAY *BROADWAYWEST SOUTHSIDEFROM906BROADWAY TOBROADWAYKWIKSTOP *BROADWAYWEST ONTHENORTHSIDEFROMCHESTNUTSTREETTOLINNSTREETWITHTHEEXCEPTIONOF TRINITYLUTHERANCHURCHAT494WESTBROADWAY *CARDINALHILLSPARK SIDEWALKRUNNINGTHROUGHPARKFROMMARTINDRIVETOSCHOOLBLVD *OTTERCREEKROADANDWESTRIVERSTREET FROMCSAH75TOCOMPOSTSITE *WASHINGTONSTREET EASTSIDEFROMRRCROSSINGTO7TH STREET 3RD STREETEAST DEPUTYREGISTRAR/PARKINGLOTNORTHSIDEFROM216PINESTREETTOCEDARSTREET 3RDSTREETWEST NORTHSIDEFROM211PINESTTOWALNUTSTREET BROADWAYWEST NORTHSIDEAT111WESTBROADWAY CEDARSTREET EASTSIDEATRRCROSSING *THESEAREPRIORITYSIDEWALKSTOBECOORDINATEDWITHTHESCHOOLDISTRICTEACHYEARANDTHECITYWILLMAKEEVERY ATTEMPTTOCLEARTHESIDEWALKSBYTHESTARTOFTHESCHOOLDAY.INTURN,THESCHOOLDISTRICTWILLNOTIFYTHESTREET SUPERINTENDENTIMMEDIATELYOFSCHOOLCLOSINGS. F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |12 - PRIMARYSIDEWALKS CLEAREDWITHIN24HOURSOFTHEENDOFASTORMEVENTASPERCITYORDINANCE CEDARSTREET FROMBROADWAYTORIVERSTREET(EASTSIDE) COMMUNITYCENTER WESTSIDEOFWALNUTSTREETFROMRRCROSSINGTO6TH STREET ANDNORTHSIDE OF6TH STREETFROMWALNUTSTREETTOFIREHALL ELMSTREET WESTSIDEFROMGOLFCOURSEROADTOBROADWAY HI-WAYLIQUOR WESTSIDET.H.25FROM5TH TO6TH ANDNORTHSIDE6TH FROMT.H.25TOINCLUDESECOND DRIVEWAYINTOPKGLOT,ALSOINCLUDINGSIDEWALKONTHEN.SIDEOFTHEBUILDING INFORMATIONCENTER SWCORNERONTH25&CSAH75TOALLEYINCLUDINGPRIMEAMERICA LIBRARY SOUTHSIDE6TH STREETFROMWALNUTTOLOCUST WESTSIDEWALNUTFROM6TH TOLIBRARY DRIVEWAY T.H.25 WESTSIDEFROMW.RIVERST.TOMISSISSIPPIBRIDGE TOBROADWAY T.H.25 FROMEASTBROADWAYTOALLEY T.H.25 EASTSIDE,FROM6TH STTO7TH ST 7TH ST NORTHSIDE,FROMTH25TOCEDARST WALNUTSTREET EASTSIDEPARKINGLOT,ALLEYTO3RD STREET, FROMWELLSFARGODRIVEWAYTORRTRACKS (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/27/2006) (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/13/2007) (AmendedbyCityCouncil12/08/2008) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/26/2009) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/25/2010) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/24/2011) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/22/2012) SECONDARYSIDEWALKS CLEAREDWITHIN24HOURSOFTHEENDOFASTORMEVENTASPERCITYORDINANCE BROADWAYEAST 201EASTBROADWAY(OLDCEDARSTREETGARDENCENTERSITE)MOVETOPRIMARY COMMUTERPARKINGLOT BUSSHELTERANDSIDEWALK F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |13 - SECONDARYSIDEWALKS CLEAREDWITHIN24HOURSOFTHEENDOFASTORMEVENTASPERCITYORDINANCE WEST/EASTBRIDGEPARK BITUMINOUSPATHWAYFROMTHESLIDINGHILLTOWALNUTSTREET T.H.25 EASTSIDE,FROMEASTRIVERSTTOMISSISSIPPIRIVERBRIDGE GROVELAND(CITYOWNEDPROPERTY) APORTIONOFHAYWARDCT150'WESTOFPARKPLACEDR APORTION220'NORTHOFSUMMITCTBETWEENWINDEMERECT&SUMMITCT APORTIONEASTOF90TH STONSSIDEOFPARKPLACEDR FROM3554REDFORDLANETOSCHOOLBLVD GROVELANDPARK SAVANNAH&INNSBROOKALONGPARK MEADOWOAKAVENUE ADJOININGFREEWAYFIELDS MEADOWOAKAVENUE SIDEWALKALONGMEADOWOAKAVENUE(SHAWNWEINANDPROPERTY) MINNESOTASTREET EASTSIDEFROM7TH STREETTOAPOINT125'NORTH PRAIRIEROAD FROMCSAH75TOHEDMANLANE RIVERSTREETWEST STEPSATSOUTHSIDEOFRIVERSTREETONWALNUTSTREET EAST7TH STREET FROMMINNESOTASTREETTOCROSSWALK SidewalksClearedWithCityAssistance: 1.)SouthsideofBroadwayfromtheBroadwayKwikStoptoandincludingthePeterson GrimsmoChapelat250EastBroadway,andtheNorthsideofWestandEastBroadway fromLinnStreettoPalmStreetincludingTrinityLutheranChurchat449West Broadway.AlsothenorthsideofEastBroadwayinfrontof731and743EastBroadway nearWashingtonStreet.(AmendedbyCityCouncil10/24/2011) 2.)SidewalksontheeastandwestsidesofHighway25fromRiverStreettoOakwood Drive:ThecitywillassistMn/DOTwhentheyrequest,byprovidingone(1)operatoror one(1)driveranda12-cubicyarddumptrucktohelpremovesnowfromsidewalksput therebyMn/DOTplows. F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |14 - 15.CITYMAINTAINEDPATHWAYS PRIMARYPATHWAYS CLEAREDWITHIN36HOURSTOAWIDTHOF6' *1 7TH STREETEAST NORTHSIDEFROMCEDARSTREETTOWASHINGTONSTREET *FALLONAVENUE FROMSCHOOLBOULEVARDTOFARMSTEADAVENUE *FARMSTEADAVENUE FROM9144FARMSTEADAVETOPIONEERPARKPARKINGLOT *SCHOOLBOULEVARD FROMEDMONSONAVETOCR18INCLUDINGTHEPATHWAYTHROUGHTHENORTHENDOF PIONEERPK 2001ISETEAPATHWAYSYSTEMINCLUDINGI-94PEDESTRIANBRIDGE FROMCSAH75,SOUTHTOSCHOOLBLVDTOTHEEASTTHRUMEADOWOAKTOMEADOWOAKDRIVE 7TH STREETEAST WASHINGTONSTREETTOWESTSIDEOFENTRANCETOST.HENRY’SCHURCH CSAH75 FROMWESTRIVERSTREETTOPINEWOODELEMENTARY CSAH75 FROMMONTIMIDDLESCHOOLATTHEHOSPITAL SIGNALLIGHTSTOMEADOWOAKAVE SCHOOLBOULEVARD NORTHSIDEFROMEDMONSONAVETOT.H.25 TH25 FROMSCHOOLBOULEVARDTOOAKWOODDRIVE (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/27/2006) (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/13/2007) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/26/2009) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/24/2011) (AmendedbyCityCouncil10/22/2012) SECONDARYPATHWAYS CLEAREDWITHIN36HOURSTOAWIDTHOF6' BROADWAYWEST GREATRIVERTRAIL(FROMWESTRIVERSTREETTHRUTUNNELUNDERPASS) CHELSEAROAD SOUTHSIDEFROMSANDBERGTOINNSBROOK CSAH18 FROMOAKRIDGECIRCLETOOAKVIEWCOURT CSAH18 SOUTHSIDEFROMSPIRITHILLSROADTOTROYMARQUETTEDRIVE 1 *THESEAREPRIORITYPATHWAYSTOBECOORDINATEDWITHTHESCHOOLDISTRICTEACHYEARANDTHECITYWILLMAKEEVERYATTEMPTTO CLEARTHEPATHWAYSBYTHESTARTOFTHESCHOOLDAY.INTURN,THESCHOOLDISTRICTWILLNOTIFYTHESTREETSUPERINTENDENT IMMEDIATELYOFSCHOOLCLOSINGS. F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |15 - SECONDARYPATHWAYS CLEAREDWITHIN36HOURSTOAWIDTHOF6' CSAH18 SOUTHSIDEFROMWILDWOODBOULEVARDTOGATEWATERDRIVE EDMONSONAVENUE WESTSIDEFROMSCHOOLBOULEVARDTOORCHARDCIRCLE,ANDORCHARDCIRCLETO 89TH STREETINFEATHERSTONE FENNINGAVENUE EASTSIDEFROMMEADOWOAKAVENUEGOINGSOUTHTOCSAH18 GILLARDAVENUE WESTSIDEFROMRIVERFORESTDRIVETO95TH STREET GILLARDAVENUE WESTTORIVERFORESTDRIVE MEADOWOAK FROMMEADOWOAKAVENUETOMEADOWOAKDRIVE (SOUTHOFRAILROADTRACKS) MEADOWOAK FROMMEADOWOAKAVENUEGOINGSOUTHTOEASTWOODCIRCLE SCHOOLBOULEVARD NORTHSIDEFROMTH25TOREDFORDLANE SLIDINGHILLPATHWAY FROMMILLRUNROADTORIVERFORESTDRIVE SWANPARKPATHWAY TH25 EASTSIDEFROMKJELLBERG’STOSCHOOLBOULEVARD SCHOOLBLVD SOUTHSIDEFROMANIMALHOSPITALEASTTOEDMONSON CSAH18 FROMFENNINGAVETOEASTWOODCIR&EASTWOODLN EASTWOODLANE THRUMEADOWOAKPARKTOMEADOWOAKDRIVE ThePathwaysshallbeclearedtoamin.widthof6'within36hoursoftheendofanysnoweventwith snowaccumulationof½"ormoreonthepathway.Workonthepathwaysimmediatelyadjacentto majorhighwaysorthoroughfairswillnotbeginuntiltheadjacentroadwayisplowedandwidened. Pathwaysshallbeblownclearand/orbroomedasnecessarytoprovideasurfacedeemedsafefor pedestriantraffic.Itisexpectedthatthebituminoussurfaceshallbevisibleinmanyareasalongthe pathway.Pathwaysdesignatedforsnowremovalwhichareusedforstudentpedestriantraveltoand fromtheschoolsshallbeclearedwithin24hoursoftheendofasnoweventprovidedanyimmediate adjacentmajorroadwayisclearedandwidenedfirst.(AmendedbyCityCouncil01/10/2005) F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |16 - 16.CITYMAINTAINEDSKATINGRINKS 4TH STREETPARK (2)HOCKEYRINKS (1)GENERALSKATINGRINK WESTBRIDGEPARK (1)GENERALSKATINGRINK (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/27/2006) (AmendedbyCityCouncil11/13/2007) Within36 hoursoftheendofanysnoweventwithanaccumulationofmorethan1"ofsnow,allthree rinksshallbeplowedorblownclearandthenbroomed.Allsnowshallberemovedfromwithinthe hockeyrinkareaandnoaccumulationsofsnowshouldbeleftaroundtheinsideoftheboards.Care shouldbeusednottothroworpilesnowonwalkways.Foranyeventbetweenone-tenthofaninchto aninchofsnow,allthreerinksshallbebroomedwithin 36 hoursaftertheendofthesnowevent. Again,accumulationorridgesofsnowaroundtheinsideofthehockeyboardsmustberemoved. (AmendedbyCityCouncil12/12/2005) 17.DAMAGETOPERSONALPROPERTIES Onlythosemailboxesorotherpersonalpropertieswhichareinstalledproperlyandallowedbycity ordinancetobeontheboulevardandaredamagedbyactualcontactwithcityequipment,willbe consideredforcompensationatcityexpense.Compensationformailboxesandpostsshallbefor materialsonlywithamaximumallowablereimbursementof$150persinglefamilyresidentialmailbox andamaximumallowablereimbursementof$200perclustermailboxes.Damagetotrees,shrubbery andotherlandscapingwillnotbeconsideredforcompensationunlesslocatedbeyondtheboulevardor privateproperty.Thecitywillre-seedplowdisturbedareasoftheboulevardinthesummermonths whenstaffingandworkloadpermits.(AmendedbyCityCouncil10/26/2009) Damagetopersonalvehicleswillbeconsideredonlyiftheyarelegallyparkedandonlyifphysically contactedbyequipment. 18.PLOWINGOFPRIVATEPROPERTY Unlessthereisdirectbenefittocityoperationsorunlessemergencyvehiclesneedaccess,thereshallbe noplowingofprivatepropertywithcityequipment. F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |17 - 19.REVIEWOFPOLICY Thecitywillkeeponfilecommentsandcomplaintsreceivedregardingthispolicy.Thispolicywillbe reviewedperiodically.Anyreviewwillconsidercommentsorcomplaintsreceivedsincethelastreview. 20.WINTERPARKINGREGULATIONS TheWrightCountySheriff’sDepartmentwillrigorouslyenforceportionsoftheparkingordinances beginningNovember15throughApril15,asfollows: TITLE9,CHAPTER1SECTION2: Parkingandstopping:ExceptfortheCityofMonticelloorWrightCountyonitsownrightofways, nopersonshallutilizeanyportionofanylocalpublicrightofway,includingthetraveledstreet, boulevardorpublicparkinglotforthestorageorparkingofanyobjectormaterialwhichisnota licensed,operablemotorvehicle,passengervehicleormotorcycleasdefinedbyMinnesotaStatutes Chapter169.01,Subd.3,3aand4,exceptasmaybeexplicitlypermittedonatemporaryperiodoftime bytheCityCounciloritsdesignatedrepresentative.Properlylicensed,operatormotorvehicles, passengervehiclesandmotorcyclesmaybeparkedinthepublicstreetwherepermittedbutnotonthe boulevardportionofthepublicrightofwaysubjecttothefurtherrequirementsoflocalparking regulationsandapplicableMinnesotaStatutes.Atrailerofanytypeproperlylicensedornotisnot consideredamotorvehicleorpartthereofwhendisconnectedfromitstowvehicle. Itshallbeunlawfulfortheownerand/ordriverofamotorvehicletostop,stand,orparkthesaidvehicle inanyofthefollowingplaces,exceptwhennecessarytoavoidconflictwithothertrafficorin compliancewiththedirectionsofapeaceofficerortrafficcontroldevices: Onanystreetorroadwaybetweenthehoursoftwoo’clock(2:00)a.m.andsixo’clock(6:00)a.m. fromNovember15throughApril15,exceptphysiciansonemergencycalls. TITLE9,CHAPTER1,SECTION8: Parkinginregardtosnowplowingand/orremoval:Afterasnowfall,allstreetsinthecityof Monticelloshallbeclearedofallmotorvehiclesandpartsthereofforthepurposesofsnowplowing and/orremovaluntilallstreetsareplowed. AnymotorvehicleorpartsthereofleftonanystreetorboulevardinthecityofMonticelloinsuchaway astoimpedetheperformanceofthecityand/orstatesnowplowshallbedealtwithunderthePenalty CodeNo.1-4-1(afineofupto$300and/orimprisonmentinacityorcountyjailforaperiodnotto exceed90days). F:\ADMIN\WORDPROC\POLICIES\SNOWPLOWINGPOLICY2013-2014-DRAFTFORCOUNCIL.DOC -Page |18 - 21.WINTERSIDEWALKPATHWAY/SNOWMOBILEREGULATIONS TheWrightCountySheriff’sDepartmentwillrigorouslyenforceportionsofthecityordinancein regardtouseofthesidewalks/pathwaysbysnowmobiles,ATV’Sandothermotorizedvehicles. TITLE6,CHAPTER5,SECTION2: Restrictions:Itisunlawfulforanypersontooperateasnowmobile: OnanysidewalksorpathwaysinthecityofMonticelloprovidedforpedestrianand/orbicycle travel. Sidewalks & Pathways SystemSnow & Ice Maintenance Map2013-2014 Legend Primary Sidewalks Secondary Sidewalks Primary Pathways Secondary Pathways ² Made By: Karen MooresDate: 10-1-2013 City of Monticello To Tunnel