City Council Agenda Packet 02-10-2003 Special
Monday February 10,2003 - 5:00 p.m.
Bruce Thielen
Council Members:
Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson and Glen Posusta
1. Call the special meeting to order.
2. Interview of applicants:
A. Robbie Smith - 5:00
B. Todd Banek - 5:30
C. Tom Perrault - 6:00
3. Adjourn
City Council Ranking - Interview Three ??
Bruce Roger Glen Brian ~JGk 'S'o..()~
Theilen Carlson Posusta Stumpf ;,/t fuR.Ull..t.0 '3
~ Todd Banek
3 1 2 0
:).) I ( f~c) Jo /lCJ f
Robbie Smith 1 2 0 4 . I<.. t. y....t.
/, (o.~o
1,) Tom Perrault 0 0 1 1 -tl.....r-t (., ,~ le..^
.. - i J\. y,. &I ; c...v...> j) 4.. <1 /1 , ")
dA,.. <..,..~ /.. c.:12._
Dennis Sullivan 2 3 0 0
Cindy Anderson 4 4 0 3
Richard Van Allen 0 0 3 0
Brad Fyle 0 0 4 2
CANIJ/I)i\'j j,:
('()lIncil illlrmlllclion_
hlCl1 <'::lIldid,tlC will hc ~Iskcd to l11<1kc'" live minlllc presel11"lilllllo Council. (<Illdid<ttcs
will he ,lskcd [0 Ldk "hollt thel11schcs. illlcrests. Ullllll111nity involvellK'1l1. ullllnlllllily
isslles. ctc.
Fol/c)\ving are some general /'0] Imv-up Cjucstiolls to #] that Council will ]()llow-up with,
A. What do you pcrcciw to be thl' major current and IOllg term City Coullcil issues')
B WhJllime commitment d() ~()u C'\pL'Cl is rcquirL'd and hO\\' \\ill you m~ll'Jgc to
fulfill this c'\pcClalion'-)
(' .i\rc Y(1U ~l\\<ll'<..' ()f,my l'l111fli<.:!s (lfin!l'rcst lh~1t \\ould :lIl\:l'l ~(ll1r (k'cisiul1 making
C^ N I) II )A'll ': TODD BANEK
('ollllci I illtr()dllctioll,
hlcll c<llldid,Jlc will lx' ,Iskcd to ll1;d'l' U Ilvc millll(e prescnt<ltioll In Coullcil, (';lIIdid,t!cs
will hc ;lskL'd to l;t1k <lhollt thcll1sclvcs. illtercsts. c0ll11l11111ity involvcll1clll. comnlLlllity
ISSlles., ctc,
2. FollO\ving arc some gcncral follow-up qucstions 10 #1 that Council wjll foJlmy-up with,
A. What do you pcrcci\c to be the Il1,Jjor current and long term City Council issLles?
B What time commitment do YllU ('\)l(~ct is required and ho\\' \\i I] YOU m,lI1agc to
fulfill this e:-.:peclation'?
C /\rl' Y(111 ,1\\;11'l' l)( ,111; ClllllliClS ('1' inll'rcst that \\ould ,IITI..'ct ynur dccisiuJl makiJlg
~l hi I i 1 \ '?
('ollJ1cil introduction,
] .
hlCl1 clIldi(/,I[e will he ;I...,ked to Jri,lke u lill' minlll<: presl'l1[,l1i()n!o Council. C,llldid<lles
will he ,Isked to I;dk ,thOUI thelllselves. inlerests. c(lIl1lllllnity involveml'nt. C011l1111111ily
i sSlles. etl',
/ Followil1g are some generul Collow-up qucstions to #] thm Council v,ill follow-up with.
A. Whut do you perceive to be the ma.ior current and long term City Council issues')
B. Wha1 time commitm<:?J1t do you ('\pect is required and ho\\' \\j I] you 11l,111JgC to
fulfill this e:\pcC1;llion')
C. /\re y()U ;l\\<lr\.' l1Lmy c()lltlicts pf interest that \\ould ,Inl'ct ynur deeisjnl1 11l,1king