City Council Agenda Packet 02-10-2003 . Mayor: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MON'rICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, February 10,2003 - 7 p.m. Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Brian Stumpf and Glen Posusta 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2.A. Approve minutes of January 27,2003 regular Council meeting B. Approve minutes of January 27,2003 special Council meeting. 3. 4. 5. . 6. 7. 8. 9. . 10. ~0St~~addingitc;stot~ef~da _pcJ-~ fllT(Y- - t-J~>i · P~'i CitIzen comments/petItiOns, ~st and complall1ts. Lu. /_.L. 't __ ,If/fA/f'<f>4J''.v t.1(). '7714e Consent agenda. &~ ~c. ~ It> ()~ o-r~ -ro ti $> yz.t p r&l Consideration or a conditional use permit allowing a cell tower in an 1-1 A district. Applicant: Sprint pes and Fulfillment Systems. A. Consideration ofratifying new hires as identified. 8. Consideration or waiying statutory liability limits for City insurance renewals. c. D. Consideration of a request for development stage planned unit development approval allowing expansion of the Monticello-Big Lake Hospital. Applicant: Monticello-Big lA1ke Community Ilospital District. E. Consideration of approving the date for annual Board of Review. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Consideration of appointnlent to (ill council vacancy. ~ ~I.f J IbJ c )-roM Consideration of authorizing Phase I feasibility study for core street reconstruction progrmn. Approve payment of bills for February. Adjourn. . . . MINUTES REGlJLAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, .January 27, 2003 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Urian Stunlpf and Bruce '/'hielcn. Members Absent: None I. Call to Order and Pled!!e of Allel!ianee. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. Approve minutes of the .January 13.2003 regular Council meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF TIlE JANUAR Y 13,2003 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSLY. 3. Consideration of addin!! items to the agenda. The Council added appointment to the EDA as a consent agenda item and Brian Stumpf asked that the vacancy on the Police Commission also bc added to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments/petitions. reQuests and complaints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citizen commcnt portion of the Council meeting. No one came before the Counci I. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of ratifying new hires as identified. Recommendation: Ratify the new employees as identifIed. B. Consideration of renewal of pawn shop license for Walt's Pawn Shop. Recommendation: Approve the license renewal fllr 149 West Broadway contingent upon receipt of the license bond in the amount of $5,000. c. Consideration of annual EDA appointment. Recommendation: Move to appoint Clint Herbst to the Economic Development Authority with his term expiring on December 31, 2008. ~A . . . Council Minutes - 1/27/03 JefT O'Neill stated that Richard Quick had met with staff regarding the appeal of the Planning Commission approval of a variance request byTDS Telecom and Mr. Quick had withdrawn his appeal of the Planning Commission decision. ROGER CARLSON MOVED '1'0 APPROVE TIlE CONSENT AGENDA wrnI THE ADDITION OF IT~M #5C, EDA APPOINTMENT, AND #8, APP~AL Or: PLANNING COMMISSION VARIANCE APPROV AL. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent af!enda for discussion. None. 7. Public hearing on adoption of delinquent utility accounts for third quarter 2002 and certification of delinquent amounts to the County. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the public hearing noting that the hearing was a statutory requirement before the delinquent utility amounts could be certified to the County Auditor's Of/ice. Brian Stumpf noted that all the accounts received the $50 charge even though the delinquent amounts varied greatly. I Ie asked whether the $50 was the maximul11 the City could charge. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller stated that the $50 charge helped defray the costs related to certifying the amounts to the county. The City also charged a penalty amount which is 40;() of the unpaid arnount. Rick WoIfsteller will report back to the Council at the next rneeting with a recommendation on whether the $50 charge should be changed. Rick Wolfsteller did point out that changing the amount charged would require an amendment to the ordinance. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed assessment of delinquent utilities. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARCjES AS PRESENTED. GLEN POSUS'TA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y.Resolution No. 2003-7. 8. Consideration of appeal of Planning Commission decision to approve a variance .'equest bv TDS Telecom to reduce the buffer yard setbacks. Included with consent agenda. 9. Consideration of appnJVin2 proposed purchase and lease agreements of exchange of the library facility and Marquette Bank property. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, updated the COLlncil on the status of the land exchange with 2 ~A . Council Minutcs - 1/27/03 Wells Fargo. The City Attorney had prepared the legal documents covering the land exchange and had sent them to Wells Fargo for review and execution. Wells Fargo's preliminary indications to the City Attorney was that Wells Fargo was okay with the documents. Later the City was notilied that Wells Fargo wanted to make a change to the documents that would have the City pick up the special assessnlents that were levied against the Marquette Bank Building which would be approximately $30,000. The City was surprised by the request since the question of special assessments had not been raised in any of the previous discussions regarding the land exchange nor was it covered in the letter of intent that was signed by the parties. Since this was a change to the original proposal, the City Adrninistrator felt the Council should review the proposed change. Rick Wolfste!ler stated that negotiating this item could extend the time 1i"arne for getting the library into the new location. Rick Wolfsteller also informed the Council that the City had received the appraisal f(n the vacant land adjacent to the Marquette Bank site liOln I,ake State Realty Services which established a value of the land at $5/sq. ft. or $93,500 1'(Jr the] R,645 sq. ft. parcel. . The Council and staff expressed their liustration and disappointment with the latest change sought by Wells Fargo. The Council felt that the City had negotiated in good 1~lith to complete the land exchange so the Ii brary could relocate and they felt this issue should have been raised earl icr in the negotiations. However, the Council relt at this point in time with the library closed and in the process of preparing to relocate, the City did not have many options available to them. Matt Brokl, City Attorney stated that generally unless specifically noted in the agreement the seller is responsible for special assessments. Glen Posusta pointed out that this was not a typical land transaction. Glen Posusta felt the City was getting a new building in exchange Cor one that was over 20 years old and if there was $30,000 in special assessments tacked onto this, that did not mean the City was no longer getting a good deal. Since the library is presently closed, he felt the City should do everything in its power to get it back open again. Matt BraId clarified that Wells Fargo was not asking the City to pay for assessments that were levied on the property by another entity such as the county but was asking the City to pay for the City's cost of improvements for the property. Mayor Thielen stated that the $30,000 in special assessnlcnts although not a major setback to the deal was disappointing because the issue was not raised sooner and the City was pressured into accepting this in order to get the library relocated. Ilc stated that while the land exchange was a good deal for the City it was also a good deal for Wells Fargo. The Council discussed the purchase of the vacant land adjacent to the bank site. It was noted that the assessments were split between the vacant parcel and the building site. Rick WolfstelIer stated that if the City accepted the assessments on the property the value of the land would be $4.85 sq. ft. or if the current owner assumed the assessments the appraisal rate would be $5/sq. ft. Matt Brokl felt the City should give the option to Wells Fargo to accept payment of $93,500 with the bank taking care of the special assessments or receiving $93,500 less the amount of the assessments. . GLEN POSlJSTA MOVI':O TO AUTHORIZE SUBMITTAL OF THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT B^SED ON THE CITY PICKING liP THE APPROXIMATE $30.000 IN 3 d.R . . . Council Minutes - 1/27/03 SPECIAl, ASS\':SSMENTS AND THAT'l'l IE CITY ACCEPT '1'1 IE APPRAISAL OF $93,500 AS THE PRICE FOR TilE VACANT PROPERTY ADJACEN"l' TO THE BANK WHICH WOULD INCLUDE THE COST OF 'THE ASSESSMENTS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED '1'1 IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. City Attorney Matt Rrokl stated he will be working out the lease documents that would allow for the library to be in the building prior to closing on the land exchange and will hring those documents back to the Council at the next meeting. Glen Posusta asked ahout the time frame f(lr getting the library relocated and Rick Wolfsteller indicated that there is some remodeling work that needs to be done to the bank building to make it usahle for the library but it is hoped that work could he accomplished in the next couple of weeks. to. Approve payment of hills for January. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PA YMENT' OF BILLS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSLY Added Items: Brian Stumpf stated that there is a vacancy on the Police Commission. Liz Demarais who had served on the Commission for six years was stepping down. Brian Stumpf expressed his thanks to Liz Demarais for her service on the commission. t1. Adiourn. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 7:30 P.M. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED '1'1 Il.: MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 4 QA . . . MINUTES SPECIAL MI~I<~TING ~ MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 27, 2003 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call the meeting to order. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. Consideration of establishin2: City 2:oals and priorities Mayor Thielen stated the purpose of the meeting was to continue a process started a number of years ago which established a vision and governing policy and set a list of goals. This policy was adopted by the City Council in 1997 and in reviewing it at this time the consensus of the Council was that the City had followed this policy fairly closely. The relationship between Council and statlwas discussed with the view being that the Council holds staff accountable f(w how the objectives are achieved. Bruce Thielen stated that a perf(mnance appraisal system which is in place would be way of measuring accountability of staff. Jeff O'Neill reviewed the process that was used when the City first established the Community Vision and Governing Policies. crhe list of priorities that were establishedat that time was also reviewed. The Council felt a similar procedure should be used for establishing the current Council's priorities. In discussing the procedures to be use, the Council felt that there should be inputli'om the various commissions and that each commission should come up with their top priorities f()r Council consideration. With input from the fire Department, Library Board, HRA. Parks Cornmission, Planning Commission, etc. the Council felt the list of goals would be fairly encon1passing. It was also felt that the Community Vision and Governing Policy document should reviewed each year along with the list of priorities. Staff was directed to get the various commissions started on reviewing the governing policies and forming their list of priorities. It is hoped that the Council will get the list of priorities in March. The Mayor and Council then discussed some areas of priorities. Brian Stumpf listed: 1) Work more closely with the schools; 2) acquisition of industriallancl 3) extension of 7th Street (east and west) and along with that irnprovements to Elm Street. Bruce Thielen's list also ineluded 7th Street and he felt there should be a planning process done, similar to that for Walnut Street to come up with a design layout for 7th Street. He would like to see re-instituted, in some fashion, the spring tree planting program. Another area he felt should be looked into was greater use of contractors. There was also discussion on tbe City's working relationship with developers and builders. Particularly, Bruce Thielen wanted clarification from those parties who felt the City was diHicult to work as to why their experience was difficult or what procedure or individual created difficulty f()I' them in their dealings ~6 . Special Council Minutes - 1/27/03 with the City. Glen Posusta stated that it would be unlikely that those individuals who incurred problems would be open with their criticism since they would be concerned about repercussions in futurc dealings should it be known they criticized statI. There is concern by the Council that the perception exists that the City is difficult to deal with. Whether the notion is real or perceived, the Council felt it was sOlllething to be addrcssed. JeffCfNeill stated that the previolls Mayor had on occasions acted as kind of a mediator between staff and developers when there were problems. Ollie Koropchak stated that she had a form from Elk River that they used to measure developer feedback. Other areas that Bruce Thielen felt should be looked at were code enforcement which he felt should fe)Cus more on educating the public rather than imposing penalties and developing a transportation priority list along with development of the street reconstruction program. He felt funds set aside for street reconstruction could be utilized on other transportation priorities such as interchange, etc. It was also suggested that the City look at some type of annexation agreement with the Township. Roger Carlson stated that many of his concerns had already been mentioned but he did emphasize that the City will in the next few lllonths be dealing with an inilux of commercial and industrial development. l-le felt it was very important to identify land areas that were suitable for industrial use and make sure the zoning was in place for that use. Brian Stumpf stated that as the Council addresses these issues it would be helpful to have current maps. He also felt that Council updates between meetings was very helpful and he hoped they would continue. . The Council discussed a number of transportation issues such as the interchange at Orchard Road and the changes for County Road 18. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, stated the Federal Highway Administration may be considering changing the standards regulating access to freeways which would increase the access spacing to 5 miles instead of the current 1 mile spacing. Glen Posusta felt an interchange on the east end of town would help reduce some of the traffic on TH 25. There was discussion on the time frame for the interchanges and possible design layouts. The Council also discussed how the layout of the interchanges could impact alignment of City streets such as 7th Street. It was also noted in discussion of blights and ordinance enforcement that people perceive there are inequities in how enforcement is done. Glen Posusta concurred noting that the sign ordinance was a good example of this and he cited some instances. . City Engineer, 13ret Weiss, presented inlell"tllation and a schedule for implementing the City's core street reconstruction progran1. Bruce Thielen noted that in implementing the program it was important that the City inform the public and develop a good process j()r making the improvements. Since this would be a long term project establishing good procedures carlyon would make it easier in the long term as the program progresses. The City is in the process of preparing a pavement management plan and based on preliminary information they feel that the southwesterly area of the City, the Meadow Oaks area and IIi II crest are among some of the areas most in need of repair. Bret Weiss spent some time eXplaining the state aid system for street and how state aid monies were determined. Rick Wolfsteller will get a map showing the state aid streets within the City le)r the Council. Further in1i:lI"tllation on the improvement program including state aids and other funding sources will be presented to the Council at their February IOlh meeting. Bruce Thielen stated that 2 ;)8 . . . Special Council Minutcs - 1/27/03 there are new regulations in place relating to stonnwater runoiT and he suggested that the City look at possibly establishing a stonnwater utility fund. John SinlOla inf<.mned the Council that as many as 75% of the calch basins located in the core city area would need repair or replacement so he agreed that there should be a fund establ ished to handle that need. Bruce Thielen reported that he has been talking with Kim Sawatzke and Mike Benedetto about setting a meeting with local legislators to discuss the state budget deficit and how it will impact the schools and the city. It is tentatively scheduled for March. Mary Harger representing the IDC expressed her support for the City's acquisition of industrial land. Bruce Thielen closed the goal setting workshop at 6:35 p.l11. Recordi ng Secretary <) ., ;;.0 ._.,._~..,. -:--.',,'--..:::.....----- . . . Council ^genda - 2/1 U/03 SA. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Community Center(R W) A. REF":RENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new cl11ployees that have occurred recently in the Community Center. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees as identified on the attached list. C SUPPORTING DATA: r ,ists of new employees. . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Fletcher, Mark G.S.1. MCC 1/23/2003 part-time Jopp, Marnie Director/Warehse MCC 1/8/2003 part-time Peterson, Paula Custodian MCC 1/20/2003 part-time Pichler, Sarah G.S.1. MCC 1/14/2003 part-time Posusta, Glen Council Member Council 1/13/2003 part-time . TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Herbst, Clint Reason Term ended Department Council Last Day Class 12/31/2002 part-time . employee councillist.xls: 1/29/2003 5F\. - . . . Council Agenda - 211 0/03 Consideration of waivinl! statutory liabilitv limits for City insurance renewals. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: We are currently in the process of renewing our annual liability insurance coverage that will again provide f(x an additional $1,000,000 in excess liability coverage over the required $1,000,000 minimum. By state statute, the City is not liable 1'(Jr any tort liability claim in excess of $1,000,000 damages; however, because the City has purchased an excess liability coverage policy in the past, the City has the option of waiving our rights under Statute 466, which would allow someone to seek damages fi:om the City in excess of the $1,000,000 limit up to the $2,000,000 provided by our excess liability coverage. Although we have typically purchased the excess $1,000,000 coverage, we have done so to ensure that in a major catastrophe where the City was liable, sufficient funds would be available to pay any and all claims. Even though we are not responsible for any tort liability claim of more than $1,000,000, the City Council has to formally decide whether or not we want to waive our limits established by state statute. Since a tCmnal Council action is necessary before the application can be renewed, the Counci I should formally indicate that it docs not want to waive its monetary limits established by statute. This will allow us to retain our rights under th $1,000,000 I imit, but we would always have excess I iability coverage available if it was ever needed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Council should tlmnally indicate that the City of Monticello docs not waive the monetary limits on tort liability established by Minnesota Statute 466.04. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of liability insurance application form. -.. .-- -- ...........-- ..- . LMCIT LIABILITY COVERAGE - WAIVER FORM Cities obtaining liability coverage from the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust must decide whether or not to waive the statutory tort liability limits to the extent of the coverage purchased. The decision to waive or not to waive the statutory limits has the following effects: If the city does not waive the statutory tort limits, an individual claimant would be able to recover no more than $300,000.on any claim to which the statutory tort limits apply. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would be limited to $1,000,000. These statutory tort limits would apply regardless of whether or not the city purchases the optional excess liability coverage. If the city waives the statutory tort limits and does not purchase excess liability coverage, a single claimant could potentially recover up to $1,000,000. on a single occurrence. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would also be limited to $1,000,000., regardless of the number of claimants. If the city waives the statutory tort limits and purchases excess liability coverage, a single claimant could potentially recover an amount up to the limit of the coverage purchased. The total which all claimants would be able to recover for a single occurrence to which the statutory tort limits apply would also be limited to the amount of coverage purchased, regardless of the number of claimants. . Claims to which the statutory municipal tort limits do not apply are not affected by this decision. This decision must be made by the city council. Cities purchasing coverage must complete and return this form to LMCIT before the effective date of the coverage. For further information, contact LMCIT. You may also wish to discuss these issues with your city attorney. The City of accepts liability coverage limits of $ Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT). from the League of Check one: ~ The city DOES NOT WAIVE the monetary limits on municipal tort liability established by Minnesota Statutes 466.04. - The city WAIVES the monetary limits on tort liability established by Minnesota Statutes 466.04, to the extent of the limits of the liability coverage obtained from LMCIT. Date of city council meeting Signature Position . Return this completedform to LMCIT, 145 University Ave. W, St. Paul, MN. 55103-2044 Page I of I ~b . . . 5C. City Council Agenda - 02/10/03 Considcration of a reQucst for a conditional use pc,'mit allowin!! an antenna support structurc [OJ' I)crsonal wireless wmmunications systems in thc Li!?ht Industdall-IA district. Af)J)licant: .s.l2dnt PCS. (FP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On I'"ebruary 4,2003, the Planning COlllmission recommended approval of a conditional use permit to allow Sprint pes to locate a wireless comlnunications tower at FSI, 406 71h Street East. The Planning Commission had previously tabled the request pending Sprint PC'S provide additional information describing why the r:Sllocation was necessary. Sprint PCS demonstrated that their radio hequency needs vvould not be Illet by locating their antennas on the existing downtown water tower (which would likely be demolished within ten years) or the Monti Hill towers. Additional study was made by Sprint and infonnation was provided including radio frequency broadcast areas and service capacity t()r in-building and in-vehicle service 13ased on that additional study, Sprint PCS has determ inedthat neither of the other two existing antenna support structure !oc:Jtions :Jre vi:Jble. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to approve the conditional use permit, subject to A. The cond itions I isted in Ion i ng Code Section 3- 12, B. Installation of a landscape screening buffer on thrce sidcs of the equipment enclosure fencc to achieve at least 50% opacity. Such motion is based upon a finding that the proposed use complies with the Zoning Ordinance requirelnents for such lilcilities. 2. Motion to deny the conditional use permit based on a finding that the tower is incompatible with the surrounding land uses. 3. Motion to table action of the conditional use permit subject to additional in flJrll1at ion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The proposal complies with all ordinance requirements. Having demonstrated that neither of the existing tower locations will be viable, stall recommends approval of alternative I, allowing the conditional use permit for this wireless communiC:Jtions antenna support structure subject to the requirements Zoning Code Section 3-12. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . JanuMY 17,2003 Letter from Sprint. Coverage Maps for Schultz Hill 60', 100', 160' and 200 feet. Staff Report from January 7, 200, Planning Conunission Meeting Site Location Map & Aerial Survey Site Plan . . . . . . . ~ Sprint I " 111,'1 II I I., ":'1, < \', '"I. January 17, 2003 City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite ] Monticello, MN 55362 Attn.: Fred Patch Re: Conditional Use Permit Application for Telecommunications Facility 406 East 7th Street, Monticello, MN Cascade ID: MS57XC757 Dear Mr. Patch: This correspondence IS In response to the request by the Conunissioners at the January 7th Plam1ing Commission meeting for additional information regarding the Sprint application for a 160 foot telecommunications facility located at 406 East ih Street in Monticello. As indicated in the original Conditional Use application dated December 3, 2002, this site is needed in order to provide an in-building level of coverage to the downtown businesses of Monticello. At the meeting, the Commissioners requested that Sprint evaluate the viability of using an antenna support structure located on Shultz HilI as well as the viability of co-locating on the existing water tower located in the Central Business District. As described below, neither of these options are viable alternatives for this facility. Sprint Radio Frequency (RF) Engineer, Rob Svoboda, evaluated the coverage that would be provided by a new teleconul1unications facility located on Shultz HilL The evaluation was completed for several different heights in order to thoroughly examine the feasibility of this location. The evaluated heights were: 60 feet, 100 feet, 160 feet, and 200 feet. Plots showing the resulting coverage at the various heights are attached. As you can see on the plots, a site at any height in this location does not provide the required in-building coverage to the City ofMo11ticello. Additionally, the water tower located in downtown Monticello is not a practical solution, given that the City intends to decommission the tower within the next ten years. Sprint requires a long term commitment (i.e., 25 years) in order to protect the large capital investment needed to establish a new telecommunications facility. Furthern10re, the proposed facility requires 2500 square feet of unencumbered land for ground equipment. The water tower site does not appear to have sufficient ground space for this application. Given these considerations, the facility located at 407 East 7th Street should be approved as proposed in the Conditional Use application dated December 3, 2002. eJ~ . . . ~ Sprint Please contact me at (847) 318-3765 if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, b~~~ Enclosures . . . nUllIllng I... Oml11lsslolr l\genCla -t) IIU /lUj 6. Puhlic HC:ll'in2 - Considcnltion of a J'Cl/UCS' 1'01' a cOl1di'iol1alusc ncnnit allowil1l,! an antcnna su ) )(lI't stJ'uduJ'c I'OJ' n..-sonal wiJ'clcss communications svstCI11S in thc Liuht Industdall-IA district. Applicant: Spdnt pes. (FP) A. REFIW.ENCE AND BACKGIH)(JND: Sprint PCS is requcsting approval ofa conditional use pcrmit which would allow them to place a 160-(c)ot tall wirelcss communications nwnopole-style tower including antennas and associated transmitting cabinets bchind and south of the hilfillmcnt Systcms Inc. rFSI] building located at 406 ]1" Street East. The equipment is proposed to be located on a stcel platform within a 50' by 50' cha i n link fenced com pound. The monopole is designed to accommodate two add itiona I future co- locations for wireless commun icat ions antennas. The site is zoned I-I A. light industrial. and communications towers are allowable by conditional use permit as acccssory uses in this district subjcct to thc rcquirements of Zoning Code Section 3- I 2. Sprint PCS has indicated that the monopole-type tower is needed in this Mea to provide adequate coverage for its services. At thc time of their study for possible locations. the City was unwilling to allow wireless communications antennas to be mounted onto the old water tower in the downtown area. Since that time. Monticello Public Works has indicated that covert antennas may be allowable on the existing tower. Options Ic)r location on the existing water tower will be considered independent of and subsequcnt to this requcst. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Motion to recommcnd approval of the conditional use permit. subject to the conditions listed in Zoning Code Section 3-12 and based upon a finding that the proposed use complies with the requirements for such lilcilities in the Zoning Ordinance. .., Motion to dcny the conditional use permit based on a finding that the tower is incompatible with the surrounding Innd uses. ~ .). !\.10tion to table action of the cl.1l1ditionaluse permit subject to additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The proposal complics \\ith all ordinance requirements. Stall recommends approval of option alkrnative I. abme. alkming the eonditionnlusc permitfc)r this wireless cOlllmunications antenna support structure subject tuthe requirements Zoning Code Scction 3-12. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Exhibit /\ - Site Locatiun Map 8:: Aerial Survey Exhibit B - Site Plan \n~ ---2-_=~ --.. .-----....T ---- n._.._ '99fH ~VE NVV_ '" MS57XC757 1/4 Mile Radius -- c- en '" .,. '----- ~ a: i::: ?5 o u Pi/nl<: Co'.'" (f) iE ~ 189TH AVE NW '" <D ~ cr i::: z o u ~ -I :z: en '" .,. ~ a: ~C u CR14 en ~ r I- ?2 Mag 14.00 Mon Dec 02 16:43 2002 Scale 1 :31 ,250 (at center) 2000 Feet NE ... 1000 Meters cr u - Local Road Cl2001 DeLorme. SI et Atlas USA; iO 2001 GOT, Inc.. ReI. 0112001 - Major Connector - State Route w Z 80TH ST NE Interstate/Limited Access I I ~ II uJ ~ 19TH ST NE US Highway o Exit w z g: q: w uJ sa w ---t--i-- Railroad 1_. T-- . . . 5D. City Council Agenda ~ 02/ 10/03 Consideration of a requcst for a Dcvclopment Shu!e Planned Unit Development approval for the expansion of thc Monticello-Bi2: Lal{c Hospital. Applicant: Monticello-Big Lakc Communitv Hospital. (.'0) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing and reviewed the request on two occasions. then rccomlncnded approval of the PUD at the regular meeting on February 4, 2003. Attached you will find the Planning report for february 4 and January 7, along with the associated mceting minutcs as hack-up information for this report. On January 7, 2003 the Planning Commission tabled action on the Hospital pun application to permit the Ilospital to respond to a numher of issues raised by the Commission. At the Fehruary 4,2003 meeting the applicant submitted a new set of plans in response to the comments, which were found to be acceptable by the Planning Commission. AL T[~RNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recomlnend approval of the Hospital Developn1ent Stage PUD, based on a finding that the proposal is consistent with the Hospital Campus Concept PUD. Motion includes authorization to the Public Works Department to post truck route signs limiting truck traffic on River Street. In summary, the 110spital District has provided plans that are complete and responsive to Planning Commission concerns, therefore it is appropriate to approve this development stage PU D request. Items that must be completed prior to issuance of a building permit (Final Stage PUD) arc as follows: A joint access and parking agreement between the Hospital District and the Dental Clinic should he signed and a copy suhmitted to the city. · A Planned Unit Development Agreement must be estahlished. The agreement will included the following: · Terms associated with Hospital District use of the River Street right of way (license). · Understandings regarding timing and financing of reconstruction of sanitary sewer line in the area of the expanded parking area. City C:ounci I Agenda - 02/1 0/03 . · Hospital District financing and construction of pathway and provision of necessary easements. Hospital District funding of City expenses relating to this review. 2. Motion to reconllnend denial of the Hospital PUD, based on a finding that the application is inconsistent with the Concept PUD approvals. STAFF RECOMMF-NDATION Staff recommends approval of the plan as noted under alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA 1. Site Plan documentation from Planning Commission Meeting of February 4, 2003 2. Draft Meeting Minutes li'om Planning Comrnission Meeting of February 4, 2003 3. Staff Reports from Planning Commission meetings oUan 7, and Feb. 4, 2003 . . 2 . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 01/07/03 7. Puhlic llearint!:: Consideration of a rc(luest for an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit pun within the PZM Zoninl! District allowing expansion of the Monticello-Big Lake Community I-Iospital and alterations to the existing parking lot and street layout on the north side of the facility. Apnlicant: Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District. (NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital District is proposing an expansion of their facility which includes a three story hospital addition fronting Ilart Boulevard along the southwest corner of the existing structure, and a realignment and alteration of the existing parking lot and street layout to the north of the facility. The expansion is needed to serve the growing population of the city. The alterations to the alignment of East River Street is an attempt to improve the efficiency of loading and unloading of trucks. The property, which lies within the PZM zoning district is subject to a long knn development plan governed by a Planned Unit Development. PI) D permit approvals are given by Conditional Use Pennit. Staff has reviewed the proposal and feels that it generally cOlnplies with the intent of what was approved in the original pun. However, staff feels the J()lIowing issues should be further discussed: Trail Connection: The cities future park and trail plan shows a trail connecting Mississippi Street to the east ofthe Hospital Property with East Bridge Park to the west of the Hospital property, running along the Mississippi River. The proposed plans do not illustrate the location of this trail. Staff is aware that the applicant is looking l()r alternative treatlnent methods for storm water runotT which would provide the additional area needed for the trail, however regardless if an alternative is found, the appl icant is aware that it has been a condition that suCJicient area for an cast west connection be provided. ('ross ro'asellzcnts. If a cross casement, joint access and parking agreement have not already been agreed upon by the Dentist office and the Hospital, one should be signed and a copy submitted for city stall records prior to approval of the pun anlel1Liment. East River ",'treel ((Jut Parkin}! Lot f)esifln: Staff is supportive ofthe realignment and design of both the parking lot and the loading entrance, however the 7.7% grade exceeds the lllaxirnull1 allowable grade and should be commented on by the City Engineer. StaJI is concerned with the increase in trank to a level that may be inappropriate flJr the neighboring residential area. .The applicant needs to show how this expansion and realignment of the parking lot will not have a negative affect on the neighboring ts1 . Plallning COll1mission Agenda... OJ/07/03 residential area. Staflwould also note that East River Street would need to be adequately paved to serve this type of truck trartie. Althougb the existing number of parking stalls arc not sbown on the plans, it appears that the number ofparking stalls will increase fmnl approximately 40 to 60. The ordinance requires that parking stalls be no less than (9) feet wide and (20) leet in length. ]'he proposed parking stalls arc (9) feet (6) inches wide and (18) leet in length. StaJfwould prefer the design of the parking lot be changed to meet the Inininlum parking stall requirements. The City will need to issue speciJie license for the applicant to utilize the River Street right-of-way, with an acknowledgment that the City will be able to construct and/or maintain utilities in the area as needed. In addition, trail easelnent ofsuHicient width (min. ]0') will need to be designated to compensate for limitations or loss of pedestrian use of Ri vel' Street in the area between the parking lot and the easterly property line. Finally with regard to parking, the applicant has been using an unimproved parking area adjacent to the proposed driveway and loading f~lcilities since the time oftbe previous expansion. This area was permitted for temporary use during construction. This parking area should be abandoned and restored in accordance with the landscaping plan. . LUl1dyctf1)ing: A Planned Unit Development implies flexibility on the part or the City, in exchange fl.)]" superior project design and site Inanagement on the part of the applicant. In ternlS of landscaping, staff approves of lIle landscaping design shown on the south side or the facility, f~lcing County 75. I lowever. the applicant should improve the quality and quantity of landscaping along the north and west orthe project, abutting the residential area. Lir.hting: The applicant has submitted a photOlnetric site plan that appears to meet the req uirements of Chapter 3, Section 21H] of the zoning ordinance. All lighting should be hooded in order to deflect light a'vvay fro In the adjacent residential area and County 75. ,S'ummarv: Overall the project appears to be generally acceptable, with a few conditions that are summari7.ed as follows; 1. Sufficient area for an east west trail connection along the Mississippi River must be provided and noted on the applicants plan. 2. A joint access and parking agreement should be signed and a copy submitted to the city prior to approval of the PU D amendment. ., -, . The grading plan is subject to approval by the City Engineer. 4. The parking stall size should he revised to Ineet the minimulll standards as descrihed in Chapter 3, Section 5 of the zoning ordinance. . 2 . Planning Commission Agenda - 0 1/07/03 J. !\ landscaping plan showing an increase ill quality and quantity of landscaping along the north and \vest of the parking and loading area, abutting the residential use, should be submitted and approved by City Stafr prior to approval of the PLiO amendment. 6. All lighting should be hooded to deflect light away fi"<ml the adjacent residential area and County 75. 7. Any further conditions required by the City I~ngineer. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to rccommend approval of the PU D anlendnlent allowing the expansion of the building and alteration to the design and layout ofthe parking lot and loading area, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit /, based upon the findings that the application would cOlnply with the IIospital's long term development plan and approved pun and the City's Comprehensive Plan anticipating long- tenn provision for the hospital site. 7 Motion to recomlllend denial of the PUD alllendmenL based on a finding that the request docs not comply with the approved long term development plan for the Monticello - l:3igLake Hospital District. . 3. Motion to table action on the PUD amendment. subjcct to further review. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the amendment to the Planned Unit Development. contingent on the conditions described in this report and listed in Exhibit L. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A - Arca Location Exhibit B - Site Plan Exhibit C-- Landscaping Plan Exhibit Z - Conditions of approval . 3 .51 . Planning CO/lJmission Agenda - 01/07/03 DEVELOPMENT STA.GE pun AMENDMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL I. Sut'ticient area !'(:)r an cast west trail connection along the Mississippi River must be provided and noted on the applicants plan. The location must be compatible with any future stormwater pond area that may be required with future phases. ! A joint access and parking agreement should be signed and a copy sublnitted to the city prior to approval of the PUO arnendment. 3. The grading plan is subject to approval by the City Engineer. 4. The parking stall size should be revised to meet the minimum standards as described in Chapter 3, Section 5 of the zoning ordinance. 5. ^ landscaping plan showing an increase in quality and quantity of landscaping along the north and west of the parking and loading area, abutting the residential use, should be submitted and approved by City Staff prior to approval of the PUD amendment. . 6. All lighting should be hooded to dellectlight away /i'om the adjacent residential area and County 75. 7. Any further conditions required by the City Engincer. 8. Requircd landscaping and sidewalk improvcments associated with the reccnt westcrly expansion of the parking lot 1l1ust be completed prior to or in conjunction with this project. Exhibit Z . 4 . . . DRAFT 10. Planning Commission Minutes - 02/04/03 Consideration of a request for develoDment stage planned unit development approval allowing expansion of the Monticello-Big Lake Ilospital. ApDlicant: Monticello-Big Lake Communitv Ilospital District. (Tabled from previous lneeting). Steve Grittnwn, City Planner, provided the staff report summarizing the previous meeting of the Planning Commission where this item was tabled. He noted that the majority of the previous concerns generally were acceptable, although a few conditions that staff felt should be considered were added. Some of the staiT concerns included cast west trail connection, joint access and parking agreem.ent, submittal of a grading plan, parking stall size, landscape plan, lighting, and other possible comments by the City t~ngineer. Grittman then advised of the previous River Street tramc discussion and stated what they had fi:nll1d was that previous discussions related more to access of service area fi:)r delivery services. lie did note, however that the City could place signs restricting truck traffic on River Street. Regarding building design, it was staff's position that this was not inconsistent with concepts previously brought forward. Grittman advised that staff docs recommend approval of development stage PUD, with recommendations as noted. Chair Frie opened the pubic hearing. Tim Sessions, H WR Architects, spoke on the Hospital's behalf He advised the trail connection would be constructcd the Hospital and placcd along the river making the cast west connection; the joint access agreement had been taken care of; regarding parking stall size, they would still appreciate to be able to continue using the smaller size, especially in the back area, noting that if they increase the size to 20 ft, it would push the parking lot out too l~lrmaking it almost impossible for truck loading and turnarounds. They asked to continue with the 18 il. stalls previously approved by the Planning Commission under the PUO. Session's stated regarding the landscaping, that staff had met with the Parks Commission and additions were made to their specifications. In regard to the building design, Sessions advised that the building was constructed in the 1960's by a separate developer, as well as the Mississippi Shores and the Dental Clinic being constructed by separate developers. He stated the Hospital recognizes this concern and they have tried to address those issues. He provided pictures of the previous building in 1997 to what it is there today, noting an improvelllent. He also provided drawings of the next phase and how it will fit in, and the overall character which willllow throughout the campus. They also would like to move the parking lot and ambulance garage when funds arc available. Sessions advised that they will try to limit trucks on River Street. although it should be recognized that this access is necessary. Chair Frie then closed the public hearing. There was discussion regarding the temporary parking stalls and that they will be removed when the ramp is installed. [<'rie asked about the -/6- 5b DRAFT . Planning COlllmission Minutes - 02/04/03 responsibility of the trail construction and Sessions noted that would be the Hospital's. O'Neill added that the gap between where the Hospital constructed pathway ends and the future alignment within the property to the cast is yet to be determined. In the agreement with the Hospital District there will be leeway granted to allow connection of the path to the River Street ROW or to another easement alignment which could more closely follow the River's edge. Also, Frie noted in regard to design, they asked them specifically to provide a building design so that they could address this. 'Ie added that the Planning Commission had not received this int(mnation, although Sessions did state this infonnation was provided. Frie stated signagewas another concern and the applicant was asked address this at the previous meeting as well. Another concern ofFrie's was the past track record for cOl11pletion of previous projects that have yet to be completed and not in compliance. Frie stated he was also concerned about not receiving a copy of the signed joint access agreement. . Sessions again addressed building design, stating he could not speak to the buildings built previously, but only the current design, which he again stated was submitted. O'Neill concurred this had been submitted. He advised that the 10 open spaces that Frie was referring to would be filled in with windows. Roger Oberg, Associate ^dministrator for the Hospital, stated they are aware of their temporary agreement with the City regarding the parking lot and it is their hope to begin ground breaking, getting that area ready for use by cunstruction vehicles during that time. . Frie asked staff who is ent(ll'Cing eonfonnance and ,.'red Patch, Chief Building OfficiaL stated the difficulty with enforcernent issues when it involves hospitals, schools, etc. O'Neill noted that many times issues arc taken care of, but others do linger. Regarding the extension that Oberg noted, O'Neill advised that he would have to research that, but did not feel it was that long of an extension period. There was JiIrther discussion on restricting truck traffic and O'Neill stated that there has been a loading berth at that site for years which would be covered under the original PUD approval. ] Ie did note that the City could possibly post no truck route signs west of Ramsey 8t. so that tramc COmes oJf of Broadway, taking the closest entrance which might help to moderate truck traffic on River St. Carlson advised that over the years they have had Inany discussions with Sunny Fresh and their reduction of truck tratTic but feels that this is encouraging truck traiJic. O'Neill asked the applicant if the truck tratTic would change at all, and they advised it would not. O'Neill stated that this is an existing condition and doesn't know that they can now go back and change it. They discussed eft(Jrts to mitigate truck traffic in areas in the City and Grittman advised that it is allowable, except where the City has posted signs. Grittman felt a reasonable solution could be to direct tratlic up Washington to Broadway and post the road, without putting restrictions on the Ilospital. Frie asked Oberg how many trLlcks he Jelt traveled that road per day and Oberg thought it to be 1 to 2 per day, typically large semis delivering food or supplies. Frie asked if there was any way to direct the Ilospital to restrict times of traffic. Oberg felt that trucks delivering from suppliers to buyers would be working on their own schedules and may not be in their control. Oberg also commented that he assumed since -17- 5b DRAFT . Planning COll1rnission Minutes - 02/04/03 1965 there have been trucks delivering oll River Street, also pointing out that due to the grade of the road he was not sure trucks could come off Washington. Srnith questioned the parking lot length and Sessions advised that he could not answer at this time but that he lelt that eventually the Hospital's ohjeetive is to obtain the Dental Clinic and remove the alnbulance garage, and moving the parking around. Linda Doerr, Vice Chair of the Ilospital Board, stated they have looked at constructing a parking ramp several times and cannot at this time due to cost, hut advised it is still their desire. Smith questioned what would happen vvith the property i r the ramp were constructed and Sessions feIt that there would then he a level of development, the land would he used, but prohably not for parking. Smith also noted a concern about landscaping along Broadway and Sessions stated that when the Parks Commission reviewed their plans, additional landscaping was added along Broadway. Sessions also advised that they are working with the County on taking some of the black dirt from that site and creating a berm to screen the parking lot, but they need to work with the County to see ifthey can extend into the ROW. . Smith also commented on truck tranic and a concern with the Middle School across Broadway. O'Neill advised that according to the comprehensive transportation plan, there will be a light on Broadway at Washington. Frie asked Doerr what the strategic long term plan is f(n the I lospital and she advised that she could not state exactly at this time, hut Sessions advised that it is typical to go out 5 years. Oberg added that this is a phase of their 10 year plan. He also noted the projections they use and advised Frie that he believes this addition will take them beyond 5 years as they will build space to grow into. There was further disCl..lssion regarding current parking and that employee parking lots should be switched with patient parking, which the applicants agreed with. Sessions added that the hospital did a parking study, and with projections, they are within 20 cars of being maxed out. Sessions noted that hospital parking f1uctuates. Oherg advised they expect to have additional parking to the west. Jim Agosto, Hospital Board member, addressed the Planning Commission in regard to signage, stating the Hospital wants it to be clear and not to be compared with new developments in the City, stating again that it needs to be clear l()r patients. He also noted that in the medicallield things become obsolete in 5 years and there will be changes. Frie advised Agosto that he did not feel they should be treated dil1erently than anyone else, but Agosto advised that signage is different in the medical field and the important thing is that patients need to know where to go. Again Frie advised of his dissatisj~lction with the huilding aesthetics. lIe also felt signs should be aesthetically pleasing, again Agosto disagreed, feeling that it should be clear and concIse. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO RECOMMEND APPROV At. OJ.' TliE I IC)SPITA!, DEVELOPMENT S~I,^GE PUD, BASED ON Tr IE FINDING THAT TIlE PROPOSAL IS CONSISTENT wITr I THE HOSPITAL CAMPUS CONCEPT PUD. LLOYD llILGART SECONDED lifE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. -18- ~ . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 2/04/03 10. Public Hearina: Consideration of a reauest for a Development Staae Planned Unit Development approval for the expansion of the Monticello-Bia lake Hospital. Applicant: Monticello-Biq lake Community Hospital. (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: I The Planning Commission tabled action on the Hospital PUD application at its January meeting to permit the Hospital to respond to anumbe~ of.issu~s raised by the Conimissiqn. The applicants have submitted a new set of plans in an attempt to respond to those comments. A copy of our January 3, 2003 staff report is included with this update. The summary included in that report was presented as follows; Summary: Overall the project appears to be generally acceptable, with a few conditions that are summarized as follows; 1. Sufficient area for an east west trail connection along the Mississippi River must be provided and noted on the applicants plan. 2. A joint access and parking agreement should be signed and a copy submitted to the city prior to approval of the PUD amendment. 3. The grading plan is subject to approval by the City Engineer. .. 4. The parking stall size should be revised to meet the minimum standards as described in Chapter 3, Section 5 of the zoning ordinance. 5. A landscaping plan showing an increase in quality and quantity of landscaping along the north and west of the parking and loading area, abutting the residential use, should be submitted and approved by City Staff prior to approval of the PUD amendment. 6. All lighting should be hooded to deflect light away from the adjacent residential area and County 75. 7. Any further conditions required by the City Engineer. It appears that these conditions have been met with the proposed plan. The trail (Note #1) is included on the new plan, and appears to provide a feasible connection. The responsibility for construction of this trail should be resolved as a part of this project. It will be important, as a part of this review, to ensure that the trail will be able to connect to the 1 Sb . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 2/04/03 Clinic property on the east. Planning staff had previously stated that the revised parking lot dimensions (Note #4) are acceptable, however, there is adequate area in the new parking lot location to meet the City's standard, The landscaping plan (Note #5) includes new plantings along the west side ofthe pond, loading area, and driveway on the north side of the site, and a significant ornamental planting design on the south side of the site. The proposal meets the functional requirements for screening. With regard to additional items raised at the meeting, the Planning Commission had suggested that access to River Street for service vehicles was"tabe e'liminated under previous approvals. However, staff was unable to verify this in minutes or notes of earlier meetings, It was staff's understanding that at the time a ramp is constructed. the design will be required to provide access to the Broadway side of the site to minimize impacts on River Street. Staff has discussed placing "No Trucks" signs at the entrance to River Street to discourage truck traffic from this area. With regard to the building design, members of the Planning Commission had suggested that additional attention be paid to other portions of the buildings in the PUO. It has been staffs understanding that the building design and materials have been evolving with the additions to the building over time. While staff does not disagree with the Planning Commission's point, the building design would not appearto be inconsistent with previous approvals, B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Hospital Oevelopment Stage PUO, contingent on compliance with the conditions listed above, and based on a finding that the proposal is consistent with the Hospital Campus Concept PUO 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Hospital PUO, based on a finding that the application is inconsistent with the Concept PUD approvals. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the plan, based on the applicant's revised drawings, and consistent with the conditions stated in this report. There are a number of engineering details to address as a part of final approval that should also be incorporated into the approval of the project. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. 2. Revised Site Plan Revised Landscaping Plan. 2 r"." . .. . '''' I .-. ,'::'.. ~ , , l ::, ", ':....~:. ; . .:' '{..,:' :.:.; ;;!.. ...~' . . ;l,4~ 'A:' t" .". ;'"\'!' , ., . .' ~, ": ,'. ';-. ~.~., .' .;., of: .; : " ~-;. ~< '~ 1. ., ~ -i~ .'~ J~~ ,.. \II ; ~ ..'., l. it " ., :': :-r.::t. ~:' ' '~, i(}\:.. w"1tf _i.iL~i,_,; .~~~~.: """'" ..... '" ~"l-t · \r~(~>. ,. l!~.~".,. t15l~~~i~::.;:.: ;' .,'~J';:;:'" . , it'~ ;.", I... . M..' . . ijhWi,y :. />~i,:~: :, . S&&H:e. 300!f1:> .. .~~.~~);;. 15~. i'; . '. Inj i...., ~ ll';';t:~.:. 422) ):#jJ>::":::' . 1. ~.. '. · r'r;':' . , ?~ ", ~i";l:':: ; 11: 1121 LJSB & RSSOCIRTES INC. 763287717121 P.12I2/13 January 31,2003 Mr. Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello SOS Walnut Street, Suite 1 ~ontice11o,~ 55362 Re: Monticello Big Lake Hospital Expansion City of Monticello Project No. 2002~13P WSB Project No. 1010..63 Dear Mr. O'Neill: We have reviewed the revised plans for the above-referenced project and find that all issues that had been identified were addressed with regard to the plan provisions. The information provided further addressed that the ultimate stonnwater ponding and treatment would be addressed appropriately in the future. The only remaining items are the acquisition of appropriate pennits by the hospital for discharge to the river and NPDES, completion of the license agreement for the proposed use of City right-of-way, and the agreement by the City Council to move forward with the reconstruction of the sanitary sewer in the existing tight-of-way at this time (advancing that project from remainder of the River Street sanitary sewer reconstruction). It should be noted that this work will need to be coordinated closely with the hospital considering that the existing parking lot and lighting system will be removed once the reconstruction commences. The City will also need to work with the hospital district to identify where the pathway across the clinic site will be located. This can be completed prior to construction in 2003, once weather conditions allow for an adequate evaluation of the site. Please give me a call at (763) 287-7190 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. -g,.J-""~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer CC: John Simola, City of Monticello Fred Patch, City of MonticelJo Ananth Shankar, BWBR Architects Ian Maloney, Melchert Walkky sb ,0 5b Minneapolis. St. Cloud ' ~Cjual Opportunity Employer F;'\.WPW1NIJtlIUMJJltJJoJd."-:. _..~ ~ .11 ~ n ~~~~ R- ~~~i ~ (' [ :I; '" ~ P- o- a .!j' ~. (I ~ ~. 8- ~ ~' a ~ Q: ~' ,,;: 9 ~ n 8'n~ ~ ~8"li --- ~.~,!., ~ ::!:ij:>ot P- ~~h i z" tTl r ~. " 5 " ... ... 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" , II i, q " ,'! ill II I, I' Iii II ''0 'J> ';u ::: ? c) c- o -< L""I ,;__.,____J '1 Id !il ~,:~ ~--"" 1:1 t' . ~ : \ j- "Ill \-~ \ \ i \ , ~, -......~. () fTl '=' if e' I!' e'" :' r ~- . . . 5E. A. City Council Agenda - 2/1 0/03 Consideration of apnroving the date for annual Board of Review. (R W) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Wright County Assessor's office has scheduled Tuesday, April 22, 2003 at 7 p.m. as the date for the Monticello annual Board of Review. If this date is not acceptable to the Council, we need to let the County Assessor know as soon as possible. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. I. Approve setting Tuesday, April 22, 2003 at 7 p.m. as the date for the 2003 Board of Review. 2. If this date is not acceptable, the Counei I should suggest an alternate date or starting times. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter from Wright County Assessor . . . '1e56 February 3, 2003 Rick Wolfsteller Monticello City Administrator 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: 2003 Local Board of Review Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: Gregory A. Kramber Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd Street NW . Room 240 Buffalo, MN 55313-1183 Phone: (763) 682-7367 I (763) 682-7368 (800) 362-3667 ext 7367 FAX: (763) 684-4553 www.co.wright.mn.us The 2003 Board of Review has been tentatively set for Tuesday, April 22nd, 7:00 p.m. at Monticello City Hall. If this date will not work for you please let me know before February 15,2003. If ou have any questions, please feel free to contact me. ine rely, j L regory A. Kramber Wright County Assessor GAK/wl I'''' .."",,,..,, "'.. --.~ . . . City Counci I Agenda - 2/1 0/03 7. Consideration of appointment to fill council vacancy. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the January 13,2003 Council meeting it was determined to fill the council vacancy by advertising the vacancy in the paper and making a selection frOtl1 those individuals who had submitted their application. A lotal of 9 applications were received by the City and these applications were ranked by the Mayor and Council. At a spccial mecting held prior to this regular mccting three of the nine applicants wcre interviewed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council can appoint one oUhe three applicants interviewed. 2. The Council can table the appointment in order to further rcview the three applicants interviewcd or to conduct additional interviews of the other applicants. . . . Council Agenda ~ 2/1 0/03 Note: To cover this item in any depth will probably take between JIll(! an hour to afull hour. 8. Consideration of authorizing Phase I feasibility report for core street reconstruction program and the overall studv for the street reconstruction proiect. (WSB) A. RRFKRENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the goal sctting workshop held on January 27,2003 some preliminary infonnation regarding the proposed core street reconstruction program was presented to the Council and was brietly discussed. The schedule proposed that on Monday, february la, 2003 additional information relating to the reconstruction program would be provided at a council work session. Because there is not time prior to the meeting, it was decidcd to give a presentation at the regular meeting. We will discuss various components of the program, i.e. size of the program, preliminary estimate of costs, funding and design with the intent of requesting the City Council to authorize the Phase I feasi bility report for the street reconstruction program and the overall study fl1r the street reconstruction program. The Phase I report will address the costs in Inore depth and will include all other features such as utilities. The overall program will incorporate how future phases will be Cunded and completed. B. ALTERNATIVf1: ACTIONS: I. Authorize the City Engineer to prepare a feasibility study Cor Phase I of the core street reconstruction program and the overall street reconstruction program. 7 Do not authorize preparation of the feasibility report pending further study as directed by Council. C ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: D. Since the previously provided schedule proposes that the core street reconstruction prograrn commence this construction season, it is important that implelnenting the program is done in a timely manner. It is the reconunendation of the City Engineer that the Council authorize the work to begin on the Phase I study of the street reconstruction pro grain and complete the overall study. ".if - \ SUPPORTING nATA:. /i-~ ~'f )Jk';~!(,;> Will be provided at tbe meeting. It, (JJ'J:~.t. pIS. 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'" :Il E-< Z o Z so o :Il (I) '" E-< Z '" :0: '" (I) ~ '" (I) H o (I)'" <co Of-< ~s 00 :S~ <c b..1 0;:: Z ~ I (I) m :,;",.-1 H01 :gE-< U:Z; ,,;H 00 "'''' t~ [j:S ><:<C "'>< 0'" ~~ '" "'''' "',,; "<c'" O':I~ ~ Hot :gO '" ~ I OU ~ fiCfJ~ ~&l!5 "'E-< H"'O (I)....'" ~"E-< U"''': l>:0 . :z;, o ~, "', ~: u, "', "', 0' . o 5 '" Cc D /)(~{C r Feb. 10, 2003 Carol, Please see that Mayor Thelen get this letter before tonight's meeting. I have talked to him regarding this problem and he is planning on bringing it up at the meeting. I would be there, but I have another obligation to attend. Thanks for your help. SUBJECf: STREET PARKING ON LOCUST in Monticello MN Mr. Mayor and Council Members: Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the parking situation in front of the new restaurant, Krostini. We welcome a new place to eat and I probably will be a customer there myself in the future. I want you to know that I am not against new business(s) coming in to the City of Monticello. But I do have a few questions regarding the parking by employees and patrons of this business. We live at 215 Locust, which is kitty-corner from the business. It opened for business today, Feb. 10 - and last week, there were cars and trucks parked on Locust from the corner of Third Street on both sides of the street to this business - close to our driveway - making it very dangerous to safely exit our driveway. These cars, I understand, were employees. It was difficult, too, for two vehicles to meet on the street. When I inquired of city staff where were the customers were going to park, I was informed - on the street. It was hard for me to believe they received permission from you to allow this. And I didn't even think of employee's parking at that time. All summer long, vehicles of all sizes were parked on Locust, sometimes blocking our driveway, and had to be requested to move in order to exit our driveway. I didn't complain at that because I realized it was temporary. Now, the situation is different. Employees and customers will park here daily. Is it possible to have signs put up on either side of our driveway (or paint the curbing) to include no parking for at least one to two car lengths on both sides of the driveway? We want to have a safe egress and ingress to our property. Can you please give me an explanation of how this situation was allowed to happen? What can be done about it now? Thank you for your time. Mr. & Mrs. Leo Stokes (Opal) PO Box 626 - 215 Locust Monticello MN 55362 Tel:763-295-2879 Email:ostoker@soncom.com