City Council Resolution 1983-70ARESOLUTION 1983 #70 A DEVIATION REQUEST FOR GRANT AMENDMENT WHEREAS, the City of Monticello, Minnesota has been involved in the Wastewater Treatment Facility Grant Program since April, 1976 to the present time; and WHEREAS, the Consulting Engineering Firm of Orr-Schelen-Mayeron, & Associates, Inc. (OSM) has performed the necessary engineering services for the design and construction of these facilities in a professional manner; and WHEREAS, the City and OSM have incurred additional and necessary expenses in the Step II Design Services Phase due to increases in the scope of the project; and WHEREAS, the City and OSM have attempted to secure a Grant Amendment for these additional services and have been refused by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region V; and WHEREAS, the City and OSM have attempted to secure the necessary authority for submitting a grant amendment under the sub-statutory deviation process through the MPCA and EPA; and WHEREAS, the MPCA and EPA have arbitrarily and capriciously denied said request for deviation; and WHEREAS, the City and OSM have continued to seek a deviation and hearings with the Director, Grants Administration Division, EPA, to finally resolve this matter; and WHEREAS, on March 3, 1983, Region V, EPA, through its Assistant Regional Council, has written to the Director, Grants Administration Division, that the request by OSM and the City to have this matter resolved in a hearing be denied, and further expressed the opinion that the City and OSM deliberately and with full knowledge violated EPA regulations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, that the City takes strong exception to the statement of the Assistant Regional Council of the EPA, that "...the City deliberately and with full knowledge violated EPA laws and regulations", and further denies that the City or its Consulting Engineer, OSM, intentionally or deliberately violated any EPA law, rule or regulation, and the City takes strong exception to the remarks Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION 1983 #70 DEVIATION REQUEST FOR GRANT AMENDMENT of counsel expressed in said March 3, 1983 letter, and further, that there is no significant evidence produced in any material written by the City, OSM, MPCA or EPA that would lead to the conclusion that there was any intentional or deliberate violation of any EPA law or regulation. Be it further resolved that the City formally requests that the Director, Grants Administration Division, grant a hearing for the express purpose of resolving this matter in one proceeding to prevent further ex parte (off-the-record) communications. Adopted by the City Council, City of Monticello, Minnesota, this 28th day of March, 1983. Arve A. Grimsmo, Mayor ATTEST: ~- . Thomas A. Eidem City Administrator Page 2 of 2 RESOLUTION 1983 - #70 RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE QUALITY OF SERVICE PROVIDED BY NORTH CENTRAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has adopted an ordinance granting unto North Central Public Service Company a franchise for operating a gas distributing system; and, WHEREAS, at the time of adoption of said franchise, said adoption was deemed to be in the best interest of tY,e City; and, WHEREAS, 'the best interest of the City and its residents is still of primary concern to the City Council; and, WHEREAS, members of the City Council and City Staff report receiving an increasing number of complaints related to customer service of North Central Public Service Company; and, WHEREAS, as grantor of the aforementioned franchise, it is reasonable for the City Council to expect that service to its residents be responsible and courteous. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF N,ONTICELLO THAT: 1. That North Central Public Service Company be notified that the City Council of Monticello is concerned over the in- creasing number of reports of uncooperative responses to requests for customer service. 2. North Central Public Service Company be requested to review its customer service policies in order to promote courteous and cooperative service. 3. North Central Public Service Company be requested, and strongly urged, to install a toll-free telephone line for the benefit of its customers residing outside its telephone service area. 4. The City Administrator submit copies of this resolution to North Central Public Service Company, Donovan Companies, Inc., the Utilities Division of the Department of Public Service, and the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. Adopted this 25th day of April, 1983. Arve A. Grimsmo, Mayor ATTEST: ~ ~~ Thomas A. Eidem City Administrator